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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 970822
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/28/1997
From: Blaha J
SECY-97-196, SECY-97-196-R, WIR-970822, NUDOCS 9709090402
Download: ML20216D729 (23)


o-Auaust 28. 1997 SECY 97-196 f2C: The Commissioners f.ranj: James L. Blaha. Assistant for Operations. Office of the EDO Subiect: WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING AUGUST 22, 1997 Contents- Enclosure Nuclear Reactor Regulation A Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B Nuclear Regulatory Research C Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D General Counsel E*

-Administration F Chief Information Officer G Chief Financial Officer H*

Human Resources .

I Small Business & Civil Rights J*

Enforcement- K*

State Programs L*

Public Affairs M International Programs N*

Office of.the Secretary 0 Region'l P-Region 11 P Region 111 P Region IV P Executive Director for Operations 0* t Congressional Affairs R*

  • No input this week. \ -

3se O'7'I 9709090402 970828 James L. Blaha PDR cg cc p

Assistant for_ Operations. OE00


G. Tracy. OE00- O d - g --/ g -

Document Name: -C:\ WEEK 822. v NpP, F!iE emTEn CsBpa a $

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Avaust 28. W97 SECY 97-193 For: The Commissioners From: James L. Blaha, Assistant for Operations. Office of the EDO i Subiect: WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK END.ING AUGUST 22, 1997 i

Contents Enclosure Nuclear Reactor Regulation A Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B Nuclear Regulatory Research C Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D General Counsel E*

Administration F Chief Information Officer G Chief Financial Officer H*

Human Resources I Small Business & Civil Rights J*

Enforcement K*

State Programs L*

Public Affairs M International Programs N*

Office of the Secretary 0 Region I P Region II P Region III P Region IV P Executive Director for Operations 0*

Congressional Affairs R*

  • No input this week.

m mes L. Blaha

.,ssistant for Operations. OEDO


G. Tracy. OEDO

D Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation items of Interest Week Ending August 22. 1997 Instrument Nozzle Leakaae at Sonas Unit 3 During the last (cycle 9) refueling outage at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Unit 3. visual inspection was performed on all Inconel 600 I reactor coolant system (RCS) nozzles. Six (6) RCS instrument nozzles were found to be leaking. The leaking nozzles were identified by the presence of white residue. Isoto)ic analysis of the white residue was performed which had determined that the w11te residue was boric acid from the reactor coolant system (RCS). White residue indications were also found on three other RCS instrument nozzles but the confirmation test (isotopic analysis) was not performed and these 3 nozzles are designated by the licensee as " sus)ects".

The licensee reported these events in the licensee event reports (LER) Nos. '97-002 dated July 30.1997 and 97-001, dated May 9.1997. Based on the past

! inspection experience at SONGS Unit 3. the licensee attributed primary water l stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) to be the root cause for the observed instrument nozzle leakage. Prior to plant re-start the licensee repaired the 6 leaking RCS instrument nozzles and the 3 suspect nozzles. The reaair was performed by replacing the outer half of the Inconel 600 nozzle witi Inconel 690 material and the replacement was attached to the exterior surface of the RCS piping by welding.

PWSCC of Inconel 600 is not a new phenomenon. Similar cracking of Inconel 600 instrument nozzles was found in a number of other PWRs. PWSCC was also reported in other Inconel 600 components such as pressurizer thermal sleeves and steam generator tubes. The cracking in the instrument nozzles in the domestic PWRs has been reported to be axially oriented. The axial cracking is not expected to have significant impact on the structural integrity of the components. At SONGS Unit 3 the PWSCC of Inconel 600 instrument nozzles was also found in 1986. 1992, and 1995 outages. In 1995, the licensee developed an Inconel 600 nozzle inspection and replacement program. The subject inspection program requires inspection of all RCS Inconel 600 nozzles during every refueling outage. By letter dated July 11. 1997, the licensee submitted a relief request from the ASME Code to use a mechanical nozzle seal assembly (MNSA) as an alternate ASME Code replacement for the Inconel 600 instrument nozzles at SONGS Units 2 and 3. The subject relief request will be reviewed by the Division of Engineering (DE),

Meetina with the Westinahouse Owners Grouo on Reactor Internals DE personnel and other members of NRR and RES met with the Westinghouse Owners Group (WOG) on August 20. 1997, for a presentation on the status of the WOG reactor vessel internals Baffle Barrel Bolting Program. The background for the program was presented by the WOG Executive Advisory Committee Vice Chairman (Jack Bailey), and the program outline and status was presented by the WOG Chairman (Tom Greene).

Baffle former bolt degradation was reported in European plants from 1988 to l the present. Although not fully understood, some tests on degraded bolting August 22. 1997 ENCLOSURE A

9 suggest an age-related intergranular stress corrosion cracking process.

Materials and fluence may also contribute to the aging process. In 1992, the WOG initiated a multi-phase program to evaluate and assess the impact of potential bolt cracking of WOG reactor vessel internals baffle former bolts.

Baffle bolt degradation has not yet been observe

  • in domestic WOG plants, and Japanese utilities have not reported this type of bolt cracking. Some foreign utilities have performed UT inspections on baffle bolts while domestic plants rely on the visual ISI requirements of Section XI of the ASME Code. The cracking occurs at the juncture of the bolt head and Shank, which is not accessible for visual inspection. The WOG stated that due to the large number of bolts (over a thousand). the potential failure of a few bolts may not have a significant safety impact.
The WOG program includes
1) Development of analytical methods and criteria for acceptable bolt analysis: 2) Performance of risk informed evaluations:
3) Performance of analysis for acceptable bolting for three WOG lead plant groupings; 4) Participation in domestic and foreign related bolt activities:
5) Preparation of bid specifications for high production bolt inspection equipment; and 6) Preparations for inspection and replacement site activities.

The WOG requested to meet frequently with the NRC to provide updates, obtain feedback and obtain approval of licensing methodologies. The WOG program schedule indicates meetings and submittals in 1997 and 1998, with an NRC approval of the proposed inspection scope, inspection method and acceptance criteria and associated bases prior to )erforming baffle bolting inspection / replacement and testing on t1e initial lead plant (Point Beach) during the last quarter of 1998. The WOG requested staff support for the WOG program schedule. The next meeting is planned for the week of September 22, 1997.

Initial staff plans are to coordinate activities with the WOG similar to the staff's coordination with the BWR VIP on BWR internals issues. EMEB is to assume lead responsibility for DE. Implications for B&W and CE PWRs will also be considered.

Salem Nuclear Generatina Station. Units 1 and 2 Restart Status - Salem Unit 2 went critical at 1:14 AM on August 17, 1997.

However, on August 19, 1997, the unit returned to subcritical. Mode 3. because two analog rod position indicators (ARPI) differed from the group rod position-indication by more than the 12 steps allowed by the Technical Specifications.

The licensee expects to recalibrate these two ARPIs show that they are within the 12 steps and return to criticality by August 22, 1997. The licensee also plans to submit a request for an exigent change to the Technical Specification that would allow the ARPIs to differ by 18 steps from the group rod position indication. A similar change has been granted on several other plants and the technical staff is prepared to grant the amendment for Salem.

UCS Concern on Fire Barrier Penetration Seals - On August 15. 1997, the staff 1ssued a meeting notice and a se)arate letter to David Lochbaum of the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). Both documents stated that there will be a meeting on September 10, 1997, at 10:00 AM in Room 0-8B11 to discuss the August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE A

concerns expressed in Mr. Lochbaum's letter of August 5. 1997. The letter to Mr. Lochbaum stated that if information is requested during the meeting that we are unable to provide or if new questions arise, we will respond in writing or at another meeting, as appropriate.

Seabrook Station. Unit 1 On June 4. 1997 notice was published in two news) apers in the area I surrounding the Seabrook Station to inform the pu)lic of a proposed amendment that the staff would be processing as an exigency and to obtain comments on the proposed no significant hazards determination. The amendment was issued on June 24, 1997. The notice drew comments from two sources. One of the commenters, the Seacoast Antipollution League (SAPL) indicated their intent to request a hearing on the proposed amendment. Notice offering the opportunity to request a hearing was published on July 16, 1997, and the period to make the request expired on August 15. 1997. SAPL has not requested l a hearing.

Monticello In a letter dated August 18, 1997, the licensee requested an exemption from state and local participation in Monticello's biennial emergency preparedness exercise scheduled for November 18, 1997. The licensee is required to conduct

a full participation exercise in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50. Appendix E.

Section IV.F.2.c. The reason for the exemption request is based on the hardships faced by both the state and the surrounding counties following a year of major disasters. The Minnesota Division of Emergency Management had requested a hardship exemption from FEMA on behalf of the state of Minnesota.

Sherburne participationandinWright County, by's exercise. letter dated August 12, 1997, for the Monticello Minnesota has worked through seven Presidential Declarations of Major Disasters within the last two years. Sherburne and Wright County are still conducting damage assessments for their third Presidential Declaration in the last eight months.

On August 15. 1997, the state, licensee. FEMA Region 5 (Chicago office), and the NRC (staffs from both NRR and Region III) conducted a conference call to discuss the state's August 12, 1997. letter. FEMA granted the state's exemption request on August 21. 1997. In any event, the licensee plans to conduct its exercise with a modified exercise scenario. In view of these exemptions, the staff is reassessing the value of NRC participation which is planned for the Monticello exercise.

August 22. 1997 ENCLOSURE A

4 Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Items of Interest Week Ending August 22, 1997 Meetina with Westinahouse Electric Corooration On August 13, 1997, Spent Fuel Project Office staff met with Westinghouse Electric Corporation to discuss issues related to the Westinghouse WESFLEX system, a spent fuel storage transport system based on the Multi-Purpose Canister system developed by the Department of Energy. Westinghouse submitted an application for approval of the WESFLEX system in May 1997. The application was rejected by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because it did not contain the information necessary for the staff to perform a review, and because the entire application had been marked as proprietary.

l During the August 13 meeting, Westinghouse discussed plans to improve the l application and to resolve the concerns over proprietary material.

Westinghouse also discussed its dro)-load analysis, breach containment analysis, shielding analysis, and tiermal analysis methodologies.

Westinghouse plans to re-submit the application in late October 1997.

Meetina Reaardina Transoort of Transuranic.!fastes On August 12-13, 1997. Spent Fuel Project Office staff met with Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Waste Isolation Division staff regarding transport of transuranic wastes. These wastes, stored at Department of Energy facilities throughout the country, will be trans3orted by truck to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant located in Carlsbad, New iexico. The wastes will be transaorted in Nuclear Regulatory Commission-certified packages, including the TRU)ACT-II package that was certified in 1989. Westinghouse presented a briefing regarding waste classification and certification for transport in the TRUPACT-II 3ackage. Westinghouse is also developing a new aackage, the Halfpack, tlat is a shortened version of the TRUPACT-II paccage, and presented details of the physical tests that will be performed to support the Halfpack certification process. (There is no information on when an application for the Halfpack will be received.)

Meetinas on Materials and Medical Issues On August 18-21, 1997, staff from the Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety (IMNS) met with a representative from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and an IAEA consultant to assist the IAEA in drafting performance indicators for countries with developing materials regulatory programs. The performance indicators would be used by such countries in self-assessing the effectiveness of their regulatory programs.

On August 21, 1997, IMNS staff also met with a representative from the Pan American Health Organization, to discuss medical regulatory issues.

Material Control and Accountina Licensina Workshoo for Russian Reaulators August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE B mm

On August 18-20, 1997, a Material Control and Accounting (MC&A) worksho) was held for six representatives of the Russian regulatory agency GOSATOMNA)ZOR-(GAfD, at Nuclear Regulatory Commission Headquarters. The workshop was conducted under Activity Group 6.5-97 of the Lisbon Initiative Priority 6 (MC&A and Ph sical Protection), and dealt primarily with the MC&A aspects of licensing hi h-enriched and low-enriched uranium fuel fabrication facilities.

Security Insoector Trainino Workshoo On August 18-22. 1997, a workshop was held for representatives from Russia.

Ukraine. Kazakstan, and Armenia. This " comprehensive threat reduction" activity for the former Soviet Republics was conducted by the Oak Ridge National Laboratories for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and took place at the NRC's Technical Training Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee. NRC regional security inspcctors also served as instructors during the course, which included an on-site mock inspection / tour of the nearby Sequoyah Nuclear Power l Plant, i Meetina with Members of the Hiah Enriched Uranium Oversiaht Committee On August 20, 1997. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff met with members of the High Enriched Uranium (HEU) Oversight Committee. The HEU Oversight Committee is an interagency organization that manages the execution of the U.S.-Russian HEU Agreement. and oversees the U.S. Enrichment Corporation's (USEC) role as the executive agent for that agreement. The NRC staff briefed the Committee on NRC proposals to meet the requirements of the USEC l Privatization Act.

Meetina on Groundwater Corrective Action Proaram at Church Rock Site On August 13, 1997, staff from the Division of Waste Management participated in a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) meeting in Albucuerque. New Mexico, with personnel from United Nuclear Corporation (UNC) anc its contractor, to discuss the groundwater corrective action program (CAP) at UNC's Church Rock site near Gallup, New Mexico. The meeting was convened by EPA Region 6 (Dallas. Texas), and was attended by representatives from the New Mexico Environment Division (NMED). the New Mexico Office of the Natural Resources Trustee, and the Navajo Nation Environmental Protection Agency Navajo Superfund Program (NSP). The )rimary purpose of the meeting was to bring recently assigned EPA, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NMED, and NSP personnel up to date on the Church Rock groundwater CAP and to discuss plans for future joint agency reviews. The Church Rock site is on the EPA's National Priorities List as a Superfund site. The NRC is the lead agency for the Church Rock site, through a Memorandum of Understanding with the EPA, and is enforcing EPA groundwater standards at the site, as well as NRC requirements.

Deoartment of Enerav Title I Groundwater Workshoo On August 12-13, 1997, the Department of Energy (DOE) Grand Junction Office conducted a two-day workshop on regulatory and technical issues associated with the groundwater cleanup phase of Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE B

Act Title 1 Uranium Mill Tailings remediation. Staff from the Division of Waste Management attended the Workshop, along with representatives from the States of Utah. Wyoming, and Colorado: the Navajo Nation: the Hopi Tribe: and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The workshop focused on the current status of Site Observational Work Plans for the groundwater cleanup at various sites, and a programmatic forecast for future site cleanups, given DOE's current budget constraints. DOE contractors presented summaries of current studies on organic contamination from previous milling operations, groundwater l contamination associated with large vicinity property sites. and transient /

drainage impacts from in place closure of tailings. Several participants recommended that DOE explore the potential of operating a web site for l continuing updates of groundater cleanup activities and allow data transfers from DOE data bases. The next such Workshop is tentatively scheduled for Summer 1998.

Involvement in Oversiaht of Deoartment of Enerav Disoosal Facility On August 14. 1997 Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff met with I representatives of Waste Control Specialists Inc. (WCS). to discuss potential  ;

NRC involvement in regulatory oversight of a proposed facility for the disposal of low level waste (LLW) (all classes) and mixed waste (MW) (all categories) generated by the Department of Energy (DOE). The site would be located in Andrews County. Texas, adjacent to WCS's current Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and Toxic Substances Control Act disaosal facility. According to WCS. the proposed facility would accept LLW and MW exclusively from DOE under a DOE contract. Under such an arrangement, the facility normally would not fall within NRC regulatory jurisdiction. From the information presented by WCS..the proposed facility has strong support from the local community and the Texas Congressional delegation. Under the WCS proposal, regulatory oversight would be )rovided by a third party under a separate contract to DOE. However. WCS 1as been unsuccessful in arranging such oversight. Due to their lack of success. WCS met with NRC staff to 3 resent a proposal that NRC serve as the third party. Under this aro)osal.

4RC would review the license application as it would review a 10 C R Part 61 application, but it would do so under an agreement with DOE, Follow-on regulatory oversight could also be part of such an agreement, according to the WCS proposal. NRC staff made no commitments regarding the proposal.

Fort-St. Vrain Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioned On August 5. 1997, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission terminated the operating license of the decommissioned Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station (License DPR-34) near Platteville. Colorado, and released the site for unrestricted use. This was done on the basis of the decommissioning activities conducted by the licensee, the NRC review of the licensee's termination survey final report, the results of the NRC inspections, and the results of NRC confirmatory surveys.

August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE B 1

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Items of Interest Week Ending August 22, 1997 Steam Generator Tubes Obtained from McGuire The NRC staff continues to find that flaws may go undetected in steam generator-tubes 40 to 60% of the time. They are not being detected by ultrasonic and eddy current testing. Since 1995. RES has had a program addressing this concern, in particular focusing on more recently observed forms of degradation such as outer diameter stress corrosion cracking and circumferencial cracking at the top of the tube sheet.

Performing NRC analyses has been hampered by the difficulty of obtaining service-degraded samples--in fact.-in recent years only about 100 steam tubes have been removed from service in the United States. - On August 4. RES completed a project to remove approximately 60 tubes or sections of tubes from retired McGuire steam generators. significantly adding to the number of samples available. The generators were suffering from outer diameter stress corrosion cracking, circumferential cracking at the tube sheet, and free-span cracking. The tubes will be shipped from the McGuire site to the Argonne National Laboratory for evaluation. The total exposures for the project will be 35 person-rem +/- 0.5: the licensee had set a limit of 35.

Meetinas with the Nuclear Enerav Institute. Federal Aviation Aaency. and the Food and Druo Administration On August 6, 1997. staff members from RES. NRR, NMSS and AE00 met with representatives of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) to discuss Direction Setting Issue 13 (DSI-13). " Role of Industry." which addresses the consideration that NRC in performing-its regulatory responsibilities, should give to industry activities. The discussion concentrated on. industry initiatives and related decision criteria and the NRC use of standards. The NEI staff explained the decision criteria they use to determine if an industry initiative is worth pursuing and emphasized the importance of timely endorsements of the ASME Code and code cases.

On August 7. 1997, staff members from RES, NRR, and NMSS held separate meetings with staff members from the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at their respective headquarters. The meetings were held as part of the staff's-interaction with stakeholders to support the response to the Commission's final decision (SECY-96-062) on DSI-

13. The NRC staff provided each agency with an overview of the NRC Strategic Assessment and Rebaselining Initiative with a focus on DSI-13. The discussions with each agency centered on selected DSI-13 options: Option 1.

which would continue the current program on industry initiatives but improves

-the-efficiency of NRC review of industry proposals by the issuance of staff guidance to describe the process and the general decision criteria NRC would use-for-evaluation: and Option 4, which would increase NRC focus and emphasis August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE C

4 on working with industry groups, professional societies, and technical institutes to develop and endorse new codes, standards, and guides that would improve licensee performance and thereby permit further credit of licensee activities by NRC.

The meetings were helpful to the NRC staff both in obtaining information relevant to DSI-13 and also in gaining a better understanding of the j similarities and differences in interactions between the three agencies and i their regulated industries and each agency's participation in the development and use of standards.

l August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE C

e Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data items of Interest Week Ending August 22. 1997 Preliminary Notifications (PNs)

d. PNO-I-97-052. Public Service Electric & Gas Co. (Salem 2). SALEM UNIT 2 REACTOR CRITICAL
f. PNO-Ill-97-067. Wisconsin Electric Power Co. (Point Beach 2), UNIT 2 RESTART
g. PNO-IV-97-044A. U.S. Air Force (Brooks Air Force Base). UPDATE ON THE MISSING CESIUM-137 CALIBRATION SOURCE August 22. 1997 ENCLOSURE D

Office of Administration Items of Interest Week Ending August 22, 1997 Contract Award On August 13, 1997, a cost-plus-fixed-fee contract with Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) was definitized. The total estimated cost of this contract

-is $269,578. The work, entitled. "rechnical Assistance in the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for the Application for a License to Operate l an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) to Store TMI-2 Spent Fuel at the Idaho Nuclear Engineering Lab (INEL) Site," was originally awarded under a letter contract on May 21, 1997. It is a " work for others" award to SwRI to maintain essential-capabilities at the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA). The period of performance is May 30, 1997  !'

through September 30, 1996. Streamlining initiatives utilized included: S0W

electronically transmitted
proposal preparation time reduced: waived audit i

requirements: and simplified evaluation report.

l OWFN Restack '

The 17th floor phase of the One White Flint North Restack Project is completed. The followina occupants and their immediate staffs will move into their offices over the August 22-24 weekend: Executive Director for

-Operations: General Counsel: Chief Financial Officer: Chief Information Officer and the Director, Office of Congressional Affairs.

Floors 2, 3, 4 and 17 are now completed. Over the next several weeks the workstations on the 4th floor will be reconfigured to accommodate the next occu) ants from the 16th floor. The 16th floor phase is scheduled to begin Octo)er 6. 1997.

Rulemakina Activities- Final Policy Statement on the Restructurina and Economic-Dereaulation of the Electric Utility Industry (Part 50)

The NRC published a final policy statement in the Federal Register on August 19, 1997 (62 FR 44071),- regarding its ex)ectations for and its intended

-approach to power reactor licensees as tie electric utility industry moves

from an environment of rate regulation toward greater competition. The NRC is concerned that_ rate deregulation and disaggregation resulting from-various restructurings involving )ower reactor licensees could have adverse effects cq the protection of public lealth and safety. The policy statement becomes effective October 20. 1997.

August 22. 1997 ENCLOSURE F

Chief Information Officer Items of Interest Week Ending August 22, 1997 Sionificant F0IA/PA Reauests Received durina the 5-Day Period of Auaust 15-21.


IMPAC list (F01A/PA-97-308)-

Materials license for site in Rochester NY operated by Medeva Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing. (F0IA/PA-97-309)  ;

GPI, Inc. , Phoenix, AZ. copy of license package. (F01A/PA-97-310)

Congressman Charles Schumer NY correspondence with from 1986-1997.


Millstone Units 1.2 and 3. records by six named law firms. (F01A/PA-97-312)

F01As97-208. 97-217 and 97-221 all released records. (F01A/PA-97-313)

Southern California Edison. San Onofre response to request for information per 10 CFR 50.54(f). Design Bases Information. (F0lA/PA-97-314)

San Onofre contamination of four kittens on 2/1/96. (F01A/PA-97-315)

Contract 03-93-026. task 114. Conflict of Interest Investigation. (F0IA/PA-97-316)

Maine Yankee. 01 report 1-96-025 and 1-960040. (F01A/PA-97-317)

Pennsylvania Power and Light (PP&L). enforcement conference transcript.


-_NRC description and 10 CFR Part 19. (F01A/PA-97-319)

-Maine Yankee, Contractors responsible for cable problems. (F0IA/PA-97-320)

August 22. 1997 ENCLOSURE G


Office of Human Resources i Items of Interest Week Ending August 22, 1997 Arrivals None.

Retirements None.


August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE I

Office of Public Affairs Items of Interest Week Ending August 22, 1997 I

Media Interest H0 and Region I PAQs received 3ress interest on the New Hampshire man accused of killing several people who 1ad unescorted access to three Northeast nuclear power plants.

Press Releases Headauarters:

97-122 NRC Issues Final Policy Statement on Economic Deregulation of Nuclear Power Plants Reaions:

i I-97-106 NRC Staff Proposes $55.000 Fine For Alleged Violations at l Ginna I-97-107 NRC Staff Rates Fitzpatrick " Good" in all Four Areas of Latest Assessment I-97-108 NRC Proposes $55.000 Fine for Violation at Indian Point 3 1-97-109 NRC Staff Proposes $2.750 Fine for Violations at Overlook Hospital 11-97-60 NRC and FPC Officials to Meet at Crystal River on August 21 to Discuss Status of Progress Toward Restart of Unit 3 Reactor 111-97-77 NRC Inspection Team to Present Preliminary Findings on Circuit Breaker Failure at Clinton Nuclear Plant August 22. 1997 ENCLOSURE M

Office of the Secretary items of Interest Week Ending August 22, 1997 Decision Documents Released to the Public Opcument Data Subject

1. SECY-97-139 July 7. 1997 Proposed Rule. License Applications for Certain items Containing Byproduct Material (10 CFR Part 32)

SRM on 97-139 August 14, 1997 (same)

Voting Record August 14. 1997 (same) on 97-139

3. SECY-97-140 July 8. 1997 Memorandum of Understanding and Interagency Agreement. Between the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, on Aluminum-Based Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel SRM on 97-140 August 14. 1997 (same)

Voting Record August 14. 1997 (same) on 97-140

4. M970806A August 21. 1997 Meeting with Northeast Nuclear on Millstone (SECY-97-166)

Neaative Consent Documents Released to the Public

1. SECY-97-134 June 24, 1997 Commercial Use of NRC-Developed Thermal-Hydraulic Codes by Non-U.S. Organizations SRM on 97-134 August 13. 1997 (same)

Voting Record August 13, 1997 (same) on 97-134 Information Papers Released to the Public

1. SECY-97-18S August 14. 1997 Weekly Information Report -

Week Ending August 8. 1997 Commission Corresoondence Released to the Public

1. Letter to Congress dtd 8/12/97 concerns NRC's role in regulating the medical use of radioactive material August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE O
2. Letter to Senator Lauch Faircloth dtd 8/12/97 concerns NRC's role in regulating the medical use of radioactive material
3. Letter to B.C. Winkler Republic of South Africa Council for Nuclear Safety, dtd 8/8/97 concerns attendance at the full-scale Koeberg emergency exercise
4. Letter Dr. Agnes Bishop. Canada Atomic Energy Control Board, dtd 8/8/97 l concerns invitations to visit mine sites
5. Letter to Eiji Takeuchi. Techno Chubu Company. Ltd. Japan, dtd 8/8/97 expresses congratulations on his new position Letter to Representative Pete Hoekstra dtd 8/8/97 concerns the use of 6.

Project Labor Agreements

7. Letter to Representative Sam Gejdenson dtd 8/8/97 concerns the GA0 report entitled " Nuclear Regulation: Preventing Problem Plants Requires More Effective NRC Action" August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE O

Region I Items of Interest Week Ending August 22, 1997 Presentation at Harvard On August 15. 1997, John Kinneman. Chief. Nuclear Materials Safety Branch No.

2 Region I made a presentation on the Regulation of Radioactive Materials Users to about 50 partici3 ants in a class on Occupational and Environmental Radiation Protection at t1e Harvard School of Public Health.

1 4


August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE P

Region II Items of Interest Week Ending August 22. 1997 South Carolina Electric and Gas Comoany - Summer Representatives from South Carolina Electric and Gas Company were in the Regional Office on August 18 to discuss corrective actions for repetitive violations involving failure to follow engineering requirements for storage of material in various plant locations. In addition, the licensee provided a review of the plans for the upcoming October refueling outage.

On August 22. the licensee reported confirmation of a positive drug test result for a reactor operator. The operator was escorted from the site and the operator's access was terminated.

Tennessee Valley Authority - Watts Bar On August 18 representatives from Tennessee Valley Authority were in the Regional Office to discuss self-assessment of plant performance at the Watts Bar facility. The licensee provided assessment of performance in operations.

maintenance, engineering and )lant support. The representatives also discussed actions they had taten to address NRC's assessment in the last SALP report.

Browns Ferry Remedial Exercise On August 18. The Regional State Liaison Officer participated as a member of the Regional Assistance Committee in the Browns Ferry remedial exercise, involving State and local government officials. This action was required to resolve the Deficiency identified during the conduct of the full-scale Browns Ferry exercise conducted on June 4, 1997.

Subsequent to the remedial exercise, officials of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) verbally advised both State / local officials and representatives of the Tennessee Valley Authority that the previously identified FEMA concerns were satisfactorily demonstrated and that the outstanding Deficiency has been fully resolved.

Southeast Nuclear Plant Manaaer's Association Meetina The Regional Director of the Division of Reactor Projects and the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation attended the Southeast Nuclear Plant Manager's Association Meeting in Augusta. Georgia on August 21. They and the plant managers discussed issues including NRC generic issue resolution.

10 CFR 50.59 initiatives, and.NRC's inspection.. licensing, and assessment processes.

Nuclear Fuel Services. Inc.

On August 22, 1997. Region II and the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NNSS) approved the licensee's request to add an additional August 22. 1997 ENCLOSURE P

'M operation to the NRC license. The operation includes recovering uranium-235 residual material in uranium hexafluoride (UF ) cylinders from the U.S.

Enrichment Corporation gaseous diffusion plank in Portsmouth. Ohio. The NRC

  • decision was based on the Region's and NMSS' operational readiness inspections and a Safety Evaluation Report.

I l

l l

l l

August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE P

Region III ltems of Interest Week Ending August 22, 1997 Chairman Shirley Ann Jackson Visits Clinton Nuclear Power Plant On August 19, 1997 Chairman Jackson visited the Clinton Nuclear Power Plant.

During her visit to the plant, she met with the resident inspectors and toured the facility. She also met with Illinois Power Company management, NRC Regional Administrator A. Bill Beach accompanied the Chairman on her visit to the plant. Following her tour, the Chairman held a news media briefing.

Auamented Insoection Team Public Exit -- Clinton Nuclear Power Plant 1

On August 20, 1997, the Augmented Ins)ection Team (AIT) held a public exit at '

the Clinton Nuclear Power Plant. The 4RC AIT performed an independent review of the circumstances surrounding the failure of a residual heat removal pump breaker to o)en upon demand. The utility's investigation has attributed the failure to t1e lack of appropriate maintenance and lubrication of circuit breaker components.

On August 5. 1997, the 4.160 volt Westinghouse circuit breaker failed during a planned switch of pumps. At the time of the incident, the unit was being prepared for startup after a refueling outage which began September 5.1996.

NRC Region III Regional Administrator A. Bill Beach and James L. Caldwell.

Deputy Regional Administrator, attended the public exit. Regional Administrator A. Bill Beach conducted a news media briefing following the exit meeting.

Commonwealth Edison Manaaement Chanae Announced On August 18. 1997 Unicom/ Comed Chairman James J. O'Connor announced the resignation of Vice Chairman Leo F. Mullin. Mullin has been named President and CEO of Delta Air Lines, effective immediately. A replacement for Leo Mullin has not been named.

Consumers Enerav/ CMS Enerav Manaaement Chanae On August 20. 1997. CMS Energy Chairman and CEO William T. McCormick. Jr..

announced the resignation of President and Chief Executive Officer Mike Morris. Effective immediately Dave Joos will become President and Chief Executive Officer-Electric, and Paul Elbert will become President and Chief Executive Officer-Gas for Consumers Energy. They report to Chairman McCormick through Vic Fryling. President and Chief Operating Officer of CMS Energy.

Manaaement Chances Announced for Commonwealth Edison's Zion Nuclear Power Station On August 20. 1997, the following management changes were announced regarding the Zion Nuclear Power Station: George Vanderheyden leaves the Operations Manager position to take on special projects at Comed's corporate office: Tim August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE P

1 0'Connor, Restart Manager, has become Operations Manager: Dave Bump. Unit 1 Maintenance Manager, assumes the position of Restart Manager: Mark Shimmel, Unit 2 Maintenance Manager, has become Maintenance Manager: Frank Higgens, Work Control / Daily Manager, assumes the position of Work Control Manger: Tom Kirwin, Work Control /0utage Manager, has become Outage Manager: Gus Ponce.

Electrical Maintenance Manager, assumes the position of Construction Manager:

and Randy Thorsen Unit 2 Mechanical Maintenance Superintendent, has become Electrical Maintenance Manger.

August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE P

Region IV Items of Interest Week Ending August 22. 1997 Eghlic Meetina with the Nebraska Public Power District (Coooer Nuclear Station)

On August 21, 1997. the Regional Administrator and members of his staff held a focus meeting with Cooper Nuclear Station management at Brownville. Nebraska.

During the meeting, findings from a recent Region IV inspection associated with operability assessments and 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations were discussed. The meeting was attended by licensee senior managers and approximately 20 members of the licensee's staff. l Manaaement Meetina with Southern California Edison. Co.

A management meeting was held with representatives of Southern California Edison. Co. on August 21, 1997, in the Region IV. Arlington. Texas office.

The purpose of the meeting, which was open to the public, was to provide the licensee the opportunity to discuss the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Maintenance Rule program criteria for the reactor coolant system and the methods used to address identified Inconel 600 nozzle penetration cracking.

August 22, 1997 ENCLOSURE P
