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Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Dept of Nuclear Engineering Support for Reactor Health Physicist
Person / Time
Site: University of Illinois
Issue date: 04/14/1987
Shared Package
ML20206Q168 List:
NUDOCS 8704210366
Download: ML20206Q224 (8)


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a. The reactor ' facility shall be an integral part of the Department of Nuclear Engineering of the College of Engineering of the. University of Illinois. The reacter shall be related to the University structure as shown in Chart I.
b. The reactor facility shall be under the supervision of the Reactor Supervisor who shall have been qualified as.a licensed senior operator for the reactor.' He shall be responsible for assuring that all opera-tions are conducted in a safe manner and within the limits prescribed by the facility license and the provisions of the Nuclear Reactor Committee.
c. There shall be a Reactor Health Physicist responsible for assuring the day to day and routine radiological safety activities at the Nuclear Reactor Laboratory. The University of Illinois Radiation Safety Officer shall be responsible for monitoring, planning and promoting-radiological safety at the Nuclear Reactor Laboratory. He has the responsibility and authority to stop, secure or otherwise control as necessary any operation or activity that poses an unacceptable radiological hazard. ,

CHART I Head of Department of Division of Environmental Nuclear Engineering Health and Safety I

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Radiation Safety Nuclear Reactor ~~~

Director of I Officer Committee Nuclear Reactor i j Laboratory -

I g i I , i L____ Reactor _ _ _ _ _ Reactor Health ____J Supervisor Physicist Licensed Operators Reactor Operation Chart I. Administrative organization of the reactor facility. Dashed lines indicate reportir.g paths outside the operational chain of supervision, indicated by solid lines.

6.2 Review

a. There shall be a Nuclear Reactor Committee which shall review reactor operations to assure that the facility 'is operated in a manner con-sistent with public safety and within the terms of the facility license.

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- b. Thn rasp nzibilitics of f tha Committes includs,-but ara not'limitsd to,.

. the following:

1. Review and approval of experiments utilizing the reactor facili-

. ties;


12 . Review'and approval of all proposed changes te the facility,. pro-cedures,fand Technical Specifications; 3.- ' Determination of whether a' proposed change, test, or experiment ~

would constitute an unreviewed-safety question or a change in the Technical Specifications; 4; Review of the operation and operational records of the facility; i 5. Review of abnormal performance of plant equipment and operating anomalies;

6. Review of unusual or abnormal. occurrences and incidents which are j

reportable under 10CFR520 and 10CFR550; and

7. Approval of individuals for the supervision and operation of the reactor. .

- c. The Committee shall be composed of'at least five voting members, one of whom shall b'e a Health Physicist designated by the Health Pnysics Office of-the University, and one whom shall be the Director of the

Reactor Laboratory. Three members shall be appointed by the Head of the Department of Nuclear Engineering, chosen from the faculty of _

1 Nuclear Engineering so as to maintain a balanced knowledge of reactor safety and regulation. The Reactor Supervisor and the Reactor Health

. Physicist shall-be non-voting members.

4 The Committee shall have a written statement defining such matters as t d.

the authority of the Committee, . the subjects within its purview,- and other such administrative provisions as are required for effective

-functioning of the Committee. Minutes of all meetings of the Committee shall be kept.

, e. A quorum of the Committee shall be a majority of not less than one half of the members and the reactor. operating staff shall not consti-tute a voting majority. i l


f. The Reactor committee shall meet at least quarterly with the interval

! between meetings not to exceed 5 months.

6.3 Operating Procedures I

Written procedures, reviewed and approved by the Nuclear Reactor Committee, shall be in effect and followed for the following items. . The procedures shall be adequate to assure the safety of the reactor, but should not preclude the use of independent judgment and action should the situation .

require such.


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a. Startup, opersticn, and shutdown of tha raector.

'b. Installation or removal of fuel elements, control rods, experiments, and experimental-facilities. -

c.' Actions to be taken to correct specific and foreseen potential malfunctions of systems or; components, including responses to alarms, suspected primary coolant' system leaks, and abnormal reactivity changes.-

d. Emergency conditions involving potential or actual release of radio-activity, including provisions for evacuation, re-entry, recovery, and medical support.
e. Maintenance procedures which could have an effect on reactor safety.

'f. Periodic surveillance of reactor instrumentation and safety systems, area monitors and continuous air monitors.

Substantive changes to the above procedures shall be made only with the approval of the Nuclear Reactor Committee. Temporary changesfto the proce-dures that do not change their original intent may be made with the appro-

-val of the Reactor Supervisor. All.such temporary changes to procedures shall be documented and subsequently reviewed by'the Nuclear. Reactor' Committee.

6.4 Action to be Taken in the Event a Safety Limit is Exceeded In the event a safety limit is exceeded, or thought to have been exceeded:

a. The reactor shall be shut down and reactor operation shall not be 4

resumed until authorized by the USNRC.

b. An immediate report of the occurrence shall be made to the Chairman of the Nuclear Reactor Committee, and reports shall be made to the USNRC in accordance with Section 6.7 of these specifications.
c. A report shall be made which shall include an analysis of the causes and extent of possible resultant damage, efficacy of corrective action, and recommendations for measures to prevent or reduce the pro-bability of reoccurrence. This report shall be submitted to the Nuclear Reactor Committee for review, and a suitable similar report submitted to the USNRC when authorization to resume operation of the reactor is sought.

6.5 Action to be Taken in the Event of an Abnormal Occurrence In the event of an abnormal occurrence, as defined in Section 1.14 of the specifications, the following action shall be taken:

a. The Reactor Supervisor shall be notified and corrective action taken prior to resumption of the operation involved.-

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b. A report shall be made which.shall include an analysis of the cause of I the occurrence, efficacy of corrective action and recommendations for measures to prevent or reduce the probability or reoccurrence. This I report shall be submitted to the Nuclear Reactor Committee for review.-


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c. Where appropriate, a report shall be submitted to-the USNRC in accor-dance with Section 6.7 of these specifications.-

6.6 Plant Operating Records In addition to the requiremen'ts of applicable regulations, and in no.way substituting therefore, records and logs shall'be prepared ~and retained for a period'of at least 2 years.of the'following items, as a minimum:

a. Normal' plant operation;.
b. Principal maintenance activities;
c. Abnormal occurrences;
d. Equipment and component surveillance activities; ,
e. Gaseous and liquid radioactive effluents released to the environs; .
f. Off-site environmental monitoring surveys;.
g. Fuel inventories and transfers;-
h. Facility. radiation and contamination surveys;
1. Radiation exposures for all personnel;
j. Experiments performed with the reactor; and
k. Updated, corrected, and as-built drawings of the facility.

I 6.7 Reporting Requirements In addition to the requirements of applicable. regulations, and in no way substituting therefore, reports shall be made to the USNRC as follows:

a. An immediate report (by telephone and telegraph to the Regional Administrator, USNRC, Region III) of:


1. Any accidental off-site release of radioactivity above per-missible limits, whether or:not the release resulted in property damage, personal injury or exposure; and

. :2. Any violation of a safety limit.


b. A report within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> (by telephone and telegraph to the Regional-Administrator, USNRC, Region III) of:

, 1. Any. significant variation of measured values from a corresponding predicted or previously measured value.of safety-connected 1

operating characteristics occurring during operation of the' reactor;


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Incidants er conditions raliting to oparatien of tha facility 2.'
which prevented or could have' prevented the performancehof engi- 'l neered safety features as described in these specifications; and 3.- Any abnormal occurrences as. defined in Section 1~.14 of_these specifications.
c. A report within 10 days (in writing to the Director, Office of

' Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk, USNRC Head-

' quarters, and a copy to the Regional Administrator, USNRC, Region III) of:

1. Any significant variation of measured values from a corresponding-predicted or previously measured value of safety-connected operating characteristics occurring during operation of the reactor;
2. Incidents or conditions relating to operating of the facility -

which prevented or could have prevented the performance:of engi-neered-safety features as described in these specifications; and

3. Any abnormal occurrences as described in Section 1.14 of these specifications. -
d. A report within 30 days (in writing to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control' Desk, USNRC Head-

, quarters) of:

1. Any substantial variance from performance specifications con-tained in these specifications; i
2. Any significant change in the transient or accident analyses as described in the Safety Analysis Report; or
3. Any changes in facility organization.


e. A report within 60 days after criticality of_the reactor (in writing a

to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk, USNRC Headquarters) upon receipt of a new facility license or an amendment to the license authorizing an increase in reactor power level or the installation of a new core,-describing the measured values of the operating conditions or characteristics of the reactor under the new conditions, including;

2. Incidents _or conditions relating to operating of the facility which prevented or could have prevented the performance of engi-neered safety features as described in these specifications; and-
3. Any abnormal occurrences as described in Section 1.14 of these specifications.
d. A report within 30 days (in writing to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk, USNRC Head-quarters) of: ,

e -

l ~. - Any substantial variance from performance specifications con-tained in these specifications;. .

2. Any significant change in the transient or accident analyses as described in the Safety Analysis Report; or
3. Any changes in facility organization.
e. A report within 60 days after. criticality of:the reactor (in writ'ing to the Director,10ffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk, USNRC Headquarters) upon receipt of. a new facility.

license or an amendment to' the license authorizing an increase in reactor power level orLthe installation of a new core, describing the measured values of the operating conditions or characteristics-of.the-reactor under the new conditions, including;

1. Total control rod reactivity worth;
- 2. Reactivity worth of the single' control rod of highest reactivity worth;
3. Total and individual reactivity worths of any experiments inserted ~

in the reactor; and

4. Minimum shutdown margin both at room and operating temperatures. .


f. A routine report (in writing to the Director, Office of' Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control' Desk, USNRC Headquarters) within 60 days after completing,of the first six months of facility operation and at the end of each 12-month period thereafter, providing the following information:
1. A narrative summary of operating experience (including experi-4 ments performed) and of changes in facility design, performance characteristics and operating procedures related to reactor safety occurring during the reporting period';
2. A tabulation showing the energy generated by the reactor (in i megawatt-hours), the amount of pulse operation, the' number of hours the reactor was critical;
3. The number of emergency shutdowns and inadvertent scrams, j including the reasons therefore;
4. Discussion of the major maintenance operations performed during

, the period, including the effect,=if any, on the safe operation =

. of the reactor, and the reasons for any corrective maintenance l J required; l
5. A summary of each change to the facility or procedures, tests, and experiments carried out under the conditions of Section 50.59 of 10CFR$50; 5


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4 6'. . 'A summaryfof tha nntura and amount of radioactive affluents released or -discharged to -the environs . beyond the ef fective

control of-the licenses as measured at or prior to the point of such release or discharge;-
7. A description of any environmental surveys performed outside thel

, facility; and

8. A summary of radiation exposures received by facility personnel ~

and visitors, including the dates and time of significant expo-sures,_and a summary of the results of radiation and con -

tamination surveys _ performed within the facility.

6.8 Review of Experiments


a. All proposed experime.its utilizing the reactor shall be evaluated-byJ the_ experimenter and a. staff member approved by the Nuclear-Reactor

= Committee. The evaluation shall be reviewed by.a licensed senior operator of-the facility-(and the Reactor Health Physicist when appropriate) to assure compliance with,the provisions'of the utiliza-3 tion license, the Technical Specifications, and-10CFRS20. (If,-in his

judgment,_the experiment meets with the above. provisions and does not
constitute a threat to the integrity of the. reactor, he shall submit -

it to the Reactor Supervisor.for scheduling or_to the Nuclear Reactor i Committee for final approval as indicated in Section 6.2 above. When pertinent, the evaluation shall include:

! 1. The reactivity worth of the experiment;-

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2. The integrity.of the experiment, including the effects of_ changes in temperature, pressure,' or chemical composition; i 3. Any physical or chemical interaction that could occur with the.

reactor components; and

4. Any radiation hazard that may result from the activation of' l materials or ' f rom external . beams.


b. Prior to the performing of an experiment not previously performed in j the-reactor, it shall be reviewed and apprcved in~ writing by the Nuclear Reactor Committee. Their review shalliconsider the.following information:
1. The purpose of the experiment;
2. A procedure for the performance of: the experiment; and .

, 3. The evaluation approved by a licensed senior operator.

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c. For_the irradiation of materials, the applicant shall' submit an

" Irradiation Request" to the Reactor. Supervisor or Reactor Health Physicist.- This request shall contain information on the_ target material including the amount,_' chemical form, and packaging. For routine irradiations (which do not contain nuclear fuel or known


explosive materials and which do not' constitute a.significant' threat to the' integrity of the_ reactor or to the safety of individuals),.the approval for the Nuclear Reactor Committee may be made by the Reactor-Supervisor and Reactor Health Physicist.

d. In evaluating experiments, the following assumptions shall be used for-the purpose of determining whether failure of the. experiment.would ctuse the appropriate limits of 10CFR$20 to be exceeded:
1. If the possibility exists that airborne concentrations ofLradio-active gases or aerosols may be released.within.the facility, 100 percent of the gases or aerosols will escape;
2. If the effluent exhausts through a filter installation designed for greater than 99 percent efficiency for 0.3 micron particles, at least 10% of gases or aerosols will escape; and
3. For a material whose boiling point is above 130*F and where vapors formed by boiling, this material could escape only through-a column of water above the. core, at least 10 percent of these vapors will escape.

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