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Package of Nuclear Insurance Info,Including Endorsements & Amends to Insurance Policies
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 10/17/1986
Shared Package
ML20197A515 List:
FOIA-86-702 NUDOCS 8610270303
Download: ML20197A529 (181)


{{#Wiki_filter:9' o 4 NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY POLICY (FACILITY FORM) The undersigned members of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association. hereinafter called the "cornpanies," each for itself, severally and not jointly, and in the respective proportions hereinafter set fortl agree with the insured, named in the declarations made a part hereof, in consideration of the premium and in reliance upon the statements in the declarations and subject to the hmit of liabihty, exclusions, conditions and other terms of this policy: INSURING AGREEMENTS I CCVERAGE A - BODILY INJURT AND PROPELTY DAMAGE byproduct material: LIABILITY To pay on behalf of the insured; "sonrra mairrial," "special sad,ar mater I," and "6 pro 4sts material" 2 (1) all sums which the insured shall become legally obligated to pay have the meanings given them in the Atomic Energy Act of 1914, or in as damages because of bodily injury or property damage caused any law amendatory thereof; by the nuclear energy hazard, and the companies shall defend any "spres /sel" means any fuel element or fuel component, solid or liquid, suit against the insured alleging such bodily injury or property which has been used or exposed to radiation in any nuclear reactor; damage and seeking damages which are pa{able under the terms,,,,,,,,., rwans any waste rmterial (1) con:aining byproduct material of this polny; but the companies may ma e such mvestigation, negotiation and settlement of any claim or suit as they deem and (2) resWting from the operation by any person or organization of apedient any nuclear facdity included within the defmition d nuclear facility under paragraph (1) or (2) thereof; (2) costs. taxed against the insured in any such suit and interest ori any judgment therein; ..,3, f,jjj,,,, means the facility described in the declarations and in-cludes the location designated in item 3 of the declarations and all (3) premiums on appeal bonds and on bonds to release attachments property and operations at such location; in an ch suit, but without obligation to apply for or furnish nsden Mlisy'* means "the facility" as defmed in any Nuclear Energy such s. Liability Policy (Facility Form) issued by the companias or by Mutual (4) reasonable expenses, other than less of carnings, incurred by the Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters. The term " nuclear facility" also insured at the companies request-means (l) any nuclear reactor, CVEkAGE B - DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OF AN INSURED (2) any equipment or device designed or used for (a) separating the AWAT PROM THE PACILITY isotopes of uranium or plutonium, (b) processing or utilizing With respect to property damage caused by the nuclear energy h::ard spent fuel, or (c) handling, processing or packaging waste, to property of an insured which as away from the facility, to pay to (3) any equi device used for the processing, fabricating or such insured those sums which such insured would have been legally alloying obligated to pay as damages therefor, had such property belonged to of s4 rnater~ ~ uclear material if at any time the total amount the custody of the insured at the premises another. hk such iqui ent or device is located consists of or containa r& tha' 2fgrams of plutonium or uranium 233 or any com. CCVERAGE c - Susa0GATION - OPPSITE EMPLOTEES binatdgi t I, or more than 250 grams of uranium 233, 4 With respect to bodily injury sustained by any employee of an insure y%tructure, basin, excavation, premises or place prepared or used and caused by the nuclear energy hazard, to pay to the workmen's a the storage or disposal of waste, pensation carrier of s ach insured all surns which such carrier includes the site on which any of the foregoing as located, all have been entitled to recover and retain as damages from anothe ) operations conducted on such site and all premises used for such rson or organization, had such person or organsaation alone beft operations; Fegally responsible for such bodily injury, by reason of the rights "ingsmesf,4 nede,r faility" means acquired by subrogation by the payment of the benents required of such (1) "the facility" as defined in any Nuclear Energy 1. lability Policy carrier under the applicable workmen's compensation or occupational (Facility Form) issued by the companies or ey Mutual Atomic disease law. An employet who is a duly qualthed self insurer under Energy Liabihty tJnderwriten, or such law shall be deemed to be a workrnen's compensation carrier (2) any other nuclear facility, within the rneaning of this coverage. This Coverage C does not app to if financial protection is required pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of boddy injury sustained by any person who as employed at a in connection with the facility. m or law amendatory threof, with respm to any ut wities or operations conducted thereat; This Cnverage C shall not constitute workmen's compensation insurance as required under the laws of any state. ,,sedaar reuter means any apparatus designed or used to sustain nuclear fission in a self supporting chain reaction or to contain a critical mass of fissionable material; 11 (a)FINITION OF INSURED The unqualified word " insured" includes "nadeer esargy Ansert' means the radioactive, tonic, explosive or other DE the named insured end (b) any other person or organization with haastdosas properties of nudear rnaterial, but only il respect to his legal responsibihty for damages because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclest energy hazard, (I) the nuclest material is at the facility or has been discharged or dispersed therefrom without intent to relinquish possession or Subdivision (b) above does not :.sclude as an insured the L'nited custody thereof to any person or organisation, or Se tes of America or any of its agencies-(2) the nuclear material is in an insured shipment which is (a) in the Subiect to Condition 3 and the other provisions of this policy, the course of transportation, including handling and temporary storage insurance opphes separately to each insured against whom claim is incidental thereto, within the territorial hmits of the L'nited States made or suit is brought. of Arnetica. its territories or possessions. Puerto Rico or the Canal Zone and (b) away from any other nuclest facility; II "DEPINITIONS Wherever used in this policy: "I"4 skpans* rneans a sMprnent of souyce rnatnial, special nuc! car 4,44; i,jery" means boddy injury, sickness or disease, including rnaterial, spent fuel or waste, herein called material. (1) to the facil. death resulting therefrom, sustained by any person; ity from a nuclear facihty owned by the L*nited States of Arnerica, but only if the transportation of the material is not by predetermination to "preperty Jamage" means physical iniury to or de*truction or interrupted by the remeval of the material from a transporting con-active contamination of property, and loss of use of property so injured, veyance for any purpose other than the continuation of its transporta. destroyed or contaminated, and loss of use of property while evacuated tion, or (2) from the facility to any other location cuert an indemni-cr withdrawn from use because possibly so contaminated or because of hed nuc!est facihty, but only until the material is rernoted from a irnminent danger of such contamina' ion; transporting conveyance for any purpose other than the continuation of "crdear meterid" means source rnaterial, special nuclear matettal or its transportation. lear Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form) 2/1/37 ($ccond Revision) 8610270303 861017 -isoo PDR FOIA PACE 86-702 PDR

i e o IV or property damage (1) which is caused during the policy period by written claim is made against the insured, not later than two years after ApFUCATMME OF POUCY This policy applie, only to bodily iniury ine end of the policy period. the nuc! car energy haasrd and (2) which is discovered and for which EXCLUSIONS This policy does not apply: tions, in time of peace or war, of any nuclear weapon or other (a) to any obligation for which the insured or any carrier as his in. instrument of war utilizing soecial nuclear materist or byptoriuct sun: may be held liable under any woritmen's conyensation, un. material; 4,.. a compensation or disability bene 6ts law, or under any (e) to bodily injury or property da due to war, whether or not umdar law; declared, civil war, insurrection, lion or revolution, or to any (b) except with respect to liability of another assumed by the insured act or condition incident to any of the foregoing, under contract, to boddy injury to any employee ce the insured (f) to pro d g 2 g pr e at& W a h H h arising out of and in the course of ha.s em Io ment by the in-suced; but this exclusion does not apply to. ily sasury to mar Item 3 of tk datantions, other ha aid wetenait w we person who as not employed at and in connection with the facility hicles licensed for highway use, psovided such aiscraft, watescraft af the insured has complied with the requirements of the applicable or vehicles are not used in comaation with the operation of the workmen's commensation or occu tional disease Itw respecting g,,;g;,,.* the securing of c ampensation thereunder to his employees; (g) to property damage to nuclear snaterial in the course of 2 m 1 (c) to liability assumed by the insured under cootract, other than an tion to or (som the facilsey including bandlang or storage incidental assumption in a contract with another of the hability of any person thereto; or organiastion, hich would be imposed by law on such person or (h) under Coverage B, to property damage alue to neglect of the in-organsaatson m the absence of an express assumption of liability; susert to use all :=aa== hie mesas to save and pauserve the peop-(d) to bodily injury or property damage due to the manufacturing, Q erty after imowledge of the occurrence resulting in such psoperty handling or use at the location designated in item 3 of the dectora-g damage. $ g .i tn,A y NFI TI O N S 1,PREMlWM The named insured shall,, pay the companies da erty damage cause,d during the policy period by the nuclear energy ace rem,um s,ated is,he d.ia,atio.s. , time pe, od, ive lia,a,d. the n, nit o the o,m,anies. u.bdit, stated i. the d.i_.;._ se date of this policy through December 31 following. r, at the the total liability of the companies for their obligations under this begannias of each calendar year while this policy is ' . ompanies. such obligations, including named policy and the expenses incurred by the compaases is cosmettion with insured shall pay the advance premium for such year The advance pmnium for each calender year shall ted in a (a) payments in settlement of claims and is antisfaction of judgments writsee notice given by the companies to the named insured as soon as assinst the insureds for damages because of boddy injury or prop-practicable prior oc or after the beginning of such year. eny damage, pa made under pasts (2), (3) and (4) of Such advance premiums are estisnoted premiums only. As soon as Coverage A payments made in settlement of claims under practicable after each December 31 and after the termination of this Coverages B sad C; policy, the earned premium for the precedang premium period shall be (b) payments for expenses incurred is the inventagstion, negotiation, computed in accordance with the companaes' rules, rates, rating plans, settlement and esetense of say claim or suit, including, but not premiums and minimum premiums applicable to this insurance. If the limited to, the cost of such services by salaried employees of the earned premium thus computed for any premium period exceeds the companies, fees and expenses of independent adjusters, steorners' advance premsum previously paid for such perid the named ensured fees and disbursements, expenses for expert testimony, inspection shall rey the excess to the companies; if less, the companies shall re. and appraisal of property, esaard==*=a, X-ray or autopsy or medi-turn to the named insured the unearned portion paid by such insured. cal expenses of any kind; 'Ihe named insured shall maintain records of the information neces. (c) payments for expenses incurred by the companies in investigating sary fer premium computation and shall seed copies of su h records to an occurrence resulting in bodily injury or property damage or in the compenses as directed, at the end of each calendar year, at the end minimizing its efects. of the policy period and at such other times durmg the policy penod Each payment inade by the companies in discharge of their obligations as the companaes may direct

  • under this policy or for expenses incurred io connection with such obligations shall reduce by the amount of such payment the limit of the INSFECTION: SUSPENSION The companies shall be permitted to companies' liability under this policy.

2 inspat the facility and to esamine the insured's books and records at If, during the policy period or subsequent thereto, the total of such any time, as ist as they relate to the subsect matter of this insurance. payments made by the companies shall exhaust the limit of the cona-If a representative of the cornpanies discovers a condition which he panies' liabihty under this pohcy, all habdsey and obligations of the t l believes to be unduly dangerous with respect to the nuclear energy companies under this policy shall thereupon terminate and shall be l hasard, a representative of the companies may request that such condi. conclusively presumed to have been discharged. 'Ihis policy, if not tson be corrected without delay, in the event of non-compliance with theretofore canceled, shall thereupon automatscally terminate. such request, a representative of the companies may, by notice to the Regardless of the number of years this pohey shall continue in force named insur-d, to any other person or organizatson considered by the and the number of premiums which shall be payable or paid, the limit ses to be responsible for the continuance of such dangerous of the companies' liability stated in the declarations shall not be com c stase, sad to the Unsted States Atomic Energy Commission, sus-cumulative from yest to year. pend the insurance with respect to the named insured and such other person or organiastion efective 12:00 midnight of the next business day of sah Commission following the date that such Ccmmission LIMITAllON OF LIABILITT; COMMON OCCURRENCE Any occur. A receives such notsce. The period of such suspension shall terminate as rence r.t series of urrurrences resulting in boddy snjury or property of the time stated in a written noesce from the companies to the named damage arising nut of the radioactive, tonic, explosive or other hazard "Y insured and to each such person or organization that such condition has ous propertees of been corrused. (a) nuclest material discharged or dispersed from the facility over a period of days, weeks, rnonths or longer and also arising out of q UMtf OF UAtluTTs TERMINATION OF POLICY UPON EX. such pmperties of other nuclest rnaterial so discharged or das. f J MAWSTIO80 OF UMff Regardless of the number of persons and persed from one or rnore other nuclest facihtees snsured by the orgmassetsans who are insureds under this pohcy, and regardless of the companies undet a Nuclear Energy Liabdity Policy (Fac:hty nuanber of claims made and suits brought against any or all insurcJs Form), or tecause of one or more occurrences resulting m boddy miury or prop-(b) source material, special nuclear material, spent fuel or waste in the 1

9 i course of tran*portation for which insurance.: sNorded under this property. The insured shall include in the praof af loss a copy of all i polky and also arising out of su h properties of other source deu riptions and xhedules is all pe!icies. Upon the companies' request, ~ snaaerial, special nuacar material, spent fuel er m aste La the course the msured shall f str ish ver:6ed plans and stM 6 cations of any such of transportation for which msurance is adorded under one or property. The insured, as often as may be reasonably required, shall es-amore other Nuclear Energy IJabihty Pohcies (Facility Form) is-habit to any person designated by the companies any of such property, sued by the companies, and submit to examinations under oath by any person narned by the shall be deemed to be a enamon occurreme resulting in bodify injury or companies and subscribe the same; and, as often as may be reasonably property damage caused by the nudear energy hasard. required, shall produce for examination all books of account, records, hiHs, invosces and other vouchers, or certi6ed copies thereof if origiants With resput to such bodily injury and property damage (1) the total be lost, at such reasonable time and place as rnay be designated by the aggregate liability of the companies under all Nuclest Energy Liability (t m g Qr their representatives, and shall permit extracts and copses omyani Polacaes (Facility Fonn), including this policy, appinable to such com-ma e, soon occurnace shall be the sum of the limats of liability of all s ach icies, the limat of Isability of es h such policy being as determined e aadation 5 thereof, but in no event shall such total agg te lis-APPRAISAL - Covecoge 8 la case the insured and the companies Q iry of the compasses exceed SM,500.000; (2) the total lyia elity of shall fail to agree as to the amount of property damage, then, on the i the companies under this policy shall not exceed that proportion of the wntren demand of either, each shall select a competent and disinterested total aggregate liability of the companies, as stated in clause (I) above, appraiser and notify the other of the appraiser selected within twenty which (a) the limit of liabdity of this policy. as determined by Condi-days of such demand. "the appraisers shall nest select a competent and ties 5, bars to (b) the sem of the limits of liability of all such policies disinterested umpire and, failing for 6fteen days to agree u such issued by the companies, the limit of liability of each sah policy beias umpire, then, on request of the insured or use compaases, s umpire as deterunimed by Condition 5, thereof. shall be selated by a sudge of a court of record in the state in which The provisions of this condition shall not operate to increase the limit the property is located. The appraisers shall then appraise each item of of the compaanes' liability under this policy. property damage and, failing to, agree, shall submit their diferences only to the umpire. An award in wntang, so esemised, of any two when 6ted with the companies shall determee the amount of property NOTICE OF OCCURRENCE. CLAIM 08 SSif In the event of damage. Each appraiser shall be paid by the party selecting him and the bodaly injury or poperty damage to which this policy applies or of expenses of the appraisal and umpire shell be paid by the ies sa occurnace which may give rise to claues therefor, written noine equally. The companies shall not be held to have waived say o their eaa-ag pasticulars su6cient to identaf the insured and also reasoo* nghts by any act relating to appraisal. f ably ah*==aakt infor==eaaa with a to the time, plate and cinum-senaces theseof, and the names addresses of the injured and of avadable witnesses, shall be given by or for the insund to Nucient SUSSOOATION in the event of any payment under this policy, the 11 4 Emergy llability losurance Association or the caat=aias as soon as companies shall be subrogated to all the insured's rights of rnovery AA pace <= hie If claim is made or suit is brought therefor against any person or organisation, and the :nsured shall es-shall iMately forward to Nuclear Energy La,apiast the insured, he ecute and 4c%ver instruments and papers and do whatever else is mbility lasurnace Asso-ciation or the companies every demand, notxe, sumunoas or other pro-nuessa o7wure such rights. Prior to knowledge of bodily injury or i cess received by him or his representative. pro _. egused by the nuclear energy hassed the insured may w ' writ any right of recovery assanst any person or orgsaan-butsallts(such k, anwiedge the insured shall not waive or otherwise ASSISTANCE ANS COOPERATION OF THE INSURED The in-pidgeany such right of recovery. sured shall cooperate with the compenses and, upon the companies' .M comfnited States of Amerna or any of its agencies by reas s hereby waive any rights of subrogation acquired sequest, attend hearings and trials acd assist in making settlemd, annst the secmas and giving evidence, obtaining the attendance of witnes east p any payrnent under this pohcy.The compenses do not rehnquish, by in the conduct of any legal proceedings se conosction with snetter of this insurance. The insured shall not, except at h 4 right to restatution from the insured out of any twoverses made by the make say payment, assume any obligation or incur any expense ansured on account of a loss covered by this policy of any amounts to which the companies would be entitled had such provisions, or say of ACTION AGAINST COMPANIES - Covecogas A eed C No them, not been included in this policy. action shall lie against the companies or any of them unless, as a con. datios precedent thereto, the insured shall have fully comphed with all the terms of this policy, not until the amount of the insured s cbligation OTHER INSURANCE ff the insurance aforded by this policy for loss 1 to pay shall have been finally determined eithen by judgment against the or expense is concurrent with insurance aforded for such loss or ex-A insured after actual trial or by written agreement of the insured, the pense by a Nuclest Energy Liability Pohey (Fanlity Form) issued to claimaat and the companies. the named insured by hiutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters, hminalan cam "mncurrent insurame? the mmpanies shall not be Any person or organisation or the legal representative thereof who hable unda this po% for a greatu proportion of such loss or expense has secured such judgment or written agreement shall thereafter be than the limit of habahty stated in the dalarations of th,is poli bears entitled to recover under this pohcy to the estent of the insursace sw mit the hmit of liability stated so the lars-(forded by this policy. No person or organuation shall have any right 'y",rn under this policy to join the companies or any of them as parties to any action assinst the insured to determine the insured's liabihty, nor shalg If the insured has other valid and collectible insurance (other than ( the companses or any of them be impleaded by the insured or his legal such concurrent ansurance or any other nuclear energy liability insurance i representative. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the insured or of the in. issued by the comranses or hfutual Atomic Energy 1.iabihry ifnderwrit-S 80.any person or organuation) appinable to foss or expense covered f stred's estate shall not reheve the companies of any of their obligations by this pohcy, the insurance aforded by this polny shall be excess in-hereunder. surance over such other insurance; provided, with respect to any Mrson I who is not employed at and in connection with the facihty, such insur. A3Tl!N A, GAINST COMPANIES-Coverage O No suit or action anic as is aRorded by this pubcy for bodily iniury to an employee of I i on ths: policy for the resovery of any claim for property damage to the insured arising out of and an the course of his employment shall be i whih Coverage B applies shall be sustainable in any court of law or pnmary insurance under such other insurance. equey unless all the requirements of this poluy shall have been com-phed with and un.ess commenced sithin two years after the occurrence restiting in such property damage. CHANGES NotKe to any agent or Lnomledge possessed by any agent 11 or by any other person shall net etiect a waiver or a change in any part AJ INSURED *S DUTIES WHEN LOSS OCCURS - Coverege B r s of this y shal t te m of th w vd r I la the event of property damage to shuh Loveiste B apphes, the in* thanced, encert by endorsement issued to form a part of this policy sured shall furnish a complete inventory of the property damage esecuted by Nuclear Energy Liabihty Insurance Assocution on tiehalf claimed, showing in detail the amount thereof. Within ninety-one days of the companies. after the occurrence resulting in such properry darnage, unless such time is estended in wnting by the companies, the insured shall render to the companies a proof of loss, signed and sworn to by the insured. AS$1GNMENT Assignment of interest by the named insured shall not 1A strecg the knowledge and behef of the insured as to the following: hnd the companies until their consent is endorsed hereon; if, however, 1 "7 adentihcation of such occurrence; the interest of the snsured in the the named insured shall die or be destared bankrs at or insolvent, this 1 property destroyed or damaged, and the amount of each item of prop-policy shall cover such insured's legal representatsve. receiver or trustee j erty damage claimed, all encumbrances on such properry; and all other as an insured under this policy. but only with respect to his habihty as contracts of insurance, whether wahd or not, covering any of sah sush, and then only prouded a ritten notwe of his arggiatment as lessl

9 o representative, receiver oc truseee b given to the companies within ten (b) La any action tr suit against the companies, service of process may days dier such appointment. be made on any one of them, and such service shall be deesned valid and binding service on all companica. (c) Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association is the agent of CANCELATION This policy may be canceled by the named insured by 15 mailing to the companses and the United States Atomac Energy Com-the companies with respect to all matters pertain' to this insur. ance. All notaces or other communications req ' by this policy mission written notice stating when, not less.than thirty days thereafter. to be given to the companies may be given to such agent, at its such cancelation shall be effective. This policy may be canceled by the o&ce at 60 John Street. New York 38, New York with the same companies try mailms to the named utured at the address shown m this force and efect as if given directly to the companies. Any requests polacy and to the United States Atomic Energy Commission written notace demands or agreements made by such agent shall be deemed to statmg when, not less than ninety days thereafter, such cancelation shall have been made directly by the cornpanies. be efective, provided in the event of non-payment of premium or af the operator of the faility, as designated m the declarations,is replaced by anuther person or organiution, this policy may be canceled by the AUTHORIZATION OF NAMED INSURES Except with respect to 1 e companies by mailing to the named insured at the address shown in compliance with the obligations imposed on the insured by Conditions 1/ this policy and to the United States Atomic Energy Commission written 3,6, 7,8,9, to and 11 of this policy, the named insured is authorised notice stating when, not less than thirty days thereafter, such cancels-to act for every other insured in all matters pertaining to this insurance. teon shall be efective. The mailing of notice as aforesaid sha!! be suscient proof of notice. The efective date and hour of cancelation stated in the notice shall become the end of the policy period. Delivery CHANGES IN SUBSCRISING COMPANIES AND IN THEIR 1 C of such written notice either by the named insured or by the companies PROPORTIONATE LIABILITY By acceptance of this policy the namal AC shall be equivalent to mailing. msured agrees that the members of Nuclear Energy Laability Insurance Association liable under this policy, and the proportionate liability of Upon tern.. nation or cancelation of this policy, other than as of the each such member, may change from year to year, and further agrees end of December 31 m any year, the earned premium for the period that regardless of such changes this policy has been in force since the preceding December 31 shall be computed in accordance with the following provisions: (1) each company subscribing this upon its issuance shall be liable only for its stated proportion of any obliaation assumed or (a) if this policy is terminated, pursuant to Condition 3, by reason of expense incurred under this policy because of bodily snjury or the exhaustion of the limit of the companies liability, all premium property damage caused, during the riod from the efutive date theretofore paid or payable shall be fully earned; of this policy to the close of Dec r 31 xxt following, by the (b) if the named insured cancels, the carned premium for such period nuclear energy hazard; for each subsequent calendar year, began. shall be computed in accordance with the customary annual short ning January 1 next, following the efective date of this policy, the rate table and procedure, provided if the named insured cancels subscribmg companies and the proportionate liability of each such after knowledge of boddy iryury or property damage caused by the company shall be stated in an endorsernent issued to form a past nuclear energy hazard, all premiums theretofore paid or payable of this policy, duly executed and attested by the General Manager shall be fully earned, of Nuclear Energy Liabdity lasusunce Association on behalf of each such company, and maded or delivered to the named inaused; (c) if the cumpanies cancel, the earned premium for such period shall be computed pro rata. (2) this policy shall remain continuously in efect from the efective date stated in the declarations untd terminated in accordance with Premium adiustment, if any, rnay be made either at the time cancelation Condition 3 or Condition 13; is efected or as soon as practicable after cancelation becomes efective but payment or tender of unearned premium is not a condition of (3) neither the liability of any company nor the limit of liability stated cancelation. in the declarations shall be cumulative from year to year. DECLARATIONS By acceptance of this policy the narned insured agrees 16 COMPANY REPRESENTATION that the statements in the declarations are the agreements and repre. b (a) Any notice, sworn statement or proof of loss which rnay be re. sentations of the named insured, that this policy is issued in reliance quared by the provisions of this policy may be given to any one upon the truth of such representations and inst this policy embodaes all of the companies, and such notice, statement or proof of loss so agreements between the named insured and the companies or any of given shall be valid and bindmg as to all compenses. their agents relating to this insurance. IN WrTNsss WHsstoF. each of the subscribing compedes has caused this policy to be executed and attested on its behalf by the General Manager I, of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association and duly countersigned on the declarations page by an authorized representative. I For the Subscribing Companies {' J ,N )b Q N yeneral Manager ( -__._,y_ --,--,--m ,- ---.---=

( Nuclear En:rgy Liability insinanca ( NUCLEAR ENERGY LIACILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR FEAR 1986 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 80 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 546.491.25 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 413.008.35 Additional Premium: $ 387.50 Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1. 1986 12:01 A.M. Standard Time To fon a part of Policy No NF-212 issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District .,,e Date of issue August 18, 1986 For the su scribing co panies By A m e,.e. Endorsement No 83 NE-36 Countersigned by-

0 ~ i Nuclear Energy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION RESTORATION OF LIMIT OF LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that: 1. Payments made and expenses incurred by the companies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the companies' liability stated in Item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements. 2. The lim,it of liability stated in Endorsement No.79 which has been reduced is hereby restored to $ This restored limit applies only with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement. 3. The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cumulative. Each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises. Effective Date of this Endorsernent JulYl 1 To form a part of Policy No NF-212 issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of lasue August 18, 1986 Fort'ho s cribing co panies By )A /F~ General Manager Endorsement No 82 Countersigned by NE-22b

( Nu: lear Energy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIAT ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1985 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 76 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 478,736'.88 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above. it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 361,515.03 Additional Premium: $ 78,003.75 d Effective Date of .. o this Endorsement _- January 1, 1985 'O ' lssued to _ Sacramento usi'c$p$1 L'd."il'N)f"3fstrict To form a m M pdb ' NF-212 [~T Date of issue April 9, 1986 ~ For the subcribing Co panses .s By /A m Endorsement No 1 .....t .n..., NE-36 Countersigned by-.

( ( Nu:lest Energy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1986 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 77 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 546,103.75 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM:In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 412,713.85 Additional Premium $ 77.50 Effective Date of this Endonement January 1, 1986 issued to Sacramento Municipal Utiiard Tirae - T f rm a part oi Policy No_ NF-212 12:01 A.M. Stan tty District Date of issue - March 19. 1986 For the su icnbing co panie,s, h% . ec.


Endorsement No NE-36 Countersign.d by" '

Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION RESTORATION OF LIMIT OF LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that: 1. Payments made and expenses incurred by the companies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the companies' liability stated in Item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements. 2. The of liability stated in Endorsement No. 75 which has been reduced is hereby restored to $ 124,000,000.00 This restored limit applies only with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement. 3. The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cumulative. Each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount' of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises. l this dorse ent-an ary 8 To form a part of Policy No-NF-212 issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of lasue March 19, 1986 For the su icribing ce panies By-A (g General Manager Entorsement No 79 Countersigned by NE-22b


  • v.

A 1 CHANGES IN SUBSCRIBING COMPANIES AND IN Ty P RTIONATE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT Calendar" Yea r\\ 6 ( D.. ,m 1. It is agreed that with respect to)bo hy'3 nj ry or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsemen.t, the nuclear energy hazard: '\\h a. The word " companies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies listed below. b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only, c. Each such company shall be liable for its proportion of any obligation assumed or expense Incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designated below. 2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below to the close of December 31,1986 or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the policy, if sooner. Aeten casualty & Surety Co. 10.1093732 Affiliated F M !asurance Co. .288839E Allions Insurance Company 1.340476% Allstate Insurance Company. 5.3916662 American 80se assurance Co. 1.010937% Connecticut Indemnity Co.. The .4813992 Continental Casualt/ Company 3.199107% Coatinental Insurance Company 8.9058768 Federal Insursace Company 1.9253952 Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. 3.080952% Con Accident !as. Co. of Amer. 1.3404762 Ceneral Ins. Co. of America 1.9135951 Sanover Insurance Company .5716798 Eartford Accid.& Indemnity Co. 8.193778! Eartford Steas Str.! asp & Ins .6739582 sighlands Insurance Company .3831191 some Indeontty Company 1.4441962 Ins. Co. of North America 3.3842262 Notors Insurance Corporatten .1911601 Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. .192360! Fact!!c Indemnity Company .3776792 Fratective Insursace Company .0962805 Providence Washington Ins. Co. .1925601 8ellance Insurance Company 1.155357% Royal Ins. Co. of America 4.0437502 St Paul Fire & Marine Ins Co. 5.838403I Seateard Surety Company .1923605 State Fare Fire & Casualty Co. .9627981 Transamerica Insurance Co. .9627982 Travelers Indennity Company 12.3163672 U.S. Fidelity & Cuaranty Co. 9.6279741 %.5. Pare Insurance Company 3.3623512 Universal Underwetters Ins Co. .1925602 turich Insurance Company 1.4441962 Nf 86 in snot ament January 1, 1986 To form a part of Policy No M 12.01 A.M. Sienaaro Time issued to S.,c to l'iin i c i tm l 9 t i l i tv til. t r r c t Oate of issu, February 28, 1986 N GREEll COPY AGENT / BROKER By-k J V aeneren unnager $) E oo,,8,n.e ~ o e Coun,e,,,oe o

O I f N&.cr En:rgy Li:bility insurance g, NUCLEAR ENERGY LlABILIT NCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMlUM AN D REMlUM CALENDAR YEAR 1986 EMENT 1. ' ADVANCE PREMlUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the' companies i[j, - ',s for the period designated above is: . >. ' O f". 1 ,g546,026'25' ~ ,'. I ' lle.,f.[. . Tl. - :'

~ kl, 2.

STANDARD PREMlUM AND RESERVE PREMlUM: In the absence of a change in . j 'i'. ~ '~ ^ ' the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of

M the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is

..o.,J., t ,f412,654.95 ~ .3 .s q. ..; r - &; 3,,. ~ l. .\\ a ,.a

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.,f. ] BLUE COPY.l> AGENT / BROKER . ' S U. '. s-- 1 2 ,6 m , l' ,e., i , L,. r. \\ ,,:., + ~ j Effective Date of - This Endorsement January 1,1986 To form a part of Policy No-tm-212 j 12:01 A.M. Standard Time e Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issue December 16,1985 For the s

cribing com s

( ~... i '.,.y'- By .1 V General Manager Endorsement No, Countersigned by ~~",

( Nucle:r En:rgy LI:bility Insur(tnca NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ~ l ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1985 e It is agreed that Items la. and Ib, of Endorsement No. 71 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 400,733.13 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM:In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 302,232.18 Additional Premium: $77.50 [II'h dor ernent January 1, 1985 ,s To form a part of Policy No NF-212 issued to 0 Date of issue _ August 13, 1985 For the su iersbing co parles i \\ 2 By I / General Manager Encorsement No N NE-36 Countersigned by.

Nuclear En:rgy LI2ility in:urance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION i s-1 i RESTORATION OF LIMIT OF LIABILITY I ENDORSEMENT j l It is agreed that: 1. Payments made and expenses incurred by the co[npanies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the companies' liability stated in Item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements. 2. The of liability stated in Endorsenent' No.Lwhich has been reduced is hereby restored to $ This i restored limit applies only with respect to obligations assumed j or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement. l 3. The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cumulative. Each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall i reduce by the amount of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense i arises. i j i i Effective Date of this Endorsement uly 1, 1 To form a part of Policy No NF-212 3 issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of issue Auqust 13. 1985 For the su icribing co panies 1 By ~. ~ General Manager. ( '*****'N' Countersigned by_ ...j..'> 4 l

( C Nuclear Enorgy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION w. ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1984 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 66 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 343,480.00 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $258. 719. 80 Additional Premium: $19,394.37 Effective Date of January 1, 1984 12:01 A.M. Standard Time

  • E'"

ONfY No-MO2 issuedio Sacramento Municipal Utility District (* -\\ g\\ Dite of issue ApriI 9,1985 ,..-.s For the,su scnbing co p'anies ,f i.' ) / 74 .;) General Manager Endorsement No NE-36 Countersl'gned by-

j C ( Nucle.r Energy Llability in. rance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSU E ASSOCIATION CHANGES IN SUBSCRIBING COMPANIES AND IN Eg PRO Tl0NATE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT Calenda ar 985 \\N 1. It is agreed that with respect go Jury or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endors he nuclear energy hazard: a. The word " companies" wherever ed in the policy means the subscribing companies listed below. b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only. Each such company shall be liable for its proportion of any obligation assumed c. or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designated below. 2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below to the close of December 31,1985 or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the policy, if sooner. =" T,' 0, *.Jl*J'."ct,. ':Mi'Ji M C. '".""*L"c",,"."',, ':.",a'i0 - /.

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u...,imo,. 1,'.7 ',".,:,, .si:"M. ' eft ' : =_=",,1;l'i.lll', ':n= J.,_ I NE-85 ^ in,'3 [,$'o,I.U,n, January 1, 1985 To forrn a part of Policy No T-P 12.01 A.M. Stancard Ilme issued to SilCraf: lento fillnicinal Utility hit:trict l Data cf issue March 8. 1985 For tne su ieribing co e v Pit!K COPY AGE W B M (h M g u a....I u.n. .r Ence,sement No 73 Countersioned by- _..__________,_-__.m._

( C Nuclear Energy Liability Ir.s:rance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION AMEN 0 MENT OF THE DESCRIPTION OF THE FACILITY ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that Item 3, Description of the Facility, is amended to read: LOCATION: All of the premises including the land and all buildings and structures.known as the Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station and the Photovoltaic Project (SMUD PV 1) situated on a site . of approximately 2500 acres wholly owned and controlled by the Sacramento Municipal Utility District located in Sacramento County, California approximately twenty-five (25) miles south-east of the City of Sacramento, California and approximately twenty-six (26) miles northeast of Stockton, California. Effective Date of this Encorsement January 1, 1984 ' 5I 12:01 A.M. Standard Time To form a part of Policy No NF-2123! Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District <^ Date of issue January 4, 1985 For the su scribing c panies By A 1 /#' General Manager Encorsement No 72 Countersigned by- %me e G +o

..~-.n.-, w.m.. --- .-: n -.-. - - + - - -, =. - x. --.~:5. -.;. :-. a. 2. (' Nu ear Energy LI:bility insurance - '.e y t '~ .. NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILI NCE ASSOCIATION e. c e,. - e z... M.


D REMlUM cal.ENDAR YEAR 1985 .:r..;:J. L EMENT p.c

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4,,;..m i : m. .. ~. 2 .a.. It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the co ~. .s ~ w.


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.. : m.w: q , g. - ..... o.....x. ~.,.. ., w., - Effective Date of ... .r, W;.3 Th' Endorsement slanuary 1,1985 a To form a part of Policy No NF-212 ,c..,. 12:01 A.M. Standard Time ,. ' ?l : ~ 1-n Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District December 14,1984 i~ C Date of issus - For the scribing com 1 - c,.


c :.. ~...3.s.. - By d - W M.a. . _. Gerwrel Menager ~.. N _V D . v.. :. ~.,:a...e .. ~,. " Endorsement No. 71 Countersigned by . " ' ~.,-y ,Q ...' '. i ?. E,... r,.

C C Nuclear Energy Liability Insuranca NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEPE.1T CALENDAR YEAR 1983 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 68 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 244,307.61 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 183,348.79 RETURN PREMIUM: $ 6,374.79 Effective Date of this Encorsement January 1, 1983 n tom a ep NF-212 tssued to SacramentoMun!8!p$fdUlWRf dfHtrict g Orte oi lssue - Aoril 24,1984 For the su scribing rapani s, 'i I L ,1.A '. 4 l f l By l!A i /#~ General Manager Encorsement No 70 NE-36 counterstoned by

s ( ( Nuclear Energy Liabilliy insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIA81LITY INSU ANCE ASSOCIATION \\ CHANGES IN SUBSCRIBING COMPANIES AND IN gP PORT 10NATE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT Calendar Y Q jl984 4 1. It is agreed that with respect b inj ry or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endo s nt the nuclear energy hazard: a. The word " companies" wherev ed in the policy means the subscribing companies listed below. b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only, Each such company shall be liable for its proportion of any obligation assumed c. or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designated below. 2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning of the ef fective date of this endorsement stated below to the close of December 31,1984 or to the time of the termination or canfellation of the policye if sooner. $VC5:819N CPPan((5 pagpgggggq gy g Actaa Caswalt, 4 $.rety Co., fe.151 Farmlagten Aven e, martfore. CT 06154 e u Af filiated f M insurance Co. Allendale Par k. P.Q. Con 1500. Johnston, At 02919 g,758s; Alliant lasurance Cowany. 6435 milsntre Blvd. Los Angeles. (A 90048 .25024 Allstate laturance Co.. I Allstate Copen' t Plaza.. f! A. 51 mest Mtggins Ad., South Barrington. IL 60010 g,33gg American Huire AssuraMe Co8Sany. 7i3 Fine Street, hew fort. NY 1000$ 4.67118 A*ertCan Motortsts leiturance Conweay, Long Grove. IL 60049 ,g7ggg la tvetnows Casualty Corporation. 32018tn $t.. Rock Island. IL 61201 ,g } }gy Centennial laterance Coeveny. Atlantic suitetag. 45 mall Street, he Tora. NY 10005 4 g 70; Consiercial union laswrence Co.. One learon Street. Ooston. MA 02108 .25025 Connecticut Indeentty Company. The. 9 f are Serings ad.. Farsington, CT 06032 3.33556 Continental Casualty Co.. CNA Plaza. Cnicago. IL 60685 .alF07 Continental lasurance Co.. The 2 Corporation Place Soutn. Fiscata=ar. *2J C8854 4.50435 f eeeral Insurance Co. 51 John F. Rennedy Part.ay. $nort Mtill. hJ 07078 7.73579 Firemen's fond Insurance Conantes. P.O. Boa ??7 novato. CA 94998 1.5314g General Accident lasurance Company of America. 414 halnut $t.. Philadelante. PA 19105 5.33849 General lasurance Co=9ary of america. Safeco 81ers. Seattle. =A 98185 1.34462 latera*ce Co.. The. 440 Lincoln $t.. hortester. MA 01605 1.66a28 Nrtford Accteent aae lademnity Co., ine. Martfore Piera, hartford. CT 06115 .5Cc43 Hartford $tede 80tler Insp.& Ins. C3.. The. 56 Prospect St.. Martford. CT C6102 7.09C20 Highlands insurance Co. 600 Jef ferson St., howston. TX 77002 .583e9 Homie le.demnity Ca.. The. 59 Maiden Lane. hew fort. #f 10018 .33365 interance Co. of Norta America. c/o CIGAA.10 Roctefeller Plaza. New York. NY 10C20 1.83511 4.33301 Metropolitan Prop. & Lian. Ins rance Ca. 125 Maiden Lane. Sette 1200. New York, af 10038 I.66823 Mission Insurance Compaay 2601 bilsntre SIvd., Los Angeles. CA 90C57 .50048 flonarch lasurance Co. of Chte. The.19 Rector $t.. New fort. af 10006 Motors insu ance Corporation. 3044 nest Grand Blvd.. Cetroit, MI 48202 .33365 r taorth-estern P.attonal lasurance Company. 731 he. Jackson St.. M11=awkee. WI 53202 .that .93424 Chio Casualty las.rance Company, ine.134 horte Third St.. toastiton. CH 45C25 Pacific Inde=ntty Co. 58 John F. Kennedy Parkway. Snort Mills. NJ 07078 , j ggg ) Protective lase ence Co. 3100 horth Merieten St.. Indianapolls 14 462C8 . 41 'C 7 r Providence Wasnington laserence Co. 20 wasnieston Place. Providence. E! 02903 .C334 n Peltance lasurance Coreany, 4 Penn Center Plata. Pntladelanta. PA 19103 .16633 Royal Insurance Company of America.150 utlltan Street. 'new York. nr 10038 1.CC097 St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co., 385 hashington St.. St. Paul, MN 55102 3.50338 Seaboard 5erety Co. 90 William $t.. hem fort, af 10038 5.05822 .16483 State Fare Fire & Casualty Coseany.112 East Washington St.. Olcomington. IL 61701 .83414 fransamertca laserance Company. P.O. Son 54254. Los Angeles. CA 90C54 .63416 Transport Indematty Conceny. 3670 utishire Blvd.. Los Angeles. CA.90010 fravelers Indeons ty Caseeny. The. One Tower $4 are. Martfore. CT C6115 .C8 341 10.84382 united States Fleelity and Guaranty Co.. P.O. Bos 1138. Balttnere. MD 21203 10.76041 United $tates Fire Insurance Co.. P.0. een 2387. Morristown, nJ 07960 3.08633 Universal Under=rtters lasurance Co.. Sill Oak Street, sansas City. No 64112 .'6683 2 rten Insurance Co. 231 no. Marttagate ad., $cnaumourg. IL 60196 1.15120 NE-Bli Effecuve Date of UF-212 inis Encorsement January 1.1984 To form a part of PoHcy No 12.01 A.M. Stancard Time issued to .9acranento 'funicipal Utility District Date of issue March 1,1984 For the su icribing pa GREEN COPY AGENT / BROKER By & w \\u) aon.r.s u.n.aer Encorsement No Countersioned

( ( Nuclear EnerDy Liability incuranco NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1983 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 62 are amended to.aad: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 250.682.40 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of t'1e Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is raid Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 188.193.62 Return Premium: $ 76,173.85 th s E dor ement January 1, 1983 12:01 A.M. Standard Time To form a part of Policy No NF-212 issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of issue November 30. 1983 For the su scribing ce panies ~ .-s s ii q I \\ 'j j\\ ((0' /s -( s By V General Manager Encorsement No 68 NE-36 Countersigned by ~

t Nuctur Energy Liabilliy insurance NUCLEAR ENERQ' Y LIAQiLITY INSURANCE ASSOCIA AMENDMENT OF DEFINITION OF INSURED (Tennessee Vallev Authorirv) of Insuring Agreement II, partIt is agreed that regardless of the provis agraph (b) of the Definition of Insured includes as an insured the Tennessee Valley Authority with respect to its legal responsibility for danages because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy ha:ard. 1 'I d Elte ::.e Cate of inis Enocraement_ January 1, 1984 12.01 A.M. stancare Isme To form a part of Polley No_ NF-212 issu o ro Sacramento Municipal Utility District ~ Date cilasue _ December 14. 1983 s.1 N For tne suwerse.eing cor; snies .d l 1V4 j ~\\ ', ( \\ 'h hf \\8yO FA I C/ VI Er ::ssement No - 67 NE-63 Counters!cnod by-4 I

( l:ar Energy Lirbility Insuran( NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILIT NCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMlUM AN D REMlUM CALENDAR YEAR 1984 EMENT 1 1. ADVANCE PREMlUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 324.035.63 2. STANDARD P3EMIUM AND RESERVE PREMlUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above,it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 243,980.03 \\ GOLD CDPY AGENT / BROKER Effective Date of This Endorsement January 1,1984 To form a part of Policy No-IT-212 12:01 A.M. Standard Time issued to facramento "unicipal Utility District DmmW M N Date of issue For the s

cribing com By

/A V D General Manager Endorsement No. 66 Countersigned by

( Nuclear En:rgy Llability insuranca ( NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT cal.ENDAR YEAR 1982 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 63 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 256.208.76 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 192.393.66 Return Premium: $13,481.86. Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1.1982 12:01 A.M. Standaro Time To form a part of Policy to NF-2120 Issuedto Sacramento Municioal Utility District \\','\\ \\,I { n Oate of issue Aoril 20, 1983 For the su sciibin c nies ~ \\V \\} W. By I-c.n....n.e., Encorsement No _ 65 NE-36 countersigned by

n c. [ A. a a.,. r .., ; n Nuclear Energy Liability insurance . A.o. *W-NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSU CE ASSOCIATION m?' CHANGES IN SUBSCRIBING COMPANIES AND IN RTIONATE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT Calendar 198 s.,, .p. .(i; ~ 11. It is a' greed that with respect i ry or property damage caused, during the ' + . effective period of,this. endo nt the nuclear energy hazard:.

  1. y-

. g.e,..:.%. 7, w ..s " #a; ",The word '.' companies" wherev ed in the poIIcy means the su'bscribing~ companies o.,... y..- 7 ^ ' ' ? m.l'isted below..,;; m, .t.

1. 1.

.. ': "m c...v.,.. i,. "Y... ,o - y3 ..g.e . L-f c. .,. e - ~ .s-- t. 3 ?-

b. /The policy 'shall be binding on,such companies only. _

/,, U "- .c, ., 1 ).(. 7n . Q:.y~ r: 7 y. a c.' Each such company liable for its proportion of any obilgation assumed .or expense Incurred un' der the' policy because of such bodily injury or property ' damage as designated below. W C M V. ~ ~ -

v..u m

w. , y,. o.. y r:. 2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning'of the - effective date of this endorsement stated below to the close of December.31,1983 or to the time of the t.ermination or. cancellation of the policy, if sooner., @# ..p y .a _., ,e .e -[ /i [ [ M. [. #I "E"""* ' M"

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Effectue Date of ~ 'NF-212 E To form a part of Policy No .f 12:01 A.M. Stancard Time. Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District, '. Tie- - Date of lasue March 1, 1983 For the su scribing pa ~,./ j . - g. <:i <{ PINK COPY AGENT / BROKER By d h ~ ~ ~ C'- \\fF W General Manager w ....,v'.*. r.. n_ ..r, a..- '~ " Endorsement No Counterstoned _ g' u ' * > * '~ s q4 w. I

  • ' t'_. Ll ? 4 & l#} % ', ;f. *: 4 r-e

.r ( S.: ,.c f s -

/' i Nucisar En:rgy Liability Insuranco NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION I ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1982 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 61 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 269,690.62 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, if is agreed that,' subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 202,639.87 Return Premium: '362,823.13 y,jiij',,0*$en't January 1,1982 n 14:01 A.M. Standard Time To form a pan of Policy No NF-212 issued to Sacramento Municipal Uti11ty District '.i i.. Date of Issue - February 3,1983 For the s cribing o pan es By l I /F~ General Manager Endorsement No 63 countersigned by NE-36

,3. _.._ \\ N clear Energy Liability insuranc - NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY NCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMlUM AN D REMlUM CALENDAR YEAR 1983 SEMENT 1. ADVANCE PREMlUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 3 326,856.25 2. STANDARD PREMlUM AND RESERVE PREMlUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: S 246,035.75 \\> AGENT / BROKER GOLD COPY / Ettoctive Date of This Endorsement January 1,1983 F-212 To form a part of Policy No 12:01 A.M. Standard Time issued to Sacramento Municioal Utility District Date of issue December 15, 1982 For the T;cribing com J By LNA V W General Manager ment No. 62 countersigned by

( c Nuclear En:rgy Liability Insuran33 NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1982 It is agreed that items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 57 are amended to read: la.. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ $332,513.75 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 250,385.45 Additional Premium: $ 77.50 sir dor January 1. 1982 t ment 12:01 A.M. Standard Time To form a part of Policy No NF-212 issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Dale of issue - August 30, 1982 For the s scribing co panies l By A /#~ General Manager Endorsement No 61 NE-36 Countersigned by

C C Nuclear Energy Lirbility insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION l l RESTORATION OF LIMIT OF LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that: 1. Payments made and expenses incurred by the companies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the companies' liability stated in Item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements. 2. The of liability stated in Endorsement No. 56 which has been reduced is hereby restored to $ 124,000,000.00 This restored limit applies only with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement. 3. The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cumulative. Each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the . bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises. D Effective Date of this Encorsement Jul

1. 1082 To form a part of Policy No NF-212 issued to Sacramento Mon cioal Utility District Date of issue Auoust 30, 1982 For the su scribing co panies By A

/T~ ceneral Manager Encersement No 60 countersioned by NE-22b

i ( Nuclear Energy Liability insub.ce NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1981 ~ It is agreed that Items la. and lb. of Endorsement No. 58 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ - 232,181.00 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 174,132.56 Return Premium: $13,330.20 ( Effective Date of 9 this Endorsement January 1 1981 n / To form a part of Pol c _ NF-21'2 lssued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District O\\ w Date of issue April 16. 1982 For the su ic b 1 parties By l I / General Manager Endorsement No 59 Countersigned by NE-36

D ( Nuclear Energy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1981 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 52 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above-is: $ 245,511.20 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMfUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 184.263.50 Return Premium: $31,419.50 January 1, 1981 O th s or ent 12:01 A.M. Standard Time $g issued to Sacramento ?!unicipal Utility District '\\ ' ' / \\ \\) i Date of Issue Starch 16. 1982 For the su scribioCio panies By _. General Manager Encorsement No.. 5_8. ---- Countersigned ey____ Nr u

( ( Nuclear Energy Llibility Insurancs NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1982 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 54 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 332,436.25 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the " Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 250,326.55 Additional Premium: $38.75 t s dor ement January 1, 1982 12:01 A.M. Standard Time To form a part of Pollego --212 / Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District \\9) Aj' ^ \\ \\, Date of issue March 10, 1982 For the s sc(,1 panies i'Y) ks By 'l/V General Mansger Endorsement No 57 Countersigned by NE-36

C C Nuclear Energy LI:bility In:urance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION RESTORATI0tl 0F LIfilT OF LIABILITY ENDORSEliENT It is agreed that: 1. Payments made and expenses incurred by the companies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the companies' liability stated in Item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements. 2. The of liability stated in Endorsement No. 51 which has been reduced is hereby restored to $ 124,0n0,000.00 This restored limit applies only with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement. 3. The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cumulative. Ea;h payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount of such payment every limit.of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises. \\ Effective Date of this Endorsement Januirv 1. 1082 A To form a part of Policy No t dF-212\\ 12:01 A.M. Stancard Time i. issued to Sacraciento Municipal Utility District /D \\jx \\ \\\\ \\ Date of issue March 10, 1982 For the su scribing Co panies N %/ By /A I /#' General Manager Endorsement No 56 countersioned by flE-22b


g. PR

.TIONATE LIArILITY ENDORSEMENT Calen Ye 82 1. It is agreed.that with respect o 'nj ry or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endor ohe nuclear energy hazard: a. The word " companies" whereve ed in the policy means the subscribing companies listed below. b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only. c. Each such company shall be liable for its proportion of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designated below. 2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below to the close of December 31, 1982 or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the policy, if sooner. SU95C#f 8t'6 COMPh!ES Pe0P0tT!04 0F 1001 Aetna Casualty and Surety Co.. The.151 Farmington Ave. Hartford. CT 06156 9.957349 Aetna Insurance Company. 55 Elm St.. Martford. CT 06115 3.153160 Af filiated F?t Insurance Co.. Allendale Park. P.O. 80s 7500. Johnston. RI 02919 0.248934 A11 tant Insurance Company. 6435 W11thtre Blvd., Los Angeles. CA 90054 1.327647 Allstate Insurance Co.. Allstate Pf ara South - G1. Northbrook. !L 60062 4.978675 American Home Assurance Co. 102 Maiden Lane. New York. Nr 10005 0.871268 American Motorists Insurance Co., Long Grove. IL 60049 0.414890 Bituminous Casualty Corporetton. 320-18th 5t. Rock Island. IL 61201 0.414890 Centenntal Insurance Co.. Atlantic Building. 45 Wall Street. New York. hf 10005 0.248934 Corsnercial Unton Insurance Co.. One Beacon St.. Boston, MA 02108 3.319116 Connecticut Indeantty Company. The 9 Farm Springs Rd.. Farmington CT 06032 0.414890 Continental Casualty Co.. CMA Plaza. Chtcago, IL 60685 4.148896 Continental Insurance Co.. The. 80 Matden La.. New York, NY 10038 7.67545? Federal Insurance Co. 51 John F. Kennedy Parkway. Short Mills, hJ 07078 1.493602 Ftreman's Fund Insurance Companies. P.O. Box 3395. San Francisco, CA 94119 5.310586 General Accident Insurance Carpany of America, 414 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. PA 19105 1.327647 Hanover Insurance Co.. The. 440 Lincoln St.. Worcester. MA 01605 0.497857 Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co.. Hartford Plata. Hartford. CT 06115 7.053122 Hartford Steam Boiler Insp. 4 Ins. Co.. The. 56 Prospect 5t.. Hartford. CT 06102 0.497867 Highlands Insurance Co., 600 Jef ferson St.. Houston. TX 77002 0.414890 Home Indemnity Co.. The. 59 Maiden Lane. New York. MF 10038 3.651028 Insurance Co. of North Arierica. P.O. Son 7728. Philadelpnta, PA 19101 1.659558 Monarch Insurance Co. of Chto. The.19 Rector St.. New York NY 10006 0.331912 Northern Insurance Company of hew York. P.O. Som 1228. Balttmore MD 21203 2.240434 Northwestern hattonal Ins. Co. 131 ho. Jackson St.. Milwaukee. WI 53201 0.663823 g chio Casualty Insurance Company. The.136 North Third St. Mantiton. CH 45025 0.165956 a Pacific Inderinity Co. 51 John F. Kennedy Parkway. Short Hills. hJ 07078 0.331912 Peerless Insurance Co. 62 Maple Ave.. Keene. NM 03431 0.124467 Protecttve Insurance Co. 3100 No, Meridian St.. Indianapolis 14 46208 0.248934 Providence Washington Insurance Co. 20 Washington Place. Providence. RI 02903 0.165956 Reltance Insurance Company. 4 Penn Center Plaza. Philadelphta. PA 19103 0.995735 Royal Insurance Company of America.150 William Street, new York NY 10033 3.319116 St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. 385 Washington St.. St. Paul. M4 55102 4.699869 Seaboard Surety Co. 90 William St. New York. NY 10038 0.165956 State Farm Fire & Casualty Company.112 East Washington St.. Bloomington. !L 61701 0.829779 l Transamerica Insurance Company. P.O. Boa 54256. Los Angeles. CA 90054 0.829779 Travelers Indeentty Company. The. One Tower Square. Hartford CT 06115 10.787128 untted States Fidelity and Guaranty Co.,100 Light St.. Baltimore. MD 21202 10.455217 United States Fire Insurance Co. P.O. Bos 2387. Morristown. NJ 07960 3.319116 k Zuricg,surance Co., 231 no. Martingai, Rd., Schaureorg. IL 60196 1.244669 Effective Date of l this Endorsement January 1, 1982 To forrn a part of Policy No. !1F-212 Sacramento IIN.h uYNth"Uistrict Q issued to T itarch 5,1932 For the sub ribing c .s Date of issue g \\ f Sk _ V, BLUE COPY AGENT / BROKER By P General Manager i l f Endorsement No. W Countersigned by b

. ( ( Nuclear Energy Liab naurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABIL i SU NCE ASSOCIATION . ADVANCE PREMlUM S RD PREMlUM CALENDAR YEAR 1982 I' E RSEMENT ,c ,m-1 '...... ~ ~ ~_ , ~. ..l. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It 'is agreed that the Advance Premium due the' ~ i companies for the period designated above is: ~. f.? .. - - 3 -:e v... .,y m"q'r ' ' 3 v g.' .. $ 332,397.50

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. ;.cy +. .,... e, ~. . +. ) 'l .2. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change. in i.. the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, ' 7 '" ~ the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium .is said Advance. Premium and the Reserve Premium is: -W ".. A .$ 250,297.10 . w.. e. ' r,....,... n _ m.. ~. = ,i *, y jGfa,. ,~ ~ v

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m, e. .1.*.'.' i . l h;.) Effcetive Date of this Endorsement. January 1.1982. To form a part of Policy No J(F-212


12:01 A.M. Standard Time Issutd to SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT Ditt of issue December 17, 1981 For the su scribin p nie 5 U ~ O. General Manage.r c's. o. - r n Endorsement No $4 Countersigned by-. .~...1"..:.. e

(, b Nuclear Energy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION AMENDMENTS OF DEFINITION OF " NUCLEAR ENERGY HAZARD" AND PART OF CONDITION 4, " LIMITATION OF LIABILITY; COMMON OCCURRENCE" (Indemnified Nuclear Facility) It is agreed that: 1. In Insuring Agreement III, " DEFINITIONS", solely with respect to an " insured shipment" to which this policy applies as proof of financial protection required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Subdivision (2) of the definition of " nuclear energy hazard", as amended, is further amended to read: (2) the nuclear material is in an insured shipment which is away from any other nuclear facility and is in the course of transportation, including the handling and temporary storage incidental thereto, within (.al the territorial limits of the United States of America, its territories or possessions, or Puerto Rico; or (b) international waters or airspace, provided that the nuclear material is in the course of transportation between two points located within the territorial limits described in (a) above and there are no deviations in the course of the transportation for the purpose of going to any other country, state or nation, except a deviation in the course of said transportation for the purpose of going to or returning from a port or place of refuge as the result of an emergency. 2. Subdivision (b) of Condition 4, " LIMITATION OF LIABILITY; COMMON OCCURRENCE", as amended, is replaced by the following: (b) source material, special nuclear material, spent fuel, waste, or tailings or wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium or thorium from any ore processed primarily for its source material content in the course of transportation for which insurance is afforded under this policy and also arising out of such properties of other source material, special nuclear material, spent fuel, waste, or tailings or l wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium or thorium l from any are processed primarily for.its source material content in the l course of transportation for which insurance is afforded under one or more other Nuclear Energy Liability Policies (Facility Form) issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association. ,n,s Encorsement January 1, 1982 J. \\. Effective Date of To form a part of Po'licy No NF-212 issued to SACRAMENTO f IChAL ' ~' LITY DISTRICT O Date of issue nocomber 17. 1981 For the su icribing ce panies i \\' sy A ,M[F ~ Generst Manager Endorsement No 53 countersign y NE-58 (1/1/82)

( ( Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION M ANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1981 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 50 are amended to read: ~1a. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 276,930.70 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 208,142.33 Additional Premium: $87.08 'O N Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1, 1981 N9) b 12:o1 A.M. Standard Time To form a part of Policy No NF-212 issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District O. \\g 3\\ ') \\ \\' n v Date of issue September 9, 1981 For the su scrib,ing cor3panies yp By A /I General Manager Endorsement No 52 Countersigned by NE-36

( C Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION RESTORATION OF LIMIT OF LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that: 1. Payments made and expenses incurred by the companies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the . policy, the limits of the companies' liability stated in Item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements. 2. The limit of liability stated in Endorsement No.48 which has been reduced, is hereby restored to $ 124,000,000 This

  • restored limit applies only with respect-to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement.

3. The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cumulative. Each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises. b \\\\ ,N N9) N.i Effsetive Date of enes Endorsement July 1, 1981 'x \\. 12.01 A.M. Standard Time To form a part of Po, icy N'o NF-212 ) issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District N ,\\ ,N\\\\ 012 of issue Roenmhor 9 1981 For the su scricing co panies 1AM@ sy - m o.n.... n..., Endorsement No 51 countersigned byc

{ Nuclear Energy Liability insu(ranna NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1981 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 49 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 276.843.62 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, ~ it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 208.076.15 Return Premium: $39,007.63 E' ' ,hls h' dor ement January 1, 1981 12:o1 A.M. Standard Time To form a part of Policy No _ NF-212 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Q,. Date of issue Julv 27. 1991 For the su scr[ bin'g co panies r - 2' lA Bye .. _....n.e., Endorsement No 50 CountersiQned tiy NE-36

(.4ucl:ar En:rgy Liability insur .o NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1981 It is agreed that Items la. and ib. of Endorsement No. 45 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is- $ 315,851.25 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 237,721.95 Additional Premium: $ 77.50 Effective Date of January 1, 1981 NF-212 this Endorsement ^ To form a part of Policy No issued to Sacramento uniC$5'It1Ht. histrict Date of issue April 15,1981 For the s scribing co panies By A /F~ General Manager Endorsement No 49 NE-36 Countersigned by i

( ( Nuclear Energy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION RESTORATION OF LIMIT OF LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that: 1. Payments made and expenses incurred by the companies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the companies' liability stated in Item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements. 2. The limit of liability stated in Endorsement No. 39 which has been reduced is hereby restored to $ 124,000,000.00 This restored limit applies only with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or porperty damage ~ caused by the nuclear energy hazard.after the effective date of this endorsement. 3. The limits liability the policy shall not by cumulative. Each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or. expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises. Ef fective Date of this Endorsement January 1, 1981 NF-212 To form a part of Policy No Sacramento M$icip'ai UtTEtyS3trict ^ issuedto Orte of Issue April 15,1981 For the su icribing co panies By A /F General Manager Endorsement No 4O Countersigned by NE-22b

. {' T Nucl:ar En:rgy Liabillt C ~ urance Il-1 j NUCLEdR ENERGY LIABILIT ~ . l.. CE ASSOCIATION .o.o CHANGES IN SUBSCRIBING COMPANIES AND E OP0 ATE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT n.'.r na a 1981 _y y. - u. t s 3 -.. .1..It is agr'eed that with respect to yi ry or property damage caused, during the , effective period of this endorsemen y the nuclear energy hazard: - 40fe n2 ( E ;. g. - xm :. x 7/ r. r" - . s c. e .y.Wr.j 3, a..The word " companies".wherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies 3 ' ~. ? listed below. Jhm ..Y. '..' w. w.:. -W-Mr r- / ~.$hb


....s, .a.u f. g

b. 'The policy'shall be' binding'on such companies only.~ # - -

1 ^* ^ t 'Duh. 3 .,.._,,q. 6 n - cc.Each such company'shall be'11able for its proportion of any obligation assumed j y ' forexpenseincurredunderthepolicybecauseofsuchbodilyinjuryorproperty .1...c damage as designated below.

1..y.C s

.aw g 2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning of.the J - effective date of this endorsement stated below to the close of December 31, 1981e.or to the time of of the. termination or cancellation of the policy, if sooner. .,..J'y.M:7. f ..., 3 : <.. ,. +, ~.

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Pf0P0Mf 0N OF 1m g i ., v. -.,c n:, a. '

  • Aetna Casualty and Surety..' The.151 Farmington Ave..' Hartfo.d. CT 06156

' 9.930569 ,5 ..? gh. Aetna Insurance Covady. 55 Elm St.. Hartford, CT 06115 -.' / 2.648152 M % dg. p Af filigted FM Insurance Co.. Allendate Park. P.O. Boa 7500. Jonaston. RI 02919 - '.248264 .v r;- Allianz Insurance Company. 6435 Wilshire Stud., Los Angeles. CA 90054 1.324076

  • ? M %,f

. Allstate lasurance Co.. Allstate Plaza South - G1. Northbrook. IL 60062 - 4.965284 , s s 5.t * - 5.m M ,r4. , Amertcan More Atsurance Co. 102 Maiden La.. New York. NY 10005 .86i925 + - i. -, -. American Motortsts Insu ance Co., Long Grove. IL 60049 ...? '.413774 i t.,1 r . -- e' QM 7J - t* 8ttuetnous Casualty Corporation. 320-18th St. Rock Island. IL 61201 d 6413774 W.. t-ep.{%*av'6 ;y i. -C ,J Ceatennial Insurance Co.. Atlantic Suilding, d5 Wall St..

  • sew York. NY 10005,

'.. <, n.k. ".. {. 248264 e.A i-MK . Coseercial Union Insurance Co.. One Beacon St. Boston. MA 02108 f ,,3.310190 p...i : k -... , b.,.

  • k ?Dgp>

i Connecticut Inde mity Coevany. The 9 Farri Springs Rd.. Farmington. CT 06032 .i c.413774 .S . 4 Centinental Casualty Co. CNA Plaza. Chica90. IL 6c685 L .- 4.137737 . ; <.. i v-g-

  • r *1 e

i : . Continental Insurance Co.. The 80 Matoen La.. hew York. NY 10038 ..;. c 's y 6.y Q; w. er n 7.654814 .s g Federal Insurance Co. 51 John F. Kennedy Ph=y.. Short Hills. NJ 07078 1.489585 -.n9 Fireman's Fund insurance Corgantes. P.O. Son 3395. San Francisco, CA 94119 ~ 6... a -.. 5.296303 t'. >4*!,*--' ! " ".N o C.e ? IGeneral Accident Ftre and Life Assurance Corp.. Ltd. 414 Walnut St.. Philadelphia PA 119105 I.324076

  • ** f Great American lasurance Co.. P.O. 80s 2574. Ctactnnett. OH 54201 J.1.324076 s

' Manover Insurance Co.. The. 440 Lincoln 5t.. Worcester. MA 01605 -Mgp5-y ~ 7.034153 ~ ,,y 496528 4 y'g?g s '~ Nartford Accident and Indemnity.Co.. Hartfard Ptera. Martford (T C6115 M, ..ct 3 4 Hartford Steam BotIer Insp. & Ins. Co.. The. 56 Prospect St.. Martford, CT 06102 ^qdt'.M. N h p', M %,g,

  • 0 0. -

'~?.c. / p.'".N,.'496528 N ' W. Y. n e .: - * ~- , '_J Higniands insurance Co. 600 Jef ferson St.. Houston. In 77002 3.. ., ja[a. v ~' * ~- ' ' 413774 3 G4, . 3.641209. 3 ~ f, y ' ' r 4.. W.. -"%.~d ..g.3, ss v.7pp. < Home Indeamity Co., the 59 Matden La.. New York NY 10038 3 n - f J-' J Insurance Co. of North America. P.O. Som 1728. Palladelonia PA 19101 i - i~ 41.655095


. 9 % *cs TB - maarch Insurance Co. of Chlo. The.19 Rector 5t., New York. NY 10006 *-

  • ~.331019 3* T I M. MI'I:jd*L -

'O "b *

  • t s-

. Morthern Insurance Company of New York P.O. Bos 12,28. Baltteere. 'O 21703*

  • W 1 1.820604 3

' Northwestern National Ins. Co.i 731 No. Jackson St.. Milwaukee. WI 53201 .662038 ,'. MA g. ~ Ohio Casaalty Insurance Company. The.136 North Third St.. Mamtiton. OH 45025 .331019 .165509 'd.

1. %.S ;' ;_p Pacific Indemnity Co.

51 John F. Kennede Parkway. :.hort Hills. NJ 07078 5 . Peerless insurance Co., 62 Maple Ave.. Keene. NM 03431 .*.. - -. 4 .124132 ,Q ; a y* 4.#.,#i. Protective Insurance Co. 3100 No. Meridian St.. Indianapolis. !4 46208 a .248264 V.' ' D 7 j. ' Providence dashin9 ton Insurance Co. 20 Wasntegton Place. Providence. Al C2903 .103443 ACn Ret tance Insurance. Company. 4 Penn Center Pf ara. Philadelphia. PA 19103 .993057 'N~ M'b'. .,. e C'4.g% l Royal Insurance Company of America.150 William Street hew York. MY 10038 .c. 3.310190 3'..

7. 3_

St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. 385 Washin9 ton St.. f t. Paul, m 55102 + Seaboard Surety Co. 90 Wtiltaa St. New York hv 10038 . s.687228 i~ 413774 - ? \\. W.g-i. . $ tate Fare Fire 4 Casualty Coacany.112 East Washington St. 81oomington. !L 61701

  • - +.N

.827547 r Transamerica insurance Company. P.O. Son 54256. Los Angeles. CA 90054 .827547 q ig; i*. ' Travelers indeamity Company. The. One Square. Martford CT 06115 10.758116 i ^.*t-'.,,4-United States Fideltty and Guaranty Co. 100 Light St., Saltimore. MD 21202 .( 10.427097 j W United States Fire Insurance Co.. P.O. Son 2387. Morristown. NJ 07960 2.979171 ? .-? '-~ ' b.c t.... .' Zurich Insurance Co. 231 N. Hartingale ad.. Schaureurg. IL 60196 16 l1.241321 o- <.t % this dor ement January 1, 1981 - To form a part of PoHey No NF-M 2 12:01 A.M. Standard Time ' Issued to Sacramento MuniciDal Utility District ,d.~ Fo@UsuQ ing ,h. Date of issuchrch 12. 1981 ~- an .r 4 .g-w .s~ y. y BLUE COPY AGENT / BROKER By '~,- N1g /- Generai unnager g'.f.,.Q..,3;. a Endorsement No 47 - N, Countersigned by ~ , e - W.. .x

1 i Nucirr Energy Llibillly insuranca ( NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION AMENDMENT OF DEFINITION OF CONDITION 2 " INSPECTION: SUSPENSION" AND " INSURED SH (Indemnified Nuclear Facility) It is agreed that: 1.) Condition 2 " INSPECTION; SUSPENSION" is replaced by the following: 2 INSPECTION: SUSPENSION The companies shall at any time be permitted but not obligated to inspect the facility and all operations relating thereto and to examine the insured's books and records as far as they relate to the subject of this insurance and any property insurance afforded the insured through American Nuclear Insurers. If a representative of the companies discovers a condition which he believes to be unduly dangerous with respect to the nuclear energy hazard, a representative of the companies may request that such condition be corrected without delay. In the event of noncompliance with such request, a representative of the companies may, by notice to the named insured, to any other person or organization considered by the companies to be responsible for the continuation of such dangerous condition, and to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Comission, suspend this insurance with respect to the named insured and such other person or organization effective 12:00 midnight of the next business day of such Commission follow-ing the date that such Commission receives such notice. The period of such suspension shall terminate as of the time stated in a written notice from the companies to the named insured and to each such person or organization that such condition has been corrected. N'ither the right to make such inspections and examinations nor e the making thereof nor any advice or report resulting therefrom shall constitute an undertaking, on behalf of or for the benefit of the insured or others, to determine or warrant that such facility or operations are safe or healthful, or are in compliance with any law, rule or regulation. In consideration of the issuance or continuation of this policy, the insured agrees that neither the companies nor any persons or organizations making such inspections or examinations on their behalf shall be liable with respect to injury to or destruction of property at the facility, or any consequential loss or expense resulting therefrom, or any loss resulting from interruption of business or manufacture, arising out of the making of or a failure to make any such inspection or examination, or any report thereon, or any such suspension of insarance, but this provision does not limit the contractual obligations of the companies under this policy or any policy affording the insured property insurance through American Nuclear Insurers. NE-51 Page 1 of 2 (1/l/81) (over)

~ 7 2.) The definition of " insured shipment" in Insuring Agreement III, " DEFINITIONS", is replaced by the following: " insured shipment" means a shipment of source material, special nuclear material, spent fuel, waste, or tailings or wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium or' thorium from any ore processed primarily for its source material content, herein called " material", (1) to the facility from any location except an indemnified nuclear facility, but only if the transportation of the material is not by predetermination to be interrupted by removal of the material from a transporting conveyance for any purpose other than the continuation of its transportation, or (2) from the facility to any other location, but only until the material is removed from a transporting conveyance for any purpose other than the continuation of its transportation. tks E dor U Y ' 19 To form a part [f oficy No 212 ment 12:01 A.M. Standard Time Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of issue December 22, 1980 For the su scri ng co panies ' i l l' / By ) / General Manager Endorsement No 4b Countersigned by NE-51 Page 2 of 2 (1/1/81)

C c Nuclear Energy Liab naurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABIL i SU NCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMlUM S RD PREMlUM CALENDAR YEAR 1981 E RSEMENT 1. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 315,773.75 2. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 237.563.05 YBlDW QPY j> MENT /BROER Effsetive Date of this Endorsement January 1,1981 To form a part of Policy No a '!F-212 12.01 A.M. Standard Time \\ issuId to Sacramento IiLiniciD31 Utility District \\ Dit3 of issue December 22, 1980 For the s scribin p nie By / b i V General Manager Endorsement No 45 countersigned by

Nu: lear En:rgy Liability Insu sc-) NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1980 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 42 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 236,415.10 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to tha provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 177,350.47 Return Premium: $44,696.78 Effective Date of C this Endorsement _. tlanuary 1,1980 UF-212 12:01 A.M. Standard Time To form a part of Pol ow-issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District s" m Date of issue August 13, 1980 For the su scribing panies -\\ f By l / I' General Manager Endorsement No 44 Countersigned by N NE-36

I ( ( Nuclear Energy Liability I urano NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILIT US CE ASSOCIATION CHANGES IN SUBSCRIBING COMPANIES AND E OP ATE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT na a 1 1. It is agreed.that with respect to o y-ry or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsemen the nuclear energy hazard: a. The word " companies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies listed below. b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only. c. Each such company dall be liable for its proportion of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designattd below. 2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below to the close of December 31, 1980, or to the time of of the termination or cancellation of the policy, if sooner. SUB5CD19fNG CCMPAn:E5 PROPORTION CF 1001 Aetna Casualty and Surety Co.. The,151 Farmington Ave.. Hartford, CT 06156 10.067410 Aetna Insurance Company. 55 Elm St.. Hartford. tt 06115 2.516852 Affiliated FM Insurance Co.. Allendale Park. P.O. Box 7500. Johnston. RI 02919 .E51685 Allianz Insurance Company, 6420 Wtishire Blvd., Suite 500. Los Angeles. CA 90048 1.342321 A11 state Insurance Co. 711 state Plasa. Northbrook. IL 60062 4.194754 Aserican Hoeie Assurance Co. 102 Matden La.. New York. NY 10005 .880898 American Motorists Insurance Co., Lone Grove. IL 60049 419475 lituminous Casualty Corporation. 320 I8th St.. Rock Island. IL 61201 .419415 Centennial Insurance Co. 45 Wall 5t.. how York NY 100C5 .576779 Coerertf al Union Insurance Co.. One Beacon St.. Soston. MA 02108 3.02C223 Connecticut Inde*mity Company, The.1000 Asylum Ave.. Hartford. CT C6101 419475 Continental Casualty Co.. CNA Plaza. Chtcago IL 6C685 4.194754 Continental Insurance Co.. The 80 Malden La.. New York, NY 10038 7.508610 Federal Insurance Co. 51 John F. Kennedy Pkwy.. Short Hills. NJ 07078 1.510112 Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. 3333 California St.. San Francisco CA 94119 5.033705 General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corp., Ltd.. Fourth and Walnut Streets. Philadelphta. PA 19105 1.342321 Great American Insurance Co. 580 Walnut St.. Cincinnatt. OH 45201 1.342321 Hanover Insurance Co.. The 440 Lincoln St.. Worcester. MA 01605 .503371 Hartford Accident and 'ndesmity Co.. Hartford Plaza, partford. CT 06115 7.131082 Hartford Steam Botter Insp. & Ins. Co.. The. 56 Prospect St.. Hartford, CT C6102 .503371 Mighlands Insurance Co. 600 Jefferson Street. Houston. TX 77002 419475 Home Indemnity Co.. The. 59 Matden La.. New York. NY 10038 3.691384 Insurance Co. ef Morth America,1600 Arch Street. Philadelphia PA 19101 1.677902 Monarth Insurance Co. of Ohio. The 19 Rector St.. New York. NY 10006 .3m< Mat'onal Casualty Coogany, 28333 Telegraph Road. Southf teld, MI 48034 ,l' Northern Insurance Coogany of New York. !9 John Street. New York. NY 10038

1. o -

horthwestern Nettonal Ins. Co. 731 No. Jackson Street. Milwaukee, WI 53?01 . 61 W Chlo Casualty Insurance Company. The.136 North Third Street. Fam11 ton. 08 45025 .167190 Pacific Indemnity Co., 3200 W11 shire Blvd., Los Angeles. CA 90010 .335580 Peerless Insurance Co., 62 Maple Ave.. Keene. MM 03431 .125843 Protective Insurance Co., 3100 No Meridian St., Indianapolis IN 46208 .251685 Providence hashington Insurance Co., 20 Washington Place. Providence. RI C2903 .104869 Puritan Insurance Company.1515 Sumer 5t., Staeford. CT 06905 .251685 Reltance Insurance Company. 4 Penn Center Plaza. Philadelphia, PA 19103 1,484943 ' Royal Globe Insurance Company.150 William Street. New York. NY 10038 3.355803 St. Paul Ftre & Martne Ins. Co. 385 'mashington St. St. Paul. MN $5102 4.751817 Seaboard Surety Co., 90 William St., New York. NY 10038 .419475 State Fam Fire & Casualty Coepany.112 fast Washington St.. Bloomington. IL 61701 .838951 Transacerica Insurance Co. 1150 So. Oltre :.t., Los Argeles. CA 90015 .838551 Travelers Indermity Compar.y. The. One Tower Square. Hartford. CT 06115 10.906M' United 5tates Fideltty and Guaranty Co. 100 Light Street. Baltimore MD 21202 Ir.C6Mii United States Fire lasurance Co., Madtson Ave. at Canfield Rd., Morristown. NJ 07960

2. N #2 h Insurance Co. 111 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago IL 60604 1.2584ae Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1, 1980 To forrn a part of Policy No W-?l?

Nmento Mu hkNih trict v Issued to Qing Date of issue h niary 18i_ 1QRn Fo s an f k


/ /'- General Manager Endorsement No Countersigned by 91 M M

C c Nuclear Energy L surance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABIL i S NCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM S D REMIUM CALENDAR YEAR 1980 l N. MENT 1. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 2 21,"'. ? ? 2. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provistor.s of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: I 2!1,220.02 YaWW WW 2 MTMS 7 January 1 98 t s dor ment To form a part of Policy No e issued to Sacranento l'unicipal Utility District h Dat2 of issue _ December 20, 1979 For the s scribin ' p nie By / U General Manager Endorsement No 42 Countersigned by-

~ C C Nuclear Energy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ~ ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1979 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement NoA0 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 225,718.91 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 169,221.37 Return Premium: $25,697.29 \\ u s tYs*E 'J ~ ent anuary l,1979 or To form a part o P' cyNo issued to Sacramento ~ n C pa'l k t strict Q N-, Date of Issue October 23, 1979 For theju scribing co panies .( Q .x s By' ) General Manager Endorsement No 4l Countersigned b[ 3 NE-36

Jear En'irgy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSdCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1979 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 36 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 251,416.20 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the ' absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 188,751.31 ~ Additional Premium: $ 10,391.20 EHective Date of January 1, 1979 12 this Endorsement To form a part of Policy No-N- s issued to Sacrament I n Cfp bb1 y District ) Dite of issue March 1, 1979 For the su scribing pa les' d_ By l / V' General Manager Endorsement No 40 Countersigned by -NE-36

N(. ear Energy Liability insurance ( NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION INCREASE OF LIMIT OF LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT (After prior Increase) It is agreed that: 1. The limit of liability stated in Item 4 of the declarations as amended by the Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsement (s) listed below is further amended to read $ 124.000,000.00 This amended limit applies with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused, during the period from the effective date of this endorsement to the date of termination of the policy, by the nuclear energy hazard. 2. The original limit of liability stated in Item 4 of the declara-tions, the limit (s) of liability stated in tne Increase of Limit of Liability En sement(s) listed below and the amended limit of liability st d in paragraph I above shall not be cumulative, and each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy .shall reduce by the amount of such payment the limit of liability originally stated in Item 4 of the declarations, the amended limit (s) of liability stated in the Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsement (s)listedbelowandtheamendedlimitofliability stated in paragraph 1 above, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises. Previous Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsement (s) EndorsementNo(s): 15, 20 and 32 E3 $'[dorSe'men't March 1 1 79 To form a part of Policy 4 NF-212 issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District \\ w Date of issue March 1. 1979 For the sujoscribin rypanies /gL By . ) / General Manager Endorsement No 39 Countersigned b NE-12 1.

h clear En:rgy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1978 It is agreed that Items Ia. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 34 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 229,094.26 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 171,786.63 Return Premium: $11,930.74 Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1. 1978 To form a part of Polic 'to F-212 12:01 A.M. Standard Time issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District g M,. ,T V,s Date of Issue March _1.1979 For the su cribin~g';co pa es l ^. By l b y con.r.i u.n Endorsement No 38 NE-36 countersigned b '"

C C Nuclear En g $ ill surance NUCLEAR ENE L I NSU NCE ASSOCIATION CHANGES IN SUBSCRIBING COMPAN D HEIR PROP 0RTIONATE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT endar Year 1979 1. It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the nuclear energy hazard: a. The word " companies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies listed below. b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only. c. Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designated below. 2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below to the close of December 31, 1979, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the policy, if sooner. SUBSCRIBtNG COMPa4f t$ PROPORTION OF 1001 Aetna Casualty and Surety Co.. The.151 Farmington Ave.. Hartford. CT 06156 10.114078 Aetna insurance Company.Allstate Plaza. Northbrook. IL 55 Elm St. Hartford. CT 06115 2.528520 Allstate Insurance Co.. 60062 4.214199 American Home Assurance Co. 102 Malden La.. New York. NY 10005 .884982 American Motorists Insurance Co. Long Grove. IL 60049 421420 81tuminous Casualty Corporation. 32018th St.. Rock Island. IL 61201 421420 Centennial Insurance Co. 45 Wall St.. New York. NY 10005 .579452 Coppercial Union Insurance Co.. One Beacon St.. Boston. MA 02108 3.034224 Connecticut Indemity Company. The.1000 Asylum Ave.. Hartford. CT 06101 1.011408 Continental Casualty Co.. CNA Plaza. Chicago, IL 6C685 4.214199 Continental Insurance Co.. The. 80 Maiden La.. New York. NY 10038 6.742719 Federal Insurance Co. 51 John F. Kennedy Pkwy.. Short Mills. NJ 07078 1.517112 Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. 3333 California St.. San Francisco. CA 94119 5.057039 General Accident Ftre and Life Assurance Corp., Ltd.. Fourth & Walnut $ts.. Philadelphia. PA 19105 1.348544 Great A=rican Insurance Co. 580 Walnut St.. Cincinnatt. CM 45201 1.348544 Hanover Insurance Co. The. 440 Lincoln St.. Worcester. MA 01605 .505704 Hartford Accident and indemity Co., Martford Plaza. Martford. CT 06115 7.164139 Hartford Steam $ citer Insp. & Ins. Co.. The. 56 Prospect St.. Martford, CT C6102 .505704 None Indermity Co.. The. 59 Maiden La.. New York. NY 10038 3.706495 Insurance Co. of North Aserica,1600 Ar-h Street. Philadelpnia. PA 19101 3.371359 Monarch Insurance Co. of Ohio. The.19 Rector St.. New Yort. NY 10006 .337136 Northern Insurance Ceepany of New York. 59 John Street. New York. NV 10038 1.854248 Northwestern National Ins. Co. 731 No. Jackson St. M11=aukee, WI $3201 .674272 Ohio Casualty insurance Company. The.136 North Third St.. Hastiton. CH 45025 .168568 Pactf fC Indewetty Co. 3200 W11 shire Blvd.. Los Angeles. CA 90010 .337136 Peerless Insura* a Co. 62 Maple Ave.. Keene. NH 03431 .126426 Phoent s Assuranse Co. of New York. 80 Malden La.. New York. NY 10038 .505704 Protective Insurance Co. 3100 No, Meridian St.. Indianapolis. IN 462C8 .168568 Providence Washington Insurance Co., 20 Washington Place. Providence. RI 02903 105355 Purttan Insurance Coneany.1515 Sunver St., Stamford. CT 04905 .252852 taliance Insurance Coseany, 4 Penn Centee Plaza. Phildelphia, PA 19103 1.491827 Royal Globe Insurance Concany.150 William Street. New York. NY 10038 3.371359 St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. 385 washin9 ton St.. St. Paul. DOI 55102 4.773845 Seabcard Surety Co. 90 William St. New York..NY 10038 421420 5 tate Farv Fire & Casualty Coseany.112 East Washington St. 81oomington. IL 61701 .842840 frantaaerica Insurance Co. 1150 So. Olive St.. Los Anoeles. CA 90015 .842840 Travelers Indeamity Coseany. The. One Tower Square. Hartford. CT 06115 10.956917 United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co.,100 Light Street. Salttmore. M0 21202 10.114078 United States Fire Insurance Co.. Madison Ave.. at Canfield Rd. Morristown. NJ 07960 2.697088 Zurich tesurance Co. 111 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago. IL 60604 1.264260 NE-79 Effective Date of this Enriorsement January 1,1979 To form a part of Policy No NF 212 12:01 A.M. Standard Time Issued to Sacraf' lento Puniciful Utility District < W(\\ T Date of issue January 20, 1979 For the su crib' pa eA P GREENCOPY [ BROKER / AGENT V FV General Manager N , Endorsement No Countersigne

^ C C Nuclear Energy Liability lasurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSUR 3 E ASSOCIATION 9


, filull ALENDAR YEAR 1979 (EN00RSEaf'E 'T

2) AMEflDMENT OF C0ff 17 fl " T CORSEllEllT

~ la. ADVANCE PREF 1IUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the cortpanies ortgepgr1ddesignatedaboveis: 5.00 b. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREfiIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the pro-visions of the Industry Credit Ratino Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 180,854.00 2. AMEllCf! Erit OF C0fl0ITI0fl 4: It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused after the effective date of this endorsement by the nuclear energy hazard, the figure $108,500,000 stated in Condition 4 of this policy is arrended to read $124,000,000, h YB101 COP / /> AGENT / BROKER Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1, 1979. NF~21 To form a part of i No 38Cramen't0 Mu c pa bt b ty District Issued to n \\) Date of issue ____ January 3,1979 For su-ng co panies O General Manager Endorsement No 36 countersigned by

t J Nuclear Energy Liability insurance, NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIf)M AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1977 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 33 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 211,452.55 Ib. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, - it is agreed that, subject to the provisions or the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $158,378.94 Return Premium: $26,512.75 EllIctive Date of this Endorsement January I, 1977 To form a part of Policy No NF-212 3,, issu:d to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of issue January 10. 1978 For the su icribing co panies ?~;.

f. s

( By l ',i' General Manager e,b i $ d / Endorsement No 35 countersigned t$y

N{ car En:rq y insurance { 1 o NUCLEAR Eb B l RANCE ASSOCIATION I




It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 241,025.00 b. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the pro-visions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 130.35a.00 2. It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the nuclear energy hazard: a. The word " companies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies listed on the reverse side of this endorsement. b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only. c. Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designated on the reverse side of this endorsement. 3. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below to the close of December 31st of the Calendar Year designated in the caption above, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the policy, if sooner. (Over) h > AGENT / BROKER PINK COPY / I Effsetive Date of January 1, 1978 12:01 A.M. Standard Time Issued to Sacrcento M!inicipal Utility District Date of issue. December 20, 1977 For the su scri ' co ies a-1 I By _ Geneial Manager Endorsement No Countersigned by NE-35 (1/1/78)

( ( ~ Nucl:ar En:rgy Liability insurancs NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM Afl0 STANDARD PREMIUM Ef4DORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 1977 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 29 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 237,965.30 lb. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, ~ it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premit:n is: 178,528.63 Additional Premium: $6,240.30 i .'J t is E dor m en t._ January 1, 1977 Tc,.orm a part of Policy No NF-212 12:01 A.M. Standard Time issued to -_ Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of issue.__ April 25, 1977 For the su icribing Co panies By ) / General Managar Endcrsement No 33 countersigned by NE-36

bl:Ir En:rgy LI:bility Insuranc[ NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION INCREASE OF LIMIT OF LIABILITY ENDORSEMErlT (After Prior Increase) It is agreed that: 1. The limit of liability stated in Item'4 of the declarations as amended by the Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsement (s) listed below is further amended to read $ 108.500,000.00 This amended limit applies with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused, during the period from the effective date of this endorsement to the date of termination of the policy, by the nuclear energy hazard. 2. The original limit of liability stated in Item 4 of the declara-tions, the limit (s) of liability stated in the Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsement (s) listed below and the amended limit of liability stated in paragraph 1 above shall not be cumulative, and each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount of such payment the limit of liability originally stated in Item 4 of the declarations, the amended limit (s) of liability stated in the Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsement (s) listed below and the amended limit of liability stated in paragraph 1 above, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises. Previous Increase of' Limit of Liability Endorsement (s) Endorsement No(s): 15 and 20 r, / 'i,- 3 ( m.s . J.' !., ?

  • 4

[1 - (, I l p) '.J ti dorser ent llay 1, 1977 To form a part of Policy No NF-212 12:01 A.M. Standard Time issutd to Sacramento Municipal Utility District D:ta of Issue April 25, 1977 For the su cribing co panies By ) / General Manager Endorsement No 32 Countersigned by_ _,

(iicl=r Entr h Insuran(cs (1 ~ N b NUCLEAR ENERGY IL k IN ANCE ASSOCIATION 0 ONDITION 4 AND AME 977 SUBSCRIBING COMPANIES Ai!D IN THEI OP0RTI0flATE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that: 1. with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused after the effective date of this endorsement by the nuclear energy hazard, the figure $96,875,000 stated in Condition 4 of the policy is amended to read $108,500,000. 2. the listing of subscribing companies and their proportionate liability for calendar year 1977 shown on the reverse side of the Advance Premium and Standard Premium Endorsement for Calendar Year 1977 is replaced by the listing on the reverse side of this endorsement. (over) YELLOW COPY h AGENT / BROKER ..s F ~ b il-i PINK COPY SUBMITTING COMPANY anua y 97 t E or e ent To form a part of Policy No Issutd to 11errento Mutticia.t1 U.111:-+ '

  • ctr4_ct Dita of issue January 31. 1977 For the a cribing co pa By General Managet End:rsement No Countersigned NE-430 (1/1/77)

( ( Nucl:ar En:rgy Liability insuranca NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVAf1CE PREMIUM AtlD STANDARD PREMIUM ENDDRSEMEllT CALENDAR YEAR 1976 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 24 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM:.It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 154.517. 92 t Ib, STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, ~ it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Cr'dit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance;, e Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 115.104. 9R Return Premium: $77,212.78 Ellective Date of this Endorsement ____.J4QUD _1976-- To form a part of Policy No NF-212 issued to _ __. Sacramento NunicipaL_ Utility -Di&trict For the su scribing co panies Date of issue January 4r-4977 By I / General M nager Endorsement No 30 countersigned by NE-36

bucl: r En:rg Li lh y insura[ NUCLEAR ENERG' B l3 URANCE ASSOCIATION l


OMPANIES AND IN THEIR PR0 TIONATE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1977 la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 231,725.00

b. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the pro-visions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is:

173,736.00 2. It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the nuclear energy hazard:

a. The word " companies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies listed on the reverse side of this endorsement.
b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only.
c. Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designated on the reverse s,ide of this endorsement.

3. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below to the close of December 31st of the Calendar Year designated in the caption above, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the policy, if sooner. (Over) YELLOW COPY AGENT /BR0XER s GREEN COPY SUBHITTING COMPANY Effective Date of this Endorsement Janua 1. 97 To form a part of Pohcy No HF-212 issuedto Sacramento l'unicipal Utility 91 strict D;te of Issue December 31. 1976 For su ng ' ni [- By u eneral Manager Endorsement No Countersigned by h

belear En::rgy Liability insurancb NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION AMENDMENT N DEFINITION OF "NUCLEAi 2NERGY HAZARD" (Indemnified Nuclear Facility) It is agreed that:

1. Solely with respect to an " insured shipment" to which the policy applies as proof of financial protection required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, subdivision (2) of the definition of " nuclear energy hazard" is amended to read:

(2) the nuclear material is in an insured shipment which is away from any other nuclear facility and is in the course of transportation, including handling and temporary storage incidental thereto, within (a) the territorial limits of the United States of America, its territories or possessions, Puerto Rico or the Canal Zone; or (b) international waters or airspace, provided that the nuclear material is in the course of trans-portation between two points located within the territorial limits described in (a) above and there are no deviations in the course of the transportation for the purpose of going to any other country,' state or nation, except a devia-tion in the course of said transportation for the purpose of going to or returning from a port or place of refuge as the result of an emergency.

2. As used here, " financial protection" has the meaning given it in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

I s or ment dAlludd.i_lSZ7 To form a part of Policy No NF-212 12.01 A.M. Standard Time lasued to __ Sacramento Ffunicipal Utility District Date of issue Decamber 15. 1976 For the su scribing co panies By General Manage Endorsement No 28 Countersigned by NE-44 (1/1/77)

.i ( Nucle:r Energy Liability Insuranc[ NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION WAIVER OF DEFENSES ENDORSEMENT (Extraordinary Nuclear Occurrence) The named insured, acting for himself and every other insured under the policy, and the members of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association agree as follows:

1. With respect to any extraordinary nuclear occurrence to which the policy applies as proof of financial protection and which (a) arises out of or results from or occurs in the course of the con-struction, possession, or operation of the facility, or (b) arises out of or results from or occurs in the course of the transportation of nuclear material to or frc:n the facility, the insureds and the companies agree to waive (1) any issue or defense as to the conduct of the claimant or the fault of the insureds, including but not limited to:

(i) negligence, (ii) contributory negligence, (iii) assumption of risk, and (iv) unforeseeable intervening causes, whether involved the conduct of a third person, or an act of God, " (2) any issue or defense as to charitable or governmental immunity, and (3) any issue or defense based on any statute of limitations if suit is instituted within three years from the date on which the claimant first knew, or reasonably could have known, of his bodily injury or property damage and the cause thereof, but in no event more than twenty years af ter the date of the nuclear. incident. The waiver of any such issue or defense shall be effective regardless of whether such issue or defense may otherwise be deemed jurisdictional or relating to an . element in the cause of action.

2. The waivers set forth in paragraph 1. above do not apply to (a) bodily injury or property damage which is intentionally sustaired by the claimant or which results from a nuclear incident intentionally and wrongfully caused by the claimant; (b) bodily injury sustained by any claimant who is employed at the site of and in connection with the activity where the extraordinary nuclear occurrence takes place if benefits therefor are either payable or re-quired to be provided under any workmen's compensation or occupational disease law; (c) any claim for punitive or exemplary damages, provided, with respect to any claim for wrongful death under any State law which provides for damages only punitive in nature, this exclusion does not apply to the extent that the claimant has sustained actual damages, measured by the pecuniary injuries resulting from such death but not to exceed the maximum amount otherwise recoverable under such law.

NE-33a (over)


3. The waivers set fort (prdperty damage to which the policy (applie i

i paragraph 1. above shall be e ctive only with respect to bodily injury or oth:r than this endorsement; provided, however, that with respect to bodily in-jury or property damage resulting from an extraordinary nuclear occurrence, In-suring Agreement IV, " Application of Policy", shall not operate to bar coverage for bodily injury or property damage (a) which is caused during the policy period by the nuclear energy hazard and (b) which is discovered and for which written claim is made against the insured not later than twenty years after the date of the extraordinary nuclear occurrence. Such waivers shall not apply to, or prejudice the prosecution or defense of any claim or portion of claim which is not Wthin the protection afforded under (a) the provisions of the policy applicable to the financial pro-tection required of the named insured; (b} the agreement of indemnification between the named

  • insured and the the Nuclear Regulatory Commission made pursuant to Section 170 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended; and (c) che limit of liability provisions of Subsection 170e. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

Such waivers shall not preclude a defense based upon the failure of the claim-ant to take reasonable steps to mitigate damages.

4. Subject to all of the limitations stated in this endorsement and in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the waivers set forth in paragraph 1. above shall be judicially. enforceable in accordance with their terms against any insured in an action to recover damages because of bodily injury or property damage to which the policy applies as proof of financial protection.
5. As used herein:

" extraordinary nuclear occurrence" means an event which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined to be an extraordinary nuclear occurrence as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. " financial protection" and " nuclear incident" have the meanings given them in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. " claimant" means the person or organization actually sustaining the bodily injury or property damage and also includes his assignees, legal represent-atives and other persons or organizations entitled to bring an action for damages on account of such injury or damage. Effective Date of this Endorsement Januar 1977 To form a part of Policy No gp~ 212 issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District D;te of issue December 15. 1976 For the su,cribing cc panies By General Manager 27 Endorsement No Countersigned by NE-33a (1/1/77)

(Nucl:ar En:rgy Liability Insuran(ce NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION AMENDt4ENT'0F C0tlDITION 2 " INSPECTION SUSPENSION" (Facility Form) It is agreed that Condition 2 " INSPECTION; SUSPEllSION" is replaced by the following: 2 INSPECTION; SUSPENSION The companies shall at any time be permitted but not obligated to inspect the facility and all operations relating thereto and to examine the insured's books and records as far as they relate to the subject matter of this insurance. Neither the right to make inspections and examina-tions nor the making thereof nor any advi or report resulting therefrom shall constitute an undertaking, on beha of or for the benefit of the in-sured or others, to determine or warrant tnat such facility or operations are safe or healthful, or are in compliance with any law, rule or regulation. If a representative of the companies discovers a condition which he believes to be unduly dangerous with respect to the nuclear energy hazard, a repre-sentative of the companies may request that such condition be corrected with-out delay. In the event of non-compliance with such request, a representative of the companies may, by notice to the named insured, to any other person or organization considered by the companies to be responsible for the continuance of such dangerous condition, and to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission, suspend the insurance with respect to the named insured and such other person or organization effective 12:00 midnight of the next business day of such Commission following the date that such Commission receives such notice. The period of such suspension shall terminate as of the time stated in a written notice from the companies to the named insured and to each such person or organization that such condition has been corrected. \\ ',., '. ' w ' Effective Date of January 1,1977 this Endorsement To form a part of Policy No_NF 212 issued to Date of Issue December 15, 1976 For the su icribing co panies By General Manager Endorsement No 26 Countersigned by NE-46 (1/1/77)

Ilear En:rgy LI:bility insuran NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1975 It is agreed that Items la. and lb. of Endorsement No. 23 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 159.772.30 lb. UTANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 119.101.95 Return Premium: $67,704.93 l l i Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1, 1975 To form a part of Policy No NF-212 12:01 A.M. Standard Time Issued to Sacramento Municinal Utility District Dita of issue March 3.1976 For the su scribing co panies orj By A /F' General Manager Endorsement No Countersigned by

Nucl:ar En:rg Li ' y insurrnca ' NUCLEAR ENERGY B Q IN i RANCE ASSOCIATION




It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies ~ for the period designated above is: 231,725.00


In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the pro-visions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said ~ Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 173,736.00 It is ' greed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused, 2. a dur'ing the effective period of this endorsement, by the nuclear energy hazard:

a. The word " companies" wherever used in the policy means the sub-scribing companies listed on the reverse side of this endorsement.
b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only.
c. Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion of any

-- obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designated on the reverse side of this endorsement. 3. It is agreed that the effective period o'f this endorsement is to the close of December 31st of the Calendar Year designated in the caption above, or to the time of the termination or cancelation of the policy, if sooner. (over) N._. jf,,fegtiveDat' January 1,1976 N ,,, ment To form a part of Policy No Sacrar.cuto dunicipd UCga{d Timety pintrict 12:01 A.M Stan g For s ng c ni Dati of issue December 1.19Z5 - YELLOW AGENT / BROKER M k By I GREEN SUBMITTING COMPAm / General Manager E Countersigned by

N cir r En:rgy Liability Insur nc{; l NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1975 It is agreed that Items la. and ib. of Endorsement No. 21 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 227,477.23 lb. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PRD41UM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 170,557.69 Additional Premium: $177,582.73 Efenlee Dete of January 1, 1975 To form a pan of Policy No NF-212 g g,,3,,,, 12:01 A.M. Sundard Thne had r Sacramento Municipal Utility District May 5, 1975 Den of hiue Foi

  • i um i B.

Y x @RI Manager i 23 Endorsement No rountersigned by

,ucicer Enargy Liability Insur:n( NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PRD11UM AND STANDARD PRD1IUM ENDORSD1ENT Calendar Year 1974 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 17 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PRDlIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 48,806.17 lb. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PRD11UM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 35,338.00 Additional Premium: $29,606.17 January 1, 1974 NF-212 t, o em,o, form a d P% m 12:01 A.M. Standard Thne Sacranento Municipal Utility District i April 22, 1975 _ Date of Issue Foi the si ains compe i __.<-"'I BY-M) I 'W(TWol hionoger 22 Endorsement No rounteraisoed by M

Nuciar En:rgy Liability insuranca NUCLEAR (NERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE sSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1975 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 18 are amended to read: la. ADVANCE PRDi1UM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 3 49,894.50 lb. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 36,146.93 Additional Premium: $4,557.00 ( January 1, 1975 a

oman, 7,go,,,p,,,of p,j;,7 g, NF-212 12:01 A.M. Sundard Tune haued ra Sacramento Municipal Utility District I

March 21, 1975 q hec of hsue y,, the s, l as com ns - ! 9 (0 i o, ,._ ). By_ li, I @ %neral Monager Endorsement No 21 counterigned br k'M

NucL r Energy Lcbility insurznce NUCLEAF cNERSY LIABILITY INSURANCE x5SOCIATION IflCREASE OF LIfilT OF LIABILITY ENDORSEfiENT (After Prior Increase) It is agreed that: 1. The limit of liability stated in Item 4 of the declarations as amended by the Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsement (s) listed below is further amended to read $96,875,000. This amended limit applies with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused, during the period from the effective date of this endorsement to the date of termination of the policy, by the nuclear energy hazard. 2. The original limit of liability stated in Item 4 of the declara-tions, the limit (s) of liability stated in the Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsement (s) listed below and the amended limit of liability stated in paragraph 1 above shall not be cumulative, and each paynent made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount of such paynent the limit of liability originally stated in Iten 4 of the declarations, the amended limit (s) of liability stated in the Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsenent(s) listed below and the amended limit of liability stated in paragraph 1 above, regardless of which limit of liability applies' with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises. Previous Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsenent (s) Endorsement flo(s): 15 O '3\\\\ 7 \\ .s .g \\ March 21, 19 5 To form a p of Po% No NF-212 Sacramento Municipal Utility District March 21, 1975 Date el luue For,suwcribias comrgaies lfA&% I By Y' Generaf Manager Endonament No 20 coune,,,(goed by

1 ( ( A er' h)iabi p insurance Nuclea NUCLEAR E IL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Amendment of Condition 4 Endorsement i It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused after the effective da.te of this endorsement by the nuclear energy hazard, the figure $85,250,000 stated in Condition 4 of the policy is amended to read $96,875,000. Etectise Dane of this EnJone-, January 1,1975

7. ro,, p., or pot;cy no 7p 12:01 A.M. Standa,d Time gyg,,

". o r .,,m e,,

  • r..* *,. 2 n i i t' e #
  • 4 -., 9 t,, d,. e.

Ja nuary 10, 1975

o. of woe y,,

GREEN AGENT / BROKER By i C/ d WV Cameral Manager PINK ( SUBf1ITTING COMPANY 19 p c~ienisoain

f r D insuran[ a g li NUCLEAR E ltTTY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION r 1) ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM END0RSEMENT 2) CHANGES IN SUBSCRIBING COMPANIES AND IN THEIR PROP 0RTIONATE LIABILITY END0RSEMENT Calendar Year 1975 la. ADVANCE PRFMTUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 45.377.50 b. STANDARD PRFMTUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the pro-visions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 32.774.75 2. It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the. nuclear energy hazard:

a. The word " companies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies listed on the reverse side of this endorsement.
b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only.
c. Each such company shall be liable only for its pro-portion of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property drmage as designated on the reverse side of this endo sement.

3. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is to the close of December 31st of the Calendar Year designated in the caption above, or to the_ time of the termination or cancelation of,the policy, if sooner. (over) , ?.. M" "a 7, *', January 1,1975 ~I

7. ro,m a pan of Poucy No 12:01 A.M. Standard Time Decenber 12, 1974 sacramento Municipal Utility Dinertet haued -

l Date of lues For su' o l green 3 Agent / Broker By k yellow (2) 3 Submitting Company @U ' Generaf Monoger 18 h w. couatmis ed by NE-35 (1/1/75) \\

f (o F. acinar En:rgy Lidility insuranca NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION STANDARD PRDtIUM CIDORSDIENT Calendar Year 1974 It is agreed that Item Ib. of Endorsement No. 16 is amended to read: lb. STANDARD PRD!I1Di AND RESERVE PRDillRI: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $13,431.94. h M ___ *a ECative Date of LM Endonemen. January 1, 1974 NF-212 To forni a part of Polier No 12:01 Ali. Standard Tune issued im Sacramento Municipal Utility Dati c! !ssue September 10, 1974 y,, g,,g, ,p,,;, BY _I 0 (/ ~ Geheral Monoger ' Eadorse=at No Counteriixned by

scicar Encrgy Lichility Insurent NUCL3AR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIAilON ADVANCE PRDtIMt AND STA?!DARD PRD!IMI ENDORSDIEt:T Calendar Year 1974 It is agreed that Items la. and Ib. of Endorsement No. 12 are amended to read: [ ~. la. ADVANCE PRDilmi: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 4 19,200.00 lb. STANDARD PRDtIMI AND RESERVE PRC4IMI: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ MO / i Additional Premium: $17,200.00 l II U i E6ectise Dste of tMs Eedersemen, January 1, 1974 To term a part or po;;q so NF-212 12.01 Alt. Sundud Time ~ 3,,,g,, Sacramento MunicApal Utility District Date of 143ue September 16, 1974 g,,g,g, ,p,,;, OY__ W't f& (/ ' ~ Gineral Manager' EnJre>cce t No Countersigned by A t* *.? %

i ) . ear Energy Liabiilty insurance '[ NUCLEA2 INH 3Y LIABILITY IN5URANCE ASSOCIATION INCREASE OF LDtIT OF LIABILITY ENDORSDIENT It is agreed that: 1. The limit of liability stated in Item 4 of'the declarations of the policy is amended to read $ This amended limit applies with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused, during the period from the effective date of this endorsement to the date of termination of the policy, by the nuclear energy hazard. 2. The limit of liability stated in Item 4 of'the declarations and the amended limit of liability stated in paragraph 1 above shall not be cumulative, and each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the po.licy shall reduce by the amount of such payment both the limit of liability stated in Item 4 of the declarations and the amended limit stated in paragraph 1 above, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or e: pense arises. h $w-Efeedn Dste of tM Endoneewn, Julv 1.1974 To ro 2 ps,c et policy no "e. 919 12:01 A.2.L 5:asdard Time bd e., Sacramento Municioal Utility Distric' I* ' #"b*# 3#'~

m.,; w JulV lC. 1974 By _
  1. l) b $/W

/' Generci Monoger Eeders cent No 15 coumen! geed by

(aclear Dobility Insurance . NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABluTY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Address of Noelear Energy Liability Insurance Associatien Endorsernent a. , 14 .It is agreed that.the address of the Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance m,.'. Association appearing in the " Company Representation" condition of the TC ', policy is amended to read: J..p.f, ; . v . a,..,.u~,.. ,, x s ~,. n., ~. ~ i.- ;( ;. '.3. :., %;.. -..The Exchange + ..n 4.e m

n., e

.,)~ o.: ' ~ Js. ,. o., ' G.', Farmington Avenue ._. + 42. 7 '. 2~ Farmington, Connecticut 06032 7N


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( w,. - / .y-. ,,i s '.s* .] 4.; A 4* 9,> .<;.;...y* *. +. 9:, w,:... - 2 . [ - 1 '~s. 4-y = ...a,, ?d April 1,' 1974 f g, g g p. c. g 12:01 A.M. Senadead Timw 'Socramonto Municiel Utillev Die ttf et 's ~ - V." ' Ismeed = March 15, 1974-Por da Subsen%g Compeales 5 0 Pink ] Agent / Broker I

  • - YJ ByfkOolf1 W
  • Of "

Yellow (2) 3 Submitting Company y l / General Manager.,. ,...Q;v?'....P. ~ ., c. ~ ~. W~, e., v... g4,,',# 2 g. V w.W ~ ~ 4 P=J=====* Na O.

  • ~

Countersigned by ... ( f, NE 37B (4/1/74) 't ' ~ 9,# '

C ( Nuclear Energy Webility insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY UABluTY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Amendment of Condition 4 Endorsement It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury and property ~ damage caused af ter the effective date of this endorsement by the nuclear energy hazard the figure $73,625,000 stated in Condition 4 of the policy is amended to read $85,250,000. ,.e. i*f .u a ~ , ,.... '. - - l,, ' A.' l .,1 .s.) .i.- i .i 3 ,,,L.,.,,,,#* ' f ... u - A.;.< ",.n., / ;...-- . it..

  • tj','.., p, -

t, l/ ..r ,c,- g - ' ~, .'f -y ,( .o; r - f, Efath. Dame d e January 1, 1974 this Endonea.-,, To fons a past of Pt&y No 12:01 A.M. Senadasd Time y. .,,, o ...i.4...'

'-8 i* - s '.. - d. r -

January 15, 1974 For du subectibing ewa6 Daae d Issee s-.\\ k Green - Agent / Broker l \\ 's ? BY i F rink (2) - submitting Company y cene,oi sonoger hW couneeemsned by NE 43 (1/1/74)

s\\ ' ~, \\ n g \\' \\

' r.

Aclear Eners'y Liabili(3 Insurance



s 4

2 . u.;, .~ ~ p .t..,... 2 4..

l. a.

' ADVANCE PREMlUM: It is agreed the Advance Premium due the companies for ..'WN the period designated above is: -,. > L $ 2,000.00


..q.c.t y;g';n .n~ . 7,.., e. a.-...,..,...- .g, 3 .n .,.y b. -STANDARD PREMlUM AND RESERVE PREMlUM: In the absence of a change in the M. '.' M . Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the ';J[p $ 1,340.00 .. m. :.. Reserve Premium Is: j. A n . ;.-f J.,x. -..y:s :v

2..j )jlt is agree,d th,at with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused, during the, 8 S'"'

effectiv_e periodpf this endorsement, byf @hef nuclear energy hazard: .,.V!);..,f <??{y,, t c/ J 1,,R, 4 i. x g f> s'/' i r. ( Wnd'/

a. The word " companies" wherever used in the, policy.neans the subs'cribing.ap

' companies listed g6the reverse side of this endorsement. M'? , 'd'J'g.y , M 4 0,x r, S '. s;,'1,,' . m.7,. @4 3g... ;, ~ i/l; 't.- :- ...f .(, - c s,s g !,J, f,.b ;;.Tiie. n 2 "q.x n .v .s.r policy-I be bi'ndin 0hh"g * " vrllg on sucii companies only$.. j$h Yhhb .>,tS

u. a

.h p 'Y ?,W. ~ h.h{. '.=J&y p.%A'., c.. Each such ' comp lany shall be~lfa:ble only forJts proportion o J' Y]'/Ok.'.3/.. assume'd or expense incu'rred u~ixier th,e'pslicy beEc .3.6 ~ or property; damage as designated on the rehrse side of this.eporserne It is a; greed that the effectiv~e period of this endorse, me .,p - ,..g _, 3 x w _ 17 Q. 4gg . :v.. ~ 31st V 3. .i*:i';'.3'. of the Calendar Yeoidesig'n6te'd in.t.h.e'c'Eptifirfa'bovef.or to th,1[t'i~m'e bf the.termin.ation.W. w.q ri e ..7.jj.. ;. ].:.;g,%p, ' , c... . :Q-7.or concelation of the po g. 1gf soone. . + f//.. y/

f. M',,' y

.. 'l, j... cy, r o... ,..\\...'..; 7 5: t. y;y g, y.,, vt.; 9,_. ys- ..lf t v,.. G.s? _, Q yf,,. * ~. g! },s i ..}T24 .J j N

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}/fl. c, p.p.,. g'. i:'.';<!.f (over) gl. . F ~ ~ ~ m4 g,,...:..;; .. f, ,.o:.. /j. I,. ':',j p. s /, f 'G,.. . *. r;. .r 3 ','. + M, s. i;. u. 'f4 0 's y. 4 _.< c,. m..

7.. '..

y - n,,. ,.,y. "' II ~' . mtin Date of Januo'Y 1' 1974 NF-212 . To form a part of Policy No tMs Endorse =ad 12:0: A.M. Standard Time Sacrar.: ento Municipal Utility District Issued = November 1,1973 For the SubscrMng Companies o,,,g g,,,, s ,b ~ green 3 Agent / Broker h/' ,? y y y pf yellow (2) ] Submitting Company / " li, g General Manager 12 i\\. \\\\ \\ .) Endorsement No Countersigned by \\ 'I D NE-35 (1/1/74) I

I-r e Nudeor Energy L!c'oisty insurence NUC1.3A2 91RGY LIA3tt.!TY INSU2ANC2 AS3CCIATICN ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT ) g Calendar Year 1973 .i l


I It is agreed that Item 5 of the Declarations " Advance Premium: is amended to read: ADVM:CE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $_1.617.50 STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMILH: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 1,083.72 Additional Premium: $ 1,365. 75 D ~a t l h b hetm Dsw d b 2d !! arch 12, _1973 To fens a prt d Pc&y & W -919 n:01 A.:.L rnM um Sacranento Municiple Utility Diatrict "Wi l W.'ts b edb July 13, 1973_ I" b 3AD M O_ ' W.A l Y / Gerarci Mor:cger 11 ,% 3

Nuclear Energy Liabilly Imuranc(e HUC17.A2 ENERGY UABluTY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION CORRECTION OF NAMED INSURED ENDORSDENT It is agreed that'the name of the named insured where ever it appears on the declarations page or endorsement numbers _1, through 9 is corrected to read: Sacramento Municipal Utility District H Eastin Csar d e b!onemme, March 1. 1973 To forts a pst d Poury No 12:01 A24.,ardant Time g, Sacramento Municipal Utility District cm a b January 25, 1973 For 64 Sam gin Ceepa:4 s By) caid 'ihklY !Y u i n o... .L. I ra , a-come br

~ (Jtx!act Cg. Li::hdty Imurence ( PNCOA2 ENBGY LIA3NTt INSURANC2 A53CC1ATicN 1 ADVANCE PRDtItDi AND STANDARD PRD!IUM ENDORSDIENT Ca'lendar Year 1973 It is agreed that Item 5 of the Declarations " Advance Premium: is amended to read: ADVANCE PRDtIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $100.00 STANDARD PRDfItD{ AND RESERVE PRD1ItDt: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subj ect to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 67.00 p ~ { March 1, 1973 NF-212 a d WP'e 22:o1 A1.t. hw 7.== Sacramentc, Municiple Utility District g,, Janunry 10, 1973 7ef '.h"-in -s.o a ww Of t CN., A bS . U'

  • ne"M Yi 9

\\v \\/ l* '~ ~dm >b m


  • ( bcr Scwgy UzblIDy Insur=nes

[ NUCL LA2 EMIRGY LIA3iUT/ IN3U.LVICI ASSOCIATICM AMENDATORY ENDCRSDENT (Application of Policy) It is agreed that Insuring Agreement IV of the policy captioned, " Application of Policy" is amended to read as follows: APPLICATION OF POLICY This policy applies only to bodily injury or property damage (1) which is caused during the policy period by the nuclear energy hazard and (2) which is discovered and for which written claim is made against the insured, not later than ten years af ter the end of the N policy period. EMre rns ef ob r.donew., March 1, 19 73 %ba t d n'4 h*, NF '21 ? 12: 01 A,!1:.uzhid Tu-, Iu ad t, Sacramento Municiple Utility District Des d i sus January 10, 1973 Tot 03ISic"L*JC.=p *a etl NVwun oy y G:.rorcibEicser . J f ,e b" "C.I

  • 13 Q g ge., g j h 5


{NucNor Energy Unbilib Insurance { / NUCLIAR ENIRSY UA33UTY INSURANCI ASSSCIAT!2N ~ SUPPLEMENTARY ENDORSD!ENT WAIVER OF DEFENSES REACTOR CONSTRUCTION AT THE FACILITY It is agreed that in construing the application of paragraph 2(b) of the Waiver of Defenses Endorsement (NE-33) with respect to an extra-ordinary nuclear occurrence occurring at the facility, a claimant who is employed at the facility in connection with the construction of a nuclear reactor with respect to which no operating licens: has been issued by the Atomic Energy Cocimission shall not be considered as employed in connection with the activity where the extraordinary nuclear occurrence takes place if: (1) the claimant is employed exclusively in connection with the construction of a nuclear reactor, including all related equipment and installations at the facility, and (2) no operating license has been issued by the Atomic Energy Commission with respect to the nucicar reactor, and (3) the claimant is not employed in connection with the possession, storage, use or transfer of nucicar material at the facility. Efatin Date of March 1, 1973 NF-212 tMe Endernemens To farin a pet of Polky No 12:0t A.!L tuadatd Thne ggg Sacramento Municiple Utility District Date of he J.intinry 10. 1973 u. / Germal Monager 7 ra.n no [ i c - i.,i m, h2b4/71)

(.uclear Energy Liability insumnco ( NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Wolverof Defenses Endorsement (Extraordinary Nuclear Occurrenee) (FACILITY FORM) The named Insured, acting for himself and every other insured under the policy, and the members of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association agree as follows:

1. With respect to any extraordinary nuclear ocebtrence to which the policy applies as proof of financial protection and which (a) Arises out of or results from or occurs in the course'of the construction, posassion, or operation of the facility, or (b) Arises out of or results from or occurs in the course of the transportation of nuclear material to or from the facility, the insureds and the companies og roe to waive (1) any issue or defenw as to the conduct of the claimant or the fault of the insureds, including,, but not limited to:

(1) negligence, (ii) contributory negligence, (111) assumption of risk, and (iv) unforeseeable intervening causes, whether involving the conduct of a third person, or on act of God, (2) any issue or defenn as to charitable or governmental immunity, and (3) any issue or defense based on any statute of limitations if suit is instituted within three years from the date on which the claimant first knew, or reasonably could have known, of his bodily injury or property domoge and the cause thereof, but in no event more than ten years after the date of the nuclear incident. The wolver of any such issue or defense shall be effective regardless of whether such issue or defense may otherwise be deemed jurisdictional or relating to an element in the cause of action. 2. The waivers set forth in paragraph 1. above do not opply to (a) Bodily injury or property domoge which is intentionally sustained by the claimant or which results from o nuclear incident intentionally and wrongfully caused by the claimant; (b) Bodily in]ury susto 1ned byany claimant who is emple'yed at the site of and in connection with the activity where the extraordinary nuclear occurrence takes place if benefits therefor are either payeble or required to be provided under any workmen's co pensation or occupational disease law; (over)

(c) Any clcim f:r pur ve or exemp!:ry domog:s, providedfvith respect ta cny claim f:r wrongful death unde c{oy Stata low which pr:vides for domc}us only p this exclusion does not opply to the extent that the claimont has sustained actual demoges, measured by the pecuniary injuries resulting from such death but not to exceed the maximum amount otherwise recoverable under such low.

3. The waivers set forth in paragmph 1. above shall be effective only with respect to bodily injury or property demoge to which the policy applies under its terms other than this endorsement.

Such waivers shall not apply to, or prejudice the prosecution or defense of any claim or portion of claim which is not within the protection afforded under (1) Th'e povisions of the policy applicable to the financloi protection required of the named insured, (2) The ogreement of indemnification between the named insured and the Atomic Energy Commission made pursuunt to section 170 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and (3) The limit of liability provisions of subsection 170 e. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. Such waivers shall not preclude o defense based upon the failure of the claiment to take reasonable steps to mitigate demoges. 4. Subject to all of the limitations stated in this endorsement and in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the waivers set forth in paragraph 1. above shall be judicially enforceable in accordance with their terms against any insured in on action to recover domoges because of bodily injury or property demoge to which the policy applies as proof of financial protection.

5. As used herein:

" Extraordinary nuclear occurrence" means on event which the Atomic Energy Commission has de-termined to be on extraordinary nuclear occurrence as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. " Financial protection" and " nuclear incident" have the meonings given them in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. " Claimant"means the person or organization actually sustaining the bodily injury or property demoge and also includes his assignees, legal representatives and other persons or organizations entitled to bring on action for domoges on account of such injury or domoge. Efective Dste of W-2g2 IIUTCh I' 1973 To forcs a prt of Pol cy No tNo EnJonen:ee n s2:01 Mt. Standard Tune mmr Sacrmnento 14uniciple Utility District Date of Nu, Tanuary 10, 197.3 ' 8"h"N C**M Dr - / .] Genent Maruger il [*l L. by EaJonemcet No Counter (ped by N

f: lear Energy Liability insurnnet j NUCLEAR iiNh.4,GY LIABILITY INSURANCE #w50CIATION 1NDUSTRY CREDIT RATING PLAN PRIM 1UM ENDORSIMENT { It is agreed that Condition I of the policy is replace' by th: following: d CONDITION 1. PREMIUM (1) DeUdtions: With r:ference to the premium for this policy: " advance premium", for any cahndar year, is the estimated standard premium for that cat:ndaryear; in accordance with the companies' rules, year, is the premium for that cahndar yea " standard pre,nium", for any calendar rates, rating plans (oth:r than the Industry Credit Rating Plan), premiums and minimum premiums applicabb to this insurance; " reserve premium" means that portion of the standard premium paid to the companies and speciScally allocated under the Industry Cr:dit Rating Plan for incurred losses. The amount of the " reserve premium" for this policy for any calendar year during which thh policy is in fore: is the amount designated as such in the Standard Premium Endorsement for that cahndar year; " Industry reserve premium", for any calendar year, is the sum of the reserve premiums for that calendar year for all Nuclear Energy Liability Policies issued by Nucl:ar Energy Liability Insurance Association and Mutual Atomi: Energy Liability Undenvriters and subject to the Industry Credit Rating Plan; " policy refund ratlo", for any calendar year, is the ratio of the named insured's reserve pre. .mium for that calendar year to the industry reserve premium for that cahndar year; " incurred losses" means the sum of: (1) alllosses and expenses paid by Nuc!:ar Energy Liability Insuranca Association and Mu-tual Atomic Energy L: ability Undenvriters, and (2) all res:rves for unpaid losses and exp:ases as estimated by Nuchar Energy Liabi!Ity In-surance Association and Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Und:nvriters becaus of obligations assumed and the expenses incurred in connection with such obligations by members of Nuc!:ar En:rgy Liability Insurance Association and Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Undenvriters und:r all Nuchar En:rgy Liability Polici:s issued by Nuchar En:rgy Liability Insurance Association and Mutual Atomic En:rgy Liability Undenvriters and sub. ject to the Industry Credit Rating Plan; "rcserve for refunds", at the end of any calendar year, is the amount by which (1) the sum 1 1957 through,the end of such of allIndustry reserve premiums for the period from January (a), all incurred losses, valued calendar year exceeds (2) the total for the sam: p:ium refunds made under the Industry riod of the next following July 1, and (b) all reserve prem , Rating Plan by' memb:rs of Nuc!:ar Energy Liability Insurance Association and Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Und:nvriters; "indtutry reserve premium refund",' for any calendar year, is determined by!o of the Indus multiplying the reserve for refunds at the end of the ninth calendar year thereafter by the rat try reserve premlum for the calendar year for which the premium refund is being d:termined to the sum of such amount and the totalIndustry reserve premiums for the next nin: calendar years thereaft:r, provided that th Industry reserve premlum refund for any calendar year shall in no event b: great:r than the indrutry reserve premlum for such ca! cdar year. (2) Payment of Advance andStandard Premiums The nam:d insured shall pay the companies the advance prem!um stated in the d:clarations, for the period from the ethetive date of this policy through December 31 following. Thereedter, at the beginninj of each calendar year whife this poti:y is la force. th: named inmred shall p2y th: cdvance trerrium fm such yne to th: companias. The c6unce premium for ea:h estandar >nt sh!! ba stred in the P::. mlum lin,dorsement for such cabndar year inued to the named insured as soaa as pract!=b's prior to or at:et the b:;;!nning of such year. ..n nu.

nr.~.wJw margy s.Inanny snauranc2 HUC1. EAR E{RGY 1.lASILITY INSURANCE {5SOCIAT As soon as practicab!: after each Decemb:r 31 and after the termination of this policy, th: standard premium for the preceding calendar year shall be finally determined and stet:d in the Standard Premium Endor:ement for that calecdar year. If the standard premium so determined exceeds the cdvance premium previousl lasured the exc:y the excess to the companies; if less,y pdd for such c lasured shall pa the companies shallreturn to the named ss portion paid by such insured. The named insured shall maintdn records of the information necessary for premium computa-tion and sha!!s:nd copics of such records to the companies as directed, at the end of each cal-endar year, at the end of th: policy period and at such other times during tha policy period as th: company may direct. (3) Use of Reserve Premiums All reserve premiums paid or payable for this policy may be used by the members of Nuc!:ar Energy Liability Insurance Assodation to dis:harge th:Ir obliget:ons with respect to incurred losses whether such losses are incurred under this policy or under any oth:r policy issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association or Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters. (4) Reserve Premium Refunds A portion of the reserve premium for this policy for th: first cal-endar year of any group of ten consecutive calendar years shall be returnable to the nam d in-sured provided there is a reserve for refunds at the end of the tenth calendar year. (5) Computa:lon of Reserve'Prem!am Refunds The reserve premium refund due the n.~.m:Insur:d for any calendar year shn\\1 b: determined by multiplying any industry reserve premium refund for such cal:ndar year by the policy refund ratio for such calendar year. The reserve pre. mium refund for any calendar year sha!! be fina!!y determ!ned as scon as practicable aft:r July 1 of the t:sth cdendar year thereafter. (6) Final Premium The Saal premium for this policy shall be the sum of the standard premiums for each calendar year, or portion thereof, during which this poli:y remens in force less . th: sum of all refunds of reserre premiums due the named insured under the provisions of this Condition 1. (7) Reserve Premium Refund Agreement Each member of Nuc!:ar Energy Liability Insurance Association subscribing this policy for any cal:cdar year, or portion th:reof. theraby agrees for its:lf, s:verally and not jointly, and m the respective proportion of its liability assuc::d und:t this policy for that calendar year, to return to the named insured that por ion of any reserve premium refund due the named insured for that cal:ndar year, determined in n:ccrd-ance with the provisions of this Condition 1. m Effective Date of this Endorsement March '1, 1573 To form a part of Policy Nc. W-212 12:01 A.M. Standard Time Issued to Sacramento Municiple Utilit LDistrict Dats et hsue 'I8"""#7.10, 1973 For the subscribing companies By M0 ' Condral lianar;ne ,(J End. ri:c::. e N<>. 5,_ c, v,,,,,.7,;,,,,,,a bj ,e t e P d* 4 4 8 i

b incr En:rgy Li:bility Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION AMENDATORY ENDORSEMENT (Facility Form) It is agreed that: L The first sentence of the definition of nuclear facility is amended to read: " nuclear facility" means "the facility" as defined in any Nuc! car Energy Liability Pol:cy (Facility Form) issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association or by 31utual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters. IL The definition of " indemnified nuclear facility" is replaced by the following: " indemnified nuclear facility" means (1) "the facility" as defined in any Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form) issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association or by 31utual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters, or (2) anyothernuclearfacility, if financial protection is required pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, or any law amendatory thereof, with respect to any activities or operations conducted thereat; IIL Condition 4 is replaced by the following: LI311TATION OF LIABILITY; CO313 ION OCCURRENCE Any occur-rence or series of occurrences resulting in bodily injury or property damage arising out of the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of (a) nuc! car material discharged or dispersed from the facility over a period of days, weeks, months or longer and also arising out of such properties of other nuclear material so discharged or dis. persed from one or more other nuclear facilities insured under any Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form) issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association, or (b) source material, special nuclear material, spent fuel or waste in the course of transportation for which insurance is aft'orded under this policy and also arising out of such properties of other sourco material, special nuc! car material, spent fuel or waste in the course of transportation for which insurance is afforded under one or more other Nuclear Energy Liabillt),* Polfeles (Fac!!!ty Form) issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insuranco Association, shall be deemed to be a common occurrence resulting in bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard, With respect to such bodily injury and property damago (1) the total aggregato liability of the members of Nuc! car Energy Liability Insuranco Association under all Nuclear Energy Liability Policies (Facility Form), including this policy, applicable to such common

occurrence spil be the sum of the limits cf liability cp.ll such policies, the limit cf tion 3 there(of, but in na event shall such tot 1 nggregate )!!!ty cf cch such policy being as det(.ined by Condi. such members exceed $46,500,000; (2) the totalliability of the com-panies under this policy shall not exceed that proportion of the total aggregate liability of the members of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association, as stated in clause (1) above, which (a) the limit of liability of this policy, as determined by Condition 3, bears to (b) the sum of the limits of liability of all such policies issued by such members, the limit of liability of each such policy being as determined by Condition 3 thereof. The provisions of this condition shall not operate to increase the limit of the companies' liability under this policy. IV. The second paragraph of Condition 12 "Other Insurance" is amended to read: "If the insured has other valid and collectible insurance (other than such concurrent insurance or any other nuc! car energy liab!!!ty insurance issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Associa-tion or Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Undenvriters to any person or organization) applicable to loss or expense covered by this policy, the insurance afforded by this policy shall be excess insur-ance over such other insurance; provided, with respect to any person who is not employed at and in connection with the facility, such insurance as is afforded by this policy for bodily injury to an employee of the insured arising out of and in the course of his employment shall be primary insurance under such other insurance." r i sEndo e, To form a part of Policy No 212 n2;06 A.M. $ssadard Time ,,,g g Sacramento Municipio Utility District January 10, 1973 For the subscribins ecmranie$ Dy_ / WQ conedl Managar r \\ \\! ! Enderwment No 4 coumers;sned by l Facility Form 1.t 61 1 e.eas noe a . _.. - ~ _ _. _ -. _ - _ _ _ _ _.,,

udeor.%. ergy De'oility lasurance NUCL A2 ENHGY UA31UTY INSU2ANC2 A550 CIA 71CN Address of Neelear Eneroy Liability Insurance Association Endorsement It is agreed that the address of the Nucicar Energy Liability Insurance Association appearing in the " Company Representation" condition of the policy is amended to read: "127 John Street, New York, New York 10038" 22=the Date of tiF-212 e ye ?tnr,k 1. 1073 To go,,, 7,, cf pety n, 12:01 A:4 saandasd Tume ya m S.tcramento Municipio Iftility District I" b '82 M h d h.Tanuary 10, 1973 B_ ' Tk,i l N Y '~ j' Generci donager i .m- - 2 c._m N

N Nw!aor Energy Uebility Insurance NUCL5A2 ENEGY UA31UTY INSURANC:! ASSOCIATION Amendment of Condition 4 Endorsenent It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused af ter the effective date of this cadorsement by the nuclear energy hazard the figure $46,500,000 stated in Condition 4 of the policy is amended to read $73,625,000. I h h*d March 1' 1973 W'-212 e 2a!an e To fens a part d rotky No 12:01 AM. r>=dard Tm fa,, Sacramento Municiple Utility District I*' 'N IO"NI b#I"I" he d b January 10, 1973 u ,far cepu.-,. ,W O_ Y Ih appuoset Ma Couatertgard h

NUCLIAR (,'R3Y LIABILITY PZLICY (FACll{' FORM) AMENDMENT OF TRANSPORTATION COVERAGE (Indemnified Nuclear Facility) It is agreed that the de6aition of " insured shipment" in Insuring Agreement III is amended to read: "insered s/dpmes/* means a shipment of source material, special nuclest material, spent fuel or waste, herein called " materia!" (1) to the facility from any location except an indemni6ed nuclest facility, but only if the transportation of the material is not by predetermination to be interrupted by removal of the material from a transporting conveyance for any purpose other than the contmustion of its transpotution, or (2) from the facility to any other location, but only until the material is removed from a transporting conveyance for any purpose other than the continuation of its ennsportation." .4 Y P Edettive Date of this Endorsemen, March 1,1973 to form a part of Policy No NF-212 Issued to Sacramento Municiple Utility District Date of issue January 10, 1973 For the Subscraing Companies By / 1 [ ' Concha 1 Minager y/ \\f Indorsement No N g a e > Lj Countersigned by

a s NUCLEAR ENER,Y LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION 127 John Street, New York, New York 10038 e is to certify that this is a true copy of the original ler:tions and Endorsements Numbered 1 through 83 and beigguclear Energy Mey Poucy No. NN 719 s a p rt of the Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Facility m) cc designated hereon. oInsuranceisaffordedhereunderYI "") ~ F_ esetAnAvious h L. Quattrocchi, Vice esident-Liability underwriting rican Nuclear Insurers Item t. Named insured St.cramento Municiple Utility District Address 6201 "S" Street Box 15830, Sacramento, California 95813 (No. Street Town or City 5 tate) Item 2. Policy Period: Besinains at 12:01 A.M. on th, is t day ofMarch 191 and continuing throush the effective date of the cancelation or termination of this policy, standard time at the address of the named insured as stated herein. Item 3. Description of the Facility: Iocation All of the premises including the land and all buildings and structures known as the Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station. The Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station is located in Sacramento County, California approximately twenty-five (25) miles southeasterly of the City of Sacramento, California and approximately twenty-six (26) miles northeasterly of Stockten, California. Type Power Reactor The Operstor ef the facility is Sacramento Municiple Utility Distric t Icm 4. The limit of the companies' lability is $ 1,000,000 subiect to att the terms of this policy having reference thereto. Item S. Advance Premium e 100.00 Item 6. These declarations and the schedules fort:wsg a part hereof give a complete description of the faality, insofar as it relates to the nuc!ese energy harard, except as noted no exceptions 4 7 \\ Date of IssueJanuary 10, 1973 ,i, 73 coon,,,,i. ned by Authorned Representative Nuc! car Energy Liabdity Policy (Facility Form) 2/1/57 (Second Revision)


NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY POLICY (FACILITY FSRM) MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS A31ERICAN hlUTUAL LIABILITY INSURANCE C051PANY, Wakefield, Massachusetts E51PLOYERS AIUTUAL LIABILITY INSURANCE C051PANY OF WISCONSIN,Wausau, Wisconsin HARBwARE AluTuAL CASUALTY C051PANY, Stevens Point, Wisconsin LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE C051PANY, Boston, Massachusetts LUMBERMENS MUTUAL CASUALTY C051PANY, Chicago, Illinois AllCHIGAN MUTUAL LIABILITY C051PANY, Detroit, Michigan The undersigned members of Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters, hereinafter cal'ed the " companies," each for itself, severally and not jointly, and in the respective proportions hereinafter set forth, agree with the insurt 1, named in the declarations made a part hereof, in consideration of the premium and in reliance upon the statements in the declarctions and subject to the limit of liability, exclusions, c:nditions and other terms of this policy: INSURING AGREEMENTS A - BODlLY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE DEFINITIONS Wherever used in this policy: TTT I 04verage UABILITY To pay on behalf of the insured: " bodily Iniery" means bodily injury, sickness or disease, including 11.L (t) all sums which the insured shall become legally obligated to pay death resulting therefrom, sustained by any person; as damages because of bodily injury or p.operty, damage caused " property damage" means physical injury to or destruction or by the nuclear energy hazard, and the companies shall defend radioactive 4o\\tamination of property, and loss of use of property so any suit against the insured alleging such bodily injury or njured,Jestroyed or contaminated, and loss of use of property while property damage and seeking damages which are payable under evacq;itTd or withdrawn from use because possibly,o contaminated the terms of this policy; but the companies may make such in-orAcehuse of i?hrninent danger of such contaminatiom; vestigation, negotiation and settlement of any claim or suit as

  • mEcleer\\m/eteriel" means source material, special nuclear material

+ they deem expedient; b"D*N"C' 58'"I2U (2) costs taxed against the losured in any such suit and interest on(T \\"Meteriel" have the meanings given them in the Atomic Ene any judgment therein; (3) premiums on appeal bonds and on bonds to release attachrg$ V of 1954,or in any law amendatory thereof; in any such suit, but without obligation to apply for o rr such bonds; \\ " spent feel" means any fuel element or fuel component, solid or (4) reasonable expenses, other than loss of earnings, incurred be liquid, which has been used or exposed to radiati3n in any nuclear insured at the cornpanies' request. reactor t fe iafa d72) re uTing from Coverage B-DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OF AN INSURED AWAY e o eratio ary r org n FROM THE FACILITY With respect to property damage caused by ization of any nuclear facility included within t$erso e definition of the nuclear energy hazard to property of an insured which is away nuclear facility under paragraph (1) or (2) thereof; from the facility, to pay to such insured those sums which such insured would have been legally obligated to pay as damages there. "the facility" means the facility described In the declarations and includes the location designated in Item 3 of the declarations and all for, had such property belonged to another. property and operations at such location; C:verage C-SUBROGATION-0FF51TE EMPLOYEES With "aseleer facility" means "the facility" as defined in any Nuclear respect to bodily injury sustained by any employee of an insured Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form) issued by the companies or cnd caused by the nuclear energy hazard, to pay to the workmen's by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Associtrion. The term "nu-compensation carrier of such insured all sums which such carrier clear f acility" also means would have been entitled to recover and retain as damages from (1) any nuclear nactw, another person or organization, had such person or organization (2) any equipment or device designed or used for (a) separati,ng alone been legally responsible for such bodily injury, by reason of the rights' acquired b7 subrogation by the payment of the benefits the isotopes of uranium or lutonium, (b) processing or utiliz. required of such carrier under the applicabfe workmen's cornpensa. ing spent fuel, or (c) hand ing, processing or packaging waste, tion or occupational disease law. An employer who is a duly quali-(3) any equipment or device used for the pwessing, fabricating or fied self. insurer under such law shall be deemed to be a workmen's alloying of special nuclear material if at any time the total compensation carrier within the meaning of this coverage. This amount of such material in the custody of the insured at the Coverage C does not apply to bodily injury sustained by any person prernises where such equipment or device is located consists of who is employed at and in connection with the facility. or contains more than 25 grams of plutoniurn or uranium 233 This Coverage C shall not constitute workmen's compensation or any combination thereof, or more than 250 grams of uranturn Insurance as required under the laws of any state.

235, (4) any structure, basin, excavation, premises or place prepared or used for the storage or disposal of waste, DEFINITION OF INSURED The unqualified word " insured" in.

and includes the site on which any of the foregoing is located, all cludes (a) the named insured and (b) any other person or organi. operations conducted on such site and all premises used for such ration with respect to his legal responsibih,ty for damages because operations; of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hasard. "IndemalAed sueleer feellity" means Subdivision (b) above does not include as an insured the United (t) athe f acility" as defined in any No: lear Energy Liability Policy States of Ameries or any of its agencies. (Facility Form) issued by the companies or by Nuclear Energy Subject to Condition 3 a 1 the other provisions of this policy, Liability Insurance Association, or the insurance applies separat:ty to each insured against whom claim (2) any other nuclear facility, is made or suit is brought. If Snancial protection is required pursuant to the Atomic Energy Nuetear Enerer tJablier Policy (Facility Forno 2/t/51 (Second Revision) q, P AG E 3 Nrr. ion <an)

7 9 Act of 1954, or any law amendatory thereof, with respect to csy "Intered shipment" merns e shipment cf source materi 1, speci'l activities or operations conducted thereat; nuclear material, spent fuel or waste, herein called " material," (1) to the facility from a nuclear facility o,wned by the U, nite States of Amer ca, bu,t only if the transportation of the maternal,d "mosleer reeeter" means any apparatus designed or used to sustain as auclear fission in a self-supporting chain reaction or to contain a critical mass of fissionable material, n t by predetermination,to be interrupted by the removal of the maternal from a transporting conveyance for any purpose other than "seeleer energy besord means the radioactive, toxic, explosive or the continuation of its transportation, or (2) from the facility to oth1r hazardous properties of nuclear material, but only if any other location except an indemnified nuclear facility, but only (1) the nuclear mat'erial is at the facility or has been discharged or until the material is removed from,a transporting conveyance for dispersed therefrom without intent to relinquish possession er any purpose other than the continuation of its transportation. custody thereof to any person or organization, or (2) the nuclear material is in an insured shipment which is (a) in APPUCATION OP POUCY This policy applies only to bodily TT the course of transportation, including handling and temporary injury or property damage (1) which is cansed during the policy 1 storage incidental thereto, within the territorial limits of the period by the nuclear energy hazard and (2) which is discovered United States of America, its territories or possessions, Puerto and for which written claim is made against the insured, not later Rico or the Canal Zone and (b) away from any other nuclear than two years after the end of the policy period. facility ; EXCLUSIONS This pelley does not opplys (c) to any obligation for which the insured or any carrier as his handling or use,at the location designated in Item 3 of the declarations, to time of peace or, war, o,f any nuclear weapon insurer may be held liable under any workmen's compensation, or other instrument of war utilizing special nuclear material or unemployment compensation or disability benefits law, or under byproduct material; any similar law; (b) except with respect to liability of another assumed by the in. (e) to bodily injury or property damage due to war, whether or not sured under contract, to bodily injury to any employee of the declared, civil war, insurrection, rebellion or revo,lution, or to insured arising out of and in the course of his employment by any act or condition incident to any of the foregoing; the insured; but this exclusion does not apply to bodily in]tary (f) to pcoperty damage to any property at the location designated to any person who is not ernployed at and in connection with irsitem 1 of the declarations, other than aircraft, watercraft or the f acility if the insured has complied with the requirements .vehiclesilcensed for highway use, provided such aircraft, water-of the applicable workmen's compensation or occupational dis- ' craft o'r vehicles are not used in connection with the operation case law respecting the securing of compensation bene 6ts there-t of t1/ facility; under to his employees; gg) to 1 property damage to nuclear material in the course of trans-(c) to liability assumed by the insured under contract, other than A fortatior to or from the facility including handling or storage an assumption in a contract with another of the liability of any f N ancidental thereto; person or organization which would be imposed by law on such r organization in the absence of an express assumptiN"gh) under Coverage B, to prohe means to sav rty damage due to neglect of the pr n insured to use all reasona '7 ' O N/' property after knowledge of the occurrence resulting in such (d) to bodily injury or property damage due to the manufactgrTng, property damage. CO DITIONS 1 iPREMIUM The named insured shall pay the companies the advance Atomic Energy Commission, suspend the insurance with respect to premium stated in the declarations, for the period from the effective the named insured and such other person or organization effective dite of this policy through December 31 following. Thereafter, at 12:00 midnight of the next business day of such Commission follow-the beginning of each calendar year while this policy is in force, ing the date that such Commission receives such notice. The period the named insured shall pay the advance premium for such year to of such suspension shall terminate as of the time etated in a written thn companies. The advance premium for each calendar year shall notice from the companies to the named insured and to each such be stated in a written notice given by the companies to the named person or organization that such condition has been corrected. losured as soon as practicable prior to or after the beginning of such year. UMIT OF WABILITY: TERMINATION OF POUCY UPON EX-Such advance premiums are estimated premiums only., As soon HAUSTION OF UMIT Regardless of the number of persons and ts practicable after each December 31 and after the termination of organizations who are insureds under this policy, and regardless of this policy, the earned premium for the preceding premium period the number of claims made and suits brought against any or all shill be computed in accordance with the companies' rules, rates, insureds because of one or more occurrences resulting in bodil'y rating plans, premiums and minimum premiums applicable to,this injury or property damage caused during the policy period by the insurance. If the earned premium thus computed for any premium, nuclear energy hazard, the limit of the companies' liability stated period exceeds the advance premium previously paid for such period, in the declarations is the total liability of the companies for their the named insured shall pay the creens to the companies; if less, the obligations under this policy and the expenses incurred by the com-companies shall return to the named insured the unearned portion panies in connection with such obligations, including paid by such insured. (a) payments in settlement of claims and in satisfaction of judg-The named insured shall maintain records of the informan,on ments against the insureds for damages because of bodily injury necessary for premium computation and shall send copies of such or property damage, payments made under parts (2), (3) and records to the companies as directed, at the end of each calendar (4) of Coverage A and payments made in settlement of claims yeIr, at the end of the policy period and at such other times during under Coverages B and C; the policy period as the companies may direct. (b) payments for expenses incurred in the investigation, negotiation, settlement and defense of any claim or suit, including, but not The companies shall be permitted to limited,to, the cost of such services by salaried employees of the 2 INSPECTION: SU5 PEN 510Ninspect the facility and to examine the insured's books and records companies, fees and expenses of independent adjusters, attor-ct any time, as far as they relate to the subject nratter of this neys' fees and disbursements, expenses for, expert testimony, insurance. inspection and appraisal of property, examination, X-ray or If a representative of the companies discovers a condition which autopsy or medical expenses of any kind; he believes to be unduly dangerous with respect to the nuclear (c) Payments for expenses incurred by the companies in lovestigat. energy hazard, a representative of the companies may request that mg an occurrence resulting in bodily injury or property damage such condition be corrected without delay. In the event of non. or in mmuniziag its effects. compliance with such request, a representative of the companies Each pavrnent made by the companies in discharge of their obliga-mar, by notice to the named insured, to any other person or organi-tions under this policy or for expenses incurred in connection with ration considered by the companies to be responsible for the con-such obligations shall reduce by the amount of such payment the tinuance of such dangerous condition, and to the United States limit of the companies' liability under this policy. PAGE 4

9 If, during the policy period or subsequent thereto, the total of have any right under this policy to bin the companies or any cf such payments made by the companies shall exhaust the limit of them as parties to any action against the insured to determine the the companies' liability under this policy, all liability and obliga-insured's liability, nor shall the companies or any of them be im-tions of the companies under this policy shall thereupon terminate pleaded by the insured or his legal representative. Bankruptcy or end shall be conclusively presumed to have been discharged. This msolvency of the insured or of the insured's estate shall not relieve policy, if not theretofore canceled, shall thereupon automatically the companies of any of their obligations hereunder, t:rminate. force and the number of premiums which shall be payable or pa,in R:gardless of the number of years this policy shall continue ACTION AGAINST COMPANIES-Coverage B No suit or ae-id* tion on this policy for the recovery of any claim for property dam-the limit of the companies' liability stated in the declarailons shall age to which Coverage B applies shall be sustainable in any court not be curnulative from year to year. of law or equity unless all the requirements of this policy shall have been complied with and unless commenced within two years after LIMITATION OF LIABILITY; COMMON OCCURRENCE Any oc. the occurrence resulting in such property damage. 4 currence or series of occurrences resulting in bodily injury or prop-ertf damage arising out of the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other INSURED'S DUTIES WHEN LOSS OCCURS-Coverage B In heaardous properties of the event of property damage to which Coverage B applies, the (e) nuclear material discharged or dispersed from the facility over insured shall furnish a complete inventory of the property damage a period of days, weeks, months or longer and also arising out claimed, showing in detail the amount thereof. Within ninety-one of such properties of other nuclear material so discharged or days after the occurrence resulting in such property damage, unless dispersed from one or more other nuclear facilities insured by such time is extended in writing by the companies, t:ie insured shall the companies under a Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Facility render to the companies a proof of loss, signed and sworn to by Form), or the insured, stating the knowledge and belief of the insured as to (b) source material, special nuclear material, spent fuel or waste in the following: identification of such occurrence; the interest of the the course of transportation for which insurance is aHorded insured in the property destroyed or damaged, and the amount of under this policy and also arising out of such properties of each item of property damage claimed; all encumbrances on such other source material, special nuclear material, spent fuel or property; and all other contracts of insurance, whether valid or not, waste in the course of transportation for which insurance is covering any of such property. The insured shall include in the afforded under one or more other Nuclear Energy Liability proof of loss a copy of all descriptions and schedules in all policies. Policies (Facility Form) issued by the companies, Upon the companies' request, the insured shall furnish verified plans shall be deemed to be a common occurrence resulting in bodily in-and specifications of any such property. The insured, as often as may br reasonably required, shall exhibit to any person designated jury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy haaard'. by the (ompanies any of such property, and subm,t to examinations i With respect to such bodily inj.ury and property damage (1) the under nath by any person named by the companies and subscribe total aggregate, liability of the companies under all Nuclear Energy the same; and, as often as may be reasonably required, shall produce Liability Pohcies (Facility Form), including this pahey, applicable for camination all books of account, records, bills, invoices and ta such common occurrence sha!! be the sum of the limits of,liabi! sty other vouchers, or certified copies thereof if originals be lost, at as dctermined by Condit,imit of liability of,each such pohey being of all such policies, the 1 panies or the>r }ig and place as may be designated by the com such reasonable total aggregate liability of the cornpan,but in nu event shall such ion 3 thereof, esentatives, and shall permit extracts and copies ies exceed $13,500,000; (2) thereof to4e inade. 4 the total liability of the companies under this pohey shall not exceed %go - g i af that proportion of the total aggregate liability of the companies, as stated in clause (1) above, which (a) the limit of liability of this APPRAISAly+ Coverage B In case the insured and the companies 91 he$(FthiGritten demand of either, each shall sehet a compere shall, fail'to agree as to the amount of property damage, then, on policy, as determined by Condition 3, bears to (b) the sum of the limits of liability of all such policies issued by the companies limit of liability of each such policy being as determined by nD Visinterested appraiser and notify the other of the appraiser selected dition 3, thereol \\ within twenty days of such demand. The appraisers shall first The provisions of this condition shall not operate to increase select a competent and disinterested umpire and, failing for fifteen limit of the companies' liability under this policy. days to agree upon such umpire, then, on request of the insured or the companics, such umpire shall be selected by a judge of a court of record in the state in which the property is located. The ap-NOTICE OF OCCURRENCE, CLAIM OR SUIT in the event of 5 bodily injury or property damage to which this pohey applies or of praisers shall then appraise ch item of property damage and, failing to agree, shall submit their differences only to the umpire. claims therefor, written notice containing particulars,sufficientan occurrence which may gqe rise to,dentify the insured, and also An award in writing, so itemized, of any two when filed with the to n, companies shall determine the amount of property damage. Each reasonably obtainable information with respect to the time, place appraiser shall be paid by the party selecting him and the expenses rnd circumstances thereof, and the names and addresses of the of the appraisal and umpire shall be paid by the parties equally. insured to Mutual Atomic Energy Liabil,be given by or for the The companies shall not be held to have waived any of their rights Injured and of.available, witnesses, shall ity Underwriters or, t!)e by any act relating to appraisal. companies as soon as practicable. If claim is made or suit is brought against the insured, he shall immediately forward to Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters or the companies every de-SUBROGATION In the event of any payment under this policy, mand, notice, summons or other process received by him or his the companies shall be subrogated to all the insured's rights of re-representative. covery therefor against any person or organization, and the insured shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever The in- 'I I'.necessary to secure such rights. Prior to knowledge of ,6 A55! STANCE AND COOPERATION OF THE INSURED sured shall cooperate with the companies and, upon the companies, bodily injury or property damage caused by the, nuclear energy request, attend hearings and trials and assist in making settlements, hazard the insured may waive,in writing any right of recovery securing and giving evidence, obtaining the attendance of witnesses against any person or organization, but atter such knowled,ge the insured shall not waive or otherwaae prejudice any such right of tnd in the conduct of any legal proceedings in connection with the C' T' subject matter of this insurance. The insured shall not, except at his own cost, make any payment, assume any obligation or Incur The companies hereby waive any rights of subrogation acq'uired against the United States of America or any of its agencies by reason tny expense. of any payment under this policy. No .The companies do not relinquish, by the foregoing provisions, any 7 A', TION AGAINST COMPANIES-Coverages A and C tction shall lie against the companies or any of them unless, as a right, to restitution from the insured out of any recoveries made by condition precedent thereto, the insured shall have fully complied the insured on account of a loss covered by,this pchey of any with all the terms of this policy, nor until the amount of the in, amounts to which the companies,would be entitled had such pro-sured's obligation to pay shall have been finally determined either visions, or any of them, not been included in this pohey. by ju-gment against the insured after actual trial or by written agreement of the insured, the claimant and the companies. OTHER INSURANCE If the insurance afforded by this policy for, Any person or organization or the legal representative thereof loss or expense is concurrent with insurance afforded for such loss wh> has secured such judgment or written agreement shall there. or expense by a Nuclear Energy Lisbility Policy (Facility Form) tirer be entitled to recover under this policy to the extent of the issued to the named insured by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance insurance afforded by this policy. No person or organization shall Association, hereinafter ca!!cd " concurrent insurance," the companies PAGE 5

o shall not be litble ard.r this policy for a greter proportion cf such Premium adjustm;nt, if rny, mry be mad eithIt at the time en-loss or sxpense thin the limit cf lilbility st:ted in the decitr:tions celttion is effected er ts soon c.s practicible titer c:ncelati:n becomes of this policy bears to the sum of such limit and the limit of lia-effective, but payment or tender of unearned premium is not a con-bility stated in the declarations of such concurrent policy. dition of cancelation. If the insured has other valid and collectible insurance (other thn such concurrent insurance or any other nuclear energy liability insurance issued by the companies or Nuclear Energy Liability In. COMPANY REPRESENTATION jg surance Association to any person or organization) applicable to (a) Any notice, sworn statement or proof of loss which may be re-h loss or expense covered by this policy, the insurance afforded by this quired by the provisions of this policy may be given to any one policy shall be excess insurance over such other insurance; provided, of the compames, and such notice, statement or proof of loss so with respect to any person who is not employed at and in con-given shall be valid and binding as to all companies. nection with the facility, such insurance as is afrorded by this policy (b) In any action or suit against the companies, service of process for bodily injury to an employee of the insured arising out of and may be made on any one of them, and such service shall be in the course of his employment shall be primary insurance under deemed valid and binding service on all companies. such other insurance, (c) Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters is the agent of the companies with respect to all matters pertaining to this in-CNANGES Notice to any agent or knowledge possessed by any surance. All notices or other comrnunications required by this 13 agent or by any other person shat! not effect a waiver or a change policy to be given to the companies may be given to such agent, in any part of this policy or estop the companies from asserting any at its office at 919 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago 11, Illinois right under the terrns of this policy; nor shall the terms of this with the same force and effect as if given directly to the com-policy be waived or changed, except by endorsement issued to form panies. Any requests, demands or agreements made by such a part of this policy executed by Mutual Atomic Energy Liability agent shall be deemed to have been made directly by the com-Underwriters on behalf of the companies. panies. 14 ASSIGNMENT Assignment of interest by the named insured shall AUTHORIZATION OF NAMED INSURED Exerpt with respect to e not bind the cor.panies until their consent is endorsed hereon; if, however, the named insured shall die, or be declared bankrupt, or cerr:pliance with the obligations imposed on the insured by Condi-insolvent, this policy shall cover such insured's le, gal representatsve' tions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9' to and 11 of this policy, the named insured is receiver or trustee as an insured under this policy, but only with authorized to act for every other insured in all matters 'ertainin '* *h*"***"C' respect to his liability as such, and then only provided written notice of his appointment as legal representative, receiver or trustee is given to the companies within ten days after such appointment. CHINGES IN SUBSCRIBING COMPANIES AND IN THEIR PRO.1 / insured agrees that the members of Mutual Atomic Energy Liabili ORTIONATE LIABILITY 15 by mailing to the companies and the United States Atomic Energy CANCELATION This policy may be canceled by the named insured + Undscwriters liable under this policy, and the proportionate liability Commission written notice stating when, not less than thirry days t of each such member, may change from year to year. Any such thereafter, such cancelation shall be effective. This policy may beq e$nge shall be stated in an endorsement entitled " Changes in Sub-Neribing Companies and in Their Proportionate Liability" issued to canceled by the companies by mailing to the named insured at Ac N form a part of this policy, duly executed on behalf of the compa tddress shown in this policy and to the United States Atomic Enelgv Commission written notice stating when, not less than ninet(eventdayQ subscribing such endorsement and ma insured, and the named insured further agrees that regardless of thereafter, such cancelation shall be effective; provided in e of non-payment of premium or if the operator of the f y,V such changes: designated in the declarations, is replaced by anothe reon or (1) each company subscribing this policy upon its issuance shall be organization, this policy may be canceled by the compa hall-liable only for its stated proportion of any obligation assumed ing to the named insured at the address shown in this and or expense incurred under this policy because of bodily injury to the United States Atomic Energy Commission written notace stat-or property damage caused, during the period from the effective ing when, not less than thirty days thereafter, such cancelation shall date of this poliy to the effective date of the first such endorse-lie effective. The mailing of notice as aforesaid shall be su6cient ment, by the nuclear energy hazard; proof of notice. The eficctive date and hour of cancelation stated (2) this policy shall remain continuously in effect from the effective in the notice shall become the end of the policy period. Delivery of date stated in the declarations until terminated in accordance such written notice either by the named insured or by the companies with Condition 3 or Condition 15; shall be equivalent to mailing * (3) neither the liability of any company nor the limit of liabilitv Upon termination or cancelation of this policy, other than as of stated in the declarations shall be cumulative from year to year. the end of December 31 in any year, the earned premium for the period this policy has been in force since the preceding December 31 shall be computed in accordance with the following provisions: DECLARATIONS By acceptance of this policy the named insured i l (a) if this policy is terminated, pursuant to Condition 3, be reason agrees that,the statements in the declarations are the, agreements ar}d of the exhaustion of the limit of the companies' liability, all representations of the named insured, that this policy is issued in l premium theretofore paid or payable shall be fully earned; reliance upon the truth of such representations and that this policy (b) if the named insured cancels, the earned premium for such embodies all agreements between the named insured and the com-period shall be computed in accordance with the customary pames or any of their agents relating to this insurance. annual short rate table and procedure, provided if the named insured cancels after knowledge of bodily injury or property MUTUAL POLICY CONDITION This policy is nonassessable. The { damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard, all premiums named insured is a member of each of the companies and shall par-theretofore paid or payable shall be fully earned; ticipate, to the extent and upon the conditions fixed and determined (c) if the companies cancel, the earned premium for such period by its board of directors in accordance with the provisions of law, shall be computed pro rata, in the distribution of dividends es fixed and determined. l t I l P AGE 6 i


  • I

Waussu, Wiscons'n HARDWARE hlUTUAL CASUALTY COSIPANY hlICHIGAN hlUTUAL LIABILITY C0hfPANY Stevens Point, Wisconsin Detroit, Michigan The named insured is hereby notified that by virtue of this policy he is a member of each of the companies and is entitled to vote either in person or by proxy at any and all meetings of each of the companies. The annual meetings of each of the companies are held at the time and place stated herein. This policy is nonassessabig-. w. [ [ [ / s Q ] y, . p 'N/ NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETINGS The annual meetings of A31ERICAN AIUTUAL LIABILITY The annual meetings of LIBERTY h1UTUAL INSURANCE INSURANCE CO3fPANY are held at its home 06ce in CO3!PANY are held at its home oEce in Boston, Alassa. Wakefield, 31assachusetts, on the third Wednesday of chusetts, on the second Wednesday of April in each year, Alarch in each year, at eleven o' clock in the morning. at eleven o' clock in the morning. The annual meetings of EarPLOYERS AIUTUAL LIABILITY ~ The annual meetings of LU3rarR>rENS AIUTUAL CAS-INSURANCE CO3!PANY OF WISCONSIN are held at its UALTY COh!PANY are held at its home oEce in Chicago. home office in Wausau, Wisconsin, on the third Friday of Illinois, on the third Tuesday of Alay in each year, at February in each year, at ten o' clock in the morning. eleven o' clock in the morning. The annual meetings of HARDWARE 11UTUAL CASUALTY The annual meetings of AIICitIcAN Af tJTUAL LIABILrrY COsirANY are held at its home osce in Stevens Point, CO3rPANY are held at its home o5ce in Detroit, Alichigan, Wisconsin, on the third Wednesday of April in each year, on the last Thursday of AIarch in each year at 10:30 Et nine o' clock in the morning. o' clock in the morning.

NUC LEAlt ENEl(G Y 1, LABILITY INSUltANCE MU.TUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDEltWRITEltS 1. Amendment of Advance Prcmium Endorsement 2. Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Endorsement 3. Additional Premium Duc 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companics for the calendar year 1986 is 158,658.75 2 Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium S 158,658.75 Reserve Premium S 119,905.65 3. Add.itional Premium 112.50 Effective Date of this endo rsement To form a part i January 1. 1986 of Policy No, MF-75 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issue August 18, 1986 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOh C ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERV'RITERS q N.g/o By - .[ -\\ w Endo rsement No. 72 Countersigned by ab A utho rized %:' at W pt r {6-hu\\ I4E-36 r, e; D)

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Restoration of Limit of Liability Endorsement It is agreed that: 1. Payrrents rnade and expenses incurred by the capanies under this policy have reduced, in acco. h. with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the capanies' liability stated in Item 4 of the Declaraticns and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements. 2. The limit of liability stated in Endorsement No.1 ktlich has been reduced is hereby restored to S 36,000.000.00 'Ihis restored limit applies only with respect to obligations assumd or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property darrage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsenent. 3. 'Ihe limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cunulative. Each payment trade by the cmpanies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduced by the amount of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises. I' P*" Effective Date of July 1, 1986 af Poh." *No. MF--7 5 I inis Endorsement ey l Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District l Date of Issu, August 18, 1986 For the Subscribing Companics MUUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY 9DERWRITERS b \\ 11%'] w n m g s ...m At ,. ~ s, \\ (~ l ~\\ \\ d. \\c'd._ \\ En.lorsement No. 71 Conn cesigne.1 by i i .%urucsizzo Ra,arar87 nveQ) ME-22b . y..

NUCLEAlt ENEltG Y t,tADILIT Y INSUliANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERG Y LIABILITY UNDE 11 WRITER 1. Amendment of Advance Premium Endorsement 2 Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Endorsement 3. Additional Premium Duc 1. Advance Premium for,the calendar yea r _It is agreed that the Amended Advance P 1985 is $138,988.12 2 Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the , it is calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $138,988.12 Reserve Premium s104.955.97 3 Additional Premium $22,646.24 Effective Date of this endorsement To form a part January 1, 1985 of Policy No. MF-75 Issued to E Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issue April 9, 1986 For the Subscribing Companies C ENERGh LIABILITY UNDERV'RITERS MUTUAL ATOh By

  • Y. C

[h, 2 Endo rsement No. 70 Countersigned by [e,h Y g Authorized Re ec(e tative {hs *\\ (4E-36 ,9 \\

NUCLEAlt ENEl(G Y 1.tADILIT Y INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERG Y LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. Amendment of Advance Premium Endorsement c 2 Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Endorsement 3. Additional Premium Duc 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companics for the calendar year 1986 is $158,546.25 2.* Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $158,546.25 Reserve Premium $119,820.15 3 Additional Premium $22.50 Effective Date of To form a part this endorsement _ January 1, 1986 of Policy No. MF-75 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issue March 19, 1986 A For the Subscribing Companies

  • N. i g *,7 i MUTUAL ATOh C ENERGY LIABILI Ui NRV' TERS By *.N. Q a\\

w.- Endo rsement No. _ 69 Countersigned by Authorized Representative !4E-36

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Restoration of Limit of Liability Endorsement It is agreed that: 1. Payments made and expenses. incurred by the ccr:panies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the cmpanies' liability stated in Item 4 of the Declaraticns and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements. 2. The limit of liability stated in Endorsenent No. 64 khich has been reduced is hereby restored to S 36,000,000.00 'Ihis restored limit applies only with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bcxlily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsenent. 3. The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cunulative. Each payment trade by the cc:panies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduced by the amount of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises. gectin Date of I '"' * * * " trus Endorsement January 1, 1986 af Poh.ey No. MF-75 issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issu, March 19, 1986 For the Subscribing Companies MU}UAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIADtLITY ' 9DERWRITERS Ily ' / Eniinrsement N o.. ___ 6_8.. _ _. Cimn cr6encil by .%urwonazio Re,sest.1Tative 1 ME-22b l l

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE Y.. MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 3' I l CHANGES lN SUBSCRIBING COMPANIES AND 0 f IONATE LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT Ca ar .D 1. It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the nuclear energy hazard: a. The word "ccrmanies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing comanies IIsted below. b. The policy shall be binding on such comantes only. c. Each such comany shall be IIable for its proportion of any obligation asst.rned or expense incurred under the poIIcy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designated below. 2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the beginning of.the effective date of this endorsement stated below to the effective date that another " Changes in Subscribing Canpanies And In Their Proportionate Liability Endorsement" changes the Comantes and/or their proportions as IIsted in this endorsement, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the policy, if sooner. Liberty Mutual Irtsurance Company 50% Lt.nbermen's Mutual Casualty Company 50% Effective Date of To form a part MF-75 l this Endorsement January 1. 1986 of Policy No l Issueto Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issu. February 28, 1986 For the Subscribing Companies } YELLOW COPY AGENT / BROKER E ^ Ok"' By M N Endoreenwnt No. 67 Counternianed by AUTHOdu2ED RsratscNT4tive

l l NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILl"3Y INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY Y UNDERWRITERS ADVANCE PREMlUM AN RD PREMlUM CALENDAR YEAR 1986 iSEMENT 1. ADVANCE PREMlUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 158,523.75 3 2. STANDARD PREMlUM AND RESERVE PREMlUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 119,803.05 h> AGENT / BROKER CANARY COPY / Effective Date of This Endorsement January 1,1986 To form a part of Policy No. 12:01 A.M. Standard Time Mu i i al Utility District Sacrament P I d to December 16,1985 For the su tribing com Date of issue l By

lA Wj General Manager 66 Endorsement No.

Countersigned by

NUCLEAlt ENEl(GY I,IABILITY INSUlthNCE ~ MUTUAL-ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDEllW RITERS 1. Amendment of Advance Premium Endorsement i 2 Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Endorsement i_ 3. Additional Premium Duc 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amerided Advance Premium due the companics for the calendar year 1985 is $116,341.88 2 Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $116,341.88 ~ Reserve Premium $ 87,744.83 3. Additional Premium $22.50 Effective Date of To form a part ~ this endorsement January 1, 1985 of Policy No. MF-75 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issue August 13, 1985 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOM C ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERV',RITERS By t N. C-cl2 / b i f Ll A = i c' n n Endo rsement No. 65 Countersigned by '~I 8 I i-Authori ced Representhtive ' ME-36

~ NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ~ Restoraticn of Limit of Liability Endorsenent It is agreed that: 1. Payments made and expenses incurred by the ccmpanies under this policy have rarh M, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the ccnpanies' liability stated in Item 4 of the. Declaraticns and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements. 2. The limit of liability stated in Endorsement No. 51 which has been reduced is hereby restored to S 36,000,000.00 This restored limit applies caly with respecc to obligat. tons assmed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsenent. 3. 'Ihe limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cunulative. Each paynent made by the ccmpanies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduced by the ancunt of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or prcm damage out of which such loss or expense arises. July 1, 1985 To for,m a p*" MF-75 Effective Date of af Policy No. this Endorsement Sacramento Municipal Utility District Issued to August 13, 1985 Date of Issu, For the Subscribing Cornpanies MU}'UAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY '$DERWRITERS Ily . IV' 4.4 N Q I A s i \\. En.Inesement N o. 64 c.,o,, ctsig,,c.1 by Aunicatato Ra, stas #Taf tvt ME-22b 2.'

NUCLEAlt ENEltG Y t tABILITY INSUltA?!CE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERG Y LIABILITY UNDEltWRITEItS 1. Amendment of Advance Premium Endorsement 2. Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Endorsement 3. Additional Premium Due i 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year 1984 is $99.720.00 2 Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $99.720.00 Reserve Premium s74.112.20 3. Additional Premium $5,630.62 Effective Date of To form a part this endorsement January 1 1984 of Policy No. MF-75 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issue April 9, 1985 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOM C ENERGY LLABILITY UNDERV'RITERS By

  • N. C-g

-2 --/!w _tY Endo rsement No. 63 Countersigned by \\V) A utho nf s;e,d R gegnta tive ,.s, / s ttE-36 \\ ,[, '

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS AMENDMENT OF THE DESCRIPTION OF THE FACILITY ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that Item 3, Description of the Facility, is amended to read: LOCATION: All of the premises including the land and all buildings and structures known as the Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station and the Photovoltaic Project (SMUD PV 1) situated on a site of approximately 2500 acres wholly owned and controlled by the Sacramento Municipal Utility District located in Sacramento County, California approximately twenty-five (25) miles south-east of the City of Sacramento, California and approximately twenty-six (26) miles northeast of Stockton, California. Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1, 1984 To form a part of Policy No MF-75 Issue to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issua January 4, 1985 k'kg. For the Subscribing Companies ,,, y, J'. ) '\\ 'g MU UAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIAp'ILITY'U ' DER 6'!IITERS rg - 1. si Dy Ul?

  • k& bY q

] m Endoraement No. 62 Countersigned by A trTuoniati Ib:t ur 4rNTATart:

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILly INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY Y UNDERWRITERS ADVANCE PREMlUM A HD REMlUM CALENDAR YEAR 1985 ISEMENT 1. ADVANCE PREMlUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 3 116,31a.38 2. STANDARD PREMlUM AND RESERVE PREMlUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed tt:st, subject to the provisions of the Industry Cradit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 3 87.727 73 s h> AGENT / BROKER GOLD COPY / Effective Date of i Thb Endorsement January 1,1985 MF-7'0 To form a part of Policy No. 12: Sta Sacrarnento Hung 1 A.Mcipai Ut rd Tigs t rict ty Date of lasue December 14,1984 For the cribing com By

JA v

c ., ~ i Endorsement No. Countersigned by

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDER11RITERS 1. AMETIICE CF AD/ANCE PFD1II.M E!DORSD1DE 2. STRIDARD PRD1IUM AND FESER'/E PRDtIUM DJDORSEEE 3. FEIUFN PRD1IC4 DJE 1. Advance Pronian It is agreed that the Arrended Advanco.Frenien due the cr2Tpanies for the calendar year 1983 is $ 70,928.02 2. Standard Pruniun and Peserve Pretniun Subject to the provisions of the Irdastry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Prenien and Feserve Preniun for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Praniun $ 70,928.02 Reserve Prenien $ 53,230.29 3. Retum, Pruniun $ 1,850.74 Effective Date of To fonn a part this Endorsercnt January 1,1983 of Policy No. MF-75 Issued to Sacramentd Municipal Utility District Date cf Issuc April 24, 1984 For the Subscribing Co panies PJIL ATU4IC E!EPCI LIABILITY C;DEF 7!TERS By ,A f M ry/ Endorsenent No. 60 countersigned by m( J'. "i

ve ME-36

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. AMENEreE T ADIANCE PRD11U4 D;DORSDiCE 2. STNIDARD PRD1ILM MiD FESERIE PRD1IUM C00RSECE 3. REIUIN PRD11LN EUE 1. Advance Praniun It is agreed that the Amended Advance.Prcr:titm due the capanies for the calendar year 1983 is $72.778.76 2. Standard Preniun and Peserve Pre:tiun Subject to the provisions of the Irdsti'r Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Pruniun and Faserve Prenits for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Preniun $72,778.76 Reserve Prenit:n $54,636.86 3. Return Premiun $22.114.99 Effective Date of To for:n a part this Endorsenent January 1. 1983 of Policy No. w_7 s Issued to Sacramento Mimicinni Utfitiv Distrier Date cf Issue November 30, 1983 For the Subscribing Catpanies ABILITY tR;DERg.ITERS MTI1FiL

  • 4I J

E b. 'u n - u- /A 1(; Q Endorsomnt No. 58 Countersigned by Authori:cd Pcpresentative ME-36

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRI AME!!DME!.~r OF DEFI!:ITIO t OF I!;SURED (Tennessee Vallev Authoritv) It is agreed that of Insuring Agreement II. partregardless-of the provisions of' the second paragraph as an insured the Tennessee Valley Authority with respect to responsibility for damages because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard. E!!ective Date of this Endorsement - January 1, 1984 To form a cart of Policy No_ MF-75 Issue to _ Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Isau, December 14, 1983 For the Subscribine Companies I MLTUAL ATOMIC EF YI ILIT N[DEltW!!!T!:Tt3 f(h-R C k\\ oy y ~ Endoraement No. 57 Countersieneel by ME-63 A ti?llustids te it s* 9t r.<e N T 4 rt s et

NUCLEAR ENERGY l'IABILlhY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY Y UNDERWRITERS ADVANCE PREMlUM AN RD REMlUM CALENDAR YEAR 1984 ISEMENT 1. ADVANCE PREMlUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 3 94,089.37 2. STANDARD PREMlUM AND RESERVE PREMlUM: In the absence of a changs in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: $ 70.832.92 \\> GREEN COPY AGENT / BROKER / Effective Date of Thh Endorsement January 1, 1984 To form a part of Policy No. W-7 5 12:01 A.M. Standard Time issued to__Cacramento Municipal Utility District December 14,1983 For the su cribing com Date of Issue By

A' D General Manager V

Endorsement No. 56 Countersigned by

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITEES 1. AMENENDE T ADVANC PRD1ILN DERSLNDE 2. STANDARD PREMILN AND RESERVE PRENIUM DKORSDOR 3. rem]PN PRD4ILN DJE 1. Advance Premim It is agreed that the leended Advance Premium due the ccTpenies for the calendar year 1982 is $74.193.1o 2. Standard Prmium and Reserve Preium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Pating Plm, it is agreed that the Standard Premiun and Reserve Premim far the calendar year designated above are: Standard Prenium $74.181.10 Reserve Premium $55,856.22 3. Return Preniun $3,914.09 Effective Date of To fann a part thLs Endors ment January 1. 1097 of Policy No. MF-75 Issued to Sacramento Municioal Utility District Date of Issue Aoril 20,1983 For the Subscribing Caganies MJIL A'KMIC DIEPGY LDEILITY UNDERf i [/ A .A y By vry -Q ~ Dxlorsement No. 55 Countersigned by Author 2 red Fepresentative Qp W L _ k ME-36

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. AMENENENP & ADVANCE PRDiIUM ENDORSDiENT 2. SPANDARD PRDiIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM ENDORSENENT 3. RE71UPN PREMIUM EUE 1. Advance Premian It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the ccrrpanies for the calendar year 1982 is $78.297. 28 2. Standard Premium and Reserve Prmiun Subject to the provisiovi of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standi{rd Premiun and Reserve Premiun for the calendar year designated (above are: Standard Premium $78,297.28 Reserve Preium $58,830.93 3. Return Premiun $18.238.97 Effective Date of To form a part this Enchrsament January 1,1982 of Policy No. MF-75 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of %scue February 3,1983 For Tae Subscribiry] Ccmpanies HTIL ATCMIC ENEPGY LIABILITY UND A By 1 \\ a vy Q Endorserrent No. - 54 Countersigned by Authorized Representative rs f i I k I ME-36 I 0 .p- ~.

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILiqY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY Y UNDERWRITERS ADVANCE PREMlUM A D PREMlUM CALENDAR YEAR 1983 SEMENT 1. ADVANCE PREMlUM: it is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies .for the period designated above is: s 94.893.75 2. STANDARD PREMlUM AND RESERVE PREMlUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: S 71,444.25 h> AGENT / BROKER PINK COPY Effective Date of This Endorsement January 1,1983 Ub78 To form a part of Policy No. 12:01 A.M. Standard Time issued to Sacramento Municioal Utility District Date of issue December 15, 1982 For the s tribing com s ,, -'m V D General Manager Endorsement No. 53 Countersigned by i

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. Amendment of Advance Premium Endorsement 2. Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Endorsement 3. Additional Premium Due 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year 1982 is $96.536.25 2 Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $96,536.25 Reserve Premium $72,692.55 3 Additional Premium $22.50 Effective Date of To form a part this endorsement January 1,1982 of Policy No. MF-75 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District nn Date of Issue August 30, 1982 h ) U t For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATO C ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERT ITERS G B y t. N. 6/w[h, ~ ( T N Endo rsement No. 52 Countersigned by Authorized Representative ME-36 1 e i

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Restoration of Limit of Liability Endorsement It is agreed that: 1. Paymants made and expenses incurred by the ccupanies under this p licy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the ccrrpanies' liability stated in Item 4 of the Declaraticns and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements. 2. The limit of liability stated in Endorsement No. 47 which has been reduced is hereby restored to S 36,000,000.00 Ihis restored limit applies only with respect to obligations assured or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement. 3. The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cunulative. Each payment trade by the ccupanies after the effective date of this endorsenent for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduced by the amount of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or prcperty da: rage out of which such loss or expense arises. Effective Date of To form a part this Endorsement July 1,1982 af Policy No. MF-75 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District im M [ '}) } 9 '[ Date of Issu, August 30, 1982 j For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LI ABILITY NDERWRITERS $d f. 6L 13yy s Endorsement No. 51 Countenigned by ____ .guTucassio Ra,arsewvartyr ME-22b T

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. AMEDDE & ADVANCE PRD1IG1 ENDORSD1ENT 2. STANDARD PIO1IUM AND RESERVE PRD1IDI ENDORSHEE 3. PEIURN PRD11El IXJE 1. Advan Premiun It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premien due the carpanies for the calendar year 1981 is $67,407.39 2. Standard Prenium and Peserve Prenium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premiun and Peserve Preniun for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Freniu:n $67,407.39 Reserve Prenien $50,554.62 3. Return Premian $3,870.06 Effective Date of To for:n a part this Endorsement January 1, 1981 of Policy No. MF-75 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issue April 16, 1981 For the Subscribing Carpanies Mnt A'ICMIC ENEFGY LIABILITY 9. By g

_4 %

Endorsenent No. 50 Countersigned by a = ihaF./Pepresentative ME-36

- NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. ASEIDMENT T AU/ANCE PRD11U1 L'DORSD1ENT 2. STIJOE PRD1IG1 AND RESERVE PREMID1 ENDOPSDEIT 3. BMURN PRDiIL'4 UJE 1. Advance Premiu:n ~ It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the ccnpanies for the calendar year 1981 is $71,277.45 2. Standard Prenium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premiun and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $71,277.45 Reserve Premium $53,495.86 3. Return Premiun $9,121.78 Effective Date of To form a part this Endorsenent January 1, 1981 of Policy No. MF-75 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issuo April 15, 1982 For the Subscribing Ccnpanies FUILE A'IO1IC E'EPGY LIABILITY UNDERp W hY BY Endorsement No. 49 Countersigned by g, lv. 9 [- ME-36

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. Amendment of Advance Premium Endorsement 2 Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Endorsement 3. Additional Premium Due 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year 1982 is S 96,513.75 2 Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $ 96,513.75 Reserve Premium S 72,675.45 3. Additional Premium S 11.25 Effective Date of To form a part this endorsement January 1, 1982 of Policy No. MF-75 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issue April 2. 1982 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDER\\',RITERS By \\ N C_vh -[ Z.o /A ~ s x Endorsement No. 48 Countersigned by Authorized Representatig %s ~. f4E-36 ..- { v / "N

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Restoration of Limit of Liability Endorsement It is agreed that: 1. Payments made and expenses incurred by the ccTpanies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the caTpanies' liability stated in Item 4 of the Declaraticns and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements. 2. The limit of liability stated in Endorsement No. 43 which has been reduced is hereby restored to S 36,000,000.00 This restored limit applies only with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsenent. 3. The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cumulative. Each payment made by the c W es after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduced by the amount of strh payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises. To for t Effective Date of af Poh,m a par MF-75 January 1, 1982 ey No. in s Endorsement Sacramento Municipal Utility District Issued to Date of Issu, ,~.pril 2, 1982 For the Subscribing Companies l MU* 'UAL ATOMIC ENERGY LI ABILITY ERWRITERS 6 _._N.d\\ _G se::- - - s liy 9 En.Iniscmeni N o. 47 (.onnie r sne.1 by _.. __ - _..__ ME-22b 5.

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS AMENDMENTS OF DEFINITION OF " NUCLEAR ENERGY HA7. ARD" AND PART OF CONDITION 4. " LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: COMMON OCCURRENCE" (Indemnified Nuclear Facility) It is agreed that: 1. In Insuring Agreement III, " DEFINITIONS", solely with respect to an " insured shipment" to which this policy applies as proof of financial protection required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Subdivision (2) of the definition of " nuclear energy ha::ard", as amended, is fur:her amended to read: (2) :he nuclear material is in an_ insured shipment which is awa, from an, e:her nuclear facili:, and is in the course ei transportation, ine'uding

he ::andling and temporary stcrage incidental thereto, within ia) the territorial limits of the (*nited States of /.merica, its territories or possessions, or Puerto Rico; or (b) international waters or airspace, provided that the nuclear material is in the course of transportation between two points located within the territorial limits described in (a) above and there are no devia-tions in the course of the transportation for the purpose of going to any other country, state or nation, except a deviation in the course of said transportation for the purpose of going to or returning from a port or place of refuge as the result of an em.ergency.

2. Subdivision (b) of Condition 4, " LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: COMMON OCCUR-RENCE", as amended, is replaced by the following: (b) source material, special nuclear material, spent fuel, waste, or tailings castes produced by the extrac:icn or concentratien of uranium or er thorium from any ore processed primarily for its source material content in the course of transportation for which insurance is afforded under this policy and also arising out of such properties of other source material, special nuclear material, spent fuel, waste, or tailings or wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium or thorium from any ore,

  • processed primarily for its source material content in the course of transportation for which insurance is afforded under one or more oth'er Nuclear Energy Liability Policies (Facility Form) issued by Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters.

Effective Date of To form a part This Endorsement January 1. 1992 of Policy No. ve_ f g 12:01 A.M. Standard Time issued to Sacramento Municioal U*i14 ty ni e evi ce Date of Issue February 1, 1982 For the Subscribing Companies By Endorsement.No. 46 Countersigned by 4 Page 2 of 2 ME-58

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ADVANCE PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT and STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSENENT Calendar Year 1982 1. ADVANCE PREMIUM It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year designated above is $ 96,502.50 2 STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Racing Plan, che Standard Premium and Reserve Premium are: Standard Premium $ 96.502.50 Reserve Premiura S 72,666.90 Effective Date of To form a part thio Endorsement January 1, 1982 of Policy No, MF 75 l Incued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Data of Issue January 6, 1982 For the Subscribing Companies HIJrUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By 1 45 Countersigned by Endsraement No. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE

j NUCLEAR ENERGY J IABILITY INSURANCE h1UTUAL ATO A1!C ENERGi LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. Amendment of Advance Premium Endorsement 2. Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Endorsement 3. Additional Premium Duc 1. Advance Premium l It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies c for the calendar year 1981 is $80,399.23 2 Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is ag reed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: l Standard Premium $80,399.23 Reserve Premium - S60,428.42 3 Additional Premium $25.27 Effective Date of To form a part this endorsement Januarv 1, 1981 of Policy No. vE-75 O Issued to Sacramnto Municipal Utility District Date of Issue Sectember 18, 1981 For the Subscribing Companics htUTUAL ATOhtIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS UY Endo rsement No. 44 Countersigned by Authorized Representative

. Nuclear Energy I ability Insurance Ntual Atanic Energy Liability Underwriters Restoration of Limit of Liability Endorsemeat 6 It is agreed that: l. Payrrents trade and c:q;enses incurred by the certpanies under this policy have reduced, in cccordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the lirrits of the carpanies' liability stated in Item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorserents. m 2. The lirrit of liability stated in Endorscrent No. 40 which has been reduced is horchy restored to S 36,000,000 This restored limit applies only with respect to obligations assumed or e:genses incurred because of bcdily injury or prcperty damage causcd by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorscrent. ~ 4 3. The linits of liability stated in the policy shall not to ctre.ulative. Each paynent made by the carpanies after the effective date of this endorsercat for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduced by the a:rount of such payment every litrit of liability, regardless of which litrit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or preparty darrage out of 5.hich such loss cr e:q;ense arises. Efiective Dat of To form a pre this Endorse;r.ent .Ju_ly 1,_ M81 of Policy No. __ME_7R Sacramento Municipal Utility District !ssued to 4 Date of Issue September 18, 1981 For the Subscribing Compnies .\\tVTUAL ATO.'IIC ENERGY LIAi!!!,ITY UNDERWi!!TERS ily 43 Endorsement No. Countersigned by Autucanzto RaratstuTAriva 4 G ._---_.,,,.,---r-. .n -.-.---.a ,,n n.n. . --..,. ~.,,

I - L.C NUCLEAR ENERGY L' 3ILITY I:!SURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY IABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. RCDE.'r CF ADVANCE PP31IUM E!DORSDETF 2. STANDIRD PRD1IRI AND PESE:WE PIE 1IQ1 ENDOPSDE7F 3. IEIURN PPsiIR1 EUE 1. Advance Prcnium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the carpanies for the calendar year 1981 is $80,373.96 2. Standard Prenium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Prcmium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Frenium S80,373.96 Reserve Prenium $60,409.21

3. ' Return Premium

$11,324.79 Effective Date of To form a part this Endorsanent January 1, 1981 of Policy No. MF-79 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issue August 7, 1981 For the Subscribing Carpanie.s b171UAL ATCMIC IL'EICY LIABILITY UNDEIWPlTERS DY Endorse. Tent No. 42 ' Cor.tersigned by Autnorized Irpresentative w.-,,ny ,n

NUCLEAR ENERGY.' ' ABILITY INSURANCE h1UTUAL ATOMIC ENERG' LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. Amendment of Advance Premium Endorsement 2. Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Endorsement 3. Additional Premium Duc 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year 1981 is $91,698.75 2 Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $91,698.75 Reserve Premium S69,016.05 3. Additional Premium $22.50 Effective Date of To form a part this endorsement January 1, 1981 of Policy No, MF-75 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District 1 Date of Issue April 29, 1981 For the Subscribing Companies h1UTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endo rsement No. 41 Countersigned by Authorized Representative O

O Nuclear Diergy ! : ability Insurance FirlUAL AIntIC ENEFC' LIABILITY UNDETERITERS PIS'IORATION OF LIMIT CF LIABILITY ENDOPSDEf1' It is agreed that: 1. Payments made and expenses incurred by the cmpanies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the carpanies' liability stated in Itan 4 of the Declaraticns and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorser.cnts. 2. The limit of liabilicy stated in Endorsement No. 33 which has been reduced is hereby restored to S 36,000,000 This restored limit applies only with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred becauce of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement. 3. The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be ct=ulative. Each payment made by the ccmpanies after the effective date of this endorsement for any less or expanse covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount ot such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies 'with respect to the bodily injury or prcperty damage out of which such loss or erpse i arises. i t i Effective Date of To form a Part this Endorsarent January 1, 1981 of Policy No. 5F-75 Issued to: Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issue: April 29, 1981 For the Subscribing Carpanies IUIUAL ATCMIC ENETE LIABILIri UNDEPdRITEPS By: General Manager I t Endorsenent No. 40 countersigned by: t -w ~ .n-. ,.,....,,_---w,, e-- -,.-n.


D NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS AMENDMENT O F CONDITION. 2 " INSPECTION: SUSPENSION" AND DEFINITION O F " INSURED SHIPMENT" (Indemnified Nuclear Facility) It is agreed that: 1. Condition 2 " INSPECTION; SUSPENSION" is replaced by the following: 2 INSPECTION: SUSPENSION The companies shall at any time be permitted but not obligated to inspect the facility and all operations relating thereto and to examine the insured's books and records as far as they relate to the subject of this insurance and any property insurance afforded the insured through any company who is a member of Mutuiti Atomic Energy Reinsurance Pool. If a representative of the companies discovers a condition which he believes to be unduly dangerous with respect to the nuclear energy hazard, a representative of the companies may request that such condition be corrected without delay. In the event of noncompliance with such request, a representative of the companies may, by notice to the named insured, to any other person or organization considered by the companies to be responsible for the continuation of such dangerous condition, and to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, suspend this insurance with respect to the named insured and such other person or organization effective 12:00 midnight of the next business dsy of such Commission following the date that such Commission receives such notice. The period of such suspension shall terminate as of the time stated in a written notice from the companies to the nsmed insured and to each such person or organization that such condition has been corrected. Neither the right to malie such inspections and examinations nor the making thereof nor any advice or report resulting therefrom shall constitute an under taking, on. behalf of or for the benefit of the insured or others, to determine or warrant that such facility or operations are safe or healthful, or are in compliance with any law, rule or regulation. In consideration of the issuance or continuation of this policy, the insured agrees that neither the companies nor any persons or organizations making such inspec- ~ tions or examinations on their behalf shall be liable with respect to injury to or destruction of property at the facility, or any consequential loss or expense resulting therefrom, or any loss resulting from interruption of business or manufacture, arising out of the making of or a failure to make any such inspection or examination, or any report thereon, or any such suspension of

Page 2 of 2 insurance, but this provision does not limit the contractual obligations of the companies under this policy or any policy affording the insured property insurance through any company who is a member of Mutual Atomic Energy Reinsurance Pool. 2. The definition of " insured shipmen!" in Insuring Agreement III, " DEFINITIONS" is replaced by the following: " insured shipment" means a shipment of source material, special, nuclear material, spent fuel, waste, or tailings or wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium or thorium from any ore processed primarily for its source material content, herein called " material," (1) to the facility from any location except an indemnified nuclear facility, but only if the transportation of the material is not by predetermina-tion to be interrupted by removal of the material from a trans-porting conveyance for any purpose other than the continuation of its transportation, or (2) from the facility to any other location, but only until the material is removed from a transporting conveyance for any purpose other than the continuation of its transpo rtatio n. Effective Date of To form a part this Endorsement January 1, 1981 of Policy No. MF-75 12:01 A. M. Standa rd Time Issued to Sacra:mnto Municipal Utility District Date of Issue March 20, 1981 For the Subscribing Companies Mutual Atomic Ene rgy Liability Underwriters By l Endorsement No. 39 Countersigned by __ 1/1/81 ME-805

NUCLEN1 DEEY LIABT'JTY INSUPMCE MUTUAL ATCMIC ENFEY LIABILITY UNDEERITEPS ] ADVANCE PREMIUM ENDORSOfENT and STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSENENT Calendar Year 1981 1. ADVANCE PREMIUM It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year designated above is $ 91,676.25 2 STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Racing Plan, the Standard Premium and Aeserve Premium are: Standard Premium $ 91,676.25 Reserve Premium $ 68,998.95 Ef fsetive Date of To form a part MF-75 Jang 1,1981 of Policy No. this Endorsement Sacramento Municipal Utility District Issusd to Jang 28,1981 Data of Issue For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endersement No. Countersigned by AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE I t 0

NUCLEA R ENERG Y i rABILITY INSURANCE hiUTUAL ATOhtIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. NE!!E:E:l? 0F ADVA!!CE PREMIUM EIIDORSE:EIIT 2. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM ENDORSEIGNT 3. RETURN PREMIUM DUE 1. Advance Premium It is agreed'that the Amended Advance g =ig due the companies for the calendar year 1980is $68, 2. Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is aCreed that the Standard. Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $68,636.64 Reserve Premiim SS1,488.85 3 Return Premium $12,976.48 EfTective Date of this Endorsement _ January 1, 1980 To form a part 51F-75 af Policy No. 8""^*" Issued to Date of Issu, September 29, 1980 For the Subscribing Companies 51UTUAL ATO511C ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endorsement No. 37 Countersigned by Aurucuzco Rsragsturarna T

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE 1 MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 4 ADVANCE PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT l and j STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1980 1. ADVANCE PREMIUM It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year designated above is $ 81,613.12 2 STANDARD PREM1UM AND RESERVE IREMIUM i In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is j agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, l the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium are: 9 Standard Premium $ 81. 613.12 j Reserve Premium $61,350.97 i 1 ! Effective Date of To form a part j this Endoraesent Janua ry 1,1980 _of Policy No. M r.7 5 Is:und to Sacramento Municipal Utility District i Dato of Issue Janua ry 3, 1980 l For the Subscribing Companies i HUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By ] Endsrsement No. 36 Countersigned by AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 1 i + ._l ~ - - . ~ ~ - - -.

NUCLEAR ENERGY I IABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABIL'.TY UNDERWRITERS 1. AMENDMENT 20F ADVMICE PREMIUM ENDORSrR NT 2. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT 3 PITURN PREMIUM DUE 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for.the calendar year _1979 is $65, 531. 29 2. Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $65, 5 31. 29 Reserve Premium $49,128. 78 3. Return Premium $7.460.51 Effective Date of this Endorsement Ja,nua ry 1,1979 To forns a part MF-75 af Policy No. Inued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of luu, November 8,1979 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILI'lY UNDERWRITERS By Endorsement No. Countersigned by AUT1soas:so Rarasa:N TATTVs a

NUCLEAlt ENEltGY 1. LABILITY INSUltANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENEltGY LIABILITY UNDEltWillTEltS 1. AMENDMENT OF ADVANCE PREMI UM ENDORSEMENT 2. STANDARD PREMIUM AND, RESERVE PREMl UM ENDURSEMENT 3. ADDlTIONAl PREMlUM DUE 1. Advance Premium it is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies fo r the calendar year 1979 is J72,991. 80 2. Standard Premium and Rese rve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Indust ry Credi t Nating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Prend um and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $ 72,991. 80 Keaurve Premium $54,798.77 3. Additional Premium $ 3,016. 80 Effective Date of " I '!"

  • P

MF-75 this Endorsement January 1,1979 af Pohey No. Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District hiarch 12, 1979 D:te of Inu, For the Subwribing Coinpanies h1UTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIA11tLITY UNDERWRITERS 11y 34 Endorsement No. Countersigned by Aunsoalzan MarsassNTADVa i e 4 .. - -,. -. - - - -,, - ~. ,e---.

Nur' ar Energy Lialnlity insurance MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ~ INCREASE OF LIMIT OF LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT (After Prior Increase) It is agreed that: i 1. The limit of liability stated in Item 4 of the declarations as amended by the Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsement (s) listed below is further amended to read $36,000,000 This amended limit applies wsth respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused, during the period from the effective date of this endorsement to the date of termination of the policy, by the nuclear energy hazard. 2. The original limit of liability stated in Item 4 of the declara-tions, the limit (s) of liability stated in the Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsement (s) listed below and the amended limit of liability stated in paragraph 1 above shall not be cumulative, and each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy ] shall reduce by the amount of such payment the limit of liability j originally stated in item 4 of the declarations, the amended limit (s) of lia'cility stated in the Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsement (s) listed below and the amended limit of liability stated in paragraph 1 above, regardless of which limit of liability 4 applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises. Previous increase of Limit of Liability Endorsement (s) Endorsement No(s): 13 and 24 i Effective Date To fo rm a pa rt March 1,1979 MF-75 j of this Endo rsement of Policy No. i Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District i Date of lusue March 12,1979 r i For the Subscribing Companies I' MUTUAL ATO MIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS i By Endorsement No 33 Countersigned by I

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. A:E'lE ENT OF ADVANCE PREMIUM ENDORSEME!iT 2. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM ENDORSEMEIT 3 RETURfl PREMIUM DUE 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year 1978 is $66,511. 24 2. Standard Premium and Reserve Premiua Sub. ject to the provisions of ttte Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premi c $66,511. 24 Reserve Premium $49.873.54 3 Return Premium $3,463.76 s Effective Date of this Endorsement Janua ry 1,1978 To form a part MF-75 af Polin No. Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of hsu, Ma rch 12,1979 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endorsement No. 32 Countersigned by AUTwouzzo RarauswrArrva p. e-n.--,

1 NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Amendment of Condition 4 Endorsement It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused after the effective date of this endorsement by the nuclear energy hazard the figure $31,500,000 stated in Condition 4 of the policy is amended to read $36,000,000. EEective.Date of Janua ry 1,1979 To fann a pa" MF-75 this Endonement af Policy No. Sa c ramento Municipal Utility District ,g

  • I Date of Issua For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOh!!C ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By 31 Endirsement No.

Countersigned by Aurnoanso RarassexTams

  1. 3.**



wt.aWhDERS I

It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 69.975.00 e j b. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 52.506.00 2. It is agreed that with' respect to bodily injury or property demage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the nuclear energy hazard: i l a. The word " companies" wherever used in the policy means the subscribing companies listed on the reverse side of this endorsement. b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only, c. Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy because of such bodily injury or property damage as designated on the reverse side of this endorsement. 3. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the a beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below to the close of December 31st of the Calendar Year designated in the j caption above, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the policy, if sooner. 4 Effective Date of i this Endorsement Janua ry 1,1979 To form a part of Policy No MF-75 12:01 A.M. Standard Time J Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District l Date of Issue December 14. 1978 1 i By Endorsement No 30 Countersigned by -, ~ - - - - -, -. _ - - _ _ _, -, _ -. _ - -, - _ _ - _..,,, _ -,,, _ -, - -. - - _ - -. _ _... -

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE -J....=-- MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. AMENDMENT OF ADVANCE PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT 2. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT 3 RETURN PREMIUM DUE 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year 1977 is s1g.o72.g1 2. Standard Premium and Reserve Eremium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $38,972.83 Reserve Premium $28,944.35 3 Return Premium $7,697.25 Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1,1977 To form a part MF-75 af Policy No. Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issi. Feb rua ry 9. 1978 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endorsement No. 29 Countersigned by _. AutvensasoRarassemu ms The~

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENEROY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ADVANCE PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT and STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1978 s 1. ADVANCE PREMIUM It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year designated above is $ 69,975.00 2. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium are: Standard Premium $ 69,975.00 Reserve Premium $ 52,506.00 E#ective Date of To form a part this Endorsement January 1. 1978 of Policy No W-7 5 Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of lesa, January 31, 1978 For the Subecribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endorsement No. Counteralsned by

NUCLEAR ENERGi LIABILITY INSURANG - -; :t W.*TUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS AMENDMENT OF ADVANCE PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT 'd. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PPEMIUM ENLCRSEMENT 3 RETURN PREMIUM DUE s agreed that Endorsement No. 26 is deleted and replaced by this end.>rse... Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year 1977 is $46.670.08 s. Standard Premium and Reserve Premium hbject to the provisions of t.1e industry Credit Rating Plan, it i t. agreed that the Standard Premimn and Reserve Pre nium for the alendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $46,67C.08 Reserve Premium $34,794.26_ _,,_ e-..n "ramium $22,416.62 ' + d 'e naa rv ' J77 To form a part MF-75 - e. -.-_- of P ficy No. amento Municipa*. Ct ility Dis te kt , e..,,,,, sc,' obe r 12, 1977 For the Subeer Corrpanie. MUTUAL ATOh!IC ENERGY LIABILI" 8.. *- B y._ __..... 17 ei- - % o. Counterugne-3.r.,,... ..s..... r

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE " -f___ y MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 2. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT 3. RETURN PREMIUM DUE 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year 1977 is $46,772.01 2. Standard' Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $46,772.01 Reserve Premium $34,871.73 3 Return Premium $22,314.69 Efective Date of January 1, 1977 To form a part MF-75 this Endorsement af Policy No. Sacramento Municipal Utility District August 5, 1977 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILI'IY UNDERWRITERS By 26 Enderwment No. Countersigned by Aunesas so Rapssesuume 75'

D l NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS s 1. AMENDMENT OF ADVANCE PHEMlUM ENDOR3EMENT 2. STANDARD PHEMlUM AND RESERVE PHEMIUM ENDORSEMENT 3 ADDITIONAL PREM10M DUE L. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies rc,r the calendar year 1977 is $69,086.70 2. Standard Premium and Heaerve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $69,086.70 Reserve Premium $51,830.89 3. Additional Premium Due $1,R11.70 Etiestise Date of this Endorsement May 1, 1977 To form a part MF-75 f Policy No. Sacramento Municipal Utility Dist rict inued to... Date of luue _ Ba1.2.1,..l9_].7-Fnt the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOh11C ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By-Endorament No.. 2 5, _ _ __ _.. Counta,igned by - _.. _ _... _. AutHoanao Rarassewranvs

    • ?:'

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS r _ INCREASE OF LI'iTT OF LIABli.IT'.' ENDORSEMi'NT (Af tc r Prior Increase) It is agreed that: 1. The 1.init of liability stated in Ttt:. 4 of the declarations ar amende.d 5 by Increase of Liability Indorsere:.L I?o. 13 is further amended to rcad $31, 500,000 This amended limit. c.ppliec with respect to ob11 pat.cac a wumed or exper.scs incurred becausc oi bodily injery or p.cp rty dar. + cas. sed, during the period fram the effective date of this enda:cecient to the date c,f termination of the policy.. by the nuclear energy hazard. 2. The original limit of liability stated in Item 4 of the declarations lic:f t of If abf!f ty etated in Increase of Limit of Liability Fndorscmreit , the 'c. 13 at.J the.u.:.c ul J init of

c. hall :.or be etnulative:,

liability s tated in patograph 1 abes c effective cata of this endorsenentand each payment made by the companies aftNr the the palicy a. hall reduce: fcr any loss or expense cosered by by tha acount of such payment the limit of lia-bility ortcinally statoa in Item 4 ot' of liabil!.ty stated in t'e the decir. rations, the anended 11tr.J t No. 13 and the amor.Jed li..itinercace of Limit of Liabliity i.'idersemeat c regardless of which litii. of liability stated in para,r.:ph 1 abo $.a. of liability applies with respect e injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense the bodily Effective Date of To form a parc thic Endorsement 4 Y l' 19 77-- af Policy No.- MF-75 Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of luu, May 23, 1977 7 For the Sub cribing Companies MUTUAL ATOh!!C ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By-Endorsement No. Countersigned by.... Aumonnee Rarnsseunme

  1. .3.'

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS e-AMENDMENT OF CONDITION 4 ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused after the effective date of this endorsement by the nuclear energy hazard the figure $28,125,000 stated in Condition 4 of the policy is amended to read $31,500,000. i EKective Date of To form a part this Endorsement A nnnry 1, 1077 af Policy No. MS-75 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District March 3, 1977 D e of M For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By 23 Endorsement No. Countersigned by Aurmons so RarsessurAma g NE 43E (1/1/77)

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE 7___ MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS e WAIVER OF DEFENSES ENDORSEMENT (Extraordinart Nuclear Occurrence) The named insured, acting for himself and every other insured under the policy, and the members of the Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters agree as follows: 1. With respect to any extraordinary nuclear occurrence to which the policy applies as proof of financial protection and which (a) arises out of or results from or occurs in the course of the construction, possession, or operation of the facility, or (b) arises out of or results from or occurs in the course of the transportation of nuclear material to or from the facility, the insureds and the companies agree to waive (1) any issue or defense as to the conduct of the claimant or the fault of of the insureds, including but not limited to: (1) negligence, (ii) contributory negligence, (iii) assumpti'on or risk, and (iv) unforeseeable intervening causes, whether involved the conduct of a third person, or an act of God, (2) any issue or defense as to charitable or governmental immunity, and (3) any issue or defense based on any statute of limitations if suit is instituted within three years from the date on which the claimant first knew, or reasonably could have known, of his bodily injury or property damage and the cause thereof, but in no event more than twenty years after the date of the nuclear incident. The waiver of any such issue or defense shall be effective regardless of whether such issue or defense may otherwise be deemed jurisdictional or relating to an element in the cause of action. 2. The waivers set forth in paragraph 1. above do not apply to (a) bodily injury or property damage which is intentionally sustained by the claimant or which results from a nuclear incident intentionally and wrongfully caused by the claimant; (b) bodily injury sustained by any claimant who is employed at the site of and in connection with the activity where the extraordinary nuclear occurrence takes place if benefits therefor are either payable or required to be provided under any workers' compensation or occupational disease law; (c) any claim for punitive or exemplary damages, provided, with respect to any claim for wrongful death under any state law which provides for damages only punitive in nature, this exclusion does not apply to the extent that the claimant has sustained actual damages, measured by the pecuniary injuries resulting from such death but not to exceed the maximum amount otherwise ieceverable under ev:S law.

~2-1. The waivers set forth in paragraph 1. above shall be effective only with respect to bodily injury or property damage to which the policy applies under its terms other than this endorsement; provided, however that with respect to bodily injury i or property damage resulting from an extraordinary nuclear occurrence, Insuriag' Agreement IV, " Application of Policy," shall not operate to bar coverage for bodily injury or property damage (a) which is caused during the policy period by the nuclear energy hazard and (b) which is discovered and for which written claim is made against the insured not later than twenty years after the date of the extraordinary nuclear occurrence. Such waivers shall not apply to, or prejudice the prosecution or defense of any claim or portion of clain which is not within the protection afforded under (a) the provisions of the policy applicable to the financial protection required of the named insured; (b) the agreement of indemnification between the named insured and the Nuclear Regulatory Commiission made pursuant to Section 170 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended; and (c) the limit of liability provisions of Subsection 170 e. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as amended. Such waivers shall not preclude a defense based upon the failure of the claimant to take reasonable steps to mitigate damages.

4. Subject to all of the limitations stated in this endorsement and in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the waivers set forth in paragraph 1. above shall be judicially enforceable in accordance with their terms against any insured in an action to recover damages because of bodily injury or property damage to which the policy applies as proof of financial protection.
5. As used herein:

" extraordinary nuclear occurrence" means an event which the Nuclear Regulatory Consaission has determined to be an extraordinary nuclear occurrenec as defined in the Atomic' Energy Act of 1954, as amended. " financial protection" and " nuclear incident" have meanings given them in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. " claimant" means the person or organization actually sustaining the bodily injury or property damage and also include his assignees, legal represen-tatives and other persons or organizations entitled to bring an action for damages on account of such injury or damage. Effective Date of To form a part thS Endorsement January 1 1977 , f Patiey No MF_-75 Sacramento Municipal Utility District l January 31, 1977 Date of Im For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endorsement No. 22 Countersigned by Avrucessen maraesswnma T

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS AMENDMENT OF DEFINITION OF " NUCLEAR ENERGY HAZARD" (Indemnified Nuclear Facility) It is agreed :: hat: 1. Solely with respect to an " insured shipment" to which the policy applies as proof of financial protection required by the Nuclear Regulatory Comunission subdivision (2) of the definition of " nuclear energy hazard" is amended to read: (2) the nuclear material is in an insured shipment which is away from any

  • other nuclear facility and is in the course of transportation, including

~ handling and temporary storage incidental thereto, within (a) the territorial limits of the United States of America, its territories or possessions, Puerto Rico or the Canal Zone; or (b) international waters or airspace provided that the nuclear material is in the course of transportation between two points located within the territorial limits described in (a) above and there are no deviations in the course of the transportation for the purpose of going to any other country, state or nation, except a deviation in l the course of said transportation for the purpose of going to or returning from a port or place of refuge as the result of an emergency. 2. As used here, " financial protection," has the meaning given it in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. Efective Date of To form a part this Endorsement January 1, 1977 af Policy No. MF-75 Sacramento Municipal Utility District anuary 31, 1977 Date of Is== For the Suheribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By 21 Endorsement No. Countersigned by AUTWOR1sse RarasesNTAftY N


2. INSPECTION; SUSPENSION. The companies shall at any time be permitted but not obligated to inspect the facility and all operations relating thereto and to examine the insured's books and records as far as they relate to the subject matter of this insurance.

Neither the right to make inspections and examinations nor the making thereof nor any advice or report resulting therefrom shall consti-tute an undertaking, on behalf of or for the benefit of the insured or others, to determine or warrant that such facility or operations are safe or healthful, or are in compliance with any law, rule or regulation. If a representative of the companies discovers a condition which he believes to be unduly dangerous with respect to the nuclear energy hazard, a representative of the companies may request that such condition be corrected without delay. In the event of non-compliance with such request, a representative of the companies may, by notice to the named insured, to any other person or organization considered by the companies to be responsible for the continuance of such dangerous condition, and to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Conunission, suspend the insurance with respect to the named insured and such other person or organization effective 12:00 midnight of the next business day of such Commission following the date that such Commission receives such notice. The period of such suspension shall terminate as of the time stated in a written notice from the companies to the named insured ond to each such person or organization that such condition has been corrected. Effective Date of To form a part this Endorsement January 1. 1977 af Policy No. w 75 Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District January 31, 1977 For the Subscribing Companies i MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By i l Endorsement No. 2e Countersigned by Aurmontame Rsesnaswtarrve l

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ~T MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ADVANCE PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT' and STANDARD PREMIEN ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1977 1. ADVANCE PREMIUM It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year designated above is $ 67,275.00 2 STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium are: Standard Premium 67.275.00 Reserve Premium 50,454.00 Effective Date of To form a part this Endorsement January 1, 1977 of Policy No. MF-75 Iscusd to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issue December 7, 1976 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endersement No. 19 Countersigned by AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE s..----w ,-r-------.-

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. AMDIDMENT OF ADVANCE PRD4IUM ENDORSEMDIT 2. STANDARD PREMICM AND RESERVE PRD4IUM DTDOPSDEIT 3 RETURN PREMIUM DUE 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year 1975 is $46.385.50 2. Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year. designated above are: Standard Premium $46,385.50 Reserve Premium $34,577.98 t 3 Return Premium $19.656.27 Effective Date of January 1, 1975 To for,m a part MF-75 tin Endorsement af Pohey No= Issued to Sacramento Municpal Utility District Date of Issu-For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By 18 Endorsement No. Countersigned by

  • ..unrestzan RarassewTATrvs 2

t NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ~ ADVANCE PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT and STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMEKT Calendar Year 1976 1. ADVANCE PREMIUM It is agr,eed that the Advance Premium due the cocipanies for the calendar year designated above is $ 67,275.00 2 STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PRE @ g In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to.the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium are: Scandard Premium 67,275.CO f Reserve Premium 50,h5h.00 Effective Date of To form a part this Endorsement January 1, 1976 of Policy No. !&-75 10 sued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issue December 15, 1975 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endcrsement No. 17 Countersigned by AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE -^ MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. AMEIDMENT OF ADVAIICE PRD4IUM DIDORSEME!!T 2. STMTDARD PREMIUM MID RESERVE PREMIUM DIDORSDE:iT 3 ADDITIONAL PREMIUM DUE 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year 1975 is $66.0hl.77 2. Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the pro'tisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year derignated above are: Ste.ndard Premium $66.0bl.77 Reserve Premium $h9.516.75 3 Additional Premium Due $51,556,27 EEeetive Date of this Endorsement January 1, 1975 To fann a pan 16-75 af Pohey No. Imed to Sacremento Municipal Utility District "*y 9' 19T Date of Issua For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endorsement No. 16 Countersigned by ALrwouzro Rzrau NTAT:YS T

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1. AMENDMENT OF ADVANCE PRD4IUM DIDORSEMENT 2. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PRD4IUM DIDORSDGIT 3 ADDITIONAL PREMIUM DUE 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year 1974 is $13,881.53 2. Stendard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed the.t the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $13,881 53 Reserve Premium $10,050.90 3 Additional Premium Due $8,595.33 Effective Date of January 1, 1974 To fom a part ,, ' 5 this Endorsement af Pohey No. Inued to Sa ramento Municipal Utility District April 29, 1975 Date of Im For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATO111C ENERGY LIABILI'IT UNDERWRITERS By Endor ment No.._ 15 h*ersig..ed by AUTuoazzsa Rura.ssNTARYR ? .-a

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS / 1. AMDIDMENT OF ADVANCE PRDUUM DiDORSE!ETT 2. STMiDARD PREMIUM MID RESERVE PRE! CUM DIDORSDETT 1 ADDITIONAL PRD4IUM DUE 1. Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calendar year E is $1h.h85.50 2. Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium $1h,h85.50 Reserve Premium $10,h9h.27 3 Additional Premiu:a Due $1,323.00 Effective Date of this Endorsement January 1, 1975 To fann a fan gy_75 af Pohey ho. Icued to Sacrarento Municipal Utility District April 2h, 1975 Date of Im> For the Subscrib* g Companies m MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endorsernent No. Countersigned bf Attructuto ParaMENTAT:Y3 T

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Increase Of Limit Of Liability Endorsement it is agreed that: 1. The Ilmit of liability stated in Item 4 of the declarations of the policy is amended to read $28,125.000 This amended ilmit applies with respect to obligationn assumed or expensca incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused, during the period f rom the ef fective date.of this endorseeent to the date of tenaination of the policy, by the nuclear energy ha::ard. 2 The limit of liability stated in Item 4 of the declarations and the art.cnded limit of liability stated in paragraph 1 above sh:11 not be cumulative, and each psyment made by the compcnies af ter the ef fective date of this endorsenent for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amcunt of such payment both the limit of liability stated in Item a of the declarations and the amended limit of litbility stated in paragrapr. I abova., regardless or which ilmit of liability, applics with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of which such 1 css or expense arises. Eficetive Dat: of To for:n a part 7,;p-I5 thi: E::d:::::m:nt b! arch 21,1975 af Pc' icy No. h eed to Sacramento Municital Utility m e+-4 e l9T5 Date of I:u For the Subscrib: rig Co:rpanic, ?.IUTUAL ATOLIIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDER%'nlTEP.5 By 13 Endorsen ent No. Counterdgned by Aun:ouzio Ranns).TARYR UE -12 '.?

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ^ MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS e Increase Of Limit of Liability Endorsement It is agreed that: ' i l. The limit of liability stated in Item h of the declarations pf the policy is amended to read $28,125,000. This amended limit applies with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused, during the period from the effective date of this endorsement to the date of termination of the policy, by the nuclear energy hazard. 2. The limit of liability stated in Item h of the declarations and the amended limit of liability stated in paragraph 1 above shall not be cumulative, and each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount of such payment both the limit of liability stated in Item h of the declarations and the amended limit of liability stated in paragraph 1 above, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage cut of which such loss expense arises. j l] f' a Effective Date of March 21, 1975 To fann a part gy_75 this Endorsement af Policy No. Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District Date of Issua For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endorsement No.. Countersigned by At:Tusuns RanugYTAUVE T

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Amendnent of Condition h Endorcement It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury and property da.nage caused af ter the effective date of this endorsement by the nuclear energy hantd the figure $26,750,000 ststed in Condition h of the policy is amer.ded to read $28,125,000. Effective Date of To form a part January 1, 1975 this Endcreement - =_ _ eg n,i;n, yo, te-75 Snern:rento Municipal Utility Dietric-Date cf I:su, mmunty 90 lovs For the Suberibing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITER 5 By Endorsment No. - 10 Countersignect by Atmrouzzo Rermisext.rni m 43n

f NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS DVANCE PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT and STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMEh"r Calendar Year 1975 1. ADV/NCE N.FM7'N It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companics for the calendar year designated above is $ 13.162.50 2 STANDARD PREMIIDI AND RESERVE PREMIUM In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated abcve, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium are: $ 3,162 50 1 Standard Premium Reserve Premium $ 9,515.25 Effective Date of To form a part t*1is Endorcement January 1, 1975 of Policy No. 6 75 Iscued to Sacramento :iunicipal Utility District l'sta of Issue January 2, 1975 For the Subscribing Compsnies MUTUAL ATOMIC ' ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By l Endorsement No. 11 Countersigned by AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ^ MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ADVANCE TREMIL3 EULCRSELE T and STANDARD PREMILM ENDORSET.h7 Calendar Year 197h 1. ADVANCE PREMI131 It is agreed that the Advance Premiun due the companies for the calendar year designated above is $ 5,286.20 2 STANDARD RE!!IIM AND R23FRVE PREMTLN In.the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Re. ting Plan, the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium are: $,286.20 5 Standard Premium Reserve Premium $ 3,698.12 Effective Date of To form a part this Endorsement July 1,1971: og pottey go, ,F-7 ? Issued to Sacra:: ento lMnicipal Utility District Dsce of Issue Septenber 23, 197L For the Subscribing Co pan!cs MUTUAL ATOMIC EZRGY LIABILITY UNDERWRIT. IRS By Endsrsement No. 10 Countersigned by AUTHORIZED REPSISENTAII'.T.

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE T__. MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Amendment of Name of Member Comoany Endorsement It is agreed that the name "SE!;TRY INSURANCE A MUTUAL COMPAh7" is substituted for "HARDb'ARE MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPAh7" wherever it appears in the policy. Effective Date of July 1, 197h To form a part 's -75 this Endorsement _of Policy No. Issued to Sacramento Municipal Utility District September 23, 197h Date of I, sue. For the Sub:criH.,g Cc-mrsnies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endarsement No. Counterigned by Atntronzeo EmutWATLY3 ?:

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE -T MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Mdress of Hutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters Endorsement It is agreed that the address of the Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters appearing on the declarations and in the " Company Representation" condition of the policy is amended to read: "One East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601" i Esective Date of g617 1, 1974 To for,m a pan

g.75 Gh,unorsement af Policy No.

Sacramento Municipal Utility District July 16, 197h Date of Issu, For the Subxtibing Companies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By 8 Eadorsement No. Ccun:er::gr.ed by _ AtfrHnattSD RzrassturAirvt M.

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Amendment of Condition 4 Endorsement It is agreed that yith respect to bodily injury and property damage caused after the effective date of this endorser.ent by the nuclear energy hazard the figure $13,500,000 stated in Ccndition 4 of the policy is amended to read $24,750,000. EEective D., e of To foin. a part this Endorsement. July 1. 197h og p o pcy 3,, t.7-75 amn un inal Utility Ulctrict Issued to July 16,197h Date of Issu, For the Subsenb:ng Comunies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY L,IABILITY UNDEP. WRITERS By 7 Endorsement No. Countersigned by Aumenuo 15tunxurn: ".Y NE 43A (1/1/74)

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE - ^ T. MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS AMENDATOP.Y ENDORSD!ENT (Application of Policy) It is agreed that Insuring Agreement IV of the policy, captioned " Application of Policy" is amended to read as follows: APPLICATION OF POLICY This policy applies only to bodily injury or property damage (1) which *s caused during the policy period by tha nuclear energy hazard and (2) which is discovered and for which written clairt is made against the insured, not later than ter. years after the end of the policy period. Erective Date of To fo-m a part this Endorsement July 1, 1974 af Po' icy No. E-75 Issued to Sacrar.cnto Municical Utility District D:te of Issue July 16, 197h For the Su'exribing Companies MUTUAL ATO3IIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By Endorsement No. 6 Counters!;;ned 'ev Acrcoti:: F.rrau.wiAtr s

~ NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIQ ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS SUP. LE:ENTARY END03.Sc /ENi WAIVER OF DEFENSES REACTOR CO::STECTION AT T!!E FACILITY It is agreed that in construing the application of paragraph 2 (b) of the k'aiver of Defenses Endorsement (NE-33) with respect to an c:ctraordinary nuclear occur-rence occurring at the facility, a claimant who is employed at the facility in connection with the construction of a nuclear reacter with respect to which no opsrating license has been issued by the Atcraic Energy Ce==ission shall not be considered as employec in connection with the activity where the extraordinary nuclear occurrence takes place if: (1) the claimant is empic.yed exclusively in connection with the construction of a nuclear reactor, including all related equipment and installations at the facility, and (2) no operating license has bcea issued by the Ate:aic Energy Co==is-sion t.'ith respec t to the nuclear reactor, and (3) the clai= ant is not employed in connection with the possession, storage, use or transfer of nucicar caterial at the facility. EE:ctjve De of July 1, 197h To foryn : pn MF-75 th:s 1.r.done:n nt er Pch:y No. Sacraconto Mt'nicital Utility District issun, to __ 93, og jg. July 16. 197L For the S 25s:ribing Cx::p:aies MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS By 5 Endene:uer.t No. Co.:rae:signd by .ll'U:Cti.'TS Eafr.? HN TA1!YM e

NUCLEs ENERGY LIABILITY INST. DANCE ^ V Ty i _ MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Waiver of D2 fences End:r:~2 cat (Extraordincry ;;aclear Occurrence) (FACILI*n* FORI) The namid insured, acting for himself and eve;y other insured unde.r the policy, and the tiachera of liutual Ato:ic Energy Liability Uadarvritora agr2e as fo11ovat

1. With respect to any extraordinary nuclear ocet.rrcnce to which the policy applica as proof of financial protection cnd which (a)

Arises cut of or results frem or occurs in the course of the construccica, possesoion,'or operation of the facili;y, or (b) /. rises out of or results from or occurs in the course of the treneportation of nucicar material to or from the facility, the inoureds and the comp nies agree to waive (1) &ny issue er -d2 fens <a as to the conduct of the claimant or the fcult c4 -h.4 incuroda, including, but not limited to: (i) negligenec. (ii). contributory nagligence, -(iii) ccsur.ption of rick, and (iv) ur.foret,eer.bic intervening causes, whether invciving the ccnduct of a third person, or an act of God, (2) any iosue or defense as to charitabic or govern = ental i= unity, and - (3) any isaue or defense based en any centute of linit.tions if suit is incti-tuted within three yasra frca the date on chien the clainent first inen, nr reaqoncbly cound have kncun, of bis bedi3y :njury, or property d,m.:o and the cau.w ths:cci, but in no event raore thcn tu. 92 ara af ter the dcto f the ~ nuc ear incidant. De caf ver of cay cuch incue or defense chall be effectiva regardlerc of whether such it.9ue or d. ience c.ay othervice be dacced jurisdictional or relating to an 21c-cent in the cauce of acticn.

2. The vcivera set forth in par agraph 1. cbove do not apply to (c) Tiodilf injury cr property danare vhich ir. intentienally nuotoined by the c3sirant er vhich resul u; f ro a a nuclear ir.cidcat intenticnally r.nd vrong-fully caused by the clair.a.n:;

(b) rodily injucy ca;.t.ir0J by ony cl:! rent who ic n.:>1' yed st tha site of cad in conn 2ctir:.i uith the activity v1 u a :he c::.:raortiacry nucle.2r cccurrenco tskea plac: il benefit: ti.crcier c:c cic.'.or pcyc.: 12 or rer.uircd to be pro ~ vided under nay worktmn'4 ca.spenantion or occupad o0 3) di smsa.1a>; (ac.nRMuedo..)

Valver of Defences Endorsement - continued (Page 2) (c) Any claim for punitive or exemplary damages, provided, with respect to any clai= for wrongful death under any St.n2 law which provides for dcmages only punitive in nature, this exclusion does not apply to the extent that the clainantlhas sustained actual da=acco, mecsured by the pecuniary in-juries result'ing f rom such death but not to exceed the maximum cmount other-vise recoverabic under such law. 3 The waivers set forth in paragraph 1. above shall be ef fective with respect to bodily injury or pro.crty dc.tage to which the policy cpplies under its tcres other than this endo rscment. Such waivers shc11 not apply to, or prejudice the procccution or defense of l any claim or portion of c1cim which is not within the protection af forded under (1) The provisions of the policy applicable to the fincncial protection required of the named insured, (2) The agreement of indennification between the named insured and the Ato.aic En.:r,y Cer tis -lon made pursuant to section 170 of th2 A t c a '.c Energy Act of 195'4, os cmended, and (3) The limit of linbility provisions of sub0cction 170 e, of the Atamic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. Such' waivers shall not preclude a defense b: sed upca the f ailure of the cleimant to take reasonabic steps to nitigete dcaages. 4 Subject to all of the li..itations sts:cd in this endorse cat and in the !.tc:.:ic Encrcy Act of 1954, as amended, the v.,1ver: set L~ct th in parc;raph 1. abos e shall bc 1udicia'.ly enforeccbic in recardance with their tenis a tainat any insured in. n action to recover da occo recause of hodily injury or property drn: Ec to which th. rolic; ap,.lics a: prc:.f cf financici protecticn, 5. As used hercin: " Ext e c. ordinary nuclear ecc'ircrace" mer.ns an event which the Atcmic Energy Crr., iccion has des.ctnined t o ue an ext rc.c roinary n scicar occurrence as defined in the Atenic Energy Act of 1954, as emended. (Continued. .)

k'aive r o f De fen se s Endorsement - continued (Pige 3)

5. (continued)

" Financial protection" and " nuclear incident" have the meanings given thera in the /.tomic Energy Act of 195L6, as amended. " Claimant" rneans the person or orF: ant:ntion actually sustaining the bodily injury or property damaste and also includes his assiances, legal representa-tives ind other persons or organiza-tions entitled te brin,t an action for damsecs on accour.t of such injury or damage. Effective Date of To forrn a part this Endonement Jul,v 1, 14715 of PoHcy No. _FZ 75 Issued to Sacreecnto Municipal Utility District Date of Issue _ July 16, 19714 For the Subscribin.e Comrentes MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIADILITY UNDERWRITERS Ily b En lcrsement No. Countri=igneil 1:y _ Auruccaro RstrasextAnys NE-33 1/1/69

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS INDUSTRY CREDIT Rl. TING PLAN PREMIUM ENDOPSENENT It is agreed that Condition 1 of the policy is replaced by the following: CONDITION 1. PREMIUM (1) Definitions: With reference to the premium for this policy: " advance premium", for any calendar year, is the estimated standard premium for that calendar year; " standard premium", for any calendar year, is the pecaiun, for that calendar year computed in accordance with the conpanies' rules, rates, rating ptsns (other than the Industry Credit Rating Plan), premiums and rainimum premiums cpplicabic to this insurance; " reserve premium" means that portion of the standard premium paid to the companies and specifically allocated under the Industry Credit Ratir.g Plan for incurred losses. The amount of the " reserve premium" for this policy for cny calendar year during which this policy is in force is the amount des-ignated as such in the 3tandard Premium Endorsement for that calendar year; " industry reserve premium", for any cclendar arear, is the sem of the reserve premiums for that calendar year for all Nuclear Energy Liability Policies issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association and Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Under-writers and subject to the Industry Credit Rating Plan; " policy refund ratio", for any calendar year, is the racio of the insured's reserve prentum for that calendar year to the industry reserve premium for that calend..r year; " incurred losses" nsans the sum of: (1) all losses and expenses paid by Nuc1 car Energy Liab-ility Insurance Association.tnd Mutual Atenic Energy Liability Underwriters, and (2) all reserves for unpaid losses and Zxperses as cati.nacad by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association and Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters

Page 2 INDUSTRY CREDIT RATING PL.G PREMIDI ENDOR5D ENT (Cont.) because of obligations assu ed and the expenses incurred in connection with such oblig tiens by ne bers of Nuclecr Energy Liability Insuran:e Ass:ciation and Mu:ual Atemic Energy Liability Unfervriters under all Nuclear Energy Liability Policies issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Associa-tion and Mutual A:ctic Energy Liability Underwriters and subject to the Industry Credit Rating Plan; " reserve fer refunds", at the end of any calendar year, is the amount by which (1) the sum of all industry reserve premiums for the period fr:: January 1, 1957 :hrcugh the end of such calendar year ex:aeds (2) the total for the sc e peri:d of (a) all incurred' 1:sses, valued as rf the nex: follesting July 1, and (b) all reserve premium refunds under :he industry Credit Rating Plan by ne:bers of Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Ass::in: en and Mu:ual Acc=ic Energy Liability Underuriters; " industry reserve premium refund", for any calendar year, is determined by cultiplying the reserve for refunds at the end of the ninth calendar chareaf:er by :he ra:io of the industry reserve premium for the talendar year for which the pre :ur refund is being determined :o the sum of scch ascune nad the total industry reserve. premiums for the nex: nine calendar years thereafter, provided that the industry reterva premium refund for any calendar year shall ir no event be greater than the industry reserve prc=ium for such :alendar year. (2) Psy=:nt o'! Advan:c and Standard Premiuns, Ine nared insured shall pay tha ::=p:nies the adrance prc=ium staccd in the decicrations, for the peried frc :he effective da:e cf this policy throu;h Dacember 31 follouinc. Thereafter, at the beginning of asch :alendar year while :his policy is in force, the ntmed insured shall pay the'advan:n prc=1un for such year to the cc panics. Ihe advcn:c preclut fer each calendar ye:r sh:11 be sta:ed in the Adycnce Premium Endorsement :or such calendar year issued to ha named insured as soon as practicalbe prior to or after the beginning of such year. Assoonaspracticab[eaftereachDecember31andafterthe termination of this policy, the standard premium fer the preceding calendar year shall be finally decernine: and stated in the Standard Prectu: Endorcencnc f:r that calendar year. If the standard prenzun so datermined cxeccis the advance pretitt previously paia for such calendar year, the nrced insured shall pay the encess to the conpanies; if Icss, tha c: panics : hall return to the named insured the excess portion p0:d by such intured. NE-17

e Page'3 INDU3IRY CREDII RATING PLAN PREMIUM ENDOR5EMEN! (Cont.) The na=ed insurad shall maintain records of the information necessary for premiu: computation and shall send copies of such re:ords to the companies as directed, at the end of each calendar year, at the end of the policy period and at such other ti=es during the policy period as the cc=panies may direct. (3) Use of Reserve Pre id=s. All reserve prc=iums paid or payable for this peli:y =sy be uses by the members of Muccal Ate =1c Energy Lichility Underwriters to discharge their oblipations with respect to in:urred icsses enecher Auch losses are in-curred under this policy or under any other policy issued by Nuclear Enstgy Liabill:y Insurance Association or Macual Ato ic Energ-y Liability Underuriters. (4) Reserva Premium Rerunds. A portion of the reserve prenic: for this pclicy for ene rirst calendar year ci any group of ten consetutive c.tendar years shall be rctu:neble to the named insured p:oelded there is a reserve for rerunds as the cr.d of the cen:h calencar year. (5) Cc=putati:n of Reserve Pec=iu= Refunds. The reserv'e premiu refund due the na=ed insured tor any talender year sat 11 be decercined by multiplying cny industry reserve premiu refund for such calendar year by the policy rerund ratio for such calendar yect, the reserre premium rerund for any calen.iar year shall be finally determined as seen as practicable after July 1 of the tenth calendar year thereafter. (6) Final Premiu... The tinal premium for this policy shall be the sum or standard pre =2uns f o: cach calendar year, or portion thereof, during rhl:n this policy remaina in t:rce iese the su= of all refunds of raserve premiums due the ac=ed insured under the pro.icions :i chis Condition 1. 9 \\

e Page 4 e INDUSTRY CREDIT P[4TIIG PLAN PREMIUN C: DORSEMENT (Cont. ) (7) Reserve Prc:aitm us. fund Ar,rcer.cnt. "Cach mcaber of Mutual Atcr.aic Encrgy Liobil'..:y Und erwriters cui> scribing this policy for any calendar yet.r, e pertica thereof, therchy agreen for itself, severally civi net jointly, and in the respect.tve proportion cet its Ifabil!:y assumed under this polic for that calendar year, to rett.ra to the n.s :.ed insurcJ that portion of any reserve pre.iur.' refund dar: the named insured fer that calendar year, deterc in:d in accordance with the provisions of this Ccadition 1. ErTe d e Dr.te of To fona a part Jul __l, 1974-- of Pc'i:e No. MF-75 / this E.ide.senunt Sacramento Municipal Utility District .asu:ed to Date of Isn:c .._ July 16, 197h For the Sat.scriling Coinranics MUTUAL ATOMIC FNERGY LIAI:ILl'IT UNDi'RWalTI:.'S 11y_.. La'orria nt No..___1. -- Coun:c.<i.:ncJ by __ _ _.. At:n::stu o P.tratssw rAr..y e., d' 11': - 1 7

NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIALILITY UNDERWRITERS ~ A:COATCRY ENMP.Sm2:? liUCLE.Ut E'!E?.GY LIA3ILITI FOLICY (FACILIT! FC M) It is agreed that: I. Tne first sentence of the definition of nuclear facility is amended to read: " nuclear facility" neans "the facility" as defined in any 1:uclear Energy Liability Policy (Facility Fom) issued by Mutual Atcr.ic Energy Liacility '~ derwriters or by tluclear Energy Liability Insurance Associati.n; n II. Be definitien of "indmnified nuclear facility" is replaced by the follo "indmnified nuclear f acility" neans (1) "the facility" as defined in any Nuclear Energy Liability Fo'. icy (Facility Fem) issued by "utual Atenic Energy Liability Underwriters or by !!uclear Energy Liability Insurance Associatien, or (2) any other nuclear facility, if financial protection is required pursuant to the Atenic Energy Act of inh, or any law amendatory thereof, with respect to any activities or cpcrations conducted thereat; III. ' Condition h is replaced by the following: LIltITATIC:i OF LIABILITY: CT:Ci CCCUE:CT, Any occurrence or series of ecc.r-rences resulting in bcdily injury er property dana;c arising cut of the rcdte-active, toxic, explosive cr other hazardous propcrties of (a) nuclear natcrial discharged or dispersed fron +he facility over a pcried of days, ucc%s, nonthe or lcncer and also arising cut of such prepart!cc of other nuclear natorial so discharged or dispersed frca ene er r.ere other nuclear facilitics insured under any !;uclcar Energy Liebility Fol-icy (Facility Forn) issued by };utual Atenic Energy Liability Unrimtritere, or (b) sourec naterial, special nuclear natcrial, spent fuel or waste in the course of transportation for which insurance is afforded under this policy and also arisin:; out of such prcpertics of other sourec natorial, sp2cial nuclear natcrial, spr.nt fuel or waste in the course of transportaticn for which is afforded under cro or nore other Nuclear Encr;y Li ility h Policies (Facility Form) issued by Mutual Atenic Ericrcy Liability Undcrurit::s, shall be decc.ed to ho a cucaon occurrence resulting in bcdily injury or crcper.y danage cruced by the nuclear e.:cre,i hasard.

2-e a rc::pect. to such bolily injurf.:nd preperty deni.u:e (1) s.hc total a;;;;rc;; ate 12.5111:y of :.*. c r:trbc es o f ::.::ua'. Ate:.8.c En.rr.y,f.Lebil'.ty tlndcr: ritora under all 1:i'c'tcar Ene?".y f.!ab ; 11 ty P91 te le- (r.:eil.ity rot a),lacli. din ; c':is policy, a;91 ten'ile te such occurrence., hall *:e the surt of the lunits of liability to all r.,uch

.;uch policy be tn ; as dnternined by Cendi-policic::, th.: l i:. i : of li. '*ility of cac51 tion 3 thercof, but in no event shall such total aggre;ato liability of such ::cn5ces execed $13,~09,000; (2) the total li.ibility of tha cucganica mdir this policy chail not e::ceed th. t proportf en of the total g; Liability of the :ncabers of Muti:ni Atetic Enar;y T.iability Dulcr:rriters, as st:ted in clouac (1) above, t 'tich (a) the licit of lithility of this policy, ac detcr.:ined by Co:diti.:n 3, bears to (b) the.mnt of the ti:aita of liability of ali cuch policies isseed by such ::c=bern, the o' liability of each such pol?cy bein; as da:cr.nined by 3 thereof.

ie.provisiena of t':is coad'. tion chall not cperate to incraceo the 1!..:it of the c r>r.panie s ' liability under this policy. Ihc second paragraph cf Ccaditica 12 "Other Insurcnce" is c-c.nded to read: 2 "If the insured has c: hor vclid colic.ctible insurcace. (other then such cencurrcn insurcnce er sn; ::'. tar ruelcar caer;y 1*w*....'..". '.........'....e ' - " e ' '. v, '*~.".'.'.~.~.~..'.e~_..~.~~ t.n : ...,.:.e "n..,'i.. _.m y


. :.._.,m...<,< .3* u any perun er orst.:f::::f en) ap.liedle to icss or c;: pense c:tered by this .0 01.! cv ti. ) inzur.=::e ciferded *y :* policy sh-11 b2 encass .a insursne: cvcr such cthar insuren 2; prc. ida d, t.-ith rc :p act to cny ~,.c.< -'. %.. s..c. c. -. t c ~, c.'..........'

  • n e s~. ~........i.c..~..'"...~%..-

_.. ~. ' ' '.., ", such fu:ui.n.c as is c.if o rr.'o f be this.7:liev.,for bedily in;8 u rv. to an cn-pe ee c: t.a c _, asu re., t., s t n ; :u t o:. cn,. :n e.n ecurse or nts

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o NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Amendment of Iransportation Coverage (Indemnified Nuclear Facility) It is agreed that the definition of " insured shipment" in Insuring Agreement III is amended to read: " insured shipment" means a chipment of source material, special nuclear material, r pent fuel or waste, herein called " material," (1) to the f acility fron any locat. ion except an f ndemnified nuclear facility, but only if the transportation of the material is not by predetemination to be interrupted by removal of the material from a transporting conveyance for any purpose other than the continuction of its transportation, or (2) from the facility to any other location, but only until the material is removed from a ter.nsporting conveyance for any purpore other than the continuation of its transportation. Effective Da:.: of To form a part this Endorseaant Jtily 1, 1471' of Policy No. W5 Sacracento Municipal Utility District July M 1% Date of Isse-For the Subscribin;: Cornpanies MUTUAL ATCMIC ENERGY 1.IABILITY UNDERWRITERS By_ 1 Endoriernent No. Countersi.ned by t Avnicaszto RhratsswTmvu ?*

MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 919 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago II. !!!inois s is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Declarations Endorsements Numbered 1 through 72 and being made a part of the Icar Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form) as Nuclear Energv Liability Policy L. Mr 75 ignated hereon. No Insurance s afforded hereunder. (Facility Form) DECLARATIONS k* L. Quattrocchi, Vice President-Liability Underwriting rican Nuclear Insurers Item 1. Named Insured Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Addres, 6201 "S" Street Box 15830 Sacramento, California 3581]_

(No. Street Town or City state) lat Julv 74 Item 2. Policy Period: Beginning at 12:01 A..\\I. on the day of , 19 and sontinuia through the eficctive date of the cancelation or termination of this policy, standard time at the uddre35 of the camed insured as stated herein. Item 3. Description of the Facility: Location __All of the premises including the land and all buildingt: and structtrec known_as the Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station. The Rancho See:o Nucl_ror Generating Station is located in Sacramento Ccunty, Californie. eperoxittately tventy-five (25) miles southeasterly of the City of Secrcr. ente. C=.liforetiA, and auproxic:ately twenty-six (26) ciiles northeasterly of Stockten.cJ ifornis. jype_ Fewer Reactor The Operator of the facility ;, Sacrc= ento Municipal Utility Di::trict item 4. The limit of the companies' liability is $ 24.750.000 subject to all the terms of this pol!ey huin; re:erer.ce thereto. 5, .O Item 5. Advance Ptemium $ ltem 6. These declarations and the schedules forming a part hereof give a comp!ere d:scription of the facility, insu.'. r as it n exceptions relates r > the nuclear energy hazard, except as r.cte<1 July 16, 1971 Date et Ism Countersigned by Authorizcd Ke; cementanu Nuclear Encr;;y I.iability Pc,licy ( Fenn) 0/1/U (Seco:2d Revision)

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