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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Export Licenses.Forwards App B Documents.Documents Also Available in PDR
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/21/1987
From: Grimsley D
To: Mokoena K
Shared Package
ML20212J374 List:
FOIA-86-897 NUDOCS 8701280175
Download: ML20212J372 (2)


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(..eee,/ INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST Mg{g 00C(&Y *Wein 4: ut awees


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PART 1. RECOROS Rett AttD OR NOT LOCAf50 ISee checaed soses No egency recorde eutnoct to the request have been located.

No odditenal agency recorde subsect to the request have been located Agency ree.o<de outet to the esquest that are identAed m Appendia are already availabic for public mopectgin and copymp e the NRC Put*c Document Room, 1717 H Street. N W , Wuhington, DC t gent, ,et o,de sub,eci to me ,, that e,e identited m Appee.. _ b e,e bemg ,nede e,easse to, put.c mapnten and copying ihe NRC Puwec onu t Coom, till H Street, N W., Weehmgton, DC, m a foldet under the FOIA number and requestu eams the nonpeoproteri ve'een of the proposenti that you agreed to accept m a te6ephone converesten with a member of my ste'f e now being mede evadable for pubhc 6repection end covmg ei the NRC Putec Document Room.17t7 H Street, N W , Wnhington, DC e m e fokte under thse FOIA numbe and requesist name inclosed e etormahte on how you may obteen access to end the charges for copymg records placed m the NRC PutAc Document Room.1717 H Street, N W., Wuhmetoe DC.

Agency reco#de eutnect to the te<>eet e<e enclosed Any applicab6e che'ge for cop ee of the records provided and psycreet procedures are noted in the cornmente eartoon.

Retoede eutnect to the request have been re'e' red to another Federet egencytest foe reve* end direct respoese to you  %

in vow of NRC e empocas to the esqunt, no furthe acten se being tenen on appesilettee de'ed PARf 11 A-lNFORMAflON WITHHELO FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURS .

Cettee mfo<metam e the sequated escorde e tems w*thbeid hem pub 4 d ecloew's co reuent to the FOIA esemptece descreed in and for the tooeone sieted in Part 11. 'tec-tane 8. C. and 0 Any reisesed portees of the docuseen's for *Nh ca8v part of the socord e beme wethheid e<e made avosebte for put*c 6nepection and copying m the NRC Putaie Omument Room.1717 H Gtreet, N W . Wuhmg'on. DC, m a fouer unde the FOiA end *equestee name g Comm.nie ni e


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R701280L75 870121 .'


CRC P;mM seeiPeo u is em

50!A-86-897 Appendix R Records Paintained in The PDR Under *he Abcve Request Number

1. Undated Ltr to Agreements and Export Branch from R.D. Brenner (1 page)
2. Undated Chronology of proceeding on Export License (1 page)
3. 1?/18/73 LtrtoJ.VadenfromR.Brenner(3page)
4. 12/27/73 Memo to V. Hudgins from J. Vaden re: Application for Export of Special Nuclear Material (1 page)
5. 1/22/74 Licensee XSNM-503 I3 pages)
6. 1/24/74 Ltr to E. Pauser from S. Smiley (1 page) 7, 6/19/74 Ltr to Agreements and Exprot Branch fron R. Prenner (? peges)
8. 6/?S/74 Memo to V. Hudgins fron J. Vaden re: Application for Export of Special Nuclear Material (1 page)
9. 9/27/74 Ltr to E. Bauser from S. Smiley (1 page)
10. 10/?/74 Licensee XSNM-50P, Amendment 1 (3 pages)
11. 1/3/75 TWX Incoming ATTN: Roscoe Pressly (1 page) ,

I?. 1/6/75 LicenseeXSNM-690(3pages) ,

13, 3/26/75 Ltr to Agreenents and Export Branch from R. Brenner (? pages) I 14, 5/14/75 Ltr to G. Springsteen from L. Gossick (1 page) -

15. 1/14/76 Telecopy from p. Brenner to W. Kerr (1 page) -
16. 1/23/76 Ltr to fuel Cycle Facility Licensing from R. Brenner Il page) 17, 1/30/76 Licensee XSNM-600 Amendment 1 (? pages) 1P. 4/27/76 LtrtoD.HoylefromG.Kerr(1page)
19. 7/P/76 Note to Neal from MAG (1 page) 20 3/4/77 Ltr to Commissioners from O. Hiestand (3 pages)
21.  !?/20/79 Note (1page)
22. 12/19/85 Note (1page) l l


Ms. Linda L. Robinson Chief, FOI and Privacy Branch .

Suclear Regulatory Commission b Washington, DC 20555 RE:

Freedom of Information Act Request h O MtQUECfW OF IN Dear Ms. Robinson Che b'n .so~b (as amended), I hereby request disclosure page for inspection and possible copying.

of the document

, et sea.

e following requirements, I request that you nonetheless exercise yo In this connection I note that you are required under the FOIA e m.

to release any reasonably regard as exempt.segregable nonexempt portions of documents containing u informatio or not to file an administrative appeal of any denial decision describe withheld records (or portions thereof) and explain the logical e to and f for actual basis of the Air Fo F.2d exemption 242, 251 (D.C. claims.

Cir.,1977).Sn Mead Data Central. Inc. v. Denartment rce. 566 public interest research institute and library ,

, D.C. The Archive located in Washin is organized and operated as a division of The Fund for Peace Inc a nonprofit corporation that is exempt from federal income be " organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes" to tax unde f


The Archive's purpose is to enrich public policy debate by making available  !

records pertaining to important, mostly contemporary issues of nmajor public $ conc the areas of foreign, defense, intelligence, and international o cy. economic p li carefully analyzed, indexed and organized e er, are into documen collection. Document sets are available for inspection and copying by scholars journalists, Members of Congress and Congressional staffs ,

present and fo rmer public officials, other public interest organizations, and the general public at the Arch Washington offices. In addition, information in the documents eminated will be diss university and other research libraries.across the country through distribution l


!! 9 l

t I therefore request that you waive all search and reproduction fees pursuant to section 552(aX4XA). The Archive is the type of requester presumptively entitled to a fee waiver under the FOIA, because furnishing information in requested documents would primarily benefit the general public. Should you decline to waive all fees, however, we are prepared to pay your normal search fees (and reproduction fees, if I-decide to copy the records produced). Our willingness to pay fees is subject to our rights to appeal and litigate the fee waiver question, and payment would be deferred until exhaustion of such rights. I further ask that if you decline to waive fees, you obtain our authorization before incurring search costs in excess of $100.

In order to expedite the release of the listed documents, I request that you disclose them as they become available to you, without waiting until all the documents have been assembled. If you have any questions that I might be able to answer regarding the identity of the records, their location, or the scope of the request, please call me. I look forward to receiving your response within the statutory time period.

Yo r ver tr uly, i

,/O ~

Kenneth Mokoena Attachment e

9 o

Mokoena A copy of the license, records relating in whole inter-agencies reports and all granting of that license to:or in part to the processing and (a) the U.S.

dated on or Nuclear Corporation of around 22 permission to export 12.5 January, Oak Ridge, 1974, and Tennessee, \

South Africa, anended on or aroun d granting it the export of an additional2ograms. .

12 5 kilkilograms October, 1974 to allow of enriched (b) the license Commission allo approved by the U.S. Nuclear Ridge Tennessee, wing the U.S. Nuclear South Africa, on condition theto export 97 pounds of Oakof enrichedCorp proposed destination, a research fuel not be reactor uranium to Transvaal. The license was approved inat Pelindaba 1975. taken from its in the or around April, l
