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Insp Rept 99900300/86-01 on 860609-12.Violations Noted:Weld Machine Found Out of Calibr & No Evidence Found to Indicate That Leeds & Northrop Bridge Calibr Per Nbs Stds
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/14/1986
From: Merschoff E, Trottier E
Shared Package
ML20214K339 List:
REF-QA-99900300 NUDOCS 8608210054
Download: ML20214K363 (11)





Fairbanks Morse Engine Division ATTH: Mr. Brian M. Saylor, Vice President, -

Quality Assurance ,

701 Lawton Avenue Beloit, Wisconsin 53511 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTACT: Michael S. Horinka, Manager, Quality Assurance TELEPHONE NUMBER: (608) 364-8314 NUCLEAR INDUSTRY ACTIVITY: Manufacture diesel engines, and accessories, and parts for standby diesel generator sets.,


%GJ(o E. H. Trottier, Reactive Inspection Section (RIS) Date GTHER INSPECTOR (S): W.,P. Haass, Pro am rdination Section (PCS) 14jo41r4 APPROVED BY: .

E. W. Merschoff, Ch , RIS, Vendor Program Branch Date INSPECTION BASES AND SCOPE:

A. BASES: 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix B and 10 CFR Part 21.

B. SCOPE: This inspection was performed to review the air scavenging blower failure at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station in January 1986, and the main bearing failures at Fermi 2 in late 1985 and early 1986.

PLANT SITE APPLICABILITY: Peach Bottom, 2/3 (50-277, 50-278); Fermi 2 (50-341); Cuane Arnold (50-331); Vermont Yankee (50-271); Calvert Cliffs 1/2 (50-317,318).

8608210054 G60914 PDR GA999 EMVCOLT PDR 99900300



There were no violations identified as a result of this inspection.


1) Contrary to Section 12.4 of your Quality Assurance Manual, a weld machine was found out of calibration on the manufacturing shop floor. Further, the machine (FMED Asset No. 32171) had be'en used at least twice in the month since its calibration due date.


2) Contrary to Section of your Quality Assurance Manual, a Leeds & Northrop bridge (Serial No. 743053) was shown as calibrated by Rockford Ingtrument Laboratory, yet no evidence was found that any standard traceable to the National Bureau of Standards was used.-

Further examination revealed that the bridge actually was calibrated by Leeds and Northrop technician "J.M." in August, 1985. The cali-bration performed did not agree with the Reference and Standards listing dated April 25, 1986. (86-01-02)

3) Contrary to Section of your Quality Assurance Manual, corrective action responses to findings contained in audit reports are not being .ssued i by.the audited organizations within 30 days.

A review of the Corrective Action Request (CAR) log revealed this to be a particular problem with external audits. Because of administrative requirements within Colt-FMED, all vendor correspon-dence must pass through the purchasing department. This sometimes leads to long delays in exchanges between Quality Assurance and the vendor audited. The inspector noted that ALC0A, Inc. was audited on April 15, 1986, yet no reply had yet been reviewed.



1) Air Scavenging Blower Failures The air scavenging blower on a Model 38TD8-1/8 diesel engine at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station failed in January, 1986.

Over-heating of the blower occurred due to extended operation at approximately 20% of full load. Thermal expansion caused interference between the aluminum blower lobes and the single-wall blower housing. The failed blower was returned to Colt-FMED for examination and analysis. It was concluded by Colt-FMED that the clearance between the blower lobes and housing should be increased


  • DarJ 1 nf A by 0.0075 in. (on the radius) to permit unlimited operation at low loads. Such operation is necessary in the event of an automatic start to ensure diesel availability should a loss of offsite power then occur.

The inspector witnessed the condition of the failed blower and its housing. The inspector was informed that a supplemental Service Information Letter (SIL) may be issued to provide further details on the blower problem to all other Colt-FMED diesel owners'. (Related SILs were previously issued on.11/15/84 and 8/13/85 to warn owners of this problem as a result of a similar interference event at Mill-stone Nuclear Station in 1984.)

Analysis of the failure by the vendor resulted in the conclusion that thermal ezpansion is aggravated by an apparent coating build-up on the blower lobes. The source of the coating appears to be impurities in the inlet air (may be contaminated with diesel exhaust gases). This build-up, in conjunction with overheating due to zero or low-load operation for extended periods of time and insufficient clearance, resulted in eventual interference with the blower housing. (A final report of the vendor's eval-uation of the cause of this failure is expected to be available soon.)

Colt-FMED indicated that modifications to engines for the following licensees have<been accomplished as of the date of this inspection:

Duane Arnold, Vermont Yankee (one engine only), Peach Bottom (failed engine only), and Calvert Cliffs (spare engine only). Nuclear plants whose diesels are potentially subject to this problem and are in the process of modification are: Millstone 182, Robinson, TMI-1&2, Prairie Isiand, Hatch 1, Crystal River and North Anna 1&2.

2) Main Bearing Failures at Fermi 2 During various testing activities at Fermi 2 in 1985, the diesel engines suffered main bearing fai. lures that were initially attri-buted to inadequate lubrication during fast starts and an in-adequate method of " break-in". Following inspections, suitable refurbishment and adding provisions for bearing pre-lubrication, the engines were retested and determined to be operable.

Rather than inadequate lubrication, Colt-FMED believes these bearing failures were due to the extended duration of engine storage prior to use (seven years, 1975 to 1982). During this time, galvanic i



BELOIT, WISCONSIN REPORT INSPECTION NO.- 99900300/86-01 RESULTS: PAGE 4 of 6 action occ rred between dissimilar metal components (aluminum alloy bearings and steel crankshaft). This conclusion is derived from a Technimet, Inc. report on the bearing failures. , Especially'for this '

long term storage befcre use scenario, Colt-FMED recommends careful conditioning of the bearings to the crankshaf t and discourages repeated disassembly for inspection. In addition, the large number of fast starts without manual pre-lube is not conducive to extended bearing life. ,


1) Part 21 Records and Practices The procedures, practices and documentation related to the implemen-tation of 10 CFR Part 21 were reviewed to determine conformance to NRC requiremen'ts. It was noted that copies of the applicable regula-tion and the vendor's procedure for reporting of defects and noncom-pliances were posted in several accessible locations in various

' buildings.

A review of Colt-FMED's file documentation included the following items of potential Part 21 significance:

1 1/4" flared fuel lines

- Fuel injection pump delivery valve holders

- Overspeed trip booster vent piping modification

- Differential pressure switch

- Rocker arm prelube pump

- Robertshaw thermostatic valves

- Engine thrust bearing l

In all cases, the inspector determined that the reported problems were adequately evaluated and corrective action was transmitted to affected customers. It was noted that the vendor's practice emcom-l I

passes the receipt of written assurance that the customer has imple-mented the recommended corrective action.

No nonconformances or violations were identified in this area of the inspection.

2) Design Control The Vendor's Quality Assurance Manual was reviewed with regard to the specific requirements for control of design activities. The


project engineering guidelines that further expand on these require-ments were also reviewed. These guidelines included design input and design review checklists, and procedures for, issuance of change orders and releases. To assess conformance to these requirements, several examples of drawings, design specifications, instructions, test procedures, and subvendor documentation were reviewed. It was determined that in all instances, verification of the design docu-ments had been' performed as indicated by the proper sign-off. (Ver-ification is performed primarily by the " design review" method.)

All nuclear design activities are conducted by the Supervisor of Mechanical Systems Engineering, with verification performed by his supervisor. Drawings are prepared by draftsmen and reviewed by supervision.

All design con, trol activities, as evidenced by the review of these examples, appeared to be consistent with the reouirements of the Quality Assurance Manual and project engineering guidelines. No nonconformances were identified in this area of the inspection.

3) Audits In reviewing this area of Colt-FMED, the inspector noted the following:
a. While audit reports are being issued within the 30 day re-quirement found in QA manual Section, the format of these reports does not agree with the requirements of Section
b. A significant number of overdue responses to audits was found in the Corrective Action log. Thirteen responses (beginning with CAR 1119, due on 6/11/86) were found overdue in the previous 12 months (ending with CAR 1001, due on 7/19/85).

There does not appear to be~ an effective administrative mechanism to identify audit responses not received from the audited group within the required 30 days. At present, an audit summary is prepared quarterly. Thus, an audit response can be overdue by as much as three months before being brought to the attention of the Quality Assurance Department.

The vendor audit program suffers an added burden in that all audit correspondence must pass through the Purchasing Depart-

ORGANIZATION: COLT INDUSTRIES BELOIT, WISCONSIN REPORT INSPECTION RESULTS: PAGE 6 of 6 NO.- 99900300/86-01 ment df Colt-FMED. While this single point of contact may be desirable from an information flow perspective, it appears to del,ay the response to audit reports and findings by some vendors.

Nonconformance 86-01-03 was identified in this area of the inspection.


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PERSONS CONTACTED company U E d b + a b[2 D "/- Dates 9 - /2. Tl>AJ C.Q f Docket /ReportNo.l)/9Jh!%Oi Inspector dK.TReG e 4[c; /.// ,9 Page L- of L NAME(Please Print) TITI.E(Please Print) ORGANIZATION (Please Print)

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