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Forwards Copy of Rept Language on Privatization of Usec
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/26/1996
From: Rathbun D
To: Dicus G, Shirley Ann Jackson, Rogers K, The Chairman
Shared Package
ML20008B475 List:
FRN-62FR6664, RULE-PR-2, RULE-PR-40, RULE-PR-70, RULE-PR-76 AF56-2-002, AF56-2-2, NUDOCS 9710090084
Download: ML20211J985 (23)



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'4 9..... April 26, 1996 -

[. L_ . Io !/ -/3 y r

HEMORANDUM TO: Chairman Jackson Commissioner Rogers commissioner Dieus c -

FROM: Dennis Rathbun, Director '

Office of Congressional Affairs- g - $c -O -


PRIVATIZATON OF U.S. ENRICIDfENT CORPORATION on April 25, 1996, the House and Senate passed the conference report to the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1996, clearing the measure for the President's signature. Attached is a copy of the report language on the privatization of the U.S. Enrichment Corporation.


As stated contact: T. Combs, 415-1776 _ _

fD SECY OCAA hp OPA L) 4 9710090004 971003 PDR PR fj!j 2 62FR6664 PDR W

r ,C ' .i

> i a~

. Apnl 25,1996 CONGilE5510NAL llECOllD-IlOUSE 113931 t6) Ef tsetttt Datt.-The amendments made censusent wu4 the escall purpose of 4Ae stat. (13l The "Suernsion Ap'eenent" means the I Arteemret to suffend the Anndumpitig Inc.cs.

by 84u section shall gate effect as t/ included tn use er regulatten.

14e reorutou of the Tveasuty. Postal Jemce, 3tc.11101. No sort of any opswasmahon ten- hvahan en Uranium /to'n IAe Aksinan f edeve-and General Cosenment Ars*Vpnasso%s Act, satned in thu but skall temun avanlaNe lot 06- hon, as amended.

IPA hannon tierend the Nrtrat /tavl 6 eat unless (les Tu term "transurn ennchment" mrau esp'essly so swataded Attrin. (At arguraston of stanturn e/ a piren uptopic CHAPTEA10

  1. 'C EIIU W" **** * * **'h" # *I I h***9
  • hit he' DEt tk TMENTS Uf VETERANS A TTAIRS E'OI'* N * * *"O*** U S *A IES *$ '"I"*

I*'** **** * '**

  • I ** IE**U*

E C'"*P*

    • IO *** L* ' P* * *$ I h* M R P AAD HOU3tNG AND VRBAN DEVELOP. Pubhc in M shan tennaIn' in UI'e*/Itc.l as si loue pecntape.

ML%T A%~D INDEPENDENT AGENCIES enacted as part of thu Act. sac gaan. gris op gyg gynpongnog DL.P AR TMLh.t FI L AND UkB AN gge, gggog yre y,es,geng may may apassagg* La) AvtuoAttattoN.~The Board el Desectors funds for assistance sctisques uMer t:(les // and of gg, corpo,atton trit 4 the opgwomt of the Cou:ethtti PI Akn!M0 Up DittLDruEnt IV of P L. IN-I0t. beginnsar smmedsetely upon 3eettery of the nessury, shall transfer the sn.

couwt'nitt lis t itoruant CA4vis enactment of 14u Act and without tapard to g,,,st of ghe United States in the United States for an addshonal amount te "Cemmuatty mon t4It oppo'twement hnutatwas. notwit4- genegmegg c,,p,,ation to the pntete sector in J, det ricpment Fra n ts", 8ERRo@, to remain standant the **otestone of section $18 A el tut 4 a mannet that pretades /et the tons. term yta6:1 stailable unhl 3rprenbe J0. IPM for emtrpran Act. t/ At determines and trports to 14e Compress agg of she Corporehen, prorutes for iAe centine esMonts and 'rpans related to recent hesi, that the effects et tu testrictions nmtunned in anon ty 84 Corporahyn e[ SM pleatiM gef gh dentially declared flood duasters. secluding up that section would be that the demand /e fam. Depatement of Earray's paseous diffuswa to *Ip RC an0 u hich may be los tental tu6ssdy sly planning sertices would be less hkely to be pianu, provides lot the protection of the put,hc cont'acu unde the section o truting housing met and 84at 14rre would tie a tient/ktigt in. Insterst in maintaintna a relia 6le and economb cett/kare s=op'am and the housing toucher tvtase in a6ettions 84an would otArnroe be the cal domestic soorts e/ urenturn mining. ennc4 prop *am under orcinon e of the Unsted States case in the absence of such restnctsons. Pre- me,g ema cons,r,ston errviers. sed. to ske rstent Housing Act of lHT. as amended. estert 14st vided. That none of the funds apr'es*$ated o' not taconsutent with ruc4 purposes. secuers the tuch amount s4all be events 6te only lot tem. oskerwue sude atotlable in P.L. 104-101 may be mastmum tworgeds to the Unsted States poea'r heusing assurance, not m escess e/ One e ade ovadable for 06hpahon /et the mann /er. gg; paciegg33._p,,c,,4s f,,,, gg, sat, ,f m


j yeae a dutohon, and sAan not be sut9ect te re- rips donor /cdeshan of entrenational popu* Unued States' interest in the Cotteration stall nrval Pfotided. 74af the ennte amount sAall lation assistance tscept 84toup4 the regular me. 64 depostied in ik peneal fund of the Tvras.

6e ateilable only to the ettesit that on ofhetal tthcattofu protedutts of the Commsttres en Ap- ury, t%dget request 109 a spec 1hc dollat amnusst, that pros *sations. soc 8804 hCETBOD OF SALL Thu title may be ested as the " Supplemental tal Al'twokstatION.-The Board of Durctors suluses destanatnen of the enhse amount of 84e request as an emessency requtrement as deftned _.A).'twornatwns Act ofIM ' of tM Corporation, arith the approtel of the in the Balanced Budget and Emerpency Deflt, TITLE !!! Seattary of the Treasury, shall trouter owne.

Control Act el IMS, as amended. u transmetted ggscjgsjoys ANyoytsgyg ersy of gre assqgs eng oshpaggons of gge con et t At Persidevil to Ce p+tas Pfortded furthet' CHAPTEA1 po'stica to tu peteate avspotation establu4ed T4at the enhte amousit u dessanated by Con. **** **** * '*k'*h **V**********d p'ess as an rmererney requirement puttuant to ENEROY AND WATEM DEVELOPMENT gg,oup4 a morpre e* consondatsovi effected in sechen !$lt6MhtDMO of the Balanced Budget SV0cNAttin A-UN!1tD States EnnsCNutxt accordance wu%, and havina the effecu pro.

and Emr pency Defic 1s Contsol Act of INJ. as CoAtonntION PanatuatION tnded under, the law of the Stato 01 sacorpea.

amenard. sac. ales. sstostt f771A tion of the pniete corpoestion. as tf the Cor.

Fit 4441 Eu!ActWCT M4A AGiutrt A0&#Cf tau subchapire may be cited as the "USEC potshon were tacceperstad thevrundert Privattratton Att" (6) DOaAD DETsnusNatsownThe board, with visstrin stugt 88C. ##as. D&FtNitlOA1 the approval of the 3rctriary of f %e Tventury.

<!ACLL'Dtko TRAuff A Of tyhDs, shall select the method of tvau/ee and esta6 tun Tot purposes of t4 s tubchat s,,.

Of the funds made smila61e uvider thu hood. (il The tersn "A VLIS" meaM atomac popot terms and condshons for the transits that ws!!

sne se Putslac lisw 104-10 up to $104.0t)0.000 may leer uotopt separahon technology. l'ot%df the matimum proceeds to the Tfeaturk be trautersed to lhe Duastes Astutance Direct th The tem "Cors'vanon" means tM Unned of M Unned States and wtH mde let the Loan Program Account 100 the cost of dsrect States Enrichmrnt Corpo'etton end unless the lona larm inability of the pnvale co' potation.

loans as authortied undet section of f of the contest otherme WutreJ, includes the private the continued operatton of the paseoks diffkstos Robert T. Stafford Dunstaf Rehef and Eme,, corpo*ation and any tuccessot 84t'rto following planu and the pu6ht tattrest in meansaining prett Astutance Act leJ U.S C, $MI ti seq.). trJnable and economical domesite transke man.

Protnded. TAat suc4 transfer tnay be made to prtwittahon.

@ The im "paspus dt/fkswa $ n ts" insW M W esN ru6sutise press 06hgations for the pnnette! muns N Padued Camus Nfuswn hant at (c) M W M M A e M an M amount of dartet loan not to escred $110.000.000 Paducah. Kentucky and the Portsmouth Oase. the Treasury shall not allow the pctvatuahon of under socinon tot of the Stafford Act Protnded W Oncohn unM W W @ me de

/urt hre 74af any tuc4 trentfer of funds shall aus f()N/ksson 74r term Plant at Pihun. 0410.

"Algh4 rnnched utentum" hiary W the {my Mmmu M W be man only upon cerhficohon 6y tu Dttecto, means granskra ranched to 20 percent or more method of trans,.. will prvvide the %1timum y

f I"*'""'* '# "* #" ' ' * " ' '

hat all $equ r; u i ectt$n I o th Sa *Ilh* *'***** DEI"###I*'hed uransurn" means pn=ciples set forth an sectwa JIOJhat (5) The teren " low-enric (d) AHUCATION Of SECVAltsts LAsis ~ Any ford Act unti be comphed unt4. Psotnded further* uransum ganched to less than 20 percent of the That the evitare amount of this apprornahon urant va J35 (sotope,inclkdtnp that which u de. offering et sole of securtises by tu pnvate coe.

sha!! 6e ovella6le only to 44# eJtent 144 on of- rtted frorn Asg4fg canched utaneurs. porstwa sha# be tub /ect to the Secvnties Act of final budget request for a trect/tc dollat g .-

M to " 193J (13 U.S.C. TF1 et seq.). the Srebnties 1.s.

amoktit, that includes destgnation of the entire has the meestap atten tuch term en section Jft) change Act of 1934 (l$ U.S.C. 784 et seq.J. avid amount of the request as an emergency require- of I low level Itadioactive Weste Pohey Act IM provisions of the Conshtutwa and laws of ment as defined in the Balanced Budget and any State. terntory. or possesston si the Unated sme'ernet Deflett Control Act of IMS, as g42 gy;U.s 79 C.y,, ,Jollb.t.p>>.pnwte myotahn" means tu States relohna to transaettons 14 secunhes.

amenJtd. u transmitted by the P'esident to (e) Estf*st.8-ErpenstJ of pnvatuatwa shaft corpotshon esto..Nu4ed under sectwm J103 f

Con 9'fss Provided further. That the enhre gg 79 y,,,,, pnvatuohan" paraM the (f ans- be paid from Corporohon triense accounts 14 amount u designated #y Contress as on emer- fer of ownership of the Corpotshon to prtiese the United States Treatury.

g gency tequpement purtuarit to section minees E m maNMENT W PAMpE COA

.34twh(Di(t) of the flalanced Budget and (b Tu trein "privatuanon date" means the POAUTON.

Eme'gesicy Dancit Control Act of IMS, as date on which 100 pertwns of the ownership of (a) INevhronstroN.-<ll The directors of the Wnded' the Corporatwa has $cen fransferred to private Corporanen 8448 establuk a pnvale for p'ont

& corporetwn under the laws of a State los the v GENEftAL PROVISIONS gaygsgn,s Sic.18101. In adminutering funds provided in (10) The term "pubhc offenne" meaM on an. purpose of receiving the assets and obhgatwas t43 lille /of domestic uststance, (4e Sectetary darwritten of/cring to (4e public of the common of the Corporehon at privatuohon and conhnu.

. of any invoittd department tuy waste of tivct. stock of the pnvate corpotshon pktruant to sec. any the bksiness operatioM of tat Corporahon t- Iy altr'natne erguitrments fot any pvovuton of tion J10e following pnvatt.rahon.

any statste or vegklanovi that the Secertary ad- (ll) The "Russuin HEU Agreemesis" means (b The darsetors of the Corporatwn snar scete minuters se cesnrction kit 4 the 06heatton by the Agetrment fictwern the Govertiment of the as incorporators of the pnvate corpornhon and the Srectary or any use of the renpwit of these United States of Amenca and the Government of shalt take all steps necessary to estatlur t4 lundt escept for the requerrnestt related to ctetl the Russtan fedevahon Concerning the Datpost- pnvete corporatwn, including 84# Ishne of ath ri;4ts. fair hou.nne and nonduenmination, the tion of Highly EnricArd Uranium Ettracted cles of sacorpotonon confutent wit 4 !4e pecti.

entoonment, and labor standards, ston findag from Nucirst Weapons. dated fettruary l#.199J. stons c/ (4u tu6 chapter.

flh The term "Serttarb " means the Sec. (J) l%ployees and of/Vess of the ConvaMn that tuch Eaiirs ts trQuord to facshtate the 06-1 retary of Enrepp. (inclkding membe's of the Board of Dereto'D heation and kse of suc4 /unds woulJ not be in-r

n .

H3932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-IIOUSE April 25,1996 e acttip in cecord;tre unth l%ss sectirt ca behalf (e) Ekt'fAW tNTAL 4tCtf,-Fot purposes tf allinabahhes Cnsin$ ott Cf 1%# ogart ho11 ff the of the $mtate torpo anon SMnu be dermed te be subsectin 46), the tendit1ons ertsting before utensum tanthment enterpetse befort July 1, acnne se thest ofhnal tapantsrs as tv.40kers July l,1993, at the paseous dttfussen islants 19s3. shah remann the darett habsistas of the or elfteres of the Corporetten for purssses of shall be determaned from the entnronmental Servatary.

section IM of title li. United States Code, ehdit conducted f urtkomt to section le0kt) of (t) Escept as 3* ended in satsertion tan 3) or *

(6) STAfra of tnt Pall'af t C04MAAtlO4- the Atormac Energy Art of 18M (d) U.S.C, Jtpfc- otherwut prended in a memorandum of spret.

II) the pnvate corporehen thall not be an 2(tW snest entered inte by the Corporetton and the i agency, mstrurnentahrs, or establuhment of the (1) TAI Arutwt Ukpsa Pnxt. Anpinson Pno- OffVe of Manaarment and studget prior to the

  • Unsted states. a Goternment corporation, et a fl3lokss Any lease esented between the 30c prtvattsation date. en habshtnes artssag out of Coternm nt<entrolled verwanon. retary and the Corporatnen et the pr1 tete CM the operation of the Corporanon beturen July 1, (2) Estrrt as otherinse prended by 14ts tu6- $* ration, and any citrnnen of tratwal 84ntof, JPsJ and 848 Imwissahan date skan temain the chapter, finannal 06hpations of the private cor. unde thu section shall be dermed to be a ten. direct habalities of the United Starts.

poronos sha# not tt ophpanons of, e guaran. tract for purposes of sert on JF0d. of the Alomac (J) All habthines out of the dissveof of tred oJ to sw1ntspel et enterst ty, the Corpora. I nergy Act of IBM f t! U.S.C.1210tdl). depleted urantum generated by the Corporetton non 09 the Unsted States. and the obhgatneu 19) WAlvin of EIS FLlev1AlulNT.-The tit. 6etween July 1, ly93. and the pr1vattratson date shall se plainly state. Mt*8n l'ensfer of the lease beturen the Sec. sta# becorne 84 durci ltatthints of the 3ee.

(2) No action under section 1891 Of tstle !$. retary and the Corporauen or t%e pnvate tot. retary, Umsted States Code, shall be aHowable apaanst paratwn, and any sitennen or tratwal $4rreof, tr Any stated of imphed constat for ite (/nti.

the United States based on actiens Of the smvate ikGU nel be con **d!'*d 60 be a Rato' federal ot' 04 States, of any 00 tat er efDcer of the United (prporehen, tieh IIFat/k1 Bally offectani the fuahir ef the stateJ, to be tkad by any person for any ItPal.

(t) A!!LXAf tok of Pott 00ttAhwSW1 EM. hurnan ennwnment in purposes of sernon 102 equitable, or other rehef wsth teslect to esty 9totutNT AlsiRXTIO%s lleginntng on the of the National innvenmental Pohey Act of clawn anstne from any action taken by any prtvatLtatwe date, the testnettons stated in sec. II6* lil U 3 C 033El- agent or Offtcts of the Unnled States en tentste-taon 201 (a), it), it), and 46) Of title ID, Unsted nac. Stes. tMainta 09 twinAttt tion with the pnntuanon of the Corporation U States Code, shall not apply to the acu of an an. (a) TRANstE4 OF COATAJCT3-Concunent hereby withdrawn.

dtvidual done in carrysng out olhaal dutses as walk Ventuatson, the Corporatson shall trans (S) To the tztent that any claim apasnst the a director, officer, et employet of the pnvate f* C0 the pnwie cyp 0ratwn au contracts. United States unde this sectson is of the ttpt corpenhos, if the indwsdual was on office' o, agreemenu, ana leases. Including 4# urantum otherwue required by federal statute of tepula.

emplokte of the Corporahon (6ncluding a ditte. enrichment centucu, that stero- tion to be presented go a regeral agency or efft.

tot)conhaucksly dunne the eJ ttats smot to the (1) trans/rned by the 3ecettery to the Cot. rMt for adfudication er tency, titch claire shall g rivattsotion date. potenon purtuant to secnon l#01(6) of the 6, p,esented to the Department of Energy in at.

(d) DinoletION.-In the twnt that the prg. Atomsc Energy Act of ISM (62 U.S.C. 2201c(6)), todance mth yocedures to be esta6tuhed by vacuanon prende does for the not ocnrofthe dusolanon theCorporation pnvate cor- win ( 2) entred into 6r 14 Cuponten helpe 84 the 6esentiary, construed hothing in thu to impose soroproph on the Departmentshanof potat1on V1 thin 8 yrar of the $*nt:Gie to Tota.  ? $ t FW Ii biifY 8O p0W

  • U #I0im U'e#'aftd pwt' tien a sacorporahon unless the stortary of the The Cepeanon O M PWERCWAM - tuant se thu pararraph.

skan transfn to the pnnte (t) The Attersey General shan represent the Treasury of ha delegate. upon the Corpea.

ston's reeuest artes to delay any such dusolu. 7,P*'[,**j"*,,"dn 3 g s 8h'e 8'm8 /

  • cen.

United States in any setton seeking to impose 11 aptitty under thu tubsecnon.

hon for an adJitional year LIAssurr or rug ContoAATION.~N ssc stoe.rouno twuti,ts to tits rotnArs we 'pe* "g,I*3 $ g,*r*v"sj, y#tIj fv *s.I h i* Q*

  • j .t6)tuta.a,n, any prennon or an,t. art-,,ot.

Concunent with vnvatuatson, the Corpore. *'W* "UC*h'****'*"*'*P*** I* th* wksch the Corporation u a party, the Correa.

tion shall traMict to the $'nWie forporat6en- a d shal fthnue to esel tuch peu u tl) the lease of the gaseous ds/fuswn plants in pnwte ermann at cost dunne the tenn of o,,r molation

,f ,,,g of ,p any

,,,,,agreem, e,nt betsuse

,,, of,the' accordance with secnon Jf07, ,yj,, , gg, png,,

Q) all personal property and intentorses of **** **# **'**## * * *

  • h# "'""

iu Cep aun, **',;


,,,,,a,,, 'g,"ftf,,0!

f, ,

,TA,A,NsttR -il) No,,tett,hstand., v,ua ,,, , , ,n ,,. ih. Cen-m"e u ,ea"

0) on contracu, agreements, and leases under ,,,, ,gy g ,g,4 g, g y p,,y,,g,gg,g,,,,,,y,
  • "h " E * *I subchef,ter.

kl A8Wrt O! M Matt @ mas.

agreemenu, and leases transferred under tub,

(#1 the Corporetton's nehl to purchase poWT witon to) for the performance of its 06hpations stoa.-Escept as prended in this ru6 chapter, from the Secretary (3) such utider section funds in accounts Jios(ti)' oration under tuch contracts, agreements, of leases dur. the pnmte twgann shan be ha64 fu any 4 of the Corp tap thnt tems. fnformann of such e6ftgatwas ab6htieJ artsing out of its pyrahons after the held ty the f reasury or on depont with any 6ank or other ftnannal insntutnon as approved 6Y '

  • I'** "#* '" Y *" " * *I1 6* # # #' **d privatisation date.

(d) idA81Urr O! O!!XEs3 Ax0 Dlatcrons -

by the Secretary of the Ttrasury, and '

j]"a c'e'ntract, e lease trans. U) No oMce, directe, emph,yn, e agent of the ts) an of the Corporation's records, includinF fered unda subsechon (a) u entrunated, es. Corporation shan be Isa6le en any civil proned.

all of the papers and other dommentary mate. tended, or mattnaHy amended after the pnvas. Inc to any leNy in cHaecMa unth any ochH nals. regard leJs c/ p%yrical form or charactens- trauen da4- taArn in connechon with the prtiettsation t/,

tics, made or rectned by the Corpormhon. (A) the primte corporation shall be respon. with respect to the subsect matter of the actwn.

EEc 3101. E2Ast%Q 09 QASEOL's lativt!s!ON FA. ssble for any othgatton artstng under such con. sud. M 5%Nahng, such pasn was achng Cluftss. tract, arterwnt, or kase ofte any ettenna o, u'ithin the scopr of his employment.

(a) TAAkstEn or (1Ast.--Concunent with matenal amendment. and 0) Tkts subsecen shan not atmly N clatms prwattratton, the Corporanon shan transfer to qs) tse Unned States shan be responsible 10, anstag under the Secunties Act of 1933 US the pr1 vote corpora..on the lease of the gutous any obliganon artstag under the contrert, U.S.C.17e et seq.) the Santies Eschange Act dtffkston plants and related p -ptrty for the r* arrement, or lease be/ne the termanatwn, es. of 1934 US U.3 C. TSa. et seq.), or unser the maander of the term of rkch lease in accordance tension, or maternal amendment. Consututton or laws of any State, territory, or wtth the tenns of such lease. (2) The pntese corporahon shall term 6urse possesnan of the Unned States relahng to trans.

@) Arnst6st.-The pnvate corporatton shall the United Jiates for any amount send by the actims in secunaes.

have the esclusite opnon to lease the gaseous United States under a setHement agreement en. sac site. Aatsfaz vn0TseTrows, dt//ksion planu and related property for adds. stred into with the consent of the pnmte cor. (a) Co#TAACTUA EkPL0tti.s.-flj Prttattia.

honal periods 10How1ng the espiranon of the potation or under a judgment, if the settlement tien shc4 not dtmsntsh the accrued. vested pen-snittal term of the lease. 09fudgment- sten benefits cf employees of the Corporetton's (c) ERCLVsION O! FactuTIES 90A PA00VcTt0N (A) artset out of an 06Hcehen under a con. operat ng contructor at the two gaseous 6t/fu O! H10NLY Lhnscuro Unnsyst. The Secretary tract. acrerment. or lease ensferred under ruk. sson plants.

shan not lease to the pcwa'e corporatson any sectson tal, and Q) In the event that the vnvate corporatwn facthites necesary for the productwn of htchly (B) arutJ out of 'tettons of the prttate cor. terminates of changes the contractor at rather or enriched uranium but may, subsect to the te. porat on behrren the pnmittation date and the ,%th of the pascous ds/ fusion pianu. the plan quartmenu of the Atomse Energy Act of 19% U! date of a termtnotwn, ettennon. 09 maternal spo.*for or other approprsale fiductary of the U.S.C. l011 et seq I trant the Corporanon ac. amendment of ruck contract, agreement, or pensson $4an covenne employees of the prtor op-cess to such fanhties for g%rtests other than lease, trating contractor shan arrange for the trans/cv the production of hig4!y ennched urastum. (d) PArtvo.-The Corporation may establuh of an plan assets and habshhes relahng to ac.

(d) f>OE 7ttsroas!aiuTF !OA PAIKXtsTtv0 pnces for its 5'reducts, maintals, and serms crued penswa beneflu of skeh plan's partict-CorotTrors.-The payment of any costs of de- prended 80 customers on a bans that win anoso pants and bene /1ctants from tuch plant to a contaminahon and decommusioning, ecsponse H to attain the normal business 06)ectives of a pension plan sponsored by the new contractor achons. or correctise actions with respect to profit making corporation. or the prtters corporation of a Joint labor man.

condshons eststing beforr July I.1993. at the KEC. $ toe. LLABILl1TEs agement plan, as the case may be, caseous 6t!fstson plants shah remann the sole (al LIAs:Litt 0! tnt tl NIT 50 5 tarts 41) Es. Q) In addihon to any obhgahons artstne respons1hhty of the Secretary. cept as otherwtse provided in thu subchapter. under the Nattonal labor Relattons Act (29 l

e l

'e l

April 35,1996 t ,

CS C ISI et see L any enployer tencluding the CONGitESSIONAL RECORD-IIOUSE

  • pmate co7cratson s/ st essestes a gaseous dsf. shall be t% ttutd in uccordance ust4 section 10 113933 nsson plant wathout a contractor or any con. of160). the Nanonal labor helanens Act (29 U.3 C. employees who elect to trtate thr\r coserage osctor of the prtrett cooperationb at a gaseous Under flHBP g%rtuasst to paragraph til. ang pffusson plant shall- IC) Any tunt allegsag a tuolet on of any pron. (b) tuck amounu as are detennsned necessary I AI shde ty the temts of any unttyived col. s1on of thns tuttectton. to the essent st does not by the Othct of Personnel Management unger gme bargauntag agreement cetertng enployers ellegt a vsolahon of the Netwnal Isbor Rela. paragraph (6) to rettsburst the Of/tcr of pers on.

Nl in bargaining uniu at the plant and an effect on bons Att. may be brought en any dutnet court nel Management for contr1butsons under sec.wn E

At pnsatuatton date Unts! the stated etpnestton of the United States karing futudaction ows the 85sHgill) of tstit $, Unttedfor States Cogt, cr termsnatsen date of the agerment, or pa*nes. Mthout regard to the amount en con. 840sf employees v40 elect to retain 14rir 4pp.

' top in the etent a collecnte bargasmsnt are. tsowry of the nturns4sp of the partus. c00t t6) unde FEMBP pursuant to paragraph #g9.

ment u not in t//ect upon the 3.rttatuanon (b) lokMan isDgkal EMtJDTEE.SMl)(A) An The entounts segunrtd under pa .eraps Sate. 4ste $4r same bargaining 06ftganons emNoyce of the Corporshot that tras subert to ($)(El skall pak tht Oowenment tp% .?utsons sneer section pid) of the Actional 146cr Rela. rit Arv the Ctral Semet Sehrtment system (re. for rehred emploktes who retirt from 84c Cor.

isons Act I:9 U.3 C.158tdH as at had immt. frrved to in this section as "C3R3") or the fed- potation a/te, the prwatuation dJtf under rt.

dia tt! be/o't the pntotuation date. tral EmployrtV kettrement system treferred to ther CSAS or TER3. for rutrtrots e/ skc4 retired t(J (%e prtrate corporation replaces its opef. in this section as "fEh3") 04 84e day unme- employees. and for tumvors of employers of the Corpotahon v40 attne contrattot at a gaseous ds//usion plant. etMt- dietely preceding the privattration dati shall die e/te the pnvaluatiori (4f new employer tincluding the new contractor date, trit 4 said amounts provated to redect caly or the pnpair ccrgeration t/ et ogcasts a gast. (Aff (t)10 triain the empickte's voterage under et, that portton of 8%e total sertser of such employ.

l' out ds//usson punt wathout a contractoe) C3R3 or FEM. as opphra6le, an lack of ces and retterd geesou that was sc/crmed for I

s hall- towatt by the Corporatson's retirement #6 stern, the Corporanon after t%e rettatuanos date.

or sac, sitt prMR5sttP(Js#7Aff0N1 LAJ of/cr emNorment to nom.msnapfmrnt rm.

players e/ the perderessor contractor to (Ae es. lit) to treette a de/rrred annuity or lump tum ta) Swl'Atttts Duitstions -No detteter, of.

tesst that t%rar jobs still tztst or t%cy art quals. CSM beneSt payable to a termtnoted employee under /Lec, of employrf of the Corporation may ac.

/ird for new jobs. and or IEM. as opphcuble, gupt any sen.rttles, or any rigAu to acghter IB) atsde by the terms of the predecsssos con. (B) An employer that makes the electson any somrshes of the prsvare corporation on tsattor s collettnvr barganntng agterment untti unde subparagraph (Abitt) shall hatt the op. trems gespag ,no,e ja w able gran tros,gjfe,qg go gs, pupuc_

j the sagned.

actrement espirrJ pr a new ag'rement is tson to trans!rs the balance in the employee's I

Th't/t Sativits Plan account to e de/Ined con. (g) in a puhtte efjer,ng ggg,gngg to g,a,afe, 43)la the twns of a plant clornnq or mass lay. trtbunon plan under the Cerporehon's rettre. osoncesnty goes, of the Corporshon to private antes.

off tas such terv'u are defined in section fl0ftal ment system. tonsulent wnth ag=ptscable lese and I!) and (3) of tatle 29, Unsted States Codel at es. tson the tetmsplan. of the Corporehon's defined contribu.

(!) pustuant to any agreement. arrangement.

thes of the pastaus 6t/fusson pianu, the $tc. of uttdcrasanding entr'ed teto before the g ritat.

(2) The Corporanon ; hall pay to the Ctvil Isanon date. or retary of Energy s4all tevat any adtestly of. 3rrvict hetirement end Dumbshty And-lected employee of an operattng contractor at ri. (3) br/ art the election of the dirr* sors of t%e (A)

( Arv Nant who was an rmployer at su(4 plant tuck tmoloyee deduct 1ons and agency private corporanon, on July I,1H), as a Department of Energy em. contettutions as are required by secnons 8Jh. (b) Owssrsmr Duitst)ON .-immediately fol.

pltryte for purposes of sectnons 3I61 and 3162 of 3422. a'td 642) of t1tle 5. United States Code. for lowing tAs consummatan of the tran the Nonomal De/rnst Authertsanon Act fot ru. those employees sche elect to retaan thest cow. ernes of tsansaulons pursuant to schtch 100 vv.

cal Year tM3 442 V.3.C f?7th-72?ttL reage unde' rit4rr C3A3 of TKM purruant to cent of the ownessktp of the Corporatson as parag'aphill transfereed to 3*tvau intestors, and for a period li)(A) The 3ecstlary and the mvate corpora.

tion shall cakse 84e post.rrnremcvit healt4 bene. IB) tuck addstsonal agency evntrsbuttons as of three years thetta/ter, no teson may ac.

(su plan trovsder los nts successor) to connnnue a'e determined metrasary by the Off6ce of Per. quere, dt,rctly or indarectly, benepenal oumer.

to provsde beneflu for thgtble renons. as de. sonut htanagement to pay, tn combenahon wtth ship of secunnes venatsenting more thavi 10 sv.

j smbed undre subparagrap4 (BJ, ter clobed by t e tums under subparagraph (A), the "esonnel cent of the total votes of all osutandtag vonne an otesotang contractor at e1ther of the pastous cost" idetermined using dynamte assumpnons) secuntws of the Corporatwn. The foregonne hm-

} cf retirement benefits for those employees who sianon shall not oppfy ta-di//usion 34a4ta in an economically e/Acertit ticet to retaan their coverage undo manner and at substanttally 844 same letvl of it) CSAS purtu.

any emploser Corporetton.

stock osenership plan of the cote + age as thg1ble retirers are enntled to se. ant to paragf aph it), unth the concept of "nor. (f) membres of the underwetting tyndicate critf on the vettatuution date. mal cost" henng used consutent wnth generally (B) Persons thenble for cotsrage under sub. andAccepted actuanal standards and prinaNes; purchastng in countenom arit4shares in stabstgattors the pnvattaatton, or transactsoru patograph ( A) shitll be limited to:

(l) IC) tw4 additional amounts, not to exceed (3) in the cost of shares tentilenally held an persons who rettred from acnve employ.

ment at otit of the gaseous diffusion plaint.s on two percen t of the amounts unde commerctal subpara.kathe ordinary course of business for others, aey ns k, or before the privatiestion date as tested po,. graphs ( A) and (B), as are determsned necessort ageneb broker-dcoltr, or clear 1ng tsaponts sn a testaan plan maintanned esther ty by the OfAce et revsontal Management to pay the Corporatwn s operattng tostractor or by a the cost of adesntstertsng rettrement beneftte for soc,8tts. UtWTtW pKW1rEAS WD &AMS.

contractor employed vrter to July 8,1993, ty the emploutts who retare from the Corporetton after(a) TA ustLAs 3 0 SA tt.2 M PNg $5C-Department of Energy to operate a gastous dtf. the privatuatxon date unde esther CSM or ARTut.-The Secretary shall not provsde en.

fusion plant, and FEM, for skrv survsvors, and for turstvers of stekment sem:es or transfer ce stil any ura.

ttt> persons who art employed by the Corpora. employers of the Corpcration who das offer the stum (includarna natural urantum conce,ntrates, tson's operahng contractor on or before the pn. pnvatunnon date (which amounu shall be natural urantum hesaduonde, or ennched ura.

Votuatwn date and are wated porttavants in a avatlable to the OfBce of Personnel Manage- niunt la any fann) to any person except as con.

penston plan masntained esther by the Corpora. snent aJ prot.ided in settion AJeA(aHi>(R) of stile ststent 1ctik thts sectwn.

tion's operatsmg contractor or by a contractor S. Unsted States Codel (b) Amm HEUMD On or before Decembre empicyrd pnor to July 1,199J, ty the Depart. (J) The Corporstwn shall pay to the Thetit 31, 1996, the Unsted States Esecutxve Aarnt ment of Energy to operate a gaseous 6tfluston Savangs fund cuch employer and agency con. under the Russion HEU Aartement shall trans-pla n t. tnbutnons as are requtred by sectson 84J2 of title fer to the Secstlary wathout charge tttle to an IC) The Secretary shall fund the ennse cost of 3, Unsted States Code. for those employees who amount of urantum ht20Ruor1de equatolent to post rentement health benents for persons who elect to triata the1r coteage under FERS pur- the natural urannsum component of low errsched retsted from employment wsth an operatsng con. cuant to paragraph (1). urasstum asmsd from at least 10 metnc tons of tractor pnor to Ju!y 1,199J. (4) Ank employee of the Corpor-tton who u highty esenched uroraum purchased from the (D) The Secesary and the Corporanon shall subnect to the Federal Evevioyte Health ts Benen'as Russ1an Ettn,ttre Agent under the Rustsan fund the cost of post retiremcat heat:4 t>tnefits Program (stittred to an thu section as HEU Agreement. The quantsty of such urantum for persons uho retste from employment w1th an "fENBP") on the day amrnedsately preceding hesalhonde delsvered to the Secretary shall te operatang cosntractor on or alt.4 July I,1993. tn the pnvats.tanon date and who elects to rttatn based on a tails assay of 0.30 Uw Uravisum proportton to the ret: red person's yeast astd coverage unde etther CSM or TERS purtuant hesafluonde trasuferred to the Senttan pursu-months of semcr at a gascoks dtifusiog plant to paragraph (1) ska:I hatt the opnon to rect 1ve ont to thts paragraph shall be dermed under under their respectitt management. health benehts from a health beneAt plan estab- Unsted States law fo* all purposes to be of Rus.

IDf A) Any suit i.nder thu sk6section alleging hshed by the Corporation of to continke tetthout etait ortets.

a vnolahon of an agerement toween an em. interruptwn cottrage under the TENBP,in het (2) Withist 7 years of tat d.ite of enactment of picker arsd a labor organualson shall be brought of coterage by the Corporanon's kralth benent th$s Act, the Secretary shall sell, and recnte toten payment for, the urantum hesansondt trans.

In accordance w1th sectno's 301 of the Labor t$) The Corporatson shall pay to the Empicy. ferred to the Seceta9 purtuant to curagraph Mannagement Relat:ons Act (29 U.S C.185L (B) Any charge under this su6section alleging ers Health Bentfats fund- (Ip. Such urantum hrza/luorgde shall te said-on knfw la%r practsce ttolattts of secnon 8 of ( Al tuch employee deductwsu and agency ( A) at any ttme 1o* tn the l'nated States the Nataonal I. abor Relations Act t:9 U S C I$h contrtbunons as are required by section 8906 for the purpest of etts/erding.

taHI) of entle 5. Unsted States Code, for those (B) at asny time for rnd use outssde the Unsted States:

t <


, ICJ 82 4%S stod 19s6 is the fusnes Esentsw 19eo . . .. .. . + . . .. ... 4 (3) the Secetary determanes that the sale of

  • Agns at the purchase save for use 12 matched 2000 . . . . - . . . . 6 the malenal snll Mt haw c2 adwsse matersal sales sne s suarI to the 3ksiennon Agreement. of. 2001 - . I impact on the domestle utanNm puntag, contfr. 3 ID) In calendar hear 2V01 for ConsumJ'tlon by M- . = * . + 10 , gen, ,, en,germent s,5dustry, tahang into ac. I end users en the United States not pner to Janu* 2003 - EE wunt the sales of uransum under the lluegan ,

ary l, Juol. in coluines not se esteed JAW.t00 W ~ ~" a y HEU Aprecnent and the Jus 3Waston Agreement, peur.ds viO epitalent les sear. 2W3 "*" *

  • and 7

t)) with respect to an ennthed urantum dent' ' ' ' '

IC) the pnce 14sd to the Secetary wnu not be ered to the United States Esecsttw Agent unde * '

g, less than the fast market solue of the matertal.

the Russs.nn HEU Agreement on of after Janu-ary l,1997. the Untled States Ese% tan Agtet yy ,Q"Q"Q,"'jQ,". (e) Cosshnutn TaAnsnhsnNotwsthstand.

afg,, pg. tng subsectson (d)(!). tM Smetary may transfer shau upon reness of the Russsan Esecwttet or seu rnrwhed uransurn-Agent. enter anto en agreement to dehwr on- ggg p,antum he.saAbonde dehwred to the (J) to a Federal agency (f the matenal u currently to the Ausnan Esecutive Apent an Runan Esentsw Agent unde paragrarh (JJ or transferred for the kae of the retemsg agericy amount of uransum huansonde equivalent to auctioned pursuant to paragraph til may be WiMost any resa.e of trams /tr to another entity the natural uranium component of such bro- sold at any stme as Ruanon ongts natural uso. and the matenal does not meet commercial spec.

nium. An agreement estated pursuant to a re- atum en a erhatched saJe pursuant to the Sussen. 1/imhans; quest of the Ru.essan Esecunn Agent, as con' sten Agreement, and in such case shall not be (!) to any snerson for national secunty pur.

templateJ an thu scrograth, may pertain to any counted against the Sankel rustmura deltwnes poses. as determined by the Secetary; or dentents due during any seriod remaining (J) to any 3* ate of total agency or nonpre/it, under the Russsan HEU Ag*eement. The quan ,gj),,gg (v Urantum g, p ,,y,aph hesanuonde tg dehmed to the thentable, or educotsonal institutten for un tity of such utentum hessMuonde dehwed to Russson Ese:vitre Agent undo paragraph (J)er ether than the generation of electncity for com.

the Rusnan Esecutsw Agent shall be based on auctwned pursuant to paragraph It) may be meretal use.

a tests assay of 0.30 Uun, Title to utentum ,,gg ,g ,,y g,m, pg, y,, g, gh, yngg,g ggggg, pg, gf) gaytung ynoyssoon._pothtng gn ghu guy.

he.sanuortde dehwed to the Russsan Esec1sttve the purpose of overleeding in the operatsons of chapter shall be read to enodtfy the term.e of the Agent nesuant to thu paragraph shall transfe' nrichement fanhnes. Rusnan HEU Agreement.

to the Russsan Esecutsw Agent upon deks.try of t#1 Nothtag in thu subsection (b) shall restrtet sac sits. gDwdzyst wasis, euth matenal to the Russsan Esecuttw Agent, the s wsth such dehwy to take plact at a North y,,,, ale (a) RLuoNs1RIUT

,, gg of,the conwsnan component of such,,,,,w

,p,,ngg, ,g gg, ,,,,,,,T,of DOE. ,,(l) ggg,p,n, ,,, ,The Sec.

g,gg ,,,

Amencon facshty desagnated by the Rusnan Es' (9) The $wetary of Cournern shall have '** cept for disposalloudent radsvactsw waste. (n. \

echtwe Agent. Urantum hetsfluende dthiered sponstbthry for the admanutration and enfortv- cluding depleted urantken if it utre ultimately to the Russian Esecutwe Agent purcuant to this paragraph shall be dermed under U.3, low for ment of the hsrutations set f, orth in thu cub- determined to be lowlevel redtoactive waste.

,,,,,, 79 %, gary ,f gam ,,9 .cy ,equt e pentrated by --

au purposes to be of Russtan ongtn. Such ure' any person to provsde any certthconons infor' (A) the Corporetten as a result of the ete-nahm hasanuo*/tc may t>e sold to any petson or motion, or take any action that may be nec- aftons of the paseous dt/fksien plants or as a re-entsty for dehvem and use an the Unsted States essary to enforce the3e Itmetations. The United cult of the trmtment of such wastes at a toca.

only as prrmatted in subsecnons t6)f5J. ##g) States customs arrvice shall snaantata and pro- tion other than the gaseous dt/ fusion plants, or s' ado any in/onnotton tequired op the Secet04 (8) any person hcenand 6r the Nuclear Regu-Jl the nae Ithe Russian Esecstin

  • I U***"" "'0 *** """
  • l* **4 CO** ***'" ** *l** **
  • M * * '"* ** * *
  • Agent does not esercue su nght to ente into on quested by the S*csttark Of Comm* *hiCh $2 ment facthty under sectwns SJ, '63 and 193 of agreement neum component to takeofdehten of the natural any towanched ura. necessary for the admnutsatton and enforc** she Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.3 C. 207),


as contemplated in parapsph (JJ, vimin 90 ment of W utantum dehwg lamatations set 20SJ. and 224J).

(D Escept as provided in prragraph (J). the da6s of the date such lowenched uransurn is forth in thu 8cction.

(10) The Pres 1 dent than mator the acnons of generator shall reimburse the Secesary for the dehvered to the Unnted States Esecutsve Agent' or upon request of the Russun l'recuttu Agent. '*U*

'" *#^#"'**" AL*P**al *I l* *A*WI **dL**CtlN ***** V*'*** *

  • then the United States Esenttu Agent shall Rasm HW Arument and shall report to n* to paragraph (1)in an amount equal to the Sec.

Conpus not lain than Me H of meh retary a costs. sneluding a pro rata share of any engaps an tederendent enhty through a com- year en the effect the loptsnehed uronmm de' capital carts, but in no tient more than an sititite sclertson process to auttaen an amount hwed undn i e Rusm M Qument U amount equal to that which would tnt charge level radtoscian pursuant to a request of the Russian Esecunw *' P'oposed to N taken by the Prestdnt to P waste, ths penerator shall retmburse the Sec-Agerst, as contemplated in thu paragraph, may stnt 09 mittgGle O'W *altna Odt*** I*PGCI ** retary for the disposal of depleted urantkm pur-posaan to any dehtines dke dunne any pened tuck industries or any loss of temployment of the suant to Mragraph (1) in an amount equal to remanntng under the Russtan HEU Agreemnt. pas ous diffusson planu as a result of the Rus' the Secretary's cosu. tncludmg a pro rata share Such sadesendent entsty shall sell such urantum stan HEU Agreement. of any capstalcosts.

kesanuende en one or more lou to any person (c) Tashs! Ens w Tks CoAronAttoN.~~(l) The 16) AarssMENys WITN Oruin Pin. tors -The or entstk to mattmue the proceeds from such 3*0* ta'V

  • h*Il * **I*' I* I h* U*'P*'*'*' " ' generalDr snay also enter into agreemenu for the sales for d5rposition consutent unth the hmata, out charge up to 30 metne tons of ennched ura- disposaJ oflow-lewt radioactate waste subject to nons set forth in this subsecnon. The endepend, atum and kp to f.0@ metric tons of natural ure' tubsection la) unth any person other than the ent entsty shall pay to the Russusn Executsve amm from the Dennment of Energy's stocWe' Secretary that u authonted by apphcable laws Agent the proceed.t of any such auction less all subject to the restnettons an subsectwa (cXU. and regulations to dtspose of such wastes.

th TM Corpranon shan not dehm le c* (c) STATE on LNTinstATE COMewrs -Not.

reasonable transactson and other admanutrann costs. The guantity of such urantum meretal end use tn the United states- withstanding any other pronston of law, no hasanuonde aucttoned shall be based on a tasis i Al ** V *I t h * *'*'** Y* ** **d d" ' " State or interstate comNct skan be Isable for the assay of 0 30 U*U Tnne to urannm hesanuonde **b**N'* * **I*'

  • I* ""* '" I' W- treatment, storage, or dLiposal of any low-letel auctnaned pursuant to this paragraph shan 101 **'* Ih"* IO V"C *I * *'**'** Ip" rettoacnw waste (secludag mtted waste) at.
  • '8'** ^*#*0"*" # "' #"'" U trans rer to the buyer of ruch matenal upon de-I ** "' * '
  • inbutable to the operation, decontamination, and tiscommtsstoning of any uranium entsch-hitry of such matenal to the buyer. Uransen whic u le , aay cal-hexaMuonde sketioned pursuost to this para- om ment facthly.

graph shall be deemed under Untsed States lanc **fy' [, *g 7'h yparaggy y,,g yngg, asC. 8tI4. M123.

for all purposes to be of Russsan ongsn. la) EECLt!31YE R*C*tt To CoMartAclAUtK.-

IS) Except as prended an paragraphs (6) and contasned sn low-ennched urantum transferred The agg a e specgwn sn any calendar year, Corporatton shan kan the esclustw com-(T). uransum hesanuortdo dehwed to me Rus- (d) JNyEWrony BALE.3.~ti) in addstson to the meretal r19M to dmley and kse any AVEl3 tot-

_! stan Erecuente Agent under paragraph (JJ of trentfers authonted under subsectwns (c) and en ts, processes, and techancal informafwa auctaoned pursuant to paragsaph 44), may not qq;, gre georgar may, from tsme go esme, sen owned or controned by the Government. upon be dehtgred #7 rontur'iptun by end users in the natural and low-ennched uranium (includmp completin of a royalty agreemnt win the Sec-Unnted States etther directly or Indirectly prno' low.en ched uransum dennd from kaghly en- retarW.

to January I,1998. and therealwr only sn ac* nched uransum) from the Denrtment of Ener. (b) TAANtrin og R.tLATED PhottkTV To CGn-cordance with the fonoung schedule: ,, ., ,,,cg y,;,, pona roon,_

(2) E2 cept as prot'eded in subsections (b), (c), ll) IN CtxtnAL.-To the extent requested by Annual Ma.eimum Deliwrite to En<t Veere and ten. no saat or transfer of natural or louwn- th* Co'po'stton and subsect to the requstemenu taWuanetu l%O, nched uranam shan be made unless- of no Atomte Energt* Act of 1954 442 U.S C. :0ll.

YeoM equesseen (A) the l'restdent determines that the matenal et seq.). the Pressdent shall transfer unt h o ut IM8 . 2 ns not necessary for nanonal secunty needs, charge to the Corporatnon all of the right. tntle


Q"" r J



s Q

i / April 25,1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-IlOUSE H3935 i

  • or satrrest tn and to proprety owned by the "(f) LiuttsrtOA -No hcenst et cernfLt1ste of for the purports of Egu ,,co,,_

Umsted States under control or natody of the comphance enay t4 urutd to the Unsted States it) " Admnnurratora meas,gg, gg ,,, ,q,,,,,

Secrtary that u estreaty related to end maten. Ennchment Corporation or sts successor under of the Bonnevs!!t tourt Adminnstrauen ally useful en the performance of the Corpora. thu sectson or secnons $1, g), or gigl, gf the (!) "captal sa vestmesg ~ ,,,,,, , gap,,,,,,g twa 8 purs oset regardsng An'llS and alter. Commusson determsnes that- cost funded by Federal approprsanons that_

natsyt technologsts for urannum ranchment, sn. "il) sht Corporetton ts owned. Controlled, or (A) u for a gnotect. lanhty. or srparasit un,t ciuding- dominated it an ahen, e fortiga corporahon. or or feature of a protect or facshly, t Al /anhties. teutsment, and mattnals for u- a forrion gowrnment; or (B) u e cost to whsch the Admmurrator u tr.

search, develes*.cnt. and demonstration actiss- "(l) the issuance of such a lacerist or cert 1/l. gutred by law to establuh rates to srpay to tht has and cate of comphance trould be antmatal to- UnIttd States Dessury through ght saty of q;,c.

IB) ell other fanhties. equipment. matenals. "(A) the common deltnst and secunty of the trte pours. treatmunon. or 084, pery,ces pro <tsses, patrnu. Cechnicalinformation of any Unsted States: of (C) tJcludes a Federal Irngahon intestment' i kind. contracts. agreemenu, and leases. "tBI the m1sntenance of a rehable end eco. ang i (tJ EAcuriou -.ranhurs. real eststr. sm. nowitcal domestic source of ranchmcat sert- ID) escludes on tasestment financed by the I provements. and tyutpment related to the gast. Icos. . cg,,cag ,gwng,8 of the Adminusrator et oks ds/ fusion. avid grs crntrifuge, uranium en. (J)Section ??01(c)ti)of the Atomac Karrpy Act tbf richment programs of the Sterttary shall not Of 1954 ill U2.C. !!9titext)) u amended to read gggg 6 endsagg tstusd

,,gg,and sold.

py gg, or aut,horued gg,,,, ,,q,, kng,, to be,trl transfer under paragraph il)(RL as follows, gg,, jy 0$ IM Itderal Col T til ER!Ih4 TION of thAktrin AVtNokily, "(!) PERIODIC A!!LICsTION 90n CintlitCATC The Pretsdent's authonty 80 transfer property Of WMPLIA4cteThe Corperratson shall apply manon q3; ,,, Systern Actgr,ig cap, gag U,,.S c,.,8,38kg

, ,, M,,,, ,t,,,,,,

under thu tubstchon shall tipist kron the prg. to the Nucitar Argulatory Commuston for a c'b investment for e proltet, factitty. or separable til\cate of comp!tante kader paratroph 111 per'* unit or feature of a propect or faalsty* piaceg gn vatstation date.

(c) LIABILIT Y FOh PATtki Ah D ktLAttD odscally, as determaned by the Commusson. Vut CLAlm ~~ Wash respect to any neht, ntle. or sn. not less than estry I hws. The Communon ,,,y,c, gg; ogg ,jgg, ggpgemyg, yo, gyyg' ,,,,, ,

gagngagn,,,,,,,,g-terest provtdtd to ikt Cor$oratwn under sub. shall revstw any tuck apphtatwn and any de. g,,,,gme,g gg, cap, gay,,g gy,, ,g wg,(4_

sectwn 1a) or Ib). the Corporaison shall have terminatson made under tubsectnen (b)(!) shall gg; y,, g ag,,,qg, py g ,,y ,qp,,g

  • p,;,,, p(,,,

soit habshty for any payments made or awards be based on the teruiu of any such vmee.". pg,g,ggg,,,g under sect \on lli b. 42I of the Atomst Energy it) Sectson liO2 tab el the Atomsc Energy Act of gg; ya, fy, , g ,,,(g, ,,,,ygy, ,, ,,po,,b,,

Act of 19S4 I42 U.S C. IIsrthnJn, or any settle. 1954 fil U.3 C !!9thlfell unst or feature of a project or fanhty, placed gn Mn M NL*ins

    • !*dtd~

n ng ,,,,,tet before October 1, It'R9; ments or ludgments savolvang clanrns for alleged patent trafr1ngement. Any royalty agreement W H* *,g9,n' gg syln u,,(g,,,,g3 ,,g gyn ,,4 g,, IS) "repoyment date" means ght end of the pr.

usader tubsectsers tel of thns sectnon shall provsde ..,,(gg,, 33, gy, ,,3 m n, nad unthon wksch the Admsnurrator's rates are

,gy,,, to assure the repayment of the pnnnpalamoung for a reductnen of royalty payments to the Sec. gg, gy,gm ggy,g, ny g m,n ,3,(,

  • I * '* V' '*l * * *** **** *; *
  • d retary to offset any issymenu, awards. settle. g,,, ggys og gg, Agn,,tc Energy Act of 1954 H2 ments. or tudgments under thss subsectson. y,3 c, gg3pq y;; u am,,g,g g, ,,,g ,, y,gg,y, 49) "Deatum rate" moons-LEC. SitL AMUCATTON Of CtJtTAL4 LAWS "b. The following Commusson actness shall be lAlI** ** *ld CCV'lel InVt't*!nt- Q rait deter
  • Ward by the Stettom of IM hsesury. taktng tal OSilA.-41) As of the pnvataanon date. subfret to fudscsal revtew sn the manner pre. into constderatson pervaihng market ystids. dur.

the pr1vate corporatwn sha!I te subtret to and scnbed in chapter 150 of ntle !$. United States *** N *lk Y'(*$ng Octder I,1% on out.

comply wtt h the Occupattanal Safety and Code, and chapter 1 of tsut 8, Unsted States standung interest.btenne obingatsons of the firalth Act of 1970 (29 U.S C. 951 et seg ), coge- Unsted States uMk penods to matunty com.

(!) The Nuclear Regulatory Commnssson and "(I) Any final orde entered in any proceed. parable to the swnod between October 1. l>96, the (xcupatsonal Safety eM Nealth Admsnu. of the kind spenfted sn subsecnon tal.

tratton shall, unthan 90 days after the date of enq't!) Any (tnal order allowsag or prohsbittne a and the repayment date for the old copetal sn.

enactment of this Art. enter tale a mrmorandum facihty to begin operating under a combined testment; and (B) for a new captal investment, a rate deter.

of agreement to gotern the esercsse of thest au. construct 1on and operettng hcense.

t h orsty over occupat1onal safety and health "(3) Any final order establuksnq by regula. mined by the Secretary of the pratury, taktng hatar4J at the gastaus diffuswn giants, includ. tion standards to gotaren the Drpartment of En. talo consideratton prevashng ma'ktt bleids, dur-eng inspectson intesngation, enforcement, arid ergy's gaseous diffusson trentum ranchment eng the month preerdtste the brainning of the f\ scal year in which the related pro?ect. fanhty, rulemaktng relanng to such hazards. plants, sncludtng any such facshnr2 leased to a or separable unit or feature u placed en striset.

(b) M Tlinust Laws -for purposes of the corporanon establuhtd under the USEC Pnvat. on outstandtag interest.branng obhgegnont of antstrust laus. the prvformance by the vrtvatt statson Act.

corporanon of a " matched smport" contract "It) Any final determsnatson under sectton the Unitsd States wttk penoas to matunty com.

under the Suspennon Agreement shall be con. 110lic) relattng to whether the gaseous diffunon parable to the period between the bepnntag of stdered to have camered pnor to the pr1patua. plants,1ncludsng any such facshhts leased to a the fiscal year and the repayment date for the tson date if at the nme of pr\vataanon, rock corporatwn estabhshed under the USEC Pnvat. new capstal Investment, contract had been agreed to t'y the partses in all Matton Act. att in comphance wsth the Commss. (b) Ntw PkINCit AL AMOVNTE -

maternal terms arsd confarmed by the Secrttery s1on's standards governtag the gaseous dgffuson Ign. (l) PhtWi!AL AMQlMT.-Effective October l.

plants and all applicable laws.". an old capstalInvestment has a new vnn-of Commeret under the Suspension Agreement, (c) DEAGV REDAC4 %ItailCN ACT REQlllRt.

(d) CIVIL PKh ALTitJ?Secnon 234 a. of the (1 pal amount that u the tum of=

LA) the present tolue of the old payment Mt.%T5 -ti) The 5ravate corporatson and als con. Atomst Energy Act of 1954182 U.S C. 2282ta) U amounts for the old capstal anvestment, cal-tractors and subcontractors shall be sub)tct to amended by- culated unne a dtscount rett equal to the the provsssons of sectnen Zll of the Energy Reor. til sink

$3. II fE.'ng "any lwnstng prontson 63.00<SE'I0l*IO).104 I0I Or of secnon IO9" heasury rate for the eld cupstal investment.

ganwatson Act of 1974 442 VS C. 68Jia to the some titefit as an employer subitet to such sec. and tuserting: "eny hernnng or errts/lcatson and IDI en amount equal to $100.000.000 mult.phed twn.

pronsson of secuan

(2) Math verpect to the opera

  • ion of the fanti. IN.107, log. or 1701". and by a fraction whose numerator u the priantoi tats leased by the pr1vate corporatwn, sectson (2) by strthsng "any hctnse Usued thest. amount of the old payment amounts for the old 206 of the Energy Reorganuatwn AN of1974 (42 under" and insertsag "any hcrnst or certs/t. copstal investment and whose denomissator u the rum of the prsnc1 pal amounu of the old pay-U2 C. $o45) thall apply to the dssectors and of. cation urued thereunder".

(t) RE!EAENct3 TO TNs CoArchnsoN.-Feb ment amounu for all old cap,tal snyestme,nts.

f\cers of the pnvate corporetton. (2) DETRAMIN ATION. -With the approtel of ihr SEC Sits. AhtL%'DhtLY11E to 1%E AtvsuC EN, loWini the vVotuGt'on datt Gil Ftit'tn'ts *n the Atostte Energy Act of 1954 to the Unsted $ggggtgry of ghy yppagury pageg solely on gen.

EstGY ACT. States Ennchment Corporanen Hall be dermed gutency ungh ghu sect,on, the Admnnutrator tal RittAL Hl) Chaptres 22 through M of the to be refertnCts to the pnvate Corpora *1on. shall determing the new pnnettul amount!

Alcmic Ertt*QW Act of 1934 (42 U.S C. 22pf-Z:9?t. BEC till M M @ dK M N M SR under subsecnon (b) ans' the ass 1gnrnent of in

?) att vertaled as of the smvals,tation datt, ta) Dt!INITION 09 00VEAkutNT ContoAA. terest rates to the nese pnnenpal amounu undt' (2) The t2Ne of contents of such Act u amend. TtOA.-As of the privattrations datt, stcrton subsortton (c).

ed as of the privatvation dJtt by sinksnp the 9I0llJI of ntle jl, United States Code, u amend (J) OLD PA1 MENT AMOVWTS.=for the purpest:

stems referring to sectwns reptNed by gera graph gf t.

ad by striking ru6 paragraph (N) as added b) of ghts subsection. "old payment amounts sectson 902tth of Pubhc law IO2-4W means. for an old cap 1tal investment, the an tb) kRC l.ictNSIAuntl) Sectwn Ilv. of the (b) Dir!%ttroN OP TNE Cok!Ohn tion.-Sectson nual gngerest and pnnespal that the Admann Atomsc Energy Act of 1934 til U.S.C. 2014vJ ns 1018t!) of the EnMy Polscy Act of M2 H2 trator scould have pasd to the United State amended tb striking 'or the constetectiert and U 5 C II96b~Illl U **ded bV 'n't'I'nt "0' '4 Treasury from October I. 1996. 11 thu sect'o' opt *a no n of a urassnum rnnehment facshty 'UC(tt'O'~ bil0't the penad had not been enacted, assumsnt that~

ustng Atomac s'apor Laser Isotope Setoratton ( Al the rnnenpal srece rtpa'd-tech n ology " SvacN Artin B

42) Srcison 191 of the Atomst Enregy Act of SEC. stol. 80WEYtlJ2 POWEJt ADhu.%1STRA1104 ft) oR tht repayment date the Admnnutvale 1954182 U.S C 224]I u amended by addssne at AsrtNANcINa. ass 1gned befort October I.1994 to the old tot thr en4 the falloucing (ab Dell %ITICAS.- ital terettment. or

l H3936 QONGRE5510NAL RECORD-HOUSE April 25,1996 rus win restwrt le ca eld contal twstment

  • esc a runits to Ansar#tamatoms aar4r. cy4prga p for u nr4 (Ae Admanutrete has not assigned a sanM FU MS W7ep 37Arss resenment date telare Octobe I,1994. en a re, naAst'str. TUREION O!l.RATlOk3 ExtOnt ic6mr*t date the Admanutretet shall assign te "38 38nf eJ the Admanuttafor maart annual D% N ADM NMI l the old cusntal sawstment en accordance wnts serments to the tntes unde the settlement Estont Ax0 invtstusst Assigrocg l gerseraph latexl> et SM tessen of Department 69'ernent. the A$msnutrator shall opply garoar.lutont Bon ct rug vsttse 3rarts l ef inergy Orde RA flMJ in effect en Octo6e etsinst amounts otherrue repo6le 6p IAe Ad. g,y,p y ,,,g'O, l 1, ls94. or.d unuttator to the United States Tteasury a (Aisnterest uvre sesd- tiedot (Aat redkces the Admannstrator's guyment. (Autission of at I Ae talerest rate IAe Admanuttator as. In the amount and for eac4 lLacal por as fol- Of tu uno6 hasted 6alances eiwilable under surned t>elve Octobe I, IM. Ce iM old captal tou's- Ill.e60M in Asmi vast 2001. IIG.e90.M thu headsar st!.M.M era runnded.

se s estment. or en /\ scal year 1996. lit.lM.M in Ascal year cyAprga ; ,

tas) ustk renect le en old esplal intestment IM. 811.000.000 64 ftscal year 2000; gig,tx M '

fer unsch the Adesnutreter has met asssened en in Ascal year 2001; and St.M,M in each suc. WMMM M MEINTERIOR AND saterrat rate before October 2.19H. et a rete do. teeds ne (Local pror.". RELATED A0CNCIES sermined ty the Secretary of the Trearury, tak. (U Coninact racylssoxs.- Dt!Antutwr r i tssnar inq snie conssderetten prevashnt market ywids, in each contract of the Admentstretor that gthArtasc rg%olggy sugns t durtnq the month precedsnt the begtnenng of the prendes for the Admantstrator se sell electnc lLstal year in which LM related prefett, fanhty. $wuws, transmussen. Or related earncee. and N:twithstandant sectsen til of CM Enery er seterable unnt er feature u placed in sewe, that u in effect efter 3rptember M. IM. the Ad*

PoluT the Secetaryand Conservenen Act an tti V.3 CI en eutstandsne enterest-keenne obhronons of nasantreter shall efter to include. er as the Esse ergy gn jto< ,gofyog i,nerry jpeg,skall drew down gggr,pon_y w,,gs gy l the Unsted States with penods to matunty com. rnay be, shall effer te amend to include, pro & 5treter*e Petretrum Resern oil frem the weeks pere 6te se tu pened 6ftvers 84# 6erinnsar of swns ezwettying that after September M.1985- Island site.  !

the fisml year and the tepayment date for IM (l) the Adminutretor s Aall establu4 rates and 084 tantal satestment. tharges en the basis that- CllAPTth 4 (t) IkrtALsr RAtt ton Ns w PaswctrAL (A) the pnnnpal amount of en old topstalin. Dt!ARTMENTS OF LABOh. HEALTH AND Axouwts ~ vestment shall be ne greater then the new prtn. NUMAN SER VICE3, AND EDUCA TION As of October 1. IM. the unposd balance en estel amount establuhed under subsection 46); DEPARTMENT Of NEALTH AND flVMAN the new pnnapal smount establuhed for en old IB) the snterest tete appiscoble to the unpaid gggyjcg3 cognialimpestment under su6sechen t6) bears in. 6slance of the nrw prtacipal amount of en eid irrest ennually at the Treasury rate /c the old capital inwstment a4411 be ne preater than the # #A'U " #08 # I'WI#

captal investment until the earlser el the date interest rate establuhed unde subsectson It); 000 O!!ORTL'NITIU AhD dA. tlc 3RILU that the new pnnC1pr.1 amount U resetd er the (C) any payment of pnnetpal el en eid cogntal engxisstows trpakment date for the new prinnpal amount. Intestment shall reduce the puutandant pria. Of the funds made stetta6te uncter thu head.

(dA RAP A rArK#f DdfE2.~ cisel balsace of f 4e old capital Investment in sat elsewhere in inu Act, there is resanded en As of October 1. IM, the reserment date for the amount of the segment at the ttme the ley

  • amount equal te the total the new pnnnpal enount establuhed for en old meng u gangered;ang ,,gg ggag,.g gg,,g,y,, y,, ,of gg,gthe ,,

f,unds un, thin gy g,g cUintal tat'estmtrat under tubsectles t$) u =0 (D) 08) Jeymerit of interest en IM unpaid grg g,g agggggary g, pgy gggg ggggg g gggpgggjg sorhet than t4 trpurment date for 140 old cop- 6alance of the new prtacitel amount o clasms for such /tscal year.

ital lRwstment Gasumed in tubhection t>M))(Al. gegnggg qqygggmestg grgig he g gppggg gggggrygo,f g,(yq en old y gy py g g g,,

n i o to 1996* thrpuph 8PI*'*P4 18 848' I 8I # 'b88 89 8 8 8M8848 #f (as amended by Public hw 1004sJ) u amended IA' Efvttm6er M. 2001. She total new prinnpal I F '98 8 8 A8 18F

  • I 888 6y addsat.' "tsduced by an amount egual to the Smousu of Old capital inHstmenu, as estab, d' total of those funds that Ore mi sn each $$ ate's bshed under tubsection (b) that the Admsnu. * *
  • lU W "5Y**' I *W 'OI
  • new pnncisel amount of an eid capital insest* essary to per eurh State's allowable claims for da J s I a t e Ct $1 E WW IU IA I MN ***bh5 lW gny the ent est on the $wtangel amount under yggg year grajg se g'*qqmyg g, se gg,pon_ pop, ppg (f) thTE'ALST RATL3 fon NEW CA!!TAL int tMe MthTS Ol'nJNQ COh!TAVCTlOh =
  • *
  • N '**# #

' W $0' Sk* 0%P*** O$ d'$f'Mah5RO Ih* AmOMRt O$

Ill NEW CAPITAL ikVESTMENT.-The pnntspal "M***** ** P0Wment unde tubsrchon II) to uhsch each amount of a rscw capatal talystmtelt includes in. ment fe e teturn en an old capitalinwstment, State is rafttisd),".

5 ** "'*8'**'

Derest in each ftscal year Of coutr%ctson Of tM f , DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION related profect, facthly, Or separable unit er fee.

ture at a rate equal to the one year rate for the m y, yg gMKh'T HNMIAL MSTUU g,g,, 33, y,u,4 ggag,, g,g,, , gag; y, ,,,gg,gg, g, y,g,,g g,,, ,gg ,, ,, , ,g g,, y,,,,,,,, ,, g g u

) e"nst non eEpe'Stures n that we e mad, pay, and shall 6e the sole source for payment et, Act, the Arst and third dollar amounu pep:1ded from the date ceutrucnon commenced through a pudrment against er settlement by the Admin- la Title i of Chu Act under the headiep "Stu.

the end of the Ascal year, end utrator or the Unned States en a claim /p a dent nsancial Assistance" en kerny reduud (B) anrued internt dunne constructnon. breach of the contract propusons requsted by by 85J.4e6.000.

(t) PATusn1.~The Admsnurrator u not re. thu !*'t L** CHAPTER 8 quered to pae, dunno constructton of the it) the contract grot'utens epect/\ed in thu

!*'I de **I~ MILITAR Y CONSTilVCTION protect. factisty,0r separable unts or feature, the taterest calculated, enrued, and capitatued (A) preclude (As Adminuttator from recewr. tADCIS110AW under su6 setton (f)(lj. Ing, threkth rates or other means, any tar that Of the funds pratnded in Pu6he kw 104.Jf, (J) Oht. TEAR aAtt.=T0r the purposes of thu U 9tRf'OSEW IMP 0**d OR 65*CI'10 bEbOSKA $R Sh* Sk* NINS*'Y S*M$'MCOOR AEP'*V'I*Ik*M ACl sectson. "ent year rate" for a ftscal year means OT I*** 't'C'* A*d' a rate dettemined 6) (4J 3ecretary of the Treas. United Slal**'e (8) affect th Admsnuttator's authenty under from' th* $*lI***

the followtst ** $* to accvun *d"the

  • 'u* k*t V erwet/ted ury. taktnp tale comenderarten pertushng marMg opphcable law, includtag scenen f(p) of the ps. asnounts:

ywidJ, dunna the month preceding the 6egin. cn/nc Northwest Electete Power Fidanimp and Mehtary Conttruction, A*my,86.JA3.000, asnt of the itscal yeur. en outstandtng taterest. Courrvatson Act (16 U.S.C. d39elen. to- Mthtary Construction, Navy, stitJL000, 6ea'ing 06heations of the Unsted States Mt4 pr. (t) olixote costs and benellts, includant but Mthtery Construction, Asr forte 86 JAS.000, nods to matursty of apprettmately one year, not hmsted to ftsk and wtidh/e cosu, to rates or and (c) hTEntST RATL2 ton Ntw CAtlTAL Int 37, resouvens, or Mthtary Construenon, Defeue. unde, pegsys - (lt) dessen rates. 818,343,000.

The unsunsd balance on the swsncipal amount (D SAVI"03 !^0V!3'ONS ~ CHAPTER 6 of a arw capstal tutstment bears interest at the ili StraskthT.-This tubchapter does not al' Treamy rate for the new capital inwstmrett lect the obhannon of the Adminutreter to repay DEPARTMENTOf DEFENSE-MILITARY g g g7 from the date the rstated prorect, fac1hty, or the pnnosul a33oG38*d M'sth each casntal in.

sepa*atle unst or feature u plated in sectste t'estment, and to pay interest en the pr1sespal. missile PnOCValkthT, Ain FOnct untti the eerber of the date the new capstal sn. only from the "Admsntstrator's net proceeds," tagxtssion uestment is repand or tV repayment date for ske as delsmed in secnon IJ of the federal Columbia new capital intestment. Ra rtr- Transmission System Act (if U.S.C. Intofinthe funds made avastable under thu head.

Pu6he kw 103-JJ5, 3J10.000.000 are re.

(R) CntDITS to ADMi%ISTR ApOn'3 REPA) %tthi 0J8k(6H. scended.

To Tut UAtis0 STATts Tntast'nT - (f) PA TMEh1 of CertTAL INvisTurnT.-Escept g7,,, ,,,,,,,, p, yn g, The Cen/cdcrated Tnoe of the Coltsi!e Re.t. as pratided in tu6secnon (e) tAls section does enatton Orand Coutre Dam Settlement Act not affect the authenty of the Admsnutrator to (AlSCI5S!W (Pubtw Law No.10J-416. 108 Stat. 43 11) a pay all or a portton of the pnnespal amount es. Of the funds made avatlable under thu krad-amended by sinking ster sq $ and turering the sot' lated uith a carliallettstment before the re3 taf in Pubhc hw 10J.JJ3. ANJ.000 000 eee re-fol.*o u a n g payment dJte for the insetpal amount. _ j scinded.


PUBLIC LAW 104-134-APR. 20,1990

[10 STAT,1321 TD6L y S - Q:

  • Public Law 104-134 104th Congress An Act Making appevpnations for fincal year 1996 to snake-Apr.26,1996 a balanced tiudget, and for other a turther downpsytne gig.g 3n39)_

lie Ihe SECTIONit enacted United States & the Senate and House of Re 101, fo ofAmerica in Congress assembled, presentatives of omnibus ments of Commerce,r programs, projecta or activities in the Depart. Conach Justice, and State the Judiciary, and ItelatedR'*""'dan'ted *nd Agencies Appropriations Act,1996, prov,ided as follows, ^ to be efree.

tive as ifit had been enacted into law as the regular Act: s Abb "'

appropriation AN ACT Department. of Making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce cunmerte, Justic ,and Jus.

year ending Sep,tember J 30,19g6, and for, other and purpose l Re!.ted Agent;te.


{ TITLE l-DEPAllTMENT OF JUSTICE Act Ibriatnon 8-GENERAL ADMINISTRATION SALARIES AND EXPENSES ment of Justice, $74,282For ex enses necessaryart-for the administration of the for the Facilities Progra,000; m 2000including not to exceed $3,31Y,000 Service netivities, both sums to remain available unt Proeided time equivalent That not toand workrears exceed

$7 48 permanent positions and 55 full-the Department leadership Progra,477,000 shall be expended for that occurred in these omces in nacal, year 1995: er Provided furthm exclus That lent not toand workyears exceed 76

$9,487,000 permanent positions and 90 full time equiva, of legislative Affairs, Public Affairs and Policy Development IYo-shal vided not further by be augm,ented That the details personnel lattert three aforementioned omces:sh personnel on either a reimbursable or n,onemporary transfers of reimbursable basis or of personnel or funds on either a temporary or long term ,

27. U "pn*MwZui" ora **InNM*EENdnsNtS
  • 3413 o- DC (IMi

, 7, m -

5 ,


,- ,f -M w r i 1 &'

.110 STAT,1821-335 PUBLIC 1AW 104-134-APR. 20,1996 OENERA1. Provisions Sec. 21101, in administering funds provided in this title for domestic assistance, the Secretary of any involved department may walve or specify alternative uirements for any provision of any statute or regulation that the retary administers in connection with the obligation by the Secretary or any use of the reci lent of these funds, except for the requirement related to civil ri hts, fair housing and nondiscrimination, the environment, and bor standards, upon finding that such waiver is required to facilitste t'ie obligation and use of such funds would not be inconsistent with the overall purpose of the statute or regulation.

SEC. 21102. No part of any appropriation contained in tids title shall remain evallable for obligation beyond the current fiscal


year unless expressly so provided herein.

SEc. 21103. Notwithstanding section 106 of Public Law 104

- Asse.p 27.30, 99, sections 118,121, and 129 of Public Law 104-99 shall remain g 34 in effect as if enacted as part of this Act.

4 Repom. SEc. 21104. The President may make available funds for assist.

L 1w 6e ante activities under titles 11 and IV of P. L. 104-107, beginning Q e immediately upon enactment of this Act and without regard to g j g'g notwithstanding the provisions

{> monthly of sectionapportionment 518A of such Act, Imitations, if he determines and reports to the M # Congress that the effects of the restrictions contained in that section


  • 9e v ould be that the demand for family planning services would be

'- e less likely to be met and that there would be a significant incrase s -

in abortions than would otherwise be the case in the absence

' ~

of such restrictions; huvided, That none of the funds appropriated F ' L or otherwise made available in P. L. 104-107 may be made available b for obligation for the major foreign donor federation of international l population assietance except through the regular notifications proce-l I

D i y dures of the Committees on Appropriations.

This title may be cited as the " Supplemental Appropriations

% - Act of 1996".



CllAITER 1 k i



t l;

  • 42 Usc 20ti sEc. aion. sinOnT TIT 1.E. t l' This subchapter may be cited as the "USEC Privatization Act'. i p

42 USc 2297h. SEC. Plot. DEFINITIO':8. (

{pk For purposes of this subchapter: 1 (1) The term "AVLLS means atomic vapor larcr Isotope

((Fu A separation technolo . 3 H (2) The term Corporation" means the United Statn


- . Enrichment Corporation and, unless the context otherwin i fN i k .

requires'ollowing theretol privatization. includes the private corporation  ; and any p _

, j

.x ..

3 . .. .. - .. ..

s.,y .,

. . d fih t&. .yg  :



<+ nrm.

'y' , , Mg"

  • ?  ?  %*'

. h5 . - , , , , 1 w

q. , q l ~*p A1 , n .e a _

w;l., ' '

..a ,. ..) 7


y -

1 I

3 l


I PUllLIC 1AW 104-134-APR. 26,1996 110 STAT,1321-336 h. '

(3) The term " gaseous diffusion plants" means the Paducah ils title for Gaseous DifTusion Plant at Paducah, Kentucky and the Ports.

mouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant at Piketon, Ohio.

tment may (4) The term "hlghly enriched uranium" means uranium sion of any connection enriched to 20 percent or more of the uranium 235 isotope. .

i to rec!plent (5) The term

l :ivil nghts, enriched to less than 20 percent of the uranium 235 isotope, including that which is derived from highly enriched uranium. j and labor to facilitate (6) The term " low level radioactive waste" has the meaning f-neonsistent given such term in section 2(9) of the low Level Radioactive i t Waste Policy Act (42 U.S C. 2021b(9)).


! ned in this (7) The term " private corporation" means the corporation established under section 3105.

irrent fiscal (8) The term "privatization" means the transfer of owner.

ship of the Corporation to private investors, Law 104- (9) The term 'privatization date" means the date on which q h ll remsin 100 percent of the ownership of the Corporation has been s for assist.

transferred to private investors. {i 4

. beginning (10) The term "public offering" means an underwritten i t reg:rd to ofTering to the public of the common stock of the private corpora. '

tion pursuant to section 3104, e previsions (11) The

  • Russian IIEU Agreement" means the Agreement orts to the Between the Government of the United States of America and i

that section 2

'a would be mt increase the Government of the Russian Federation Concerning the Disposition of liighly Enriched Uranium Extracted from j Nuclear Weapons, dated February 18,1993.

.h3 eb:ence (12) The term " Secretary" means the Secretary of Energy.

1 ppropriated (13) The " Suspension Agreemene means the Agreement  !

da available f to Suspend the Antidumping Investigation on Uranium from I stemational the Russian Federation, as amended.

itions psoce- (14) The term " uranium enrichment" means the separation of uranium of a given isotopic content into 2 components,1  ;

propriations having a higher percentage of a fissile isotope and I having a lower percentage.

SEC. 3103. SALE OF THE CORPORATION. 42 l'SC 229%1 (a) AttrnonizATioN.-The Board of Directors of the Corporation, l

with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall transfer

  • the interest of the United States in the United States Enrichment Corporation to the private sector in a manner that provides for the lo term viability of the Corporation, provides for the continu-stion the Corporation of the operation of the Department of Ener a gaseous diffusion plants, provides for the protection of ORATION the pu lic interest in maintaining a reliable and economical domes-tic source of uranium mining, enrichment and conversion services, and, to the extent not inconsistent with such purposes, secures the maximum proceeds to the United States.

isetion Act.* (b) PROCEEDS.-Ploceeds from the sale of the United States' Interest in the Corporation shall be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury.

SEC. 3104. METHOD OF SA1.E. 42 L'SC 22942.

leser isotoP*

(a) AttrHORIZATION.-The Board of Directors of the Corporation, nited States with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall transfer ct othsrwise ownership of the assets and obligations of the Corporation to the ny successor pnvale corporation established under section 3105 twhich may be consummated through a merger or consolidation effected in accord-ance with, and havmg the efTects provided under, the law of the

, , ,.y . p , , .

'l Ql c if #.


i E:

110 STAT,1321-337 PUIILIC LAW 104-134-APR. 26,1996 State of it corporation of the pdvate corporation, as if the Corpora. Co tion were incorporated thereunder). pri (b, BOARD DETERMINATION.-The Boartl, with the approval of the Secretsry of the Treasury shall select the method of transfer on and establish terms and conditlons for the transfer that will provide cot the maximum proceeds to the Treasury of the United States and un will provide for the long term viability of the private corporation, Co the continued operation of the gaseous difTusion plants, and the ad public interest in maintaining reliable and emnomical domestic sg.

uranium mining and enriebment industries.

(c) ADUQUATE PROCEEDS.-The Secretary of the Treasury shall not allow the privatization of the Corporation unless before the to sale date the Secretary of the Treasury determines that the method of transfer will provide the maximum proceeds to the Treasury consistent with the principles set forth in section 3103f a).

A" (d) APPUCATION OF SECURITIES 1.AWS.-Any offering or sale of securities by the private corporation shall tie subject to the Securities Act of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78a et seq.), an1933 (15 U.S.C. 77a et seq.)

of of the Constitution the United Statesand laws to relating of transactions any State, territory,ies.or in securit possession (e) EXPENSES.-Expenses of privatization shall be paid from Corporation revenue accounts in the United States Treasury.


(a) INCORPORATION.- 41) The directors of the Corporation shall HE establish a private for profit corporation under the laws of a State for the purpose of receiving the assets and obligations of the Cor* Co poration at privatization and continuing the business operations th, of the Corporation following privatization. of (2) The directors of the Corporation may serve as incorporators les of the private corporation and shall take all steps necessary to establish the private corporation including the filing of articles op of incorporation consistent with the provisions of this subchapter, for (3) Employ es and omcers of the Corporation (including mem- of-bers of the Board of Directors) acting in accordance with this section on behalf of the private corporation shall be deemed to Eh be acting in their omeial capacities as employees or omeers of co the Corporation for purpraes of section 205 of title 18, United en States Code. At.

(b) STATUS OF THE huYATE CORPORATION.41) The private Co corporation shall not be an agency, instrumentality, or establish- pn ment of the United States, a Government corporation, or a Govern-ment controlled corporation. . pa-(2) Except as otherwise provided by this subchapter, financial rei obligations of the private corporation shall not be obligations of, eri the Corporation or rei or theguaranteed United States,as to the and principal or interest obligations shall so by,lainly p state.

(3) No action under section 1491 of title 28, United States the Code, shall be allowable against the United Staws based on actions ple of the private corporation. pu (c) APPLICATION Or Posrr-GOVERNMENT EMPtDYMENT RESTRIC- (4; TlONS.-Beginning on the privatization date, the restrictions stated in section 207 (a), (b), (c), and (d) of title 18, United States Code, leg shall not apply to the acts of an individual done in carrying out pri omcial duties as a director, omcer, or employee of the pnyste thi corporation, if the individual was an omeer or employee of the 1 71 5


i PUDLIC LAW 104-134-APit 26,1996 110 STAT 1321-338 i Corpora. Corporation (including a director) continuously during the 45 days prior to the privatisation date, ppmval of (d) D!ssOLUTION.-In the event that the privatization does not if transfer occur, the Corporation will provide for the dic+olution of the private ill provide corporation within 1 year of the private corporation's incorporation

tates and unless the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate, upon the

,rporation, Corporation's re 4, and the additionalyear. quest, agrees to delay any such dissolution for an domestic sEc. slos. TRANSTERS TO T!!E PRIVATE CORPORATION. 42 USC 2297h-4.

su4 shall Concurrent with privatization, the Corporation shall transfer r to the private corporation-k'e m"eO (1) the lease of the gaseous diffusion plants in accordance Treasun with(2)section 3107. l property and inventories of the Corporation, all persona ig or sale '

hl8th rit 3108(a)'the (4) Corporation's right to purchase power from the provisions Secretary under section 3108(b),

l possession (6) such funds in accounts of the Corporation held by the Treasury or on deposit with any 1,ank or other financial I

paid from and institution ast a$

(6) all of proved by therecords, e Corporation's Secretary of the Treasury,f including all o the R e nit ry*

papers and other documentary materials, regardless of physical l form or characteristics, made or received by the Corporation.


of a State (a) TRANSFER OF LEASE.-Concurrent with privatization, the

,f the Cor- Corporation shall transfer to the private corporation the lease of operations the gaseous difrusion plants and related piaperty for the remainder of the term of such lease in accordance with the terms of such orporators lease.

cessary to (b) RENEWAL.-The private corporation shall have the exclusive of articles option to lease the gaseous diffusion plants and related property ubchapter, for additional periods following the expiration of the initial term ling mem- of the lease, with this (c) EXCLUSION OF FACluTIEs FOR PRODUCTION OF lllOllLY deemed to ENRICHED URANIUM.-The Secretary shall not lease to the priva.e .

ofilcers of corporation any facilities necessary for the production of highly 18, United enriched uranium but may, subject to the requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.), grant the he private Corporation access to such facilities for purposes other than the establish. production of highly enriched uranium.

a Govern- (d) DOE RESPONSIBILITY FOR PREEXISTINO CONDITIONS.-The payment of ary costs of decontamination and decommissioning, r, financial response actions, or corrective actions with respect to conditions gations of, existing before July 1,1993, at the gaseous diffusion plants shall cration or remain the sole responsibility of the Secretary.

.e. (e) ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT.-For purposes of subsection (d),

ted States the conditions existing before July 1,1993, at the gaseous difTusion on actions plants shall be determined from the environmental audit conducted pursuant to section 1403(e) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 T RESTRIC- (42 U.S.C. 2297c-2(e)).


stes Code, lease executed between the Secretary and the Corporation or the irrying out private corporation, and any extension or renewal thereof, under 1 he privata this section shall be deemed to be a contract for purposes of section yee of the 170d. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2210(d)).



. 110 STAT,1321-339 PUBLIC LAW 104-134-APR. 26,1996 (g) WATYER or EIS REqutREMEwr.-The execution or transfer ,

of the lesse between the Secretary and the Corporation or the ,

and any estension or renewal thereof, shall private corporation,be not be considered to a mador Federal action significantly affectingb the quality of the human environment for purposes of section 102 ,

of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332). d 42(19C2297h-6. SEC. 3108.THANSITR Or CONTRACTS. b (a) TRANSTER Or CONTRACTS.-Concurrent with privatltation, I the Corporation shall trans rer to the private corporation all con-tracts, agreements, and leases, including all uranium enrichment F contracts, that were- I' (1) transferred b the Secretary to the Corporation ant to section 1401(y) b cf the Atomic Energy Act of 19$ursu. 4 (42 8 or f U.S.C. 2297e(b))Into by the Corporation before the privatization (2) entered a E


(b) NONTRANSrERABLE POWER CONTRACTS.-The Corporation I shall transfe to the private corporation the right to purchase power from the Secretary under the power purchase contracts for t a

the gaseous diffusion plants esecuted by the Secretary before July 1,1993. The Secretary shall continue to receive power for the I gaseous diffusion plants under such contracts and shall continue I to resell such power to the private corporation at cost during the I term of such contracts. 8 (c) ErrEc7 or TRANSTER.-41) Notwithstanding subsection (a), 8 the United States shall remain obligated to the parties to the contracts, agreements, and leases transferred under subsection (a) i f~ .he performance of its obligations under such contracts, agree-ments, or leases during their terms. Perforunnee of such obligations I by the private corporation shall be considered performance by the t United States. t (2) If a contract, agreement or lease transferred under sub.

i 1

section (a) is terminated, extended, or materially arnended after t l the privatization date--

(A) the private corporation shall be responsible for any s obligation arising under such contract, agreement, or leace i after any extension or material amendinent, and <

(11) the United States shall be responsible for any obligation arising under the contract, agreement, or lease before the termi. <

nation, extension, or material amendment. 1 (3) The private corporation shall reimburse the United States t for any amount paid by the United States under a settlement agreement entered into with the consent of the private corporation a or under a judgment,if the settlement orjudgment-(A) arises out of an obligation under a contract, agreement, t of lease transferred under subhoction (r), and 1 (II) arises out of actions of the private corporation between t the privatization date and the date of a termination, extension,  !

or material amendment of such contract, agreement, or lease.

(d) PRICINo -The Corporation may establish prices for its prod. '

ucts, materials, and services provided to customers on a basis that will allow it to attain the normal business objectives of a i profit rnaking corporation. t 42 l'SC 2297h-7. SEC. 3109, LIABItJTIES.

(a) LIABI!JTY Or Tile UNITED STATES.-41) Except as otherwise l provided in this subchapter, all liabilities arising out of the oper. ,


PUBLIC LAW 104-134-APR. 26,1996 110 STAT.1321-340 transfer n or th* stlon of the uranium enrichment enterprise before July 1,1993, er, shall shall remain the direct liabilities of the Secretary, (2) Except as pmvided in subsection (a K3) or otherwise provided affectint tion lu3 in a memorandum of agreement entered into by the Corporation

C.4332). and the Omee of Management and Budget prior to the privatization i

date, all liabilities arising out of the operation of the Corporation between July 1,1993 and the privatization date shall remain the direct liabilities of the United States.


,gg co (3) All liabilities arising out of the disposal of depleted uranium

' richment generated by the Corporation between July 1,1993, and the privatization date shall become the direct liaHlities of the Secretary.


' n [4 (42 any agent or ofilcer of the United States, to be sued by any per, son (4) Any stated or i


' atlantion arising from a,ny action taken by any agent or orncer of the Unitedfor any legal equitable Stateswithdrawn.

Toration hereby in connection with the privatisation of the Corporation is surchase (5) To the extent that any claim against the United States under this section is of the type otherwise required by Federal l ore

'racts Julyfor statute or regulation to be presented to a Federal agency or official t

for the for odjudication or review, such claim shall be presented to the l continus Department of Energy in accordance with procedures to be estab-l ring the lished by the Secretary. Nothing in this paragraph Shall be con-strued to impose on the Department of Ener

{ tlon (a), any claim presented pursuant to this paragraph. gy liability to pay a to the (6) The Attorney General shall represent the United States etion (a) in any action seeking to impose liability under this subsection, a

(b) LIADILITY OF Tile d lons provision of any agreement to which the Corporation is a party, CORPORATION.-Notwithstandin le y the the Corporation shall not be considered in breach, default, or viola-tion of any agreement because of the transfer of such agreement ler sub to the private corporation under section 3108 or any other action ed after the Corporation is required to take under this subchapter.

(c) LIABILITY OF Tile PRIVATE CORPORATION.-Except as pro-for any vided in this subchapter, the private corporation shall be liable n

>r lease date.

for any liabilities arising out ofits operations after the privatization illgation (d) LIABit.rTY OF OFriCERS AND DIRECTORS.--(1) No ofneer, e termi director, ertployee, or agent of the Corporation shall be liable in any civil proceeding to any party in connection with any action itiement States taken subject in connection matter with of the action, suit, the privatization or proceed ng, such person if[ was with respect to the poration acting within the scope of his employment.

eement, the (2) This subantion Securities Act of 1933 (15shall not apU.S.C. ply to claims arising 77a. et seq.), the Securities under Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78a. et seq.), or under the Cov'tu-between tion or laws of any State, territory, or possession of the ll .ted tension, States relating to transactions in securities, rod. SEC 3110. EMP1DYEE PROTECTIONS.

a asks 42 l'SC 2297h4 (a) CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEES.-(1) Privatization shall not dimin.

es of a lah the accrued, vested pension benefits of employees of the Corpora-tion's operating contractor at the two gaseous diffusion plants.

(2) In the event that the private corporation terminates or herwise thanges the contractor at either or both of the gaseous diffusion

'F sion plan covering employees of the prior operating contractor shal! plants, the plan sponso


' r 110 STAT 1321-341 PUBLIC LAW 104-134-APR. 26,1996

  • t arrange for the transfer of all plan assets and liabilities relating to accrued pension benefits of such plan's participantt and bene-ficiaries from such plant to a pent.'on plan sponsored by the new contractor or the private corporation or a joint labor management I plan, as the case may be.

c (3) In addition to any obligations arising under the National Labor Relaticas Act (29 U.S.C.151 et uq.), any employer (including c the private corporation if it operates a gaceous diffusion plant a without a contractor or any contractor of the private corporation) i at a gaseous diffusion plant shall- s (A) abide by the terms of any unexpired collective bargain.

ing agreement covering ernployees in bargaining units at the a plant and in elTect on the privatization date until the stated b expiration or termination date of the agreement; or I (B) in the event a collective bargaining agreement is not in effect upon the privatization date, have the same bargaining p obilgations under section 8(d) of the National Labor Relations C Act (29 U.S.C. 158(d)) as it had immediately before the o privatization date.

(4) If the private corporation replaces its operating contractor si at a gaseous diffusion plant, the new employer (including the new l contractor or the private corporation if it operates a gaseous diffu. l sion plant without a contractor) shall- 14 (A) ofter employment to non management employees of the predecessor contractor u the extent that their jobs still exist C or they are qualified for new jobs, and S (B) abide by the terms of the predecessor contractor's collec.

tive bargaining agreement until the agreemer.t expires or a ,E,I new agreement is signed. 8I (5) In the event of a plant closing or mass layoff (as such terms are defined in section 2101(a)(2) and (3) of title 29 United States Code) at either of the gasoous diffusion plants, the Secretary of Energy shall treat any adversely affected employee of an operat.

Ing contractor at either plant who was an employee at such plant on July 1,1993, as a Department of Energy employee for purposes of sections 3101 and 3102 of the National Defense Authorirstion M Act for Fiscal Yea- 1993 (42 U.S.C. 7274h-72741).

(0XA) The Secretary and the private corporati, shall cause the post retirement healt.h benefits plan provider (or its successor)

  • to continue to provide benefits for eligible persons, as described "E under subparagraph (B), employed by an operating contractor at either of the gaseous diffusion plants in an economically efDeient an manner and at substantially the same level c,f coverage as eligible retirees are entitled to receive on the privatization date.

(B) Persons eligible for coverage.under subparagraph (A) shall be limited to:

(i) persons who retired from active employment et one of the gaseous diffusion planta on or before the privatization date as vested participanta in a pensiori plan maintained either by the Corporation's operating contiactor or by a contractor employed prior to July 1,1993, by the Department of Energy to operate a gaseous difTuslen plant and (ii) persons who are empioyed the Corporation's opeut.

ing contractor on or before the priva ration date and are vested participants in a pension plan maintained either by the Cor.

poration's operating contractor or by a contractor employed

4 naamm ,n

, g a ,, W w q . .

n 1

PUBLIC LAW 104-134-APR. 26,1990 110 STAT,1321-342 detir13 prict to 61 1,1993, by the Department of Energy to operate

. h tne- a gaseous d usion plant. I I ,

' e new (C) The Secretary shall fund the entire cost of post retirement em nt health brnellia fer persons who retired from employment with an )-

up.rdrw ennMetor prior to Jul 1,1993.

i _

! itionil 402 De Secretary and th Corporation shall fund the cost i luding or pam.frvroent health benents for persons whe attre from 1 plant employme:4 with an operating contractor on or after hly 1,1993, ation) in proportion to the refred person's years and months of service i

at a gaseous diffusion plant under their respective management.

j rgiln- (7XA) Any suit under this subsection alleging a violation of i at ths an agreement between an employer and a labor organization shall i

i stated be brought in accordance with section 301 of the Latior Management i

Relations Act (29 U.S.C.185).

le not (B) Any charge under this subsection alleging an unfair labor

! drung practice violative of section 8 of the National Labor Relations \ct -

ations I (29 U.S.C.158) shall be pursued in accordance with section 10

e ths of the NatioW Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C.160).

! (C) Any 4,. it alleging a violation of any provision of this sub-

! r ctor section, to the extent it does not allege a violation of the National l e nsw Labor Relations Act, may be brought in any district count of the i diffu, United States having jurisdiction over the parties, without regard i

i to the amount in controversy or the citizenship of the parties.

(b) FonMER PEDERAL EMPLOYEES.--(1XA) An employee of the

! afexistthe Corporation that was sub eet to either the Civil Service Retirement i System (referred to in Em is section as "CSRS") or the Federal

- ellee. ees' Retirement System (referred to in this section as I or a "F ) on t'ie day immediately preceding the privatization date shall elect-such (i) to retain the employee's coverage under either CSRS I nited or FERS, as applicable, in lieu of coverage by the Corporntion's eter. retirement system, or I erci- (ii) to receive a deferred annuity or lump-sum benefit pay-

! plant ble to a terminated employee under CSRS or FERS, as a

a licable.

i yo'n' (

An employee that makes the election under subparagraph

} (Axil) shall have the option to transfer the balance in the employee's 3

' * ** Thrift Savin s Plan account to a defined contribution plan under

) the Corporat n's retirement system, consisteni with applicable law

" $'d and the terms of the Corporation's denned contribution plan.

(2) The Co r at ration shall pay to the Civil Service Retirement I

  • I and Disability F nd- 6
  • 1 (A) such employee deductions and agency contributions l Ei
  • as are required b ecctions 8334 8422, and 5423 of title 5, l *gjg United States Co e, for those em,ployees who elect to retain their coverage under either CSRS or 1 ERS pursuant to para-l ""' graph (1);

'B) such additional ag y contributions as are determined

! .2ti"" nece sa by the Of0ce o

ithsr ersonnel Management to a ,in I # combina on with the sums under subparagraph (A), t nor-

, 4rgy mal cost" (determined using ynamic assuniptions) of retire-i ment beaefits for those emp yees who elect to retain their er t- covcrage under CSRS pursuant to paragraph (1), with the SI'd concept of

  • normal cost being used consistent with generally

! 'Cor.

acce ted actearial standards ar.d principles; and yed C) such additional amounts not to exceed two percent j of the amounts under subparagrap,hs (A) and (B), as are deter-4

t 110 STAT.1321-343 PUBLIC 1AW 104-134-APR. 26,1996 o~ mined necessary by the Omce of Personnel Management to no pay the cost of administering retirement benelits for employees of who retire from the Corporation aner the privatization date of under either CSRS or FE.RS, for their survivors, and for survi- lir vors of employees of the Corporation who die aner the pdvatira-tion date (which amounts shall be available to the Omce of Personnel Management as provided in section 8348(aXIXB) of title 6, United States Code).

(3) The Corporation shall pay to the Thrin Savings Fund such employee and agency contributions as are rt<3uired by section 8432 of title 6, United States Code, for those employees who elect to retain their coverage under FERS pursuant to paragraph (1).

at (4) Any employee of the Corporation who was subject to the Federal Employee llealth Benefita P6cgram (referred to in this section as 1 tilBP") on the day immediately preceding the sh privatization date and who elects to retain coverage under either nii CSRS or FERS pursuant to paragraph (1) shall have the option he to receive health benefits from a health benefit plan established en by the Corporation or to continue without interruption coverage under the FEllBP, in lieu of coverage by the Corporation's health Ur benefit system. sh (6) The Corporation shall pay to the Employees IIcalth Benefits of Fund- ne (A) such employee deductions and agency contributions of as are required by section 8906 (aNf) of title 6, United States As Code, for those employees who elect to rdain their coverage ur under FEllBP pursuant to paragraph (4); and on (B) such amounts as are determined necessary by the Omce to of Personnel Management under paragraph (6) to reimburse Ur the OfBee of Personnel Management for contributions under section 8906(gX1) of title 6, United States Code, for those Se employees .who elect to retain their coverage under FEllBP he pursuant to paragraph (4). (1)

(6) The amounts required under paragraph (6XB) shall pay the Government contributions for retired employees who retire from the Corporation ah. the privatization date under either CSRS or FERS, for survivors of such retired employees, and for survivors of employees of the Corporation who die after the privatization date, with said amounts prorated to reflect only that portion of the total service of such employees and retired persons that was performed for the Corporation aner the privatization date.


i (a) SECURITIES LIMifATIONs.-No director, ofUcer, or employee Sta l of the Corporation may acquire any securities, or any rights to or l acquire any securities of the private co ration on terms more upi I favorable than those ofTered to the general ublic- me I

(1) in a public offering designe to transfer ownership am of the Corporation to private investors. cor (2) pursuant to any agreement, arrangemerd, or under- ai thi standing entered (3) before into the before the election privatization of the director;data o the/ or private rer corporation. suc (b) OWNERSillP LIMITATION.-lmmediately following the con- Ag, summation of the transaction or series of transactions pursuant he>

to which 100 percent of the ownership of the Corporation is trans- to ferred to private investors, and for a period of three years thereafter, upt

PUBLIC LAW 104-134-APR. 20,1996 110 STAT.1321-344 no person may acquite, directly or indirectly, benencial ownership L to of securities representing more than 10 percent of the total votes yees of all outstanding voting securities of the Corporation. The foregoing date limitation shall not apply to--

arvi. (1) any employee stock ownership plan of the Corporation.

. tita. (2) members of the underwriting syndicate purchasing

. of 1)(B) shares in stabilitation transactions in contiection with the privatization, or(3) in the case of shares beneficially held in the ordinary such course of business for others, any commercial bank, broker-8,132 dealer. or clearing agency.


,g (a) TRANSFERS AND sat.E8 BY Tile SECRE"TARY.-The Secretary

, this shall not provide enrichment services or transfer or sell any ura-the nium (including natural uranium concentrates, natural uranium

>!ither hexafluoride, or enriched uranium in any form) to any person


.lshed except as consistent with this section.

erage (b) RUSSIAN 11EU.--41) On or before December 31,1996, the United States Executive Agent under the Russian llEU Agreement sealth shall transfer to the Secretary withuut charge title to an amount of uranium hexaGuoride equivalent to the natural uranium compo-nefits nent of low-enriched uranium derived from at least 18 metric tons utions of highly enriched uranium purchased from the Russian Executive States Agent under the Russian llEU Agreement. The quantity of such verage uranium hexanuoride delivered to the Secretary shall be based on a tails assay of 0.30 U23s. Uranium hexanuoride transferred to the Secretary pursuant to this paragraph shall be deemed under Offlee United States law for all purposes to be of Russian origin.

aburse (2) Within 7 years of the date of enactment of this Act, the under shall sell, and receive payment for, the uranium those Secretary

'EllBP hexanuoride transferred to the Secretary pursuant to paragraph (1). Such uranium hexafluoride shall be sold-ill pay (A) at any time for use in the United States for the purpose re from ofoverfeeding; (B) at any time for end use outside the United States; CSRS (C) in 1995 and 1996 to the Russian Executive Agent

.rvivors at the purchase price for use in matched sales pursuant to tiration rtion of the Suspension Agreement;or, (D) in calendar year 2001 for consumption by end users sat was in the United States not prior to January 1,2002, in volumes not to exceed 3,000,000 pounds U30. equivalent per year.

(3) With reepect to all enriched uranium delivered to the United mployee States Executive Agent under the Russian IIEU Agreement on ights to or after January 1,1997, the United States Executive Agent shall,

. na more upon request of the Russian Executive Agent, Executive to the Russian enter into an agree-Agent an rnent to deliver concurrently,de equivalent to the natural uranium vnership amount of uranium hexafluon component of such uranium. An agreement executed pursuant to r under- a request of the Russian Executive Agent, as contemplated in this paragraph, may pertain to any deliveries due during any period private remaining under the Russian lieu Agreement. The quantity of such uranium hexafluoride delivered to the Russian Executive the con- Agent shall be based on a tails assay of 0.30 Ussa. Title to uranium pursuant hexafluoride delivered to the Russian Executive Agent pursuant is trans- to this paragraph shall transfer to the Russian Executive Agent hereafter, upon delivery of such material to the Russian Executive Agent,

g puunu 4


l 110 STAT.1321-345 PUllLIC 1AW 104-134-APR. 26,1996 Y

with such delivery to take place at a North American facility den. It ignated by the Russian Executive Agent. Uranium hexafluoride ir delivered to the Russian Executive Agent pursuant to this pars- d.

graph shall be deemed under U.S. law for all purposes to be of Russian origin. Such uranium heranuoride may be sold to any A person or entity for delivery and use in the United States only (4 as p(ermitted

4) in the event in subsections (bx5), (bX6) that the Russian and (bX7)

Executive Agentofdoes this not section. t) exercise its right to enter into an agreement to take delivery of g}

the natural uranium component of any low-enriched uranium, as contemplated in paragraph (3), within 90 days of the date such il-low enriched uranium is delivered to the United States Executive g" Agent, or upon request of the Russian Executive Agent, then the United States Executive Agent shall engage an independent entity through a competitive selection process to auction an amount of t$

gt (in the event that the conversion uranium hexanuoride component of such hexafluorlde or U30.has previously been sold) equivalent "

to the natural uranium component of such low-enriched uranium. "

An agreement executed pursuant to a request of the Russian Execu- th tive Agent, as contemplated in this paragraph, may pertain to th any deliveries due during any period remaining under the Russian llEU Agreement. Such independent entity shall sell such uranium St hexaDuoride in one or more lots to any person or entity to maximite sh the proceeds from such sales, for disposition consistent with the F limitations set forth in this subsection. The independent entity 811 shal! pay to the Russian Executive Agent the proceeds of any in; such auction less all reasonable transaction and other administra. th.

tive costs. The quantity of such uranium hexafiuoride auctioned of shall be based on a tails assay of 0.30 U82 Title to uranium or hexanuaride auctioned pursuant to this paragraph shall transfer an to the buyer of such material upon delivery of such material to of the buyer. Uranium hexafluoride auctioned pursuant to this para-graph shall be deemed under United States law for all purposes tre to be of Russian origin. of.

(5) Fxcept as provided in paragraphs (6) and (7), uraniu:n fro hexaau.ade delivered to the Russian Executive Agent under pars- tio graph (3) or auctioned pursuant to paragraph (4) may not be delivered for consumption by end users in the United States either in t i

directly or indirectly prior to January 1,1998, and thereafter only in accordance with the following sckdule:

Annual Mattmum Deliveries to End Users


2 1999 4 6

2002 10 200 . ..

2005 16 10 1 2006 . 17 enr1

~ '

2009 and each year thereaner _ 20.

(6) Uranium hexafluoride delivered to the Russian Executive unk i

Agent under paragraph (3) or auctioned pursuant to paragraph (4) may be sold at any time as Russian origin natural uramum 1

l J


PUBLIC LAW 104-134-APit 26,1996 110 STAT,1321-340 i

l y des. in a matched sale pursuant to the Suspension Agreement, and uoride in such case shall not be counted against the annual maximum pars- deliveries set forth in paragraph (5),

be of (7) Uranium hexafluoride delivered to the Russian Executive o any Agent under paragraph (3) or auctioned pursuant to paragraph a only (4) may be sold at any time for use in the United States for ection. ose of overfeeding in the operations of enrichment facilities.

es not the (8)pur,Nothing in this subsection (b) shall restrict the sale of ery of the cor. version component of such uranium hexafluoride.

im, as i such (9) The Secretary of Commerce shall have responsibility for cutive the administration and enforcement of the limitations set forth en the in thi. subsection. The Secretary of Commerte may require any entity person to pmvide any certifications, information, or take any action unt of that may be necessary to enforce the,e limitations. The United

' " States Customs Service shall maintain and provide any information v ent required by the Secretary of Commerce and shall take any action requested by the Secretary of Commerce which is necessary for

'r"I" *' the administration and enforcement of the uranium delivery limita-I ain to tions set f rth in this section.

I aslan (10) The President shall monitor the actions of the United Pren6 dent.

anium States Executive Agent under the Russian llEU Agreement and Re;wta, timite shall report to the Congress not later than December 31 of each

.h the year on the effect the low enriched uranium delivered under the entity Russian IIEU Agreement is having on the domestic uranium min-if any ing, conversion, and enrichment industries, and the operation of tistra. the gaseous diffusion plante. Such report shall include a description tioned of actions taken or proposed to be taken by the President to prevent snlum or mitigate an material adverse impact on such industries or ansfer any loss of em oyment at the gaseous diffusion plants as a result lal to of the Russian EU Agreement.

pare. (c) TRANSFERS TO Tile CORPORATION.--41) The Secretary shall rposes transfer to the Corporation without charge up to 50 metric tons of enriched uranium and up to 7,000 metric tons of natural uranium talum from the Department of Energy's stockpile, subject to the restric-para. tions in subsection (c)(2).

ot be (2) The Corporation shall not deliver for commerrial end use either in the United States-r only (A) any of the uranium transfer:wl under this subsection before January 1,1998; (B) more than 10 percent of the uranium (by uranium hexaflu> ride equivalent content) transferred under this sub-

"g'* , section or more than 4,000 000 pounds, whichever is less, in any calendar year after 1997;or 2 (C) more than 800,000 separntive work unita contained j in low-enriched uranium transferred under this subsection in 8 any calendar year.

10 3 (d) INVENTORY sat.E8-41) In addition to the transfers author-from time

!s 1 ed to timeunder subsections sell natural (c) and (e),

and low-enriched the Secretary uranium (inc mayluding low-17 enriched uranium derived from highly enriched uranium) from the is Department of Energy's stockpile.

y' (2) Except as provided in subsections (b), (c), and (e), no sale eutive or transfer of natural or low-enriched uranium aball be made unless--

graph snlum (A) the President determines that the material is not : ec- Pres e nt.

essary for national security needs,

9 h

y 110 STAT.1321-347 PUBLIC 1AW 104-134-APR. 26,1990 P

(11) the Secretary determines that the sale of the material '

will not haw an adverse material impact on the domestic uranium mining, conversion, or enrichment industry, taking e into account the sales of uranium under the Russian llEU Agreement and the Suspension Agreement, and /

t (C) the price paid to the Secretary will not be less than v the fair market value of the material.

(e) GOVERNMENT TRANsrEas.-Notwithstanding subsection (dX2), the Secretary may transfer or sell enriched uranium-(1) to a f ederal agency if the material is transferred for the use of the receiving agency without any resale or transfer to another entity and the material does not meet commercial specifications; (2) to any person for national security purposes, as deter.

mined by the Secretary; or i

(3) to any State or local agency or nonprofit, charitable or educational institution for use other than the generation, of electricity for commercial use.

(f) SAVINGS Ph0 VISION.-Nothing in this subchapter shall be read to modify the terms of the Russian IIEU Agreement.


II' (a) RESPONSIBILITY OF DOE.-(1) The Secretary, at the request of the generator shall accept for disposal low level radioactive waste, including epleted uritnlum ifit were ultimately determined to be low level (A) the ra loactive Corporation as awaste, result ofgenerated t operationsbyofhe the gaseous diffusion plants or as a result of the treatment of such plants,wastes or at a location other than the gaseous difTusion (D) any person licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commis- to .

sion to operate a uranium enrichment facility under sections sut 63,63, and 193 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U S C.

2073,2093, and 2243). an3 (2) Except as provided in paragraph (3), the generator shall Em judi reimburse the Secretary for the disposal of low level radioactive roys warte pursuant to paragraph (1) in an amount equal to the Sec- for .

retary's costs including a pro rata share of any capits! costs pay) but in no eve,nt more than an amount equal to that which would be charged by commercial, State, regional, or interstate compset gge entitles for disposal of such waste.

(3) In the event depleted uranium were ultimately determined tion to be low level radioactive waste, the generator shall reimburse and the Secretary for the disposal of depleted uranium pursuant to '

paragraph (1)in an amount equal to the- Secretary's costa, including Safet a pro rata share of any capital costs.

date (b) AGREEMENTS Wml OTHER PERSONS.-The generator may ment also enter into agreements for the disposal of low level radioactive safet waste subject to subsection (a) with any person other than the inspe, Secretary to dispose ofthat is wastes.

such authorired by applicable laws and regulations such 0

(c) STATE OR INTERSTATE COMPACTS.-Notwithstanding any perfo:

other provision of law, no State or interstate compact shall be tract liable for the treatment, storage, or disposal of any low. level radio- occurs active waste (including mixed waste) attributable to the operation, tion, e decontamination, and decom. :ssioning of any uranium enrichment terms facility.


I PUBLIC LAW 104-134-APR. 26,1996 110 STAT.1321-348 SEC. 3114. AVLIS. USC 229%

g (a) Exclusive RionT TO COMMERCIAUEE.-The Corporation


lomestic loy and use any tahin shall AVLIShave patents,theprocesses, exclusive and commercial ri ht to de$on owned technicafinformat or con-n !!E trolled by the Government, upon completion of a royalty agreement ess than with the Secretary.


(1) IN GENERAL.-To the extent requested by the Corpora- itendent.


. tion and subject to the requirements of the Atomic Energy

' tryed for Act of 195 ' (42 U.S.C. 2011, et seq.), the President shall trans.

transfer fer without charge to the Corporation all of the right, title,

, nmercial or interest in and to roperty owned by the United States under control or custod of the Secretary that is directly related as deter. to and materially use fu in the performance of the Corporation's purposes regarding AV1/.S and alternative technologies for ura-taritable, nium enrichment, including-meration (A) facilities, equipment, and materists for research, development, and demonstration activities; e shall be and (B) all other facilities, equipment, materials esses, patents, technical information of any kind,pme-con-tracts, agreements, and leases.

e request (2) EXCEPTION -Facilities, real estate, improvements, and idioactive equipment related to the gaseous difTusion, and gas centrifuge, termined uranium enrichment programs of the Secretary shall not trans-fer under paragraph (IXB).

as of the (3) EXPIRATION OF TRANSFER AUTilORITY.-The President's

.tment of authority to transfer property under this subsection shall expire diffusion upon the privatization date.

(c) LIABILITY FOR PATENT AND RELATED CLAIMS.-With respect Commis. to any right, title, or interest provided to the Corpration under sections subsection (a) or (b), the Corporation shall have sole hability for 12 U.S.C. any payments made or awards under section 157b.(3) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2187(bX3)), or any settlements or itor shall judgments involving claims for alleged patent infringement. Any idioactive royalty agreement under subsection (a) of this section shall provide i the See- for a rtduction of royalty payments to the Secretary .to offset any tal costs payments, awards, settlements, or judgments under this subsection.


5 compact **

(a) OSilA.-41) As of the privatization date, the private corpora-tion shall be subject to and comply with the Occupational Safety etermined and llealth Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 651 et seq.).

reimburse (2) The Nuclear Regulatory Commiasion and the Occupational contracts.

.rsuant to Safety and llealth Administration shall, within 90 days after the

' Including date of enactment of this Act, enter into a memorandum of agree-rator may ment to govern tho exercise of their authority over occupational adioactive safety and health hazards at the gaseous diffusion plants, including than the inspection, investigation, enforcement, and rulemakinc relating to egulations such hazards.

(b) ANTITRUST laws.-For purposes of the antitrust laws, the ading any Performance by the private corporation of a " matched import" con-t shall be tract under the Suspension Agreement shall be considered to have evel radio, occurred prior to the privatization date, if at the time of privatiza-operation, tion, such contract had been agreed to by the parties in all material s .nrichment terms and confirmed by the Secretary of Commerce under the J Suspension Agreement.

i i

j 110 STAT.1331-349 PUBLIC LAW 104-134-APR. 26,1996 1 (c) ENEROY REORGANIZ.ATION Aer REQUIREMENTS.-41) The pri.

vate mrporation and its mntractom and subcontractors shall be subject to the provisions of section 211 of the Energ) sleorganization Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5851) to the same extent as an employer subject to such section.

(2) With respect to the operation of the facilities leased by the private corporation, section 206 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5846) shall apply to the dirntors and ofileers of the private corporation, SEC. 3116..DtENDMENTS TO THE ATOMIC ENERGY Art.

(a) REPEAL.--(1) Chapters 22 through 26 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2297-2297e-7) are repealed as of the privatizatirm date.

(2) The table of contents of such Act is amended as of the privatization date by striking the items referring to sections repealed by paragraph (1). Aet .

(b) NRC LICENSING.--(1) Section liv. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014v.) is amended by striking *or the construction and operation of a uranium enrichment facility using Atomic Vapor Laser (2) Section 193 of Isotope Separation the Atornic technology"'1954 Energy Act of (42 U.S.C.

2243)is amended by adding at the end the following:

  • (f) LIMITATION.-No license or certificate of compliance may l

l be issued to the United States Enrichment Corporation or its succes-sor ondor this section or sections 53,63, or 1701,if the Commission h be $

l 1

determines that-

  • (1) the Corporation is owned, controlled, or dominated BEC.

by an alien, a foreign corporation, or a foreign government; or

  • (2) the issuance of such a license or certificate of compil. (,4*

ance would be inimical to- orp3

  • (A) the common defense and security of the United States; or Enei
  • (B) the maintenance of a reliable and economical inse' domestic source of enrichment services.".

(3) Section 1701(cX2) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2297ficX2))is amended to read as follows:


ANCE.-The Corporation shall apply to the Nuclear Regulatory sEc.

Commission for a certificate of compliance under paragraph i (1) periodically, as determined by the Commission, but not less than every 5 years. The Commission shall review any such application and any determination made under subsection (bX2) shall be based on the results of any such review ".

(4) Section 1702(a) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C.

2297f-1(a))is amended-(1) by striking *other than" and inserting " including", and (2) by striking

  • sections 53 and 63" and inserting " sections t \ 63, and 193".

I-) JUDICIAL REVIEW OF NRC ACTIONS.-Section 189b. of the Ate sic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2239(b)) is amended to res J as follows:

"b. The following Commission actions shall be subject tojudicial review in the manner prescribed in chapter 158 of title 28, United States Code, and chapter 7 of title 5, United States Code:

PUBLIC LAW 104-134-APR. 26,1996 110 STAT,1321-350

) The prl. *(1) Any final order entered in any proceeding of the kind shall be apecified it. subsection (a),

anization "(2) Any Anal order allowing or prohibiting a facility to employer begin operating under a combined construction and operating license.

leased by "(3) Any final order establishing by regulation standards anization to govern the Department of Energy,s gaseous diffusion ura-ctors and nium enrichment plants, including any such fecilities leased to a corporation established under the USEC Privatization Act.

"(4) Any final determination under section 1701(c) relating to whether the gaseous diffusion plants, including any such le Ener facilities leased to a corporation established under the USEC

,, or th Privatization Act, are in compliance with the Commission's standards governing the gaseous diffusion plants and all

, ** 'I Ih* a l (cf)plicable laws.".

CmL PENALTIES.-Section 234 a. of the Atomic Energy

' '"tI "'

Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2282(a)is amended by i.C (1) striking "any licensing rovision o f section 53, 57 62, L

j 'g .Ennfe 63, 81, 82,101,103,104,10[ or 109" andofinserting:

ion any or t revis 53,section 57, 62, 63, l lity using licensing or certificatien f09,or 1701"; and 81,82,101,103,104,107 (2) by striking "an license issued thereunder" and insert-I 42 U.S.C. Ing *any license or certffication lasued thereunder".

ance may (e) REFFRENCES TO Tile CORPORATION.-Following the 42 Usc 2m privatization date, all references in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 mu.

'ta succes- to the United States Enrichment Corporation shall be deemed to isnmission be references to the private corporation.

tominated SEC. 3117. AMENDMENT 9 TO OTHER IAW8.

Mrnment; (a) DEFINITION OF GOVERNMENT CORPORATION.-As of the of compll-rivatit fs amen-tion ded bydate, section striking 9101(3) of subparagraph (N)title as 31 United added States 902(b) by section Code, of Public Law 102-480, ie United (b) DEFINrflON OF THE CORPORATION. -Section 1018(1) of the Energy Policy Act .,f 1992 (42 U.S.C. 2296b-7(1)) is amended by conomical inserting "or its successor" before the period.

1954 (42 SUBCilAPTER B




16 USC 8M i, but not For the gurposes of this section-sview any (1) Administrator" means the Administrator of the subsection Bonneville Power Administration:

". (2) " capital investment" means a capitalized cost (42 U.S.C. funded by Federal appropriations that-(A) is for a project, facility, or separable unit or ding", and feature of a project or facility; g " sections (B) is a cost for which the Administrator is required by law to establish rates to repay to the 9b. of the United States Treasury through the male of electric nended to power, transmission, or other services; (C) excludes a Federal irrigation investment; and tojudicial (D) excludes an investment ananced by the current 28, United revenues of the Administrator or by bonds issued and sold, or authorized to be issued and sold, by the 3D-US o. 96 - p(04) w-