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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 860613
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/18/1986
From: Rehm T
WIR-860613, NUDOCS 8606240490
Download: ML20206F510 (33)



" QpD2" June 18, 1986 For: The Comissioners From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the ED0



) A sumary of key events is included as a convenience to those Comissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C Inspection and Enforcement D Nuclear Regulatory Research E Exe:utive Legal Director F*

International Programs G State Programs H*

Resource Management I*

Analy:is and Evaluation of Operational Data J Small & Disadvantaged ecsiness Utilization & Civil Rights K*

Regional Offices L*

CRGR Monthly Reports M*

Executive Director for Operations N*

Items Addressed by the Comission 0 Meeting Notices P Proprietary or Other Sensitive Infcrmation (Not for Q

, external distribution) y 7,

  • No input this week. [ '

. . er . Operations Office of e xecutive Director for Operations


T. A. Rehm, ED0 492-7781 8606240490 860618 PDR COMMS NRCC WEEKLYINFOREPT PDR 1


- Perry 1 Initial criticality for Perry occurred at 2:46 a.m. June 6,1986. The low power license was issued on March 18, 1986. Fuel loading was completed on April 24, 1986.

Initial criticality was originally scheduled for mid-May 1986. However, J several reportable events occurred since low power licensing, which delayed completion of certain system checks and surveillances necessary for initial criticality. Examples of such events include: (1)inadvertentRPSactuations caused by upscale trips of the neutron flux IRMs corrected by grounding the i IRM preamplifier cabinets to the Instrument Ground Bus; (2) electrical failures in the power circuitry of the refueling platform and fuel assembly hoist motor,whichdelayedcompletionoffuelloading4-5 days;(3)alatedecision by CEI to replace some of the antimony-beryllium startup sources with californium sources; and (4) several other reportable events involving the RWCU, chlorine gas monitors, HCU mounting-bolt torque requirement. A total of 19 reportable events have occurred to date. Most of the events are similar to those experienced with other licensed BWR plants; and none were,found to -

indicate trends of plant design weakness, but some are the result of the inexperience of the plant operating staff which is being corrected by additional training and related procedural changes.

CEI expects to complete that portion of the Perry 1 power ascension program, required for full power licensing, during the week of July 21,1986(the physics tests and full core shutdown margin tests will be performed with the vessel head removed). The Project Manager considers CEI's initial startup .

test schedule to be success-oriented and thus optimistic.

Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 & 2 In response to a petition by the Alabama Electric Cooperative. Inc., pursuant to 10 CFR 0.206 to enforce Antitrust License Condition No. 2 attached to the captioned plent, the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation will issue a hotice of Violation to the Alabama Power Company on Monday, June 16, 1986.

If an adequate reply is not submitted within the time pennitted to answer this Notice, the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation may issue an order to show cause why the license should not be modified, suspended, or evoked, or take such other action as may be appropriate.

Sequoyah Fuels Corporation - Public Meetinas Two meetings will be held by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in the Gore, Oklahoma, School System Gymnasium from 7 to 10 p.m. July 8, and 10 to 12 a.m. on July 9,1986. The meetings are being held to solicit information from ,

members of the public about issues which they would like to have the NRC l consider during its rev!ew of the proposal from Kerr-McGee Sequoyah to restart I UF6 production at the Segaoyah Fuels Facility. It does not include issues associated with the two hr.arings pending before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Atomic Safecy and Licensing Board (ASLB), namely the appifcations relating to the UF6 to UF4 production and waste disposal. Both of these matters will be dealt with in separate public hearings conducted by the ASLB.

Safeguards Regulatory Effectiveness Review (RER) at TMI The NMSS Safeguards staff, assisted oy U.S. Army Special Forces personnel, is conducting an RER at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant (June 9 to June 13, 1986). The team is accompanied by two staff members of OIA and repres,entatives e from iE and Region I. i


OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Week Ending June 13, 1986 ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM 0F INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision Carryovers, 1985 181 15 Received, 1986 435 92 Granted 287 27 Denied 73 12 Pending 256 68 ACTIONS THIS WEEK l


! William J. Hagerty, Requests copies of three categories of records related i Inventive to the report, " Uranium Production Technology" prepared Processing under contract with AEC.

Company, USA (86-415)

Neil J. Numark. Requests copies of three categories of records regarding International post-TMI operating licenses.

Energy Associates Limited (86-416)

Gilbert J. Rooth, Requests copies of records concerning NRC's investigation Gilbert J. Rooth, of an accident at the Crystal River plant on January 10 P.A. 1986, which resulted in the death of two divers.


Paul D. Eddy, Requests copies of 01 investigation reports 1-86-003 and State of New York 1-86-008 regarding the Shoreham nuclear power plant. ,


Department of Public Service (86-418)

Larry Tye, Requests copies of all inspectors' notes and NRC follow-The Boston Globe up inspections involving the April 4 and April 11 scrams (86-419) at the Pilgrim I nuclear power plant. ,

Requests copies of NRC reports of reviews of utilities' Gary86-420)

(Pohlmann programs for evaluation of the construction phase of nuclear power plants.

CONTACT: Donnie H. Grimsley 492-7211 JUNE 13, 1986 ENCLOSURE A

2 Received, Cont'd Steven Bennish, Requests copies of all security inspection reports, Columbia Daily including Notices of Violations and responses thereto, of Tribune the University of Missouri Research Reactor facility (86-421) fro:n 1965 to the present.

Philip J. Imbrogno, Requests copies of all records regarding sightings Windward School, of a UFO at the Indian Point nuclear power plant on White Plains, NY July 24, 1984, and from January 1983 to May 1986.


Martin Rosenberg, Requests copies of all final 0! investigation reports The Kansas City related to the Wolf Creek nuclear power plant.

Times (86-423)

B.J. Holt, Requests a copy of the report entitled, " Compliance RAD Services, Inc. Status of Generally Licensed Gauging Devices in RIII ~

(86-424) of the USNRC" prepared for Oak Ridge Associated Universities by Radiation Safety Services, Inc., of Illinois, November 30, 1984.

Scott L. Machanic, Requests copies of all correspondence authored by Ricklefs & Uehlein a named individual concerning the Pilgrim nuclear power (86-425) plant or Globe Security Systems, Inc.

Josephine D'Ottavio, Requests the names and prices of all bidders that bid on Supreme Automation solicitation No. DR-86-0214.

Corporation (86-426)

(NRCemployee) Requests 24 categories of records.


Tom Baden, Requests a copy of OI report No. 0184014 on allegations Newhouse News regarding the Nine Mile Point nuclear power plant.

! Service ,


(NRCemployee) Requests a copy of a specified record.


Jennifer Puntenney, Requests three categories of records regarding the Fermi Safe Energy nuclear pcwer plant.

Coalition of Michigan (86-430)

Cindee Virostek, Requests copies of the proprietary portions of the Main Kiski Valley Report, NUREG-06278ES, and Appendix B of the report.

Coalition (86-431)



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e e l Received, Cont'd Steven Aftergood, Requests copies of six reports by the Safeguards Comittee to Interoffice Review Group, which are referenced in NRC's Bridge the Gap Weekly Ihiormation Report for the week ending May 2, (86-432) 1986.

3 Joshua Gordon, Requests two categories of records related to Critical Mass Comissioners' views concerning best and worst plants (86-433) during the May 22, 1986, testimony to the Energy Conservation and Power Subcomittee of the House Energy and Comerce Comittee.

Alfred Gelberg, Requests a copy of the winning proposal in response CES Training to RFP RS-ADM-86-213.



Billie P. Garde, Requests copies of all records which contain either Government sabotage or malicious acts at the Comanche Peak nuclear Accountability power plant from March 1984 to the present.

Project  ;


Joshua Gordon, APPEAL TO THE EDO for the lack of response to a request Critical Mass for six categories of records pertaining to events (86-A-82-86-292) occurring since January 1, 1984.

Granted (NRCemployee) In response to a request for records related to Vacancy (86-287) Announcements 86-0336-5 and 86-0666-5 and lists of NRC Grade 13 and 14 employees in series 343 and 345, made available 10 records.

Daniel Fishman, In response to a request for records regarding Harrel NDC Systems Incorporated in Connecticut and Indev Control Systems (86-291) Inc., in Rhode Island, made available 90 records. Informed the requester that Rhode Island is an agreement state and and suggested that he contact the Rhode Island Department of Health.

(NRCemployee) In response to a request for records regarding Vacancy Announcement No. 86-0666-5, made available seven records.


Ronald A. Rose, In response to a request for nine specified registration F01 Services, records for sealed sources and devices, made available Inc. copies of the requested records.


Michael P. Hunno, In response to a request for a list of medical licensees Elkins Park in the State of Pennsylvania, made available a copy of Radiology the requested record.

Associates Ltd.




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4 Granted, Cont'd D.F. Bush, In response to a request for copies of all purchase Parker Hannifin orders originating from the Portland Valve and Fitting Corporation Company for the Trojan nuclear power plant during the (86-395) period of December 1, 1985, to March 1, 1986, informed the requester that the NRC has no records subject to this request.

(NRCemployee) In response to a request for records regarding an 01A (86-398) investigation since May 19, 1986, informed the requester that the NRC has no records subject to this request.

Christine M. Herbert, In response to a request for lists of NRC licensees for Medi+ Physics the following implant sources: (1) Iodine I-125, (2) Gold (86-401) AU-198, (3) Iridium IR-192, and (4) Cesium CS-137, made available copies of the requested records.

Robert F. Miller, In response to a request for copies of proposals for RAJ Technology, SBIR funding submitted by Precision Acoustic Devices,

Inc. Inc., and/or Dr. Charles Desilets and any records (86-407) related to the proposals, informed the requester that the NRC has no records subject to this request.

B.J. Holt, In response to a request for a copy of the report entitled, i RAD Services Inc. " Compliance Status of Generally Licensed Gauging Devices (86-424) in RIII of the USNRC," made available a copy of the l requested record.

Denied Billie P. Garde, In response to a request for records of agency Government communications regarding a named individual concerning the Accountability Comanche Peak nuclear power plant, made available seven Project records. Denied two records in their entirety, release (86-157) of which would tend to inhibit the frank and candid exchange of information in future deliberations. Denied portions of six records, release of which would cause a

clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Stevi Stephens, In response to an APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of one denied record regarding the Wolf Creek Nuclear Awareness Network nuclear power plant, continued to deny this record in its (86-A-76-86-59) entirety, disclosure of which would be likely to stifle honest and frank communication within the agency.


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" Independent Assessment and Analysis"


Perform independent assessments of materials and components for reactor construction and operation including fabrication and installation to ensure licensee compliance with applicable codes, standards and federal regulatory requirements.

Period of Performance: 36 months Sponsor: Office of Inspection and Enforcement Status: RFP closed on June 6, 1986. Proposals forwarded to Source Evaluators for review on June 9, 1986. Competitive range to be established on June 23, 1986.

RFP No.: RS-0IE-86-154


" Continuity of Government Programs"


The objective of this project is to identify and select a contractor to provide logistical and administrative support for the maintenance and functioning of the NRC Continuity of Government (COG) Program.

The contractor will assist in the development of the essential documents and guidance necessary to establish the revised NRC COG Program at both Headquarters and the Regional Offices; and provide support to the NRC for the implementation of the revised COG Program and training of NRC staff. I Period of Performance: Three years Sponsor: Office of Inspection and Enforcement Status: The competitive range has been established and negotiations are scheduled for the week of June 16, 1986.

RFP No.: RS-01E-86-155


" Technical Assistance for Design Inspections"


The design inspections are intended to provide a close examination of the design process and design implementation for a limited sample of structures, systems or components for a specific facility and any of its associated design organizations.

Period of Performance: 36 months Sponsor: Office of Inspection and Enforcement Status: Best and Final offers are due on June 20, 1986.



" Program to Support Regional Operator Licensing Activities"


Provide technical expertise to assist NRC regional offices in j administering initial, replacement and requalification examinations required in the process of licensing commercial nuclear power plant reactor operators (RO) and senior reactor operators (SRO).

Period of Performeoce: Three years Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Status: A Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee Task Ordering type Contract No. NRC-03-86-054 was awarded to Sonalysts, Inc. with a ceiling amount of $2,355,586 effective

. lune 11, 1986.


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Weekly Information Report Division of Contracts ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER On June 5, 1986, SMC O'Donnell and Associates, Inc., (SMC O'Donnell) filed a protest with the Contracting Officer under Solicitation No. RS-0!E-86-155 for

" Technical Assistance for Design Inspection Services." The protest disputes the basis for excluding SMC O'Donnell from the competitive range. The protester requests that his proposal be reconsidered. Award is being withheld pending disposition of the protest.

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JutlE 13, 1986 ENCLOSURE A

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Perry 1 5

i Initial criticality for Perry occurred at 2:46 a.m. June 6, 1986. The low i power license was issued on March 18, 1986. Fuel loading was completed on  !

April 24, 1986.

Initial criticality was originally scheduled for mid-May 1986. However, '

i several reportable events occurred since low power licensing, which delayed

! completion of certain system checks and surveillances necessary for initial j criticality. Examples of such events include: (1) inadvertent RPS actuations l caused by upscale trips of the neutron flux IRMs corrected by grounding the

IRM preamplifier cabinets to the Instrument Ground Bus; (2) electrical failures in the power circuitry of the refueling platform and fuel assembly hoist
motor, which delayed completion of fuel loading 4-5 days; (3) a late decision

! by CEI to replace some of the antimony-beryllium startup sources with j californium sources; and (4) several other reportable events involving the j RWCU, chlorine gas monitors, HCU mounting-bolt torque requirement. A total ,

j of 19 reportable events have occurred to date. Most of the events are similar i

to those experienced with other licensed BWR plants; and none were found to indicate trends of plant design weakness, but some are the result of the j inexperience of the plant operating staff which is being corrected by additional training and related procedural changes.

. CEI expects to complete tha' portion of the Perry 1 power ascension program,

! required for full power lirensing, during the week of July 21, 1986 (the 1 physics tests and full core shutdown margin tests will be performed with the  :

j vessel head removed). The Project Manager considers CEI's initial startup i test schedule to be success-oriented and thus optimistic.


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Shoreham Related to the Shoreham emergency planning adjudication pending before the Commission, the Commission on June 6,1986, issued a Memorandum and Order.

The following is a sumary of that Memorandum and Order. (1)TheAppeal l

i Board in ALAB-832 reversed and remanded to the Licensing Board on a number of j issues, but directed the Licensing Board to defer remand proceedings until

! the Commission provides instructions. The Comission is directing continued i deferral of the remand. (2) The Intervenors on March 7, 1986 submitted

! motions related to the February 13, 1986 Shoreham emergency exercise. Since the filing of the motions, FEMA has issued its report on the exercise and

! thus mooting some of the requests. Of the remaining motions, the Comission agrees to consider the contention of fundamental flaws in LILCO's emergency j plan. The Comission directs immediate initiation of the Board hearing on the Intervenors' contention on that issue. (3)TheIntervenorsandLILCO i

i i JUNE 13, 1986 ENCLOSURE B i



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had petitioned the Commission to review ALAB-818. The Commission now plans l to proceed initially with review of the " realism" and "iinnateriality" issues

! in ALAB-818 while deferring the " legal authority" and " preemption" issues to

! some future date. (4) On June 3, 1986 the Intervenors filed a motion j i requesting the NRC to find that FEMA's review of the February 13 exercise i

! violated FEMA's procedural rules requiring a public meeting. The Commission defers to FEMA's interpretation of its own procedural rules. l L

' )

Comanche Peak i In three separate remoranda and orders issued on June 6,1986, the Licensing j, Board:

! (1) adopted a discovery schedule for the construction permit extension j proceeding. Discovery is to start at this time and not await the appeals filed with the Appeal Board by the staff and applicants.

(The appeals, if successful, would result in the proceeding being dismissed).

4 (2) ordered all parties in the OL proceeding to file bi-monthly ,

progressreportsandabstractsofdocuments(correspondence,etc.) i to permit the Board to know the possible relevance and importance i

of the voluminous materials in this proceeding. '

1 (3) connented on how the issue of " root cause" for deficiencies should be treated under the reinspection program currently underway. The

, Boaid believes the definition should not be over-formalized and j thereby restrict the search for the cause(s) of the deficiency.


l Daily Highlight f

I On June 6, 1986, the NRC provided to TVA the list of names of individuals who i had been accused of potential intimidation and harassment of TVA employees.

1 These individuals were identified by a review of intimidacion and harassment

! files at Region II, Watts Bar, and the TVA General Counsel's office by a headquarters team. This list was hand delivered to the TVA Inspector General.

I f Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Power Plant. Units 1 & 2 l In response to a petition by the Alabama Electric Cooperative Inc., pursuant j to 10 CFR 2.206 to enforce Antitrust License Condition No. 2 attached to the

! captioned plant, the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation will issue a Notice of Violation to the Alabama Power Company on Monday, i June 16, 1986. j i

! If an adequate reply is not submitted within the time permitted to answer this Notice, the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation may issue an order to show cause why the license should not be modified, suspended, or evoked, or take such other action as may be appropriate.

JU'lE 13, 1986 ENCLOSURE D l


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- The drilling rig for core stratification has been disassembled and is being prepared for installation in the reactor building later this


week. Core boring is scheduled to start on June 26, 1986.

- Pick and place defueling activities continued. These activities were conducted to clear core bore drilling locations and for training and testing of the heavy duty tong tool and heavy duty hydraulic impact chisel. The number of canisters transferred to the fuel pool remains at 42.

- The Reactor Coolant System (RCS) turbidity was variable, depending on defueling operations, but typically with 1 - 2 feet of visibility.

- One of the internals vent valves was removed. This will allow improved access to the lower reactor vessel head region for testing of the vacut.m defueling system in that area. The removal of additional vent valves is scheduled for this week.


- The reactor remains in long term cold shutdown, vented to the atmosphere. Core cooling is by natural heat loss to ambient building atmosphere. The average incore thermocouple reading is 79'F; reactor vessel water temperature as measured by resistance temperature detectors (RTD's) is 74*F.

- The airborne radioactivity on the defueling platform is about 3 E-7 uCi/cc Tritium and 4 E-10 uC1/cc particulates, predominately Cesium-137 and Strontium-90. The platform is mounted above the modified internals indexing fixture which is mounted over the reactor vessel. These provide about 15 feet of water over the core region and 6 feet over the carousel holding the defueling canisters.


- The Submerged Demineralizer System (SDS) is processing batch S-133.

SDS processing to date has been 3,995.991 gallons.

- EPICOR II is processing batch 290 and 291. The system has processed 2,958,534 gallons to date.


- US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sample analysis results show that TMI site liquid effluents are in accordance with regulatory limits, NRC requirements, and The City of Lancaster Agreement.



2 The Lancaster water sample taken at the water works river intake and analyzed by EPA consisted of a seven day composite sample taken May 1

25 - 31, 1986. A gama scan detected no reactor related activity.

- TMI water samples taken by EPA at the plant discharge (includes Units 1 and 2) to the river consisted of seven daily composite samples taken from May 25 - 31, 1986. A gama scan detected no reactor related activity.

- The EPA analysis of the NRC outdoor air sample for the period June 6

- 13, 1986 showed that concentrations of Cs-137 and I-131 were below the lower limit of quantitative detectability for the system, i.e.,

less than 1.1 E-13 microcuries/cc.


- A fuel canister CD-(38) is in the west upender in spent fuel pool "A". The canister is slightly tilted which will not allow normal grappling. GPUN personnel are investigating the cause and preparing to take corrective actions.

- Assembly of the Desludging system continued.

- The testing program continues on the transfer shield, cask upender, and other components needed to support fuel shipping.


- Technical Specification Change Request number 49, and 51.

- Recovery Operations Plan Change number 31, 33, 35, and 36.

' - Solid Waste Facility Technical Evaluation Report.

- Reactor Building Sump Criticality Safety Evaluation Report.

- Canister Handling and Preparation for Shipment Safety Evaluation Report.

- Defueling Canister Technical Evaluation Report, Revision 2.

- Core Stratification Sample Safety Evaluation Report, Revision 4.

7. PUBLIC MEETING The Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of TMI-2 met with the NRC Comissioners in Washington, D.C. on June 11, 1986. At that meeting, the following items were discussed:
1) The Panel expressed satisfaction with the recent ACRS review of the issue of potential recriticality during TMI-2 defueling.
2) The Panel requested a briefing on the April 14, 1986 cleanup schedule revision submitted by GPUN. Dr. W. Travers, Director of the NRC's l

TMI Cleanup Project Directorate provided the staff's preliminary assessment of the reasons for the revised schedule.

3) The Panel informed the Comission of the continuing interest and concern of the local citizens regarding TMI-2 health issues.


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4) The Panel reported on a recent presentation by the Department of Energy (DOE) regarding off-site shipment of the damaged TMI-2 fuel.
5) The Commission and the Panel discussed proposed Panel activities for the near future and also addressed the question of the point at which Panel activities will conclude.
6) The Panel reiterated its concern over the delay in resolution of the polar crane enforcement action.

, 7) The Panel requested timely receipt of major cleanup documents anticipated to be submitted in the next few months.

The next meeting of the Advisory Panel will be held at a date and location to be determined.

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i Items of Interest Week Ending June 13, 1986 Transportation A meeting was held on June 14, 1965, with German representatives to discuss i the use of nodular cast iron in shipping casks. The meeting was requested by l Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt/Bundesanstalt fur Materialptufung of the

' Federal Republic of Germany and was also attended by representatives of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Department of Transportation, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Discussion centered around fracture toughness of nodular cast iron and the problem of controlling and ensuring its mechanical properties. There are no applications currently pending before the NRC for the use of this material. However, German companies have expressed an interest in using this material for spent fuel shipping containers in the 1 United States.

2 Unauthorized Distribution of Luminous Tritium Watches In response to a congressional inquiry, NMSS staff contacted the manufacturer of " Swatch" watches to determine if they contain radioactive material. The manufacturer stated that some of the watches contain tritium. Since the Swatch Company is not licensed by NRC, distribution of the watches is a violation.

Region I is contacting the U.S. distributor in New York to require them to halt distribution and submit a report to NRC on the watches already l distributed. Early information indicates that the quantity of tritium

! involved is not a health hazard, but the staff will perform an assessment.

Sequoyah Fuels Corporation - Public Meetings

' li Two meetings will be held by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in the Gore, Oklahoma, School System Gymnasium from 7 to 10 p.m. July 8, and 10 to 12 a.m. on July 9,1986. The meetings are being held to solicit information from members of the public about issues which they would like to have the NRC consider during its review of the proposal from Kerr-McGee Sequoyah to restart UF6 production at the Sequoyah Fuels Facility. It does not include issues associated with the two hearings pending before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB), namely the applications relating to the UF6 to UF4 production and waste disposal. Both of these matters will be dealt with in separate public hearings conducted by the ASLB.

1 JUNE 13, 1986 ENCLOSURE C ,


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1 NRC/ DOE Physical Security Comparability Study The first meeting of the NRC-DOE Physical Security Comparability Study was held on June 10, 1986, in Silver Spring. The first tasks of the study group are to agree on criteria for carrying out the comparison of physical security measures and to select sites for comparison.

Implementation of U.S./IAEA Safeguards Agreement NRC received notice from the IAEA that the Transitional Facility Attachment for the Exxon LEU fuel fabrication facility in Richland, Washington, was put into force on May 1, 1986. This means that facility is selected by the IAEA to report nuclear material accounting data to the IAEA under the protocol to the U.S./IAEA Safeguards Agreement.

Safeguards Regulatory Effectiveness Review (RER) at TMI The NMSS Safeguards staff, assisted by U.S. Army Special Forces personnel, is conducting an RER at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant (June 9 to June 13, 1986). The team is accompanied by two staff members of OIA and representatives from IE and Region I.

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Office of Inspection and Enforcement Items of Interest Week Ending June 13, 1986

1. The following Significant Enforcement Actions were taken during the past week:
a. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty was issued to Duke Power Company (McGuire 1) in the amount of $50,000.

This action was issued on the failure to meet the Tech Spec requirement on an LC0 (EN 86-35).

b. A Confirmatory Order and a Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty was issued May 29, 1986 to Washington Hospital Center (Washington, DC) in the amount of $5,000. This action is based on violations involving operation of a teletherapy unit with an inoperable safety interlock and a medical misadministration (EN 86-36).
c. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty was ,,

issued to Philadelphia Electric Company (Peach Bottom) in the amount of $200,000. This action is based on the multiple violations involving control rod withdrawal startup in March 1986 (EN 86-37).

d. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty was issued to Harvard University (Cambridge, MA) in the amount of $2,500.

This action is based on multiple violations which collectively, represent a breakdown in mana ement control and in oversight of licensed activities (EN 86-38 .

2. The following IE Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week:
a. PNO-III-86-52A, Commonwealth Edison Company (LaSalle 2) - Reactor Trip Problem-Status Report from NRC Augmented Investigation Team (Update).
b. PNO-III-86-528, Commonwealth Edison Company (LaSalle) Reactor Trip J'

Problem - Status Report for NRC Augmented Investigation Team (Second Update).

c. PNO-III-86-55, Cleveland Electric Illuminating (Perry 1) - Initial Criticality.
d. PN0-IV-86-20, Kansas University Medical Center (Kansas City, KS) -

Possible Lost 5 Curies Cesium 137 Sealed Source.

3. The following IE Information Notices and IE Bulletins were issued during

' the past week:



a. IE Information Notice No. 86-41, Evaluation of Questionable Exposure Readings of Licensee Personnel Dosimeters was issued to all byproduct licensees.
b. IE Information Notice No. 86-42, Improper Maintenance of Radiation Monitoring Systems was issued to all nuclear power reactor facilities holding a generating license or a construction permit.
c. IE Information Notice No. 86-43, Problems with Silver Zeolite Sampling of Airborne Radioiodine, was issued to all nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit.
d. IE Information Notice No. 86-44, Failure to Follow Procedures when working in High Radiation Areas, was issued to all nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit.
e. IE Information Notice No. 86-45, Potential Falsification of Test Reports on Flanges Manufactured by Golden Gate Forge and Flange, Inc., was issued to all nuclear reactor facilities (including test and research facilities) holding an operating license or a construction permit.
f. IE Information Notice No. 86-46, Improper Cleaning and Decontamination of Respiratory Protection Equipment, was issued to all nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license (0L) or a construction permit (CP) and fuel fabrication facilities.
4. Other Items
a. Senior Management Meetings

! Director, IE and Deputy Director, QAVT participated with RII and IE staff in exit meeting of the Oconee SSFI.

b. Civil Penalties Paid
1) Philadelphia Electric Company (Peach Bottom) in the amount of

$200,000 based on violations involving a violation of technical specifications associated with the withdrawal of a control rod l out of sequence during plant startup (EA 86-59).

2) Harvard University (Cambridge, MA) in the amount of $2,500 based on multiple violations representing a lack of management control and oversight of licensed activities (EA 86-80).
c. Operations Center I 1) The Incident Response Branch Chief and staff members and i Telecommunications Branch, ADM, staff members met with COMSAT to discuss cost effectiveness of various satellite systems for use 1 in the Emergency Communication System in the NRC Operations l Center.



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A member of the Incident Response Branch participated with contractor personnel in two Emergency Response Data System l (ERDA) site surveys on June 9 and 10,1986. The surveys are conducted at the Salem and Hope Creek nuclear power plants.

d. Incident Response A member of the Incident Response Branch presented a lecture on  !

" Application of Computer Models to Emergency Response - NRC Experience" in a course at the Harvard School of Public Health this week. The course is entitled Planning for Nuclear Emergencies.

e. Quality Assurance IE is conducting an inspection at the Sequoyah site of the TVA Design Base Line and Verification Program and the effectiveness of the Engineering Assurance Oversight Effort in this regard. The inspection will be conducted the weeks of June 9 and 16.
f. Materials Inspections and Activities
1) A team inspection is underway this week at Sequoyah Fuels plant.

The team includes representatives from Region IV, IE, EPA, and OSHA. The purpose of the inspection is to determine what actions Sequoyah Fuels has taken to correct the violations identified during the team inspection of February 10-14, 1986.

2) A Safeguards and Materials Programs Branch member participated with Region III during the inspection of a spent fuel receipt in Morris, IL.
h. Emergency Preparedness
1) Emergency Preparedness Branch members are supporting regional staff in the evaluation of annual emergency exercises at Diablo.

Canyon (RVI) and Yankee Rowe (RI).

2) An Emergency Preparedness Branch member assisted Region I in reviewing the proposed resolution of the Seabrook emergency plan preoperational inspection open items.
3) Deputy Director, DEPER participated in a meeting with the Disaster Preparedness Commission in Albany, NY to gather information on the effects of the Chernobyl accident on emergency planning and preparedness,
i. Vendor Program The following Vendor Program Branch inspections are being conducted this week:
1) General Electric, Transfer Division, Rome, GA - to followup on a transformer low oil level problem identified by Region I.


2) Colt Industries /Fairbanks, Morse Engine Division, Beloit, WI -

to review the QA program and corrective actions for recent diesel failures.

3) Duquesne Light Company and Beaver Valley NPS - Industry, PA - to review the QA program and its implementation to determine conformance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.49.
4) Phoenix Steel Corporation, Phoenixville, PA - a followup inspection will be performed if Phoenix Steel Corporation has corrected deviations and nonconformances from inspection report 99900078/84-01, mainly the measurement of mininal wall thickness.
1. Safety System Outage Modification Inspection (SS0MI) Program Staff members of the Reactor Construction Programs Branch participated in the Dresden SSOMI trial program this week. The exit meeting is scheduled for June 20, 1986.
j. Generic Issues A preliminary Part 21 report was received from Atwood & Morrill concerning external closing springs for MSIVs. These springs failed at Fermi-2. Atwood & Morrill supplied valves with springs from the same supplier to 20 PWRs and 30 BWRs including cancelled units.



  • s OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH Items of Interest Week Ending June 13, 1986 IAEA Technical Committee on Thermal Reactor Safety Research The IAEA Technical Committee on Thermal Reactor Safety Research (TC-TRSR) met in Vienna, Austria on June 4-6, 1986. Twenty-five delegates from twenty countries and international organizations attended. The TC-TRSR is intended as a forum for the exchange of information on research programs and research needs. At the meeting the delegates provided updates on their research programs. In addition, the delegates discussed the anticipated impacts on their research plans of the recent nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl. The representatives anticipated possible changes in their research programs in a I number of areas, particularly severe accident, core-concrete interactions, hydrogen ignition and combustion, and accident management.

The TC-TRSR discussed IAEA assistance to developing nations in computer-related safety analysis. A pilot program is underway in the thermal hydraulic area, and the participating nations want to expand the program to the severe accident area. The developing nations would also like access to additional codes from the U.S. and other developed nations. Several other developed nations joined the U.S. in making the point that developmental codes cannot simply be given to the IAEA for use by developing nations because they require close coordination between a user and supplier, and urged the developing nations to pursue bilateral agreements for code access.

The IAEA appears to be responding to U.S. concerns about duplication of activity with the NEA, in which we also participate. Plans are underway to coordinate the publication of a research index, and better coordination has  !

been promised to assure that planned meetings are not duplicative.

The committee is also making concerted efforts to focus the scope of its activities more effectively. To that end, it has identified a limited number of areas on which it intends to concentrate in the next year or two for the purpose of arranging technical meetings and related activities. These areas are: early diagnosis of failures, human factors / man-machine interfaces; seismic consideration in design; accident management; primary circuit integrity; and plant aging.



. Emergency Preparedness for Fuel Cycle and Other Radioactive Materials Licensees (Parts 30, 40. 70)

In 1981, the NRC issued orders to certain fuel cycle and other radioactive material licensees requiring them to submit comprehensive onsite radiological emergency plans. Subsequently, rulemaking was initiated to place a requirement for emergency plans in the regulations.

The Acting EDO signed the proposed rule, SECY-86-99, on March 25, 1986, and forwarded it to the Comission. At IE's request, the ED0's recommendation to the Comission was to defer action until a " Regulatory Gap Analysis" had been submitted. This analysis assesses the appropriate regulatory responsibilities of NRC and other agencies (e.g., OSHA, EPA) regarding substances such as toxic chemicals. The EDO sent the Regulatory Gap Analysis to the Commission on May 20, 1986. However, the EDO postponed making a recommendation to the Comission on the rulemaking until ELD makes a more definitive finding on NRC's authority to regulate hydrogen fluoride. The ELD opinion has indicated that the proposed rule has treated chemical toxicity consistent with NRC's jurisdiction. The rule package was sent to the Commission on June 2, 1986, for its consideration.

Elimination of Inconsistencies Between NRC Regulations and EPA Standards (Part 60)

The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 directs NRC to promulgate criteria for the licensing of high level waste (HLW) geologic repositories. By section 121(c), -

these criteria must not be inconsistent with standards to be developed by EPA for the disposal of HLW in deep geologic repositories. The proposed rule would eliminate several inconsistencies with the EPA standards, thus fulfilling the statutory requirement.

SECY-86-92, recommending amendments to 10 CFR Part 60, was submitted to the Commission on March 20, 1986. These proposed amendments will incorporate the EPA high level waste standard into Part 60. In the staff requirements memorandum dated May 15, 1986, the Comission approved publication of the proposed amendments. The staff transmitted the Federal Register notice to the Division of Rules and Records, ADM, on May 30, 1986.



Severe Accident Risk Assessment The RES staff and supporting contractors are currently engaged in the reevalua-tion of the risk of six reference LWRs. This reevaluation is currently being used to support NRR's review of IDCOR submittals. In addition, it will support the staff report NUREG-1150, which is intended to provide guidance to decision-

. makers as to the oppropriate role of information on core melt frequency, containment perfarmance, source terms, and risk in making severe accident decisions.

To ensure that all elements of NUREG-1150 are on schedule and of high quality, weekly meetings have been established between all staff involved in document preparation or review and the Director, DRA0/RES.

Contractor efforts are continuing without adverse impact on the scheduled completion dates of the contractor documents. Minor slips in delivery dates for intermediate products will not affect the NUREG-1150 schedule.

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i ITEMS OF INTEREST OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS WEEK ENDING JUNE 13, 1986 Internation_al Meetings The following international meeting notices supplement those announced earlier:

IAEA Advisory Group Meeting on Safety Aspects of Water Chemistry in Light Water Reactors, 22-26 September 1986, Vienna, Austria IAEA Advisory Group Meeting on Accident Management,10-12 September 1986, Cologne, FRG ,

IAEA Technical Committee on Water Reactor Fuel Behaviour and Fission Product Release in Off-Normal and Accident Conditions,10-13 November 1986, Vienna, Austria International Agency Vacancy Notices Vacancy notices for the following three positions at the International

Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria have been posted on NRC bulletin



P-3 Agrochemical Unit Head, Joint FA0/IAEA Division of Isotope and 1

Radiation Applications of Atomic Energy for Food and Agricultural Development, Department of Research and Isotopes l P-5 Section Head, Agrochemicals and Residues Section, Joint FA0/IAEA Division of Isotope and Radiation Applications of Atomic Energy .

for Food and Agricultural Development, Department of Research and Isotopes P-4 Environmental Radiation Protection Officer, Radiation Protection

Section, Division of Nuclear Safety, Department of Nuclear t Energy and Safety ,

1 Foreign Visitors On Monday and Tuesday Dr. Li Shen of the Taiwan Atomic Energy Council met with IE and NRR to discuss emergency planning, safety analysis for fuel reloads, and reactor operator training.

On Tuesday a Geman group consisting of Dr. Wilhelm Collin, Federal Physical Technical Institute (PTB), and Drs. Joerg Hemplenmacher and l l Karol Wieser of the Federal Materials Testing Agency (BAM), accompanied by Dr. Heinz Seipel of the Geman Embassy, visited NMSS (C. MacDonald

and R. Cunningham) to discuss the U.S. validation of the German nodular ,

i  !


l 2

Foreign Visitors continued l

cast iron CASTOR MTR spent fuel transport casks. Representatives of DOT (which has responsibility for the domestic transport of nuclear fuel) and Martin Schwartz, a materials expert at LLL, also participated.

i Foreign Trip Reports L. Shao, DET/RES; D. Guzy, DET/RES; and Leon Reiter, SORR/RES March 24-28, 1986; Visited the USSR:

The travellers attended the IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Earthquake Ground Motion and Antiseismic Evaluation of Nuclear Power Plants, held in Moscow. The meeting, which was opened by G. A. Shasharin, Deputy Minister of Power and Electrification of the USSR, was attended by 113 people from approximately 20 countries. 35 j papers were presented. (Copies of the papers are available at DET/RES.)

C. J. Heltemes, Director, AEOD May 12-16, 1986; Visited Austria:

Mr. Heltemes attended the IAEA Technical Lonnittee on Event-Oriented Assessment of Incidents in Nuclear Power Plants held in Vienna. The agenda of the meeting covered the following topics: a)theaccidentat

Chernobyl,b)theIAEAincidentreportingsystem,c)valveproblemsand i unusual events, and d) event reporting and assessment within each country.

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ENCLOSURE G l JUNE 13, 1986 l t i 1





All comments have been resolved on the proposed manual chapter NRC-0513 for the NRC Incident Investigation Program. The manual chapter was submitted to RM to issue for final offices' concurrences.

Twenty-five staff members from regional and headquarters offices will attend the first incident investigation training course to be held July 7-18, 1986 at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. The course provides indepth and comprehensive training in accident investigation including a broad perspective of investiga-tive techniques applied in other industries. The highlights of the first week include keynote presentations by practitioners in accident investigations, presentations by previous IIT leaders, a utility perspective of IITs, and a media perspective of NRC including simulated exercises in conducting press conferences. The second week is an Accident / Incident Investigation Workshop in which state-of-the-art analytical techniques are studied and applied to the investigation of incidents at power reactors.


t l t

ITEMS ADDRESSED BY THE COMISSION - WEEK ENDING JUNE 13, 1986 A. STAFF REQUIREMENTS - BRIEFING ON IAEA GENERAL MEETING ON THE CHERNOBYL INCIDENT, 1:30 P.M., WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1986, COMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE i ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC AlitNDANCE) Memo SECY to Stello dated 6/10/86 The Commission was briefed by the staff on the IAEA General Meeting of May 21, 1986, on the topic of the Chernobyl accident.

i Both Chairman Palladino and Commissioner Asselsti'ne requested a future briefing on programs other countries have initiated to reduce the core meltdown likelihood and to reduce radiological releases in the event of a meltdown (particularly from plants

, that are of western design), what they are doing, why they are doing it, what anticipated protection they expect to achieve, il and at what cost. Dr. Ross (RES) proposed that the staff brief j the Commission in early August on the above topics at the same

! meeting that Harry Teague, of the UK, is tentatively scheduled

! to outline the work sponsored by NEA on severe accidents and design features.

B. STAFF REQUIREMENTS - AFFIRMATION / DISCUSSION AND VOTE,10:00 A.M., THURSDAY, JUNE 5,1986, COMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) Memo SECY to Malsch dated 6/10/86 I. SECY-86-159 - Uranium Millers' " Motion to Amend Order Establishing Briefing Schedule" The Commission is being asked to respond to a May 9, 1986 request from the uranium mill owners (" millers") to amend a Commission order issued April 18, 1986 granting an informal i hearing to the millers.

) All Commissioners have approved an order which denies the i millers request that the NRC staff be required to submit an initial brief or otherwise be required to participate in the i hearings; however, it does grant the millers request for an extension of time in which to submit their brief until June 20, 1986 (Subsequently, on June 5, 1986 the Secretary signed the Order.)


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June 13, 1986 ENCLOSURE O l

C. STAFF REQUIREf1ENTS - AFFIRMATION / DISCUSSION AND VOTE, 3:30 P.M., FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1986, C0fEISSIONS' CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) Memo SECY to Malsch dated 6/13/86 I. SECY-86-131/131A - Litigation on Shoreham Emergency Planning Issues j The Commission (with Chairman Palladino and Commissioners Roberts, Bernthal, and Zech agreeing have approved an order responding to a number of pending issues in the Shoreham emergency planning adjudication. The Order (1) directs continued deferral of the ALAB-832 remand, (2) directs immediate initiation of the exercise hearing to consider evidence which intervenors might wish to offer to show that there is a fundamental flaw in the LILCO emergency plan, (3) notes that the Commission is now l reviewing ALAB-818 and expects to issue shortly a decision on

- the realism and immateriality issues, and (4) denies the June 3, 1986 " Supplement to Motion" of Suffolk County, the State of New


m York,-and the Town of Southampton which requested that the NRC find that FEMA's review of the February 13 exercise violated FEMA s procedural rules requiring a public meeting.

Commissioner Asselstine approved in part and disapproved in part and provided separate views.

Chairman Palladino noted that he would have preferred that the Commission address all of the issues presented in ALAB-818 at this time, rather than only realism and immateriality.

(Subsequently, on June 6, 1986 the Secretary signed the Order.)


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" JUNE 13, 1986 lG .



1:00 p.m. Phillips Building Individual Plant Evaluations (IPE) of systems reliability and containment performance 6/16&l7/86 50-416 Grand Gulf Nuclear Discuss and observe fire pro- NRC/MP&L L. L. Kintner 11:00 a.m. Station tection features clairborne County, Miss.

50-286 Indian Point 3 Perform an audit of the detail- NRC/PASNY J. D. Neighbors 6/16-18/86 ed control room design review 8:30 a.m. Site Buchanan, New York 6/17/86 - Room P-110 BWROG presentation of their NRC/ INDUSTRY /PNL J. N. Ridgely i

00 a.m. Phillips Building follow-on efforts from their February 24th, 1984 meeting with the staff 50-321 Room P-110 Discuss status and details of MRC/GPC G. Rivenbark 6/18/86 1:00 p.m. 50-366 Phillips Building GPC's review of the seismic design of cable tray supports at Hatch Units 1 and 2 50-321 Room P-110 Discussion of GPCs use of NRC/GPC G. Rivenbark 6/19/86 4

E 9:00 a.m. 50-366 Phillips Building 1) the SAFER /GESTR results to iP determine revised setpoints, iS 2) equipment performance analy-155 sis 3) portions of BWR Owners Group RPS/ECCS, etc.



  • Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms l

1 ,




  • y JUNE 13, 1986 ti; -


DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 6/19/86 50-416/ Room P-422 Hear and discuss update of NRC/HCOG L. L. Kintner 9:00 a.m. 417,440 Phillips Building Clasix-3 Computer Program and 50-458/ results of scoping tests 459,461 6/19/86 - MPR Associates Discuss the sensitivity study NRC/B&W Owners W. A. Paulson 9:30 a.m. Office being perfomed by MPR Assoc. Group 1050 Conn. Ave. for the B&W Owners Group Washington, DC m

h o

N m


  • Copies of summaries of these meetings will be-cade publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms

NMSS MEETING NOTICES c FOR WEEK ENDING: 6/13/86 E Divisi*on of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety C DOCKET ATTENDEES /


70-734 Walnut Creek, CA To meet with RV to discuss B. Crow (FC) Crow 6/15-19/86 Reno, NV deconsnissioning of soil at GA E. Shum (FC)

Technologies and to attend G. Bidinger (FC)

ANS meeting.70-143 Erwin, TN To meet with representatives of Reps of NFS, RII Soong 6/17/86 NFS and Region II to discuss and NMSS licensee's Performance Improve-ment Program.

Attend NEA meeting. R. Cunningham (FC) Cunningham 6/24-28/86 Paris, France 6/25-26/86 New Orleans, Participate in ANSI N14 C. MacDonald (FC) MacDonald LA Management Conference Meeting.

6/26/86 W111ste Quality assurance requirements J. Roberts (FC) Roberts 9:00 am 5th floor discussion. T. Ankrum (IE) ,

conf room J. Creer (PNL)

Division of Safeguards None Division of Waste Management m

M None 5 -

5 .

1 E M




$ DATE/ TIME 6/25/86 P-422 Peer Review Meeting for the LANL Report R. Curtis 8:30 AM "An Investigation of Steam Explosion Loadings with Simmer-II" 6/20/86 013-NL Meeting of the Technical Integration L. Shao 8:30-5:00 Review Group for Aging / Life Extension -

discuss safety and regulatory issues relat ' to plant aging / life extension P

8 si m

t "O




." Region IV Office Host RIV State Liaison J. Saltzman M. Landau

.. 6/19-6/20 Officer's Meeting F. Young E

M. Landau Liaison Officers fr Reg. IV States P

8 13 m


Jun2 16, 1986 g; RII MEETING NOTICE z



$l 06/17/86 Administrator and os Improvenent Program Selected RII Staff Members Waynesboro, GA Enforcement Conference Same as above Grace 06/23/86 10:00 am Vogtie Nuclear Facility RII Office St. Lucie SALP Board Meeting NRR and Selected Reyes 06/24/86 RII Staff Members 11:00 am Charlotte, NC Duke SALP Meeting Licensee, Regional Grace 06/26/86 Administrator and Selected RII Staff Members P

o C


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