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Semiannual Survey Rept
Person / Time
Site: NS Savannah
Issue date: 03/20/1985
Shared Package
ML20154H165 List:
NUDOCS 8603100204
Download: ML20154H170 (9)




- 's Contents:

TLD Monitoring Report Direct Radiation Survey and

. Contamination Survey Results Environmental Sample Analysis Report Conducted By:

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Bureau of Radiological Health 2600 Bull Street Columbia, South Carolina 29201 8603100204 060220 PDR R

ADOCK 0%2 8

TLD Badgo Locations on the N. S. Savannah o

TLD No. Locations 1901 '

Pilot house - ceiling.

Outside on Promenade deck behind the swimming 1902 pool. ,

1905 Vent on main stairway to Verande and lounge on Promenade deck.

.1907 . (Upper level) engine room throttle. ,,

1909 In front of the top of the reactor hatch on white column - Promenade deck.

1910 Promenade deck main lounge middle of front viewing window.

1911 "A" deck main desk behind counter on orange wall.

1912 "A" deck hospital entrance (near H.P. room) on wire cable above wooden wall rack.

1913 '

"A" deck near hospital entrance sign.

1914 "B" deck Cargo Hold #4 on wall near entrance in front of chalk markings on floor.

1915 "B" deck inside Fire Station #20.

1916 "B" deck handle on door leading to reactor space.

1917 "B" deck door leading to fan room.

1918 "B" deck main dining room - light fixture near entrance to main galley.

1919 "C" deck Fire Station $28.

1920 Reactor control room and alarm handle.

1921 (Lower level) engine room outside pump charge hatch right side 20ft. ahead of diesel engines.


1922 "14ft. Flat" on right side above stabilizer door (starboard).


e.. ,

1 1923 "D" deck Fire Station #31.

  • 2 1924 " Hold" left side near alarm bell (portside).

1925 " Hold" on pipe near alarm right side (starboard).  !

1926 Navigation bridge deck - officer's lounge fan.

I 1927 3rd officer Room NBl - on metal rack Navigation ~

i bridge deck.

i l +1930 -

Navigation bridge deck - Room NB4. Reactor i operation room on metal rack.

l 1932 "C" deck door leading to reactor space on f

1 overhead pipes. l t

j 1933 "C" deck cold chem lab door.  :

a j

1934 Pipes above stairway to "C" deck from "D" deck.

i 1936 "14ft. Flat" above left side of stabilizer door ,

i (portside). I i

1938 (Lower level) engine room outside door of pump l l hatch changer left side (portside). '

I J 1939 "C" deck left side of ceiling in reactor i

viewing room (portside).

4 j 1940 "C" dock right side of ceiling in reactor i viewing room (starboard).

l l 1945 Fantail of U.S. Yorktown  ;

4 1946 Ticket Booth Parking Lot - Patriots Point i

j ,1947 U.S.S. Clagamore (submarine) fanta11 near N.S.

j Savannah e Y

a 4

h 9

b 9



Period Total Avg. mRs/ day TLD No. ,

Posted Period mRs 80-1901 1-10-85/3-20-85 12 mR 0.17 2 0.09 80-0902 " 11 mR 0.16 0.01

" 8 mR 0.12

  • 0.02 80-1905 " 0.11
  • 0.02 80-1907 7 mR 80-1909 a 8 mR 0.12 2 0.02 80-1910 " 8 mR 0.12
  • 0.01 80-1911 " 9 mR 0.14
  • 0.01 80-1912 " 10 mR 0.15 g 0.02 80-1913 " 7 mR 0.11 ' t 0.03 80-1914 " to mR 0.16
  • 0.02 80-1915 " 9 mR 0.14
  • 0.04 80-1916 " 11 mR 0.16
  • 0.02 80-1917 " 9 mR 0.14
  • 0.02 80-1918 " 8 mR 0.13
  • 0.02 80-1919 s

" 6 mR 0.09

  • 0.01 80-1920 " 5 mR 0.08
  • 0.01 80-1921 " 20 mR 0.31
  • 0.01 80-1922 " 8 mR 0.12
  • 0.01 80-1923 " 96 mR 1.47 0.07 80-1924 " 65 mR 1.00
  • 0.06 80-1925 " 13 mR 0.19
  • 0.02 80-1926 " 9 mR 0.14
  • 0.01 80-1927 " 7 mR 0.11
  • 0.01 i


" 9 mR 0.14

  • 0.01 80-1932 " 8 mR 0.13
  • 0.02

" 9 mR 0.14

  • 0.01 80-1933 80-1934

" 8 mR 0.12

  • 0.02 80-1936

" 21 mR 0.22

  • 0.02 80-1938 " 17 mR 0.25
  • 0.02 80-1939 9-27-84/3-20-85 12 mR 0.07
  • 0.01 80-1940 9-27-84/3-20-85 10 mR 0.06
  • 0.01 80-1945 Missing 80-1946 Missing 80-1947 1-10-84/3-20-85 6 mR 0.09
  • 0.01 4

4 6

, Direct Survey and Removable Contamination Report The direct radiation survey was conducted using Ludlum Model 19 Micro R meters. Background was measured as 0.6 uR/hr/. A Tennelec Model 5100 Proportional counter was used to analyze the smear samples. The system background was .07 cpm for alpha and 0.95 cpm for beta / gamma.

Instrument efficiency was 32% for alpha and 47% for beta / gamma. Counting time on the Tennelee system was 10 minutes. .,

Background Readings Location Reading (uR/hr) Alpha Beta / gamma (DPM/100cm2)

(uR/hr subtract 0.6 bkg. for true)

NAVIGATION BRIDGE DECK In Pilot house at helm 1.0 0.3 Bridge Wing, portside 1.0 1.0 Bridge Wing, starboard side 0.5 0.3 Fire Stat. 41, near chart room 1.5 _0_ 0.3 P an rm . , portside, emerg. gen. rm. 1.0 0.3 0.3 BOAT DECK Chief Eng. State rm., portside 1.0 Cpt. State rm. , starboard side 1.0 0.3 1.0 Fire Stat. 62, portside passageway 1.5 0.5 Officer's lounge, Aft 1.0 0.3 t

PROMENADE DECK Aux. reactor hatch and ducts, forward of reactor hatch 0.5 1.8 2.1 Portside of main reactor hatch 1.0 0.3 2.7 Fire Stat. 45 near starboard side of reactor hatch 1.0 0.8 0 .1 Fire Stat. 64, portside Prom deck 1.0 1.0 Center of main lounge 1.0 0.3 0.8

.u Center of Veranda 1.5 0.8 0.8 Fire Stat. 67, starboard side Prom deck 1.0 0.1 "A" DECK Fire Stat. 414, portside passageway 1.0 0.3 0.8 Center of m,ain lobby 1.5 0.8 0.3 Fire Stat. 916, portside passageway 1.0 0.3 0 .1 Fire Stat. 417, starboard passageway 1.0 0.5 1.6 Fire Stat. 415, starboard passageway 1.0 0.3 Area outside Doctor's office and H.P. lab 1.0 0.3 "B" DECK Fire Stat. 920, portside passageway 1.0 0.3 1.0 Fire Stat. 422, portside passageway 1.0 1.0 Passageway outside steward's mess and lounge, portside 1.0 Center of main dining room 1.0 0.5 0.3 ,

Center of conference room, Aft 1.0 0.5 1.4 Fire Stat. #21, starboard side 1.5 0.8 1.6 Passageway outside reactor space water tight door, closed 1.0 1.2

. Inside main galley 1.0 0.5

. "C" DECK Visitor's gallery, portside 1.0 0 .8 0.3 Visitor's gallery, mid-ship I'.0 0.3 Visitor's gallery, starboard side 1.0 0.8 Outside Forward control door, portside __,,

Cold Chemistry Lab 1.0 0.3 0 .1 "D" DECK u 0.5 1.0 Reactor control center 1.0 Outside of hot chem lab door, closed portside 1.0 1.0 2.1 Engine room toilet, portside Upper level, engine rm., portside 1.0 1.4 Upper level, engine rm. , starboard 1.0 0.5 0.3 ENGINE ROOM - LOWER LEVEL Outside port pump room '.. acch, closed 5.0 1.2 Outside starboard pump rm. hatch, closed 7.0 0.5 1.2 Lower level, engine rm., portside 1.0 0.8 0.5 Lower level, engine rm., starboard 1.0 0.5 0.3 14'-0" FLAT Outside port stabilizer rm. hatch, closed 5.0 0.5 1.2 Outside starboard stabilizer rm. 1.0 hatch, closed 1.0 Fire Station #34 Refrigerator storage, portside 9


MARCH 20, 1985

. 10-1960' Charlecton Harbor watcr frca under bsw

. of N.S. Savannah.

Tritius 1090

  • 33 pCi/L Gammas .

No Detectable Gammas.

71-1960 Sediment from under bow of N.S.


Cs-137 0.17 2 0.06 pCi/gm.

70-1960 Soil from Patriots Point Ticket Office. -

. s K-40 5.2

  • 1.1 pCi/ga.

e I

e 5

South Ccrclina Department cf He:lth

cnd Envircnmentel Centrcl
s. Board b Mo'es ll. Clar knon, Jr., Chattraan 2000 Bull Street Gerald A. Kaynard, Vice-Chairman

/ I (4?

Columbia, S.C. 29201 Oren L. Brady, Jr., Secretary

  • liarbara P. Nuessle Commies 6 amer [q',' James A. Sprusil, Jr.

Robert S. Jackson, M.D. .


Wi!!aam 11. liester, M.D.

Euta M. Colvin, M.D.

t October 16, 1985 Q. E C EIV H ]2 OCT2 3 G86 Mr. Chuck Waldrop, Deputy Director PATRl0TS POINI State of South Carolina Patriots Point Development Authority g g gggt g P.O. Box 986 Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina 29464

Dear Mr. Waldrop:

Enclosed is the Semi-Annual Survey Report conducted on the N.S. Savannah September 18, 1985. This report should be maintained with your records and a copy filed with the NRC Annual Report.

Again, thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Very ly yours, V

g g

kR. Autry, Dir tor Divisidn of Radi ictive Material Licensing and C pliance Bureau of Radiological llealth VRA:GVikn Enclosure .
