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Discusses Implemenation of Commission Action Re Rev of ECCS Rule Contained in 10CFR50,App K,Section 50.46
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/05/1988
From: Sheron B
To: Phillips J
Shared Package
ML20245D160 List:
FRN-52FR6334, RULE-PR-50 AC44-2-18, NUDOCS 8905110348
Download: ML20246E710 (1)


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AC4y-2 Pbg SEP 0 51328 MDORANDUM FUR: John D. Milllips, Acting Chief Regulatory Publi ations Branch Division of FIw+n of Infortnation &

Publication Services Office of Administration & Resource Management FRCE: Brian W. Sheran, Director Division of Systems Ramaarch Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research SUBIECT: IMPID(ENIATICN OF CCHESSION ACTION: REVISION OF TfE ECCS RUIE CONIAINED IN APPENDIX K AND SECIION 50.46 OF 10 CFR PARP 50 By Ewiutandum dated Atx3ust 12,1988, the Secretary of thee wanimion indicated that the Ocamission, by a 4-0 vote approved revisions of the ECCS Rule contained in Appendix K and Section 50.46 of 10 CFR Part 50 as set forth in SIXN-88-162.

Please inplement the ew==inaion's action by arrarx3 1 ng for the publication of the em1W rule in the Federal. Reaister. 'Ihe date which corresponds to 30 days <nsha==nt to the date that the final rule is published should be inserted in the blanks in Section I.C.5.c in Appendix K (Page 34 of the Federal Reaister Notice).

Two copies of the public annour sit and a Cuytussional letter package are enclosed for transmittal to GPA/CA.

A number of dmn=nts to be made available for public inspection are enclosed for transmittal to the POR. 'Ihese include the envisuumiital -"rmnt and

- finding of no significant inpact, the regulatory analysis, and a paraphrased sumary of the public ocamnent. N Federal Recrister Notice references both l NURB3-1285 and NURB3-1230. "NRC Staff Evaluation of the General Electric Ctropany Nuclear Reactor Study (Reed Report)," NUREG-1285, is currently available in the PER. "OtInperdium of ECCS Research for Realistic 1DCA Analysis," NURB3-1230, has been previously sent to the PDR in draft form. 'Ihis Mn=nt is expected to be published in OcMwr 1988. 'Ihe final version of this t h'n=nt will be transmitted to the PER at that time. ,


$ dan I. ShESI[ ,

4 gg g g348 M 504 Brian W. Sheron, Director 50 52FR6334 PDRL Division of Systems Research Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research


1. FR Notice ard 2 copies Distribution w/ enc 1. 2.

2 Cuytussional Istter Package Circ /Chren J. Murphy

3. 'No Copies of the Public Annourusiwit RPSB R/F B.Sheron
4. Envitusmuial Ae w erit H.'Ibvmassian DSR Chron S. Regulatory Analyais N.Iauben
6. Paraphrased Sumary of Public Cu==uds L.

DSR:RSB[1fi DSR:RSB g DSR:RSB W l HIbvmanian NIauben IEbotkin b frf 08/P/88 08/9 /88 08/g/88 0 0/88 y/[ /88 l

The Honorable John B. Breaux, Chairman Subcommittee on Nuclear Regulation Committee on Environment and Public Works United States Senate Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Chairman:

The NRC has sent to the Office of the Federal Register for publication the

. enclosed amendment to the Commission's rules in 10 CFR Part 50. This amendment, while continuing to allow the use of current conservative methods for the calculation of emergency core cooling system performance in response to a loss-of-coolant accident, will permit applicants for and holders of construction permits or operating licenses for light water reactors to use best-estimate models. Parties wishing to avail themselves of the provisions of this rule must determine the uncertainty in their calculation and provide assurance that the applicable acceptance criteria are not exceeded. This action has been made possible by the large body of safety research that has been undertaken for the past fifteen years by the NRC, the nuclear industry, and foreign institutions. ~his research has greatly increased our understanding of the behavior of the reactor during a loss-of-coolant accident. This rule also relaxes and clarifies certain reporting and reanalysis requirements which do not contribute to safety.

Sincerely, Eric S. Beckjord, Director Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research


Identical letter sent to:

As stated The Honorable Philip R. Sharp, Chairman Subcommittee on Energy and Power cc: The Honorable Alan K. Simpson Committee on Energy and Commerce.

United States House of Representatives

  • Distribution: Washington, DC 20515 Circ /Chron LShotkin cc: The Honorable Carlos J. Moorhead RPSB R/F JMurphy The Honorable Morris K. Udall, Chairman DSR Chron BSheron Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment HTovmassian Dross Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs NLauben EBeckjord United States House of Representatives Cong. Affairs Washington, DC 20515 cc: The Honorable Manuel Lujan, Jr.
  • See attached sheet for previous concurrences DSR:RSB DSR:RSB DSR:RSB DSR DSR RES:DDIR RES:DI HTovmassian NLauben LShotkin JMurphy BSheron Dross EBeckjord i

8/25/88* 8/26/88* 8/29/88* 8/29/88* 9/1/88* 9/2/88* 9/lo /88 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY
