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Certificate of Compliance 9191,Rev 1,for Model ORNL or Bnl. Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109191
Issue date: 02/17/1988
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20149J790 List:
NUDOCS 8802230222
Download: ML20149J805 (4)


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senc Fones sie oad CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 'I to cim "

FOR RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS PACKAGES .I ti mevisos eeuwstm . PACIL. AGE IQtNTifiCATIO*e edVW8tR . PAGE PdUuBER e TOTAL BfvustR P AGES T. ctatinCATE E 1 USA /9191/AF 1 3 l l:

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Babcock & Wilcox Backccek & Wilcox applicaticn dated April 5,1984, I P.O. Box 785 as supplemented. il<l Lynchburg, VA 24505

- i l . acost & , r 71-9191 I l

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(a) Packagiqg Uh eu I (1) 08'odel Nos. :.

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~0RNL Unirradiated Fuel Shipping Centainer, or I

'ENL Unirradiated Fuel Shipping Container h'(


, j (2) Description


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f . <c, ty A right cylindrical stainless. steel drum enclosing'a fuel basket I provided with seven cavities. The outer shell and lid are fabricated I from 11 gauge plate astd the base is 1/45 thick plate. The outer lid l!

is held in place by sh.,5/8." bolts.(stainlessJsteel) and nuts (carben ll s teel) . .The' basket is fabricated'from 16 gauge stainless steel and I the base is fabricated frce 11 gadge stainless, steel plate. Eight. I 3/8", bolts and nuts

  • retain sthe basket lid (C.125" thick aluminum) in b ,

place; *

  • r.*

v, ;y lI The basket is supported on E" by 6" timbers inside the outer shell. yl I l The remainir.g space around the basket is filled with phenolic foam I I

insulation. 9 Y- t- 3s -

iv i I;

.t item ORNL BNL I .

I Outside dimension, in 24-1/2 24-1/2 l I

Container length, in E6-5/8 75-1/2 I I

Base, in 29 x 29 29 x 29 I

'l Inside cavity cross I section, in 4x4 4x4 l I

Inside cavity length, in 39-1/4 58-1/8 I I

Grcss weight, Ib 580 7C0 l r 1

0802230222 000217 I PDR ADOCK 0710919i =============================="rf======'"


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$l Page 2 - Certificate No. 9.'91 - Revision No.1 - Docket No. 71-9191 M \

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5. (a) (3) Drawings I l

l '

The packaging is constructed in accordance with ORNL Drawing Mcs.: !N

'1 ORNL Container - X3C-10191-002, Rev. B, l l X3E 10191-003, Rev. 8, )

05-X0E-10191-1, Rev. 1; or l

y  ;

l BNL Container - X3E-10'91-010, Rev. B , lIl l X3E-10191-011, Rev. B; l DS-X0E-10191-2, Rev. 1.


}J .

(b) Contents ,


, l,l (1) Type and fom of material l'

,, I l (i) Unirradiated uranium R-2 ft.el eierenhenriched in the U I J corposed of aluminum plates. , i, l (ii) Unirradiated uranium petten fbtl element enriched in the U-235 llt l l s

j isotope corposed of aluminum phtes. '

j e ji:

l (2) Maximum quantity of material per package j (f) Seven uranium silicide (U Sf2 )-Al hel eierents as described in 1

5(b)(1) containir.g 500 enrichment of '20 w/o. gr$ms U-235 per fuel element with ,g

.t a

y s (ii) Seven uranium silicide (U,Si }-Al fuel'tiements as described in i

q 5(b)(ii) containing 626 gram $ U-235 per fuel eierent with a U-
[ enrichment of <20 w/o. lt e! r i

(c) Fissile Class I 1 i

. ! 6. The fire resistant phenolic foam shall be in accordarce with AEC Materials and J,t y Equipment Specification SP-9 or as modified by CRGDP Reports K/TL-729 and K/P-j 65675. [

y 1

i i

] 7 The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the l' 1; general license provisions of 10 CFR 671.l?. t; 1- t

8. Expiration date: April 30, 1989.

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I g I Page 3 - Certificate No. 9191 - Revision No.1 - Docket No. 71-9191 ;I l 1

I 'is 1


i i 1 I s I REFERENCES ;g I

I J Babcock & Wilcox supplement dated September 24, 1987. I 1 l ;i

. I.

l Gabcock & Wilcox app'ication dated April 5, 1984 l 1

's i Safety Ar.alysis Report for Packaging: The Unirradiated Fuel Shipping ORNL/ENG/TN-15, g i

I September 1979*. l1 g

l Nuclear Criticality Safety Assessment of ORR, NBS, HFBR Fu J. T. Thomas, ORNL/CDS/TM-77*.

i i l

.1 ,

a i Union Carbide letter dated September 10,1979*.; ll l .I I CPNL letter dated September 10, 1979*. I I lI

) Departr;ent cf Energy letter dated November 1,1979*. !l 1 ., .

1: ln l' 's 1l 1;


'I 4 s

e eu, i Charles E. MacDonald, Chief i n I leansportation Branch Division of Safeguards and );D l

j l

t Transportation, NrSS l

Da te: FES 171568 j l


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c o UNITED STATES 8 N NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION g j WASHING TON. D. C. 20666 Transportation Branch Approval Record Model Nos.: ORNL Unirradiated Fuel Shipping Container, or BNL Unirradiated Fuel Shipping Container Docket No. 71-9191 Revision No. 1 By application dated September 24, 1987, Babcock and Wilcox requested an amendment to Certificate of Compliance No. 9191.

The amendment is to add Petten MTR-type unirradiated fuel elements containing a mximum U-235 loading of 626 grams per element, to the contents of the certificate of compliance.

The staff has conducted a nuclear criticality safety analysis, utilizing the same method as was previously done for R-2 type fuel elements with a U-235 loading of 500 grams, presently approved as contents on Certificate of Compliance No. 9191.

The Petten fuel element is similar in geometry and composition to the R-2 MTR type fuel element; however, the W/F ratio (moderator fraction) is decreased from 1.78 for the R-2 to 1.44 for the Petten. This decrease in moderator fraction offsets  !

l the increase in reactivity due to an increase in fissionable mass, thereby keeping the X,g of these two fuel elements essentially the same.

The staff verified the equivalence of the two K by performing XENO-IV-27 group  ;

calculaticas on an infinite CUB 0ID lattice of f moderator fuel cells of finite  :

height ane a 3 fuel element finite width for both R-2 and Petten fuel elements.



Both fuel elements were reflected by water in the two finite directions. The R-2 lattice k was 1.319 1 0.007; the Petten lattice k # was 1.308 0.009, thereby {

verifying the applicant's calculations for X,ff for these fuel elements.

The changes discussed above will not affect the ability of the package to meet the  ;

requirements of 10 CFR Part 71. I d w -


Charles E. MacDonald, Chief  ;

Transportation Branch 1 Division of Safeguards and l Transportation, NMSS FEB 171900 l Date:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _