IR 05000073/1997201

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Insp Rept 50-073/97-201 on 970605-06.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Review of Selected Conditions & Records Since Last Insp & Related Discussions W/Licensee Personnel
Person / Time
Site: Vallecitos Nuclear Center
Issue date: 07/17/1997
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20141H349 List:
50-073-97-201, 50-73-97-201, NUDOCS 9707230007
Download: ML20141H351 (11)









u Report No: 50-73/97-201 ,

i Licensee: General Electric l


Facility: - General Electric Research Reactor l

Location: -Vallecitos, California i Dates:- June 5-6, 1997 Inspector: Marvin M. Mendonca Senior Project Manager

Approved by: Seymour H. Weiss, Acting Deputy Director Division of Reactor Program Management i



l 9707230007 970717 l PDR ADDCK 05<00(M173 '






EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This routine, announced inspection consisted of the review of selected conditions and records since the last inspection, and related discussions with licensee personnel. This inspcction was conducted in accordance with the guidance of NRC Inspection Manual. Activities were safely implemented as described in the report details and summarized in the followin e Operational logs and records were acceptably maintaine Events were acceptably identified and resolved by the licensee. Operations were in i accordance with Technical Specifications (TS).

e Surveillances for startup were completed as required by TS. Trending by the licensee provided timely evaluation of equipment performanc * Procedures were effectively used by the operator. Changes to procedures were acceptably reviewed, approved, and maintaine e Requalification training and activities were focused on safety and were as required by the Requalification Pla * The changes to the organization met TS requirements. On-shift staffing and conduct of operations was acceptabl * Review and audit functions and resolution of associated findings was as require e The experimental review, approval and implementation program satisfied regulatory requirement * No fuel was handled or moved since the last inspectio * Maintenance activities were in accordance with approved procedure * The design change was acceptably reviewed, approved, and implemente e The radiation protection and environmental protection programs were conducted in accordance with required procedures, and requirements, e No radioactive material was transported under the reactor license since the last inspectio * The emergency plan was acceptably implemente * Security was in accordance with the approved security plans and material control and accountability was acceptable.








l Report Details l i

Summary of Facility Status During:the onsite-inspection period, the facility was shut down one day and ;

was started up and operated several hours to allow for the conduct of various '

radiographic work'on the other da J Operations 01 Conduct of Operations 01.I' Operational Loos and Records Inspection Scope (Insoection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed operational logs and . record, seleu.ed events and research reactor operational parameter Observations and Findinas Operational logs and records since the last inspection were prepared and maintained as required.- Logs were clear and provided an acceptable description of operational activitie Events were-first recorded in the console logbook. The essential ,

event information was transferred to a startup and shutdown report J which included the scram report. The inspector reviewed Scram Report 97-01, a scram on April 28, 1997, that was due to operator error. Corrective actions for startup was as required by procedure i and acceptable. This process tracks completion of the corrective ;

action The inspector also verified, that selected operational parameters were in accordance with' Technical Specification Limiting Conditions of Operation, by observation of instrumentation and facility conditions during low power operation Conclusions Operational logs and records were acceptably maintaine Events )

were acceptably identified and resolved by the licensee. Operations 1 were in accordance with Technical Specification Limiting Condition of_0peration requirement Operational Status of Facilities and Equipment '

02.1 Surveillance and limitina Conditions of Operation Inspection Scope (Inspection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed surveillance procedures, and surveillance dat l



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1 Observations and Findinas The inspector reviewed the settings 4 selected safety systems and-the conduct of safety system surveilla:ces during the research reactor precritical startup procedure, the procedure ~was of ,

acceptable detail, and was current and.up-to-date. The conduct of !

tthis procedure acceptably demonstrated compliance with Technical {

Specification requirements (i.e. TS or excess reactivity !

various daily scram channel checks:and TS subcriticality i with safety, rods withdrawn for reactor startup). A~ practice of 1 trended drop and electronic times was noted by the inspector and aided the licensee in early identification and' evaluation of potential problem. Similarly, trending'of nuclear instrument response was also used for early detection of instrument deterioratio " Conclusions Surveillances required by Technical Specifications for startup were completed as required. Trending of data provided timely evaluation of equipment performanc j 03 Operations Procedures and Documentation 03.1 Procedures Inspection Scope (Inspection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed administrative controls, operating procedures and. updates, and the performance of procedure bservations and Findinas The inspector verified that procedure 12.31 changed on March 5, 199 The change had been review and approved in accordance with-Technical Specifications and administration requirements. The '

change properly reflectedLin the-procedure copies in use at the control room. The inspector observed that the conduct of startup and operations, as well as the setup for an experiment, was in accordance with current, approved procedures. Annual report was made in accordance with TS 6.5.1. and the Biennial review of selectea procedures was. verified to be. complete Conclusions Procedures were effectively used by the operator. Changes to procedures were acceptably reviewed, approved, and maintaine i

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05. Operator Training and Qualification i

05.1 Reaualification Trainina


.' a. Inspection Scope (Inspection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed active license status, training records,  ;

i examinations.- 1


! b. Observations and Findinas - .




{ Operator Requalification records were maintained. Records and

! discussions with operators showed that training was conducted on

, selected changes to the facility, procedures and events. Records also showed that active duty status and requalification plan.

requirements were maintained.

The licensee developed the operating and written exams for the .

current cycle. .The inspector reviewed these exams and determined i that they demonstrated acceptable content and questions.

! 1

Observations also verified compliance with TS on neutron l

. multiplication; The inspector also reviewed records for annual l control rod surveillance on drop times and electronics dropout times !

per TS Records showed these tests were acceptably i conducted in excess of TS requirement.

.i i- c. Conclusions

1 Requalification training and activities were focused on research

! reactor safety and were in accordance with the requirements.


l 06 Operations Organization and Administration n 06.1 Oraanization and Staffina '

a. Insoection Scone (Insoection Procedure 690011

.L The inspector reviewed the organization and staffing.

b. Observations and Findinas

! The inspector reviewed changes in the organization. The changes i were administrative in nature and consistent with Technical

Specification requirements, f The number of licensed operators remained unchanged. All operators


were SR0s. Two SR0s were at the facility during operations. The

staff size and supervisory oversight were acceptable to support the i research reactor utilization schedule. These observations verified


that the requirements of Technical Specifications were being

" satisfied by the license . __ - - . - .

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. Conclusions -]

The organization were acceptable. On-shift staffing '!

and conduct of operations met the requirement j 07 Quality Assurance in Operations l



s 0 Committees. Audits-and Reviews'  !

~ Icsoection Scone (Inspection Procedure 69001)



[ The inspector reviewed committee membership, meeting minutes, and H 'the results of audits and reviews.


Observations and Findinas

! The inspector discussed review: processes and communications of i issues with the Manager of Regulatory Compliance. .The inspector i reviews the Committee activities related to the last two reactor  ;

scrams. These reviews, records, and discussions-showed that the '

committee was effectively reviewing and evaluation issues, j The inspector reviewed the most recent audits. The inspector found j the audits addressed issues of organization.and nuclear material 4-control, to determine compliance to requirement .

With regard to the resolution of review and audit findings by the ,
. licensee, the inspector waf presented with a process that addressed i
each related issue. The in
,ector verified that the licensee had completed action on selectec review and audit issues, Conclusions i i

Committee review and audit fun:tions were'as required by the l Technical Specifications, and issociated license resolution i activities were complete Miscellaneous Operations Issues  ;

0 Experiments ,

a. . Inspection Scope (Inspection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed experiment review and authorization' record ; Observations and Findinas The radiogryhic experiment of exposure materials authorization form was reviewed and approved by the licensee in accordance with Technical Specifications. The review provided an acceptable safety

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analysis of the experiment. The review also addressed potential hazards, reactivity and radiation levels, and experimental o operational requirements. Implementation of experimental protection l features for the amount of exposures, were observed by the l inspecto Conclusions l The experimental review, approval and implementation program met regulatory requirement i 08.2 Fuel Handlina Loas and Record Scope (Inspection Procedure 69001)

l The inspector reviewed fuel handling record Observations and Findinos l No fuel handling was conducted since the last inspectio Conclusions


No fuel handling activities were conducted since the last ,

inspectio '

II. Maintenance M1 Conduct of Maintenance M1.1 Maintenance Loos and Records Inspection Scope (Inspection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed maintenance review and approval records, maintenance procedures, and maintenance authorization Observations and Findings The licensee repaired a Remote Area Monitor (#5) on May 12, 199 The replacement part was acceptable as demonstrated by test and calibration. The maintenance was acceptably documented and tracked from operator log through maintenance record and procedure. Within l the scope of this review, no safety concerns were identifie ;






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l-6-( Conclusions i



Research reactor maintenance activities were documented and performed in accordance with approved procedure II Enaineerina l El Conduct of Engineering


El.1 Desian Chances j Insoection Scope (Inspection Procedure 69001)


The inspector reviewed a change package authorization, and associated procedures and drawing Observations and Findinas .

I A change for the new setup room was reviewed and approved by the license in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59 and licensee administrative procedures. The changa was consistent with safety analysis assumptions. Procedure end drawing changes were documented and were consistent with the changes as observed by the inspecto Conclusions The design change was acceptably reviewed, approved, and implamente IV. Elant Support R1 Radiation Protection and Chemistry Control RI.1 Health Physics Scope (Inspection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed rad protection program and record.

l , Observations and Findinas L

The inspector observed entry by site personnel into a radiation area. . Postings were as required and were followed by personne Dosimetry was as require Exposure records were complete, as well as, environmental monitoring record. These records were done by a NVLAP accredited lab. Results were consistent with annual report value , .


-7- Conclusions The radiation protection program was conducted as required by site

, wide and facility procedures, and requirement R8 Miscellaneous Radiation Protection and Control Issue R8.1 Transportation Scope (Inspection Procedure 86740)

The inspector reviewed facility records for transportation of radioactive materia Observations of Findinas The inspector reviewed the licensees process for ensuring the decay of radioactive material to below allowable levels f ar transportatio Conclusions There was no transportation of radioactive material P1 Conduct of Emergency Preparedness Activities Pl.1 Emergency Planning Scope (Inspection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed the emergency plan, and emergency facilities, equipment, and supplies, exercises and drills, and training, Observations and Ffndinas The Emergency Plan _ and implementing procedures were kept up to date and copies were readily available in response locations. The inspector verified that emergency call lists were accurate and readily availabl Exercises and drills, were in accordance with Emergency Plan requirements. Licensee key emergency response personnel demonstrated that they could respond to emergency situations as required. Offsite response agencies communications verifications were as required by the Emergency Pla Facilities, equipment and supplies were maintained as required by the Emergency Pla Conclusions The emergency plan was acceptably implemente ._ _ _ . _ _ _ - . _ . . . _ . . . . _.,.. . _ . . _. _ _ _. . _ . _ . __



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L-8-51 Conduct of Security and Safeguards Activities


l Sl.1 Security and Safeguards Scope (Inspection Procedures 81401, 81402, 81431, 81810.. and 851021'


The inspector reviewed the physical security and safeguards program Observation and Findinas i

The security plan was maintained as required. There were no i reportable events per 10 CFR 73.71 or. Appendix G. Physical l protection was as required by the security plan. Material accountability forms were completed and filed as require Information was maintained as require .c. Conclusions

.The security and safeguards program implementation was acceptabl V. Mannaemant Meetinas XI. Exit Meeting Summar The inspector. presented the inspection results to members of licensee management at the conclusion of the inspection on June'6, 1997. The licensee acknowledged the findings presente ,




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William E. Kreutel, Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) & Acting Manager /NTR Gary Stimmell, Manager Vallecitos and Morris Operations Ben Murray, Sr. Licensing Engineer Chuck Bassett, Manager, Regulatory Compliance Fred Arlt, Manager, Facilities Maintenance j Ron R. Snyder, SR0

Mike Rogers, Specialist, Radiation Monitoring





None Elslad

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