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Responds to 980624 & 0701 Ltrs Requesting Extension of Time to File for Termination for Purpose of Avoiding FY97 & FY98 Annual Fee Invoices for Quality Assurance Approval 0420. Invoices AM2762-98 & AM3092-97,cancelled
Person / Time
Site: 07100420
Issue date: 08/21/1998
From: Funches J
To: Caylor J
NUDOCS 9808250076
Download: ML20237D119 (2)


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'e m e* August 21, 1998 RTl ATTN: Mr. Jim Caylor 301 Antone Street PO Box 3048 Sunland Park, NM 88063

Dear Mr. Caylor:

I am responding to your June 24, and July 1,1998, letters requesting an extension of time to file for termination for the purpose of avoiding the fiscal year (FY) 1907 and fiscal year (FY) 1998 annual fee invoices for Quality Assurance Approval No. 0420. As explained below, invoice Nos. AM2762-98 and AM3092-97 have been cancelled.

You stated in your June 24 and July 1,1998, letters: 1) that RTI sold its operations that require an NRC license in August 1996 to SteriGenics, Intemational; 2) that when RTI was sold in ,

1996, the transfer of the QA Approval 0420 was overlooked; 3) that you wish the approval to be i transferred to SteriGenics; however, SteriGenics was in the irradiation business prior to purchasing the line of business from RTI, and should SteriGenics already have a QA Approval, then RTI requests cancellation of QA Approval 0420; and 4) that RTI does not handle or transport radioactive materials and cannot owe NRC for a license to do so.

Your June 24 and July 1,1998, letters were forwarded to the Transportation Section when they were received by the License Fee and Accounts Receivable Branch. We have been informed that the Transportation staff has been in touch with SteriGenics regarding the ownership change and that SteriGenics possesses an active QA No. 0524 which covers the same activities as QA No. 0420, and that QA No. 0420 for RTl will be terminated.

Footnote 1 of 10 CFR 171.16 provides that the annual fee is waived when a license is terminated prior to October 1 of each fiscal year. The 1997 and 1998 annual fee is waived for licensees and holders of certificates, registrations, and approvals who either filed for l termination of their licenses or approvals or filed for possession only/ storage only licenses prior to October 1,1996, and October 1,1997, respectively and permanently ceased licensed activities by September 30,1996 and September 30,1997, respectively. An amendment request filed after October 1 of each fiscal year to cancel a license does not cancel the annual fee invoice.

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9908250076 990821 PDR ADOCK 07100420 C PDR

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8 J. Caylor l Based on the information provided, the NRC: 1) grants an extension of time to July 28,1998, i to file for termination of QA Approval 0420 for purposes of avoiding the FY 1997 and FY 1998 annual fee; 2) acknowledges that no licensed activities occurred after August 1996, and

3) acMowledges that your approval is be!ng terminated based on your June 24 and July 1, 1998, letters. Invoices AM3092-97 and AM2762-98 have been cancelled.


/ original signed by Peter J. Rabideau for/

Jesse L. Funches Chief Financial Officer l

Distribution. i L. Tremper, OCFO l

S. Kimberley, OCFO G. Jackson, OCFO ,

D. Weiss, OCFO, Cancel AM3092-97, AM2762-98. Done l M. Messier, OCFO invoice File AM2762-98, AM3092-97 w/cy ine NijDOCS (ML-61) w/cy inc PDR w/cy inc OCFO/DAF/LFARB RF w/o cy inc OCFO/DAF RF (DAF-8-197)w/o cy inc OCFO/DAF SF (LF-3.2.2) w/ orig inc LF 98-83 w/o cy inc OCFO RF DCFO RF S. Hudson Docunent Name: G:\tf.98 83,wpd (To receive a ecpv of tbss documew. iemhmt in the bor "C" a Copy wahuut snachowm/enclomre 'E" = Copy wd anxbmem/enckmure "N" = No copy CFFICE OCF0/DAF/LFAA /kFS , DCF0/DAF/LFARB g,,,, OCF0/0/DAF y OGC W mberley/B.h DBDa JTurdici I t schild DATE IN/ /98 8 I I/98

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