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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Documents in App C.App B Documents Available in Pdr. Documents Partially & Completely Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemptions 5,6 & 7)
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/08/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Bauman L
Shared Package
ML20155H265 List:
FOIA-88-224 NUDOCS 8810190314
Download: ML20155H267 (10)


, , U S. NUCLEAR f.EGULATCGY COMMIS$10N u c cra etow w %.wsics.

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INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUCST 8 1986 SEP i pocatterwwsga5,m .,,= ,

J NS, bNdA kgmn PART 1,-Rf CORDS RELEASED OR 8807 LOCAft D ISee c.'ecaect assesi No egevy records svt oct to the ronweet have been beated No addstored egency recorde sub,ect to te reawest hev, toen located, ,=o,os .,e,ect to the ,cowest that Fe e#tfed e We .__ Fe W'Mdy siWNe for Duust 6toa eN cocq e Mv4C Ph OMwmeet Room X 1717 M Strut. N W , Wuhegton. OC t Agency records swtroci to the erawest that are centsfed ei Ac5enden are toeg made svedatae for padsec recectea ad copyeg e the NRC Pwtec Octweeet Room.1717 M Street. N W . Wuhegion. CC, e e fcador wreer the FOIA nw e te' and f eQwester ne**

The moresco<etary verson of the peccesaasi that you eg*ood to accoot e a te+pmore coeversaten uth a meater of my stsM e now toeg mede avalatde for put*C etoa ord co, rg at tN N AC Pwu.c Ocrvmeat Room.1717 M $treet. N W , Wesheatoa, DC . e a fonde< wnde' the 704 A t%setee ard eenweise, e4me.

Encicoed e efor+4 ton on how yow may ottae access to are the che, pes for cecyrg esco<ds placed e tN NmC Pwthe Docweeni Room 1717 M S"est. N W . Wuhingtce, DC r

Agency records awbr e ct to the teosest We tactooed Any acd< awe che'ge fo' ccove of 14 focords p'ovW erd pa,*eal procedw es se noted in the comaeats sectce Records owtat to the request have town ve'eaod to eret*er Poserei egoocyteel for tesww eM d. rect <espores te vow ,

I in ve* cd N AC e resca:ese to the reawest. no twithee octze e toeg taaen on nopeal ene' osted PART 11 A-INFORM ATION WTTMMELD FROM PtsSLIC OISCLOSURE Ce6ae efor**'se e t** reqwested 'Modos e t+rg ==thr ed ' rom pwed.c o sciosw e ow<swant to tu FOsa ese wtcas desc'teo a sad 'e t*e rusors swed e PFs it su e

teas S. C. and O Aa, reused pccoes of the ckrw ments for **<e oe#v pa t of t*e exond e te ng **t h hed Fs to<g mese evadae.e for pwtec racecten and cccreg e .

the NaC Pwt*.c Duwwent Room.1717 W Street. N W , Wesh<ston. OC. e e toose w a der the FOt A awate' are roovester reme l

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DAfghgf 6 1888 PA 47113- APrttCASLE FOIA EXEMPT 10eet Records subtect to the reque$t that are described e the enclosed Append *ces are beeg *1thheld an thert entwaty or e part under FOIA Esemptions and for the ree.ons set forth below pursuant to 5 U S.C. 562tbl and to CFR 9 5(a) of NRC Regulations,

1. The wteheW erformanon a poco'+y closeded pwrsvant to taecutsve Order 123% iDEMPTON 13

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2 The wthbead anformoson relates solety to the eterns pertorcef twies ard procedures of hmC. lutMPTON 2) 3 The vethbeW eformoson a scoc#scafy esempted froen ph declosure by statute ruscated f tXEMPTON 31 Secten 141146 of the Alcem: trerry Act wNch pohtets the d scicewre of postncted Data or Form Pestrced Osta 142 U $ C. 21612tetd Secten 147 o the Atomic Energy Act e%ch prohbts the d schcewre of UnciassA*d Sa'ogwards irdormeten (42 U $ C. 2167).

4 The enthAold eforrratpon e a tre$e secret or corvercel or feaNel esformaten that e toeg wthead for tPe resecnsi edecated IDEMPTION di 77, cformaten e coredered to to corddeater bwsewss (propretarvt eformaton l

The eformation e coredeced to be poo'etary adormatoa pwesweat to 10 CFm 2 M0idHil The c#ormatea nas owbavtted and recomed e coniderce from a forega sou ce r purswant to to CFm 2 790 4421 5 The ethAee eformaten coranets o8 eter*7eNv or etraagency records that are not a,adaose theca,gh secovery dureg htgetea Decloswe e of predecemas c4rmaten r

X woowld tend cte,,.r,ed to chibst the rw$ rect coveryt tse aceocem eto ppecam,enes t

corsad pr~ocess ofr+.

iea feare etcher $9 of edeas oesseetel to te, de8@erstne proc,ess t*e..o e,. -oitxEMP agency r..spiCNgis.greg.e.e foctw p ,,ees W*ere records e . ~ r.nease o'o methPed e e re fects m se,- inentheef entdefy,1950 fects a e restrica


X e The -oo efo,m.s n e .. .d fre dea.,,e bu... .is d*%,e .a reswa e . coa,., w,0d a e,a.on of season, r.c, iDt uPrCN s, i

7. The ethecid eformaten coroes of evest$s'orv 'ecords coacfed for laa eeforce-eet purposes sad e utvend for tre reancrusi we.cated iDEVPTCN h i i _e __ -e.e .- e cowe re_,. ond foms of .,or-, e o,,s. ._, c_

j poucev oe. teem to taae act=c to need poteate# wor $doeg or a viout<c of NaC reaw.terewets from c esegarors itxtVPTCN 7 tan Osmae aowd eccee1No en we*stesates evasen of personai pawacy iDEVPTCN 7tcll l

tre ehematen corsets od remes of edes4sse are other eformten tee eu.osor e of *.ch aouso revest deat es of coef 4+etief sources iDEMPTC4 71D: 1 PART 11 C-DENYING OFFICIALS Pwiswant to 10 CPR 9 9 and or 9 tlof te V $ Nwcseer Regw atory Corar esen regulatsve it has teen deterw a e red tot tre efor-arce et*Pead e eseact tre prodwton or decioswe e ar%$ that #ts produten or decicanee e cooVerV to te outdsC eterest The portors respces4de fo* the donel are thona oM<ee deatsf 1>$ be9w 8e demyvy OMCess and IPe ( rector Omvece of Rw4s S^d 8 0 cores 0*ce . Adr e straten. 8ee say deae4 that may be accesed to tre (secusse Director %e Oceratees 4006 Of,NilNG OF8tCI AL title OFFict asconDs 0ts180 APPsaAtt OFFICIAL tS *

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The by each dentvg effoelidentifW m Part H C may be appea4d to the Appettate Otkielioent44 m that sectori. Any such epsval must be in w, and must tue made eethe M den of rece pt of thes response. AppeWs must be addressed es appeocrate to the Ene<vtrve Owe < tor for Operatsons or to the Secretary of the Corme. con. U $. Nuclese Rgulatory Commessen. Washrngton, DC 2WA, and should cleady state on the eavedopo end iri the lettee that et is an "Acces from an instel FotA Decison.

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, s Re: F01A 88-224 AP?tN0!X __B 8tCOR0s MAINTAlhED AMONG POR Fitts NUMett DATE OtsCRIPTION

1. 3/11/86 Letter, (1 page)R. E. Hall to H & C Inspection Company NRC Inspection Report 15000042/85-01 App A (6 pages)

NRC Inspection Report 15000042/85-02 App 3 (2 Pages)

Accession No. 8603200320

2. 5/22/86 Letter. Richard L. langart to H & G Inspection Company (2 pages)

NRC Inspection Report 15000042/86-01 (4 pages) '

Accession No. 8605290286 3, 7/21/86 Letter, Robert D. Martin, RIV. to H&C Company, Houston,, subject:

Notice of Violation And Proposed laposition of Civil Penalty (NRC Inspection Report Numbers 15000042/85-01 and 15000042/85-02)

(2 pages) '

attachment Notice of Violat aon and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty. H6C Company - Martin to H & C (4 pages)

Accession No. 8607250120

4. 7/29/86 Letter, Steve M. Steen to Director, !&E, subject:

Docket No. 15000042. EA 86-104 (5 pages)

Acewssion No. 8608080027 '

5. 8/11/86 Materials (5 pages)License, US NRC. M & C Inspection Company Accession No. 8611250006
6. 10/29/86 Letter. Robert D. Martin to Marry W. Cibson, H60, (2 pages) Accession No. 8611040154 attachment
7. 10/29/86 Letter, Robert D. Martin to Honorable Bill Atcher, Congressman (1 page) Same as above I


Re: F0!A.88-224 APPEN0!X B


8. 7/21/87 Letter and inspection report. Docket 30-293!9/87-03 H6C Inspection Company (5 pages)

Accession No. 8707290345 '

9. 8/25/87 Letter, enforcement conf erence. William L. Fisher to H&C Inspection Company (4 pages)

Accession No. 8708270300

10. 2/11/88 Let ter. Ha rry W. Cibson. H&C. to Lorenzo Wilborn. RIV, subject: H & C Inspection Company (1 page) attachments Supplemental Response to Notice of Violation (8 pages)
11. 1/15/88 Memo. Harry Cibson to All H & C Inspection Company Employees (2 pages)

Film Badge & Dosimeter Comparison sheets (2 pages)

Tila badge graph sheet (1 page) ,

I Atomic Energy Industrial Laboratories Dosimetry Report sheet (1 Page)

12. 2/11/88 Letter. Frank Malek to Harry W. Cibson. re Monthly Inspection Surveillances (1 page)

Inspection Cuide (6 pages)

Accession No,_)803140052 g3. 6/25/88 Letter, tillie Carde to James Lieberman, re request for an Enforcement Hearing on Docket No. 30-29319, EA 87-145 i (I page) l Accession No. 8806080233 g4* 7/16/86 Notification of Significant Enforcement Action, H6G Inspection Co., Inc. (1 page) Ario 8607250105

15. 8/11/86 Letter to H&G Inspection Co., Inc., from Jane A.

Axelrad, re: Acknowledging receipt of check s? r3eets n :. . .



16. 08/25/87 Sumary of Enforcement Conference (2 pages) ANO 8708270319 l l


7/22/87 Notice of Significant Meeting (2 pages) ANO 8707290257 l

18. 10/21/87 EN-87-89, Notification of Significant Enforcement Action (1 page) ANO 8710300091
19. 12/16/87 Letter to James Taylor, 0IE, from Harry Gibson, H&G Inspection Co. (3 pages) with attached Response to Notice of Violation (6 pages) and RequestforMitigationofProposedCivil Penalty (3 pages1 ANO 8712280014 l
20. 4/7/88 Letter to H&G Inspection Co. from James M. Taylor, ANO 880412045s DEDRO, re: Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty (1 page) with attached
a. Order imposing Civil Monetary Penalty + ann 8804120465 Appendix,EvaluationsandConclusions(9pages)
21. 4/7/88 Notification of Significant Enforcement Action. ANG 8804110081 EM-87-89A
22. 4/11/88 Memo for Cavid L. Meyer, RPB, from James Lieberman, ANO 8804130341 OE, re: Order !@osing Civil Monetary Penalty (I page)

Re: F01 A 48-224 '

1 APPEN011 C g DATE DESCRIPTION H end G Inspection Company. Inc.. Special

), Undated Instructions. License No, 11-2181 (3 pages)

Undated New License Condition for M & C Inspection Company. Inc.

2' (1 page)

Undated Handwritten note, meeting recorded by M. Cibson 3' (1 page) 7/24/36 US Mail return receipt, to H6C Inspection Cocpany 4* (I page) 7/22/87 Notice of Significant Meeting. H6G Inspection Company

5. Docket No. 30-29319 EA 87-145 (2 pages) l 10/26/87 Return mail receipt, to H6G Inspection Company 6*

(1 page) l 7, 10/29/87 Region IV News Release. NAC Staf f Proposes $7.500 Fine Against Company Tor Alleged Violation In Wyoming Operations ,

(1 page) l 11/19/87 Letter. Harry W. Gibson to Robert D. Martin. Docket ,

8. No. 30-29319/87-03. EA 87-145 l i () page)


l l

, 9, 11/27/87 Letter. *.lilliam L. Fisher to H & C Inspection Company.

(2 pages)

10. 12/16/A7 Letter. Marry W. Cibson to James Taylor.16t.

Robert D. Martin. RIV subjects H60 Inspection Company (2 pages) attachment 12/16/87 $ worn notarized statement (1 page)

Undated Computerized Response To Notice of Violation, i H & C Inspection Company Inc. Docket 30 29319 License No. 42-26838-01 EA 87-145 1

(9 pages) 1

I FOIA-88-224 APP (NDIX r, NU'WER DATE_ DESCRIPTION 11' MRC From 399. Invoice, acknowledging recelet of check from HM Inspection Co. (1 page) with attached

a. Xerox of HM Check No. 5295 (1 page)
b. 8/5/861.etter from Harry Gibson, HM Inspection Co. transmitting check for civil penalty (1page) 12*

Sunnary of HM inspection Recent Enforemnt History (1 page) l l


l 1


.I i


1. 11/3/86 Texas Department of Health Radiographer Withheld in part Radiation Safety Training Certification pursuant to FO!A sheet. H&G Inspection Company Exemotions 6 (1 page) and 7(C)
2. 11/3/86 Texas Department of Health Occupational Same as above External Radiation Exposure History sheet. H60 Inspection Company (1 page)
3. 2/17/87 Atomic Energy Industrial Laboratories Same as above Dosimetry Report sheet. H&G Inspection Company i (1 page) 4 3/23/87 Atomic Energy Industrial Laboratories Same as above Dosimetry Report sheet. H&G Inspection Company (1 page) l
5. 4/20/87 Atomic Energy Industrial Laboratories Same as above i Dosimetry Report sheet. H6G Inspection Company i (1 page) l l
6. 4/20/87 H & C Inspection Coe vany, Houston. TX, Same as above Letter to named fn#4vidual l (1 page)

I 1

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1. Undated NRC RIV Documentation of Violations Exemption 5 question and answer sheet (1 page) ,
2. Undated NRC RIV Enforcement Panel Recommendations Exenotion 5 sheet (1 page)
3. Undated Documentation QC Checklist Exenotion 5 (6 pages) 4* 2/12/86 Memorandum. Mark Emerson for File. subject: Exemotion 7(C)

Possible Exposure At H&C Inspection Company (2 pages) 5* 6/9/86 Memorandum. Dale Powers to Jane Axelrad Exenotion 5 (2 pages) {

l attachment 6* Undated Lettar. Robert D. Martin to H6C Inspection Exemption 5 Company, and Notice of Violation (NOV)

(4 pages) i I

7* 9/23/87 Memorandus. Dale Powers to James Lieberman. Exemotion 5 {

OE. subject: P posed Enforcement Action On H6C Inspecth Company. Inc. ,

() pages) g, 2/18/88 Memorandum. Robert D. Martin to James xen on 5 Lieberman. OE. subject: Proposed Enforcement Action on H6C Inspection i

(2 pages) l i

attachment 9, Undated Letter. James Taylor to H & C Inspection Co.. Exemotion 5 (3 pages) attachment U$MRC Order Imposing Monetary Penalty and Appendix. Evalua and Conclusions (7 pages) i

10. 6/9/86 Memorandwe for Jane A. Axelrad tow uale A. Powers.

! re: Proposed Enforcement Action for H&G Inspection Co. with attached (2 pages) Exemptions 5 & 6

a. Drag thtice of Ytolation (2 pages) i
b. Notice of Violation (2 pages)
c. 2/12/86 Metro for file from Mark Emerson, re:

Possible Exposure (2 pages) l

.._ _l

I. .


11. 9/23/87 Memo for James Lieberman, OE, from Dale A. Powers, Exemption 5 RIV, re: Proposed enforcement action on H&G Inspection Co., Inc. (3 pages) with atteched Documentation Quality Control Checklist (6 pages)

Undated draft letter to H&G Inpsection Co. from James M. Taylor, re: Ordtr Modifying License (2 pages) with attached

a. Draft Order Modifying License (4pages)
b. Notice of Violation and Proposed Igosition of Civil Pen +1ty (2 pages) ,

Memo for James Liebennan. OE, from Robert D. Exenption 5

12. 2/18/88 Martin, RIV, re: Proposed Enforcement Action on H&G Inspection (2 pages) with attached
a. Draft letter to H&G Inspection from Jam s M.

Taylor. OEORO (3 pages) with attached Order imosing Civil Mor.stary Penalty (4 pages) and Appendix, Evaluations and Conclusions (3pages)

13. Undated Draf ts of proposed response letter to Congressman Exemption 5 Archer (2 pages) with attached
a. Draf t response letter to Harry Gibson (2pages)
b. Additional draft letter to Congressman Archer (1page)
c. Additional draf t letter to Harry Gibson (2pages)
d. 9/24/86 Memo for T. A. Rehn from Robert D.

Martin, re Congressional Inquiry with annotations (1 page) with attached 14 Undated tiote from J. I'cGurren. OGC. to f. Flack. OE. transmittino legal advice regarding staff's crocosed action (1 page) t o-M a n 5

e. .


.?]ilhe Tirner Sarde 104 E. Wisconsin Ave.

Appleton, Wisconsin 549114897 41417304534 ,

tinca gauwaw ttGat a55rstamt CaaOL 3C%(tut. acesien,$f matrvt 455 51 set April 7, 1988 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST FREEDOM OF Iri.'ORMAil0lf Director M REQUEST of fice of Adria lstration U.S. Nuclear T.quiatory Commission h '((Meh Washington, D.C. 20210 gg To WHOM IT MA't CONCERN Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA, 5 U.S.C. 552) the Garde Law Of fice requests copies of any and all agency records and information, including but not limited to notes, letters, memoranda, draf ts, minutes, diaries, logs, calendues, tapes, tran-scripts, summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions, engineering analyses, drawings, files, graphs, charts, maps, photo-graphs, agreements, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, boods, telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, computer runoffs, and any other data compilations, interim and/or final reports, status reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connection with inspections and/or investigations into H&G Inspection Company and its operations conducted under federal nuclear regulttions.

This request includes all agency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1. A.2 and A.3 (approved october 8,1980) whether they currently exist in the NRC of ficial, "working" investigative or other files, or at any other location, including private residences.

If any records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Hanual, supra, and covered Fy this request have been destroyed and/or removed af ter this request, please provide all surrountling records, including but not limited to a list of all records which have been or are destroyed and/or removed, a description of the action (s) taken relevant to, generated in connection with and/or issued in order to implement the action (s). I Carde 1,aw Of fice requests that fees be waived, because "finding the information can be considered as primarily benefitting the 3 general public " 5 U.S.C. 552 (a) (4) (a),

1 I

I t YC1Dt3M 2ff l


  • o Page For any documents or portions that you deny due to a specific FOI A exemption, please provide an index itemizing and describing the documents or portions of documents withheld. The index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld. This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen (I), 484 F2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), _ cert.

denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).

We looi, forward to your response to this request within ten (10) working days. ,

Sincerely, Yh 4

Linda Bauman FOIA Coordinator LB/kt r

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