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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Emergency Response Data Sys.Forwards App G Documents.App F & G Documents Available in PDR
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/19/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Sholly S
Shared Package
ML20147E883 List:
FOIA-87-737 NUDOCS 8801210234
Download: ML20147E879 (3)


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U.S. CLEAR REGULATO3Y COMMISSION uc soia atoutsnwetsisi

,p %h FOIA-87-737

. usese mi n l RESPONSE TO FREE OM l ** IXl'aml

  • e.e- , JAN 191988

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1EQUE flR Mr. Steven C. Sholly PART 1.-RECOROS RELEASED OR NOT LOCATED (See c^ecked bonest No agency records awbpoet to et e request have been located.

No adotonal agency records swbrect to the request have been tocated.

X Agency recoros suboct to the request that are soentded in Appendra F ,,, ,,,udy ,,,, ,,, g, ,n.,ect,,n no co,g,n tn, s R e pwei,, ocew,,nt R oom.

1717 H Strut. N W., Washegton. DC -

y Agency records swbrect to the reowest thet a<e ideatA.d n Appendia 0 are being ras avme for ow< esoecton and copyeg e 'he NRC Pwb4< Occument Room.1717 H Street. N W . Washegton. DC. e a folder under the FolA r wmber and reawester name T*

  • nonproonetary verson of tre proposanst that you ag*eed to accoot m a teiephone ccoersaten wth a member of my staN e r'o* beeg made avaiaote for pubhc eseecten and coveg at the NRC Public Documer t Room.1717 M Street. P W . Washegion. OC. e a fo6 der urcer this FoiA number and 'equester name.

Enclosed is info"nation on how vow may otta.n access to and the charges for cocreg recorcs placed m the NRC Pubhc Document Room.1717 H Street. N W . Washington. OC.

Aptgy r*corf4 sub;ect to the recp.,est 3*e enclosed Any apphcable Charge for CoCMPs of the records provided and payet procedures are noted a the comments secton.


RecoTs subact to the reocest have been r*'e' red to another Federal agency 4est for reven and direct response to vow in vow of NRC's response to the roovest no further acte 4 beeg taken on appeal 4tte* oated PAM ll A-INFORM ATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC OISCLOSURE Ce< tam Waaston m the rer.wested recorJa e webe64 from public d.sclosse purswaat to the Foi A enemptons descreed e au W the reasons sta+=d m Pa111. sec-tons 8. C. and O. Any revned portons of the documents for when oavy part of the record is beeg uthmetd a o being maoe evadab'e t public inspecten and copyeg m the NRC Put4 Documeat Room.1717 H St+eet. N W.. Washegion. OC. m a fonder under thre FoiA number and reoves'er name Comments t

9801210234 880119 PDR FOIA SHOLLY87-737 PDR h agcco;g s' D ataca 0 v.5 A Cs a


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1. 3/11/86 Ltr to Mcdonald from Walker. (6 pages) PDR Accession No.


2. 3/11/86 Ltr to Utley from Walker. (6,pages) PDR Accession No.


3. 3/11/86 Ltr to Kelly from Walker. (8 pages) PDR Accession No.


4. 3/11/86 Ltr to Kingsley from Walker. (6 pages) PDR Accession No.


5. 3/11/86 Ltr to Stewart from Walker. (6 pages) PDR Accession No.


6. 3/27/86 Ltr to Woody from Walker. (6 pages) PDR Accession No.

8604020476 i

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1. 5/10/85 Ltr for Alan S'mpson from Nunzio Palladino. (16 pages)
2. 10/8/86 Memorandum for Chairman Zech and the Comissioners from C. Kanrnerer. (8 pages)
3. 1/14/87 Ltr for L. W. Zech from R. F. Celeste. (42 pages)
4. 1/28/87 Fax for meeting with Massachusetts fret Hickman to Martin. (2 pages)
5. 4/29/87 Ltr for L. W. Zech from J. Breaux and A. Simpson. (4 pages)
6. 5/4/87 Note to Thomas A. Rehm from Kenneth E. Perkins. (7 pages)
7. 5/7/87 Prepared Testimony concerning NRC Legislative proposals, the Nuclear Power Emergency Response Data System Act of 1987, and the Western Low-Level Waste Disposal Compact. (17 pages)
8. 6/11/87 Memorandum for Chairman Zech and the Comissioners from J.

Bradburne. (6 pages)

9. 6/11/87 Memorandum for Chairman Zech from V. Stello, Jr. (2 pages)
10. 6/18/87 Memorandum for Chairman Zech and the Comissioners from J. Bradburne. (7 pages) 11, 7/1/87 Memorandum for Chairman Zech and the Comissioners from J. Bradburne. (11 pages)
12. 10/1/87 Prepared Testimony concerning H.R. 2683 H.R. 1570, and H.R. 3025. (18 pages)
13. 10/2/87 Memo for Chairman Zech and the Comissioners fr., J.

Bradburne. (2 pages)

14. Undated Sumary of NRC Testimony on H.R. 2683, H.R.1570, and H.R. 3025. (1 page)

TECHNICAL ASSOCIATES TECHNICAL CONSUL TANTS ON ENERGY & THE ENVIRONMENT Date G Bocenbaugh 1723 Hamaton Avenue-Suite K Rcharc B Hv0barc San Jose. Cabfornia 9512$

Gregory C. M:nor Phone'(408) 266 2716 27 October 1987 FEf200M OF INFORMADON ACT REQUEST Mr.,(onnie H. Grimsley, Director Division of Rules and Records A9/~7g7 Office of Administration and Resources Management U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission #h /d-JD-((

Washington, D.G. 20555 RE: Emergency Response Data System (ERDS)

Dear Mr. Grimsley:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and 10 CFR Part 9, Subpart A, "Freedom of Information Act Regulations", please make available at the Commission's Washington, D.C., Public Document Room single copies of records 1/ in the following categones:

A. All records concerning the Emergency Response Data System (ERDS). This request includes, but is not limited to, Congressional testimony, contractor reports, internal memoranda, and correspondence between the Commission and utilities, if you or any members of your staff have any questions concerning this request, please contact the undersigned directly by telephone at (408) 266 2716. Your prompt attention to this request will be appreciated.

Sincerely, d7/8Mr/ fg7 b C- Steven C. Sholly ii Associate Consultant 1/ As used here, "records" has the definition provided in 10 CFR 9.3(b) of the Commission's regulations. Furthermore, "records" are considered to be those in the possession of the NRC, its contractors, its subcontractors, or others as provided for in 10 CFR 9.4.