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Reiterates L Robertson 860707 Telcon Request for Two Fixed Federal Protective Officer Posts for 17th & 18th Floors of White Flint North Bldg
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/28/1986
From: Brady R
To: Lash R
Shared Package
ML20215L667 List:
FOIA-86-588 NUDOCS 8610290259
Download: ML20215L723 (4)


N SEC FEN FILE: FAC 1.00.16 PHYS 3.07.01 JUL E 8 B36 D/SEC R/F FSOSB R/F Randolph B. Lash, Director GSA/FPSD Washington Navy Yard Annex Building 159E, 2nd Floor 2nd and M Streets S.E.

Washington, D.C. 20407

Dear Mr. Lash:

This will confirm Mr. Lewis Robertson's July 7, 1986 conversation with you during which he requested two fixed Federal Protective Officer (FP0) pests, similar to the posts currently at the Matomic Building, for the 17th and IEth floors of our new White Flint North (WFN) Building. NRC is con-solidating its Headquarters activities in Rockville, Maryland as noted in the enclosed GSA news release dated April 11, 1986.

We base this request on the fact that the Commissioners will move to WFN and we would like FP0's in this building since it will be the focus of many sensitive meetings and public hearings. As you know, we have had demon-strations, threats, and arrests connected with our activities. Also NRC will have highly classified information at this location, as well as nur,arous visitors from foreign governments and international organizations.

NRC v ?uld like to have' FP0's at WFN because of the above needs and because of their high degree of professionalism.

We are currently planning for two posts (12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> per day, five days a week, excluding holidays) and anticipate their need beginning in early 1987.

Thank you for your cooperation and your attention to this request. If you have any quesi. ions, please contact Richard A. Dopp on 492-4124.

Sincerely, 3 * Q od Ey Mj-WadJ.Emdy Raymond J. Brady, Director Division of Security Office of Administration


As stated bcc: M. L. Springer, ADM R. A. Dopp, SEC F. A. Maturo, SEC R. E. Iselin, ADM L. Robertson, SEC

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U GSA $8641 NEWS Re ease Apru 11, 1986 GSA Purchases hhite Flint Building; Will Consolidate NRC In Rockville The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) tcday announ.W it has signed an a2ree ent with White Flint North Limited Partnership to purchase One White Flint ibrth, an 18-story office building in Rockville, for $47,500,000.

Final settlenant is scheduled for October. (

William F. Sullivan, carsnissioner of GSA's Public Buildings Service, said ,

the purchase is the first step in a 'two part consolidation of 2,600 enployees of the Nuclear Regulatory Ctanission (NRC), currently housed in 10 locations in Maryland and the District of Coltinbia.

Sullivan said this is GSA's first major purchase of a building in the Wash-4 ington suburbs for the consolidation of a govern.ent agency, including the relo-cation of NRC's headquarters staf f frcn high-cost downtown space. In addition to administrative savings, the consolidation gives NRC greater opportunities for efficiency as a result of having note of its offices in a single location now, and all of them there within the next three years.

The purchase agreement includes an option for GSA to lease space in an ad-jacent twin office tower, scheduled for construction within two years. Exercise of the option, which would permit full consolidation of NRC in Rockville, re-quires action by the House 'Public Wrks Committee.

"The purcha,se of One White Flint denenstrates GSA's ccmnitnunt to federal ertployees to provide safe, high quality office space in less expensive, suburban locations, with consideration given to ecututing time and accessibility to mass

! transit," sullivan said.,

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U.S. General Services Administration, Washington, DC 20405 (202) 566-1231

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Sullivan called the purchase a very sound investment." By owning the building rather than renting it, GSA estinates the current value of its savings at nore than S14,000,000. The purchase also allows GSA to avoid payments for taxes and insurance totalling nore than $400,000 annually.

Sullivan said the relocation implemnts President Reagan's Executive Or-der on work space canagerent reform by achieving an 80,000 square foot reduc-tion frm NRC's present requirements. The new space utilization rate will be 135 square feet per person conpared with 199 square feet now.

Following settlement in October, about 1,500 NRC erployees will begin nov-ing into the building, with full occupancy expected by January 1987.

The office tower is located at Rockville Pike and Marinelli Road on 2-1/2 acres across the street from the White Flint Ntro Station. It was conpleted in February, but never occupied. 'Ihe building has approximately 286,000 square feet of first-class office space, 10,000 square feet of prine retail space, 8,700 square feet of storage space, and four levels of parking for 446 cars.

According to Sullivan GSA anticipates income to the goverment from com-mercial leases at the site for tenant-related services will exceed S500,000 annually.

"GSA will continue to purchase buildings - especially in real estate narkets experiencing high vacancy rates -- because it is the most expeditious way for the governnent to reap the econcnies of housing federal employees in governnent-owned buildings," Sullivan said. -

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5EC '% FILE: FAC 1.0'.16 3 g, ,' g q .4 PHYS 3.07.01

. D/5EC F./F FSCSE F./F 4

f.ardolph E. Lash, Di rec tor GSA/FPSD Washington Navy Yard Annex Euilding 159E, 2nd Floor 2nc and M Strcets S.E.

Washington, D.C. 20407

Dear Mr. Lash:

This will confira Mr. Lewis Robertsor.'s July 7,1986 conversation with you during which he requested two fired Federal Protective Officer (FPC) pcsts, sin.ilar to the posts currently at the Matomic Building, for the 17th and IEth floors of our new White Flint North (WFN) Building. NRC is con-solidating its Headquarters activities in Rockville, Marylard as noted in the enclosed GSA news release dated April 11, 1986.

We base this request on the fact that the Commissioners will move to WFN and ws would like FPO's in this building since it will be the focus of many ser.sitive aaetings and public hearings. As you know, we have had demon-straticns , threats, and arrests connected with our activities. Also NRC will have highly classified information at this location, as well as nur. arcus visitors from foreigr. gover.nments and international organizations.

NRC & :'uld like tc have FP0's at WFN because of the above needs and because of their high degree of professionalism.

We are currently planning for two posts (12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> per day, five days a week, excluding holidays) and anticipate their need beginning in early 1987.

Thank you for your cooperation and your attention to this request. If you have any quescions, please contact Richard A. Dopp on 492-4124.

Sincerely, M::, s\ '2;;Md Ey

  • ./.7:hd J. EW&/

Raymond J. Brady, Director

  • Division of Security Office of Administration


As stated bcc: M. L. Springer, ADM R. A. Dopp, SEC

f. A. Maturo, SEC R. E. Iselin, ADM L. Robertson, SEC

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Gsr ess41 News Release QrH H , 1986 GCA Pgrchases htite Flint Building; Will Consolidate NRC In Rockville The U.S. General Services Aininistration (GSA) tcday annourced it has signed an agres.ent with hhite Flint North Limited Partnership to purchase One White Flint N3rth, an 18-story of fice building in Rcckville, for $47,500,000.

Firal settle ere is scheduled for October. f William F. Sullivan, ccmissioner of GSA's Public Buildings Service, said the purchase is the first step in a two part consolidation of 2,600 enplcryees of the Nac1. ar F4,gulatory Ccrinission (NRC), currently housed in 10 locations in Faryland and the District of Colunbia.

Sullivan said this is GSA's first trajor purchase of a building in the Wash-ington subarbs for the consolidation of a govern.ent agency, including the relo-cation of tac's headquarters staf f frun high-cost dwntown space. In addition to aininistrative savings, the consolidation gives NRC greater opportunities for efficiency as a result of having core of its offices in a sin.ile location ncw, and all of them there within the next three years.

The purchase agree ent includes an option for GSA to lease space in an ad-jacent twin of fice tower, scheduled for construction within two years. Exercise of the option, which would pennit full consolidation of NRC in Rockville, re-quires action by the House Public Warks Ccmittee.

"The pJrchase of One hhite Flint de onstrates GSA's ccmitsunt to federal employees to provide saf e, high quality office space in less expensive, suburban locations, with consideration given to comuting tine and accessibility to mass transit," Sullivan said.

_ _m_ _

U.S. General Services Administration, Washington, DC 20405 (202) 566-1231

s s Sullivan called the purchase "a very s >und inves trent. " By owning the building rather than renting it, GSA estinates the current value of its savings at nore than S14,000,000. The purchase also allows GSA to avoid paitnents for taxes and insurance totalling trore than S400,000 annually.

Sullivan said the relocation implccents President Reagan's Executive Or-der on work sace ranagement reforTn by achieving an 80,000 square foot reduc-tion fmr t T<C's present requirements. The rew sace utilization rate will be 135 s7;are feet Mr g-rson conpared with 199 square feet ncw.

Following settle ent in October, about 1,500 hRC erployees will begin rov-irg into the bailding, with full occupancy expected by January 1987.

The of fice tower is located at Rxkville Pike and Parinelli Fo3d on 2-1/2 acres across the street from the hhite Flint K?tro Station. It was co.plete:i in February, but never occupied. The building has approximately 286,000 square feet of first-class office space, 10,000 square feet of prine retail space, 8,700 square feet of storage space, and four levels of parking for 446 cars.

Accordirg to Sullivan GSA anticipates incere to the goverrunent from ccc-mercial leases at the site for tenant-related services will exceed S500,000 annaally.

"GSA will continue to purchase buildings -- especially in real estate rrarkets experiencing high vacancy rates -- because it is the most expeditious way for the governnunt to reap the econonics of housing federal employees in governnent-owned buildings," Sullivan said. -

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