ML19317G957 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Rancho Seco |
Issue date: | 08/21/1970 |
To: | |
References | |
PR-700821, NUDOCS 8004020616 | |
Download: ML19317G957 (12) | |
% Quesdon Safety L i SNUD Nuclear Plant
.a w nu br.
.. C!ancy a phy>a.s;8y as L:me goes on they wi.!
' clan. and Gu Gert.nJ. a farm ask for mcre and it wd1 rot 6I er, tocay questior.ej ine safety be avadable for any other use."
'of the proooscd Sacramento Mu.Gerling declared.
'nicipal Util:ty Distnct's Ranchot The licensing board consists I
ISeco nuc. ear power p; ant.
- of J. D. Bond. a hearing exam-l They appeared at a heanng'mer for the ACC, as chairman;'
by the Atom:c Er.ergy Commis-:Dr. Hugh Paxton physicist at g.sion on the district's applica :the Los Alcmos, New Mexico, 5ctent;fic Laboratory, and Dr.
!tton to build tue electric gen., Charles E. Wmters, Union Car
- lerating station.
I Dr. C!ancy, of Sacramento.; bide Corp.'s Parma Research
!former medical unactor at the Center, Cleveland.
j Aerotet-General Corp.'s Sacra-ments plant and row practicirg
'occupat: anal medicine, warned lit would be ** dangerous to con-l sider the weather as an a!!y
!.n hazard calculstions at the
' plant. He said the weather i
should b3 couated on as ang i" enemy' becsase of (t:e pca
'tential for h;gh air poCution." l j
Rural Site
! The plant is prosased f o r/
ccNn.ct.on at a site "5 mdes '
s ; Wt of Sacramento in an
- 7 used or.fy s a -
ud, howevc-3 a ro n serial so tox:c
,.t can't be hand:ed" and he is-
!not quesuomng that the project
- is "well eng
- neered."
3 Troy B. Cor.ner Jr., t r 1 a 1,
[ counsel for :he AEC, told thei
- three-member Atomic $ a ! e t y
- and Licensing Board conduct- the heanna that the AEC's:
- satery staff was " extremely con-l servauve in its analysis of' l safety plans at the plant andi
.cli?natological condiuons werel
,taken into conuderation. T h e'
!AEC's regulatory staff has con-l
- cluded the nuclear plant meets'
' safety requirements.
l Gertirg, a Galt Water Problem farmer and;
' secretary of the Galt Irngation!
- Distnet, told the board he tsi j" fearful of what may happen toi lthe underground water strata."l He said water used to coole jthe nuclear reactor wdl be held l, itn a 12ke at the power a' nt sitet
'and could c...a
.w Dr) Creek-'
{which passes close by Galt.
He amo said that as a farmer he be;ieves water some day will' be more valuab;e than e;ec-.
3 "The plan for the nuc. ear's i
'plaat cal:s for the uw of 75. 'e
,000 acre feet of water and oron-1 l
l 800.4020 6/s J
~ _.,,
,a w w e u- ~
N_...,. n.1 t
- e a
w,,v, u., s /v,
- m u L,.ca
%, A.
L% e-d..,C! I L..,.J.,.s/
- I ec z.:u /
e The 5.'r r e,:e
'h.m:i:.! estma R mar vi t enter in Ltt'y Imtra,,q.ois n
. C;u d a sd J. D. D.mJ..i bm J a ra d..r ;u.u ni. cwr :rr tw ite ALC.
.0a.hva irrn Sau.u.NJ Cw d U.ed v.ed tv vi th e, ty w:ll ta czercit ;l r h ard.
Anoma Enca py (ow ni.,:.1 pe puig j Y.UD Anh e
pu' nc hearm; at !.) 4 m. T ut.
ewrpt simt s.ui te bidt on a.
u d4
- 2. M x.- me r,I t. q p,, '.
A !!. tee remrmr Ann c 0: *. -
+JL "3'.
.s ty ard L.cenen; L:vard udt tein u;;i 1re adi be L *' ' n ; 4 '. R"c'.JSco M.
dLct Ibc pu%c tear,s.:.
sa will be te:d in roas.: 21M.a F r (1 ur Gen mt.r; 51 inca Lna Ccpnol and will ta cgen :o ::.e M.1.
Ecu.nment fur t'.e pi nt al !
t Memt0rs of t!.e turd are Dr. 'em is on order er.d SMCD, Wu to sort co'Nraction on:
Huft Pax:on. pay %cist at the Los Ahmos, N.M.,
Sc;cnni.c W plant null rest year.
i Laboratory: Dr. Char:es E. '
AEC O'<ay
' Winters, Union Carbide Corp.'s An AEC re;:utatory s:aff al f jready has conWde:! the p:W ro5e3 f'uc'e.:r facity :r**'s :he!
l con'mm.on s sa'e:y reg :re.'
ments ar.d bs recom.nended is-I'suance of the construction ;et-f mit.
An AEC spokesmu tid to
- person or.tgenc; has intervened; in the case to protest the coa-suuctmn Terrut appeat;cn g.;t.
some inscr. si Wen shown ts c edtvithali : no n av wie
{ mil commue %ettneWay if :
tJ LesIJy ut the hear:M % huh 3
I nor f ni*hed
The 1.ctnCn,: bo$rd wi.I can.
- sider the evtence presented C
- and tece a da. i ' cit s hich I
"?.onM t':eus thew s smme.E d..a C s
t Urj t'rus %
El.nt ;p,0 3 (.. '
en'Ahy '
st shoo!d not Le.' r., :
The pernut mc.uJes 4 f.nca; that AEC is satist;ed it has enough miormat.on to provide ms nde mwaue tht t h o d proposed facihty can be coc..
structcf oper.ated safe:y at the prc;med loca:.on.
" : Before the plant goe; into operat:en. S.'.;UD wil! submit to the AEC a sasety re:mrt wi'h
- Information ca pisns for opera.'
a tion, proceduies for hanJI!ng emer;;ency 5 tu3tions, details on'
" the fmal cesun os the reactor-T
, itself and handhng of tvaste.
i p
Resics is Dre g
The AEC poin:ed out reactors a are subjected to cetailed re-
.e view by techn csl experts te.
> for= cr.ns:ruction is pernutte.f.
e before operar.on terns and dur.
- i. ing the ent2re period of their j
- r. operaavi.
i "In the es ?nt..n ces!e con-diurst :s dacacied at:er ver -
a r.01 bat e.*
e r;rna een S
- t. a : on y to or! r t v Mc?w 3 ta s%r un t' e a cw r.a g i '
- vy %
,;r*v. M mc4 rt m i
'M GC 5
'!a P-c r@nt*&
"!t J
.a ' ta e"
i ed, cf bever, er<.
q sale.,
i;I 1:. rn o i te t
a egy
...M Lc.g g,I ' ast::.
- g C'n j' $
"s h3 Anh m.
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.e Page B3 TIIE SACRA?JENTO E5E ~ Sunday, January 25, 1963
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KEY 3IEN IN the Sacramerto 51unicipal Ut.!!:y D:striers rut!?ar power-development pregram chte:: the model of th3 sys:cm wh!'i v;:! un uraniart' fuel to turn Out 503A0 ki! watts of elec:rical er.ergy at the 310 m.!!!ca Rancho Seco p! ant. I.cft to right are 5:insen, Ecbert Ccnne:ly.
Jo:n ?.!at:!=2 ar.d. h !di.g a miniature fbur: of a man in scals wiQ the nuclear model, Dda.i Raa:ch. Bee Phro 9
8 se
1m\\, s
%u,i * )
.g:;.u w ml1 i w
w o s a s m
- a., sp; o.> +
lS O 3A@lNOt COnir0@TS By To'n Arden fyear for !s 3:4 Atteati a
Commnuon: o a Atomic Eter;yf2 e a ri n ; cp*'.3IW1 fn7 Gray, nuclear controls en;;neer; for Ketimso, steant p; ant engt,
tion, the ento Mame!ra!" "C"Ter snar informa mesmqcmM paar as a fEne Utdity Darnct is stry rnuch
- I "f*y, S
eware of Rs rea;onnbhes b m hun MN2s crave-f a nadcar c;ymmem
. Chas;, nac! car,,
the desi;s constr*cten aaJ " F tre estrict's Reeld C. Stmm, who has al c; era!;on of a nucteir puerJBy rW eed of ths } ear the
"'*U 2d ##C "'Mmaster's de;rce In nudear e N #'*"
gene-stm piart et is tub; 3r paws hm evnence t:tata; tp an e:Lc.ent smi ce;etem i'
seven years.;
3ve a sta:f of 18 cmpWs. p the cMm @d:rectly la Con seco ;:nt, M mdes 12cstaff for the time the Rucym "S'dCD hs de b
sy mM-en! ter'sttin; I
the C,ry cf Sacrar ern,0!s.t o' crus recru:ciq @and
! a Q r:4 SmWs staM mc w st!I; f'r ;r:n to a*see that t>y ar* permrtvent b chir;irwe; Jchn W. Do g
into prec!ccn in tr3.
htAJ aM cec Wy phf.a1 to b o t h er; neer.nte of ; tant h
This, in e'fec* is the r*e of SMUD omc!Es to a hten nee Sus sman;." ente tM R2Mho yhrs vf expenence u rnecham-whs his rn a n
raised bI t'a A EC' Shaa Safety and bcensm;S Iomfe, am cw@ d reports.. cal ensiteeMn;; Ronald L Rod-
grantm; the 4.smet a prmit to two nuctear staffs, the pro:ec;tjeeden: ittdMp M. aman p! ant Eosrd e
!Lon Rar:cho se:o ;! ant' start constructmg the SID mil Ees;seerleg stff and the IA e a d e m y at Annapots, and
.. aval John 1 Matrimee, assntant, peut g,, gsu, nuclear pgant in hce'rsir i
' the proyt, tSe board su;;or;ed the AECs staffh charp of an abeto chief ee;meer for SMUD she is analyst who received a master's ngdegree in riuc!est en a e tec ca!!
Wed Ms dern in c;W ng qualthed to deugs ard cengrac. and was employed by me Paneeg ntrac or W htCWW ictne Gas & Ee!ectrte Co. In!rMs date has teen v,,Our recruitment pro m
But a beard, tyh!ch hae conducted hetrir;s last Se;ttm t E'8MI S"#
ery succe:s-scrk for nme year"s "before 5?heve this o'nditte ber on the ccnstruct:en pr:mt I'
%q me SW Man as as.y, p Laad.
app;icati:,n n wi:1 con-the Lceme said it is *rante$ "D U W
EMer M de to SMUD ss?ely
- Ws W,23d Man and not the d
- strict's contrac,Proget. Mattimce tecame ma". added to th EE" **#C2" b
- ##I 'O M
S hiU D has contract 1 lI'" ' # # I CCf n
Bechtel Corp., s is servm. mem sm yms s*;II"C"*8 #0Edfi"'8#r e pro;ect en with and sufvr-design and ro*sm;!ceers for th Mm;er Named
,k, the plant 0;eratm; as consuSeg en i
- ctics of the plant, a*d '3aSc ck &.dem.j SMdd list t ree ted ut et S which is. crKate; much of the,of the p. ob:(-t N. Cocne;ly as man;ed ;an!raticn and udt R
meth ago nt e
jment, rnpors tJe forower prMuct;on OpartMaad sayser.or s t e a m p ant ex Q To 3.'.!UU to be issued to the a;;1icant!ceived his el"The Itcense for this facdi and v
. onne!!y re,s:ery soca for gradmg the plant solely, ard not to its cor. trac *ars ectrical engmee-irg' district is scheduled to awardte and in t i
- ~
whose obMgaSces ant repensq, degree at the Ur.sversity of Ne-lestmated 5M bihties are vada and has been wid SMUD,for construct; md!!cn contract an sub:ect to definit:on as rm;M te f%n:t in; such,since 1231.
. plant.
ng the n u ele a r the existin or potentia!catract timoe terms as ;evched by the paru,Ranths SeReportmg d: rect!y to M a tj is Dallas G. Raasch.terplams Shaad, and nothmg isEach ste ties,'* the bottd eoted.
co project ef lOn the SMUD stati smce;:neer. deft urdene to make sure the "That suc!i private crua 1931,'p?snt rdt te constructed with tual arrargements are not re.,reac-Raasc't has an c'; eqife ery safety mess tourJ $ u 3 g e s t : viewed by the sta:f (AEC) or,gt?.dute rm; de;ree sad tod pest rated 2nd a ure incorpc-y courses M nuc:rar t stTied staff ready mat further rys.cs, ity ds and wi3 require anntne msafety esaLJens of tMs facd contrais ayuems arde nicar "That's de 1
antiemes Alr*ady recrwei we wm it "edxtr: alt:mands it and that is the =F way the AEC, 1
surve!!!ance b
sion's he nu;y the commis for RwcTs staff are Jack D~;otLc:al cfLcists."
. said the SMUD FranMy, accord!n; to D1vid I
S. Kanian, s e c r e t a ry cf the
SMUD bosed ci directs, the,l district has not attachei "muchi s:gmf.cance" to t?e questtod rased by the board.
He pomtelout tha AEC's stafhl has ban e,mte imprerse1 wits' lte way in #ch SMUD has' Scwd at the of bm;l cre of the fm!
ciser: cts in the n era to boiktn %c power, sed cprste u itet: c cr;y; p'a rt
" Wee beca tc'J."
i him dtcLret "that Or tw.;h %ve pk*d up Tre Wwled? Qvtl thou sha bn* ta t ec7sifera '
b4 tk.M r.:OrWa
- u t. a.o f
rn r.t w va aci cted b.6 +:W ea; '
3 strcr:,,,,,. {
pw n in g: -
ia t c.x :.. -.
4 vi r? ks &:7 5
+1 n e tc.
P* 'r My t; Ce fc.. re W "
cs f a
, s
- p;**aa:
- a I
. -a w we e,,A pc
. '....,. 3 -
'w.wa>....,u s.; i;
.W:~/ ::....4
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. l e e r.
' s. o....
f.?. s:::a 7 s crP7 Yr. 3 '
.n :.;c
- .3 ::; - ; 2...
- M '4ai21 C&.4 t@ Ca'. sed Q" wated wa:2r fr:;m n a c i e a r ',
pour. p:in:x.-
9 Se
. r.i
.re 1 c:
p 4
see R4scarces
.;r.. e..J w w.a ;; ; ;.;
' - r.
er; bc.'.;;a : 2
..., C. / Meucc.; C;....
a s..
l Tr.c bord :cCr.y cc:t:c:ed a
- vr.r:n; ia da 20 curces 34::d-: j
. it; w::3 a v.ew to t;iticataiy: i
- se:t::; ther=r.1 objecuves far '
.;some ccastal wa:ers.
i Usad is C:o;1:
p; ;
t! Wa:er is t. sed to ecc! ;awer',
3)!r..ts. Tha w::=
h.:a:ad it:.
'T f ca pr:cesa, a:J ::ns crea: ns 0:o c..:. s:rer.=s.4 is em;:.a e' ! -
- :::s i.r. css.I !s ccsr.,2d.
. "Tc.a t.;;2w picc.em Sover.
5..n; on de horzon is cuc' ear-
";;I a n t s," m.; ed Frisar ":t-t could become a rem p ab:em."
1 "I to:: eve 22: is cur ccacerc
. too." ad Xerry '.! n 111;;. n.
, ch::::.3 of Ct 4:ard.
Tr:r* add:d t2.1; te ; c>
'dem a;rs:.c;y has rached se-:c, s. 3
.s.;crt. css ca ih e Ca:c=b.a
. in ce Pacir.: Nor2wes:.
Sett That i lic Fr:sar ar. Ray 1:nhart, l
.a tic:c;:st in the Flu anc.
.: Game Department. as;:ed it.r
. more : ice ta which :o s::cy C-c.;05:e:n of hea:ad wate-befer!
tem; erat::re contrais ar2 set by,
- tch beari
- .Cyrcr. 3. Eclburt, c'tief neer cf the C o1o r a d a River.
3crrd of Cac'.forr.ia a;sa dad.
ide:ay in actics on senin; wa:erl
- te=;crature poi;cy nati more complete sr; dies are cad 2 j
- 3. W. ShacM!fard, ch.ef ci.t entneer for the P2:!f.c Gas 3:d-Z!e c t rf c Co urgs3 reta 2 a'op4cn and erdcrc m: I cf the!
- standards I.:21 "r2cegmze !ccal,
.:c3M.:.ans a n d discharge re-i i curaments which r.r2 consad :
. ered on a case-i>y-case basis. !.
s' He said his e o r.1 p a a y h:;d:
I 3 carned from ::s cf the!
g effcc:s of therraal power piants i en ce enviricment : hat "cach, i pi rt cr p r o p o a e d s:te ts!
1 v Shcckclford said PGE concurs l l'GE Cancurs C
it;;t the w:act cd-!
!;ec::ves lar ec:atr.1 w:: rs ree '
- 0 m i.t e c.<3 e d by de R2;; cnai
'.V.:ar Q.::.;hy Caa:ral 30.rds I NccWer:' r. 4 C:: r:d Ca..yr-~
1t D a O h a
a 3 to a ;crr1!
G! iM r i s.e
,'.s s. :) 0.I.
a.1 ;r m- '
JrJ E.'C f :1 cm :n:cr:cr.:rea.n tempera -
- . 05 C.::
, ".M 2 Ce ua
a :r3 <: a mc- :- l a ec;r.13 W..$
a.*3 E' cCJ.1
.J DC Tc= :
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.e l
1 s
~,q* ;s ~.. /,G.G i';
- 5/7/e"!?
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a n.z y s
d..v j s.. A. v4 6 v.W/
i 4
.,. s....
.w.w s
- e s r =.n
- a n:c;te:..2c.:rk:0J l0 i i ni C' ' -
- .;.;y Arkt direc
- crs ha'.0 S, 8 l'?CN
' a::morized.;n $11 pur.
'{ g gg;g.g
. c.use / "ye.Mwene** - l2e ;.Ja.r.n r.) acres JJ: cer.1 :G c
...r:ch.m c::a:e : hat wJi he pra,. 3.a,part at ; (:..t.3 :::::
i c:ssed :or 2e iecoid e,ae; ;c:.4 ;g.g;,.J ty'd !!. ;I* ret.
,of tr.e R;nd o Seso nJ. car; 7..e acres;e is neeccJ fer de' Pcwer Ph.nt coast.act;on cf a Q. acre reser-i
,j O.e 6tec:sts yes:." J:.y abavce wrach wi;l be used as :
. accor;;ed Oa et ~~) c;: cby c ohng sources for de
'J 2 Li.e.a, p n: :a s:.0 far rec 3.* *Gn.
pacres adsr.t
. Sec, s.:0,',3 m.Ms
- an.
%ss Necessary
. Sacr::re:R !a GJi ;n. De T3 e..;;ca cf :ne UA:
bosrd 2;rnd :s py r ca o :.;nsra.;:r sas :t e c e s s ;.t y.
- en K2.C; r.O.;d fcr sa:J. becausc O.J '
"on c!i:s r.:d;;:ran>mA '.. si becaacas!.n; si; '
8 C.e nuc! car gewer she
-::.n t'.
s st:en ec:Jd :".:erire.
J '
ne esttcc: %- tr.2 yedo t-m:-.;ments at tae pan:..
- ke 1:nn.un c.
s w.1 r! sh,... J !;ns w:.s nat re n;d
- ~~'
.a. cf S n.;.. ;ct;;:a! p; r.s tere made.
L'tah Canstruc:M'.
v 0 cheapest a;;ern;;iva is !3 7:anc.sco. Ia res;cnse ta c; h 1
,,ns frcm ica d m2.ucts. cs #.a:e ce :r:nssn:er to a 5:12
, t 3:;nt,;cnarsi mr:,,e ~
- r3c.; 3 =de. away, he sa.d.
- .m J. Nt.
s=d :. e w:r c:
l mr.:a!. 5 no pr: c;r.ea e.,.
n ;
,i 23 :-:ce c' rn-i --
.. ha Qa. ;s' No..:a aa.d;
!wn: nct respond to lar'-'.d t.J-*
ding far uramun ex!4e T.nd *
,they are ex:reme:7 lerdocs" 8 labout d.sc2s:n; C3n7 tact prices. *
!wea:o we hd :s a;ree prt cs.
J ba as cent; as pc= -
scie," he said.
i siJ the centract :n-s ch:aes esc 2M:13n '..: cts sucn as ws;5 tr i.ces ccr7dcd by : e
' Lc;srtmen: of Laucr ht C.::t -
"tha outsids 1;mit of :2'.e con-tract wi.l te 511:17n."
General M.:;;2r P a Shr.f said: "It's a goca cen:rsc:. 2as jwas the caly tender, the ordy;'
. company ma could get. that,
'wou;d pve us an abso.uta ced ;
'.ng cn escsM ica.
For m Tons Tc.e tearfs pur:hasa was fc.
'C J tens of graniam cxtdc. which af;er fa:1 process:ng wi!! te!
4 9
e F-l t
e A.
. i:2d f;0 T
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.hr.I C.2 '. O,i C a Can,.1 dda;.,., j; c. ; ytan.
'r:. w;;c ces cau, 5 a ;;;..
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4.3 alm k *.
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T a that 3137 c n!6C3 on*EI*
.1 1 ;*.*'t' Ca;'.iCa p c;;-? c r*'4c9.
A si "al'tasf 'T/.
S pull n;3Yl' V0 tOJ[4J'i
- To: c1:pi ea;;..r.u:.;. Jui/
'.nt 92%c and : i ahe:-
is kr.:c.! li ; cap'.e :na su 2.
500 :nJ.ian la Dropcny d'.-
- % < W&S I~'2;;r.. J :GS r'.;i.1
..c.t ta 5xd'.c:a C.: 5'r-
.,, 'd) A.4U.0 lab
- T.s" w.,..'...> c:.;;=W v:: m
',ix, W.'e 4 rcd $F.5. @
.3s t
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s..a t J ' t.wa:
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.y. c3: 0;3 thC a I
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i C.
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- a'.rM.y yC
a re+1s r"= s.
.u a Src.-4.O
- t.,.ui.;- cc.21 e ;;a 13 COOu;h 10 a..
- .cs c.ncat.
.id s;rss ytas bu!*,; e in ;he s
- cca.i arca over Qc centar;:s 1 the Naa M Matcr'.al irs:
s;;Mns. **'c.c 541 Jear.';in Va;'.2Y it. -
- n.
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);-h :y J TfN Y Nuclear. lant O
Editor of The Ece - Sir: A Ictter in (nis column has questicned whether nu-
- clear power plants, of which over 40 -
are under construction throughout the US, are a proper application of science.
' The author of this Ictter further questions l
.the financial, political and economic pro-priety of such plants.The SMUD nuc! car plant at Rancho Seco is mentioned.
Writing as cne who,1;ke the author of this Ictter, is concerned about the pos-sible misuse of scier:ce and technology particularly,in the ficids of armament and the capac:ty to make war, I wish to stitn;1y support its peaceful uses for the betterment of mankind and support spc-cifically its use in the production of elec e tric energy from the atora.
Rancho Seco nuclear plant is a large project. It has been made necessary by the growth of enngy uses in this area.
It was undertaMn only after extended studies specificauy as to its financial and to its economic feasibility. These studies show in fact that the Rancho Seco nuclear plant will assure a continued supply.f low-cost energy for this area that no other availabic, alternative supply can matc!).
Preparation of the Rancho Seco site 23 miles southeast of Sacramento has be-gun. By spring of 1970, substantial con-struction will be under way there. It will then be possible to watch progress of the work from an overlook cr vista point
. that will be prepared on the property.
. Your readers are encouraged to watch
, this progress. After Rancho Seco has ~
been completed and commissioned in
' 1973, it is planned that much of the large -
. site will be developed for public recrea
' tien. We hope that your readers will -
watch progress in this direction also, PAUL E. SHAAD, e
General Manager and Chief l
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N LTGnS?On D!CSIS Aj n ) A D S C S i O n e
D By Michael Green
. WASHINGTON - Sen. Alan the Soviet Union a reduction of Cranston, D-Calif., said Friday tenmons and a safe and secure afternoon he beheves "after 52 reduction of the dangers and days of an errorless adminis burdens of the arms race."
tation, on the 53rd day Presi-He told the President that dent Nixon commined his first "the o y e r w h c ! m i n g case major bhmder" - the decision n ;t a i ns t deployment is well i
to go uhcad with a revamped known to Inth of us. It has ADM plan.
convinced me that you would j
"Maybe history won't record be wbo to take this course it," Cranston sahl. "M a y b e (s u a p o n d deployment), and (
, there won't be any records Icft that I must bin the many to tell what mankind has fried senators of both parties who to do in :SX) years if we don't are prepared to vote against move to brin;t the arms race deployment."
under control now."
He said he would " light and In his statement. Cranston vote against s u p p 1 y i n g the took particular ist.uc with Nix-on,s assertion that the new President the funds to carry Sentinel plan was not "prt.
out his ill-advised and ill timed program."
alive" and therefore did not endanger the possibiUty of suc.
WifhheId SIatemonf ments with the Soviet Union.
Cranston's stawnt, his canstoa said the effect was first expressin;; 6;-out opposi-sN! to improve America's of.'
. tion to the deployment of any fenstvo capabihty by attempt-
~ kind of antiballistic missile sys-ing to preserve a - few addi.
tem, followed a private effort tional miss!!es from Soviet at-to persuade Nixon earlier this tack to be used in retaliation
': week.11e said he had not taken that might otherwise be lost.
- s public stand earlier because lie did express " relief" that "I wanted to avoid adding to Nixon agreed to move the ABM,
. the political pressures t h a t sites away from Les Angeles.
were already piling up on him San Francisco and other large
' while he was making his fate cities.
[fut decision."
f Cranston's previous silence "At least the people in those C'
,. on the issue save for a request cities will not be exposed to the
.:that ABM sites not be located added dangers that city-site depIoyment would have
.. near I.os A n g e I e s and San brought them," Cranston said.
. Francisco, had left many sup.
- porters of the liberal California N Urt Cilies
' Democrat puzzled.
- I.ast weekend, Cranston's of-Domestically, he said, the
- ~ fico i n d I c a t e d he was stdl effect of Nixon's go-ahead on studying the issue and was the site s ys te m
.walting for additional informa would be to " dash hopes" for
., tion, particularly for the re-additional n.oney for cities and sults of Nixon's own review to improve education and meet and that of an Independent task other pressing needs. He pre-
- force headed by former presi-dicted the tax surcharge would I dential science advisor Dr. Je-now have to effect yrome Weisner, summoned at indefinitely.
'7the request of Sen. Edward But the major blow, Cranston
. Kennedy, D-Mass.
said. was to the hopes for early In the private message to agreements to heighten the i Nixon. C r a n s t o n said, "I chances for peace.
i strongly urge you to suspend IIe predicted Nixon's "com-
~ consideration of any ABM de p r o mis e plan would satisfy
' ployment until you have made "neither the hawks not so.
every effort to negotiate with called doves."
. ca m R t
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5 moty, lttirch 16, !!cs Therma Po ution s Seen
- 5 Serious :u~ure T,reat ~o Nation By Glarlwin Hill 80 i m P r o v e !Wabihty M the incalculatte e It e e t s. Trout doubling about esery 13 years power indicate that thermal v ieIa te water quehty stmf-lu-fry oter tie n%t f%e eist officiats con: cad prmide
(*nrted States.
aside, the marmica of *sfer ftis represams, if coatmfs are po!!urion is cr.e of ite sna t ards. The Albany hearing was years uti te !! 3 tallbn, a11 the more remme for telt:g gg,_%
WfdlIINGTON -- At Ihe flot w a t e r Enhar;ed by often ecccura;es tLe growth of not instituted. se i m m e n s e serious long-range mater re-. directed at crystalbnng mch of te<s t%!m rWNn a Mar. Iypertautious atent acthities very momefit that Alonne T.n. p9: mis -- tiry me tul sire, in ferms raa;;rg from pme;* cine det ;e of hot watte s o u r c e management prt standards, with panicular re-Dat sm<wt is (eMautte to that nd;;Ft up=t the environ-nSJ grera furt to the hu;e saler - a qvn itaine ddfer-lems," the Federal Water Rew, spect ro thermaf pofki on.
cr.e 3eds ttp4a1 im ert' pant mert, as ret done la the t
ergy Commissioner James T. l'ons of g.!!ons of vuter daily scarred Lie plm:s (bt are of (te seme sert t!nt turs-sources Couned reperted last' g
Ittmey mas testifying in Wash. for cmbng - s mms a mild telveting late Frie.
lorm*1 smrg mMenty imm a year.
T h e r m a l pollution can be c' bst ene of the ren's Lnti Porbara cilleak.
"E dbte mdme into 1 by the use of c cl. IWF #
f I C"'"f*f8-
"S t a n d a r d s tha!I be set legten in faor of fetferal cen-polintant romaared with the h
trots on it;e hot watec emis. torrent of nmina sutetances Pbs
"" 'a "*l h NE("i"-
SlfC87 NOC50"5 gg g,,
,,,g,g, t
y, mcu a m ew % g m s'ons of puwer phnts, gower pnurtnt mte U.S. niersays.
tie disrupt'm cf fi<h and the The n a t i o a *s pn er x
industry repre<entatives were Irvfu<trialiets mmetimes seek
, g, B.:t t e mcs sip.ificart de se was,,7 atic life can granth cf at;re attrfreml/e a p! ants rio smet-arr$rrrk vidt
T Rarr+y erklarsed before the regularly encotmreted in indus cvsim ten!.cs around Be toterste" 5+creta'I of the la-t2stifying in the New Yo.k to minimire lhermal poflorien Stata Capitni m Aftnny th.,t as a compfaint by a small and far du rimpe: Alwaw W%n a me WI um Senate air and wasar pollution trni pilution control escus argent (Mt coects should te6or Sterart t W.all said comptemmtary state coolmh elicerhe gror:p of irrmt inher of the shr.le cycia of interie. of waftr. The reser plants now
, hat ary. siens, that the cost of control n'nt be losHrurM huwe "se last year in outhatng pdociptas ireald be "inreilistic" and men, he mn t imtrediare rf-tved riant freh-in<ect-animi! use abtrat 100 billion gallons a, industrial nnouty restrictive "
fott of w a1 e r temperat'ure hfe et an area, which In or.e day, ere quarter of the notat fatihty clerating fscilities wtadd be lno 6nate, don't ha'.e enoegh stiant$c for state water qushty stand-r a
The contradletion illustrttes changes ef only a few def.rees say or anotar includes man.
"mithdrarals" of water for all under federal parmit, mhich Fer4raf officfats p oIi e e I y Nde@ about the e#ms cf ard; to Swpt M IW.
Concern n'ot.t therrnal pollo P'W?
D' IS M"
n es ser plants, be re 'secff at this. The F e d e r a i IMunal Wkn." Dat aw "In t'is say, if new informs-e rmt only the contentious as arlinwever, responsible scien-tien steers la<s from current p6p' ty b year M Water TolluHon Control Adm:n, luly in regard to a!! gottetenmt aN Ms ("Trad OW M eM WW M&
pects of thermal polhrtion, but lstratet has estimated that it.e is ca the Mde nf protection, also philosorhical clesva:Ts tists attert that attering the conditions the f-oni the fact "The projected increa e in fication from the state authort-' cost cf needed thermal pp!!a cesrok rather thm destructJcn," he enmpficating far fPmg efforts temperature of waterways has U.S. electric pwr m*ds are us!*r u<e for stem etactric ties that its actMiles sould nat tien tontrol facilities for yll f?e gaps in know!co;a. fe$. said.
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R. N. Connelly is Appointed To SMUD Post Robert N. Connelly, man-ager of the -powcr produc-tion department of the Sac-ramento alunicipal Utility i
District, has been appointed manager of' S3 IUD's en:;i-neering department elfcc-i tive Jan. 26.
In making the announce -
e ment, Paul E. Shaad, general i
manager and chief engineer for the district, said Ccnnel-ly's duties will include su-pervisien of engineering and l
construction activities for both the hydroclectric and nuclear generating plants.
For the past.several years, Shand said, Connelly has been a member of the nu-6 clear licensing team for S11UD and the gen ral man-ager. praised him as "a very '
able administrator whose ex-perienco and talents will be
d' ected to a new and more difficult assignment."
f Connelly is a ' native of California and a graduate of d.
the University of Nevada, IIe joined S3 IUD in 1951 and i
has served as an estimator,
. plant accour. tant, engineer s'
and assistant manager of the,
operating department.
IIe succeeds Charles R.
Day, former head of the engi-neering department, who re-tired last October.
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6 SML) Okays S2.25 Million Outiay For Oaerations Yarc!/T&- s6.NEudeariPla I
The Board of Directors of continue as S31UD's audi concentration measurement the Sacramento 31unicipal tors.
system equipment; Graybar Utility D i s t ri e t has ap-The major equipment con Electrical Co., $14,125.15, for proved the expenditure of tracts for Rancho Seco are:
Albs communication cables; Gen-m o r e t ha n $1 m il1i o n $488,854.25 to for equipmont and Chalmers of San Francisco, cral Electrfc Co., San Fran-
$250,000 in construction con
- for butterfly valves;- $321,. cisco, $7,282.77, for lighting 1-tracts for the Rancho Seco 434 to Conax Corp. of Buf. distribution panel boards.
nuclear generating plant, falo, NY, for electrical pene.
Other contracts went to and nearly $1 nullion in con-trations;
$124,825.06 to Maydwell & Ilart:clI, -Inc.,
struction contracts for im-Fisher Governor Co. of Cora. San Francisco, $4,725, for provements at SMUD's oper opolis, Pa.; for butterfly load break sectionalizing Division of the Um,on Metal switch; Pacific Uni ations yard.
. valves; $108,677.40 to Dyron
on Metal The board yesterday also Jackson Pump Division of approved the employment of Borg Warner, Los Angeles, Manufacturing Co., San Ra-the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & for vertical coolin;; water fael, and to Ceneral Electric Co. of New York as S31UD's pumps; $51,567 to Anaconda. Supply Co., $8,443, for street new financing consultants Wire & Cable Co.,New York, lightmg pole parts.
and authortred the firm of for cables.
Arthur Andersen & Co. to The Raticho Seco construc-tion contracts were for a warehouse, $120,700, and switchyard,
$164,117, both to John F.I Otto, Inc.
e-The operations yard con-i struction contracts went to Granite Consfruction Co.,
$238,772.12, for structurcs and site improvements, and to Charles F. Unger, $630,-
G00, for shop buildings,, op-erations and maintenance headquarters.
C;her Ranch Seco con.
tracts went-to Unistrut Ncrthern California, San
- Leandro,
$20,923.47, for electrical supports and fit-tings; Westinghouse Electric Corp., $20,830, for boron l
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