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Summarizes Termination of Licensee Final Rept on Decommissioning,As follow-up to Recipient 840202 Memo. Requests That Survey of Univ Landfill Be Conducted at Earliest Convenience in Order to Proceed W/Termination
Person / Time
Site: 05000124
Issue date: 02/24/1988
From: Michaels T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Dan Collins
Shared Package
ML20196E759 List:
NUDOCS 8803010280
Download: ML20196E754 (3)



February 24, 1988

!!EMORANDUM FOR: Douglas H. Collins, Chief Emergency Preparedness and Radiological Protection Branch Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards, RII FROM: Theodore S. Michaels, Project Manager Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, Y and Special Projects, NRR



, As a follow-up to your memorandum of February 2, 1984, same subject as above, l the following actions have occurred.

Virginia Tech has been given authority to use the reactor building in an unrestricted mode (see letter of February 17, 1988, T. Michaels to A. K. Furr).

Ytrginia Tech separated certain concrete blocks in the university I landfill, and made radiation measurements which show that the release criteria are not exceeded (see letter of February 5, 1988 D. Smiley to T. Michaels). The Radiation Protection Branch (PRPB) of NRR has reviewed this letter and, subject to confirmation of the readings indicated, would agree that these data would be acceptable for release of the university landfill in this '.

decomissioning action. 1 Therefo n , please schedule a survey of the Virginia Tech university landfill at your earliest convenience in order that we may proceed with the termination i l

of this license. If you have any questions please call me at 492-1102.

Driginal Signed By:

i Theodore S. Micheals, Project Manager l l Ogf0kO$c $80224% Q4 Standardization and Non-Power i l Reactor Project Directorate I Division of Reactor Projects - III IV, Y and Special Projects, NRR


Letter 2/17/88, T. Michaels to A. K. Furr DISTRIBUTION: l l

Letter 2/S/88, D. Sniley to T. Michaels Icentral m e T't NRC PDR~  !

CONTACT: PDSNP Rdg T. Michaels, NRR/PDSNP THichaels Ext. 21102 LRubenstein y LJCunningham  !


l PDSNPk trdR l

TMichaels:cw LJCun inoham L benstein 0243/88 02 88~ 028p/88 l

l u >

February 24, 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Douglas M. Collins, Chief Emergency Preparedness and Radiological Protection Branch Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards, RII FROM: Theodore S. Michaels, Project Manager Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, Y and Special Projects, NRR


TERMINATION SURVEY OF THE VIRGINIA POLYTECH INSTITUTE FINAL REPORT ON DECOP9tISSIONING, LICENSE NO. R-62 DOCKET NO. 50-124 As a follow-up to your memorandum of February 2, 1984, same subject as above, the following actions have occurred.

Virginia Tech has been given authority to use the reactor building in an unrestricted mode (see letter of February 17, 1988, T. Michaelt to A. K. Furr).

Virginia Tech separated certain concrete blocks in the university landfill, and made radiation measurements which show that the release criteria are not exceeded (see letter of February 5, 1988 D. Smiley to T. Michaels). The Radiation Protection Branch (PRPB) of NRR has reviewed this letter and, subject to confirmation of the readings indicated, would agree that these data would be acceptable for release of the university landfill in this decomissioning action.

Therefore, please schedule a survey of the Virginia Tech university landfill at your earliest convenience in order that we may proceed with the termination of this license. If you have any questions please call me at 492-1102.

Theodore S. Micheals, Project Manager Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects - III !Y, Y and Special Projects NRR



Letter 2/17/88, T. Michaels to A. K. Furr DISTRIBUTION:

Letter 2/5/38, D. Smiley to T. Michaels lentral File NRC PDR CONTACT: PDSNP Rdg T. Michaels, NRR/PDSNP TMichaels Ext. 21102 LRubenstein


i)/ ,LJCunningham PDSNPh MR' .

PDh TMichaels:cw LJCun ingham LRubenstein 02/23/88 02 88 02/ /88



WASHINGTON, D. C 20665 k...../ February 24, 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Douglas H. Collins, Chief Emergency Preparedness and e Radiological Protection Branch Division of Radiation Safety end Safeguards, RII Fr0M: '

Theodore S. Michaels. Project Manager Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, Y and Special Projects, NRR


TERMINATION SURVEY OF THE VIRGINIA POLYTECH INSTITUTE FINAL REPORT ON DECOMISSIONING, LICENSE NO. R-62, DOCKET NO. 50-124 As a follow-up to your memorandum of February 2, 1984, same subject as above, the following actions have occurred.

  • Virginia Tech has been given authority to use the reactor building in an unrestricted nude (see letter of February 17, 1988, T. Michaels to A. X. Furr).
  • Virginia Tech separated certain concrete blocks in the university landfill, and male radiation measurements which show that the release criteria are not exceeded (see letter of February 5, 1988 D. Smilev to T. Michaels). The Radiation Protection Branch (PRPB) of NR!. i.cs reviewed this letter and, subject to confirmation of the readings indicated, would agree that these data would be acceptable for release of the university landfill in this decommissioning action.

Therefore, please schedule a survey of the Virginia Tech university landfill at your earliest ernvenience in order that we may proceed with the termination -

of this license. If you have any questions please call me at 492-1102.

mn b eodore S. Micheals, Project Manager Standatdization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Divisio1 of Reactor Projects - III, !Y, Y and Special Projects, NRR Enc 1csures:

Letter 2/17/88, T. Michaels to A. X. Furr Letter 2/5/88, D. Smiley to T. Michaels  :


T. Michaels, NRR/PDSNP Ext. 21102 ,




%e,,,,/ February 17,1928 Docket No. 50-124 i

Dr. Keith Furr, Director Nuclear Laboratory Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Room 108 Robesen Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Dear Dr. Fury:



RELEASE 0F REAC10R BUILDING FOR UNRESTRICTED USE - VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITIITE REACTOR FACILITY The NRC staff has reviewed the dismantling of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute Reactor Facility in accordance with your request of Jul 17, 1986 for a termination of the Ifeense facility. The staff has found t at the i reactor building can be released for unrestricted use since the residual  !

I contamination levels for the reactor building comply with Table 1. Regulatory )

Guide 1.86 and an exposure limit of 5 micro R/hr, above background at one '


The Confirmatory Radiological Survey report 3 resented to the staff, however, indicates that the buH al of waste material saving radioactive contamination below established unrestricted release limits from the reactor faellity sppears to have resulted in elevated radionuclide concentra^1ons in soil and in elevated exposure levels at the university landfill. We understand from a i

letter dated February 5, 1988 (D. Smile.y to T. Michaels) that you have  !

rearranged the landfill to bring the radionuclide concentrations in the soil to within acceptable limits. However, before we can release the total facility for unrestricted use, another radiological survey will have to be i taken by the staff to confirm your results.

In the interia, you can use the reactor building in an unrestricted mode but you are still subject to your reacter license until such time as the landfill can be released with a consequent ceder which would terminate your license.

Sincerely,  !


  • Theodore S. Michaels Project Manager ,

Standardization and Non-Power l Reactor Project Directorate '

Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, Y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l

cc: See next page i

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