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Forwards List of Generic Communications Under Present Consideration Pursuant to 971206 Telcon Requesting List of Generic Communications Currently in Planning or in Development Stage
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/13/1998
From: Richards S
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Fader G
NUDOCS 9801200073
Download: ML20198M326 (7)


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January 13, 1998 Mr. Gary Fader, Department M: nager Events Analysis Institute of Nuclear Power Operations -

700 Galleria Parkway, NW-Atlanta, Georgia 30339-5957



Dear Mr. Fader:

During the December 6; 1997, conference call between Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), INPO requested an NRC list of generic communications currently in planning or in the developmental phase. Enclosed is a list of generic communications under present consideration.

We have been issuing Moming Reports on proposed generic communications since December 1997 and we plan to continue this process to keep the Industry and the public informed.-

A copy of this letter and its enclosure is being put in NRC Public Document Room.

Sincerely, l Original signed by David B. Matthewsl f or Stuart A. Richards, Chief Events Assessments, Generic Communications, and Specialinspection Branch Division of Reactor Program (danagement Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


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DATE 12/29/97- )/9/98 01//2/98- "

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OPEN GENERIC COMMUNICATIONS GL: Dispositioning of Technical Specifications Discovered Alerts licensees to problems the NRC staff has noted in the Not to be Sufficient to Assure Plant Safety dispositioning of technical specifications found to specify parameter values or required actions that, even if complied

.vith, would not assure safety.

GL Seismic Capability of Thermo-Lag Panels Informs addressees about reduced seismic capability of Thermo-Lag canels in high temperature areas of plants, and need for corrective actions GL- Monitoring of Containment Structure Settlement due to ' Informs add essees of need to review subfoundation designs Degradation of Porous cencrete Sub-foundations and, as appropriate, describe plans for foundation settlement monitoring.

IN-95-22, Supp 1,: Hardened or Contaminated Lubricznts Supplement IN discusses additional area of operating Caused Meta!-Clad Circuit Breaker Failures mechanism where hardent.d lubricant can cause breaker failure.

IN. Potential Deficiency of Electric Cable Connections Notifies licensees about information obtained from aging and LOCA testing of electrical cable connections as contained in the Sandia National Laboratory draft report NUREGICR-6412.

IN: Reversed Current Transformer Leads Resulted in Loss Miswired current sensors in ABB K-line breakers may resu:t in of Multiple Safety Functions premature tripping on overcurrent.

1 Enclosure

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GL: : Electncal Grid Rehabdety Trends Requests licensees to confirm that the design bases for offsde power sources will be mamtained for each nuclear power >


'IN 97-45,'Supp.1: Environmental Qualsfication Deficency for informs hcensees regardog temperature induced sognels

' Cables and Containment Penetrabon Pigtails which occ sr in coaxial cables used for high range radsbon monitors (HRRMs). This phenomena can result in spunous "faeled" signals for HRRMs.

GL ' Modificabon of the Requirements for Post-Accident Extending to operatmg reactor hcensees, on voluntary basis, Sampling System relaxabons in PASS program requiruments.

. GL- implementabon of App. Vil of Sec. XI of The 1995 Descusses the need for bcensees to adopt the Appendix Vill to Edition of The ASME Boiler And Pressure Vessel Code improve the quality and confidence level of inservice inspechons.

. GL Augmented Inspection issue for Small Diameter, Class 1 Proposes augmented inspechon of small diameter, Class 1' Piping in PWR High-Pressure-Infechon System pepmg in PWR high-pressure-mgechon systems to overcome ASME code oversight.

~ Gl.- Steam Generator Tube Integnty Informs licensees.that acbons beyond current TS requirements may be necessary to ensure steam generator ..

tube integrity.

! GL RCS Chemistry Effects on Flaw Growth Estimates Dunng the review of a flew evaloahon for a crack in the core shroud it was observed that the facshty had less restnctive TS requirements for primary water chemistry controis then were relied upon by the hcensee in establishmg a crack growth rate.



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OPEN GENERIC COMMUNICATIONS IN: Eligibility Requirements for Initial Licensing Examinations informs licensees of the experience requirements for senior operator license applicants. Licensees have erred in the implementation of the guidance of ES-202, Preparing and Reviewing Operator Licensing Applications.

IN: Setpoint Drift in ITT Barton Model 753 Gage Pressure Sulfur-induced corrosion may cause excessive setpoint drift in Transmitters Model 753 transmitters.

GL- Quality Assurance of Electronic Records in view of technological advancements, changes in NRC regulations, a request was made to update the guidance provided in GL 88-18.

GL- Clarification of NUREGICR 5055," Atmospheric Diffusion Clarifies that methods discussed in contractor-prepared for Control Room Habitability Assessment

  • NUREGs (NUREG/CRs) are not necessarily approved or endorsed by the NRC.

IN: Dose Calculations for an Array of Cask on a Pad Discusses finding with respect to nonconservative dose calculations for an array of casks on a pad.

IN: Unauthorized Use of License to Obtain Radioactive Alerts licensee to an incident involving unauthorized use of a Materials broad-scope academic medical license to obtain radioactive materials and the subsequent criminalinvestigation of the incident.

GL Interim Guidelines for dpdating FSAR Reiterates need for licensees to update their FSARs, in keeping with 10 CFR 50.71(e).


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OPEN GENERIC COMMUNICATIONS GU Degradation of ECC 'Nrculation Following a LOCA due Notifies addressees about the potential safety impact of to Foreign Material in tne Containment foreign material in sumps and suppression pools, which could n render safety-related equipment inoperable.

GU Operability Requirements for Dual Function Valves Valves required to be opened for heat removal purposes may

, also have a containment isolation function.

- GL Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Circuit Analyses To alert licensees to recent noncompliance and associcted civil penalties regarding licensee's lack of demonstrable protection from a control room hot short condition.

GU Spent Fuel Pool Compliance Activities Request licensees to describe their spent fuel pool off-load practices, temperature limits and bases, and decay heat removal redundancy and include the information in the FSAR.

GU Laboratory Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal Informs addressees aLout NRC staff views on charcoal testing practices and offers model technical specification of voluntary adoption by the addresses in preparation for future testing obligations.

IN: Misunderstanding of the Ultimate Heat Sink Licensing Develop IN to inform licensees of several instances of errors Basis in licensee's understanding of Ultimate Heat Sink licencing basis.

GL 96-06, Sup. 2: Assurance of Equipment Operability and Notifies licensees about safety-significant issues that could Containment Integrity during Design-Basis Accident affect containment integrity and equipment operability during Conditions design-basis accxient conditions.


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OPEN GENERIC COMMUNICATIONS l IN: Postulated Loss of Feedwater as a Result of Pipe Break Alerts addressees to concems related to floodeng as a result of--.

in the Circulaten Water System a non-design bases pipe treak in the circulating water system.

IN: HEPA & Charcoal Filter Testing Frequency Following in place testing safety-related HEPA and charcoal absorber Exposure to Organic Compounds filtration units following exposure to volatile organic

,' compounds such as those released when panting in the plant GL Reactor Coolant inventory Loss and Potential Loss of Loss of ECCS funcbon due to steam voeding in RWST line to -

Emergency Mitigation Functions While Shutdown suction of ECCS pumps due to loss of RCS inventory in Mode 4 (Wolf Creek).

L BL- Inadequate Procedural Guidance during S/D and Site Request PWR licensees to assure that there is adequate -

Specific Vuherabilities due to Gas Accumulation procedural guidance during shutdown operation and that gas accumulation vulnerabilities are identified, and achons are taken to limit or preclude adverse system performance.

BL 96-01, Supp.1, Control Rod Insertion Problems informs addressees of issues conceming incomplete control rod insertion due to distortion of thimble tubes.

GL Guidance on the Regulatory requirements for Criticality Provides a compilation of the current NRC staff guidance on Analysis of Fuel Storage at LWR Power Plants regulatory requirements for enticality analysis of new and spent fuel at LWR plants IN 97-15 Supp.1, Reporting of Errors and Changes in Informs licensees of requerements of 10 CFR 50.46 LBLOCA Evin Models of Fuel Vendors and Compliance with conceming reporting of all errors associated with code of L 50.4S(a)(3) record, not just errors associated with large break LOCA analysis.


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OPEN GENERIC COMMUNICATIONS IN: Westinghcuse Fuel Gap Reopening  : AMSAC' improperly disabled above 40 percent reactor power since interlock is driven by turbine power.

GL:' Year 2000 Readiness of Computer Systems at Nuclear Requesting licensee's confirmation of implementation of Y2K Power Plants, readiness programs and certdication that facilities are Y2K ready.


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