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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20214C68617 November 1986Forwards List of Missing SALP Evaluation Forms (0516B). Requests Review of Files to Locate Missing Forms.Recognizing That RP 0516B Issued in Mar 1986,request Applies Only to Repts Issued After Mar 1986
ML20212H7635 August 1986Forwards License SNM-1938 for Braidwood Station & SER Containing Applicable Conditions to Handling & Storage of Fresh Fuel Assemblies Under Unit 1 Storage Only License.W/O Encl
ML20137Y17427 November 1985Recommends Categorical Exclusion for 851114 Request for Amend to License SNM-1938 Re Change in Title of Station Superintendent,Increase in Number of Fuel Assemblies Shipped Per Truck & Mod of Fire Protection PlanFire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
ML20128M0662 May 1985Discusses Environ Assessment Re Application to Receive New Fuel.No Effluents Will Be Released & Acceptable Controls Maintained.Finding of No Significant Impact AppropriateFuel cladding