ML20213A538 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Prairie Island |
Issue date: | 04/20/1987 |
References | |
NUDOCS 8704280066 | |
Download: ML20213A538 (2) | |
APR 201987 Docket No. 50-282 Docket No. 50-306 Northern States Power Company ATTN: Mr. C. E. Larson Vice President, Nuclear Generation 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55401 Gentlemen:
We have received the enclosed Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) letter dated March 2, 1987, containing the offsite emergency preparedness findings for the State of Minnesota, Goodhue County / City of Red Wing, the State of Wisconsin, and Pierce County for the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Station exercise conducted on June 17, 1986. Based on the performance of the offsite agencies during the exercise, FEMA identified two deficiencies requiring corrective action, one in Goodhue County / City of Red Wing and the other in Pierce County.
FEMA, Region V evaluated an accepted corrective action which included a joint training session and tabletop demonstration to correct both of the deficiencies.
We fully recognize that remedial actions implemented such as those above involve other parties and political institutions which are not under your direct control. Nonetheless, we do except the subject of offsite emergency preparedness for the area around the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Station to continue to be addressed by you as well as others.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, a copy of this letter and the enclosure will be placed in thesNRC's Public Document Room.
Sincerely, 8704280066 870420 - #
MOM 0500 2 fR W. D. Shafer, Chief Emergency Preparedness and Radiological Protection Branch
As stated See Attached Distribution /
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S afer/
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A/w/B1 Z()
e Northern States Power Company 2 1APR 201987 i
l-Distribution f cc w/ enclosure:
E. L. Watzl, Plant Manager DCS/RSB (RIDS)
Licensing Fee Management Branch
- Resident Inspector, RIII Prairie Island
. Resident Inspector, RIII Monticello John W. Ferman, Ph.D.,
Nuclear Engineer, MPCA i State Liaison Officer, State
- of Minnesota cc w/o enclosure
. D. Matthews. EPB, IE 4 W. Weaver, FEMA, RV i
34p T 7//t Federal Emergency Management Agency washington, D.C. 20472 l Wa -2 !987 METRANDlN EUR:
Edward L. Jotdan Ditector Division of Enntgency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enfottenent U. S. Nuclear ty Comission FIOM: ,- -
1 at . Kri . ~~~
Assistant Associate Ditector Office of Natural and Technological Hazards Programs
Exercise Report of the June 17, 1986 Ptepatedness Plans for theuclear Generating Plant.
Prairie netgency Island NMinneso his is to transmit a copy of the Exercise Re joint exercise of the Minnesota and Wisconsin pott of the June 17, 1986, near the City of Red Wing, Goodhue County, enerating Plant,
- a. located Minnesotpte The State of Minnesota (full participation) Patticipants included:
(full) and the Northern States Power Co(full), Dakota County (f
, Goodhue County / City of Red Wing of Wisconsin (inttial), Pierce County npany.
Ecotgency Planning Zone (EP2).These localities cited two States ate inpacted by the P and the the6 Fedetal E:etgency Managenent l' We date of the Agency (FEMfinal tepott prepated bys and pluno A) Region V was Noventer 28, In the June 17, 1986 exetcise there wete tw and the other in Pietcc County.cerned with aletting procedures, one in have and received Novenber a copy 10, 1986 of theDe States tepott exercise of Minnesota and and Wisconsinunty/ City of Red In the attached lettets to the two states d t dtespectively with schedulestosp ae of cottective action.
Regionby accepted V FEMA.
teviewed the schedules of cottecti Novenber 28, 1986, FEMA the two States, thtee EP2 counties and the CitWs ethat cottoctive action for th y of Red Wing would nuet to establish cootdinated which was conducted on Fedtuaty aletting procedutos whichjointed pub 10, 1987 s exercise.
public aletting.sttation and discussion of the joint ptocedutos f, also included a tabletop tabletop dononstration is also attachedA copy of the Region V topott of the trainior ng session and k
, 8703110406 PDR 061128 JV'9 f ,, 6 F ADOCK 05000292 PDR 10 I
-3 Based on the results of the training session and tabletop demonstration, the two deficiencies identified during the June 17, 1986 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant exercise of offsite plans and preparedness have been corrected. Due to the early resolution of the deficiencies observed in this exercise, FDM finds that they should not adversely affect the FEMA approval of tric Minnesota ard Wisconsin Offsite Radiological Dnergency Pre-paredness Plans site specific to the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant under 44 CFR 350. The newly established alertin] procedures will be demonstrated again at the next biennial exercise. .
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Robert S. Wilkerson, Chief, Technological Hazards Division, at 646-2861.
Attachment As Stated i
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Location of the Plant: Located in the State of Minnesota, Goodhue County, 4 near the City of Red Wing, Minnesota.
Exercise Date: June 17, 1986 Date of Draft Report: September 26, 1986 Date of Final Report: Novmber 28, 1986 Participants Included: The State of Minnesota (full), Goodhue County / City of Red Wing (full), Dakota County (full), the State of Wisconsin (partial), Pierce County (full) and Northern States Power Conpany. .
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a o e TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS page 1 EXECITTIVE S1291ARY page 3 State of Minnesota page 3 Goodhue County / City of Red Wing page 4 Dakota County page 4 State of Wisconsin page 5 Pierce County page 6 EXEICISE REPORT ,
pa9e 8 Introduction page 8
- 1. Exercise Background .
page 8
- 2. Participating and Non-Participating State and Local Governments page 8
- 3. List of Evaluators page 8
- 4. Evaluation Criteria page 9
- 5. Exercise objectives page 9
- 6. Surmary of the Scenario page 15
- 7. Description of State and Local Resources Planned To Be Used in the Exercise page 19 i 8. Findings Noted in Past Exercises page 19
- 9. Exercises Objectives Still To Be Effectively Achieved page 20 3
Narrative page 22
- 1. State of Minnesota page 22
- 2. Goodhue County / City of Red Wing page 29
- 3. Dakota County page 32
- 4. State of Wisconsin page 35
- 1. Deficiencies page 44
- 2. Areas Requiring Corrective Action page 45
- 3. Areas Recermended for Improvertent page 49 Goodhue County / City of Red Wing page 51
- 1. Deficiencies page 51
- 2. Areas Requiring Corrective Action page 52
- 3. Areas h....eaded for Improverrent page 53 i Dakota County page 54
- 1. Deficiencies page 54
- 2. Areas Requiring Corrective Action page 55
- 3. Areas Recawrended for Improvenent page 57 1
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- l SIM%RY LISTING OF EXDCISE FINDINGS (cont) I page 58 State of Wisconsin page 58
- 1. Deficiencies page 59
- 2. Areas Requiring Corrective Action page 60
- 3. Areas Recourended for Inprovenent page 61 Pierce County page 61
- 1. Deficiencies page 62i
- 2. Areas Requiring Corrective Action page 63
- 3. Areas Recourended for Inprovement \
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State of Minnesota me State of Minnesota, Depart:nent of Public Safety, Division of mergency Services, demonstrated the ability to nobilize the staff and activate the facilities in an efficient manner and they have the necessary resources naintain operations around the clock.have the necessary resources in the Problems were noted with the the field to support energency operations.
coordination of emergency information from the Counties and the content and usages of the Protective Actions Reconstendations (PAR) can connonicate with all local units of government, field teams and adjacent States.
The Minnesota Department of Health radiological field tears were deployed in a tinely manner and demonstrated the use of appropriate equipment and procedures for determining ambient radiation levels, neasurenent of airborne radiciodine concentrations and the procedures for the collection of sanples of soil and vegetation. The ability to project dosage and inplarentThe State protective actions in the ingestion pathway was not demonstra the prottpt alert and notification system and demonstrated the ability to distribute an Drergency Broadcast System (EBS) nessage.
me exposure to energency workers was nonitored and the ability to nake TheaEDC decision whether or not to issue potassiu:n iodide was dertonstrated.
staff discussed the procedures to be used in recovery and reentry.
Activation of Twenty-four the Minnesota JPIC staff was concurrent with the activation hour staffing capability was demonstrated by the EOC staff. Technical spokespersons appeared to be well double staffing most positions. Panel moderators could be more involved in the prepa qualified.
The Minnesota information officers work area is in the operations roomThe nedia providing innediate access to inforttation on changing conditions.
briefing area on the ground floor of the Capitol building was set up to accormcdate 41 people.
As the Minnesota information officer work area is in the EOC all of the State connunications capabilities are available to the infornation staff Of special note is including fax machines to Dakota and Goodhue Counties.
the one way speaker phone to provide spot announcements to the nedia representatives in the briefing room.
The During the course of the exercise three briefings were observed. Hard briefings were coordinated and seened to be couplete and accurate.
copy releases were available during briefings and wereThe issued rumorbetween control briefings. Couplete media kits were not available.A walk-through denonstration function was not fully activated or staffed.
and an explanation of the system was provided.
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Protective actions for people and livestock.were cancelled based on 3
radiological neasurenents. No earlier releases were issued preparing the public for reentry. No hard copy releasesNone were available with' safety 4
l precautions, etc. at the tine of reentry. of the releases or i
announcements addressed protective actions for people living or working in i . the ingestion pathway Bergency Planning Zone (EPZ).
4 Goodhue County / City of Red Wing j
me Goodhue County / City of Red Wing EOC was fully staffed in less than one i
hour after the Sheriff's Dispatcher was notified by the utility of the ALERT i
condition. The Mayor served as Chief Executive and the City Civi] N fense Director was Chief of Operations. The County, City and State representatives functioned as a team to resolve problems presented by the situation. Se IDC staff was augmented by City and Cotssty employees and j
were assisted by volunteer Civil Air Patrol cadets and two Amatuer Radio i
Bergency Services (ARES) operators.
1 me EOC building meets FDR specifications and includes conannications l f
1 equipment, all required naps and charts and other features to provide a i
protected work area for the staff.
In response to exercise problens, the staff demonstrated capability to acconplish traffic control evacuation, access control, energency worker
! exposure control and special evacuation actions. Se time to take a
preparatory actions and to fully activate warning sirens exceeded the fifteen minute standard.
i me Goodhue County / City of Red Wing energency plan does not provide for l
j representation at the JPIC. The Mayor served as Public Infornetion Officer and conducted briefings of sinulated press representatives at the
- City / County EOC. At least two of these briefings were done without benefit l
j of infornetion from the JPIC due to a delay in receiving press releases from j
l the State. Se inforuation presented was not coordinated with the JPIC prior to being released. Similarly, information was given to the Ikergency l
Broadcast Station (ICUE), but not coordinated with or transmitted to the i State EOC.
1 An area where inprovenent was noted involved the system devised to more >
l closely monitor and control radiological exposure of emergency workers.
This corrected a weakness identified during the previous exercise.
i Se staff monitored activities and exchanged information to insure against possible oversights. Frequent staff briefings assisted in keeping nembers (
advised of each other's activities. A cooperative attitude prevailed i f
throughout the exercise. Based on infornation submitted after the exercise, one weakness identified in the previous exercise involving coordination l
4 within the EOC did recur.
i I
Dakota County 1
Dakota County was notified of an exercise ALERT at the Prairie Island leaclear Generating Plant through the Dakota County Sheriff's Dispatch. Se I
initial call was verified and staff was notified to activate the County BOC. Se IDC was prongtly staffed and a list of staff ammbers who l
l called to provide 24-hour continuous operation was available.
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he Chairman, County Conmissioners was in charge of the emergency response activities and was supported by a well trained staff who denenstrated professionalism in the discharge of their responsibilities. The staff made effective use of checklists, maps, status board and connonication systems to respond to the exercise emergency.
We County EOC is tenporarily located in the basenent of the "Governnent Building". The facility met the basic needs of the staff. mere are plans to relocate the EOC to a new facility in 1988. Explorer Post 523 provided access control to the EOC.
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Public alerting in Dakota County was conpleted within the 15 minute tine requirenent. Information provided to the State was not always included in public information releases issued by the JPIC. These news releases were not always sent back to Dakota County on a tinely basis. Dakota County was not represented at the JPIC, Possibly a County representative at the JPIC as called for in the plan, better addressing / routing the message to the JPIC and a thorough review of JPIC releases by the County staff, could have eliminated this problem.
Control to the evacuated areas was naintained by law enforcenent through use of road blocks. A list of nobility inpaired persons is naintained and their special needs can be net by the Sheriff and Fire Departnents.
Drergency worker exposure control which was a weakness noted during the lase exercise was addressed during the exercise by the respective County agencies. The limited field activity provided for a mininal involvenent by EOC staff. Potassium iodide was not reconmended for use by Dakota County emergency workers.
We exercise provided an opportunity for Dakota County to exercise their plan as well as to provide additional training for their energency response staff.
State of Wiscensin The Division of Emergency Goverment denenstrated the ability to mobilize staff and activate the EOC facility in Madison. Se staff denonstrated ability to make decisions and to coordinate energency activities with Pierce County, the State of Minnesota, the Joint Public Infornation Center (JPIC), ,
the Federal Energency Managerrent Agency (FDiA), other Pegion V States, etc.
Activation was not an exercise objective for Wisconsin JPIC staff. )
2e coordination of emergency activities was acconplished by use of .
conferencing, telephones and other neans of connunications and through use l of displays within the State EOC. Land line is the primary neans of cannonication between the JPIC, Madison and Elsworth. We micro-conputer provides sone hard copy capability.
EDC staff of the Departaent of Health, Section of Radiation Protection denenstrated ability to project dosage to the public via the ingestion J pathway and to determine appropriate measures for pathway hazards based on Protective Action Guides (PAGs) and other relevant factors. The technical spokesperson at the JPIC appeared to be well qualified and prepared for the role.
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} lThe State opted to denenstrate ability to monitor and control m ergency i' worker exposure. However, the objective was demonstrated in the field and l not et the BOC and was not evaluated.
_EDC staff demonstrated ability to provide advance coordination of .
! information released at the JPIC. However, the ability to establish and j ..opercte rumor control was only partially demonstrated by the EOC staff. , The i
demonstration was.not consistent with State and County plans.
. .me Wisconsin information officer at the JPIC was provided with~ a work' area i
! removed from the Minnesota Public Information staff. During the exercise three briefings were observed. Se briefings were coordinated and semed to j be couplete and accurate. Hard copy releases were available during
- bricfings and as issued between briefings. Cceplete media kits were not l
l Se ctaff determined that Federal assistance was not needed and, therefore, j did not request it. Controlled recovery and reentry was sati,sfactorily j demonstrated.
1 j Pierce County i
! 22 energency respcmse staff was mobilized and the EOC facility was promptly '
! activsted. Se staff has sufficient depth to maintain around the clock steffing. Se staff made decisions and coordinated energency activities to-c:rry out the emergency response.
j te County denenstrated adequ ef of facilities and displays to support ,
- evergency operations. The EOC facility has sufficient furniture, space, ;
l consunication equipnent, and other required itens such as naps and boards to j support evergency operations. The BOC staff perfornance could be enhanced !
i by displaying the status boards at a higher level to increase its visibility ;
l and highlighting the infornation on the maps by the use of narkers and other !
! identifiers.
! The County successfully daionstrated the ability to coinnunicate with all appropriate locations, organizations, and field personnel during the l 4
cx:reise. S e County c'ntacted e each major organization, the State EOC, other local EOCs, the utility conpany, the Dnergency Broadcast System j
stction, nodia center and radiological monitoring teams. I I me County demonstrated the ability to continuously nonitor and control i emergency worker exposure. As required, all three observed County emergency i<
personnel had pocket dosimeters and TLDs with them. .
i j 2e County demonstrated the ability to supply and meninister KI, once the i decision had been made to do so. A substitute for the KI was made available I to two observed emergency workers by a Health Department esplayee knowledgeable about the prope,r use of KI. ,
I 2e County demonstrated the organizational ability and resources necessary
' to control access to an evacuated area. Se County Highway Department was -
j ablo to block an intersection of two major roads within a short period after i notification from the law enforcement department.
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EXERCISE REPORT i Introduction ,
- 1. Exercise Background
$ Sis was the fifth exercise resulting from a simulated accident at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, operated by Northern States Power l
j Company. Se first exercise was October 14, 1989. Se second exercise was j- December 8,1981, with full participation by the State of Minnesota, Goodhue County / City of Red Wing, Dakota County and Pierce County. The State of Wisconsin chose limited participation in the second exercise because they had demonstrated full activity in an earlier exercise involving a different l Se third esercise was conducted October 14, 1982, with j power plant.
i limited participation for the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin and full i
participation for Goodhue County / City of Red Wing, Dakota County and Pierce County. Se fourth exercise was conducted March 13, 1984, again with the-two States partially participating and the three local jursidictions fully i participating. Exercises have been conducted during each of the four
! seasons.
- 2. Participating and Non-participating State and tocal Goverrments l The hergency Planning Zone (EPZ) of the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating j Plant impacts on Goodhue County, Dakota County and Pierce County in the 5-10
- mile range. In addition to the three principal Counties, there are twelve Counties in Minnesota and six Counties in Wisconsin that are in the ingestion EPZ. These Counties are Washington, Wabasha, Hennepin, Ransey, j
Anoka, Scott, Carver, Rice, Steele, Dodge, Olnated and Winona Counties in j
Minnesota; Polk, Barron, St. Croix, Dunn, Pepin, and Buffalo Counties in
l had no scenario required activities and did not participate in the l
exercise. Ingestion pathway exercise activities were confined to the two j
States which have primary responsibility as designated in their clans. The State of Wisconsin did connunocate and coordinate ingestion activities with j Pierce County.
- 3. of Evaluators i j For this exercise, there was a total of fifteen evaluators observing offsite i
exercise activities. Onsite activities were evaluated by a separate team
! from the Nuclear Regulatory Conmission (NIC). Of the offsite evaluators,
- seven, including the offsite Exercise Evaluation Team Chief, were Federal
' Bnergency Management Agency (FDR) Region V staff. No evaluators were from '
j FDR Headquarters. RAC member agencies were represented by one evalastor i
from the Departnant of Energy (DOE) and one from the Department of 2 Agriculture (USDA). The balance of the team was composed of four contract evaluators from the Argonne National taboratory (ANI.). The evaluator ,
assignments were as follows:
! Exercise tvaluation Team Chief Wallace Weaver (FDR V)
State of Minnesota Ed Robinson, hem Emeder (FDR V) j Bill Knoeraer (ANL) l Anna Mart (USDA) i Steve Rouba (DOE) l 4
I 8 4
I Joint Public Information Center Ray Kellogg (FDR, Region V) j Dakota County Bob Shapiro, ' Item Imader (FDR V)
Sue Ann Curtis (ANL) l Goodhue County / City of Red Wing Rick Anthony, Team Leader (FDR V)
Jim '1 hones (FDR HQ)
State of Wisconsin Woodie Curtis, Team t.eader (FDR V) l i Jim Opelka (ANL)
Pierce County Gordon Wenger, Team Imader (FDR V)
Bob Turner (FDR HQ) i Arvind Teotia -(ANL) i
! 4. Evaluation Criteria
'Ihe State and County plans being evaluated during this exercise were developed using the " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological hergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Sgport of Nuclear Power j
Plants" (NUREG-9654, FDR REP-1, Revision 1) . '!herefore, these criteria, and the exercrit based on these criteria, " Modular Format for Uniformity of l Radiological hergency Preparedness Exercise Observations and Evaluation",
- dated June 1983, were used for exercise evaluation.
- 5. Exercise objectives a
! objectives for this. exercise were selected from among the thirty-five (35)
< standard objectives listed in Tab "M" of the " Modular Fornet for Uniforndty of Radiological hergency Preparedness Exercise Observations and 3
Evaluations," dated June 1983. 'Ihe objective ntanbers listed below correlate i
to Tab "M".
l 'the State of Minnesota selected the following twenty-three objectives to be
.i j denonstrated during the exercise. ,
! 1. Demonstrate ability to mobilize staff and activate facilities pronptly.
1 f 2. Demonstrate ability to fully staff facilities and maintain staffing around the clock.
j 3. Demonstrate ability to nake decisions and to coordinate emergency activities, j
s I 4. Demonstrate adequacy of facilities and displays to support energency 4
operations. .
- 5. Demonstrate ability to conmunicate with all appropriate locations, i organizations, and field personnel.
! 6. Demonstrate ability to mobilize and deploy field monitoring tease in a j timely fashion.
i i 7. Demonstrate appropriate equipnent and procedures for determining i ambient radiation levels.
e <
- 8. Demonstrate appropriate equipment and procedures for measurenent of airborne radiciodine concentrations as low as 19-7 uCi/CC in the -
prese>:e of noble gases.
- 9. Demonstrate appropriate equiprent and procedures for collection, transport and analysis of sarples of soil, vegetation, snow, water and milk.
- 19. Deacostrate the ability to project dosage to the public via plume exposure, based on plant and field data, and to determine appropriate protective measures based on PAGs, available shelter, evacuation tine estinetes and all other appropriate factors.
- 11. Demonstrate ability to project dosage to the public via ingestions pathway exposure, based on field data, and to determine appropriate protective measures, based on PAGs and other relevant factors.
' 12. Denonstrate ability to inplement protective actions for .ingestions pathway hazards.
- 13. Demonstrate ability to alert the public within the 10-adle EPZ, and disseminate an initial instructional message, within 15 minutes.
- 14. Denonstrate ability to fornulate and distribute appropriate instructions to the public in a timely fashion.
- 29. Dencnstrate ability to continuously nonitor and control energency worker exposure.
- 21. Demonstrate :he ability to nake the decision, based on predetermined criteria, whether to issue KI to energency workers and/or the general 4 population.
- 22. Denonstrate the ability to supply and achinister KI, once the decision has been nade to do so.
- 24. Denonstrate ability to brief the media in a clear, accurate and tinely manner.
- 25. Durcnstrate ability to provide advance coordination of infernation released.
- 26. Demonstrate ability to establish and operate rumor cor. trol in a coordinated fashion.
- 32. Demonstrate ability to identify need for, request and obtain Federal assistance. .,
- 34. Demonstrate ability to estimate total population exposure.
- 35. Denenstrate ability to determine and inglenant appropriate measures for controlled recovery and reentry.
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Goodhue County / City of Red Wing selected the following seventeen objectives to be denenstrated during the exercise.
- 1. Denonstrate ability to ucbilize staff and activate facilities prouptly.
- 2. Denonstrate ability to fully staff facilities and maintain staffing around the clock.
- 3. Demonstrate ability to make decisions and to coordinate emergency activities.
- 4. Denonstrate adequacy of facilities and displays to support energency operations.
- 5. Demonstrate ability to connonicate with all atfropriate locations, organizations, and field personnel.
- 13. Demonstrate ability to alert the public within the 10-mile EPZ, and disseminate an initial instructional nessage, within 15 minutes.
- 14. Demonstrate ability to formulate and distribute appropriate instructions to the public, in a timely fashion.
- 15. Demenstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to manage an orderly evacuation of all or part of the plune EPZ.
- 16. Denenstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to deal with impedinents to evacuation, as inclement weather or traffic obstructions.
- 17. Denonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to control access to an evacuated area.
- 18. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of mobility-inpaired individuals within the plume EPZ.
- 19. Denenstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to I effect an orderly evacuation of schools in the plune EPZ.
- 20. Demonstrate ability to continuously nonitor and control emergency worker exposure.
- 21. Denonstrate the ability to nake the decision, based on predetermined criteria, whether to issue KI to energency workers and/or the general population.
- 22. Demonstrate the ability to supply and administer KI, once the decision has been nede to do so.
- 24. Denonstrate ability to brief the media in a clear, accurate and timely _
- 25. Demonstrate ability to provide advance coordination of information I released.
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Dakota County selected the following seventeen objectives to be demonstrated 4 during the exercise.
- 1. Denonstrate ability to mobilize staff and activate facilities promptly.
- 2. Demonstrate ability to fully staff facilities and maintain staffing around the clock.
- 3. Deenstrate ability to make decisions and to coordinate energency
. activities.
- 4. Demonstrate adequacy of facilities and displays to support emergency operations.
- 5. Demonstrate ability to connunicate with all appropriate locations, organizations, and field personnel.
- 13. Demonstrate ability to alert the public within the 10-mile EPZ, and disseminate an initial instructional nessage, within 15 minutes.
- 14. Demonstrate ability to formulate and distribute appropriate 4
instructions to the public, in a tinely fashion.
- 15. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to nanage an orderly evacuation of all or part of the plune EPZ.
- 16. Denonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to deal with inpediments to evacuation, as incionent weather or traffic obstructions.
- 17. Denonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to control access to an evacuated area.
- 18. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of mobility-inpaired individuals within the pime EPZ. 1 i
- 19. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of schools in the plme EPZ.
- 29. Demonstrate ability to continuously monitor and control energency worker exposure.
- 21. Denonstrate the ability to make the decision, based on predeterndned criteria, whether to issue KI to emergency workers and/or the general i population.
- 22. Demonstrate the ability to supply and administer KI, once the decision -
has been made to do so.
- 24. Demonstrate ability to brief the media in a clear, accurate and timely manner.
- 25. Demonstrate ability to provide aavance coordination of information released.
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'Ihe State of Wisconsin selected the following twelve objectives to be demonstrated during the exercise.
- 3. Denonstrate ability to make decisions and to coordinate energency activities.
- 4. Demonstrate adequacy of facilities and displays to support emergency operations.
- 5. Demonstrate ability to canaanicate with all appropriate locations, ,
organizations, and field personnel.
- 11. Demonstrate ability to project dosage to the public via ingestions pathway exposure, based on field data, and to determine appropriate protective measures, based on PAGs and other relevant factors. ,
- 12. Demonstrate ability to inglenent protective actions for ingestions pathway hazards.
- 20. Denonstrate ability to continuously monitor and control energency worker exposure.
- 21. Demonstrate the ability to'nake the decision, based on predetermined criteria, whether to issue KI to energency workers and/or the general population.
- 24. Denonstrate ability to brief the media in a clear, accurate and tinely nanner.
- 25. Denonstrate ability to provide advance coordination of infernation released.
- 26. Demonstrate ability to establish and operate rutor control in a coordinated fashion.
- 32. Demonstrate ability to identify need for, request, and obtain Federal assistance.
- 35. Datonstrate ability to determine and inglenent appropriate nessures for controlled recovery and reentry.
Pierce County selected the following nineteen objectives to be deonstrated during this exercise. l
- 1. Demonstrate ability to nobilize staff and activate facilities pronptly.
- 2. Denonstrate ability to fully staff facilities and maintain staffing around the clock.
- 3. Danonstrate ability to make decisions and to coordinate mergency activities.
- 4. Demonstrate adequacy of facilities and displays to support energency operations.
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- 5. Demonstrate ability to cormonicate with all appropriate locations, organizations, and field personnel.
- 12. Demonstrate ability to implement protective actions for ingestions pathway hazards.
- 13. Demonstrate ability to alert the public within the 10-elle EPZ, and disseminate an initial instructional message, within 15 minutes.
- 14. Denonstrate ability to fornclate and distribute appropriate instructions to the public, in a tinely fashion.
- 15. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to manage an orderly evacuation of all or part of the plurte EPZ.
- 16. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to deal with inpedinents to evacuation, as inclenent weather or traffic obstructions.
- 17. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to control access to an evacuated area.
- 18. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of acbility-inpaired individuals within the plutte EPZ.
- 19. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of schools within the plune EPZ.
- 20. Denonstrate ability to continuously acnitor and control energency worker exposure.
- 21. Denenstrate the ability to nake the decision, based on predeterndned
- criteria, whether to issue KI to energency workers and/or the general population.
- 22. Denonstrate the ability to supply and administer KI, once the decision has been made to do so.
- 24. Denonstrate ability to brief the nedia in a clear, accurate and tinely manner.
- 25. Demonstrate ability to provide advance coordination of information released.
- 35. Demonstrate ability to determine and inplement appropriate measures for controlled recovery and reentry.
In addition, objectives 30 and 31 refer to hergency Medical Drills. In both Minnesota and Wisconsin, hergency Medical Drills are conducted individually by each State separate from the exercise. Objectives 30 and 31 are demonstrated annually during the Drergency Medical Drills.
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- 6. Sunsnary of the Scenario The Prairie' Island Nuclear Generating Plant Radiological energency preparedness exercise objectives and scenario for the October 22, 1985 joint exercise were developed by exercise planners from the Northern States Power Cenpany, the State of Minnesota Division of anergency Services and the State of Wisconsin Division of Diergency Government.. FDR Region V reviewed and approved the objectives selected by each goverrmental jurisdiction prior to scenario develop ent. The scenario primarily addressed activities within.
the plant. A separate " Sequence of Events". developed by the Minnesota DES and a scenario timeline developed by Wisconsin DEG couplimented the basic.
scenario to encoupass offsite activities.
Weaknesses identified in previous exercises were considered by the scenario
' writers in order to develop a scenario that would allow denonstration of corrective actions as well as allow demonstration of exercise objectives selected by the exercise participants.
Subnission of the scenario was according to deadlines outlined in NRC and FDR guidelines. Westinghouse Idaho Nuclear Conpany, Incorporated reviewed the offsite portion of the scenario for FDR and found it to be adequate to exercise the objectives selected by the two States and three Counties. It was recognized that exercise radiation intensities offsite would be low and that downwind evacuation actions would have to be driven by conservative
< interpretations of field data or upon plant status.
Abstract of the 1986 Prairie Island Exercise Scenario On June 17, 1986, both units of the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant are operating at 100% power. At 0710,' the wind is from the West-Northwest (282 degrees) at 10 MPH and it is raining. Unit 1 IM transforner is out of
- service due to severly cracked insulators. The Unit 1 core is in the middle
" of life. Charging area radiation monitor R-4 is out of service. Intdown 21 line radiation monitor R-9 is out of service. 12RXBT is out of service.
BAST is out of service due to level transmitter replacement and 121 BAST is currently lined up to Unit 2.
At 9725, in Unit 1, routine chemistry sangle results (taken at 0630) indicate a dose equivalent iodine-131 primary coolant specific activity of 380 uCi/ gram. 1 At 9749, an ALERT should be declared due to F3-2 Condition 95, severe loss of fuel cladding. A plant shutdown begins due to exceeding the Technical specifications for maxinami coolant activity. =
At 9899, lightning strikes the 1R transformer and disables it. The reactor J trips. At 9830, the rain shower has stopped.
At 9999, a large IDCA develops in loop A hot leg. Safety injection initiates. Containment. isolation initiates but vacuum breaker isolation CV-31621 fails to close. A low level radioactive release begins.
At 9991, safety injection accumulators inject and are expended. BAST is quickly emptied and the RWST loses inventory rapidly as the SI, RHR pungs and containnent spray punpa discharge to the RCS and contairunent spray header.
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\ Federal Emergency Management Agency
! Washington, D.C. 20472 _
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MEmRANDUM FOR: Edward L. Jordan Director Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcenent U. S. Nuclear Regu t ry Commission 7 -,r -
Assistant Associate Director Office of Natural and Technological Hazards Prograns
Exercise Report of the June 17, 1986, Exercise of the Minnesota and Wisconsin Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plans for the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant.
This is to transmit a copy of the Exercise Report of the June 17, 1986, joint exercise of the Minnesota and Wisconsin offsite radiological energency preparedness plans for the Ptairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, located near the City of Red Wing, Goodhue County, Minnesota. Participants included:
The State of Minnesota (full participation), Goodhue County / City of Red Wing (full), Dakota County (full), the State of Wisconsin (partial), Pierce County (full) and the Northern States Power Conpany. R ese two States and the localities cited are impacted by the Prairie Island plune exposure 10-mile Energency Planning Zone (EPZ). % e date of the final report prepared by the Federal Energency Management Agency (FEMA) Region V was November 28, 1986.
In the June 17, 1986 exercise there were two Deficiencies observed con-cerned with alerting procedures, one in Goodhue County / City of Red Wing and the other in Pierce County. De States of Minnesota and Wisconsin have received a copy of the exercise report and responded Novenber 7,1986 and Novenber 10, 1986 respectively with schedules of cortective action.
In the attached letters to the two states dated Novenber 28, 1986, FEMA Region V teviewed the schedules of corrective action and they have been accepted by FENA. He corrective action for the two deficiencies is that the two States, three EPZ counties and the City of Red Wing would neet to establish coordinated alerting procedures which will preclude the dis-jointed public alerting which occurred during this exercise. The meeting, which was conducted on Fedtuary 10, 1987, also included a tabletop denon-stration and discussion of the joint procedures for inplementing coordinated public aletting. A copy of the Region V report of the training session and tabletop denonstration is also attached.
.o s Based on the results of the training session and tabletop demonstration, the two deficiencies identified during the June 17, 1986 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant exercise of offsite plans and preparedness have been corrected. Due to the early resolution of the deficiencies observed in this exercise, FEMA finds that they.should not adversely affect the FEMA approval of the Minnesota and Wisconsin Offsite Radiological Emergency Pre-paredness Plans site specific to the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant under 44 CFR 350. The newly established alerting procedures will be denonstrated again at the next biennial exercise.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Robert S. Wilkerson, Chief, Technological Hazards Division, at 646-2861.
Attachment As Stated j
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a At 9919, a GDTERAL D1ERGENCY should be declared due to F3-2 Condition #6, (Note: A SITE AREA EMERGENCY might Loss of 2 of 3 Fission Product Barriors.
occur prior to the GENERAL EMERGENCY.)
Between 9749 and 9915, the Minnesota Division of Ehergency Services Duty Officer and the Goodhue and Dakota Counties warning points are notified by Prairie Island Plant: 1
- 1. Actions include verification and activationjof call lists.
- 2. Ehergency Operations Centers are activated (Minnesota State, City of Red Wing /Goodhue County and Dakota County). This includes initiating a security pass system, setting up displays, readying nessage forms and logs. Connunication links are established and naintained throughout the exercise. BOC personnel are briefed when assembled and periodic briefings are held throughout the exercise.
- 3. Minnesota Department of Health radiological monitoring field teams and Team Captain (prepositioned at the Hastings Armory) dispatched to the affected area. Accident assessment teans report to State EOC.
- 4. First responders are put on stand-by basis.
- 5. 'Ihe Joint Public Information Center (JPIC) is activated, to include checking connonications equipnent and setting up JPIC facility displays. Briefings are given to the assembled personnel at the PIO work area. Preparation and issuing of bulletins and news releases will be an on-going process until termination of exercise.
During this sane period of tine, in Wisconsin, the Wisconsin DEG Duty Officer receives and verifies notification that ALERT has been declared at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. He nakes required notifications and the State EOC, the West Central Area EOC and Pierce County EDC are activated.
A little after 9922, RHR loop 11 is removed from service to realign it for recirculation mode. RWST has been draining continuously since the beginning of the f.OCA.
A little after 9926, af ter the realignnent is conpleted, RHR pung 11 fails to operate due to failure of breaker 15-4.
At 9936, Attengts to align RHR loop 12 fail when operators are unable 'a to open MV-32976 from the contairment sung.
At 9949, the EOF should be fully staffed and operational.
Between 9915 and 9955, when SITE AREA EMERGENCY is declared at the Prairie Island Plant, actions by Minnesota DEG will include:
- 1. Call list personnel and EDC staffs in the Minnesota State EOC, the JPIC, City of Red Wing /Goodhue County and Dakota County will be notified of the upgrade in the classification.
I o s l
- 2. Minnesota radiological monitoring field teams are in the area monitoring radiation levels and reporting to State EOC accident assessnent team.
- 3. Minnesota Governor advised of plant situation. Declaration of the J
" State of Energency" recarcended by DES Director.
- 4. " State of Drergency" declared.
Between 0915 and 0955, in Wisconsin, the SITE AREA D4ERGDiCY classification is received and verified. It is relayed to EOC staff, the JPIC and Pierce County EOC. The State Radiological Coordinator (SRC) briefs on radiological /neteorlogical conditions at the plant; advises that field monitoring teams and mobile laboratory have been deployed to begin precautionary sangling in the EPZ as well as possible PARS if conditions further degrade at the plant. The SRC directs the Prairie Island NGP to keep the State informed of radiological release data, as plant situation changes.
Also, the Wisconsin EOC staff is briefed on current status of energency response. The Wisconsin DEG confers with Minnesota DES, and notifies Region V States of SITE AREA EMERGENCY and of current energency response actions being taken at the State and local levels.
Between 0955 and 1230, when GENERAL EMERGENCY is declared at Prairie Island Plant, action by Minnesota DEG will include:
- 1. Call list personnel and E C staffs in the Minnesota State EOC, the JPIC City of Red Wing /Goodhue County and Dakota County will be notified of the upgrade in the classification.
- 2. Potential or actual radiation release levels may require
" Protective Action Guidelines (PAGs)" such as sheltering or evacuation within the area affected.
- 3. If PAGs are reconnended and approved, the PANS inglenenting procedure will be initiated. Activation will be sinclated.
- 4. If PAGs are reccmaended, necessary roadblocks on state, county and ,
l city highways are determined in order to restrict incoming traffic. l At 1915, containment radiation monitors show very high levels of activity and that the level of radioactive release to the environnent is increasing Severe substantially. The RWST has been enptied and the core is uncovered.'- l fuel damage occurs.
At 1920, the Wisconsin DEG notifies Pierce County to begin distribution of potassium iodide (KI) to emergency workers.
By 1230, the Wisconsin EOC staff has discussed appropriate procedures to i notify farners, creaneries, food processors, and individuals in the affected area of the steps to protect the public from ingestion hazards. Pierce -
County is notified and the JPIC is requested to issue a generalWisconsin news release i and conduct a media briefing on proposed protective actions.
notifies FD1A and Region V States of the GDIERAL DERGDiCY, the Governor's declaration and current emergency response actions being inglemented. )
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At 1230, the exercise is stopped and there is 1 day time advance. As of exercise day 2 (June 18,1986), plant conditions are:
- No_ radioactive release is occurring. Operators were able to isolate contairment by closing the valve to the vacuum breaker thus terminating the release to the environment. This was accouplished at 1300 yesterday.
- Unit 1 is at cold shutdown condition.
- Offsite anbient dose rates are normal background. Se radioactive
- plune has dispersed. ,
- 2e event classification has not been changed as yet from a GENERAL DfERGENCY.
At 1300, the exercise resunes with sinclated tine of 1300, the following day (June 18,1986) . Control room personnel may terminate exercise
' involvement. After the ED and Di discuss present plant conditions, they nay decide to deescalate the energency and initiate the recovery phase.
Between 1300 and 1400, the Minnesota actions include:
- 1. Call list personnel and EOC staffs in the Minnesota EOC, the JPIC, City of Red Wing /Goodhue County and Dakota County are notified of j
downgrade of classification.
- 2. Field monitoring and environnental sample analysis are done to determine offsite radiological conditions.
- 3. Based on offsite radiological conditions, PAGs are cancelled.
! During this sane period, the Wisconsin DEG, West Central Area and Pierce County are notified of the deescalation and recovery and reentry phase being initiated. mis is verified with the plant. Further actions are based on reconmendations from the SRC. Pierce County is advised to ecnnence post-accident operations. West Central Area EOC and the JPIC are notified that post-accident operations are underway.
At 1400, based on environmental sample results, NSP and States agree on l
reentry. In Minnesota, the following reentry phase actions will be >>
- 1. Relocation center is closed.
- 2. Roadblocks are lifted.
- 3. Iong-term assessment activities are discussed and initiated.
- 4. Ingestion pathway activities are discussed.
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- 5. Final news releases issued and close out of JPIC.
- 6. Close out of all EOCs.
At 1500, the exercise is terminated.
- 7. Description of State and Local Resources Planned To Be Used In me Exercise During the exercise the State of Minnesota planned to activate and staff their EOC in the State Capitol Building in St. Paul; the Joint Public Information Center, which is also in the State Capitol Building and; prepositioned field monitoring teams in Hastings, Minnesota. The reception center at the State Fair Grounds was to be sinulated as open.
In Dakota County, the EOC was to be activated. Sirens were to be sinclated sounded.
In Goodhue County / City of Red Wing, the joint EOC was to be activated.
Sirens within the County were to be sinalated but actually sounded within the City of Red Wing. Route alerting was to be sinclated.
Me State of Wisconsin was partially participating, using DEG personnel to sinclate the involvement of other State agencies. The State radiological function was to be partially exercised through the Departnent of Health and Social Services, Section of Radiation Protection.
Pierce County was to activate and staff their EOC for participation in the exercise.
- 8. Findings Noted In Past Exercises In the State of Minnesota, the JPIC, Goodhue County / City of Red Wing and Dakota County, there were no deficiencies affecting public health and safety during the March 13, 1984, exercise. There were no "Other Deficiencies" related to the State EOC and the JPIC. In Goodhue County / City of Red Wing, two "Other Deficiencies" were noted. They were:
Criteria Item ES: The EOC did not take appropriate neasures to alert the public within the 10 mile EPZ when directed by the State, but did so within the fifteen minute tine period in accordance with local plan.
W is weakness was addressed through revision of the local plan, dated July, 1985. Information submitted after the exercise indicates that a similar weakness occurred during the exercise. -
Criteria Item K3a: h e County did not establish procedures to continuously monitor and control emergency worker exposure.
This weakness did not recur during this exercise.
In Dakota County, one "Other Deficiency" was noted.
Criteria Item K3a: h e County did not establish procedures to '
continuously monitor and control emergency worker exposure. I Wis weakness was partially corrected during this exercise. I 19 l
In the State of Wisconsin, no deficiencies affecting public health and safety were noted during the previous exercise. One "Other Deficiency" was noted:
Criteria Item I8: Field monitoring team was dispatched with charcoal filters that were packaged but had no date, radiological equipnent with no backup batteries, no test sanple and silver zeolite cartridges for iodine sangling.
t Sis weakness did not recur in the October, 1985, full participation exercise involving the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant.
- In Pierce County, a deficiency characterized as one that could affect public health and safety occurred. It was:
Criteria Item ES: Se order to evacuate sectors Q and R from 5-19 miles was received and acted upon in the EOC but the infornation was never released to the public via EBS.
A renedial training session was conducted in Pierce County by Wisconsin DEG
. on July 19, 1984. The deficiency did not recur during this exercise.
One "Other Deficiency" was also noted in Pierce County during the previous exercise. It was:
Criteria Item K3a: Did not establish procedures to continuously monitor and control energency worker exposure.
mis weakness did not recur during this exercise. ,
- 9. Exercise objectives Still to be Effectively Achieved The State of Minnesota did fully denenstrate the following seven objectives during the exercise.
- 3. Denonstrate ability to make decisions and to coordinate emergency
- activities.
- 11. Denonstrate ability to project dosage to the public via ingestion pathway exposure, based on field data and to determine appropriate i
protective neasures, based on PAGs and other relevant factors.
- 12. Demonstrate ability to inglenent protective actions for ingestion i pathway hazards. ,,
- 13. Demonstrate ability to alert the public within the 10-mile EPZ, and disseminate an initial instructional message, within 15 minutes.
- 14. Denonstrate ability to fornclate and distribute appropriate instructions to the public, in a tinely fashion.
- 26. Denonstrate ability to establish and operate runor control in a l
- coordinated fashion.
- 35. Demonstrate ability to determine and inglenent appropriate measures for controlled recovery and reentry.
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Goodhue County / City of Red Wing did not fully demonstrate the following three objectives during the exercise.
- 13. Demonstrate ability to alert the public within the 19-mile EPZ, and disseminate an initial instructional message, within 15 minutes. ,
- 14. Demonstrate ability to formulate and. distribute appropriate instructions to the public, in a timely fashion.
- 25. Demonstrate ability to provide advance coordination of information released.
Dakota County did not fully denenstrate the following three objectives during the exercise.
- 29. Demonstrate ability to continuously monitor and control energency worker exposure.
- 24. Demonstrate ability to brief the media in a clear,-accurate and timely manner.
- 25. Demonstrate ability to provide advance coordination of infornation released.
The State of Wisconsin did not fully denonstrate the following two objectives during the exercise.
- 12. Denonstrate ability to inglement protective actions for ingestion pathway hazards.
- 26. Denonstrate ability to establish and operate rumor control in a coordinated fashion.
Pierce County did not fully denonstrate the following the following four objectives during the exercise.
- 3. Denonstrate ability to make decisions and to coordinate emergency activities.
- 13. Denonstrate ability to alert the public within the 19-mile EPZ, and disseminate an initial instructional message, within 15 minutes.
- 14. Demonstrate ability to formulate and distribute appropriate instructions to the public, in a timely fashion. ,.
- 19. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of schools within the plume EPZ.
'1he objectives associated with the deficiencies identified for Goodhue County / City of Red Wing will require inmediate corrective action and redemonstration during a remedial-drill. The ingestion pathway weaknesses i l
identified for the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin must be demonstrated during their next full participation exercise involving the ingestion i pathway (but not later than 1987) . 'Ihe remaining objectives aust be demonstrated during the next biennial exercise.
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- 1. State of Minnesota Activation and Staffing he State DES Duty Officer received a call at 0815 from the utility informing the State that the plant was at ALERT status as of 9738. The duty Officer followed the proper procedures by verifying the call with the shift supervisor of the plant and making the calls for staff mobilization. The organizations listed in the plan were present in the EOC. The capability to staff the EDC around the clock was dersonstrated by a partial shift change
~ and presentation of a roster.
Brergency Operations Managenent mere were two individuals officially designated as Operations Chief at various tines in the day. We DES Deputy Director participated as Operations Chief until a shift change occurred. At this time, the DES Duty Officer becane the Operations Chief and the DES Deputy Director becane Director. It was observed several times that the State Operations Coordinator was asked to relieve the Operations Chief. The State Operations Coordinator actively participated in advisory capacities, while as a relief Operations Chief and as an Operations Coordinator. It is necessary that the role of the State operations Coordinator be clearly defined and understood by all participants. All participants should be instructed that questions and probleus are to be brought to and addressed by the designated Operations Chief.
AREA RECOPNENDED FOR IMPROVEMENT: It is reconroended that the State Operations Coordinator not participate as Operations Chief unless it is predetermined that the transition would occur during a shift change. It is also suggested that input into the exercise by the Operations Coordinator be in written form as often as possible.
Periodic briefings were held as appropriate, providing each menber of the EOC staff with an opportunity to orally update the other staff menbers on the current activities and situations of their respective agency.
It was observed that the State Patrol, Red Cross and the Departments of Transportation, Health, Public Safety, Htman Services and Welfare were familiar with the State RERP and knowledgable in the use of their respective agency's SOPS. mis is essential to the decision-caking process, !
particularly when emergency activities are being coordinated. The ,
Department of Agriculture is a key agency having significant responsibility l for implenentation of ingestion pathway activities.
AREA REQUIRING CORREX TIVE 2CION: The Minnesota Departaent of Agriculture should provide their representative with the appropriate ingestion pathway data, protective action guidelines, standard operating procedures and j checklists. (Criteria Item Jll)
AREA REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION: The Departnent of Agriculture should l i
prepare and properly train their representative to the EOC so he could effectively and adequately provide information during the briefings. l l
(Criteria Iten 01) l l
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Information received from other energency operations locations was generally handled efficiently. Message logs were naintained and nessages were reproduced and distributed in the EDC. It is noted on one occasion that the Depart:nent of Health's Radiation Message Form #1 for Nuclear Power Plant Incidents simutaneously indicated "no protective actions" and " protective action reconnendations". In addition, all nessage forms which provide prescribed protective action reconnendations for milk producing aninals should include sheltering of the livestock in addition to placing them on ctored feed and covered water. A nessage was distributed to the Minnesota PIO and the Federal Evaluators as infornation item only. We infornation was ingestion pathway related and was the only nessage at the State EOC to address the need to provide assistance to farmers through a County Extension Agent. The nessage was not distributed to the Deparment of Agriculture or Health representatives nor was the information the nessage contained included in an EBS nessage or news release as would have been appropriate.
AREA REQUIRING CORREDTIVE ACTION: Minnesota DES should review their nessage handling procedures to ensure messages are properly routed to action agencies. (Criteria Item A2a)
Notification of ALERT was received from the utility by the DES Duty Officer Et 0815. Notification of SITE AREA EMERGENCY was received at 0930, cpproxinately 40 minutes af ter the utility declared this energency action 1 vel. GENERAL D'ERGENCY was announced in the Operations Center at 0953, tpproxinately 25 minutes after SITE AREA EMERGENCY was announced at the State ECC.
Departaents of Hunan Services and Welfare and the Red Cross and Salvation Army at the Minnesota EOC coordinated all of the appropriate emergency activities as they related to the activation of the reception and congregate care center.
The State of Minnesota requested Federal assistance from DOE under the IRAP ct SITE AREA DdERGENCY and notified FEMA Region V and other appropriate Federal agencies of the incident.
Facilities The EDC had the necessary furniture, lighting, ventilation, status boards, i.e. events, evacuees, nonitoring points, road blocks and evacuation routes and they were all kept up to date. The facility has all of the anenities to support a long term operation.
The maps needed by the energency workers were posted and visible to all within the EDC. We energency classification level is posted at one'*end of the operations room on a lighted panel.
Bere were two people assigned to keep the several status boards up to date with the pertinent infernation. The person from the Social Services area keeps another status board current with figures on the number of evacuees and where they are located. D e Health Department has their own status board and map which is updated by the Health Deparbent staff as the status changes.
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Radiological field monitoring teans were prepositioned at the Hastings National Guard Arncry prior to deploynent to field locations. Although not demonstrated, a systen does exist to activate team menbers during duty and non-duty hours. Call lists used for this purpose have been revised within the last three months.
All radiological nonitoring field teams carried the proper instrunentation to perform ambient radiation level measurements. Only one of three field teams was able to locate an inventory of equipnent and supplies carried as part of the " standard" package.
AREA RECONENDED FOR IMPROVDENT: The inventory list, as printed in the Minnesota Depart:nent of Health SOP (dated 1982) should be revised to reflect the upgrading of personal dosineters from " Civil Defense" type issue to connercially available units. A copy of the inventory list should then be provided with each " standard package" of field team equipnent rM supplies.
AREA RECONENDED FOR IMPROVDENT: The following connents, if inglenented, would enhance the field nonitoring teans' performance:
(a) Radioactive check sources were not used during the exercise to check for proper instrunent operation. According to an MHD representative, a procedure is being developed to place CS-137 sources (which have been purchased) in the field team kits. The sources should be shielded to prevent inadvertent exposure of TLD cards stored in the sane kit.
(b) We existence of a separate " Iodine team" to analyze air sangle cartridges for radioiodine is not described in MDH SOPS. A procedure does exist that describes the operation of an Eberline SAM-2 for iodine analysis. MDH SOPS should be revised to reflect the presence of a separate " iodine team" used to analyze air sanple for radiciodine.
Field team #5 denenstrated air, soil and vegetation sangling according to established POH SOPS. A water sanple (taken by field team 47) and a milk sanple (taken by field team #2) were not observed by a Federal observer.
Subsequent discussions between the observer and field teams indicated proper SOPS were followed.
Se radiological field nonitoring teans and the field team captain used State Patrol radio frequencies to connunicate anong thenselves and with the State EDC Health Departnent counterparts in St Paul.
State Patrol car connonication equipnent contain at least two physically separate radio units. Each unit has multi-frequency transmission / receive capability. Recent State initiated radio equipnent upgrades enable the use of other State agency radios (such as Department of Transportation) to supplenent or backup existing State Patrol radio egaipment.
Public Alerting and Instruction A nessage was prepared at 9944 by the Minnesota Department of Health with the reconnendation to activate the Pronet Alert and Notification System at 9955. Se nessage was sent to the State Operations, local EOCs and POH Rad hams. We Duergency Broadcast System was activated at 9833, 9948, 9952, 1912, 1915 and 1145 for a total of six times during the exercise.
D 4 AREA REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION: The EBS nessages did not always designate the areas to be evacuated and sheltered by familiar landnerks and This is currently being prescripted by the State geopolitial boundaries.and although originally proposed for this exercise coupletion beyond this exercise date.
We State must demonstrate the ability to formulate a proper EBS nessage. (criteria item E7)
Protective Action Se State Patrol at the Minnesota EOC provided effective coordination and access control activities as were appropriate. State Patrol coordinated security activities at the State Fairgrounds where the congregate care and reception center was located. All State Patrol activities atThe the State County Patrol level were coordinated with State Patrol at the State EOC.
at the Minnesota EOC briefed other EOC representatives of these activities..
We Department of Agriculture had dairy farms, food processing plants and water supply intake points infornation available. me ingestion pathway neps inadequately identified these locations in relation to the sector maps being used by all other agencies in the EOC. The ingestion pathway map was a different scale than those used to monitor protective actions.
AREA REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION: The ingestion pathway maps should be conpatible with other maps being used in the EOC and nost start at the facility and include all of the 50 mile EPZ. (Criteria Item Jll)
The milk producing animal related reconnendations were the only ingestion Bere was no discussion anong pathway protective actions that were made.
the EOC staff regarding a trained staff to work individually with farners foodworkers, and water utilities to inglenent protective actions, The ability to project dosage to public via ingestion pathway exposure was based on field data. The ability to determine appropriate protective measures There were based on PAGs and other relevant factors was not dencnstrated.
no ingestion pathway protective action reconnendations that would have provided ingestion pathway protective action inglenentation.
The EOC staff, with major input from the
Departnent of Agriculture representative, should demonstrate ingestion pathway protective actions. Exercise demonstration should include an open discussion of the considerations. A major consideration would be the field staff to assist in inglementation of the protective actions. mis demonstration should occur during the 1987 full participation exercise.
(Criteria Item Jil)
l Radiological Exposure Control i Radiological monitoring team nembers and the acconpaning State Patrol -l individual carried self-reading and permanent record dosimetry. Field teams 1
had KI available and were knowledgeable in its a kinistration. )
In order to enhance performance, the AREA RECOPNENDED FOR IMPROVEMENT:
State of Minnesota should determine if any of its preselected monitoring team members have any medical problem with taking iodine. Since KI could cause an adverse reaction, it is advisable to identify any possibly allergic individual prior to an actual event.
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. . 1 Media Relations Activation of the State agency JPIC personnel was concurrent with the activation of the balance of the State emergency operations staff. Twenty-four hour staffing was demonstrated by double staffing of most PIOS.
Technical spokespersons appeared to be well qualified and prepared for their role.
AREA RECOMENDED EVR IMPROVEMENT: 2e panel moderators, on sone occasions, appeared unsure of themselves. mey were saying what someone had told them to say and the listener got the feeling they didn't understand what the words neant. They should be more actively involved in the preparation of briefing naterial.
AREA REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION: At the pre-exercise meeting, evaluators were inforned that Dakota County would staff the JPIC real tine. Dakota County was not represented at the JPIC. (Criteria Item G4b and Dakota County Plan, Annex G, section II, A)
AREA RECorHENDED FOR IMPROVEMENT: Although the Red Wing /Goodhue County plan does not require a spokesperson at the JPIC, a liaison officer at the JPIC would assure that energency actions and activities of the City and County staffs are being reported accurately by State infernation personnel.
Se Minnesota Infornation Officer worked in the operations room next to the operations Chief. The Wisconsin Information officer was in a room in another part of the ECC and did not have direct access to infernation. The Departnent of Energency Services had nessengers working in the Operations Room and other areas of the EOC. However, they did not provide service for the Wisconsin personnel. This restricted the coordination of releases in nost cases to fornal neetings prior to briefings.
AREA RECOHENDED ECR IMPROVEMENT: The State of Minnesota =itould provide a connon work area for all public information functions. Arrangerents should be coordinated with the State of Wisconsin and the utility to incorporate their requirements.
De nedia briefing area was set up in a room on the floor above the EOC.
Seating was provided for forty one people. Maps and other displays were available. No special work area or services are provided for the nedia.
Space in adjacent offices could be available for special interview, etc.
Se State Capitol Building media facilities would be available during a real incident.
Se PIO working area is located in the EOC, therefore, all of the -
connonications equipnent of the EDC are available. Of special note are the fax machines to City of Red Wing /Goodhue County and Dakota County EOCs.
mese machines provide a two-way hard copy capability.
Also demonstrated was a one-way, EOC to briefing rocan, speaker phone to provide spot announcenents to the media in the briefing room. While this systen provides a capability to keep the nedia informed it does not satisfy the media's basic need to ask questions. Because the media could be " quick briefed" by using this system it may have led to fewer fornal brifings with question and answer periods.
27 l
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During the course of the exercise, three briefings were observed. .Briefers not to discuss .and coordinate presentations before each briefing. me briefings seened to be conglete and accurate. Technical expressions were avoided or explained. The briefers made good use of maps and other display materials. Hard copy of news releases were made available to the media at ,
' the time of briefings and as issued between briefings.
AREA RECOM1 ENDED FOR IMPROVDENT: While scue background material was available for the media, .at the briefing room, a formal andia kit, contain information about NSP, Prairie Island Generating Station, nuclear power in general, radiation, emergency plan, etc., was not available.
Se rinnor control function was not fully activated and staffed.. A walk-through demonstration involving one DES staff person asking questions and one DES staff person answering them was staged for the evaluator. While it was explained that this activity would nornelly be staffed by fifteen to 4 twenty information officers from other State agencies answering fifteen to
' twenty telephones, neither the staffing nor the telephones were available.
AREA REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION: Rumor control should be' demonstrated at l
the next full participation exercise in the State of Minnesota. This demonstration should represent the fully coordinated process as outlined in j the plan. (Criteria item G4c)
! Public Information Bulletin 9 issued by the Departnent of Health cancelled all protective actions for people and livestock. Se cancellation was based
- on radiation neasurenents taken by State survey teans. No earlier releases had been issued with infornation as to how reentry would be conducted, what safety precautions might be required, etc., at the time of reentry. No hard
- copy infornation was provided concerning possible safety precautions, the l'
location of insurance adjuster, etc., Two phone ntabers were orally provided nadia representatives. One was for locating fandly namhars and the other for all other questions. No materials were prepared for or released on the IBS.
I AREA REQUIRING CORRICTIVE ACTION: We public information aspects of j recovery and reentry nest be demonstrated during the next full participation exercise for the State of Minnesota. (Criteria Itens G4a, Jll and M1)
Recovery and Reentry l
!. Recovery and reentry procedures were discussed by members of the State EOC 4 staff in terns of de-activation and in the sane nenner during the l briefings. Sere was limited interagency discussion. Topics discussed l included: removal of road blocks, monitoring of reentry traffic, de '.
- activation and closing procedures for the reception and congregate care
- facilities, cancelling of PARS, downgrade of radiation levels and 4
continuation of field monitoring and sangling. Bere were no discussions of l
policies or procedures allowing reentry into evacuated areas for essential services. There was limited interaction among State EOC representatives.
AREA REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION: The EOC staff should have more l' fullydiscussed ingestion and recovery and reentry considerations. A consolidation of recovery and reentry information should have been provided to the general public via EBS and news releases. (Criteria Items G4a, Jll, M1 and M3) t i 28 ..
!- l
- 2. Goodhue County / City of Red Wing Activation and Staffing 1
Activation of the Goodhue County / Red Wing arergency response was initiated
- upon receipt of a telephone call from the utility to the Sheriff's Dispatcher. 'me dispatcher first returned the phone call to verify the authenticity of the ALERT message and then used the prescribed call list to notify all required individuals. All required initial notifications werestaff
'me EOC completed within nine minutes of receiving the initial ALERT.
]. quickly activated the EOC and began establishing connunication with other i
emergency response organizations. The EOC was functionally staffed within 30 minutes. The EOC was fully staffed at 9848. State agency representatives from Minnesota Department of Transportation and Minnesota Both had Department of Health were dispatched from the 'Nin Cities area.
l arrived in the EOC at 1949. State Highway Patrol officers were in the EOC
] Round-at 9849. Some positions were double staffed for training purposes.
the-clock staffing capability was demonstrated through rosters showing depth in all staff positions.
l Biergency Operations Management
) County Board nembers participated at different tines during the exercise, but were obligated to their regularly scheduled Board neeting. 'me City of Red Wing Mayor took an active role as Chief Executive. As provided by the plan, the City of Red Wing Drergency Managenent Director served as Operations Chief. The Goodhue County Drergency Managenent Director provided l
support, as necessary. The County, City and State representatives in the EOC functioned well together, discussing mutual problens and taking l
independent, but coordinated, actions to acconplIsh tasks. Copies of the current energency plan were used as references and checklists were used as '
guides. Incoming nessages were pronptly logged, reproduced, if necessary, r
and distributed to the staff. Each message was also sunnerized and posted j
on an " Events Log" flipchart near the status board. 'me flipchart was used for reference later in the day. Volunteer Civil Air Patrol cadets were in the EOC to assist the staff of the nessage center in handling connunications. Two Amatuer Radio Drergency Services people installed and
! operated a radio in the EOC. .
'me County was notified of ALERT status at 9753, SITE AREA EMERGENCY at 9923 and GENERAL D1ERGDCY at 9959. At 1344, the situation doescalated to SITE l AREA EMERGENCY.
'me notification at 9959 included protective action reconmendations to
! evacuate all sectors to two miles. Previous instructions of 9932 were
! repeated to place milk animals in this area on stored feed. Message #21 from the State EOC to Goodhue County at 9959 directed sounding of sirens "in five minutes". The Chief of operations directed the sounding of sirens
- following receipt of this nessage.
j the Red Wing Fire Chief coordinated with the law enforcenent representatives I
- regarding dispatch of cars for route alerting. The County was simulating l j
sounding of their sirens while Red Wing was actually sounding their sirens. i 1
In the County BOC a fire depart: rent representative was instructed to call '
5 Pierce County to coordinate the sounding of the sirens for 1919.
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1 Action was taken by the County Sheriff to sinclate the sounding of the E
Goodhue County sirens at.9954 as directed by the State while the City of Red Wing sirens were actually sounded at 1919. During the exercise, the Goodhue County Sheriff Depart: ment, the Red Wing Police Department and the Red Wing Fire Departnant discussed siren activation but there was no attempt to ensure a coordinated siren activation both within the County and with the adjacent Counties, mere was no announcenent within the EOC that Goodhue County had sinulated the sounding of sirens at 9954. (Information subnitted by Goodhue County after the exercise indicates that the Sheriff's Dispatcher i sinulated sounding the County controlled sirens at 9954.) The failure to fully coordinate siren activation was a weakness observed during the-previous exercise. l 4
DEFICIENCY: The time between notification of GENERAL D1ERGENCY with the directive to inglenent protective actions and the tine the sirens were fully activated exceeded both the fifteen minute standard required by NUREG-9654 and the five minutes prescribed by the State EOC. Se EOC staff did not take appropriate measures to fully coordinate the sounding of sirens within l
the jursidictions under their control and with the adjacent Counties in accordance with the Goodhue County / City of Red Wing energency plan.
(Criteria Item E6) i Facilities
Se EOC operations room has been used during previous exercises and is suitably adapted to the purpose. All required maps and charts were available and were used during the exercise. hergency action levels were i posted and the status board was kept current. The EOC is a protected facility, built in accordance with FEMA specifications. As such, it provided a protected area for the EDC staff when the plume was projected i
toward the City of Red Wing. The EOC is approximately eight miles from the plant.
4 Connonications
> 2e cannonications capability between Goodhue County / City of Red Wing and
{ other energency operating locations was good, with sufficient back up capability. In addition to the direct lines, the EOC was well equipped with consercial telephone lines. The aciti-channel State Police radio net l provided an excellent capability. We Anateur Radio Net, staffed by j volunteers, was in full operation throughout the exercise. A telefax
- machine provided hard copy nessage capability between the County EOC and the State EOC. Teletype was also available as a backup.
Dose Assessment and Protective Action Reconnendations 1
Protective action recommendations were developed in the State EOC and t actions were implemented by the County /tity staff. Potassitan iodide (KI) was available in energency worker kits. Based upon instruction from the j
State EOC, emergency workers in Goodhue County were advised of sinclated need for KI.
! 39 1
Public Alerting and Instruction The Goodhue County / City of Red Wing EOC becane involved in public alerting via three nethods: Activation of sirens; telephone calls to the EBS radio station and; route alerting. 'Ihese actions were initiated based upon phone calls from the State EOC announcing decisions to inplement specific protective actions. As noted above, the first activation of the full siren system exceeded the prescribed time limits. - The sirens were simulated or sounded two additional times during the exercise. 'Ihe County Administrator made telephone calls to the local IBS radio station. (ICUE) to give then s "information they should have". Prescripted messages were not used.
Although it was acknowledged that the State EOC may also have been giving
' I
' these radio stations similar information, no attengt was made to coordinate this information either with the EBS radio station or the State EOC.
4 AREA REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION: 'Ihe Goodhue County plan indicates that the State DES is responsible for activation of the EBS for both initial and
< followup nessages. As a backup, if DES is unable to activate the EBS, Goodhue County can activate it. The County should not attenet to provide information to the EBS unless it has been coordinated with DES or it has been determined that DES is unable to activate the system. (County Plan, i Annex A, para IV, D and Criteria Item E7) f Protective Action
'Ihe County Sheriff, City Police, Minnesota State Highway Patrol and City Fire Chief developed evacuation routes and coordinated with public works, j County Transportation, City and County Engineers on placement of traffic
control points, road barricades and the provision of transportation.
i Evacuation matters were discussed and closely coordinated. Social Services provided infornation on n mbers of people affected by the evacuation l orders. 'Ihe County Civil Defense Director had a listing of the mobility l inpaired persons within the EPZ. 'Ihe listing indicated each person's usual l
location and type of impairnent, as well as nane and phone neber. Free j play problems provided some inpedinents to traffic which caused response j from the staff. Probleus were successfully resolved. 'Ihe County Transportation representative determined 93 buses were available to assist in the evacuation. Schools were contacted and evacuation of schools was 2
discussed. Staff nembers indicated sufficient resources were available.
Media Relations
! 'Ihe 20C staff was prepared to address questions from the media during the l energency. Each time an escalation in the energency occurred and/or when j protective actions were directed, the Mayor of Red Wing went to the
- predesignated media room to brief the media. The room was equipped with 1 appropriate maps. 'Ihe information for these briefings was based on the l protective action decisions made by the State Health Department and passed orally over the telephone to the Goodhue County / City of Red Wing EOC. In j contrast to previous exercises, hard copy messages were not received in a timely manner in the County EOC. ('!he first hard copy of an EBS message
i prepared in the State EOC was received in Goodhue County at 1945.)
4 Furthermore, no attenets were nede by local officials to coordinate
- information with the JPIC in St Paul prior to meeting with the media in Red Wing. 'Ihese media briefings were undertaken on the "assumntion" that the JPIC was releasing the sane information in St Paul.
31 I
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Se Goodhue County / City of Red Wing plan provides for coordination with the State of Minnesota, if at all possible, on any infornation releases to the news media, and for utility and State news releases to be sent from the State EOC by facsimile to the Goodhue County EOC. The State should provide more timely facsimile messages on news releases to the County.
In the absence of hard copies of the ,
' State news releases,_the County should coordinate with the State EOC and-JPIC prior to meeting the media in Goodhue County. A County representative located at the JPIC could have elminated this problem. (County plan, Annex i
- E, para III and Criteria Items G4a and G4b)
During the exercise, two actual news nadia personnel (not exercise
! participants) visited the EOC, interviewed exercise participants, and photographed operations in the EOC. This was part of news coverage of the exercise.
Radiological Exposure Control .
Civil Defense type radiological instrtments were available at the sign-in j desk of the EOC. Similar instrianents are routinely kept in energency
' vehicles. Pocket dosinetry and simulated TLDs were issued by agency
. personnel to erergency workers. Brergency workers were instructed in l
nethods to report any dosimeter reading and agency supervisors were to relay any exposure infornation to the RDO in the EOC. Me supervisors and RDO had a system and ferns to record exposure infornation. The RDO was aware of neximum dose allowances. Staff were aware of procedures for use of KI. me i
j BOC staff members were instructed to retrain in the IX)C when it appeared the 4 plutte might extend to Red Wing. Se EOC is a protected facility, j
Actions taken to monitor energency worker exposure successfully corrected a 4
weakness related to NUREG-0654 criteria item K3a noted during the previous exercise.
i Recovery and Reentry I
l Recovery and reentry was not an exercise objective and, therefore, not ;
' evaluated during this exercise.
k Dakota County
- 3. l 1
i Activation and Staffing Dakota County was notified of an energency at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant by the utility calling the Dakota County Sheriff's
Dispatcher. The call was verified by call back to the utility and notification of appropriate staff members was accouplished. The EOC was ,
fully staffed with the organizational representatives described by the j plan. Around the clock staffing is possible by calling in those sembers i
indicated on the resource list.
i Staff members displayed an understanding of their emergency responsibilities
! and capability to deal with the various energency situations.
32 e
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l a e Brergency operations Managenent I
The Chairman of the County Board took comtand of the energency situation.
He was supported by the County Administrator and the Drergency Preparedness Coordinator, the Sheriff's departaent and other menbers of the energency response staff. Periodic briefings were conducted to keep the staff aware of the status of the emergency.
The EOC staff was notified of the ALERT condition at 9755 and the County Coordinator verified the situation with the State. As plant conditions i deteriated, a SITE AREA D(ERGD3CY was declared at 9856 and by 0950 a GENERAL ,
DtERGDJCY was declared. l 1
Facilities The Dakota County EOC is temporarily located in the basenent of 'the County Governrrent Building, which provided sufficient amenities to support the staff. A new EOC is planned for cortpletion scrretime in 1988.. ;
The staff was kept abreast of the status of the emergency by use of the status board, messages and briefings. The status board reflected the tine the message was received rather than the actual tine an event occurred or an action was taken. The EOC staff used the various naps depicting evacuation routes, EPZ sectors and other infornation necessary for decision neking.
AREA RECOHDCED FOR IMPROVDENT: Since there ney be significant tine difference involved, it is recortnended that actual event tines be recorded on the status board. Reference to the nessages can be tracked by recording the message nurrber beside the entry.
Corracnications the EOC operations area contained a tone alert radio and four najor connonications systems. System one is a dedicated line interlinking Dakota County with Goodhue County and the State. System two is a telefax that provides hard copy tressages from the JPIC and State and serves as a back up for the dedicated line. System three is the cormercial telephone that can beused at the local, County and State levels and serve either prinary or back-up functions. System four is a radio network that includes County agencies such as the Sheriff, Fire Departnent and County Engineer. l All systerrs functioned as intended. Messages were logged and posted on the j status board.
Dose Assesstrent and Protective Action Recomrendations Protective actions involving sheltering and evacuation were not recormended for Dakota County. During the exercise, this County was not affected by the plurre. Consequently, KI was not required for participating energency workers.
Public Alerting and Instruction Public alerting was carried out by the Dakota County EOC. Following notification by the State EOC, the County sirens were sounded at 9952 and 33 1
1155. The tine between the State notifications Routeofalerting 9950 was and 1150 and the sounding of the sirens was five minutes or less. Siren activation and route alerting were demonstrated for five routes.
coordinated through the County Sheriff's Departnent.
EOC staff also provided public infornation to thecopies However, State of forgeneral coordinated press press releases and EBS transmissions.information being released through County EOC staff. Tine delays of over one hour were recorded from the message preparation to its receipt by Dakota County.
Dakota County should have reviewed all ARFA REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION:
transmissions from the JPIC and followed up on agricultural and other information that was transmitted to the State and not reflected in the press releases.
Further, a County representative located at the JPIC as called for in the plan, would have eliminated this problem. (Criteria ite E7)
Protective Action Activation of the traffic control points was ordered comensurate with the County officials indicated that they have evacuation of a two mile area. sufficient resources to adequately deal with inpedin routes.
Lists of the mobility inpaired and their special needs are maintained with support to these people provided by the Sheriff and Fire Departnents.
Radiological Exposure Control Exposure field.
Control equiptent was available for erergency work Equipnent was Deparments by a designated individual in each deparment.
distributed in a kit that contained high range dosineters, chargers, KI, and monitoring probes. Low range desineters and TLDs were also available and Records on worker would be naintained would be distributed to each werker.
by.each departaent.
'Ihe RADEF officer in the EOC was fully aware of these field procedures.
However, procedures for tracing the distribution of dosinetry and the monitoring of energency workers in the EOC were not well established.
Comunication of information for the police and fire departnents to the EOC should be provided on a regular basis. Detailed procedures should also be developed for the nanagenent of emergency workers that are suspected of being contaminated. .
The simulation and discussion that took AREA REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION:
place during the exercise partially corrects a weakness (Criteria Ite from an earlier exercise.
and deonstrated for coordinating field infornation on emergency worker
- Procedures should also be exposure control with the EOC RADEF officer. established for mana
- (Criteria Itens K3a, K3b and K4a) 34
Media Relations A news reporter cane to the Governtrent Building on the day of the exercise intending to cover a neeting of the County Comnissioners. His attention focused on the exercise activity and, as a result, he interviewed exercise participants within the EDC. This demonstrated Dakota County could brief news nedia representatives at the EOC should the need arise.
AREAREQUkRINGCORRECTIVEACTION: Se Dakota County plan provides for County representation at the JPIC. The County was not represented at the JPIC. (Dakota County Plan, Annex G, Section and Criteria Item G4a)
Recovery and Reentry Recovery and reentry was not an exercise objective and, therefore, not evaluated during this exercise.
- 4. State of Wisconsin Drergency Operations Managenent me Officer in Charge (OIC) at the Wisconsin State EOC was as designated in the plan. Periodic briefings were held to update the staff on the situation at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant and actions being taken by the State of Minnesota and other EOCs that were activated. The Wisconsin EOC staff consisted of representatives from Division of Drergency Govern: rent (DEG), Departnent of Health and Social Services (MDH) and Depart: rent of Natural Resources. The staff was involved in decision making which pertained to their respective agency responsibilities. Copies of th_e plans were available for reference and a number of the staff had checklists and excerpts of the plans which pertained to their respective responsibilities.
Message logs were kept and nessages were reproduced and distributed as appropriate. Access to the EOC was by use of a sign-in/out roster which was placed at the entrance to the EOC.
At 0751, the DEG duty officer was notified of ALERT condition, which reportedly occurred at the plant at 0738. Be EDC was notified of the " Site Area Drergency" at 0925, which had been declared by the utility at 0915.
Wey were notified of the GENERAL D4ERGENCY at 0948, which had been declared by the utility at 0942.
At 0925, the Governor of the State of Wisconsin declared a State of Drergency due to conditions at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant.
We EDC staff coordinated activities with the plant, the JPIC, Pierce County, the State of Minnesota and FEMA. Bey supported Pierce County through notification and recomrendations for inplementation of protective actions, staffing and reporting.
EOC staff partially demonstrated rumor control, however, the demonstration was not consistent with the plan. The rumor control team consisted of three individuals who set up and operated a telephone nessage device in the EOC, but there were no rumor control team counterparts at the JPIC. The nessage device refered callers to the EBS stations for information. The team in the EOC was not operational to respond to individual citizen inquiries. They explained that response to citizen inquiries would normally be the role of the counterparts in the JPIC.
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I-c Demonstration of the rianor control . (Criteria AREA REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION: function nust include a m Item G4c) me staff made the decision Se staff that Federal sinulated keepingassistance FEMA and the would not be ne therefore, none was requested.
Region V States informed of the situation and conditions at the plant.
Facilities me Wisconson State EOC S e EOCishaslocated sufficient space, in the baseme Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant.
furniture, lighting, telephones Dnergencyand other anonities classification levels were to posted.serve as an EO ff support extended operations.
A status board was kept up to date on significant events by EOC sta assigned that responsibility. depicted the EPZMaps with depicitng h County sectors labeled, ra ,
access control points and population by evacuation areas.
Connunications Se EOC staff denonstrated the ability to connunicate with the utility via NAWAS and connercial telephone; the JPIC via connercial telephone an TRS 80 conputer; the State of Minnesota via connercial telephone; d Pierce -
County and the five DEG area offices via NAWAS and connercial te Em A via connercial telephone.
at the EOC include FNATS, radio and conputer terminals.
l Dese Assesment and Protective Action Recommendations d Dose assesment and the reconmendation of protective actions f were perfl at the State EOC by the radiological Staff presenthealth section (not full of the Departnent scale exercise) were o 1 r
Health and. Social Services.
knowledgable about dose projection calculations and PAGs and perf ,
Discussions of protective action reconnendations f J
jobs in a tinely fashion. i I
were properly coordinated with the utility and the radiological sect on o the State of Minnesota.
l f
Each time a protective action had to be considered, Wisconsini dose .
i t assessment and its counterpart in Minnesota and
! At 9959, the Wisconsin does assessment group wait told d tion.
with Minnesota's.
l ' that Minnesota was in the process of a 2-mile evacuation reconmen i l e l
l Wisconsin and Minnesota dose assessment grou j
Wisconsin inforned the decision to reconnend to evacute Wisconsin to two EOCmiles, director all sectors, of the andnutua out t miles in sectors F, G and H. We shelter recommendation was from five to E and -
! ten J.
miles in sectors F, G and H and from two to ten mi l
his reconmendation was based upon conditions at the reactor.
- 36
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An updated protective action was recanended at 1140. mis included extension of the evacuation of sectors F, G and H to ten miles and neintained sheltering of sectors E and J from two to ten miles. Bis reconnendation was based upon conputerized dose projections. Also, at this tine, Wisconsin dose assessment reconnended that stergency workers take KI.
At 1445, discussion began between Wisconsin and Minnesota concerning reentry. Sone questionable field nontoring data was carefully checked, and by 1524, both States reconnended unrestricted reentry on the basis of negligible contamination in Minnesota and none in Wisconsin.
Hypothetical ingestion exposures were calculated by Wisconsin dose assessment and the capability to perform ingestion pathway doses was adequately demonstrated, for direct radiation from ground deposition, ndlk pathways, and other food pathways. Calculations were performed by hand held calculator and were based upon a single isotopic nultiplier. Wisconsin based their ingestion pathway protective action reconnendations upon the recently issued draft EPA guidance on allowed exposure to the public following reentry.
@e first Wisconsion plune pathway protective action reconnendation was to shelter animals to five miles and people to ten miles. A subsegaent protective action reconnendation sheltered animals to ten miles. This, in effect, caused people to leave shelter to care for animals.
AREA RB2UIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION: Protective actions for people and livestock should be consistent. (Criteria Item Jll)
Public Alerting and Instruction Public alerting and instruction is an objective to be deronstrated by Pierce County and is reported at that level. We State supported Pierce County by decision making and notification of appropriate protective actions as reported in that section of this report.
Protective Action l
Inplementation of protective action reconnendations is acconplished at the County level.
Radiological Exposure Control he State opted to denenstrate ability to monitor and control etergency l worker exposure. However, the objective was denonstrated in the field and )
not at the EOC and was not evaluated.
I Media Relations Wisconsin State JPIC personnel were prepositioned in the Twin Cities area as activation was not an objective for this exercise. Technical spokespersons appeared to be well qualified and prepared for their roles. Pierce County provided a liaison person to connonicate with the County and to coordinate energency information releases.
3 .
Se Minnesota Information Officer worked in the Operations Room next to the Operations Chief. S e Wisconsin Information Officer was in.a room in another part of the EOC and did not have direct access to information. Bis situation was cited in the Minnesota portion of this report.
AREA RECCPNENDED FOR IMPROVDGNT: Se State of Wisconsin should assist the State of Minnesota in establishing a connon work area for the public information functions.
tand line is the primary means of consonications between the JPIC staff and the Madison and Ellsworth EOC staffs. Bis includes a micro-couputer link for transmission of hard copy but not facimile copy.- Thus the micro-couputer system does not provide for the rapid transmission of such items as 1!BS nessages, governor's proclamations, etc.
AREA RECOPNENDED FOR IMPROVDENT: Se State of Wisconsin should consider 4
the use of a facimile datafax machine in the State EOC for connonication with the JPIC.
During the course of the exercise, three briefings were observed. The briefings seened to be couplete and accurate. Technical expressions were avoided or explained. The briefers nede good use of maps.and other display materials. Hard copy of news releases were made available to the nadia at the tine of briefings and was issued between briefings. The infornation representatives net to discuss and coordinate presentations before each of the three briefings.
Recovery and Reentry Rese activities were demonstrated by the State of Wisconsin during this exercise and have been previously discussed as part of the evaluation of ingestion pathway activities. -
- 5. Pierce County Activation and Staffing
- Pierce County received the notification of the ALERT classification at 9751. The initial nessage was received via the NAWAS (National Warning System) at the Sheriff's Dispatch console in the County Building. The NAWAS is the primary connonication link between the States, the Counties in the 10 mile EPZ, and the utility, Northern States Power Company. Se NAWAS equipnent is under the Sheriff's responsibility of the dispatch point and it -l is continuously monitored. .
he call was initiated by the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Upon l receipt of the ALERT, the call was verified and mobilization procedures were j inglemented. Call lists were used which were current with the correct ntabers.
- Staffing of the Pierce County EOC was coupleted by 9845. This system of call-up is the' regular system and is used to call up staff at any hour of the day. Se equipnent of the system is conmercial telephone and radio pager.
l 38 4
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- 9 All EOC staff were present in the EOC. Those organizations represented were: the Pierce County Conmission; the County Ehergency Goverment Director; taw Enforcenent; Highway Departnent; Health Services; Red Cross; County Radiological Defense Officer; Haan Services: Agriculture (extension office); Fire and Rescue; West Central Area Director, and the Public Infornation Officer. A nember of the Sheriff's staff was dispatched at 0755 to the EOF as a County representative.
Se first shift EDC staff displayed knowledge and ability to perform their responsibilities. To demonstrate an around the clock staffing capability, a shift change took place around the lunch break (12 noon). Not all positions were replaced at the same tine but were phased in over a period of an hour.
Incoming staff were briefed before taking charga. We replacement staff were knowledgeable in their assigments.
hergency Operations Managment Ehergency operations managenent was conducted by the County Ehergency Goverment Director. Present in the County EDC was the County Board Qiairnan (first shift), who could oversee the energency operation. Periodic briefings were held by the County Ehergency Goverment Director. During his briefing, he gave each agency an opportunity to describe the activities of their agency in the mergency response.
Several decision .naking groups forned dictated by the emergency response required; therefore, a good exchange of information was given. Copies of the County plan were available ard were used for reference. EOC staffers utilized checklists and logs to keep actions in order and accountable.
Message logs were kept. Sone of these were reproduced and distributed.
Messages were reproduced and distributed to the agencies in the EOC who needed to take responsive actions. The nessage handling function is inefficient. Internal connunication within the EOC is inconplete. The principal factor is that separate nessage logs were kept by the nessage controller and the PIO. As an outcone of the separation of message logging functions, several pertinent nessages inglenented by the PIO were not posted on the EDC's status board. Pertinent infornation in the hands of the PIO did not get into the infornation flow to all EOC staff.
AREA REQUIRING CORRICTIVE ACTION: One central coordinated message handling function which includes the PIO needs to be established for emplete disseminaticn of information and record keeping. To more conpletely keep ;
the EOC staff inforned, it is necessary to post, on the EOC status board, '
significant events relevant to the PIO release of information. (Criteria Items G4b and H3)
Access to the EOC was controlled by uniforned law enforcerent. The Pierce County EOC was notified of the ALERT classification at 0751; the SITE AREA EMERGENCY classification at 0927 and; the GENERAL EMERGENCY classification at 1000. Once the ALERT classification was received by Pierce County from the utility, the following changes in classifications officially came from the Wisconsin Division of Ihergency Governnent in Madison.
Protective action orders were issued at 1920 for both "take shelter" and
" evacuate". Se Governor of Wisconsin declared a " State of hergency" for Pierce County at 0925 (sinalated) .
t Preparations were made from the Pierce County EOC to activate the These reception and care facilities at Plum City High School and Elenentary School.
locations were staffed by 1939. These activities were sinulated in the-EOC.
Facilities Enough he IDC was located in a large room with a big conference table.The room was well seating lighted.
space was available to acconmodate the EOC staff.Each of the Se facility can support an extended energency 2
l with people outside the EOC.Various boards providing status information, road conditions, operation. radiological data, and congregate care information were neunted on a side wall. Also posted were several naps that showed the County area, plune EPZ, evacuation route, relocation centers, access control points, A hard copy radiological device was nonitoring points and population by evacuation area.
1 also available at the EOC.
%e use of display boards ,and naps could AREA be made PHYM4 nereENDED FORFirst, effective. IMPROVDENT:the display boards were mounted too low on j
l the side wall, naking it difficult to be seen by all staff in the EOC. It is Second, the naps were not marked to highlight the infornation. i suggested that the status boards be displayed at a higher level to inprove their visibility and the maps be narked with the identifiers to show the points of interests.
Connonications Connonications from the EOC to various organizations was nostly through connercial telephone. Successful denonstration of connonications capability was shown from the EOC to State EOC, utility conpany, EOF, EBS, nedia center and ambulances.
An enhanced connunication capability through conferencing was available between the State of Wisconsin, State of Minnesota, and the Counties of Dakota, Pierce and Goodhue. Another special conaanications equipnent was a conputer system that could transmit nessages between the EOC, the media center and the State of Wisconsin.
Dose Assessnent and Protective Action Reconnendations Dose assessnent is a responsibility of the State of Wisconsin.
Protective action recotmendations (PARS) were developed by the State and sent to the County. PARS were provided to the County twice during the PARS exercise. Both occurred during the GENERAL DfERGENCY classification.
were reviewed, announced to the EDC staff, posted and actions were taken as -
necessary by EOC representatives.
Public Alerting and Instruction At approxinately 1999, the Pierce County BOC received word from the State of Wisconsin and from the County dispat::her's office that Wisconsin had However, the EOC received word from the declared a GENERAL EMERGENCY.
Dakota County dispatcher that they where simulating the sounding of sirens at 9952. As a result of this connonication sirens were sinulated sounded in Pierce County at 9952. This is contrary to planning in that Pierce County i
did not have any protective action reconnendation from the State of I
Wisconsin to announce to the public at that time.
As a result of the protective action reconnendation provided by the State at 1000, route alerting was initiated at 1920 and an EBS nessage was sent at 1920. No additional siren activation was initiated at this tine. The EBS nessage used sector identifiers (alphabetical letters) to identify the areas where evacuation or sheltering were recormended rather than using geographical boundaries or other designations which could be readily understood by the public. In those areas where sheltering was recomended, neither guidance on sheltering nethods nor instructions for transients were included.
DEFICIE}CY: Siren activation occurred in advance of the State's protective action reconmendation. Following receipt of the State's protective action reconnendation at 1000, it took 20 minutes to broadcast the EBS nessage to the public. This nessage did not include the appropriate instructions to the public and transient population relative to sheltering. In addition, the nessage would have been difficult for the public to understand since familiar landrtarks and boundaries were not utilized to describe the areas affected. (Criteria Items E6 and E7)
At 1920, a police vehicle equipped with public address (PA) system was dispatched for route alerting. Two officers were assigned for this task.
In order to carry out the public alert properly and in a tinely manner, these energency personnel had access to route traps and a written nessage to be read over the PA system. We operation of the PA system was denonstrated -
through a sinulation because the actual nessages were not supposed to be broadcast to the residents.
Protective Action ne Pierce County objective to denonstrate the organizational ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of schools within the plune EPZ, was not denonstrated. This objective was to have been sinulated in the Pierce County EOC through the decision-aaking process. Infernation on the personnel and equiptent necessary to evacuate school children was to be made available to the Federal observers.
AREA REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION: Pierce County did not denonstrate the ability to effect an orderly evacuation of schools within the plune EPZ.
(Criteria Item J10c)
% dettonstrate activation of traffic control points, the Sheriff ordered the dispatch of a County Highway Depart: rent truck to State Highway 35 and Route EE. At 1010, a nessage was passed by law enforcenent officials to Highway Depart:nent officials in Pierce County EOC to block the intersection of State Route 35 and County Road EE. As per the energency personnel at the site, County Highway Depart: tent truck arrived on the scene at 1935. A traffic block was set up innediately thereafter (sinulation only). me emergency ;
personnel with the truck were found to be familiar with the evacuation areas (routes, reception centers, etc.) . Bey had a radio connunication link with the EOC that kept them up to date. As per the energency personnel, maintenance and tow trucks were available for traffic and access control.
Be Human Services Agency sinulated evacuation of mobility impaired individuals in the affected sectors. Lists of those who are mobility inpaired are kept and were referred to during the exercise. Their names, addresses and special needs are tabulated.
l 41 i
1 l
Be County Extension Agent (Agriculture) in the EOC had current infornation available on the location of dairy farns in the affected sectors of the EPZ. Raw milk processing plants was discussed. The domestic water supplies i for the cities and villages are all wells. There were no available maps showing crop infornation, but contamination of crops was discussed, especially with relation to two strawberry farns in the affected sectors.
Radiological Exposure Control All energency field workers were to collect their dosimetry equipment from the County Sheriff Office. Pocket dosineters in various ranges were available. Also available were the permanent record dosineters (TLDs).
Dnergency workers were issued instructions along with dosimeters. Three emergency personnel were observed during the field activities. Each one of them had pocket dosineters and the TLDs (permanent record devices). These etergency workers were also aware of the procedures for reading their dosineters.
Upon the notificacion of the administration of potassium iodide (KI) from the EOC, the observed health departnent worker at Bay City supplied KI (a substitute only) to the energency workers in the field. A special releaseform was also signed by the emergency workers and returnd to the Health Departnent enployee. There is a sufficient supply of KI available in the County Sheriff Office. Health Departnent officals posted at several locations to supply KI were aware of the proper procedures concerning it's use.
Media Relations A Pierce County representative was present in the JPIC. The County PIO (at the EOC) conducted briefings throughout the day in a separate room set aside for that purpose. Media representatives were present at sone of the briefings. Briefings were generally accurate and couplete and conducted in lay language. Maps were used as appropriate during the briefings. ,
Information released was coordinated and consisteSt with infornation being provided by the JPIC. Questions related to technical natters or on-site conditions dere referred to the JPIC. With the approval of the County Civil Defense Director, the County PIO arranged for a reporter and television caneranan to visit the EOC to observe activities and take footage.
In response to a reporter's question, it appeared the County PIO was uncertain as to how long it should take to alert and notify the public once protective actions were reconmended. ,
AREA RECCNMENDED FOR IMPROVDiENT: It is suggested that the EOC PIO staff be provided training regarding tine requirenents related to alert and notification. ,
Recovery and Reentry There was little activity related to recovery and reentry as unrestricted i reentry was announced and all protective actions were lifted at that time.
Roadblocks were rernoved and officers renained to assist the returning public. Information was conmunicated prouptly to congregate care centers, l field workers and the public via ES.
1 42
t 0 e
i i
spy LISTItc OF gISE MM 43
trrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Suna.ary Listing of Exercise Findings Deficiencies a
Minnesota June.17, 1986 l
(State) (Date)
Minnesota (Conaunity) .
4 NUREG Narrative Statenent Corrective Action Scheduled Actual Itan of Weakness Proposed Date Date NONE 4
1 trrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Sunniary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action June 17, 1986 Minnesota i (State) (Date)
Minnesota (Cmannity)
NUREG Narrative Statment Corrective Action Scheduled Actual Iteni of Weakness Proposed Date Date Jll 'the Minnesota Department of Agriculture should provide their representative with the appropriate ingestion pathway data, protective action guidelines, standard operating procedures and checklists.
y 01 'the Department of Agriculture should prepare and properly train their representative to the HDC so he could effectively and adequately provide .
information during the briefings.
A2a Minnesota DES should review their nessage handling procedures to ensure nessages are properly routed to action agencies.
Flb Investigate and correct the problen. which ~
af fected radio conannications with Dakota County during the exercise.
45 a
LfrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Sunaary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Recpiring Corrective Action
- June 17, 1986 (Date)
Minnesota f (State)
-(Conanni ty) i Scheduled Actual Corrective Action Date _
NUREG Narrative Statement Proposed
' Itan of Weakness J9 and 790 and the Minnesota Departnent of Jll Agriculture should develop procedures to ensure coordination of activities relatal to ingestion pathway protective measures.
None of the releases or announcements to the media addressed protective actions for people living in or working in the ingestion pathway EPZ.
E7 he EBS messages did not always designate the areas to be evacuated and sheltered by familliar landniarks and geopolitical boundaries. %is is currently being prescripted by the State and although originally proposed for this exercise completion was delayed beyond this exercise date. The State nest denionstrate the ability to fornelate a proper EBS l nessage.
, 46 1
a - - -- -. ._ -
UTILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Sunnary Listing of Exercise Findings t
Areas Requiring Corrective Action .?
June 17, 1986 Minnesota (Date)
Narrative Statenent Corrective Action Scheduled Actual NUREG Proposed Date Date Iten. Of Weakness Jll h ingestion pathway naps should be conpatible with other naps being used in the EOC and nest start at the facility and include all of the SS naile EPZ.
Jll h BOC staff, with major input from the Department of Agriculture representative, should demonstrate ingestion pathway protective actions. Exercise demonstration should include an open discussion of the considerations. A major consideration would be the field staff to assist in implenentation of the protective actions. 'this denionstration should occur during the 1987 full participation exercise.
47 i
trrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Stxmary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action s
Minnesota June 17, 1986 (State) (Date)
- Minnesota (Community) j NUREG Narrative Statement Corrective Action Scheduled Actual Iten. of Weakness Proposed Date thte G4c Runor control should be dmonstrated at the next full participation exercise in the State of Minnesota. 1his densonstration should represent the fully coordinated process as outlined in the plan.
G4a, Jll h public information aspects of recovery and M1 ard reentry nest be denonstrated during the next full participation exercise for the State of Minnesota.
G4a, Jll h EOC staff should have nore fully M1 and discussed ingestion and recovery and M3 reentry considerations. A consolidation of recovery and reentry information should have been provided to the general public via EBS and news releases.
48 1
I b?
1 trrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant '
Sunaary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Recommended For Isiprovement June 17, 1986 '
Minnesota (Date)
- (Cwmity) i i
- 1. It is reenmaanded that the State Operations Coordinator not participate as Operations Chief unless it is
) It is also suggested that input into the
' predetera.ined that the transition would occur during a shift change.
i exercise by the Operations coordinator be in written form. as often as possible.
4l 2. A telephone should be installed for the Department of Agriculture. During 1his this exercise is arrangement thenotDepartment conducive to of good Agriculture and Health Department shared a phone in the operations roon..
operations or communications.
- 3. h noise level within the operations roon,was high. h re is a need to train participants to lower their voice' j
when talking on the telephone and for the PIO to have a device to speak in to so he will not be heard, disrupting the balance of the staff while broadcasting messages.
- 4. h inventory list, as printed in the Minnesota Department of Health SOP (dated 1982) should be revised A copytoofreflect the the upgrading of personal dosineters f rom. " Civil Defense" type issue to commercially available units.
l inventory list should then be provided with each " standard package" of field team equipment and supplies.
- 5. In order to enhance perforniance, the State of Minnesota should deterniine if any of its preselected monitoring teant i
members have any medical problan with taking iodine. Since KI could cause an adverse reaction, it is advisable to j identify any possibly allergic individual prior to an actual event.
l l 6. h panel moderators, on some occasions, appeared unsure of thouselves. hy were saying what someone had told then. to say and the listener got the feeling they didn't understand what the words meant. 'they should be more actively involved in the preparation of briefing n.aterial.
l 49 i
d i
_ _ _ _ _ _ ___ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ ~ _ _ _ __. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ . .
, trrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Sunmary I.isting of Exercise Findings j
Areas Reconnended For Inprovement i
' 3 June 17, 1986_
Minnesota (State)
_(Cr== wilty) i ' perfornance:
h following conaents, if inclemented, would enhance thetofield n.onitor ng teans check for proper instrument operation.
(a) Radioactive check sources were not used during the exercise CS-137 sources (which have been d l
i' According to an MHD representative, a procedure is being developed to p aceh sources should i
purchased) in the field team kits, stored in the sane kit. t idges for radioiodine is not described M 2 for iodine analysis. f@H
. , (b) %e existence of a separate " Iodine tean."
i to analyze air sample car
, SOPS should be revised to reflect the presence of a separate "iod ne tecni radiolodine. i information functions. Arrangennents 8.
W e State of Minnesota should provide a cona.on work area for all publ cincorporate their requirem should be coordinated with the State of Wisconsin and the utility toe media, a Msile some background material was available for in general, radiation, energency plan, etc.,
information about NSP, Prairie Island Generating Stat. ton, nuclear power was not available.
i UTILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Stasaary Listing of Exercise Findings
' Deficiencies Minnesota June 17, 1986 (State) (Date) i i Goodhue County / Red Wing *
NUREG Narrative Statement Corrective Action Scheduled Actual
." Iteen of Weaknees Proposed Date Date E6 1he time between notification of GENERAL IMERGENCY with the directive to implement protective actions and the time the sirens were fully activated exceeded both the fifteen minute standard required by NUREG-9654 and the five niinutes prescribed by the State BOC. 1he BOC staff did not take
. appropriate measures to fully coordinate the sounding of sirens within the-jursidictions under their control and with the adjacent Counties in accordance with .
, the Goodhue County / City of Red Wing emergency plan.
O 51
.- . _ - . - _ _ - - . . . . . - - . - _ - - _ . . - . . . - - . - . _. . . - . - - - .. .~ _- .. .. ..
UTILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Sawry Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action s
June 17, 1986 Minnesota (State) (Date) i Goo & ue County / Red Wing (Ccamunity)
I NUREG Narrative Statement Corrective Action Scheduled Actual of Waahness Proposed Date Dete Item E7 1he Goodhue County plan indicates that the State DES is responsible for activation of the EBS for both initial and folIowup m aages. As a backup, if DES is unable to activate the EBS, Goodhue County can activate it. The County should not 3
- attempt to provide information to the EBS
- unless it has been coordinated with DES or it has been determ.ined that' DES is unable to activate the systesm.
! G4a and In the ahmance of hard copies of the State
" 7 Geb news relamaaa, the County should j coordinate with the State BOC and JPIC prior to meeting the media in Goodhue County. A County representative located at the JPIC could have ein.inated this problesn.
' 52
- l'
trrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Samary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas kecommended For Improvement June 17, 1986 (Date)
Minnesota (State)
Good ne County / Red Wing (Concenity) at the JPIC, a liaison officer at the JPIC
- 1. would assure that energency actions and activities of the City a State information personnel.
.. . _. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .._._ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . - _ . . _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _
tRILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Cenerating Plant l S - ry Listing of Exercise Findings
< Deficiencies s ' June 17, 1986 (Date)
Minnesota j (State)
Dakota County
' ~ (Community)
Scheduled Actual
, Corrective Action Date Date NUREG Narrative Statement Proposed .
Iteam of Weakness J
il O
54 1
1 9
1 trrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Sma.ary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action 3
June 17, 1986 Minnesota (Date)
(State) l g.
Dakota County (Cmmawtity) i Corrective Action Sdeduled Actual NUREG Narrative Statement Date Date of Weakness Proposed Itmi E7 Dakota County should have reviewed all transmiissions frams the JPIC and followed up on agricultural and other information that was transmiitted to the State and not reflected in the press releases. Further, a County representative located at the JPIC as called for in the plan, would have eliminated this problemi.
] .,
t K3a, K3b 1he simaalation and discussion that took and K4b place during the esercise partially a>rrects a weakness (Criteria Item. K3a) fromian earlier exercise. However, detailed procedures should be developed and d==<wustrated for coordinating field information on emergency worker exposure control with the BOC RADEF offi r.
Procedures should also be established for l
managing esmergency workers that require
! decontamination.
55 i
UTILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Stamary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action 2
Minnesota June 17, 1986 (State) (Date)
Dakota County *
(C-mi ty)
NURtG Narrative Statement Corrective Action Scheduled Actual Itea. of Weakness Proposed Date Date G4a 1he Dakota County plan provides for County representation at the JPIC. The County taas not represented at the JPIC.
IRILITY: Prairie Island Dhaclear Generating Plant Si==ary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Heconnended For Improventet
' June 17, 1986 (Dete)
Minnesota (State)
Dakota County (C=maviity) be recorded on
- 1. Since there may be significant time dif ference involved, it is recommende the status board.
l l
l 57
UFILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Summ.ary Listing of Exercise Findings
.e June 17, 1996 i Wisconsin (Date)
(State) 4 a
Wisconsin (Commaniity)
Corrective Action Sdaduled Actual NUREG Narrative Statenient Proposed Date Date Ites. of Weakness y _- . - -
! l l
. . _ . . - .. .. . - - - - ~ -. . . _ . . . _ . .- -- _- . - - - . . - . .. -
e IRILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Smaary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action Wisconsin June 17, 1986 (State) (Date) l Wisconsin l (cmmamity)
- NUREG Narrative Statemaent Corrective Action Scheduled Actual Item of Mness Proposed Date Data
G4e Demonstration of the rumor mntrol function aust include a means of responding to citizen in@ iries.
Jll Protective actions for people and livestock should be consistent.
l l
's 59
(FrILITY: Prairie Island Itx-lear Generating Plant Sunshary Listiiv3 of Exercise Findings Areas Recommended For Improvement June 17, 1986 Wisconsin
! (Date)
Wisconsin (Cmmamity)
- 1. The State of Wiscxmain should consider the use of a facimile datafax machine in the State BOC for c-mication with the JPIC.
- 2. 1he State of Wisconsin should assist the State of Minnesota in establishing a en==m work area for the public information functions.
l l
60 l
l l
1 UTILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Stanmary Listing of Exercise Findings Deficiencies 2
June 17, 1986-Wisconsin (State) (Date)
Pierce County j
NUREG Narrative Statement Corrective Action Sdieduled Actual-Iteam of umakriess Proposed Date Date
< E6 and Siren activation occurred in advance of the E7 State's protective action recommendation.
j Following receipt of the State's protective l
action recommendation at 1999, it took 29 ndnutes to broadcast the EBS message to the public. 1his nessage did not include the appropriate instructions to the public arut transient population relative to sheltering. In addition, the message would
! have been difficult for the public to understand sirre fandliar landinarks and boundaries were not utilized to descrite the areas affected.
61 l
IRILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Sa - ry Listing of Exercise Findings Areas pequirinj Corrective Action
- June 17, 1986 Wisconsin (Date)
Pierce County
_ (Cc=maniity) -
l Corrective Action Sdieduled Actual NUREG Narrative Statement Proposed Date Date Item, of umakness G4h and One central coordinated message handlin]
H3 function tshich inclairk*a the PIO needs to be established for complete dia m ination of information and record keeping. To more completely keep the EDC staff informed, it is necammary to post, on the HOC status board, significant events relevant to the 9
PIO release of information.
JISc Pierce County did not A=aistrate the ability to effect an orderly evacuation of schools within the pitse EPZ.
62 W
. . . ._ ~ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . -
IfrILITY: Prairie Island NLx-lear Generating Plant S w ry Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Recosiseeruhl For Improvement Wisconsin June 17, 1986 (State) (Dete)
Pierce County (camamity) ,
- 1. The use of display boards and neps could be swde nore effective. First, the display boards were mounted too low on the side unll, making it dif ficult to be seen by all staff in the BOC. Second, the n.aps were not marked to highlight the information. It is suggested that the status boards be displayed at a higher level to improve their visibility and the maps be snarked with the identifiers to show the points of interests.
- 2. It is suggested that the BOC PIO staff be provided training regarding tisse requirements related to alert and notification.
63 9
Emergency Management Agency
@ Federal Region V 300 South Wacker. 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 353-1500 November 28, 1986 Ms. Colette Blum Meister Adninistrator, Division of Diergency Goverranent Post Office Box 7865 Madison, Wisconsin 53797
Dear Ms. Blum Meister:
We have reviewed the schedule of corrective action dated November 19, 1986 for the exercise weaknesses identifind during the June 17, 1986 Prairie Island REP joint exercise. Our evaluation of the proposed corrective action is discussed below.
State of Wisconsint G.4.c me proposed corrective action is acceptable. We will evaluate the appropriate rtmcr control actions taken by State and local governments in accordance with your proposal during future exercises. The State and local REP plans should be revised to reflect this approach to runor control.
State of Wisconsint J.11 The corrective action taken to date is acceptable. We will evaluate this State activity during future REP exercises as appropriate.
State of Wisconsint Areas Recomended For Incrovement Your response to the two specific recommendations in the report is appreciated. Although we do not track reconnendations, the information you provided should serve to enhance your radiological emergency response capabilities.
Pierce Countyt E.6 and E.7 me proposed corrective actions are acceptable. It is our understanding that the joint Minnesota and Wisconsin meeting will take place in Red Wing on February 19, 1987. FDiA will provide an evaluator /obeerver for the session. At that time we can finalize FD% involvement, if any, in the February 25, 1987 PIO training to be conducted in Ellsworth.
Pierce County: G.4.b and H.3 me proposed corrective action is acceptable. Please provide this offim with copies of the revised plan at such tirne as it becenes available.
Page 2 Pierce County: J.19.c The conannts in the exercise report were predicated on our understanding that the school evacuation activity was to be a tabletop discussion during the exercise. This did not occur. The proposed corrective action is acceptable. However, it is not necessary to actually evacuate school children during the exercise. Pierce County may choose to do so at its own option. FD% will expect to see a demonstration which is consistent with m EV-2. This m was recently finalized and a copy was provided to you under separate cover. ,
A copy of the revised cover and title page for the final exercise report are enclosed. 1hese are the only changes to the draft exercise report which was provided to you earlier. Please replace these two pages in the copies of the reports which Wisconsin and Pierce County currently possess. The exercise report may now be considered final.
the final exercise report and your schedule of corrective action are being
! provided to FD% HQ for transmittal to the NRC. We intend to prepare a report concerning the status of the exercise deficiency following the February meetings. A copy of that status report will be provided to you at that tine. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Sincerely, L
Wallace J. Weaver, Chairman Regional Assistance Comnittee Enclosure 4
RV/rHB/25 th/WWeaver/x 6-9530/ww/11-28-86 cc: Wen Green Rick Anthony
State of Wisconsin m-Department of Administration =,t/--
N OmmmmmMMM Ma+ng Acorns j
. November 10' 1986 Post offee Boa 7865 4802 Shecoygan Avenue .Macison, Wisconsin uno, son,wt53707 Phone- 608/266-3232 -I Mr. Wallace J. Weaver, Chief
'hchnological Hazards Branch Federal Dnergency Management Agency, Region V 300 South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor Chicago, IL 60606
Dear Mr. Weaver:
Enclosed is the State of Wisconsin's response to the draft report of the Prairie Island Exercise. Also enclosed is the reply from Pierce Cbunty to that exercise report. We look forward to working with you in setting up a final date for the table top exercise.
If you have any questions, contact Garrett Nielsen at (608) 266-3115 or Lawrence Reed at (608) 266-3169.
Sincerel,y, ,
few g, p lette Blum M ter Achinistrator (31:jlr:3076A Enclosures cc: Rick Anthony, FB4A, Battle Creek David Speerschneider Garrett Nielsen Iawrence Reed Al Sperger Ron Miller, Director, Pierce Cbunty Dnergency Government Iawrence McDonnell Janet Olissell, Minnesota DES Michael ladd, NSP
trrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant , _ .
Sunmary Listing of Exercise Findings Deficiencies :
' June 17, 1986 wisconsin (D'**I (state)
\ .
! Wisconsin (Conannity)
Corrective Action Sd eduled Actual NUREG Narrative Statement Proposed Date Date I tes. of Maakness N00E 58 1 .
d trrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant ~
Staimary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action
< Wisconsin June 17, 1986 (State) (Data)
Wisconsin (Comannity) ,
NURBG Narrative Stateunent Corrective Action Sdeduled Actual Item of Weaknesc Proposed Date Date___
G4c Desmonstration of the rtnaor control function See Attached Page 12/2/06 nnst include a means of responding to l citizen inquiries.
Jll Protective actions for people and Protective action recommendations have 11/06 11/06 livestock should be consistent. been reviewed by the SRC staff and in the future protective action recommendations for people and livestock will be consistent.
Corrective Action Proposed At the present time, the State of Wisconsin sees no practical or affordable method of establishing a rumor control system which can respond to the individual question of each and every citizen who may call the rumor control number. In the future exercises; rumors will be dealt with through the press briefings conducted at the JPIC.
The PIO's at the JPIC will monitor the local EBS system and the local radio and TV stations for the accuracy of the information they broadcast. The PIO's at the JPIC and the state and county EOC's will coordinate their activities to be sure that all information going to the JPIC regarding the state and county response to the accident at the power plant is accurate. State and county PIO's will be briefed on rumor control procedures. The state PIO at the JPIC will maintain a telephone message device which local residents can call for official information. The recording device will contain -
information regarding the current condition of the plant and any protective action recommendations thau may have been issued and whether'there has been a release of radioactive material to the envircnment. Wisconsin is willing to contact any state which FEMA considers to operate an adequate rumor control function in an effort to improve Wisconsin's own rumor control activities.
(TfILITY: Prairie Island Erlear Generating Plant Suna.ary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Reconmended For Inprovement June 17, 1986 Wisconsin (Data)
Wisconsin (Canannity)
- 1. 'Ihe State of Wisconsin should consider the use of a facimile datafax sechine in the State 50C for commun with the JPIC.
- 2. 1he State of Wisconsin should assist the State of Minnesota in establishing a cm work area for the public information functions.
- 1. The State of Wisconsin is working with Kewaunee and Manitowoc Counties, Wisconsin Flectric Power Company, and Wisconsin Public Service to develop a computer communication system utilizing a bulletin board to transmit hard copy messages. This system is more flexible than facsimile datafax machines and can be expanded for use with other power planta.
- 2. The State of Wisconsin will work with the State of Minnesota in establishing a common work area for the public information functions.
69 0
. 8
trrILITY: Prairie Island ikx: lear Generating Plant Sunniary Listing of Exercise Findings Deficiencies 2
Wisconsin June 17, 1986 (State) (Data)
Pierce County '
NUREG Narrative Statensent Corrective Action Scheduled Actual Items of Weakness Proposed Date Date E6 and Siren activation occurred in advance of the Pierce County in conjunction with the 2/87 E7 State's protective action reconmendation. State of Wisconsin and Minnesota Following receipt of the State's protective and the affected Minnesota counties action recommendation at 1999, it took 20 will participate in a joint meeting to niinutes to broadcast the EBS nessage to the discuss the problems which arose during public. 'this message did not include the the exercise, and to develop a set of appropriate instructions to the public and procedures for the coordinated alerting transient population relative to of the Wisconsin and Minnesota residents '
sheltering. In addition, the wessage would of the Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant have been difficult for the public to EPZ. This discussion will be followed by understand since familliar larwherks and a brief table top exercise to demonstrate boundaries were not utilized to describe the procedures which have been developed.
the areas affected.
IfrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Sunmary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action
- June 17, 1986 Wisconsin (Date)
Pierce County (Consonity)
Scheduled Actual Corrective Action Date Date NUREG Harrative Statement Proposed _
Iten, of Weakness In order to ensure that the PIO 8/07 G4b and One central coordinated nessage handling messages are routed through the message H3 function which includes the PIO needs to be control, an addendum to the Pierce established for complete disseniination of information and record keeping. To more County Plan will be written which identifies the procedures the PIO is coupletely keep the EOC staf f inforned, it to follow to ensure that the EOC is necessary to post, on the EOC status staff is informed.
board, significant events relevant to the PIO release of infornation.
The sheriff and the civil defense 1988 Exercise J10c Pierce County did not denonstrate the director discussed the calling of ability to effect an orderly evacuation of the schools but due to the fact schools within the plune EPZ. that school was not in session and there was no one to call, the decision was made not to notify anyone. The County is willing to evacuate a bus load of children to Spring Valley in a future exercise, if it is held during the school year.
J .
tFFILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Summary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Reconmended For Improvment June 17, 1986 Wisconsin (Date)
Pierce County _
First, the display boards were mounted too low
- 1. The use of display boards and maps could be made nore effective. Second, the naps were not marked to on the side wall, making it difficult to be seen by a11 ataff In the EOC.It is suggested that the status highlight the information. visibility and the maps be narked with the identifiers to show tlw points of intereste.
, d
- 2. It is suggested that the BOC PIO staff be provided training regarding time requirements related to alert notification.
- * *
- E" . . . ' ' . *, ', ' " * ' * * *
,U', . . ,
October 22, 1986 Colette Blum Meister, Administrator Wisconsin Division of Emergency Government Hill Farms State Office Building P. O. Box 7865 4802 Sheboygan Avenue Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7865
Dear Ms. Blum Meister:
Inclosed in this letter are our comments on the Draft Report of the Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant Exercise.
In response to NUREG Item E6 and E7, action has been taken to ensure that the sheriff will give the order to blow the sirens in Pierce County when he receives word that protective
- action should be taken to protect the citizens of the county.
In all cases he will attempt to confirm the information from the State Radiological Officer. '
Between now and the end of January we will have pre-scripted messa.Bes, . hopefully on a computer program, that will define landmarks in relation to sectors that the public can under-stand. These landmarks can be used for evacuation, shelter and placing animals on stored feed. We will then have a '
training session on February 25, 1987, to train the public information persons and to practice the new procedures. As an additional corrective action Pierce County will attempt to upgrade the personnel operating in the PIO section of the EOC.
We will also try to separate EBS functions from the media briefing functions.
The civil defense direct r and the sheriff feel strongly that part of the problem in the sounding of the sirens has been in the unsuccessful Minnesota and theeffort to coordinate several municipalitieswith the State of within. In the future the county plans to divorce itself in this effort of coordination and the sheriff and other county officials will take responsibility for the actions of Pierce County. I In reply to NUREG Item G4b; in order to ensure that the PIO messages are routed through the message control, an addendum to the Pierce County Plan will be written which identifies the procedures the PIO is to follow to ensure the EOC staff is informed.
i l
Pertaining to NUREG J10c; the sheriff and the civil defense director discussed the calling of the schools but due to the f act that school was not in session and there was no one to call, the decision was made not to notify anyone.
We would be more than willing to evacuate a bus load of children to Spring Valley in a future exercise, if it is held during the school year.
We hope we have discussed all the " Areas Requiring Corrective Action" to FEMA's satisfaction.
Sincerely, A Abb Ron Miller, Director Pierce County Civil Defense ht ames W. Hines, Sheriff Pierce County
.: ?
Marvin Christenson, Chairman Pierce County Board of Supervisors RM/lkj cc Dave Speerschneider
se Federal Emergency Management Agency
@) Region V 300 South Wacker,24th Floor, Chicago,IL 60606 (312) 353-1500 November 28, 1986 Mr. Thomas Motherway Director, Division of Dnergency Services B5-State Capitol St. Paul, Minnesota 55155
Dear Mr. Motherway:
We have reviewed the schedule of corrective action dated November 7, 1986 for the exercise weaknesses identified during the June 17, 1986 Prairie Island REP joint exercise. Our evaluation of the proposed corrective action is discussed below.
State of Minnesota: A.2.a
'Ihe proposed corrective action is acceptable. We will evaluate the message handling procedures during future exercises. If necessary, the State REP plan should be revised i.o reflect any change in procedures. If the plan is revised, please provide this office with copies at such time as it beccroes available.
State of Minnesota: E.7 We recognize that this corrective action is in progress. We will evaluate this State activity during future REP exercises as appropriate.
State of Minnesota: F.1 b l Your corment is acceptable. We will evaluate the stated cortnunication capabilities during the 1988 Prairie Island REP exercise.
State of Minnesota: G.4.a, J.ll and M.1
'Ihe proposed corrective action is acceptable. We will evaluate this activity during the 1987 Monticello REP exercise.
State of Minnesota: G.4.a, J.ll, M.1 and M.3; J.9 and J.ll; J.11 (3); 0.1 .
'Ihe proposed corrective action is acceptable. Please provide this offim j with copies of the revised plan at such time as it becomes available. If l
the RAC can provide any assistance to you in this area please let me know.
We will evaluate these activities during the 1987 Monticello REP exercise.
State of Minnesota: G.4.c
'Ihe proposed corrective action is acceptable. We will evaluate the fully coordinated rumor control activity as outlined in the State plan during the 1987 Monticello REP exercise.
e i
Page 2 Goodhue County / City of Red Wing: E.6
- The proposed corrective action is acceptable. It is our understanding that the joint Minnesota and Wisconsin meeting will take plam in Red Wing on February 19, 1987. FDR will provide an evaluator / observer for the session.
l Goodhue County / City of Red Wing: E.7 The proposed corrective action is acceptable. Please incorporate these
> procedures, as appropriate, into the State and local plans. If the plans are revised, please provide this office with copies at such time as they becone available.
C M ue County / City of Red Wing: G.4.a and G.4.b
'Ihe proposed corrective action is acceptable. We will evaluate this activity during the 1988 Prairie Island REP exercise.
Dakota County: E.7; G.4.a
'Ihe proposed corrective action is consistent with the County's plan. We will evaluate this activity during the 1988 Prairie Island REP exercise.
Dakota County: K.3.a, K.3.b and K.4.b:
As noted in the exercise report, this weakness was carried over from an earlier exercise. We concur that this exercise was not planned to provide a sufficient demonstration of the corrective action for this weakness. We will evaluate this activity during the 1988 Prairie Island REP exercise.
A copy of the revised cover and title page for the final exercise report are enclosed. These are the only changes to the draft exercise report which was provided to you earlier. Please replace these two pages in the copies of the reports which Minnesota, Pier County / City of Red Wing and Dakota County currently possess. The exercise report may now be considered final.
'Ihe final exercise report and your s6edule of corrective action are being provided to FEMA HQ for transmittal to the NRC. We intend to prepare a report concerning the status of the exercise deficiency following the February meeting. A copy of that status report will be provided to you at that time. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Sincerely, Wallace J. Weaver, Chairman Regional Assistance Comnittee Enclosure RV/THB/25th/WJWeaver/x 6-9530/ww/11-28-86 cc: Green
Rick Anthony -
. , a A
SAINT PAUL 55155 i November 7,1986 Robert E. Connor, Acting Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region V 300 South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor Chicago, Illinois 60606
Dear Mr. Connor:
2 Enclosed are the responses to the FEMA draft final report of the June 17, 1986, Prairie Island Exercise for the State of Minnesota, Goodhue County / City of Red Wing and Dakota County. Our responses are being submitted on the " Sum-mary Listing of Exercise Findings" form.
As mentioned in the listing, details of the remedial activity to correct the identified public alerting and instruction deficiency will be finalized with Wallace Weaver, FEMA Y RAC Chairman.
Sincerely, d
Th s >b rway Director Enclosure i
cc:Nallace Weaver, Chief, Tech Haz Branch, FEMA V Rick Anthony, Program Specialist, FEMA V, Battle Creek Michael Ladd, EP Administrator, NP Sheriff Dale Grote, Goodhue County Dean Massett, CD Director, City of Red Wing David Gisch, EP Coordinator, Dakota County
! Colette Blum Meister, Administrator, Wisconsin DEG l
Lloyd Lund, DES Deputy Director Bob Dusso, DES Region I Program Cooniinator -
Howrd Strabala, DES Metro Region Program Coordinator i
v-~------ ------r--, - - - . - - - _ , _ _ , , . _ _ _ _
- 4
? -
IfrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Suneary Listing of Exercise Findings Deficiencies a June 17, 1986
! Minnesota (Date)
Corrective Action Scheduled Actual NUREG Narrative Statenent '
Proposed Date Date Iten. of Weakness N0tE 1
i t
IRILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Sunmaary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action June 17, 1986 Minnesota (State) (Date)
Minnesota (C(mannity) i NUREG Narrative Stateient Corrective Action Scheduled Actual of Weakness Proposed Date Date Item.
Jll 1he Minnesota Departnient of Agriculture See page 47 9-1-87 should provide their representative with Monticello the appropriate ingestion pathway data, Exercise protective action guidelines, standard operating procedures and checklists.
01 1he Department of Agriculture should See page 47 9-1-87
! prepare and properly train their Monticello representative to the EOC so he could Exercise effectively and adequately provide infotniation during the briefings.
A2a Minnesota DES should review their nessage This will be done and demonstrateIl~
handling procedures to ensure nessages are the next full scale exercise. 9-1-87 properly routed to action agencies. Monticello
. Exercise Flb Investigate and correct the problen which There is no problem with radio communications with Dakota
.i af fected radio conannications with Dakota County. We have the radio capability identified in the County during the exercise. plan. True, the State EOC cannot reach Dakota County on the state-wide emergency frequency (the main radio. channel) of State Patrol. The two frequencies available are point-to point and MINSEF (Hinnesota State Emergency Frequency) to the county sheriff's department.
i 45
- .=. - . -- -
i tirlLITY: Prairie is1and Nuc1 ear Generating P1 ant Stmaary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Cntrective Action
- June 17, 1986 (Date)
' Minnesota (State) 1
!' Minnesota _
Scheduled Actual. !
Corrective Action ~ Date Date_
Narrative Statement Proposed _
Itm. of Weakness 9-1-87 See page 47 Monticello J9 and 9410 and the Minnesota Departnent of Exercise Jll Agriculture should develop procedures to ensure coordination of activities related to ingestion pathway protect _ive neasures.
None of the releases or announcenents to I the media addressed protective actions for
- people living in or working in the l ingestion pathway EPZ. 9-1-87 Detailed, prescripted EBS messages are Monticello We EBS nessages did not always designate being developed and demonstrated Exercise E7 the areas to be evacuated and sheltered ty du, ring the next full-scale exercise.
i familiar landnerks and.geopolitical boundaries. Wis is currently teing prescripted by the State and although
- originally proposed for this exercise conpletion was delayed beyond this exercise date. Se State nest dennonstrate the ability to fornulate a proper EBS nessage. i
46 s
(frILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Sunnary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action June 17, 1986 Minnesota (Date)
(State) 1 Minnesota (Ccanonity)
Narrative Statenent Corrective Action Scheduled Actual IUREG Proposed Date Date Iten. of Weakness he ingestion pathway naps should be Ingestion pathway activities and 9-I-87 Jll re-entry / recovery considerations are very Monticello conpatible with other naps being used in closely related. To improve Minnesota's Exercise the BOC and naast start at the facility anti include all of the 50 n.ile EPZ. capabilities in these areas a planning task force will be established with
% e BOC staff, with najor input fron the representatives from DES, Dept. of Health Jll Deparbisent of Agriculture representative, & Agriculture and NSP. This task force will should d monstrate ingestion pathway review existing procedures and current federal protective actions. Exercise guidance.. Necessary revisions of plans and denmstration should include an open Procedures will be done. Follow-up training '
discussion of the considerations. A najor of emergency responders will also be conducted.
This task is complicated by the fact that the consideration would be the field staff to federal guidance is still in draft form.
assist in implenentation of the protective Ingestion Pathway and re-entry / recovery will actions. h is den m stration should occur be demonstrated the next full-scale exercisg.
during the 1987 full participation exercise.
A UTILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Stmanary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action June 17, 1986 Minnesota (Date)
Minnesota (Connonity)
J Corrective Action Scheduled Actual NUREG Narrative Statessent Proposed Date Date Iten, of Weakness G4c Rtmor control should be deonstrated at the Rumor control will be demonstrated the 9-1-87 next full participation exercise in the next full-scale exercise. Monticello State of Minnesota. 'this denonstration Exercise should represent the fully coordinated process as outlined in the plan.
G4a, Jll 'the public infornation aspects of recovery Public Information aspects of recovery 9-1-87 and M1 and reentry nest be denonstrated during and re-entry will be covered the next Monticello the next full participation exercise for full-scale exercise. Exercise the State of Minnesota.
G4a, J11 The E0C staff should have nore fully See page 47 9-1-87 M1 and discussed ingestion and recovery anxi Monticello M3 reentry considerations. A consolidation Exercise of recovery and reentry infornation should j have been provided to the general public via EBS and news releases.
48 i
P LFFILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Sunnary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Reconnended For Inprovenent ~
June 17, 1986 Minnesota (Date) j (State) l Minnesota
!' (Canonity)
- 1. It is reconnended that the State Operations Coordinator not participate as Operations It is also suggested Chief unless that input it is into the predeterniined that the transition would occur during a shift change.
exercise by the operations Coordinator be in written forn. as often as possible.
- 2. A telephone should be installed for the Departnent of Agriculture. During Thisthis exercise is arrangenent thenot Department conducive to of good Agriculture and Health Department shared a phone in the operations room.
operations or connonications.
- 3. 1he noise level within the operations roon. was high. 1here is a need to train participants to lower their voice when talking on the telephone and for the PIO to have a device to speak in to so he will not be heard, disrupting the balance of the staff while broadcasting nessages.
- 4. 1he inventory list, as printed in the Minnesota Department of Health SOP (dated 1982) should be .A revised copy ofto the reflect the upgrading of personal dosineters frow. " Civil Defense" type issue to connercially available units.
inventory list should then be provided with each " standard package" of field teasa equipment and supplies.
- 5. In order to enhance performance, the State of Minnesota should deterndne if any of its preselected nonitoring tema Since KI could cause an adverse reaction, it is advisable to mienbers have any nedical problan with taking iodine.
identify any possibly allergic individual prior to an actual event.
- 6. The panel noderators, on sone occasions, appeared unsure of thenselves. They were Theysaying shouldwhat be more smeone had t then. to say and the listener got the feeling they didn't understand what the words meant.
actively involved in the preparation of briefing naterial.
e (frILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Sunnary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Reconmended For Inprovenent 3
June 17, 1986_
(Date) ,
-(Connonity) ~
itoring tean.s' perfornance:
- 7. h following concents, if inglenented, would enhance i the field nonto check for proper inst (a) Radioactive check sources were not used during the exerc se d to place CS-137 source l
- According to an MHD representative, a procedure is being deve ope'Ihe sources should be shielded to purchased) in the field team kits.
stored in the sane kit. sanele cartridges SAM-2 for radiciodine for iodine is not describ MDt ,
l i i
(b) h existence of a separate " Iodine tean." to analyze a rA procedure does e in MXf SOPS.
SOPS should be revised to reflect the presence of a separate Arrangements radiolodine. blic information functions.
h State of Minnesota should provide a connon work area for all puility to incorporate their requireme should be coordinated with the State of Wisconsin and the ut roon., a fornal nadia kit, containt the briefing 9.
While sone background material was available for the media, atin general, radiation, energency plan, e c.,
infornation about NSP, Prairie Island Generating Station, nuclear power was not available.
50 i
k n 1
P' IRILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant I Sunn.ary Listing of Exercise Findings ,
Deficiencies ,
June 17, 1986 Minnesota (Date)
Goodhue County / Red Wing (Caimonity)
Corrective Action Scheduled Actual NUREG Narrative Statenent Date Date of Weakness Proposed lteni he tine between notification of GENERAL The Public Alert and Notification System February 1987 E6 ENERGENCY with the directive to inplement (PANS) procedures will be reviewed. Any protective actions and the tine the sirens changes necessary to insure coordination were fully activated exceeded both the of activation will be made. A PANS fifteen minute standard required by NUREG- training and. table top session will be 9654 and the five minutes prescribed by conducted ir, conjunction with Dakota County, Pierce County and Wisconsin l
the State BOC. % e BOC staff did not take appropriate measures to fully coordinate DEC ta correct this deficiency. The the sounding of sirens within the date and location of this will be jursidictions under their control and with coordinated with the Region V RAC the adjacent Counties in accordance with Chairman.
the Goc.ihue County / City of Red Wing energency plan.
P' (frILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant
' Sunniary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action .-
June 17, 1986 Minnesota (Dete)
Goodhue County / Red Wing (Conswnity)
Corrective Action - Scheduled Actual NUREG Narrative Stataisent Proposed Date Date Iten. of Weakness h Goodhue County plan indicates that the The city of Red Wing /Goodhue County '88 PI E7 reserves the right to issue EBS messages, Exercise State DES is responsible for activation of the EBS for both initial and followup in the future copies of their messages will be sent to the State EOC to provide nessages. As a backup, if DES is unable the coordination reconumended, to activate the EBS, Goodhue County can activate it. h County should not attempt to provide infornation to the EBS unless it has been coordinated with DES or it has been deterniined that DES is unable to activate the systeni.
To provide coordination with the State '88 PI G4a and In the absence of hard copies of the State EOC and JPIC the city of Red Wing / Exercise G4b news releases, the County should Coodhue County will have a liaison in coordinate with the State EOC and JPIC the State EOC.
prior to meeting the nedia in Goodhue County. A County representative located at the JPIC could have eln.inated this probleni, 52
(frILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant _
Sunnary Listing of Exercise Findirvjs Areas Reconuended For 'Issprovevent
.r June 17, 1986_
Minnesota (State)
Goodhue County / Red Wing (Connonity) k rson at the JPIC, a liaison officer at the i
- 1. would assure that energency actions and activities of the C ty State infornation personnel.
e 53 7
9 tTTILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant _
Suna.ary Listing of Exercise Findings Deficiencies
' June 17, 1986
Minnesota (State)
Dakota County l (Comannity)
Scheduled Actual Corrective Action Date Date Narrative Statenent Proposed NUREG I tes. of W akness
! NONE 4
e o
k 4
54 h
^ ~ ^ ~ ~ -- - - - __
trrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Stmaary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action June 17, 1986-Minnesota (Date)
Dakota County (Conannity)
Corrective Action Scheduled Actual NUREG Narrative Statenent Date Date Itene of Weakness Proposed E7 Dakota County should have reviewed all Dakota County will have a representative Demonstrate at the JPIC. during '88 transn.issions f ron. the JPIC and followed PI Exercise up on agricultural and other infornation that was transniitted to the State and not reflected in the press releases. Further, a County representative located at the JPIC as called for in the plan, would have eliminated this probleni.
K3a, K3b 1he sinalation and discussion that took Decontamination was not an objective '88 PI and K4b place during the exercise partially identified for this exercise. Exercise corrects a weakness (Criteria Iten. K3a) Decontamination and emergency worker froni an earlier exercise. However, exposure control will be demonstrated detailed procedures should be developed during the '88 PI Exercise.
and denionstrated for coordinating field intornation on energency worker exposure control with the EOC RADEF officer.
Procedures should also be establisixxl for nanaging eniergency workers that require decontan.ination.
55 i
4 tyrILITY: Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 4 Sunaary Listing of Exercise Findings Areas Requiring Corrective Action s June 17, 1986 Minnesota
- (Date)
Dakota County (Community)
Corrective Action Scheduled Actual NUREG Narrative Statenent Date Date Itene of Weakness Proposed G4a 1he Dakota County plan provides for County Dakota County will have a representative Demonstrate representation at the JPIC. 1he County at the JPIC. during '88 was not represented at the JPIC. PI Exercise l
l 56 9
3 t
(TrILITY: Prairie Islard Nuclear Generating Plant Smaary Listinj of Exercise Findings Areas Reconnended For Inprovenent 3 June 17, 1986 (Date)
Minnesota (State)
Dakota County (Connonity) .
t l event tines be recorded on ide the entry.
- 1. Since there way be significant tine dif ference involved, it is reconnended that the status board.
- 1 57
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -. _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _