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Forwards Rev 2 to Sentinel 5S Radiation,Structural & Thermal Evaluation Dtd May 1986.Rev Prepared Per Reg Guide 7.9,in Response to 840430 Questions
Person / Time
Site: 07109205
Issue date: 05/07/1986
From: Roger Hannah
To: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20155K363 List:
RTR-REGGD-07.009, RTR-REGGD-7.009 26941, SEN-JFV-537, NUDOCS 8605280106
Download: ML20155K360 (7)


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TIMONIUM, MD. 21093 1

PHONE: 30, 2524220 TELEX: 8 7780 (TDYENER TIMO)

' 7 May 1986 8g CA8LEdEUSES g

Refer to: SEN-JFV-537 gg kq MNM S2002.6



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g,g#.Nsd Mr. Charles E. MacDonald Chief, Transportation Certification Branch

,W Nuclear Regulatory Comission t#S Mail Stop 3%-SS 9

  1. **,[

5 Washington, D.C. 20555


Revision 2 (April 1986) of Application for Certificate of compliance, Sentinel SS RIG Package; Docket No. 71-9205


Letter FCIC: RHO 71-9205 2 rom Charles E. MacDonald to John F.


Vogt, dated April.30,.1986.-

Dear Mr. MacDonald:



a Enclosed are ten copies of The pages changed for Revision No. 2 to TES-3205,

" Sentinel SS Radiation, Structural, and Thermal Evaluation," May 1986. This revision provides the information identified in your letter FCIC: RHO, 71-9205 dated April 30, 1986.

Appendix A to ' this letter presents the questions and responses.

The pages were revised in accordance with t5e instructions given in Regulatory Guide 7.9.

Please follow these instructions to update the current Revision 1 to Revision 2.


Remove Replace With 3

Title Page New Title Page Table of Contents New page 11 Chapter 1, page 1-2, Fig. 1.1

_New page 1-2 Chapter 1 Added pages 1-2(a) thru (c)

Page 1-3 New page 1-3 Chapter 1, page 1-4, Fig. 1.2 New page 1-4 Page 1-6 (Fig. 1.3a)

~New page 1-6 Page 1-11 (Fig. 1.4a)

New page 1-11


Page 1-14 (Fig. 1.5)

New page 1-14 Page 1-17 (Fig. 1.7a)

New page 1-17 Page 1-20 (Fig. 1.8a)

New page 1-20 Page 1-23 New page 1-23 Page 5-la New page 5-la 4

Page 5-9 New pages 5-9 and 5-10 Page 8-2 New page 8-2 Page 8-3 New page 8-3 Page 8-4 New page 8-4 FEE NOT REQUIRED '*I jea'98 ann?8 Hgs

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't If you have any questions, please call me at (301) 252-8220.

Sincerely, l


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Richard Hannah Program Manager dw


Revision pages for TES-3205, Rev. 2 (10 Copies)

Appendix A, NRC Questions and Responses to Questions.

a APPENDIX A (DOCKET 71-9205) 1.

Question: Figure 1.1, Drawing No. 015-900000, Package Assembly.

Has no indication that drawing has been reviewed or checked.

2 No material specification given for the following items - hex nut, hex head bolt, gasket (size of gasket should also be specified.


Response: Drawing was signed off prior to assembly.

This was an earlier copy.

Revised signed off copy is here submitted (Page 1-2).

MS numbers are provided on drawing to specify the nut and bolt.

MS's are military specifications which fully characterize the part with respect to material, I

material properties, size, etc.

At the request of tiRC we J

have included ' equivalent USASI, ANSI, and SAE specification to the drawing.

'Ihe gasket size and material is also now shown on the drawings.


Question: Figure 1.2, Drawing No. 015-900028, R'IG/ Inner Container Assy.

No indication that drawing has been reviewed or checked. No material spec given for part no. -003 square head bolt. The l'

rectangular tubing shown in Figure 1.4a should be shown on the Container Assembly.

No details given on PRELOAD ASSEMBLY, Part No. 015-900012-009.


Response: Revised signed off copy of drawing ~ herein submitted as page 1-4.

Material and tensile strength for bolt added to revised drawing.

Length of 009-70013-003 bolt corrected to 3.75 i


Rectangular tubing and plate is removed from this assembly -029 via note 4 of Figure 1.4a, Dwg. 009-90001.

Further clarification of this is added to Figure 1.4a in this revised submittal.

The PRELOAD ASSY Dwg. 015-900012, Sheets 1-3 are added to this revision as pages 1-2a, 1-2b, and 1-2c.

I 3.

Question: Fig. 1.3a thru 1.3e, Drawing No. 015-900027 sheets 1 thru 5, Rev.

A, Outer Container Shipping Cask.

No indication that the drawing has been checked.

i 3.

Response: Revised and checked drawing is submitted as new page 1-6.


Question: Fig. 1.4a and 1.4b, Drawing No. 009-90001, Sheet 1, Rev. C and Sheet 2, Cask Body & Lid, Inner Container.

The overall height of the assembled inner container (38.2") is not conpatible with the inside height of the assembled outer container (34.565").

The material specification for the Body, Part No. -001 should call for Grade 2 as requried on page 1-3.No material specification or size given for fasteners.

It is noted that Cover Plates, part -015 are gasketed but the inner container lid does not appear to be gasketed.



i 1

4.. Response: See response to Question 2.

The inner container will fit into the outer container after the rectangular tubing and plate are removed from the inner container assembly (see Response to Question 2).

The requirement for grade 2 is superfluous and is removed from the text on page 1-3.

Again, ASTM and USASI, ANSI and SAE specifications are used to define the fasteners.

Inner container lid is gasketed (silicone rubber) and the part number and material has been added to the revised assembly Dwg. Fig. 1.2 (page 1-4).


Question: Fig. 1.5, Sentinel SS RTG Assembly (No Drawing Number). Bolt torque 65070 in-lbs is excessive.


Response: The 65070 in-lba is a typographical error - should read 65-70 in-lbs.

Figure 1.5 is revised and resubmitted as a new page 1-14.

Note - new Figure 1.5 now has a drawing number 015-000000 and title, " General Arrangement, SS Generator,"

per NRC request.

1 6.

Question: Figure 1.7a thru 1.7c, Drawing No. 015-700002, Sheet 1, Rev.

D: Sheet 2, Rev. B and Sheet 3, Rev. D, Clad Shield Body and Plug.

Note 7 requires determination of the physical properties of depleted uranium.

What is the acceptance criteria.

Drawing should specify welder and welding procedure qualification requirements and nondestructive examination requirements.

The nunber, size and material I

specification for the fasteners should be given in the List of Material."


Response: Information requested via note 7 was for information only.

Structural material properties are given in Chapter 2, page 2.2.

The note is removed from the drawing. The shield clad welding vendor cannot supply cetification that he welded to an accepted standard procedure.

This type of welding is specialized and no standard exists to his/our knowledge.

Accordingly, we have elected to assume no credit for the fasteners which hold the shield lid to he body.

A calculation of the radiation dose rates after the hypothetical accident sequence was made by assuming that the depleted uranium shield was not present after the accident and the inner / outer containers of the cask provided all the aMelding.

The results of this calculation are presented in Chapter 5, Section 5.1 and Appendix 5.5.2, and show that the maximum allowable post accident dose rate of 1.0 r/hr is not exceeded at 1 meter from the package.

Fastener information is not normally shown in this type of drawing - only on assembly drawings.

The fastener information is now shown on the drawing as items 2,12, and 13, and the 0-rings shown as Item 14.


Question: Figure 1.8a and 1.86, Drawing No. 015-700001, Sheets 1 & 2, Housing Weldment.

Provide copies of specifications referenced in drawing notes 1 and 2.


7. ' Response: Copies of proprietary specifications PS110000 and PS010002 were proffered to NRC, but they elected to clarify drawing by the addition to the drawing of a note to show the equivalent ASME or ASTM specification. Comercial equivalents are given for the inspection specification, but no comercially equivalent spec. exists for the welding procedure. Therefore a copy of the TES PS0100002 is included herein with the proprietary restriction removed.

The housing material is actually T6510 temper rather than the T651 originally listed.


Question: Fig. 1.8c, Drawing No. 015-700000, Rev. A, Housing Machined.

The housing has several bolted and gasketed joints but the drawings do not provide the number size and material specifications for the fasteners or the size and material specification for the gaskets.


Response: Fastener and gasket hardware information is not normally specified on this type of drawing. Therefore it is added to the R'IG assembly drawing Fig.1.5 (page 1-14).


Question:, Figure 1.9a and 1.9b, Drawing No. 015-400003, Sheet 1 & 2, Rev.

B, Head Weldment.

In Fig. 1.5, the material of the ITd assembly is specified as TYPE 6061-T6.

In fig. 1.9a the majority of the parts are 6061-T651.

This also applies to the housing

assembly, Figure 1.8a.

Clarify the inconsistancy.


Response: 6061 plate material with thickness of.249 and greater, up to 2.0", is normally purchased in the T-651 temper condition.

After welding it is heat treated to the T-6 condition (or condition desired).

Hence, the lid assembly in Fig. 1.5 is shown as 6061-T6 aluminum and the housing assembly also. The shell material was incorrectly listed as T-6 temper rather than T-6510.

10. Question: Section 8.1 Acceptance Tests.

Para. 8.1.3 Leak Tests, page 8-2 states that packaging components will be assembled and leak tested.

The paragraph should state the acceptance criteria.

10. Response: Leak test criteria for R'IU assembly and uranium shield clad added to para. 8.1.3 (page 8-2).
11. Question: Section 8.2 Maintenance Program.

The applicant states that maintenance will be performed prior to each subsequent use of the Sentinel SS package.



" Subsystems Maintenance," states that no actions are required; the RTG is maintenance free.

The RTG has several bolted and gasketed joints which should be inspected.

Some of the "Preload Components" which could be affected by time and service conditions should be routinely given a maintenance inspection and replacement as needed.

11. Response: Para.

8.2.3, " Subsystems Maintenance," has been revised to include as maintenance items the g ukets and fasteners for the outer and inner containers.

The RTG is still considered to be maintenance free.

The maintenance program for the inner / outer container items is included in the revised para.


Para. 8.2.4 has been revised by removing the second paragraph to Section 8.2.7 where it is more appropriately located.

The title of paragraph 8.2.7 has been changed from " MISC." to

