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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Documents in App C.App B Documents Available in Pdr. Documents Partially & Completely Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemptions 5,6 & 7)
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/08/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Bauman L
Shared Package
ML20155H265 List:
FOIA-88-224 NUDOCS 8810190314
Download: ML20155H260 (18)


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i  !

i Re: F01A 88-224 APPEN0lx B  !


l 1,

3/11/86 Letter, (1 page)R. E. Hall to H & C Inspection Company NRC Inspection Report 15000042/85-01 App A (6 pages)

NRC Inspection Report 15000042/85-02 App B (2 pages)

Accession No. 8603200320

2. 5/22/86 ,

Letter, (2 pages) Richard L. Saora t to H & C Inspection Company i


NRC Inspection Report 15 00042/86-01 '

(4 pages)

Acces sion No. 8605290286 1

3. 7/21/86 Letter, Robert Houston,, subject:D. Partin, RiV, to H&C Company, j Notice of Violation And Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty (NRC Inspection Report Numbers 15000042/85-01 and 15000042/85-02)

(2 pages) attachment Notice of Violation and Proposed leposition of Civil Penalty. R&G Company - Martin to H 6 C (4 pages)

Accession No. 8607250120

4. 7/29/86 Letter, Steve M. Steen to Director, I&E, subject:

Docket No. 15000042, EA 86-104 (5 pages)

Accession No. 8608080027 __

5. 8/11/86 Materials (5 pages) Licensa. US NRC, H & C Inspection Company Accession No. 8611250006
6. 10/29/86 Letter Robert D. Martin to Harry W. Gibson. H&c.

(2 pages) Accersion No. 8611040154 7.

attachment 10/29/86 Letter, Robert D. Martit.

Congressman to Honorable Bill Archer, (1 page) Same as above

l l


8. 7/21/87 Letter and inspection report. Docket 30-29319/87-03 Hbc Inspection Company (5 pages)

Accession No. 8707290345

9. 8/25/87 Letter, enforcement conference, William L. Fisher to H6C Inspection Company (4 pages)

Accession No. 8708270300 l

10. 2/11/88 Let ter. Harry W. Gibson, H&C, to Lorenzo Wilborn, RIV, subject: H & C Inspection Company ,

(1 page) )

attachments Supplemental Response to Sotice of Violatian )

(8 pages)  !

tt, 1/15/88 I Memo.

EmployeesHarry Cibson to All H & C Inspection Company I (2 pages)  ;

Film Badge & Casiiaeter Comparison sheets (2 pages)

Tilm badge graph sheet l (1 page) i Atomic Energy Industrial Laboratories Dostsetry Report sheet (1 page)

12. 2/11/88 Letter Trank inspection Malek to Harry W. Cibson. re Monthly Surveillances (1 page)

Inspection Guide (6 pages)

Accession No. 8803140052

13. 4/25/88 i Letter, Billie Carde to James Lieberman, re request for an Enforcement Hearing on Docket No. 30-29319,  !

i EA 87-145 (1 page)

Accession No. 8806080233 y' 7/16/86 Notification of Significant Enforcement Action, H&G Inspection Co., Inc.. (1 page) Mn 8607250105 l 15, 8/11/86 Letter to H&G Inspection Co., Inc., from Jane A.

Axelrad, re: Acknowledging receipt of check

(? paces) -

c Poi w $



16. 08/25/87 Sumary of Enforcement Conference (2 pagt 'NO 8708270319 i 17, 7/22/87 Notice of Significant Meeting (2 pages) ann 8707290257
18. 10/21/87 EN-87-89, Notification of Significant Enforcement Action (1 page) AN0 8710300091
19. 12/16/87 Letter to James Taylor, O!E, from Harry Gibson, H&G Inspection Co. (3 pages) with attached Response to Notice of V'J1ation (6 pages) and Request for Mitigation of Proposed Civil Penalty (3 pages) ANO 8)l2280014
20. 4/7/88 Letter to H&G Inspection Co. from James M. Taylor, AND 8804120454 DEDRO, re: Order Imposing Civil Manetary Penalty (1 page) with attached a, Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty + ann 8804120469 Appendix,EvaluationsandConclusions(9pages)
21. 4/7/88 Notification of Significant Enforcement Action. ANo 8804110081 EN 87-89A 22- 4/11/88 Memo for David L. Meyer, RPB, from James Lieberman, ANO 8804130349 OE, re: Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty (1 Pa9e) l

l Re: Fot A.68-224 APPEN0!X C


NWSER DATE DESCRIPTION Undated H and C Inspection Company. Inc.. Special

1. Instructions. License No. 11-2181 (3 pages)

Undated New License Condition f or H & C Inspection Company. Inc.

2. (1 page)

Undated Handwritten note, meeting recorded by M. Cibson 3,

(1 page) 7/24/86 US Mail return receipt, to H6C Inspection Company 4*

(1 page) 5*

7/22/87 Notice of Significant Meeting. H6C Inspection Company Docket No. 30-29319 EA 87-145 (2 pages)

6. 10/26/87 Return mail receipt, to H60 Inspection Company (1 page)
7. 10/29/87 Region IV News Release. NRC Staff Proposes $7.500 Fine Against Company For Alleged Violation In Wyoming Operations (1 page) g* 11/19/87 Letter. Harry W. Cibson to Robert D. Martin. Docket No. 30-29319/87-03. EA 87-145 (1 page) l 9, 11/27/87 Letter. '.41111am L. Fisher to H & C Inspection Company. I (2 pages)
10. 12/16/R7 Letter. Harry W. Gibson to James Taylor.1&E, Robert D. Martin. RIV, subject: H&C Inspection Company (2 pages) attachment 12/16/87 Sworn notarized statement (1 page)

Undated Computerized Response To Notice of Violation.

H & C Inspection Company Inc.. Docket 30-29319 License No. 4 2-26838-01. EA 87-14 5 (9 pa'es) l I


% 88 274 APPEN0gx (

Ntr4BER DATE DESCRIPTION II' NRC From 399, invoice, acknowledging receipt cf check from HM Inspection Co. (1 page) with attached

a. Xerox of H&G Check No. 5295 (1 page)
b. 8/5/86 letter from Harry Gibson, HM Inspection Co. transmitting check for civil penalty (1 page) 12.

Sumary of H&G Inspection Recent Enforcement History (1 page)

o .

Re: F01 A-88-224 APPENDIX C Ip6ER DATE DESCRIPTION Undated H and C Inspection Company, Inc., Special

1. Instructions, License No. 11-2181 (3 pages)

Undated New License Condition for H & C Inspection Company, Inc.


(1 page)

Undated Handwritten note, meeting recorded by M. Gibson 3*

(1 page) 4, 7/24/86 US Mail return receipt, to H&C Inspection Company (1 page) 5*

7/22/87 Notice of Significant Meeting H60 Inspection Company Docket No. 30-29319 EA 87-145 (2 pages)

6. 10/26/87 Return mail receipt, to H&G Inspection Company (1 page)
7. 10/29/87 Region IV News Release, NRC Staf f Proposes $7,500 Fine Against Company For Alleged Violation In Wyoming Operations (1 page) 8*

11/19/87 htter. Hany W. Gibson to Robert D. Martin Docket No. 30-29319/87-03. T.A 07-145 (1 page)

9. 11/27/87 Letter, William L. Fisher to H & C Inspection Company, (2 pages)
10. 12/16/A7 Letter Harry W. Gibson to James Taylor. I&E, Robert D. Martin, RIV, subject: H&C Inspection Company (2 pages) attachment 12/16/87 Sworn notarized statement (1 page)

Undated Computerized Response To hotice of Violation, H & C Inspection Company Inc., Docket 30-29319 License No. 42-26838-01, EA 87-145 (9 pages)

1 R': F0lA-88-224  !





II' NRC From 399, invoice, acknowledging receipt of l check from H&G Inspection Co. (1 page) with l attached i

a. Xerox of H&G Check No. 5295 (1 page)
b. 8/5/861.ettrr from Harry Gibson, H&G Inspection ,

l Co. transmitting check for civil penalty i (1 page) i l


Sumary of H&G Inspection Recent Enforcement History (1 page) l l

l l

l l

l l


4 Re: F01A-88-224 APPENDIX D ,


1. 11/3/86 Texas Department of Health Radiographer Withheld in part Radiation Safety Training Certification pursuant to F01A sheet. H&G Inspection Company Exemotions 6 (1 page) and 7(C)
2. 11/3/86 Texas Department of Health occupational Same as above ,

External Radiation Exposure History sheet. H&G Inspection Company (I page)

3. 2/17/87 Atomic Energy Industrial Laboratories Same as abosa Dosimetry Report sheet. H&G Inspection Company (1 page)
4. 3/23/87 Atomic Energy Industrial Laboratories Same as above Dosimetry Report sheet. H&G Inspeccion Company (1 page)
5. 4/20/87 Atomic Energy Industrial Laboratories same as above Dosimetry Report sheet. H&G Inspection Company (1 page)
6. 4/20/87 H & C Inspection Company. Houston. TX. Same as above Letter to named individual (1 page) i 1



1. Undated NRC RIV Documentation Of Violations Exemption 5 question and answer sheet (1 page) 2, Undated SRC RIV Enforcement Pane t Recow.endations Exenotion 5 sheet (1 page)
3. Undated Documentation QC Checklist Exemotion 3 (6 pages) 4* 2/12/86 Memorandum. Mark Ernerson f or File. subject: xemot on W Possible Exposure At H6C Inspection Company (2 pages)
5. 6/9/86 Memorandum. Dale Powers to Jane Axeltav ExenDtion 5 (2 pages) attachment
6. Undated Letter Robert D. Martin to H60 Inspection Exemption 5 Company, and Notice of Violation (NOV)

(4 pages) 7* 9/23/87 xemDu on 5 Memorandum. Dale Powers to James Lieberman.

OE subject: Proposed Enforcement Action On H6C Inspection Company. Inc.

(3 pages)

8. 2/16/88 Hemorandum Robert D. Martin to James xenodon 5 Lieberman. OE. subject : Proposed Enforcement <

Action On H&C Inspection (2 pages) attachment 9, Undated Letter, Jamts Taylor to H & G anspection Co.. Exemotion 5 (3 pages) attachment USNRC Ordvr imposing Civil Monetary Penalty and Appendix. Evaluations and Conclusions (7 pages)

10. 6/9/86 Memorandwi for Jane A. Axeirad f rom uale A. Powers, re: Proposed Enforcement Action for H&G Inspection Co. witli attached (2 pages) Exemptions 5 & 6
a. Draf t Notice of Violation (2 pages)
6. Notice of Violation (2 pages)
c. 2/12/86 Memo for File fron Kark Emerson, re:

Possible Exposure (2 pages)


11. 9/23/87 Memo for James Lieberman, OE, from Dale A. Powers. Exemption 5 RIV, re: Proposed enforcement action on H&G Inspection Co., Inc. (3 pages) with attached Documentation Quality Control Checklist (6 pages)

Undated draft letter to H&G Inpsection Co. from James M. Taylor, re: Order Modifying License (2 pages) with attached

a. Draft Order Modifying License (4 pages)
b. Notice of Violation and Proposed tr@osition of Civil Penalty (2 pages) ,
12. 2/18/88 Memo for James Lieberman, OE, from Robert D. Exeription 5 Martin, RIV, re: Proposed Enforcement Action on H&G Inspection (2 pages) with attached
a. Draf t letter to H&G Inspection from James M.

Taylor, DEGd0 (3 pages) with attached Order imposing Civil Monetary Penalty (4 pages) and Appendix, Evaluations and Coaclusions (3 pages)

13. Undated Draf ts of proposed response letter to Congressman Exemption 5 Archer (2 pages) with attached
a. Draf t response letter to Harry Gibson (2pages)
b. Additional draf t letter to Congressman Archer (1 page)
c. Additional draft letter to Harry Gibson (2 pages)
d. 9/24/86 Memo for T. A. Retyn from Robert D.

Martin, re: Congressional Inquiry with annotations (1 page) with attached 14, Undated Note from J "cG;rren, CGC to E. Flack. OE, trans-ittina legal advice regarding staff't croposed action (1 page)

E o-atien 5

f S PEclAL /U3rla L770t>'

000 Deb A H and G Inspection Oxapsny, Inc.

Licen e tb. 11-2181 1he followirn is a list of violations fomd during inspections condteted on and af ter February 1, 1984. It has also been indicated where the inspection occurrcd.

Main office in?pwction of February 1, 1984, condteted at 9315 Summerbell,

}busten, 7bxas, by C. Nolan Perry.

1. Violation of 'mCR 11.7(c) t Leak tests of sealed sources of radiation have not been performed at intervals that did not excoad six months on the following sources: Ir-192 source serial number 5700 (no record of leak dw on Jul y 6, 1982); Ir-192 source serial number 5759 (rc record of leak test due on July 20, 1982); and Ir-192 source serial number M (no leak test performed when dte Anril .,1982) .
2. Violation of 'mCR 22.13 (e) :

Tbrmination reports of radiation expsure histories to mployecs whose exposures exceeded the limits set forth in TRCR 21.101 did not specify the radiation exposure of the individual in each calendar quarter covered by the report.

3. Violation of TFCR 22.13 (a) :

The regrart to the igerny ard subsequent report to 7homas M. Skinner of his overexposure in the 3rd quarter of 1982 of 3.675 Rem did not include an additional exposure to the second unassigned badge used during the specified exposure period. (The correct total quarterly expsure wss detecnined to be 3.859 Em.)

4. Violation of TTCR 21.491(a):

Personnel monitoring devices had not been returned for processing tesultiny in a loss of data on the individuals monitored, for the monitoring pericd of June 19, 1981 through Jul y 9,1981. Supp1 m ental reports of late bedge or dose assessments by the Licensee were mavailable for 5 of the individuals monitored.

Field of fico inspection of February 21, 1984, corducted at 2101 Eas t Highway BO, White Cnk,14xas, by Ibbert Icbatqh.

1. violation of TRCR 21.201 lb Tecords of area surwys were rot available at the time of inspectico.

Fo3A48-?M ek


M9e 2 Pield inspection of Msy 2, 1904, cordwted at Highway 3S between Ivariand ard Alvin, TeNos, by Michael C. Vrtdtdurg. [O tb itens of noncompliance.

Field inspection of April 12, 19 04, cordteted at 'We Dern", Intersection of Battleground Poad ard Mxas :!25, Houston, Texas, by C. Iblan Perry.

tb itms of rcrccrap11ance.


Field inspection of June 25, 1:184, cordteted at Pro-Fab, 5711 Conriingbatn Ibsd, Housten, 'Ibzas, by C. Ib.lan Perr y, tb itans of nonccerpliarce.

Field office' inspection of Octcber, 24, 1984, cordetc4 at hst }hd Tralldr Park, Cid$ legs, Texas, "'Nmp>rar y Storaga Sit #, by Clarerce W. Dittavin.

tb itana of rcuccepliance.

Field inspection of October 30, 1984, c; rdteted at Highwa y 43 and Rider Ibsd, Rusk, hxas, by Etbert I.obatzJh.

tb itens of rcocenp1f ance. 0 Field of fice inspection of Cecember 13, 1904, condtnted at White ,Cak, Texas, by Ebtert tobatz3h tb itana of nonocepliarce.

Field insprtico of April 1,19t5, cordteted at 21U1 R>st Highway 80, White Cuk, Texas, by acbert Iobaugh4

1. Violat1 ort of 'Iwm 22.11(a):

F  ;

we omtrunts, as descrits.d in this part, were not poted nor ws. there a notice p:oted, which ckscribes tho &ctnents ard states where they may be evnined, as provhkd by TicR 22.11(b) .

2. Violation of UCR 41.100 A G21f tbclear, Inc. radlirjraphic exrosore devien (Ptdol 20VJ vas teirg l transp>rted in a cam /aa Irdustrica shirping contairer. (15 gallen steel drm).

Field inspection of August 16, 1986, condtetod at East End Mobile ihme Park, Giddings, Texas, by C3ererce W. Dittman. I i 1

lb itana of nomccepliance. I Piold inspctico of March 24, 1996, cordirted at !aut Ftd Ptbile temu Park, I Giddinrys, Texas by ClareNe W. Dittwi.

9 tb itm a of mn. m puem ..

l l


,'o Eivy Pwid snspection of May 14, 1986, condteted at hrocco 011 Conluny, Texas 1 City, Tens, by MicMel C. Vra3erburg. 3 to ittna of nctccanpliance.

Field inspection of May 23, 1986, condteted at Pipe-Fab, Inc., 7795 Ra.11 Ind, }bustco, 'Ibzas, by C. tblan Perry. 2.

1. Vjolation of T9CR 31.193: ,

r The Galf Weleer 29V cxpasure device containing sesled sourct4 number 95B7 was r,st secured against tampering or removal by unautborized per suawl. Ghe radicgrapher was wrkleg in tM darkroom and tnd not rettuNd the esposure device to storage.)

John R. Ibygo<xt, Atministrator Indioactive Mater 1al Inspe.1100 and Dtforcement Branch Division of Cw,pliance ard IrepKtion Eureau of 70diation Ccotrol Tens Oc$ar tment of )M!tb l

1 l

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.. . . , . . ,. .. . . . . . , . . - . .. . . . - - . ~ ~ . - ,

b New License Condition for H & G Inspection Co., Inc.

In addition to the responsibilities of the Radiation Safety Director, specified in Section I of the operating and emergency procedure manual for use ,

of radiographic exposure devices submitted with the license application dated June 12, 1986, the Radiation Safety Director shall establish a system of management controls that will:

a) Establish monthly administrative exposure control levels for radiation workers that would restrict exposures to levels well below the quarterly limit.

l b) Develop and implement procedures that address actions to be taken and policies pertaining to exposures above the control levels and efforts to keep exposures to as low as reasonably achievable.

c) Evaluate the differences between film badge and pocket dosimeter readings so that an adequate margin of safety can be established in evaluating worker exposures.




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s H&G Inspection Company, Inc.

ATTN: Harry Gibson i

9315 Summer Bell i Houston, TX 77074 I 4. Type of Service: Article Number I

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, .9]illie Tirner Sanle 104 E. Wisconsin Ave.

Appleton, Wisconsin 549114897 4141730 8534 cs $v't =t aA'd's't 4TYvi asses 5a=i April 7, 1988 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST FREE 6;'M Of WORMAil0N Director MT REQUEST office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission / 'ON Y Washington, D.C. 20210 g ,g TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA, 5 U . S ': . 552) the Garde Las Office requests copies of any and alt agency records and information, including but not limited to rot..., letters, memoranda, drafts, minutes, diaries, logs, calenders, tapes, tran-scripts, summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions, engineering analyses, drawings, files, graphs, charts, maps, photo-graphs, agreements, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, boods, telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, computer runoffs, and any other data compilations, interim and/or final reports, statu;; reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connection with inspections and/or investigations into H&G Inspection Company and its operations conducted under federal nuclear regulations.

This request includes all agency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1. A.2 and A.3 (approved October 8, 1980) whether they currently exist in the NRC official, "working" investigative or other files, or at any other location, including private residences.

If any records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manuel, supra, and covered by this request have been destroyed and/or removed after this request, please provide all surrounding records, including but not limited to a list of all records which hase been or are destroyed and/or removed, a description of the action (s) taken relevant to, generated in connection with and/or issued in order to implement the action (s).

Garde Law office requests that fees be waived, because "finding the information can be considered as primarily benefitting the general public," 5 U.S.C. 552 (a) (4) (a).

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Page ~2-For any documents or portions that you deny due to a specific FOI A exemption, please provide an index itemizing and describing the documents or portions of documents withh:1d. The index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each. exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld. This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen (I), 484 F2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert.

denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).

We loci, forward to your response to this request within ten (10) working days.

Sincerel.j, 7f? I$

Linda Bauman FOIA Coordinator LB/kt 1

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