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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Protective Personnel at White Flint North.App D Documents Forwarded & Available in PDR
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/22/1986
From: Grimsley D
To: Till T
Shared Package
ML20215L667 List:
FOIA-86-588 NUDOCS 8610290237
Download: ML20215L663 (2)


U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSCN h~c sois kaoutst muustasi



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(es... INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST 'M g 3 g CC 3E' % Ysta5 <* att cao*


% mas 19. T[LL PART L-RECOuDS RELEASED OR NOT LOCATED (See caecned coness No agency recorce swbrect to tne request have been located.

No additional agency records subrect to the reavest have been located.

Agency records subre ct to the request that are identifed in Appendia ere already evadab6e for public arspecten and coppng a the NRC Pubhc Documerit Room.

1717 H Street. N.W., Washmgton. DC.

Agency records subpoet to the request that are identsfed in Appendin O are bemg made avadabie for pubhc inspection and copyrig in the NRC Pubhc Document Room.1717 H Street. N.W., Washmgton. DC, in a folder under the FOIA number and roowester name.

The nonproenetary versen of the proposal (s) that you agrood to accept in a toiephone conversation with a member of my staff e now being made evadab6e for pubhc espection and coymg et the NRC Pubhc Document Room.1717 H St set. N W., Washmgton. DC. in a folder under the FOIA number and requester name.

Enclosed e information on how you may obtain eccess to and the charges for copying records placed in the NRC Pubhc Document Room.1717 H Street. N.W.. Washirigton DC.

Agency records subrect to the request are enclosed. Any apphcabie charge for copies of the recoros provided and payment procedures are noted m the comments section.

Records subtect to the request have been referred to another Federal agencybest for review and direct response to you.

In vow of NRC's response to the recueet. aa farther seixm is being taiten on appeal letter dated PART fl.A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Cortem mformaten e me roovested records is beeng wthheld from public declosure pursuant to the FOIA esemptons desenbod in and for the reasons stated m Part 11. sec-tione B. C. end D. Any reieased portions of the documents for wtuch only part of the record is being mthheid are being made available for public mspection and cooving m the NRC Pubhc Document Room.1717 H Street. N.W., Washington, DC. m a foader under the FOIA number and requester name.

Commeme i

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.. ,' l F01A-86-588 APPENDIX D

1. 4/18/86 Note to J. J. Dunleavy from W. G. Burnside re: Protective Personnel at White Flint North (2 pages)
2. 7/28/86 Letter to R. B. Lash from R. J. Brady re: Protective Personnel at White Flint North with attached GSA News Release (3pages) l f

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SWTEMS 1501 WILSON BOULEVARD J ARLINGTON, VA 22209 l I 703 528 8800 TELEX 901764 July 31, 1986 Mr. Donnie Grimsley Director FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Division of Rules and Records ACT REQUEST a hi g n D 5 ~b [

Dear Mr. Grimsley:

[~k-/[y This letter constitutes a Freedom of Information request by Kastle Systems, Inc., for all information pertaining to the specifications for the security system for the U.S.N.R.C.'s new headquarters facility in the White Flint North Building, recently purchased from a private developer by G.S.A.

In particular, this request pertains to the following elements of the security system's specifications:

Security guards, to include the numbers of guards and posts for each shift.

Any access control system to be employed for the perimeter of the building, including its garage and service entrances, including:

Electronic Systems Closed Circuit Television Telephones for Visitor Access Security Guards Any security system to be used on the internal suites of the building including:

Card Readers Intrusion Detection Devices Any on-site proprietary central station for monitoring the perimeter access control system, closed circuit televisions, telephones for visitor access, card readers on the internal suites, and intrusion detection systems.

Maintenance arrangements for the electronic, video, and audio elements of the security system.

Administrative arrangements and staffing for administering the security system cards for the agency's employees.

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/* U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission July 31, 1986

,' Page 2 Conduit, wiring and system installation specifications, including the schedule upon which various system elements are to be installed.

Any other elements or aspects of the system that might not be included in the above description.

Information pertaining to these specifications can be obtained from:

Raymond J. Brady Director Division of Security U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Telephone: 492-4100 If there are any questions concerning this request, please do not hesitate to call me at 528-8800.

Very truly yours, KASTLE SYSTEMS, INC.

I k A . Tt5 L Thomas A. Till Director of Government Relations TAT:dsr CC: Mr. John Montgomery Mr. Raymond Brady 1

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