ML20199K449 | |
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Site: | Purdue University |
Issue date: | 12/31/1985 |
From: | Beering S, Ford F PURDUE UNIV., WEST LAFAYETTE, IN |
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Purdue University Financial Report 1984-1985
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Letter of Transmittal I
To The Board of Trustees of Purdue University:
We are pleased to submit this the 63rd annual financial report of Purdue University. This report is for the fiscal year ended June 30,1985, and sets forth the complete and permanent record of the financial status of the University for the year.
Laventhol & Horwath, Certif;ed Public Accountants, have exam-ined the financial statements of the Purdue University Dormitory Facilities which were made in accordance with genera!!y accept-ed accounting principles.
The University Financial Statements have been audited by the State of Indiana State Board of Accounts, and the Auditors Re-port appears on page 2.
Respectfully Submitted, Respectfully Submitted, Steven C. Beering Frederick R. Ford President Executive Vice President and Treasurer Approved for publication and transmission to the governor of the state.
(317) 232-2513 TO: The Board of Trustees Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana We have examined the balance sheets of Purdue University, West La-fayette, Indiana as of June 30,1984, and 1985 and the related state-ment of current funds revenues, expenditures, and transfers, and the statement of changes in fund balances for the year ended June 30, 1985. Our examination w'as made in accordance with generally ac-cepted auditing standards and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we consid-ered necessary in the circumstances.
In our opinion the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of Purdue University as of June 30,1984, and 1985 and its current funds revenues, expenditures and transfers, and the changes in its fund balances for the year ended June 30,1985, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year.
l State Board of Accounts November 14,1985 2
Board of Trustees 1984-1985 Tha responsibility for making rules and regulations to gov rn the University is vested in a 10-member boaro of trustees. The se!ection of these trustees is prescribed by tha state of Indiana Acts of 1921, Chapter 155. Three of l
tha trustees must be selected by the Purdue Alumni As-sociation. The remaining seven trustees are appointed by the governor. One must be a woman. Two of the trustres must be persons of prominence and character in agricultural pursuits, two must be chiefly engaged in manufacturing industries, two must be citizens of charac-ter and distinction, and one must be a full-time student of Purdue University.
--- Donald S. Powers President of Board T/ Appointed November 1981 h
Bob F. Jesse Vice President of Board Vice President of Board f.
Sep' ember 1980 through k2 3 Appointed November 1981 p_1 g Fort Wayne 12 November 1981
..' rF 3 President, Indiana Munster g
A President, Don Powers iE Construction y
Agency, Inc.
Company, Inc.
t%\\ 4 Term: 1975-87 m i' Term: 1976-88 Tr4
,. \\
Joseph S. Dawson Indianapolis i
President and Byron L. Anderson Chairman of the West Lafayette Board Ben C. Huston j
President, B.L.
Indianapolis Cable West Lafayette Anderson, Co., Inc.
Vision Co.
e s.
3 Student Term: 1981-87
,4 Term: 1960-86 C4a 'N Term: 1983-85 f
i I Doris S. Ingle Sherman O. Kessler Evansville New Ross Homemake.
Farmer Term: 1982-88 Term: 1973-88
,w l
l Richard M. Ringoen I
MM Muncie
>4, Henry C. Ryder l
President Indianapolis t
g John A. Stewart I
and Chief Executive
Attorney and Partner s
Greensburg l
Officer w
V Roberts, Ryder, Rogers,
President Ball Corporation d
& Scism Stewart Seeds, Inc.
L 1,
Term: 1984-87 Term: 1983-86 rerm: 1980-86 3
Officers of the University 1
1984-85 Officers of the Board of Trustees Donald S. Powers: President Bob F. Jesse, Vice President Doris A. Pearson, Secretary Frederick R. Ford. Treasurer Howard S. Lyon, Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Secretary John F. Bodle, legal Counsel President's Staff
Steven C. Beering, President l
John W. Hicks, Ill, Senior Vice President Frederick R. Ford, Executive Vice President and Treasurer 1
l Felix Haas, Executive Vice President and Provost Charles B. Wise, Vice President for Development George S. King, Jr., Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Dale W. Alspaugh, Chancellor, North Central Campus Richard J. Combs, Chancellor, Calumet Campus Edward A. Nicholson, Acting Chancellor, Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne.
Executive Vice Precident and Treasurer's Staff G. William Back, Vice Chancellor for Business and Administrative Services, North Central Campus John R. Carnaghi, Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs, Indiana l
University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne Alfred W. Dawson, Internal Auditor Winfield F. Hentschel, Vice President and Treasurer, Purdue Research Foundatior., and Investment Officer Gary H. Newsom, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, Calumet Campus.
l Ronald L. Fruitt, Vice President for Housing and Food Services i
Kenneth P. Burns, Vice President for Physical Facilities Howard S. Lyon, Vice President for Business Services and Assistant Treasurer.
l Vice President for Business Services Staff James E. Benken, Director of Investments Thomas G. Bnttles, Director of Academic Business Administrators Hugh A. Blaney, Director of Accounting Gene A. Frick, Director, Contract and Grant Business Affairs James C. Hensier, Comptroller Harry H. Hirschl, Director, Administrative Data Processing Center Laverne L. Knodle, Director, Budget Office Stanley J. McKnight, Director, Gersonnel Services Charles E. Sharp, Director of Purchases and Service Enterprises 4
Highlights of Purdue University with campuses at WSt Lafayette, Calumet, Fort Wayne, and North Central Year Ended June 30 1985 1984 1983 Enrollmentt.
47,650 48,286 47,950 West Lafayette.
31,457 31,856 32,455 Regional Campuses 16,193 16,430 15,495 Degrees Granted 10,191 10,298 10,466 Baccalaureate 6,111 6,504 6,538 Associate 1,993 2,009 2,124 Masters.
1,312 1,316 1,327 Doctorate 475 469 477 Major Sources of Operating Revenue (in thousands of dollars)
Student Fees
.S 83,297
$ 78,317
$ 73,127 Governmental Appropriations 174,704 161,610 144,788 Grants and Contracts.
69,613 61,676 59,197 Sales, Services, and Other Income 31,478 29,610 31,505 Student Aid 14,698 14,128 11,859 Auxiliary Enterprises 2 59,643 59,485 57,365 Major Operating Expenses Instruction and Departmental Research.
$133,783 Sponsored and Other Separately Budgeted Research 70,620 65,146 62,734 Extension and Public Service.
34,414 30,308 28,225 Physical Plant 35,720 35,202 31,409 Student Aid 17,509 16,598 14,530 Auxiliary Enterprises 51,109 50,185-47,602 Market Value of Endowments
.S 79,419
$ 53,968
$ 58,192 Plant in Use, at Cost.
$587,960 Outstanding Bonds and Leases Payable.
$164,175 Student Loans Outstanding.
.S 16,096
$ 15,424
$ 14,356
' Enrollment based on number of students attending during fall se-mester each year. The enrollment figures exclude 4.901 Indiar'a University students enrolled at the Indiana University-Purdue University Campus at Fort Wayne as well as Purdue University students enrolled at the Indiana University-Purdue University Campus in Indianapolis. All enrollment data for the Iridianapolis Campus is maintained by Indiana University.
2 Excess of auxiliary enterprises operating revenue over expendi-tures pledged for debt service. Debt payments were recorded as transfers rather than expenditures.
l l
l 5
President's Report H
1984-85 Summing Up and ' Thinking Big' and English, where Purdue Ph.D. graduates enjoy one of the nation's highest placement records.
Aft:r the kind of year we have just completed at Purdue, I have purposely chosen examples representing areas in th;re is a strong temptation to spend some time con-addition to Purdue's " traditional" strengths. Perhaps gr:tulating one another and taking some bows for a mar-some of them surprise you. But they were elevated to v lous team effort.
excellence because the University was able to attract good people who thought in terms of possibilities, not W3 have, after all, accomplished a few things. Since our limitations. They weren't afraid to think big, and, as a re-Inst annual report, Purdue has:
sult, Purdue has grown in new directions.
Received a $17 million National Science Foundation o
grant to establish a national engineering manufactur.
Thinking big is a serious challenge for a university and for its friends and alumni. It is often more comfortable ing center.
and safer to set modest goals that we know we can Made the most important research finding ever on the reach, but our commitment to leadership requires some o
common cold virus.
daring. Herodotus said, " Great deeds are usually o Developed a master plan for growth into the 21st cen-wrought at great risks." But the reward for complacency tury that will make our West Lafayette Campus one of is mediocrity or failure. So risk we must and dare we the most beautiful in the country, shall!
o Achieved a significant enrollment increase, despite When Purdue decided to establish its Statewide Tech-demographic trends, which are decreasing student numbers at most universities.
nology Program, in order to provide badly needed pro-grams in areas of the state where the educational level, improved both private and public support for Universi-f the work force was critical to the ec,o, nomy, we real-o l
ty programs throughout the state of Indiana.
tzed that we were moving into new territory. There was e Wen national recognition for many Purdue programs concern that the program would fail, but the need was as the finest in the country.
clear. Today, the program flourishes in 12 Indiana cities, Those are just a sampling of the good things that are and the people of the state'are the beneficiaries.
happening here. If I had to sum up Purdue in a single other programs, the strategy was to find good part-word right now,-that word would be momentum. Most of what has been accomplished so far has been the result ners who think about possibilities, not limitations. A of hard work by good people, and I would like to be able university is a multifaceted organi2;ation. Its excellence, I
to say that we can relax for a while-but we must push depends on an extrerrlely divergent collection of consti-l on. Our efforts have taken us far, but not far enough.
tuencies. Students contribute the,r youth and idealism; i
I faculty commit themselves to excellent teaching and to l
Shakespeare wrote of "a tide in the affairs of rren advancing knowledge in their chosen fields; alumni and I
which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune." For Pur-friends of the University provide the financial Nd miritu-dus, the tide is running, and our choice is whether we al support, which often make the difference bev;ien ex-will drift with the current or chart our own course. Histo-cellence and adequacy.
ry and the character of this University provide the an-sw r. Purdue has always chosen to direct its own We are part of a dynam.ic continuum that grows and L
distiny, and that is what we will do now.
changes constantly. Purdue has entered the final 15 l
years of the 20th century w,ith energy, enthusiasm, and Purdue is an institution that has resolved to be excellent vigor-our momentum will take us to the very forefront in cverything it does. The University no longer is content of American higher education.
with national recognition in just the sciences and eh-gineering. It no longer settles for being a fine mid.
As you examine the pages of this financial report, I ask you to think not in terms of past achievements, but of fu-western university, ture possibilities. Much has been done, but we are only Wa are emerging as a world-class institution in a broad beginning.
selection of academic and research areas-areas llke or-ginizational communication, in which Purdue's program consistently is ranked first in the country; management,
(' ^r Q*
,,A, where our graduates are among the most heavily recruit-e'd anywhere; consumer and family sciences, which has Steven C. Beering, President established national leadership in several disciplines; Purdue University 6
ag Financial Report i
1984-85 This 63rd annual financial report of Purdue University is the Board of Trustees. For reporting purposes, however, published for the use of all interested parties and is sub-funds of similar characteristics are combined into fund mitted as the public accounting of the financial affairs of groups. The fund groups used by Purdue University are:
the University for the fiscal year ended June 30,1985.
Current Funds The financial information presented in this report is Student Loan Funds designed to enable the user to review how the University Endowment and Similar Funds m:naged its resources in meeting its primary missions Plant Funds cf instruction, research, and public service. The informa-Agency Funds tion is generally presented in formats prescribed by bod-i:s of authority in higher education, making it possible See the accompanying Notes to the F.inancial State-f:r general comparisons or contrasts to be made among ments for a desenption of the functions of these fund univ:rsities.
It should be recognized that a presentation of the finan-Summary of Operations for the Year ci:1 performance of the University is not a full measure of th] value of the instruction, research, and public serv-Current Funds Revenues ic3 functions carried out during the year. This report Total Current Funds revenues for 1984-85 increased de:Is with the cost and sources of revenue used to pro-7.1% over 1983-84 to $433.4 million. The state of Indi-vid) th3 quality and diversity in higher education that the ana continues to be the single most significant source of Univ rsity feels is necessary to meet its goals and ob-revenue for the University through operating appropria-J:ctiv s.
tions and fee replacement monies. During 1984-85 the state provided 38.1% of total revenues. Purdue, as Indi-Univ:rsity Accounting ana's land-grant institution, received special appropria-Principles and Procedures tions for agriculture in the amount of $5.9 million during
's 1984-85.
Thd primary purpose of financial reporting, whether for a Followirig are highlights from the major revenue items commercial enterprise or for a cullege or university, is to that can be compared with the prior year:
.provid) information which will assist (1) management in th) cff:ctive allocation and use of the organization's
- Student fee revenues increased by $5.0 million, or rrsources and (2) the general public, investors, creditors, 6.4% to $83.3 million. State appropriations rose from and others in evaluating the effectiveness of manage.
$148.4. million to $161.7 million, a 9.0% increase.
m:nt in achieving organizational objectives. The nature
- Revenues for sponsored programs, including research, of th] organization, its resources, and objectives all increased 12.9% from $61.7 million to $69.6 million.
serva to influence the form and process by which the ac-
. Auxiliary Enterprises revenues increased from $59.5 counting is accomplished and information reported.
million to $59.6 million or.3%.
Th3 main goal of a college or university is to provide s:rvic;s that fulfill societal needs without regard for Current Funds Expenditures financial gain. Resources are consumed to attain service Educational and General expenditures excluding trans-objectives rather than to make a profit. The accounting fers (net) accounted for 83.5% of total expenditures. In-cnd r: porting process must, therefore, address itself to cluded in the Educational and General expenditures are accounting for resources received, used, and held rather
$50.1 million of expenditures for Sponsored Res' arch.
than for the determination of net income. To satisfy this Total Current Funds expenditures increased $26.4 mil-cccounting and reporting requirement, the principles and lion, or 6.8% to $415.9 million. Other highlights of major pr:ctic:s of " fund" accounting are employed.
expenditure items, include:
Fund accounting permits the University to segregate
- Expenditures for instruction and departmental research r;v;.nues and expenditures into separate " funds" by rose 6.7% or $10.0 million to $157.9 million.
sourc] and/or purpose. Each fund is an accounting enti-
- Expenditures for extension and public service in-ty with a self-balancing set of accounts consisting of as-creased 13.5% or $4.1 million to $34.4 million.
sets, liabilities, and a fund balance. Separate accounts
- Expenditures for Physical Plant operations and main-try maintained for each fund to insure the observance of tenance increased 1.5% or $.5 million to $35.7 million.
limit:tions and restrictions placed on the use of
. Expenditures for auxiliary enterprises rose 1.8% or $.9 r; sources, either by sources outside the University or by million to $51.1 million.
Sources of Operating Revenues, All Campuses 1984-85 Volur,1e of Sponsored Research, All Campuses 1984-85 (in millions of dollars)
(in millions of dollars) 440 433.4 55 l
404.8 50 50.2 400 360 I
45 44.2 45.5 346.4 431 42.8 320 320 8 l
40 280 71.7 35 240 13.0 30 61.6
! 83.2 25 160 20 49.7 120 15 161.7 126.6 0
0 1981 1992 1983 1984 1985 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 e
O Grants Federal
State and other f and Appropri student Appropri Income Contracts ations Fees ations See the summary of Operating Expenditures and Trans-Endowment and Similar Funds fers and the accompanying graphs on page 22 for a The Endowment and Similar Funds group includes funds more detailed comparative presentation of Current Funds which have been received from donors for various pur-Expenditures.
poses with the understanding that the principal is to be maintained in perpetuity, for a specific time, or until the The Current Funds do not include monies received for occurrence of a future event. Also included in this fund the major construction of new plant, loans to students, or receipts by the liniversity to be used specifically for 9'.up are funds designated by the management of the endowments, debt retirement, or new construction. Suffi-University to function as endowments.
cient excess revenues must be generated by the hous-The assets of an endowment may be separately invest-ing and food service accounts to support transfers to the ed, held in trust by others, or pooled for investment pur-Plant Funds for the payment of principal, interest, and poses. The University maintains two endowment required reserves on outstanding debt instruments. A investment pools: the traditional " Endowment Pool" in portion of student fees is dedicated by the Board of which assets are invested in high quality equity securi-Trustees and deposited directly to the Plant Funds to ties and bonds and the " Current Yield Pool" in which cover interest, principal and reserves for the outstanding assets are invested in U.S. Treasury obligations and oth-Academic Facility Bonds.
er high yielding securities. Unless otherwise restricted by the donor, the assets of all new endowments are added Student Loan Funds to the assets of one of the endowment pools.
Monies for student loans are provided by gifts to the Assets are comb.ined into pools to el.iminate the possibili-University, by deposits from the federal government un.
dsr provisions of the National Direct Student Loan pro.
ty of partial or total loss of any fund through the failure gram and other legislation, and by investment and of a specific investment, to avoid temporary suspension endowment income. These monies are administered by of income, to avoid the carrying or small uninvested cash balances, and to give equal treatment to all funds.
the University and are made availabl3 to qualified stu.
dents. During the year,5,756 loans were made for Endowments which are separately,nvested are required i
educational purposes totaling $2.9 million. At year-end by donor restrictions, advances to other funds, or ad-the loans outstanding totaled $16.1 million, a net in, ministrative action with regard to assets which are not crease of 4.4% over the previous year. Of the total loans readily marketable. Endowments held in trust by others are those endowments over which the University has no outstanding on June 30,1985, $14.7 million represents loans made through federally supported programs.
management responsibility.
Oper: ting Expenditures 1984-85 student Loans Outstanding (Net)
(in millirns of dollars)
(in millions of dollars) 450 18 (00 389.
16 15.4 16.1 14 8 350 341.9 14 13.9 13.7 307.9 300 12 34.
250 10 200 8
63.2 150 6
273.3 100 4
50 2
0 0
1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Regional West 3 Campuses Lafayette A summary of the investments of the Endowment and
- The number of pooled endowments increased 9% from Similar Funds is as follows:
264 to 288.
- The average yield in the Current Yield Pool increased from 9.5% to 10.3%.
Book Value Market Value
.The value of a participating unit at June 30,1985, and (in thou ands of do ars) the income earned per unit during fiscal 1985 com-pared with similar amounts for the preceding year Bonds and Notes:
U.S. Treasury Securities S 4,377 8.1 % $ 4,793 6.0%
Percentage Other 8,647 16.1 7,952 10.0 1985 1984 Change _
Market Value per unit
+ 29.8%
Preferred 3
3 Common 21,124 39.2 39,867 50.2 income per unit
- 2.7%
Rail Estate and Other Insestments 19,692 36.6 26,804 33.8 T e Plan Funds group consists of four funds: Unex-TotaC
$53,843__)00p% $79,41p_ 100.0%
pended Construction, Reserves for Renewals, Retire-C:mposed of:
ment of Indebtedness, and Investment in Plant.
Pooled Investments
$34,087 63 3 % $51,062 64.3 %
The Unexpended Construction Fund consists of monies Separate that have been received from various sources to finance Investments 18,018 33.5 19,713 24.8 the acquisition of long-lived plant assets and to record Held in Trust the associated liabilities. Expenditures to be capitalized
_by Others 1,748 3.2 8,644 10.9 together with related fund balances and all liabilities are Total
$53,843 100.0 % $79,419 100.0 %
transferred to the investment in Plant Fund.
The Reserves for Renewals Fund consists primarily of Other highlights of endowment activity changes from cash and temporary investments that have been desig-1983-84 to 1984-85 are:
nated for the renewal and replacement of existing plant
- The book value of the assets increased 26% to $53.8 assets, as distinguished from additions and improve-millicn while the market value increased 47% to $79.4 ments to plant. Many of these reserves are required by million.
various bond indentures. Funds for renewals and
- Total revenue for tne Endowment Funds was $3.4 replacements are transferred from the Reserves for million.
M rket Valu3 of Endowm:nt Funds (in milliona cf dollIrs) 79.4 75 l
il 70 28.7 65 l
l-Book Value of Endowments 60 (In millions of dollars) 55 53.8 55 l-
- l 54.0 l
l 50 50 46.2 45 45 43.7 10.8 41.9 42 6 N ~. l 19.'i 4.8 40 39.1 i
'1 40 35 9.
35 4.2 30 30 3.0 25 11.7 25 20 20 15 15 10 20.3 21.1 to 5
5 I
1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Reai Estate Bonds Common and I
Common and l
Real Estate Bonds and Preferred and other and Preferred I
and other Notes Stock Investments Notes Stocks Renewals Fund to the Current Funds and Construction timated that the replacement value of the buildings and Funds where the expenditure is recorded. Some portion original contents is $1.1 billion.
of the expenditures for renewals and replacements may ultimately be capitalized as additions to plant and report-General Comments on the Financial ed in the Investment in Plant Fund.
Statements The Retirement of Indebtedness Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for interest and prin-Balance Sheet cipal payments and other debt service charges, including The Balance Sheet provides a snapshot view of the as-contributions to sinking funds relating to plant fund in-sets, liabilities, and fund balances of the five fund debtedness. Expenditures that reduce debt principal rep-groups of the University as of June 30,1984 and 1985.
resent the further investment of University resources in (The Statement of Changes in Fund Balance, on the oth-plant. Accordingly, the appropriate indebtedness in the er hand, summarizes the year-long financial process Investment in Plant Fund is decreased and the net in-which caused the changes in year-end fund balances on vestment in plant is increased.
the Balance Sheet.) Each fund group is a self-balancing The Investment in Plant Fund records the original cost accounting entity and most of the specific items are self-or fair market value, as of the date acquired, of the explanatory and are related to the information already property, buildings, collections, and equipment assets of presented. Particular attention should be giv9n to the the University, except for those long-lived assets held as Notes to the Financial statements which are an integral investments in the Endowment and Similar Funds. Also, part of the financial statements.
all construction in progress as well as all associated lia-Statements of Chan9es in Fund Balance bilities are recorded in the investment in Plant Fund.
The cost of the University's plant and equipment at June The statement of Changes in Fund Balance presents the 30,1985 was $653.2 million, an increase of $33.0 million sum total of the financial activity that took place during over the previous year. The plant assets consist of $10.8 the fiscal year to enable the University to carry on its million. land, $407.8 million in buildings, $216.9 million missions of instruction, research, and public service.
in equipment, and $17.7 million in other improvements.
This statement sets forth essentially the same informa-While the aforementioned values are substantial, it is es-tion included in a typical corporate statement of changes in financial position. By referring to the net increase or 10
l Cost of Land, Buildings, and Equipment in Service (in millions of dollars) 700 653.2 600 588.
2.6 I
l 549.1 PIInt Fund Debt and Supporting Reserves 512.3 500 (in millions of dollars) t 180 371 5 167.1 164.3 400 h
145.7 140 I,
10.5 1
120 300 570.6
- 12. '
441.6 80 200 123.3 60 104.
40 100 38.9 25.9 0
0 1981 "982 1983 1984 1985 1981 1982 1963 1984 1985 Notes and Supporting Regional West Others Leases Bonds Reserves Campuses Lafayette
. decrease for the year shown on the statement, the read-mandatory transfers are those that are required by an
- er can determine the change in fund balance as a result outside agency, such as provisions for debt service on of revenues, expenditures, and transfers for the year, academic facilities. Examples of other transfers would be the transfer of unrestricted funds to the Unexpended All fund groups are presented on the statement except Construction Fund to complete the funding of a building.
l for the Agency Fund, which has no fund balance.
These other transfers represent some of the manage-t Revenues are generated from student fees, governmental ment decisions the institution has made.
l appropriations, grants and contracts, sales and services, investment income, and other sources. From these Statement of Current Funds Revenues, Expenditures, revenues and from fund balances generated or carried and Transfers l
forward from prior years, expenditures are made to meet This statement presents more detailed annual financial the University s objectives for the year and to provide nformation for the Current Funds group than could be capital and facilities to meet future needs. The difference readily shown in the Statement of Changes in Fund Bal-between the category, revenues and other additions, ance. It shows the details of current funds revenues by during the fiscal year, and the category, expenditures source, expenditures by function, and other changes in and transfers, either adds to or deducts from the prior.
current funds. The statement presents the financial ac-year s fund balance to state the fund balances at the tivities of the current funds related to the current report-end of the current year which are available for use in fu-ng period.The statement is not intended to show the ture years. The unallocated Fu id Balances are amounts results of operations or the net income or loss for the that are available to be used for any purpose. The Allo-period as would a statement of income or a statement of cated Fund balances are amounts that are restricted or revenues and expenses as may be reported by a com-designated for specific future uses.
mercial enterprise. Note A of the Notes to the Financial The Transfers Among Funds section is segregated into Statement should be read for an explanation of the Mandatory Transfers and other Transfers. Examples of recognition of current restricted funds revenue.
Balance Sheet June 30,1985 and 1984 Exhibit A Current Funds Unrestricted Auxiliary Enterprises Restricted Restated 1985 1984 1985 1984 1985 1984 Assets
Cash and Temporary Investments'.
$29,719,137 $12,446,842 $ 8,341,462 $ 7,756,878 $17,883,547 $16,073,421 906,203 12,958,126 1,336,780 1,980,414 6,954,655 6,191,697 Accounts Receivable (Note A).
Interest Receivable......
Student Notes Receivable.
Other Notes Receiveble.....
53,390 Marketable Securities, at cost.
(Market Value: 1985 $53,671,186 1984 $39,779,681)
Inventories (Note A)..
1,920,460 1,847,022 3,800,467 3,661,292 1,132,900 872,090 13,127 57,351 145,492 125,012 149,875 98,831 Prepaid Expense
~ 1,884,297 2,151,549 Deferred Expense .....
Real Estate........
Advances to Other Funds (Note I).
' 3,900 Funds Held in Trust by Others.
' Plant and Equipment, at cost.
Total Assets.
$34,442,224 $29,464,790 $13,677,591 $13,523,596 $25,920,977 $23,236,039 Liabilities and Fund Balances LIABILITIES Accounts Payable and Accrued 8 1,553,435 $ 1,362,846 8 963,052 $ 1,235,896 8 349,527 $ 532,238 Expenses.
Interest Payable........
Salary and Wages Payable....
723,485 699,984 289,165 254,581 226,432
- 201,930 Compensated Absences-Payable.
5,546,632 5,447,483 952,408 894,124 3,425,355 3,177,002 Payroll Deductions.......
~,101,112 3,634,112' 2,139,408 21,062,908
'17,847,585 Deferred Revenue (Note A).
~ 2,994,692 3
Deposits 743,346 726,666 Funds Held in. Trust for Others.
Notes Payable (Note C).
Short Term Bonds Payable (Note C)
Long Term Bonds Payable (Note C).
Leases Payable to Affiliated Foundations (Note G).
Advances from Federal Govemment.
Advances from Purdue Research Foundation.........
Advances from Other Funds (Note 1) 321,488 303,000 436,835 306,450 210,743 215,585 TOTAL LIABILITIES
$11,903,078 $11,641,091 $6,275,572 $ 4,830,459 $25,274,965 $21,974,940 FUND BALANCES (EXHIBIT B)
Net investment in Plant.........
Allocated for Specific Purposes....
$22,521,451 $17,812,647 $ 7,402,019 $ 8,693,137 $ 646,012 $ 1,261,099 Unallocated..
17,695 11,052 TOTAL FUND BALANCES.
$22,539,146 $17,823,699 $ 7,402,019 $ 8,693,137 $ 646,012 $ 1,261,099 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances
$34,442,224 $29,464,790 $13,677,591 $13,523,596 $25,920,977 $23,236,039 See accsmpanying notes to the financial staternents.
Student Loan Endowme,,t Plant Agency Fund and Similar Funds Funds Fund Restated 1985 1984 1985 1984 1985 1984 1985 1984 i$ 2,682,519 ~ ! $ 2,232,147
$ 2,479,732 $ 69,194,272 ' S 67,398,504 ' $18,862,943
$16,662,036 52,027 62,604 1,372,783 3,747,173 87,797 126,042 109,431 577,397 511,875 3,336,787 3,181,486 16,096,970 15,423,885 3,341,261 3,352,668 35,206,414 32,435,503 242,720 242,720 1,926,187 1,834,937 969,066 821,135 1,738,000 1,738,059 8,845,907 13,417,612 653,218,786 620,242,991
$42,595,494 5736,937,601 $708,808,901
$16,662,036 1,342 1,347 -
8 1,568,961 $ 2,064,335 447,834
' 340,243 8 1,723,611 6,015 8,248,018 8,052,821
$ 764,918
$ 611,035 8,779,111 8,603,200 t
6,190,000 2,700,000 50,550,000 50,750,000 72,745,000 95,237,000 11,946,344 13,137,500 13,180,834 12,613,333 1,371 1,926,187 1,834,937
$ 764,918 3 611,035 $145,374,326 $166,064,015
$513,590,256 $460,102,554 i $ 5,774,382
$ 5,212,016
$41,984,459 77,973,019 82,642,332
$ 5,774,382
$ 5,212,016
$41,984,459 $591,563,275 $542,744,886
$42,595,494 5736,937,601 $708,808,901
$16,662,036 13
Statement of Changes in Fund Balance For the Year Ended June 30,1985 Current Funds Exhibit B Auxiliary Unrestricted Enterprises Restricted Revenue and Other Additions Current Funds Revenue (Exhibit C)...
$112,421,330 Student Fees (Net)....
State Appropriations...
Gifts, Grants, and Contracts.
Endowment income.
Investment income.
Interest on Loans Receivable.
Net Gain on Security and Pool Transactions.
Bond Sale Proceeds Gain on Early Extinguishment Reclassification of Accounts..
Debt Retirement.
Plant Additions (Purchased and Constructed).
Total Revenue and Other Additions.
. $261,369,421 S59,642,702 S112,421,330 Expenditures and Other Deductions Current Funds Expenditures (Exhibit C).....
$118,739,536 Expended for Plant Facilities (including Noncapitalized Expenditures of $4,276,209)......
Administrative, Financial, and Legal Expenses...
Cancellations, Write-Offs, and Reclassifications Endowment income Distributed to:
Educational and General.
Student Aid..
Student Loans Ar.nuitants and income Beneficiaries.
Plant Assets Retired Retirement of Indebtedness Inventory Adjustment from ActualInventory interest on Indebtedness...
Total Expenditures and Other Deductions
$246,010,055 S51,109,285
$118,739,536 Transfer Among Funds - Additions /-Deductions MANDATORY TRANSFERS FOR:
Debt Service.
$ -5,418,240 Required Reserves.
$ -6,240,160 OTHER TRANSFERS:
$ -5,811,549
$ 1,085,411
$ 6,896,960 Current Funds.
Plant Funds.
-2,180 Loan Fund Endowment and Similar Funds.
$ 10,582,812
$ -3,584,375
$ 5,703,119 Total Transfers
. S-10,643,919
$ -9,824,535
$ 5,703,119 Revenue and Other Additions Over/-Under Expenditures and Transfers S 4,715,447 S-1,291,118 S
-615,087 Fund Balance July 1,1984, as Stated.
$ 17,823,699
$ 8,693,137
$ 1,261,099 Fund Balance at June 30,1985.
. $ 22,539,146
$ 7,402,019 646,012 Consisting of:
17,695 Unallocated Fund Balance Allocated Fund Balance...
$ 22,521,451
$ 7,402,019 646,012 See accompanying notes to the financial statements.
Plant Funds StudInt Endowment Loan and Similar Unexpended Reserves for Retirement of Investment Fund Funds Construction Renewals Indebtedness in Plant m -
8,206,092 -
$ 4,139,103.
$ 4,056,489
_.19,131 ;
. $. ; 523,235.,_,
807,622 ;..
222,131 179,829 5,947 262,418 3,401,141 5,783,423 271,667 318,909 678,911 22,610,000
11,420,893 e
. 8,427,273' 1
3,630,000 46,751,906 41,836,405 5
733,045 5 12,670,558 5 8,576,725
$ 48,927,397
$ 92,644,780 e
$ 17,053,827
_137,890 S
$ 3,525,661 9,977 "
3,368 59 2,241,556 789,423 170,323
^ ~
$ ~ 12,206,820 46,751,906 26,240,000 710,259 7,997,730 141,258
$ 3,205,984 S 17,053,827 5 3,525,661 S 54,759,583 5 39,157,079
$ -50,424,979
$ 55,904,326 2,103,948
$ -48,321,031 3 54,622,298 2,180 _
$ ' 1,587,753
$ 1,079,733
$ ' 4,549,785 4 1,244,637 i
.-4,410,062 31,601
-9,765 29,421 S 1,629,119
$ 4,063,794 3 5,966,001 3 -3,165,425 j
$ 1,629,119 5 4,063,794
$ -42,355,030 S 51,456,873-S 562,366 S 11,093,693 S -4,413,308
$ 3,046,706 S -3,302,710
$ 53,487,701 3 5,212,016 S 41,984,459
$ 11,338,148
$ 54,378,259
$ 16,925,925 S460,102,554 8 5,774,382 3 53,078,152 3 6,924,840
$ 57,424,965
$ 13,623,215
$ _ 5,774,382
$ 53,078,152 8, 6,924,840
. $ 57,424,965.
$ 13,623,215
_$513,590,255 15
Statomont of Current Funds Revenues, Expenditures, and Transfers cunent cunent For the Year Ended June 30,1985 Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Exhibit C Total Funds Enterprises Funds t
l Revenues EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL Student Fees..
.$ 83,297,047
$ 80,817,358
$ 2,479,689 Governmental Appropriations (Note A).
174,704,387 155,153,779 19,550,608 Endowment income.
2,271.485 898,044 1,373,441 Grants and Contracts 69,612,992 11,731,215 57,881,777 Gifts...
5,393,756 1,158,350 4,235,406 Sales, Services, and Rentals 16,549,785 4,427,803 12,121.982 investment income 7,262,833 7,131,770 131,063 TOTAL EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL
. $359,092,285
$ 97,773,966 STUDENT AlD Endowment income and Trust income 803,608 803,608 Grants and Contracts (Note A),
12,549,500 51,102 12,498,398 Gifts 1,343,633 1,343,633 Investment income 1,725 1,725 TOTAL STUDENT AID.
.$ 14,698,466 51,102
.$ 59,642,702
$ 59,642,702 Total Revenues.
$ 59,642,702
$112,421,330 Expenditures EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL Instruction and Departmental Research.
. $157,890,852
$ 8,109,526 Orgaaized Activities Related to Instruction and Research.
5,788,161 5,788,161 Sponsored Research.
50,192,066 50,192,066 Other Separately Budgeted Research.
20,427,659 13,470,296 6,957,363 Other Sponsored Programs 1,332,758 1,332,758 Extension and Public Service.
., 34,413,726 6,269,321 28,144,405 Libraries and Audio-Visual Center 8,798,151 8,693,386,
104,765 Student Services.
10,499,336 10,416,698 82,638 Physical Plant Operations and Maintenance.
35,720,467 35,719,872 595 General Administration 15,931,340 15,863,217 68,123
. General Institutional Services.
6,246,174 5,795,939 450,235 TOTAL EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL
. $347,240,690
$101,230,635 STUDENT AID Free Grant Fellowships.
$ 1,746,370 Work Study 1,283,884 1,283,884 Scholarship and Prizes (Note A) 14,478,647 14,478,647 TOTAL STUDENT A D.
.$ 17,508,901
.$ 51,109,285
$ 51,109,285 Total Expenditures ;
.S415,858,876 5246,010,055 S 51,109,285
$118,739,536 Transfers Among Funds - Additions /. Deductions MANDATORY TRANSFERS FOR:
Debt Service
.$ -5,479,347
$ -5,418,240 Required Reserves
.S -6,301,267
$ -6,240,160 OTHER TRANSFERS:
Current Funds 5 -5,811,549
$ -1,085,411
$ 6,896,960 Plant Funds.
.$ -6,874,135
-102,913 Loan e'unds
-2,180 Endowment Funds.
.$ -8,464,068
$ 10,582,812
$ -3,584,375
$ 5,703,119 Total Transfers S-14,765,335 S-10,643,919
$ -9,824,535 S 5,703,119 Revenues Over/-Under Expenditures 1
and Trans@fs. 21.._==m= = = =um _ _ _2,809,24_2_ _ _ _$
$_-615,087 l
S 16 see accompanying notes to the financial statements.
[e Notes to the Financial Statements li For the Year Ended June 30,1985 NOTE A - Basis of Presentation and Summary adjusted and the financial statements are prepared cf Significant Accounting Policles generally on the accrual basis with the following excep-tions, which are common practices in colleges and Basil cf Presentation. The financial statements of Pur-universities: employee sick leave costs are recorded due University have been prepared generally in accor-when paid, and gifts are reported as current revenues,n i
d:nca with the principles contained in the American the period they are received rather than m the period Institut3 of Certified Public Accountants audit guide, Au-they are used.
dits of Colleges and Universities, and College and Univ:rsity Business Administration published by the Na-Recognition of Revenue and Expenditures. Revenue tion:1 Association of College and University Business of restricted funds, other than those designated by Offic:rs. (NACUBO).
University policy, is recognized only to the extent ex-pended. Restricted receipts in excess of current expendi-Fund Classifications. The accounts of the University tures are reported as deferred revenue.
tra summarized for financial reporting purposes into the foll; wing five fund groups:
Accounts Receivable. Accounts receivable are shown n of aHowam W MN accounts as foHows:
- 1. Curr:nt Funds consist of the unrestricted, auxiliary en-t:rprises, and restricted (includes some accounts res-1985 1984 tricted by University policy) funds. These funds are Current Unrestricted S 22,378.80
$ 22,402.86 used to account for transactions related to the instruc-Current Restricted S 3,527.40
$ 3,673.78 tionil, research, and academic programs (including Auxiliary Enterprises
$ 27,255.17 r:stricted purpose contracts and grants, research, ex-Student Loan
$388,218.63 t:nsion, and departmental programs), public service, The 1984 Accounts Receivable total for Current Unres-student services, operations and maintenance of the tricted Funds and Current Restricted Funds includes physical plant, student aid, and the auxiliary activities
$12,005,002 and $460,175 respectively of State Ap-P to the student body, faculty ropriations not received as of June 30,1984. Also at taff' d e bli '
June 30,1984, $3,746,000 was due from the State to 2.Th3 Student Loan Fund is used to account for trans-fund construction or renovation projects in the Plant actions related to loans to students.
- 3. Th3 Endowment and Similar Fund group is used to inventories. The it.. ntories are comprised of (1) con-account for gifts and bequests for various purposes, sumable supplies ano items held for resale or recharge with the understanding that the principal is to be within the University, (2) fuels for consumption, and (3) maintained in perpetuity, for a specific time, or until livestock and grain. The inventory of coal and oil in the th) occurrence of a future event. Also included in this unrestricted funds is valued on the Last in/First Out fund group are funds designated by the University to (LIFO) basis. The inventory held by General Stores in function as Endowments in which case the University the auxiliary funds is priced on a moving average basis.
may decide at any time to expend the principal.
The cattle and grain inventories in the restricted funds are valued on the First in/First Out (FIFO) basis.
- 4. Th3 Plant Funds group contains the transactions relat-ing to investment in institutional physical properties, investments. Investments, exclusive of institutional ind:btedness incurred in the financing thereof, physical properties, are reported at remaining unamor-r s;rves for major repairs and the replacement of in-tized cost (purchase cost +/- premium / discount stitutional properties, and unexpended monies to be writeoff). Gifts are reported at fair market value at date used for the acquisition or construction of physical of gift.
properties for institutional purposes.
Grants and Contracts. The University has been award-5.Tha Agency Fund is used to account for amounts ed grants and contracts for current funds operations, for h Id in custodial or fiscal agency arrangement by the which the monies have not been received or expended.
Univ:rsity and includes such funds as unclaimed These awards have not been reflected in the financial w:ges and taxes withheld from payrolls.
statements but represent commitments of sponsors, both Accrual Accounting. As a state institution, the Universi-g vemment and other, to provide funds for specific re-ty miintains its accounting records to provide state fund search and tra,ining projects.
reporting on a cash basis. At year-end the records are 17
Student Aid. Monies are received which are restricted NOTE C - Notes and Bonds Payable by donors and grantors for aid to students. When these Notes Payable. In July 1983, the University ented into funds are granted to students, the expenditures for stu-a construction financing arrangement with Indiana Na-dent aid and the corresponding revenue are recorded.
tional Bank (lNB) for a $2,700,000 note, with a floating Monies that are received from donors, where the donor interest rate based on a percentage of the prime rate of has specified the recipient of the monies, are included in interest, to finance an Environmental Control System. In the Agency Funds. Effective with the 1982-83 report, Pell July 1984, the interim construction financing program Grants (formerly Basic Educational Opportunity grants) was expanded by $2,500,000 with INB and $999,000 tre reported as Student Aid in accordance with the ac-with American Fletcher National Bank for the financing counting treatment recommended by NACUBO.
of Farm Relocation - Phase 2 and Fort Wayne Animal Facility, respectively. (See Note K - Subsequent Events.)
Taxes. The Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the units of Purdue University are exempt under Code Sec-Short Term Bonds. In April 1982, the tax exempt short tions 115(a) and 501 (c) 3, and are not " private founda-term bond program was initiated with The First National tions" under The Tax Reform Act of 1969.
Bank of Chicago providing a standby credit agreement which currently extends through June 30,1995.The Equipment Purchases. Certain equipment purchases Academic Facilities Short Term Bonds in the amount of tre funded from the current operating budget and are
$42,900,000 are secured by a pledge of student fees, presented under the appropriate functional classification subject to a prior lien on the Student Fee Bonds Series of expenditures; other additions are the result of trans-A and B (see Note K); the Athletic Facilities Short Term fers from current unrestricted funds. Such expenditures Bonds in the amount of $7,650,000 are secured by a are capitalized in the Plant Funds. Certain additions ac-pledge of a specific designated fee.
quired from federally sponsored research projects are cxcluded from the Plant Funds. This exclusion is re-Long Term Bonds. Outstanding indebtedness as of quired by contractual agreement because title of these June 30,1985, does not include fully defeased bonds assets is vested with the sponsor.
(Dormitory Facilities Revenue Bonds) payable of
$39,107,000. United States Treasury obligations in an
!nvestment in Plant. The University's valuation of, and amount sufficient to pay principal and interest in the accounting for, physical properties is in accordance with defeased obligation, when due, have been deposited practices followed by educational institutions; that is, with the Trustee. In accordance with the legal properties are carried at cost or fair market value at date defeasance of such debt, neither the outstand,ng,ndebt-i i
of gift, and no provision is made for depreciation. Cer-ness nm h [ elated trust account are reflected in the tain auxiliary enterprises are required by bond inden-accompanying financial statements.
tures to provide reserves for necessary repairs and maintenance.
On April 1,1985, Dormitory System Revenue Bonds of 1985 were issued in the original amount of $22,610,000 Encumbrances. Encumbrances represent outstanding (m turing July 1,1985, through July 1,1995, at interest purchase orders for goods or services not yet delivered rates ranging from 5% to 8.60%) to fund an irrevocable or received and are reflected as an allocation of current trust sufficient to make the required principal and in-unrestricted fund balance.
terest payments on $39,107,000 of Dormitory Facilities NOTE B - Restatements and Reclassifications Revenue Bonds outstanding at April 1,1985. The Bonds of 1985 are secured by a pledge of the' net income of The balance sheet for Current Restricted Funds for the the dormitory system.
year ended June 30,1984, was restated to reclassify an accounts receivable reported in error as a temporary in-The Student Union Bonds of 1973, outstanding in the vestment.
amount of $3,195,000 at June 30,1985, with the final principal installment being June 30, 2003, bear interest The Statement of Changes in Fund Balances for the at rates ranging from 5% to 5.50%. These bonds are se-year ended June 30,1985 reflects the reclassification of cured by a pledge of the net income of the Student Un-a group insurance account from the Agency Fund to the ion Building operation on the Fort Wayne campus.
Quasi-Endowment Fund. It no longer represents amounts due to the carrier.
18 l
1 lM The Building Facilities Fee Bonds outstanding balance of the net minimum lease payments on these capital / eases
$48,625,000 at June 30,1985, does not include is:
$9,160,000 of outstanding Advance Refunding Series H 1
8 orgin:lly issued March 1,1977 for the purpose of refund-8 1*
'7 ing Seri:s H on January 1,1986. The Building Facilities 1987-88 3,064,330 Bonds, including Advance Refunding Series H, were ful-
,8 ly defused on August 7,1985 (See Note K - Subse-quent Events.)
Later Years 6,100,184 NOTE D - Endowment Funds Total
$15,603,809 Excluded from the assets of the Endowment Fund is a Less Amounts Representing residu;ry trust held by the Indiana National Bank. The Interest Costs 3,657,465 recognized assets of the trust have book and market
$11,946,344 v11ues of $13,731,730 and $15,177,936 respectively.
Only th] income from this trust will be distributed and it in addition, the University has entered into various oper-will be shared on an approximate ratio of one-third each ating leases for buildings and equipment. Net expendi-to Purdue University, Indiana University, and the India-tures for rent under these leases for the years ended napolis Center for Advanced Research. All income allo-June 30,1985, and June 30,1984, amounted to citions require the approval of a selection committee
$6,506,608 and $5,841,159 respectively.
appointed by the trustee. During fiscal 1984-85 the Univ:rsity received $345,551 from this trust.
NOTE H - Contingent Liabilities NOTE E - Contingent Assets In the normal course of its activities the University is a party in various legal actions. Although some actions Pledges of financial support from many different sources have been brought for large amounts, the University has ers rec:ived by the University. The amount of these not experienced significant losses or costs.
pledges is not recorded until actually received.
After taking into consideration legal counsel's evaluation As of June 30,1985, the University is party to 36 unlig-of pending actions, the University believes that the out-uidited bequests. During 1984-85 notification of 13 new come thereof will not have a material effect on the finan-unliquid ted bequests was received. Proceeds of cial statements.
$107,143 from six bequests were received during 1984-85. Both bequests and pledges are disclosed only The University remains contingently liable for the debt in th3 notes to the financial statements.
incurre 1 to construct certain physical facilities on the in-diana University-Purdue University Campus at Indianapo-NOTE F - Construction in Progress lis. On July 1,1971, Purdue University entered into a lease agreement with Indiana t.' *iversity whereby Indiana New projects have been entered into this fiscal year for University would assume the de at service payment on the construction and renovation of various facilities. The these facilities. The outstanding principal of this debt cstimited amount of cost to complete the construction in was $3,876,441 on June 30,1985.
progr:ss at June 30,1985, is $8.6 million.
NOTE 1 - Interfund Borrowing NOTE O - Lease Commitments The cost of long-lived assets acquired from funds ad-At Jun: 30,1985, investment in plant included amounts vanced internally has been reported in the investment in r;liting to properties leased from affiliated corporations Plant Fund. The associated liabilities, however, have cnd (thers valued at $24,009,051. The outstanding bal-been reported in the funds receiving the advances as anc3 (n these leases at June 30,' 1985, was obligations against operational resources. The amounts
$11,946,344. The annual lease-purchase payments on due are payable in annual installments without interest.
these properties were $1,191,156. The current value of 19
l The following have advanced or borrowed funds in-NOTE K - Subsequent Events ternaHy.
On August 7,1985, $35,880,000 of Student Fee Bonds Advances To Advances From Series A were issued to defease the $49,020,000 of Investment Endowment and Building Facilities Fee Bonds then outstanding. The Se-in Plant
$1,576,187 Similar ries A Bonds mature scrially from July 1,1986, through
, and har intest ranging kom 5% to Retirement of Endowment and 8.40%. The proceeds were used to purchase United indebtedness 350,000 Similar States Treasury obligations, in an amount sufficient to Current Reserves for pay principal and interest on the defeased obligations Unrestricted 321,488 Renewals when due, and deposited in an irrevocable trust with the Auxiliary Reserves for Trustee. The Series A Bonds ne secured by a pledge of Enterprises 436,835 Renewals student fees. As of August 7,198E neither the Building Facilities Fee Bonds indebtedness nor the related trust Current Reserves for account will be reflected on the financ,al statements. The i
Restricted 210,743 Renewals Student Fee Bonds series A are the indebtness as of
$2,895,253 that date.
On October 22,1985, $48,590,000 of Student Fee NOTE J - Retirement Plans Bonds Series B were issued to finance certain new con-Employees of the several University staffs are par-struction projects and refinance $3,490,000 of notes pay-ticipants in various retirement programs, including the able (See Note C - Notes Payable). The Series B Bends Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). Faculty and are issued as variable rate conds and are adjustab!o de-certain administrative employees of the University partici.
mand instruments with a final maturity of July 1,2015.
pate in the retirement plan administered by TIAA-CREF, The University has entered into a Standby Purchase a program which provides immediate vesting. Regular Agreement with The First National Bank of Chicago, ex-clerical and service employees participate in the Public piring on June 30,1995, for the purchase of any Series Employees' Retirement Fund (PERF) which is ad-B Bonds in the event that all or any portion of such ministered by an agency of the State of Indiana. PERF bonds cannot be remarketed. The Series B Bonds are is a contributory plan with benefits based on a mathe-issued as parity bonds with those of the Series A Bonds.
matical formula, actuarially computed. Cost to the University for these programs for 1984-85 is as follows:
NOTE L - Related Foundations TIAA
$16,576,296 Purdue University is the sole beneficiary of the Purdue FICA
$12,514,098 Research Foundation, The Purdue Foundation, Inc., Pur-PERF
$ 7,006,569 due Alumni Foundation, Ross Ade Foundation, and Pur-due Academic Facilities Foundation and is co-beneficiary Several hundred staff members with federal appoint-with Indiana University of the Indiana-Purdue Foundation ments employed by the Indiana Cooperative Extension at Fort Wayne, each being a separately incorporated Service are covered by the Federal Civil Service Retire" not-for-profit entity organized for the purpose of promot-ment System. This plan is also contributory and provides ing the educational mission of the respective Universi-benefits on a mathematical formula basis th't is actuari-ties. These entities provided grants, contracts, and gifts ally computed. The University hcs no future liabilities un-to Purdue University totaling approximately $10,950,000 der any of these plans. Any unfunded past service costs during their most recent fiscal years. The amounts are a contingent liability of the sponsoring agency and received by the University in its 1984-85 fiscal year are not the University.
reported in the accompanying financial statements. The assets and liabilities of these entities, are not recorded in the accompanying financial statements. In the unlikely event of the complete dissolution of any of the organiza-tions, the net assets would be transferred to the University.
-A Operating Revenues I
1985 Auxiliary 1984 Operating Revenue (in thousands of dollars)
Unrestricted Enterprises Restricted Total Total Education and General Student Fees.
$ 80,817
$ 2,480
$ 83,297
$ 78,317 State Appropriations.
155,104 6,608 161,712 148,381 Federal Appropriations 50 12,943 12,993 13,229 Endowment income.
898 1,373 2,271 2,306 Grants and Contracts 11,731 57,882 69,613 61,676 Gifts.
1,158 4,235 5,393 5,459 Sales and Services.
4,428 12,122 16,550 15,882 investment income 7,132 131 7,263 5,963 Total Educational and General.
$ 97,774
$359,092 S331,213 Student Aid.
$ 14,647
$ 14,698
$ 14,128 Auxiliary Enterprises
$59,643 59,643 59,485 Total Current Revenues.
$404,826 S:urces of Operating Revenues: 1985 1984
Student Student Aid 3.4%
Aid 3.5%, A T
-- q
- m p 7%
- ,.. s h;l E ",_
u.m y
ny... w,,.,
2,.,.i_x-1NTMGMM Contractsl' f6' O'q 19.2 %
1, Student Poes 19.3% l
. y'
l[ anansory :p
- 7
'j/ snes, rises s
a y'
M.7% ^
't t'
c 1
b I ~s x,._,. "'
Sales, Services, and Other income 7.3%
-Sales, Services, and Other income 7.3%
Federal Appropriations 3.0%
Federal Appropriations 3.3%
l 21
erdng ExpendRures and RanMers 1985 Operating Expenditures and Transfers
'AAlliary 1984 (in thousands of dollars)
Unrestricted Enterprises Restricted Total Total Education and General Instruction and Departmental Research
$ 8,110
$147,945 Organized Activities Related to Instruction and Research.
5,788 5,788 5,546 Sponsored Research.
50,192 50,192 45,529 Other Separately Budgeted Research.
13,470 6,957 20,427 19,617 Other Sponsored Programs 1,333 1,333 1,297 Extension and Public Service.
6,269 28,144 34,413 30,308 Libraries and Audio-Visual 8,694 105 8,799 8,291 Student Services.
10,417 83 10,500 9,756 Physical Plant Operations and Maintenance.
35,720 1
35,721 35,202 Administration 15,863 68 15,931 13,177 General institutional Services,
5,796 450 6,246 6,047 Total Educational and General.
$101,231 S347,241 S322,715 Student Aid.
$ 17,509
$ 17,509
$ 16,598 Auxiliary Enterprises
$51,110 51,110 50,185 Total Current Expenditures.
S246.010 SS1,110
$118,740 S415.860 S389,498 Transfers for:
Retirement of Indebtedness.....
$ 5,418
$ *i,479
$ 4,792 Plant Renewal and Replacement Reserves.
822 822 687 Endowment Fund 499 1,088 1,587 702 Other Transfers (Net).
10.084 3,584
-6,792 6,876 6.975 Reappropriated Commitments 4,715
-615 2,809 2,172 Total Transfers.
S 15.359
$ 8,533
$ -6,319 S 17,573 S 15,328 Total Current Expenditures and Transfers
$ 59,643 S112,421
- S433,433 S404.826 Use of Operating Funds: 1985 1984
- ~""w.,
a4 Instructeert and Departneontal
- Rosesseh 36.5%
s e /t-Rosensch and 4, ;
, Ottner Progresne 16.4% j, -
'#-/.7 Auxillery Enterprises i D
c o.
- d
' 12.4% -
,' q Y
. x..
L student Aid 4.0%
student Aid 4.1%
.g Organized Activities 1.3%
~i -
Si' y,.. [ Organized Activities 1.4%
.. $ [
ibraries and Audio Visual 2.0%
Libraries and Audio Visual 2.0%
-Mandatory Reserve Transfers 1.5%
Mandatory Reserve Transfers 1.4%
-Other Transfers 2.6%
-Oth3r Transfers 2.4%
1 Other Educational and General Departments 7.5%
Other Educational and General Departments 7.2%
-Extension and Puol': service 8.0%
-Extension and Public service 7.5%
-Physical Plant Operations and Maintenance 8.3%
-Physical Plant Operations and Maintenance 8.7%
J 22 l
Major Construction Report I
1983-1985 Student Total Total State Fees Projects Projects Capital Gifts and Self-M:jor Constructson Completed West Regional Ap pro.
and f.iquidating Fi:cti Years 1983-85 Lafayette Campuses priations Grants Funds 1983 84 Memonal Union Food Service.......
, $ 4,028,000
$ 4,028,000 Renovate Life Sciences Small Animal 1,163,000
. Facility Phase 1........
Extend Feeder 109 to Bochemistry and Small Animal Building.
171,000 171,000 Airport Repair 1982 413,000 5 413,000 Michael Golden Robotics Laboratory.
299,000 260.000 39,000 Airport Apron Repair..........
154,000 141,000 -
13,000 Replaster Windows Earhart Halt.
197,000 197,000 Calur et Remodel Gyte Annex...
S 604.000 604,000 North Central Parking Lot #3 Addition.
195,000 195,000 1984-85 Technology Building................
14,743,000 14,743,000 Krannert Management Development and Research Center.
3.034,000 3,034,000 Airport Apron Repair and Taxi By-pass 379,000 360,000 19,000 Mechanical Systems Operations Building.
122,000 122,000 Stadium Elevator 457,000 457,000 Entomology Environmental Lab Greenhouse.
212,000 212,000 New Entry for Terminal Building.....
251,000 145,000 106.000 Renov:to Potter Building Third Floor.
167,000 167,000 Raroof Elliott Hall of Music.
116,000 116,000 Reroof Harrison Hall...............
'62.000 New Sports Surface in Lambert Fieldhouse.
248.000 248,000 Calumet Replace Chiller Power House.
150,000 150.000 Total Major Construction Completed.
$ 949.000
$ 1,812,000
$ 4.810,000
$20,643,000 Mdor Construction in Progress at June 30,1985 Ufe Sciences Research Bunding.....
. $ 8.964,000
$ 8,964,0' 0 0
Mathematical Sciences Building Addition.
$ 2,156,000 Farm Facilities Phase i 5,000,000
$ 5,000,000 Paint Water Tower.....
103.000 103.000.,
Environmental Control System.
2,700,000 2,700,000 Chemistry Building Freight Elevator..
172,000 172,000 Life Sc:ences Small Animal Facility Phase 11........
523.000 523,000 Renovate Memonal Gym for Computer Science.
3.670,000 3.670,000 Agncultural Research Building Laboratones.
665,000 171,000 494.000 Renov:to Chemistry Building Laboratory.......
550,000 550.000 New 15KV Radial Feeders at Heat and Power South.
169.000 169.000 Replaca Windows in Stanley Coulter Hall 162.000 162,000 Remodel Stadium Locker Room.......
554,000 554,000 Furnishings for Computer Science Building..
390,000 390,000 Chemistry Building Lab Renovation Phase il.
214,000 214,000 Life Sciences Research Building Phase il.
486,000 486,000 Equipment For Chemistry Sunding Lab Renovation.
132,000 132,000 CMET Building Laboratories Remodeling.
303,000 303,000 Airport Apron Expansion.
351.000 333,000 18,000 Horticulture Laboratory Remodeling.
134,000 134,000 Cay Quadrangle Masonry Tower Repairs....
120.000 120,000 Remodel Room B24 in Stewart Center Phase i.
615,000 615.000 Fcrm Facilities Phase 11...................
2,500,000 2,500.000 Equipment for Pharmacy Buildmg Lab Remodehng.
173.000 100.000 73.000 Lambert Fieldhouse New Roof and Parapet Repair.
345.000 345.000 Retoof Lynn Has and Mechanical Engineering.
123,000 123,000 Stadium Structural Repairs...........
248,000 248,000 Alterations to Piping at South Power Plant, 160,000 160,000 Fort Wayne North Parking Lot.
$ 170.000 170,000 Remodel Kettler Hall Data Processing Area,
250,000 250,000 North Central Technology Laboratory Facil:ty.
150,000 150,000 Tot;l Major Construction in Progress.
. $31,682,000 570.000
$ 7,658.000
$10,255,000 Tot:1 Major Construction
$57 998,000
$ 1,519.000
$ 9,470.000
$ 19.149,000 530.898.000 l
l I
23 i
Enrollment l
The enrollment at Purdue University was 47,650 students in 1984-85. The 1984 fall enrollment for each campus
-n was: Wert Lafayette,31,457; Calumet,7,446; Fort Wayne,5,270; North Central,2,616; Northern and South-ern Extension,686; and Statewide Technology,175. (The enrollment figures for indiana University-Purdue Universi-ty at Fort Wayne and the total University reflect only those students enrolled in Purdue University. Not includ-ed in these figures are 4,901 Indiana University students at Fort Wayne Campus nor Purdue University students at the Indiana University-Purdue University Campus in Indi-Enapolis. All enrollment data for the Indianapolis campus is maintained by Indiana University.) Although students came to Purdue from all over the world,76% came from within the state of Indiana.
===a Total in-State Enrollment
- by County 1984-85 West Regional County Lafayette Campuses 1 Adams 92 160 2 Allen 1,042 3,698 3 Bartholomew 278 3
4 Benton 161 1
5 Blackford 53 9
6 Boone 273 1
7 Brown 22 I
8 Carroit 173 9 Cass 214 10 Clark 109 11 Clay 26 I
12 Clinton 274 40 Jennings 36 68 Randolph 55 1
l 13 Crawford 7
41 Johnson 233 69 Rrpley 70 1
l 70 Rush 77 1
l 14 Daviess 59 42 Knox 60 4
l 15 Dearborn 115 43 Kosciusko 194 121 71 St. Joseph 921 38 16 Decatur 108 72 Scott 25 17 DeKalb 81 227 44 LaGrange t-4 18 73 Shelby 137 18 Delaware 257 3
45 Lake 1,808 6,170 74 Spencer 39 19 Dubois 137 46 LaPorte 460 f,387 75 Starke 69 72 47 Lawrence 57 76 Steuben 39 72 20 Elkhart 476 13 77 Sullivan 23 48 Madison 464 5
78 Switzerland 15 1
21 Fayette 52 1
49 Manon 2,129 4
l 22 Floyd 134 50 Marshall 168 27 79 Tippecanoe 4.281 5
l 23 Fountain 103 1
51 Martin 28 1
80 Tipton 95 2
24 Franklin 54 1
52 Miami 126 2
25 Fulton 74 9
53 Monroe 98 1
81 Union 13 54 Montgomery 275 l
26 Gibson 82 55 Morgan 97 82 Vanderburgh 431 1
27 Grant 186 40 83 Vermilhon 33 1
l 28 Greene 45 1
56 Newton 76 15 84 Vigo 188 2
57 Noble 116 140 29 Hamilton 645 1
85 Wabash 136 40 30 Hancock 223 1
58 Ohio 8
86 Warren 79 31 Harnson 50 59 Orange 35 87 Warnck 103 32 Hendncks 298 60 Owen 15 88 Washington 43 33 Henry 125 1
89 Wayne 198 1
34 Howard 628 8
61 Parke 31 90 Wells 67 140 35 Huntington 112 158 62 Perry 31 91 White 280 2
63 Pike 18 92 Whitley 46 135 36 Jackson 101 64 Porter 645 1,456 Total 22.136 14,306 37 Jasper 142 74 65 Posey 63 1
k * ""
- erson 7
na 24 s
Purdue University c,h$\\,
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Purdue University a
a 1984-1985 Supplemental Exhibits and Schedules to the Financial Report
TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal.................................................
Balance Sheet 2
A-1 Statement of Current Unrestricted Fund Balances 6
B Sta tement of Changes in Fund Balance 7
C Statement of Current Funds Revenues, Expenditures, and Transfers 9
S tateme nt of Current Revenue 11 2
Statement of Current Expenditures 21 3
Loan Funds - Statement of Student Loan Balances 50 4
Endowment and Similar Funds 54 5
Plant Funds - Statement of Unexpended Construction Funds 70 6
Detail of Investments 72 7
Plant Funds - Reserve for Renewals 82 8
Plant Funds - Statement for Retirement of Indebtedness Funds 84 9
Statement of Plant and Equipment 87 l
10 Statement of Bonded Indebtedness 89 l
11 Summary of Annual Bond Debt Service Requirements 92 12 Statement of Leasehold Indebtedness 93 13 Summary of Annual Leasehold Debt Service Requirements 94 l
1 I
Housing ard Food Service Facilities 95 II Food Stores 96 III Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management Food Service 96 IV Intercollegiate Athletics 97 V
Purdue University Student Hospital 98 VI Convocations and Lectures 98 VII Recreational Gymnasium 99 VIII Computing Center 99 IX Transportation Service 100 X
Printing Services 100 XI University Airport 101 XII Control Laws 101
LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Ta Tha Board of Trustees of Purdue University:
We are pleased to submit this the 63rd annual financial report of Purdue University. This report is for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1985, and sets forth the complete and permanent record of the financial status of the University for the year.
Laventhol & Horwath, Certified Public Accountants, have examined the financial statements of the Purdue University Dormitory Facilities which were made in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
The University Financial Statements have been audited by the State of Indiana State Board of Accounts.
Respectfully Submitted, Respectfully Submitted, Steven C. Beering Frederick R. Ford President Executive Vice President and Treasurer Approved for publication and transmission to the governor of the state.
3 4
m m2
,m i
4 1
BALANCE SHEET June 30, 1985 Exhibit A Assets I.
Current Funds A.
Unrestricted Cash and Temporary Investments
$ 29,384,180.93 Change and Revolving Funds 334,955.52
Accounts Receivable i
Deferred Fees 388,125.68 Sales and Services 520,762.04 Less: Allowance for Doubt ful Accounts
-22,378.80 Federal Appropriations 18,694.38 905,203.30 Inventories (Note A) 1,920,460.25 j
Frepaid Expenses 13,126.64 Deferred Expenses 1,884,296.87 Total Unrestricted
$ 34,442,223.51 1
Auxiliary Enterprises Cash and Temporary Investmencs S 8,144,371.97 Change and Revolving Funds 197,090.00 i
I Account s Receivable
$ 1,505,699.19 Less: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
-168,919.61 1,336,779.58 l
Notes Receivable 53,3?O.16 Inventories (Note A) 3,800,467.11 i
Frepaid Expenses 145,491.96 l
Total Auxiliary Enterprises 13,677,590.80 i'
Restricted Cash and Temporary Investments
$ 17,652,597.08 Change and Revolving Funds 30,950.00 Accounts Receivable
$ 6,958,182.76 Less: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
-3,527.40 6,954,655.36 inventories (Note A) 1,132,899.60 Frepaid Expenses 149,874.78 Tctal Restricted 25,920,976.82 Total Current Funds S 74,040,791.13 j
II. ' Student Lean Funds (Schedule 3)
Cash and Temporary investment s
$ 2,682,519.44 Interest Receivable 161,312.22 Less: Allowance for Doubt ful Interest
-35,270.33 126,041.89 Accounts Receivable 52,026.86 Student Notes Receivable
$ 16,316.471.90 Less: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
-220,501.79 16,095.970.11 l
Total Student Loan Funds
$ 18,956,558.30 2
III. Endome nt and Similar Furds (Schedule 4)
Endowment Funds and Funds Functioning I
as Endoments Cash and Temporary Investments
$ 10.811.921.37 Interest and Dividends Receivable
$76,389.18 l
Notes Receivable 1,141,261.06 Marketable Securities (Market Value
$52,792,058) 3!,,695,410.80 Advances to Flant Funds (Note I) 1,926,186.97 Investment in Real Estate 242,720.00 Funds Held in Trust by Others (Market Value $8,644,000)
I,738,000.00 Total Endoment Funds and Funds l
Functioning as Endoments
$ 53,131,889.38 l
Annuity and Life income Funds S.
Cash and Temporary investments
-830.65 Marketable Securities (Market Value $879,128) 511,002.90 Notes Receivable 200,000.00 Interest Receivable 1,008.33 Total Annuity and Life Income Funds 711,180.58 Total Endome, and Sin (lar Funds j
(Market Val,e $79,418,931)
$ 53,843,069.96 2
w m
-,,,. _ _ _ + _, _
BALANCE SHEET June 30, 1985 Exhibit A Liabilities and Fund Balances 1.
Current Funds A.
Unrestricted Liabilities Accounts Payable
$ t,553,434.71 Advances from Other Funds 321,487.73 Deferred Revenue (Note A) 2,994,692 42 Accrued Payroll 723,48. 22 cs Compensated Absences 5,546,631.59 Deposit s 763,346.05
$ 11,903,077.72 Fund Balances (Exhibit 4-1)
Allocated for Specific Purposes
$ 22,521,451.21 Unallocated - Regional Campuses 7,897.08 Unallocated - West Laf ayette Campus 9,797.50 22,539,145.79 Total Unrestricted
$ 34,442,223.51 B.
Auxiliary Enterprises Liabilities '
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses 963,051.81 Accrued Payroll 289,164.58 Compensated Absences 952,405.15 Deferred Revenue (Note A) 3,634,112.48 Advances from Other Funds 436,835.33
$ 6,275,572.35 Fund Balances 7,402,018.45 Total Auxiliary Enterprises 13,677,590.80 C.
Restricted Liabilities Accounts Payable 349,526.83 Accrued Payroll 226,431.64 Compensated Absences 3.425,354.74 Deferred Revenue (Note A) 21,062,908.06 Advances from Other Funds 210,743.12
$ 25,274,964.39 Fund Balances 646,012.43 Total Restricted 25,920,976.82 Total Current Funds S 74,040,791.13 11.
S tudent Loan Funds (Schedule 3)
Liabilities Advances from Federal Government
$ 16,069,242.12 Less: Federal Cevermnent's Share of Teacher and Death Cancellations
$ 13,180,834.4{
Accounts Payable 1,341.6F Total Liabilities
$ L3,182,176.14 Fund Balances 5,774,382.16 Total Student Loan Funde
$ 18,956,558.30 111. Endowme nt and Similar Funds (Schedule 4)
E ndowment Funds and Funds Functioning as Endowments Liabilities Funds ;teld in Trust for others 764,917.55 Fund Balances Endowment Funds (includes $1,738,028 of Funds Held in Trust by Others)
$ 10,353,760.32 Funds Functioning as Endowments 37,391,691.56 Undistributed Restised Cain on Pooled Investments 4,621,519.95 52,366,971.83 Total Endowment Funds and Funds Functioning as Endowments S 53,131,889.38 l
l B.
Annuity and Life income Funds Balances 711,180.58 Total Endowment and similar Funda S 53,843,069.96 3
BALANCE SHEET June 30, 1985 Exhibit A Assets IV.
Plant Funds A.
Unexpended Construction Funds (Schedule 5)
Cash and Investment s
$ 11,490.129.00 State Appropriations Receivable 372,783.00 Total Unexpended Construction Funds
$ 11,862,912.00 8.
Reserves for Renewals (Schedule 7)
Cash and Investments S 52,659,855.90 Receivable Interest 3,114.445.71 Accounts Receivable 1,000,000.00 Advances to Other Funds 969,066.18 Total Reserves for Renewals
$7,743,367.79 C.
Retirement of Indebtedness Funds (Schedule 8)
Cash and Investments
$ 5,044,287.11 Receivable Interest 222,340.63 Funds Held by Bond Trustee 8,845,906.91 Total Retirement of Indebtedness Funds 14,112,534.65 D.
Plant and Equipment (Schedule 9)
$407,810.511.13 Cattle I,652,982.20 Equipment 178,020.065.25 Improvements 17,679,539.38 1,a nd 10,803,376.30 Library Books 37,252,312.00 Tot al Plant and Equipnent 653,218,786.26 Total Plant Funds E I36,931,600.70 v.
Agency Fund Cash and Investment s S 18,662,942.54 Accounts Receivable 87.796.89 Total Agency Fund S 18,750,739.43 Notes to the financial statements are included in the Financial Report and are not restated in this supplement.
_. - _ + _ -, -
June 30, 1985 Exhibit A Liabilities and Fund Balances IV.
Plant Funds j
Unexpended Construction Funds (Schedule 5)
Accounts Payable
$ 1.319,072.90 Advance from State of Indiana-Planning Funds 240,000.00 Notes Paysble 3,379,000.00 4
Restricted Fund Balance 6,924,839.10 Total Unexpended Construction Funds
$ 11,862,912.00 B.' Reserves for Renewals (Schedule 7)
Interest Payable 308,514.61 Accounts Payable 9,888.14 Advances from Other Funds 0.00 Designated Fund Balance 27,549,698.38 Restricted Fund Balance 29,875,266.46 Total Reserves for Renewals 57,743,367.79 i
i C.
Retirement of Indebtedness Funds (Schedule 8)
Interest Payable 139,319.48 J
Advance From Other Funds 350,000.00 i
Designated Fund Balance 4,554,967.63 Restricted Fund Salance 9,068,247.54 Total Retirement of Indebtedness Funds 14,112,534.65 i
i D.. Plant and Equipment (Schedule 9)
Liabilities Short Term Bonde Payable (Note C)
$ 50,550,000.00 9
i Long Term Bonds Payable (Note C) 72,745,000.00 Leases Payable (Note C) 11,946,344.14 j
Advances f rom Endowment Funds (Note 1) 1,576,186.97 4
Notes Payable 2,811,000.00
$139,628,531.11 Net Investment in Plant 513,590,255.15 j
Total Plant and Equipment
$ 653,218,786.26 Total Plant Funds 5 736,937,600.70 V.
Agency Fund Accrued Payroll
$ 1,723,610.41 Employee Withholdings for Insurance 975,813.66 Payroll Tax Withholdings-2,430,766.67 Other Payroll Withholdings 4,841,438.01 Student Deposits 81,496.41 Student Organizations Deposits 930,414.48 Ross Ade Foundation Deposits 6,862,511.63 j
Other Deposits and Clearing Accounts 904,688.16 Total Agency Fund
$ 18,750,739.43 i
l t
f i
l l
l l
l l-
STATEMENT OF FUND BAl.ANCES CURREN'T UNRESTRICTED FUNDS June 10, 1985 Exhibit A-1 West Lafayette All Regional Total Allocations Cam pu s Campu se s University _,
Accounts Receivable Reserve 824,267.38 92,576.02 916,843.40 Change and Revolving Funds Reserve 181,195.52 153,769.00 334,955.52 Inventory Reserve 878,923.13 81,307.00 960,230.13
Outstanding Contracts and Orders 4,348,658.65 733,773.15 5,082,431.80 Reappropriated Operating Balances 10,535,137.38 1,654,225.73 12,189,363.11 Budget Allotment 3,000,000.00 412,502.00 3,412,502.00 Clerical and Service Salary Reserve 655,000.00 221,393.00 876,393.00 Energy Conservation Reserve 430,000.00 430,000.00 Utility Price increase Reserve 330,000.00 265,000.00 595,000.00 Special Projects Reserve 803,363.84 370,000.00 1,173,363.84 OSHA Reserve 300,000.00 300,000.00 Campus Development and Special Maintenance Reserve 587,000.00 587,000.00 Equipment Repair and Replacement Reserve 800,000.00 220,000.00 1,020,000.00 Insurance Price increase 190,000.00 190,000.00 Compensated Absences Reserve
-5,546,631.59 Total Allocated
$ 18,476,967.88
$22,521,451.21 Fund Balance - Unallocated 9,797.50 7,897.08 17,694.58 Total Unrestricted Funds
$ 18,486,765.38
$22,539,145.79 4
STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Exhibit B Current Fu nd s Auxiliary Unrestricted Enterprises Restricted Revenue and Other Additions Outrent Funds Revenue (Exhibit C)
$112,421,329.82 Student Fees (Net)
State Appropriations Gif ts, Grants and Contract s Endowment Income g'I Investment income Interest on Loans Receivable Net Gain /-Loss on Security and Pool Transactions Bond Sale Proceeds Gain on Early Extinguishment of Debt Reclassification of Accounts Debt Retirement Plant Additions (Purchased and Constructed)
Total Revenue and Other Additions
$112,421,329.82 Expenditures and Other Deductions Current Funds Expenditures (Exhibit C)
$118,739,535.67 Expended for Plant Facilities (Including Noncapitalized Expenditures of $4,276,209)
Administrative Financial and Legal Expenses Caneellations, Write-of fs and Reclassifications Endowment Income Distributed to:
Educational and General Student Aid Student Loans Annuitants and income Beneficiaries Plant Assets Retired Retirement of Indebtedness inventory Adjustment from Actual Inventory Interest on Indebtedness Total Expenditures and Other Deductions
$246,010,056.05 551,109,284.70
$118,739,535.67 Transfer Among Funds -- Additions /-Deductions Mandatory Transfers For:
Debt Service
$-5,418,239.35 Required Reserves
-821,920.02 Total Mandatory Transfers S
-61,l06.76 S-6,240,159.37 Other Transfers:
Current Funds
$ -5,811,548.12
$ 6,896,960.01 Plant Fu nds
-102,913.05 Loan Funds
-2,180.00 Endowment and 3imilar Funda
-1,088,747.75 Total Other Transfers S-lo,582,812.07 S-3,584,376.61 5
5,703,119.21 Total Transfers S-10,643,918.83 S-9,h24,535.98 5,703,119.21 Revenue and Other Additions Over/-Under F tpenditures and Transfers S 4,715,446.67
-615,086.64 Fund Balance July 1,1984, as Stated S 17,823,699.12 S s,693,137.23 t,261,099.07 Fund Balance at June 30, 1985 S 22,539,145.79
$ 7,402,018.45 S
666,012.4T Consisting of:
Unallocated Fund Balance 17,694.58 Allocated Fund Balance
$ 22,521,451.21
$ 7,402,018.45 646,012.43 Notes to the financial statements are included in the Financial Report and are not restated in this supplement.
STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FU.*!D BALANCE For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Exhibit B Plant Fu nd s Stude nt Endowment Loan and Similar Unexpended Reserves for Retirement of Investment Fund Funds Construction Renewals indebtedness in Flant
$ 8,206,092.03
$ 4,139,103.00 19,131.30 523,235.27 807,621.60 222,130.52
$ 4,056,468.43 179,828.87 5,946.63 262,418.65 3,401,140.91 5,783,422.40 271,667.07 318,908.92 678,911.12 22,610,000.00
!!,420,893.21 8,427,273.04 3,630,000.00 46,751,905.88 41,836,405.28
$ 733,045.89
$12,670,558.14 5
$ 48,927,395.91 S $ 92,644,779.59
$ 17,05 3,82 7.43
$ 137,889.91 429.66
$ 3,525,661.09 9,976.71 3,368.00 59.00 2,241,556.26 789,421.35 170,323.09 4,193.30
$ 12,206,819.33 46,751,905.88 26,240,000.00 710,259.25 7,997,699.74
$ 141,257.91
$ 3,205,984.66
$ 17,053,b27.43 3,525,661.09 54,759,582.33
$ 39,157,078.58
$-50,424,979.72 8 55,904,325.83 2,103,948.43
-1,282,028.41 S-48,321,031.29 5
54,622,297.42 2,180.00
$ 1,587,752.93
$ 1,079,733.00
$ 4,549,765.84 1,244,637.70 9,765.13 2,984,061.06 1,426,001.46
-4,410,062.52 31,601.44
$ 1,629.119.50
$ 4,063,794.06 5,966,002.17
$ 1,629,119.50 4,063,794.06
$-42,355,029.12 St,456,872.60
$ 562,366.54
$ -4,413,308.77 3,046,705.70
$ 53,487,701.01
$ 11,338,147 H7 5 54,378,259.14 S
$ 6,924,839.10
$ 57,424,964.84 13,623,215.17
$ 6,924,839.10
$ 5 7,424,964.84
$ 13,623,215.17
$ 513,590,2 5 5.15 l
I 8
,a - - -.
I STATEMENT OF CURRENT FUNDS REVENUES EXPENDITURES, AND TRANSFERS For the Year Ended.Iune 30, 1985 Exhibit C COMBINED Current Current Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Total Funds Enterprises Funds Revenues Educational and General Student Fees
$ 83.297,047
$ 80,817,358
$ 2,479,689 Coverrusentat Appropristions 174,704,1a7 155,153,179 19.550,608 j
Endowment incorse 2,271,485 898,044 1,373,441 i
Grants and Contracts 69,612,992 II,731,215 57,881,777 Cifts 5,393,756 1,158,350 4,235,406 1
Sales, Services and Rentals 16,549,785 4,427,803 12.121,982 Investment incusse 7,262,833 7.131,770 131,063 Total Educational and General
$ 97,773,966 Student Aid Endowment incase and Trust income 803,608 803,608 Crants and Contracts 12.549,500 51,102 12,498,398 Cifts 1,343,633 1,343,633 Investment income 1,725 1,725 Total Student Aid
$ 14,698,466 51,102
$ 14,647,364 Auxiliary Enterprises 5 39,642,702
$ 59,642,702 9
Total Revenues
$ 59,642,702
$112,421,330 Expenditures y
Educational and General instruction and Departmental Research
$ 8.109,526 Organised Activities Related to Instruction and Research 5,788,161 5.788,161 Sponsored Research 50,192,066 50,192,066
Other Separately Budgeted Research 20,427,659 13,470,296 6,957,363 Other Sponsored Programs 1.332,758 1,332,758 Extension and Public Service 34,413,726 6,269,321 28,144,405 Libraries and Audio-Visual Center 8,798,151 8,693,386 104,765 Student Services 10,499,336 10.416,698 82,638 Physical Plant Operations and Maintenance 35,720,467 35,719,872 595 Ceneral Administration 15,931,340 15,863,217 68,123 i
General Institutional Services 6,246,174 5,795,939 450,235 i
Total Educational and General
$101,230,635 l
Student Aid Free Grant Fellowships
$ 1,746,370
$ 1,746,370 l.283,884 1,283,884 Work Study Scholarships and Prizes 14,478,647 14,478,647 Total Student Aid.
5 17,50s,901 5 17,50s,901 Auxiliary Enterprises s )i,ius,zs>
$ 51,109,285 Total Expenditures 5415,858,876
$246,010,055 5 51,109,285
$118,739,536 Transfers Among Funds - Additions /-Deductions Mandatory Transfers Fort j
Debt Service
$ -5,479,347
$ -5,418,240 Required Reserves
-R21.920 Total Mandatory Transfers
$ -6,301,267
$ -6,240,160 Other Transfers:
Current Funds S -5,811.549
$ -1,085,411
$ 6,896,960 Plant Funds
$ -6,874,13'
-102,913 Regional Campuses Adsinistrative Charges i
Loan Funds
-2,180 l
Endowment Funds
-t,088,748 j
Total Other Transfers
$ -8,464,068
$ ~3,534,375
$ 5,703,119 Total Transfers 5-14,76),33) 5-10,643,919 5 -9,524.)JT 5
),I03.119 l
Revenues Over/-Under Expen3(tures 1
and Transfers
$ 2,809,242
$ 4,715,447
$ -1,291,118
-615,087 1-Notes to the financial statements are included in the Financial Report and are not restated in this
supplement, i
l l
i i
9 1
STATEMENT OF CURRENT FUNDS REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND TRANSFERS For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Exhibit C WEST LAFAYETTE REGIONAL CAMPUSES Cu r re nt Current Current Current Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Total Bind s Enterprises Fu nd s Total Fu nd a Enterprises Funds
$ 67,714,977
$ 65,555,515
$ 2,159,462
$ 15,261,843
$ 320,227 164,274,288 124,723,680 19,550,608 30,430,099 30,430,099 2,270,237 396,796 1,373,441 1,248 1,248 67,917,765 11,538,717 56,379,048 1,695,227 192,498 1,502,729 5,256,343 1,137,695 4,118,648 137,413 20,655 116,758 15,084,548 3,778,579 11,305,969 1,465,237 649,224 816,013 6,107,084 5,976,021 131,063 1,155,749 1,155,749
$ 95,018.239
$ 47,711,316
$2.755,727 780,437 780,437 23,171 23.171 9,070,455 23,420 9,047,035 3.479,045 27,682 3,451,363 1,294,475 1,294,475 49,158 49,158 1,725 1,725
$ 11,14 7,092 23,420
$ kl.123,672 S 3,551,374 27,682
$ 57,374,906
$57,374,906 5 2,267,796
$ 2,267,796
$ 47,738,998 2,267,796
$6,279,419 i
$ 7,101,991
$ 28,130,037
$1,007,535 5,788,161 5,788,161
50,143,593 50,143,593 48,473 48,473 20,424,170 13,466,807 6,957,363 3,489 3,489 756,791 756,791 575,967 575,967 33,600,187 6,269,321 27,330,866 813,539 813,539 6,799,420 6,711,981 87,439 1,998,731 1,981,405 17,326 7,853,750 7,846,600 7,150 2,645,586 2,570,093 75,488 29,138,829 29,138,234 595 6,581,638 6,581,638
!!,920,930 11,865,476 55,454 4,010,410 3,997,741 12,669 4,935,985 4,486.126 449,859 1,310,189 1,309,813 376
$ 201,4 35,8 34
$ 98,679,262
$4 7,12 5,594
$ 44,574,221
$ 1,746,370
$ 1,746,370 999,633 999,633 284,251
$ 284,251 10,832,305 10,832,305 3,646,342 3,646,342
$ 13,578,308
$ 13,578,108
$ 3.930,593
$ 3,9 30,59 3 I
E 49,)3z,486
$49,532,486 s 1,)/b, Ivy
$ 1,576,799
$ 44,574,221 1,576,799
$ -5,209.354
$ -269,993
$ -6,031,274
$ -269,993
-269,993 55,952
$ -5,345,792
$ 6,678,014
-465,757 190,859
$ 218,946
-377.976 914,995 914,995
-11,592 l
4 -5,655,953
$ - 7,7 5 5,460
$-3,397,258 5,4w6,7b5
$ -2,827,352
$ 206,354 h-!!,687,227
$ -7,816,567
$-9,367,425 5
$ -2,827,352 5
-457,110 5
$ 2,234,123
$ 4,378,022
-618,894 575,119 337,425 233,887 3,807 10
I i
STATEMENT OF CUORENT CEV2NUE For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedale 1 Current Current I
Unrestricted Auxiliary Restric61 WEST LAFA7ETTE Total Fu nd s Enterprises Funds 1.
Educat ional and General A.
S t udent Fees Tuition and Fees Assessed
$ 76,031,083.99
$ 64,925,641.26
$ 11,105,442.73 Less Activity Fees Transferred Building Facilities S -5,394,291.23
$ -5,394,291.23 Convocations and Lectures
-177,685.36 Intercollegiate Athletics
-241,267.63 Purdu# Memorial Union
-627,837.50 Recreat ional Gymnasium
-407,886.64 Recreation Facilities Addition
-670,388.02 St udent Hospital
-1,426,684.07 Total Activity Fees Transferred 6 -8,946,040.45
$ -8,946,040.45 General Service Fees
$ 67,085,043.54
$ b4,925,641.26
$ 2,159,402.28 Incidental Fees 629,932.79 629,873.44 59.35 Total Student Fees S 67,714,976.33
$ e5,555,514.70 2,159,461.63 9
Gover nme nt Appropriations Federal Government
$ 12,992,891.62 50,000.00
$ 12,942,891.62 State of Indiana 131,281,395.88 124,673,679.85 6,607,716.03 Total Covernment Appropriations
$ 124,72 3,6 79.85
$ 19,550,607.65 C.
Endowment I ncome Land Crant E ndowment s 18,694.38 18,694.38 Other Endouments 2,251,542.63 878,101.39 1,373,441.24 Total Endowment income 2,270,237.01 896,795.77 1,373,441.24 D.
Grants and Contract s Business Organisations
$ 9.412,246.42 4,162.93
$ 9,408,083.49 l
Federal Government 47,217,407.36 2,610.73 47,214,796.63 Foundations
$83,079.05 583,079.05 Public Service Organizations 77,165.66 230.00 76.935.66 Purdue Research Foundation 1,415,549.00 70,000.00 1,345,549.00 State of Indiana 2,730,101.96 2,730,101.96 Other Grants and Contracts 6,482,215.85 14,000.00 6,408,215.85 Recovery of Indirect Costs
-11,447,713.45 Total Grant s and Contract s 5 67,917,765.30
$ 11,538,717.11
$ 56,379,048.19 E.
Gifts Eusiness Organisations
$ 1,715,789.00 297,625.55
$ 1,418,163.45 Fou nd a t ions 2,783,446.24 562,557.00 2,220,889.24 Ind ividuals 757,108.47 277,513.02 479,595.45 Total Gifts S
5,256,343.71 1,137,695.57
$ 4.118,648.14 F.
Sales, Service and Rantals 1.
Sales Agricultural Products 304,785.57 296,147.84 8,637.73 Films, Audio Tapes and Reprints
!!6,041.90 81,095.80 34,946.10 Publications 659,783.07 486,887.38 172,895.69 Supplies 154,591.60 150,060,74 4,530.86 Other 425,241.75 380,751.60 44,490.15 Total Sales 1,6h0,443.89 1,394,943.36 265,500.53 l
STATEME*.T OF Q1RRENT REVErJE For tha Year Endad June 30, 1985 Schedule 1 Current Current Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted WEST LAFAYETTE (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Fu nd s 2.
Service Administrative Charges 313,103.02 313,103.02 Auditing, Accounting and Computing 74.193.62 73,393.62 800.00 Conference Fees 2,593.745.83 18,004.50 2,575,741.33 Noncredit Courses 690,291.73 690,291.73 Royalties and Consulting Fees 65,882.75 17,253.15 48,629.60 Testing Fees 2,788,626.48 185,876.73 2,602,749.7' other 1,671,825.80 571,785.79 1,100,040.01 Recovery of Indirect Costs 834,117.71
-834,117.71 Total Service 8,197,669.23 2,013,514.52 5
6.184,134.71 3.
Rent al s Room Rental 989.06 899.06 90.00 Other 21,389.25 21.389.25 Total Rentals 5
22,378.31 5
22,288.31 90.00 Total Sales, Service and Rentals S 9,880,491.43
$ 3,430,766.19
$ 6,449,725.24 C.
Organized Activities Related to Instruction and Research Achievement Center for Children 719.50 719.50 CDFS Nursery School 186,497.67 186,497.67 Central Machine Shop 1,194,325.72 1,194,325.72 Clinical Fathology 158,488.50 158,488.50 Computing Center 6,932,213.50 6,932,213.50 Flight Simulator 73,051.00 73,051.00 Home Managmeent Mouses 1,170.00 1,170.00 Large Animal Clinic 443,478.09 443,478.09 2
LARS Computing Center 277,166.95 277,166.95 Purdue Pharmacy 259,417.96 259,417.96 Research Farms 4,095,175.46 4,095,175.46 Small Animal Clinic 677,557.20 677,557.20 Teacher Education Service 2,372.83 2,372.83 University Theatre 56,727.90 56,727.90 Veterinary Clinics Pharmacy 415,349.86 415,349.86 Recovery of Indirect Costs 347,812.69
-347,812.69 Subtotal
$ 14,773,712.44 347,812.69
$ 14,425,899.45 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-9,569,656.19 Total Organized Activities Related to Instruction and Research 5 5,204,055.95 347,812.69
$ 4,856,243.26 H.
1mvestment income
$ 6,107,084.56 5 5,976,021.26 13I,063.30 Total Educational and General
$ 95,018,238.65 IT.
St ud ent Aid A.
Endowment and Trust Incase E ndowment Income 750,661.17 750,661.17 Trust income 29,775.64 29,775.64 Total Endowment and Trust Income 780,436.81 780,436.81 i
- -~
-. -.. _ - ~.. - _.
. _ _ ~ _ _. _..
4 STATEMENT OF CURRENT REVGNO2 For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule I Current Current t
Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted j
WEST 1.AFAYETTE (rontinued)
Tot a'.
Funds Enterprises Funds S.
Investment incase 1,725.00 1,725.00 C.
Grants and Contract s Susiness Organizatiens S
660,831.02 660,831.02 Federal coverrument 7.133,436.35 7.133,436.35 Foundations 200,448.32 200,448.32 Public Service organisations 977,780.08 977.780.08 Purdue Research Foundat ian 49,678.13 49,678.13 1
State of Indiana 19,852.88 19,852.88 other 28,428.27 28,428.27 Recovery of Indirect Costs 23,420.00
-23,420.00 I
Total Grant s and Contract s 9,070,455.05 23,420.00 9,047,035.05 i
i D.
Gifte Alumni 5
58,033.29 58,033.29
Bequeats 10,254.44 10,254.44 i
i Business Organisations 210,869.30 210,869.30 Foundations 721,939.05 721,939.05 Indiwiduals 174,982.93 174,982.93 Public Service Organizations 32,633.57 32,633.57 Purdue Research Foundation 30,029.91 30,029.91 Other 55,732.H5 55,732.85 j
Total Gifts 1,294,475.34 1,294,475.34 Total Student Aid
$ 11,147,092.20 23,420.00
$ 11,123,672.20 111. Auxiliary Enterprises A.
Housing and Food Service Cary Quadrangle
$ 4,081,801.29
$ 4,081,801.29 I
Earhart Hall 2,300,384.87 2,300,384.87 Food Stores Operation 3,527,028.84 3,527,028.84 Fowler Courts and Fowler House 1.586,857.93 1,586,857.93 Harrison Hall 2.377,670.15 2,377,670.15 Hawkins Craduate House 1,540,824.73 1,540,824.73 Married Student Courts 3,573.285.53 3,573,285.53 McCutcheon Hall 2,080,158.20 2,080,158.20 Meredith Hall 1,631,107.29 1.631,107.29 l
Owen Hall 2,446,945.19 2,446,945.19 i
Purdue &morial Union and Stewart Center 7,127.100.32 7,127.100.32 RH1 Food Cafeteria 495,034.43 495,034.43 Shreve Hall 2,367,110.41 2,367,110.41 Student Apartment Dormitories 798,657.15 798,657.35 i
Tarkington Hall 2,196,985.78 2,196,985.78 1
Terry Courts and Terry House 1,400,715.39 1,400,715.39 URTAS 96,743.59 96,743.59 i
Wiley Itall 2,123,874.37 2,123,874.37 Windsor Residence Halls 2,195,993.15 2,195,993.15 Toung Graduate House 1,312.073.17 1,312,073.17 Subtotal
$ 45,260,351.98
$ 45,260,351.98 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-4,947,720.47 i
Total Housing and Food Service
$ 40,312,631.51
$ 40,312,631.51 i
STATEMENT OF C72 RENT RE M E For the Year Ended June 30, 1585 Schedule 1 Current Current Unrest rict ed Auxiliary Restricted WEST LAF4YETTE (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Fu nd s B.
Other Auxiliary Enterprises Ag Communication Service 373,342.88 373,342.88 Biology Stores 65,828.33 65,828.33 i
convocations and Lectures 812,276.44 ft2,276.44 General Stores 604,578.09 604,578.09 Hall of Music Operation 466,157.59 466,157.59 lasurance services 1,695,995.95 1,695,995.95 Intercollegiate Athletics 8,113,353.72 8.113.353.72 Morris Fars 14,101.00 14,101.00 Parking Facilities 1,657,668.73 1,657,668.73 Publications 90,757.24 90.757.24 Purchased Copy Machines 508,174.67 508,174.67 Purdue University Airport 301,075.88 301.075.88 Recreational Cymnasium 728,611.18 728,611.18 Recreational Gymnasium Addition 789,329.22 789.329.22
,l Recreational Sport Merchandise 13,720.27 13,720.27 Refuse Disposal 185,626.18 185.626.18 l
Service and Salvage 196,282.03 196,282.03 Service Enterprises 4,435,643.89 4,435,643.89 Student Concert Consittee 257,808.75 257,808.75 Stadent Hospital 2,438,783.10 2,438,783.10 Wilson Calvert Farms 110.373.41 110,373.41 Other Enterprises 384,767.77 384,767.77 5 24,244,256.32
$ 24,244,256.32 Subtotal s
Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-7,183,982.12 Total Other Auxiliary Eeterprises S 17,062,274.20 S 17,062,274.20 Total Auxiliary Enterprises
$ 57,334,905.71
$ 57,374,905.71 Tot al WEST LAFAYETTE
Educational and General A.
Stedent Fees Tuition and Fees Assessed S
$ 6,754,344.33
$ 1,254,654.71 Less Activity Fees Transferred Building Facilities
$ -1,003,322.30
$ -1.003,322.30 Student Activities
-206,730.00 Total Activity Fees Transferred 5 -1,210,052.30
$ -1,210,052.30 Ceneral Service Fees 4 6,798,946 Ei
$ 6,754,344.33 5
44,602.41 Incident al Fees 42,662.70 42,662.70 Total Student Fees S
6,841,609.44 5 6,797,007.03 5
44,602.41 B.
Cove rnment Appropriations State of Indiana
$ 11,660,243.03
$ 11,660,243.03 4
For the Ystr Ended June 30, 1985 i
Schedule 1 Current Current REGION 4L CAMPUSES (Continued)
Unrest ricted Auxiliary Restricted l
CALUMET (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Fund s C.
Grants and Contracts Federal Government 706.062.95 180.00 705,882.95 Foundat ions 771.63 771.63 Public 3.evice organizations 30,099.29 29,231.04 868.25 Purdue Rese. ch Foundation 4,692.21 4,692.21 State of Indiana 148,163.06 148,163.06 other Grants and contracts 27,274.26 13.073.63 14,200.63 Recovery of Indirect Costs 49,516.70
-49,516.70 Total Grants and Contracts 5
917.063.40 S
92,001.37 5
825,062.03 D.
Gifts Business Organizations S
8,588.78 6,055.00 2,533.78 Foundations 12.261.62 3,530.00 8,731.62 Individuals 20,224.40 4,415.00 15,809.4u Total Gifts S
41,074.80 5
14,000.00 5
27,074.80 E.
Sales Service and Rentals 1.
Sales Films, Audio Tapes and Reprints 853.25 853.25 Publications 32,445.58 32,445.58 Supplies 4.769.75 4,769.75 Other 16,294.59 16,294.59 Total Sales S
54,361.17 5
54,363.17 2.
Service Administrative Charges 9,254.98 9.254.98 Conference Fees 2.855.23 2,574.00 281.23 Noncredit Courses 327,430.09 327,430.09 Testing Fees 2,124.50 2.124.50 ot her 3,989.22 3,914.22 75.00 Recovery of Indirect Costs 34,087.00
-34,087.00 1
Total Service 145,654.02 5
51,954.70 293,699.32 3.
Rent als Rouse, Land and Building Space 56,300.32 56,390.32 Other 48,956.06 48,956.06 Total Rentals 105,256.38 105,256.38 Total Sales, Service and Rentals 505,273.57 211,574.25 293,699.32 F.
Investment income 492,696.27 492,696.27 Total Education.1 and General
$ 20,457,960.51
$ 19,267,521.95 I,190,438.56 11.
Student Aid A.
Endoument income 5,875.03 S
5,875.03 B.
Grants and Contracts Business Organizations 463.01 463.01 Federal Government 1,164,196.74 1,1b4,196.74 State of Indiana 3,624.51 3,624.51 Recovery of Indirect Costs 10,955.10
-10,955.10 Total Grants and Contracts 1,868,2se.20 10.955.40 l.157,329.16 L
STATEMENT OF (URRENT REYENUE For the Year Endad June 30, 1985 Schedule 1 Current Current RECIONAL CAMPU5ES (Continued)
Unres t rict ed Auxilia ry Restricted CALUMET (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Fu nd s C.
Gifts Alumni 2,335.87 2,335.87 Business Organizations 5,481.!!
Foundations 4,222.51 4,222.51 Ind ividuals 3,316.20 3,316.20 Public Service Organisations 100.00 100.00 Purdue Research Tsundation 876.25 876.25 Other 2,000.62 2,000.62 Total Cifts 5
18,332.56 5
18,332.56 Total Student Aid 1,192,491.85 10,955.10
$ 1,181,536.75
!!!. Auxiliary Enterprises Athletics 194,323.54 194,323.54 Billiard Room 63,736.40 63,736.40 Counseling Center 750.00 750.00 Day care Center 49,935.70 49,935.70 Duplicating Center 172,650.83 172,650.83 Food Service
-968.19 General Service Operation 10,357.60 10,357.60 Parking Facilities 285,158.99 285,158.99 Photographic Services 9,312.91 9,312.91 St udent Ac tivit ies 151,511.94 151,511.9%
Transportation Service 22,359.10 22,359.10 Subtotal 959.128.61 959,i28.82 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-122,560.78 Total Auxiliary Enterprises S
836,568.04 S
836,568.04 Total CALUMET
$ 22,487,020.40
$ 19,278,477.05 5
$ 2,371,975.31 FORT WAYNE I.
Educational and General A.
S t udent Fee s Tuition and Fees Assessed S 8,915,190.54 5 6,772,986.49
$ 2,142,204.05 Less Activity Fees Transferred Building Facilities
$ -1,625,870.00
$ -1,625,870.00 St ude nt Activities
-364,980.00 Total Activity Fees Transferred
$ -1,990,M50.00
$ -1,990.850.00 Ceneral Service Fees b,924,140.54
$ 6,772,986.49 151,354.05 Incidental Fees 20,487.00 20,487.00 Total Student Fees 5
6,944,827.54 5
6,793,473.49 5
Government Appropriations State of Indiana
$ 15,096,896.14
$ 15,096,896.14 C.
E ndowme nt Income 1,248.37 1,248.37 0.
Grants and Cont ract s Business Organisations 100,524.35 20,532.00 79,992.35 Federal Government 1,061.03 1,061.03 Foundations 10.373.38 10,373.38 Public Service Organizations 2,104.90 2,104.90
STATEMENT OF CURR.E:l"T EEVENOE For the Yese Ended June 30, 1985 Sche 441e !
Current Current REG 10K41. CAMPUSES (Contiewed)
If arest ricted Auxiliary testricted FoMT ulATME (Continued)
Total Fund s Enterprises Fu nd s State of latiana 162,188.52 162,188.52 Ot her Croat s and Cont ract s 363,371.61 45,972.80 317,398.81 Recovery of InJirect Costs 12,046.82
-12,046.82 Total Grants and Contract s 5
639,623.79 78,551.62 561,072.17 E.
Gifts Business Organizations 28,760.59 1,000.00 27,760.59 Foundations 57,557.91 5,065.00 52.492.91 Individuals 10.019.25 590.00 9.429.25 j
Total Gifts 96,337.75 6,65 boo 89,682.75 l
Sales, Service and Rentals 1.
Sales Files, 4wlio Tapes and Reprints 1,848.95 1,888.95 Publications 729.78 424.00 301.78 Supplies 6,844.77 6,844.77 other 135,904.44 72,006.56 63,897.28 Total Sales 145,367.94 81,168.28 64,199.66 2.
Service 4dministrative Charges 21,626.14 21,626.14 Auditing, Accounting and Computing 1,213.54 1,213.54 Moncredit Courses 416.092.13 416,092.13 Testing Fees 1,677.00 1,677.00 i
i Other 22,385.15 21,913.52 471.63 J
Recovery of Indirect Costs 12,261.50
-12.261.50 i
Total Service 462,993.96 58,691.70 404,102.26 i
j 3.
Rentals Bause, t.and and Building Space 88,188.59 88,188.59 l
Room Rental 2,100.00 2,100.00 i
Other 146.30 146.30 l
Total Rentals 5
90,434.89 5
90,288.59 5
146.30 I
Total Sales, Service and Rentals 698,796.79 230,148.57 468,648.22 C.
Investment lacase 444,800.37 444,800.37 Total Educational and General
$ 23,922,530.75
$ 22,651,773.56
$ 1,270,757.19 I
I 11.
Student Aid A.
Endowment income 16,844.22 I6,844.22 j
Grants and Contracts Federal Goverraient
$ 1,504.513.44
$ 1,504,513.44 Foundations
!,350.40 1,350.40 Public Service Organizations 168,079.72 168,079.72 State of Indiana 1,289.42 1,289.42 Recovery of Indirect Costs 13,191.80
-13,191.80 Total Grants and Contreets 5
1,675,232.98 5
13,191.80 5
1,662,041.18 l
m l
STATEMENT OF GRRE:llT REYE.. I For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 1 Current Current REGIONAL CAMPUSES (Continued)
Unrest rict ed Auxiliary Restricted FORT WAYNE (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Fu nd s C.
Gifts Business organisations 3,081.93 3,081.93 Faundat ions 2,526.24 2,526.24 Individual s 18,604.24 18,604.24 Public Service Organisations 1,742.14 1,742.14 Other 2,819.88 2,819.88 Total Gifts 28,774.43 28,774.43 Total Student Aid
$ I,720,851.63 13,191.80
$ I,707,659.83 111. Auxiliary Enterprises Athletics 228,703.87 228,703.87 Farking Facilities 249,070.37 249,070.37 Service Enterprises 311,740.34 311,740.34 Student Activities 216,698.80 216,698.80 Student Union 480,021.42 480,021.42 Other Auxiliary Enterprises 40,743.61 40,743.61 Subtotal
$ 1,526.978.41 1,526,978.41 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-231,222.28 Total Auxiliary Enterprises 1,295,756.13 1,295,756.13 i
$ 26,939,138.51
$ 22,664,965.36 1,295,756.13
$ 2,978,417.02 NORTH CENTRAL 3
Educational arid General A.
Student Fees Tuition and Fees Assessed S 2,000,612.40 I,661,799.09 338,813.31 Less Activity Fees Transferred Building Facilities
-182,608.50 Student Activities
-31,935.00 Total Activity Fees Transferred
-214,543.50 General Service Fees 5
$ 1,661,799.09 124,269.81 Incidental Fees 9,564.26 9,564.26 Total Student Fees 1,795,033.16 5
1,671,363.35 124,269.81 i
I S.
Gove rmeent Appropriations i
State of Indiana 3,672,960.00 3,672,960.00 C.
Grants and contracts I
Federal Government 65,247.07 65,247.07 State of Indiana 73,292.63 17,500.00 55,792.63 Recovery of Indirect Cost s 4.444.77
-4,444.77 Total Grants and Contracts 138,539.70 21,944.77 116,594.93 D.
Sales, Service and Rentals 1.
Sales Publications 13,239.25 13,239.25 Oth er 85,215.03 85,215.03 Total Sales S
98,454.28 98,454.28 i
1 l
-. ~-
1 I
STQTEMENT OF C&CRENT RZV2NUE For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule !
Current Current REC 10NAL CAMPUSES (Continued)
Unrest rict ed Auxiliary Restricted NOETH CENTLAL (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Fund s f
Service Administrative Charges 12,934.90 12,934.90 Auditing, Accounting and Computing 310.00 310.00 Moncredit Courses 59,595.49 59,595.49 Royalties and Consultir.g Fees 16,563.83 16,563.83 t
Testing Fees 2,490.00 2,490.00 Other 1,540.44 1,519.74 20.70 Recovery of Indirect Cost 5,950.00
-5,950.00 Total Service 93,414.66 39,768.47 5
53,666.19 4
Rent al s i
Kou se, Land and building Space 1,976.70 1,97o.70 Room Rent s' 67,301.00 67,301.00 l
Total.ntals 69,277.70 69,277.70 Total Sales, Service and Rentals S
261,s66.64 S
207,500.45 53,666.19 I
I nve stment income S
218,252.43 218,252.43 Total Educational and General
$ 6,086,551.93
$ 5,792,021.00 294,530.93 11.
Student Aid A.
E ndoumen t faceae 452.05 452.05
4 S.
Grants and Contracts Business organizations 5
2,379.10 2,379.10 Federal Government 453,922.97 453,922.97 Foundations 10,763.83 10,763.83 Public Service Organizations 44,758.73 44,758.73 State of Indiana 123,373.41 123,373.41 Other 330.!!
330.11 Recovery of Indirect Costs S
-3,535.00 Total Grants and Contracts S
635,528.15 5
3,53).00 5
631,993.15 i
Gifts l
Business Organizations 100.00 100.00 Individuals 1,921.51 1,921.51 Other 29.00 29.00 Total Gifts S
2,050.51 5
2,050.51 l
Total Student Aid 638,010.71 3,535.00 634,495.71 f
ETATEMENT OF CURRENT REVENUE For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 1 Current Current REGIONAL C4MPUSES (Continued)
Unres t ricted Auxiliary Restricted NORTH CENTRAL (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Fu nd s 111. Auxiliary Enterprises Food service 16,444.95 16,444.95 Parking Facilities 65,122.20 65.122.20 Recreation Services 6,628.66 6,628,66 Ser. ice Enterprises 57,523.74 57,523.74 Stedent Activities 24,401.90 24,401.90 Subtotal 5
&70,121,45 5
170,121.45 Less Introuaiversity Recharges
-34,649.43 Total Auxiliary Enterprises 5
135,472.02 5
135,472.02 Total NORTH CENTRAL
$ 6,860,054.66
$ 5,795,556.00 135,472.02 929,026.64 Total REC 10NAL CANFUSES
$,,56,286,213. 5 7
$ 47.738.998.41
$ 2,267,796.19
$ 6.279,418.97 Total ALL CAMPUSES S433.433,453.27
$ 59,642,701.90
$112,421,329.82 E$
STATEMENT OF CUDCLECT EXPCKDITUCES For the Year Ended June 30,19Q5 Schedule 2 Current Current By Object Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Sataries Supplies WEST LAFAYETTE Total Fu nd s Enterprises Fu nd s and Wages and Expenses Capital I.
EJucational and General A.
Inst ruct ion and Departmental Research 1.
S(hool of Agriculture Admisistration 656,742.67 $
555,854.72 100,857.95 $
492,178.01 $
130,502.21 $
34,062.45 Communication Services 83,170.97 71,575.72 11,595.25 65,110.80 10,060.17 8,000.00 Economics 960,232.68 866,055.65 94,177.03 918,496.78 10,580.54 31,155.36 Engineering 693,646.01 676,004.38 17,641.63 598,968.97 90,375.04 4,302.00 Agronomy 1,052,444.46 981,378.15 71,066.31 946,336.36 59,718.80 46,389.30 Animal Sciences 626,355.70 623,877.22 2,479.48 584,906.61 37,693.34 3,755.75 Biochemistry 646,254.79 580,170.12 66,084.67 468,948.93 168,114.38 9,191.48 Botany and Plant P a t hology
}40,594.04 314,841.25 5,752.79 323,616.85 15,844.00 1,133.19 Entomology 433,409.83 326,476.18 106,933.65 428,661.09 4,334.74 414.00 Forestry and Natural Resources 803,296.26 666,977.43 136,318.83 667,351.25 118,093.23 17,851.78 Food Sciences 155,549.89 154,365.74 1,184.15 143,331.59 11.286.30 932.00 Horticulture 694,669.14 674,709.25 19,959.89 626,955.17 34,546.29 33,167.68 Veterinary Medicine VME 29,790.07 29,790.07 29.790.07 Laboratory Animal Care 110.091.33 110,091.33 42,896.22 67,195.11 Foods and Nutrition 6,224.90 5,182.79 1,042.11 3.163.68 t,924.32 1,136.90 Res t aurant, Rotel and Institutional Management 134.47 134.47 134.47 Subtotal 7,292,607.21
$ 6,627,589.93 665,017.28 $ 6.310,922.31 790,193.01 $
191,491.89 Less intrauniversity Recharges
-26,940.14 II Total 6,930,*et.84 5
6.205,464.56 u65,017.2d 6,239,340.18 5
526,589.91 5
164,551.75 2.
School of Veterinary M dicine Administration 678,440.40 $
627,071.70 51,368.70 $
503,934.22 $
148,729.69 $
25,776.49 Anatomy 636,292.64 404,580.62 231,712.02 581,632.11 42,956.53 11,704.00 Microbiology, Pathology and Public Health 1,049,509.07 958,083.47 91,425.60 956,377.87 73,401.88 19,729.32 Veterinary Technology 115,596.02 108,468.46 7,127.56 80,801.51 25,302.85 9,491.66 Medical Illustration 358,868.29 263.091.6L 95,776.68 243,378.44 60,381.34 55,108.51 Physiology and Pharmacology 586,256.80 508,898.42 77,358.38 540,837.18 37,292.62 8,127.00 smatt Animal Clinic 1,159,904.02 1,154,630.70 5,273.32 1,05t.s31.85 77,643.47 22,828.70 Large Animal Clinic 977,776.10 977,776.10 901,011.06 72,488.00 4,277.04 Subtotal 5,562.643.3*
5,002,601.08 560,042.26 $ 4.667,404.24 $
538,196.38 $
157,042.72 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-59,998.94 Total 5,4s1.n11.36 4,921,769.10 560,042.26 $ 4,846,571.20 $
478,197.44 $
157,042.72 3.
School of Consm er and Family Sciences Administration 422,305.61 $
422,305.61 378,083.42 $
44,086.19 $
136.00 Consumer Sciences and Retailing 960,955.81 956,542.41 4.413.40 910,762.22 49,834.30 339.29 Foods and Murrition 635,917.26 635.315.93 601.33 573,549.84 39,993.13 22,374.29 Restaurant, Hotel and lastitutional Management 732,661.76 731,6o1.76 1,000.00 699,206.81 27.706.01 5,748,94 i
Child Development and Family Studies 955,468.21 939,281.94 16,186.27 900,919.40 44,460.81 10,088.00
Subtotal 3,707,308.65 $
3,645,107.65 22,201.00 $
3,462,521.69 206.100.44 $
38,686.52 Less intrauniversity Recharges
-5.29 i
Tot al 3,707,202.80 3,685,001.60 22,201.00 $
3,462,421.13 206,095.15 $
38,686.52 4
Schools of Engineering A$minist rat ion
$ 1,783.320.20 S 1,573,311.62 210,008.58 $ 1,322,467.48 $
377,302.05 $
83,550.67 Aeronautics and Astronauties 1,950,927.99 1,941,890.64 9,037.35 1,328,962.37 550,941.79 71,023.83
STA7EMENT OF CU2REZT EXPEZDITU2ES For the Yece Endad June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Cur rent 8, Object l'are st ric t ed Auxiliary Restricted Salaries S uplies WEST l.AFAYETTE (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital Chemical 2,279,043.09 1,890.418.42 388,624.67 1.978,924.47 262,882.99 37.235.63 Civil 4,172,404.18 4,037,600,69 134,803.49 3,666,447.77 428,340.64 77.615.77 Electrical 7,255,760.16 6,959,996.45 295,763.71 5,903,792.04 1,064,450.75 287,517.37 Freshmas 1.011.974.05 868,074.76 143,899.29 712,286.51 266,969.86 32,717.68 Industrial 2,422,914.29 2,313,577.06 109,337.23 2,124,729.10 216,319.27 81,835.92 Mechanical 5,084,038.98 4,876,876.40 207,162.58 3,944,319.17 956,042.34 183,677.47 Materials 953,727. %
916,460.89 37,267.05 786,917.39 112,024.01 54,786.54 Uclear 845,428.75 828,034.98 17,393.77 689,313.27 124,125.18 31,990.30 Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies 106,532.96 106,532.96 84,461.97 17,532.28 4,538.71 lastitute - Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies 609.745.71 535,669.51 74,076.20 457,943.97 125,435.43 26,366.31 Construction, Engineering and Management 253,489.27 253,0t7.27 472.00 208,907.33 37,886.93 6,695.01 Labaratory of Renewable Resources 63,487.85 62,502.46 985.39 41,385.41 21,489.94 612.50 Subtotal
$ 28,792,795.42 5 27.163,964.!!
$ 23,250,8e8.25 $ 4,561,743.46 980.163.71 Less Intrauniversity Becharges
-1,725.59 Total
$ 28,157,424.98 S 26,52s,593.67 1,628,811.31
$ 22,a14,910.84 $ 4,364,076.02 978,438.12 5.
School of Management S 7,092,359.92 $ 6,873,075.96 219,283.96 $ 6,713,519.66 $
264,471.90 $
!!4,368.36 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-35,191.18 Total 7,031,6a5.4a 6,812,401.52 219,283.96 $
6,686,036.40 229,280.72 $
114,368.36 6.
Schools of Pharmacy, hrsing u"
and Health Sciences AJainistration 601,414.95 5 595.444.79 3
5,670.16 $
465,653.75 $
110,120.28 $
25,340.92 Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy 1.215,009.91 1,213,924.45 1,085.46 1,103,751.09 102.783.67 8,475.15 Pharmacology and Toxicology 565,417.80 551,072.06 14.345.74 513,981.00 36,479.75 14,957.05 Pharmacy Practice 1,124,531.93 1,140,972.81
-16,440.88 1,072,163.60 49,094.83 3,273.50 Indastrial and Physical Pharmacy 595,929.76 594,218.07 1,711.69 566,189.33 22,507.43 7,233.00 h rsing 1,205,932.97 1,203,689.59 2,243.38 1,154,219.90 51,088.60 624.47 Health Sciences 432,817.70 422,230.79 10,586.91 375,464.83 53,708.12 3,644.75 Subtotal 5,740,755.02
$ 5.724,552.56 19,202.46 $ 5,251,423.50 $
425.782.68 $
63,548.84 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
~49,0 74.5 5
-26,625.59 Total 5,e 91.0 8d.4 7 $
5,672,478.01 l9,202.46 $
5,228,974.54 399,157.09 $
63,548.84 7.
School of Missanities, Social Sciences and Education Administration S
684,342.85 $
659.119.00 25,223.85 $
573,5tt.73 $
89.680.52 $
21,150.60 Creative Arts 2,132,761.86 2.130,375.73 2,386.13 1,982,416.18
!!7,645.18 32,700.50 Audiolagy and Spe*ch Sciences 1,514,217.19 1,509,088.49 5,128.70 1,248,748.65 150,040.81 115,427.73 Education 3,601,988.99 3,478,351.67 123,637.32 3,315,832.08 211,698.37 74,458.54 English 3,602,911.98 3,598,121.15 4,790.83 3,480,049.82 109,211.56 13,650.60 Cenerat Studies 49,808.48 49,808.48 48,206.64 1,601.84 History 1,423,450.20 1,423,450.20 1,378,443.97 40,081.87 4,924.36 Foreign Languades and Literature 2,430,567.36 2,332,223.11 98,344.25 2,342,780.82 74,139.89 13,646.65 Philosophy 802,881.61 802,086.59 795.02 768,644.23 31,603.42 2,633.96 Physical Education, Mealth and Recreation Studies 1,704,591.75 L 683,366.69 21,225.06 1,491,618.99 160,888.94 52,083.82
STATEMENT OF CURRE::T EXPETDITURES For the Yeer Endad June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By Object U mrest rict ed Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST 1AFATETTE (Conticued)
Total Funds Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital Political Science 1,172,607.96 1,172,396.62 211.34 1,085,973.08
%,787.43 19,847.45 Psychological Sciences 3,405,102.04 3,402,352.60 2,749.44 3,177.262.12 147,002.30 80,837.62 Sociology and Anthropology 1,815,528.81 1,815,528.81 1,698,801.12 102,585.59 14,142.10 Comununication 1,804,379.89 1,804,379.89 1,716,042.46 61,454.80 26,882.63 Africana Studies and Research 93,157.37 91.657.37 1,500.00 84,544.78 8,612.59 American Stofiew
!!2,628.81 112,628.81 109,430.92 3,197.89 Counseling and Student Services 652,629.37
% 3,308.51 9,320.86 584,899.25 54,679.76
!3,050.36 Subtotal
$ 27,uG3,556.52 $ 20,7us,243.72 295,312.30 $ 25,087,206.84 $
1,430,912.76 $
485.430.92 Less tetrauaiversity techarges
- %,761.94
-l,540.08 Total 5 26,936,794.5s
$ 26,644,481.78 295,312.80 $ 25,053.665.96 $
I,399,238.78 483,896.84 8.
School of S-ience Administration S
753,370.31 5 750,860.60 2,509.71 638,772.52 $
103,452.62 $
11,145.17 i
l Biological Sciences 7,098,611.38 6.8 %,441.33 232,170.05 4,879,0e2.81 2,078,592.13 140,956.44 Chemistry 7,264,221.30 7,230,326. %
27,894.64 6,244,529.03 837,314.44 182,377.83 wathematics 5.447, % ).11 5.428,987.97 18,580.14 5,256,599.12 168,448.37 22,515.62 Physics 5,369,933.64 5,356,654.39 13,279.25 4,772,33%.17 420,117.84 177,480.63 Geosc ience 1,8 %,110.73 1,752,023.41 112,287.32 1.475,318.57 311,940.%
77,051.72 Computer Science 3,962,971.71 3,926,518.32 36,453.39 2,410.541.40 1,191,6 %.29 360,774.02 Statistics 1,330,290.67 1,304,883.22 25,407. 5 1,208,602.75 109,lt3.47 12.574.45 Computer renter 180.00 380.00 380.00 Subt ot al
$ 33,091,652.85 $ 32,623,070.90 408,581.95 $ 26,886. L41.3 7 $
5,220,635.60 $
984,675.88 Less Intrauniversity Becharges
-1,208.43 Total
$ 32,720,7 76.68
$ 12,2 58,1%. 7 3 5
468,581.95 5 26,592,755.85 5
5,150,353.38 5
983,667.45 9.
School of Technology Administration S
458,357.55 $
385,240.53 73,117.02 $
353,574.36 $
78,154.97 $
26,628.22 Aviation 1,519,% 5.90 1,212,750. %
- 306,895.24 1,148,974.35 351,991.63 14,679.92 Building Construction and contracts 848,183.67 788,378.54 59,805.13 740,140.50 72,443.17 35,600.00 Electrical Engineering 1,406,948.01 1,0 %,117.97 350,830.04 1,056,041.96 101,960.78 248,945.27 Industrial Education 499,520.87 497,927.03 593.84 456,405.02 38,785.70 3,330.15 t
Mechanical Engineering 980,513.57 948,357.86 32,155.71 889,3 %.03 56,949.22 34,200.32 Technical Graphics 578,238.31 572,535.20 5,703.11 524,760.59 50,766.72 2,711.00 supervision 466,381.32 4 %,009.11 10,372.21 446,176.44 18,491.78 1,713.10 Computer 731,403.86 721,552.80 9,851.06 522,813.12 199,314.78 9,275.96 Subtotal 7,4s8,193.00 6,03s,869.70 849,32 3.30 $ 6.138,250.37 8 908,858.75 $
381,083.94 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-207.58 Total 5
7,484,957.74 5 6,o36, 5
548,690.86 5
6,137,205.65 5
966,875.73 5
380,876.36 10.
Military Science Aerospace Studies 26,577.92 $
26,577.92 21,112.35 $
5,039.42 $
426.15 Military Property Custodian 292,907.79 292,907.79 56,550.45 236,831.34
-474.00 Military Science 24,334.93 24,334.93 16,956.94 7,377.99 Naval Science 24,738.04 24,738.04 16,158.69 8,579.3)
University Banda 295,321.26 295,321.26 257,359.15 32,649.21 5,312.90 Military Review 1,791.13 1,791.13 1,791.13 Subtotal 665,071.07 665,6 H.01 5
368,137.58 $
292,268.44 $
5,265.05 Less intrauaiversity Recharges
-13,629.49 Total S
652,050.58 5 652,050.58 5
3e8,137.58 5 27s,647.95 $
5.265.05 1
._ -. - _..-_ -~~ -. _ _. -
STATEMENT OF CIRRENT EXPE:"DITURES Por the Year Ended June 30, 1985 i
l Schedule 2 Current Current By object U nres t ric t ed Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST 1AFAYETTE (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital
- 11. Gradoate School Administration 511,552.95 5 512,734.64 5
-1,181.69 $
427,160.31 $
80,767.14 6 3,625.30 siokasards Laboratory 25.070.23 25.070.23 9,532.07 15.538.16 Public Policy and Public Administration 280,131.12 241,977.00 38,154.12 244,579.26 34,326.86 1,225.00 Biochemistry 4,549.99 501.10 4,048.89 6,487.67
-1,937.68 Tot al a21,3ue.29 $
780,2a2.97 41,021.32 $
6s7,759.31 5
128,694.68 $
4,850.30 12.
Conferences and Continuing Services 1
Southern Estension District 5
159,132.84 159.132.84 $
85,705.68 $
73,427.16 Continuing Engineering Education 6,723.58 6,723.58 6,723.58 Administration - CEA 19,932.05 5 2,985.14 16,946.91 19,932.05 i
special Classes 974,679.62 1,175.23 973,504.39 289,058.82 685,620.80
Conferea e operations 378.19 378.39 378.39 ladependent Study operations 50,945.88 50,945.88 2,437.77 42,478.16 $
6,029.95 Ecomwie EJacation Project Operations
-923.I8 Subtotal 5
1,210,809.18 $
4,160.37 1,200,708.a1 377,580.66 $
827,258.57 $
6,029.95 Less latrauniversity techarges
-3,146.54 Total 5
1,le9,se9.=9 5
519.47 1,189,350.22 5
377,266.01 5
809,720.07 $
- 13. Other Educational Activities International Programs 364,652.97 $
!!,979.59 $
331,602.60 $
31,921.37 $
1,129.00 Medical Education 55,266.94 55,266.94 13,355.74 41,787.20 124.00 Cancer Research Center 62,589.00 29,715.19 32,873.81 23,706.20 38,882.80 l
Teacher Education and I
Certification 201.576.72 201,576.72 169,234.32 28,476.40 3,866.00 Cooperative Education 16,453.91 14.461.40 1,992.51 13.238.55 3,215.36 Vocational Education 278,996.55 228,072.43 50,924.12 231,853.26 40,583.92 6,559.37 Subtotal 5
979,530.09 $
826,499.12 153,036.97 $
782.990.67 $
184,867.05 $
11,678.37 Less latrauniversity Recharges
-10,400.32 Total
% 9,820.90 296,783.93 153,036.97 $
703,675.80 $
174,466.73 $
11,678.37 14.
State-Wide Technology Administration 119,161.73 119,161.73 $
106,078.69 $
12,916.72 $
166.32 Electrical Engineering Technology 468,629.2?
468,629.23 85,548.91 212,482.26 170,598.06 Computer Technology 251,108.08 251,108.08 95,986.64 102,955.35 52,166.09 Mechanical Engineering Technology 152,519.91 152,519.91 48,904.52 46,427.25 57,188.14 Total 991,418.95 991,418.95 $
336,518.76 5 374,781.58 $
280,118.61 i
f Total Instruction and i
Departmental Research
$128,753,280.14 $128,651,288.80
$ 7,101,991.34 $109,597,239.21 $ 15,486,168.23 $ 3,669,872.70 8.
Organized Activities l
Related to lastruction and q
Research Yeterinary Clinic Pharmacy 410,134.00 410,134.00 $
14,962.58 $
394.471.42 $
700.00 c
clinical Pathology 162.751.83 162.751.83 73,098.02 73,857.70 15,796.11
)l Small Animal Citnic 705,115.91 705,115.91 131,677.85 540,958.89 32,479.17 Large Animal Clinic 487,820.69 487,820.49 117,977.55 323,726.27 46,116.87 l
CDFS aursery School 220,532.71 220,532.71 164,704.70 53,308.53 2,519.48 Family Research Institete 1,063.16 1,063.16 1,063.16 1ARS Camputing Facility 248,737.74 248,737.74 85,814.63 148,381.87 14,541.24 central Machine Shop 1,220,224.45 1,220,224.45 883,243.94 259,521.27 77,459.24
.__m m_.
STATEMENT OF CUIREMT EXMNDITURES For the Year Ended June 30, 1585 Setedale 2 Corrent Current 8y Object t!nrest rict ed Ausiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies j
WEST LAFATETTt! (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital University Theatre 103,932.23 103.932.23 26,688.60 77,243.63 Achievement Center for Children 1,193.66 1,193.66 1,193.66 1
Competing Center 7,127,782.17 7,127,782.17 2,224,959.66 1,886,205.60 3.016,616.91 Flight Simuistar 73,013.01 73,013.01 34,153.69 35,049.84 3,809.48 Purdue Pharmacy 260,337.86 260,337.86 101,083.38 159,324.48 Subtotal 5 11,022,e39.42
$ 11.022,639.42 $ 3,85a,294.60 $ 3,954,306.32 $ 3,210.038.50 1.eas letraoniversity Recharges
-2,809.772.26 Total 2,515,w n.57 2,535,4,8.57 955,243.01 1,150,439.32 400,266.24 2.
Research Farms i
Veterinary Research Farm 190,694.95 190,694.95 $
12.571.67 $
175,474.28 $
2,649.00 Large Animal Clinics 2.326.23 2,326.23 629.12 1,697.11 Agronomy Faru 48,493.74
'48,493.74 4,221.57 11,335.11 32,937.06 Animal Sciences Research Farms 2,529,593. %
2,529,593.96 310,050.99 2,124,390.09 95,152.88 Throckmorton-Purdue Agricultural Center 150,962.01 150,962.01 14,713.20 114,696,14 21,552.67 Ferestry Research Woodlands 73,818.38 73,818.38 31,294.08 41,540.89 983.41 Davis-Furdue Agricultural Center 146,766.56 146,766.56 37,045.54 109.721.02 Borticultural Research Farms 95,487.02 95,487.02 28,909.82 66,577.20
Lynnwod-Purdue A2ricultural Center 240,963.55 240,963.55 58,681.86 182.281.69 Miller-Purdue Agricultural Center 130,080.99 130,080.99 41,867.51 65.493.69 22,719.79 d
Feldun-Perdue Agricultural Center 128,322.84 128,322.84 34,387.02 88,835.t2 5,100.00
.4 Southwest 2egional Research Farn 70,805.le 70,805.16 17,717.13 52,102.01 986.02 Finney-Purdue Agricultural Center 178,466.04 178,466.08 49,674.87 127,991.21 800.00 Soetheast-Purdue Agricultural Center 126,952.66 126,952.66 13,552.22 90,792.42 22,608.02 SO4thern Indiana-Purdee j
Adricultural Center 221,443.42 221,443.42 25,047.87 187,256.11 9,139.44 I.
$ 4,135,177,55 6 4,335,177.55 $
680,364.47 $
3,440,184.79 214,628.29 1.ess Intraeniversity Recharges
-1,082, % 5.34
-1,082,306.44 Total 5
3,252,212.21 5
3,252,212.21 679,705.57 5
2,357,878.35 214,628.29 Total Organized Activities S 5,788,160.78
$ 5,788,160,78 $
I,664,948.58 $ 3,508,317.67 $
614,894.53 C.
Sponsored Research l
Agricultural Experiment Station Adma nist r at ion 281,920.52 281,920.52 $
50,618.64 $
221,701.88 $
9,600.00 Conreanication Serrice 65,283.62 65,283.62 48,903.60 3,880.02 12,500.00 Economics 607,894.76 607,898.76 506,528.62 75,745.78 25,624.36 Engiacering 548,547.82 548,547.82 497,344.18 43,898.37 7,305.27 Statistics 7,562.00 7,562.00 7,562.00 Agra mmy 1,438,170.25 1,438,170.25 1,*c8,160.09 182,969.21 47,040.95 Animal Sciences 359,636.38 359,636.38 245,202.17 96,699.11 17,735.10 Biochemistry 1,881,242.75 1,881,242.75 1,106,279.00 486,709.85 288,253.90 8sochemistry control 6,075.21 6,075.21 3,250.75 2,824.46 Botany and Plant Pat hology 1,572,248.71 1,572,248.71 1,040,829.21 265,147.20 266,272.30 Entasology 1,062,082.04 1,062,082.04 681,738.63 331.120.05 49,223.36 Forestry and Natural Resources 500,332.43 500,332.43 292,381.93
' *%C39.74 8,910.76 Food Scier.ces 549,7 %.65 549,794.65 432,313.71 85,165.51 32,315.4?
Horticulture 552,860.72 552,860.72 2H8,474.62 176,806.62 87,579.48 Veterinary Anatomy 226,603.73 226.603.73 135,639.37 69,069.19 21,895.17 i
veterinary Microbiology 211,134.73 211,134.73 117,954.23 82,505.50 10,675.00 veterinary Medicine ADDL 80,937.37 80,937.37 79,524.38 1,412.99 Veterinary Physiology 282,575.61 282,575.61 118,608.54 77,217.57 86,749.50 1
STATEMENT OF CURRE T EXPENDITUEES For the Year Ended Juns 30, 1985 Schedste 2 Current Current By object Unrest ricted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST LAF4TITTE (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Funds and wages and Expenses Capital Small Animal Clinics 245,688.95 245,688.95 137,721.48 98,542.22 9,425.25
Large Animal Clinics 7,901.16 7,901.16 2,188.82 5,712.34 Consumer Sciences and Retailing 37,774.08 37,774.08 33,054.62 2,793.22 1,926.24 Foods and Nutrition 294,145.37 294,145.37 232,259.38 44,513.35 17,372.64 Rest aurant, Rotel and Institut ional %nagement 35,908.43 35,908.43 20,655.41 15,253.02 4
Child Development and Family Studies 76,181.82 76,181.82 56,699.68 16,882.14 2,600.00 a
I laternational Education and Research 402,131.65 402,131.65 33,750.25 366,478.70 1,902.70 Total
$ 11,334,a38.76 5 11,334,638.76 5
7,370,081.31 5
2,959,650.04 5 1,004,907.41 2.
School of Veterinary Medicine Physiology armt Pisarsacology 311.20 311.20 311.20
Small Antaal Clinic 170.92 170.92 170.92
Total 482.12 5
482.12 482.12 3.
Engineering Experiment Station
,i 4dministration 958,307.51 958,307.51 5 522,121.83 $
433,176.36 $
3,009.32 4eronautics and Astronautics 1,219,046.26 1,219,046.26 975,284.72 165,267.35 78,494.19 l
Chesical 975,290.39 975,290.39 802,087.71 123,093.57 50,109.!!
Civil 2,490,615.75 2,490,615.75 1,928.308.60 393,210.42 169,097.33 Elect scal 4,240,125.85 4,240,125.85 2,747,975.03 384,674.85 1,107,475.97 y
Preshsaan 65,254.37 65,254.37 52,017.29 13,237.08 Industrial 769,275.83 769,275.83 659.132.77 95,068.07 15,074.99 i
%chanical 3,403,048.48 3,403,048.48 2,460,261.51 629,455.51 313,331.46 Materials 1,503,811.61 1,503,811.61 790,521.32 466,664.45 246,625.84 Nuclear 644,276.59 644,276.59 520,524.27
!!!,339.49 12,412.83 Institute - Interdisciplinary j
Engineering Studies 1,327,483.18 1,327,483.18 660,911.86 435,758.49 230,812.83 Construction Engineering and u nagement 20,155.34 20,155.34 16,282.89 3,717.45 155.00
Laboratory of Renewable Resource 553,724.04 553,724.04 357,290.06 135,085.89 61,348.09 Total
$ 18,170,415.20
$ 18,170,415.20 $ 12,492,719.26 $
$ 2,287,946.96 4.
School of maagement 746,713.17 746,713.17 $
501,069.93 $
240,281.08 $
5,362.16 j
Schools of Pharmacy, Nursing and Health Sciences Administration 6,716.95 6,716.95 $
5,721.48 $
- tedicinal Chemistry a =1 Pharma ognosy 1,326,301.32 1,326,301.32 836,779.51 382,462.20 $
107,059.61 Pharmacology and Toxicology 289,140.42 289,140.42 150,364.98 108,590.18 30,185.26 Pharmacy Pract ice 81.464.96 81,464.96 42,270.56 28,528.94 10,665.46 Industrial and Physical Pharmacy 257,362.25 257,362.25 192,486.69 44,638.81 20,236.75
'Sur s ing 4,123.02 4,123.02 4,123.02 ilealth Sciences 28,412.3R 28,412.38 21,481.15 6,931.23 Total 1,993,521.30 1,993,521.30 $. 253,227.39 $
572,146.83 $
168,147.08 s
For the Tear Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By object Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST 1AFAYETTE (Contim,ed)
Total Funds Enterprises Funds and Wares and Expenses Capital 6.
School of Essanit ies. Social i
Sciences and Education Creative Arts S
1,530.24 1,530.24 $
1,530.24 Audiology and Speech Sciences 204,692.25 204,692.25 141,575.37 $
41,462.53 $
21,654.35 Education 85,421.66 85,421.66 61,516.63 22,608.71 1,296.32 English 92,194.20 92,194.20 88,146.47 2,715,61 1,332.12 Ristory 97,615.99 97.615.99 74,127.63 23.488.36 Foreign Language and Literature 18,164.68 18,164.68 16,798.37 1,315.31 51.00 Philosophy 42,942.46 42,942.46 40,343.76 1,288.82 1,309.88 Physical Education Health and Recreation Studies 4,452.59 4,452.59 5,996.20
-1,543.61 i
Political Scienae 31.510.76 31,510.76 27,492.30 4.018.46 Psychological Sciences 631,447.81 631,447.81 453,362.74 126,335.64 51,749.43 r
Sociology and Anthropology 76,922.6S 76,922.68 59,830.01 16,385.78 706.89 q
Camsunication 42,874.15 42,874.15 40,364.40 2,308.34 201.41 American Studies 12,676.31 12,676.31 12,290.10 319.21 67.00 Total 5
1,142,445.78 5
1,342,445.78 $
1,023,374.27 A
240,703.16 $
78,368.40 7
School of Science 4dministration 111.314.09 111,314.09 $
86,057.03 $
21,949.96 $
3,307.10 Biological Sciences 4,773,961.24 4.773,961.24 3,173,941 50 1,159,269.61 440,7
'.0 3 chemistry 4,584,380.54 4,584,380.54 2.6*6,810.82 1,033,726.01 853,843.71 Mathe'satics 435,978.09 435,978.09 339,579.2.
75,383.19 1,015.67 1
Physics 3,029,810.88 19,810.88 I,706,354.Lo 777 77.91 546,048.09 Ceoscience 975,l'6.98 975,176.98 720,677.15 20
.06 46,700.7' I
Computer Science 759,164.74 759,164.74 406,605.40 n,214.00 267,345.
Statistics 192,056.39 192,056.39 147,192.14 3 323.49 7,540.
10,803.1 Cossputing Center 1,430,283.85 1,430,283.85
'g e 480.69' Q 177.354.t Total 5 16,292.126.85 S 16,292,126.80 5 9.297,248.25 I4,t.
i 8.
School of Technology Building Construction & Contract $
5,328.19 5,328.18 $
5.328.13 Industrial Technology 1,602.75 1,602.75
- 1. J2.75 Total S
6,930.93 6,930.93 6,930.93 9.
Craduate School Administration 13,711.19 13,711.19 $
13.593.19 118.00 Siohazard Laboratory 21.386.25 21,'*6.25 21,386.25 Public Policy and Public Administration 57,535.87 57,535.87
,390.33 Total 5
92,033.31 4
92.6:3.31 5
+,124 48 I a,505.g
- 10. Other Research cent er for Instructional Services 1 34,239.89 34,239.89 $
21,360.16 $
12,879.73 Placement Service 11,975.95 11,975.95 4,571.34 $
7,404.61 Cancer Research center 105,057.34 105,057.34 83,872.51 21,184.83 Libraries 8.343.30 8,343.30 8,343.30 Econorsic Education 4,269.39 4,269.39 4,269.39 Subtotal 16 3.8 $ 5. 67 163,885.87 $
113,575.97 $
42,905.29 $
7,404.61 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-124.00 1
Total S
163,685.87 163,685.87 $
113,575.97 $
42,829.29 $
7,280.61 i
i Total Sponsored Research
$ 50,143,593.24
$ 50,143,593.24 $ 32,147,351.74 $ 12,266,874.25 $ 5,729,367.25
STATEMENT OF CURRENT EXPEND 13TRES For the Yaar Endid June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By Object U nrest ric t ed Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST LAF4YETTE (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Fu nd s and Wages and Expenses Capital D.
Other Separately Budgeted Research I.
Agricultural Experiment Station Administration 910.393.51 $
845,628.76 64,764.75 $
662,195.80 $
216.166.12 $
32,031.59 communication Service 349,553.26 288,596.71 60,956.55 188,778.11 113,727.70 47,047.45 Economic s 1,537,947.48 846,675.51 691,271.97 1,206,577.46 267,024.74 64,345.28 Endineerirg 915,102.04 437,906.93 477,195.11 750,790.84 149,253.64 15,057.56 Statistics 689.01 689.01 689.01 Ag ro nomy 2,426,135.22 1,637,858.60 784,276.62 2,010,800.44 344,719.86 70,614.92 Animal Sciences 2,580,890.59 1,739,757.95 841,132.64 2.139,148.61 410,074.72 31,667.26 Simchemistry I,166,408.21 775,305.55 391,102.66 955,054.39 163,218.27 48,135.55 Biochemistry Control 109.760.64 109,760.64 98,424.09 11,336.55 Batany s** "lant Pathology 1,818,147.11 894,235.31 923,911.80 1,490,304.38 284,069.73 43,773.00 Field Exte3* ion Agents 1,733.52 1,733.52 1,733.52 Entomology 1,166,820.45 676,421.64 490,398.81 1,047,513.55 90,167.08 29,139.82 Forestry and Natural Resources 973,256.67 715,938.77 257,317.90 862,763.02 78,238.97 32,254.68 Fred Sciences 583,678.33 142,107.44 441,570.89 428,280.59 104,705.44 50,692.31 Horticulture 1,425,337.48 788,811.30 636,526.18 1,110,518.50 252,979.03 61,839.95 Veterinary Anatomy 69,494.69 3,940.99 65,553.70 34,777.96 26,986.55 7,730.18 Veterinary Microbiology 623,595.16 322,323.53 301,271.63 514,649.83 92,671.46 16,273.87 Laboratory Animal Care 71,397.24 71,397.24 69,470.09 329.15 1,598.00 Veterinary Medicine ADDL 85,423.75 85,423.75 16,734.56 15,264.61 53,424.58 Veterinary Physiology 113,888.33 31,920.05 81,968.28 69,519.77 41,374.41 2,994.15 Veterinary Medicine Research Farm 47,281.48 47,281.48 43,136.67 4,144.81 m*
Large Animal Clinics 71,044.48 22.602.26 48,442.22 54,148.17 15,682.42 1,213.89 Consumer Sciences and Retailing 207,222.19 82,906.02 124,316.17 147,303.09 21,050.65 38,868.45 Foods and Nutrition 399,865.83 255,681.43 144,184.40 288,625.44 74,471.17 36,769.22 Restaurant, Motel and Institutional Management 3,555.57 3,555.57 3,555.57 Child Development and Family S t ud ies 193,057.95 136,274.44 56,783.51 162,606.97 18,982.43 11.468.55 Agronomy Fars 130,852.82 130,852.82 130,216.27 636.55 Animal Sciences Research Farms 465,229.04 465,229.04 454,799.97 10,429.07 Throc kmorton-Purdue Adricultural Center 65,467.00 65,467.00 42,216.89 250.11 23,000.00 Daeis-Purdue Agricultural Center 85,075.92 85,075.92 84,783.95 291.97 Horticultural Research Farms 140,058.03 140,058.03 137,124.02 2,934.01 Lynnwood-Purdue Agricultural Center 108,901.34 108,901.34 108,429.47 471.87 Miller-Purdue Agricultural Center 16,202.80 16,202.80 16,202.80 Feldun-Purdue Agricultural Center 99,345.44 99,345.44 81,023.48 1,292.96 17.029.00 Southwest Regional Research Fare 53,488.00 30,180.84 23.307.16 53,250.08 237.92 Pinney-Purdue Agricultural Center 80,692.79 80,692.79 80,363.33 329.46 Southeast-Purdue Agricultural Center 61,639.28 43,594.34 18,044.94 57,430.62 720.42 3,488.24 Southern Indiana-Purdue Agricultural Center 126,095.20 126,095.20 125,488.18 607.02 Subtotal
$ 19,284,727.85 $ 12,356,429.96 5
6,928,297.59 5 15,628,582.86 5
2,904,350.94 5
/>l.194.05 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-35,887.19 Total S 19,176,629.66 S 12,248,331.77 5
6,928,297.89 5 15,605,883.93 5 2,854,838.87 5
STATEMENT OF CURRENT EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended Jane 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By Object Unre st ricted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST LAF4YET7E (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital 2.
Engineering Experiment Station Aeronautics and Astronautics 13,924.73 $
13,924.73 13,924.73 Chemical 14.395.46 14.395.46 14.395.46 Civil 85,875.01 56,810.10 29,064.91 27,002.78 58,872.23 Electrical 413,006.55 413,006.55 413,006.55 Freshman 206.39 206.39 206.39 Industrial 7,444.31 7,444.31 7,444.31 Mechanical 4,826.54 4,826.54 4,826.54 Materials 24,829.77 24,829.77 24,829.77 Nuclear 21,469.07 21,469.07 21,469.07 Institute - Interdisciplinary Engineering studies 4,312.22 4,312.22 4,312.22 Lab.aratory of Renewable Resources 18,2*3.91 18.283.91 18,283.91 Total 608,573.96 $
579,509.05 29,064.91 27,uo2.78 I""
581,571.16 3.
School of Management S
4.563.89 $
4,563.89 4,563.89 4.
Schools of Phansacy, Nursing and Health Sciences Medicinal Chemistry and Pha rmacognosy 15,443.89 $
15,443.89 15,443.89 3
Pharmacology and Toxicology 5,292.58 5,292.58 5,292.58 Industrial and Physical Pharmacy 68.71 68.71 68.71 Total S
20,805.iE >
20,ECs.18 5
20,805.18 5.
School of Humanities Social Sciences and Education Audiology and Speech Sciences 1,260.47 $
1,260.47 1,260.47 Education 11,172.85 11.172.85 11,172.85 History 21,734.03 21,734.03 21,734.03 Foreign Languages and Literature 20,813.45 20,813.45 20,813.45 Physical Education, Health and R* creation Studies 6,709.27 6,709.27 6,709.27 Political Sciences 79.46 79.46 79.46 Psychological Sciences 27,432.72 27,432.72 27,432.72 Sociology and Anthropology 1,228.14 1,228.14 1,228.14 Total 5
90,430.39 S 90,430.39 90,430.39 6.
School of Science Aaministration 24,503.79 $
24,503.79 24,503.79 Biological Sciences 75,429.66 75,429.66 75,429.66 Chemistry 114,247.59 114,247.59 114,247.59 Mathematics 4,420.58 4,420.58 A,420.58 Physic s 48,000.23 48,000.23 48,000.23 Geoscience 74.457.54 74,457.54 74,457.54 Computer Science 7,879.52 7,879.52 7,879.52 Statistics 3,144.24 3.144.24 3,I44.24 Total T~
352, S 352,083.15 S
352,083.15 7.
Graduate School 612.77 $
612.77 612.77
STATEMENT OF CURRENT EXPENDITURES For the Test Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By Object Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST LAPAYETTE (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Fu nd s and Wages and Expenses Capital 8.
Other Separately Budgeted Research Cancer Research Center 2,679.48 $
2,678.48 2,678.48 International Education and Research 60,788.07 60,788.07 60,788.07 Mechanical Systems Operations 107,004.31 107.004.31 107,004.31 Total S
170,470.8e $
170,470.nb 170,470.80 Total Other Separately Budgeted Research
$ 20,424,169.86 $ 13,466,807.06
$ 6,957,362.80 $ 15,632,886.71
$ 4,075,376.29 $
715,906.86 E.
Other Sponsored Programs 1.
School of Agriculture Administration 12,529.00 12,529.00 12,529.00 Biochemis t ry 74,150.71 74,150.71 $
-85.00 74,235.71 Ent omology 11,750.89 11,750.89
-3,474.35 15,225.24 Forestry and Natural Resources 19,897.61 19,897.61 19,608.16 289.45 Veterinary Microbiology 624.08 624.08 536.00 88.08 Total
!!8,952.29 5
118,952.29 5 16,584,81 5
102,367.48 2.
Schools of Engineering 45,543.85 45,543.35 $
-2,817.46 48,361.31 3.
Schools of Pharmacy, Nursing w
and Health Sciences Medicinal Chemistry and P ha rmac ognos y 13,732.18 18,732.18 $
80.65 $
18,651.53 Pharmacology and Toxicology 77,968.21 77,968.21 6,004.77 71,963.44 Health Sciences 28,333.35 28,333.35 5,988.72 22,344.63 Total S
125,033.74 S
125,031.74 5 12.074.14 S 112,959.60 4.
School of Humanities, Soc ial Sciences and Education S
97,446.52 97,446.52 $
28,287.33 $
69,159.19 5.
School of Science Biological Sciences 172,205.92 172,205.92 $
10,858.08 $
159,339.69 $
2,008.15 Chemistry 7,714.37 7,714.37 7.714.37 Total S
179,920.29 179,920.29 $
10,858.08 $
167,054.00 $
2,00M.15 6.
Continuing Education S
72,260.64 72,260.64 $
24,615.95 $
47,644.69 7.
Miscellaneous Sponsored Progress S
117,633.24 117,633.24 $
105,762.87 $
9,689.70 $
2,I80.67 Tetal Other Sponsored Programs 756,790.57 756,790.57 $
195,365.72 $
$57,236.03 $
4.188.82 F.
Extension and Public Service 1.
Continuing Education
- a. Administration Director's Office 382,345.85 $
246,890.91 135,454.92 $
237,049.78 $
93,906.06 $
51,389.99 Business Office 169,076.16 169,076.16 163,401.52 5,674.64 I nde pendent St ud y 38,987.4C 38,987.40 38,929.31 58.09 Total S
590,409.39 454,954.47 5
135,454.92 S 439,380.61 5
99,638.79 5 51,389.99
STATEMENT OF CURRENT EXPENDITURES For the Year Endad Juns 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By Object Unrest ric t ed Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST IAFATETTE (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital l
- b. Conferences and Continuing Services Southern Extension District 44,443.00 $
38,135.97 6.307.03 $
34,735.26 $
9,707.74 Special Class Administration 53,982.91 53,982.91 53.982.91 Institute for Leadership Education 563.929.52 194,539.85 369,389.67 168,147.85 395,781.67 Conference Operations 2,929,012.71 296,581.98 2,632,430.73 638,109.76 2,288.271.07 $
2.631.88 i
Independent Study Operations 473,164.60 59,582.28 413,582.32 84,818.19 387,601.41 745.00 Calendar Office 46,615.04 46,615.04 36,821.32 9,793.72 3
Insurance Marketing Institute 120,215.72 25,201.50 95,014.22 25,431.03 94.784.69 Economic Education 179,285.46 179,285.46 75,516.35 103,090.!!
679.00 Restaurant, Hotel and institutional Management 274,468.88 107.111.71 167,357.17 105,721.03 168,747.85 i
i Retail Institute 18,737.72 13.484.44 5,253.28 10,237.46 8,500.26 Subtotal
$ 4,703,855.56 835,235.68 3.868,619.88 $ 1,233,521.16 $
3,466,278.52 $
4,055.88 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-133,331.38 l
Total 6 4,561,837.87 5
835,235.68 3,726,602.19 $
1,224,834.85 $
3,332,947.14 $
- c. Special Classes Continuing Engineering Education $
120,885.68 $
69,637.57 $
5,127.90 $
!!5,757.78 Special Classes 102,314.53 60,416.48 41,898.05 A4,261.08 18,053.45 Total 5
223,200.21. $
111,664.59 5
111.535.62 $
89.38d.98 $
133,811.23 Total Continuing Education g
Administration S 5,375,447.47 $
1,401,854.74 S 3.973,592.73 $ 1,753,604.44 $ 3,566,397.16 $
55,445.87 j
Cooperative Extension Services Administration S 5.097,343.92 $ 1,202,516.36 3 3,894,827.56 $ 2.582.440.22 $ 2,403,819.16 $
111.084.54 Agricultural Communication Service 1,615,803.98 1,101,259.72 514.544.26 1,034,580.74 533,627.72 47,595.52 Economics 1,386,446.36 445,167.62 941,278.74 1,172,888.42 177,959.06 35,598.88 Engineering 504,799.53 199,530.27 305,269.31 428,449.81 71,866.15 4,483.62 Agronomy 857,572.73 276.425.56 581.147.17 735,220.00 108,643.36 13,709.37 Animal Sciences 767,259.37 247,476.08 519,783.29 682,826.71 78,439.41 5,993.25 Biochemistry Control 152,908.19 152,90R.19 166,632.71
Botany and Plant Fathology 438,367.lA 124,566.43 313,800.75 377,338.52 51,391.81 9,636.85
Field Extension Agents 8,020,090.44 242,497.62 7,777,592.82 7,309,635.84 660,715.47 49,739.13 j
Entomology 815,502.76 207.104.67 608,398.09 610,389.60 178,805.02 26,308.14 i
Forestry and Natural Resources 483,973.65 135,423.34 348,550.31 416,213.17 45,292.84 22,467.64 l
Food Sciences 138,528.14 69,268.21 69,259.95 121,417.56 11.059.24 6,051.36 i
4-H Clubs 962,321.95 439,467.41 522,854.55 759,319.97 187,273.20 15,728.79 Horticulture 487,388.29 180,313.58 307,074.70 405,412.40 80,833.13 1,142.75 l
Veterinary Microbiology 27,378.97 13,217.83 14,161.14 27.378.97 Veterinary Medicine ADDL 1,749,400.64 1,749,400.64 1,315,960.50 355,315.27 78,124.87 Small Animal Clinics 894.02 894.02 894.02 Large Animal Clinics 61,744.23 22,425.44 39,318.79 61,600.01 144.22 Consumer Sciences and Retailing 265,033.82 63,274.49 201,759.33 214,224.99 32,844.75 17,964.08 Foods and Nutrition 161,058.66 51,073.28 109,985.38 125.055.39 35,136.72 866.55 Restaurant, Hotel and Inrtitutional Management 59.548.08 31,670.67 27.877.41 54,421.50 5,126.58 Child Development and Family I,435.02 Studies 94,262.83 43,010.37 51.252.46 85,823.67 7,004.14 _
447,930.36 Subtotal
$ 24,147,627.81 $ 5,095,688.95
$ 19,051,938.86 $ 18,688,124.72 $ 5.011,572.73 $
Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-2.516.11 Total 5 23,864,177.78 5
4,867,465.77 5 15.996.712.01 5 1b,661,064.77 5
4,757,695.76 5
i I
STATEMENT OF GRRENT EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By object Unrest r ic ted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST LAFAYETTE (Cont inued)
Total Funds Enterprises Fund s and Wages and Expenses Capital 3.
Regulatory Services Administration 133,982.75 133,982.75 $
38,296.35 $
21,490.40 $
74,196.00 Statistics 46,135.31 46.135.31 39,199.86 6,935.45 Agronomy 74,165.84 74,165.84 6,931.71 59,688.56 7,545.57 Animal Sciences 576,549.93 576,549.93 384,443.91 182,651.75 9,454.27 Biochemistry 68,951.79 68,951.79 67.104.79 1,847.00 Biochemistry Control 1,937,148.47 1,937,148.47 1,373,440.61 475,659.96 88,047.90 Botany and Plant Pathology 12,604.34 12,604.34 144.36 12.459.98 Entomology 14,251.56 14,251.56 3,250.30 4,427.!!
Horticulture 39,521.84 39,521.88 34,779.23 4,742.65 Veterinary Microbiology 4.426.38 4.426.38 1,588.27 2,838.11 4
j Total S
2.907.738.25 2.907,738.25 1.882,074.60 837.998.76 $
187.664.89 4.
Other Public Services Center For Instructional Services $
55,042.69 55,042.69 $
13,925.35 $
37,359.34 $
3,758.00 Dean of Students 2,411.84 2,411.84 55.35 2,356.49 i
Vice President for Student Services 45,294.02 45,294.02 22,050.00 15.211.76 8.032.26 Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management 3,415.84 3,415.84 1,822.84 1.593.00 Child Developnent and Femity Studies 2,145.00 2,145.00 2,145.00 Engineering Administration 321,546.19 321,546.19 182,155.23 120,525.07 18,865.89 Aeronautics and Astronautics 37,885.46 37,885.46 32,987.29 4,898.17 w"
Chemical Engineering 32,477.53 32,477.53 30,454.68 2,022.85 Civil Engineering 39,834.64 39,834.64 40,925.02
-3,390.38 2,300.00 Electrical Engineering 257,695.73 257,695.73 2,247.01 47,959.91 207,488.81 Industrial Engineering 1,468.42 1,468.42 1,468.42 Mechanical Engineering 8,523.62 8,523.62 5,885.78 2,637.84 Materials Engineering 3,959.24 3,959.24 820.69 3,138.55 Institute - Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies 16.392.77 16,392.77 16,392.77 Division of Construction Engineering and Management 9,571.98 9,571.98 8,215.56 1,356.42 Management Administration 93,752.65 93,752.65 93,431.03
-1,219.41 1,541.03 Pharmacy Nursing and Health Sciences Administration 26,604.11 26,604.11 7,328.06 14,122.35 5,153.70 Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy 114,512.56 114,512.56 89,140.47 22,384.09 2,988.00 Pharmacy Practice 428.11 428.11 428.11 English 3,078.58 3,078.58 3.078.58 History 8,469.05 8,469.05 7,361.71 t,107.34 Foreign Languages and Literature 1,891.00 1,891.00 769.63 1,121.37 Sociology and Anthropology 720.81 720.81 720.81 Biological Sciences 2,271.15 2,271.15 1,173.26 1,097.89 Chemistry 167,563.22 167,563.22 25,097.18 127,143.91 15,322.13 Mathematics 92,151.86 92,151.86 87,369.44 4,782.42 Physics 11,633.33 11,633.33 11,633.33 Geoscience 23,825.95 23,825.95 24,785.24
-959.29 Computer Science 46,930.11 46,930.11 36,275.91 10,654.20 Building Construction and Contract 2,164.95 2,164.95 2,164.95 Industrial *echnology 58,331.10 58,331.10 58,331.10 Public Policy and Public Administration 9,066.35 9,066.35 8,774.93 291.52
For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By Object Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST LAFAYETTE (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital Teacher Education Services 9,247.78 9,247.78 1,085.54 6,270.55 1,891.69 International Education and Research 8,055.38 8,055.38 7,000.00 1.055.38 Libraries 26,742.28 26,742.28 26,245.59 225.69 271.00 Convocations and Lectures 14,722.12 14,722.12 7,553.12 7.169.00 Airport Operations
-107,004.31 Total S
1,452,s23.11 S
L,452,823.11 M53,893.01 326,586.04 $
272,344.06 Total Extension and Public Service
$ 33,600,186.61 S 6,269,320.51
$ 27,330,866.10 $ 23,150,636.82 $ 9,488,680.72 $
960,869.07 C.
$ 6,856,991.71 $ 6,769,553.00 87,438.71 $ 3,936,428.44 $
636,179.50 $ 2,284,383.77 l
Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-12.45 Total S 6,799,420.15 5
6,711,981.44 5
87,438.71 5
3,934,630.16 5
580,418.67 S 2,284,371.32 l
Student Services
Admissions S
734,072.59 $
734,072.59 572,651.57 $
161,421.02 I
Business Office - Student Finance 465,641.52 465,641.52 397,327.99 68,154.33 $
159.20 Campus Transportation 117,304.00 117,304.00 117,304.00 Office of Writing Review 85,216.78 85,216.78 83,969.60 1,247.18 Committee on Visual Art s 2,165.04 2,165.04 2,165.04 Conunenceinent 80,373.62 80,373.62 105.60 80,268.02 Recreational Sports Int renural 476,386.79 476,386.79 368,528.07 101,643.04 6,215.68 g
Center for Instructional Services 1,361,691.56 1,360,238.46 I,453.10 1,124,723.92 196,574.65 40,392.99 Musical Organizations 183,931.65 183,931.65 155,734.53 10,702.12 17,495.00 Placement Service 383,024.30 383,024.30 348,982.01 31,438.04 2,604.25 Registrar 1,136,243.68 1,136,743.68 949,193.42 176,196.74 10,853.52 Dean of Students 970,618.36 964,921.41 5,696.95 888.798.93 74,410.66 7,408.77 l
St ud e nt ID's 28,930.98 28,930.98 15,004.04 13,926.94 i
Psychological Services Center 248,836.81 248,836.81 232,531.86 12,801.25 3,503.70 office of International Student Service 153,997.37 153,997.37 135.706.34 47,496.03 795.00 Financial Aid 924,278.33 924,278.33 784,396.19 139,354.98 527.16 Vice President for Student Services 351,888.49 351,888.49 184.176.80 45,514.79 122,196.90 Black Cultural Center 227,210.41 227,210.41 159,596.36 63,959.36 3,654.69 Subtotal
$ 7,931,812.28 $
7,924,662.23 7.150.05 $ 6,401,427.23 $
1,314.578.19 $
215,806.86 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-I,859.41 Total I 7,853,749.62 S
7,846,599.57 6
7,150.05 $ 6,356,353.44 $
1,283,448.73 213,947.45 1.
Physical Plant Operations and Maintenance Administration
$ 1,058,348.63 $ 1,057,753.18 595.45 $
988,258.26 70,090.37 Building Repairs and Minor Alterations 88,243.63 88,243.63 86,925.07 1,318.56 Coal and Freight 3,803,444.80 3,803,444.80 3,803,444.80 Consteuction Inspectors 74,164.89 74,164.89 70,725.07 3,439.82 Incidental Repairs to Buildings 789,912.41 789,912.41 789,912.41 Fire Department 784,004.24 784,004.24 735,810.27 43,501.47 4,692.50 Grounds 1,109,972.38 1,109,972.38 755,249.75 303,931.24 50,791.39 Heating and Power 2,480,973.43 2,480,973.43 1,496,413.86 926,605.16 57,954.41 Mechanical Systemo Operations 1,126,094.14 1,126,094.14 1,003,029.56 91,363.79 31,700.79 Insurance 172,963.12 172,963.12 172,963.12
STATEMENT OF CURSENT EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By Obje t U nrest ric ted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST LAFAYETTE (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Funds and Wages
__and Expenses Capital Building Services 4,172,050.90 4,172,050.90 3.627,926.26 479,621.78 64,502.86 Radiological and Chemical Control 440,458.71 440,458.71 264,741.06 121,078.79 54,638.86 Personnel and Training 105,913.85 105,913.85 102,236.77 3,402.08 275.00 Painting 182,180.68 182,180.68 182,180.68 Planning and Engineering 732,952.52 732,952.52 698,372.18 30,498.48 4,081.86 Safety and Security 264,169.40 264,169.40 252,553.46 10,612.30 1,003.64 Rental of Property 162.750.75 162,750.75 162,750.75 Special Repairs and Alteration Projects 801,269.61 801,269.61 372,822.80 428,446.81 Maintenance Department 2,721,878.56 2,721,878.96 2,293,115.04 350,498.78 78.265.14 l
Telephone operators
-92,283.35 249,243.65
-342,017.00 490.00 Utilities Distribution 335,797.67 335.797.87 185.712.99 139,055.74 11,029.14
-l Utilities Purchased 4,968,771.83 4,968,771.83 4,968,771.83 Major Repairs and Alteration I
Projects 467,336.49 467,336.49 448,900.88 18,435.61 OSHA 142,938.66 142,938.66 140,129.95 2,808.71 Fire and Safety Equipnent 177,124.95 177,124.95 165,164.49 11,960.46 Police Department 1,424,835.17 1,424,835.17 1,226,272.62 171,563.47 26,999.08 Facilities Planning 662,136.L4 662.136.44 593,509.63 60,336.81 8,290.00 Subtotal
$ 29,158,405.11 $ 29,157,809.66 595.45 $ 14,708,334.92 $ 13,534,255.46 $
915,814.73 Less intrauniversity Recharges
-195.76 Total S 29,138,829.11 S 29,138,233.66 595.45 $ 14,691,108.04 $ 13,532.102.10 $
915,618.97 J.
General Administration y
Board of Trustees 56,371.66 $
56,371.66 38,328.46 $
18,043.20 President 396,944.62 396,944.62 348,358.28 38,228.10 $
10,358.24 Executive Vice President and Treasurer 339,913.19 339,913.19 164,335.69 174,365.25 1,212.25 Vice President for Business Services and Assistant Treasurer 144,766.98 144,760.91 6.07 133,502.73 10,173.93 1,990.32 Director of Investments 184,283.75 139,262.79 45,020.96 132,927.38 44,826.07 6,530.30 Director of Academic Business Administrators 100,428.77 100,428.77 96,881.24 3,547.53 Bursar 704,927.59 704,927.59 592,851.24 90,269.49 21,806.86 Administrative Data Processing Center 4,112,271.74 4,112,271.74 2,506,831.80 1,391,756.64 213,683.30 Accounting Services 921,418.64 921,418.64 844,103.55 56,800.72 20,514.37 Of fice of Contract and Grant Business Affairs 937,071.47 926,644.60 10,426.87 842,453.14 66,532.27 28,096.06 Staff Renefits, Payroll and Insurance 498,784.27 498,784.27 496,810.84
-13,498.49 15,471.92 Internal Auditor 240,938.30 240,938.30 224,619.69 11.019.56 5,299.05 Af firmative Act ion Of fice 161,783.29 161,783.29 131,469.18 30,314.11 Purchasing 818,523.70 818,523.70 760,819.86 50,060.90 7,642.94 Freehafer Hall 289,533.32 289,533.32 143,334.92 129,393.84 16,804.56 Comptroller 1,354,512.05 1,354,512.05 128,955.53 1,220,805.52 4,751.00 Executive Vice President and Provost 293.963.89 293.963.89 226,689.34 62,496.00 4.778.55 Fiscal Planning 86,923.32 86,923.32 80,972.06 5,951.26 Budget 368,653.57 368,653.57 331,593.64 32,400.02 4,659.91 Subtotal
$ 12,012,014.12 $ !!,956,560.22 55,453.90 $ 8,225,838.57 $
3,423,485.92 362,689.63 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-6,375.85 Total 5 11,920,930.4'6 5 !!,865,47e.50 55,453.90 S 8,174,831.68 5
3.389,784.94 $
I STC4TEMENT OF CURRENT EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 a. -e Current Current By Object U nrest ric t ed Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST LAFA!ETTE (Cont inued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital K.
General Institutional Services Alumni telations S
127,450.00 $
127,450.00 127,450.00 Mat erists Manage==ne aistributien 308,996.29 308,996.29 270,155.17 30,132.92 $
8,708.20 Personnel Services 1.048,757.26 1,045,475.46 3,281.80 914,626.79 126,805.95 7,324.52 President's Institutional Services 78,426.34 78,426.34 500.00 77,926.34 Schedules and space 543,832.60 543,832.60 433,308.29 102,490.68 8.033.63 of fice of Publications 792,609.06 746,798.88 45,810.18 484,841.58 289,018.04 18,749.44 Of fice of Public Infonnat ion 537,683.89 505,194.23 32,489.66 410,488.31 68,024.58 59,171.00 Radiological Control Operation
-8,033.19 2,109.92
-2,076.14 Cent ral Machine Shop Operations 52,191.06 52,bh.06 47,061.18 5,129.88 Academic Services Administration 330,825.31 330,801.89 23.42 264,597.07 53,988.28 12.239.96 Alumni and Development Information Service 342,118.90 335,684.72 6,434.16 280,271.43 59,188.22 2,659.25 Vice President for Development 216,793.52 211,093.36 5,700.16 187,146.12 24,226.76 5,420.64 University Development Office 575,662.78 219,542.95 356,119.83 415,101.87 157,199.31 3.361.60 Subtotal
$ 4,94 7,34 7.t,0
$ 4,497,486.37 449,859.23 $
3,700,064.62 S
1,123,690.88 6 123,592.10 tess Intraoniversity Recharges
-454.48 Total
$ 4,935,965.60 S 4,486,126.37 S
449,859.23 S 3,690,406.92 5
1,122,441.06 S
123,137.62 Total Educational and General $300,115,096.08 $201,435,833.91 S 98,679,262.17 $219,235,759.02 $ 65,290,848.69 S15,588,488.37 11.
Student Aid A.
Free Grant Fellowship 1.
School of Agriculture Economice 15,617.30 15,617.30 $
578.88 $
13,060.00 $
1,978.42 Engineering 17,171.02 17,I71.02 9,230.17 7,940.85 Agronomy 25,761.61 25,761.61 25,761.6I Biochemistry 44,556.30 44,556.00 44,556.00 Botany and Plant Pathology
$1,973.43 51,973.43 256.61 48,968.49 2,748.33 Entomology 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Forestry and Natural Resources 10,808.00 10,808.00 10,808.00 Horticulture 28,365.88 28,365.88 2,178.60 26,187.28 j
Veterinary Microbiology 3,550.88 3,550.88 1,930.25 700.63 920.00 Veterinary Physiology 6,500.04 6,500.04 6,500.04 Total S
205,304.16 205,304.16 $
14,174.51 S
185,482.90 $
5,646.75 2.
School of Veterinary Medicine Microbioingy, Pathology and Public Health 36,R45.29 36,845.29 36,845.29 Small Animal Clinics 174.74 174.74 174.74 Total 37,020.01 37,020.03 37,020.03 3.
Schools of Engineering Aeronaut ics and Astronautics 17,466.00 17,466.00 17,466.00 Chemical 133,546,19 133,546.19 133,546.19 Civil 55,080,08 55,080.08 55,080.08 Electrical 155,076 oo 155,076.99 155,076.99 Industrial 35,064.07 35,064.07 34,976.25 $
87.82 Mechanical 255,510.18 255,510.18 $
81.00 253,259.97 2,169.21 Materials 20,480.97 20,480.97 20,480.97 Nuclear 28,006.64 28,006.64 28,127.64
-121.00 Institute - Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies 8,746,49 8,746.49 8,746.49 Total S
708,977.61 S
708,977.61 S
81.00 5 706,760.58 5
2,136.03 4.
School of Management S
117,254.27 117,254.27 117,254.27 l
STATEMENT OF CURRENT EXPENDITURES For the Yaar Endsd Juna 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By Object Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST LAFAYETTE (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital 5.
Schools of Pharmacy, Nursing and Health Sciences Medicinal Chemist ry and Pha rmacognosy 4,028.15 4,028.15 4,028.15 Pharmacology and Toxicology 9,809.04 9,809.04 9,8( 'J.04 Pharmacy Practice 21,448.34 21,448.34 21,448.34 Industrial and Physical Pharmacy 48,966.53 48,986.53 48,986.53 Health Sciences 2,735.92 2,735.92 2,735.92 Total 5
87,007.98 S
87,007.98 5
87,007.98 6.
School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Audiology and Speech Sciences S
5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Education 2,404.80 2,404.80 2,404.80 English 25,038.50 25,038.50 $
500.00 24,538.50 Foreign Language & Literature 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Philosophy 17,195.00 17,195.00 17,195.00 Political Science 14,935.22 14,935.22 14,935.22 Psychological Sciences 40,739.17 40,739.17 40,739.17 Sociology and Anthroppology 3,094.73 3,094.73 3,094.73 Communi ation 18,794.00 18,794.00 18,794.00 Total 132,201.42 l32,201.42 $
500.00 $
131,701.42 7.
School of Science w*
Administretion 8.755.00 8,755.00 8,755.00 Biological Science 109,768.26 109,768.26 109,768.26 Chemistry 167,589.65 167,589.65 167,589.65 Mathematics 22,623.50 22,623.50 22,623.50 Phy s ic s 12,956.00 12.956.00 12,956.00 Ceoscience 89,889.68 89,889.68 89,889.68 Compater Science 39,872.00 39,872.00 39,872.00 Statistics 7,150.00 7,150.00 7,150.00 Total S
458,604.09 5
458,604.09 5
458,604.09 Total Free Grant Fellowship t,746,369.56 1,746,369.56 S 14,755.51 S 1,723,831.27 $
7,782.78 B.
Work Study 1.
Federal Work 9tudy Non-University Flacements 84,023.40 84,023.40 $
83,838.23 $
185.17 University Placements 872,486.61 872,486.61 864,964.09 7,522.52 Total Federal Work Study 5
956,510.01 5
956,510.01 5
945,602.32 5
7,707.69 2.
State Work Study University Placement S
43,123.15 43,123.15 $
42,977.15 $
146.00 Total Work Study S
999,633.16 S
999,633.16 $
991,779.47 $
7,853.69 C.
Scholarships, Awards and Prizes Awards
$ 5,449,342.72
$ 5,449.342.72 $
-13,751.70 $ 5,463,094.42 Prizes 116,962.85 116,962.85 116,962.85 Scholarships 5.265,999.48 5,265,999.48 362.25 5,265,637.23 Total Scholarships, Awards and Prizes
$ 10,832,305.05
$ 10,832,305.05 S
$ 10,845,694.50 Total Student Aid
$ 13,578,307.77
$ 13,578,307.77 5 993,145.53 $ 12,577,379.46 $
STATEMENT OF CURRENT EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Cur re nt By Object Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST LAFAYETTl (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital III. Auxiliary Enterprises A.
Housing and Food Service Purdue Memorial Union S
7,004,206.38 7,004,206.38 3,802,493.82 $
3,092,919.66 $
108,792.90 Cary Quadrangle 3,868,217.94 3,868,217.94 1,734,379.02 1,999,511.94 134,126.98 Fowler Courts and Fowler House 1,552,071.55 1,552,071.55 725,455.62 749,824.69 76,791.24 Terry Courts and Terry House 1,454,541.54 1,454,541.54 709,569.92 654,306.31 90,665.31 Owen Residence Hall 1,812,595.28 1,812,595.28 834,964.61 932,400.82 45,229.85 Tarkington Residence Hall 1,800,869.63 1,800,869.63 833,966.46 896,496.12 70,407.05 Wiley Residence Hall 1,711,053.49 1,711,053.49 807,972.15 885,966.64 17.114.70 McCutcheon Residence Hall 1,773,748.62 1,773,748.62 866,058.58 797,816.11 109,873.93 Harrison Residence Hall 1,787,234.38 1,787,234.38 851,376.18 884,873.75 50,984.45 Windsor Residence Halls 1,859,403.63 1,859,403.63 1,027,598.79 782,868.13 48,936.71 Meredith Residence Hall 1,370,377.37 1,370,377.37 743,796.58 603,870.68 22,710.11 Earhart Residence Hall 1,858,004.00 1,858,004.00 893,909.77 820,201.79 143,892.44 Shreve Residence Hall 1,683,444.64 1,683,444.64 845,011.20 802,365.05 36,068.39 Graduate House Hawkins 1,024,070.66 1,024,070.66 672,590.39 307,620.58 43,859.69 Graduate House Young 823,506.73 823,506.73 536,247.10 249, ~1.68 37,715.95 St ude nt Apartment Dormitories 469,734.15 469,734.15 321,319.57 144,9eo.93 3,445.65 Married Student Cour t s 2,618,243.32 2,618,243.32 872,233.19 1,418,416.31 327,593.82 URTAS 183,584.06 183,584.06 79,295.56 104,288.50 Restaurant, Hotel and Inst itutional Management 532,909.17 532,909.17 220,234.74 311,505.63 1,168.80 Food Stores Operations 3,556,027.88 3,556,027.88 253,567.69 3,294,465.07 7,995.12 0
Subtotal S 38,743,844.42
$ 38,743,844.42 5 17,552,745.38 $ 19,709,2 3 7.4 5 $ 1,481,861.59 Less I nt raun.ver s i t y Rech arges
-4,798,760.87 Total Housing and Food Service S 33,796,123.95 S 33,796,123.95 S 17,403,785.78 $ 14,910,476.58 $ 1,461,861.59 B.
Health and Recreational Studies Hall of Music Operations S 1,016,599.15
$ 1,016,599.15 S
488,966.29 $
299,578.32 $
228,054.54 Intercollegiate Athletics 8,380,475.41 8,380,475.41 3,344,697.94 4.935,039.86 100,737.61 Recreational Sport s Merchandise 8,454.55 8,454.55 8,454.55 Convocations and Lectures 790,979.37 790,979.37 127,681.18 663,298.19 Recreational Gymnasium 657,262.95 657,262.95 450,572.59 188,447.61 18,242.75 Recreational Gymnasium Addition 66,667.98 66,667.98 66,667.98 Student Concert Committee 260,659.95 260,659.95 548.00 260,111.95 Purdue University Student Hospital 2,641,820.96 2,641,820.96 2,131,244.46 462,231.95 48,344.55 Subtotal S 13,822,920.32
$ 13,822,920.32 5 6,543,710.46 S 6,883,830.41 S
395,379.45 Less Intrauniversity Rechargen
-120,890.91 Total Health and Recreational Studies
$ 13,702,029.41
$ 13,702,029.41 5 6,543,710.46 $ 6,762,939.50 $
395,379.45 C.
Service Enterprises Computing Center S
89,397.50 89,397.50 56,167.03 $
32,284.81 $
945.66 Printing Services 2,320,354.52 2,320,354.52 439,404.86 1,801,899.94 79,049.72 Transportation Services 1,871,404.74 1,871,404.74 571,691.64 1,036,414.41 263,298.69 Subtotal S 4,281,156.76 S 4,281,156.76 S
1,067,263.>3 S
2,870,)99.16 S
343,294.07 Less intrauniversity Recharges
-258,521.98 Total Service Enterprises S
80,848.29 80,848.29 35,569.90 $
-39,493.70 84,772.09
I l
STATENFNT OF CURRENT EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended Juno 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By Object Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies WEST LAFAYETTE (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Funde and Wages and Expensen Capital D.
Instruction and Research Publicattons l
Of fice of Publications S
27,488.06 27,488.06 27,488.06 Foreign Language and Literature 3,549.09 3,549.09 216.30 3,332.79 Modern Fiction Studies 59,472.48 59,472.48 9,012.45 48,243.03 $
2,217.00 Subtotal 90,509.63 90,509.63 9,228.75 $
79,063.88 $
2,217.00 L.ess Int rauniversity Recharges
-29.60 Total Instruction and Research Publications S
90,480.03 5
90,480.03 S
9,228,75 $
79,034.28 $
2,217.00 E.
Enterprises Related to Endowments Morris Farm S
18,049.24 18,049.24 18,049.24 i
j F.
Other Enterprises Administrative Data Processing 385,708.34 385,708.34 331,191.94 $
54,516.40 l
C.I.S. Repair Shop 8,110.04 8,110.04 8,110.04 General Stores 684,562.19 684,562.19
$16,991.69 135,356.73 32,213.77 Agricultur-1 Communication Service 393,032.36 393,032.36 251,948.30 141,084.06 Biology Stores 67,373.42 67,373.42 59,202.16 8,171.26 Refuse Disp > sal 178,o63.30 178,863.30 85,098.35 93,764.95 Wilson, Calvert, and Welch Farms 138,983.59 138,983.59 138,983.59 Copy Center-Purchased Machines 616,109.51 616,109.51 72,491.26 320,781.85 222,836.40 Purdue University Airport 292,342.19 292,342.19 146,627.00 135,919.26 9,795.93 Basic Commutation of Uniforms 35,468.70 35,468.70 5,244.60 30,224.10 v,*
Military Stores Inventory 1,994.66 1,994.66 1,994.66 Parking Facilities 409,604.79 409,604.79 72,355.38 324,132.86 13,116.55 Purdue Band Uniforms 19,376.70 19,376.70 18,005.70 1,371.00 Service and Salvage 255,681.78 255,681.78 84,706.06 164,067.72 6,908.00 Insurance Services 1,218,496.76 1,218,496.76 87,356.25 1,126,367.62 4,772.89 i
i Subtotal S
$ 4,705,708.33 1,382,02l.05 $ 2.978,156.34 $
345,530.94 Lena Intrauniversity Recharges
-48,165.25 Total Other Enterprises S
1,844,955.19 5
1,844,455.19 5
643,134.49 5 904,455.01 S
297,365.69 Total Auxiliary Enterprises S 49,532,48e.!!
$ 49,532,486.11
$ 24,635,429.38 $ 22,635,460.91 S 2,261,595.82 i
$363,225,889.96 $201,435,833.91 $ 49,532,486.11
$112,257,569.94 $244,864,333.93 $100,503,689.06 $17,857,866.97 i
Educational and General A.
Instruction and Departmental Research 1.
School of Science and Nursing Dean for Science and Nursing 41,499,31 $
41,499.31 28,573.78 $
7,614.73 $
5,310.80 Biology 537,578.91 537,578.91 429,643.26 48,545.15 59,390.50 Chemintry and Physics 717,548,11 717,548.11 666,616.76 27,688.85 23,242.50 Mathematical Sciences 972,586.77 972,586.77 939,581.96 25,252.68 7,752.13 Nursing 892,125.53 857,390.29 34,735.24 792,503.05 71,170.11 28,452.37 Total S
3,16l,338.65 S 3.126,603.39 5
34,735.24 S 2,856,918.8T S 180,271.52 S
i24,148.30 i
STATEMENT OF CURRENT EXPENDITU2ES For the Year Ended June 30, 1585 Schedule 2 Current current By Object REGIONAL CAMPUSES (Continued)
Unrest ric t ed Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies CALUMET (Cont i nued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Fu nd s and Wages and Expenses Capital l
School of Engineering, Technology and Management Computer Services S
855,644.20 $
855,644.20 225,710.00 $
416,595.00 $
213,339.20 Engineering 737,118.27 725,656.43 11,461.84 652,233.83 47,980.22 36,904.17 Management 795,689.67 795,689.67 769,248.68 15,412.08 11,018.91 Dean f or Engineering, Management and Technology 130,854.71 129,852.50 1,002.21 97,896.85 20,993.63 11,964.23 Construction Technology 355,438.75 347,460,13 7,978.62 337,634.67 11,128.33 6,675.75 Electricsl Engineering Technology 639,627.31 614,412.43 25,214.88 555,765.51 41,102.80 42,759.00 Manuf ac tur ug Technology 498,576.82 471,620.14 26,956.68 449,371.19 27,637.13 21,568.50 Information Systems and Computer Program 610,156.46 604,286.34 5,870.12 581,549.89 18,613.85 9,992.72 Total S 4,623,106.19 5 4,544,621.84 5
78,484.35 5
3,669,410.67 5
599,463.04 5
354,232.48 3.
School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences Dean for Humanities, Educacion a nd Social Sciences 106,671.83 $
106,671.83 86,458.64 $
7,966.26 $
12,246.93 i
Education 771,839.14 746,600.68 25,238.46 702,104.51 60,111.67 9,622.96 l
Foreign Languages and Literatures 276,016.22 261,401.07 14,615.15 260,353.18 12,424.23 3,238.81 j
Behavioral Sciences 716,462.32 704,900.13 11,562.19 679,851.83 22,990.25 13,620.24 j
English and Philosophy 872,849.83 872,849.83 844,962.75 27,318.14 568.94 History and Political Science 338,970.21 338,970.21 332,161.25 6,217.96 591.00 Communication and Creative Arts 466,116.55 466,116.55 445,729.52 15,630.68 4,756.35 Teacher Service Office 21,165.85 21,165.85 14,573.67 6,592.18 1
Total S
3,570,091.95 5
3,518,676.15 S
51,4l5.80 $
3,366,195.35 5 159,251.37 $
44,645.23 4.
General Studies and Community Services 147,937.24 $
147,937.24 134,564.65 $
9,614.80 $
3,757.79 5.
Graduate Program 60,087.79 $
60,087.79 52,931.74 $
6,261.05 $
895.00 6.
Other Educational Activities Continuing Education 159,590.40 $
127,728.27 31,862.13 $
141,822.62 $
12,095.28 $
5,672.50 Economic Education 13,948.50 9,312.27 4,636.23 11.020.31 2,928,19 Women's Studies 4,834.00 4,834.00 3,843.14 990.86 Total S
178,372.90 $
141,874.54 5
36,498.36 S 156,686.07 5 16,014.33 S
5,672.50 Total Inst ruction and Departmental Research S 11,740,934.70 $ 11,539,800.95 201,133.75 $ 10,236,707.29 $
970,876.11 $
533,351.30 B.
Sponsored Research Chemistry & Physics 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 Mathematical Sciences 2,570.66 2,570.66 $
1,355.06 1,215.60 Total Sponsored Research
!!,070.66 11,070.66 $
1,355.06 5 9,715.60 C.
Other Sponsored Programs Nursing 302,900.52 302,900.52 $
256,167.10 $
41,585.62 $
5,147.80 Upward Bound and Special Services 273,066.29 273,066.29 221,886.36 49,106.34 2,073.59 Total Other Sponsored Programs 575,966.81 575,966.81 478,053.46 $
90,691.96 $
STATEMENT OF CURRENT EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By object REGIONAL CAMPUSES (Continued)
Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies CALUMET (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital D.
Extension and Public Service Career Development and Placement $
275.50 275.50 275.50 Upward bound and Special Services 134.00 134.00 134.00 Engineering 2,287.84 2,287.84 2,287.84 Nursing 20,866.15 20,866.15 $
6,199.41 14,666.74 Library 3,252.68 3,252.68 3,252.68 Institute for Continuing Education 187,975.53 187,975.53 92,496.66 94,951.09 $
527.78 Institute Economic Education 223.03 223.03 223.03 St ude nt Athletics 11,699.60 11,699.60 6,609.67 5,089.93 Total Extension and Public Service 226,714.33 S
226,714.33 $
105,305.74 $
120,880.81 $
527.78 E.
Libraries and Audio-Visual Center Library 680,780.36 $
677,847.12 2,933.24 $
324,371.18 $
105,239.32 $
251,169.86 Audio-Visual Center 84,328.91 84,328,91 49,196.96 23,583.50 11,548.45 Total Libraries and Audio-Visual Center S
765,109.27 $
762,176.03 2,933.24 $
373,568.14 $
128,822.82 $
262,718.31 F.
Student Services Admissions 216,056.90 $
216,056.90 182,784.89 $
29,808.00 $
3,464.01 Commencement 12.409.42 12,409.42 12,409.42 Career Development and Placement 63,072.07 63,072.07 56,456.69 6,615.38 l
Regi st rar 253,562.46 251,512.27 2,050.19 205,132.34 19.134.08 29,296.04
,o Counseling Center 63,517.15 63,517.15 57,952.53 5,564.62 Director of Student Activities 30,120.88 30,120.88 29,561.10 559.78 Financial Aid 146,179.58 146,179.58 130,046.47 10,771.99 5,361.12 Student Health Services 16,580.45 16,580.45 14,252.00 2,328.45 Vice Chancellor for Student Services 10,169.26 10,169.26 6,737.81 3,431.45 Dean of Students 127,942.08 127,942.08 115,094.23 12,847,85 Upward Bound and Special Services 2,525.07 2,525.07 2,525.07 Total Student Services 942,135.32 6 929,915.87 12,219.45 $
800,543.13 $
103,471.02 $
38,121.17 G.
Physical Plant Operations and Maintenance Administration 194,009.64 $
194,009.64 150,823.42 $
43,006.22 $
180.00 G rou nd s 165,356.50 165,356.50 131,335.76 32,720.74 1,300.00 Mai nt ena nce 419,254.14 419,254.14 276,120.13 142,546.01 588.00 Cent ral Heating and Cooling 913,376.04 913,376.04 27,703.77 881,497.39 4,174.88 Building Services 744,448.50 744,448.50 644,122.57 78,018.92 22,307.01 University Police and Safety Department 123,138.67 123,138.67 108,592.77 13,681.05 864.85 Switchboard operation 120,654.42 120,654.42 43,223.49 49,119.57 28,311.36 Special Projects Clearing 197,324.75 197,324.75 1,908.42 194,808.78 607.55 Tntal Physical Plant Ope rat ions and Maintenance 2,877,562.66 $ 2,877,562.66
$ 1,383,830.33 $
1,435,398.68 $
58,333.65 H.
General Administration Administrative Services S
201,681.75 $
201,681.75 175,764.19 $
20,575.99 $
5,341.57 Bursar 162,044.97 162,044.97 146,626.66 15,275.11 143.20 Account i ng S5,680.23 85,680.23 73,728.60 4,563.92 7,387.71 Purchasing and General Services 124,615.28 124,615.28 110,483.10 10,939.00 3,193.18 Chancellor 642,697.62 635,0!!.08 7,686.54 162,050.93 480,646.69
STATEMENT OF CURRENT EXPENJLTURES For the Year Ended June 30, 1965 Schedule 2 Current Current By Object REGIONAL CAMPUSES (Continued)
Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Salarias Supplies CALUMET (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital Executive Assistant to the Chancellor 67,144.90 67,138.48 6.42 55,446.49 5,543.01 6,155.40 office of Executive Dean 50,000.66 50,000.66 44,496.47 3,182.49 2,321.70 Computer Resource Center 275,271.65 275,271.65 96,731.80 178,539.85 Subtotal 5
1,609,137.06 5
1,601,444.10 5
7.692.96 5
M65,326.24 5 719.266.06 $
24,542.76 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-411,747.00 Total General Administration S 1,197,390.06 S 1,189,697.10 6
7,692.96 865,328.24 S 307,519.06 5 24,542.76 1.
General Institutional Services Schedules and Calendar 67,206.06 $
67,206.06 S
64,852.62 $
2,353.44 Alumni Affairs 37,787.47 37,787.47 11,162.59 26,624.88 University Development 69,627.26 69,627.26 60,070.44 4,342.27 $
5,214.55 General Stores Operations 78,837.95 78,837.95 74,201.28 4,636.67 Personnel / Payroll 119,349.60 118,973.62 375.98 107,553.92 10,739.53 1,056.15 Academic Computer Consulting Service 138,286.84 138,286.84 127,181.73 10,803.6L 301.50 Public Information 95,838.78 95,838.78 61,516.71 33,447.07 875.00 Total General Institutional Services S
606,933.96 $
606,557.98 375.98 S 506,539.29 S 92,947.47 $
7,447.20 Total Educational and General $ 18,943,817.77 $ 17,905,710.59 1,038,107.18 $ 14,751,230.68 S 3,260,323.53 $
932,263.56 11.
Student Aid A.
Work Study 1.
Federal Work Study University Placements S
70,622.44 S
70,622.44 S 70,225.78 5 196.66 2.
State Work Study University Placements S
7,620.25 7,620.25 $
7,570.69 S 49.56 Total Work Study S
78,242.69 78,242.69 S 77,796.47 $
446.22 B.
Scholarships, Awards and Prizes Awards 982.884.55 982,884.55 982,884.55 Prizes 49,219.65 49,219.65 49,219.65 Scholarships 225,830.80 225,830.80 225,830.80 Total Scholarships Awards and Prizes S
1,257,935.00 1,257,935.00 1,257,935.00 Total Student Aid
$ 1,336,177.69 1,336,177.69 $
77,796.47 $
1,258,381.22 111.
Auxiliary Enterprises A.
Health and Recreational Services Student Aytivities 147,331.95 147,331.95 24,726.40 $
120,756.35 $
1,849.20 Student Athletics 162,074.93 162,074.93 77,&43.77 82,918,66 1,312.50 Recreation Services 9,691.22 9,691.22 9,121.55 569.67 Subtotal 319,098.10 I~"" 319,098.10 111,691.72 $
204,244.68 $
3,16l.70 Less intrauniversity Recharges
-2,516.60 Total Health and Recreational Services S
316,581.50 316,581.50 111,691.72 $
201,728.08 $
3,161.70 5.
Food Service 38,363.96 38,363.96 26,243.31 12.120.65 C.
Parking Fa:ilities 134,328.64 134,328.64 101,569.72 $
25,987.26 $
6,771.66 Less intrauniversity Recharges
-7,933.18 Total Parking Facilities S
126,395.46 S
126,395.46 S
101,569.72 $
18,054.08 $
STATEMENT Oi' CURRENT EXPENDITURES For the Tear Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By object REGIONA1. CAMPUSES (Continued)
Unrest rict ed Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies CALUMET (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses capital D.
Service Enterprises Counseling Center 690.00 690.00 690.00 General Service operation 6,288.00 6,288.00 6,288.00 behavioral Sciences 38,983.15 38,983.15 29,809.09 9,174.06 Duplicating Center 164,342.53 164,342.53 50,756.42 75,187.28 $
38,398.83 Photographic Service 10,847.72 10,847.72 2,317.91 8,529.81 Transportation Service 8,867.86 8,867.86 874.80 7,993.06 Subtotal 230,019.20 230,019.26 S
83,758.22 $
107,862.21 $
38,398.83 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-112,111.00 Total Service Enterprises S
117,908.26 117,908.26 S
83,758.22 S
-4,248.79 38,398.8)
Total Auxiliary Enterprises 599,249.18 599,249.18 297,019.66 4 241,776.68 $
60,452.84 Total CALUMET
$ 20,879,244.64 $ 17,905,710.59 $
599,249.18 $ 2,374,284.87 $ 15,126,046.81
$ 4,760,481.43 $
992,716.40 FORT WAYNE 1.
Educational and General A.
Instruction and Departmental Research I.
School of Engineering, Technology and Nursing Engineering 377,723.02 $
355,343.25 22,379.77 $
323,160.23 $
15,429.95 $
29,132.84 Dean for Engineering, Technology and Nursing 312,930.90 182,201.89 130,729.01 136,377.24 69,249.76 107,303.90 Construction Technology 177,704.79 177,323.62 381.17 167,755.63 9,924.94 24.22 Electrical Technology 273,652.86 266,349.35 7,303.51 250,050.88 16,177.08 7,424.90 Manuf acturing Technology 413,377.47 398,997.23 14,380.24 393,820.96 15,944.70 3,611.81 Nursing 534,464.66 534,414.66 50.00 514,534.33 19,930.33 Supervision 362.452.00 362,452.00 345,692.17 16,339.93 419.90 Computer Technology 482,044.23 449,332.46 32,711.77 452,329.72 24,685.22 5,029.29 Mental Health Technology 73,283.94 73,283.94 68,365.19 4,251.78 666.97 Total S
3,007,633.H7 2,799,698.40 S
207,935.47 5
2,652,086.35 S
201,933.69 S 153,613.83 2.
School of Science and Humanities Philosophy 207,821.77 $
207,821.77 199,363.29 $
6,268.28 $
2,190.20 Psychological Sciences 558,834.52 558,834.52 526,500.02 30,212.15 2,122.35 Communication 364,201.89 364,201.89 352.o24.91 11,576.98 Theatre 89,257.20 89,257.20 83,144.55 6,112.65 Computer Services 807,816.15 807,816.15 214,163.82 185,429.15 408,223.18 Dean for School of Science and Humanities 128,167.00 111,761.97 16,405.03 110,164.60 14,636.35 3,366.05 Biological Sciences 632,717.45 632,717.45 570,951.49 58,300.62 3,465.34 Chemistry 601,767.24 601,767.24
%54,270.34 40,976.10 6,520.80 Mathematics 796,061.31 796,061.31 773,330.13 20,944.89 1,786.29 Physics 215,042.06 215,042.06 200,505.95 12,012.12 2,523.99 Total S 4,401,686.59 S 4,385,281.56 5
16,405.03 S 3,585,019.10 5
386,469.29 5 430,198.20 3.
School of Community Outreach Programs Transitional Studies S
96,098.04 $
96,098.04 91,972.00 $
3,296.24 $
829.80 Community outreach Programs 62,946.08 62,946.08 61,705.10 1,240.98 Extended Studies 24,487.83 24,487.83 20,807.94 3,679.89 Continuing Education 60,153.42 S
60,153.42 53,421.09 6,732.33 Total 5
243,685.37 S 183,531.95 5
60,153.42 $
227,906.13 $
14,949.44 5 829.80
o l
STATEMENT OF CURRENT EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By Object REGIONAL CAMPUSES (Continued)
Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies FORT WAYNE (Continued)
Total Fund s Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital 4.
School of Professional Programs Business and Economics
$ 1,498,617.77 5 1,472,703.58 25,914.19 $ 1,399,191.81 $
64,414.79 $
35,011.17 Education 814,453.52 794.334.01 20,119.51 751,602.35 62,004.37 846.30 Dental Technology 378,051.95 378,051.95 333,932.53 44,119.42 Public Environmental Affaire 285,860.15 285,860.15 274,171.88 10,800.27 888.00 Music 483,055.22 424,217.05 58,838.17 458,247.31 24,091.91 716.00 Total 3,460,038.61 3,355,166.74 104,871.87 $
3,217,145.58 $
205,431.26 $
37,461.47 5.
School of Arts and Letters Administration S
219,879.43 $
214,937.40 942.03 $
179,582.06 $
23,788.53 $
16,508.84 Fine Arts 388,055.81 383,123.81 4,932.00 350,142.74 37,913.07 Interdisciplinary Studies 10,938.15 10,938.15 8,394.42 2,543.73 English and Linguistics 862,913.65 862,913.65 835,914.65 25,129.00 1,870.00 History 253,746.61 253,746.61 244,430.13 7,596.34 1,720.14 j
Modern Foreign Languages 401,383.34 401,383.34 377,847.14 20,730.25 2,605.v5 j
Political Science 190,893.81 190,893.81 182,937.09 6,802.59 1,154.13 Sociology 448,633.38 448,633.38 434,140.15 13,135.73 1,357.50 Anthropology 9,664.57 9,664.57 4,200.25 5,211.82 252.50 Earth and Space Sciences 233,073.79 233,073.79 211,454.09 20,311.33 1,308.37 Subrotal
$ 3,019,182.54 $ 3.013,308.51 5,87*.03
$ 2,829,042.72 163,162.39 $
-679.96 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
___,3,012,628.55 S
5,874.03 $
2,829,042.72 162,482.43 $
26,977.43 Total 3,0lM,502.58 $
Other Instructional Departments $
465,532.37 $
200,234.23 265,298.14 $
328,376.38 $
79,945.89 $
57,210.10 j
g Total Instruction and i
$ 14,597,079.39 $ 13,936,541.43 660,537.96 $ 12,839,576.56 $ 1,051,212.00 $
706,290.83 J
Sponsored Research i
School of Engineering, Technology and Nursing Dean for Engineering, Technology and Nursing 14,835.93 14,835.93 $
2,364.65 $
1,271.28 $
11,200.00 Engineering 74.11 74.11 74.11 Total 14,910.04 14,910.04 $
2,364.65 1,345.39 $
11,200.00 2.
School of Science and Humanities Psychological Sciences 397.52 397.52 397.52 Biological Sciences 227.77 227.77 227.77 Chemistry 7,718.97 7,718.97 $
4,272.88 3,446.09 Total 5
8,344.26 8,344.26 4,272,7E $
4,071.38 3.
Other Research Medical Education 14,148.10 14,148.10 $
5,335.65 $
7,094.30 $
1,718.15 Total Sponsored Research 37,402.40 37,402.40 $
11,973.18 $
12,511.07 $
12,918.15 C.
Other Separately Budgeted Research School of Engineering, Technology and Nursing 975.00 $
975.00 975.00 School of Science and Humanities 2,514.51 $
2,514.51 2.514.51 i
Total other S parately Sudgeted Research 3,489.51 3,489.51 3,489.51 j
l l
STATZMENT OF QJRRENT EXPENDITURES For the Yasr Endsd J.nt 30, 1985 Schadule 2 Current Current By Object REGIONAL CAMPUSES (Continued)
Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies FORT WAYNE (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Fu nd s and Wapes and Expenses Capital D.
Extension and Public Service 1.
School of Community Outreach Programs Continuing Education S
415,413.75 415,413.75 $
215,l73.04 $
200,240.71 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-715.00 Total 414,698.75 414,698.75 S 215,17).04 $
199,525.71 2.
School of Arts and Letters English and Linguistics 10,857.10 10,857.10 10,551.10 Sociology 42,000.17 42,000.17 $
36,691.06 5,309.11 Total 52,857.27 6
52,857.27 $
36,691.06 $
16,166.21 3.
Other Extension and Public Service Community Relations 535.40
$35.40 $
247.90 $
287.50 Learning Resource Center 28,747.60 23,747.60 911.60 $
27,836.00 Indiana Center for Economic Education 39,703.22 39,703.22 17,484.65 21,672.66 545.91 Total S
68,986.22 68,986.22 S 17,732.55 $
22,871.76 $
28,381.91 Total Extension and Public Service 536,542.24 536,542.24 S 269,596.65 $
238,563.68 $
28,381.91 7
Libraries and Audio-Visual Center Library 678,915.40 $
665,76i.12 13,148.28 $
407,831.02 $
46,118.83 $
224,965.55 Learning Resource Center 316,633.28 316,338.63 300.65 257,609.10 54,677.50 4,352.68 Subtotal 995,554.66 $
982,105.75 13,448,93 $
665,440.12 $
100,796.33 $
229,318.23 Less intrauniversity Recharges
-697.03 Total Libraries and Audio-Visual Center 994,857.65 $
981,408.72 13,448.93 $
665,440.12 S 100,099.30 $
229,318.23 F.
Student Services Student Administrative Services S
209,499.97 $
209,499.97 190,358.69 $
16,173.06 $
2,968.22 Cersnonies 43,731.66 43,731.66 10,518.50 33,213.16 Registration 221,073.05 221,073.05 174,165.41 28,041.64 18,866.00 Career Development ec: Placement 111,273.04 111,273.04 92,988.29 18,284.75 Financial Aids 166,926.54 166,926.54 145,749.41 16,741.91 4,435.22 Counseling and Testing Services 22,497.50 22,497.50 17,528.42 4,969.08 Student Academic Development 167,104.96 167,104.96 155,051.71 7,332.25 1,721.00 Student Af fairs Administration 163,564.27 159,343.73 4,220.54 148,801.20 14,047.07 716.00 Athletic Administration 234,825.25 234,825.25 222,606.12 12,219.13 Total Student Services S
1,340,496.24 1,336,275.70 S
4,220.54 1.160,767.75 $
151,022.05 $
28,706.44 G.
Physical Plant Operations and Maintenance Administration 128,732.77 $
128,732.77 101,502.51 $
27,211.81 $
18.45 Grou nds 170,055.57 170,055.57 144,519.10 21,090.47 4,446.00 Maint enance 255,147.26 255,147.26 127,459.62 126,454.15 1,233.49 Heating and Power 1,113,192.63 1,113,192.63 92,772.47 1,018,507.66 1,912.50 Bu(1 ding Services 625,645.82 625.645.82 564,638.00 61,007.82 Shipping and Receiving 84,670.85 84,670.85 71,992.71 12,678.14 Safety and Security 190,745.59 190,745.59 168,836.83 18,894.26 3,014.50
STATEMENT OF CURRENT EXPEN0ITLfRES For the Yect Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current current By object REGIONAL CAMPUSES (Continued)
U nrest rict ed Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies FORT WAYNE (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Fu nd s and Wagea and Expenses Capital Crooked Lake Si stogy Station 10,865.84 10,865.84 10,865.34 Special Projects 8,921.12 8,921.12 8,921.12 switchboard operation 20,199.16 20,199.16 31,989.54
-11,790.38 Subtotal 2,bO8,176.61
$ 2,608,176.6L 1,303,710.78 $
1,293,840.89 10,624.94 i
I Less Intraoniversity Recharges
-568.00 l
Total Physical Plant i
Operations and Maintenance S
2,607,608.61 S
2,607,608.61 1,303,710.78 $ 1,293,272.89 $
10,624.94 H.
General Administration Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs 107,882.06 $
107,882.06 90,902.95 $
11,537.90 $
5,441.21 Borsar 153,345.22 153,345.22 122,883.23 20,705.44 9.756.55 Accounting 123,319.92 123,319.92 114,063.54 4,821.16 4,435.22 I
Equal Employment Opportunity Office 39,162.01 39,162.01 34,637.46 4,524.55 Purchasing and General Services 186,982.36 186,982.36 155,675.82 13,641.90 17,664.64 Chancellor 849,493.33 846,016.90 3,476.43 177,795.83 668,016.31 3,681.19 Comptroller 111,372.30 111,372.30 102,846.11 7,024.98 1,501.21 Vice Chancellor and Dean of Faculty 267,653.82 266,153.82 1,500.00 231,180.15 N,007.54 6,466.13 Weekend College 8,981.61 8,981.61 8,981.61 Academic Services 96,162.19 96,162.19 57,298.16 38,864.03 office of Information Systems 19,377.56 19,377.56 16,995.82 2,381.74
.ndiana University Recharges 9,320.24 9,320.24 440.93 4,898.41 3,980.90 Data Processing 538,544.10 538,544.10 142,775.88 123,619.43 272.148.79 w
Sponsored Research and Development 4,404.65 4,404.65 4,404.65 Subtotal 2,516,001.37
$ 2,511.024.94 4,976.43 $
L,247,495.68 $
943,429.65 $
325,075.84 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-377,893.00 Total General Administration $
2,138,108.37 5
2,133,131.94 4,976.43 1,247,495.88 $
565,536.65 $
325,075.84 1.
General Institutional Services Alumni Services 53,610.70 $
53,610.70 43,060.58 $
10,123.63 $
426.49 University Relations 134,639.86 134,639.86 101,753.42 31,505.76 1,380.68 Ceneral Stores Operations 2,594.64 2,594.64 2,594.64 1
Development Otfice 55,877.63 55,877.63 4',,,21.77 8,025.86 Office of Institutional Research 85,075.37 85,075.37 78,024.72 2,949.65 4,101.00 Personnel / Payroll 202,008.03 202,008.03 173,388.70 21,609.56 7,009.77 Total General Institutional Services S
53?,806.23 $
533,806.23 444,079.19 $
76,809.10 $
12,917.94 Total Educational and General S 22,789,390.64 S 21,532,262.14 S
1,257,128.50 $ 17,942,640.11
$ 3,492,516.25 S 1,354,234.28 II.
S t ud ent Aid A.
Federal Work Study Non-University Placements 14,118.62 14,118.62 $
14,100.63 $
17.99 University Placements 138,905.06 138,905.06 138,392.10 512.96 Total Work Study 153,023.68 153,023.68 $
152,492.73 $
530.95 8.
Scholarships, Awards and Prizes Awards
$ 1,452,465.33
$ 1,452,465.33
$ 1,452,465.33 l
Prizes 790.00 790.00 790.00 Scholarships 337,807.17 337,807.17 337,807.17 Total Scholarships, Awards and Prizes 1,791,062.50 1,791,062.50 S
1,791,062.50 Total Student Aid 5
1,944,086.18 1,944,086.18 $
152,492.73 $ 1,791,593.45
STATEMENT OF CURRENT EXPEND!TURES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By object REGIONAL CAMPUSES (Continued)
Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Suppites FORT WAYNE (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital III. Auxiliary Enterprises A.
Health and Recreational Services Forensic League 3,893.78 3,893.78 3,893.78 Summer Camp 24,496.60 24,496.60 13,258.83 10,137.77 $
1,100.00 Athletic Center Operations 7,991.74 7,991.74 4,719.88 3,271.86 St ud e nt Activities 179,451.29 179,451.29 87,121.42 91,804.37 525.50 S t udent Athletics 144,622.43 144,622.43 56,181.47 88,440.96 Health Services 171.02 171.02 171.02 Sport s Camp 22,325.41 22,325.41 6,909.41 15,416.00 Subtotal 382,952.27 5
382,952.27 5
168,131.01 $
213,i35.76 5 1,625.50 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-480.50 Total Health and Recreational Services S
382,471.77 382,471.77 168,191.01 $
212,655.26 $
1,625.50 B.
Parking Facilities 107,461.74 107,461.74 19,519.36 $
81,718.05 $
6,224.33 C.
Student Union operat ions S
279,354.77 279,354.77 109,991.19 $
166,765.68 $
2,597.90 Less intrauniversity recharges
-303.00 Total Student Union O pe ra t ions S
279,051.77 279,051.77 109,991.19 $
166,462.68 $
2,597.90 D.
Service Enterprises Test Center 5,910.47 5,910.47 5,910.47 Copy Center 263,777.87 263,777.87 77,933.85 103,546.52 $
82,297.50 Transportation Service 58,819.11 58,819.11 19,257.11 39,562.00 Subtotal 5
328,507.45 5
328,507.45 5
17,933.85 5
128,714.10 5 121,859.50 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-44,502.33 Total Service Enterprises S
98,817.b7 98,817.67 S
15,550.03 $
5,910.47 77,357.17 E.
Other Enterprises l
Theatre 1,062.07 1,062.07 160. 0 $
902.07 Music 23,819.90 23,819.90 778.62 22,941.38 $
99.90 Salvage Operations 8,265.74 8,265.74 8,265.74 Subtotal 33,147.71 33,147.71 938.62 S 32.109.19 $
99.90 Less Intrauniversity Recharges
-749.00 Total Other Enterprises S
32,398.71 S
32.398.71 S
938.62 S 31,360.19 5
99.90 Total Auxiliary Enterprises 900,201.66 900,201.66 314,190.21 $
498,106.65 $
87,904.80 Total FORT WAYNE
$ 25,633,678.48 $ 21,532,262.14 $
900,201.66 $ 3,201,214.68 JS,18,409,323.05 $ 5,782,216.35 $ 1,442,139.08 NORTH CENTRAL 1.
Educational and General A.
Instruction and Departmental Research 1.
School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Education 108,346.99 $
108,346.99 100,993.25 $
4,609.74 $
2,744.00 English 240,509.66 240,509.66 236,625.03 3,884.63 Modern Languages 65,096.00 65,096.00 64,559.44 536.56 Communications 74,606.52 74,606.52 73,476.78 1,129.74 Total S
488.559.17 $
488,559.17 475,654.50 $
10,160.67 $
STATEMENT OF QJRRENT EXPE7D1111RES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By Object REGIONAL CAMPUSES (Continued)
U nrest rict ed Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies NORTH CENTRAL (Continued)
Total Fu nd s Enterprises Fu nd s and Wages and Expenses Capital 2.
School of Industrial Management S
35,020.68 $
35,020.68 34,411.46 $
609.22 3.
School of Science Biological Sciences 224,327.66 $
218,201.21 6,126.45 $
197,604.91 $
18,203.70 $
8,519.05 Chemistry 84,410.53 84,410.53 74,166.30 8,710.23 1,534.00 Computer Services 158,298.53 158,298.53 63,897.59 22,694.65 71,706.29 Mathematics 213,029.26 213.029.26 208,067.08 4,962.18 Physics 73,378.08 73,378.08 71,779.31 1,598.77 1
Total S
753,444.06 S 747,317.61 S
6.126.45 5
615,515.19 S 56,169.53 5 81.759.34 4.
School of Technology Electrical 83,059.02 $
75,107.63 7,951.39 $
73,501.25 $
7,398.41 $
2,159.36 Nursin8 412.285.14 404,795.14 7,490.00 395.958.25 11,677.09 4,649.80 Other 288,984.62 259,623.73 29,360.89 233,456.86 12,666.70 42,861.04 Supervision 117,276.08 104,465.84 12,810.24 102,566.97 2,642.37 12,066.74 121,874.61 121,874.61 120,844.05 1,030.56 Com put e r
._ 1,023,479.47 S
965,866.95 S
57,612.52 5
926,327.40 S 35,415.13 S 61,736.94 Total 5.
Community College 158,335.18 $
158,335.18 154,829.91 $
3,505.27 l
Other Educational Activities Continuing Education 110,495.59 $
28,371.47 82,124.12 $
93.134.36 $
17,361.23 7.
Other Instructional Departments Other Instructional Departments 218,870.76 $
218,870.76 212,180.59 $
6,690.17 Classroom Materials 11,353.45 11,353.45 11,353.45 Total Instructional Departsents 230,224.21 $
230,224.21 212,180.59 $
18,043.62 Total Instruction and Departmental Research
$ 2,799,558.36 $ 2,653,695.27 145,863.09 $ 2,512,053.41 $
141,264.67 $
146,240.28 8
Extension and Public Service 50,283.02 50,283.02 $
30,364.78 $
19,918.24 C.
Libraries and Audio-Visual Center Library 193,335.37 $
193,266.57 68.80 $
105,023.82 $
28,712.78 $
59,598.77 Audio-Visual Center 45,428.21 44,553.21 875.00 24,232.82 7,382.66 13,812.73 Total Libraries and Audio-Visual Center S
238,763.58 $
237,819.78 943.80 $
129,256.64 $
36,095.44 $
73,411.50 0.
S t ude nt Services Admissions and Financial Aid 84,235.50 $
84,235.50 S
71,923.36 $
8,190.14 $
4,122.00 Registrar 70,362.63 70,362.63 64,898.45 5,464.18 Student Counseling 71,075.87 71,975.87 69,981.47 1,094.40 Financial Aide 44,558.42 44,558.42 40,705.39 3,853.03 Student Services 92,721.55 33,674.81 59,047.74 65,131.01 23,611.54 3,979.00 Total Student Services S
362,953.97 5 303,906.23 59,047.74 S
312,639.68 5 42,213.29 S 8,101.00 4
STATEMENT OF CURRENT EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current 8, Object REGIONAL CAMPUSES (Continued)
Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies NORTH CEMTRAL (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprisea Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital E.
Physical Plant Operations and Maintenance Administration 97,831.50 $
97.831.50 54,173.95 $
35,658.48 $
7,999.07 Maintenance 61,476.87 61.476.87 41,704.84 19,772.03 Crou nd s 86,010.5?
86,010.59 52,273.60 20,615.49 13,121.50 Heating and Power 381,438.67 381,438.67 71,301.24 298,462.66 11,674.77 Building Services 229,019.92 229,019.92 212,099.73 16,920.19 Safety and Security 168,317.00 168,317.00 155,845.53 11,619.47 852.00 SwitchboarJ Operation 72,372.17 72,372.17 12,950.54 59,421.63 Total Physical Plant Operations and Maintenance 1,096,466.72 $
1,096,46u.72 S
600,349.43 $
462,469.95 $
33,647.34 F.
General Administration Vice Chancellor of Administration $
87,812.99 $
87.812.99 68,768.12 $
13,499.81 $
5,545.06 l
Finance 140,184.73 140,184.73 128,134.19 8,730.79 3.319.75 i
Purchas i ng 39,035.68 39,035.68 32,345.45 6,690.23 l
Chancellor 244,982.97 244,982.97 91,863.05 145,250.76 7,869.16 Vice Chancellor-Academic Services 60,809.02 60,800.02 43,330.65 16,956.69 512.68 Personnel 69,152.16 69,152.16 50,439.78 10,950.33 7,762.05 Computer Center 158,298.51 158,298.51 63,897.59 22,694.64 71,706.28 Subtotal 5
600,267.06 5 800,267.06 5
478,778.83 5 224,773.25 5 96,714.98 Less intrauniversity Recharges
-125,355.00 Total General Administration S 674,912.06 S 674,9L2.06 S
478,778.83 5 99,418.25 S
96,714.98 C.
General Institorional Services Alumni Affairs 1,746.74 $
1,746.74 1,746.74 Community Relations 82.601.24 82,601.24 68,372.59 14,228.65 Stores and Service Operations 40,282.39 40,282.39 35,733.51 4,548.88 Publications and Information Services 44,120.67 44,120.67 35,868.46 8,252.21 Develo pme nt Office 698.31 698.31 698.31 Total General Institutional Services 169,449.35 $
169,449.35 139,974.56 $
29,474.79 Total Edacational and l
$ 5,392,387.06 $ 5,136,249.41 256,137.65 $ 4,203,417.33 $
830,854.63 $
358,115.10 Student Aid A.
Work Study 1.
Federal Work Study University Placements 46,134.79 46,134.79 $
45,879.67 $
255.12 2.
State Wor k Study j
University Placement s S
6,849.36 6,849.36 $
6,760.36 $
89.00 I
Total Work Study 52,984.15 52,984.15 $
52,640.03 $
344.12 I
Scholarships, Awards and Prizes Awarde 538,329.93 538,329.93 538,329.93 j
Prizes 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 i
Scholarships 57,514.45 57,514.45 57,514.45 Total Scholarships, Awards and Prizes S
597,344.38 597,344.38 597,344.38 5
Total Student Aid S
650,128.53 650,328.53 $
52,640.03 $
597,688.50 1
ST4TEMENT OF CURRENT EXPENDITURES For the Yeer Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 2 Current Current By Object REGIONAL CAKPUSES (Continued)
U nrest r ict ed Auxiliary Restricted Salaries Supplies NORTH CENTRAL (Continued)
Total Funds Enterprises Funds and Wages and Expenses Capital III. Auxiliary Enterprises Food Services 2,133.69 2,133.69 2,133.69 i
Student Activities 28,855.45 28,855.45 2,027.28 25,830.17 $
998.00 Student Athletics 9,799.20 9,799.20 1,613.00 8.161.20 Service Enterprises 38,361.41 38,361.41 29,805.53 8,555.88 Parking Facilities 32,847.43 32,847.43 18,542.93 5,326.50 8,978.00 Subtotal 111,997.18 lit,997.18 22,18a.21 $
71,277.09 $
18,531.88 Less Int rauniversity Recharges
-5,555.58 Total Auxiliary Enterprises S
77,347.75 5
77,347.75 6
22,188.21 s
42,183.24 S 12,976.30 Total NORTH CENTRAL S 6,120,063.34 $ 5,136,249.41 S
77,347.75 $
906,466.18 $ 4,278,245.57 $
1,470,726.37 $
371,091.40 Total REGIONAL CAMPUSES
$ 52,632,986.46 $ 44,574,222.14 S 1,576,798.59 S 6,481,965.73 $ 37,813,615.43 $ 12,013.424.15 $ 2,805,946.88 Total ALL CAMPUSES
$415,858,876.42 $246,010,056.05 $ 51,109,284.70 $118,739,535.67 $282,677,949.36 S112,517,113.21 $20,663,813.85 4
l J
For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedrale 3 Balance Additions Balance consisting of:
Jaly 1, and June 30, Student Notes All Other 1984 Deductions 1985 Paceivable Assets WEST LAF4YETTE Be s t. Franklin M.
1,306.34 1,306.34 1,306.34 Betener, Ruth 2,639.73 78.23 2,717.96 1,469.37 1,248.59 Blackstock, Laura R.
32,819.26 2,626.31 35,445.57 20,871.03 14,574.54 i
Buchman, Etta Trust 1,494,123.01 191,050.88 1,685,373.89 126,562.66 1,558,811.234 Burroughs' Welcome Student Loan Fund 11,520.82 1,587.90 13,108.72 6,492.11 6,614.61 Carroll County Breeding Association 1,009.55 1,009.86 1,009.86 Chandler, Franklin F. and Jeanette M.
15,677.39 1,275.17 16,952.56 10,306.44 6,646.12 Class of 1888 394.66 5,42 400.08 207.53 192.55 Class of 1917 2,392.35 66.71 2,459.06 1,191.49 1,267.57 Collier, W.
E., Scholarship Loan Fund 1,115.44 1,115.44 1,000.00 115.44 Daughters of Indiana of Chicago 974.25 11.14 985.39 985.39 Dean of Student s' Emergency Loans 77,744.60 6,726.56 84,471.16 80,946.62 3,524.54 Debris Student Loans 50,505.80 1,773.77 52,279.57 32,980.37 19,299.20 Ditteve, George B. and Irene 7,719.61 19.57 7,739.18 6,770.00 969.18 Duke / Ming Scholarship Trust Fund 6,318.87 798.31 7,117.18 5.325.37 1,791.81 pye, Graham A., Memorial 3,437.56 194.87 3,632.43 2,138.03 1,494.40 East, Russell G., Memorial 1,556.50 155.76 1,712.26 784.16 928.10 Eic kmeyer Loan Fund - Chemical Engineering Student s 1,386.99 50.00 1,436.99 662.77 774.22 French, Ruth 19,601.66 1,095.22 20,696.88 15,925.93 4,770.95 Frey, Raymond W.
1,070.94 1,070.94 990.00 80.94 General Elect ric Student Loan Fund 50,000.00
-482.50 49,517.50 49,432.50 85.00 General Student Loans 122,579.42 19,203.95 141,783.37 87,735.96 54,047.41 Gilman, Beaumont, Educational Fund 133,983.52 679.13 134,662.65 92,719.34 41,943.31 Gipson, Grant M.
1,527.16 1,527.16 1,527.16 o
Graef, Lois and Shorty, Loan Fund 1,706.64 2.71 1,709.35 1,390.00 319.35 Gregg, Norris B.,
806.90 806.90 806.90 Guaranteed Loan Program 1,368.53
-10.83 1,357.70 709.13 648.57 Maistead, Georgia and Marybelle 100.00 100.00 100.00 Hand, William M., Memorial 11,876.86 537.74 12,414.60 10,020.74 2,393.86 Hawkins, George A., Emergency Loan Fund 13.116.20 1,053.63 14,169.83 13,894.83 275.00 Health Profession - Pharmacy 390,548.95 11,042.10 401,591.05 378,631.95 22,959.10B Health Profession - Veterinary Medicine 628,747.63 24,407.79 653,155.42 639,068.49 14,086.938 Highway Equipment and Materials 4,192.88 123.83 4,316.71 2,074.24 2,242.47 Home Economics Club of Indianapolis 976.19 976.19 976.19 InJiana Federation of Clubs 12,035.64 153.80 12,189.44 7,933.05 4,256.39 Indiana State Fair 11.470.20 1.49 11,471.69 10,975.00 496.69 Interest on Investments 1,172,460.08 140,586.42 1,313,046.50 49,716.12 1,263,330.38A James, Allen M.
6,452.95 293.13 6,746.08 6,265.55 480.53 Johnston, Anna S., Memorial 6,068.59 78.94 6,147.53 4,530.43 1,617.10 Jones, Nelle Parker, Memorial 105,429.93 1,267.20 106,697.13 79,650.52 26,846.61 Kahn, Achille and Clara Josey 1,420.94 4.38 1,425.32 700.59 724.73 Kahn, Morris F.
40,680.42 3.50 40,683.92 35,820.80 4,863.12 Kahn, Samuel, Memorial 1,322.41 1,322.41 275.00 1,047.41 Krannert School of Management Loan Fund 503.74 503.78 503.78 Lavignette, Andre, Emergency Loan 6,976.46 100.00 7,076.46 7,075.46 Lee, Charles Oren 1,261.13 1,261.13 1,261.13 Lehker, Glen E., Memorial 1,180.00 1,180.00 1,180.00 Lichter Foundation 15.591.33 194.99 15,786.32 11,003.37 4,782.95 Lilly, Eli 874.23 874.23 600.00 274.23 Lloyd, Thomas B., Memorial 1,359.89 27.21 1,387.10 798.93 588.17 Lyle, Mary Stewart 2,112.65 64.99 2.177.64 1,510.08 667.56
IDaN FUNDS STCTEMEYT 07 STUDENT LOAN BALANCES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 3 Balance Additions Balance Consisting of:
July 1, and June 30, Student Notes All Other 1984 Deductions 1985 Receivable Assets WEST LAFAYETTE (Continued)
Masten, Ella, Revolving Loan Fund 8,060.61 1,009.61 9,070.22 8,w07.10 463.12 Masters in Industrist Administration 920.99 920.99 920.99 Mathieson, Alexander A.
10,630.83 106.10 10,736.93 8,929.44 1,807.49 Melvor, Harry E.
4,191.24 106.45 4,297.69 3,120.96 1,176.73 McKenzie, John David, Memorial 162.06 162.06 162.06 Meredith, Virginia C.
1,548.84 1.94 1,550.78 1,000.00 550.78 Miller Harrison F.
111.19 111.19 111.19 Miscellaneous Consolidated Gif ts 3,857.41 166.52 4,023.93 3,500.00 523.93 Monor, Newell W.
9.299.28 1,261.85 10,561.13 6,874.68 3,686.45 Munro, George W.
1,259.52 7.18 1,266.70 1,230.00 36.70 National Direct Student Loans 11,140,458.63 692,762.90 11,833,221.53 11,463.157.91 370,063.628 Nurses Student Loans 139,679.90
-34.433.74 105,246.16 99,274.50 5,971.668 Nurses Student Loans - Indianapolis 627.26
-175.35 451.91 419.81 32.108 139th Field Artillery 1,080.83 1,080.83 1,080.83 oppenheimer, Julius 2,241.50 8.79 2,250.29 1,702.37 547.92 Oppenheimer, Levi 934.96 3.33 938.29 570.00 368.29 Perkins, Volney 4,597.41
-303.11 4,294.30 3,445.00 849.30 Pest Control Operations 3,040.88 3,040.88 3.040.88 President's Fund 1,161.68 9.14 1,170.82 151.08 1,019.74 Price, Isabelle, Memorial 191,442.10 65.80 191,507.90 2,750.00 188,757.90A Purdue Alumni Scholarship Foundation 199,121.26 96.80 199,218.06 13,767.00 185,451.06A Purdue Battery 855.51 855.51 230.00 625.51 Purdue Women's Association of Indianapolis 1,314.07 55.31 1,369.38 499.09 870.29 Purdue Women's Club - Pittsbargh 498.50 498.50 498.50 RCA Student Loan Fund 5,543.17 209.36 5,752.53 5,752.53 Rigsby, Carl C.
15,060.08 105.29 15,165.37 13,055.22 2.110.15 Robert s, O. D. - Student Cooperative Association Loan s 4,240.89 4,240.89 4,240.89 Ross Gear TRW Loans 1,187.60 23.26 1,210.86 615.00 595.86 Saunders, Mr. a nd Mr s. S.
F., Memorial I,018.29 25.00 1,043.29 1,043.29 Schenlev, Henry C., Jr., Memorial 3,878.37 53.50 3,931.87 651.35 3,280.52 Shoemaker, Carolyn E., Memorial 4,263.30 25.00 4.288.30 4,135.00 153.30 Skull and Crescent 2,391.53 31.46 2,422.99 1,491.13 931.86 Smith, C. Harvey and Walter F., Loan Fund 2,000.00 90.07 2,090.07 1,883.53 206.54 snyder. Thomas 363.06 363.06 363.06 Starr, John Bernal Memorial 57,817.04 3,766.88 61,583.92 33,588.27 27,995.65 Stone, Winthrop E., Memorial 12,213.91 86.49 12,300.40 3,974.85 8,325.55 Strong, Henry 46,276.05
-4,624.27 41,651.78 22,930.90 18,720.88 Sutton, Lena A., Memorist 7,538.87 76.23 7,615.10 6,417.46 1,197.64 Tau Bet a Pi 660.78 2.91 663.69 663.69 Teacher Cancellation Reimbursement 163.003.23 710.28 163,713.51 163,713.51A Traylor, Melvin A.
150.95 150.95 150.95 Turner, Basil S.,
Student Loan Program 178,147.33 3,700.28 181,847.61 145,812.47 36,035.14 United States Steel Foundation Loan Fund 21,101.81 53.93 21,155.74 4,050.18 17,105.56 VanDuze r, R. M.
7,835.99 184.93 8,020.92 4,766.44 3,254.48 Waldron, Lo'ais D.
56,987.77 6,385.84 63,373.61 36,896.11 26,477.50 Walker, Fred B.
10,492.56 124.64 10,617.20 7,290.59 3,326.61
- Weber, D.,
Mem) rial - Aviation Technology 490.00 490.00 490.00 Weible, McKinley, Scholarship Fund 36,994.14 397.75 37,391.89 42,338.85
-4,946.96 4
Wetherill, Richard - Education 9,736,37 72.98 9,809.35 2,741.79 7,067.56
LOAN FUNDS STATEMENT OF STUDENT LOAN BALANCES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 3 Balance Additions Balance Consi cing of:
July 1, a nd June 30, S t ud ent Note, All Other 1984 Deductions 1985 ReceivrLle Asnets WEST LAFAYETTE (Continued)
Wetherill, Richard - Sinking Fund 2,201.83 2,201.83 2,201.83 Winch, Lee, Memorial 814.70 814.70 814.70 Winterowd, W. H.
1,413.86 1,413.86 1,170.00 243.86 Women's Organization of N. A.R.D.
1,185.87 1,185.87 1,185.97 Wright, John Newcomb 229,061.81 31,368.56 260,430.37 94,322.77 166,107.60 XYZ Fund 3,941.90 66.41 4,004.31 2.134.91 1,873.40 Youet, Anna E.
-436.80 11.332.62 10,041.02 1,291.60 Young, Gilbert A.
131.74 131.74 131.74 Total WEST LAFAYETTE
$17,106,550.67 $1,112,80h.08
$ 4,345,530.4%
REGIONAL CAMPUSES CALUMET Baccalaureate Nursing Student Loans 11,338.74 91.75 11,430.49 22,715.98
-11,285.49 Buchman Loan Fund 77,162.58 763.91 77,926.49 16,969.68 60,956.81 Calumet Association of Nursing Students 3,698.54 8.29 3,706.83 802.98 2,903.85 Emergency Loans 5,141.35 1,065.00 6,206.35 1,486.98 4.719.37 Lake County Medical Auxiliary 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 National Direct Student Loans 521,171.57 19,838.89 541,010.46 521.126.34 19,884.128 Nurses Student Loans 69,431.44 4,360.63 65,070.81 44,521.57 20,549.245 Teacher Cancellation Reimbursement 6,044.54 384.11 6,428.65 6,428.65 Total CALUMET 694,988.76
$ 17,791.32 712,780.08 607,623.53
-105,156.55 FORT WAYNE g
Emergency Loans 1,093.17
-57.15 1,036.02 1,036.02 National Direct Student Loans 1,216,972.06 bd,453.59 1,305,425.65 1,230,566.65 74,859.005 Nurses Student Loans 79,897.21
-83.56 79,813.65 72,488.09 7,325.568 j
Nursing Loans BS, IO-FUI 6,840.67
-617.32 6.223.35 3,183.99 3,039.365 Teacher Cancellation Reimbursement 4,219.12 752.62 4,971.74 4,971.74 Walb, Marjorie H., Nursing Loan Fund 5,000.00 5,000.00 6,660.00
Total FORT WAYNE 5 1,314,022.23 $
$ 1,402,470.41
$ 1,313,934.75 S
88.535.66 I
Buchman Loan Fund 4,145.97 $
425.93 4,571.90 2.420.34 2,151.56 Emergency Loans 2,239.88 2,239.88 2,239.88 National Direct Student Loans 294,904.50
-1,513.18 293,391.32 237,612.42 55,778.908 Nurses Student Loans 103,828.89
-5,983.59 97,845.30 58,312.92 39,532.388 Teacher Cancellation Reimbursement 8,713.60 771.36 9,484.96 9,484,96 Total NORTH CENTRAL 413,832.84 $
-6,299.48 407,533.36 300,585.5e 106,947.80 I
Total REGIONAL CAMPUSES S 2,422,843.83 $
$ 2,522,783.85
$ 2,222,143.84 300,640.01 i
$19,529,394.50 $1,212,746.10
$ 4,646,170.49 Less: Intra-fund Advances
-1,785,582.30 Total STUDENT LOANS (Exhibit A)
$17,828,066.89 $1,128,491.41
$ 2,860,588.19 i
LOGN FUNDS STCTEMENT OF STUDENT LOGN BALANCES For the Tear Ended J'ane 30, 1985 Schedule 3 NOTE A.
These accounts were used to provide the required one to nine ratio of University funds to those provided by the United States Coverrunent.
The following United States Government Loan Funds are supported in this manner:
Health Profession - Pharmacy Health Profession - Veterinary Medicine National Direct Student Loans - All Campuses Nurses Student Loans - All Campuses NOTE 5.
These United States Coverrusent supported loan accounts include the required one to nine ratio of University funds to those provided by the United States Goverrenent. The matching funds have been advanced by the following University Loan Funds:
Etta Buchman S 706,964.94 1
Interest on Investments 606,647.98 Isabelle Price Memorial 188.653.04 Purdue Alumni Scholarship Foundatian 185,135.41 Teacher Cancellation Reimbursement 98,180.93 Total
i i
==- - --
ENDOLMENTS AND SIMILAR PUNDS For the Yeer Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 4 Pool Book Value Book Value Market Value Participating July 1 Additions /
June 30 June 30 Net Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Income CURRENT YlELD POOL l
Endowments A.
Income - Restricted 1.
Educational and General a.
Instruction and Research Fitzsimmons, Cleo 39,295.08 39,295.08 39,295.08 1,911.10 Roc kwell International-Aero & Astro 50,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 10,041.03 Roc kwell International-ME 50,000.00 50,000.00 100 000.00 100,000.00 10,041.03 Total Educational and General 100,000.00 139,295.08 239',2 6.08 S
239,295.08 S
21,993.16 2.
Student Aid s s a.
Prizes Mills, Barris S
1,009.00 1,009.00 1,009.00 3,04 Sprague, Steven, Memorial 4.794.99 205.01 5,000.00 5,000.00 553.17 Woods, Robert J., Scholarship 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Total Student Aid 4,794.99 S
51,214.01 56,009.00 56,009.00 556.21 Total Endowment s 104,794.99 190,509.09 295,304.CA 295,304.08 22,549.37 11.
Funds Functioning as Endowments A.
Income - Restricted 1.
Educational and General a.
Instruction and Research s~
Axelrod, Bernard, Lecturship S
14,811.17 14,811.17 14,811.17 418.20 Campaign for Distinction 134,000.00 134,000.00 134,000.00 5,631.79 Cre ugh, S. T., Memorial 8,391.73 1,970.00 S
10,361.73 10,361.73 1,030.91 Entomology Restoration Fund S
250,000.00 S
250,000.00 250,000.00 28,749.26 Fitzsimmons Cleo - Income 2,692.03 2,692.03 2,692.03 45.05 i
Furnas Elect ric Foundation Endowment S
66,940.52 S
184,006.69 250,947.21 250,947.21 30,722.69 Ceneral Elect ric - Krannert 184,500.00 184,500.00 184,500.00 8,547.27 Gutzwiller Endowment Fu nd 6,485.00 475.00 6,960.00 6,960.00 780.24 IUPU Foundation - iteluke Library 3tl,035.45A
$ -311,035.45 19,965.24 Krannert Excellence in Accounting 5,390.00
-900.00 4,490.00 4,490.00 909.99 Mechanical Engineering - General 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 1,795.50 Organic Chemistry Memorial S
7,267.45 S
7,267.45 7,267.45 835.74 Total Instruction and Research 655,510.15 260,519.44 916,029.59 916,029.59 99,433.88
ENDOWMENTS AND SIMILAR FUIDS For the Yact End:ed June 30, 1985 Schedule 4 Pool Book Value Book Value Market Value Participati ng July 1 Additions /
June 30 June 30, Ne t Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 I ncome b.
Libraries HSSE Library Memorial Fund S
8,609.00 406.90 9,015.90 9,015.90 1,051.32 Total Libraries S
8,609.00 466.90 9,015.90 9,015.90 1,051.32 Total 5ducational and General 664,119.15 S
260,926.34 925,045.49 925,045.49 100,485.20 2.
Student Aid a.
Scholarships S
25,000.00 S
25,000.00 25,000.00 9o3.69 Fitch, W. Quintin and M. Lorin 2,730.00 2,730.00 2,730.00 S
131.61 Johnson, John W.
4,082.23 4,082.23 4,082.23 305.25 Stein, John Matthew Stonebarger Memorial 3,370.40 719.33 4,089.73 4,089.73 419.33 Total Scholarships S
3,370.40 32,531.56 35,901.96 5
35,901.96 5
1.B69.88 S
5,707.43 1,772.57 7,480.00 7,480.00 686.93 b.
Prizes Baxter, Glen E.
7,183.62 S
916.92 8,100.54 8,100.54 847.77 Beelke, Ralph S
5,000.00 5,000.00 5
5,000.00 91.83 Excellence in Visual Communication Design Linden Memorial Fund S
10,083.00 75.00 10,158.00 10,158.00 1,131.23 Toebes, Gerrit H., Memorial Award 5,000.00 25.00 5,025.00 S
5,025.00 577.43 S
5,613.50 5,613.50 5,613.50 Watt, Holly, Memorial 29,615.00 29,615.00 29,615.00 306.99 Winer, Ben J., Memorial S
7,781.00 1,150.00 8,931.00 8,931.00 918.52 Yoder, Eldon J. Memorial Award Total Prizes S
35.755.05 S
44,167.99 79,923.04 79,023.04 5
4,560.70 Total Student Aid S
39,125.45 S
76,699.55 115,825.00 115,825.00 6,410.58 Total Funds Functioning as Endowments S
703,244.60 337,625.89
$ 1,040,870.49 I,040,870.49 106,895.78 Total Current Yield Pool S
808,039.59 S
528,134.98 S 1,336,174.57
$ 1,336,174.57 129,445.15 ENDOWMENI POOL 111. Endowments A.
Income - Unrestricted Land Grant Endowment State of Indiana S
340,000.00 S
340,000.00 S
340,000.00 24.150.63 Funds Held in Trust by the Gereral Endowment 14,326.29 16,351.24 300.00 S
16,651.24 S
31,455.50 I,526.88 Segner, Clara W., Memorial 424,310.64 S
498,730.78 498,730.78 931,812.80 45,591.67 Total Income - Unrestricted S
855,082.02 300.00 855,382.02 S
1,303,268.30 71,269.18
ENDOWMENTS AND SIMILAR FUNDS For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 4 Pool Sook Value Book Value Market Value Part ici pa t i ng July 1, Additions /
June 30, June 30, Net Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Income B.
Incame - Rest ricted 1.
Educational and General e.
Instruction & Research Bente, May G.
9,130.87 18,933.13 18,903.13 20,048.18 136.28 Cunningham, Alida M.
75.327.02 74,249.36 74,249.36 165,391.68 8,092.28 Dunn, Moses Fell 340,082.85 372,831.91 12,135.34 384,967.25 762,072.04 S
37,094.62 Fitzsinmons, Cleo 25,005.00
-25,005.00 5
502.16 Karling, John S., Distinguished Lecturship 4,830.35 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,605.75 24.03 Keland, Willard 56.21 S
114.00 114.00 9
123.42 S
79 Separately Held Investments 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 175.00 Accrued Interest Receivable 29.17 29.17 29.17 Total 5
3,529.17 5
114.00 3,643.17 3,652.59 S
175.79 Kelly, Arthur 36,510.23 43,199.17 43,199.17-80,163.64 S
3,922.24 Ritchey, H. W.,
Space Shuttle 3,071.73 S
3,757.52 317.74 4,075.26 8
6,744.44 317.74 Ritt, A. E., Research 8,419.32 S
9,500.00 9,500.00 18,485.87 904.48 Roberts, Flora F., Convocat ions 9,822.05 9,850.05 S
9,850.05 S
21,565.77 S
1,055.17 Sears, Louis Martin 77,997.01 83,170.20 83,170.20 171,254.04 8,379.10 Weedon, Robert H.
5,284.55 8,012.50 S
8,012.50 11,603.02 S
567.71 Whistler, Roy L., Chair 19,585.81 6,700.00 29,100.00 35,800.00 43,003.56 5
1,387.07 Wright, John S.,
Bo t a ny 94,386.96 93,030.52 5
93,030.52 207,240.62 10,139.85 Separately Meld Investments 30,625.10 30,625.10 181,909.50 6,571.88 Total 123,655.62 5
123,655.62 S
389,150.12 16,711.73 j
Wright, John S., Forestry 308,198.09 6
348,824.98 348,824.98 6
676.694.77 5
33,109.28 Funds Held in Trust by Lilly Endowment, Inc.
1,398,000.00 1,398,000.00 8,304,000.00 300,000.00 Total 5
1,146,824.98 S
1,746,824.98 6
8,980,694.77 333,109.28 Total Instruction and Research
$ 2,510.285.48 S
$ 2,555,850.69 5 10,684,433.47 412.379.68 b.
Libraries Corley, R.
C., Memorial 13,101.25 15,000.00 S
15,000.00 28,765.74 S
1,407.45 Goss, William F. M.
24,770.98 23,665.78 S
23,665.78 S
54,388.37 S
2,661.11 Keipers, George F.
1,012.59 S
1,000.00 1,000.00 2,223.29 108.79 Rogers, Bruce 10,164.30 10,006.37 10,006.37 22,317.23 1,091.93 Viol, C. H., Chemistry 5,121.94 S
5,000.On S
5,000.00 11,245.98 550.24 i
ENDOWMENTS AND $1Mll.AR INNDS For the Tetr Endad Juna 30, 1985 Schedule 4 Pool Book Value Book Value Market Value Participatin8 July 1 Additions /
June 30, June 30, Net Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Income b.
Libraries (continued)
Wainwright, Guy A., Memorial 2,048.25 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,497.24 S
220.04 S
56,672.15 S
56,672.15 123,437.85 6,039.56 Total Libraries Total Educational and General S 2,566.957.63 45,565.21 S 2,612,522.84
$ 10,807,873.32 418,419.24 2.
Student Aid a.
Scholarships Armstrong, Neil A., Brown Foundation 54,462.89 60,000.00 60,000.00 115,233.99 5,638.16 Asire, Horace W. and Helen K.
105.061.34 S
130,643.43 130,643.43 230,677.81 11,786.59 Bates, Ella G.
199.221.19 207,356.65 207,356.65 S
437,419.77 21,402.04 Bennett, Eleanor Moore 6,687.59 6,537.95 6,537.95 S
14,683.60 718.44 Berry, Ella M.
16,655.60 S
16,122.97 S
16,322.97 36,569.85 1,789.29 Bilstand, W. B.
Accrued Interest Receivable S
-2,152.50 3,741.75 3,741.75
-8,055.18 77,991.11 69,935.93 69,935.93 1,102,500.39 1,102,500.39 1,712,290.00 81,911.11 Cash S
1,190,339.46 75,838.61 S
1,176,178.07 1,785,967.68 81,911.11 Separately Held Investments Total g
Boreaster, Houston W.
200,471.58 235,517.20 S
235,517.20 440,165.18 21,536.37 Scholarships (Cont inued) a.
Cary, Frank M.
53,678.78 52,621.58 52,621.58 117,859.75 S
5,766.63 61,5",6.70 138,375.52 5
6,770.42 Christopher, Ardis 63,022.61 61,556._7_0 42,892.98 S
57,325.87 S
3,019.84 Clore, Leonard B.
26,108.85 S
42,892.98 Comey, Kate Coleman 5,119.63 5.000.00 5,000.00
!!,240.91 550.00 DiVincent, Tony 10,854.17 14,875.00 S
14,875.90 23,831.95 1,166.05
l ENDOWMENTS AND SIMILAR FUNDS For the Year Ended Juna 30, 1985 Schedule 4 Pool Book Value Book Value Market Value Participating July 1, Additions /
June 30, June 30, Net Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Inenme a.
Scholarships (Continued)
Donnan, H. W. and E. M.
396,460.74 S
454,256.71 S
454,256.71 8
870,489.55 42,591.21 Dryfus - 5 3rn 3,072.39 3,000.00 S
3,000.00 6,745.89 330.06 Dykstra, Betty Memorial 1,561.98 S
2,900.00 2,900.00 3,429.56 167.80 Ellsworth, Annie 72,697.01 S
91,009.36 S
91,009.36 159,617.10 7,809.74 Faculty Staf f Grant 26,788.25 31,084.96 1,044.00 S
32,128.96 S
58,817.59 2,846.81 Feris, Frances F.
Accrised Interest Receivable 59.38 89.38 5
89.38 Separately Held Investments 22,241.17
-21.00 22,220.17 19,278.00 1,051.50 Total 22,330.55 6
-21.00 22,309.55 5
19,367.38 1,051.50 Foulk, M. Virgi nia 9,836.74 S
12,219.55 S
12,219.55 S
21,598.03 1,056.75 Frazier, Lennie 12,075.33 13,745.65 13,745.65 26,513.18 S
1,297.24 Fri e rmood, Lura L.
18,428.15 5
23.154.56 S
23,154.56 5
40,461.75 S
1,979.71 Fritsch Scholarship 14,968.36 5
16,000.00 16,000.00 32,865.26 1,608.03 Garst, William 2,611.77 3,414.00 S
3,414.00 5,734.53 S
280.58 G. E. College Bowl 6,664.19 6,526.18 6,526.18 S
14,632.22 S
715.93 C. M. Endowed Fcholarship Fund 56,766.23 50,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 124,638.70 5,390.46 General Scholarship Program 416.81 540.39 140.39 S
915.17 S
44.78 Gladden, Claude M 25,944.00 45,056.59 45,056.59 56,963.91 S
2,787.12 Real Estate 90,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 Total 135,056.59 135,056.59 146,963.91 S
2,787.12 Gregg, Chester Ray, Memorial 10,284.41 S
13,140.57 13,140.57 22,580.95 1,104.84 4
ENDOWMENTS AND SIMILI.R FUNDS For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 4 Pool Book Value Book Value Market Value Participating July 1, Additions /
June 30 June 30, Net Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Income a.
Scholarships (Continued)
Haldrup, Jack 53,861.38 100,000.00 100,000.00 118,260.67 5,786.25 Hamlin, Charles 2,296.32 S
2,243.69 2,243.69 5,041.91 S
246.69 Hammord Centennial 14,670.54 S
14,600.09 3
14,600.09 32,211.35 1,576.03 Hammond Optimist 831.04 805.77 805.77 1,824.67 89.28 Hurst Perpetual Scholarship rund 19,245.83 22,662.94 22,662.94 42,257.08 2,067.55 Horner Endowment Separately Held Investment s S
25,000.00 S
25,000.00 25,000.00 Irwin, Luther M., Memorial 1,049.91 1,040.99 1,040.99 2,305.23 112.79 Separately Held Investments 4,008.75 5
-4.42 4,004.33 3,930.00 165.58 Accrued Interest Receivable 85.00 85.00 85.00 Total 5,134.74 5
-4.42 S
5,130.32 6,320.23 278.37 Janson, Kenneth and Rosemary 1,855.76 S
2,318.51 S
191.96 2,510.47 4,074.60 191.96 Johns Lillian P.
22,905.50 26,932.77 26,932.77 50,292.43 2,460.71 Jones, Loren T. - IUrul 8,787.80 S
12,500.00 12,500.00 S
19,294.92 944.06 Kaiser Aleminum Scholarship Fund 59,331.85 83,601.89 10.52 S
'30,271.91 6,373.64 Accrued Interest Receivable 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Separately Held Investments 94,887.59 144.36 95,031.95 105,290.00 12,844.36 Total S
179,989.48 5
154.88 180,144.36 S
237,061.91 19,218.00 Katz, Carrie Hene 18,820.35 S
22,000.00 22,000.00 41,322.88 2,021.84 Klebler, Fred G. and Mary W.
2,709.35 5,030.22 5,030.22 5,948.78 291.06 Kneale, Eilen V. Ross 68,011.06 85,959.79 3,949.97 89,909.76 149,328.40 7,244.39 Investment in Real Estate -
Rochdale Men's Cooperative 22,421.40
-3,969.97 18,471.43 18,471.43 1,340.57 Totat S
108,381.19 S
0.00 S
108,381.19 S
S 8,584.96 Lebeson, Herman 5,119.63 5,000.00 5,000.00 S
11.240.91 3
550.00 Lickey, E. F.
2,560.32 2,500.00 S
2,500.00 S
5,621.56 S
275.06 Loer, J ames E.
4,830.35 10,000.00 10,000.00 S
10,605.75 3
24.03 Lynn, Charles L.
4,713.04 S
4,588.79 4,588.79 10,348.18 506.32 Martell, Ruth Whittier 157,467.17 173,327.97 173,327.97 3
345,742.60 16,916.47 McConnell, John R.
88,235.40 101,167.51 S
101,167.51 S
193,733.95 S
9,479.00 Meese, William and Mary 12,135.42 - $
-2,429.92 S
21,077.87 26,645.12 1,323.22
ENDOWMENTS AND SIMll.4R INNDS For the Year Ended June 30, IC85 Schedule 4 Pool Book Value Book Value Market Value Participating July 1 Additions /
June 30, June 30 Net Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 income a.
Scholarships (Continued)
Merritt, Robert A., Memorial 7,854.66 7,700.00 7,700.00 17,246.07 843.82 Mitchell, Malissa V.
9,185.96 10,103.47 10,103.47 20,169.14 986.83 Mitnick, Ruth 4,607.07 5,383.49 S
1,200.00 S
6,583.49 10,115.51 452.05 Moller.kopf, Jack 10,008.47 S
11,083.51 S
11,083.51 21,975.09 1,075.19 Moore, Elizabeth S.
512.06 500.00 500.00 1,124.30 5
55.01 Moore, Frank F.
25,518.64 29,157.64 S
29,157.64 56,029.97 2,741.43 Morris, William E.
24.84 26.93 26.93 54.54 2.67 Morris Farm - Real Estate 151,820.00 151,820.00 650,000.00 Total 151,846.93 151,846.93 650,054.54 2.67 Noyes, LaVerne, Foundation 92,493.58 91,955.27 S
91,955.27 203,083.42 S
9,936.45 Oilor, Rosier D.
64,351.00 91,052.99 S
9,765.13 100,818.12 S
141,292.20 6,876.08 RCA/Zworykin Scholarship Fund 19,724.04 S
33,953.75 5
13,953.75 S
43,307.06 3,603.83 Rheinstrom, Robert 43,879.18 S
57,189.78 57,189.78 96,343.27 4,713.88 Rice, Huldah Jane 167,497.10 S
163,187.54 S
163,187.54 S
367,764.81 17,993.97 Risk, J. Kirby, Jr.
7,175.25 14,004.09 S
14,004.09 S
15,754.33 178.74 Rosenthal, Arthur 49,545.77 S
53,500.00 53,500.90 S
108,785.11 5,322.63 Rotary Golden Anniversary 2,679.40 3,150.08 3,150.08 5,883.02 287.84 Rowley, Laura McClun 8,333.31 S
10,150.00 5,000.00 S
15,150.00 18,297.02 S
718.44 Runkle, Lewis 56,561.78 S
83,195.32 83,195.32 S
124,189.80 6,076.35 Ruth, Michelle 9,282.55 12,250.00 5,000.00 17,250.00 20,381.22 S
794.40 Salsbury, J. E., Scholarship 48,303.48 100,000.00 100,000.00 S
106,057.48 S
240.31 Sarver Edna J.
18,672.59 18,803.09 18,803.09 40,998.45 2,005.97 Seidel, Emil R., Memorial 6,945.99 S
12,500.00 12,500.00 15,250.95 746.20 Shaw, Florence B.
78,613.57 S
100,000.00 100,000.00 S
172,607.79 8,445.35 Smith, Olive K.
26,762.84 26,207.16 S
26,207.16 S
58,761.80 2,875.10 Southworth, Ray M.
10,457.06 S
20,000.00 20,000.00 S
22,960.03 364.17 Spitzer, George, Memorial 5,119.63 5,000.00 5,000.00 11,240.91 S
550.00 Starr, J. B.
48,162.65 S
47,293.18 S
47,293.18 105,748.26 5,174.05
i ENDOWMENTS 4ND SIMILCaR MINDS For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 4 Pool Book Value Book Value Market Value Participating July 1 Additions /
June 30, June 30, Net Unit s 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Income a.
Scholarships (Continued)
Stewart, R.
B. and L. V.
17,631.26 S
17,418.23 3,297.29 20,715.52 S
38,712.05 1,760.35 Accrued Interest Receivable 41.25 41.25 41.25 Separately Held Investments 2,765.28 85.44 2,850.72 2,775.00 250.44 Total 5
20,224.76 5
3,382.73 5
23,607.49 5
41,528.30 S
2,010.79 Stubbs, Frank W.
1,761.54 S
1,911.75 S
1,911.75 5
3,867.72 S
189.24 SVM Class of 1968 20,469.98 S
28,335.00 28,335.00 44,944.89 2,199.06 Taylor, E. Winthrop 2,988.57 S
5,057.01 S
5,057.01 S
6,561.85 S
278.10 Turner, James R.
4,272.45 S
4,800.80 4,800.80 9,380.80 458.98 Weh ner t. Henry C.
127,173.57 145,16'.66 S
145,161.e6 S
279,228.50 13,662.08 Wetherill, R. B.
25,496,83 25,000.00 S
$5,982.08 S
2,739.08 Wiley, Anna Kelton 15,843.78 S
20,000.00 20, S
34,787.38 1,702.08 I
l Winkelman, Laura M.
236,401.74 S
272,321.46 S
272,321.46 S
519,055.20 25,396.30 Wunsch, David, Memorial 5,119.63 S
5,000.00 8
5,000.00 11,240.91 8
550.00 Young, Owen D.
1,034.00 1,031.73 S
1,031.73 2,270.30 S
111.08 Total Scholarships S 5,139,731.06 S
357,136.82 S 5,496,867.88
$ 9,789,640.46 S
437,805.91 b.
Prizes Baim-Swiggert Poetry Prize 1,015.32 S
1,000.00 S
1,000.00 2,229.29 S
109.07 Coulter, S., Forestry Fund 3,413.46 S
3,925.55 3,925.55 7,494.76 S
366.71 Ford, Henry 11, Scholar Award 85,468.71 S
100,350.49 100,350.49 S
187,659.27 S
9.181.78 Helmkamp, Cilbert J.
12,075.87 S
25,000.00 S
25,000.00 S
26,514.37 120.16 Keedy, Mike 5,122.37 S
7,402.39 7,402.39 11,246.93 S
550.29 Lottes, John C., Memorial 691.37 S
680.09 680.09 3
1,518.01 S
. owe, Louis R., Memorial 17,246.64 S
26,173.55 S
26,173.55 5
37,867.56 S
1,852.78 McCoy, Ethel Terry 20,512.96 S
25,037.45 S
25,037.45 45,039.26 S
- McKee, H., Memorial 897.87 1,000.00 S
1,000.00 1,971.41 5
96.46 Mills, Barris S
1,964.37 1,964.37 1,964.37 114.37 Murrell, Wm. Edwin, Prize - Calumet 2,685.82 S
3,332.26 3,332.26 5,897.12 S
288.53 Osborne, C. S.
4,008.24 S
4,543.14 S
4,543.14 S
8,800.69 S
430.60 Roberts, Flora F., Medal 516.21 S
fl2.30 512.30 1,133.42 S
ENDOWNENTS At3D SINILAR INNDS For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 4 Pool Book Value Baok Value Market Value Participating Jaly 1 Additions /
June 30 June 30, Net Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Income b.
Prizes (Continued)
Ross, D. E., Special 70,936.79 82,197.93 5
82,197.93 S
155,752.28 7,620.64 Ross, G.
A., Senior Award 3,094.19 3,068.55 3,068.55 6,793.75 S
332.40 Saigo-Noren 7,164.35 S
10,000.00 10,000.00 15,730.40 769.66 Stark, Sigrid, Literary Award 3,574.78 5,350.00 S
5,350.00 7,848.96 S
384.03 Sudler, Louis 15,707.97 25,210.40 25,210.40 S
34,489.19 1,687.49 Tampt, Myrtle F.
3,050.72 S
4,000.00 4,000.00 6,698.31 S
327.73 Winger, James and Linda 3,822.15 S
4,588.31 S
492.76 S
5,081.07 8,392.10 S
409.21 Zmola, certrude Honhaut 12,577.62 S
15,996.23 3,500.00 19,496.23 S
27,616.04 S
1,227.48 Total Prizes S
324,368.64 5
30,957.13 355,325.77 602,657.49 28,202.80 c.
Loan Funds Blackstock, Laura R.
12,846.49 12,545.39 12,545.39 28,206.38 1,380.08 French, Ruth 5,119.63 5,000.00 5,000.00 S
11,240.91 S
550.00 E
Shealy, Joanna Barry 50,945.82 S
62,989.04 S
62,989.04 S
111,859.13 5,473.04 Waldron, Louis D.
52,555.93 66,280.87 S
66,280.87 S
115,394.36 S
5,646.01 Wright, J.
N., Memorial Fund 136,641.09 128,013.79 S
128,018.79 300,015.85 S
14,679.16 Separately Held Investments 57,536,44 57,536.44 341,761.50 12,146.88 Total S
1M5,555.23 185,555.23 641,777.35 27,026.04 i
Total Loan Funds S
332,370.53 332,370.53 908,478.13 40,075.17 d.
Cha p pe lle, Charles C.
227,906.36 S
256,187.49 S
256,187.49 S
500,402.33 24,483.65 Jones, Loren T.
8,787.81 S
12,500.00 S
12,500.00 19,294.94 944.06 Kruhe, Ludwig 14,173.74 S
17,041.38 S
17,041.38 31.120.56 1,522.66 t
McAllister-Purdue Foundation 76,725.57 5
100,000.00 100,000.00B 168,462.41 S
8,242.51 Viol, Mr. a nd Mr s. A. E.
19,801.43 20,258.33 S
20,258.33 43,476.99 2,127.24 Total Fellowships S
405,987.20 S
405,987.20 762,757.23 S
37,320.12 Total Student Aid S 6,202,457.43 S
388,093.95 S 6,590,551.38
$ 12,063,533.31 S
543,404.00 Total Income - Restricted S
8,769,415.06 433,659.16 S 9,203,074.22 S 22,871,406.63 961,823.24 Total Endowment s S 9,624,497.08 6
433,959.16 S 10,058,456.24
$ 24,174,674.93
$ 1,033,092.42
ENDOWMENTS AND SIMILAR FUNDS For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 4 Pool Book Value Book Value Market Value Participating July 1 Additions /
June 30 June 30, Net Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Income IV.
Funds Functioning as Endownents A.
Income - Unrestricted General Endowment 2.293,643.07
$ 2,707,918.21 62,999.70
$ 2,770,917.91
$ 5,036,034.65 S
243,943.82 Separately Held Investments 3,018,638.70 6,647,71 3,025,286.41 2,728,190.45 63,177.32 Accrued Interest Receivable 816.14 433.36 1 249.50 1,249.50 Total 5
5,727,373.05 S
70,080.77 N
5 7,765,474.60 5
307,121.14 i
Hovde, Frederick L.
12,798.S1 S
23,378.57 395.91 S
23,774.48 28,101.69 1,367.61 Lilly, J. K.
and R. B.
$ 3,559,627.52 334,231.82
$ 3,893,859.34
$ 6,154,755.64 306,725.09 Ad v a nc e to Plant Funds 1,834,936.97 91,250.00 1,926,186.97 1,926,186.97 l
2,404,514.51 85,843.80 2,490,358.37 2.929.080.00 402,843.80 Separately Held Investments Accrued Interest Receivable 102,708.33 102,708.33 102,708.33 5
7,901,767.39 5
511,325,62 5
8.413,113.01 5 11,112,730.94 5
709,568.89 Total Miller, John F. G.
1,178,789.37 S
1,232,433.42 121,930.55 S 1,354,363.97
$ 2,588,207.47 S
121,930.55 S 8,427,273.04
$ 8,427,273.04
$ 8,427,273.04 Reserve for Insurance Deposits Total Income - Unrest ricted S 14,884,972.43 S 9,131,005.89 S 24,015,978.32 S 29,921,787.74 S 1,139,988.19 8.
Income - Restricted 1.
Educational and General e
Instruction and Research Baggott Food Service Fund 1,681.59 5
3,769.23 277.37 4,046.60 5,887.83 S
277.37 Brown, Paul R.
9,680.34 S
8,708.57 8,708.57 21,255.07 1,039.97 CFS General Endowment 138,013.66 S
159,399.32 S
79,075.20 238,474.52 S
303,029.53 11,680.07 Canine Research Fund - vet. Med.
115,378.69 152,117.86 133.00 S
152,250.86 S
253,331.08 12,391.36 Collings, Robert F.
13,041.84 S
18,744.26 18,744.26 S
28,635.30 1,401.07 Duncan Thomas 161,356.14 S
185,450.30 S
16,690.21 202,140.51 354,281.42 16,690.21 Executive in Residence Program 22,370.54 32,881.11 S
-2,656.49 S
30,224.62 S
49,117.85 2,478.23 Fischer, Burnell, M.D.
S 4,850.00 4,850.00 S
5,750.00 Separately Held Investments Hutton, Charles R.
7,202.70 8,375.00 20.00 8,395.00 15,814.60 772.74 Ingersoll-Rand Krannert Fund 109,333.93 142,500.00 142,500.00 5
240,058.91 5
11,745.58 Kinney, ? V..' Memorial 2,946.47 3,438.93 304.78 3,743.71 S
6,469.41 304.78 McBee, E.
T., Memorial 8,167.78 S
8,156.00 8,156.00 17,933.58 877.45 Murray, R. H. and S. H.
352,798.08 456,370.59 S
21,555.80 477,926.39 774,620.68 S
36,983.88 Ostermyer, Paul E. and Agnes -
Entomology 29,420.09 S
35,122.00 1,600.00 36,722.00 64,596.19 5
. - ~
ENLFNMENT3 AD SIMIlAR FUNDS For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 4 Pool B.>ok Value Book Value Market Valte Participating July 1 Additions /
June 30, June 30, Net Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Income a.
Instruction and Research (Contineied)
Ostermyer, Paul E. and Agnes -
Horticulture 28,548.91 S
35,122.00 35,122.00 62,683.38 5
3,066.97 Out stamling Female Sr., Cash Award 2,312.82 S
2,500.00 S
2,500.00 5,078.14 248.46 l
Payne, Lee, Memorial Fund 51,863.61 77,750.48 77,750.48 5
113,874.27 5,571.63 Powers, Francis W.
44,560.73 51,423.79 S
51,423.79 97,839.71 4.787.10 Prof. Dev. - Av. Tech. Facult y 60.784.56 S
73,990.27 73,990.27 5
133,461.55 3
6,529.99 Reilly, Vincent P.
$ 4,602,124.44 S
$ 4,813,125.04 S 9,153,386.99 437,767.27 1
- Retter, E.
S. and E. L.
113,348.01 S
132,942.01 8,666.57 5
141,608.58 248,872.42 11,870.87 Ritt, A. E. - Income 14,599.12 17,394.22 S
2,380.97 19,775.19 32,054.54 1,476.49 Robert s, Flora F, - Income 10,375.12 10,404.72 10,404.72 S
22,780.12 1,114.58 Rose Bowl Float 8,640.34 10,485.28 893.73 11,379.01 S
18,971.15 893.73 Sears, Loui s Mart i n - Income 14,251.39 15,196.05 15,196.05 31,291.05 I,531.00 Snodgrass, Dr. Pobert L., Memorial 68,297.17 86,482.42 5
7,155.02 93,637.44 S
149,956.60 7,062.91 Snyder, James C., Memorial 7,498.87 S
6,710.00 6,710.00 16,464.88 805.59 j
Touloukian Memorial Fund 3,565.25 S
4,717.00 4,717.00 S
7,828.04 383.01 Winchell, P. G., Memorial 6,475.22 S
9,867.80 131.07 9,998.87 14,217.31 690.28 Wright, John S., Bot any - Income 23,463.71 S
23,126.61 S
23,126.61 S
51,518.07 2,520.67 Wright, John S., Forestry - Income 100,955.20 132,136.99 35,223.65 167,360.64 S
221,662.16 S
9,114.37 Total Instruction and Research S 6,507,407.25 387,301.48
$ 6,894,708.73
$ 12,522,721.83 595,196.45 b.
Libraries IUPU Foundation - Ft. Wayne 307,497.82 200,000.00 464,917.55 664,917.55A S
806,896,15 27,207.79 Kilbourne E. H.
11,620.47 15,000.00 15,000.00 25,514.47 S
1,248.37 Kohr, R. H.
4,007.63 4,471.94 130.00 4,601.94 8,799.35 426.80 Total Libraries S
219,471.94 465,047.55 684,519.49 841,209.97 28,882.96 Total Educational and Research S 6,726,879.19 852,349.03
$ 7,579,228.22
$ 13,363,931.80 624,079.41 s
ENDOWMENTS AND SIMILAR FUNDS For the Yest Ended Juna 30, !?85 Schedule 4 Pool Book Value Book Value Market Value Participating July 1, Additions /
June 30, June 30, Net Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Income 2.
Student Aid a.
Scholarships Armory, George C.
Estate 88.453.06 S
95,532.49 95,532.49 194,211.R4 9,502.38 Anderson Kennel Club 12,176.65 S
18,000.00 S
18,000.00 S
26,735.65 8
1,308.12 Aviation Technology 3,322.31 5,298.43 40.00 5,338.43 7,294.63 5
356.29 Bales, Ella G. - Income 28,230.01 29,383.13 29,383.13 5
61,983.19 3,032.71 Broyles, Ralph E.
6,133.36 7,132.23_
200.00 7,332.23 13,466.70 654.21 Bruf f, Charles E.
22,482.08 25,644.70 S
25,644.70 S
49,362.75 2,415.22 Burmaster, Houston W. - Income 54,133.00 S
63,596.62 63,596.62 8
118,857.06 5.815.43 Butler, Gordon H.
4,037.24 S
5,000.00 S
5,000.00 8,864.36 433.71 Crabbs, William 17,757.45 S
24,144.92 1,836.78 8
25,981.70 38,989.12 S
1,836.78 Ferris, Frances F. - Income 5,995.14 6,328.31 S
6,328.31 S
13,163.22 8
644.05 General Endowment - Ft. Wayne 4,559.46 3,718.00 3,550.00 7.268.00 10,011.19 S
368.77 General Scholarship Endownent 331,596.70 3
440,071.42 1,008.00 441,079.42 S
728,069.90 35,592.25 Goeddel, Marjorie F.
25,576.21 29,367.75 29,367.75 56,156.40 2,747.62 Grissom-Chaffee Memorial 18,577.65 20,959.59 S
20,959.59 40,789.99 1,995.77 Gruel, Elsie 75,578.83 100,000.00 100,000.00 165,944.57 8.119.33 Hart, Fred F.
16,254.15 S
19,123.47 19,123.47 35,688.40 1,746.16 Havens, Cressy Thomas 27,370.28 28,593.29 S
28,593.29 60,095.52 S
2,940.35 Hovde, Priscilla Boyd, Memorial 4,114.97 5,568.49 5,568.49 9,474.16 S
463.55 Kingsbury, S. D. and M. H.
22,609.60 S
28,484.50 28,484.50 S
49,642.74 S
2,428.92 Kneale, Ellen - Income 174,331.23 208,565.40 44,666.66 253,232.06 382,770.16 17,237.00 Investment in Real Estate -
Kneale House 69,453.24
-4,262.79 65,190.45 65,190.45 5,985.91 Shoemaker House 60,794.02
-3,194.84 57,599.18 57,599.18 5,401.16 Total S
338,8l2.66 S
37,209.03 376,021.69 505,559.79 28,624.07 Koec ke r t, Ethel Volk 21,833.15 25,000.00 S
25,000.00 47,937.93 2,345.50 Lohman, Laura M.
57,327.89 S
-4,635.50 S
71,633.66 114,992.23 S
5,691.91 Long Electric Company 7,330.54 8,375.88 8,375.88 16,095.29 787.51 Malott, Charles M.
50,984.24 5
50,045.17 50,045.17 S
111,943.49 5,477.16
ENDOWMENTS AND SIM114R FUNDS For the Year Endet June 30, 1985 Schedule 4 Pool Sook Value Book Value Market Value Participating July 1 Add it ions /
June 30, June 30, Net Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Income a.
Sch31arships (Continued)
May), Henry 6,216.43 9,041.74 S
9,041.74 S
13,649.10 667.82 Morris, Wttliam E. - Income 9,433.44 S
10,237.30 10,237.30 20,723.50 S
1,013.96 Neff, Floyd R.
3,169.15 3,785.00 3,785.00 6,958.34 340.46 Nern, Clintic W.
Bartlett 7,689.70 5
7,495.03 7,495.03 16,883.88 826.10 Dut st anii ng Athlet ic Per fo rmance 6,871.03 7,000.00 2,000.00 9,000.00 15,086.37 717.27 Paine. Thomas 27,952.22 S
35,000.00 15,000.00 50,000.00 61,373.26 S
2,550.52 Reese, Crayce J.
218,575.75 236,739.58 236,739.58 479,915.58 S
23,481.27 Retter, E. S. and E. L.
63,952.36 S
70,242.52 S
70,242.52 S
140,416.92 S
6,870.30 Rheinstrom, Robert - Inc ome 11,213.64 S
11,610.97 5,698.65 S
19,309.62 S
24,621.22 984.77 Rogers, Herbert F.
5,732.30 7.115.39 7,115._39 12,586.12 S
615.82 Sieb. Floyd W.
4,293.52 S
4,801.52 4,801.52 S
9,427.06 S
461.25 g
Sinclair, William C.
3,664.73 4,350.69 4,350.69 8,046.46 393.70 Smith, Peart 141,649.06 S
162,301.57 162,301.57 311,011.59 15,217.15 Sinith, Steven, Memorial 8.784.84 S
10,000.00 10,000.00 S
19,288.42 S
943.74 Snyder, Sarah M.
8,187.81 S
10,227.78 10,227.78 17,977.56 879.61 1
Straass, Roger and Ethel 45,358.72 72,798.16 S
72,798.16 S
99,591.82 4,872.82 l
l Warren, Harry G.
7,030.24 S
10,000.00 10,000.00 15,435.94 S
755.25 1
Winkleman, Laura M. - Income 10,231.84 S
11,786.65 11,786.65 22,465.53 S
1,099.19 l
Wise, Robert 212.02 S
390.00 390.00 465.52 S
12.39 Separately Hald Investments S
13,449.75 13,449.75 16,089.00 2,373.78 Total T-~
13,449.7) 5 390.00 5
5 16,334.52 5
2,386.17 Yauch, Essie, Trust 9,168.47 S
11,057.69 11,057.69 20,130.74 S
984.95 Total Scholarships S 2,165,491.55 S
$ 2,227,788.51
$ 3,817,474.05 191,389.89 l
l b.
Prizes Black cultural Center 3,569.19 S
4,616.19 1,030.40 5,646.59 7,836.69 5
350.20 l
l Bray, John L., Memorial 4,059.33 S
5,056.24 190.93 5,247.17 8,912.86 S
436.20 l
Briney Achievement Award 2,152.10 2,659.49 S
222.60 2,882.09 4,725.26 222.60 Burr, I. W., Award 2.404.30 S
2,611.19 2,611.19 5,279.00 258.29 Eaton, J. T., and Co.
5,558.84 9,537.92 9,537.92 12,205.26 S
ENDOWMENTS AND SIMILAR FUNDS For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 4 Pool Book Value Book Value Market Value Participating July 1, Additions /
June 30, June 30, Net Unit s 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Income b.
Prizes (Continued) 338.13 S
-3,150.14 Farm Bureau Foundation Fe atherston, W. R.
6,210.79 8,645.16 350.00 8,995.16 13,63%.71 655.72 Kasler, R.
Jef f 3,278.35 4,882.42
-110.94 4,771.48 7,198.11 355.47 Keedy, Mike - I nc ome 1,412.37 1,739.88 675.94 2,415.82 3,101.07 125.65 0'Shaughnessy, Victor M.
26,108.54 35,760.10
-2,048.12 33,711.98 57,325.18 2,754.32 Patterson, Charles, Memorial 3,763.03 5,019.00 5,019.00 8,262.29 404.26 Pickett, R.
A., % morial 4,623.70 S
5,471.52 S
5,471.52 10,152.02 496.72
Purdue Meinariel Union Award 6,351.99 S
7,928.97 2,342.54 10,271.51 S
13,946.74 5
609.25 S
3,412.58 5
6,088.53 297.90 Raf fert y, William A.
2,773.00 S
3,412.58 Ross, David E. - I nc ome 57,869.62 5
67,056.4o 67,056.46 127,061.36 6,216.85 Science and Nursing Mrmorial 2,922.81 S
5,076.00 5,076.00 6,417.46 313.99 7,727.46 14,879.60 728.04 Sherwood, R. Hart ley 6,776.95 7,727.46 sm i th, Ned M., Field Cam 3 4,178.98 4,825.24 S
4,825.24 9,175.57 448.94 932.88 1,041.02 751.59 1,792.61 2,048.28 64.10 Sud le r, Lou i s - I nc ome S
2,301.59 5
4,145.47 202.83 SVM Distinguished Alumnus Fund 1,888.04 2,301.59 4,485.00 7,606.19 372.15 Tobias, R. Stewart, Memorial
~,464.21 4,485.00 Vallely, Lloyd M., Memorial 1,772.!!
2,087.00 25.00 2,112.00 3,890.93 189.69 5,294.66 6,328.17 309.63 Walters, Barbar.
2,882.14 S
. citer, Emanuel F.
18,429.41 23,387.50 100.00 23,487.50 40,464.53 1,977.09 223,772.73 379.80 224,152.53 380,687.48 18,725.19 Total Prizes Buchman, Etta, Trust 928,959.16 1,100,433.49
-4.80 1.100,428.69
$ 2,039,668.06 99,796.95 c.
Loan Funds 900.00 900.00 900.00 1,101,331.49
-4.80 1,101,328.69 2,040,568.06 99,796.95 Real Estate Total Hand, Helen 5,119.63 5,000.00 5,000.00 11,240.91 550.00 Masten, Ella 8,462.43 S
10,000.00 S
10,000.00 18,580.52 909.!!
Shealy, Joanna B. - Income 80,446.81 S
100,860.11 13,590.88 114,450.99 176,632.94 8,117.84 Weible, McK i ni,y 174,120.87 224,915.36 18,010.56 242,925.92 382,308.28 18,010.56
. ~ _ ~ - _ _ - -
ENDOWNENTS AND S!MIIAR FUNDS For the Yect Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 4 Pool Book Value Book Value Market Value Participating July 1 Additions /
June 30, June 30, Net Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Income c.
Loan Funds (Continued)
Wright, John N. - Income 26,654.59 24,972.66 24,972.66 S
58,524.12 2,863.46 I
Total Loan Funds
$ 1,467,081.62 S
31,596.64 S
$ 2.687,854.83 130,247.92 i
Fellowships 1
Chappelle, Charles C. - Income 66,277.93 68,798.98 68,798.98 145,523.06 7,120 14 Ingersoll-Rand, M. E.
109,333.93 142,500.00 142,500.00 240,058.91 S
11,745.58 Knapp, Joseph B.
1,608.64 1,700.25 166.39 S
1,866.64 3,532.01 S
166.39 Kruhe, Ludwig - Income 25,427.48 S
31,359.89 S
4,096.23 35,456.12 S
55,829.82 S
2,573.57 Purdue Fellowship Program 1,031,877.65
$ 1,174,826.00 I,174,826.00 S 2,265,640.92 S
110,853.12 Renmers, H.
H., Memorial 5,807.98 6,485.04 889.00 7,374.04 12,752.28 589.00 Stair, Grace R.
122,094.71 139,091.00 S
139,091.00 268,077.10 13,116.46 j
Total Fellowships 1,564,761.16 5,151.62 S 1,569,912.78
$ 2,991,414.10 146,164.26 Total Student Aid S 5,421,107.06 99,425.02
$ 5,520,532.08 S 9,877.430.46 S
486,527.26 I
Other Cooperative certificates 28.00
-28.00 Unliquidated Trusts and Bequest s 31.00
-31.00 Total other 59.00
-59.00 t
Total Income - Restricted
$ 12,148,045.25 951,715.05
$ 13,099,760.30
$ 23,241,362.26 S 1,110,606.67 i
Total Funds Functioning as Endowments S 27,033,017.68
$ 37,115,738.62
$ 53,163,150.00
$ 2,250,594.86 Total Endowments and Funds Functioning as Endowmeet s
$ 36,657,514.76
$1p 516,680.10 5 47,174,194.86
$ 77,337,824.93
$ 3,283,687.28 V.
Annuity and Life Income FunJs Feris, Frances F.
t 1
-830.65 Accrued Interest Receivable 1,008.33 1,008.33 1,008.33 Separately Held Investeents 22,353.26
-14.66 22,338.60 20,927.00 2,185.34 i
Total S
23,024.24 S
-507.96 5
22,516.28 21,104.68 5
2,185.34 Wood, Will R.
390,864.33 449,226.68 39,437.62 488,664.30 858,200.80 40,453.91 Investment in Real Estate 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 Total S
649,226.68 39,437.62 S
688,664.30 1,058,200.80 S
40,453.91 Total Annuity and Life income Funds S
672,250.92 38,929.66 711,180.58 l.079,305.48 42,639.25 l
j Total Endowment Pool
$ 37,329,765.68
$ 47,885,375.44
$ 78,417,130.41
$ 3,326,326.53 t
l t
ENDOWMENTS AND SIMILAR FUNDS For the Year Ended Jun<a 30, IS85 Schedule 4 Pool Book Value Book Value Market Value Participating July 1, Additions /
June 30, June 30 Net Units 1984
-Deductions 1985 1985 Income j
Pool Acc nts I
$ 2,488,124.61
$ -173,412.21
$ 2,314,712.40
$ 2,314,712.40 Interest Receivable 399,702.96 67,241.84 466,944.80 466,944.80 1
Marketable Securities 28,658,482.36 2,646,414.74 31,304,897.10 48,280,358.96 Pool Participants
-51,396,390.10 Total 4,457.689.61 163,830.34 S 4,621,519.95
-334,373.94 Total Endoments and Similar Funds
$ 42,595,494.88
$ 53,843,069.96
$ 79,418,931.04 3,455,771.68 (Exhibit A)
Funds held in trust for IUPU Foundat ion - Fort Wayne.
Endo m ents held in trust for the Purdue Foundation.
h I
i i
l I
i j
4 t
J 1
i Schedule 5 Balance Additions Transfers Bala nce July 1 State Loans Advances Frora/-To Construction June 30, 1984 Appropriations and Cifts Other Funds Expenditures 1985 e
Classroom / Lecture Room Rehabilitation - 1983 1,858.02 3
-1,683.17 174.85
Civil Engineering Addition 452,555.34 195,530.00 $ -142,500.00
-55,013.52 $
560,598.86 4
Technology Building 1,966,659.81 10.00
-104,937.56 1,861,732.25 Life Sciences Research Building 1,304,032.68 2 7,089.38
-423,672.18 964,552.94 132,896.94 i
Replace D=mineralizer 12.164.42 2,309.95 9,854.47 Married Student Housing Gas Line - 1981 9,357.15 9,357.15 J
Additian to Plath Science Building 13,703.07 405.09 13,297.98 I
Erannert Management Development Research Center 19,289.14
-1,083.53 18,205.61 f
Engineering and Geosciences Complex Planning 40,690.f6 20,610.89 20,079.77 Airport Apron Repair 6 Taxiway By pass 1983 2,272.33 2,272.33 4
i Fare Facilities Phase 1 2,341,985.93 1,644,957.43 182,236.00 3,636,694.69 532,484.67 i
Paint Water Tower 1983 21,652.86 5,902.62 15,750.24 Mechanical Systems Operation Building Phase 1 5,963.49
-5,671.60 291.89 Envirorssental Control System 1,076,020.93 662,780.20 413.240.73 Clean Hydronic Piping Systems 60,000.00 60,000.00 Stadium Elevator
-208,994.10 286,828.30 77.834.20 Stadium Site Work 55,124.64 48,694.53 6,430.11 I
Freight Elevator Chemistry Building 156,311.35 141,570.93 14,740.42 Secondary Main Gear Heat 6 Power South 80,000.00
-80,000.00 48,508.68 48,508.68
Small Animal Facility Renovation Lilly Hall 342,159.81 337,704.92 4,454.89 G
Replace Exterior Doors Earhart Hall 53,752.17
-2,443.04 51,309.13 l
Greenhouse Entomology Envirorusental Laboratory 43,638.80
-370.26 43,268.54 i
New Entry Terminal Building
-10,000.00 10,000.00 96,332.17 96,332.17 2
Renovate Memorial Gym 1,684,376.43 50,000.00 496,524.18 2,519,326.11
-288,425.50 i
Renovate Third Floor Potter Center 103,032.00
-3,472.57 99,559.43 j
Recoof Elliott Hall of Music 5,499.65
-3,755.39 1,744.26 Reroof Harrison Hall 76.850.67
-1,009.69 75,840.98 j
Cage Washer 6 Surgical Light Lilly Hall 69,607.00 198.00 69,805.00 Reconstruction of Harrison Street 8,570.79
-375.40 8,195.39 Paint Exterior Windows Cary @ ad 61,005.02 55,718.68 5,286.34 i
Pave Terminal Parking Lot 6 Harrison Street 49,679.46
-1,590.66 48,088.80 Parapet Repair Lynn Hall, Lilly Hall & Poultry Bldg 84,876.58 76,755.40 8,121.18 i
Agricultural Research Laboratories 635,192.69 617.614.30 17,578.39 l
Rehabilitate Lighting Runway 5-23 6 Taxivays 43,008.08 43,008.08 Laboratory Renovation Chemistry 550,000.00 514,220.84 35,779.16 New Sports Surf ace Laabert Fieldhouse 247,978.64 247,978.64 i
Laboratory Furniture H3rticulture Building 65,620.00 65.620.00 New 15KY Radial Feeders Heat and Power South 169,000.00 165,719.65 3,280.35 Replace Windows Stanley coulter Hall 162,000.00 1,096.23 160,903.77 Remodel Locker Room Ross Ade Stadium 554,000.00 494,498.!*
59.501.86 Furnishings for Computer Science Building 390,000.00 33,902.12 356,097.88 I
Clean Deep Wells Number 12, 13 and 15 75,000.00 52,997.39 22,002.61 New Desuperheater Station Heat and Power South 71,300.00 23,915.40 47,384,60 Replace Passenger Elevator Ag Administration Building 90,000.00 4,990.91 85,009.09 Laboratory Renovation Phase Il Chasistry Building 214,000.00 169,357.70 44,642.30 l
1 Phase 11 Life Sciences Research Building 486,000.00 301,296.10 184,703.90 l
l Equipment for Laboratory Renovation Chemistry Building 132,000.00 114,738.71 17,261.29 Remodel Laboratories CMET Building 303,250.00 121,157.70 182,092.30 Reasodel Laboratories Horticulture Building 79,221.00 63,539.00 15,682.00 Apron Expansion Airport 78,122.34 242,931.34
-164,609.00 1
a i
~ _ _ _. _
. -. ~ _ - -.. _
.. - ~ -. -.
PLANT WNDS STATEME!rf 0F UNEEPENDED CONSTRUCTION WNDS For tha Tear Ended June 30, 1085 Schedule 5 Balance Additions Transfers Balance July 1, State Loans, Advances From/-To Construction June 30, 1984 Appropriations and Cifts Other Funds Expenditures 1985 Remodel Laboratories Horticulture Building 133,779.00 32,025.62 101,753.38' Masoery Tower Repairs Cary Quadrangle 120,000.00 1,116.01 118,883.99 l
Remodel Room 824 Phase I Stewart Center 615,n00.00 51,593.03 563,406.97 Fara Facilities Phase 11 2,230,178.00 482,398.68 1,747,779.32 Remodel Laboratories Pharmacy Building 173,000.00 13,290.85 159,70*.15 New Roof and Masonry Parapet Repair Lambert Fieldhouse 345,000.00 21,930.33 323,069.67 Retoof Lynn Hall and Mechanical Engineering 123,000.00 280.33 122,719.67 Structural Repairs Ross Ade Stadium 248,000.00 154,111.33 93.888.67 Remodel Second Floor Matthews Hall 99,000.00 24,000.53 74,999.47 Feed & Domestic Water Piping Alterations Heat & Power So.
160,000.00 43,810.35 116,189.65 Projects under $50,000 3,155,004.38 859,637.96 3,538,163.92
-2,146,996.79 1,034,081.19 4,371,728.28 l
$14,331,620.84 $ 4.131,479.17 $ 4,297,621.60 $ 3,677,282.80 $16,058,397.44 $10,379,606.97 REGIONAL CAMPOSES CALUMET Pave South Parking Lot - 1982 4,123.76 650.00 $
3,473.76 Replace Chiller Power House 39,275.49 $
-212.43 39,063.06 Develop Computer Learning Resource Center 35,000.00 21.000.00 54,351.17 1,648.83 Projects under $50,000 68,189.04
-1,538.70 40,000.00 $
18,500.00 27,099.73 98,050.61 l
Total CALU*ET 146,588.29 $
19,248.87 $
40,000.00 $
18,500.00 $
121,163.96 $
103,173.20 l
0 FORT WAYNE Sewer Flood Mitigation - 1982 12,787.68
-12,787.68 1
Fire Alarm System Replacement 17.45
-17.45 Remodel Kettler Hall 37,291.04 36,149.83 $
1,141.21 Parking Lot North Campus 170,000.00 162,672.08 7,327.92 Remodel Data Processing Area Kettler Hall 249,500.00 244,611.39 4,888.61 Remodel Kettler Hall and Physical Plant Buil1ing 86,000.00 77,789.46 8,210.54 Projects under $50,000 137,886.16 $
-11,617.34 45.316.39 147,004.73 24,580.48 i
Total FORT W4YNE 357,982.33 $
-1I,617.34 368,011.26 $
668,227.49 $
46,148.76 NORTH M NTRAL Retoof Library and Student Faculty Building 71,510.05 66,960.04 $
4,550.01 1
Technology Laboratory Facility NCCE 135,914.30 134,516.52 1,397.78 jl Projects under $50,000 13,532.06 $
-7.70 4,561.98 8,962.38 I
Total NORTM CENTRAL 220,956.41 $
-7.70 206,038.54 $
14,910.17 Total REGIONAL CAMPUSES 725,527.03 $
7,623.83 $
40,000.00 $
386,511.26 $
995,429.99 $
164,232.13 Total ALL CAMPUSES (Exhibit A)
$15,057,147.87 $ 4,139,103.00 $ 4,337,621.60 $ 4,063,794.06 $17,053,827.43 $10,543,839.10A i
The unexpended project balances have been adjusted to recognize outstanding accounts payable of $1.319,072.90 and accounts receivable of $372,783.00.
- TENTS For the 7 eor Ended June 30, 1005 Schedale 6 Par Value Book Value Market Value or shares June 30, 1985 June 30, 1985 1.
Plant Fund Investments 4.
Pla nt Fund Pooled Ineestmes.t s United States Treasury Notes 9.750%; 11/15/85
$ 1,000,000.00 999,707.62
$ 1,008,437.50 It.750%; 11/15/85 290,000.00 293,277.22 294,531.25 10.875%; 12/31/85
$ 2,000,000.00 2,001,983.38 2,034,375.00 10.625%; 01/31/86
$ 1,000,000.00 999,818.49 1,017,187.50 10.875%; 02/28/86
$ 1,000,000.00 999,854.14 1,020,312.50 9.375%; 05/15/86
$ 2,000,000.00 1,998,366.44 2,026,875.00 9.375%; 05/15/86
? 1,125,000.00 1.127,661.83 1.140,117.19 9.875%; 12/31/86
$ 1,000,000.00 999,399.46 1,020,625.00 9.875%; 12/31/86
$ 2,500,000.00 2,497,901.35 2,551,562.50 10.000%; 12/31/86 3
582,000.00 584,294.97 594.913.13 9.750%; 01/31/87
$ 2,000,000.00 1,999,512.84 2,036,250.00 9.000%; 02/15/87 1,000,000.00 999,789.08 1,006,875.00 10.000%; 02/28/87
$ 2,000,000.00 1,995,593.01 2,043,125.00 9.125%; 05/31/87
$ 2,000,000.00 2,019,871.96 2,015,625.00 9.125%; 05/31/87
$ 1,000,000.00 1,006,188.03 1,007,812.50 10.500%; 06/10/87
$ 2,000,000.00 1,996,244.85 2,064,375.00 10.500%; 06/30/87 154,000.00 155,556.30 158,956.88 11.125%; 09/30/87 80,000.00 81,677.41 83,625.00 7.625%; 11/15/87
$ 2,000,000.00 2,002,693.23 1,960,625.00 12.625%; !!/15/87 385,000.00 404,016.77 414.235.94 10.375%; 02/15/88 130,000.00 130,458.80 133,859.38 12.000%; 03/31/88
$ 1,000,000.00 999,354.87 1,067,500.00 12.000%; 03/31/88 242,000.00 251,419.58 258,335.00 9.8 75%; 05/15/88
$ 3,000,000.00 3,002,688.46 3,057,187.50 10.500%; 08/15/88
$ 3,000,000.00 2,998,874.02 3,103,125.00 10.625%; 12/31/88 1,000,000.00 995,075.72 1.036,562.50 10.750%; 11/15/89 135,000.00 135,731.90 140,357.81 11.000%; 02/15/90
$ 1,000,000.00 1,007,716.11 1,045,937.50 11.000%; 02/15/90
$ 2,000,000.00 2,012,629.08 2,091,875.00 11.000%; 02/15/90
$ 2,000,000.00 2,004,599.89 2,091,875.00 11.000%; 02/15/90
$ 5,000,000.00 5,008,638.90 5,229,687.50 11.500%; 10/15/90
$ 2,000,000.00 2,014,380.61 2,131,875.00 11.500%; 10/15/90
$ 2,000,000.00 1,994,782.97 2,131,875.00 11.500%; 10/15/90
$ 2,000,000.00 1,991,432.80 2.131,875.00 11.750%; 01/15/91 1,000,000.00 1,007,984.22 1,074,687.50 11.750%; 01/15/91
$ 1,000,000.00 1,005,990.53 1,074,687.50 10.125%; 05/15/93
$ 3,000,000.00 2,987,084.34 3,001,875.00 10.125%; 05/15/93
$ 5,000,000.00 4,980,319.00 5,003,125.00 10.125%; 05/15/93
$ 3,000,000.00 2,987,884.38 3,001,875.00 10.125%; 05/15/93
$ 2,000,000.00 1,976,376.33 2,001,250.00 10.125%; 05/15/93
$ 2,000,000.00 1,952,674.89 2,001,250.00 11.750%; !!/15/93 3,000,000.00 3,011,775.86 3,242,812.50 11.750%; 11/15/93
$ 2,000,000.00 2,008,559.03 2,161,875.00 11.750%; 11/15/93
$ 1,000,000.00 1,004,285.52 1,080,937.50 11.750%; 11/15/93
$ 1,000,000.00 998,926.51 1,080.937.50 United States Treasury Bonds 7.875%; 02/15/93
$ 1,000,000.00 906,185.91 886.250.00
DETAIL 07 INVISTMENTS For the Tsar Endad June 30, 1985 Schedele 6 Par Value Book Value Market Value or Shares June 30, 1985 June 30, 1985 Federal Home 1.can Bank Sonds
$ 2,000,000.00 1,997,042.72 2,070,000.00 11.100%; 03/25/87
$ 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,048,125.00 10.300%; 06/25/87
$ 1,000,000.00 999,170.77 1,048,125.00 11.400%; 10/25/88
$ 1,500,000.00 1,812,371.03 1,700,625.00 14.125%; 07/25/89
$ 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,036,250.00 10.900%; 12/26/90 Federal Land Bank Bonds
$ 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 973,437.50 7.2502; 07/20/87 Federal Farm Credit Bank Bonds
$ 1,000,000.D0 1,000,000.00 1,070,937.50 15.150%; 07/21/86 585,000.00 586,287.97 602,732.81 10.625%; 07/20/87
$ 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,030,000.00
$ 5,000,000.00 4,957,189.45 5,087,500.00 10.850%; 02/01/90 10.600%; 10/22/90 Government National Mortgage Association Notes (FNMA)
$ 1,000,000.00 997,441.02 935,000.00 6.400%; 12/11/87 Government National Mortgage Association Notes (Participation Certificates) 800,315.69 724,174.25 679,763.14 8.250%; 05/15/08 690,538.02 563,515.32 620,405.25 9.000%; 05/15/09 Government National Hortgage Association Notes (Pass Throughs) 44,995.41 34,752.70 30,540.63 106,670.15 100,137.38 84,569.43 5.500%; 09/15/98 7.250%; 06/15/05 588,070.32 577,122.70 493,979.07 8.000%; 11/15/05
$ 1,446,975.78 1,435,02).25 1,215,459.66 8.000%; 10/15/06 670,127.17 668,322.22 562,906.82
$ 1,569,563.86 1,423,135.98 1,318,433.64 8.000%; 10/15/06 8.000%; 10/15/06
$ 1,516,194.10 1,374,554.75 1,273,603.04 8.000%; 11/15/06 480,457.77 436,473.24 403,584.53 8.000%; 12/15/06
$ 1,248,375.87 1,108,550.71 1,008,453.63 7.500%; 12/15/06 5
608,187.81 522,482.33 491,301.72 7.500%; 01/15/07 342,843.37 264,080.57 276,953.16 741,169.93 670,236.31 598,726.33 7.500%; 01/15/07 7.500%; 01/15/07
DETAIL OF INVESTMENTS For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 6 Par Value book Value Market Value or shares June 30.1985 June 30 1985 7.500%; 02/15/07 403,915.12 437,806.68 326,287.68 7.500%; 02/15/07 5
724,558.64 635,427.03 585,307.53 7.500%; 02/15/07 342,783.62 331,861.74 276,904.89 7.500%; 03/15/07 681,434.68 650,232.29 550,471.45 7.500%; 05/15/07 361,222.66 345,330.52 291,800.18 7.500%; 05/15/07 837,257.21 759,084.25 676,346.84 7.500%; 06/15/07
$ 1,596,560.89 1,532,787.07 1,289,721.84 1
7.500%; 06/15/07
$ 1,631,090.73 1,567,226.33 1,317,615.48 7.500%; 07/15/07 820,861.80 788,926.37 663,102.42 8.000%; 08/15/07
$ 1,669,866.00 1,512,708.74 1,402,687.44 8.000%; 12/15/07 9
559,928.11 517,703.79 470,339.61 8.000%; 01/15/08 683,682.02 612,849.41 574,292.90 9.000%; 09/15/08 623,904.37 608,191.56 553,520.16 9.000%; 12/15/08 663,719.56 602,362.47 588,843.70 9.000%; 02/15/09 505,959.91 504,784.46 448,881.31 9.000%; 05/15/09 232,787.36 200,060.60 206,526.04 9.500%; 06/15/09
$ 2,007,194.70 1,869,401.26 1,831,565.16 9.500%; 10/15/09 962,372.45 899,297.31 878,164.86 10.000%; 11/15/09 639,744.08 624,377.12 604,758.08 10.000%; 11/15/09 883,758.95 863.668.44 835,428.38 10.000%; 11/15/09 44,826.09 43,457.91 42,374.66 10.000%; 11/15/09 836,835.46 811,956.14 791,071.02 11.000%; 12/15/09
$ 1,680,155.11 1,618,170.68 1,667,553.95 11.000%; 01/15/10 162,613.63 156,768.04 161,394.03 12.500%; 06/15/10 495,683.63 493,951.69 519,538.40 11.000%; 08/15/10 914,341.28 881,214.44 907,483.72 11.000%; 09/15/10 200,545.63 192,326.56 199,041.54 13.000%; 03/15/11 799,392.35 768,075.09 851,352.85 13.500%; 05/15/11 574,688.87 564.501.47 618,868.08 14.000%; 05/15/11 695,781.93 676,744.15 756,880.28 13.500%; 05/15/11 717,339.90 690,812.84 772,485.40 14.000%; 06/15/11 739,433.54 735,307.36 804,365.05 14.000%; 06/15/11 257,223.02 256,720.11 279,810.42 14.000%; 06/15/11 231.037.26 230,632.06 251,325.22 11.000%; 08/15/11 153,810.23 151,696.94 152,656.65 14.000%; 01/15/12 139,323.35 138,279.92 151.557.68 11.500%; 01/15/13
$ 1,396,707.36 1,346,001.70 1,411,110.90 8.250%; 05/15/13 955,656.57 953,662.50 813,502.66 13.000%; 09/15/13
$ 1,904,616.06 1,883,136.72 2,028,416.10 12.000%; 01/15/14
$ 1,863,443.84 1,852,804.44 1,917,017.85 Governme nt National Martgage Association Notes (CPM) 11.0002; 09/15/10
$ 2,049,256.50 1,953,527.09 2,003,148.23 Federal Hame Loan Mortgage Corporation (PC) 10.250%; 04/01/09
$ 2,054,022.68 2,054,022.68 1,941,051.43 13.000%; 09/01/10 351,467.85 309,509.68 369,700.24
EITAIL OF INVESTML1TS For the Year Ended June 30,1t85 l
Sched21e 6 Par Value Saok Value Market Value or Shares June 30, 1985 June 30. 1985 Federal Hasse Loan Mortgage Corporation (CMC) 8.8 50 % ; 03/15/08 215,000.00 255,462.14 245,456.25 570,000.00 566,219.48 490,912.50 8.850%; 03/15/08 Ship Financing Eonds 250,000.00 250,000.00 254,675.00 12.250%; 12/15/87 Farmers Hasse Administration Guaranteed Loans (FmHA)
$ 1,625,433.72 1,625,433.72 1,644,451.29 12.750%; 02/28/90 632,207.00 634,564.40 562,664.23 9.390%; 09/25/93 530,987.80 510,086.50 430,100,12 8.750%; 03/04/97
$ 1,905,012.64 1,909,306.39 1,969,021.06 13.000%; 12/02/00 Farmers Home AJainistration
$ 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 960,000.00 7.125%; 12/29/87 100,000.00 100,000.00 93,500.00 7.750%; 12/28/88 0
Government National Mortgage Association Notes (MH8) 233,584.75 211,115.12 191,291.84 8.500%; 08/15/92 240,029.72 237,567.35 214,976.62 8.500 %; 08/15/92 401,370.07 396,160.83 359,477.07 8.500%; 09/15/92 263,564.39 253,871.43 234,901.76 8.250%; 06/15/93 248,569.56 246,007.48 223,867.96 8.750%; 07/15/93 280,404.85 273,193.09 249,910.82 8.250%; 07/15/93 288,099.10 283,342.51 259,469.25 8.7 50 %; 08/15/93 671,033.54 642,734.61 598,058.64 8.250%; 07/15/97 478,047.99 445,353.56 445,245.12 10.750%; 09/15/98 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Guaranteed Loan (Quarterly) 136,942.53 206,942.53 205,659.49 11.500%; 08/18/95 Repurchase Agreements
$ 3,798,899.14 3,798.899.14 3.798,899.14 8.010%; 07/01/85
$150.642,159.91 Total Plant Fand Pooled Investment
DETAIL OF INVESTMENTS For the Taar Endad June 30, 1985 Schedule 6 Tsar Par Value Book Value Market Value Yield Due or Shares Ju.e 13, 1985 June 30, 1985 8.
Separately Invested Reserves for Renewal Dormitory Facilities-Revenue Fund Reserve class 1 Purdue University Dormitory Facilities Revenue Bonds Series E 3 1/2%
2000 25,000.00 19.575.37 12,905.00 Dormitory Facilities Revenue Bonds Series F 3 $/8%
1995-97 147,000.00 146,692.91 92,137.23 Intercollegiate Athletics Purdue University Dormitory Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series F 3 3/4%
2002 25,000.00 25,000.00 13,452.25 Purdue University Recreational Gymnasium Bonds 3%
1984-85 138,000.00 138,000.00 137,947.56 Parking Facilities U. S. Treasury Bonde 13 1/8% 05/16/01
$ 1,000,000.00 978,473.68 1,185,625.00 Total Reserves for Renewal
$ 1,307,741.96 1,442,067.04 Total Plant Fund Investments
$152,084,226.95 3
Endowment and Similar Fund Investments A.
Endowment Fund Pool 1.
U. S. Treasury Securities l
U. S. Treasury Note 0.000%
1986 704,375.00 501,120.55 633,811.00 U. S. Treasury Note 12.750%
1987 500,000.00 494,387.77 530,625.00 U. S. Treasury Note 12.000%
$ 1,000,000.00 997,025.40 1,066,250.00 U. S. Treasury Note 12.750%
$ 1,000,000.00 997,804.47 1,101,563.00 U. S. Treasury Note 11.375%
$ 1,000,000.00 996,795.51 1,058,438.00 Total U. S. Treasury Securities
$ 3,987,133.70
$ 4,390,687.00 i
Bond s Accuray Corp.
1991 200,000.00 199,967.72 144,000.00 ANR Pipe Line Co.
1990 90,000.00 90,000.00 82,350.00 American Telephone and Telegraph Co.
1996 20,000.00 20,089.80 12,148.00 American Telephone and Telegraph Co.
1999 6
50,000.00 50,158.08 27,545.00 American Telephone and Telegraph Co.
2000 50,000.00 49,608.52 42,063.00 Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co.
1990 81,000.00 80,949.94 79,688.00 Arkansas Power and Light Co.
1995 100,000.00 100,562.49 61,370.00 l
I 1
... I
DETall OF IN?ESTMENTS For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 6 Year Par Value Book Value Market Value Yield Due or Shares June 30, 1985 June 30, 1985 Atlanta Gas Light Co.
1990 100,000.00 100,293.80 79,460.00 Bell Telephone Co. of Canada 9.000%
2008 300,000.00 296,010.12 250,140.0u CNA Financial Corp.
1995 150,000.00 149,686.25 124,313.00 Chesapeaks and Potomac Telephone of Virginia 7.250%
2012 5
150,000.00 141,267,12 101,880.00 4.625%
1988 50,000.00 50,031.60 43,600.00 Chicago Union Station 6.375%
1992 100,000.00 99,554.27 82,250.00 City of Montreat Cotwebia Gas Systems, Inc.
1989 50,000.00 50,069.19 41,475.00 Columbia Gas Systems, Inc.
4.8753 1990 100,000.00 100,050.00 80.380.00 Consolidated Edison of New York 4.000%
1988 5,000.00 4,387.11 4,349.00 Consolidated EJison of New Tark 7.900%
2001 200,000.00 196,102.40 156,520.00 Dart Industries. Inc.
1996 150,000.00 149,682.48 117.563.00 8.500%
2000 200,000.00 194,350.22 165,600.00 Duke Power Company Florida Power Corp.
4.1253 1988 20,000.00 20,007.52 17,266.00 Ceneral Motors Acceptance Corp.
1987 100,000.00 99,861.10 91,250.00 General Portland Cement Co.
7.8003 1996 200,000.00 200,000.00 130,250.00 Ceneral Telephone Co. of Florida, Series J 4.625%
1995 100,000.00 99,607.83 63,790.00 General Telephone Co. of Indiana 9.000%
2000 150,000.00 150,000.00 127,530.00 General Telephone Co. of Wisconsin 5.000%
1996 95,000.00 97,604.28 63,847.30 5.750%
1996 91,000.00 90,433.25 62,654.00 Hawaiian Electric Co.
1997 100,000.00 100,000.00 67.820.00 Georgia Power Co.
Household Finance Corp.
1987 20,000.00 19,991.36 18,125.00 Mouston Lighting and Power Co.
1996 100,000.00 99,846.34 67,870.00 Inter-American Development Bank 8.625%
1995-100,000.00 99,839.78 94.140.00 International Telephone and Telegraph Corp.
1987 50,000.00 50,000.00 45,500.00 Jersey Central Power and Light 8.750%
2000 100,000.00 101,803.67 76,450.00 w
John Deere credit Co.
4.8753 1985 25,000.00 24.995.90 24,745.00 7.875%
2001 150,000.00 150,000.00 112,500.00 Li gge t t and Myers, Inc.
1992 100,000.00 100,000.00 75,000.00 Kennecott Copper Corp.
Loew Theatres. Inc., (P. Lorillard)
- .875%
1986 150,000.00 148,011.32 144,422.00 Louisiana Power and Light Co.
1996 150,000.00 151,164.95 96,960.00 MGIC Investient Corp.
1988 167,500.00 167,500.00 155,775.00 Minnesota Power and Light Co.
2008 300,000.00 300,000.00 248,640.00 Pkwantain Fuel Supply Co.
1989 50,000.00 48,153.87 42,230.00 Northern Natural Gas Co.
1988 125,000.00 123,273.02 118,887.00 Ontario Province 4.750%
1990 100,000.00 99,635.70 78,125.00 Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
1995 100,000.00 100,795.40 67.150.00 Pacific Cas and Electric Co.
1996 75,000.00 75,000.00 46,155.00 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.
2019 200,000.00 190,063.25 210,580.00 9.000t 1995 150,000.00 149,691.25 136,980.00 Pit ney-Bowes, Inc.
Quebec Hydro-Electric Commission 5.250%
1987 100,000.00 100,000.00 94,500.00 Southern California Edison 9.625%
2003 350,000.00 348,200,77 309,400.00 Southern Electric Generating Co.
1992 20,000.00 20,072.89 15,176.00 4.875%
1996 150,000.00 144,850.89 92,625.00 Union Tank Car Co.
1991 91,000.00 91,000.00 85,149.00 U. S. Steel Corp.
Washington Water Power Co.
1994 50,000.00 50,000.00 32,600.00 W* stern Union Corp.
1987 25,000.00 25,022.48 21,250.00 Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co.
4.500 % 1990 30,000.00 29,876.75 19,500.00
$ 5,989,124.68
$ 4,851,535.00 Total Ronds
p DETAIL OF INVESTMENTS For the Year Endad Jane 30, 1985 Sched21e 6 Par Value Book Value Market Value or Shares June 30, 1985 June 30, 1985 3.
Camson Stock 4MERITECH 4,111 314,645.71
'390,027.00 Abbott Laboratories, Inc.
20,400 983,371.74 1,170,450.00 American Brands. Inc.
19.400 397,568.62 1,292,525.00 knoco Oil Co.
14,435 312,819.75 925,628.00 Andrew corp.
4,500 148,850.10 92,250.00 Ball Corp.
38,800 533,954.80 2,148,550.00 Bell Atlantic Corp.
734 48,770.93 67,985.00 Bergen-Brunswig 12,000 277,560.00 349,500.00 Burlington Northern, Inc.
21,000 186,328.09 1,309,875.00 Dayton HuJson Co.
18,000 574,020.00 760,500.00 Eli Lilly and Co.
867 49,673.19 74,996.00 Englehard Corp.
6.228 56,865.93 163,485.00 Exxon Corp.
100 3.150.00 5.368.00 Flemming Co.
12,955 463,662.73 490,671.00 Fort Howar t Paper Co., Inc.
12,000 646,748.25 873,000.00 Cannett Co.
21,750 494,595.00 1,367,531.00 General Electric Co.
19,082 568,634.62 1.180,671.00 Cenuine Parts Co.
21.000 627.486.52 703,500.00 Georgia Pacific Corp.
19,431 380,282.64 461,486.00 Great Lakes Chemical Corp.
20,830 177,374.63 814,974.00 H. J. Heins Co.
39,900 493.150.06 2,179,538.00 Rittenbrand Industries, Inc.
58,720 496,367.50 1,453,320.00 Ittinois Central Industries, Inc 38,200 377,250.69 1,341,775.00 International Business Machines Corp.
10,780 777,553.48 1,334,025.00 Jsha Deere and Co.
15,045 466,949.08 453,216.00 Lawson Product s. Inc.
12,750 303,350.00 364,969.00 Mcdonald's Corp.
22,500 1,000,599.00 1,541,250.00 Midcon Corp.
16,725 384,931.38 783,984.00 Minnesota Mining and Manuf acturing 12,800 987,443.20 998,400.00 Motorola, Inc.
25,500 573,409.50 870,188.00 NY1EX, Corp.
734 45.764.71 65,509.00 Pacific Telesis Group 4,117 231,515.50 322,664.00 Peoples Energy Co.
10,725 56,950.75 182,325.00 Pfiser Inc.
28,000 991,575.00 1,386,000.00 Proctor and Camble Co.
12,900 589,797.61 725,625.00 R. R. Donnetty Co.
32,000 340,767.50 1,864,000.00 RETOO, Inc.
10,200 325,460.00 252,450.00 Sara Lee Corp.
47,000 580.889.20 2,026,875.00 Southwestern Bell Corp.
5,034 370,922.80 422,856.00 squibb Corp.
18,800 779,944.40 1,186,750.00 Standard Oil of Ohio 9,000 393,610.00 421,875.00 TRW, Inc.
12,050 467,832.50 902,244.00 U. S. West. Inc.
734 41,578.79 59,454.00 Union Pacific Corp.
7,300 522,928.30 348,575.00 United Technologies, Inc.
22,000 414,738.07 913,000.00 Wallace Computer Services 6,600 198,458.00 243,375.00 Eeros Corp.
6,175 455,050.49 324,959.00 Total Common Stock
$ 19,915,150.76
$ 37,612,173.00 Total Endowner.t Fund Pool
$ 29,891,409.14
$ 46,854,195.00
DETAIL C7 INVESTMENTS for the Yaar Endad June 30, !!85 4
Schedule 6 Year Par Value Book Value Market Value Yield Due or Shares June 30, 1985 June 30, 1985 B.
Current Yield Pool 1.
U. S. Treasury Securities U. S. Treasury Notel 10.500%
1985 140,000.00 139,889.63 141,662.50 U. S. Treasury Mote; 11.000%
1987 250,000.00 250,000.00 260,703g Total D. S. Treasury Securities S
389,h89.s3 402,365.63 2.
Other Securities AFMS Certificate of Deposit 9.900%
1985 250,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 1.incoln National Bank certificate of Deposit 7.700%
1985 266,000.00 266,000.00 266,000.00 AFC Investment Note 11.0002 1985 93,000.00 93,000.00 93,000.00 Repurchase Agreement e 8.010%
1986 338,262.48 335,262.48 338,262.48 Total other Securities S
947,262.48 947,262.48 i
Money Market investments Dreyfus Liquid Assets Fund 8.161%
N/A 76,335.85 76,335.85 76,335.85 l
Total Current Yield Peni S 1,413,487.96 I,425,963.96 7
Separately Invested Endowments Bilsland, W. S.
AMEltITECH, Connon Stock 753 44,984.79 71,445.00 Amoco Oil Co., Cocanon Stock 3.365 181.177.38 215,797.00 Bell Atlant ic Corp., Coussan Stock 330 17,245.07 30,568.00 Exxon Corp., Connon Stock 3,868 155,576.27 208,408.00 General Electric Co., Conmaan Stock 5,460 164.956.70 337,865.00 International Business Machines Co., Conanon Stock 2,576 162,288.00 318,780.00
John Deere and Co., Consson Stock 2,955 95,709.00 89,034.00 MYNEx, Corp., Casson Stock 330 16,182.10 29,453.00 4
Pacific Telesis Group, comanom Stock I.247 66,158.68 97.740.00 I
Proctor and Camble Co... Comenon Stock 4,600 167,918.89 258,750.00 Southwestern Bell Corp., Comunan Stock 330 15,601.53 27,720.00 U. S. West, Inc., Coseson Stoc k 330 14,701.98 26,730.00 i
4 Feris, Frances F.
4 Quebec Hydro-Electric Commaission Bond 9.7501 1995 22,000.00 22,220.17 19,278.00 1
Fi 4her, Burnell, MD Certificate of Accrual on UST Security 2004 4,850.00 4,850.00 5,750.00 j
l i
1 l
l DETAIL OF INVESTME3TS For the Year Er.ded Jane 30, 1985 Schedule 6 Year Par Value took Value atarket Value Yield Due or shares June 30, 1985 June 30, 1985 l
Generst Endowment Coactasas Indestries Casanon Stock 200 4,368.75 2,750.00 P.U. Doruitory Facilities Revenue Bonds 4.250%
1990 S
1,000.00 917.66 852.00 State of Israel So M 5.500%
2004 5
5,000.00 5,000.00 4,250.00 State of Israel Bond 5.500%
2004 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,250.00 State of Israel Bond 4.000%
1997 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,250.00 State of Israel Bond - Zero Coup.m 0.000%
1996 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,930.00 Hutaer. Sidney and Viola Indiana Bank & Trust, Certificate of Deposit it.500%
1989 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 Irwin, Luther M., Memorial 4
F.U. Dorsitory Facilities Rev-aue Bonds, j
Series A 4.250%
1986 4,000.00 4,004.33 3,930.00 Kaiser Alumiawa Scholarship FunS j
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Bonds 12.700%
2019 100,000.00 95,031.95 105,290.00 5
Keland, Willard l
S. C. Johnson 6 Son, Inc., Series A.
Preferred Stock 5.000%
35 3,500.0u 3,500.00 l
Lilly, J. E. and R. 8.
l Atuainen Company of America Bonds 7.000%
2011 S 1,000,000.00 545,784.80 646,600.00 Archer Daniels Midland Co. Bonds 7.000%
$ 1,000,000.00 535,995.83 652,200.00 O
Cities Service Co. Bonds 7.000%
2011 S 1,000,000.00 546,977.75 583,200.00
Phittip Morris Bonds 6.000%
2001 t,000,000.00 524,071.80 642,800.00 Southern California Edison Bonds 11,750%
2004 400,000.00 337,528.19 404,280.00 4
Mills, Barris The Nashville State Bank certificate of Deposit 12.000%
1990 1,964.37 4,964.37 1,964.37 Stewart, R. S. and L. V.
U. S. Air Bom!
1987 3,000.00 2,850.72 2,775.00 Wise, Robert American Elect ric Power Co., Inc., Conrao,i Stock 681 13,449.75 16,089.00 Wright, John N. Memorial Fund Eli Lilly and Co., Connon Stock 3,951 57,536.44 341,761.50 Wright, John S. - Botany i
Eli Lilly and Co., Connon Stock 2.103 30,625.10 181,909.50 j
Total Separately Invested Endowment Funds S
3.879,178.00 5.369.899.37 i
4 1
l l
1 i
~, _. - - _
.. _- - - _ _ - -.~ -.
. - - - ~,
DETAIL OF INVESTMENTS For the Year Endad June 30, if 85 Schedule 6 Year Far value Book value Market Val se Yield Due or Shares June 30, 1985 June 30, 1985 D.
Annuity and Life Income Funds (Separately invested)
Feris, Frances F.
Quebec Bydra-Electric Commission 10.000%
2008 22,000 22,338.60 20,928.00 Total Endowment and Similar Fund Investments
$ 35,206,413.70
$ 53,671,186.33 111. Current Funds Certificates of Deposit First Merchant s National Bank 7.300%
07/08/85 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 1
Lincoln National Bank 8.100%
07/22/85 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 Merchantile National Bank 6.850%
08/19/85 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 J
l Fort Wayne National Bank 10.250%
II/16/85 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 Lafayette National Bank 7.600%
12/16/85 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Lafayette Bank and Trust 10.500%
09/11/87 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Lafayette Savings Bank 10.250%
09/11/87 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Repurchase Agreement 8.010%
07/01/85 802,996.52 802,996.52 802,996.52 Total Current Funds
$ 1,282,996.52 1,282,996.52 IV.
Agency Fund
Neld in Trust for Ross Ade Foundation
Repurchase Agreement 8.010%
$ 6,859,841.86
$ 6,859,841.86
$ 6,859,841.86 I
$213.898,251.66 i
i 4
1 i
l a
Se pa rat ely took Valne Additions /
Book value Cash 6 Foot Held j
Julv I, Is84
-Deductions June 30, 1985 Investments investments Other Assets Liabilities DEST LAFAYETTE Building Facilities
$ 6.170,839.9) $ 3,698,229.85
$ 9,869,069.78
$ 10,107,462.91
$ 238,393.13 Reserve for Land Parrhase 25,897.63 3,230.85 29.128.48 29.128.48 Centennial Fund 923,073.52
-505.782.10 417,291.42 417,291.42 Re serve for Campus leprivements 2,211,633.73
-100,472.81 2,111.160,92 1,868,148.97
$ 243,011.95 Hall of Music-Sest Maintenance 79,601.11
-12,428.96 66,772.15 66,772.15 Stedent Hos pit al-Reserve Maint enance 1,281,426.68
-40,001.93 I,241,424.75 1,241,424.75 Furdue %s > rial Union-Reserve Maintenance 746,627.61 339,579.75 1,086,207.36 1,086,207.36 i
Windsor Residence Halls I,007,979.40
-1,007.979.40 Meredith Hall 2,676,641.64
-2,670,641.64 F.F.M.A. Apartments 2,107,408.06 349,285.05 2,496,693.11 1,139,900.12 1,356,792.99 l
Cary Quadrangle 372,075.86
-372,075.86 Dormitory Facilities-Class 1 Contingency Repair & Replacement 1,747,119.58
-1,747,119.58 1
Dormitory Facilities-Class 11 Contingency Repair 6 Replacement 5.474,253.96 241,739.78 5,715.993.74 5,715.993.74 Dormatory Facilities-Reserve Fund-Class I I,326,662.52
-1,326,662.52 Dormitory Facilities-Reserve i
fund-Class 11
-461,067.77 6,720,782.22 6,259,714.45 7,447.137.28
$ 166,268.28 3,101.88 1,356,792.99 l
R.R.I. Food Service Reserve 36,995.83
-7,402.23 29,593.60 29,593.60 Recreational Gysmasius Reserve Maintenance 335,947.40 49,289.75 385,237.15 385,237.15 Hall of Music Contingency 690,483.!!
-4,504.10 685,909.01 639,849.01 46,060.00 Reserve for Program taprovements 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 Uninsured Losses Deductable Clause Reserve 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 computer Development Reserve 594,361.35
-100,000.00 494,361.35 494,361.35 Intercollegiate Athletics 4,042,617.29
-611,358.47 3,431,258.82 3,265,720.07 163,000.00 2,538.75 Parking Facilities 1,780,196.91
-361,427.72 1,418,769.19 423,532.60 978,473.68 16,762.91 Recreational Sports Eqaipment Reserve 314,420...
il5,555.34 429,975.81 429,975.81 Seventh Street Pro pert y 33,795.46 4,005.55 37, Bot.01 37,831.01 Service Enterprise Development Fund 54,218.49 11,045.35 65,263.84 65,263.84 Showalter Grant-tiohazards Laboratory 28,433.96 3,370.09 31,804.05 31,804.05 Oitar Rouse Rental 11,746.22
-11,746.22 Transportation Maintenance Building Reserve 10,291.86
-9,699.43 592.43 592.43 Airport Develo pme nt Fund 458,314.36
-73,276.69 385,037.67 385,037.67 Hall of Music-Reserve Maint enance 726,741.26
-16,794.98 709,946.28 709,946.28 Fowler Courts-Reserve Maintenance 179,307.01
-179,307.01 Farm Development Fund 153,451.90
-74.500.07 78,951.83 123,814.33 44,862.50 Campus Maintenance Reserve 2,524,953.00 2,524,953.00 2,524,953.00 i
Food Stores Reserve 177,772.07 2,848.30 180,620.37 180,620.37 i
Reserve for Building Renovation 1,250,000.00
-390,000.00 860,000.00 860,000.00 Canine Research Fund 53,013.49 46,986.51 100.000.00 100,000.00 Copy Machine Replacement Reserve 294,886.74 113.492.29 408,379.03 17,603.70 390.775.33
Separately Book Value Additions /
Book Value Cash & Pool Held Julv I, 19&4
-Deductions June 30, 1985 Investments investment s Other Assets Liabilities WEST LAF4YETTE (Continued)
Campus Development Re serve 656,806.68
-166.57 656,640.11 492,640.11 164,000.00 P.U.C.C. Expansion Reserve 381,529.89
-206,913.13 125,218.90 Memorial Gys Renovation -
Computer Lab 428,992.23 428,992.23 428,992.23 P.U.C.C. Capital Reserve 174,955.54 174,955.54 174,955.54 Total WEST LAFAYETTE
$41,2s0,188.21 5 2,250,416.04
$43,530,804.25 8 41,514,848.20
$ 1,30 7,7 ' 1. 96 52,348,262.71 51,640,048.62
REC 10NAL CAMPUSES cal #tET Cont ruc t ion a.
we 654,290.68 3 210,290.88 864,581.56 864,581.56 Esilding Facilities 1,943,937.22
-360,836.22 1,583.101.00 1,583,101.00 Parking Facilities 576,438.65 136,924.33 713,362.98 713,362.98 Food Service and Replacement 234,678.11 59,157.69 293,835.80 293,835.80 Reserve Campus Development Reserve 1,789,245.50 290,000.00 2,079,245.50 2,079,245.50 Total CALUMET
$ 5,196,590.46 335,536.68
$ 5,514,126.n4 5,514.126.84 FURT MAYME Cont ruction Reserve 476,178.00 $
26,048.73 502,226.73 $
502,226.73 25,258.98 Building Facilities 3,569,507.12
-258.644.36 3.330,662.76 3,356,121.74 Parking Facilities 942,504.36 64,123.50 1,006,627.86 1,006,627.86 Student Union Building Reserve 85.161.49 173,055.63 258,217.12 258,217.12 Campus leprovements Reserve 1,119,000.00 206,393.84 1,325,393.84 1,325,393.84 Computer Development Reserve 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 5
25,258.98 Total FOKT WAYNE S b,362,350.97 5
210,977.14 5 6,573,328.31 5
6,598,587.29 MORTM CENTRAL Const ruction Reserve 51,583.74 $
112,983.30 164,567.04 $
164,567.04 Building Facilities 637,687.82 225,233.40 862,921.22 862,921.22 Parking Facilities 12,372.22 10,267.03 22,639.25 22,639.25 Food Service & Replacement Reserve 1,021.82 121.10 1,142.92 1,142.92
Campus leprovements Reserve 588,000.00 148,000.00 736,000.00 736,000.00 Total hakfH CfNTRAL
$ 1,290,605.60 496,604.83
$ 1,78 7,2 70.4 3 $
1,787,270.43 S
$12,851,606.73 $ l,D43,118.85
$13,894,r25.58 $
13,919,984.56' POOL ACCOUNT 246,264.20 5 -246,829.19
$ 15,0,26 3,950. 8 3 $ 4,092,042.17 9,888.34 Total ALL CAMPUSES
$54,378,259.14 $ 3,046,705.68
$57.424,964.84 $ -98,911,836.89 $1't,571,692.79 $ 6,440,304.88 SI,675,195.94
~..- -. ~. - - - ~..
Fee the Teer Ended Jose 30,198$
$ctodele 9 Trosofere FrW-Te Diebur sement e Coemistina of:
Ceek and lavesteents j
C.orrent nebt Iererest te U.s.
.sience 0,er i
Ot.- Pie.
F, % < nt e.d i ee
id 6, 1-erest Jet, l.19a4 Fe de Fuad e Feveent e cet t ne,enee Jiane 10.1995 Sernet t ies Bond Trustee tereiveble t i ebil i t i es f
Seitding Facilitsee fee Beede (A)
$ S,2te,690.24
$ 8,%2,150.1%8 9 965, LO 3. 33 $1,643.S$9.10 8 4.162,177.96 8 4.0 %, % 0.14 $ 105,617.79 f
Beaustery tecststies Reueese Desde Cleet II (C) 4,523,296.02 $ 1,379,0m.h8 34,0 M, h t. 7 7 39,807.000.00 450,704.15 g!
Reevestionel neede (M -
-34,999.805 750,000.00 22,500.00 18,424.20 18,424.20 Bereitory Fac tlit ies Eneem,e Seeds C2eee 1 (C) 33.250.00 4,900,000.00 1,900,000.00 33,250.00 seenstory syeten Reeeeue tende Series 1985 (C3 5,90 5.706.M I,685,000.00 294,706.M Academic Facilitsee Short Teve Beede (E) 432,773.17 2,370,0h.115 2,141,733.44 657,073.84 647,297.30 9,776. %
4rtlette Feeiltties Short n
Teve heads (E) 36,705.44 785,064.775 200,000.00 455,410.45 214,%3.M 212,945.45 3,418.58 toterfaed Debu Ret trement 258,750.00 258,750.00 seoktbatt 4rees Saskang Feed 2.510.545.95 2se,347.70B 231,111.9%
95,721.21 2,u8,060.49 $ 2,49 3.500.20
$ -25,439.71 Forking Facilitsee Saeksas Fund 6 t4,MS.17 907,675.038 650,000.00 443,6a4.78 392,223.67 1,3 M,4 31. 75 5.744,231.03
-407.803.28 5
Lease - Forchase Facilities
-l,428.49 61,106.76 23.701.87 37,400,89 5,428.49 5,
-7,9so,37 a
teetgy Romogesset 5esten Wete 800,000.00 000.000.00 500.000,00 Tetet Wtsf LAF4YETTE 516. 26 5.171. w 5 6.6H.991.28 5 0.44 7.he.01 545. % 4.195.91 55.995.209.37 5 9.65 7.101.5 L 5 4.915.226.86 5 118.#12.90 5-441. 2 21. M i
j R$G10m&L CanresES CALPWT Residing Facilitsee fee needs (43 S 8,016.4%.h
$ 1,475,500.438 $
lli,01$.40 $ 626,232.14
$ 1,550,897.25 8 1,511,542.29 $ 39.354.96 Leese - Forehase Paci!6tiee 254.0 %.26 190.000.00 74.855.26 Tetet CALJteET 5 1.uit.6 %. h 5 6. 7 )o. h.09 5
4M.0ti a0 5 704.087.40 5 1.550.897.25 5 3.511. % 2.29 5 39.1 %.96 F0ET WAY9E l
Beilding Facilities Fee sende (a) 575,914.21
$ 8,he.210.915 4 219, % 4.58 $ 577,982.40 8 1,426.798.14 8 3.390,592.27 8 36,205.87 Fort issyne Stadent Unsee tende (F) 5 $
269,992.5 3G 95,000.00 172.802.70 537,539.37 52 L,193.92 16,MS.45 g
&cedemia Facilitsee Short Tere neede (El 57,779.70 251,076.54 227,351.62 81.504.64 80,476.74 4,027 %
7 Lesee - Forchese Facilities
- % 060.25 3M 675.00 246.750.00
- 9.425.00
-M.060.25 S -%,040.2%
- 1. I D.30 3. 76 5
269.992.53 5 2.2 %.%2.*5 5
wo.5 94. 58 51.067.561.72 5 2.009.801. %
5 i M92,262.91 5 H.5 79. 2 6 5 - M.040. 2 5 1
souTu CEmTsat 1
teildtes facitatsee Fee Seeds (A)
S 123,169.45 5
157,863.508 I 61,1M.29 $ 190,025.2G 8
417,MS. h 9
406,874.83 5 10,593.51 l
Lease - Fwchase Fact 1 sties
-12.0 %.87 112.i51.04 u M1.28 45.789.76
-17.n51. 87
$ -12.0M.87 Tee t zouTa CasTaat 5
u i.ii i.7s 5
2 70.ci6.2 2 5 i 3i.a99.57 5 24 i.a t 7.%
6 495.* t 2.6 7 5
60s.8 76.m 3 $
10.59).51 s -12.ois.s;
' ' ' ' ' * * * ' ' 'n.52 7. n. -o.O*. i 2 acto C nruSES*0
. 2 9.9 2.n 4. 2 n. n_7_26 e i.i.7.509.n n.0i r.u ?.0e T..i au CanrDSES (rem.m.t as s i s.925..a.90 e
- u.. n es.007.6 76.4s ss.0 4.2st.n $ e.n45.906.9t s n2.wo.63 s-a9.3i t.4s i
i i
t i
i t
. I l
I l
i S
For the Year Erded June '10,1985 Schedule 8 NOTE A.
The indenture requires that a transfer be made, by October 1 of each wear, from the building facilities f and to the bond t rustee, equal to the lesser of the following: a) 25% of the average ansial principal aM interest due on the bands out?t anding; or 5) an amount which will increase the bond reserve account on October 1 to he average ann tal principal and int erest due nn the outstanding bonds. The average annual principal and interest due on the bonds out standing froen July 1, 1985, through July 1, 2009, is $3,468,225.
Reference Note K of the Notes to the Financial St a t ersent s.
Includes $1.821,499.45 of interest earned in the Sinking Fund A ich was recorded in the various operat ing account s.
See Note C of the Notes to t he Financial St atement s.
On July 1,1985, the assue will be fulfy retired. The balance in the sinking fund at June 30, 1985, will be refunded en the University.
Established as a result of Indenture provisions fnr the Academic Facilities and Athletic Facilities Short Term Bonds. Represents amounts held in t ru st by the Trustee, irrevocably pledged for the payment of interest for bonds issued under each Indenture eq'2al to the total enount of interest obligations on bonds out standing.
The fund was established by a transfer of $150,000 from the reserve maintenance accuant and $150,000 f rom Indiana University. The bond indenture provides that the account maintain a minimum level equal to the maximise annual debt service, $305,225.
l l
Includes $61,997.88 of interest earned in the Sinking Fund and $51,537.40 of interest grant subsidy received fra the Federal goverrument.
l l
l l
3 l
STATEMENT OF PLANT AND EQUll' MENT For tl5e Tear Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 9 Reclassi-Book Value Book Value July 1, 1984 Additions Deductions fications June 30, 1985 WEST LAF4YETTE Eqisipment Agriculture
$ 25,504,411.76
$ 3,223,086.98
$ 1,534,883.59
$ -123,512.96
$ 27,069,102.19 Veterinary Medicine 2,257,071.09 375,169.08 144,162.31
-35,072.67 2,453,005.19 Consumer and Family Sciences 397,520.33 50,873.58 6,761.81
-9,553.32 432,078.78 Engineering 32,673,737.55 6,289,663.29 1,196,766.29
-200,481.89 37,566,152.66 1,230,667.65 650,506.90 41,869.91
-3,900.27 1,835,404.37 Pharmacy, Nursing and Health Sciences 4,063,669.42 453,276.66 242,926.84 15,356.36 4.289,373.60 Management Humanities, Social Sciences and Education 3,989,653.80 701,994.57 260,301.81
-152,671.21 4 278,675.35 Science 29,770.457.28 i,285,372.32 1,564,655.92
-160,321.63 33,330,851.95 Technology 5,167,809.21 2,361 A91.35 613,238.33
-522,878.97 6,388,583.26 Military Science 188,297.22 11,299.05 9,703.29
-470.81 189,422.18 Graduate School 223,234.07 17,457.99 9,227.50 8,028.33 239,492.89 Library 6 Center for Instructional Services 34,323,401.99 3,078,120.58 150,054.88 32,783.68 3),284,251.37 Continuing Education 131,tt6.47 63,924.47 9,465.48
-1,274.26 184,201.20 Physical Flant Operations 3.918,885.27 844,06r).46 242,217.50 119,942.76 4,640,670.99 General 4dministration 4,507,172.47 926,650.89 228,247.24
-25,140.48 5,187,435.64 Housing and Food Service 7,526,6b4.99 1,375.896.69 1,084,861.80 8,881.43 7,826,581.31 Health and Recreation 1,70G,588.79 232,485.66 237,098.75
-142,976.21 1,552,999.49 Service Enterprises 2,700,494.34 425,008.70 528.044.65 15,741.18 2,613.199.57 Auxiliary Enterprises 17,260,391.82 3,681,994.37 2,807,472.81 1,186,098.s6 19,321,912.34 Total Equipment
$ 10,909,9 6 S_
$196,683,394.33 Buildings
$ 32,986,127.03 Agriculture
$ 30,514,552.63
$ 2,471,5 74.43 8,302,831.11 Veterinary Medicine 8,246,998.94 55,832.17 5.478.787.79 Consumer and Family Sciences 5,376.543.72 102,244.07 26,099,028.31 Engineering 25,758,247.08 340,781.23 7,590,830.53 7,526,992.05 63,838.48 7,048,946.55 Management Pharmacy, Nursing and Health Sciences 7,019,824.33 29.122.22 13,091.376.98 Humanities, Social Sciences and Education 13,056,807.72 34,569.26 Science 49,774,847.17 2,374,579.52
$ 628,234.04 52,777,660.73 10,919.771.64 6,789,924.37 4,129,847.27 Ceneral Adisinistration 26,144,381.01 142,033.04
-628,234.04 25,658,180.01 Farms 80,062,217.63 Housing and Food Service 80,041,694.65 20,522.98 34,962,690.41 Service Enterprises 34,307,755.84 654,934.57 30,225,293.28 Auxiliary Enterprises 29,528,236.72 697,056.56 14,054,563.01 Technology 13.495,140.56 559,422.45 Total Buildings
$ 3 37,5 81,946. 7 9 511,676,358.22 5_
0.00 M 9,258,305.01
$ 14,446,684.77 Improvements Other than Buildings
$ 14,312,420.62 134,264.15 Land
$ 7,472,686.69 S 7,472,686.69 2,700,872.68 Caespus Research Farms 2,700,872.68
$ 10,173,559.37 Total Land
$ 10,173,559.37 Total WEST LAFAYETTE
$ 10,909,960.70 9,478.02
$570,561.9tt3.48 Less indebtedness Bonde Payable
$ 44,407,103.33
$ 94,042,088.74 Leases Payable 9,244,491.86 698,542.60 8,545,949.26 Advances from Endowment Funds 1,834,936.97 258,750.00 1,576,186.97 2,811,000.00 Notes Payable I,666,000.00 1,145,000.00 Total indebtedness - WEST LAFAYETTE
$ 45,564,395.93
$106,975,224.97 Net Investment in Plant - WE,ST LAFAYETTE
$-34,654,435.23 9,478.02
l l
STATEMENT OF PLANT AND EQUIPMENT For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 9 Book Value Reclassi-Book Value July 1, 1984 Additions Deductions fications June 30, 1985 REGIONAL CAMPUSES CAlt' MET Equipment 5
8,776,720.26 964,082.72 241,933.87
$ 9,494,263.13 Buildings S 25,472,789.32 5
$ 25,478,398.08 Improvements Other than Buildings 1,151,498.06 1,151,498.06 Land 300,604.51 300,604.51 Total CALt! MET
$ 35,701,612.15 969,691.48 241,933.87
$ 36,424.763.78 Less Ind eb t ed ne s s Bonds Payable
$ 10,300,054.60 315,015.80
$ 9,985,038.80 Leases Payable 1,851.300.00 180,000.00 1,671,300.00 Total Indebtedness - CALUMET
$ 12,151,354.6J T
495,015.MO S 11,656,338.80 Net Investment in Plant - CALUMET S 23,%50,257.55 959,691.48
$ 24,768,424.98 l
FORT WAYNE Equipment S
$ 1,626,641.76 869,489.68
-214.57 8,447,568.96 Buildings S 23,983,719.97 217,149.08
$ 24,200,869.05 leprovements Other than Buildings 1,521,554.74 49,757.38
$ 1,571,312.12 g
Land S
234,272.42 S
$ 34,454,022.55 Total FORT WAYNE S 33,430,178.58
$ 1,893,548.27 S
869,489.68 Less Indebtedness Bomis Payable
$ 16,875,344.08 314.344.58
$ 16,560,999.50 Le sses Payable 880,537.50 246,750.00 634,287.50 Total Indebtedness - FORT WAYNE
$ 17,755,es1.58 560,594 3
$ 17,lv5,287.00 Net Investment in Plant - FURT WAYNE
$ 15,674,297.00
$ 1,893,548.22 3 & B95.IO
$ 17,258,735.55 NORTH CENTRAL Equ i pme nt S
2,098,249.81 385,926.02 S
185,435.08 1.392.28
$ 2,300,133.03 Raildings 8,805,680.72 S
$ 8,872,938.99 Improvements Other than Buildings S
509,157.67 886.76 510,044.43 Land S
94,940.00 94,940.00 Total NORTH CENTRAL 4 11,508,028.20 454,071.05 185,435.08 1,392.28
$ 11,778,056.45 Less Indebtedness Bonds Payable
$ 2,772,409.25 65,536.29
$ 2,706,872.96 Leases Payable 1,161,17S66, 66,363.23 1,094,807.38 L 3 931,579.91 131,H99.57 3,801,680.34 Total Indebtedness - NORTH CENTRAL 3
Net Investment in Plant - NORTH CENTRAL 7,574,41.8.29 S
454,071.05 5
53,535.51 1,392.28 7,976,376.11 Net Investment in Plant - ALL CAMPUSES
$3 0 g 2,554.14
$-34,545,086.55 S
3 m
STATEENT OF T.ONDED ItEDERTEDNESS For the Yaar Endad Juna 30, 1985 l
Schedule 10 Date of Original Outstanding issued Retired Outstanding issue Description Issue Ju'y 1, 1984 During Year ruring Year June 30, 1985 WEST 1.AF4YETTE I.
Long Ters Bonds 192 7 to 1959 Bonds issued and Fully Retired
$ 28,685,000 11/01/49 Wmsen's Residence Hall D and E Units Sc-nds; 3 1/21; 1984 1,900,000
$ 1,900,C00
$ I,900,000 t/01/55 Cymnasium Bonds; 2 1/2, 2 3/4, 3%; 1960-85 2,500,000 750,000 750,000 Dormitory Facilities Revenue Bonds 4 7/01/56 Series A; 3 7/8, 4 1/8, 4 1/4%; 1959-96 12,400,000 6,065,000 6,065,000 7/0. '56 Series B; 2 3/42; 1959-96 2,950,000 1,223,060 1.223,000 7/01/56 Series C; 2 3/4%; 1959-96 3,000,000 1,259,000 1.259,000 7/01/56 Series D; 2 7/8%; 1959-96 3,150,000 1,332,000 1,332,000 1/01/61 Series E; 3 1/8, 3 3/8, 3 1/2, 3 5/8%; 1964-2006 3,300,000 2,010,000 2,010,000 4/01/62 Series F; 3 3/8, 3 1/2, 3 5/8, 3 3/4%; 1965-2002 4,700,000 3,065,000 3,065,000 1/01/63 Series G; 3 3/8, 3 1/2%; 1966-2003 9,800,000 6,670,000 6,670,030 7/01/66 Series H; 3 3/8%; 1967-2004 4,300,000 2.975,000 2.975,000 7/01/66 Series I; 4 1/8, 4 t/4, 4 3/4%; 1967-2004 1,250,000 880,000 880,000 7/01/66 Series J; 3%; 1969-20 6 1,350,000 663.000 863,000 4/01/68 Series K; 5, 5 1/10, 5 t/5, 5 1/4, 6%; 1971-2008 7,500,000 6,255,000 6,255,000 5/01/74 Series L Refunding; 5, 5 1/2, 5 3/4%; 1980-2003 7,875,000 6,510,000 6,510,000 Dormitory Facilities Revenue Systema 5/01/85 Series 1985; 5, 5 3/4, 6 1/4, 6.60, 7, 7 1/7, 8, 8.15, 8.30, 8 1/2, 8.60, 9 3/8%; 1985-1999 72,610,000
$ 22,610,000 1,685,000
$ 20,925,000 Building Facilities Fee Bonds a,*
1/01/67 Series A; 4 3/10, 4 2/5, 4 t/2, 4 3/5, 4 7/10, 4 3/4, 5, 5 t/2%; 1970-97 10,425,000 6,525,000 350,000 6,175,000 1/01/70 Series D; 3%; 1970-99 1,805,000 1,075,000 60,000 1,015,000 11/01/70 Series E; 5 1/2, 7 t/4, 7 1/2%; 1971-2000 4,368,751 3,326,394 117,722 3,208,672 3
7/01/71 T -les F; 5 1/2, 6 1/10, 6 1/5, 6 3/10, 6 1/2, 6 3/5, 6 7/10, 6 3/4, 7 1/2%; 1972-2001 8,185,000 6.340.000 215,000 6,125,000 7/01/75 Series H; 6 4/5, 6 9/10, 7, 7 1/10, 7 1/5, 7 3/10, 7 2/5, 7 1/2, 7 3/5, 7 t/4, 8 1/43; 1976-2005 5,000,000A 4,428,499 91,539 4,336,960 7/01/78 Series I; 6 t/2, 5 1/4, 5 3/8, 5 1/2, 5 3/5, 5 7/10%; 1978-93 710,000 500,000 45,000 455,000 7/01/79 Series J; 7, 6 5/8, 6 1/10, 6 1/5, 6 t /4, 6 3/10, 6 2/5, 6 1/2, 5%; 1980-2009 5,800,000 5,447,297 85,843 5,361,454 Total - Long Term Bonds
$153,559,Un 5 69.399,19_0 5 27,610,000 5 44,407.104 5 47,602,086 II.
Short Term BondsB A.
Academic 4/24/84 Series L; 6%; 7/16/84 3 3,616,783
$ 3,616,783 5/11/84 Series 0; 5 3/4%; 7/24/84 3,661,993 3.661,993 5/24/84 Series P; 5 7/10%; 7/05/84 3,616,783 3.616,783 5/24/84 Series P; 5 3/4%; 7/16/84 4,611,399 4,611,399 5/24/84 Series P; 5 7/8%; 7/24/84 4,068,881 4,068,881 6/04/84 Series Q; 5 5/8%; 7/20/84 4.837,448 4.837,448 6/04/84 Series Q; 5 3/4%; 8/09/84 2,712,557 2,712,587 6/19/84 Series S; 5 3/4%; 7/20/84 11,664.126 11,664.126 3/11/85 Series I; 4 7/8%; 7/11/85
$ 2,441,329 2,441,329 3/11/85 Series I; 4 9/10%; 7/11/85 1,808,392 1,808,392 3/19/85 Series J; 5 1/10%; 7/11/85 3,616,783 3,616,783 3/19/45 Series J; 5 1/10%; 7/18/85 5,696,434 5.696,434 4/11/85 Series K; 5%; 8/13/85 587.727 587,727 5/01/85 Series M; 5 1/8%; 8/13/85 542,517 542,517
STATEMENT OF SONDED INDESTEDNESS For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 10 Date of Criginal Outstandint Issued Retired Ou t s t a nd i ng issue Descripteon issue July 1, 1984 Thiring Year During Year June 30, 1985 A.
Academic (Continued) 5/01/85 Series M; 5 1/42; 8/29/85 1,853,601 1,853,601 6/25/85 Series T; 4 3/8%; 9/05/85 271,259 271,259 6/25/85 Series T; 4 5/8%; 10/23/85 14,557,552 14,557,552 6/25/85 Series T; 4 3/4%; 12/09/85
_ 7,414,406 7,414,406 Total - Short Term Bonds (Academic)
$ 18,790,000
$ 38,790,000
$ 38,790,000
$ 38,790,000
% Athletic 5/03/84 Series F; 5 7/8%; 7/05/84
$ 1,000,000
$ 1,000,000 5/11/84 Series C; 5 1/2%; 7/16/84 100,000 100,000
$/11/84 Series C; 5 3/4%; 7/23/84 1,450,000 1,450,000 5/11/84 Series G; 5 3/4%; 7/24/84 1,200,000 1,200,000 6/19/84 Series I; 5 3/4%; 7/20/84 4,100,000 4,100,000 6/03/85 Series E; 5 1/2%; 12/05/85
$_ 7,650,000 7,650,000 Total - Short Term Bonds (Athletic) 7,850,000 7,650,000 7,850,000 7,650,000 Total West Lafayette - Short Term Bonds S 46,640,000
$ 46,440,000
$ 46,640,000
$ 69,050,000
$ 91,047,104
$ 94,042,086 REG 10NAL CAMPUSES e
CALUMk,T Long Term Bonds Building Facilities Fee Bonds 10/01/68 Series B; 3%; 1971-98
$ 1,310,000 790,000 45,000 745,000 10/01/68 Series C; 4,44/5,49/10,5,51/10,53/5, 6%; 1971-98 3,465,601 2,351,980 115,817 2,2 %,163 11/01/70 Series E; 5 1/2, 7 1/4, 7 1/2%; 1971-2000 2,098,146 1,599,005 56,589 1,542,416 7/01/75 Series H; 6 4/5, 6 9/10, 7, 7 1/10, 7 1/5, 7 3/10, 7 2/5, 7 1/2, 7 3/5, 7 1/4, 8 1/4%;
1975-2005 2,300,000A 2,037,112 42,108 1,995,004 7/01/79 Series J; 7,65/8,61/10,61/5,6I/4, 6 3/10, 6 2/5, 6 1/2, 5%; 1980-2009 3,750,000 3,521,959 55,502 3,466,457 TOTAL CALUMET - Long Ters Bonds
$ 12,923,747
$ 10,300,056 315,016 9,985,040 FORT WAYNE I.
Long Term Bonds Building Facilities Fee Bonds 11/01/70 Series E; 5 1/2, 7 t/4, 7 t/2%; 197!-2000 4
767,l')3 584,C01 20,689 563,912 4/01/72 Series G; 4, 5 1/5, 5 1/4, 5 3/8, 9 2/5, 5 1/2, 5 3/5, 5 7/10, 6%; 1973-2002 4,175,000 3,265,000 110,000 3,155,000 7/01/79 Sertes J; 7,65/8,61/10,61/5,6!/4, 6 3/10, 6 2/5, 6 1/2, 5%; 1980-2009 5,990,000 5,625,744 88,655 5,537,089 10/01/73 Student Union Building Bonds; 5, 5 1/10, 5 1/5, 5 1/4, 5 1/2%; 1973-2003 4,000,000 3,290,000 95,000 3,195,000C Total - Long Term Bonds
$ 14,932,103
$ 12,765,345 314,344
$ 12,451,001
STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 10 Originsl Out s t and i ng Issued Retired Out s t a nd i ng Issue Description I.eue Jul y 1,1984 During Year During Year June 30, 1945 Date of II.
Short Ters BondsB Acad emic S
383,217 383,217 4/24/84 Series L; 6%; 7/16/84 5/11/84 Series 0; 5 3/4%; 7/24/84 388,007 388,007 5/24/84 Series P; 5 7/10%; 7/05/84 383,21/
383,217 5/24/84 Series P; 5 3/4%: 7/16/84 488,601 488,601 5/24/84 Series P; 5 7/81; 7/24/84 431,119 431,119 6/04/84 Series Q; 5 5/8%; 7/20/84 512.552 512,552 6/04/84 Series Q; 5 3/4%; 8/09/84 287,413 287,413 6/19/84 Series S; 5 3/4%; 7/20/84 1,235,874 1,235,674 5
258,671 258,671 3/11/85 Series I; 4 7/8%; 7/11/85 19L,608 191,608 3/11/85 Series I; 4 9/10%; 7/11/85 383,217 383,217 3/19/85 series J; 51/10%; 7/11/85 603,566 603,566 3/19/85 Series J; 5 1/10%; 7/18/85 62,273 62,273 4/11/85 series K; 5%; 8/13/85 57,483 57,483 5/01/85 Series M; 5 1/8%; 8/13/85 196,399 196,399 5/01/85 series M; 5 1/4%; 8/29/65 28,741 28,741 6/25/85 Series T; 4 3/8%; 9/05/65 1,542,448 1,542,448 6/25/85 Series T; 4 5/8%; 10/23/85 785,594 785,594 6/25/85 Series T; 4 3/41; 12/09/85 Total - Short Term Bonds ( Academic)
$ 4,110,000
$ 4,110,000
$ 4,110,000 4,110,000 TOTAL FORT WAYNE
$ 14,932,203
$ 16,875,345
$ 4,110,000
$ 4,424,344 S 16,561,001 NORTH CENTRAL Building Facilities Fee Bonds 10/01/68 Series C; 4, 4 4/5, 4 9/10, 5, 5 1/10, 5
424,399 S
288,020 14,183 273,837 5 3/5, 6%; 1971-98 7/01/75 Series H; 64/5,69/10,7,71/10, 7 1/5, 7 3/10, 7 2/5, 7 1/2, 7 3/5, 7 1/4, 8 1/4%; 1975-2005 2,805,000A 2,484,389 51,353 2,433,036 TOTAL NORTH CENTRAL - Long Term ?onds S
3,229,199 3 2,772,409 65,536 2,706,873 TOTAL REGIONAL CAMPUSES
$ 31,085,249
$ 29,947,810
$ 4.110,000
$ 4,804,896
$ 29,252,914 TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS (Exhibit A)
$ 73,160,000
$ 95,852,000
$ 123,295,000
See Note C of the Notes to the Financial Statements.
Not shown in this section is the detail of the various series of short t e rm bo nd s issued and retired during the ye a r. At any given date, the out standing amount of short term bonds did not exceed the amou nt approved for this type of bonded i ndebt ed ne s s.
In accordance with the Lease and Joint Use Agreemer,t, as approved by the State on March 16, 1970, indiana University has the liability for one-half of the bonded indebtedness. Beginning July 1,1975, Purdue University as fiscal agent collects all income including the amount of fees dedicated for debt service. Purdae University then pays the total debt service on the Student Union Bonds.
- l................. _.........
OF ANNUAL BOND DE!LT SERVICE REQOIREMENTS Schedule 11 Fiscal WEST 1.AFAYETTE REGIONAL CAMP 1)$ES Year Annual Payments Annual Paymentn Totat Ended Outstanding Outetanding Ou t s t a nd i ng June 30 Principal Interest Total Principal Principal Inte est Total Principal Principal 1985
$ 94,237,530
$ 29,452,470 123,690,0004 1986B
$ 48,574,122
$ 5,601,121
$ 54,177,243 45,663,408
$ 4,895,878 S 1,704,715
$ 6,600,593 2 4,5 5 f>,5 92 70,220,000 1987 2,225,862 3,161,905 5,387,767 43,437,546 809.138 1,434,676 2,243,814 23,747,454 67,185,000 1988 2,357,938 3,031,252 5,389,190 41,079,608 852,062 1,388,302 2,240,424 22,895,392 63,975,000 1989 2,541,765 2,888,028 5,429,793 38,537,843 903,235 1,340,291 2,243,526 21,992,157 60,530,000 1990 2,703,181 2,7.8,024 5,431,205 35,R34,662 906,819 1,288,533 2,255,352 21,025,338 56,860,000 1991 2,905,141 2,549,459 5,454,600 32,929,521 1,014,859 1,233,162 2,248,021 20,010,479 52,940,000 1992 3,096,442 2,349,412 5,445,854 29,833,079 1,083,558 1,174,083 2.257,641 18,926,921 48,760,000 1993 3,365,762 2,132,037 5,497,799 26,467,317 1,149,238 1,lto,860 2,260,098 17,777,683 44,245,003 1994 3.519,421 1,892,8'37 5,412,278 22,947,896 1,225,579 1,043,321 2,268,900 16,552,104 39,500,000 1995 3,828,081 1,636,461 5,464,542 19,119,815 1,296,919 972,141 2,269,060 15,255,185 34,375,000 1996 1,816,740 1,354,736 3,171,476 17,303,073 1,378,260 896,463 2,274,723 13,876,925 31,160,000 1997 1,965,284 1,249,134 3,214,418 15,337,791 1,459,716 81e,065 2,275,781 12,417,209 27,755,000 1998 1,316,303 1,136,015 2,452,318 14,021,488 1,553,697 735,204 2,288,901 10,863,512 24,885,000 l
1999 7,329,187 1,052,307 8,381,494, 6,692,301 1,300,813 648,914 1,949,729 9,562,699 16,25!,000 2000 1,401,012 402,183 1,803.195 5,291,289 1,393,988 570,012 1,964. 000 8.168,111 13,460,000 2001 1,138,205 321,950 1,460,155 4,153,084 1,241,795 489,020 1,730,815 6,926,916 11,080,000 l
2002 584.185 255,846 840,031 3,568,899 1,335,815 415,904 1,751,719 5,591,101 9,160,000 2003 620,165 219,666 839,831 2,948,734 1,114,835 341,889 1,456,724 4,476,266 7,425,000 2004 662,959 181,254 844,213 2,285,775 882,041 275,371 1,157,412 3,594,225 5,880,000 2005 705,145 139,878 845,023 1,580,630 939,855 219,997 1,159,852 2,654,370 4,235,000 2006 356,435 95,862 452,297 1,224,195 598,565 16:s,983 759,548 2,055,805 3,280,000 2007 380,695 73,051 453,746 843,500 639,305 122,674 741,979 1,416,500 2,260,000 d
2008 408,687 48,305 456,992 434,813 686,31?
81,120 767,433 730,187 1,165,000 2009 434,813 21,741 456,554 730,1R7 36,509 766,696 $ 94,237,530
$34,524,484 S128,762,014
- R,5Cn,271 547,952,741 NOTE A.
Since the Advance Re funding Bond principal amount is reficrted in thi* schedule, but only footnoted in schedule 10, the total out standing principal as shown on these tw schedules does not agree.
In April 1982, $29,900,000 of Short Term Bonds were issued under the 1979-81 Bonding Authority. This Bonding Authority was increased t o $51,200,000 in 1982-8 3.
Short Term Bonds are issued at varying maturity dates not to exceed 365 days. The outstanding issues at June 30, 1985, of $50,550,000 will be retired during 1985-86 and may be reissued at the same level. On January 1,1986, Building Facilities Fee Bonds, Series H maturing from 1986-2005 will be called with the proceeds of the Advance Refunding Series H Bo nd s issued in March 1977. The Advance Refunding Series il B.mds will, on January 1,1986, cross over and become a bond issue secured in the same manner arki to the same extent as the Series il Bonds estled and redeemed. Reference Note K of the Notes to the Financial Statements.
STATEMENT OF LEASEHOLO INDEBTEDNESS Far the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Schedule 12 Retired Original Outstanding During Out st anding of Lease De sc r i pt ion Lease July 1, 1984 Additions 1984-1985 June 30, 1985 Date WEST LAFAYETTE 11/01/64 Grant Street Parking Garage; 1964-85
$ i,550,012 71,206C 71,206 12/15/67 Baker Animal Science Fans; 5 1/2%; 1968-98 570,000 482,000 5,500 476,500 10/01/68 Mac key Arena; 3 1/8, 4%; 1968-93 5,200,000 2,450,246 231,152 2,219,094 12/01//d University Storage Facilities; 1968-88 400,0004 177,669 18,206 159,463 5/15/b9 Third and Waldron Parking Garage; 1969-89 700,000 300,786C 54,681 246,105 8
147,275 1/17/70 South Grant Street Parking; 1970-90 147,275A 147,275 B
86,694 t/17/70 Third and Waldron Street Parking; 1970-90 86,694A 86,694 5
52,478 7/01/70 West of Campus Parking; 1970-90 52,476A 52,478 5
158,286 7/01/70 Sheets Street Parking; 1970-90 158,286%
158,286 B
fla 096 7/01/70 Wood Street Parking; 1970-90 219,096A 219,096 B
. 5,065 2/01/72 South Campus Parking; 1972-92 125,085A 125,065 12/14/73 Northwestern Avenue Parking Carage; 1975-94 355,000 215,895C 20,561 195,334 9/01/77 Marsteller Street Parking Carage; 1977-97 1,7bd,300 1,502,77?C 111,237 1,491,540 5/13/81 Grant and Wood Street Parking Garage; 1981-2001 3,720,000 3,255,000D 186,000 3,G69,000 Total WEST LAFAYETTE
$15,072,226 9.244,',93
$ 698,543
$ 8,545,950 REGIONAL CAMPUSES 1/01/62 Calumet Campu s; 4 1/41; 1962-91
$ 3,331,300
$ 1,851,300
$ 180,000
$ 1,671,300 9/01/64 Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne Campus; 4%; 1964-92 5,600,000 2,296,250 246,250 2,050,000E 4/01/68 North Central Campus; 3 1/8, 41; 1908-97 2,300,000 1,167,171 66,363 1,094,808 Total REG [0NAL CAMPUSES
$ 5,308,721
$ 492,613
$ 4,816,108 e
$ 14,553,214
$ 13,362,058F NOTE A.
The i nt erest rate is floating and is based on the prime rate of interest. University Storage Facilities debt service are level debt payments and changes in interest rate effect both priacipal anj i nt ere st paydowns.
Paynents for retirement of leasehold are scheduled for the last year of the lease period in accordance to the lease agreement.
G r a nt Street Parking Carage $142,410.50; Third and Waldron Parking Garage NOTE C.
Ef fective January 1,1983, annuil principal payments are:
$54,681.34; Northwestern Avenue Parking Garage $20,561.40; Marstellar Street Parking Garage $111,236.78. Interest is payable at a rate per annum equal (prime rate + 1)/2 on the outstanding b lance.
Annual principal payment of $186,000, int ere n t payable at a rat e per annum equal to 55% of the prime rate on the outstanding balance.
Prior to July 1,1975, paraents on the original lease of $5,600,000, of which Purdue's share was $2,929,325, were apportioned between Indi ana University and Purdue University based on a space ut ilization ratio. Beginning with the 1975-76 fiscal year the liability is NOTE E.
for the Fort Wayne Campus as approved by the reporteo entirely by Purdue University under the combined financial aperations egreement fiscal aSeat collects sll income including the snount of fees dedicated for debt service. Although the Purdue University as reflected. Accordingly, State.
is reported entirely by Purdue, the value of the building owned by Indiana University is not leasehold indebtedness on the Balance Sheet-Exhibit A and Statemsnt of Plant and Equipment-Schedule 9 reflect only Purdue's liability leasehold o f $634,28 7.50.
Does not include a contingent lisbility of $3,876,440.67 for the Indianapatis Campus leask which was sublessed to Indiana University on July 1,1971.
l Year Annual Payments Annaal Pavments Total 1
E nd ed Out st and e r.g Outstanding Ou t s t and i ng June 30 Principal Interest Total Principal Principal Interest Toral Principal Principal 1985A
$ 8,545,950
$ 4,816,108
$13,362,0585 l
1986 639,386 418,120
$ 1,057,504 7,906,564 522,775 189,389 712,184 4,293,313 12,199,877 1987 650,194 387,547 1,037,741 7,256,370 553,054 167,450 720,534 3,740,229 10,996,599 1988 2,129,536 356,524 2,486,069 5,126,834 583,466 144,247 727,733 3,156,743 8,283,577 1989 471,359 268,991 740,350 4,655,475 614,005 119,778 733,783 2.542,738 7,198,213 1990 1,014,507 244,007 1,258,514 3,640,968 644,646 94,037 738,683 1,898,092 5.539,060 1991 323,298 191,324 514,622 3,317,670 675,415 67,019 742,434 1,222,677 4,540,347 1992 448,883 174,403 623,286 2,868,787 557,61) 41,878 599,493 665,062 3,533,849 1993 323,798 150,932 474,730 2,544,989 207,353 23,376 230,729 4!7,709 3,002,699 1994 324,798 133,970 458,768 2,220,191 94,783 17,370 ll2,153 362,926 2,583,117 1995 314,517 116,980 431,497 1,905,674 98,612 13,541 112,153 264,114 2,169,988 1996 305,237 100,500 405,737 1,600,437 102,594 9,557 112,153 161,718 1,762,155 1997 305,237 84,529 369,766 1,295,200 106,141 5,412 112,153 54,977 1,350,177 1998 644,200 57,737 701,937 651,000 54,977 1,093 56,076 651,000 1999 186,000 34,015 220,015 465,000 465,000 2000 186,000 24,296 210,296 279,000 279,000 2001 186,000 14,578 200,578 93,000 93,000 2002 93,000 4,859 97,859 $ 8,545,950
$ 2,763,312 U l,309,262 S 4,816,108 894,153 S 5,710,261 l
Note A.
Annual debt service requirements were ' stated to reflect the change in ttw prime rate of interest. See Note A on Schedule 12.
Note B.
See Note E on Schedule 12.
HOUSING AND FOOD SERVICE FACILITIES CONSOLIDATED ACCRUAL STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Appendix I Purdue Memorial University Total Union Residences A Income operating Income
$36,811,506.27 6 5,995,152.58
$30,816,353.69 Student Fees 457,652.10 457,652.10 Other Income 772,104.63 150,964.20 621,140.43 Total Income
$ 6,603,768.88
$31,437,494.12 Expenses Cost of Sales S 6,819,531.61
$ 1,595,510.12
$ 5,224,021.49 Salaries and Wages 13,259,719.84 2,925,682.52 10,334,037.32 Depreciation of Equipment 1,048,509.54 260,483.80 788,025.74 Other Expenses 13,025,965.88 1,777,009.56 11,248,956.32 Total Expenses
$ 34,15 3,726.8 7
$ 6,558,686.00
$27,595,040.67 Net Operating Income Before Building Alterations
$ 3,887,536.13 45,082.88
$ 3,842,453.25 Building Alterations 1,028,373.20 45,026.31 983,346.89 Net Operatir.g Income
$ 2,583,162.93 56.57
$ 2.859.106.34 Financial Income 2.583,028.58 79,483.26 2,503,545.32 Financial Expense 1,151,577.28 1,151,577.2_8_
Net Income Before Extraordina.y Cain
$ 4,290,614.23 79,539.83
$ 4,211,074.40 Extraordinary Gsin (Noce B)
Irum Debt Eefinancur.g 11,420,891.24 11,420,893.21 Net income
$15,711,507.44 79,539.83
$15,631,967.61 NOTE A.
Net income is pledged to satisfy debt service requirements on the 1985 Dormi-tory System bond indentures. fand interest and trustee fee payr.ents of
$1,151,57*.28 vers paid from operatirg income during the year. Bond princi-pal payments made during the ysar were $1,665,000.00 on te.tal bonds outstand-ing at April 1,1983, of $22.610,000.00 NOTE B.
On April 1,1985, the $39,107.000.00 nonis Payasle of Dormitory Facilities were refinanced. The Bond and Interest Sinking Fund Peservo of $5,076,106.79 was applied to this issue and the Series 1985 Bonds, in the amounc of
$22,610,000.00 were issued. These transactiocs resulted in tSe Gain from Debt Refinancing of $11.420,893.21.
FOOD STORES ACCRUAL STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Appendix 11 Income operating Income
$3,491,765.33 Other Income 14,340.40 Total Income
$3,506,105.73 Expenses Cost of Sales
$3,200,295.57 Salaries and Wages 202,497.35 Depreciation of Equipment 6,841.74 Other Expenses 108,402.84 Total Expenses
$3,518,037.50 Net Operating Loss
$ -11,931.77 Financial Income 20,923.11 Net Income 8,991.34 RESTAURANT, HOTEL, AND INSTITUTIONAL MA;4AGEMENT FOOD SEkVICF ACCRUAL STATEMENT 07 INCOME AND EXPENSES For the Year Endei June 30, 1935 Appendix III a
income Operating incoee
$474,871.22 Other Income 24,677.10 Total Income 5,499,548.32 Fxpenses Cost of Sales
$208,742.94 Salaries and Wages 191.844.85 Depreciation of Equipment 11,306,21 Other Expenses 99,996.51 Total Expenses
$511,640.51 Net Operating Loss
$-12,342.19 Financial Income 1,141.72 Net Loss S-II,200.47 96
Season Ticket
$2,057,536.00 Single Ticket 1,490,544.75 Other Admissions 221,462.09
$3,769,842.84 Student Fees 241,267.63 Guarantees 1,052,577.64 Cifte 1,125,852.72 Camp Fees 446,039.35 Other Income 708,591.21 Total Income
$ 7,344,171.39 Expenses Salaries and wages
$2.747,370.41 Operating Expenses 5,957,267.39 Capital 100.737.61 Total Expenses 8,805.375.41 Net Operating Loss
$-1,461,204.02 Financial Income 769,082.33 Transfers in/-Dut Basketball Arena Sinking Fund
$ -254,387.70 Grant-in-Aid 113,117.00
-436,081.42 Reserve for Renewal Current Funds 34,356.49 Net Transfers In/-Out
-572,995.63 Net Loss
$ 807,056.09 S t ud e nt Fees 1,426,684.07 Other Income 20,014.86 Total Income
$2,253,755.02 f
Expenses Cost of Sales 9,483.67 Salaries and Wages 1,729,234.62 Depreciation of Equipment 46,732.07 Other Expenses 702,072.38 Total Expenses
$1,487,522.74 Net Operating Income Before Building Alterations S -233,767.72 Building Alterations 5,498.37 Net Oparating Loss 5 -239,266.09 Financial Income 174,345.28 Net Loss S -64,920.81 CONVOCATIONS AND LECTURES ACCROAL STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Appendix VI Income Season Ticket Sales
$122,048.20 Single Admissions 448,147.60 Student Fees 177,685.36 S t ud e nt Spouse Passport 2,058.00 Other 7 ncome 16,607.97 Total Income
$766,547.13 Expenses Administrative and General
$ 77,887.90 Production 102,142.52 Promot ion 63,480.55 Salaries and Wages 102,091.17 Seat Maintenance 8,422.10 Talent 408,348.14 Tickets and Programs 37,029.09 Total Expenses 799,401.47 Net Operating Loss
$-32,854.34 Financial Income 45,729.31 Net Trans fers In/~Out 830.23 Net incomt S 13,705.20 98
$ 102,804.00 Lockers and Towels 31,074.35 Student Fees 407,886.64 Other Income 42,427.86 Total Income
$584,192.85 Expenses Salaries and Wages
$ 374,492.30 Supplies and Expenses 256,308.48 Depreciation of Equipment 9,659.58 Capital 11,558.15 Total Expenses 652,018.51 Net Operating Loss
$-67,825.66 Eqaipment, Repairs and Renovations 14,904.02 Financial Income 144,418.33 Transfers in/-Out Current Fund s
$ 35,211.39 Bond Interest and Sinking Fund 38,999.80 Reserves for Renewals
-49,289.75 Net Transfers In/-Out 24,921.44 Nec In<ome
$ 86,610.09 COMPUTING CENTER ACCRUAL STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Appendix VI!!
Main Computing Remote Center Te rninals Total inc ome Computing Services
$6,302,800.79 Remote Terminals
$629,412.71 629,412.71 Total Income
$6,932,213.50 Expenses Salaries and Wages
$1.835,903.19 Rental and Maintenance Agreements 733,454.38 733,454.38 Depreciation Expense 2,874,619.35 47,854.39 2,922,473.74 Paper, Cards and Printing Supplies 166,206.06 1,173.07 167,379.13 Other Supplies and Expenses 1,545,569.79 164,840.47 1,710,410.26 Total Expenses
$1,369,620.70 Net income /-Loss
$ -649,461.25
$ -437,407.20 M
$ 917,253.91 Fuel and Oil 349,241.30 Repairs 556,438.60 Other Services 60,291.08 Total Income St,883,224.89 Expenses Fuel and Lubricants
$ 475,465.37 Vehicle Repairs 431,471.83 Administrative Charge 25,000.00 Vehicle Rental 27,965.00 Salaries and Wages 462,677.85 Equi pment Deprec ia t ion 233,349.29 Property and Liability Insurance 25,305.28 Fringe Benefits 99,427.19 Other Supplies and Services 89,985.58 Total Expenses
$1.870,647.39 Net Income 12,577.50 PRINTING SERVICES ACCRUAL STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Appendia K Income Operating Income
$2,419,751.64 Other income 20,510.50 Total 52,440,262.14 Expenses Cost of Sales
$1,543,061.32 Salaries and Wages 228,788.69 Depreciation of Equipment 96,740.89 Other Expenses 470,954.62 Total Expenses
$2,339,545.52 Net income
$ 100,716.62 100
UNIVER$1TY AIRPORT ACCRUAL STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES For the Year Ended June 30, 1985 Appendix K1 Income Landing and Tie Down Fees
$ 23,853.96 Interest on Investments 30,665.38 Food and Merchandise 3,118.23 Fuel and Oil 27,911.79 Land and Building Rental 79,037.19 Other Income 74,826.04 Total Income
$ 239,412.59 Expenses Fuel and Oil
$ 5,836.64 Depreciation of Equipment 1,613.26 Administrative Charge 50,000.00 Remodeling and Repairs 30,284.23 Salaries and Wages 116,227.55 Liability and Property Insurance 11,025.06 Fringe Benefits 28,379.29 Other Supplies 90,793.49 334,159.52 Total Expenses Net Operating Loss
$ -94.746.93 Transfers In/-Out Current Funds S-57,631.54 Reserve for Renewal 111,486.54 Net Transf ers In/-Out 53,855.00 S ~40,891.93 Net Loss CONTROL LAWS
OF ACCOU!fr BALANCf B For the Year Endel June 3J,1985 Appendix X11 June 30, 19 8 '+
Receipts D i sbu r seme.n_t s June 30, 1935 Agricultural Seed Control $ 135,821.92 $ 273,994.29
$ 288,332.76
$ 121,483.45 Creamery License Fee 51,508.57 27,167.11 42,105.09 36,570.59 Feed Stuff Control 273,154.91 647,925.94 599,482.22 321,598.63 Fertiliser Control 142,723.11 726.453.73 746,174.92 123,001.92 Pesticide Applicator Control 402,055.32 138,464.25 168,524.95 371,994.62 Pesticide Control 521,177.96 487,797.00 436,076.47 572,898.49 Plant Control 4,157.08 1,150.00 15.15 5,291.93 State Egg Board 169,990.80 278,724.51 254,957.71 193,757.60 Total
$1,700,589.67 $2,581,676.83
$1,746,597.23 101
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