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Summary of 970611-14 ACRS 442nd Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Actions on Items Listed in Encl Agenda
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/16/1997
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
ACRS-3064, NUDOCS 9803250231
Download: ML20217A772 (53)


o. . .Dat] Issu:d: July 16, 1997 -


0dkiS-3dd9' Data Sign:d: August 8, 1997 ... ; -  : fi " r 5- 1 . f. .t< -

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TABLE OF CONTENTS MINUTES OF THE 442ND ACRS MEETING JUNE 11-14, 1997 Pace I. Chairman's Reoort (Open) . . . . . . . . ..... 1 II. Dicital Instrumentation and Control Systems (Open) 1 III. Consecuences of Reactor Water Cleanuo System Line Break Outside the Containtoenc (Open) ..... 4 IV. PRA Imolementation Plan (Open) . . . . . ..... 7 V. Procosed Staff Position on the Severe Accident Rulemakina (Open) . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 11 VI. Acoroach and Preliminary Evaluation of Site-Soecific Deviation of Subsidiary Risk

_Acceotance Criteria (Open) . . . . . . . ..... 12 VII. Proposed Reculatorv Acoroach Associated with Steam Generator Tube Intecrity (Open) . . ..... 12 VIII. Procosed Final Generic Letter on Assurance of Net Positive Suction Head for Emeroency Core Coolino and Containment Heat Removal Pumos (Open) . 14 IX. Proposed Generic Letter on Potential for Decradation of Emeroency Core Coolina and Containment Sorav Systems followinc a Loss-of-Coolant Accident (Open) . . . . . . . ..... 15 X. Poliev Issue Pertainine to AP600 Desian (Open) . . 16 XI. Executive Session (Open/ Closed) . . . . . ..... 18 A. Reports, Letters, and Memoranda e Procosed Staff Position Recardino Inclusion of a /

Containment Sorav system in the AP600 Desirn (Re-ffhdj-port to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R.

L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated June 17, 1997.)  ;

I e Proposed Reculatory Accroach Associated with Steam f Generator Tube Intecrity (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman,

.g ACRS, dated June 20, 1997.) l a  !

    • ' " J
  • ProDosed Final Generic Letter. " Assurance of Suf fi-cient Net Positive Suction Head for Emeroency Core Coolina and Containment Heat Removal Pumos" (Letter 9803250231 970716 PDR ACRS 6/ 1'h b(A2 )

3064 PDR

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to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for' Opera-tions, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated I

June 17, 1997) e Proposed Generic Letter. " Potential for Decradation i of the Emeroency Core Coolina System and the Con-tainment Sorav System After a Loss-of-Coolant Accident Because of Construction and Protective I Coatino Deficiencies and Foreion Material in the Containment" (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive  !

Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated June 18, 1997) e Reculatorv Guidance for Imolementation of Dicital Instrumentation and Control Systems (Letter to L.

Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated June 23, 1997)

  1. Resolution of the Multiole System Resconses Procram Issues (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated June 17, 1997) e Establishina a Benchmark on Risk Durina Low-Power and Shutdown Ooerations (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated June 19, 1997) e Proposed Reculatory Guidance Related to Implementa-tion of 10 CFR 50.59 (Chances. Tests and Exoeri-ments) (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated June 19, 1997) e Procosed Rule , "Frecuency of Reviews and Audits for Emeroency Preparedness Procrams. Safecuards Contin-cency Plans, and Security Procrams for Nuclear Power Reactors," (10 CFR Parts 50 and 73, PRM 50-59 and 50-60) (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Execu-tive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T.

Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated June 30, 1997)

B. Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommen-dations ii

C C. Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Proce-dures Subcommittee Held on June 10, 1997 (Open/ Closed)

D. Future Meeting Agenda lii

APPENDICES I. Federal Register Notice II. Meeting Schedule and Outline III. Attendees IV. Future Agenda and Subcommittee Activities

.V. List of Documents Provided to the Committee

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h[~ b b, b b:. e MINUTES OF THE FOUR HUNDRED FORTY-SECOND MEETING OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS JUNE 11-14, 1997 ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND The 442nd meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards was held in Conference Room 2B3, Two White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on June 11-14, 1997. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and take appropriate action on the items listed in the attached agenda. A portion of the meeting was closed to discuss information of a personal nature, the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The rest of the meeting was open to public attendance.

There were no written statements nor requests for time to make oral statements from members of the public regarding the meeting.

A transcript of selected portions of the meeting was kept and is available in the NRC Public Document Room at the Gelman Building, 2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. [ Copies of the transcript are available for purchase from Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc., 1323 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.]

ATTENDEES ACRS Members: Dr. Robert L. Seale (Chairman), Dr. Dana A. Powers (Vice-Chairman) , Dr. George Apostolakis, Mr. John Barton, Dr. Mario H. Fontana, Dr. Thomas S. Kress, Dr. Don W. Miller, and Dr. William J. Shack. [For a list of other attendees, see Appendix III.]


(Note: Dr. John T. Larkins was the Designated Federal Of ficial for {

this portion of the meeting.) I l

Dr. Robert L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, convened the meeting at 8:30 a.m. and reviewed the schedule for the meeting. He announced the j establishment of the International Nuclear Regulators Association and drew attention to a paper by Commissioner Dicus on radiological {

emergency planning. He also announced that David Morrison was  !

leaving the Commission and would be replaced by Ashok Thadani as Director of the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research and that Dr.

Medhat El-Zeftawy, Senior ACRS Staff Engineer, had received the Meritorious Award for Engineering Excellence.

II. Dioital Instrumentation and control Systems (Open) l

[ Note: Mr. Michael T. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

Dr. Don W. Miller, Chairman of the ACRS Subcommittee on Instrumentation and Control Systems and Computers, introduced


442nd ACRS Meeting 2 .

June 11-14, 1997 the topic to the Committee. He stated that the purpose of the briefing was to review the proposed final update of Standard Review Plan (SRP) , Chapter 7, " Instrumentation and Controls,"

including Branch Technical Positions (BTPs) and associated Regulatory Guides related to digital instrumentation and control (I&C) systems. He also ctated that the Committee would discuss the staff's integration of insights from the National Research Council's Phase 2 Study Final Report and a draft safety evaluation report on an Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Topical Report, TR-106439, " Guideline on Evaluation and Acceptance of Commercial Grade Digital Equip-ment for Nuclear Safety Applications. " He noted that the Subcommittee had reviewed these matters during its meeting on May 28-29, 1997.

NRC Staff Presentation Messrs. Matthew Chiramal and Jared Wermiel, Instrumentation and Control Branch (HICB), NRR, led the discussions for the NRC staff. The staff reviewed the purpose for updating SRP Chapter 7 and summarized the changes to SRP sections and associated guidance to address public comments, recommenda-tions of the National Research Council Phase 2 Final Report, and issues in past ACRS letters. The staff also reviewed the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) on TR-106439. Significant points raised during the discussion include:

e The staff requested an ACRS letter supporting issuance of the proposed final update to SRP Chapter 7; e Specific changes were made to address ACRS concerns i regarding:

- the level of detail provided in the Regulatory Guides;

- the balance in the guidance between the review of j the design process and the assessment of the prod-  !


- the linkage between Chapter 7 and other SRP Chap-ters; and graded approaches based on importance to safety.

I e Changes to the SRP sections, BTPs and Regulatory Guides  !

I include:

- SRP Chapter 7 and BTP-14, in particular, were revised to provide additional guidance and accep-tance criteria;



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442nd ACRS Meeting 3 June 11-14, 1997

- Sections 3.1 through 3.3 of BTP-14 were revised to improve the balance between the process and prod-uct; Appendix 7. 0-A was revised to provide additional guidance on the use of formal methods in software development.

BTP-19 was revised to call for a demonstration of functional diversity and different hardware.

- Public comments generally supported the new Regula-tory Guides; however, wording changes were made to clarify certain areas and to highlight exceptions; e SRP Chapter 7 was modified to be consistent with other SRP Chapters, including provisions for future use of a graded approach using proposed criteria in draf t Regula-tory Guide DG-1064 for graded quality assurance (GQA).

e The staff SER recommends approval of the approach described in EPRI TR-106439 for the application of commercial grade software and hardware in nuclear applications.

Dr. Miller reiterated questions raised at the May 28-29, 1997 Subcommittee meeting regarding the " system level" issue in Generic Letter 95-02, "Use of NUMARC/EPRI Report TR-102348,

' Guideline on Licensing Digital Upgrades, ' in Determining the Acceptability of Performing Analog-to-Digital Replacements Under 10 CFR 50.59." He expressed agreement with the conclu-sions and recommendations of the National Research Council Phase 2 Study Final Report regarding the system versus component level as well as the distinction between major and minor changes. He suggested that Generic Letter 95-02 be revised.

Dr. Apostolakis questioned the staff's reconciliation of the issue regarding process versus product. The staff stated that BTP-14 was revised to reconcile ACRS concerns regarding this matter and to incorporate acceptance criteria. Dr. Aposto-lakis acknowledged that it was much improved over the previous version.

Drs. Powers and Seale questioned the research activities in this area. The staff reviewed a recent " user need request" to highlight planned research activities. ACRS Members expressed general support for these initiatives. Dr. Shack, however, expressed the view that research in the area of software development will be driven by markets outside the nuclear industry and suggested that lac resources might be better allocated in areas where parallel research does not exist.

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442nd ACRS Meeting: 4 June 11-14, 1997 Drs. Miller and Seale stated that more needs to be done to communicate the Chapter 7 update through workshops. They also suggested that the staff solicit industry participation through a pilot application using the' revised guidance. The staf f noted that an industry workshop was scheduled to be held in late 1997, but indicated that an industry volunteer would be needed in order to conduct a pilot application.

Dr. . Powers questioned the staff's proposed graded approach using the criteria in draf t Regulatory Guide DG-1064 for_ GQA.

He noted that the ACRS had previously expressed concerns over DG-1064. The staff stated that DG-1064 was a draft guidance document and noted that whatever graded approach is developed will have to conform to upper-tier guidance as might be developed in a revision to DG-1064.

Dr. Apostolakis expressed the view that the effects of software failures, for systems that use digital equipment, should be included in probabilistic risk assessments (PRAs).

The staff stated that~I&C systems are not modeled in PRAs but


acknowledged that I&C systems could be considered for systems that are modeled.

Dr. Miller expressed the view that the SER endorsing EPRI TR-106439 should be approved and noted that the National Research I council had also recommended approval.

Conclusion The ACRS provided a letter to the Executive Director for Operations, dated June 23, 1997, on this matter.

III. Consecuences of Reactor Water Cleanuo System Line Break Outside the Containment (Open)

[ Note: Dr. M. El-Zeftawy was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

Mr. John Barton, ACRS Member, stated that during the course of the advanced boiling water reactor LABWR) review, the ACRS identified an event that might cause a serious environmental disruption through the secondary containment before it could be isolated. If a pipe broke in the reactor water cleanup LRWCU) system outside the primary containment, a blowdown of the reactor coolant and steam through the break could occur before the break could be isolated by the containment isola-tion valves. If the containment isolation valves were unable to close, especially under blowdown conditions, the reactor

I 442nd ACRS Meeting 5 ,

June 11-14, 1997 would continue to discharge a portion of its coolant and steam inventory.

The ACRS previously issued two letters on this matter, dated July 13, 1994, and February 15, 1995. In its letter of February 15, 1995, the ACRS pointed out that an added third valve inside the primary containment would provide long-term post-accident isolation for the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) design. General Electric Nuclear Engineering agreed and added the third valve to the ABWR design. The ACRS recommended that this issue be investigated for operating boiling water reactors.

Mr. Ronald Young, NRC Staff, noted that, in a memorandum from EDO dated September 9, 1994, the staff stated that it would perform a study to determine whether the environmental conditions in the secondary containment from an RWCU system line break would create an environment bounded by the current analyses for operating plants. The staff has performed the study using three representative BWR plants. These are Browns Ferry 2 (BWR-4, Mark I), Susquehanna 1 (BWR-4, Mark II), and Grand Gulf 1 (BWR-6, Mark III).

The staff used the RELAP5/ MOD 3 computer code to simulate the postulated RWCU pipe break for Browns Ferry 2, and also used the CONTAIN code to generate the time-dependent profiles of post-accident containment environmental parameters for the three representative plants. In addition, the staff conducted in-house and external (such as the EPRI motor-operated valves (MOV) performance prediction program (PPP)) database searches to identify and retrieve related studies. The key factors are core coverage and cooling, and f actors deriving the break flow after depressurization.

Some of the staff's conclusions include the following:

o Compared to other BWR containment designs, the Mark I design, which has more open area communication on containment floor levels, is more susceptible to the environmental consequences of a RWCU break.

e The Mark I containment situation may be applicable to other BWRs.

  • RELAP5/ MOD 3 analysis indicated that the reactor core is adequately cooled during the RWCU scenario as long as water sources are available and the ECCS actuation is not required.



1442nd ACRS. Meeting 6 June 11-14, 1997 e Radiation hazards for a postulated RWCU pipe break-are.

highly dependent on whether the accident source term is assumed .to be equivalent. to reactor coolant activity concentration at. power.

Flooding. calculations for Browns Ferry 2 indicted a

=e-window of opportunity of about 10 or 11 hours1.273148e-4 days <br />0.00306 hours <br />1.818783e-5 weeks <br />4.1855e-6 months <br /> for operator action before essential ECCS equipment is threatened with submergence.

  • Some equipment qualification analyses may not bound containment environmental profiles observed for a postulated RWCU pipe break, e The implementation of the NRC Generic Letter 89 program, results of NRC-sponsored research, and guide-lines for EPRI MOV/PPP significantly improve the capabil-ity of RWCU containment isolation valves to close under accident conditions. The NRC staff is continuing to monitor efforts by licensees to implement lessons learned from these programs.
  • In the prioritization of Generic Safety Issue (GSI) 87,

" Failure of HPCI Steam Line Without Isolation, " the staf f estimated the public risk associated with an unisolable RWCU pipe break. Using the CRAC code, risk estimates for an unisolable 6-inch pipe break easily met the cost / benefit standard for NRC. regulatory action, with a core damage frequency (CDF) of 6. 8x 10-'/ reactor-year.

However, for larger than 6-inch pipe, the RWCU pipe break was identified as a dominant contributor to the CDF estimate.

The overall staff conclusion was that, to ensure with certain-ty the public health and safety under RWCU accident condi-tions, it is necessary for the RWCU containment isolation valves to.close upon demand.

The Committee expressed concern regarding the following items:

  • The issue is much broader than the RWCU system line break; it also includes the lines associated with the high pressure coolant injection and reactor core isola-tion cooling systems.
  • The resolution of GSI-87 might not be complete and satisfactory.


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442nd ACRS Meeting 7 June 11-14, 1997 e The study performed by the staff regarding the RWCU break might not be comprehensive.

e The effects of break sizes, break location, water cascades and water droplets, and alternate plant configu-rations were not analyzed.

e The reliability of the valves and conditions against blowdown flow is not well defined.

e The effect of aging on containment isolation valves has not been considered.

The staff agreed to study and address the above concerns at a future meeting.

Mr. Michael Snodderly, NRR, described an RWCU break re-analysis at the Monticello plant. Monticello representatives determined, as part of a power uprate program, that the energy and mass release assumed for a high energy line break in the RWCU system were incorrect. This review identified a condi-tion where automatic isolation of the RWCU system may not occur for double-ended guillotine pipe breaks outside contain-ment at less than 77% rated power. This condition exists because at lower power levels, automatic RWCU isolation on low reactor water level is prevented by the excess reactor make-up capacity of the feedwater system. The potential offsite radiological consequences using the new inputs were greater than that postulated for the main steam line break.

To comply with its licensing basis, Monticello agreed to reduce the reactor coolant dose equivalent Iodine limit from 2.0 microcuries/g to 0.25 microcuries/g and to modify the plant to provide for automatic isolation. Three other sites do not have automatic isolation on direct indication of a line break. These are Oyster Creek, Dresden, and Quad Cities. In the interim, all of the affected plants have emphasized to the operators the need to isolate the RWCU system if the area temperature sensors alarm.

Conclusion The Committee decided to postpone its comments on this matter until the staff provides additional information regarding the concerns expressed by the Committee members.

IV. PRA Imolementation Plan (Open)

(Note: Mr. M. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

442nd ACRS Meeting 8 June 11-14, 1997 Dr. George Apostolakis, Chairman of the ACRS Subcommittee on )

Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), introduced the topic to l the Committee. He stated that the purpose of the briefing was to review the PRA Implementation Plan with emphasis on risk-informed initiatives in the areas of training and inspection, as well as an overview of the risk-based insevice inspection (ISI) program. Dr. Apostolakis stated that he has a conflict with portions of the risk-informed training and inspection program and that Dr. Seale would chair that portion of the meeting.

NRC Staff Presentation Mr. Mark Cunningham, RES, led the discussions for the NRC staff. Messrs. Doug Coe, NRR, Russell Anderson, AEOD, and Goutam Bagchi, NRR, also made presentations and provided supporting discussion.

Mr. Cunningham provided an overview of the PRA Implementation Plan, noted recent accomplishments, and discussed planned future activities. Significant points made during the discussion include:

e The draft Regulatory Guides and Standard Review Plan (SRP) sections (SECY-97-077) have been issued for public comment.

e A public workshop was held to discuss the Individual Plant Insights (IPE) report (NUREG-1560).

e The draft Regulatory Guide and SRP section for ISI are scheduled to be issued for public comment in July 1997 following ACRS review.

  • The staf f has Staf f Requirements Memoranda requests from the Commission regarding PRA standards, methods for assessing risk that use statistical concepts, and consideration for uncertainties, and the use of Mainte-nance . ale experience.

Mr. Doug Coe discussed the activities of the NRR Inspection Program Branch in the area of PRA. Significant points made during the discussion include:

e The emphasis of the inspection program is safety and the degree of inspector response is dictated by safety importance.

e Risk-informed improvements to the inspection program require changes to the inspection manual and procedures,

,- i 442nd ACRS Meeting 9 June'11-14, 1997 training on the guidance, and feedback regarding good practices, policies, and expectations.

o Inspection activities that benefit from the use of PRA include: planning for inspections, evaluating inspection observations, and evaluating licensee proposals or actions that utilize approaches based on risk.

  • Immediate and near-term actions to incorporate risk in the inspection program have focused on the training and qualification of senior reactor analysts (SRAs) in j headquarters and'in each regional office.

e Long-term actions include planned revisions to existing inspection guidance and the development of new guidance to assure effective communication of PRA concepts and information, training that emphasizes practical exercises using case studies, appropriate implementation of program guidance, and proper interaction between cognizant NRC staff personnel and with licensees on related matters. J e Inspector communication and feedback has been facilitated through issuance of Inspection Program Newsletters and through an internal NRC Website for SRAs.

Mr. Russell Anderson provided a status report on the PRA Technical Training Program. He reviewed the objectives of the staff training plan for PRA, discussed the role of the PRA Training Focus Group, and described expectations for the various users of PRA information. Significant points made during the discussion include:

e The training program is being revised to provide for expanded use of PRA information and technology.

  • In March 1995, a PRA Training Focus Group was formed to assure that staff training adequately supports the PRA Implementation Plan.
  • NUREG/BR-0028 provides a more thorough discussion on the detailed knowledge, skills, and abilities in PRA methods and statistics for three categories of users including:

basic users, advanced users, and expert practitioners.

Mr. Goutam Bagchi provided an overview of the NRC initiatives in the area of risk-informed, performance-based ISI for piping. He reviewed the purpose of the proposed guidance, the regulatory requirements for ISI, and industrial standards for inspecting pipe conditions. Significant points raised during i the discussion include:



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I 442nd ACRS Meeting 10 June 11-14, 1997 o Proposed SRP Chapter 3.9.8 and DG-1063 are for piping only and not for ISI related to the reactor vessel or for steam generators.

o Industry goals for the use of risk-informed ISI include:

more efficient utilization of resources, reduced worker radiation exposure, and improved personnel ks.owledge and understanding of system importance and reliability.

e The current method approved by the NRC is codified in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Section XI Code. The industry proposed two different approaches for risk-informed ISI . The one sponsored by EPRI is more qualitative and builds on the existing Section XI Code.

The other, sponsored by Westinghouse and ASME, is more quantitative and uses fracture mechanics but allows for the use of expert elicitation.

  • The objectives of SRP Chapter 3.9.8 and DG-1063 are to describe an acceptable regulatory approach and process for risk-informed ISI programs, provide guidance for integrated decisionmaking, address the need for a performance-based implementation strategy, and provide guidance on information to be submitted for NRC review.

Dr. Powere requested continued distribution of Inspection Program Newsletters to the ACRS. Dr. Seale requested an opportunity to review the proposed case studies to be used in staff training. Dr. Kress requested a copy of Mr. Coe's database search on defense-in-depth. The staff agreed to provide these documents.

Dr. Powers questioned how uncertainty would be considered. He stated that he did not understand how the risk for shutdown operations would be considered. The staff stated that it would be considered according to Class 1, 2, and 3 piping designations. Dr. Shack expressed the view that risk should be considered first and then related to Code Class piping as appropriate.

Dr. Apostolakis questioned what constituted " basic knowledge" for the various users. The staff stated that they were doing job task analyses to further refine the level of competency that would be expected for each user group. Dr. Apostolakis noted that he had.recently reviewed NUREG/CR-6042, Perspec-tives in Reactor Safety," and requested copies be provided to the Members. The ACRS staff took this as a follow-up action.

442nd ACRS Meeting 11 June 11-14, 1997 Conclusion This briefing was for information only. The ACRS Subcommittee on PRA-is scheduled to meet with staff and industry represen-tatives on July 8, 1997, to review the SRP section and associated Regulatory Guide for_ risk-informed ' ISI. The Committee expects to provide a report to the Commission regarding the proposed ISI documents during the . July 9-11, 1997 ACRS meeting.

V. Procosed Staff Position on the Severe Accident Rulemakina (Open)

[ Note: Mr. N. Dudley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

Dr. Fontana, Chairman of the Severe Accidents Subcommittee, explained that the purpose of this session was to hear from the staff concerning its recommendation to withdraw the advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) related to advanced light water reactor severe accident design criteria.

NRC Staff Presentation Mr. Charles Tinkler, RES, presented the background and the objectives of the ANPR. He explained the three potential alternatives offered in the ANPR and the six risk-significant severe accident phenomena considered by the ANPR. Mr. Tinkler summarized the public comments related to the ANPR. He concluded that generic rulemaking should not be pursued for the following reasons:

  • the original objectives of the ANPR were still applicable but less significant,
  • the design certification process under 10 CFR Part 52 has been adequate to ensure Commission requirements are met, e the staff does not foresee any applications for generic rulemaking, and
  • substantial work would- be needed to develop a generic rule.

The ACRS Members and the staff discussed the stability of the regulatory process, industry acceptance of the present requirements for design certification, the need for defense-in-depth design features to prevent containment bypass, the benefits of a rule to codify present knowledge, and the 4

442nd ACRS Meeting 12 June 11-14,.1997 adequacy of the present policy statement regarding severe accidents.

Conclusion This briefing was for information only.

VI. Anoroach and Preliminary Evaluation of Site-Soecific Deviation of Subsidiary Risk Accentance Criteria (Open)

(Note: Mr. N. Dudley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

Dr. Thomas Kress, Chairman of the Safety Philosophy, Technolo-gy, and Criteria subcommittee, explained the requirements in the Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) dated May 27, 1997, that requested the ACRS determine the change in core damage frequency and large, early release frequency (LERF) from site to site, when lower-tier criteria are derived from the prompt f atality quantitative health objective. The ACRS response was requested by September 26, 1997.

Mr. Rick Sherry, Senior ACRS Fellow, presented the status of the report he was preparing to address the request of the SRM.

He identified the issues addressed in the report, presented the model used to calculate site-specific, LERFs, and provided a partial list of plant-specific exposure indices. The Committee and Mr. Sherry discussed the uncertainties associat-ed with the results of Gaussian distribution plume models and the methodology used to calculate the site-specific results.

conclusion The Committee decided to continue discussion of this matter at a future meeting.

VII. Prooosed Reaulatorv Anoroach Associated with Steam Generator Tube Intearity (Open)

(Note: Mr. N. Dudley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

Dr. Seale, Acting Chairman of the Joint Subcommittee on Materials & Metallurgy and Severe Accidents, explained that the purpose _ of this session was to hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and the Nuclear Energy

-Institute (NEI) regarding the staff's proposed revised approach for ensuring steam generator tube ' integrity. He i


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442nd ACRS Meeting 13 June 11-14, 1997 noted the number of previous Subcommittee and Committee meetings, which concerned the issue of steam generator tube integrity, and summarized the staff's revised approach as outlined in a memorandum dated May 23, 1997, from the EDO to the Commission.

Dr. Brian Sheron, NRR, explained why steam generator tube integrity is a significant safety issue and identified different modes of tube degradation. He presented the present requirements for steam generator tube inspection and repair and explained why the requirements were out of date. Dr.

Sheron explained that the industry had proposed implementing a degradation-specific management process, while the staff had proposed rulemaking to update regulatory requirements. Based on the results of the draft regulatory impact analyses and draft risk assessment, Dr. Sheron concluded that steam generator tube integrity issues were more appropriately addressed without rulemaking.

Dr. Sheron presented the staf f's revised regulatory approach, which included the following:

  • issuing a generic letter and regulatory guides;
  • requesting licensees to modify Technical Specifications to address condition monitoring, operational assessment, and nondestructive examination (NDE) qualification;
  • providing the option for licensees to implement degrada-tion-specific management, if supported by risk assess-ments;
  • issuing regulatory guides that would provide acceptable approaches for meeting the actions requested by the generic letter; and
  • assessing the potential for plant-specific backfits to reduce risk as part of the Individual Plant Examination follow-up program.

The Committee and the staff discussed tube pitting, qualifying NDE techniques, performance monitoring, the uncertainties associated with the draft risk assessment, the application of the defense-in-depth philosophy, and the proposed regulatory guide related to the assessment of severe accident risk.

Mr. David Modeen, NEI, explained the industry objectives and practices for pursuing . improvements in steam generator integrity. He noted that the industry has a program for ensuring tube integrity and that the NEI Steam Generator

l I i 442nd ACRS Meeting 14 June 11-14, 1997-Working Group is developing a formal industry position on the issue. Mr. Modeen stated that the program includes EPRI guidelines'that have been used by licensees for years. He

. concluded that. the existing regulatory requirements and-guidance are adequate and that broader and more consistent 'i licensee adoption of industry guidance is needed.

The Committee and Mr. Modeen discussed the acceptability of past industry NDE and repair techniques, and the possibility of referencing EPRI guidelines in the proposed regulatory guides. The Committee suggested that the staff and NEI should reach agreement on the performance criteria for ensuring steam generator tube integrity, as well as on the guidelines for implementing these criteria.

Conclusion The ACRS provided a report to Chairman Jackson, dated June 20, 1997, on this matter.

VIII.Prooosed Final Generic Letter on Assurance of Net Positive Suction Head for Emeroency Core Coolino and Containment Hgat.

Removal Pumos (Open)

(Note: Mr. P. Boehnert was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

Dr. Kress, Chairman, Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena Subcommittee, introduced this topic. He noted that concerns have been raised regarding the assurance that adequate net positive suction head (NPSH) was available for emergency core cooling (ECC) and containment cooling pumps for accident conditions.

He also noted that the first (AEC) Safety Guide dealt with this issue.

Dr. Powers asked why this problem did not surface via the normal course of NRR's regulatory business. The staff indicated that many of the plant modifications that lead to such problems were performed under the 10 CFR 50.59 process.

Mr. Scott Newberry, NRR, noted that the NRC has an extensive inspection program underway relative to plant licensing basis vis-a-vis the 50.59 process. He agreed to brief the Committee on this~ program during a future ACRS meeting.

.Mr. J. Dawson discussed the proposed final version of the subject Generic Letter (GL). He detailed the purpose of the GL, background-to the issue, the specifics of the information requested of licensees, and the resolution of public comments received following the issuance of the initial version of the

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442ndLACRS Meeting 15'


June'11-14,~1997 GL .- The staff is' requesting licensees to review their current

. design-basis analysis for determination of available NPSH, and to provide a.specified set of-detailed technical information

'_for NRR review. .Regarding the resolution of public comments, some editorial changes were made to the GL in order to enhance the clarity of the staff's intent. "The final version of this GL should be issued by the end.of June.1997.

Dr. Powers raised the_ issue of allowing credit for containment preserve adequate.NPSH, in light of possible

. accidents for which- such' overpressure may not -be available (e.g. bypass accidents) . Dr. Kress indicated that two broad-issues have arisen-here: how does one identify this problem in-a timely manner, and how should NRR deal with this issue? '

> He also indicated that he plans to prepare a draft letter for ACRS consideration that addresses these two broad issues.

Prior to recess, Drs. Seale and Kress thanked the staff for an excellent presentation and for their help in fleshing out a significant issue that the Committee will likely pursue.

Conclusion The Committee issued a letter to the EDO, dated June 17, 1997, on this matter, i

  • X. Pronosed Generic Letter on Potential for Dearadation of Emercency Core Coolina and Containment Sorav Systems followina '

a Loss-of-Coolant Accident (Open)

(Note: Mr. A. Singh was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.) l l

Introduction {

.Mr. John J. Barton, Chairman, Plant Operations Subcommittee, j stated that the purpose of this session was to hear a briefing by representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed Generic Letter (GL) entitled: Potential for Degradation of Emergency Core Cooling (ECC) and Containment Spray (CS)

Systems (CSS) Following a Loss-of-Coolant Accident due to Construction and Protective Coating Deficiencies and Foreign Material in the Containment. )

i NRC Staff Present @ l l

The NRC staff presented ~ the background and the purpose for j

' issuance of..the proposed GL. The staff stated that foreign materials, ' degraded coatings inside the containment that l


><y -, . .-

'442nd ACRS.Meetingi 16 -

' June 11-14,.1997

~ detach from their substrate, and ECC components not consistent with their -design basis,. along with - debris generated ' by a loss-of-coolant. accident, are potential common cause failure mechanisms that may clog the = suction strainers and sump screens. The:NRC has. issued a number of generic-communica- l tions on various aspects of the potential'for the loss of the '

ECC and safety-related CS systems as a ' result of strainer clogging and debris blockage. {

The information requested in this proposed GL is intended to enable the staff to determine whether the-licensees' use of protective coatings inside the containment is in compliance with-the current licensing basis.

Conclusion The Committee issued a letter to the EDO, dated June 18, 1997,


f on this matter.

-X. Poliev Issue Pertainina to AP600 Desian (Open)

[ Note: Mr. N. Dudley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

Mr. Barton, Chairman' of the Westinghouse . Standard Plant Designs subcommittee, exp3 mined that the purpose of this session was to hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and Westinghouse. Electric Corporation on the proposed staff position that a containment spray system-or equivalent be incorporated in the AP600 design.

Dr. August Cronenberg, Senior ACRS Fellow, summarized state-ments contained in ACRS letters and reports regarding proposed staff policy : statements related to crediting non-safety-related severe ' accident mitigation systems in the AP600 design. He characterized the primary question for Committee consideration as whether a risk-informed or deterministic defense-in-depth perspective should be used to reach a decision on the proposed policy statement.. Dr. Cronenberg noted that the Committee should identify the technical basis for-its recommendation. . The Committee and Dr. Cronenberg discussed the consideration of uncertainties as part of a risk-informed- decision, _ the natural aerosol removal mecha-nisms, and the -incremental effeet of a containment spray system ~on the early containment failure probability.

NRC Staff Presentation 7

Mr. Gary'Holahan, NRR, introduced the staff noting the large uncertainties associated with calculating



t .

442nd ACRS Meeting 17 June 11-14, 1997 conditional containment f ailure probability. He stated that, l depending on the assumptions used in the calculations, the results can change radically. He noted that the staff has to make judgments about the results and what they really repre-sent. Mr. Holahan concluded that using calculational results is too simple an approach for making complicated decisions regarding the inclusion of a containment spray system in the l AP600 design.

l Mr. Michael Snodderly, NRR, presented the staff's concerns l regarding the ability of the AP600 containment system to l

remove aerosol fission products during a severe accident. He explained that, given a failure of the passive core cooling l system, the containment becomes the primary mitigation system. i Mr. Snodderly used a graph of the summary of results for cesium / iodine aerosol depletion in the AP600 containment during a severe accident sequence to illustrate the ability of a containment spray system to intervene and provide control l over the course of a severe accident. He noted that aerosols inside containment can be redt.ced in a short period of time by using a spray system. Mr. Snodderly presented an example of an acceptable spray system. He concluded that the use of a J simple containment spray system would be acceptable to the staf f in addressing the uncertainties associated with mitigat-ing severe accidents and for providing operator intervention l capability as part of an accident management strategy.

The Committee and the staff discussed the following items:

  • ef fectiveness of the natural aerosol removal mechanisms, e types of uncertainties associated with the aerosol l

removal models, e assumptions used in the calculation of the aerosol l

decontamination coefficient, l

e design characteristics of the proposed spray system, e contributors to AP600 design uncertainties, and ,

e how a spray system would reduce uncertainties. I l

Westinchouse Presentation Mr. Brian McIntyre, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, presented the Westinghouse viewpoint regarding the addition of a containment spray system to the AP600 design. He explained the significant severe accident features in the AP600 design and the results of severe accident management design assess-ment (SAMDA) evaluations performed for the AP600 design. Mr.

McIntyre presented results of the AP600 PRA related to core damage frequency, large, early release frequency, and off-site doses. He summarized the AP600 testing program and the requirement for which the AP600 was designed. He concluded

44'2nd'ACRS Meeting 18 June 11-14, 1997 that the addition of-a containment spray system to the AP600 design was not justified or appropriate based on the regula-tions. Mr. McIntyre discussed the assumptions associated with the AP600 design calculations.

The' Committee discussed the need for an uncertainty analysis associated with the PRA.

Conclusign The ACRS provided a report to Chairman Jackson, dated June 17, 1997, on this matter.


[ Note: Dr. John T. Larkins was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

A.- Reports and Letters e Pronosed Staff Position Recardina Inclusion of a Containment Sorav System in the AP600 Desian (Re-port to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R.

L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated June 17, 1997.)

e Procomed Reaulatory Acoroach Associated with Steam Generator Intecrity (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated June 20, 1997.)

e Procosed Final Generic Letter. " Assurance of Suf fi-cient Net Positive Suction Head for Emeraency Core Coolina and Containment Heat Removal Pumos" (Letter, to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Opera-tions, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, 7.CRS, dated June 17, 1997) e Pronosed Generic Letter. " Potential for M aradation of the Emeroency Core Coolina System and che Con-tainment Sorav System After a Loss-of-CSolant Accident Because of Construction and Protective Coatina Deficiencies and Foreion Material in the  !

Contain= ant" (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director . for operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated June 18, 1997) el Reaulatory Guidance for Imolementation ' of Dicital Instrumentation and Control' Systems (Letter to L.

Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, s

A 442nd ACRS Meeting 19 -

June 11-14, 1997 NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS,-dated June 23, 1997)

I B. Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations

[ Note: Mr. Sam Duraiswamy was. the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

e The Committee discussed the response from the EDO, dated May 5, 1997, responding to ACRS comments and recommendations the ACRS report dated

. April 8, 1997, concerning proposed regulatory guidance related to implementation of 10 CFR 50.59

(" Changes, Tests and Experiments").

The ACRS Executive Director issued a memorandum dated June 19, 1997, requesting a future briefing after reconciliation of public comments.

e The Committee discussed the response from the EDO, dated May 29, 1997, responding to ACRS comments and recommendations' included in the ACRS report dated June 3, 1996, concerning resolution of the Multiple System Responses Program issues.

The Committee remains interested in the full reso-lution of these issues and looks forward to a briefing on the staff's summary report when it is completed.

e The Committee discussed the response from the EDO, dated May 28, 1997, responding to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS report dated April 18, 1997, concerning the establishment of a benchmark on risk during low-power and shutdown operations.

The ACRS Executive Director issued a memorandum to the EDO, dated June 19, 1997, requesting a briefing on the staff's goals, objectives, strategy, and schedules for completing this activity.

C. Report on the. Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee (Open)

The Committee heard a report from Dr. Seale on the Plan-ning and Procedures Subcommittee meeting held on June 10, 1997. The following items were discussed:

  • = .

442nd ACRS Meeting 20 June 11-14, 1997


In response to the ACRS letter of May 9, 1997, on the subject of potassium iodide stockpiling, Mr.

Peter Crane, an attorney in the Office of the General Counsel, as a private citizen forwarded a letter to the Commission critical of the position taken by the Committee. He was particularly criti-cal of the ACRS discussion on side effects and expressed the opinion that the Committee did not understand that the issue of side effects has been

" explored exhaustively over many years."

RECOMMENDATION The Planning and Procedures Subcommittee recommend-ed that the Committee take no action on this issue.


The Commission issued a Staff Requirements Memoran-dum (SRM) on May 27, 1997 that, in addition to summarizing the subjects discussed at the Commis-sion meeting, also tasked the ACRS to determine the change in CDF and LERF from site to site, when i these lower-tier criteria are derived from the prompt fatality quantitative health objectives. {

The second task was for the Committee to review the i adequacy of the guidance being provided by the staff relative to the use of uncertainty versus point values in the PRA-related decisionmaking processes. After reviewing the SRM, the Executive Director of the ACRS/ACNW spoke with the Chairman's Office and noted that it might be more appropriate

. for the ACRS to perform a limited number of calcu-lations as examples and have the staff complete this task. Additionally, it was noted that the ACRS could work with the NRC staff to develop improved guidance on the use or consideration of uncertainty in PRA-related decisions. Both sugges-tions were acceptable to the Chairman's Office.

The committee should decide how it wants to handle these two tasks.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that this issue be  !

added to the agenda for the Subcommittee meeting on i July 7, 1997, and that Rick Sherry, Senior ACRS l Fellow, provide a briefing to the Committee during

442nd.ACRS Meeting 21' June 11-14,-1997 the June meeting regarding the approach being used to perform t h e . t a s k - a s s o c i a t e d w i r. h determining changes in CDF and LERF from site to site.


At . one time, the ' ACRS' maintained an electronic bulletin board (BBS) , ..which was dropped with the .

availability of E-Mail via the World Wide Web (WWW). Several accounts were made available through IRM contracting with PSINET ' for member, access, which the Agency pays for whether used or.

not. It would be extremely ~ useful for all ACRS

. members to have access to the ACRS HomePage and E--

Mail. This would facilitate forwarding some-docu-ments and soliciting member comments on ' emerging -

issues. The ACRS Office will cancel this PSINET contract if these services are not being used,.but strongly urges members to have internet access at home or office.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that members notify Ms. Carol Harris if they wish to continue to main-tain access to the Internet through PSINET. All members were strongly urged to obtain internet access.


Two ACRS consultants attended a meeting between the NRC staff and ~ Westinghouse on AP600 licensing issues. During this meeting, the consultants were, drawn into the discussions and provided critical input into the development of the staff position.

Key elements in the staff position would, by all appearances, not have evolved without the ACRS consultants' participation. We sought OGC's guid- '

ance as to the legal restrictions on the consul-tants' participation in future ACRS review of the

. staff positions. The issues and OGC guidance are documented in the enclosed e-mail messages from R.

..Savio to J. Szabo and from R. Savio to P. Boehnert.

There are no legal restrictions that would prevent the ACRS consultants-from participating in the ACRS review of these staff positions. Clear disclosure of the ACRS consultants' role in the development of

.the staf f . position should be made during ACRS i review.

l .I

g . .

'442nd ACRS Meeting 22

' June 11-14,~1997.

The Planning : and' Procedures Subcommittee should decide whether the . ACRS will permit ACRS consul-tants to be involved in the development of staff or industry positions outside of Committee meetings.

The ACRS has strongly ' discouraged this type of involvement in the past.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee reaffirmed that ACRS positions are communicated only through Full Committee letters and reports. It recommended that consultants be.

reminded to make the distinction in each meeting and' communication that their comments repres,ent their individual views and not the views of the ACRS.

.5. ACRS/ACNW FY 1998-2001 BUDGET (Open)

The Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director, and Chief, operations support Branch, went before the Budget Review Group on May 19, 1997 and pre-sented the proposed Five-Year Budget for the of-fice. Several questions arose concerning the need for additional resources and the out years for DOE Oversight and other ' activities. Subsequently, questions have been asked about the amount of resources needed to assume the responsibilities of the NSRRC. An estimate has been forwarded to the Office of the Controller on the level of resources that will be needed to adequately meet the needs of the Director of the Office of Research (RES) in providing advice on the Research Program. RES has prepared an options paper for Commission consider-ation in which a recommendation was made to have -

the ACRS assume the responsibilities of the NSRRC.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that the ACRS support whatever decision is made by the Commission regard-ing NSRRC, but that if this responsibility were to be assumed by the ACRS, the Committee would have to address jghat research should be carried out, not just hojg it is carried out. The subcommittee also recommends that the ACRS Subcommittee structure be restructured'and a new Subcommittee on the Safety

'Research Program be established.

a . .

442nd ACRS Meeting 23 June 11-14,-1997



Dr. Kress recently received a letter and a report from a former Sandia National Laboratory employee concerning NRC's technical closure of the Direct Containment Heating issue. The ACRS forwarded it to the EDO. The NRC Staff is now handling this individual's concerns through the allegation . pro-cess. RES has the action on the evaluation of this individual's concerns and the EDO expects to have a response to the ACRS by mid-August 1997. Dr.

Cronenberg has reviewed. this individual's report and will provide his insights to the Committee.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that the ACRS take no additional action until a reply is received from the EDO.


We received letters of appreciation from Prof. A.

Birkhofer, Germany, and Dr. Bernhard Wilpert, Germany, on our bilateral exchange with the RSK.

Additionally, Dr. Wilpert enclosed a copy of their Memorandum on Safety Culture in the German Nuclear Industry.

A letter was faxed to Dr. Yasumasa Togo, on May 13, 1997, which noted that we agreed to have the Quad-ripartite meeting in January 19-23, 1998, and we needed to reach agreement on an agenda as soon as practical.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that the German Memo-randum on Safety Culture be translated and provided to the ACRS as well as to NRC Commissioners.


On May 30, 1997, Dr. Larkins received a call from the NRC Chairman's Executive Assistant, Marty Virgilio, with a message from the Chairman that her of fice and other Commissioners would like to see the ACRS play'a more proactive role in the resolu-

442nd ACRS Meeting 24 June 11-14, 1997 tion of technical issues between the NRC staff and industry (e.g., AP600 issues, BWR Vessel Weld Examinations). It is difficult for the Commission to be placed in a position of having to reach consensus on technical issues that the staff is unable to resolve with industry, and it-would be beneficial to have the ACRS as a facilitator or moderator on these issues and provide its views to the Commission. Dr. Larkins noted that the Commit-tee would be more than willing to fill this role, within budget constraints; however, we need to be kept informed in a timely manner of these issues.

Dr. Larkins requested and has obtained access to the Chairman's Action Tracking System.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that the Executive Director meet monthly with a representative of the Chairman's and EDO's offices to identify any last-minute issues that should be addressed.


In response to a Committee request, the ACRS/ACNW Of fice has reinstituted distribution of ACRS letter reports to the NRC's Congressional Oversight Com-mittees, which include the Committee on Environment and Public Works, Subcommittee on Clean Air, Wet-lands, Private Property and Nuclear Safety, and the Committee on Commerce, Subcommittee on Energy and Power. I RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that a copy of the next Annual Report to Congress on the NRC Research Program also be provided to the Office of Senator Phil Gramm.


The Commission has requested that the ACRS Screen-ing Panel submit another slate of potential ACRS members to the Commission prior to the end of September 1997. Currently, we have no new candi-dates under active consideration. The Executive Director has contacted the Chairman's Office and two Commissioners' offices; however, no assistance or additional guidance was offered.

i . .

l 442nd ACRS Meeting 25 June 11-14, 1997 RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that the Executive Director review the list of previous applicants to determine if an applicant who had applied during the past 2-3 years but had not been chosen might be reconsidered. If no viable candidates are identi-fied in the field of plant operation / thermal hy-draulics, a different field of expertise might be chosen.



The staff issued a response dated May 28, 1997,' to the ACRS letter of April 18, 1997, stating that "we believe that more detailed benchmarking is not necessary to support a rulemaking on shutdown."

This response was attributed to some OGC changes.

However, the staff revised its response on June 6, 1997, stating that it plans to examine, in more detail, the risk posed by low-power and shutdown operations. The staff plans to gather information for use in deciding how to proceed in performing any benchmarking of the low-power and shutdown operations risk. The ACRS should develop a sched-ule to hold discussions with the staff regarding this matter.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommen ed that the ACRS be ac-tively involved in reviewing further developments in this area.

12. TRAVEL (Open)

An expedited Travel Request for George Apostolakis to attend the Society for Risk Analysis meeting at UCLA on May 22, 1997, was approved. This request came in after the meeting in May 1997, and a one-time special accommodation was made by the ACRS Chairman and Executive Director.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that this process of having the ACRS Chairman and Executive Director ap-prove unanticipated or unplanned travel be recog-nized as an acceptable procedure.

.1 - -,

l 442nd ACRS Meeting 26 June 11-14, 1997 D. ~ Future Meetina Acenda Appendix IV summarizes the proposed items endorsed by. the Committee for the 443rd ACRS Meeting, July 9-11, 1997.

The 442nd ACRS meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m. on Saturday, June 14,.1997.


\ _ .

, 27632 Federal RegisterT@.%, b. 97./ Tuesday May 20, 1997 / Notices Bulletin 96-ci.* Control Rod lasertion Engister esThursday January 23,1997 40.000 MWD /MTU for assemblies with

. IFMs for 12 foot cores Problans." (62 FR 3539).

- tsA00 SW for ameablies in ta y,,gj,, gg,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,7,,,,,33,3,,,

g,g upon Arst reaching the limit (s) and

'Ihis bulletin supplanent transmits an 88j*ggga'8j8'y* 8M approximately 2.800 MWD /MTU information request pursuant to the m_ ,gg ,,9 e

e. In addition, and- Provisions of Section 1s2a of the sugarding oseduct d mesdag and until the end of Atomic Energy Act of1954,as amended. somenent brioSy regardaag items of of-cycle rod drop time tests and drag surrent laessest. During this sessten. the testing of all rodded fuel ensemblies and 10 CFR 80.54(0 to determine I

whether addressess are taking commitsee will discuss priorities he abould be performed. Licensees are __"- ofACR5ryeres ted to submit their anticipated ap riste action to ensure continued ,

am em-10:48 e.m.:Digtsalinserveienestion ule for las within 30 days of ility of the controlrods.To the extent that the actions requested herein and G m ool the date of this but su plement. commian phearApenhThe m

-, W of each by addressess are maaht-ed backSts.

Within 30 days aSer comp est of tasong. .re requ.sied to sebac=So m ius S.d.nderme awai=t*,,*cs,a, apmmend submit a report that summarises the comPiance l on of the bar:kSt es Saa! Standard i data and documents the results rule thatis.10 50.109(AX4XI). noview laa ( ) medens. Branch Technical Positions (BTPs).Tg y ah*alaad


10 CFR Part 50. Appendix 8.Section.

Guides (RGs) == Mama w ith digital In order to meet the current licensing XI." Test Control" n _? - that "a test lastr-""- and samtml syseemslthe basis for each incility. the ability to program shall be estalitished to assure sess's saAny nelusties snart on the that * *

  • structures, systems.and topical insert the control rods needs tobe . Elecole Pown samarch demonsueted for burnups greater than components will perform estisfactorily
  • * *"N requested actions t tw noche those presented in the bulletin supplement.This ability can be previously described will assure that  %@"gi ppm.ed es sus's tes at adequate shutdown margin is "-- dto insighu tem the demonstrated thro 6'aal latervals spec 18ed e or a snaintained and that the consol rode - ~

mus Academy of Sciseom/hdeaal will natisfactorUy perform their assearch Council (NA54GtC)Phens 2 rigorous engineering analysis, study late the proposed naalsRP.

latended function of e5setively terminating the Assion process during sections.B17s.and AGs. l Aa9uimM88Ponse  % of the socinarindusey Pursuant to Section 182a.the Atomic all operating conditions in accordance i, Energy Act of 1954, as amended,and 10 with the current licensing basis for each win appsopriate CFR 50.54(0.alllicensees of incility. s mem ssmpm.:m of asscoor watercasonap 6eesm ane Westinghouse and Babcock and Wilcox objecen of the ecdons requested arsak outside th contadament (opeeH designed plants must submit the in this bulletin supplement is to verify ' " -

The Commiam willbeer c following written information under that licensees are complying with the by and hew discumises wie oath and afSrmation: cumnt licensina bests for tae incility * '


! Within 30 days of the date of this with respect to shutdown margin and 5 segardhg swulu d bulletin supplement, a respon" control rod drop times.N issuance of *

"b indicating whether the requested the bulletin !s justiSed on the basis of My es surse the or, ecierween,cisem p actions will be taken and a schedule the need to verify compliance with the sysma use break oumide se indicating when the actions will be current licensing basis with respect to sostainment. The staf will aise discuss the problems associated with automatic performed. Licensees who choose not to abutdown margin and control rod drop a=aian- of rencese weenr clasaup sysism take the requested actions must describe unnes. Pl lag at theu w n.susie,r power in their response any alternative course of action that they propose to take.

Dual a g g,y, g,,RockwinWM 7 n 1se day P{ of the suelserladesey including the basis for the acceptability 8'7" g, Q - ?_ m wiu parecipate, as appropriata.

of the proposed alternative course of D N*" *f 8'"*" '

action, and the schedule for completion A*"*8 of the alternative. -

  • P"'1""D O 3:sobm4sopm.:pnA for*on (OpsabThe C if,in se coum of mponding k &ls IFR Dec. 97-13tes Filed S-10 47. 8:48 aml P'mamem W W hh with agrammentiva dthe NRC staf bulletin, a licenses determines that it is ensam em miam sugardias the FRA Implememados Plan -

not in compliance with the wie maphasis em risk tainmed .

Comunisalon's rules and regulations, the Mcenses is expected to take comedw es woTuam the NUCLSAR RSOULATORY actions in accordence with the proposed risk based inservios inspeedes ColdtAISSION i seguirements of Seedon XVIof to CFR pag,,,s.

Advisory Committee en Renator  ?- ides suelearindwary t

Part 50. Appendix B.

Address the required written - Safeguarde; Adeseng Neues . win %pam,as appropsha.

. responses to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. ATIN:*- In accordance with the Atomic of . 8],*jg*1% ,

Document Control Desk. Washington. Sections 29 and 182b.of topenh'Ibe commines win how DC 20855 0001.In addition, submit a Energy Act (42 U.S.C. 2039,2232b). the presentanus by and held discussions Advisory Cosamittee on Reactor

  • wie repressoudves of the NRC sinf copy of the response to the appropriate -> Safeguards will hold a meeting on Juns .

sugardlag the proposed stag posities em sugional administrator. 11-13.1997,in Conference Room T- generic rulemaking associated with l sevese d===.

' Mied CommN 283,11545 Rockville Pike. Rockville, Maryland.m date of this meeting was  ?, "vse of the suciser indusey NRCinformation Notice 98-12, previously publishedin the Fedomi win perudpens,es approprissa.

Control Rod lasertion Problems" NRC Ml l


e .

Es pm-Fm p m.:Mepareden of Acts 3Jopm-Fso pm.:pasperation ofACRS planning 13 ettend ehtuld check with *

  • - Asphre IOPeoHThe Censmitme will asperes (OpenHm comunisme win the Chi:f cf the Nuclear React rs Branch discus 8 PsePosed AOLS soporte se discuse proposed AQtS sports on if such raaehadullag w3ld usult in meetsre enesidered during this sesoting amesses esasidsed dutiese mesties g g,,3 ,,

Thesudey, pues 38.see? Nday,pumess,see? In accordance with Subsection 10(d)

CJosm dssem.: Aemeras bythe sJoe m.--e m e m.: Aspart ofshe Mannisig P.L 93-463 I have determined that it is AQtS Quirman i HThe ACR$ andMusedwes Subeasunisse(W ,y to close portions of this Chairuman will aske speates susnarks Closedhm Committee will hear a noud h to discuss matun agarding oseduct of me meetine soport of the Planning and Procedures that relate solely to the internal CJsem-30mem p.:? r--y p..w m-stsee on mattere related to the Appresch A with Sasam emeduct of AGLS business, armhBosuons Personnel rules and practices of this Generoser Teheinesgrity(OpenHThe of enadadetes aosminemd for Advisory Committee per 5 U.S.C.

. . Cassantess will hear ; ^" -by . sypoistuneet to the ACRS and 552b(c)(2), and to discuss information and hold di-adees with . *' r4and mense tbs release of which would constitute a sepassetsuves of the NRC sen5and the , seleting to the bly unmudinvasion d

% M **

maam gamerater sube laengrity gA Petion , of h som 1 unansre a hs minie solely to the personal privacy per 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(6).

Further information mgerding topics issume esiseleted sasus" @ personnel rules and -

of e to be discussed,whether the snesting other imemessed perties will pasticipate, as Advisory Casamines, and the has been'amaaanad or suecheduled, the ePP'*Priete Chairman's ruhng on resguests for the sensese of invasion umwarranted which would constitute of pommes! petvecy.a casarly) t oral statements 30:3s e m.-f280 ason:PseposedFinst opportunity to GenerieIsleer en Aarurence ofNot em am-sse moon:7. o

. pesiWee Section Need for *-- Appares(Open HThea==^'h will- fAQts andbythe

,,heminad HaneMr.

aceucung otted Sam therefor can be Care Coeldrig and conesimment Nest osatimus its disanssion of propoemd Duraiewamy, Chief. Nuclear Reactors Ass.,sipump, gopeopm e-h ACRS sepen se mensre esasidend during this usedag Branch (telephone 301/415-7864),

will beer pressanstions by ea.d hold discussions with sopresentatives of the 32m noon.-f m pm.:Aewessic Pisaning between 7:30 am. and 4:15 pm. EDT.

NRC staEmaarding the propeesd Anal (OpeakThe Comuninse will costia" AC3tS anesting notices, meeting so.wie tener s. Assmenos of Not tu discueston of tuou of sig=*==t transcripts andletterN am now Positive Suetion Head for Emermacy isoportance to NRC,lacluding avallable on FedWorld the **NRC Com Cooling and r=='ai==aot liset sebaseliales of the ===h activitase r

MAIN MENU.,, Disect Dial Access pasnovel Pumpe es wellas the NitC der FY tees. -

staffs resolution of public essaments em number to FedWorld is (too) 303-4672 h saaner. 3m(sm-ssopm. hssonlJensonOpenhThe Casamines or ftp~.fedworld. Tbenewiu discuss documents and aspassume,w of the suelser indesey senses mleted to the conduct of the ameting agends are also evadable for will perucipate, as appropriate. Cannsalttee activities and mensee and downloading or mviewing on the issues that were est esopleted internet at http.//www.amgov/

so pm.-JJO p.m.: Moposed Genwk Isener P'evious mostlags, as time and en phasntini Degredation of ACRSACNW.

Cooling and ilNy ofinlonneuen Famit.

consfunelent spsy spessu rollaring e MY * * * "'

Proos'd ures for the conduct of and Jase.ef4solent Ameissens (OpenHThe Andrew L Beams.

pardci don in ACRS anosungs was Casamitme will hear pessomtname by in b Federal Esgister on AdvisoryComedase" ntOfficer.

ens and I g pg g ,,g hubhober 1.1996 (61 FR 51310). IFR Doc.la97-1s188 Filed 6-10-47; a:45 ami accordance with these procedures, oral anaass sees sogarding the proposed Generic Inner en or written statements may be presented Potential for Degredaties of Emergency Core and Costalammet y by smembers of the public, electronic '

Systems Fel e imse of a socordings will be persnitted only 900 CLEAR REGULATORY Accident due to Construcsion and during the open portions of the anesting, mammaanm Protective Castings DeSciencies and and ons may be asked only by Foreign bestarial la the Cantatsmaat. mesa of the Committee,its Sunshine Actleestag and soised mature. consultants, and staE. Persons desiring

  • Repressetatives of the nuclearinduswY to snake oral statements should notify Aes1 sect McLae00 THg IIEffe80: Nuclear willparticipate, e appropriate. .

her. Sam Duraiewmm Gnief. Nuclear Regulatory rainmiaaion.

" ' l

"'g"&^r'"F,"'"' beco.c ,, ,,

8 s.stdif,on N


' sa.% g,g-*e duer a =*a- = -a iram the NRC w ,,,M[ow the dun PLACE: I"==tanioners'Conforunos gg Ui, .f'"., _a a

meeting for such statements. Use of still, Room,11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, tecluded la sement Acas repens, motion picture, and television commeras Maryland.

lacludlag the EDO auspense to ACRS during this meeting may be halted to SMTUS:Pubhc and Closed.

samsnents and --d=-== selected portions or the meeting as tecluded la ihe Apru s, see7 ACRS determined by the Chairunan. IaATTans to sg 00sseicense:

regardingthe set "Ydece cu ied issman of $

by-iacualo"Ma Nuaear Week ofMay29

,., "f",':,",.,,,,u,e Aot, A ,ue, w.mder.uer:0 l vi'* of Poesi ihty that the 11:30 A!Ersnation Session (Pubhc I une theP end Meeting)(if sinded) proedums subcesaminne sugarding for ACRS meetings may be adjusted by iteau proposed for onesidention by the ' . the Chairman as necessary to dadutate 3:00 pm. Meeung with Advisory hill Comsninse dwtas Antwo mestimes. the conduct of the meeting, persons Comunittee on Nuclear Weste

. . I

f*orthgate Street, Richland, Washington For the Nuclear "

  • 7 Casandesion. Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 22nd

,j 99352. Amervemos C. Shas, day of May loof.

.Dneed et Reckvule, Maryload, this stad Dresser,Drision oft'- - -.g TP - ' ,,, For the Nuclear Regulatory Ceaunissi:n.

dey of May le97. -- Office afhciserT ./' ' , Assearch.

govte A.Csameeghton.

. e For the N-8--C * ,, Cassadasion. ' (FR Doc. e7-le017 Filed 6-34-07; a:45 an] Acting Dhector, Proiset Asoctorate B-s, Thestby G. CoRears, eusse coes nes et.* Arision ofAsoctor profoces-Eny, office of )

Annior Project Manager, Proinct Mooctorate N"CJ**!^*****'n*Eul*tA**- \

JY-2, Dristen ofAsoctorPro/ sets may, IFR Doc. e7-14o11 Filed 5-26-e7; a:45 aml e/EclearAsoctorAssutetion. UCLEAR RESULATORY ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

[FR Doc. 07-44018 Fusd 5-as-07; 4:45 M A M **'Y '" A*88#' NUCLEAR RESULATORY

, Safeguarde; Revised annaasemairw NUCLEAR RESULATORY The agende for the 442nd meeting of COMMISSION . the Advisony Committee on Ranctor


pushot No.90-319)

Meeung Between We Amerleen Society 11-13,1997,in Safeguards scheduled Conference to Room be held T-on- June ter Quellty Centrol and NRC to Discuse In the Metter of OPU Nuoleer 233,11545 Rockvius Pike, Rockville, Corporation; Oyster Creek Nuoteer QuelWy Assurene Principles Maryland, has been revised to include Generating Station; Roselpt of Petition Aasect: Nuclear Regula Comm!ttee discussion of the NRC stafra ter Director's Dooleien Under 10 CFR Commision. .

Position on the need for a containment 2.306 eprey system for the AP600 design for Actions: Notice of a snesting between the severe accident snanagement.This Notice is hereby given that by Petition American Society for Quality Control, discussion is scheduled between 8:30 dated April 1,1997, Berkeley Township Energy and Environmental Division. a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on Friday, June 13, Environmental Commission (Petitioner)

Power Production Committee (ASQC 1997. Following the discussion of this has passed a resolution opposing EED) and the Nuclear Regulatory item, the items previously scheduled for transfer of spent nuclear fuel from wet

a-taaton (NRC) on quality assurance Friday, June 13,1997 will be discussed to dry storage during tion of Oyste principles of mutualinterest. If neessaary, the seesting wiU be Creek Nuclear Genere Station extended to Saturday, June 14,1997 to (OCNGS). Petitioner requests that the puensAny:The ASQCEEDand theNRC complete b Committu business U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission have asetperiodically to discuss The agenda for June 11 and 12,1997 ' (NRC) direct GPU Nuclear (GPU) to shut technical matters of mutual interest. remains b same as ublished in the down the nuclear reactor at DCNCS Topica et this meeting wiU cover codes Federal Register on y, May 20, during b aforementioned fuel transfer.

and standards, graded QA,and more 1997 (62 FR 27632).

As the bases for its request, Poutione detaued QA features found in QA ,

Further information this '

esserts that (1) the load transfer path for standards. mating can be obtained matacting the too. ton fuel transfer cask pasea AATue: The meeting will be held on June Mr. Sam Duraiswamy, f Nuclear ovw the reactor's containment 5,1997, from 8:00 am-5:00 pm, and on Reactors Branch (telephone 301/415- pinchanta= and other safety.related June 6,1997, $ rom 8:00 am-12:00 noon. 7364), between 7:30, and 4:15 p.m. ' equipment (2) NRC Bulletin 96-42,

  • "*: Conference Room 0-1 F7/9 ' '
  • e"""""", a.gir,;,R-He pon Punman oromaATIoM CONTACT:

as,g r"=.'."n'a.cojp

,yrw , Enn a"sere'm"'**.trus.

cree the ibility of an unloolable IFR Dec. 87-1400e Filed I 47; 4:45 eel leak, w ch industry Wn descibes Owen P. Gormley (301) 415-6z93 Of5ce ""***"" " a situation perilously close to a nuclear ofNuclest tory Research, U.S. meltdown; (3) the operating record of Nuclear tory r'a-taalon, CPU demonstrates it is capable of Washington,DC 20555. DfUCLEAR RESULATORy human error, including dropping besvy supptassperAny sposuaatiosa:The ASQC nnasasiaanew loads; (4) Berkeley Township could not EED and NRC meet periodicaUy to be succesfully mcuated in the mnt discuss topics of mutualinterest Nouse of Corresten to WweeWy of a serim nuclear accident at OCNGS:

problansin achieving Notlos AppliseWone and Amendmente and (5) the safer simpler alternative of quauty an means a correct b to Facility Operating uoenses turning off the reactor while lifting 100 problems, or interpretations or problems involving No SignWisent Mesorde ton loads over the containment can be in implementing activities found in QA Cono6dereueno ensuy implemented.

standards and in most QA tevograms. On May 21,1997,the Federal This request is being treated pursuant Topios at this session wild.clude codes gegister p,ikilahad the Biweekly Notice to to CFR 2.206 of the Comunission's and standards, graded QA, and more of Applications and A===d= ants to tions.The request has been detailed QA features found in QA Operating Licenses involving No se to the Director of the Of5co of SigniScant Hasards Considerations. On Nuclear Reactor Regulation. A copy of

' standards. The format will consist of discussion bet of the %27802,under ween me Wisconsin Electric the Petitionis avausble for public ASQC EED and NRC on the topics noted Company, Docket Nos. 50-206 laspection at b rm==laston's Public above. Sostina for the public will be on and 50-301, Point Beach Nuclear Power Document Room at 2120 L Street N.W.,

e Erst come, Aret. served basis. Washington, D.C.

Plant, the date of a-d===t request Deted at Reckvuls, Maryland, this 32nd should have been AprU 14,1997 (TSCR Deted at Reckvtlie Maryland this soih day day of May See7. 197).

' of May 1987.

  • e i

l i

, ,'/



. ,f cAsmwoTow.c.c. zones

( g

          • May 29a 1997 ,


Inn 1Y uu-E 11. 1997, C6 aE E ROOM 233, TWO tmTTE FLTNT MORTE.

'ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND o Onenine Remarks by the ACRS chairman (Open)

1) 8:30 - 8:48 A.M.

1.1) Opening Statement (RLS/SD) 1.2) Items of current interest (RLS/JTL/SD) 1.3) Priorities for preparation of ACRS reports (RLS/SD) 2)

o 8:45 - 10:45 A.M.

.2 Dicital Instrumentation and control Systems (Open) (DWM/MTM) 2.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 2.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed final Standard Review Plan (SRP) sections, Branch Technical Positions (BTPs),

Regulatory Guides (RGs) associated with digital instrumentation and control systems, staff's safety evaluation report on the Electric Power Research Institute topical report on acceptance of commercial grade digital equipment for nuclear safety applications, and the staff's incorporation of the insights from the National Academy of Sciences /

~ ~

National Research Council (NAS/NRC)

Phase 2 study into the proposed final SRP sections, BTPs, and RGs.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.

.2 /o:45 10:45 - 11:00 A.M. '*** BREAK ***

jo, y . i o : ss A . H. Pee em1aon 9 AcRS Ray.,+s 1

t' I[ow s c[ Eht mf C It LJ ck kMt bfh "hYstnSCN be A

. 2 t o S C AH. 45" /

3) 11:00 - 12 : M P .M . Consecuences of Reactor Water Cleanuo System Line Break Outside the Containment (Open)

(JJB/MME) 3.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman {

3.2) Briefing by and discussions with j representatives of the NRC Sttff regarding the results of the study performed by the staff on the consequences of reactor water cleanup system line break outside the containment. The staff will also discuss the problems associated with automatic isolation of reactor water cleanup system piping at the Monticello nuclear power plant.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.

12thh - 1:30 P.M. ***LUNCE***


4) 1:30 - 3:30 P.M. PRA Implementation Plan (Open) (GA/MTM) 4.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman ,

4.2) Briefing by and discussions with l representatives of the NRC staff regarding the PRA Implementation Plan with emphasis on risk-informed initiatives in the areas of training and inspection, as well as an over-view of the risk-based inservice inspection program.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.


m 3:30 - 3:45 P.M. *** BREAK ***

yy >

5) 3:45 - 4:e P.M. Procesed Staff Position on the Severe Accident Rulemaking (Open) (MHF/NFD) l 5.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 5.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed staff position i on generic rulemaking associated with severe accidents.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.


, $s e s .s*:So f. h. - b y. &ss+stskir 3

5:50 . 4:st

6) ease 9meo P.M. Precaration of ACRS Renorts (Open)

(5 : 46 - 6s@0 P.M. BREAK) Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:

s:88 s*50 6.1) Proposed Final Standard Review Plan sections, Branch Technical Positions, and Regulatory Guides Associated with Digital Instrumentation and control Systems (DWM/MTM) ,

6.2) NAS/NRC Phase 2 Study Report I (DWM/MME) 6.3) Consequences of Reactor Water Cleanup System Line Break Outside the Con-tainment (JJB/MME) 6.4) PRA Implementation Plan (GA/MTM) 6.5) Proposed Staff Position on Severe Accident Rulemaking (MHF/NFD)


7) 8:30 - 8:35 A.M. Ooenine Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open)

(RLS/SD) i s-

8) 8:35 - 10:00 A.M. Pronosed Reculatorv Aceroach Associated with Steam Generator Tube Intecrity (Open)

(RLS/NFD) 8.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 8.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and the Nuclear Energy Institute regard-ing the proposed regulatory approach for addressing steam generator tube

' integrity issues and related matters.

Other interested parties will participate, as appropriate.

5 10:N - 10 : N A.M. *** BREAK ***

Se il 2 0

9) 10:35 - 22*00 NOON Pronosed Final Generic Letter on Assurance of Net Positive Suction Head for Emeraency Core Coolina and Containment Heat Removal Egg 23 (Open) (TSK/PAB) 9.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 9.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed final Generic


I "

i *

, 4 Letter on Assurance of Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core


Cooling and Containment Heat Removal Pumps as well as the NRC staff's resolution of public comments on this

) matter. .

Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.

II: to - I xco fr<P m k m e [ A c til s /?epoetc. 5%,r. fe wr ta fo r 12:00 - 1:00 P.M. ***LUNCE***

i l

I: 46

10) 1:00 - 244C P.M. Pronosed Generic Letter on Potential for Decradation of Emercenev Core Cooline and Containment Serav Systems Followine a Loss-of-Coolant Accident (Open) (JJB/AS) 10.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 10.2) Briefing by and discussions with rep-resentatives of the NRC staff regard-ing the proposed Generic Letter on Potential for Degradation of Emergen-cy Core Cooling and Containment spray Systems Following a Loss-of-Coolant '

Accident due to Construction and Protective Coating Deficiencies and Foreign Material in the Containment, and related matters.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.

N h os - 3; 2D 3 E!PG - 2:15 P.M. *** BREAK ***

1: 4G . 2: 15

11) 2346 - 3 MAD P.M. Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations (Open) (RLS,


Discussion of the responses from the NRC Executive Director for Operations to comments and recommendations included in recent ACRS reports.

2: 15 OS

12) 3790 - 3:30 P.M. Future ACRS Activities (Open) (RLS/SD)

Discussion of the recommendations of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee regarding items proposed for consideration by the full Committee during future meetings.

e .

, . 5 S:37 1c

13) 3:35 , 9550 P.M. Prenaration of ACRS Renorts (Open) i Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:

13.1) Proposed Final Standard Review Plan sections, Branch Technical Positions, and Regulatory Guides Associated with Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems (DWM/MTM) 13.2) NAS/NRC Phase 2 Study Report l (DWM/MME) 13.3) Consequences of Reactor Water Cleanup System Line Break outside the Con-tainment (JJB/MME) 13.4) PRA Implementation Plan (GA/MTM) 13.5) Proposed Staff Position on Severe Accident Rulemaking (MHF/NFD) 13.6) Proposed Generic Letter on Potential for Degradation of Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Spray Systems Following a Loss-of-Coolant Accident (JJB/AS) 13.7) Proposed Final Generic Letter on Assurance of Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal Pumps (TSK/PAB) 13.8) Proposed Regdlatory Approach for Addressing Steam Generator Tube Integrity Issues (RLS/NFD)


14) 8:30 - 8:35 A.M. Ooenine Remarks by the ACRS chairman (Open)


15) 8:35 febh A.M. Poliev Issue Pertainino to AP600 Desien (Open) (JJB/NFD) 15.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 15.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and Westinghouse Electric Corporation regarding the NRC staff's position on the need for a containment spray system for the AP600 design for severe accident management.

er 2o 10:3e - 10:48 A.M. *** BREAK ***

, e, ,.

6 il s o 3* l.t:0 3

16) F9995 - 19T96 A.M. Renort of the Plannina and Procedures

. Subcommittee (Open/ Closed) (RLS/JTL)

Report of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee on matters related to the conduct of ACRS business, qualifications of candidates nominated for appointment to the ACRS, and organizational and personnel matters relating to the ACRS.

[ Note: A portion of this session may be closed to discuss organizational and personnel matters that relate solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of this Advisory Committee, and information the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasfon of personal privacy.)

17)-11215 - 12. C D iiGGli Precaration of ACRS Renorts (Open)

Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:

17.1) Proposed Final Standard Review Plan sections, Branch Technical Positions, and Regulatory Guides Associated with Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems (DWM/MTM) 17.2) NAS/NRC Phase 2 Study Report (DWM/MME) 17.3) Consequences of Reactor Water Cleanup System Line Break outside the Con-tainment (JJB/MME) 17.4) PRA Implementation Plan (GA/MTM) 17.5) Proposed Staff Position on Severe Accident Rulemaking (MHF/NFD) 17.6) Proposed Generic Letter on Potential for Degradation of Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Spray Systems Following a Loss-of-Coolant Accident (JJB/AS) 17.7) Proposed Final Generic Letter on Assurance of Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal Pumps (TSK/PAB) 17.8) Proposed Regulatory Approach for Addressing Steam Generator Tube Integrity Issues (RLS/NFD) 17.9) Policy Issue Pertaining to AP600 Design (JJB/NFD) 12:0[- 1:00 P.M. ***LUNCE***

9 e

l s7

18) 1:00 - 7:46 P.M. Precaration of ACRS Renorts (Open)

(hpe6-3,40 P.M. BREAK) Discussion of proposed ACRS reports A:55-3Uo identified under Item 17.


19) 8:30 - 19 40 NOON Prenaration of ACRS Renorts (Open)

(10:30-10:45 A.M. BREAK) Continue discussion of the proposed ACRS reports identified under Item 17.

l:20 - 1:06

20) leses - W P.M. Strateoic Plannino (Open) (RLS/JTL) ,

I Discussion of items of significant importance to NRC, including rebaselining of the Committee activities for FY 1998.

21) -1.00 1.30 ".M. Miscellaneous (Open) (RLS/JTL/SD)

Discussion of miscellaneous matters related to the conduct of Committee activities and matters and specific issues that were not completed during previous meetings, as time and availability of information permit.

EQII: o Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total )

time allocated for a specific item. The remaining 50 percent 4 of the time is reserved for discussiori.

e Number of copies of the presentation materials to be provided to the JLCRS - 35.




Wednesday. June 11.1997 C. Ader RES S. Ali NRR S. Amdt AEOD G. Bagchi NRR C. Berlinger NRR B. Boger NRR J. Calvert RES R. Caruso NRR M. Chiramal NRR D.Coe NRR K.Coyne NRR S. Dinsmore NRR A. El-Bassioni RES J. Flack NRR i 1

R. Frahm NRR F. Gillespie DBD R. Gramm NRR J. Guttmann RES V. Hodge NRR C. Holden NRR W. Jenson NRR S. Lee NRR L. Marsh NRR J. Mauck NRR S. Newberry NRR A. Rubin RES M. Rubin NRR T. Scarbrough NRR N.Siu RES M. Snodderly NRR J. Stewart NRR.

P. Wilson NRR H. Walker NRR G. Weidenhemer RES J. Wermiel NRR l

Appendix lil ' 2

~442nd ACRS Meeting J. Williams NRR J. Wilson NRR Thursday. June 12.1997 H. Dawson NRR J.Donoghue NRR R. Elliott NRR K.Kavanagh NRR T. Kim NRR J. Kudrick NRR R. Lobel NRR M. Marshall RES M. McNeil RES J. Mitchell OEDO S.Newby NRR A. Serkiz RES T. Reed NRR Fridav. June 13.1997 R. Emch NRR M. Fleishman OCM A. Hsia OCM B. Huffman NRR T.Kenyon NRR D. Jackson NRR J. Mitchell OEDO R. Palla NRR T. Quay NRR T. Reed NRR J. Ridgely RES D. Scaletti NRR J. Schaperow RES J. Sobrosky NRR

~ J. Sorensen OCM E. Throm NRR S. Weiss NRR B. Zalcman NRR

Appendix Ill 3 442nd ACRS Meeting.

ATTENDEES FROM OTHER AGENCIES AND GENERAL PUBLIC Wednesdav. June 11.1997 B. Bradley NEl N. Closky Westinghouse W. Cross STS M. Neal NUS Information Services P.Neyus GE Nuclear T. Sutter Bechtel Thursday. June 12.1997 S. Bernhoft WPSC J. Butler NEl C. Calloway NEl B. Houston Sequoia Consulting Group /BWROG D. Modeen NEl R. Mullins Southem Co.

L. Murtzing MLAB M. Neal NUS Information Services D. Raleigh STS R. Rosten Duke Engineering Services A. Saccavia Baltimore Gas & Electric M. Short Southern Calif. Edison J. Warren DOE M. Webb Shaw Pittman C. W eltz EPRI A. Wyche Serch Licensing /Bechtel G. Zyler ITS Corp.

Friday. June 13.1997 L.Connon STS B.Cowan Westinghouse C. Thompson DOE J. Yedidia EPRI

J APPENDIX IV: FUTURE AGENDA The Committee agreed to considerthe following during the 443rd ACRS Meeting, July 9-11,1997:

Wednesday. July 9.1997

1) 8:45- 10:15 A.M.: Meeting with the Director of the NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) (Open)- Briefing by and discussions with the NRR Director on items of mutual interest, including low-power and shutdown operations risk, NRR research needs, status. of fire inspection program, use of risk-informed, performance-based process for priortizing compliance issues, and coordination of ACRS review of NRR activities.
2) 10:30 - 12:00 NOON: Anwotance Criteria for Plant-Soecific Safetv Goals and Deriving Lower-TierAccentance Criteria (Open)- Briefing by and discussions with the ACRS Senior Fellow regarding the results of the analysis performed to determine the site specific changes in core damage frequency and large, early release frequency, when these lower-tier criteria are derived from the prompt fatality quantitative health objectives.
3) 1:00 - 2:30 P.M.: Prooosed Standard Review Pian Section and Regulatorv Guide for Risk-Informed. Performance-Based in service Insoection (Open) - Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed Standard Review Plan Section and Regulatory Guide for risk-informed, performance-based in service inspection.
4) 2:45 - 3:45 P.M. Meeting with NRC Commissioner McGaffiaan (Open) - Meeting with NRC Commissioner McGaffigan to discuss items of mutual interest, including ACRS activities and NRC research.
5) 4:00 - 8:00 P.M.: Prooosed Final Modifications to 10 CFR Part Fitness-For-Duty Proaram Reauirements (Open)- Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed final modifications to fitness-for-duty program requirements.

Thursday. July 10.1997 6)' 8:35 - 10:30 A.M.: Halden Reactor Proiect (Open/ Closed) - Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and its contractor regarding the ongoing and planned work at the OECD Halden Reactor Project in the areas of human factors, instrumentation and control systems, software quality, and reactor fuels.


Appendix IV 2 442th ACRS Meeting

7) 10:45 - 12:15 P.M.: Use of RASCAL Code Durina incident Resoonse (Open) -

Briefing by and discussionswith representativesof the NRC staff regarding the use of RASCAL code to calculate offsite doses.

Fridav. July 11.1997

8) 8:35 - 10:00 A M.: NUREG/CR-8372. Recommendations for Probabilistic Seismic Harard Analysis: Guidance on Uncertaintv and Use of Exoerts (Open)- Briefing by and discussionswith representativesof the NRC staff regarding NUREG/CR-8372.
9) 3:15 - 4:00 P.M.: Strateaic Plannino (Open) - Discussion of items of significant importance to NRC, including rebaselining of the Committee activities for FY 1998.



[ Note: Some documents listed below may have been provided or prepared for Committee use only. These documents must be reviewed prior to release to the public.)


1 Onening Remarks by the ACRS Chairman

1. Items of Interest, dated June 11-14,1997 2 Dioital Instrumentation and Control Svstems
2. Update to SRP Chapter 7, dated June 11,1997, presented by Matthew Chiramal, NRR [Viewgraphs) .

3 Conmanuances of Randor Water Cleanuo System Line Break Outside the Containnannt

3. Reactor Water Cleanup System'(RWCS) Pipe Break Study, Final Report, dated June 11,1997, presented by Ronald Young, NRR [Viewgraphs and drawings)
4. RWCU Break Reanalysis at Monticello, dated June 11,1997, presented by Michael Snodderly [Viewgraphs)

-4 PRA implementation Plan

5. Status Update of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Implementation Plan, dated June 11,1997, presented by Mark Cunningham [Viewgraphs) 5 P_uuLa-a'i Staff Position on me Severe Accident Rulemaking
6. Generic Rulemaking on ALWR Severe Accident Rulemaking, dated June 11, 1997, presented by Charles Tinkler, RES [Viewgraphs)
7. Letter from David Ward, Chairman, ACRS, to Kenneth M. Carr, Chairman, NRC, dated May 17, 1991: Proposed Criteria to Accommodate Severe j

L Appendix V 2

'442th ACRS Meeting Accidents in Containment Design 8 Proon=ad Reaulatorv Anoroach A==ociated with Stamm Gene'rator Tube Intearity 1

8. Compilation of Concems identified by ACRS Members, undated [ Handout)
9. Steam GeneratorTube Integrity: RegulatoryApproach, dated June 12,1997, presented by Brian Sheron, NRR [Viewgraphs)
10. Industry Perspective on Regulatory Aspects of Steam Generator Operation and Maintenance, dated June 12, 1997, presented by Dave Modeen,

~ Nuclear Energy Institute [Viewgraphs) i 9 Ergoomad Final Generic Letter on A==urance of Net Positive Suction Head for -

Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal Pumos

11. Generic Letter 97-XX: Assurance of Sufficient Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal Pumps, dated June 12,1997, presented by Jack Dawson [Viewgraphs) 10 - Pronomad Generic Letter on Potential for Deoradation of Emeroency Core Cooling and Containment Sorav Svatems following a loss-of-Coolant Accident
12. GL 97-XX: Potential for Degradation of the Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Spray Systems Due to Construction and Protective Coatings Deficiencies and Foreign Material in Containment Following a Loss-of- ,

Coolant Accident, dated June 12,1997, presented by Richard Lobel, NRR I

[Viewgraphs) _



Proposed Generic Letter: Potential for Degradation of the Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Spray Systems Due to Construction and Protective Coatings Deficiencies and Foreign Material in Containment Following a Loss-of-Coolant Accident, dated June 12,1997, presented by James A. Davis, NRR [Viewgraphs) 11 Racanciliation of ACRS Coniment. and Recommendations

14. . Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations [ Handout #11.1) 12 Future ACRS Activities

' Appendix V 3 442th ACRS Meeting

15. Future ACRS Activities - 443rd ACRS Meeting, July 9-11,1997 [ Handout
  1. 12.1]

15 Poliev lasue Pertainina to AP600 Desian

16. Policy lasue Pertaining to AP600 Design [ Handout 15-1] Attachments:
1. CommissionerTechnical Assistants Potential Questions / Points For ACRS To Consider When Addressing Staffs Position On The AP600 Design
2. Memorandum dated June 7,1997, from T. S. Kress, ACRS Member, to John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS,


Policy and Key Technicallasues Pertaining to AP600.

3. Memorandum dated June 7,1997, from M.H. Fontana, ACRS Member, to John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS,


Comments on Your Memo of June 5,1997, Regarding Policy and Key Technical Issues Pertaining to AP600.

4. Memorandum dated June 9,1997, from Dana A. Powers, ACRS Member, to Severe Accident Subcommittee,


Defense-in-Depth and Point Value PRAs

17. AP600 Containment Spray Policy Issue, dated June 13,1997, presented by Gus Cronenberg, ACRS Fellow [Viewgraphs)
18. Need for Additional Mitigative Feature in AP600, dated June 13,.1997, presented by Michael Snodderly, NRR [Viewgraphs)
19. AP600 Technical and Policy lasues: SECY-97-044, dated June 13,1997, presented by Brian McIntyre, Westinghouse Electric Corporation

[Viewgraphs) 16 Renort of the Plannina and Procedures Subcommittee

20. Final Draft Minutes of Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Meeting -

June 10,1997 [ Handout #16.1]


Appendix V 4 442th ACRS Meeting I'

MEETING NOTEBOOK CONTENTS BB DOCUMENTS 2 Digital Instrumentation and Control Svstems

1. Table of Contents

' 2. Proposed Schedule

3. Status Report, dated June 11,1997
4. Letter from J.M. Taylor, EDO, to T. Kress, ACRS Chairman,


" Draft Update of Standard Review Plan, Chapter 7,'instrumentationand Controls'"

dated November 1,1996

5. Letter from T. Kress, ACRS Chairman, to J. Taylor, EDO,


" Draft Update of Stan hrd Review Plan, Chapter 7, ' Instrumentation and Controls" dated Octobe- 23,1996

6. Letter from J. Taylor, EDO, to T. Kress,- ACRS Chairman, Subj: " Regulatory Guidance Documents Related to Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems" dated June 21,1996
7. Letter from T. Kress, ACRS Chairman, to J. Taylor, EDO, Subj: " Regulatory Guidance Documents Related to Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems" dated June 6,1996
8. Letter from J. Taylor, EDO, to T. Kress, ACRS Chairman,


"The National Academy of Sciences' Report on Digital Instrumentation and Control, Safety and Reliability issues" dated October 31,1995 L 9. From T. Kress, ACRS Chairman, report to S. Jackson, NRC Chairman


National Academy of Sciences /NationalResearch Council Study on l " Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants, Safety and Reliability issues"- Phase 1 dated October 13,1996

10. Report from T. Kress, ACRS Chairman, to I. Selin, NRC Chairman,


" Proposed National Academy of Sciences /NationalResearch Council Study and Workshop on Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems" dated July 14,1994 ,

11. Report from P. Shewmon, ACRS Chairman, to 1. Selin, NRC Chairman,


" Computers in Nuclear Power Plant Operations" dated March 18, 1993 )

12. Note, from D. Powers, ACRS, to D. Miller, ACRS, and M. Markley, ACRS Staff,


Digital Systems and Software" dsted May 24,1997

13. Note from D. Powers, ACRS, to D. Miller, ACRS,


" Staff Responses

Appendix V 5 442th ACRS Meeting to Public Comments on DG-1054 to 1059" dated May 24,1997

14. Memorandum from D. Miller, ACRS, to ACRS Members,


"l&C Subcommittee to Review Proposed Final Standard Review Plan Chapter 7 Update, including Integration of the NAS Phase 2 Study and COTS - May 28-29,1997" dated May 22,1997

15. Memorandum from D. Miller, ACRS, to J. Wermiel, DRCH/NRR, and F.

Coffman, ClHFB/RES,


" Issues and Requested Actions for NRC Staff Use in Preparing for ACRS Review of Proposed Final SRP/BTP/RGs" dated January 23,1997

16. Memorandumfrom D. Miller, ACRS, to ACRS Members,


" National Academy of Sciences / National Research Council Phase 2 Study Report" dated February 21,1997

17. Letter from H. Lewis, former ACRS Member, to R. Seele, ACRS Chairman,


March 1997 ACRS briefing on the results of the NAS/NRC Phase 2 study report dated March 13,1997,

18. Memorandum from D. Morrison, RES,to S. Collins, NRR,


"NRR Digitalinstrumentation and Control System issues Research Needs" dated May 13,1997

19. NRC Generic Letter 95-02: Use of NUMARC/EPRI Report TR-102348,

" Guideline on Licensing Digital Upgrades,"in Determining the Acceptability of Performing Analog-to-Digital Replacements Under 10 CFR 50.59 ]

20. March 1997 ACRS minutes - NAS/NRC Final Report j i

3 Con ==auences of Ramedor Water Cleanuo System Line Break Outside the I Containment

21. Table of Contents 1
22. Proposed Schedule l
23. Status Report, dated June 11,1997 J
24. Letter from T.S. Kress, Chairman, ACRS, to James M. Taylor, EDO, Subject Some Areas for Potential Staff Consideration for Operating Nuclear Power


Plants and the Review of Future Plant Designs Resulting from the ACRS Review of the Evolutionary Light Water Reactors dated July 13,1994

23. Letter from T.S. Kress, Chairman, ACRS, to J.M. Taylor, EDO,


Reactor Water Cleanup System Line Break for Operating BWRs, dated February 15,1995

24. Memorandum from J.M. Taylor, EDO, to T.S. Kress, Chairman, ACRS,


Some Areas for Potential Staff Considerationfor Operating Nuclear Power Plants and the Review of Future Plant Designs Resulting from the ACRS Review of the Evolutionary Light Water Reactors dated September 9, 1994 a.

Appendix V 6 442th ACRS Meeting

25. Memorandum to J.T. Larkins, Executive Directer, ACRS, from Ledyard B.

Marshi NRR, Subject. Draft Report of Reactor Water _ Cleanup' System (RWCS) Pipe Break Study dated May 2,1997 4 PRA implementation Plan

26. Table of Contents
27. Proposed Schedule
28. Status Report, dated June 11,1997  ;
29. SECY-97-076, " Quarterly Status Update for the Probabilistic Risk I Assessment (PRA) Implementation Plan," dated April 3,1997
30. Staff Requirements Memorandum,


Briefing on PRA implementation Plan (SECY-97-076) dated May 22,1997

31. Memorandum from R. W. Borchardt, NRR, to J. Larkins,


" Draft Guidance for use of Insights Derived from Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) in the inspection Program - w/ attachments dated May 28,1997

32. NUREG/BR-0228," Guidance for ProfessionalDevelopment of NRC Staff in Regulatory Risk Analysis," July 1996
33. Memorandum, from G. Holahan and B. Sheron, NRR, and W. Hodges and

. L. Shao, RES, to J. Larkins, ACRS,


Transmittal of Pre-decisional Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1063: "An Approach for Plant-Specific, Risk-Informed Decision- making: Inservice inspection of Pipes," and Draft Standard Review Plan Chapter 3.9.8, " Standard Review Plan for the Review of Risk-informed Inservice inspection Applications" w/o attachment dated June 3,1997 5 Proposed Staff Position on the Severe Accident Rulemaking

34. Table of Contents j
35. Proposed Agenda  ;
36. Status Report l
37. SECY-93-226 from J.M. Taylor, Executive Director for Operations,


Public Comments on 57 FR 44513 - Proposed R.uie on ALWR Severe Accident Performance, dated August 18,1993

38. Memorandum from S.J. Chilk, Secretary, to J.M. Taylor, Executive Director ,

for Operations,


SECY-93-226- Public Comments on 57 FR 44513 - l Proposed Rule on ALWR Severe Accident Performance i

39. Memorandum from M.W. Hodges, Director, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, to J.T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS,


Draft SECY on ALWR Severe Accident Rulemaking, dated June 4,1997 8 Proposed Regulatory Approach Associated with Steam Generator Tube Integnty

x .,

i Appendix V 7 442th ACRS Meeting

40. Table of Contents
41. Proposed Agenda
42. Status Report
43. Letter from T.S. Kress, Chairman, ACRS, to J.M. Taylor, Executive Director i

for Operations,


Proposed Rule of Steam Generator integrity, dated November 20,1996

44. Memorandum from L.J. Callan; Executive Director for Operations, to NRC Commissioners,


Steam Generator Rulemaking, dated May 23,1997 9 Prona=ad Final Ganarie Letter on A==urance of Nat Pamitive Suction Head for Emeraancy Core Cantina and Containment Heat Removal Pumos

45. Table of Contents
46. Proposed Agenda
47. Status Report
48. Draft NRC Generic Letter 97-XX,


Assurance of Sufficient Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal Pimps, dated June 19g7 ~

49. Staff Resolution of Public Comments Received on Draft Generic Letter,


Assurance of Sufficient Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core. Cooling and Containment Heat Removal Pumps, undated 10 Pronamad Ganarie Latter on Potential for Daarada+3nn of Emeraancy Core Coolina and Cordninment Sorav Svatams followina a i naa-of-Conlant ArAdant

50. Table of Contents
51. Proposed Agenda
52. Status Report
53. Memorandum from D.L. Meyer, Chief, Office of Administration, to M.M.

Slosson, Acting Director, NRR,


Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment for a Proposed Osneric Communication Regarding Potential for Degradation of the Emergency Core Cooling System and the Containment Spray System After a Loss-of-CoolantAccident because of Construction and Protective Coating Deficiencies and Foreign Material in the Containment, dated May 7,1997

- . ~

15 Poliev i==n= Parfainina to AP600 Da=lan

. . . . +x -

m . s

54. Table of Contents
55. Proposed Agenda
56. Status Report
57. Letter from T.S. Kress, Chairman, ACRS, to J.M. Taylor, Executive Director



,i Appendix V 8 442th ACRS Meeting for Operations,


Proposed Commission Paper on Staff Positions on Technical issues Pertaining to the Westinghouse AP600 Standardized Passive Reactor Design, dated June 15,1995

58. Report from T.S. Kress, Chairman, ACRS, to S.A. Jackson, Chairman, NRC,


SECY-96-128. " Policy and Key Technical issues Pertaining to the Westinghouse AP600 Standardized Passive Reactor Design", dated August 15,1996

59. Memorandum from J.M. Taylor, Executive Director for Operations, to NRC Commissioners,


Clanfication of Staff Position in SECY-96-128.

" Policy and Key Technical issues Pertaining to the Westinghouse AP600 Standard Pressurized Reactor Design", dated November 12,1996

60. Memorandum from J.C. Hoyle, Secretary, NRC, to H.L. Thompson, Jr.,

Acting Executive Director for Operations,


Staff Requirement -

SECY-96-128 - Policy and Key Technical issues Pertaining to the Westinghouse AP600 Standardized Passive Reactor Design, dated January 15,1997

61. SECY-97-044,


Policy and Key Technical issues Pertaining to the WestinghouseAP600 Standardized Passive Reactor Design, dated February 19,1997

62. Letter from B.A. McIntyre, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, to J.H. Hoyle, Secretary, NRC,


Westinghouse Comments on " Policy and Key Technical issues Pertaining to the Westinghouse AP600 Standardized Passive Reactor Design", dated March 13,1997

63. Memorandum from L.J. Callan, Executive Director for Operations, to the NRC Commissioners,


Westinghouse Comments on SECY-97-044,

" Policy and Key Technical issues Pertaining to the Westinghouse AP600 Standard Pressurized Reactor Design", dated May 16,1997 1

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