ND-20-0762, ITAAC Closure Otification on Completion of ITAAC (Index Number 281)

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ITAAC Closure Otification on Completion of ITAAC (Index Number 281)
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/08/2021
From: Yox M
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML21008A469 (8)


Michael J. Yox 7825 River Road

^Southern Nuclear Regulatory Affairs Director Vogtle 3 & 4 Waynesboro, GA 30830 706-848-6459 tel JAN 0 8 2021 Docket No.: 52-025 ND-20-0762 10CFR 52.99(c)(1)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 3 ITAAC Closure Notification on Completion of ITAAC [Index Number 2811 Ladies and Gentlemen:

In accordance with 10 CFR 52.99(c)(1), the purpose of this letter is to notify the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)of the completion of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant(VEGP)

Unit 3 Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) Item [Index Number 281], for verifying the following:

  • The Component Cooling Water System (CCS) provides the nonsafety-related functions of transferring heat from the Normal Residual Heat Removal System (RNS) during shutdown and the Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System (SFS) during all modes of operation to the Service Water System (SWS);
  • Controls exist in the Main Control Room (MCR)to cause the pumps identified in Combined License (COL) Appendix C Table 2.3.1-1 to perform the listed function;
  • Displays of parameters identified in COL Appendix C Table 2.3.1-1 can be retrieved in the MCR.

The closure process for this ITAAC is based on the guidance described in NEI 08-01, "Industry Guideline for the ITAAC Closure Process under 10 CFR Part 52", which is endorsed by the NRC in Regulatory Guide 1.215.

This letter contains no new NRC regulatory commitments. Southern Nuclear Operating Company(SNC) requests NRC staff confirmation of this determination and publication of the required notice in the Federal Register per 10 CFR 52.99.

If there are any questions, please contact Tom Petrak at 706-848-1575.

Respectfully submitted, t

Michael J. Yox Regulatory Affairs Director Vogtle 3 & 4


Vogtle Electric Generating Plant(VEGP) Unit 3 Completion of ITAAC [Index Number 281]

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0762 Page 2 of 3 To:

Southern Nuclear Operating Company/Georgia Power Company Mr. Peter P. Sena III (w/o enclosures)

Mr. D. L. McKinney (w/o enclosures)

Mr. M. D. Meier (w/o enclosures)

Mr. G. Chick Mr. S. Stimac Mr. P. Martino Mr. M. J. Yox Mr. A. S. Parton Ms. K. A. Roberts Mr. T. G. Petrak Mr. C. T. Defnall Mr. C. E. Morrow Mr. R. L. Beiike Mr. S. Leighty Ms. A. C. Chamberlain Mr. J. C. Haswell Document Services RTYPE: VND.LI.L06 File AR.01.02.06 cc:

Nuclear Reoulatorv Commission Ms. M. Bailey (w/o enclosures)

M M. King M H. K. Nieh M C. P. Patel M G. J. Khouri M C. J. Even M B. J. Kemker Ms. N. C. Coovert Mr. C. Welch Mr. J. Gaslevic Mr. O. Lopez-Santiago Mr. G. Armstrong Mr. M. Webb Mr. T. Fredette Mr. C. Santos Mr. B. Davis Mr. J. Vasquez Mr. J. Eargle Mr. E. Davidson Mr. T. Fanelli Mr. S. Rose Ms. K. McCurry

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0762 Page 3 of 3 Oqlethorpe Power Corporation Mr. R. B. Brinkman Mr. E. Rasmussen Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia Mr. J. E. Fuller Mr. 8. M. Jackson Daiton Utilities Mr. T. Bundros Westinahouse Electric Company. LLC Dr. L. OrianI (w/o enclosures)

Mr. D. C. Durham (w/o enclosures)

Mr. M. M. Corletti Mr. Z. 8. Harper Mr. J. L. Coward Other Mr. 8. W. Kline, Bechtel Power Corporation Ms. L. Matis, Tetra Tech NUS, Inc.

Dr. W. R. Jacobs, Jr., Ph.D., CDS Associates, Inc.

Mr. 8. Roetger, Georgia Public Service Commission Mr. R. L. Trokey, Georgia Public Service Commission Mr. K. C. Greene, Troutman Sanders Mr. 8. Blanton, Baich Bingham

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0762 Enclosure Page 1 of 5 Southern Nuclear Operating Company ND-20-0762 Enclosure Vogtle Electric Generating Plant(VEGP) Unit 3 Completion of ITAAC 2.3.01.OS.ii [Index Number 281]

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0762 Enclosure Page 2 of 5 ITAAC Statement Design Commitment

3. The CCS provides the nonsafety-related functions of transferring heat from the RNS during shutdown and the spent fuel pool cooling system during all modes of operation to the SWS.
4. Controls exist in the MCR to cause the pumps identified in Table 2.3.1-1 to perform the listed functions.
5. Displays of the parameters identified in Table 2.3.1-1 can be retrieved in the MCR.

I nspections/Tests/Analvses ii) Testing will be performed to confirm that the CCS can provide cooling water to the RNS HXs while providing cooling water to the SFS HXs.

Testing will be performed to actuate the pumps identified in Table 2.3.1-1 using controls in the MCR.

Inspection will be performed for retrievability of the parameters in the MCR.

Acceptance Criteria ii) Each pump of the CCS can provide at least 2685 gpm of cooling water to one RNS NX and at least 1200 gpm of cooling water to one SFS MX while providing at least 4415 gpm to other users of cooling water.

Controls in the MCR operate to cause pumps listed in Table 2.3.1-1 to perform the listed functions.

Displays identified in Table 2.3.1-1 can be retrieved in the MCR.

ITAAC Determination Basis Multiple ITAAC are performed to demonstrate that the Component Cooling Water System (CCS) provides the nonsafety-related functions of transferring heat from the Normal Residual Heat Removal System (RNS)during shutdown and the Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System (SFS)during all modes of operation to the Service Water System (SWS), that controls exist in the Main Control Room (MCR)to cause the pumps identified in VEGP Combined License(COL)

Appendix C Table 2.3.1-1 to perform the listed function, and displays of the parameters identified in COL Appendix C Table 2.3.1-1 can be retrieved in the Main Control Room (MCR).

This ITAAC requires testing and inspections to be performed to confirm that the CCS can provide cooling water to the RNS Heat Exchangers(HXs) while providing cooling water to the SFS HXs, that controls in the MCR operate to actuate the pumps in COL Appendix C Table 2.3.1-1, and displays listed in COL Attachment C Table 2.3.1-1 can be retrieved in the MCR.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0762 Enclosure Page 3 of 5

11) Each pump of the COS can provide at least 2685 aom of cooling water to one RNS HX and at least 1200 aom of coolino water to one SFS HX while providing at least 4415 aom to other users of cooling water.

The testing was performed in accordance with component test Work Order 1220982(Reference

1) to verify that each COS pump can provide at least 2685 gpm (gallons per minute) of cooling water to one RNS HX and at least 1200 gpm of cooling water to one SFS HX while providing at least 4415 gpm to other users of cooling water.

The test was conducted by running each COS pump, individually, to supply one RNS HX, one SFS HX and other users of COS in the Auxiliary, Containment, and Turbine Buildings. CCS pump B was place into service and when steady flow was established to SFS HX A, RNS HX A, and other users of cooling water,flow was measured using a combination of permanently installed and temporarily installed flow instrumentation. The flow values were recorded and verified to meet the acceptance criteria. This testing was repeated using CCS Pump A with the SFS HX A, RNS HX A and the other users of CCS in service. The results of the testing were documented in ITAAC Technical Report SV3-CCS-ITR-800281 (Reference 2). The component flows measured during testing are summarized in Attachment A.

To demonstrate the flow was comparable through the SFS HX B and RNS HX B, the flow to the SFS HX A and RNS HX A from CCS pump A was isolated and flow from the CCS pump A was established to the SFS HX B and RNS HX B and measured with permanently installed and temporarily install flow instrumentation. The values were recorded and verified to meet the acceptance criteria. The component flows measured during testing are summarized in Attachment A.

The completed component test Work Order confirmed that each CCS pump for Unit 3 provides at least 2685 gpm of cooling water to one RNS HX and at least 1200 gpm of cooling water to one SFS HX while providing at least 4415 gpm to other users of cooling water and provided evidence that the ITAAC Acceptance Criteria were met.

Controls in the MCR operate to cause pumps listed in Table 2.3.1-1 to perform the listed functions.

The testing was performed in accordance with Unit 3 component test Work Order SNC920980 (Reference 3) to verify that controls exist in the MCR and the controls operated to cause the pumps listed in Table 2.3.1-1 (Attachment B)to perform the listed functions.

The component test began with the pumps in Attachment B in the shutdown condition with an operator stationed locally to monitor and verify pump operation. The B CCS pump was started using PLS controls and the pump start was verified locally and in the MCR. The A CCS pump was started and the verification was repeated with the A CCS pump. The results of the testing were documented in ITAAC Technical Report SV3-CCS-ITR-801281 (Reference 4).

The test results confirmed that controls in Unit 3 MCR operate to cause the pumps listed in Table 2.3.1-1 to perform the listed functions and provided evidence that the ITAAC Acceptance Criteria were met.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0762 Enclosure Page 4 of 5 Displays identlfiecl in Table 2.3.1-1 can be retrieved in the MGR.

The inspection was performed in accordance with Unit 3 component test Work Order SNC920980(Reference 3)to verify that the displays identified in Table 2.3.1-1 (Attachment C) can be retrieved in the MGR.

This inspection was performed at an operator work station in the Unit 3 MGR. Each display identified in Attachment G was located and verified to be retrievable and displayed on the operator work station. The results of the inspection were documented in ITAAG Technical Report SV3-GGS-ITR-801281 (Reference 4).

The inspection results confirmed that the displays identified in Table 2.3.1-1 could be retrieved in the Unit 3 MGR and provided evidence that the ITAAG Acceptance Griteria were met.

References 1 through 4 are available for NRG inspection as well as Unit 3 ITAAG Gompletion Package (Reference 5).

ITAAC Finding Review In accordance with plant procedures for ITAAG completion, Southern Nuclear Operating Gompany(SNG) performed a review of all findings pertaining to the subject ITAAG and associated corrective actions. This review found there are no relevant ITAAG findings associated with this ITAAG. The ITAAG completion review is documented in the ITAAG Gompletion Package for ITAAG (Reference 5) and is available for NRG review.

ITAAC Completion Statement Based on the above information, SNG hereby notifies the NRG that ITAAG was performed for VEGP Unit 3 and that the prescribed acceptance criteria were met.

Systems, structures, and components verified as part of this ITAAG are being maintained in their as-designed, ITAAG compliant condition in accordance with approved plant programs and procedures.

References(available for NRC inspection)

1. Work Order 1220982,"GGS Initial System Flow Balance"
2. SV3-GGS-ITR-800281, Rev. 1,"Unit 3 Recorded Results of GGS Pump Flow Through RNS HX, SFS HX, & Other Users of GGS Gooling: ITAAG Item 3.11"
3. Work Order SNG920980,"Perform ITAAG, Items 4 and 5"
4. SV3-GGS-ITR-801281, Rev. 0,"Unit 3 Recorded Results of GGS Gontrols and Displays in MGR associated with Table 2.3.1-1: ITAAG Items 4 and 5"
5., ITAAG Gompletion Package

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ND-20-0762 Enciosure Page 5 of 5 Attachment A COS Pump RNS HX Flow(gpm) BPS HX Flow(gpm) Other System Flows(gpm)

HX A - 2746 HXA-1308 Train A HXs - 7662 Unit 3 A HX B -2698 HXB-1323 Train B HXs- 7826 Unit 3 B HX A - 2834 HXA-1332 Train A HXs-7148 Attachment B

'Excerpt from COL Appendix C Table 2.3.1-1 Equipment Name* Tag No.* Control Function*

COS Pump A CCS-MP-01A Start COS Pump B CCS-MP-01B Start Attachment 0

'Excerpt from COL Appendix C Tabie 2.3.1-1 Equipment Name* Tag No.* Display*

COS Pump A CCS-MP-01A Yes(Run Status)

COS Pump B CCS-MP-01B Yes(Run Status)

COS Discharge Header Flow Sensor CCS-101 Yes COS to Normal Residual Heat Removal System Heat CCS-301 Yes Exchanger(RNS HX) A Flow Sensor COS to RNS HX B Flow Sensor CCS-302 Yes COS to Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System (SFS) HX A CCS-341 Yes Fiow Sensor CCS to SFS HX B Fiow Sensor CCS-342 Yes CCS Surge Tank Level Sensor A CCS-130 Yes CCS Surge Tank Level Sensor B CCS-131 Yes CCS Heat Exchanger Inlet Temperature Sensor CCS-121 Yes CCS Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature Sensor CCS-122 Yes CCS Flow to Reactor Coolant Pump(RCP)1A Valve CCS-PL-V256A Yes (Position Indicator)

CCS Fiow to RCP IB Vaive (Position Indicator) CCS-PL-V256B Yes CCS Flow to RCP 2A Valve (Position Indicator) CCS-PL-V256C Yes CCS Flow to RCP 2B Valve (Position Indicator) CCS-PL-V256D Yes