MONTHYEARML20059M6941993-07-28028 July 1993 Informs That No Deficiencies Identified During Review of Encl Decommissioning Financial Assurance Submittal Dtd 920820.Control:571252 ML20234B1281987-06-11011 June 1987 Forwards Amend 10 to License SNM-56 ML19261B3511979-01-23023 January 1979 Informs That No Noncompliance Was Noted During Insp on 790108-09.Major Areas Inspected:Corrective Actions on Items Observed During 771214-16 Insp 1993-07-28
[Table view] Category:DKT 30 MTL BYPRODUCT
MONTHYEARML20059M6941993-07-28028 July 1993 Informs That No Deficiencies Identified During Review of Encl Decommissioning Financial Assurance Submittal Dtd 920820.Control:571252 ML20059C0231990-08-17017 August 1990 Safety Insp on 900817 of License SNM-56.Insp Findings:No Violations Observed ML20043B6631990-01-0808 January 1990 Matls Licensing Package for Amend 12 to License SNM-56 for Stanford Univ.Control:571075 ML20006C1071989-10-26026 October 1989 Amend 11 to License SNM-0056 for Stanford Univ,Amending License in Entirety.Ba Riedlinger 891026 & F Browne s Encl ML20006C1111989-07-25025 July 1989 Application for Renewal of License SNM-0056,authorizing Possession & Use of 88 G U-235,167 G Pu-239,5 G Pu-238 & 12 G U-235 in R&D.Supporting Info Encl ML20234B1281987-06-11011 June 1987 Forwards Amend 10 to License SNM-56 ML20234B0601987-06-11011 June 1987 Amend 10 to License SNM-56 for Stanford Univ Environ Safety Facility,Amending License in Entirety ML20234B1601987-04-10010 April 1987 Application for Amend to License SNM-56,changing Location & Address of Radiation Safety Officer as Listed 1993-07-28
MONTHYEARML20059M6941993-07-28028 July 1993 Informs That No Deficiencies Identified During Review of Encl Decommissioning Financial Assurance Submittal Dtd 920820.Control:571252 ML20234B1281987-06-11011 June 1987 Forwards Amend 10 to License SNM-56 ML19261B3511979-01-23023 January 1979 Informs That No Noncompliance Was Noted During Insp on 790108-09.Major Areas Inspected:Corrective Actions on Items Observed During 771214-16 Insp 1993-07-28
[Table view] |
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1 i
Docket No. : 070-00064 License No.:
SNM-56 Control No.: 70576 Stanford University j
Environmental Safety Facility j
Oak Road
Stanford, California 94305-8006 l
l Attention: Roland Finston, Ph.D.
I Radiation Safety Officer Gentlemen:
i Enclosed is the NRC license amendment which you requested.
Please review the enclosed document carefully and be sure that you understand all conditions.
If there are any errors or questions, please notify us so t
that we can provide appropriate corrections-and saswers.
i Minor changes have been made to your license to make it consistent with current NRC policies. These are format changes only and do not alter the content of your license.
I Any future correspondence relating to your license should specifically reference your license and docket numbers to expedite your inquiry.
4 l
Sincerely, i
i Beth A. Riedlinger Health Physicist (Licensing) l Nuclear Materials Safety. Section
Attachment A Amendment No. 10 to License No. SNM-56 1
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