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Pages in category "NRC TO UTILITY"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 81,887 total.
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- CLI-80-25, Forwards NRC 800626 Order Denying Intervenors Sc Sholly, People Against Nuclear Energy & Newberry Township TMI Steering Committee 800623 Joint Motion for Reconsideration of CLI-80-25
- CLI-80-28, Requests Info to Be Provided within 10 Days,In Response to Commission 8000630 order,CLI-80-28.Request Does Not Relieve Recipients from Compliance W/Order.Response Must Include Competitive Status Since Dec 1978 & Latest Annual Rept
- CLI-85-08, Forwards FEMA Status Rept on Special Proceeding Decision CLI-85-08,containing Schedule of Unresolved Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies.Resolution of Issues in Cooperation W/State & Local Govts Requested
- CLI-85-09, Accepts 850531 Power Ascension Schedule Per Condition 1 of CLI-85-09,in Response to 850531 Request.Satisfaction of License Conditions Required Prior to Concurrence to Proceed Beyond Hold Points
- CLI-88-02, Informs of Encl Commission 880428 Order CLI-88-02,lifting Restrictions Placed on Employment for All Individuals Except Jr Floyd,Per Commission Order CLI-85-09.Update of Status of Various Conditions of Operations Requested
- DD-80-21, Forwards Directors Decision Under 10CFR2.206 (DD-80-21) Denying Antinuclear Group Representing York Request for EIS & Related Fr Notice
- DD-89-03, Forwards Directors Decision DD-89-03,ltr of Transmittal & Fr Notice,For Info.Petition Denied Under 10CFR2.206. Recommends That Commission Reopen Rulemaking Proceedings Re ATWS
- DD-90-06, Forwards Directors Decision DD-90-06 Dtd 900925,for Info
- IA-85-220, Responds to FOIA Request for 10-mile & 50-mile Emergency Planning Zone Maps.Maps Will Be Mailed Under Separate Cover
- IA-85-691, Ack Receipt of 820415 Ltr in Response to NRC 820413 Ltr. Positive Attitude for Addressing Past Regulatory Communication Problems Expressed in Ltr.Lack of Positive Approach Noted in 820315 Response to Notice of Violation
- IA-85-816, Confirms 851202-06 Equipment Qualification Insp of Plant, Per 851113 Telcon.Areas to Be Inspected Listed
- IA-86-444, Responds to FOIA Request for Transcript of Recipient Testimony Re Allegations of Harassment of QA Auditors. Investigation Rept Available in PDR & Listed Lpdr.Portions of Records Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemptions 6 & 7)
- IA-86-718, Advises That Team Insp Will Be Conducted During Wk of 820412.Region Will Pursue Circumstances Surrounding Statements in Indicating Facility Met Requirements of App R
- IA-86-729, Denies Util 841213 Request for Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.73, LER Sys. Postponement of Reporting Suppl to LER Permitted Only When Similar Reportable Items Discovered During Review
- IA-87-120, Informs That Concerns Expressed in 820825 Ltr & at 820902 Meeting Re Fire Protection Exemption Request Review Process Unfounded.Target Completion Date of 830101 Will Not Be Met at Expense of in-depth Review of Each Request
- IA-87-299, Ack Receipt of Util Describing Program for Training & Qualifying Individuals for Dual Role Senior Reactor Operator/Shift Technical Advisor Positions.Future Personnel in Dual Positions Should Meet Listed Criteria
- IA-87-368, Marked-up Ltr Re Allegations at Plant by Individual Expressing Concern About Health Physics Practices in Containment Bldg Per 861204 Telcon W/H Kerch of Region I. Investigation to Be Conducted Re Program Problems
- IA-87-554, Discusses Schedule for Radiological Safety Review of Application for CPs for Plant.Summary of More Important Radiological Safety Review Milestones Encl for Info & Review
- IA-87-608, Advises That NRC Employees Listed in Encl Will Need Unescorted Access Badges for All Areas of Facility for Special Insp During 831128-1210.Employees Should Be Provided Addl Training in Emergency Response & Security.W/O Encl
- IA-87-652, Ack Receipt of 870105 Comments on NUREG/CR-4600, Human Factors Study Conducted in Conjunction W/Mini-Round Robin Assessment of Ultrasonic Technician Performance. Use of Method Warrants Further Consideration by Industry
- IA-88-269, Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Cost of Search Incurred Under Request Will Be Billed by Div of Accounting & Finance
- IA-89-326, Advises That Proposed Objectives for 1989 Annual Exercise of Radiological Emergency Plan Acceptable for Intended Purpose
- IA-89-374, Forwards IE Circular 81-07, Control of Radioactively Contaminated Matl. W/O Encl
- IR 015000027/1980002
- IR 015000027/1981002
- IR 05000003/1975004
- IR 05000003/1976002
- IR 05000003/1976008
- IR 05000003/1976009
- IR 05000003/1976048
- IR 05000003/1977014
- IR 05000003/1978009
- IR 05000003/1985001
- IR 05000010/1972006
- IR 05000010/1973001
- IR 05000010/1973002
- IR 05000010/1974001
- IR 05000010/1974013
- IR 05000010/1975003
- IR 05000010/1975005
- IR 05000010/1975006
- IR 05000010/1975009
- IR 05000010/1975011
- IR 05000010/1975017
- IR 05000010/1975019
- IR 05000010/1976022
- IR 05000010/1977004
- IR 05000010/1977006
- IR 05000010/1977016
- IR 05000010/1977023
- IR 05000010/1977024
- IR 05000010/1977028
- IR 05000010/1978026
- IR 05000010/1979001
- IR 05000010/1979004
- IR 05000010/1979015
- IR 05000010/1979021
- IR 05000010/1979023
- IR 05000010/1979025
- IR 05000010/1980004
- IR 05000010/1980009
- IR 05000010/1980011
- IR 05000010/1980019
- IR 05000010/1980021
- IR 05000010/1981004
- IR 05000010/1981008
- IR 05000010/1981009
- IR 05000010/1981011
- IR 05000010/1981014
- IR 05000010/1981018
- IR 05000010/1981020
- IR 05000010/1981021
- IR 05000010/1981022
- IR 05000010/1982004
- IR 05000010/1982005
- IR 05000010/1982020
- IR 05000010/1983001
- IR 05000010/1983005
- IR 05000010/1983010
- IR 05000010/1985003
- IR 05000010/1989002
- IR 05000029/1974011
- IR 05000029/1974014
- IR 05000029/1975004
- IR 05000029/1975012
- IR 05000029/1976007
- IR 05000029/1976012
- IR 05000029/1978009
- IR 05000029/1979013
- IR 05000029/1981001
- IR 05000029/1981012
- IR 05000029/1981018
- IR 05000029/1981020
- IR 05000029/1981021
- IR 05000029/1982002
- IR 05000029/1982004
- IR 05000029/1982019
- IR 05000029/1985001
- IR 05000029/1986017
- IR 05000029/1987010
- IR 05000029/1988001
- IR 05000029/1988016
- IR 05000029/1988025
- IR 05000029/1989003
- IR 05000029/1989014
- IR 05000029/1990014
- IR 05000105/2002001
- IR 05000114/2012011
- IR 05000120/2002016
- IR 05000123/2008016
- IR 05000133/1978012
- IR 05000133/1979003
- IR 05000133/1980005
- IR 05000133/1981001
- IR 05000133/1981002
- IR 05000133/1982001
- IR 05000133/1984002
- IR 05000133/1985002
- IR 05000133/1985003
- IR 05000133/1987001
- IR 05000133/1989002
- IR 05000133/1989003
- IR 05000146/1979001
- IR 05000155/1974005
- IR 05000155/1974009
- IR 05000155/1975007
- IR 05000155/1975010
- IR 05000155/1976008
- IR 05000155/1976009
- IR 05000155/1976014
- IR 05000155/1976017
- IR 05000155/1976019
- IR 05000155/1976022
- IR 05000155/1977003
- IR 05000155/1977008
- IR 05000155/1977010
- IR 05000155/1978001
- IR 05000155/1978004
- IR 05000155/1978013
- IR 05000155/1979007
- IR 05000155/1979015
- IR 05000155/1980014
- IR 05000155/1981005
- IR 05000155/1981008
- IR 05000155/1981012
- IR 05000155/1981013
- IR 05000155/1981016
- IR 05000155/1981017
- IR 05000155/1985014
- IR 05000155/1986013
- IR 05000155/1987006
- IR 05000155/1987019
- IR 05000169/1974010
- IR 05000206/1976006
- IR 05000206/1977009
- IR 05000206/1977018
- IR 05000206/1978008
- IR 05000206/1978014
- IR 05000206/1978016
- IR 05000206/1979008
- IR 05000206/1979013
- IR 05000206/1980001
- IR 05000206/1980008
- IR 05000206/1980017
- IR 05000206/1980028
- IR 05000206/1980029
- IR 05000206/1980030
- IR 05000206/1980034
- IR 05000206/1981001
- IR 05000206/1981007
- IR 05000206/1981013
- IR 05000206/1981015
- IR 05000206/1981024
- IR 05000206/1981025
- IR 05000206/1981031
- IR 05000206/1981036
- IR 05000206/1981040
- IR 05000206/1982003
- IR 05000206/1982004
- IR 05000206/1982005
- IR 05000206/1982010
- IR 05000206/1982015
- IR 05000206/1982018
- IR 05000206/1985009
- IR 05000206/1985013
- IR 05000206/1985019
- IR 05000206/1985020
- IR 05000206/1985023
- IR 05000206/1985026
- IR 05000206/1985037
- IR 05000206/1986003
- IR 05000206/1986017
- IR 05000206/1986040
- IR 05000206/1986048
- IR 05000206/1987004
- IR 05000206/1987005
- IR 05000206/1987008