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Insp Rept 40-6659/85-03 on 850730-0801.Violations Noted: Decommissioning of Solvent Extraction & Leach Circuits Contrary to License Conditions & Purchasers of Surplus Property Did Not Perform Alpha Surveys Before Leaving Site
Person / Time
Site: 04006659
Issue date: 10/21/1985
From: Konwinski G, Pettengill H, Shopenn N
Shared Package
ML20100N335 List:
TASK-TF, TASK-URFO 40-6659-85-03, 40-6659-85-3, NUDOCS 8510290295
Download: ML20138J244 (7)

See also: IR 05000730/2008001


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j NRC Inspection Report: 40-6659/85-003 License: SUA-551


Licensee: Petrotomics Company

P.O. Box 2509 .

Shirley Basin, Wyoming 82615

Facility: Shirley Basin Uranium Mill

Inspection At: Shirley Basin, Wyoming

! Inspection Conducted: July 30-August 1, 1985


N. M. Shopenn, Team Leader

/b /[ b

Dat( '


G. R. Konwinski, Project Manager





Harry J. Pettengill, Chief

b I

Date/ '

Licensing Branch 2

Uranium Recovery Field Office, Region IV

Inspection Summary

l Inspection Conducted on July 30-August 1, 1985, Report 40-6659/85-003


l Areas Inspected: Special inspection of uranium decommissioning and

radiation safety program including
Management Organization and

. Controls / Operations Review; Operator Training and Retraining; Radiation

Protection; Radioactive Waste Management; and Transportation.of

Radioactive Materials.







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The inspection involved a total of 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> onsite by two NRC inspectors.

Results: Within the five areas inspected, five violations were

identified in three areas as described in this report.


1. Persons Contacted


*J. H. Whitman, Manager
  • S. J. Pfaff, Radiation Safety Coordinator
*J. H. Hines, Assistant Radiation Safety Coordinator

W. H. Schram, Wackenhut Security

R. L. Cook Jr. , Cooks Fabrication Inc.

G. Himes, Radiation Safety Technician

D. R. Tintinger, Mill Maintenance


H. J. Cochran, Lead Operator

  • Denotes those present at the exit interview.

Two mill workers and a security guard were interviewed during the

course of the inspection.

j 2. Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings

(Closed) Violation (40-6659/85-002) Failure of licensee to submit a

decommissioning plan 12 months prior to mill decommissioning. The

licensee was given verbal approval by NRC staff during a special

inspection on June 17 and 20, 1985, to proceed with decommissioning

l of the ore crushing, thickeners, grinding, and storage portions of

! the circuit in the absence of an NRC approved formalized plan in the

form of a license amendment. Contrary to such agreements, the

licensee has removed 9 of 13 leach tanks as evidenced during this

inspection. The staff issued full decommissioning approval on

July 29, 1985. Petrotomics' decommissioning is now in accordance


with this approval.

! (Closed) Violation (40-6659/85-002). Failure of the licensee to

submit a plan and seek approval to dispose of contaminated materials

! in a mine pit. No additional disposal activities have taken place

since this violation was noted during the June 17-20, 1985,

inspection. Approval for such disposal was granted by Amendment


No. 8 dated July 29, 1985.



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(Closed) Violation (40-6659/85-002). Failure of contract employees

to shower and/or monitor themselves, with an alpha instrument, prior

to leaving the mill. In addition to the previous violation, the

inspectors observed during this inspection that purchasers of

surplus property, who had access to contaminated areas of the mill

property, failed to monitor and/or shower before they left the

property. Therefore, the staff will closely review the area on

future inspections.

(Closed) Violation (40-6659/85-002). Failure of the licensee to

determine airborne concentrations of radioactivity. Records of

airborne radioactivity surveys were observed during this inspection.

They are now being properly conducted during each phase of


3. Management Organization and Controls / Operations Review

The licensee described the organizational structure and specifically

the organization of the radiation safety staff. The radiation

safety staff consists of two personnel.

The mill had been permanently shut down prior to the time of the

inspection. Mill decoramissioning had begun with the crushing

circuit being the first area to undergo dismantling. Upon

completion of the crushing circuit, dismantling was initiated on

the leach and SX circuits. The NRC inspectors noted that

decommissioning of portions of the SX and leach circuits was

contrary to the license conditions in effect at the time the work

started and not in accordance with the verbal commitments agreed

upon by the licensee and the NRC during the previous inspection.

NRC final approval was granted July 29, 1985, after the

decommissioning of the SX and leach circuits was started. This was

identified as a violation of License Condition No. 29. The

inspectors did, however, determine that the licensee had issued

Radiation Work Permits for these activities. This is normally

adequate for the dismantling and removal of old equipment during

normal mill operation. The conditions at the time of the work were


not normal mill activities, hence, prohibited under the license

conditions in force at that particular period of time.

There were 43 personnel directly employed by the licensee at the

time of the inspection. Additionally, 10 to 15 outside contractor

personnel were assisting in the mill decommissioning.

Exposure rate surveys throughout the mill were performed by the NRC

inspectors. The levels found were less than 2 mR/hr throughout the

mill. Soil samples were obtained similtaneously by the inspectors

and the licensee. The samples shall be used to verify that the mill






area cleanup meets the conditions of License Condition No. 29 of the

amended license. These samples will be analyzed for U-238 and

Ra-226 and a comparison made with the licensee's results.

One violation was identified by the inspectors.

4. .0perator Training and Retraining

The inspectors reviewed records of contractor employee training

conducted by the radiation safety staff since the last inspection.

The NRC inspectors noted that all contract employees had received

training in basic radiation safety as well as respiratory

protection. All contract employees successfully completed a written

examination on the above topics. The inspectors found that the

training conformed to the requirements of License Condition No. 37.

The inspectors observed contract personnel performing alpha surveys

upon exiting the mill area. It was apparent, that upon exceeding '

the alpha meter alarm limit, not all contractor personnal clearly

understood the decontamination procedures. The inspectors expressed

concern over this situation and noted that some form of refresher

training may be advised.

No violations or deviations were identified by the inspectors.

5. Radiation Protection

a. Exposure Determination

Utilizing a computer code, the licensee determined internal

exposures for all Petrotomics employees to airborne radioactivity.

The code uses air sampling and personnel time card data as inputs.

The time card data determined occupancy of personnel. The 36 air

particulate sampling locations, which were previously used to


determine employee exposures, were no longer used due to mill


decommissioning. Concentrations of airborne radioactivity for each

mill area were determined by using lapel samplers attached to

laborers involved in the decommissioning. These concentrations were

weighted by the general occupancy time of the locations, as

determined from job descriptions accompanying time cards.

Because the mill was undergoing decommissioning, most of the work

being performed had no standard operating procedure. As a result,

most of the work was being performed under Radiation Work Permits

(RWPs). A review of the RWPs by the NPC inspectors noted that all

l necessary information to determine exposures was on file in the

i RSO's office. However, in some' cases the RWPs were issued more than

a day in advance of the job being performed. The inspectors noted


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to the licensee that this practice may not be advisable in that

conditions may change prior to initiation of the work. The

inspectors noted that the tracking of RWPs was not easily determined

and discussed this situation with the RSO and. suggested an

alternative method for tracking RWPs.

The inspectors noted that since June 1985, Petrotomics has not

analyzed nonroutine yellowcake and ore dust samples onsite. As a

result, the turnaround time for analysis of these samples was often

in excess of the two days (up to two weeks) specified in License

Condition No. 30 and therefore a violation of the same.


One violation was identified by the inspectors.

b. Respiratory Protection

The inspectors reviewed the licensee's respiratory protection

program. Ali Petrotomics employees and contractor employees have

had training in the use of respiratory protection equipment, as

required by Section 5 of the renewal application.


Since the previous inspection, respirators had been used by laborers

involved in mill decommissioning. However, protection factors had

not been utilized during exposure calculations. The respirators

were used during dusty conditions which primarily. represented glass

fibers from fiberglass insulation. The licensee had moved the

respirator equipment from the mill building (due to removal of the

roof from the office area) to a room which adjoins the cafeteria

building. The inspectors noted that respirators were being washed,

bagged, and dated as required by Section 5 of the renewal

application. However, these activities were taking place in a sink n

which was plumbed to the mill's septic system. Due to this,

i contaminated water was being discharged to an area outside of the

tailings impoundment. This was a violation of License Condition

No. 17.

A tour of the mill area found several used respirators discarded at

various work locations rather-than being returned to the R50 for

cleaning. It was obvious to the inspectors that the respirators had

been laying around for sometime. This is a violation of a

commitment made by the licensee in submittals made to the NRC and

incorporated in License Condition No. 48.

Two violations were identified by the inspectors.

, c. Bioassay


The licensee's bioassay program consisted of urinalysis and in vivo

lung counting. The NRC inspectors reviewed the program with respect

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to the contractor personnel- and Petrotomics employees. The review

indicated that all contractor employees submit a sample at the

beginning of their shift. The results of the samples indicated that

no sample from any employee had reached the action limits specified


in License Condition No. 41.

No violations or deviations were identified by the inspectors.

d. Personnel Contamination Control

, Contamination of personnel within the mill had been controlled

through the use of protective clothing, showering, and surveys.



Petrotomics issues protective clothing of different colors for

personnel working in yellowcake and nonyellowcake areas of the mill.

The clothing is laundered on site and is stored in the mill change


room. All employees are required to either shower or monitor

themselves prior to leaving the mill. The NRC inspectors compared

the log book maintained at the guard shack with the log book


maintained at the alpha survey meter. The inspectors determined


that a few purchasers of surplus property, who potentially had


access to contaminated portions of the mill, did not shower or

perform alpha surveys prior to leaving the mill site. This is a

violation of License Condition No. 42. ,


the exit to the mill that was used by mill personnel for self

surveys. The instrument was in calibration, and the alarm was


observed to have been set to alarm below 1000 dpm/100 cm2,

One violation was identified by the inspectors.


6. Radioactive Waste Management ,

j At the time of the inspection, no tailings were being disposed of in

! the tailings impoundment. An extensive misting system was observed



to be operative. The NRC inspectors noted that catwalks and pump

stands from the 55 foot thickeners had been disposed of in the



tailings impoundment as authorized by License Condition No. 46. The

inspectors also noted that contaminated materials from mill

decommissioning had been buried within the general mill site' area as


agreed upon with the NRC and authorized by License Condition No. 29.

( Burials had been in excavated trenches. Upon observing the


trenches, the inspectors noted that several barrels had not been  ;

crushed and large structural steel had been end dumped into open l


trenches resulting in potential void spaces. The inspectors i

indicated concern over this disposal method and noted that all

future disposals, especially any authorized within the tailings

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area, should assure against voids and its effect on the ultimate

reclamation cover.

No violations or deviations were identified by the inspectors.

7. Transportation of Radioactive Materials

The inspectors reviewed records of contamination surveys performed

on equipment prior to release from the site. The salvage records

indicated that all materials leaving the site were decontaminated

below the levels stated in Attachment No. 1 to SUA-551. The

licensee was therefore in compliance with License Condition No. 18.

The inspectors also reviewed records of transfer of contaminated ma-

terials and. equipment to other licensed uranium recovery facilities.

The transfer records for all shipments were maintained in the RS0's

office. Similarly, the transfer records indicated surveying,

placarding, and shipment in compliance with 10 CFR, Part 71.

The inspectors reviewed records of yellowcake shipments. All

records were found to be in order. All yellowcake had been shipped

from the mill.

No violations or deviatfor.s were identified by the inspectors.

8. Exit Interview

The NRC inspectors met with the licensee representatives at the

conclusion of the inspection on August 1, 1985. The inspectors

i summarized the purpose, scope, and findings of the inspection. All

apparent violations noted in the report were discussed at the exit

interview. Petrotomics concurred in the findings and either

corrected or proposed a correction to each violation prior to the

inspectors leaving the site.


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