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Amend 25 to License R-77,revising TS to Account for Title Changes in Organization & Changing Meeting Frequency of Reactor Decommissioning Safety Committee
Person / Time
Site: University of Buffalo
Issue date: 03/17/1999
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20204H201 List:
R-077-A-025, R-77-A-25, NUDOCS 9903290031
Download: ML20204H209 (8)


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fp l State University of New York Docket No. 50-57 l at Buffalo cc:

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation ATTN: Director, Bureau of Radiation Albany, New York 12233-7255 Director, Technical Development Programs State of New York Energy Office Agency Building 2 Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Mr. David R. Vasbinder, Director Buffalo Materials Research Center State of University of New York Rotary Road Buffalo, New York 14214 9903290031 990317 PDR ADOCK 05000057 P PDR





1. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found that:
1. The application for amendment to Facility License No. R-77, filed by the State University of New York at Buffalo (the licensee), dated June 23,1998, as supplemented on February 17,1999, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the regulations of the Commission as set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I;
2. The facility will be maintained in conformity with the applications, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission;
3. There is reasonable assurance (i) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the regulations of the Commission;
4. The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public;
5. The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the regulations of the Commission and all applicable requirements have been satisfied; and
6. Prior notice of this amendment was not required by 10 CFR 2.105 and publication of nctice for this amendment is not required by 10 CFR 2.106.
2. Accordingly, the license is amended by changes to the Technical Specifications as indicated in the enclosure to this license amendment, and Paragraph 2.C.2 of License No. R-77 is hereby amended to read as follows:
2. Technical Specifications

. The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No. 25, are hereby incorporated in the license. The license shall maintain the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications as amended.

3. This license amendment is effective as of its date of issuance.


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Seym r H. Weiss, Director Non-Power Reacters and Decommissioning Project Directorate Division of Regulatory improvement Programs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Appendix A Technical Specification Changes Date of issuance: March 17,1999 l

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ENCLOSURE TO LICENSE AMENDMENT NO 25 FACILITY LICENSE NO R-77 DOCKET NO 50-57 Replace the following pages of the Appendix A Technical Specifications wi pages. The revised pages are identified by Amendment number and contai indicating the areas of change.

Insert Remove 17 17 18 18 19 19 21 21 26 26

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. Equipped with bales, handles or lifting lugs and or cables or similar lifting gear which are capable or supporting at least twice the weight of the load in air. In addition appropriate safety margins will be used in designing such equipment.


. Shall be designed so that fuel elements or assemblies will not spill out in the event the load is dropped.

5) The transfers must be conducted in accordance with a Radiation Work Permit approved by the Radiation Safety Officer.
6) A criticality alarm (s) shall be operating in appropriate location (s), if greater than 374 fuel elements are located in the transfer container, unless the container is DOT certified packaging.
7) Items (1),(2), and (3) above do not apply when handling fuel which is contained in sealed DOT approved canisters or containers.

10.3.5 Fuel Handling within the reactor tank In addition to the requirements of sections 3.2.,3.3,3.4 and 4.0, whenever fuelis handled in the reactor tank the following requirements shall apply:

1) The airlocks and truck door are sealed.
2) The containment pressure is negative with respect to outside atmosphere.
3) Hydraulic pressure is available to close the ventilation isolation dampers.
4) If fuel assemblies are being placed into a geometric configuration which has not been previously loaded, a neutron count rate monitor shall be operating and monitored.
5) The neutron count rate monitor is not required when fuel assemblies are being loaded into or transferred between the standard fuel racks which were originally installed in the reactor tank, or similar racks installed pursuant to 10.3.1 (2),

which utilize an identical geometry. This would include the transfer of fuel assemblies from the grid plate to the fuel racks.

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11.1 Organizational Structure

1) The organizational structure shall be as illustrated in Figure 1.
2) The Director of Occupational and Environmental Safety bears direct administrative and safety responsibility for the Facility.
3) The BMRC Director bears direct responsibility for all surveillances, operations, testing and experiments conducted at BMRC.
4) The Radiation Safety Officer bears direct responsibility for all aspects of radiological safety at BMRC and is empowered to stop, or modify any activity for purposes of ensuring the radiological safety of the staff and the public.


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The Operations Manager is responsible for all activities related to safe storage and handling of the reactor fuel, maintenance and testing of plant safety systems and other engineered safety systems, the training and supervision of licensed operators and Certified Fuel Handlers.

11.2 Minimum Staffing Requirements As long as irradiated fuel is stored within BMRC, the University staff shall include at minimum:


The Director of Occupational and Environmental Safety

2) The BMRC Director
3) The BMRC Operations Manager
4) The Radiation Safety Officer 5)

At least one licensed Sr. Reactor Operator or Certified Fuel Handler.

For purposes of meeting the requirements of 11.2: '


A single individual may serve as both the BMRC Director and Director of Occupational and Environmental Safety, or a single individual may serve as both BMRC Director and BMRC Operations Manager.


The Operations Manager may be the Senior Reactor Operator or Certified Fuel Handler, provided there is at least one additionally licensed Reactor Operator or Certified Fuel Handler on staff.

Staff members may perform collateral duties in other areas of the University or 3) be part time employees.

11.3 OnCallStaffing Requirements As long as irradiated fuelis stored within BMRC, the University shall meet the following "on-call" requirements.


The Operating Committee will maintain a roster of personnel who are trained in appropriate aspects of facility operation and health physics.

2) At least one individual from this roster will remain within a 50-mile radius of t facility at all times and be reachable by phone, pager or radio.

11.4 OperationalRequ'rements 1)

All fuel handling must supervised or performed by a licensed Sr. Reactor Operator or Certified Fuel Handler. Non-licensed personnel may assist in the conduct of the manipulations, but must receive training commensurate with their level and nature of participation.


Alllicensed Operators or Certified Fuel Handlers shall participate in the BMRC Requalification program or CFH recertification respectively, as a condition of their continued assignment to operator or Certified Fuel Handler duties. The Requalification program shall be commensurate and consistent with the current scope and nature of operational activities on site.


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! 11.5 Review Functions 11.5.1 Reactor Decommissioning Safety Committee l

1) A Reactor Decommissioning Safety Committee (RDSC) shall exist for the purpose of reviewing matters related to the health and safety of the public and the staff, in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the committee.
2) The RDSC shall report to the Associate Vice President for Facilities who shall appoint the members and Chair.
3) The RDSC shall include at least eight members including as ex-officio members the BMRC Operations Manager, BMRC Director, the Radiation Safety Officer, and the Director of Occupational and Environmental Safety. The BMRC Director and Operations Manager shall be non-veGng members.
4) The RDSC shall meet at least twice per year.
5) A quorum of the RDSC shall consist of at least six members, and all questions before the Committee must be approved by a simple majority of the voting members present, but by not less than four voting members.
6) Minutes of all meetings will be maintained on file and distributed to all members.
7) The RDSC shall review and approve the following:

A) The substantive aspects of short and long term action plans relative to the reactor decommissioning, reactor plant maintenance and monitoring, except for those which may be reviewed and approved by the Operating Committee.

B) Reportable Occurrences related to health and safety, and corrective actions.

C) Notices of Violation related to health and safety and corrective action? j D) Applications for amendment to NRC licenses.

E) Changes in Procedures or facilities implemented in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59, in Post Audit, after Operating Committee approval.

4 11.5.2 Operating Committee

1) An Operating Committee shall exist as a sub-group of the RDSC.
2) The Operating Committee snall consist of tb: ex-officio members of the RDSC plus additional members appointed paisuant to the by-laws.
3) The Operating Committee shall meet as often as required and minutes shall be kept of all formal meetings.
4) The Operating Committee is authorized to act for the RDSC regarding routine occurrences, and approvals for which the safety implications are minor, are well understood, and are within the scope of past practice. This would include but not be limited to:

A) Applications for license or Plan amendments such as to update names, equipment lists, procedures etc.

l B) Operating Procedures, Emergency Procedures, Health Physics Procedures.

l or Maintenance Procedures.

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recommendations of measures to be taken to prevent or reduce the probability or consequences of recurrence.

13 C \ W i,e7 P cre 1/es 13.1 Required Procedures Written procedures will exist that define how and when various aspects of facility operations will be perforined. These procedures may include " Operating Procedures", " Emergency Procedures" and " Maintenance and Calibration



Written procedures shall at minimum address the following areas:


1) Fuel Handling Operations. 1 1
2) Use, surveillance, and maintenance of auxiliary systems.
3) Abnormal and emergency situations.
4) Required reactor electrical and mechanical surveillance and maintenance.
5) Operation and calibration of fixed radiological monitors as required by this Technical Specification.

13.2 Approval, Revew and Update

1) Operating Procedures and Maintenance and Calibration Procedures will be reviewed and updated as appropriate, but such review shall be no less frequent than once every two years.
2) Emergency Procedures shall be reviewed and updated in accordance with the BMRC Emergency Plan, 3)

All new or revised procedures shall be approved by the Operating Committee.

13.3 Temporary Deviation from Wntten Procedures Temporary changes to written procedures that do not change the originalintent may be made with the approval of a Sr. Reactor Operator, the Operations Manager, or the BMRC Director. All such changes shall be documented.

14 0 Record Keepng 14.1 Records Which Shat be Retained for Five Years in addition to the requirements of applicable regulations, the following records and logs shall be maintained in a manner reasonably convenient for review, and retained for at least five years:

  • Operation and Maintenance Logs and records
  • Records and reports related to " reportable Occurrences" as defined by section 12.
  • Logs and records which document the conduct of test, checks, and measurements in compliance wth survedlance requirements established by Technical Specifications
  • Records of expenments performed PAGE 21 AMMENDMENT 25