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Recommends Categorical Exclusion for 851114 Request for Amend to License SNM-1938 Re Change in Title of Station Superintendent,Increase in Number of Fuel Assemblies Shipped Per Truck & Mod of Fire Protection Plan
Person / Time
Site: 07003000
Issue date: 11/27/1985
From: Crow W, Ketzlach N
Shared Package
ML20137Y157 List:
NUDOCS 8512100741
Download: ML20137Y174 (2)






[ ,g p, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 3, j . r, j WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 S' s g, * *ss***jr NOV 2 71985 DOCKET N0: 70-3000 LICENSEE: Commonwealth Edison FACILITY: Braidwood Station, Unit 1


CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION FOR AMENDMENT REQUEST DATED NOVEMBER 14, 1985 By letter dated November 14, 1985, Commonwealth Edison requested an amendment to Special Nuclear Materials License No. SNM-1938 reflecting current operating conditions for Braidwood Station, Unit 1. The current conditions are stated as follows:

1. The title of the individual responsible for overall plant safety and operations at the Braidwood Station, Unit 1, has been changed from the Station Superintendent to Station Manager. The responsibilities and minimum qualifications remain unchanged.
2. Commonwealth Edison in their application for Special Nuclear Materials License had stated that a maximum of 12 assemblies would be shipped per truck. The new shipping schedule now calls for 14 assemblies per truck.

The above increase in the number of shipping containers to be shipped per truck is not expected to increase the probability of a criticality event occurring. The shipping containers are authorized for use under Certificate of Compliance No. 5450, which states that a maximum of 60 loaded shipping containers may be stored in any configuration under all degrees of modera-tion and/or reflection.

3. Commonwealth Edison had committed to completion of a fire barrier separating the Fuel Building from the rest of the plant prior to receipt of fuel. However, at the present time, the barrier will not be completely installed by fuel receipt. In order to ensure that fire protection is not compromised, Commonwealth Edison has committed to taking the following fire protection measures: i) fire alarm and fire control systems will be operational prior to receipt of fuel, ii) 18 additional fire extinguishers will be installed in or around the Fuel Building, and iii) a hourly walk through of the fuel storage area will be performed until the fire barrier is completed.

Based on the staff review of Commonwealth Edison fire protection program and conversations with Mr. Charles Ramsey, Region III, the staff has determined that the fire protection measures taken by Commonwealth Edison are adequate for the protection of the health and safety of the workers and the public.

8512100741 851127 PDR ADOCK 07003000 C PDR

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NOV 2 7 ;gg5 Commonwealth Edison Company 2 and Unit 1 Containment Building will be available, and (4) a walk-through surveillance of the fuel storage area at I hour intervals will be made until the fire barrier is complete.

Based on the staff review of the CECO fire protection program and conver-sations with Mr. Charles Ramsey, Region III Reactor Fire Safety Inspector, the staff has determined that the fire protection measures taken by CECO are adequate for the protection of the health and safety of the facility personnel and the public.

C. Environmental Protection The change in title of the Station Superintendent, the increase in the number of fuel assemblies / truck, and the modification of the fire pro-tection plan will not make'(1) a significant change in the type or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents that may be released offsite, (2) a significant increase in individual or cumulative occupa-tional radiation exposure, (3) a significant construction impact, and (4) a significant increase in the potential for or consequences from radio-logical accidents. Therefc e, in accordance with 10 CFR 51.22(c)(11),

neither an Environmental Assessment nor an Environmental Impact Statement is necessary for the proposed action.

D. General The amendment application dated November 14, 1985, was discussed with Mr. T. M. Tongue, Senior Resident Inspector Braidwood Station, Unit 1, on November 25, 1985. He foresaw no safety or environmental problem with the requested authorization.

Conclusion Issuance of the amendment authorizing the change in title of the Station Superintendent, an increase in the number of fuel assemblies shipped per truck, and the modification of the fire protection plan is recommended.

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,/atzlach Norman Ketzlach Uranium Process Licensing Section Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and original sigaM EZA Material Safety, NMSS N. Kotalach ,. /

Approved by:

W. T. Crow, Section Leader 0FC: FCUP :FCUF :FCUF  :  :  :  :

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DATE:11/1;1/85 :11/1k85:lM/85:  :  :  :