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Requests Interoffice Review of Final Rule for 10CFR50.55a Re Updating Ref to Editions & Addenda of Section Iii,Div 1 of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.Unsigned Final Rule Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/22/1987
From: Bosnak R
To: Novak T, Partlow J, Shao L
Shared Package
ML20150E547 List:
FRN-52FR24015, RULE-PR-50 876358, AC29-2-11, NUDOCS 8807150308
Download: ML20150E820 (34)



ij' 1


L. C. Shao, Director, DEST, NRR J. G. Partlow. Director, DRIS, NRR T. M..Novak, Director, DSP, AE00 J. G. Keppler, Direc_ tor, OSP D. H. Grimsley,' Director, DRR, ARM W. A. Magee, Acting' Director, DISS, ARM S. A.'Treby, Asst. General Counsel,'0GC FROM:

R. J. Bosnak, Deputy Director Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research




DIVISION 1, AND SECTION XI, DIVISION 1, 0F THE ASME B0ILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE Please review the enclosed final rule (Enclosure 1), including regulat analysis (Enclosure 2), and provic'c written ccninents to the RES task 1


before the reouested completion date.

The following sumarizes this technical review request.



Section 50.55a (10 CFR 50), "Codes and standards"


RES Task Leader:[G. C. Millman, DE:EMEB, x37713



RES Task No.: MS 503-1 4.

Cognizant Individuals: C. Y. Cheng, NRR; L. B. Marsh, NRR 5.

Requested Action: Review, coment and make recommendations 6.

Requested Completion Date:[ November 5.19871 7.


This final rule amends ! 50.55a to incorporate by reference the Einter 1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985 Addenda, Winter 1985 Addend and 1986 Edition cf Section III, Division 1, and the Winter 1983 Addenda, Sumer 1984 Addenda, Winter 1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985 Addenda, Winter 1985 Addenda and 1986 Edition of Section XI, Division 1, of the /SME Code.

The 60-day public coment period for the proposed rule closed on August 25, 1987.

Coments were received from three individuals Enclosure 3).

The public coments resulted in two revisions to paragraph (b)(2) that





_8807150308 Geo70s



PDR PR So 52FR24015 PDR 876358 k


OCT 2 21937


have been incorporated into the final rule. The resolution of public comments is.provided in the "Supplementary Inforulation" section.of the

' final-rule.

In addition to updating ~ the references to Section III, Division 1, and Section XI, Division 1, edicions and addenda, the final rule includes:

o A limitation in paragraph (b)(2)(v) on the use of paragraph IWB-3640, "Evaluation Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Austenitic Piping,"

as contained in the Winter 1983 Addenda and Winter 1984 Addenda.

(The limitation reouires that the rules of IWB-3640, as modified by the Winter 1985 Addenda, be used for submerged arc welds and shielded metal. arc welds.)

o An applicability statement in paragrapn (b)(2)(iv)(A) to limit the *-

need to apply the existing modification for the inservice inspection of Class 2 piping welds in residual heat removal systems, emergency core cooling systems, and containment heat removal systems.

(This revision acknowledges the improved rules for Class 2 inspections that i

are contained in the Winter 1983 Addenda. The applicability statement limits the need to apply the existing modification up to the 1983 Edition with addenda up through the Summer 1983 Addenda.)

j o

A revision to Footnote 6 to include reference to R.G. 1.147 to indicate that code cases contained therein have been determined by the NRC staff to be suitable for use, and to correct the referenced titles for R.G.1.84 and R.G.1.85.


p p, ' h / 6, l, ihy;g'.,"

P.. J. Bosnak, Deputy Director Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research



Final Rule 2.

Regulatory Analysis 3.

Public Coments i

A r


bb A



NAME:GMilln/dn/ cb

RBosnak DATE:/u M//87
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Federal Register Notice NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 10 CFR Part 50 Codes'and Standards for Nuclear Power Plants t.


Nuclear Regulatory Comission.


Final rule.


The Comission is amending its regulations to incorporate by reference the Winter 1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985 Addenda Winter 1985 Addenda, anJ1986EditionofSectionIII, Division 1,oftheAmeric[nSocietyof Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASPE Code), and the Winter 1983 Addenda, Sumer 1984 Addenda, Winter 1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985 Addenda, Winter 1985 Addenda, and 1986 Edition of Section XI, Division 1, of the ASME Code. A limitation is placed on the use of paragraph IWB-3640 as contained in the Winter 1983 Addenda and Vinter 1984 Addenda of Section XI, Division 1.

This limitation requires that for certain types of welds, IWB-3640 when implemented shall be used as modified by the Winter 1985 Addenda.

In addition, the modification affecting the inservice inspection of Class 2 piping in residual heat removal s'ystems, eme:gency core cooling systems, and containment heat removal systems has been rev,isec.'

to limit its applicability up to the 1983 Edition with addenda up through 1




d the~ sume'r 1983 Addenda. :The ' sections of the ASME ' Code.beini incorporated by reference provide rules for the construction of If9.t-water-cooled nuclear power plant components and specify requirements for.i.nservice inspection of those components. Adoption of these amendments would permit the use of improved methods for cunstruction and inservice-inspection of nuclear power plants.


(Insert date 30 days after publication in the FR). The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the regi[laf -

tions is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of (Insert date 30 days after publication in the FR).


Mr. G. C. Millman, Division of Engineer-ing, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. N clear Regulatory Comnission, Washington, DC 20555, Telephone: (301)443 7713, 7

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On June 26,198f, the Nuclear Regulatory ;om-mission published in the Federal Register (52 FR 24015) a proposed amendment to its regulation, 10 CFR Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production arld l

Utilization Facilities," to update the reference to editions and addends of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Yessel Code (ASME Code). This amendment revises % 50.55a to incorporate by rete.ence all ediJons through the 1986 Edition and all addenda through the Winter 1985 Addenda that modify Division 1 rules of Section III, "Rules j

for the Construction of Nuclear Plant Components," and Division 1 rules of Sections XI, "Rules for the Inservice inspection of Nuclear Power'.Piant Components," of he ASME Code.

Specifically, this amencment to 6 50.55a 2






incorporates by reference the Winter.1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985' Addenda, Winter 1985 Addenda, and 1986 Edition for Division 1 rules of Section III, and the Winter 1983 Addenda, Sumer 1984 Addenda, Winter 1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985 Addenda, Winter 1985 Addenda, and 1986 Edition for Division 1 rules of Section XI of the ASME Code. The 1986 Edition is equivalent to the 1983 Edition, as modified by the Sumer 1983 Addenda, Winter 1983 Addenda, Sumer 1984 Addenda, Winter 1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985 Addenda, and Winter 1985 Addenda. The. Sumer 1984 Addenda and Sumer 1985 Addenda for Section XI do not include technical requirements related to Divis}o[ir 1, but are included in the reference to prevent the confusion that might occur with a lack of continuity in the addenda references.

Interested persons were invited to submit written coments for con-sideration in connection with the proposed amendment by August 25, 1987.

Coments were received from three individuals in response to the notice of proposed rulemaking. Two of the comentors were in favor of the pro-posed rule, and submitted suggestions for editorial clarifications.

One of these comentors was concerned that the manner of specifying the endorsed editions and addenda in paraaraphs (b)(1) and (b)(?) was poten-tially confusing for this specific arrendment because the latest addendab that is specified does not modify the latest edition that is specified (i.e., the Wir:ter 1985 Addenda r,odifies the 1983 Edition). The staff has reviewed the coment and is of the opinion that the proposed wording is not ambiguous to those familiar with the ASME Cude and those likely to implement this rule, anc that a change to the established fonnat for paragraphs -(b)(1) and (b)(2) could potentially confuse individuals familiar with the rule. Having received no other coments, written or verbal e.

relctive to this item, the staff has elected to retain the proposed wording 1

for paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2).




The other convrientor in' favor of the proposed rule felt that the pro -

posed additional sentence in pragraph (b)(2)(i) which specifies.a limitation on the use of I;fB-3640 for certain addenda should b'e specified for. clarity.

s in a separate paragraph. 'The staff has considered and adopte'd this suggestion.

In this final rule, the specified limitation is contained in d new paragr'ph (b)(2)(v). This commentor also recomended a revision to a

Footnote 6 to clarify details regarding implementation of the code cases specified in the identified regulatory guides. It is the opinion of the-staff that the rule should not be cluttered with such infonnation. 'T eh -

fore, the revision has not been incorporated into the final rule. However, the staff is considering incorporating additional information directi 9

the regulatory guides to clarify their use. Additionally, this comer. tor noted that the Winter 1983 Addenda to Section XI included significant improvements to the inservice inspection of Class 2 piping. This comment is correct.

In par,icular, the rules specified in that addenda satisfy NRC staff ccncerns associated with the rules specified in earlier addenda for the iroervice inspection of Class 2 piping in residual heat removal systems, emergency core cooling systems, and containment heat removal systems. The staff previously addressed these concerns by incorporatin'g into 5 50.55a the existing modification specified in paragraph (b)(2)(iv)(A).

Although the comentor did r.s'c make the pc, int specifically, the proposed rule should have recognized the improvements in the Winter 1983 Addenda by incorporating a re91sion to limit the applicability of the required existingmodificationspec1fiedinparagraph(b)(2)(iv)(A)toASMECode editions and addenda up to the 1983 Edition with addenda up through the Sumer 1983 Addenda. This final rule incorporates this limitation to. the use of the modification specified in paragraph (b)(2)(iv)(A).

4 ENCI.050RE 1 4


The third connentor was opposed to the. proposed amendment because he felt that the, NRC should not rely on industry standards, but rather should develop its own standards based upon NRCI experience -and data. NRC practice is to utilize national standards, such-as the ASME Code, whenever possible


to define acceptable ways of implementing the NRC's basic safety regulations. Co.sistent with this policy, the NRC staff participates actively in the development of maoy national standards, including the ASME Code, to ensure that NRC experience and data is ~part of the information base used to support development of the standard. Although the NRC'sta"Yf.

is heavily involved in the development of the ASME Code, endorsement of the ASME Code by the NRC without exception is not an automatic action as evidenced by the existing limitations and modifications specified in paragraph (b)(2) and the new limitation specified in paragraph (b)(2)(v) by this final rule.

Paragraph IWB-3640 was incorporated into the Winter 19.83 Addends of Section XI, Divisioa 1, to provide proceduras and acceptance criteria for determining the acceptability for continued service of austenitic stain-less steel piping with flaws in exceu of the allowable ind. cations spec-ified in IWB-3514.3. Concern was expressed by the NRC staff and otherF that IWB-3640, as presented initially in the Winter 1983 Addenda, did not provide an acceptable level of margin against failure for materials with low toughness, such as might occur in fluxed welds (i.e., submerged arc welds (SAW) or shielded metal arc welds (SMAW)). One concern with low toughness materials was that such materials might fail at load levels below limit load. Additionally, there was concern that secondary stresses, which were not included in the stress analysis procedures. '.




required by IWB-3640. might ' contribute to the failure of low toughness materials.

The ASME established a special. task group to address the concerns associated with paragraph IWB-3640 as contained in the Winter'1983



In the interim, the NRC staff required that licensees utilizing the procedures and acceptance criteria of IWB-3640, as contained in the Winter 1983 Addenda, apply additional safety factors in their analyses to be submitte,d to the staff to account for the above concerns.

NRC staff.

acceptance criteria were provided in Gen *ic letter 84-11. "Inspectio s'y #

of BWR Stainless Steel Piping."*

In the opinion of the NRC staff, the concerns associated with material toughness have been adequately addressed by the ASME Code with the modi-fication to paragraph IWB-3640 in the Winter 1985 Addenda. This addenda provides specific acceptance criteria for SAW and SMAW type welds, and these criteria address the concerns associated with limit-load and the need to incorporate secondary stresses in the tvaluation.

This arrendment to 5 50.55a incorporates a limitation in paragraph (b)(2)(v) that allows for the use of paragraph IWB-3640, as contained in the Winter 1983 Addenda and Winter 1984 Addenda, for-al'i applications permitted in that paragraph except those associated with SAW and SMAW type welds.

For these welds, this amendment specifies that paragraph IWB-3640, as modified by the Winter 1985 Addenda, must be used.

Footnote 6 of 5 50.55a provides reference to the NRC Regulatory Guides that denote which ASME Code Cases have been dettnr.ined to be acceptable

  • A copy of Generic Letter 84-11 is available for inspection or copying for a fee at the NRC Public Document Room 17 7 H Street NW., Washingten, DC.


1\\. -



~ to the NRC staff for' implementation.

Previously, this footnote provided reference to only-Regulatory Guide's 1.84 and 1.85, which denote acceptability of Section III,. Division 1, Code Cases on design and. fabrication..and on materials, respectively. This amendment revises Footnote 6 to incorporate a reference to Regulatory Guide 1.147, "Inservice Inspection Code Case Acceptability -- ASME Section XI Division 1," which identifies the Code Cases acceptable to the NRC staff for implerrentation in the inservice inspection (ISI) program of light-water-cooled nuclear power plants. At' present, the Implementation section ~of Regulatory Guide 1.147 specifi5s that applicants should make a specific request to the NRC to use Code Cases endorsed in the regulatorv guide. The next revision of Regulatory Guide 1.147 (i.e., Revision 6) will reflect the proposed ' change in Footnote 6 of the regulation.

It will permit the use of Code Cases endersed in the regulatory guide without a specific request to the NRC for approval.

In the interim, it is the intent of the NRC that' Code Cases. listed in Regulatory Guide 1.147 be used without specific application to the NRC.

This amendment further revises Footnote 6 to correct the referenced titles for Regulatory Guides 1.84 and 1.85.

Subsection IWE, "Requirements for Class MC Components of Light-Wafer Cooled Power Plants," was added tc Section XI, Division 1, in the Winter 1981 Addenda.

However, 10 CFR 6 50.55a presently incorporates only those j

portions of Sect '.: XI that address the ISI requirements for Class 1, 2, and 3 component., and their supports. The regulation does not currently address the ISI of containments. Since this amendment is only intended to update current regulatory requirements to include the latest ASME Code edition and addenda, the requirements of Subsection IWE would not be ikosed 7


't a

"[7590-0G upon Comission licensees by this amendment. The hpplicability of. Subsection-IWE is.being considered separately.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:' CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION The NRC has determined that this final rule is the type of action described in categorical exclusion 10 CFR 51.22(c)(3). Therefore, neither an environmental impact statement nor an environmental assessment has been prepared for this final rule.


REGULATORY ANALYSIS The Connission has prepared a regulatory analysis for this amendment to the regulations. The analysis examines the costs and benefits of the alternatives considered by the Comission.

Interested persons may examine a copy of the regulatory analysis at the NRC Public Document Room, 1717 H St.

tN., Washington, DC.

Single copies of the analysis may be obtained from Mr. G. C. Millman, Division of Engineering, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, Washington, DC, 20555, Telephone (301)443-7713.

PAPERWORK PEDUCTION ACT STATEMENT This final rule incorporates by reference information collection requirements that were reviewed by the office of Management and Budget (OMB). The OMB approval number is 3150-0011.




t 4


- As requi. red by the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, 5 U.S.C. 605(b),

-the Commission hereby certifie's that this rule does no't have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. This. rule affects only the licensing and operation of nuclear power plants. The companies that own these plants do not fall within the scope of the definition of "small enti, ties" set forth in the Regulatory Flexibility Act or the Small Business Size Standards set out in regulat' ions issued by the Small BUsi,hes's Administration at 13 CFR Part 121.

LIST OF SUBJECTS IN 10 CFR PART 50 Antitrust, Classified information, Fire protection, Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Nuclear power plants and reactors.

Penalty, Radiation protection, Reactor siting criteria, Reporting and recordkeeping requirenents.

Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy l

Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, and 5 U.S.C. 553, the NRC is. -

adopting the following amendments to 10 CFR Part 50.


The authority citation for Part 50 continues to read as follows:

AUTHORITY: Secs.103,104,161,182,183,186,189,68 Stat.936.937) 948. 953, 954, 955, 956, as amended, sec. 234, 83 Stat. 1244, as amended 9





(42 U.S.C. 2133, 2134, 2201, 2232, 2233,.2236, 2239, 2282): secs. 201, 202, 206, 88 Stat.'1242, 1244, 1246,'as amended (42 U.S.C. 5841, 5842,


5846),~unless otherwise noted.

Section 50.7 also-issued under Pub. L.95-601, sec. 10, 92 Stat. 2951 (42.U.S.C. 5851).

Sections 50.58, 50.91 and 50.92 also issued under Pub. L.97-415, 96 Stat. 2073 (42 U.S.C. 2239). Section 50.78 also issued under sec. 122, 68 Stat. 939 (42 U.S.C. 2152). Sections 50.80-50.81 also issuedundersec.184,68 Stat.954,asamended(42U.S.C.2234). Sec-tions 50.1'00-50.102 alsoissuedundersec.186,68 Stat.955(42U.S.C.}<



For the purposes of sec. 223, 68 Stat. 958, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2273),

il50.10(a),(b),and(c), 50.44, 50.46, 50.48, 50.54, and 50.80(a) are issued under sec. 161b, 68 Stat. 948, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2201(b)); il 50.10(b) and (c) and 50.54 are issued under sec. 1611, 68 Stat. 949, as amended (42 U.S.C.

2201(i)); and il 50.55(e), 50.59(b), 50.70, 50.71, 50.72, 50.73 and 50.78 are issued under sec. 1610, 68 Stat. 950, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2201(o)).


For i 50.55a, paragraph (b)(1), the introductory text of para-graph (b)(2), paragraph (b)(2)(iv), and Footnote 6 are revised and para-1 graph (b)(2)(v) is added to read as follows:

$50.55 Codes and standards (b) * * *

(1) As used in this section, references to Section III of the ASMi Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code re:'er to Section III, Division 1, and 10 ENCLOSURE 1 i




include editions through tl.e 1986 Edition and. Addenda through the' Winter, 1985 Addenda'.

(2) 'As used:in this,section, referen'es'to Section XI of the ASME c

Boiler and Pressure Yessel Code refer to Section XI, Division 1, 'and include editions through the 1986 Edition and Addenda through the Winter 1985 Addenda, subject to the following limitations and modifications:

(iv) Pressure-retaining welds in ASME Code Class 2 piping (applies to Tables IWC-2520 or IWC-2520-1, Category C-F).

(A)AppropriateCodal-Class 2 pipe welds in Residual Heat Removal Systems, Emergency Care Cool-ing Systems and Containment Heat Removal Systems, shall be examined. When applying editions and addenda up to the 1983 Edition through the Sumer 1983 Addenda of Section XI of the ASME Code, the extent of examination for these systems shall be detennined by the requirements of paragraph IWC-1220, Table IWC-2520 Category C-F and C-G, and paragraph IWC-2411 in.the 1974 Edition and Addenda through the Sumer 1975 Addenda.


.x a a (s)+ +




(v) Evaluation procedures and acceptance criteria for austanitic piping (applies to IWB-3640). When applying the Winter 1983 Addenda and Winte'r 1984 Adaen:'a, the rules of paragraph IWB-3630 may be used for all applica-tions permitted in that paragraph, except those associated with submerged arc welds (SAW) or shielded metal arc welds (SMAW).

For SAW or SMAW, use paragraph IWB-3640, as modified by the Winter 1985 Addenda.

Footnotes to $ 50.55a:


'2 l


6ASME Code cases that are.authoriz'ed for use by the Comission staff are listed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.84, "Design and Code Case Accep-tability -- ASME Section III Division 1," NRC Regulatory Guide 1.85, "Materials Code Case Acceptability -- ASME Section III Division 1," and NRC ReSulatory Guide 1.147, "Inservice Inspection Code Case Acceptability

-- ASME Section XI Division 1."

The use of other Code cases may be the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation upon reouest pur,suant to 5 50.55a(a)(3).

I. A.

Dated at this day of 1988.


For the Nuclear Regulatory Comiss s.

Victor Stello, Jr.,

Executive Director for Operations.

t O

'ge e


S l

PDR-Certified Original:


Regulatory Analysis Amendment t'o 10.CFR 6 50.55a Codes and Standards

' Executive Sunmary9 Section 50.55a of the NRC regulations requires that nuclear power plant owne'rs construct Class 1, 2,. and 3 components in accordance with the rules pro-vided in Section III', Division 1, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Yessel Code (ASME Code) and that they provide for and perform an inservice inspection of those components in accordance with the rules provided in Section 'XI, Division 1, of the ASME Code.

NRC has been mandating this requirement since shortly after initial publication of Section III and Section XI of the ASME Code in 1971.

The preamble to the August 24, 1972, final rule amending 6 50.55a (37 FR 17021) states "As new or amended editions of applicable codes, code cases, or addenda are issued, the Commission will review them and amend the provisions of 6 50.55a... as appropriate."

The techanism for endorsement, which has been used since the first endorsenent in 1971, has been to incorporate by reference the ASME Code into 6 50.55a. The regulation identifies which edition and addenda of the ASME Code have been approved by the NRC for use. At present, the NRC endorses for Section III, Division 1, all addenda through the Sunner 1984 Addenda and all editions through the 1983 Edition, and for Section XI, Division 1, all addenda through the Summer 1983 Addenda and all editions through the 1983 Editinn. This amend-ment incorporates by reference all editions through the 1986 Edition and all addenda through the Winter 1985 Addenda for both Section III, Division 1, and Section XI, Division 1.

This amendment is of particular importance to operating plants because 6 50.55a requires that licensees update their inservice examination and in-service testing programs every ten years to comply with the requirements of the latest edition and addenda of Section XI, Division 1, endorsed by the NRC 12 months prior to the start of the next ten year interval. This amendment is also of importance to plants preparing for their initial inspection interval, for these plants must comply with the latest edition and,'ddenda of Section XI, Division 1, endorsed by the NRC 12 months prior to the date of issuance of the operating license.

The ASME Code is developed through the American National Standards Instituta contensus process.

This ensures that the various technical interests (e.g.,

uti ity, manufacturing, insurance, regulatcry) are represented on the standards l

l I

t O

e development comittees and their. viewpoints are addressed. fairly in' the stan-dards writing - process.

In' general, revisions are made to improve the Code.

by providing more detailed rules where experience indicates greater guidance is necessary, or' relaxing the rules where experience shows. equivalent-operational


safety can,b'e maintained with a reduced burden on the licensees.r.The consensus process ensures that the cost. a.nd ben ~efit of revisions to the ASME Code are properly considered from all-sides and are reasonably balanced.

Should the NRC staff feel ~that et any time in.the process safety is being compromised, it can and has taken 9 50.55a to the rules provided in the ASME. Code.

This does not occur often, but is available to the staff when necessary.

This acendment does not conflict with any existing or proposed regulatory action.

In particular, the ASME Code' rules that address the criteria for allowable cracks in austenitic stainless steel piping provide the basis for existing and prop *osed generic letters on the inspection of BWR stainless steel piping.

It is concluded that this amendment, when implemented, would result in a n'et increase in the overall protectinn of public health and safety, because it will be the improved rules that will be used in new and subsequent inservice inspection programs.

0 % 1ete requirements will not be promulgated from inspection interval to inspection interval.


Statement of the Problem The General Design Criteria (Appendix A of 10 CFR Part 50) require that structures, systems, and components of light-water-reactors be designed, fabricated, erected, constructed, tested and inspected to quality standards commensurate with the importance of the safety function performed.

Without a set of specific rules to implement these quality standards, it would be neces-sary for'each applicant and licensee to develop its own progran for submittal to the NPC.

Each program would have to be reviewed by the staff on a case-by-case basis.

This would increase significantly the licensing review time and would make inspectiuns by the staff more difficult because of the nonstandard nature of each program.

To provide a consistent set of rules, which the industry has participated 'in developing, 5 50.55a mandates use of Section III, Division 1, of the ASME Code for ccostruction of Class 1, P, 3 components, and Section XI, Division 1 of the ASME Code for inservice inspection of these components.

Section III end Section XI are implemented by applicants and licensees of all light-water-cooled reactors.

The NRC first endorsed the ASME Code by reference in 10 CFR s 50.55a in 1971.

The ASME publishes a new edition of the Code every three years.

In the past, new addenda have been published for Section Ill, Division 1, and for Section XI, Division 1 every six months.

Since 1986, new addenda have been published once a year.

It has been a continuing policy of the Commission to update this section of the regulations to keep the references i


In those cases where an item in the ASME Code is inconsistent with NRC criteria, an-exception may be taken to endorsing that portion of the Code or supplementary criteria may be incorporated to make the item consistent with staff requirements.


i O

Section 50.55a presently. endorses all addenda through the Sumer.1984 Addenda, and all editions through the '1983 Edition for 'Section III, Division 1. and all addenda through the Sumer 1983 Addenda, and all editions' through the'1983 Edition for Section XI, Division 1.

The purpose of. this amendment is to Tincorporate by reference into the regulations all-addenda through the Winter 1985 Addenda and all editions through ^the 1986 Edition for both Section III, Division-1 and Section XI, Division.1.

The ASME Code is developed through the consensus process, which ensures that the various technical interests (e.g., utility, manuf acturers, insurance, regu-latory) are represented on the standards development comittees and that their viewpoints are considered in the standards writing process.

Endorsement of the ASME Code by the NRC provides a method of incorporating rules into the regulatory procus that are acceptable to the NRC and have received industry consideration in their development.

If the NRC did not take action to endorse the ASME Code, the NRC position bn -

methods for construction and inservice inspection would have to be established' o.i a case-by-case basis.

If the NRC did not take. action to update the ASME Code references, improved methods for construction and inservice inspection might not be implemented.


Objectives This final rule amends % 5'0.55a to:

o Incorporate by reference into 10 CFR 9 50.55a, the Winter 1984 Ad-denda, Sumer 1985 Addenda, Winter 1985 Addenda, and 1986 Edition for Section III, Division 1, and the Winter 1983 Addenda, Sumer 1984 Addenda, Winter 1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985 Addenda, Winter 1985

/ddenda, and 1986 Edition for Section XI, Division 1, of the ASME Code.

o Require that when using paragraph IWB-3640 of Section XI, Divisiun 1, for submerged arc welds and shielded metal arc welds the Winter 1985 Addenda be used in place of the rules contained in the Vinter 1983 Addenda and Winter 1984 Addenda, o

Revise footnote 6 to incorporate a reference to Regulatory Guide 1.147, "Inservice Inspection Code Case Acceptability --- ASME Sec-tion XI Division 1,"

and to correct the referenced titles for Regulatory Guides 1.84 and 1.85.

o Limit use of modification specified in paragraph (b)(2)(iv)(A) for Class 2 piping inspections for residual heat removal systems, emergency core cooling systems, and containment heat removal systems, to ASME Code editions and addenda up to the 1983 Edition with addenda up through the Sumer 1983 addenda.



One incorporating by reference into RC's regulations th[up-dated requiremen s of Section III, Division 1, and Section XI Division 1, 3



l noting the need to use t'he. improved IWB-3640 rules contained in the. Winter 1985 Addenda,-limiting the use of the existing modification for Class 2 piping inspec-tion rules, and making the editorial revision to Footnote 6 would be to take no.


This would mean that: the NRC position on the methods for.-construction and inservice inspection contained in the latest edition and recent addenda of

'the ASME Code would have to be provided on a case-by-case basis, the improvement rules for inspection of Class 2' would not be implemented and there could be some question as to the applicability of Regulatory Guide 1.147.

A second ' alternative to incorporating by reference these later requirements of Section III, Division 1, and Section XI, Division 1, is to incorporate the entire text of these sections of the ASME Code into the NRC regulations.

Be-cause of the volume of these sections, this approach is not practicable.





Costs and Benefits Incorporating by reference the latest edition and recent addenda of the ASME Code will establish the NRC staff position on these Code rules on a' generic basis for applicants and licensees.

This will minimize the need for case-by-case evaluations and will reduce the time and effort required for submittal preparations and license reviews.

The cost / benefit of ASME Code revisinris is balanced by the manrer in which these revisions are achieved through the American Nationci Standards Institute

( ANSI) consensus process.

The ANSI consensus process ensures that participa-tion in ASME Code development is open to all persons and organizations that might reasonably be expected to be directly and materially affected by the activity, and ensures that such persons and organizations shall have the op-portunity for fair and equitable participation without dominance by any single interest.

Consensus is established when substantial agreement has been achieved by the interests involved.

Consensus requires that cli views and ob-


jections be considered and that a concerted effort be mace toward resolution.

ASME Code proposed revisions are published for public convent in the ASME Mechanical Engineering and ANSI Reporter publications prior to being submitted for final ASkE and ANSI approval.

Adverse public coments are referred to th'e appropriate technical comittee for resoluticn.

The consensus process ensures a proper balance between utility, manufacturing, regulatory and other interests concerned with revisions to the ASME Code, and ensures that the cost of implementing any Code revision is consistent with its

benefit, b.

Impacts on Other Requirements (1) Effect of Amendment on Existing NRC RequirementsSection III -and Section XI have been revised, in the past, twice a year.

These revisions have been published in two addenda each year (i.e., Sumer 1

Addenda and Winter Addenda).

Starting in 1986, there is only one-addenda for each of these sections and it will be called the 19XX Addenda (e.g.,

1286 Addenda).

The revisions are the result of consensus participants 4




l meeting.4 - 5.ti.mes. a ye'ar for the p'urpos'e of improving the existing.


.The revisions take into account the many lessons learned in a specific area since-the development of a particular Code rule.

The revisions generally fall into three. categories; a) technical. revisions that incorporate new rules in technical areas not.previously. addressed by the Code; b) technical Jrevisions 'to existing rules; and. c) editorial revisions.

When a technical revision -is made, it may make the existing set of rules more or less restrictive, or may simply clarify the existing rule without changing its' intent.

There are numerous revisions in each addenda.

Appendix A provides a sumary of those revisions considered to be significant that are included in the addenda and edition affected by the proposed amendment.

In general, technical revisions are made to. improve the ASME Code by providing more detailed fules where experience indicates greater guidance is necess_ar.7, or relaxing the rules where experience shows equivalent operational safety can' be maintained with a reduced burden on the licensee.

Relative to implementation of Section III, Division 1, 5 50.55a specifies that the ASME Code edition and Addenda-to be applied to reactor coolant pres-sure' boundary (i.e., Class 1), and Quality Group B (i.e., Class 2) and Quality Group C (i.e., Class 3) components must he determined by the provisions of paragraph NCA-1140 of Subsection NCA of Section III, Division 1, of the ASME Code, but the applicable edition and addenda must be those which are in-corporated by reference in i 50.55a. NCA-1140 specifies that the owner (or his designee) shall establish the ASME Code edition and addenda to be included in the Design Specifications, but that in no case shall the Code edition and addenda. dates the Design Specifications be earlier than three years prior to the date that the nuclear power plant ccnstruction permit is docketed.

NCA-1140 further states that later ASME Code editions and addendc may be used by mutual consent of the Owner (or his designee) and Certificate Holder.

Plants may implement the improved rules on a voluntary basis as they are incorporated by reference into i 50.55a, but unless they make that choice, there is no additional burden associated with incorporating the proposed Section III edition and addenda.

Relative to irplementation of Section XI, Division 1, 6 50.55a specifies that:


Inservice examinations of components, inservice tests of pumps and valves, and system pressure tests conducted during the initial 120-month inspection interval shall comply with the requirements in the latest edition and addenda of the ASME Code incorporated by reference on the date 12 months prior to the date of issuance of the operating license, subject to any limitations noted (i 50.55a(4)(1)).

(b) Similar to (a), above, for successive 120-month inspection interval it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the latest edition and addenda of the ASME Code incorporated by reference 12 months prior to the start of the 120-month inspection interval, any limitations noted ($ 50.55a(4)(ii)).

5 i


c a

h (c) If a licensee determines tha+. confonnance with certain Code require-ments is impractical ~ for his facility, the licensee shall notify the Commission and submit information to support his determination (550.55a(g)(5)(iii)).

The Comission will evaiuate licensee deter-minations that Code requirements - are impractical and may grant due requirements giving(1)).

such relief and may impose alter. native (550.55a(g)(6) consideration to the burden' on the licensee The existing requirements in 5 50.55a specified. in Items (a) and (b), above, ensure that all plants perform inservice inspection and inservice test pro-grams in conformance with updated versions of Section XI of the ASME Code. The proposed amendment would update the editions and addenda that are endorsed by the NRC staff, and would thereby cause these later editions and addenda to be implemanted by licensees consistent with the time constraints identified in Items (a)and(bl,above.

The recuirement in Item (c), above, provides for the submittal of relfef' requests by licensees.

It ensures tnat in those cases where the generic requirements of Section XI are. impractical, or are overly burdensome for a specific facility, that facility may obtain some relief / rom the particular requirement, provided the licensee demonstrates t9 the Comission that omission of the Section XI requirement believed to v impractical will not have an adverse affect on public health and safety.

As noted in Appendix A, there are numerous char.ges in the addenda being incor-porated by reference into ? 50.55a.

Some of the changes reduce the burden of the licensee in irrplementing the Code, while others increase the burden.

In any event, all the revisions were developed as part of the consensus process and, therefore, have been thoroughly reviewed by all elements of the nuclear industry, as well as the NRC staff.

It is fair to say that the consensus pro-cess ensures that the value of any revision to the ASME Code is balanced by its burden on the industry.

The revisiuns generally improve plant safety by incorporating new rules to cover areas not previously addressed, or by revising the rules consistent with experience to reduce the number of areas where the Code has been found to,#be impractical, inadequate, or insufficiently clear.

As noted above, b 50.55a presently requires that licensees upcate their ir.-

service inspection programs every 10 years to the Section XI rules that were endorsed by the NPC 12 months prior to the start of the next 120-month in-spection interval.

There will be a substantial increase in sefety through the endorsement of the later addenda and edition, because it vill be these addenda ar.d edition that will be used in subsequent inservice inspection programs,

j Obsolete rec mments will not be promulgated from inspection interval to inspection 1..erval.

(2) Effect of Amendtrent on NRC Regulatory Actions That Address the Inspection of BWR Stainless Steel Piping This amendment addresses one area where an NRC regulatory action exists $nd where a proposed action is pending.

The actions are associated with the l

6 i


inspection of austenitic stainless steel piping.

Crac' austenitic stain-less ' steel piping have been a concern since 1973 when intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) was first noted in some BWR feedwater lines.

Since the' Winter 1975 Addenda,Section XI, Division 1 has provided criteria in paragraph IWB-3514.3 for allowable indications in austenitic piping.

Because IGSCC often'; exceeded these criteria, the ASME. Code developed supple-mental rules' that permitted evaluation and possible acceptance of these cracks for limited operating periods. These. supplemental rules were incorporated into paragraph IWB-3640 in the Winter 1983 Addenda of Section XI, Division 1, to provide procedures and acceptanca criteria for detennining the acceptability for continued services of austenitic stainless steel piping with flaws in excess of the allowable indications e scified in IWB-3514.3.

Generic Letter 84-11, "Inspections-of BWR Stainless Steel Piping," was issued to provide licens'ees with a summary of actions that the staff considered response to IGSCC concerns at the time.

This generic letter provid'ed -

licensees with the bases for a reinspection program for piping susceptible 'to IGSCC.

Among other things, the generic letter provides crack evaluation and repair criteria.

These criteria are based, in part, upon rules provided in the Winter 1983 Addenda of Section XI, Division 1.

Because of uncertainties associated with crack sizing, the staff has adopted a criteria in' Generic Letter 84-11 that permits operation with cracked welds for the time period that the cracks are evaluated to not exceed 2/3 of the limits for depth and length provided in paragraph IWB-3640 of the Winter 1983 Addenda of Section XI, Division 1.

An additional concern expressed by the NRC staff and others was that IWB-3640, as contained in the Winter 1983 Addenda, did not provide an acceptable margin against failure for low toughness materials.

The ASME established a special task group to address this concern.

The result was a revision to IWB-36a0 that appeared in the Winter 1985 Addenda.

In the opinion of the NRC staff, this revision adequately addresses the concerns associated with the use of IWB-3640 for low toughness materials. The intent of the limitation in the proposed amendment is to prevent the use of IWB-3640 rules in the Winter 1983 Addenda and Winter 1984 Addenda for low toughness materials, and to require instead.the use of the improved rules as they are provided in the Winter 1985 Addenda.

NUREG-0313, Revision 2 "Technical Report on Material Selection and Processing Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping," among other things, pro-vides updated guidelines for evaluating IGSCC cracks for limited further opera-tion.

This report, which incorporates public connents and is now in the NRC review and approval process, states that the problem of low toughness material has been addressed by the Code, and that the Winter 1985 Addenda provides appropriate criteria for all types of welds.

NUREG-0313, Revision 2, also addresses the original uncertainties associated with the ability to adequately size cracks for evaluation by IWB-3640.

The NUREG points out-that this issue has been addressed by the industry, with -sup-port from NRC.

Recognizing that much of the uncertainty was associated with examinations being performed by examiners with limited knowledge and expertence in sizing IGSCC, the industry established a training and qualification program at the EPRI UDE Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.

7 s

l 1

The staff now believes,that flaw sizes can be adequatdly. determined when both examiners and procedures are qualified by tests provided at the EPRI NDE Center.


A Generic letter to implement the criteria in the technical basis ~ document, NUREG-0313, Revision 2, has been prepared and is in the review and approval process along with the subject.NUREG.

IWB-3640 as presented in the Winter 1983 Addenda provides the basis for the crack acceptance criteria specified in Generic letter 84-11.

The improvements to IWB-3640 for low toughness materials that are contained in the Winter 1985 Addenda provide the basis for the proposed generic letter that would implement the staff technical findings that are provided in NUREG-0313. Revision 2.

NRR is presently using the criteria specified in the Winter 1985 Addenda on a case-by-case basis.

Since the 1986 Edition of Section XI, Division 1, is a compos-ite of the 1983* Edition and all subsequent addenda through the Winter.1985 Addenda, the 1986 Edition contains the acceptable rules for base materials'ahd-low toughness materials.

(3) Application of Backfit Rule (650.109)

It is the opinion of the Office of the General Counsel that this amendment should not be subjected to the backfit provisions in 10 CFR $50.109.

The rationale is that, (1) the Section III, Division 1, update applies only to new construction (i.e., the edition and addenda to be used in the construction of a plant are selected based upon the date of the construction permit and are not changed thereafter, except. voluntarily by the licensee, (2) licensees are fully aware that 9 50.55a requires that they update their inservice inspection program every 10 years to the latest edition and addenda of Section XI that were incor-porated by reference in 6 50.55a 12 months before the start of the r,cxt inspec-tion interval, and (3) endorsino and updating references to the ASFE Code, a national consensus standard developed by participants (including the NRC) with broad and varied interests, is consistent with both the intent ard spirit of the backfit rule (i.e., NRC provides for the protection of the public health and safety, and does not unilaterally impose an undue burden on applicants or licensees).


Impact on Requirements of Other Government Agencies Implementation of the new ASME Code rules requires certoir, additional informa-tien collection requirements. The Supporting Statement for Information Collec-tion Requirements in 10 CFR 6 50.55a is provided in Appendix B.

This amendment to i 50.55a affects only the licensing and operating of nuclear power plants.

The companies that own these plants do not fall within the scope of the definition of "small entities" set forth in the Regulatory Flexi-bility Act in the Small Business Administration at 13 CFR Part 121.

Since these companies are dominant in their service areas, this amendment does not fall in the province of this Act. This final rule will have no significant ef-feet on a substantial number of small companies.


1 (5) Decision Rationale From the above analysis it is concluded that this amendment to 10 CFR $ 50.55a to update the reference to incorporate the latest edition and recent addenda of the ASME Code would result in-a net increase in the overall. protection of public health and safety, because the improved rules used in new and subsequent. inservice inspection erograms, and 'would save applicants and licensees, and the NRC ttaff'both' time and effort by p' oviding unifonn detailed


r criteria against which the staff could review any single submission.

No significant additional ^ cost to applicants and licensees is expected as a result of NRC endorsenent of the new ASME Code edition and addenda.


Implementation No implementation problems are anticipated.

The framework for implementation is already establ'ished in both the industry and the NRC.

r n




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A l



O Appendix B Supporting Statement for Information Collection Requirements in-10 CFR 6 50'.55a Justification a.

Need for the Information Collection NRC Re,gulations in 10 CFR 9-50.55a incorporate by reference Division I rules of Section 1I1,. "Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power -

Plant Components," and Division 1. rules of Section XI, "Rules fo'r,'" -

Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Corrponents," of the


American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME Code). These sections of the ASME Code set forth the reouirements to which. nuclear power plant components are designed, constructed, tested and inspected.

Inherent in these requirements are certain recordkeeping functions.

Incorporation of the Winter 1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985 Addenda, Winter 1985 Addenda, and 1986 Edition for Section III, Division 1, of the ASME Code adds the following recordkeeping requirements.

Section III n

Winter 1984 Addenda NCA-8213(c); Attachment of Nameplates - Nameplates attached with pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive system must meet requirements of mandatory Appendix XXI, "Adhesive Attachment of Nameplates," which stated that Certificate Holders 0A manualg contain written procedures for the application of nLmeplates.'

NB/NC/ND-7141; Installation of Pressure Relief Devices -

Technical justification for the adequacy of the installation of such devices must be provided in the Over-pressure Protection

Report, o

Sumer 1985 Addenda j

NB-4622.11; Tem)er Bead Weld Repair to Dissimilar Petal Welds or Buttering - Requires preparation of welding procedure specification.

o Winter 1985 Addenda j

NCA-8440; Data Reports, Component Sup> orts - New provisions require the use of NF-1 and N-5 Data Report Forms.

A-1 i

i i

1 e

NC-3812/NC-3912; Design Report'- Certificate' Holder must pro vide Design Report as part of his responsibility for achievin9 structural integrity of atmospheric storage tanks (NC-3812) and-0 - 15 psi storage tanks (NC-3912).


o Winter 1984' Addenda No additional recordkeeping, NC/ND-7750; Capacity Certification of Vacuum Relief Valves -

Requirement that drawings and test results are to be sub-mitted to the ASME designee for review and acceptance.

I o

1986 Edition The Sumer-1983 Addenda. Winter 1983 Addenda, Sumer.198.4 Addenda, and 1983 Edition have been incorporated by reTeb ence into 10 CFR $ 50.55a by a previous amendment.

I nfo'r-mation collection requirements for the Winter 1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985 Addenda, and Winter 1985 Addenda are~ discussed above.

Incorporation of the Winter 1983 Addenda, Summer 1984 Addenda.

Winter 1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985 Addenda, Winter ]985 Addenda, and 1986 Edition for Section XI, Division 1, of the ASME Code adds the following recordkeeping requirements.

Section XI o

Winter 1983 Addenda IWA-2420; Inspection Plans and Schedules - Requires pre-paration of preservice and inservice inspection plans and schedules.

IWA-4210; Storage and Handling of Welding Material -

Requires written procedure for storage, handling, and control of welding material.

IWA-6210(a)/(c); Owner's Responsibility - Requires Prepara-tion of preservice inspection pians and schedules, records, and sumary report for Class 1 and 2 pressure retaining components and their supports.

IWA-6340(b)/(c); Inservice Inspection Records and Reports -

Reqires maintainance of preservice inspection plans, schedules, and reports.

Appendix VI (Mandatory); Ultrasonic Examination of Bolts and Studs - Requires records of the personnel perfomance IThe1986EditionofSectionIII, Division 1,isequivalenttothelh'83 Edition, as modified by the Sume 1983 Addenda, Winter 1983 Addenda, Sumer 1984 Addenda Winter 1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985 Addenda, and the Winter 1985 Addenda.

A-2 4


t -

qualification' tests', written procedures for ultrasonic examination, documentation of the procedure qualification, calibration records, and examination records.


' Sumer 1984 Addenda No addiiiional recordkeeping.

o Sumer 1985 Addenda No additional recordkeeping.

o Winter 1985 Addenda IWA-2232(f); Ultrasonic Examination _ - Indications that can-be identified as originating from surface configuratioDs;or, variations in metallurgical structure of materials may by classified as gecmetric indications. The maximum amplitude, location, and extent of a geometric indication shall be recorded.

2 c

1986 Edition The Sumer 1983 Addenda and 1983 Edition have been incor-porated by reference into 10 CFR 6 50.55a by a previcus amendment.

Information collection requircrrents for the Winter 1983 Addenda, Sumer 1984 Addenda, Winter 1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985 Addenda, and Winter 1985 Addenda are discussed above.


Practical Utility of the Inforration Collection These records are used by the licensees, National Board inspec-tors, insurance companies, and the NRC in the review of a vari-ety of activities, many of which affect cafety. The records are generally historical in nature and provide data on which iutu,re activities can be based. NRC Inspection and Enforcement person-rel can spot check the records required by the ASME Code to detennine, for example, if proper inservice exacr. nation test methods were utilized.


Duplication With Other Collections of Inforvation ASME requirements are incorporated to avoid the need for writing equivalent NRC requirements. This amendment will not duplicate the information collection requirements contained in any other generic regulatory requirement.

2The 1986 Edition of Section XI Division 1, is equivalent to the 19R3 -

Edition, as modified by the Sumer 1983 Addenda, Winter 1983 Addenda, Sumer 1984 Addenda, Winter 1984 Addenda, Sumer 1985 Addenda, and the Winter 1985 Addenda.

J A-3


.---------------- ---A-------- -----

s d.

Consultations Outside-the NRC No consultations.


Other Supporting Information NRC 6pplicants and licensees have been complyir,

th the


information collection requirements of the./SP

.de'since 1971.

No' problems with these info'rmation collection. requirements.have been identified to the NRC by the applicants or licensees.


Description of the Information Collection a.

Number and Type of Respondents

>In general, the information collection requirements incur' red,by 5 50.55a through endorsement of the ASME Code apply to the' t.

owners of the 27 nuclear power.p? ants under construction and To the owners of the 100 nuclear power ple*,63 in operation.

The actual number of plants that would implement ~ the edition and addenda addressed by the proposed revision, and thereby be affected-by their information collection requirements, is depen-dent on a variety of factors. These factors include whether the application is for Section III or Section XI, the class and l

type of components involved, the date of the construction permit application, the schedule of the inservice inspection program, and whether the plant volur.tarily elects to implement updated editions and addenda of the ASME Code.


Reasonableness of the Schedule for Collecting Information The information is generally not collected, but is retained by the licensee to be made available to the NRC in the event of an NRC inspection or audit.


Metnod of Collecting the Information See Item 2(b).

~ '.-


Adeouacy of the Description of the Inforr.ation The ASME Code provides listings of information required and specific forms to assist, where necessary, in documenting required information.


Record Retention Period The retention period for information is in accordance.with a

-schedule provided in Table NCA-4134.17-1 and paragraph IWA-6300 e

A-4 i

of the ASME' Code. Tne record -retention' periods for'information specified in Item 1.a above are:

Infomation Retention Period Procedure @r attachment of nameplates.

3 yrs afjer superseded Overpressur.e protection report.

Lifeti,ne Welding pr'ocedure specification.

Lifetime-NF-1/N-5 Data ' Report Foms.

Lifetime Desigt. Report for storage tanks.

Lifetime Test results for vacuum relief valves Lifetirre Proced. for control of welding material. 3 yrs after superseded Preservice Inspection Plan.

Lifetime Ultrasonic examination records.

Lifetime Lifetime retention of the alove records is necessary to ensure

>1dequate historical infomation on the design and examinatiort of components and systems to provide a h sis for evaluating del)rb e i

dation of these components and systems at any time during their service lifetime.


Estimate of Burdan a.

Estimated Hours The information collection requirements inherent in incorpor-ating by reference the latest edition and addenda of Sec-tion III, Division 1, and Section XI, Division 1, of the ASME Code are identified in Item 1.e above. inese requirements may be categorized in tems of Section III, requirements that document component design, and Section XI requirements that address ultrasonic examinations and preservice inspection programs.

The additional Section III requirements incur a one-time burden on plants under construction.

Section 50.55a specifies that the Code Edition, Addenda, and optional Code Cases to be applied i

to reactor coolant pressure boundary, and Quality Group B and Quality Group C components must be determined by the provisio'ns of paraoraph NCA-II40 of Subsection NCA of Section III of the ASME Code.

NCA-II40 specifies that the owner (or his designee) shell establish the ASME Code edition and addende. to be included l

in the Design Specifications, but that in no case shall the Code edition and addenda dates established in the Design Specifica-tions be earlier than three years prior to the date that the nuclear power plant construction pemit is docketed. NCA-1140 further states that later ASME Code editions and addenda may be i

used oy mutual consent of the Owner (or his designee) and Certi-ficate Holder. The earliest Section III addenaa being addressed in the proposed rule is the Winter 1984 Addenda. Since the last

-plant docketed in October 1974 (Palo Verde Units 1, 2, 3),.there is no plant under construction for which implementation of th,e Section III edition and addenda specified in the proposed rule 3Service lifetime of the component w system.

A-5 i



e s

is a requirement. Plants may implement ~.these improved rules on a voluntary basis, but unless they make that choice, no additional paperwork burden associated with incorporating

-the proposed Section.III edition and addenda.

The additional Section X1 requirements incur an infor: nation col -

lection burden associated with the documentation of. proc 4dures for the' storage, handling,'and control of welding material; the documentation of preservice inspection plans and schedules; and the implementation of the ultrasonic examination of bolts and studs.

Nuclear power plants are required to update their inservice inspection programs by incorporating into their initial 120-month inspection. interval requirements of the latest edition and addenda of Section XI, Division 1, that have.been incor.

porated by reference into 6 50.55a as of 12 months prior to" N :

the date of issuance of the operating license; and by incorporating into saccessive 120-month inspection intervals requirements of the latest edition and addenda of Section XI that have been incorporated by reference as of 12 months prior to the start of a 120-month inspection' interval. On this basis, many plants will at one time be required to implement the Section XI, Division 1, edition and addenda specified in the proposed rule.

The number of plants that will be implementing the specified edition and addenda will gro.< gradually as each plant updates its inservice inspection program at the 10-year interval. Therefore, conservatively, the total number of plants that may ultimately be required tu iriplement the specified edition and addenda is 127 (i.e., 100 cperating plants and 27 plants under construction).

Paragraph IWA-2420 was revised in the Winter 1983 Addenda to require the prep ration of preservice and inservice inspection plans, to specify the content of those plans, and to require an implementation schedule for the perfu w.,ce of examination and tests.

Inservice inspection plans ane whedules, including. -

those for preservice inspection are rcutinely submitted to the NRC as part of the regulatory process.

The types of items specified for inclusion in the plan (e.g., applicable Code edition ar.d addenda, identificction of components subject to examination and test, and Code requirements for each specified component) are typically included in the plans submitted to the NRC. Therefore, there is no additional recordkeeping burden associated with the revision of IWA-2420.

Paragraph IWA-4210 was added in the Winter 1983 Addenda to require a written procedure for the storage, handling, and

-control of welding material.

In general, this procedure would become part of the Owner's Quality Assurance Manual. The pro,-

cedure would be prepared once per plant and would, like.other.

procedures, be maintained annually thereafter.

It is estimated that the time regt ired to prepare tha original procedure vould be 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br />, and the time required to maintain the procedure A-6 n


would be 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> / year / plant. -Assuming that all plants presently operating and.under construction would at.some time implement this requirement, the total annual burden for all 127 plants, averaged over a ten-year inspection interval, would be 1524 hours0.0176 days <br />0.423 hours <br />0.00252 weeks <br />5.79882e-4 months <br /> / year vor all plants (i.e., -((100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> / plant)/10-year

' interval) + 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> / year / plant) x 127 plants = 1524 hours0.0176 days <br />0.423 hours <br />0.00252 weeks <br />5.79882e-4 months <br /> / year total for all plants)..

paragraphs IWA-6210 (a) and (c), and IWA-6340 were revisei in the Winter 1983 Addenda to clarify that'"inservice inspection" '

included preservice, as well as inservice programs, and that-Owners were responsibl'e for preparing and maintaining preserv-ice inspection plans and schedules.

Preservice inspections have been a requirement of Section XI, Division 1, since its i meption.

Preservice inspection plans and schedules are rou-

'tinely submitted to the NRC as part of the approval process for


the inservice inspection program.

Therefore, there is no addi- -

tional reverdkeeping burden associated with the revision of '

IWA-6210 (a) and (c), and IWA-6340.

Appendix VI, "Ultrasonic Examination Of Bolts and Studs" was added to Section XI, Division 1, as a mandatory apperdix in the Winter 1983 Addenda. Appendix VI provides procedures for the ultrasor.ic eramination of Class 1 and Class 2 bolts and studs.

The recordkeeping requirerrents of this appendix can be divided into those associated with documenting the examination proce-dures (i.e., initial examination development and updates) and those associated with personnel qualification records (i.e.,

test administration, taking tests and updating records).

It is estimated that initial development of the exanination procedures would require a one tirre effort for each plant of approximately l

400 hours0.00463 days <br />0.111 hours <br />6.613757e-4 weeks <br />1.522e-4 months <br /> of a level III Examiner's tirre. Assuming ? updatet of these procedures during each 10-year inspection interval, it is estimated that an additional 96 hours0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br /> would be expended during each interval by Level III examination personnel for updatinc.

The burden associated with docurrenting the examination proce.-

dures per plant per 10-year inspection interval would then beb 496 hours0.00574 days <br />0.138 hours <br />8.201058e-4 weeks <br />1.88728e-4 months <br />. Assuming the nt d for three qualifiec ultrasonic bolting examiners per plant, and four bolting configurations for each test, it is estimated that for each inspection inter-v61, the burden associated with personnel qualification records would be a total of 304 hours0.00352 days <br />0.0844 hours <br />5.026455e-4 weeks <br />1.15672e-4 months <br /> for each inspection interval for each plant (i.e., 4E hours of test administration, 160 hours0.00185 days <br />0.0444 hours <br />2.645503e-4 weeks <br />6.088e-5 months <br /> of updating personnel records, and 96 hours0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br /> of actual testing of Level I and II technicians). The burden associated with admin-istering personnel qualificat'on records per plant per.10-year inspection interval would then be 304 hours0.00352 days <br />0.0844 hours <br />5.026455e-4 weeks <br />1.15672e-4 months <br />. Conservatively assuming that all plants presently opera. ting and under construc-

-tion would at some time implement Appendix VI, the total annual burden of the associated recordkeeping is estirated to be 10,,160 hours0.00185 days <br />0.0444 hours <br />2.645503e-4 weeks <br />6.088e-5 months <br /> per year for all plants (i.e., (304 + 496 hrurs/ plant)/-

(10-year interval) x 127 plants).

A-7 i



Paragraph.IWA-2232(f) was added in the Winter 1985 Addenda to provide.the conditions by which ultrasonic indications can be classified as geometric indications. The revision specifies that.the maximum anplitude, location, and extent of a geometric

. indication shall be recorded.

Since such indications are'nor-mally recorded in this manner, there is no' additional paperwork burden. associated with this requirement.


Estimated Cost Required to Respond to the Collection Based upon the' hours specified in Item 3.a. it is estimated that the cost of responding i the infonnation collection required by the Sec-tion III, Division 1, and Section XI, Division 1, edition and addenda specified in the proposed amendment to 5 50.55a is a total of $701,040/

year ((10,100 + 1524) hours. x $60/ hour) for 127 plants, or $5500/ year for eath plant.



Source of Burden Data and Method for Estimating Burden Estimates of the paperwork burden associated with implementing i

the identified ASME Code revisions were obtained from utility staff inservice inspection specialists, an inservice inspection consultant to utilities, and national lab persnnnel engageo in inservice inspection activities.


Reasonableness of Burden Estimate The estimate of the burden is considered reasonable because of the reliable source of the burden data 4.

Estimate of Cest to the Federal Government NRC inspection personnel who audit plant quality assurance records would include in their audit verification that the above records are being properly prepared and maintained.

The time associated with NRC intpectors verifying these records would be extremely small when the activity is performed as part of a normal quality assurance audit.'-

l 1

l A-8 4



Public Coments Comentor Appendix Dr. W. F. Anderson A

Mr. M. fl. Bressler B

Nr. M. I. Lewis C

i 1



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1 3 P ! n'.

. Wash i ng t. fin l,? D.'C. '.20555 e


'N o

' Attn-: Docketi'ng ;and Se.rvice Branch -

. i,

,.s Guoject. Proposed Amendper't.t o - 10.CFMO. 55:= d ated June'. 26,' '19G7 -

7 l pear.Strs;






[' '.cE rikldsed. areiconimentis onf th'e@utij.ect"p'roposed camendinent which\\

.a 0

suggest sose" areas? where 'dl'aFi f ic ati on "of.' tihe'iamendme'nt 'woul d';b%'J '

help (ul.

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' hop'e that none of these. segges.ti onc.wou.l d bd!' consi der nd Lo '


to 'ignificant, delay'..

significant that, they J.woul d. con'tri but'e s

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i c c., i e t i on cf the st.t j oc t ;roppued.ancodmer.t., ihe ti : i.7

.r a'ddi ti onal? si gni f i cant amen dmen t. _ woul d b e. c t.. h and.

Tae adu,i.t.i ch ca,ergnrdc.t @,i9 1::c.lhdm appl.:idion'Of Cibrecd onzIWE on i nspect i on ' ol'.stt.rel contai nment ' bui 1 di ng wou.1 J. he La. 61 uW 1.e,


J addition es would be the. incllisi on df.Subiec't i on.IWL On-inspection of concrete containments.

I 1

The present. lack of new construction in the nuclear industry diminishes the importance of code improvements for construction, W 1e the incrNse in oper.3 t i ng p-ob 1 enm wi t h more operating plant emphasi: es the need for increased attention to uttiaratith c' tode,i mpr avrmnts i n Ention XI.

1, encour at;e. the NRC to

.g e: avine the organidation of 10CrT50. 556 wi th

.:cpect to the requirements for operating plants end to consider reorgonizing 10CFR50 to provide more suitable capacity for,a clear set of expanded requirements. The expanded requirements should consider clear incorporation bi reference of code req'uTrements on repairs, replacements, and modifications. The er. pension should allow for 1ater pravisions f or evaluation of conipunen t.s ai ter of f -normal situations, such as seismic events, to assure capabi1ity for contiinued ser vice,and foF inelusion.of prhi cions f or;.1i f e 2.e:itzensi'an and the. role 6f proper maintenahce'as a basis for life T..

. extension.

l-I thant: you or the oppor tuni ty to comment on the proputed

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ed 11 tm o' some hr.'p.

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i nellidirig i n footnote?6;.the",ul d'.lp..r ef,er'ence 'to l'..197: /as ' a;'.;l i s


. ; 1 o Th e.;p r... s


3 :.

J.m 4...

accsp t ab l'e c6de c ases'. :'v.TheM 61' 1 oWi nd c far i'f i^c at i on's. 'ot.c.thu.. '


9. cif.

vi. ~

'.N.? " '

' 'use' of.f b.otnote,6 Aoil.d b.'E helpf ul dl s.$. i.. Fot$th6te.6 shoul d c..


E i n c l ud e, i, t. h'er; t h e. : b pdy. 6.f.t.h e.. r eg ul a.t i on. o.r uthe provisi'on.tha Code Cases is r5 quired.for.th6se'1.ibted-Lin R.G.s 1.84, 1,'85 c ' and -

1.147. It'should'alsp mald ib c' lear'thdt'the' NRC rriust be 1 s y th'W Gse Jo:f fa ecodejcase b v; ioc1ud1ng a.. statement 1 n j ormed - pr i or t

t i ry t.h e the NRC which.addr. esses 'the Use of. the s

M at W code.1

,7 s

, y.,

.,CommentW.Whi.l e M.the'Supp l enis,nt dry';,I nt'o(mati on'.~r:,'.2kes i t / cl$ar:; c that.' nd. ? req'uestGor Luse"ofl the'Ei'sted. ' cases is" rsquired, '. M probl emsC have 'ari son i'n s'i tuati ons. t'he [NRC'.has' not' been~/;.....


adequst'ely.n'otifed oC the inteneidd:use of specific. code. cases.

s and"there:wai n6t,avaiUpbieito the'NRC'or'thirb ber,ty


' inspectors - a. comp! ete. docum.ented bcsi s. f or.(i ns,pecti on.



' b.' T'h'o's e p a r t s Jo 4 p dag'r Aph:'cj. ' i.4 hep e' Foltnote 6 i s r ef erenced?

MAMd b e e a r.; m.

.- t;;. ; j cs r.d ue c-

Fat ~' N-w e.


.,.;., ct

. :qip 12 c



p 'per -

F-c.-. ice should


~:otacte 4 c.-


.. O.: ) ( c ) :t appsh: s. hat p r of v en?.*

'A Footnote ;6. would be appropriate where. use of 'Section XI,.;,i.ui.


'.b.g ij i ed. ; Alm,o e tih ' r; f.. r4 'ap.titn'al.C.1.le Cas.W' choul.d tr el included t o p r ovi c e ine b6 i s: i dr' t.h. i s. ' r g:.ier wa e. * *....


The proposed additio:[.4 s e n t en c e i i i.C.: t ( ~ ) k i )

,ppe?r t 3


conflict with the sentence of the original text preceeding it i

regarding applicability to code addenda subsequent to the Summer 1978 Addenda.

Clarification of the scope of that preceeding w. m..


.,:, ' i

'e (b) (2)ti.),

(iii), and (iv), would be helpiul.

Alterneiiv*Iv, mubheadi49.. in uA.,. / ' 4 ) or addltIca

.; f m o '.h c r. ut;'m << c.q :,- h 'v: for the 1imitMior3 related to IWB-;

J.64u may a c c ; N.


.ht needed. c.1 er i f i c 2 t i or,.


The proposal

^o accept the l',86 Edition of Section XI without exception is & ose:essary improvement in clarifing use of'the code, especially an its provision for inspection of Code Class 2

i p i g. In t..M e ;.nt ther c h e. > been confusion about a t ee.ui ng contradiction with ; r. e limitation in (b) (2) (iv) W) for plants

. hose application for a construction permit was docketed prior to w

Julyei, ;19 /0, rel cti ve to-the.1pste pentence of..(b) (2) (i) i,n the existing text. Inj t'is "wr,t ters mind the Surnmer 1978 Addenda -.

and that : sentence handled' the triotter adequately t5ut, as mentionbd in 2 above, 4hii, co ld be confused further by the proposed W dit:on to'tbot pa9groph. The Winter 19G3 Addenda to Sectiori XI i nc ;. nit d r,a gi.i i : a t *. -. w.. vo t. to Lb: e IW C C d.-

! whi c h wer e-'

- ~ -



s.l o.iacatiun _ ; d.. e l.. :. o.c c.

.. n y r,u,... n.

.w.. On u u c.i

.. i - e 1983 and the 1986 Edition for inspectiort of Code Class 2 piping.


p.fh f,h,0f.

ff. q, f.


- T f

Proposed R-les4,.bfN[


~ '.N.h.b f Ip...24016,F"'

s'. Federal'Regist!r f Vol. 52,$3c.123 / Eridiy, lune 28.1987:/


' ~. @. P; "d.


' Sect)one saloothroesh s'a102 also tesued,. 'f y

..respectiv'ely.This p' rop?shd amendment l.

Ndclear Regulatory Res'earch. US..

s g'.;,. ; revises Footnote 6 to incorporate aM (Nuclear Reguia%ry Commission.S /.,. moder we.tes,es Sist.9ss(42 4 Sc 2236). 4g,,

c '.' reference to Regulatory Culde 1.147,1'Inhf WashingtoniDC 20555. Telephone (371)i. 7For the purposes of sec.'22


. amended (42 USC2273). ll Jo.ta(s). (b). :.

^ ' service lnsp~ection Code Case :

443 7713;' '

. and (c). sa44,50.4e. 6asa. 30.54, and homo (e) s.o.



2 - "

Y ' Acepiability--ASME Section XI..'4. ;. Ulvision }." which identifies the Code' J. Paperwwk Reduction A i

f '. 3. 3,.'



. amended (42 U.S C 22mlbD; 1150.10(bl and c Cases acceptable to C.e NRC staff for1 ' i.- This pr.oposed rule 'would amend '... c) and 50.54 are tesued under sec, te1I. es

implementationin the laservice. '.4

' Jnformstion collection requirementa that2 (St *. 949, as annended (41USC 2201(i)): orid s.

..lnspection (ISI) pro. gram bf If,,ht.wster-a. are subject to the Paperwork Reduction 1': Il so.55(e) 50.70.'s0J1.15&72. 5073

~ '-



. cooled nuclear power plants. A{ present... Act of 1980 (44'U.S.C.3501 et seq.).. Dig,'.- and 503s are luned under sec.1eto. 66 Stat.: ;.. :.,s.,'

the implementation s' ction ofs

. proposed rule has be'e'n submitted to the foso as amended (42u1C.2201(o)).

4 e

Regulatory Guide 1.147 specifies thin.

O'fice of Managemeht and Budget for i '

1. For 150.55a. par'agiaph (b)(1)'. the ~



applicants should make a specific.

. review and approvalof the, paperwork "

Introductory text of paragraphtb)(21.'

request to the NRC p use Code.Ca

'.. requirements. :

paragraph (b)(2)(i).'and Footnote 0 are.

endorsed in the regulatory guide.'ihe next tekisiori of Regulatory Guide 1.147

. Reg' latory Flexibility Cer'tifica' tion reYised to cead as folloWs-u

. (i.e Revision 8) will reflect the -

As reqtiired by the Regulatory i 50.55a. Codes and standams. j


proposed change in Footnote e of 4he'

,. Flexibility Act of 1980. 5 U.S.C. 005(b)."

regulation. It.will permit the use of Code

the Commissics hereby certifies that b) * *
  • Cases endorsed in the regulatory guidewithout a specific request to the NRC for! ':this rule. if promulgated.'w

'.((1) As used in this section, references isignificant economic impact on n

- to Section111'of the ASME Bo!!er and '

',.. approval. In the laterim. lus the Intent < substantialnumber of small. entitles.

Pressure Vessel Code refer toSestlec, c.c; of the NRCthat Code Caseellsted in -

[ nis' proposed rule affects only the

' I Division 1. and include)editio Regulatory Culde 1.147 may be used -

.without specific application to the NRC. ' licensing and operation of nuclear t roush the 1956 t;dition A denlfa Subsection IWE., Requirements for -

power plants. The companies that own gh the Winter 1985, Addendaa,d '

.thesi plcots do not fall within the scope.

(2) As used in this section. referenceN Class MC Components of Ught. Water-of the definition of"small entities" set"

'.to Section XI of the ASME Boiler and '

Cooled Power Plants,was added t Section XI. Dmsion 1. in the Winter forth in the Regulator Flexibihty Act or '. Pressure Vessel Code refer to Section.'

..;198,1 Addenda. How,ever.10 CFR 50.55a. the SmalWusiness Size Stahdards set

. XI. Division 1. and includ c ' tion s out in regulations issued by the Scia 11 ough the 19801:diti enda rtion of c on 1t i ddress'the Business Administration at 13 CR Part -

rough the WiHTeF'1985 Addend 121.

subject to the following limitations and A ISI requirements for Class 1. 2. and 3 components and their supports.The Ust of Subjects in 10 CFR Part 50 (i) Umitations on specific editions and regulation does not currently address addenda. When applying the 1974.

the ISI of containments. Since this Antitrust Classified information. Fira proposed amendment is only intended to protectiori. Incorporation by reference.

. Edition, only the addenda thwu;,h the --

update current regulatory requirements

. intergovernmental rela tions. Nuclear Summer 1975 Addenda may be used.

'to inclu'de the latest ASME Code edition. power plants,and reactors. Penalty.

When applying the 1977 Edition, all of :

ar.d addenda. the requirements of

- Radiation protection. Reactor siting The addenda through the Summer 1978 '

Subsection IWE would not be imposed criteria. Reporting and recordkeeping Addenda must also be used. Addenda upon Commission licensees by this requirements.

and editions subsegent to the Summer amendment. The applicability of Pursuant to Atomic Energy Act of 1978 Addenda, that are incorporated by Subsection IWE is being considered 1954, as amended, the Energy reference in parafraph (b)f 2) of this j


Reorganization Act of1974. as amended, section are not affected by thase m

En s ironrn ent al lro pa ct; Ca tegorical and 5 U.S.C. 553. the NRC proposes Io limitauons.When applying ths Winter Exclusion adopt the following amendments to 10 1983 Addenda and Winter 1984 CFR Part 50.

Addenda, the rules of paragrapi IWB-The NRC has determined that thia 3640 mav be used for all applicaicas proposed rule is the type of action

- PART 50-DOMESTIC UCENSING OF permitted in that paragraph, except~

described in catesoncal exclusion 10 PRODUCTIOV AND UTluZATION those associated wuh submerged arc CR 51.22(c)(3). Therefore, neither an FACluTIES welds (SAW) or shielded metal are environmentalimpact statement nor en welds (SMAW). For SAW or SMAW.

environmental assessment has been

1. The authority citation for Part 50 use paragraph IWB-3640, as modified by prepared for this proposed rule.

continues to read as follows:

the Winter 19A5 Addenda.

Regulato7 Analysis Autho4 Seesm a tet.182.1s3.186.

189. 68 Stat. 936. 937. 948. 953. 954. 955, 956. a a

  • ASME Code cases that are authorized for The Commissios. has prepared a amended. sec. 234. 63 Stat.1244. as amended use by the Commission staff are listed in regulatory analysis for this proposed

, (42 US C. 2133. 2134,22o1. 2232. 2233,2236.

NRC R2gulatory Guide 1.84. "Code Caee amendment to the regulations.The 2239. 22a21; secs. 201. 232,206. 88 Stat.1242.

Acceptsbihty-ASME Section !!! Design and

. analysie eKamines the cost 3 and 1264,1246. aa amended (42 USC 5A41,5842.

Fabricatien." NRC Regulatory Culde 1.85, benefits'of the shernatives conside' red so4el. unless otherwise noted.

Code Case Acceptabihty-ASME Section !!!

by the' Commission. Interested persons,. Section 501 also lesved under Pub. L 95,

, Materials." and NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147 rnay examine a copy oI the reguIatory eat, see. to,92 stat. 2951 (42 US C. $ast).

, Inservice inspection Code case Sections 5038. 60 91 and 50 92 also issued Acceptability-ASME Section XI Division 1."

ena ysis at the NRC Public D.ocument under Pub. L 97-415. 96 Sta t. 2073 (42 U3n The use of other Code casee may be.

doom.1717 H Street NW. Washington.

2239). Section 50.7s also tesued under sec.

authorized by the Director of the office of DC. Single copies *f anal is may be 122. es Stat. 939 (42 U.Sc 2152). Sections

  • Nuclear Reaetof Regulation upon request.

obtained fro.. t. C.C. Mi man.

60 so through 50.81 also issued under sec.164, pursuant to I 50.55e(s)(3)..- m D91sion of Enginee os Stat. 954. as amended (42 L S C. 2234).

hah Received from Mr. M. ii. BreSSler without transmittal letter.


p.w <.4. :.,... -

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. w%.....9.4.A-.

w x

(f:.kk?&.9b".W. ::.':...m.,

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.i. 7p,ROPOSE0 RULE 3...,JM. : f.






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  • g g e 2.q 4 / S ',;.

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.:.. r



  1. 1;.

s 78N)1 (c. as...,...

.. s...lRdos59e'l;t (B'1vci.'$f 6a '.

y s.~




. L g n g.....



grar y l'


' J.c.".. i s

l i..,.,

.f<.'. 3 ' '..,

' '., e ' > ; '. ' '.,c.i"

.,,.i.1 a. [., : f.Ml '19 ] S2,'.*.:

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..S. e. c..r e t a. r..y


~,...., i; lJ.. r.;.


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  • 9 '1


.Oni;ted S t. dtei,f th.ic.'l e..a r. Reg,u f a, ttirp;.C. om:ril.ab i c i.'

tr t.

't _

,. < -,,,, pg., 'Ji..-.

'. Wash't ha ton,:. D C.. E)S5S? - '.. ' e. M..;; -

00CrW 4'.




. 5 e c e;r t a ? v.;

~. -

Dear; si


~. Pieasc< edcep'tu ds' my ' consents. onlI cder al eo'i s t e r N o.t f c:e.',,.

f Vo lur.m 52, h'ursc c

.]T-G csted June E6. 198.74 Pr.o p 6dc.cb.Ru lp..o n Ce d e s

'anc-Stendards tor-Nurlear Pouer.oP1 ants,/10CFR.Partf60.



, Hanv! -i ntef se trid, par t fes -l1ln [the

  • g'enbrp l, pub l i<- have.;s ta ted the.

. '.v:l ed t h a.t",thF Rc t-i o ns' o f, 'r egu l a t c r y t b' tid (ed: m slie,thed. e pp'etN. t o ' tre,'

'I E

tj e,ndms f d erysi j o 't hMi rrdus.t r y,ppi ch. th' y' ' s; 5upYo so.d'.Jt o nt.sgu.l.a't e. ; 9-- y- ~.

e a

This proposed' r ule 'shows that the riot 'a re'gulator.', but' a' ri r


. handm.aiden.

In' a ers ' uhef rnany[u'nenpected "and. unhappy: af fed t,


.t h e r.u'c l e +. c i edus t es 'f eM <.a.j6r. irc idenE'-to ur.exp'ec ted! C dt rosic.n.

he NRC sti11 tfl i t hi!. d. 'sc, r es. t. s.;.t h en t.&. i t l.' n. o..s o. f. tt e. nuc 1 e a h.

23 dis t r.y as, Gospdl. tru th. The.:Ibs's'dns 'o f 1 'i?11 Tnd sChernobyl navcI


7 p u n c-d the NRC b; tYi t hou t 'ef fec t. The'preshnt. Mall thinniha Fr c.

tc-22n..;r: C.u. c n

1. 5. t ' e cc i.t e t n e > i. o c.. '




. t.,7..


t, ttw : : ;.r*



-Mi. t o c.. o..r e. :. t pc,c c ) t t.

t. n c. p... t i t.. a el iso a, F :. 3


With us!1 thino15o noV t h e' r e c iin t.. c o r P..o'.d i o.n.. o f dtsinipss s t e e'l.-

r ; d r. a c et o n.s :. r, /_ '. c d b fri ry v e. '.9 ) o j ;im t -:., A c,c rpt i r.g th c "t $ C CW t..


i sh'o us t.ha t ' t he. t4RC. ha s l i t,t l$ar d of' l ts.own..LiNnsec' evknt-fProorti system.

The r e.31 solution to-Codes and Standards sh'ould Le to p r odv ic e -

the regulatory agencies own standards based on the agency's own experience and analysis. Using the industry's logic will lead to j

the same mistake as evidenced in the TMI accident wherein the st af f cc.n urred 6-r i t h the utility to allou non-safety ;rado POW l

ara check val'<e sitffIce on the reactor pr' essure boundary 2n runt..i.ictien to the G:n:ral Desinn Criter23. This v i cil a t i o n of diccct c o r. t. i c u t o.- *o the lf t] rccident.

r:v j e r ri s.-

i e= t c: r f t:1 i. a t : 3 r. - t.01 t t e

  • RC c.


c. t c ;i!


e for 6SME or i ndus tr y deve loped codes and standerds in the rules and regulations, end the NRC shall develop their own codes and standards from NRC enperience and data.,

s tgh J,

j Re s p W-t f u l J f r



t f

s Marvir;1 L Ass 7801. Roo/.,evelt Dibd.462'


Phila.. PA 19152 (215)624 1574 8-R4-1987.

t n


grgow)gdged by CaTd.m.,,e,m.

-. a t

a s

y p

p y'".' ;,:p,C. *p 1[iR0POSEDIRULE:

.'. e. ~.--


- y..


.. App..... *i;x A_...S. :.~.~:

5:.a Q U J.$

w' ' !q2;


.:r.< y.


f p..
u.n s -

.i end


' Y-

-, ;.. p ; p g : &... r

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. x-




.i +.w


.*. ~. Ni.11i ani F, fndeFeeni.-

.Krp. W '.:.


.. ;;...;.~130 A2 p'ea,:.h.:Biossoni 'Dr:.SuiCitty g ABi:.18:



- T'E s'


Au'gu'st ' 19 ; 1987

, fc-


.. ~ -


,,p. 7 4

l y.. - _.

U.b..Nuc1 ear.SRsgulatorySCommission:,

, ' J f' P/hVf Washi ncjton,.D. C.



Attn:Docketi~ng. arid Service Branch 10CFR".iO.55s dated' June 26','1907 j ec t : Proposed. Amendment to Dear. Sirs;


Ericlosed, are) commenf.s. on the. sobjec.t proposed amend <deilt :wlii h!

suggest sorde' areas wh'ere' c1 ari,ficati' n. of the amendment would-bg".




helpful..I consider it.most important that this amendment"be

2. ~

~ i ssued of f ective wi th the.. minimum possi.ble, del a f.. Theref cre,.I'

.iiope' that rione of the:te !P.igestions would.bc considcr?d so.-

significant-that_they would.contr.ibute to significant delay.

Thc NRC prectice of separ ati ng _si mpl e upde cing of. the_- ef f ect i've

dates. such c
m t'.c

.ib,..: : t propancj b. d.i.un't, 'f r om mon e.n t a '. - m.jr rn '. of

.e e g e '..- t. n

- t o t u te r~ en de.. R :-

ccc;!etion of the sybr.ct ;rcpased a ne id:r.bc.t, the'ti-

.i er

< additional significant amendment would be et hand. c.a c: end:nc..t wh j ;'- i::cl edes ap;-lI cc.t i on o f r ac t i on IWE'on inspecti'co of ' steel.; containment would be b ; 'sl usi e.

addition'es wduld be the i n c l u'si onl of Subsect' ion

~ inspection of contrete containments.

i The present lack of new construction in the nuclear industry diminishes the importance of code improvements for construction, Ale the i nc r -a r.e in oper at ing p oblemn wi th more oprwati ng plant emphasi t es the neea f or increased attention to utitiratito o' code i.npr avc:wnts. i n 9ection XI.

I. encourage the NRC to

.g e;; amine the orgarsic ation of 10CFRSO.LGa with. spect to the f

requirements for operating pl ants and to consider reorganizing 10CFR50 to provide more suitable capacity for a clear set of e::panded requirements. The expanded requiremen'ts should consider clear inccrporation by reference of cod e r E'q~u'i r ement s on r ep ai r s,

replacements, and modifications. The e:;pansion should allow for later provisions for evaluation of.compur;ents after o f f - n o mot l situations, such as seismic events, to as,sure capabi.1ity for continued ser vice and ' f or,i nc.lusi on' o f prb. vi si ons f or life en. tension ahd the role,of proper mai'ntenahce '.as a basis f or. li f.e.

e x t e n s.'. o n.


.s I thAnh youdor the opportunity to comment on the propiated



..t a

h ope : !,v1 -

me c w.11 b-s of :one he:p.

O g..._ w = s g

William F.

Ander97n O ']/[k-l r D r h ~2 A ')

rw f a

(> q u

1t 4

,= -. -

l '-





.,...,g.. 'g. '.e n...


.s i.

i t.

3,.4 s



<e...,^- c. l.

w-(.3.. -



'CdMMENTS.ON PROPO' SED AMENDMENT:T, [10CFR50. 5Sa 'of ' dun'e'26,..i?Of


from W.

F.. Anderson-c


l'.-; The(prloposed amendment woul'd. pr ovide.;af holpf uly providion,,bf

,,, i r)c l ud i ng ~i n Foo trio t e ''e r e f er en c e,'.t o R. G. 1.:147^4s a.: listing 1

- 'oV

'. acceptable code. cases...The f ollowing ' clari f i.' cati ons',of. the use of f cotnote 6'.. woul d be.helpf ul ' alsot, ' -

a. Eithert,the b'pdy o f 'the regul etion ci-Footnot~c 6 shoul.d include the provision that n'a request to NRC for uce-of specific Code Cases'is required-(or.those~1isted,in R.G.s 1.84, 1.85,,and 1.1 G. It shoulf. al : mate it clear thut'the NRC must be iniormed pr i or t. o thw.use of a c. ode case by '.ncluding a utetement in the submittal to thc NRC which addresses the use of the eiated code.


Commentf Whilu trJ Suppi ementary. Inf or mat: ion c,dkes i t.cluer e

that no request fr-use of the:-listed cases is required,-


problems have arisen in situations.whe-e the NRC has not been..

adequatel y ncti f e" of the intended.use of. specific code cases e,nc there was nut available to the NRC or thi r d ipar ty inspectors a. complete documented bcsis for inspection.

where Footnote 6 is referenced b.

Those parts od caregraph g.

J_Xd ' m e.

r. ~.._

.* s - d t,c c c.

-* :t ce e m cc.

5 r

v v; <: siv]u : d

  • y.p r

.~ *-

q W

i :

apps 3.

. hat. ret anm 'e i

t e ' : o t.1 u t e 4 er ~...

Footnote 6 would be appropriate where,use of.Section XI. is 7

  • ; i ?d. 41 v.

P r.'s

  • . r. d opticn:1 C :!c Cases" sh6:. l d be incluoed to provtue tne U nis-i or tois r ; er ena.


The proposed ade. :: c:. A s e r. ten c e lei C.: i ( " ) '. i )

.p p.2 9 c ';.

  • conflict with the sentence of the original text preceeding it regarding applicability te code addendt subsequent to the Summer 1978 Addenda.

C1 ari d i cati on of the scope of that preceeding.

' f N ( 7 ;, ( i i.1 5, and (iv), would n


'c b e hr.>l pt'ul.

Alternr.Av 1r, -- u b h e c d i n y.,

an U., )... !


or addlt:an


. o t h.s


T' fo-ths 1imi'0tions related to I W B ' g.

. ; o.

n eded clarific2tsun.

.'.64 v m ay act _ 3 3.

The proposal

^o accept the 1586 Edition of Section XI without c:: cept i on i s a itsr:essary improvement in clorifing use of'the-code, especially in its provision for inspection of Code Class 2 can!v4. ion abeut e w eetii n g


Ii I.. e ;


s. c _,

contr adiction wi th ;c itettation 1., ( b ) '. 2 ) n v ) W ) for plantu whose application for a construction permit was docketed prior to July,1,'1970, 5.o the.1;3st... sentence of.(b) (2) (i) in the-exist'ing' tent. In. t'is we t ters mind-the Summer 1rt78 Addenda and that sentence handl2d the m5t'sr adequately but, as mentioned t

in 2 above, -thi b co. l d be c onf esed further by the proposed odd s '.: on t.o'tbet pe-e ;r o;. 5.

The Winter 19G3 Addendo to Section XI m.


' u b.'. ' ' X.~.,..

ahi..h acr e lac su d

.iu i t.c -


' ' ~ '.




p, r n..


....a c a v,-

.,e. u n.


. o.

va vi

.,v 1903 and the 1786 Ed1 tion for anspection af Coda C1 ass 2 piping.

l t


- ~

hwmf.---[$k$-ff. }h{



1[ ', -

-n N *1[,

..TppendiX 8 s'

g N 24016 ?

Federal'Rigisttr'/ Vol. 52. No.123 / Friday. litne 26,1987./ Prop: sed Rules X respectively.This proposed amendment. ' N'ucleat Regulatory Research. U.S.

~ Secisona So.too'throush sat 02 eleo tuued revises Footnote 8 to incorporate a

' Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

. under sec. lea es Stat. 955 (42 U.S.C 223el.

reference to Regulatory Guide 1.147 "In.

'Nashington. DC 20555. Telephone (301)

For th p87poon of ee. 223 e8 Stat. 95a. es :

seryice inspection Code Case 441-7713*

. amended (42 UAC ?.2731. Il 50.10(al. (bl..

Aceptability-ASME Section XI and (ci. 50 44. 5 ate. 50.48,50.54. and 50.809)

Division 1~." which identifiee the Code Paperwork Reduction Act Statement are Iseued under ecc. le;b. et Stat. 94aL as

' amended (42 U.S C. 2201(b;h Il 50.10(b) arid _

- Cases acceptable to the NRC staff for This proposed rule would' amend (c) anu so.54 are tasaed under sec.1sti, as implementation in the inservice information collection requirements that. Stat. ws. e s amended l42 U.S.C 2201[i)h and inspection (IS!) progra m of light. water-are subject to the Paperwork Reduction ll 50.55(el. $o.59(bl. 5010. 50.71. 50.72. 50.73 cooled nuclear power plants. At present.' ' Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). This and sofa are issued under sec.leto, es Stat.

the implementation section cf proposed rule has been submitted to the S 3 as emended (12 USC 2201(o)).

Regulatory Guide 1.147 specifies tha't rJ Office of Management and Dudget for -

2. For i 50.55a. paragraph (b)(1), the applicants should make a specific review and approval of the paperwork introductory text of paragraph (b)(2),

request to the NRC to use Code Cast - requirements.

paragraph (b)(2)(i), and Footnote 6 are endorsed in the regulatory guide.The next revision of Regulatory Guide 1.147 Regulatory Flexibility Certification revised to read a: follows.-

(te Revision 6) will reflect the As required by the Regulatory 5 60.55a Codes and standards.

proposed change in Footnote 6 of the regulation. !t will permit the use of Code Flexibility Act of 1980. 5 U.S.C 005(b).

the Commission hereby certifies that (b) * *

  • Cases endorsed in the regulatory guide without a specific request to the NRC for. this rule.lf prome;ated, will not have a (1) As used in this section. references algnificant econor icimpact on a '

. to Cection 11 of the ASME Boiler and

. approval, in the interim. It is the intent substantial number of small entities.

Pressure Vessel Code refer to Sestion of the NRC that Code Cases listed in Regulatory Guide 1.147 may be used This proposed rule affects only the II ivision 1. and includeJeditions} -

without specific application to the NRC.

licensing and operation of nuclear rotish the 1986 EditionangVAdden'da Subsec' ion IWE. Requirements for power plants.The companies that own ugh the Winter 1985 Addendaad Class MC Components of Ught-% ater -

these plants do not fall within the scope (2) As used in this section. *eferenced Cooled Power Plants, was added to of the definition of "small entitles" set to Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Section XI. Division 1. In the Winter forth in the Regulator Flexibility Act or. Pressure Vessel Code refer to Section 1981 Addenda. However.10 CFR $0.55a the Small Business Size Standards set-XI. Division 1. and includge~diii3ris out in t'egulations issued by the Small (thT6 ugh the 1986Editiorumd/fddenda e or ion of Se on It t a dress the Business Administration at 13 CFR Part 'through the win'iTeW985 Kfdendh...

151 equiren ents for Class 1. 2. and 3 121.

subject to the following limitations and /\\

components and their supports. The Ust of Subjects in 10 CFR Part 50 regulation does not currently address I

.l t ons on specific editions and the IS! of containments. Since this Antitrust. Cla s sif.ed inforniation. Fire addenda. When applying the 1974 proposed amendment is only intended to Prole ilon Incorporation by reference.

Edition, only the addenda through the update currer.t regulatory requirements Intergoverru. intal relations. Nuclear Summer 1975 Addenda may be used.

to include the latest ASME Code edition power plants and reactors. Penalty.

When applying the 1977 Edition, all of ar.d addenda. the requirements of Radiation protection. Reactor sitlng

'the addenda through the Summer 1978 Subsection IWC would not be impond criteria. Reporting and recordkeeping AddenJa must also be used. Addenda upon Commission licensees by thic requirements.

and ednions subsequent to the Summer amendment. The applicability of 15rsuant to Atomic En.:rgy Act of 1978 Addenda, that are incorporated by Subsection IWE. i being considered 19R as amended. the Energy ieference in paragraph (b)(2) of this separately.

Reorganization Act of 1974 as amended, section are not affected by those ironmental Irapact: Categorical and 5 U.S C. 553. the NRC proposes to limitations.When applying the Winter xc usion adopt the following amendments to 10 1983 Addenda and Winter 1984 CFR Part 50.

Addenda, the rules of paragraph IWB-T1 e NRC has determined that this 3640 may be used for all applications proposed rule is the type of action PART 50-DOMESTIC LICENSING OF permitted in that paraarsph. except' descr' bed in categoncal exclusion 10 PRODUCTION AND UTIUZATION those associated with submerged nrc CFR 51.22(c)(3). Therefore, neither en FACILITIES welds (SAW) or shielded metal arc environmentalirnpact statement nor an weld s (SMAW). For SAW or SMAW.

environmental assessment has been 1.The authority citation for Part 50 use paragraph IWB-3640, as modified by prepared for this proposed rule.

continues to read as follows:

the Winter 1985 Addende.

Regulatory Analysis AW. %cs. tes.

189. 68 Sta t. 9% 937. 946. 953. 954. 955. 9% a s e ASME Code cases that are authorized for The Commission has prepared a

, amended. sec. 234. 63 Stat.1244. as amanded une by the Cornmission sief! are listed in regulatory analysis for (bis proposed (42 U S C 2133. 2134. 2201,2237 2233,2236.

NRC Regulatory Guide 1.64. "Code Case arnendment to the regulations. The 2239. 2:a2); sus. 201. 202. 20s se Stat.1242.

Acceptabihty-ASME Section !!! Design and

, analysis examines the cost: and 1244,1246. es amended (47 U.S C 5641. 5842.

Fa bnca ten." NRC Regulatory Gutde 1.45.

benefits of the alternatives considered 584el. unless oiherwise noted.

  • code Case Acceptabihty-ASME Section ill by the Commission. Interested persons Section 501 also lasued under Pub. L 95 Meierals." and NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, ma i

fth 001. sec.10,92 Stat. 2951 (42 US C. 5851).

Inseruce Inspection Code Case Sect >ons 5o 58. 5o 91 and 50 92 also issued Acceptabdity-ASME Section XI Division 1."

a nal) si I e C blic Docu e under Pub. L 9b415. 96 Stat. 2o73 (42 U.S.C The un of other Code cases may be Room.1717 H Street NW.Was,hington.

22391. Section Sof a aleo issued under sec.

euthofir?d or the Director of the Office of DC. Single copiei f anal sie maybe 122. sa Sta t. 939 (42 U.S C. 21521. Section s Nuclear Reactor Regulation upon request.

obtained fro.. r. G.C. Mi man.

50 so through Soit else issued under sec. is4.

pursuant to l So.s5ata)(31 - -,

D91sion of Enginee oe Stat. 9R as amended (42 U.S C. 2234).

hah Received from Mr. M. H. Bressler without transmittal letter.

k 44


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Appeniiix C.

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l'.a r v i ri 1. L ew i s.-

' 7801. Roosevel't ' Blvd. *f 6P.

-'87 <AUG 31 P12 04'-

Phtta... P A '1 9 1 5 2 '

Secretar9, tJnized States. fluc lear 'Recul a tory :ComJ.i ain on

..r ;


'a Nashington,'b.'

C, 20555' GP !O a;

Cear 10. $?cretarpt Please acceot these at tr.v contents c

~ deral Reoistes Nor' ice Volume 52, Unebcr lh2 catsd Tune 26.198.. Proposed.Fule on Cedes anc Standards for Nucleer Pouer Plants, 10CFR Part 50.

Manv interested parties in the general public have stated the v l eu. the t th7 ect ions of.:re. Qulatory 6toies mal;e the.i,'appoor. o bA jc ths - i rtdus t r y wh ich'. t hey aria sup., posed'to-regulate.

h e.ndma i d e ns to

.; j" '

'This proposed rule shous that the NRC~is not a regulator but a handmaiden.

In a era uherein roany une>:pec ted and unhappy surprises affect t h'c r.u c l e a'r ?ndu?'r' ' f. O *.. oa j o r a*:c t dont to ur. expected.cor.osicn.

t he IMC, s t i l l b l i t e r- ! > scceots the ur i t i nos of ' t t.e. nucl eai-2ndustry as Got:pc! truth. The l'e ss o.vs of ihl'a'nd Chernobyl have n r. t t c-d the !!RC b. eithout e f f., c t. fre present well thinnino sc-s-

,,_ i i

  • J;*I:n cc w r.; t,, i '. n a t


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!, e f Poi,.t ulth 41.a l 1 th a nis16 s0 not t he recent ~Cor* roEl ots of stainlPEs steel

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  • !. n t r*

p.c c f C. *. i &Q t t E.

i!PC Ccdr



r. _
  • 7 :.1 :


shouc t.h s t the fRC.-has i;ttie eegard of 1 t 5. oun l.iciensee event-PcoortI sycte..

The. e.a i solut2cn to Coces and S andards should be t.o prodiace the regulatory agencies own standards based on the agency's oun experience and analysis. Using the industry's logic will lead to the same mistal:o as evidenced in the TMI accident wherein the

-taff c.on:urred iith t h c-util:t. to allou n n-!sofety grade PORY orJ checP valso siffice on the reactor pressure boundary in

.a *.

.4 : c t i c., t

'he G n: cal D.:stao C r i t e r i :.. Th;z.-iolation f

i s j u.. v2 :- r, i r c c t : ( c t : : v t..-

  • o the 1N) t-. c c i d e n t.


Pr'... e. n :.:: sil 1 ' s o u :.. :-

.:.s a:'.



s for f6;ME or i r.d u c ta y developeo codes and standards in the ruleu j

and regulations. e s ej the ilPC shall dc wlcp their oun codes and standards from NRC enperience ard data.

Re t r+h t i a i l r r b(4t. d,

yb^-- -


- Ma r v i. r. 1./L

,a i s.


'iT 801 ;Roo fevel t ' Di vd. tt62 Phila.. PA 19152 (215)624.1574 8-A4-1987.

i a


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Aca9-i PDR

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[g7 TOs (Name. ottice symbo?, ro6m number.

Initlels Date bulMing, Agency / Post) l

i. Cr.C. f4gt t M A-N c

N L d07 2.




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Action File Note and Retum Approvat For Clearance Per Conversation -

As Roquested For Correction Propero Repy Circulate For Your Information See Me Comment Investigate Signat're Coordination Justify REMARKS


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DO NOT.use thle form as a RECORD of approvals. concurrences, disposals, clearances, aM timilar actions


FR0 M: (Name, orp. eymbol, Agency /PosfJ Room No.-Bldg, k

&c6 E. J4KE. L,6GC ymy i

Ogl0NAL{0RM 41(Rev.7 70 8081*W e u s opo i sas+4ei.274.'20o24 FPts4 (41 EFRJ 101 11.204


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