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Comment (4507) E-mail Regarding Holtec-CISF Draft EIS
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/22/2020
From: Public Commenter
Public Commenter
Download: ML20268C343 (7)


From: Casebier, Shawna <>

Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 6:34 PM To: Holtec-CISFEIS Resource; CHAIRMAN Resource Cc: CMRBARAN Resource; CMRCaputo Resource; CMRHanson Resource; CMRWright Resource; Caverly, Jill


[External_Sender] Docket ID NRC-2018-0052; Holtec International HI-STORE Consolidated Interim Storage DEIS Attachments: DEIS public comment - Docket ID NRC-2018-0052.pdf

Dear Chair Svinicki:

Please accept the attached letter for public comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Holtec International HI-STORE Consolidated Interim Storage facility, Docket ID NRC-2018-0052.

Best regards, Shawna Shawna Casebier Staff Attorney NM Legislative Council Service 411 State Capitol Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 986-4644

Federal Register Notice: 85FR16150 Comment Number: 4507 Mail Envelope Properties (BY5PR10MB37949485D5F9CECD9E57912AF93B0)


[External_Sender] Docket ID NRC-2018-0052; Holtec International HI-STORE Consolidated Interim Storage DEIS Sent Date: 9/22/2020 6:34:16 PM Received Date: 9/22/2020 6:34:27 PM From: Casebier, Shawna Created By: Recipients:

Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 460 9/22/2020 6:34:27 PM DEIS public comment - Docket ID NRC-2018-0052.pdf 438025 Options Priority: Standard Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date:

Recipients Received:

New Mexico State Legislature STATE CAPITOL Santa Fe September 22, 2020 VIA EMAIL:; Kristine L. Svinicki, Chair United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 RE: Holtec International HI-STORE Consolidated Interim Storage Draft Environmental Impact Statement; Docket ID NRC-2018-0052

Dear Chair Svinicki:

We write to express our opposition to the proposed Holtec International Consolidated Interim Storage (CIS) facility and concerns about the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). This project creates unreasonable health, economic and national security risks for New Mexico and its residents. It would expose many communities to risks during the transportation and storage of high-level radioactive waste. We believe that the scope of the DEIS fails to adequately and reliably assess the risks of this unprecedented proposed project and the many technical variables that exceed national experience. Furthermore, given the impacts of shipping high-level radioactive waste across the country to New Mexico, we are very disappointed by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) lack of appropriate adequate outreach and public engagement opportunities required by law.

The public engagement webinars, substituted by the NRC for the promised in-person meetings, fall far short of the meaningful participation opportunities essential to many impacted people who lack internet service. We urge the NRC to prolong the DEIS process and convene in-person hearings no earlier than six months after the risks of transmission of COVID-19 have ended.

Our specific concerns of the Holtec proposal and the DEIS include the following.

1. There is no permanent disposal site for the nation's high-level radioactive waste. Under the federal Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, a permanent repository is supposed to be licensed before a federal government CIS

Kristine L. Svinicki September 22, 2020 Page 2 facility can be constructed. It is premature and inappropriate to transport and store this waste in New Mexico or any other state until a permanent national strategy has been developed.

2. The risks and emergency response liability to local communities is significant. According to Holtec and the DEIS, local communities and the State of New Mexico would be responsible for emergency response should an accident occur during transport of the waste. This risk would be doubled when the waste is shipped back out of New Mexico to a permanent repository. This exposure would also exist for other communities and states along the transportation route. It is unacceptable to approve a national plan that does not adequately fund and execute a comprehensive emergency response capability.
3. The NRC cannot predict with complete assurance the safety and performance of the dry casks and canisters for the license period or longer.

The current performance history of this technology is less than the 40-year license period for the proposed Holtec facility.

4. The Holtec HI STORM UMAX canisters, approved only a few years ago by the NRC in 2015, have had problems with design and technology.

These occurrences and lack of proven technology provide a clear warning that the NRC cannot adequately consider the performance limitations and risks of storage of large amounts of high-level radioactive waste in New Mexico for this project.

5. The NRC cannot account for and calculate the risks of unanticipated accidents or performance deficiency. New Mexico has experienced the high costs and risks associated with unplanned events at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.
6. There has not been adequate community outreach for the DEIS. There has been no consent-based citing for this proposal or any proactive interviews with affected communities about its potential impacts. This lack of involvement creates significant concerns regarding the social justice impacts to New Mexicans.
7. Experts are concerned about the inability to repackage this waste on-site, either for shipment to a permanent repository or if there are cracked or corroded canisters.

Kristine L. Svinicki September 22, 2020 Page 3

8. Many New Mexico communities oppose this proposal. In addition to opposition from the governor, the commissioner of public lands and a majority of New Mexico's congressional delegation, local governments representing close to 50% of the population have passed resolutions opposing the CIS facility or the transportation of high-level radioactive waste through their communities, including the following.

Town of Lake Arthur 09/07/17 City of Albuquerque 05/21/18 City of Jal 05/29/18 Bernalillo County 06/12/18 City of Las Cruces 07/23/18 Santa Fe County 09/25/18 City of Gallup 09/25/18 McKinley County 10/02/18 City of Belen 11/10/18 Church Rock Chapter, Navajo Nation 08/15/18 Navajo Nation Diné Uranium Remediation Advisory Commission 11/29/18 All Pueblo Council of Governors, Representing 20 Indigenous Nations 10/17/19 In Texas, local governments representing close to 5.4 million people have passed similar resolutions, including the following.

Bexar County 02/21/17 City of San Antonio 03/30/17 Dallas County 04/4/17

Kristine L. Svinicki September 22, 2020 Page 4 Midland County 04/24/17 Nueces County 12/16 City of Denton 10/16/18 City of Midland 11/13/18 El Paso County 11/18 For these reasons, we respectfully urge the NRC not to issue a license for the Holtec International HI-STORE CIS facility or approve the DEIS.

Sincerely, JEFF STEINBORN PETER WIRTH State Senator, District 36 State Senator, District 25 SHANNON D. PINTO LINDA M. LOPEZ State Senator, District 3 State Senator, District 11 ANTOINETTE SEDILLO LOPEZ MIMI STEWART State Senator, District 16 State Senator, District 17 BILL TALLMAN NANCY RODRIGUEZ State Senator, District 18 State Senator, District 24 ELIZABETH "LIZ" STEFANICS ELISEO LEE ALCON State Senator, District 39 State Representative, District 6

Kristine L. Svinicki September 22, 2020 Page 5 PATRICIA ROYBAL CABALLERO DEBORAH A. ARMSTRONG State Representative, District 13 State Representative, District 17 DEBRA M. SARIÑANA ELIZABETH "LIZ" THOMSON State Representative, District 21 State Representative, District 24 CHRISTINE TRUJILLO ANGELICA RUBIO State Representative, District 25 State Representative, District 35 JOANNE J. FERRARY RODOLPHO "RUDY" S. MARTINEZ State Representative, District 37 State Representative, District 39 ANDREA ROMERO State Representative, District 46 cc: Commissioner Jeff Baran, NRC (via email:

Commissioner Annie Caputo, NRC (via email:

Commissioner Christopher T. Hanson, NRC (via email:

Commissioner David A. Wright, NRC (via email:

Jill Caverly, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, NRC (via email: