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Rept on Reactor Operations for Period Jan-Dec 1985
Person / Time
Site: Purdue University
Issue date: 12/31/1985
From: Stansberry E
Shared Package
ML20132H016 List:
NUDOCS 9612270124
Download: ML20132H056 (7)



i SCHOOL OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 0




I REPORT ON REACIOR OPERATIONS For the Period January 1,1985 to December 31, 1985 PURDUE UNIVERSITY REACTOR-1 PURDUE UNIVERSITY West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 March 1986 Prepared by Eldon R. Stansberry Reactor Supervisor

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i This report is submitted to meet the requirements set forth in 10 CFR 50.59 and the technical specifications of the Purdue Univer-l sity Reactor (PUR-1) for the period January 1,1985 to December 31, l


During the reporting period a total of 658 persons visited the reactor facility.

This number included 52 tour groups and 86 3

l visits for the purpose of maintenance or surveillance testing.

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Ji&ME DESIGN AF.D OPERATIONAL CHANGES 1 1 Facility Desian Changes i

There were no design changes to the facility in 1985 t

l 1 1 Performance Characteristics l

i Operations continued satisf actorily at the PUR-1 facility dur-ing 1985.

The annual inspection of the fuel pistes identified no changes from the previous year. The visual inspection of the sur-faces of two representative fuel plates for evidence of corrosion or defects and to verify the integrity of the cladding was included l

in the inspection.

After being unable to measure any change in plate thickness over a period of more than 10 years and in the interest of reducing hand exposure as low as reasonably achievable l

the Chickness of the fuel plates were not measured.

Fuel perfor-mance continued satisfactory during the year.

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11 Channes ja Deeratina Procedures concernine Safety 31 Facility J

Deerstions l

No changes in the operating procedures of the facility were made during 1985.

1 1 Essnits si Survelliance I1111 And Insnections 111 Reactivity Limits

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2 ne reactivity worths of the control rods were determined to be as follows:

Shin-safety #1 5.02%

Shin-safety #2 2.67%

Regulating Rod 0.25%

After inspecting the control rods the worth curves were checked and the excess was calculated to be 0.45%. On the basis l

of these values the shutdown margin was esiculated to be 7.49%.

Inspection of the control rods was done on May 29, 1985 and I

no evidence of change or deterioration was observed.

No experiment was placed in the reactor pool during the year that would require the determination of its reactivity dar-l I

ing the initial criticality following its installation.

1 1 1 Reactor Safety Systems Each prestartup check incinded a channel test for each safety system, provided the shutdown exceed 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> or if the j

system was repaired or de-energized.

Each reactor safety system had a channel check performed at l

time intervals of less than 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during operation.

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l The electronic calibration of all safety channels was com-j plated on July 11, 1985.

1 On July 12, 1985 the irradiation of gold foils for a power calibration was made.

No significant change was identified from this calibration.

During the prestartup which precedes each run, the radia-tion area monitors and the continnons air monitor were checked for normal operation.

During 1985 the calibration of the radia-tion area monitors was completed by March 20 and September 6 and l

the calibration of the continuous air monitor was completed by l

March 20 and October 15.

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Os May 29, 1985 the rod drop times were measured after the i

control rod inspections were completed. The rod drop times fell between 507 and 549 all11 seconds. These vaines are consistent with past measurements and are well within 'the specification limits of I second.

b 1 1 1 Primary Coolant lygiga The weekly measurements of the pH of the primary coolant fell between 4.6 and 5.9 during 1985. These vaines are slightly' lower dhan the vaines reported in previous years due to the ten-perary replacement probe used to replace a failed unit, but they are within specification limits of 5.511.0 Conductivity of the primary coolant was measured during the prestartup for each ran and never exceeded 1.60 micrombos-cm during the year. This represents a resistivity of more than 600,000 oha/cm which exceeds the lower limit of 330,000 ohm /cm as given in the specifications.

The height of water above the core was 13 feet or greater l

for each reactor run.according to the prestartup check lists for the year. The specification of 13 feet of water was always either met or exceeded.

j Personnel from Radiological Control collected and analyzed i

monthly samples of the primary coolant for gross alpha and beta activity. No activity was identified in the samples which would indicate failure of the fuel plates.

1 1 1 Containment Values of the negative pressure in the reactor room were recorded weekly.

Readings between 0.06 and 0.2 inches of water exceeded the minimum of 0.05 inches required by the specifica-tions.

On May 1 and November 1,1985 the semi-annual checks for the proper operation of the inlet and outist dampers and the air l

conditioner were completed. All worked satisf actorily.

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Fuel plates vers visually inspected on May 29, 1985 No indication of change was identified in the cladding. The sur-face condition of fuel plate #4-3-73 was identified as being unchanged.

1 1 1 Esneriments The mass of the singly encapsulated samples and the flux of f

the reactor are such that the complete release of all gaseous, particulate, and volatile components of the samples would not result in doses in excess of 10% of the equivalent annual doses as stated in 10 CFR 20.

I No samples of unknown composition or that required double encapsulation were submitted for irradiation.

i 11 Chasses, IA113 and Exneriments Reanirine Commission Anthoriza-i 1128 No changes, or experiments which required authorization from the Commis sion pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59 (a) were performed during l


1 1 Channes,ig Facility J13ff l

l No changes in the facility staff occurred in 1985.

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20TER GENERATION Operation of the PUR-1 during 1985 consisted of 45 runs which generated 187,612 watt-minutes of energy and covered an integrated running time of 117.7. hours.


UN3CHEDULED SHUTDOWNS During 1985 there were two unscheduled _. shut dowe s.

Both of these shutdowns occurred on the same run.

The annunciator indi-cated a fast scram caused by a short period on the Log N (Channel 2).

No indication of a short period on Log N or the period l

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recorders was observed. Although recorders are known to be slower than the electronics, no indication was observed on the meters by any of the persons present.

It was believed to be a spurious sig-nal in the electronics and not an actual short period condition l

with the reactor.

Checking Log N instrumentation revealed no cause for the shutdowns.

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MAIfGENANCE No maintenance beyond the usual routine maintenance was required in 1985.




CHANGES, IE,ELT Alig EXPERIMENTS No changes, tests or experiments were carried out without prior Commission approval pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59 (b).

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No measurable amounts of radioactive effluents were released to the environs beyond our effective control, as measured at or prior to the point of such release.

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