ML20137U388 | |
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Issue date: | 09/30/1985 |
To: | |
References | |
NUREG-0750, NUREG-0750-I02, NUREG-0750-V21-I02, NUREG-750, NUREG-750-I2, NUREG-750-V21-I2, NUDOCS 8510030126 | |
Download: ML20137U388 (108) | |
COMMISSION ISSUANCES January - June 1985 l
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Available from Superintendent o.' Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Post Office Box 37082 Washington, D.C. 20013-7082 A year's subscription consists of 12 softbound issues, 4 indexes, and 4 hardbound editions for this publication.
Single copies of this publication are available from National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 Errors in this publication may be reported to the Division of Technical information and Document Control, Of' ice of Administration, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555 (301/492-8925) or (301/492 7566)
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NUREG-0750 Vol. 21 Index 2 i
l January - June 1985 i
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Foreword Digests and indexes for issuances of the Commission (CLI), the Atc,1ic Safety and Licensmg Appeal Panel (ALAB), the Atomic Safety and Licens. cg Board Panel (LBP), the Administrative law Judge (AU),the Directors' Decisions (DDJ, and the Denials of Petitions of Rulemaking are presented in this document.
Rese digests and indexes are intended to serve as a guide to the issuances.
Information elements common to the cases heard and ruled upon are:
Case name (owner (s) of facility)
Full text reference (volume and pagination)
Issuance number Issues raised by appellants 12 gal citations (cases, regulations, and statutes)
Name of facility, Docket number Subject matter ofissues and/or rulings Type of hearing (for construction permit.operatinglicense,etc.)
Type ofissuance (memorandum, order, decision,etc.).
Rese information elements are displayed in one or more of five separate formats arranged as follow I. Case Name Indes he case name index is an alphabetical arrangement of the case names of the issuances. Each case name is followed by the type of heanng, the type ofissuance, docket number, issuance number, and full text reference.
- 2. Digests and lleaders ne headers and digests are presented in issuance number order as follows:
the Commission (CLI), the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel (ALAB),
the Atomic Safety and IJcensing Board Panel (LBP), the Administrative Law Judge (AU), the Directors' Decisions (DD), and the Denials of Petitions for Rulemaking.
The header identifies the issuance by issuance number, case name, facihty name, docket number, type of heanng, date ofissuance, and type ofissuance, ne digest is a ' rief narrative of an issue followed by the resolution of the issue and any legal references used m resolving the issue. If a pven issuance covers more than one issue, then separate digests are used for each issue and are designated alphabetically.
- 3. Legal Citations Index This index is dinded into four parts and consists of alphabetical or alphanumerical arrangements of Cases, Regulations. Statutes, and Others. These citations are listed as given in the issuances. Changes in regulations and Statutes may have occurred to cause changes in the number or name and/or applicability of the citation. It is therefore important to consider the date of the issuance.
The references to cases, regulations, statutes, and others are generally followed by phrases that show the application of the citation in the particular issuance. These phrases are followed by the issuance number and the full text reference.
- 4. Subject index Subject words and/or phrases, arranged alphabetically, indicate the issues and subjects covered in the issuances. The subject headmgs are followed by phrases that give specific information about the subject, as discussed in the issuances being indexed. These phrases are followed by the issuance number and the full text reference.
- 5. Facility Index This indes consists of an alphabetical arrangement of facility names from the issuance. The name is followed by docket number, type of hearing, date, type of issuance, issuance number,and full text reference.
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I Lhoet No 50-243 DD At$. 21 NRC 1033 (1925 s C AROLIN A POWIR A LIGill COMP 4N) and NORill CAROLIN % L A51L RN ML NICIP AL POW i R AGE NC) l l
(IPL R AllNO L A LN5f. P ARil AL INiil AL DiCislON ON l N\\IRONML NI AL CON I L NilONS. Dakei No 50-4004)L ( ASLHP No 82 472-01-OL L LBP-85-5,21 N RC 410 f
l CLi\\(l AND E LI(IRif ILLt \\tlN ATING COMP;N), et al
OP1 R 411NG L K t Nst. I?t Cisit)N Droet N<w 50-440-OL. 544410L. AL 4H-802, 21 NRC 4% ilms OPl R % TING L K l Nst. MI Mt)R ANDt M AND ORDE R, Datei %s 50 440-OL. 50-4414 )L.
AL th-W. 21 NRC $9e elvA9 COM MON
- i 4L Tif i DisON ( OMP AN)
IMMLDI gli M Ili)N et t s)( L 51 DIR t ( f t pR 5 Di( IMa)N L NDL R l'> C f R 6 2 2'*. Du ket
% O-295. DD-802. 21 NRC 2'O eleth OP! R 411NG LICI N5f. VI MOR ANDL M AND ORDI R ADMITilNG RORt M t.T Al 2
AMINDE D QL ALII) A5st R AN(l CONIf NilOV Dmhet %s Sa446,54457
L BP 3 L20. 21 NRC s 7., i ne n OPL R 4 TING 1101 N5!. $Plil AL Pkl H[ 4 RING (ONI1 RI NC E ORDI R. Dabei %s 50 450 5
50-44' l be a5.ll,21 NRC we (1989 CON 50 LID %II D I DISON C OMP %%) of NI % )OR A
$Pl(I AL PRut f l DING. Di( IslON D.oct % 50-24?-%P. ( Ll 85-e. 21 NRC 1043 419458 C ONSL Mt Rs Pow t R ( OMP AN)
OPE R 4 TING ilCI Nsi AME ND4t NT. MI M(iR 4NDL M AND OR!)f R Dmhet No 50-l!5 OL 4 ' Spent I wei Pmi Main.uons. AL AH 195. 21 NRC l (1985)
I OPI R ATING i K I N51/t Nis hk( l MI NT. P ARTl AL INiil %t DI(1510N Dm ket Nm 5n 329-OL AOM 50-3 30-01AOM e ASL HP %s 78-3W 03-OL. I'L42942 SP1, L BP-802,21 NRC 24 (194 4 i
Dt' Al Pow E R COMP AN), et al i
RIQt LST i UR I NIORC i M1 NI AC flON. DIRICTOR T DiCislON L NDt R 10 ( f R 4 221*. D m hei % s 50 41). 50 414 DD-55 9. 21 NRC 1759 41995)
OPE R 4 TING 11(f N51 RI Ni % Al. Mi M()R ANDL/M AND ORDI R, D+hei No 50 'O OL R f 4%L BP No 8148101-01 R L I HP-25 4 !! NRC 199 (191191 I hP RS-II,21 NRC 103111989 l
Gl.NE R 4L PL'BLIC L'IllIill % NL Cli AR COR POR ATION Pt fliloN f()H RIllli, MI MOR ANDt M AND ElRDI R. Dmhet %s 50 2 49. 4.120. M 2 ; 9 iPrim<m for Rchef L ndcr 10 C i R 4 2 2<* L ( L18 5-4 21 NRC 561 (1989 1
R t t>t 15T IOR AC110%. DIRl( TOR 5 Ot(lsli)N t:N DI R 10 C i R 4 2 24
- lheen %$
Su-2 N 50 320. 50-219. DD 841. 21 N RC 263 a l985 p Hot S TON llGilTING A Pi >W l k ( HMP %N). et al opt R %TINO Li(I N5f. Di(IslON. Omkei %s 50 498 Of. 50-499 OL. AL AH 799. 21 NRC
.w,09u, opt R AllNG L K i N%f. Mt M()R ANDt M. Datei Nos S TN 50 4914 ()L, ST N 50-499 (11 t 45L BP No 79-42107 OL 1. I HP 45 8 21 NRC 516 (1989 i
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I f
%4494)L i ASLBP No 79-4214?-OL e. L BP-854. 21 NRC 447 (19154>. L BP $5-9. 21 N RC (24 81%56. LBP 8419. 21 NRC 1707 (1985)
A ANS A5 0 AS & I LtCTRIC COMPANY. et al OPE R ATING LICENSL, DE Cl5 TON. Dahet No 50-4824)L. AL AB 798,21 NRC 357 (198M Af RR At<GI L Clit MIC AL CORPOR AflON M ATE Rt AL5 LICEN5L; MLMOR ANDUM AND ORDE R. Dmket No 40-2t*l4tL ( ANL BP No 83-494-Ol AtL), LBP 851. 21 NRC ll (19851; LBP b5 3. 21 NRC 244 (19851 LONG 15L AND LIGilTING COMPAN)
Ort R ATING LICEN51. Dt CislON, Dwkct No. 50-322 OL 4 (Lo. Powerl, AL AB 800,21 NRC 386 t1%5)
OPF R ATING LICLN51., Mt MOR ANDE M AND ORDI R. Duket No 50-322-OL-4 (Lo.
Pomert. CLi-85-1. 21 NRC 215 (1989 OPLRAi!NG LICLN5L; MLMORANDUM AND ORDLR, Dmket No %322-OL, AL AB-8lo, 21 NRC 1616 (1985 opt R ATING LIC1%51. ORD1 R. Ihket No %322-04 -4 CLI 8512. 21 NRC !!8? (1945 opt R AllNG LICLN51. PARTIAL INiil AL DECISION ON I MiRGENC) Dit 5tL GLSI R ATORS Duket No $4322-OL; L BP-8518,21 NRC 1637 (1985)
OPE R ATING LICIN5f. PARil AL I%iil AL DE CIMON ON t MLRGE NC) PL ANNING, Dmket No 50 322-OL.), L8P 8512,21 NRC t44 (1985)
Lot'Isl 4% 4 Pow E R & LIGili COMP A%)
OPE R 4 TING LICE N$t, Di CIMON, Dmket No 50-182 OL, AL AB 803. 21 NRC 5'S I19851 OPI R AilNG L K t.ML, ME MOR ANDU M AND ORDE R. Daket No 50-382-OL. AL AB 797, 21 NRC 6 (1985. AL AB 801. 21 NRC 479 (19851. C81-84 3,21 NRC 478 (19851 M AINI ) ANKIE ATOMIC POW LR COMPAN)
RIQLI ST 10R ACTION. fl% AL DIRf C10R'5 DE Cl% ION UNDER 10 C F R 4 2 200, Dmkea No 50.409. DD 854, 21 NRC 1547 (19857 MI TROPOL li AN LDl%ON COMP 4%). ei at OPE R Afl' G LICL N51 AME NDMt NT. DICislON, Dmket Na %289 OL A titeam Generamr Rept). AL AB 80'. 21 NRC 1l95 t1985s 5PLCl AL PROCTIDl%O. LICI N51%G BO ARD RF5PONW 10 CLI 85 2. Onket No %289 SP (Restarts, L BP-85-10,21 NRC 603 4 t 985 6
$PtCl AL PROCELDl%G. Mi MOR ANDLM AND ORDE R APPROSING PL AN f OR R E \\ bl%G LICE N5f D4)PER ATOR T R AINING PROGR AM. Dahet No 50-2894P i A%1 BP No 79-429-09 SPt IRegart Remand on Management Trammg) LBP $5 21,21 NRC !?51 (1989 5PICI AL PROF fl Dl%u. MLMOR ANDL M AND ORDI R. 8)mket No 50-2894P titewarv.
Cl1-85-2,21 NRC 282119851, CLl-85 5. 21 NRC $N I1985). CLl 85 8. 21 %RC 11Ii i1924),
CLt 85-9. 21 NRC 1818 (1985)
SPL(I AL PRO (ll Dl%. ORDE R. Dusket No M2894P (Restart) (ll-85 7. 21 NRC 1104 (1985)
SPICl Al PROCl! Dl%G. P Altil AL 1%lil AL DE C8%10% ON Illi RI M ANDI D 1%L 1 Of LK L Mt D4)PI R 4 TOR TR Al%ING AI iMI-1; Dmket No 50-289 $P t ASL BP No 79-4294*5P) f Researt Remand on Management.f ramingt. I BP 115-15,21 NRC 1409 41989 N ATL R AL RI%Of RC 15 Dill NM COL N(ll. INC.
% A5f t DISPOS AL RUL L M AK!%G. Of Ni Al. OF PL T1110N IOR RULE M Ak1%G, Dahet No PRM-20-7. DPRM 85 2,21 NRC I?81 (1985)
Dakes No PRMJ5 5, DPRM 851. 28 NRC 1777 (19851 P ACiflC G A5 AND ILICTRIC COMP ANY OPE R All%O Ll(I N5L. DICIMON, Dxhet Nog 50-275-OL. 50423-OL, AL Ale 8 61. 28 SRC 1622 4198 0 PHIL ADF LFill4 i L iCIRIC COMP A%)
OPI R All%G llCl Nsf. Di CIMON. Omket Nos 50-3!2 4)L. 30453 OL. AL AB-804, 21 NRC 587 (1985p, AL Alt 80h,21 NRC ll83 (19857, Al AB 809,21 NRC 1605 (1980 2
AL AB 808. Il NRC 1594 (1985). ClI-85-il. 21 NRC 1585119851 OPER ATING LICE NSL. TillRD P ARilAL IN111AL DECISION ON OfISIIL & Mi RGLNC)
PL AN NING. Dmket Nos 50-352-OL. 50-3534)L. L ltP-8514. 21 NRC 1219 (19MS)
RLQL. LST IOR ACTION. DIRf CTOR'S DE CISION l'NDL P 10 C F R 4 2 2t*. Dmket Nos 50-352. 50-353. DD-85-8. 21 NRC 1561 i1955}
PORTL AND GENLR AL filCTRIC COMP AM et al OPE R ATING LICEML AMLND\\ltNT; MLMOR ANDL M AND ORDt R. Dahet No 50 344-OL A. AL AB 796. 21 NRC 4 (19846 POW LR AUTilORii) OF Till 5T AIL Of St u )ORK SPECl AL PROCETDING, DICislON. Dabei Na 50 28o $P. CLI 85-6. 21 NRC 1043 t1985)
PL BLIC $L R\\ lC L COMP AM OF Nt w fl AMP 5111RL. et al REQL I ST f OR ACTION. DIRLCTOR'S DI CIMON UNDE R 10 C i R. 8 2 200. Dahet Nos 50-443, 50-444. DD-84 L 21 NRC 533 (1985)
PUBLIC SE RVICt LLECTRIC AND GA5 COMPANY. et at OPE R ATING LICI Mf ; OR Df R TE RMIN ATING PROCEE DING. Date No 50-3544)l LBP-85-6 A. 21 NRC 468 (1985p 50UTilLRN C Allf 0RN! A 1Dl50% COMPAN). et al OPE R ATING LICIML St SPt N510N. DF Ni AL Of HiQt'E 5T FOR lit ARING AND RtQL L51 IOR ST A). Datet No 30-2tle. CLI-8510,21 NRC 1569 (1984)
TLA As UTILITil5 iL FCTRIC COMPANY. et at Ort R A TING LICL Mi; Mi MOR ANDt*M. Daket Sm 50-445-OL AOL.2. 444&OL&OL-2 i A$lBP No 79 4towOL p. L BP-84-17,21 NRC 154411985p opt R ATING LIC& ME. Mt MOR ANDUM AND ORDi R. Dmket Nos 50 44bOL&OL 2.
50-440-Ol &O! 2 t OLBP No 79-430w OL L I ftP abl6,21 NRC 1539 il985t THf OLIROIT I DisON (OMPAM. et at Rt QUEST f OR ACTION. DIRE CTOR'S DE CISION ONDI R 10 C i R l 2 A4. Datei No 50-341. DD-84-4 21 NRC 546 (19858 t'NION E Li CTRfC COMP AM REQUL5i f OR LICE Mi SU5PLMION. DIRtC10R 5 DiC1510% UNDt R 10 C l' it t 2 2tm.
Da te io 50-423. DD 85 7. Il NRC 1552 (19856 UN!1LD ST AT[5 DEP ARIMI NT OF LN1 RG). PROJiCT M AN AGE AIINT CORPOR A110%.
LBP-85 7. 21 NRC 40711985)
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155L' ANCl% Ol' Illi: NL CLI AR RIGl'LAIOR) (EnlMi%510N l
1 011-85-1 f 0% 1%l %ND llGilTi% (O\\f r \\N) Rhoreham Nuslear Power 9anent Duct I
No SU-322-4 il-4 il om PowerI, OPl R ail % ilt i NSI. i ebt uar> l2, IW Mi MOR A NDL. Al i
L pen reuem of the Lisenung hoarJ's oitober 29, 1984 deouen il BP44-45. 20 NRC At'rhani s re ucu for en escrrption frem the requirements of li) C l R Part
l 1
134) granung s
M. Aprendas A. General Des gn Croenen 17 and autharump (en4:n los p>mer temng. the
( emmiwon alhams ' hat Jn.wn te bemme effestne l
l B
l nRr in rebulations at 40CIR 4 % Gdt, the Commswon may swue a low power l
eter arg hserwe 10 e lauhth noimanuanJing the absense of either NIEC or i ederai l'mergem)
I a
f M4Nyernent Agenss it i M % > apr m al of the fasihty's olTule emergens') pian and m@out a t
rreA tne f mdmg of ren s.naNe ass; irw e that a f uil romer bs erM mill es em uaH) nsee. eilong as the preregmutes for a om power te,ense are roet. I ong Island i eghhD5 ( o (% orcham Not!c-l ar Power Woon). Cll-g t-l', !? N RC 1032,103411484 l
In umduumg in resice for effeunenen pierenes of a i menvng Board deuuon authoril.
ing an esernption from General Deugn (nienon IGDC) l? 110 C l R Pari 30 Aprend.s 4 6, f
the Ocmnawon mill piase speual weight on equitable Lonuderations These tonuderanons in-stude the se!cis ugmfn'en e of full tomraanu mith GDC 17 at the piwer lesels mwhed, the s
I puNw truereu in full ser"rhante. the ininnw salue to eart) datover) of problems danrg too.
power icums inc tengt and use of the mhole hsenur.J prmeeding and the Sood faith c00rts of the arrusant la tomrf) fullt *ith GDC l' f
D 16 v.muderms a rewest for cactr'ruen under 10 C i R I 5012, the siens of a Staic or I
%41 gesernmem are not ennised to sontainne meeght on the grou d th4i rer'eseni the n
' rub 6 ime cu " ( ongrew charged the NRC mith bienung and regulahng nusicar remer safeiy, I
and the Comrm won termot de'esale ihn resamuNhip by ;resurig Siete or losal gmernment e
uess on the swuct as tonsluuse
( L14 5-2 Ml lRI)Ptil li AN I Dl%41% ( OMP 4 N). et al libree Mile Island Susicar 5t4uon, l
( mt It Dos s et No Su-289 5P (Reuartl, %PICI AL PRt K il DING. l ehruary 2$. 1985 Mi MOR \\Nl)UM AND ORDI N s
i A
Ibc Commimon determines that the lmenung 14oard should mue Jeuunns on two e
i mues on uhah hearmps base been tomacted t he Commewon further determines that no fur-I ther h(armps are marranted methin the rewart prmeedmg The Commimee hometer inmlutes i
1 j
a nem proseeding to topuder ehet atoon should be taken conternine irsdneduals powbly in-I sobed m f alufnahon of less rate dat4 at l' nit 2 On another matter mso8 me a omdinon of re-l uset impowd bs the Artv4l lirard shai a srcof *ed I nensee emg tonce udt hase no sureruwr) ressmubd, tics oser the traimng of nonhsensed permnnel, the Commisuon offers lhe empmee the r'rportumt) to requeu a heanns on ehtiber that tonWoon should be impsed H
Ihe tradinonal wandard to deierm ne a rnonon to reogn a reu rd unuders whether iII the monon is timely, 8 27 it addrenes <gmfasnt safets f or enuronmeniall mues. and 13 6 si rmghi hase kJ to a different rewli had the eemis proffered material been tonudered minalis Paufn Gas and liesins (o (D 4% Canyon Nutlear Power Plant, I runs 1 and 2), Al All HE,
!!NRC8%AM119mi C
When dirested by the Commemon to address agofie matters in a hiensma printeding, the parnes ha$e en ohi.genon to tic pir mien the direttion Any ticar diuegard for the Crimmis-own s order edl be subprit to appropredic santoon 4
T he traJinonal sia'sdard fer recremns apphes m tietermaning theiher a record shop.d bc reopened on the baun of nem mformauon T he uandard does not apply where the inue is =heih-er the record should he reopened besauw of an madequate resord E
Any interested perwn the requiute standmg may seek to meersene in a ( 1894 Iwenung prweedmg To cuench wandmg. an mdaidual muu as a minimum shom ill the actwn bems shallenscJ wwid cause mrury in tact to that indnidual and (D ush injury is manm the zone of mierests protes'ed by the Aiomw Lnergy Act See, e g, Portland General Elestrw k iPebbie Srrmss Nudear Plant t/ mis I and D. 01IJ6-27,4 NRC 610 (1976L f
it n unrewhed m the courts whether an mdmdual who suffers ewnomic injury as a rewit of a bturdi slettuon to bar him from workmg m a certain rb mould be mithin the tene c4 miereus protetted h the 4tomsc Ericrg) Act See, e s., Consumers Power Co (Palnades Nuste-ar Power I achn). AL 48-e'O 15 NRC 493. 506 tl98D l'cornurrms opm en of str Rownihah.
vataied as rnoot. CLI-82-18,16 NRC 50 (198D.
G The Due Pnwen Clause of the Fifth Amendment prohibits a federal agency from deprn-mg an mdmdaan of hbcnp or property mierests without prosiding that mdantual an oppununny for a heanns Indnnluah mdirectly a0etted by government a(tum mat not hase any hearms nghis See O Bannon v. Teun Court Nurung Center,447 U 5 77) (194W H
A gerwn a hbert, mierut n impbcated where a person's good name. reputanon, ttoner or mtegnty n at wake because of what the gosernment is doms to him, or where the govern-rnem's astum irrposed a wgma or other dnabihiy that forecknes ha freedom to take adsamage of other empivsnwnt orrom.mues B-iard of Regents s Rmh,400 U $ 564. 3TJ (197D i
Aterely manmg a dmharged employee lew attrastne for employment is not a deprasuon of liberty See, e g Johnwn s. L nnerut) of Pittsburgh. 435 F supp 1328 t% D Pa 19776 J
To have a propert? mierest m a benefit, a perwn cicarly must have more thari an abstrasi need or devre for et. and more than a umleieral espectauon of it He must, muciJ. hase a legar mate clami of enuttement to it Roth, wpra. 408 U.5 at Sit A
T he gusernment mJ) rw presem an indisidual from workmg m bn thnwn profcwton without providing him noint ard an orportunsly to request a heanng. see. e g Orr s Irmier.
444 F 2J 128 (6th Car ), cert demed. 408 0 % 94) i19?!). although there is no hearms require-mem ehcre ibe emy th>ng at stake n a secofa rb with no cla4m of entitlement %ce Cafetena arst Reuaurant w orkers t ren s %fs t tro, 36 7 t' % ttie f l06t p l
1 The Energs Reorsamranon Act of 1974142 0 5 0 t $851) and the Commisum's regafa-tions (10 C f R 4 $0 77 protect employees from dmnmmauoc for ranmg heahh and sa ety r
twucs CL t-8 5-3 toCl514N A Pow f R A LIGHT CO4f r AN) twaterford Meam f lecirw 5 stum. Omi D. Dosket No 50-3424)L OPf R AllNG LICEN50,4f arth li.1984. %1L 410R ANDL Al AND ORDiR 4
T he Commnwin au:horises the awarke to the Arpikant of a full poner opersang inenw for the % eterford Steam E lertne Sistmn, Umt 1 At the same time H deshnes in stay the efhinenew of its Desiwn for a J. meek reral as reyacued bs lanersenors twaanse of the De-ciwm n wehout prejudwe to the Imersenors' motions to reopen that are curremly tiefore the Atomm 54fety and Luenung Aprest Board B
The standard for an operstmg taenung decnnm n whether there is ressamable suuranse of pubis heahh and safety to allom plant operaiwen. enher for the full hcenur:g term or umd addinonal anal us is completed that would prnside aJdanonal aswrante for the fulbterm htefne t
CLI 85-4 GENIRAL PL'BLIC UTillilL5 NL11 t AR (ORPOR ATION t ihree Af de island Nuticar 51stum. I'mts 1 and 2L Dwket Nos % 289 30 320 and H))uer Creek N u(lear Generaung Stauoril, (butet No Sti-249 (Petetum for Reteef Lnder 10 C f R t 2 20ht PETI TION IUR Rf Llf f. Arnt 4.1945. AlI %10R ANDU Af ANI) ORDI R A
The Commimon (larifies the baws for the denial by the thretu>r Offese bf Nusicar Reae tor Regulairnn, of a peulion requestmg that the inenses held bs the General Pats l'tshnes Nuticar Corporation to operate the ihree % file Island and thuer Creek muslear fas ehties he resoned on the ground ihat it 14sks the nettuar) tharstitt to operate them safel) As a separare maner, the Commnum demes the Peutw>ners' request for a heanns under the Atoma i nergs Att on the Luensee's charester 4
l l
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I e
B The pnnopic is nom firmly estabhshed that parties mnt be presented liom usmg Itl C F R 4 2 20r. as a schKle for rewnuderanon of mues preuou$ deuded. or for amiJms an i
esstrig forum in whah they more tegnally should be presented Comohdaied t eson Co of l
Nem iork tind n Poms, t' mis I. 2 and 38. Cll 75-8. 2 NRC !?).177 (19751 See atm. e s,
I Rcskford L eague of women s mers s NRC. 679 F 2d 1218 Cih Cir.1982). Paars Gas and ileurw Co tDiaNo Camon Nxtear Power Plant L'mts I and 2). CL t-81-0.13 SRC 441, 444 (1981),
C Because there must be finahip to adminntraisse destuonmaking, those who are vint par-ties to a proceedmg must be presented from uung 10 CJ R 4 2 20e as a means to reeren mues prence!y adjudwated Nee, e g. Nonhern (nean.: PuNas $ers Ac Co inadly Generatmg Staneon.
Nuslear-ll. CLl-78 7, 7 NRC 429 (19796, afCd. Porter County Ch pter of the liaan w aliori i cegue, in6 s NRC,60e f 2d 1363 (D C Cir.194 D
There is no right to a hearms under the Atoms Energy Act simply becauw quesinom are raned about a Iwemec's sharauer
( LI-si-5 METROPOLIT AN 101s0% COMPAN), et at (Three Mae Island Nuckar Station't.
Umi D. Dmket No. 50-21t+5P (Restarti, 5PECI AL PROC ((Dj%G, Apnl 5.1935, MIAIO.
The Comimswun afhrms a Lhenwng Board member's deuwon denying mienenon monon seekmg hn diwwahrnanon from further partnipatnm m the Three Mi6e Island, Omi i restan praccang 8
The panies m an a&udsa:ory proseedmg hate a trght to an impartial adjudgator, bish m reaht) and m appeararwe to a reasonable obserser floueser, they do not hate a nght to it.e Judge of tticar thme C
The right to an impanial adjuesator does not rnean that fasorable ruhnss must be esid-ed cuusi!) betmeen the parbes, or that a Judge ma) md mawonally uw strong language toward a pen) or m esprewing hn uens on matters before him D
The faa that a judge s atuern map be wntrmerwal or snay prmoke strong rextums ty the parues does not preside grounds for ewuahfkation L
in conudenes ehether mformatKm m an estrajudwtal communganon demomtra,es bias.
it is the scurse of erse mformanim, raq thc forum m whnh it is wmtr.unnaied, that wmrols I
t sen of Canons 2 or 3 of the Code e,f Judnia6 ConJxt are notated in a pannular sat dnquahfhation mill not follow per se G
The purpose of Canon 2H of the Code of JuJnial Condus ohnh siates that a Judge "should the lend the prewge of his drae lo advance the prnate miereus of otalars" and further that t%e judge "theutd not testefy so;untard) as a charauer estness" rs to present a Judge's les-timony f rom haung an undue mfbense m a trial H
(anon J 446) of the Crde of Jadwial Condust ohnh sta:es that a " judge shoulJ abstam from put% tomment shout a pendmg of empeneng prmeeding in any wurt ' es meant to apply to general puNw toenment net to empartmg openfic informatum to a s'our'.
Cll-8 54
( ONSollD %TE D 10150% (OMP AN) Of NE w iORK f 6ndan Pomi. Onet No 21, Dahet No 50 247-SP and Pow t R AtlTHORITY OF THf ST ATE Of NL% )OR A tinean Pomi, Unit No Js. Dmhet No 50-245P. SPI CI AL PROCE E DING. May 7,1985, DiCIMON I
A Peutsoner reweued thuidown r4 Inaan Point Omte 2 and ) In respoew. the Commis.
soon imuated a esretionary Luenwns Board proceedmg designed to gather mformanon on ehether to shut down the unres of to take mher enforcement adann The Commisum wrwiudes that the rewrJ descloped by the !icenung Board shows that neither shuidown nor imp % tion of addauonal rernedial utums beyond thow implemented soluntarily t3 the i nensees is marranted at this time lhe Commswon, homever, erects the Staff, meer sha to confer with F I M A and report to the Commmion on the current status of emergent ^y plannmg and on whether defecen-nes idenseed by the Board and Comprawon m this proteceng hase been correced 8
The Atomic i nerst Ao prmides ample kgal authonty for NRC to impose sustomued requiremenis des.gned to mammire fish to public heshh and safety 8 ee, e g, Atomic E ners) t Act. $ 1611bf. 42 0 $ C. ( 22011b1), arid there is no nonsutuisonal prohkm eith arms so 7
l l
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The Atoms incrgy Act does not pralsde prudent r4 reduane measures prouded n is ratKmal to (cnslude that r% ill be redused Consequentt), the Commnsmn tould impow spectal requirements for plants in den cly populated areas D
The toilemmg teshmcal swue en disussed Probabehsin R% Awewments (PR 40 CLI-85 7 METROPOLIT O LDisON COMP AN). et al (Three Mde Nand Nuclear 5:atnm l'mt h IL Dosket No Stk269-5P 4 Resurth SPIII AL PROCI E Dl%G. May 9.1916 5. OR Dt k A
The Commnsion demes Intersenors' moison to reconuder eis deowon ((1145-2, 21 NRC 282119859 that no f6,rther hearmss are marranicJ m the T MI-l restart proceedmg B
The burden is on the mosant to enabinh prmt to recremng that the sundards kir reoremeg are met A mosani n not entitied to enga"e m &wosery m orJcr to scrof t a moinen to reopen. Rather. the nwe m enh case is whether the available reformation meets the standards for reopefung, a e, timely a wgnilhant saf ely luue ohnh rmght hose afletted the (nensmg Board's deouon. su(h that the record should be reopened and dncosery imtiated C
If a imison to reoren as to sunced. it es mit enough merety to espreu a mdimaness to prouJe unspeofeed. addisonal mtormanon at some unknown date in the f uture See generally.
e 3 Loutwana Power & Light Co 1%aterford steam Electric Sianon, l' nit 3). ALAB-753.18 NRC 1321.1324 Il94D D
A party may not rane m a petition for resonuderation a matter not plard m content before See, e B. kansas Gas and llectric Co t%olf Creek Generating Station. Urut No 16 AL 48 4??. 7 NRC ?o6. 7e8 (19'86 CLI 85-8 METROPolliAN IDisON COMPAN), et 41 (Three Mile Nand Nustear Staimr:.
L rut No D. Dwket No 542805P tRestarth %PICIAL PROCE LDl%G; May 16. 1985.
Mt Mt)R ANDUM \\%D ORD1 R 4
The Commewon Jcmes intersenors' monum to reoten the resord m the 1M11 restart prwee&ng and Intersewts request that the Commnwon sponsor a health clTests wJy prior to makes a restart destwen il l'nder este%%cd (omrmwen prutne three inters are conudered in determirur*g whetter a motum to reopen should de granted "Ill is the monon timely. (2) does et address sigmfwani safety hw enseronmentall suues. and U) rmght a different result hase been reached Nd the newty pre!Tered matenas been conwdered amually
- Meimpohtan E dnun Co (T hree Mete Nand Nu6 ear Sutum. I;mi II, CLI-IS 2,21 NRC 282. 285 n 3 (19115L t
CL IM9 MilllOPOLIT 4% E DlWN COMP AN), et al (T hree Mile luand Nintear siawts.
lmt No il Dmbet % 50 2894P (Restartl $PICl4L PROCI L DING. May 29, lHi5.
The Commrswon hits the effestneness of its 19'9 enfortement prJer directiss that IMI I rerna n shut down and permus IMI-l to resume operatmn subsect to the complettan of too con &ium The Commimon holds that she too management elated ruwes abnh remam pen &ng before the agens, do not marrant hecring TMI I shut down unul ageno prosecengs hase been completed B
The lam normally affords a inenset the orporturnty to sha!!cnge an enfor ement soien
.n a pu ig hearms pnot to the ume an enforsement a(utm takes effed Consumers Pomer Co n
al,Jand Plant, t ruas I and 2L CLb7348,6 AEC Ing2. los) (69?)t C
The iam otogates the Comm won in left the eflestneness of an immc&ately ellestne shutJomn orJer orke the tr'ncerns ut'wh led to making the order immediaveir effectne hase bee *i adequately rew'ised See, e s, Pan Amernan Airmays s C AB. 684 F 2d ll (D C Car i
1982L %rthwest Airknes s. C AB. $39 F 2d 748 (D C. Car 1976L Air ( me Pdots Ass'ri. Iriser.
- C AB. 458 F 2J 844 ID C Cir 1972L sert denied. 320 0 % 972 (197sp D
A prousu.n en the las allons imme& ate adson then required by the pubhc health and ufety of rubbe interest seg 10 C f R 4 2 20210, ohnh impicments i L3 C 4 $tth)
A generady appinable standard for amegrity n whether there es reawmable assuranse ther the Inensee has suff.ctent charauer to operate the plang en a manner wns stent eith the pubhc health and safety and applusbie NRC reaw emems r
F ln determinmg ahether a hstnsee has the requiute Integrity to operate s nutlear power piam, the Commnson may consider guderne regar&ng hsensee behauor hasms a rational ton-8 6
m __
nestmn M the sale elvrainm of the plam ihn does not mean. homeser than es cr) 4(t of a bsers To be n the aitmn man base tome reasonaNe retairornhip to Istensee's s h. stas-see a relesarit i
ter, i e.. sis samlor, truthfulnow edimgness to 4Nde by regulatory requirements. ard attert.rke of reconwbility to protest puNic healih and safety G
Asts tearmg on a Isensee s character generally should not be tenudered en not.,ime The pattern of Imensee's reinam behas tor, miludms sorretine actens should tv (or udered 11 Lmenwe behauor erkludes acis of twensee employees, suse all orgamratmos tarry on their astnities throgh irdaWuals l
That a L nenwng beerJ has imposcJ twense condiuons does not csmsert an enfortement mio a inense amendmerit preseedmg Once the (ommnwon cuaNnhes a format ad Jud satory hearing m an enforcement sase, it need not grant separate hearmgs on am lisense om.
unens that are imposed as a direst consequence of that enforcement hea'mg
Renart of a nustear nmer plant follommg its ordered shuidown does not constitute a twense amendment. but twoln 14 fung a suspenuon, and hente does not creale nem hearms righis >se, e s, San Lun Denpo Mothers for Peace s. SRC, 731 l 2J 1287,1314 (D C ( er 1984 r; %acramemo stunwipal Utiltty Dnirtet IRancho Seco Nutlear Generstmg S tanon i, CL179 7, 9 NRC 680 affd. I riends of the Earth
- Oneted Staict 600 F 2d MI 19th t ir 19'98 PuNic Scrwe Co of InJ;ana (Marnic lid! Nuticar Generaims $iateort. UnitsIstd D.
CLi 8010 Il NRC 438 tl960h affd, 5ase the % alley s. NRC. 714 I 2d 142 inh Cat. 1983e (TaNel.
A Sccinm 2 204 of 10 C 1 R ohnh prnudes that the Commnwm snit make a imense amendmem immediately etTettne um.n 6nding that the putslw health, safety, or microt to re.
quires. apphes omy when the (ommnuon makes the determmanon to make a Iwense amend-mem efiestne mitri >ot allordmg an opportumsy for a prmr beanns L
ibe stan. fards in 10 C F R I 2.44sfil2flil whish prosales that the Consmesut-n shall make a Luenwrig floerd Jeuwtm auhraing a umt to operate at full pmer immediately e0 cone
" f et determmes that H n m the puW mterest to in so, based on a conWeratum of the graui, i
of the subuanine nsue, the hheimmd that it has lven rewhed mcorreuly tic 6cm, the des re.a ohnh correct rewiunon of the mue moukt be presudned t*y operauon pendmg reuen and other relo ant puNw mrerest futurs.
" appi, onis to mmal inenung dernmns M
The standard for determirurg eheihet tu left the immediate effestnenen of an enfersc>
reem order n whether the orkerns ohnh led to that order immediately effettne been adequate!s resof ted Once the Commnwon finds this has been done, et n legaily oN gaied to hfi the emmediate effestnenen of the order, regarJku of the nature of the latest l kenwng Board druwon on the matter ihn n a matter pesuliarly mothen the Commisseo#5 s krmetedge and itiuslung the mou dns retenary aspests of its enfor,ernem authority N
The Commimo'i sannon ignere its legal oN'gahen to hit the immcJiate effssinenen of a sb4mn orJer once the torwerns ohnh led to matmg tnt order immcJweit effesine are saus(ieJ, even if a smgk tssue rust wenifnant for safe plant opersimn remams pendmg before the i sensmg lied See, e s. $x ramemo M umural l'tday Dntrni (Ranthe %eto Nustear Gerierat-sag $tammi. Cll 79.7,9 NRC 6An i19'9) (resumptmn of operanon suhroed prmr to hearmgl see alw KC = Oregon Paufw f nduuries. 42n U 5 121.12? (19'$t (Pomell J. sork urrmgi.
Pan Amernan Airman s C AR 6A4 F 2J Il ID C Car 10121. brihmeu Airtmet in( t C AB.
3 H I 2d 74 ID C. ( er 19'6). A6thne Pilots An'n. Internaimnal s C AB 438 l 2d $48 4 D C.
Cir 1. tett demed. 420 U $ 9'2 41975J O
The SRC ts rtat a tegniaine tufy and H lasks drutetum to a6 on the boos of nsues than are rwit mihin the store of the lams estsNnhed by Congress P
in the Atomw Iners, Ast. ( ongren has dirested the NRC to make deuwons regateng the twenwns of nuclear reastors on the baus of its omn espert ludsment and anahms of whether the detawd regulatory teskoremerns of the ( ommimon have been sainfied (11 Abl0 SOCIHI RN C AlliOR%l % I Dl%ON COMP A%), el al t$sn (Mofre %wsleat Ger>crat.
my Statum. L nd I P, Dos ket No 50..'t* OPl R All%G (101 MF W%PI MlON. Ietwuary 19 198 5. Dl %f A L Of RI Qt 1 %f F(tR Hi Altl%G AND fil yl 5 %i itiR %I A) 9 l
The ( omm. won demes a request for a on an order sonditionally resinding a preuous suspencon of the operaung hiense for $4n Onofre Nusicar Generating $iatmn i mt I and refuscs to sta) resumed operanon of the faahiy The Commisuon constudes that the res M ed suspenwon order, uhwh impescJ sertain senmic upgradings as a condinon for resumed opera-tion. slid not amerkt the San Onofre inense and therefore may be hfied eithout the pro 6cdural vers. instudmg ofter of a hearmg. regwred fer a Nense amendment B
An order that does not espand a twensee's authorily under its operating twense tw direct the hiemce to take action inconustent mah or not already authonted by the esisung hsenw neeJ not he treated as a inense amendment C
A hsense suspens,on es an u nen u ha h un be ennrely disurwt from a lisense amendment D
A Inemec's soluntars commitment to mahir a piaril safer than its inense requires does twt wmradst the lisense or en general sail for addamnet authundanon E
1he deosen whether to menrporate mio the lwense a cuthask in licensee authorny or the empeunen of pem burdem es one of agency disrenon and intent rather thart sta'utory compuluon Cil-85 il PHIL ADLLPlil% LLECTRIC COMPAN) (Lmiernk Generanns 5tanon. L niis I and
- 21. Desket %m %332-OL,.'tkJ53-OL OPl R 411NG llCL N%[. June 11.1985. M t MOR 4%.
The Commiwon dest +nes to make effecirse a Lnenung ikwd authonianon for issuerse of a fuli-power oMratmg hiente im the i emernh Generstmg %tanon f unpuhhshed OrJer of May 24.1984P besause the authmiaten rebed on a l neming floard gram of an esempton from the e me rgerk) runwrg regidainms ramng important queusons tegarJms intersenori hearmy rights whwh had ens 3ci rwen rewhed CLI8512 LONG in 4%D LIGilil%G COMP AN) tshoreham Nuslear Power $tanont Dostei No %322-OL t OPl R 411NO lK L Nst. June 20.1985.014D8R A
The Comm. n resfrms 'he holding of Cil 84 9, i9 NRC 1323189841 that where an enurcr:meru imrnt ummeet us been prepared for fu:1 power operation. the Nanocas i nw tonmental Pshy Ast (%f P Al does stol requere the Commewon in prepare a supplemental enn rofWefita! trr'pht statement I'$llV) whn h menghs the g'ogts aftd benefits of lomapomer opera-non or, the assumrtoo that there u m r4 *er be f ull power operation in E sen if f u4 power operanon as urkertam, the benefit to be gained from tom.pomer opera-t on (e e, early idennfhaterl OI prortlerns to 4Mure that full pomi"r t'perantin mill thot he deleted.
af and when it is authorised) is ermust in permit a f.nding that the benefits (4 los power opera-teon outee'th its amis
% hele pernes are enntleJ to shallenge the suffniensy c4 r4Juilovaal emergensy prepared new for a pusicar power piant. the Con're won's ulomate finding on the adequaq of prepared e
new rs stimrothng 19
l l
i l
l l
l I
i i
l l
!s%t' AM LS OF Iln 4TOMIC buln OD Lill N%ING APPL Al BO4RD%
- 41. A lW 5 Ct Mt Ml R% Pttw l R CottP 6) IH,p Rak Pmnt Planti.DmheiNo 54144 Ol A areni l uct Pm.I Moesnanoni, tipi R AllW llCl Nsl A M t.NI)MI N T, Janars 9,
t.ading no errors that requet wrfestae stuen, the Arreal Board afl.rms on sua sponte reueo a senes of L nerw g floard Jeuwon, that utomately auiberved a inense amendment per-ruling the ceranuon of ime H g R(n's Prnet Nusicar Power Piant spent fuel rool H
An arreal board s if,emanse eri ua stenie res een i,I a inenwng board e Js'siu..n J ics tu $.gmi, arremat of ever> thing ud and 4 ne h tht teard be!om Ibus. an arredi N>ard eill rW gae care dn +g ellest to in enwrg Nt ed consluwons on leg al mues not brought to ll h est of an arreal Duke Pueet ( o K hm ace S micar Stahon, Units I, 2. and )). 41 All 432, 7 NRC t'9 vill n 4 i t *'a i h h an a!Ef me on!) 6onnotes agreemeri enh the uthmate rew Ai teon of ihme mues truteal in the resW ress hed See Portland General f lesirn ( o t irown Nm icar f%m # 41 Alltil
- Al f 20?. Jos n 4 t 19?4)
A L All '*
Pt'iR il O D bl %f t u. I ll( IR K ( t otP O), et al t i rown N as ic ar Piami, e
l Da h e t % M 3444}l 4 t iPI p 411%O L 101 %M AMI NDMI N !', January 10, 6 98 9. Mi mo R ODI M A%D ()RDI R A
T he Arreal R4 arJ in th.s opef a1'ng inenw arnendment prestreding deslenes to undettate sua m nie rence of a l nenwng Bo4rd 6 dc6iuon that was hawd en ite prop.wd find est of f ast u,%,isted h the r.oots a d adopted bt ibe i kenuns 16ard a kt 6 ms wns of 14.
n r
4L 4h '9?
1(4 IM AN A Pt>WI R & ilGH T (intP AN) 4 % sierford kcam f letten ka'n.n, i net 33 Dider % NJ82 eil OPl R g11% i ICI Nsl, Januar, 17 1995, 41 mom ODI M O D (>R Di R
A The Aeneal BoarJ stants a moimn by the NRl staf* $of Llahfstehon and/or reLontdefs t.on of an cather A rre.i ho4rd deouon 41 All '92 20 NR( l424 (19441 that held that me llcard hat fbhdestion to ru;e ofi in te r t e nof
- rnotton to feoreft the resord m this operahns Inenw proseed ng il W ben an arrea6 N.stJ has fmahr de ref ened some muet in a prv=cears and others are i
snii NnJ eg before it, the N.arJ has punsdn t on mer nee matters raswd by a part, if there es a "reatoNMc ne tus" of "a tal mal and J fest belegen the nee muet and those perhting A total eJ-int, fit tommonsby of n%,et is ni-t reguifed Ms, e g, % erginia i hirn and Pooer Co lhtth Ar na hus)(at foes'f $d ha.f'. f 6616 I afh! 21, di A!I ! $ 1, 9 N!f( *fS '0I Ili'93, l lort I
- a Poerr and light to (h I us ie N utiest Poetr Plant l'nie No 28, Al AR m, l} Nitr 22),
i 22e tivmo C
% raf t, s ann; i pri reti, mp r; o bolig unrelaicJ dmrele atomet arm a tiowd rhneelf's by somtuning Ihem, in a sen61 moima to reopen, eith another mue thei is related to a rnanet MedTg beff are an arreal heiard lti tm h a t ese 'he arpf el bepafd L ould tetef th8' Unf flated mate.
real f rom the fb4Her osef sha h it had re taineJ puf +1n hon ll juritdnDonal daruteg in N R( pern eedmit do r.oq have ( onthtunot,al dimenuung i
in determ<no 3 Jur%fu nena' ihrmes in % 3t( ofm s edings, en ad An aiory boa J may l
tame mio es tount pres tnal uins.Jersi+ne. bae eff oens y in the disp >Sehon t f the maiset si hand med fa., ne,, in the,,,,i.. %ce P ~.= nia i.e Iria., < i,,,e r a o e ne, u.m..n e ni,, i
and If, Al A H 12#>. l? NR C 14 9 (1981
,i il
AL AB 798 A ANS M G AS & E.1LCTRIC t 0%f P AN). et at (Wolf Creek Generstmg Stanon. L mi
- 15. Dmket No 5tL492-OL. OPl R 4 fl%G LICI Nsl. I ceruary S.1985. DI CISION A
iindmg no error requinns sorrestne acuon, the Appeal Board affirms on sua sponte reuem a t nenung Boa.J imnal deouon (LBP 84-26,20 NRC 53 il984p 6 the authonieJ the i.-
suanse of an opersong hsenw fer the Wolf Creek fat hiv AL ABM99 llot 510% LIGifil%G A POW E R COMPAN), ci al 15outh Tesas Prwe(t. L'mn I and 2). Dosket Nos 50-498 0L, $0-499-OL Orl R ATING LICI Nst. f ebruary 6. 1985 DECISION A
Because the twenung BoarJ's substannse deierminehon m a partial imital decimm (L EIP-84-il 19 NRC 659 int the aprigant is hkely to he aNe in meet the sharnier and competerwe requerernents nescuary to oMam an operating twenw for the South Tesas piani es espren!> subiest to (Nnge m light of forthsoming hearmss, the Appeal Board dechnes to resico that determmanon li affams the twenung Board's ruimg on the staridard to be appbed m measunng thraster and tomtvierne and sanous other ruimss B
Generally, appeal tswrJs do not reuce inensms board determmatmns that do not tonsu-twee a final rewluuon on the ments See, e g, Metropeditan (dison Co. (Three Mile filand Nuclear staiwm, L'me %n it, AL AB.738. Is NRC 177,190 Il981p C
The Commnuon's regulatory asheme resosmies that an arpinani n tMiund to nue errors nesewiaung mtrestion dunrig the sourse of construsteon of a nudear poner plant See, e s.10 C i R t 50 $$1ci.10 C i R Part 30. Apperidis R. 4 WI D
hamly, mheihet a plant u.s property built bears on ehether it tan he oper ied safety Conurusioon quainy anuranse neues are a frequent component of t perstmg knense proseedmgs l
See. e g, l'rmn IWtra Co (C4%e as Plant. L mt 1). AL 4H 740, in NRC 34) 345 t19113)
L Neither the Atoma i nergy Att nor the Commemon't case las prouJe a tempteie defe neuovi of 6Ntaster or tornreterme Prme desiunne simply ident.fy the factors int are gyrortent to an mwwry emo those met.cro f
Although rue cows are preusely on piens, the ticar import of prwer appeal teard detiuong is int remcJial efforts are rek. ant to determemng whether appinants should be permetted to obtain or retain inemes G of a snenw requires a f.ndmg that el n not powh6e for the asseriained wably awarase failmgs enher to be turcJ or to be osertome to the entens necessary to rea.h an m.
formed rudsnient tnt the fauhty has been properly conurusted Commonweatih I d wn ( o eits.
ron %! ear Power St4oon, Unns I and 2), AL AH 770.19 NRC 116).11691891147 it A reuew of the totaints M sertumstarkes is required to permit a rearnaNe predem regarJeg aboher an apphs4mi for an operating inense tan and meal sortiply esih the safety and enutorimenta, standarJs nenposed hs statu e and *he Commnuon's regu14:u4ns and prosedures E sen an appkam's root past conJust need not mulomatnally foret6me 4 fen &es int it rwe pmwnes the requnate high degree M tharatter of tompetente to obtain an opersong h-s er,w J
INI a board redshes te rkluunns and makes findsess sontrary to those urged by a rurts does not estaNnh IMas. Paufa Gas and Ilettric Co (Diab 6o Canyon Nutlear Power PianL l'run I & 21, AL AB 644, l) NRC 90). 92) f letti A
A rnere derv,riuration thi a tuurJ erred by turt4.bng crowenammanon n not suffeuem to warrant apfellate rehef Ihe tormplammg party must demonstrate attual Pretudne - l e, that the ruhns haJ a wtstannal effect on the outcome of the proceedma infig Island lighong t o l
1 ShoreNm %Iear Pooer %taign, L nn 1). Al AB 788,20 NRC 1102, ll$1119:48 l
l Ihe authorny of a hoard is demand ter wenamenaluirl l4ans is eruorPratwd by the hoard's power to tontrol the sondusi of hearings and to take all nesenary sed proper measures y
to presem argamerianse. tervuhows, or (umulaine tron esamina' ion so ( F M 46 271Bi t.
t 2 75786) %ee alw lovewana Pneet sed light Cn (W aterford Steam llettrw %eaum ( mt It Al All Tjl 17 NRC 104, lifa6 (195)) Indeed suth F44ns are ensovraged hv ihe ( emmise.on as a means of mahmg a hearms more erinient and empeJihout inealement a.f Pohty on ( onJut t of [nenurig Progeedmys,(ll Bl 9,1) %D( 412, 417 (1991) 11 I
i i
%t BalJ alksauens made on appeal of wppnedly erroneous twenung Board rudentiary rus-ings may be preperty damis ed for madequaie bnefmg S.y 10 C i R 6 2 7ei24dt.
N It is f rmly estabhshed Ltist the sept of crowetammation is ordenanly lemated to matters 3'
taiwd in Jirest tesumont 5cc % sterford. supra,17 NRC at 1096 and cases oted O
The use of prefled, entien lesumony generally is pernutted tw the Admimuraine Proce-dure Act m Iwenwns (aws and authonied by the Commiumn's Rules of Pruine S U S C t 5561dt,10 C F R 4 2 74)(bl P
The use of miiness panels n a Iors standirig prasine m 1. sensing hearmss consnierit eith Commimon polwy See 10 C F R Pan 2. Appenda A. 4 % idi141 Q
4 part) nuy not rane on appellate reuee lwenwng tmard pra thes it d J not etwst to at the hearirg stage It to pusufy userturmns a imensms board a shedulers deumon. an appeal b.ierd riiust he sainfied that the twenwns tmard set a sshedule that deprnes a pony of its nght to posedural due prosew Putu Sersne Co of Indiana (%f arble #14 Nuticar Generating Staten. Omte I anJ 2'. AL AB 459. 7 NRC 179,188189'11 See alw Wisonen Lletine Power Co (Pomt Beash Nutlear Plam. lms 17. Al AB-719.17 NRC 387. 391 (19811 An argeliani sarnes the burden of presemmt an appeal haard eith an adequase brief m the first insianse and tears the rnk of any osersight by the t card af it fails to do so. A fadu e to r
brief issues adequately dernses the appeat teard previwly of that assniarse shsch the Rules c(
Prestwe are dewsned to hase an arpellant prosnie,6 e, to flesh out the hare tones of claims on appeal and to prewnt the tearJ esih affarent information or argumem in allom an iniefbgem J Scoution of the neues Compsoneenith I diwn Co. Gvron Nusicar Power Stauon. L rues I and 26, AL AfP9), 20 NRC l$91.16l9 n I)) (1984). quotmg Conwmers Power Co t hf ediand Plam. Umin I and 21, AL AR-2'0, i NRC 47) 473 (19?$1, and Omied Maies s % hise, 454 i
f JJ 433. 439 t?th Car 19796 %ee alw % sonen liestrw Power (o f romt lleah Nudear Ptart. I mi IL AL 4R#8th le NRC 124% 12$$44992). Puhis Sersne Ca of Oklahoma (Biask los Oeium, Unels I and 2L 4L Als 57).10 NRC 7M. 786-87 (le'9p i
The fae lhtv test normally uwJ to determme whether to grant a run timely requena for mierseritien, or to perna the wrodustmn of adJ. mnal soniennons by an esnting miersenor af ter the films dais, should alw tw apphed to determme whether one mtertenor may be suosed i
to adste comentuiris that no %reger base a spims ~ mhan the spon=rmg emersenor aillktraen from the prmeedtr's See 10 C f R H 2 fl4 tall lL N O
There m em automans r,ght to a4udesasory rew ution of enuronmenist or ufei, eues-tums swoated eith an operaung twente aprlhape.n %ee Cirkmnate Gas and Ilesirn- (o In d.
ham H /immer Nusicar Power hiatumL AL AHJo$. ) NRC I, 9 119'68 T he ( ommnwon's regu64teons limst operahng inerne prmeedags to "m.iters m (omrosersy amorts the parties' or maners raned on a inenwrg board's own tmtiaine sua somie in C I R H 21041c1,2 7dWe W here only a smgle miersermt is parteuratms m an operating lwense proseeding, sin ochJramal serses to brms the prmeedirg to an end
- t*ere there is more than one imersenor m a taw, the eithdraeal of tne does rios termmate the needing Under NRC prmedure homes +
tr, H does serse to remost the eithdraems party's orterttmns from hopahon Propret blanage.
mens Corp ICliru h Rner firceder Reastor Planti. AL AR J!4. 4 Sp(' 38),39192 419? 1.
6 The mere a septante of omiennoris at the ihreshold stage does runt surn them irto i
segmtahle awres for hissaitori endependent of their sponsonng tritertenor Tenas Otihues Generstmg Cu fComanshe Pesa steam liestru 5tahon, Omis I and 21, Oll-ll 36.14 NRC till, till 14 (198H %fety or enuronmenial matters not the weisest of soniemions or raiwd by a teard sua sponie are left for non44uJnausry rewivuon py ths NRC staff Conwhdated Idison Cn of New hwt findian Pmnt. L mit 1,2 A 30, AL AH 319,3 NRC 188 189 90189'67 Under prmop6cs annt>unseJ in Praine Island, an sniersenor may ordenant, sonJxt adJe uonal growesammanon and whmit propard Ima tval and legal (mdmes on sonnemnes somweed by tahers Northern staics Pooer ( o IPraine Island Nusteer (reneratmg Plant, Onits 1 and 26 At 48 244 4 Alf $17, le). Set 68 (19?46 afTd m pernment part,( Ll49,1,1 NRC 1 H975) 1
1 t
H l
i b
T he Commewon's regulauons require that, at the out et of a case, cath mierverior submit a int of the contentions ohnh it necks to hase lmgated 10 C F R 6 2 714ibt Morcoser, one may not introdwe alTirrrutne cudence on issues remed t'y another meersenor's tontemions Prairw IJand supra. 8 AEC at So9 n.17.
2 Because umtentions can be eithdrawn or settled through negotiation, a non-setmsorms party auumes at least some rak that the pursuit of its intereus may not be wholly eithin its son-trN Cimch Rner, supra. 4 NRC at 192 See Duke Power Co. (Cherokee Nusicar 5tatam, Umts I, 2 and 3#, AL AB-440,6 NRC 642. 645 (1C78 AA Parigipauon of the NRC sta1Y in a twensing prmeedm3 ss not tamamount to partnipation by a praate intersenor H edmston Put% Pomer Surth Spiem (W PPM Nusicar Protest No 31, AL AB 747,18 NRC 1867 (198)I th analogy, the availshelop of staff reties outude the hcanng pracu generally does not tonu.tute adequate protection of a penate party's righn when conwderms factor too under 10 C F R 4 2 714(a).
BB If. m the circumstances of a partnular case, there is a sound foundauon for allooms one enuty to replace another, it can be taken mio account en makmg the " good cause" deiermmation under 60 C F R 4 2 714tal Gulf States Utilmes Co. IRnct BenJ 5tauon. Umts I and 2, AL AB-444. 6 NRC 7td, 7% i19'?L ALABkitt LONG lM AND LIGHilNO COMP AN) (Shoreham Salear 5: anon, t rut l e.
Dosket No 30 322-OL-4 (Lc= Poecrh OPE R AllNG LICf.N5L, f ebruary 21,1985. DECISION A
The Aptval Board afbrms enh one eneption the Eurkluwons reached m the twenung Board n October ?$.1984 imual Jeauon that granied the appinant's request for an esempinm from certain regulatory requirernents and authorned los power tessing of the Shoreham fachty See I.BP 84-45, 2d NRC 134) The Arpeal Board reverses the Lnenwng Board s (orglumon on one maner, remands et to the lhurJ for further proteedings, and becates the enempuon as to te'.
tain phases of low pneer operanon B
Under 10 C t R 4 to 12!ar, the Commnwon may gram such esemptams from the re.
qu.rcn enis ad ns regolanons as it determines are authortied by lae. mill not endanger hfe, prep.
erty. or the comrnon defertse and sesunty, and are othermne in the pubin mierest C
The Commewon ordinarily das nos undertake an immediate effecinenen reswo m an otvraieng Inense pro 6eedmg unless the inntal desswon authorges fachty operauori ai grea:er than fne percent of rated power 10 C F R t 2 764tfHil D
L nicu the Commnwon otherwne esphotly to dir: cts in vs amnwdiate effestivenen dciermmatum, an appeal board es not to gne any neight to any statement reflectmg that descrmo nainm to C f R 4 2.7t'4<gt t
Sectum 2 *b4tfd23dnt of 10 C i R allows the partws to a proteedmg to submit to the Comrmwon enhm ten d.*ys of an innial destuon brief mmments pinnung out maiters whish, m their seen. penain to the immed att effestneness tuues before the Commmum I
The Commimam is the ultirnate arbiter wnhin this agen6v of what is means by the Mm.
wons of its own regulaimas and the language contamed in its een opimons Noneiheten. absem the availabihty of a defmmse ( ommnsen pronounsement. it often faits to the appeal heurd to undertake to resolve dnputes between parues as to the proper anterprelatum anJ appinatu n of a partnular (ommiwon regutauon or formal crimnn G
lash apphsenon for a lisense to operate a nuticar power plant must trklude a phonal security plan that addrenes hoe the appigant amends to comply eith Part 73 of the Commn-been a regulainoes pertainmg to the protettum of the piam See Ht C i R (4 30 34tt).
- 7) IthHi) rat Among other thmgs. Part 7) prestri es sanous requirements for the protettmn of h
snal eqwpment " See 10 C f R H 7) H,73 2h) ll Under the Commmeon's regulauon, satal equipment arnludes any equipment or system.
ihe failure or destfustH'm of Dhnh tould dtretilt or Indirectly enhnger the publK health and safety by enposure to radiaiwi 10 C F R 4 f) 2fi!.
AL AB-lill Lt4 !$1sN A POWI R A LIGilf COMP ANY (Waterford %eam Ileciris Staimn. ljrut II. Ihnket No $4)$2 OL, OPI.R AllNO Litt Nst. March 22. 1945 MtMORANDUM AND OR DI R A
Iindmg the etnhos resord inaJeywaie on ohnh to rule on a monon to reopen made by mtertenors. the 4ppeal lWard defers tuhng on the moten %nh brmted esteptum, et stnkes the 1
e f
14 1
DIG ESTS 1550 ANCEN OF Tilt 410MIC 5AFE T) AND LICEN51NG APPL AL BO4RDS brief and affidauts subwned bn the NF suff m opiwtum to the moinm and calls for addition-al mforrnanon from the stalT and the opptwent B
11 rs each party's job - apph5 ant, meersenor, and sufT ahke - to present its respettn e postion m an intelbgitqe form to the deowonmaker An appeal Nard is neither adsmate nor clerk for any party that appears before n.
C An appeal tuarJ n reqwred to sute "the reasons er b.swi for Hs conduwons See AJ-mentratne Praedure As-t, 5 0 5 C t 557(st it cannot t'operty futfill this rewonubihiy if the raw matenal enh shwh it mat mark - I e, the pleadmst and other matter that make up the record - is grtely inadequate D
Legal counwl - through ehem a party espresses sts powinm - ri"ust bear a large et-sponutut, for the form arid quabi, c4 submnuons made m hse'nirig pr<scedings t
The NRC staft's conduct and coninbuuon musi conform to the same standards apptwabic to other parues f
where a party (partwularty. ehere represented by legal counsels submits a helter4kelter coNtnen of materials, n must Ine muh the consequences 5cc Paafk Gas and Ilconc Co iDi-ablo Canyon Natear Pomer Plant. t nets I and 2), ALAB 775.19 NRC !)61,1368 n 22 (19841 AL AB 802 CLL%1 LAND LLf CTRIC ILLUMIN AllNG COMPANY, et al. (Perr> Nudear Pomer Plant, t* mis 1 and 2). Docket Nos 50-4440L,50-441 OL; OPf R ATING L fCLN5f, March 2n..
1995, D1(1510N A
The Appeal Board m thn operstmg twenw proteeding dentes emersenor's request ta reopen the retord to rescive further eudence on the issue of quahiy suurance. and affirms the i acnung Itoard's portul amuel desnma (L BP-43-77,18 NRC 1365 (19831), ohnh found apper
.ams' quauty assurance program for tne Perry Plam adeque B
Neither the Admmniratne Prtwedure Act nor the Commmon's Rules of Praune re.
Quite an adjudnatory Inbunal to ensure that a pari appeanns before it is ressresemed bs coun-sel Nather, n is the rescimwbihty of the party itself rnet merely to deude whether H mnhes to be reprewmed by crmnwt hut. m aAtinon. to tale the nctewary Frenures is erlemem os deo-sum See sencian, Metropol tan iden (o Ilhree Mde f.iand Nusicar Suinm. Unis IL i
AL AB-772,19 NRC 119),124b-47 t 1984), res'd m part on other grounds. C1l-85 2, 21 NRC 242 (1985)
C There n not a bnght hne separatmg proper and casewse miolsement on the part of she tnbunal hearms the euderne A trial pudge must hase great lat tude in that regard. espetsally there certain of the parues are represcHed by lay perwms and the Jud$c condudes that the) are m need of anstarke.
D More than a enere dangreement armms suff members n nescuary en cornrel tenurramy by stafr muncues not othcrane s$tedated to leeft Metropohtan iden Co IThree M,te Island Nuclear Staimn, L'mt No li, AL AB-715.17 NRC 602 (198)l.
I The Comnowon's Rules of Praoke do not prohibit the admewon of hearsay endense Duke Power Co t%dham B McGuire Nalear Sisuon Umis I and 2L AL ABM9.15 NRC 4R 477 (1912). Duke Pomer Co fratamba Nalear Statum.1: nits I and 21. AL AB 355, 4 NAC 397. 41812 #194)
F The requiremem m 10 C i R. Part 50. Appenda B. CrHerion M l that quahty awuranse dektences be identified and corrected fromptly does not rnean thal they must a4 he correced as qu. ski) as humanly gewbie G
Although ulumately all defwiermees of pniemaal safety significance must t4 corrected. n n not neceswry to rectify all of them as unte. Ilom rarktly a partwular defwierwy need be cured udt depend upon sah factors as its nature and segmfwante the stage of plam conuration, and ahether tne defuergy emght shority be costred up by funher trmstration work ALAB80) LOUl51ANA POWIR A LIGH T C OMPANY (%sterford Sicam f lectnc Stanon, t'me JL Dmket No. 50 342 OL, OPtR 411NG L K i N5E; Apni 4.1985. DiCISION A
The Appeal Board (md, no cauw to resent ni carher findir*gs that there are no signiinant safei, corwerns awated with crashing m the consrete hawmat at H aierford, and demes serns'scomd nxHion to reoren the retntd for a hearms on this mue i
An cuennally ture a:leganon of fatufeed documents is not enough to surrott a ruotum for reopemns a ilosed record I
I 2
A moten to reopen a ckwed record must be timely, addren a ssmfn at wfei> or enu-ronmental mue, athi show the a differen: result might hase been rexhed had the neml> pne fered matenal been considered mitully, Paafic Gas and Liestric Co (Dublo Canyon Nudcar j
Power Plani, Uruis I and 2h AL Ah-598, il NRC 876. 879 (1980) See aho id. AL AB 775.19 NRC 1361,1365-6? A n 18. atTd. San Lun Obispo Mothers for Pease s NRC 751 f 2d 128?
(D C. Cir.19841 D
lhe wart should not be reluttant to acknemledge and dn uw dugreements among its personnel on mues mwheJ m a hearms Arnng legiumate differernes of opmion and the steps taken to rewhe them often contnbutes to a more elTectne treatment of the mues. regardlen of mhnh uce ultimate.,. presaus.
E Dmentmg staff members should be allorded the cpportumt) to esprew their uces and to pankipate in the uaff reurs proseu 7 urther, the substanse of their sicas must bc gnen f ull conuderation by the siaff See San Luis Obnpo Mothers for Peace, supra. 751 F.2d at 1321 F
% here a cuestion of powble uolanon % a Spesul goserament emp+o3ee" of the Com-mimoni conflict of mierew rules has been handled m accordance with the agency's mternal procedures, it is not the Aptval Board's furwtmn to reuem mdependently either the General Lounsel's determ.rtanon, or the Judgment as to the need for pumtne measures G
Unly reiesant, nutenal, and retuble esnierwe uhwh is not unduly repeutmus mill be ad-rmited in NRC adjudgators proteedmps 10 C F R. ( 2.74)(d. A munew's uc4 anon c(ihe Com-miwon's ethus regulations coukt. m certam etrcumstarkes, undersui the rehabihty of that mit-ness a testimon).
Il The follomme technul neue es dncussed Crachreg m Reaforced Concrme Basemat AL AB-804 PillL ADLLPfll\\ LLECTRIC COMPAN) (Limerwk Generaims Stanon. Units i and
- 28. Docket Nos 50 352-OL. 50-353-OL. OPIR AllNG LICINW Arni 10.1985. DE C1510%
A The Appeal Board affirms the Luenung Board a denwon distmwns mietsenor a reused cemientmns tm two mues concern +g the enuronmental empacM cf the Limenth surrieme-try coolms mater syvem B
An operaung twense proceedmg is ruit intended to proude a forum for the reconuders.
I:on of matiers orograath within the scope of the conuructmn permit pnneedtng See Philadeirhea E 6cstru Co. (Limereth Generat.rg Stauon L rats I and 26 AL AB 785, 20 NRC $48, 8'0 71
- 19e41 C
All contenuens mini seus the long standmg requirement of the Comrmwoni Ruies of Practne that tvih the contenuon and eis haws be set forth miih reasonable specif city See 10 C i R 4 2 714tbl. BPI s AlC. 502 l 2J 424 (D C. Cir.1974s.
D The NRC's adjudnatory tn=rJs should not hase to conduct or complete a partis rescaan for it.
AL As 1:05 rLITILAND E Lf CTRIC ILLUMIN ATING COMP ANY, et al (Perry Nusicar Power Plant. Lruts I and 21. Duket Nos. 50-440-OL, 50 441 OL; OPER ATING LICL N5r. Arn 10 19:15 Mt MOR ANIKM AND ORDI R A
fineng that she standard for interlocutory reuem of a i wenung Board ruhns has not been met, the Appeal Board demes intersenor's motion for directed certifnanon of the Lwepung Board's rejettion of its request ihat a speoried mdiudual be called as a Board *Hness in it.n operaimg imense troceedmg B
Reuem of ari mierlocutory inensms twrd ruhos na directed certifwatron es dn6teinmary and granted mfrequently A party mu,6mg reuem by this means must demonstrate that the board's action "cither (at threasens the puriy adsersely alTeeted with immedute and sermus erfe-parasie harm whwh could not be remed ed by a later appeal, or (bl affests the bask strutsure of the proceedmg an a pe*vatne or unusual manner
- Pubhc Servne ilectric and Gas Co (Salem
% dear Generaung Stanon, Unit IP, AL AB-588,11 NRC 53),336 (1980L and cases med. Cle.
f setand f 8ectric inummatmg Co tPerry Nvilear Pomer Plant Unets I A 2L AL AB4??.14 NRC l
1105,1110 41982r See abr> Pubbe hersne (o. of Induna (Marble 1011 Nuticar Generaung Sta-i ton. L mis I and 2L AL ABM,5 NRC 41911892 f19777 l
i C
in the ahv rwe of a potennal of tru9 es(eptmnal delay or espense, the rnk that a Inens-sng board's interlocutory tubes may esensually be found to have been erroneous, and that be-cause of the error further puncedmgs tr.ay have la be held. is one ohnh must be swamed by se
I i
that twurd er J the p4rties to the proceedmg Duke Power Cu 4Catam ba Nuslear Saatnm. O nits I and 28. AL ilW8. le NRC %8. 942 t19841, uuotmg from Commonmealth f dnon Co (Zxm Staimn Un is I and 21. Al AB II 6 4f C 258,259 (19731 AL AB-80e Pil L ADE LPill% I LECTRIC COMPANY tiimerwk Generating 5tauon. Umts I and 2). Done Nos 50-332OL 56353-OL OPE R 411NG 1!CLNSL Me 1.1985. D[CislON A
l'e Arreal Board reserses a twenung Board deuwon dismmms miersenors as a pan) in this 0: rating twense proceedmg for failure to 6lc sufficently speo6e contenuons m a timels f ashion. emstates thor status as a part), anords them a period of imie m whKh to file reused comenu, es. and remands this maner to the Licenung Board fos acuon consment unh this opmion B
Lisenung hrds are rk4 empemered to sucpt comenutms on a condinonal baws Duke Power Co traiamN Nuclear Stauon. Omts I and 2). AL AB487.16 NRC dod. 466 (1982)
C Comennons bawd on matenals not asailable uma a later pomt m the proceeding should be ad;udged by balancing all fise factors gosermns late-filed comentions, found at 10CFR
) 2 714taHil L aum ba. Cll 8319.17 NRC 1041.1945-47 (1983)
D Licensms boards are anorded made latitude m balanong the futors set forth m 10 C 1.R 4 2 ?!4(aH D. Washer gion Pubhe Pomer Supply System (W PP55 Nuclear Project No 36 AL 4B 747,18 NRC lih?. II?! 189431 L
in cormdefmg rator n.o of 10 CT R ) 2 784talt h - the availabshty of other means whereby the reutroner's mterest WI be protected - mformal negociauon among the parues tesen unar a toard s aegio a rtot an adegaate subunute for a party's right to pursue its legiti-mate mierest m mues on thesh informal negouation en unsuccenful. Of Houston Lightir:g &
Pemer Co 6outh Teus Pr. nest Omn I and 2). AL AB-799. 21 NRC Jtic, 384 n 108 (19851 enenher the formal Wrnepanon by the NRC staff m a hcenung prmeeding nor the assilabley of staff reuem ousude the hearing praew consutures an adequate protecuon of a pnsate parifs nghts when considerirs futor tool l
% pu% beems on emergean plans for a nu(lear poner plant, held under the auspices of it.c Feas4 Lmcwe En.g 4nt Asci.9. is ou suces a nk.A. Eu peuwi an.nurure miereu under nest:on 1694 of the Atomic E nergy Act. 42 U.S C. ) 2239a. than enher mformal negouanon or NRC suff reuen G
Commnwon pohcy fasors legoimate etTorts to reuh a goud Imth, mutually sainfactory resohsuon of mues without the need for huganon See 10 C f R t 2 759 See also Staternem of Pobo on Conduct of trenung Proceed.ngs CLI-818.13 NRC 452. 455 t 1981).
H in determmmg whether a contemum is nel forth enh adequate baws and speoficity m ac-corden(e muh the requerements of 10 C f R i 2 714(bi. conuderanon of as substamne ments a not approrrute Houuon Lighung and Power Co. ( Allens Creen Nudcar Generstmg Stanon, Uma D. AL AB-590. II NRC $42. 547-49 (1980). Alabama Pomer Co (30seph M iadey Nucle-ar Pum Umis I and 28. Al AB-182. 7 ALC 210. 216-17 41974L AL AB-807 METROPollT AN LDl50N COMP AN). et al (Three Mile Island Nuclear Stanon.
Una No D. Dmket No 50 289-OL 4 45 team Generator Repair). OPIR ATING llCE N50 AMENDMEST. Me 3.1985: Of CislON A
The Appeal Board affirms the Luensms Board's srutial decamn t LBP.84-47, 20 SRC 1805 tl9h41) authunnrig muarKe of an operatmg htenw amendmem to permit the app 4sant to operate Un t No. I at Three Mdc bland Nuclear Suinm (follo=mg repair of the steam generause tubes by kmenc espanven) and dernes niersenori motion to reopen the record to esplore newly dacosered mformanon B
Licenung Board orders that dnpow of some but not all of a partis contenuons are con-sade. red mierlocutory. Appeals from vah orders must amaal the muance of the board's deomon dnpoung of the remammg mues Clese6and Flectne illuminatmg Co (Perry Nuclear Pomer Plant. Umts 1 and 2). AL AB-736,18 NRC 105 Il983L C
To presail on a motion to rtoren the record, the mosant must demonstrate that its re-quc>t a timel), that is addrewes ugmfgant safety or enstronmemal mues, and that a different result might hase been reubed had the nemly proffered matenal been consadcred minalty See.
e s. Louiwana Poect & Lighs Co.1% sterford Steam ilertnc Stauon Umt 3). AL AB-753.18 SRC 132) 1324 (1983), aung Metropohun E'dnon Co (Three Mile Island Nuclear Stauon.
Urut No D. AL AB 738.18 NRC 177.180 (1983L 17
D If the Commmen rnakes a determmation that a inenw amendnwn insohes "no s>gnife.
cam hazards" pursuant to 42 U S C. 4 223 Hale 2H A) (Supp 1985), the Commisuon may mue the amendment and make it etTectne immediately noemithstanding an) rcQuest for a hearms The heanns rn43 iake place after asuanse of the amendment. See 49 led Reg 24.231. 24.232 11983L E
A Licenung Board n preduded by lam from appomsmg amone to awst an miersenor muh.ts case. See Pub. L. No 98 3tio. t 502,98 51a 403 (1984L 5ee aho Metropohtan iden Co IThree Mac Island Nuclear Stauori, Umt it, ALAB 772,19 NRC l193,1247,1273 (19841, revd m part, on other grounds. CLI-85-2,21 NRC 282 t1985L A person who msokes the right to partnipate m an NRC pro (ecomg aho soluniardy n-s cepts the obliganons attendant upon sush pertwipauon Duke Pomer Co. ICatamba Nu6l car Sia-ten, t ruts I and 27, CLI-8319,17 NRC 1041,1048 (19!!3t Of Metropohtan [dnori Co (Three Mdc Island Nuticar Statan, Unit II, AL AB 772,19 NRC !!93,1246-48 (1984L G
The NRC bcensirs boards t y their sery compostion. take account of, and m large mes-sure are miended to satns), the need for ssvenufic opertise m deodmg the cases that wme before them South Carohna Liecins and Gas Co (Virgd C. Summer Nuclear St4tnin, Umt 11, AL ABM3,14 NRC 1840 Il% 41981L H
Protesuse orders and m camera pro 6eedmgs are the customer) and fnored means of handhng dnputes m whxh one party to a proceedmg seeks purportedly propnetary informahon from another.
I Protectne orders and m camera proseedmgs are especi4Hy uwful as an mienm rnenure to anosd delay m the proteedmss pendmg dermune resoluuon of whether, af d to what degree, mformauon should be withheld from the general pubhc.
3 The Commswon's regutanons espressb proude thai the Commnwon ma, reemre mfor-manon claimed to de a trade secret or pmdeged or confidenual commercial or fmancial mforma, hon to be sutyc' to iritect on under protectne order by parties to a proceedmg. and that m camera sewons of hearmgs may be held when the mformauon sought to be withheld n produted or ottered m esnterwe 10 C F R. t 2 79WbH61tml K
A motion to reopen the record to esplore newly dncosered mformauon reed not be gramed unlew it es bkely thai a differeni sutwtantae outcome would result Omon Ucctns Co (Caltamay Plant. L nat is AL AB 750,18 NRC !?OS,1209 (1983L Cf Louivana Pomer anJ Laghi Co (Waterford 5 team Elcr.tnc Stanon Uma 31 AL AB-732,17 NRC 10?6,10% (19831 L
The follomms iechmc4 mues are dnsuned Sicam Generator Tube Repair i Ameus i e panuonh Sicam Generator Tube Corrowon AL Ai!408 PillLADf t PlilA [LICTRIC COMP ANY (Limernk Generatmg 5tauon. t mts I and
- 21. Dcukei Nos %352-OL, 50-353-OL. OPER ATING LICI NSL, June 11, 1985, MEMORAN.
The Appeal Board derues intersenor's monon for a stay of the LKensmg Board's third parual mmai decneon m atus operaung twense proceedmg (LBP 85-14,21 NRC 1219), ohnh re.
sohed certam offwie emergerw) planrurg mues m (not of the aptimant B
Under the Commiwon's Rules of Pracuce, a pany may seek a stay of a deciuon or acuon 10 CJ R. ( 2 788(4L 5ec 42 Fed Reg 22,128, 22.129 (1977L Thus, outnght demal or dismmal of a stay monon on the ground that the decawon n merely passne mould not appear to be Jusufted C
10 C F R. ( 2 788(O espbcitly authonies the films of a request to stay a hcensms board dectuon before euher that beenung board or an appeal board, but not both at the same ume.
See also 10 C F R 6 2.721(d),42 Fed Reg at 22,129 D
5tay monons are decided by moghms the followmg four factors set forth m 10 C F R 4 2 788(et -(I whether the mnung party has made a strocs shoming that it is likely to presad on the ments. (2) % hether the party odl be irreparably injured unless a stay is granted.131
% hether the granimg of a sta) mould harm other parues, and (4) % here the pubhc mierest het" L
The second f.ctor of 10 C f R. 4 2.788(ci, irreparable harm. n often the most important m deciding whether a stay is marrarised Phdadelphia Electr e Co. iLimeruk Generaung Sianon, Umts I and 2), ALAB-789. 20 NRC 1443,1446 (1984L 18 i
i l
i i.
The delegation to the NRC staff of pospheanns senfwauon of certain emergency plan-mns measures can be proper, dependmg on esxtt) mhat is 6cl1 for senfisanon See louman4 Po=cr and Light Co. (%aterford Sicam Elecinc Stauon, Umt 3). AL AB-732,17 NRC 107e.
1103-07 (1983 G
1he p:cdsuse nature of fmdings is the cuerwe of hogatwo m the emergerk) planneg area Thus, an emergency plan need not be fmal, Just sufTweevitly developed to proside seawma-Ne anurance that adequate protecuse measures can and mill be taken m an emergen(y See ad at 110344 H
in mmpanson with k+1mmer authori/4 tion, different and more senous consderanons pena n to full-power authonrahon. See Puific Gas and LiectrK Co (Diablo Canum Nuclear Power Plant. Umts I and 2L CLI-84 5.19 NRC 953. 959-60119841 I
B) Comrmss on rwe and polic), consolidahon of intersenors with the same interen n av certable and encouraged, presiding that no undue premdece results.10 C F R. 4 2.715a, Siare.
ment of Potw> on Coraluct of Lisenung Proceedings CLi-81-8.13 NRC 452,455 t1%I>
J Limaanons on crow-esammahon are apprornaic m certa n circumstances and, esen ehere improper, actual prejudice must be shown to estabhsh rescrsit4e er*or. W aterford,17 NRC ai 10%
A Excluuon of eudente for Exk of sponsonns tesumony is conesient enh NRC precedent See Duke Power Co (%iluam B WGuae Nuslear Stanon, Umts 1 and 23, AL AB-669.15 N6tC 453,477 (1982L L
Rate nsues and the hke are not cosmiable under the Atomic Energy Act, whwh is con-cerned with protecuen of the pubig health and safety from radiologwat hatardt State unhiy mm-tmwons, and m wme instanses the f ederal E nergy Regulatory Commisuon, esertne emnoms regalatory Jungdwtion M
for stay rurposes. n n often neceuary and apprornate to take into account sarious mat-ters rust asiudily btrgated m the pnweedmg - proudmg proper documentauan is suppi ed See 10 C.F R t 2 78sibH4)
N Under the third way entenon, the Commimon has an the past teken into account the economic harm that an applwant mig $it suffer of a way of eis twense a granted Sec. e g, loww-ana Power & Light Co (Waterford Steam Lic(Irw Siauor Umi 36. CLi-85-3,21 NRC 478,477 (1985), Ilonda Po er & Light Co.15. Lucie Nustar Power Plant. Umt No. 23 AL AB-464. 5 NRC 1185,118 (1977L AL AB-809 PillLADE LPill A ELICTRIC COMPANY (Limerwk Generaung Stanon. Umis I and 21, Docket Nos 50-352-OL,50-353 0L, OPER ATING LICE N5L; June 17.1985. DE(1510%
A The Appeal Board vuates and remands imo Luenung Board orders grantmg apptwaar an eserrpuon from certain requaements of 10 C.F R. 4 50 47 and authoniing the Director of Nucle-ar Reuter Regulanori io nsue a full-power operatmg lwerise to PECo The Board finds that the twenung Board failed to apply the proper standards for granimg the esemption and that its deck wan iaks a reasvacd bam B
10 C F R. t 50 47 embodies the NRC's emergency planmns requirements. It requires a f,ndirs of "reasortable assurarwe that adequate prosecuve measures can and mill be taken in the esent of a radiologgal emergene)" before issuance of an operstmg hcerse C
The pnncipal authonty for granung esempoons from any of the 10 C F R. Part 50 re-quirements for an ogratmg hcense is found m 10 C F R. t 5012dal By ris very terms thn pro-nuon and the cntena spcufied m n must be addrewed before any esempnon from Part 50 re-quirements can be authonzed See Miwsuppi Power & Light Co. 4 Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unn 11. CLI-84-19,20 NRC 1055,1059 n.7 (1984).
% here an applwant seeks an esernpunn from the requiremems of to ( F R,3 50 47, the standards of both 10 C F R 44 5012(4) and 50 47tcH18 must be satnfied i
The eserrpuen authoni) in 10 C F R_4 5012 n estraordmary" and asailable.. only m the preserne of excepuonal circumstarnes** Lorg hlarid Lig5ung Co (Snorcham Nuclear Power Stanon, Ona ll, CLI 84 8,19 NRC 1154 ll$6 n 3 (19846 F
Through the caempuon regulanons, the Commisuon has recosmied that some carsum-stances rmght marrant twense nsuance despite an appbcantN 'naushty to sausfy all regu!atory re-quirements Before such entraordinary rehef is authonted, homeser, an applwant must show that et isJusufeed under the appropnate NRC standards.
Merely hump the parues' fihngs and notmg the estenuse bnefing of a matter is nos a subsutuie for the reasoned deciuortmakirig comemplated by the Admmntratne Procedure Aa.
5 U 5 C.1557(ct See Louisuna Pomer and light Co t%aterford Sicam Liesirw Station, t. nn
- 31. AL AB.732.17 NRC 10'6.108 7 n.12 (19831 11 Both 10 C F R,44 501.Nas and 50 47(cH D presuppose idenufw.auon of the partwular re-spects m whsh an app 4xam es unaNe to (omply with the regulatory reqmtements from whsh it seeks an esempuen AL AB-810 LONG 15LTND LIGHTING COMPANY 45horeNm Nuclear Power Stanon. Umi It Dot h et No 50 322-OL. OPERATING LICLN5tl June 19 1985. MEMOR ANDL M AND ORDER A
The Appeal Board demes mienemirs' monon for a stay of the effectneness of the twcnwr's Board s portul imual deowon m thn operatmg twense proceedmg authonimg the n-suarke of a kin poner heense l'or the shoreham fauhiy. The Appeal Board, homeser, contmues a preuough gramed emergency stay (cr a bnef additional pened so alTord miersenors the oppor-tumi) to seek relief from ine Commiwon B
to C f R 4 2.788ter reqmres that claims of envalemem to a stay be ancued m the con-test of four cruen.a
- 4 il % heiher the moung party has made a strong showing that it is likely to presail on the meren. (28 Whether the party mill be streparaMy mfurcd unless a stay n grant-ed. (3) % hether the granung of a usy would brm other parties. and (4) % here the pubisc mter-est ties "
C lt n not muhin the prourwe of the Appeal Board to pass Judgment. for stay purposes or otherwise. upon the correctness of Commimon ruimgs.
D The poiental mootmg of an arreat does not per se consuivie ureraraNe mjury. it alw must be est4Nnhed thai the actanly that edt take plac m the abserne of a stay edi brmg about concrete hrm Duke Power Co (Catamba Nalcar Sianon. Unas ! and 26. AL AB-794,20 NRC 1630. 1635 41964:
E ff the exnant for a s:43 fail
- to meet its burden on the 6rst too muon 2 788tet fauors.
it as unnecewary to decit kmg on unether a suy mould cause ser ous mjury to the applwant or to debe ueeply mio puNw mierest conwderatmns Duke Power Co (Catamba Nuclear Stanon, Un n I and 21. AL AB 794,20 NRC loto, le35 (191148 F
The furwtue of the Arpeal Board m powing upori stay motions a to deiermine, on an ap-pbcation of the leur mtion 2 788sca factors. whether the mosant Nt cuaNnhed an enudemem to the wught rebef A L AB-811 PACiflC G AS AND ELECTRIC COMPAN) (DuMo Canyon Nuclear Pomer Plant, l mn I and 2). Dwket Nos 50-2TS-OL. 50-323OL; OPER ATING LICE NSE, June 27, 1945.
The Appeal Board 6nds m this reopened operatmg lwense proceeding than the L wenwe's Unu 2 serfwation program n wffueni to cuabinh that the dewsn of Dublo Canyon Umt 2.
rnects us hcensmg entend and proudes adequate con 6dence that the Umt 2 safety-related struc.
sures systems and comptmems are deugned to perform sainfectonly m seruce. The Appeal Board therefore corkludes tbt there is reasonable awurarwe that Oriit 2 cait be operated methout endangerms the heahh and safety of the puNic and the heense authon2ation gramed to the Director of NRR by the Laensmg Board's mital dectwon remams effectise B
Predietne fmdmgs are a legitimane component of the Cnrnmiswon's hcensmg process.
Tht process contemplates that operatmg twense proteedings generally will be compieled before construction of the facihty n Gnished m order to avoid unnecessary and costly delays m plant ap.
cranon See Statement of Pohey on Conduo of Luenung Proceedmss. CLi-81-8.13 NRC 452 (199D See ahn Pacift Gas anJ Electnc Co (DiaNo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Un n I and
- 28. AL AB453, le NRC 55, 78 (19811 reprmied (mHh protected secunty plan mformauon delet-eds as an attashvisnt to CLl 82-19.16 NRC 53 (1982). Pacific Gas and Elecinc Co. (DeaNo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Uruts I and 2). AL AB-7lll,20 NRC 819. 834-35 (1984L C
Supennion of a party's compharwe with a commitment es lefi to the staff If one pon, a dnsairs6ed enh the may another party has fulGhed a commitment the matter may, m appropnate circumuantes, be brought ha to the twenung board Pacifw Gas and Flectrw Co (DuMo Canyon Nuclear Power Plam Urnis I and 2p. AL AB-781. 20 NRC 819,835 n 5811984L 28 l
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J I BPU-l KE RR AMi[I CHEMIC AL CORPOR ATION 1% est Chicago Rare E arths t aohiyl, Dw h c t Nu 4-20ti l - M L i Astl4P % k.L445 Ol all ),
t hensmg ikwrd rues that. m permitung document mspecuon after hasing screened its
(bes to remme prmteged documems. Arpinant maned its right to subsequently awcq ata triep chem or work product priuleges I heriurg Board also rules that only parires must respond to re-4 ests for dAuments and that State agencies etwh are not parties to a proceeding need not so I
resp >nd Howeser. sush $ta:e agenues mat be subiect to subpoenas wcOng document.
in Jetermmer.g utether an madsertent dislosure of a prnileged documem operates to mane the rmilege.1 sensmg Board conuders the precautons taken to present d:wlosure, the efTemenew of those pres.iui.ons whether the Josumems were tsroduced under the wmputuon of a rigorous schedule. and the promptness of the diwioung party's ob)ection on diwosenng the drwleure C
L nJer 10 C F R 4 2 ?41. ori!> parties must respond to decument requesis D
Suripoenas may be mued to 5 tate agenoes whnh are not parties to a proceedmg m order I
I to oMam dwumems f
LBP e5-2 CONSt ME RS POWE R COMP AN) iMidland Plant. Units I and 21. Omket Nos 50-
12*0L AO't. % 3.W ) LAO M I ASL BP Nos
8 -3 8 9-0 3-OL, 80 429-02-SP). OPE R ATI' G i
LIC E NSE /I Ni OR CE MI NT. Januar, 23.1985. P ARTl AL INITI AL DICislON i
A The Lnenung B<wrd nwes a Partial Decision m a comohdated operstmg bien-l se/ enforcement prmeedmg involung a fauhty as to whnh construction has been halted (but as to m%n the operstmg htense apphcatum has not been mahdramn). The Deaven resolses. %b-I ject 10 speufied conditions or technnal specifwations. sanous tethnwat issues anung out of the i
l euewse settlernent of Ws up.n ohnh safet> uruttures are founded The tioard ako demes
the Arrhcant s monon for reconuderaison of an earher order corwernmg the prosedural steps j
t whnh inc NRC must follom when seekmg to irapose new scismic (nieria on a fat.hty at the i
operaung twense stage of reuem j
B Alihough the conformarke of a struaure with apphtable safety standards may depenJ toth on the adequacy of deugn of the structure and on the manner m whnh the design is impie-mented. the adequacy of design is conceptualb different from the suffiacruy of deugn ample-mentation and need not necesurii) be conudered m the same deouen C
The circunstance that construsnon is m progress (or has esen been completed) cannot lega!S hase any ePect on a L netwng Baard's esaf uation of the adequacy of a structure's Heneser. shouM probiems orth a bems felicued be uncovered durms construcuan, those problems rray he taken imo aaount m awcwrg the technnal adequa(y of the design Cf Power Reactor Desekipment Co. s. Internanonal Un on of Liectrnal. Radio A Ma(hme w orkers. 367 L s 39e). 415 11 % 1' D
At the operatmg inense stage of reuem, an apphcam must proude, and the NRC Staff re ue n t "curtem mformanon obsch ha been deseloped since nsuarne of the conurucnon permit. relatmg to site esaluanon fnwrs." mtludmg the geolope and seismic mauers compre-hended b> 10 C F R Part 100 10 C F R 4 50 34thHih E
W herc the NRC 5taff sechs to apply nem seismic cniena dunng tis operstmp twerne reuem from thme appbed at the curatruction permit stage of reuem, and where there has been a progrewori in senmolognal revien techniques m the miervenmg penod, the Staff need not fouem the backfitting perxedures sci f.. rih m 10 C F R t 50109 21 l
- l T I A
t 1
t I
A progrcunm m sentnWogwal reuem teshmques may consutute current mformation
. whnh has been descloped wrwe inuance of it'e constructen permn," withm the meanmg of 10 C f.R 9 50 34tbHI), thus cathrs for a rees41uation at the operaung twense siege of reiw.
mi:hout need to rewrt to the bukfit mandards of 10 C f R 9 50109 G
% here an oper4tmg beense and a show cause rtoceedmg are being urned on umultane-ously and are wrisohdated, and where the proceedmss would unhze different prosedural rules, the rules gosernmg the operatmg twense proceedmg would april in consohdated hearmss am pnt enues H
Use et ute-specifs respong spectra to define the ubratory ground motion at a ute of the wie shutdown earthquake n conwuent muh 10 C l R Part IIIO, Appendn A. 44 Ik tat.
5 (4HIi ast Vltal i
The terms "important to safety" and "safel)-rel4Yd," when apphed io scismw deugn re-quirements, are uwd mierthangeably m 10 C f R. Part 100. Appendis A.
J An madequacy m seismok>gical data may marrant requirmg. pursuant to 10 C f.R. Part 100. Appendn A. 4 WaHlHn h that the controllms earthquake be larger than the maumum carthquake that has octurred hatornelly unhm the testonw prosmce.
L The foliomma technwai is ues are discussed. Dematerms DdYerenhal sentement of stratures. Ground aseleranon salue resultmg from safe shutdown carthc.uake, Quaht) anur.
ance, Safe shutdown carihquake hntensny, resultmg ubratory ground monont Seiser.ic deogn 6tnena, Sennut shakedown. Sne-speci6c ressmse spectra (55R56. Soil compatum. Soil denuty.
Soil hauefnton. 5tructural devan - cantdeser devgns. Strustural design - esaluanon of cruks. Tectome prourues. Undersround piping - corrowon, Underrmnmg of safety struoures LBP-85 3 K E RR At4El Clif MIC AL. CORPOR ATION (w est Chwago Rare Lanhs f acihtil Dos ket No. 40-2ur i-ML ( ASLBP No 83 495-01 ML), M ATE RI AL5 LI EN5L, January 23.
Licenung Board rules on petmons for clanficanon of us Memoran-dum and Order ruims on the admnub. int of mntenuons (LBP-84.42. 20 NRC 1296p in re-setmse to StatTs monon, luensmg Board rules thai Kerr-McGec's cor.tenuon (mhnh seeks a determmauon that its pian for permanently dnposms of mill tailmgs at its H est Chwago u ac-cert 4Nel is ari ascertaNe comertin n, that Staffs obbgauon to supplement she record on Ni P 4 tuues sprmgs from the Peoplei centennon rather than kerr Msbec's, that Staff must cirsulate a supplemental impad Statement to accompinh this supplementauen, and that the Board mill mit refer as ruhng admaung kerr-WGee s contenuon to an appeal board for interlocutory reuen The Board demes the Peorici rnouon for reconsideranon of us ruhng remosms refererwes to Part 61 from onc of their sutsontenuons on the ground that Part 61 is mapphcable and grants their nmuon for reconuderanon of the dem41 of another sutsontention uhwh seeks to require Staff to respond to certam comments on the DLS.
B Under the Admmatratne Procedure Act, the Atomic Energy Act, and the CommismKn's Rules of Prutwe. an apptwaufm canmn be demed without statmg reamets for the dem41. These reasons must mdnate why the tphcanon does not comply unh the statute and regul4uons under ennh it is fded SE C v Chenery Corp,318 U S R0,94,87 L. E.d 626,636 (19434 Com-rrvmme4hh Edison Co (B> roc butlear Pemer Sianon, Unos I and 21, AL AB-770,19 NRC 1863 (1984). 5 U.5 C. t 55He1. le C F R. ( 2103(b).
% here an I L5 disNgards broad areas of enuronmental ernpact or fads to appnse the pubbe of the nature of the proposed action and as expected consequences, reurcul4uon of the statemem is necenary.
D Admission of a contention whwh mdl require further Staff reuem does not result m unusual delay mhsch usufies referral for mterkscutory reuen. Duke Power Co. (Catamba Nuclear J
Stauon, Omn I and 2L AL AB-68% 16 NRC 460. 464 (1982L revd on other grounds, Oll-83-19,17 NRC 1048 Il983t L BP-85-4 GENERAL LLE CTRIC COMPANY (GETR Valleutosl. Dot het No. 5040-OL R (A5LBP No. 83-48b01 OLRL OPER ATING LICEN5L RENEW AL; February 13. 198&,
Hasmg carher concluded that peuuoner has standmg to parucipate m this proceedmg, the hcensms board reuens hn contentions and concludes that fhe should be admnted despite 22 l
l w
~n i
I DIG ESTS 1%L AN(L5 OF Illt ATOMIC NAFIT) AND tlCENSING BO4RD5 the fact that foer of the fne raise matters which were the subien of an earher proteedmg con-cernmg ihn reactor B
The divtrme of conateral estorpel may not be used to presem buyanon of coniemmrw whwh raisc subjects bugated m a poor pruccJ:ng mneermng the same reactor where the interse-not propoundmg the contermons mas not m prnity with the miersenor m the prior proceedmg C
In order to present rehligauen of matters ht: gated m a prior prmeedmg mnaermr g the same reastor, the Lwerwng Board mutes mouens for summary dispewutm which reb on the record of the prwr proceedmg Intersenor ts, m response,10 andwate ehy that retord is made-quate and whg further proceedings are necessary. The Licenwns Board niu offwialb nouse the record m the prwr proceeding and render a deoswn whether funher cuJenuary hearmgs are necewary L BP-85-5 CAROLIN A POW ER &.IGilT COMPAM and NORTil CAROLIN A L ASTLRN ML'NICIP AL PO% f R AGENCY 15hearon llarns Nuclear Pomer Piano, Da het No 50-440L ( A5LBP No 82-472 0341L), OPL R ATING tlCENSE' f ebruary 20. 1985. PARTIAL INITI AL DEctSION ON EWIRONMFNTAL CONTENTIONS,
A The Iwenung board deades m the Apptwams' and Staffs favor three enuronmental assues that had been the subsect of an esidenuary hearing The Board demes a peuuon for maner of the ' riced for pomer'* rule, holdmg that the pennuner had not shown that applwation of the rule m tms case mould be arkonwstent muh ab mtended purpose.
B The fouommg technral issues are discussed Apprornate Time renods for Conwderms Heahh Eficos. IfTetts of Attashment of Radionuchdes to fly Ash Partwies. Effects of Coal Par-uculees Wased with the f uel Cnic L itP454 110U5T0% LIGH11NG AND POW ER COMPAM, et at (South Tetas Prosect, Umn I and 26. Dothet Nos 51% 50-40841L. STN $0-499-OL ( A5L BP No. 79 421-07-OL >. OPE R AT-ING LICL Nil. Ieervary 26, !?a5. MLMOR ANDUM A%D ORDE R A
15lc Li6cnung Board grants an miencewr's request for a hearms on the effett Of any t on the lead Apptecam's character and competerne of its muerted fadure to nerfy NRC tmslud-mg the Lwensmg Boardt un a imie.) hasa,l' a report by Quedrei Cterstwm (a emuttaatt tn the engmeermg deugn att unes of the project's former architect engmeer<onstruttor. The Board also demes recernederanon of an carher order ehwh mter aka. dnmnsed the same mier-senor's attempt te ht1 gate teriam substantae mues derned from the Quadrei Report.
B Irwofar as it relates ss reports requi cd to be furnished by construstson permit holders, the coserage of 10 C F R Part 28 n s. nular, albeit somemhat narrower, than the coserage of 10 C F R t 50 $$(ce items resorted pursuant to ( K.35tes need noi agam be reported to satnfy Part 21 C
C ertam defwiences rerresenung a sigm6 cam breakdown in a quahty assuraace pregram are reponable under 10 C f R 9 50 Side)'l Hd but noi unJer 10 C F.R. Part 21.
D Under 10 C F R 4 50 $$(e) a conarucuan *vemit holder must nonfy NRC of certam detiocrxies m dergn or conuruenon. The defwiencies spenfred by 10 C.F R. ( 50 55(cHIHd and hd apply to deugn or construct on. mhereas tne dennencies speoned by 10 C F P.
4 50 55(cHlHm> and hs) are oni, defwiences m cornir stion, not Jewgn E
De6uenoes representing a wgmf. cant bt.akdown m any poruon of the quahty assurance program. mithin the r,canmg of 10 C f R. t 50 55teHIHO, may include de6ciencies m desans wh ch are riot feal and hase not been approved and released for construct on mithm the meanmg of 10 C F R. t 50 55teHlHut F
Esen though sescral quahty anurance definencies may not m themsches be reportable as sigmfwant quahry assurance breakdowns, collectnely they may nevertheless be greater than the sum of their indindual parts and be reportable as a signi6 cant quahty assurante breakdoen under 10 C F R. ( 50.55(eHl}h).
G Operatmg hcense praecomgs are not NRC's rnmary vehicle for ascenainmg the cus-crwe of, or penalues for, uoisuons of 10 C F.R. 6 50 $$(e). But such wolauuns may be conud-cred in suth protcedmgs m the content of an applicant's character or competence to complete and/or operate a nuclear plant..
H A failure to adhere to the reportiftg requirements of 10 C F R t 5:155(el does not per se reDect an operatmg hcerac apphcant's luk of managerial character or con:peterwe. particularh where the NRC 5taff beheses that the reporting requirements hase been sans6cd But a party n neserthelew free to attempt to demonstrate that any partwular failure to repun was momated tw deGciencies m character or competen(e.
I A long Ame nf \\ppeal Baird deciuons has oNipted apptwams to keep hcenung or appeal boards mformed of newly deselopmg informauon beanng on mues pending before such boards Dose Power Co twitham B McGusrc Nuitcar Station. Units 1 and 21, AL AB-143,6 ALC 62L 625-26 (1973L Georgia Power Co. t om %'. Vogile Nuclear Plam. Umts I and 2), AL AB-291.
2 NRC 404. 4412 (1975L Duke Pomer Co (Catamba Nuclear Stanon. Uma 1 and 2L AL AB-355. 4 NRC 397, 40e n 2o (19'6). Tennewee Valley Autheniy (Browns f e*ry Nuclear Plant.
Uma 1, 2 and 3t AL AB 677,15 NRC 1387,1394 (1992). Metropoletan Edison Co ( T hree Mile Island Nu61 car 5tauon. Urut 1). AL AB 774,19 NRC 1350.1357-60 (19841. % here there n "reasonaNe doubt' about the materuhty of mformauon. it should be datosed "for the board to dccide its true morth " TMI supra.19 NRC at 1358.
L BP-35-6 4 PUBLIC $E RVICE ELECTRIC AND G AS COMPAN), et al. Olope Creek Generat og Stauont Docket No. 50-3544)L. OPER ATING LICE NSE, February 28. 1985. ORDER Tf R-MIN ATING PitOCLE DING A
in this Order, the Licensms Board grants the parues' Joint Monon. dismnung all remam-mg comennons and termmatmg the proceedmg.
PORATK)N. TENNESSE E 5 ALLL) AUTHORII) (Cimch Rner Breeder Reactor Plam).
Dotket No 50-537-CP ( ASLBP No 75-29112-CPL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT; March 11.
The Board, imposmg certam condinons on redress of the site, grams the Aprisants' meuon to authonic resoouon of the Limited % ork Authonianon and to dntmss this tonstruc-tion permit proceedmg without prejudne 8
Secuen 5010(c) of 10 C F R. generally prohibits an appbcant from startmg ute of con-strustion work before the appewant oNams a construct on permit of a Limited %'ork Authoriza-teori. Homeser,10 C F R 9 5012 proudes for enempnons f rom ) 5010tc), upon a conuderatam and balarwmg of sescral IAtors, mcludmg *lelhether redress of any aJberse enuronmem impact from cende of the proposed actmtics can reasonably be effected should such redrew be necessary "
C The Boiard, eserciung its responubihty under 10 C i R 6 2107(a) to conwder whether terms should be pres 6nbed for the withdrawal of art applicattert. predwates its grantirig of the Ap-pucams' monon to authenie revocanon of their Limsted % ork Authonnuon and to dnmm the proteedmg without prejudwe upon the adequac) of the Apphunts' ute redrew plan, and utwn rianfkauon of what the responsibehues of the Apphcants and the Staff are m the event an alter-nate use n found for the wie before redrew n complete D
A condition of the Board's grammg the Apphcams' motori to dismiss this constructmn perrmt proceedmg is titat if an alternate use n found for the construcuon ute before redress of the site n comp 6ete the Appusants. under the Staffs renem. mill carry out, to the greateu cuent posuble conustent math the alternate use. the redrew plans approsed in thn Order L BP-85-4 IIOUSTON LIGHTING AND POW LR COMPANY, et al ISouth Tesas Propct. Umts I and 2L Docket Nos STN 50-498-OL STN 50-499-OL I A5LBP No 79-421-07-OL). OPE R AT-ING LICENSL. March !!.1985. MEMOR ANDUM A
Respondmg to the remand by the Appeal Board in ALAB-799,21 NRC 360 (1985), the Licensmg Board esplams why tt does not msoke its authonty under 10 C f R 4 2 7604 to conud-er sua sponte certam pressousi) dismmed contenunns B
in an operaung twense proceeding. a hcenung board n constramed from reuemmg an swuc sua spamte unless a "senous safety. enserortmental, or common deferne and secunty matier esists ~ 10 C f.R. s 2760s temphans surrhedL The Commmion must be adused of a board's mient to conuder an nsue sua sponte. % hen so adsmng the Commnuon, a board must prowde more than a conclusory statement of the nsue's significance.
The circumstance that a partnular contenuon no longer bems pursued has already been adm.tted to a proceedmg ts not m itself sufhieni to sausfy the standard for sua sponic reuem, nor a the mcornpleienew of StatT reuem of the nsue.
D A Igensmg board may take mto Ecount the pendano and likel) efTwao of NRC Staff rhmadjudwalor) reuem m determimr:g whether or not to inwke sts sua sponic reuem authont)
E Emergerky Planning lones must curremly entend "about 10 miles *' m radius from a piant.10 C i R. H 50 47f bH 10s.168(2). and 10 C F R Part 50. Appendis I. 41. n 1.
I The fact tNi esacumuon of parucular mdiuduals would require them to begm their jour-ney by headmg toward a plant mill not necenanly be fatal to the effectneness of an emergerk) plan The ciYestnenew t f am pian asti depend upon the partnutar circumstances in quesuon L BP-85-9 110U5T0% LIGi1 TING A POW ER COMPANY et al nouth Tesas Proiect. Umis I and 21. Dwket Nos. STN 50-44-OL ST N 50-4940L ( ASL BP No. 79 421-07-OL). Ort R A T.
The Lwensms Board demes an amersenor's late-f;ted consention on scal stab 4ht) but, as part of.ts conwderation of the lead Apptwant's competence, directs a heanns on certam soils quesuons B
Late-6ted cemenuons ma) be admmed only after balarsms all 6se of the factors wi fortti m 10 C i R 6 2 714taHIL lactors (u) and (n), corwernmg represemanon of a party's interest in a comennon by other means or parties, are enutled to relatnely less merght than the ot hers C
Fxtor bl. msotung other means for a part) to proteu as mterest, is hmited to the nailabihty of other fora m shech the party sisclf might protect ns mieress and is not saus6ed through rn.nadfudwaior) resoluuon of issues by beense appikanis or the NRC Staff (whow pro-grams do not focus on the mierests of parucular parued Nur as factor in), insotur g representa-uon 65 other parues. seus6ed through partwipation by app 6sams or the NRC Staff.
D The most ugmfsant of the fxtors to be balanced mith respect to late fded contemions.
at seast in staanons where hn54uon of the contenuon mill rios Jc;ay the proceedmg. is thi; citem to whnh tne emersenor rnay reasonably be espected to awst m deselopmg a sound record.
L B P-6 5-10 METROPoi rT AN EDISON COMPAN), et al. (Three Mac Island Nuclear Stauen.
Umt 11. Dotket No M 289-5P (Restarti. $Pi CI AL PROCLf DING. Arni 11. 1985. LICI NS-ING BO tRD RESPONSE TO CLi 85-2 A
in resporne to the Comrmsuon's directions as set forth m CL1-85-2 of I ebruan 25 1985. 21 NRC 282, the Licenung Board reports ns corwtuwons that the Licernce has made an ap-prcpr!alf resportse irl Hs tralmns program to the cheatmg episodes, and that at has carried its ulu-mate burden of proof m the remanded proceedmg, but that the Board is conudenng Gndmg de6-oerwies m the trammg program int may require correcison LBP 85-il COMMON % LALTil EDISON COMPAN Y (Braidmood Nuclear Power $tauon Umts I and 21. Dmket Nos 50-4 %. 50-457; OPER ATING LICEN5ft Apnl 17.1985. SPFCl 4L PR E-IIE ARING CONI ERLNCE ORDER A
in this Order the Board rules on three contenuons and sets out the preheanns schedule The first imo comennons mere umely Gled carber m the proceedmg One corwerns the powble impact of a railroad acudent near the Braidmood facilny mvolung ; rams transportmg esplosne matenal to the jobet Arsenal. The cornerstion is admined despue preuous conwderauon of the mue at the uncomested corwruction permd heanns The Bwrd demes the recond comemion.
mhwh asserted that the populanon center cakulanon must mclude aggregated areas of recreauon-al facdtues The Board also demes the adtmssion of a late Gled quality assurance con.ennon, but because of the s:gmficance of the issue directs Intervenors to submit an amended pennon speofy-mg m greater detail the comenuon and the underl> mg factual support for their alleganons B
1mersenors may smually submit a reawmed cuplanahon for rassmg a comention, thereaf-ter buitrewng the contennon unh mcreased factual data See C6esciand Elecinc illummatmg Co. (Perry Nuclear Power Plam. Omis I and 2). LBP RI-24.14 NRC 175,182 (198tt C
% hen an nsue presented m a cor.tennon mas addressed at the construchon permit stage, the Lwensms Board must conwder w hether collateral estoppel appbes 25 1
pe=mme m
% hen culbteral estoppel is apphed to bar hisgation of the same inue m a subscquent pro-ccedmg, nemis dmosered f.Kts or changed cartumsurkes or a special public interest may cause the mue m question to be rehtigated Sec Alabama Pomer Co iJoseph M f arley Nuclear Plam, Umts I and 2t, CLI-74-12,7 AtC 20) (19741.
E Collateral estoppel apphes to admimstratne proceedings. L'n led States t Utah Conuruc-uen & Mmirs Co. 384 U S 394. 421-22 tl9ae i, Toledo iden Co (Dam-Bewe Nu lear Pomer Stauon, Units I,2, and 3), AL AB-378. 5 NRC $$7 (1977), and to SRC pr seeding > Ala-bama Power Co GoWrh M farley Nudear Plant, Omts 1 and 2), AL AB 3 82, 7 A1C 210.
21 bib 819'4i, recd on other grounds, CLI 74-12,7 AtC 203 41974L F
Collateral esioppel requires proper junsdKimn, a rrmt sahd fmal Judgmeni on the merits. atual hbgauon of the twue, and the part) agamst whom the do6tnne is awerted muu have been a party or en pnuts unh a party to eather litigation.
G Under an "L% A l" tenest i10 C F R. ) 5010icH D and (2H, a sue suitabihty esalua-tion determines whether the site is suitabic for reactors of the general type arid size proposed ina!pis of an swuc for general wie sunatuhty purposes may be so daparate from that undertaken in an operatmg hcerne proceedmg that collateral estoppel may be mapphcaNe uhere the issue at hvid in the later portaimg h.ense proceeding msolves the specific desiget of the nuclear plant.
% ben an carlier constrtwium permit proceeding n uncoruested, the requirement ofidenti-t) of parues cannot be met by the part) acenmg cultateral estoppel, because uhere there had been no adserse party in the prmr peoseeding. there can be no sdentity of purtres.
I foreck>sure of an mue by collateral cuoppel is meakened when the m;wcific mue m the earher prweedmg is uncemested, although a related swue was contested Sout5ern Cahforma 1 den Co (5 n Onofre Nudcar Generatmg Sisuon, Uruts 2 and 3), ALAB-673,15 NRC 6fii.
695 en 8 A 9 (19826 A totally urnomeued conuruchon permit proceedmg is not the equnalent of prior atual hbgaton of the mue requircJ for collateral estoppel J
To seusl> 10 C f R t 100 lHaH3), datance to the populat on ccmcr from the reawr must be at leau or'c and one third times the dat4nce from the reactor to the outu boundary of ine te* popuuten rene (LP/)
K An aggregate populaucn of several recreasonal fachues n not a populanon center where
- e separate areas are located in d.fferent directons from the nuclear plant. Pubhc scruce Co of New Hampshire (Scabrook Staten Umts I and 2), AL AB-422,6 NRC 33,42-53119771 L
The Board n free to reject aggregaimn of the populaten m deiTeren direcuons to form the population center of 2 5,0610or more persons. partnularly when no change would oc effected m the LPZ, esen awumms such aggregauon was proper See Pubb,: Service Co of New H4mps-here (Scabrook Statet Units I and 2p, AL AB-422,6 NRC 33,42-53 (1977).
M The twensms Board must balarwe the fne fators of 10 C f R t 2 714(aH H mhen deternunmg whether an untimely comention Jaay be admnted. The good cause factor neceswtates that Imenenns demonurate a consmems and reasonable cuplanaiam for the urdmess of their pention See South Carolma f lectrw and Gas Co. Wirgia C. Summer Nuclear Stauon, Lmt 1),
AL AB442,13 NRC 881,887 n 5 (19811 N
W hen Intenenors indsate an ongomg amareness of faus whnh could have been em-rio)ed in support of the contemmn, and the peution n estremely late, the good cause factor is not met O
The 2nd and 4th lators are generall) aworded less emphaws than other faton of 9 2 714f altli See Detron Edison Co (Ennco I ermi Atomic Power Plant, Una 2), AL AB 707, le NRC 17tA 1767 (1982).
P A Licensmg Board may take mio account representauon prcuded by lmenenors' counses m a preuous NRC Inensms proceedmg when determmms whether the Intenenors mip contri-bute to the record, si leasa shere the assue bems rassed m both proceedmss es smalar and in-solses allegations agamu the same Apphcam Q
Admission of any nem contention may broaden the issues arvi therchy delay the (omple-non of a proceedir.g simply by virtue of there bems more issues on ohwh euderne must be pre-semed. Tardinew m 6hns a contemion d<es mn per se broaden the rroceedmg. If the late filed comention mould hase been admisubic if timely 6&cd, there is no net mcrease in the number of issues to be ined 26 sr p-g
i i
There rs sireng reason to reject a contennon when it n feted late without good caec close to the heanng date such that admiwon of the contennon would deprne the other parues c,f the opportamt) to oben necewer) informahon alvut the tomennon 5cc South ( Elettnc and Gas Co Mrgil C. Summer Nuclear Stanon. L:.ut 11. AL AB M2,13 NRC 881.1H (1981).
5 Delay caused by broadenmg the anues due to admisuon of a new wniennon a rmt ga cd by a Luenwns Board s requirement that Intenenors resubmit a detaded peuuan (mcludmg the underi:,mg data suppurung the conientamt so the adjudwat.on udl ernompan only a carefuth focused. mell-reasoned contenton ohnh rmes sigmfnans swues T
The Board me irslude m eis analms of 10 C f R i 2.714141(I Hs i the fut that other contentwns ongmally scheduled 'or hugatmn were methdrawn b3 Intersenors U
f nlargement of the proceeding may be ofTset b) hmismg the praecding to only those issues ohnh are necewary for a determmatum of whether to authortte a low power operstmg 1 cense V
11 the suues underhmg the somenuun are siewed as serious and sigmfgant (e g,
Q A/QC quesuond, the BaarJ may balarwe the contenteon's potential sigmfwance with the posw-bihty of mmor delay and some broademns of nsues in the prwee&ng W
11 n par; cularly truuai 6u se t fus th unh speu6ut, the been of a broad Q4/QC contenteon-X An NRC Licenwns Board may permit Intervenors to depose an NRC Staff otTical af other meam are unasailable to cable Intenenors to more speofwally emplam the related porucn of intenenors' contenuon based on testimon) by that NRC Stati otTaul i
A Lwensms Board may reiect a late contenuon m its ongmal form for task of speoficity and baws, tut proude intenenors with an opportumt) to resubmit an amended contenuen The Board may reywre speoncanon with enAutude moludmg cah alleged quansy awurarse de6oen-c), dau on whKh exh defxtenc) is pret.ined and the oserall unascertable patterns formed when endasdual moderm are aggregasco l b P-83-12 LONG bL AND LIGHilNG COMPANY (shoreham Nuclear Power Sunon. Umt 11 Dodet No 50-322-OL-3 (Emergency Planmns); OPI R ATING LICEN5E; Apnl 17,1945. PAR-TI AL INIT14L DEC1510% ON EMLRGENCY PL ANNING A
in this Partul Iruial Dec won the trensing Board conwJers whether a utihtestensored ohte emergency plan meets the regwrement of 10 C I R ( $0 47(a)(1) that there be reasons-ble usurarwe that adequate protecuse rocasures can and will be taken m the esent of a radiologi-cal evnergera,. The unhty plan does not rely on partecipal on of the Sute or total dosernmem Ahhough the Board makes fmdmss of fact on each conteruson lingated. the Board does not reasti an ultimate corkluuon on the adequacy of the utday plan because the record has been reo-pened to take endence concernmg the identi6cauon of the relocanon center % hen this mauer is rewhed the Boeret ud1 deode whether the unhty plan proudes the requawie suurance B
New York state and Su! Talk County statutes prohibeung Applwant from performmg ac-nuues nesewar> to imp;ement emergency plans are nos preempted by federal F where the Sute and local laws cust for purposes of escrowng the State's tradiuonal polge pomen, such as regalauon of trafTie. The Board does not agree with Applicant that recent NRC Authonianon Acts aheu:ag the NRC to conuder a unhty-sponsored emergency plan m the abserne of State or local gosernment pianfurg proude a basa for fmdmg preempnon C
The follommg techmcal issues are discuned E sacuanon shadom phenomenon.
Emergency plannmg one boundary; Nourganon and mformanon to pubhc, Sheltenng. Selestne esacuanon and selectne sheltenng. % md shifts. Nomogram. Esacuauon tirne estimates. Road cbstacles and cars without fuel; % eather. Buses for the pubhc; Protecuun for schoolchddren. In-gesnon pathway; Recosery and reentry. Low of obie power D
The follommg nsues concermns implementauon of emergency rian by unhiy empio>ecs are discuwed i Idit) employees' role confhet Confhet of mterest for unhty emplo>ces Crede bihty of unhty; '.ouncauon and mobihinnon of unht) employees. Commumcan<ms mith utdity emplotect Trammg of unkt> cmployees. Sinke by unht) employees. Uuhty's legal authorny to implement plan.
I DIG ESTS 1%L ANCL5 OF THE ATO%IIC NAELT) AND LICLNNING BO4RDS L BP-8 513 GLNERAL E LFCTRIC COMPANY (Gl.TR \\ alleciiosi. Docket No 50 704)t R (ASLBP No. 85-407-01 LRf. OPE R ATING LIL LN5L RLNf % AL, Arni 23.1985. M EMO-R 6DUM OD ORDI R LBP 85-14 PillLADLLPill A LLICTRIC COMPAN) (Limernk Generatmg Stanon. Umis I and 2). Dutket Nos 50J524)L. 4353-OL. OPER ATING LICENSL. May 2,1985. THIRD PAR.
in this Third Parnal Imual Decision, the '.wenung Board corwiudes its conuderanon of sesemeen otTwie emergency planmns inues, con ludmg as to those inues that there is reasona-ble suurarwe that adequate protectne measures can and =ill be taken in the esent M a radiologe cat emergerwy.
L P P-8515 Mf.T ROPOL IT A N LDISON COMP AN), et at (Three Mile Island Nuclear Sianon.
Omt No 17 Do6ket No. 50 289-5P ( ASLBP No 79-429445PI (Restart P.cmand on Management Traimngl. SPICI AL PROCLI DING. May J.1985. P ARTI AL INITIAL DI Cl-SiON ON THE REM ANDED 155CE OF LICENSED-OPERATOR TRAINING AT TMl-1 A
in rescimse to AL AB ??2 (19 NRC 1893 (1984H remandmg the nsue of the adcquacy of tramms for hcensed operators at Three Mde kland Umt I, the Licensms Board (mds thai the traimng program n funuamentally adequate. but that a hcenung cond4 hon must be imposed to awure needed imprmements B
The Laen=ng Burd ton 61udet that the Lnenwe has responded appropriately to the cheatmg ern, dents idemified en the Partial Imual Dectwon of July 27,1982 (LBP-82-56,16 NRC 28D tt acknowledgmg responsbehty for the cheanng; improung channels of communwauon among managemem, operators and traimns emplo)ces, by estabbshmg adequate secunty mea-sures to present chestmg on esammahons, and by improung the TMI-l hcensed-operator tram-mg program C
Licenung Board fmds that a twensed-operator trairiing program must hase a method M awewng the perform 4nte of tramed operators m the sob settmg for reuwons to or for sahd4ung the trammg program D
A!! hough the Cc,mmiwais Pohe) 5:4temem on Tramms and Quahficanen of Sudear Poact Plant Operators (50 fed. Reg 11.147 (Mar. 20,1985)) endorses accreditauon by the lasu-tute of Nuclear Poect Operauons flNPUs of operator tramms programs as an acceptae method of demomtraung an adequaic trammg program, and although the TMl-1 hcensed-operator tram-ing program has been accedsted by INPO, the LKenung Board decimed to gne pnma facie effect to the accreditauen because (1) other parties had no opportumty to challenge the sared-nanon and (2p esen if pnma facie effect had been atTorded the accredatarum, other euderwe of record mdicates that INPO faded to follow its own cniena and the accreditauon was therefore irmurate LBP 85-16 TEX A5 UTitITIL5 ELECTRIC COMPANY, et al (Comarkhe Peak Sicam Lieunc Sta-ten. Omts I and 21, Duket Nos 50-445-OL&OL-2. 50-446-OL&OL 2 (ASLBP N o.
The Licensing Board requires Arplwants to (de a statement of Current Managemem
\\ sens as to the st41ws of the plant, mstuding an aucumem of the adequacy of the record Apple cants have created m this case Apphcants also are required to file a Caw Management Plan t at h
sets forth the inues m the case, their alleged dnposition, whether they are moot. and a sugscued order of huganon. In addinon, the Board whedules a preheanng confererwe to resolse outstand-mg dncoscry requests B
Under circumstances where Staff documems hase raised a sancty of questions about plant desagn and crauruction, the Board may order Apphcants to set forth their current wee of the adequacy of martagement, mcludmg the adequacy of mdmdual olTecials cent numg to serse an management.
C Arpinants may be required to file a comprehensne plan for the mansgernent of the case, coser ng cath of the mues, encludmg how they have been or may be dnposed of L BP-8 5-17 TL A A5 UTillilLS LLLCTRIC COMPAN). et al. (Comanche Peak Steam Lietiric Sta.
unn. Umts I and 28 Docket Nos 50-445PL&OL 2, 50-4464)t&OL 2 (ASLBP No 79-430-06-OL). OPf R ATING LICI NSL. May 30.1985. MEMORANDUM 18
i DIG ESTS 1%UANCES OF THE ATOAllC MFET) AND LICEN$ LNG BO ARDS L BP 8518 L ONG ist AND tlGl(TING COMPAN) t$horeNm Nucicar Power Suuon. Omt 17 Dodet No. 50-322 OL, OPLR ATING LICE Nst, June 14, 1985. P ARilAL INiil AL DLCl-SION ON EMERGE NC) DIL5E L GL NLR ATOR$
A The Licenung Burd fmds. mith respect to the issues m corarosern, the the three Ernergency Diesel Generators (LDGsl manufattured by Transamenca Delasal, Inc. (TDD for use at the ShoreNm nudear plant are asceptable, for the first fuel cycle, to supply emergerwy electncal power as required by General Deusn Critenon 17. The inues m controsersy ansolsed the c3hnder Nos k, cranbNft, and LilCO's proposed quahfied load" of D0t) k%.
B The Board remmmends tnt the Commisuon direct the sommencement of an msestigs-non of whether TDI Ns siotated its legat obbgatmns to report potennel defects in its dicscl generators punuant to t 200 of the Lnergy Reorganization Act of 104, 42 U.$ C ) M46, and 10 C F R Part 21 of the Commnwon's regulanons C
This dectwon autionzes the assuarwe of a full power operaung twense for the first fuel cycle msofar as the emergency diesel generator issues are concerned Howeser, there are sutl off-wie emergencs planmng iwucs pendmg before another luenung ILurd Ac6orJmgly, this deo-smn. effectne immediatch, authonies the NRC 5 sfT to nsue only a los power (up to f se pet-cent of rated powere operaung twense, proudmg the 5uf! has made fmdmss surporung such a twense on all n>ues not m controsern.
L BP-8 5-19 HOUSTON LIGliTING AND PO% f R COMPAN), et al (South Tesas Project. Umts I and 2), L'ocket Now SIN 50-4984)L, STN 50-499-OL ( A5L BP No. 79-421-07-OL D, OPER AT-ING LICLNSE. June 18,1%$. MLMOR ANDUM AND ORDLR A
The Lsenwns Board demes a monen by the lmersenor to reopen the record of Phase I of the proceedmg but Nrmits certam quesuons raised by the moton to be conudered under the seg s of a comemion preuously sucpted for hogation m Phase !! of the praredmg The Board determmes that the matenal supportmg ttie motion (other than tNI accepted for htigathml does net metude triformauon whwh m4 t (tunge the remit preuously reached by the Board on the h
nsues m quesuon.
B Before an appea! from a P!D is filed. the lmenwng Sumid has jun=Jnuun to conwdct a monon to reopen the record on ohnh the PID n based Philadelphia 1.lectnc Co (Limernk Generatmg Stauon, Umts I and 21. AL AB 726,17 NRC 75$ (198h.
% hen an apMal from a PID Ns been fded, a monon m reopen ihe receed n unhm the junsdict.on of the ApMal Board Metropohun i dwon Co. (Three Male Island Nuclear Staten, trm 11 AL AB-ow,16 NRC !)24 (19821 D
W hen an appeal from a PID Ns resuHed in the Appeal Board's ruhng on cerum legal and procedural queuwms but dechnms to rule on other factual fmdangs and conduwons because they are wbject to suppicmentauon or (Nnge as a result of funher t'onwderanon dunng other phases of the proseedmg, the Lwenung Board has junsdwuon to emerum a molen to reopen the *ecord on inues m the PID not yet addrewed by the Arpeal Board E
A Licensms Board has junsdicuon to conuder a monon to reopen the record on nsues dxuwed m a PID where a reawnaNe netus n shown besmeen the malenal upon ohnh the rnoten is Nsed and the mues renumma to be ht gated by the Board % ergima flearw and l'omer Co. (North Anna Nuclear Power Stauon, Umts I and 2), ALAB.$$1, 9 NRC 704. ?O7 (19N, cf Pacific Gas and Electnc Co (Diablo Canyon Nudear Power Plant Umts I and 21, AL AB 782,20 SPC 838,841-42 (19841 F
% hen an Appeal Board denwon on certam aspects of a PID does nos forbid the thenung Board from rebugaur:g, m appropnaie cartumstances, mues already addressed m the carber PID but not ruled upon by the Appeal Board, and the Lwerismg Board n famihar enough unh the earlier record to esaluate the newly submitted dmumern whwa a monon to reopen the record seeks to add is eudence, a Licenung Board has junsdicuon to conuder the motmn on the merns.
G The ABA Code of Protesuonal Responubihty has been apphed to sitorneys appearms before admimstratne agerkies generally. and the NRC spec #icaDy Cowumrrs Pamer Co (%d.
land Plant Unns I and 25 Al AB491,16 NRC 847,916 & n 26 (1982).
H In esaluarmg an nuorney's conJxt, the twensmg Board rnas conuder the Amerman Bar Assocution's Model Rules of Profesuonal Resotmubihty f adopted by the AB A on August 2, 198h and also the earher Code of Profewonal Responwbihty, of the junsdictmn ehere the attor-ney n admiued has not ranfied the adornen of the AB A Rules.
%ithout wfTwient documentauon, a Board should not sorklude that an anornesi tes-timony (if 'w n called to tesuf) by the opposms wJe as a futual mitnesst mould prejudge his chents.
J A party may osersome the request for Jisquahfwauon of its attorney under Code DR 5102t Al or AB A Model Rule 3 hat :( substantui hardship mould be created for the theni d the attorne3 mere precluded from m his or her role as counsel.
K An attorney conmiemly mselsed m the inenung proceedmg5 to obtam a conwruction permit and/or operatmg twense for a nuslear poner plant may become so preunan in his chem that the forced unassilabihty of his serswes mould cause substantui hardship to his thent L
Orwe the powNe prcJudhe uhwh may accrue from contmucd represemanon by an attor-ney is highlighted to the chem. the thent n free to make the determmalwm to commue eith.he same counsel M
The legal standards for reopemng the ret'ord require (1) the monon muu be umely filed.
(2) the monon must addren a ugmfwant safety or enuronmental tuuc. and (31 af a decnion has alread) been reashed on the questitm for uhwh recremng the resord a sought. the motwm muu demonstrate that the mformanen sought to be added to the record might alter the results pre-uouw, reahed This latter critermn is the most important of the three N
The entena for reopening a record muu be apphed wperately for exh nsue for whsh reopemns a sought, regar3 ten of the circumstarwe that one or more innues may remain to be heard or decated See Metrorchtata Edison Co (Three MJe Island Nuclear station, Umt 2),
AL AB-486,8 NRC 9. 22 (19786 O
Tirnehnext m 6lmg a mouon to reopen the record n important, bui may be sutmur'ted by the segmfkarwe of the mformatron m queshon.
P A rnotmo to reopen the recerJ n not umely if it n submined 6 months after the propo-nent besame amare of all the informanon comprehended by the r w Hon A claim by the propo-neat of the monon that the (Fmonth delay resulted from numerous Glmg deadhnes m the same proteeding n madequale to escuse the unumehnew Q
A wgnifum fador m esaluaung the unwienen of a nunnm to reopen the record n the proponent's opport6miy to gain access to the informanon on uhwh the monon a bawd. Clese-land f lectnc IHumenatmg Co (Perry Nalear Power P'. ant. Urvia 1 and 21. LBP-83-82.18 NRC 250, 258 (luB31. see alw Paufw Gas and E lecine Co IDiablo Canyon Nu6 lear Power Ptant.
Uma i and 2t, AL AB 775,19 N1C 136),1369 f19Hl.
% here a motion to reopen a retord n unumely 6 led but where a porium e,f it.c materul supportmg the motum n accepted for huganon under another inue, dmosery on the accepted materul may neserthelew be demed as unumely.
LBP.45 2t>
The Le6ensmg Board admas a late-filed quahi, awurante contenuon ahnh was crismatly rejected m a Speoal Preheanns Conferense Order 5PCO" tLFsP-85.II, 21 NRC fe9, 627 38 t1985H because at lacked baws and speifwily In the SPCO, the Board ruled that if Intersenors 6 led a nem Q A comennon. it muu meet speufs requiremems and must raiw potent 41-ly sigmfwant Q A inues The Board fmds that the anwnded comennon subuanually comphes orth the direanes of the SPCO, and that with the escepten cf allegations related to harawmeni, inumidauon and retaliatory actn>ri agaitat Brandmood tsic ernployees, the comenteon as actertahJe as an nsue m comrosersy Homeser, math regard to the portion of the contenuon alleg.ns harau-ment by superusors of ute QC mspeuors employed by the electncal contr.r or, the Board deters its ruhrg pendmg Intersenors' subminion of an elaborated pleadmg setung forth the specific esamples of harawmem and retahaten, irkluJmg thow mitneues intersenors mill prewnt. and the subico of each mitnen's tesumt.r9 to support each alleged erwalem shwh (mersennis claim consututes the haraument B
11 is utthm a Lwenung Board's dmreuen to permit the amendmem of a peouon to mier.
sene at any time A Lwensing Board may, in its dmrenon proude miersenors mah an oppor.
tunity to file an amended comention after rejecung the tomemion an at was tmginally 6 led.
30 2
prouded the amended contenhon is acceptable under a balanong of the factors govermns late 61-mgs as well as the tws and speo6ai) requirements apphcabic to all contentrom 10 C I R 4 2 714(aH3), see ska 10 C F R 4 2.7141to C
Actnen t9 a Lwenung Board rejecimg a contemmn, but altooms an miersenor to fue an amended contention, is not tanumount to admitting the comention conditumally 5cc Duse Power Co ECaumba Nudear sianon. Umts I and 21. AL AB+87,16 NRC 460, so&e7 (1982:
% ben an mtersenor hn been gisen the opportumty to re6te an amended late comemain, the Iwenung Board does not hne to draw the 6nal balance of 10 C F R. ( 2 784taHlHi O fac-tors unut the amended contention as 6ted E
A twenwns Board may set out, in adsence, more strmgent standards for an miersenor to meet if orcumsunses sush as talenen anJ the broad suopect matter of the contenimn require a more preosely pleaded contennon Because of the mherently broad rtaiure of most Q A somen-tom, the baus and speo6aty requirements mma be rigorously appleed See Philadelphia ilettne Co (Limernk Generstmg 5tauan, Umis I and 2), LBP-83 39,18 NRC 67,89 (1983).
F A contenuon uhwh ident:6cs and summarties the mudents rehed upon, and appends speufw pornom ut dosuments m support of mtersenor's poution, does not comrasene the Browns t erry ruhng that a contenteon rnay not mtorporate masuse dmuments by reference m an effort to support a basis for the alleged propomuon Tennence Valley Authonty (Browns Ferev Nudcar Plam. I' mis I and 23.1 BP 70 lo. 3 NRC 209. 286 (19'on G
The Calia*4y case (notmg that a nuclear plant is bound to contain tsolated imiarwes of imperfect markmanship due to imperfect Q A superusion) is not to be uwd as a shield tw apple-tants aho wish to protect agamst htigasmg the ments of Q 4/QC allegatiom, portuu14rly w here the comennon is picaded muh seco6ait and bases Union liectru Co. (Calismay Ptam. Und II, AL AB-740,18 NRC 343,346 (19831 H
An miersenor n requered to plead us t'ontennon enh speofwit) m order that mucs whwh mill be subet to subsequent diwosery and proof m an endentiary heanng will be clearly framed for the other perdes Commonwealth Iden Co (Byron Nusicar Power buon, Umts i and 2s. L BP 80-30.12 NRC o8L 68? f1940# % hen the parues are prmeded sufbeni notwe un as to base general knentedge of attat they must defend against or oppose, a twenung thsard may rule that the contenten meets the seco6aty standard 5cc Philadelphia Liectnc Co (Peash Bottom Alcmw Pemer Stauen, Umts 2 and 3), AL AB-216. 8 AE C 53,2tk21 (1974P l
A harassmem/mumedanon contenuon contammg bare allegauons that sue empteyces base con: acted mtersenors, in connderwe, to espreu concerns regardmg quahy dc60enoes, retahatory acuon and erwtum by applwant m addrewns thme compiamts, fails for not mformirg the Board or parties of the speo6c tuues miersenor sechs to hiigate J
f sen if the Lwenwrig Bord has suggested m an carleer order that it woulJ be helpful to the Board m esaluaung a comenten to knom the idenuty of miervenor's espetted anneues and the subject of their testimony, et is not an absolute requirement for miervenors to idenufy their mancues prmr to admiwon of a L4te contennon li an emersenor does not identify m mitneues.
it mill not neceuanly preclude a Lnenwng Board from fmdmg for an miersenor on the comnbu-tum to the recorJ factor of 10 C F R g 2 714(aHI)
K A pa.ty can suempi to mase its case solely through trou esammation Louisiana Power and Light Co (%aterford 5 team E lectne Sutson, Uma 3), AL AB 732,17 NRC 1076.1996 n 30 (1983f. Tennessee \\ alley Au'honty (Hartsvine Nudear Plant, Umts I A, 24. IB and 28).
ALAB-463, 7 NRC 341, jf 6 (1V74 >. %:Monsm Fleanc Power Co IPomi Beash Nudear Planti.
AL AB.137,6 AFC 491,304 05 (1973f, actord, Commonweahh E dnam Co. then 5tauon, Units I and 2), AL AB-226,8 AlC 341,389 (1974)
% hen an mtersenor has participated benefwully m another proceedmg mhere the htiga-hon fotuted on suucs closely absned to those currently propmed for adjudwauon, and the apph-cant m both cases is the same, the Licensmg Board is entnied to mfer that miersenors will con.
tribute to the record 10 C i R. t 2 714f aHilhnt.
M A Licenung Board may require an miersenor to name its unrswes by a spec'fg daic, if not domy to mould impede the d.wosert proten and the 61mg of summary dapoutmn mouons N
The sismfwante of a proposed mue may countertmlance the potential delay shnh huga-non of the mue may cause m1he proteedrns 10 C f R 4 2 714taHlH 0.
DIGESTS 155L' ANCt h OF Illi. A10\\1lC 5 4F LI) AND LICE N51%G BOAR!W O
Applicam mi:1 not ained tis share of respimwbelii) for dela3 under 10 C I R 4 2714 (att!Hsi, tg s'laiming that a late-liled contention which concerns appahansi correstise actum prtyrams mill dela) the prneedmgs. where the delay stems from the correctise actums emplo>ed to Applicant to remedy past protilems, and not from the latenen of the contentam L BP-85-2)
METROPOLITAN IDisON COMP AN). et al. (Three 4 tile Island Nuclear siasiim.
U nit No 16. Dis ket No. 42894P I AslHP No 79-4294N4PI 4 Resiart Remand on Management Trainmat. SPICI AL PROCEIDING. June 24 1483, MI MOR ANDL'41 AND ORDER APPRO\\ LNG PL AN FOR RI \\ l51NG LICI NM D-opt R ATOR T R AINING PROGR AM A
in this Memorandum and Order the Licenwng B.wrd approses L scenwe's plan for the etaluanon of the efTestnencu of its trammg program. as required by the Board in ses Parual Irw taal Decmon of May 3.1985 (L BP 8515,21 NRC 14iWL 1
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i DIGl.STS IN514NCE.N OF DIRIC10R5* Dit ts!ONN DD pti GENERAL Pt hllC CTILITils NCClL AR (ORPOR ATlinN t i hree Mile Island N usicar Sanon. (nas I a nd 21 Dm bs %w $0 239, $0-320. anJ ton:er C reek N usic ar Generaung Sianoro, Disket No +219. RI QUE ST IOR ACTION January 19,198 5. DIRI C-TOR % DlC1510% i NDI R 10 C l R t 2 2nd A
ite D,rcitee et iN tMhe t.f Noticar Restor Regulanon dennes a peiiuon sut'rmned by Joanne Doreshes on tyhad of the ihree 4 tile Island Alert, ins and other named Penneners reg.awg.h t on suh resres t to lhe Three Af,ic Island Nuticar Stanon t T 4tle l'nas I and 2 and iht t huer ( reek Nw! car bencraorg Stanon h
% herc the Comrwon ha before n the Peunoners' alkganons m another poseederg. H n inapprer'iate to use 10 ( l R t 2 2ari prmedures to imhate a show caaw proteed'ng DD $5 2
( UMW) s% 1 AL ill L Diii3% ( OMP A M 4 /.00 Sianom C o.4., Dos is e %. M2%
IM M E Dl %il A(.110% kl Qt i sT, Janu4r> 23.196. DIRE CTOR 5 Di( ISION 1 N DI R 10 C l R l 2 2te A
T he Diressor el the 0%c c1 Nwkar Reactor Rcguianon grants m p n and Jernes m
par't a Petiiton P) I daard bogol alkgirig inadequatics in the sontammer:l imegreicJ icek rate seu pr+ formed m 19111 at / ion Nmlear Pomer Station, Omi 1 T he Prunon sivahl a garact) of i
tchef in.iu t rg immediate NRC asinun to dcal miih the thrcal rotsed b9 the allcged m4dcqaate kan rave ico ef the /mn t n i i rauhr and the tompicoon of an adequate and properi, super-used ritewry et the f at ua s Pe n honer 4.s. < requoicd torin of all d.g uments toHesied by echer tre incasce or the NRC m the ceurw of the reiest B
D* epanoes in ide Conismrneni Imeswed L eak Raic Test iCl! R1' for abe lion Nalcar Pseer Stanon. I n'i i required reicums of the fauhis to demonurate torrpl an6e m'th 10 C F R Part 50 Apocndes J C
11 n net nesewary fur t he N R( to issue orders in reyense to a pennon pursuant to 10 ClR 2 2no hen ihe lisensee agrees to take remedial me. nares umilar to those reqacsted by the petition DD ht)
Pt ist l( St R4 l( t ( OMP AN) i 4 NI.% H %MPsillRI. ei al asembrook sianon. I mn I and 2 L D.s het Nos 50 44),30-444 R E Qt (ST IOR AC TION. Mar h I R.198 5. DIR f C-s TUR S Di(ISION l. NDE R 10 0 i R 4 2 2"r>
4 The Deressor of the Ortne of Nuticar Restior Regulanon denies a Peuuon of the Nc.
( rgland ( ushtsors on NuOcar Polluuon reyucsits that the Nutlear Regu amry Cornmnuon take r
athon to remedy adeped Siolaimns and defnsenues awniaird maih constration of the Seabrook 5 vufwa'b. the Petmon sontends that construtison utames are bemg tendutted m no-faul.f y f
lation of the terms s i the toestruitmn permit a%1 ihe Ce,rnanswon s quably assuranse require-rnems speufnau,10 ( I R Part 40 A ppend,s R Hawd on ibew mileged uolahons and defa yn-ucs, the Pennoner weh t irrmedtate suqwnwon c ' tonstrutnen ti (kganvanonal theses si and Imantms of the $cabrook fauhip d J nos have she effett of remmmg the enuty wiety auoumable and responwhic for devsn and tonstrutimo of the f aubt) Consequenth. deugn and cr.nurm oon se nsines tononue to be s'rmdus ted m acsordante enh the terms of the sonurmhon perrrei C
T he quahi, aw stant e program as the 5cabrook fauhe), erkluding Cruerirm l La!hng for the program to hase adequate autt'ority and orgamianonal freedom, sausfees the requirernenn of 10CfR Part 50. Appendit B 5ta!T,ng of ite L kensee's quahty swurars e program mith em.
piotees of an aher (ornpany would tw.t be mapprornate if it remamed Ocar that those employees w ere ulbmJtei) respor's:ble in the l hensee Not does ihe L Kenwe necenanly t'ompromiw Hs 11 l
authont) and organizational freedom to superuse quabi) anurante tg betommg heasil) mJeNed to its comrutors and other creditors.
DD-8 5-4 THE DETROIT EDISON COMPAN), et et (Innco f erme Aiomw Power Ptam, t mi
- 26. Docket No 50 341, REQUEST FOR ACTION' March 20. 1985 DIRE CTOR's DIC151 iN LNDE R 10 C I R ( 2 200 A
The Direoor of Natear Reactor Regulanon demes a request filed by the safe E nerss Coahtion of Mshigan ohnh requested inuuahon of an insesugation and formal primeedmg to ensure adequate resoluuon of certam safety swucs pnor to iwuance of an operatmg twenw for i ermi-2 B
The follemme technwai issues are dncussed Imergency ressense information system.
discreraneses between drammss and as built systems, radmaste systems, fire protecuan, Mark I conumfrem design DD 85-5 BOSTON [DisON COMPANY (Pilsnm Nmicar Power siatent. Disket No. 50-2R REQUEST FOR SHOW CAUSE ORDE R, Arni 5.1985. DIREf' TOR'S DEC1560% UNDt R to C i.R i 2 20b A
The Diressor of the Orfwe of Nalear Reutor Regulauon denics the pennon of Mr John F. Doherty awerims that there mere a number of alleged deficenoes at the Pilgnm Stanon of the Bosmn iden Compey anociated with equipment quahfwatmn that represer:ted a haiard to continued safe oteralmn of the faohiy Peutoner sought issuarne to the Lacensee of an order to I
shom cause uhy the twerise for the Pdgnm facihty should not be revoked or suspended due to the alleged defiuenues B
The Lwensee's Progrum for enuronmental quehrwauon of clearnal equipment comphes with the requiremems of 10 C F R $ 50 49 Proposed resoluuons for exh of the ensironmenul defacenues idenufied are acceptaNe Conunued operanon of the futhly unut empicmenuuan of the program ts complete mill not result en undue risk to the pubhc health and safety DD-B M M AINL i ANki'E ATOMIC pow tR COMPA%) (Mame )ankee Atoms Power P!st i. Docket %e 50 3*. Rf QCisT FOR ACTIO%. May !). !**5. fl% %L D!RIClOR'S DiCISION UNDER 10 C F R 6 2 206 A
The Direcor of the 06: of Inspecuon and Enforcement demes the remaming portion of a Petinon under 10 C F R t 2 206 shnh requesied that the Nuclear Regulatory Commiswen take actiori to reinedy alieged nenous defnienues m the ofTwie emergency resptmse plans fer the Mame iankee Atomu Power Sution on $cptember 30. 1983, an 'Intenm Director s Deowm Under 10 C F R 4 2 20o." DD-83-15.18 NRC 738. mas swued esaminmg a numhet of twues raised by the Peuuon and grantmg in part and denyms in port Peuuoner's requesi mith resped to those mucs Hameser. Peanoner's corsern regardmg the adequacy of Suie Route 2? mas noted to be still under conuderanon Ihe remammg mue mas referred to the I ederal t rnersency Management Agerwy if-t M 4) for esaluation. Based on il M A's esaluanon that State and kwal radiokgwal emergerwy plans and preparedneu are nos adsersely alTeacd by the allegeJ hmna-hons for esauanon purposes of 5saic Route 27, the Diredor demes the remainder of the Peutmn B
Esuvanon plannmg. mciudmg the use of State Route 27 as an esecuanon rouie for peak summer populauons. is adequase for the Mame ) ankee faohiy DD8M L SION ILLCTRIC COMPANY (Callamay Plant. Omt D. Dothet No 50-483. R t -
QUL5T FOR LICE NS! SUSPENSION. May 17,1985, [>lRICTOR'S DE Ca510N UN! LR to C F R. ( 2 206 A
The Dircoor of the OfTne of Nuclear Rehtor Regulanon demes a peuuon sobrmined by M4hele Varncchio and Babe Garde of the Gosernment Accountahiny Proicct on behalf of the (ornerned Citizens About Call 4may and others The peuuon had idenuried forty eight allegations related to the adequacy of consituctme of the Callamay Plant and requesied that in uce of the ahegatmen, the Cahamay tom-power inense he suspended unul the alleganons mere antesugated and approprute reinspecimn performed to determme the entem of the problem rmed by cah alleganon B
A reactor operaurig inense udt only bc #wued by the Commmion if it can be found there is reasonable anurarwe thai poner operauon presents no undae nsk to rubin health and safety 34
% bcn awcwmp the sigmfwame of alkgratiosit the NRC rnakes an imu41 deiernunanon whether an alleg4uon, if true. n relesant to safe operathm of the fachty Allegauon.s deemcJ not relesant to s.ite operauori of the faohiy and allegations determmed to be Insolout or ne sague or general in nature to proude suffnient mformanon ta msewgate, recene no further wr.uderalmn Alkpauons raw 1g a safety consern are pursued further D
Peuuom feied under IV C f R 4 2 he proude members of the pubin unh a means of brmgms $dfel) problems consermng nuclear fathnes to the Commewon's attentam Secuon 2 2nri petitmns are not informatioreg.imenng deuses fot members of the pubig DD 85-8 PHIL ADIL Pill A ilICTRIC COMP AN) (Limernh Generaung Sianon, Umts I and 21, Dochei Nos 5st352. St%353 Rt Qt t NT FOR ACTION. May 17,191K, DIRE CTOR3 DICl-510% L NDLR 10 C l R 9 2 200 A
The Director of the OtTne of Nucker Reactor Regulauon dentes the Pennon purwant to 10 C.f R t 2 hho of Del-Amare Unkmited, im (Peuuonert requewns that the Comminum staff require the Philadelptua flectric Cornpany (1xenwel to proude to the Commawon a fall dmlosure of its miended wurscs of smenm supplemental wohng mater for the Limensk Generaung Stanon and the enuronmental consequernes awwiated with their use. Intermt w p-piemental amimg mater may be required due to delays in construction of the Point P casam De-serwon IPPD8 Protest uhnh NS been apprmed to proude supplemental cooling mater for the Limersk (4oiny Peuuoner also coniends tui an imenm supplemental uuhng mater sersne pro-powd by the L nemce to the Delaware Rner Baun Commissmn (DRBC) consututes a long term os permanem soluttor supera.t to the ruirently planned PPD Proiect The Director denied the Peuuon, nour.g that to the est!ni the Lnensee mishcs to operatc the lacht) m a mode different from INE presemly represenied m the twen,c appinatum, at must esamme that proposed change m auordase unh the enuronrnental condiuons of its Inense The Director funher notes that it;e Pcunon fch w proude mformation ahnh suggests that the (Keriwe mould be either urteill-ing or insapable of adhermg no its inense conditions in ihn regard B
Should the L wensee unh to unhic a wurse of surplemental toohng mater other than LN! arrrosed by the NRC, esen though meerim m nature, the Luensee mould have to wmpi>
math ns enuronmemalinenw condinons pru r to sush use DD-35 9 DUKl POWIR COMP AN). et at (Catamba Nusicar hton. Unas 1 and 29. Dosket Nos %413. 54414 Rt yt.f ST IOR INf 0RCt ME NT ACTION, June 4,19t:5. DIR E CTOR T DI CislON l'NDL R 10 C i R 6 2 20e A
The Derestor of Inspethon and inforcement grants in part and demes m part requeus filed by the Palmetto Alhenge and the Gosernment Auountabihty Projest for enforcement acnon against the Duae Pomer (ompany on the baus of sudations of NRC regWauons ard al-leged Nrawnem and mumataimn of quahty amtrol myeaort B
% here fatual maners are mmmon to a IKenung proteedmg and to a pennon under Id C F R 4 2 2t+. the bff edl conuder the futs raned in the ) 2 206 peulion only to the estent thit the fa'ts hear on whether the Staff shosild esertise its mdependent responutnhty for enforse-ment of NRC requiremems C
Cnder the NdC's empoyee protetuon regulanons, mstudmg to C F R 6 50 7, adhererne to prosedures and reporung of asfety sornerns to managemem san wnsutute " protected attai-ucs Cortat eith representaines cf the Cornmiwon is rmt nettuary to estabiah a uol4 tion D
The fmding of a uoianon of the Commisuon's employee proicamn rules is noi depen-dent on an mmal findmg by the Department uf Labor that the employer has dmnrnmated aga.nst the empk$ce m uo44uon of 4 21(+ of the i nergy Reorgamisson Act I
A contiuwm of nu uolanon by the Board in a hcenung proseedmg does not bar the bfI from Imdmg a uolanon and taking enfortement attmn where the Board's cornluuon mas not necenary to its deouon and the Swd was not emponered to take ertforrement estion for uoiauons of NRC requiremems F
% hether a harawmem inodent srmunuiet a uolauon of the requiren er' of Cnterum I of Appendia B to mamtain suffnient authonty and organitauonal freedom for quahty anurarne personnet depends on stah fators as the nature of the incident. the perens insched an the mm dent. and the atoons of managernent and superuwry perumnel m revonse to the irnidem 39 L
a DIG ESTS 1%51 %%Cf 5 OF DIR E ClOR5' DE Cl% IONS G
%ntieons for s udat ons of N RC regiairernents are riot autt matw bisi their thoice reus orth the sound dwrcimen of the Commiwon based on consideraison of sush factors as the ugnfi-tanse of the underl>ing sudations and the esTettiseness of the sanstion in securing lastmp sacres-inc avtton il Ihe legniaine history of 9 210 of the i nergs Reoiganstation Act proudes rio murivt for the I wenwei suggestion that the Commauon laths authorii) to ernpose stui penalues tur uvia-Leons of NRC regulations retatcJ to emplo)ee protettum againsi discriminatum Caul penaliies f*w sah uotathwis, as ecll as for other notations of SRC rei.uirements, are approrrute if a ciut penali) rnes Ivwusely allett the conduit of the licensec or other umitarly utuated perums and are not gross!) dtspror% risonaic in the grasst) of the ollense i
The Direstor aill run insiiiute enforcement proseedings in responw to a 4 2 200 peuin n where the peinen mere!) seeks to rehtigate matters that were property tiefere the L Kenwns Board in the lesenwng pimeeding j
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2 DIG ESTS iwt' Avis OF Disisis or re Isilow FOR at i Fu ni%
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l DPRM e51 St (LI AR R % Di s ilON ( ONsL LI ANIS. t hs kei No PRM.1$-5 B) PRODL CT kt 4 T E R14L 5 HL'll M ul%. f ebruary 12.
1985. DI Nin of PI TillON FOR i
Rt i E M ul%u l
The C orimmion demes a petit 4on for rulemaking whn h requesied that the Commswon l
amend its regulanons gesermns the medwal uws of bypontuit maternal in germit any health pro-rew"P
- e arrnTnrte 4 "mg a :d e tre ente ? t ett. tin.1 !.6 cnw to uw a reuC mcd. set dc agnos:= dewe suntainmg the rad.oesisse iudore OJ-l)L lhe peintum is denied becauw only l
rb)sKlans thend by a \\laie lo pradKe rnediane hJse the cornpetens'e to daagnew d4waws and i
initi.iie th(rar)
DPRM 85-2 N All R AL RI Sol R( 15 DE I E NSI Coli h('ll, INC. Dos k et No PR M -24 7
% ASTI Ol5PO4 Al Rl 1i M ul%. W rs h 29 1985, DtSt4L t ti Pl il TION IOR Rt Li M ul%
A T bc Nus k4r Regalator) C ommmmn (NRO n denymg a peuhon foe eulemakmg submis-icd by the Nat ural Reseurses Defc nse ( ounui, Irw Ihe Pctshoncts requested th4i the ( ommis-won adept interim reluidhons for sha: low land disposal of los lesel radioatine assic T he rets-tien a bemg demed on the grounds ttat the promulgation of the final rule treatmg 10 C l R
Part el deni.ited "Lnenurg Rewu4remenis for L and Onpoul of 6:4 Ao.i in e w ve 8 proudes a
the means td ensurms mnwstent and safe pracines for near surf ace dnposal of radioattise maste iha the wsen mues ediwJ in the pennon were ernompaswd in the Pari est requirements i
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4it i me Pilots Au n truernational s C AH,458 f 2d 846 t D C. Car 1972), tert denied. 420 U 5 f
9'? t 19'4 e Commswon ON:pimn in hit ched seness of shulJoan order tonioning resoluuon of (orwernt C LI 8 4-9. 21 NRC 18 24. ll51 (1%5 4 414Nmd Power Co slowph Al i erles Nudear PLni. L' mis I and 21. AL A8-152. 7 AI C 210. 211 16 3
t iC4 9 res J on other gmunds, t Li '4-12. 7 Alt 20) t 19 74) appi.sahd.ip of 6clleicial etioppel to N RC proscedings 1 HP-85.II. 21 NRC 620 (1985 s I
a LNm4 Co eJm ph 4f F artes Nuslear Plam. t nr.s I and 2p. AL Ah lf? 7 At C 210 212-16. reme nJed n other grounds. L L i *4-12. 7 Al C 203 t 19'4!
wandarJ for appi.s mg (ohateral cuoppel to present litigaison of a wnientwn. L BP-85-4, 21 N RC 4o4 n ? d 1914 5 AlaNm4 Peecr Co fleeph \\1 l arley N us w4r Pum t nits I and 2 >. Al. Al 182. 7 AI C 210. 21b 17 119'4; j
senJerat oe of merus of a somennon m dcierm nmg us adstumbility. AL Alt $ tits 21 NRC 119) i n b inn 4 l
414Nm4 Power Co flosern 41 I aric, N aocar Plani. I nits I and 21. CL 1-74-12. 7 Al C 20) I1974) i cause for rei nporn of an mue. LI4P4%I1. 21 NRC el9 (1%5 6 Lea 4s hun $hd I 2J 405 ID C (ir t. saiaicJ m part on other grounds sub nom % cuetn OJ and G4s Au n s Alan 4, 419 L ' S 022 819'k s McJ for inerse sucnsion pendmg ensironmental reuem of resiast of riuslear power plant.
CLI 4 5-10 21 NRC 154 n 4 (1945)
Alew s Reuoata hauan ins. 4 41 L. 5 So4. 5 22, 68 [ t J 2J 4d2 (1981) poiss repra.rg leder4; pretr roon of State law. I HP-85-12 21 NRC 062 (1985:
Arsh wn s luow n & Rooi. Ins.12-l R g.9 iJune 10.1916)# Ilikng of nonsonformanse report is rrmededr. sessicJ and remanded sub r om Brown & Root, ins-5 Dorosan. 747 l' 2d 1029 85th
( if 144s sov of cr pios ee astn u+es protes ted fn,m d'unmination and reiah4 hon. DDM9. 21 N RC
. 44 n 3 (199 51 Atlanta RewarJ Corp. CLI ha 7.11 N RC 41),421 (1930s proprecis of imp < wing smf pen 41oes for siol.uons of emplovec disnminaoon regula'icns.
DDC-9 21 NRC I??) n 9 (19 hip Auwns l ofiverJen. 675 l 2d it 4. I BO lash (ir 1982)
H WJ au noni, io impose time mr.urama on e sammanon and 6rowetamin4 tion of witnewes.
1 i BP&l4 21 NRC 123ti il%'s j
Balomore f leura and Gas Co s Natural Rev urses Defense Counut,10) $ Ci 2246119816 i
litigabda, of T4 tic 5-3 s. lues m indmdual bieners prmeedmps L BP 85-5. 21 NRC 429 (1985)
Bel.ein s N R C. '25 l 2d !)kd.1392.13 81 # D C Ca 1911s determirms what hearirg rights accrue och biense emendments (ll 8510 21 NRC 1541.1942 alh5a board of Regena s R ot h 4on i % 9t,4. 5') i 19'? p ursumu4 ries adestieg an endni.tae s i:rwrit tr:ercu. (ll 83 2. 21 NRC 31611985 Hoard of Regems s Roth. 40a t S **4. 377 419726 Jes npur n of an inJisiJsial s property mierest for pu piisc < f deterrn.
g entitlemerti lo a r
beanng. ( Li h02. 21 NRC 317 e 1924
A 7%,Q l
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d 1
CAN N Bewon Idmm Co. (Pilgnm hicar Genersong statum, l'mi 26 At 48 4'9. 7 NRC 174 419'8 cure for Jernienoes m F sn411nuronmemal Statements, t BP 85-),21 NRC 252 (19851 BPI L AIC, M2 0 2J 424 (D C. Car 19746 requirements for admiswon of wmenteons. AL AR 804. 21 NRC $9tl $98 n 3119851 Broen & Rooi, Inc s. Donosan,747 f 2J 102915th Cir.1984:
appenautm of employee protection rtiles in NRC proceed.ngs. DD 809,21 NRC I?o2119858 interpretaiwn of proicocJ a.uunes for quahes entrol mspeoors. DD 85-9,21 NRC l'65 t1984 6 Cafetend and Restauram workers l'rnon s %f tror. 467 t! 5 8fie a twell empneyment actwns not afTectmg an maisntuus property mieress. CLI 85 2,21 NRC 317 Il985s Casers s. L ocs 1 land R R,4N F Supp 1359 t5 D N Y.l. afrJ sub nom Harra
- I ong Island R R.
$ 7312J IN! t197?)
empte mem scimns not afledies an inJmJual's litseriy imcrest. Cll 8b2,21 NRC 316 t 19846
( msmn4u Gas and Ilects Co. t% siham H /immer Nusicar Power Suuont, AL AB 305,3 NMC 8,9 (19'68 t'6 t of emersenors to aJtudaamn resot6.tson of enurimmental or safei3 queus.ns Al ABM99, h
21 NRC 382 n 9? 419841 Centmnau Gas and ileone Co (% > tham H /immer Nuclear Power 5 anon, t'mt O. AL AB 727, I t NRC *rA '% 71 t l*8 D l.mitanon on nummer of bus runs required to esas'uate ishookhildren dunng radiologwal emergerry. LBP 8512. 21 NRC 873 (19858 Cmonnai. Gas and I 6eurs Co t% disam H limener Suskar Power Stanon t mt D. AL AB 727.17 NH C '60. 772-7) 4198) milknynen of volumeers to perform their Junes in an emergency; L BP 8514. 21 NRC I)0n.
1325 (19s56 C4rkmnati Gas arid s lettrs Co (% siham H /4mmer Nuticar Power 5tauon, Umi II, Cl182 ?O.16 NRC 109 41952). reumwderaium demed, CLI 83-4.17 NRC 75 (l9ftD l
fattws sonwdercJ tw Lnenwng SocJ en Jeudmg whether lo trm he ns sua sponse reuew auttsorm,ItiP 8511. 21 NRC 519 eigns) 1 City of Rosheuer s (! $ Pount $ctsne,541 f 2J 467,972 (2d Car 19768 l
need to wnuder broader empinsuces of endiudual defstersies.1 BP 85 6. 21 N RC 460 41985 D j
Cleveland liconc 1;lummaims Co (Perry hicar Pomer Plent L mis I and 21. AL AGM)6 18NRC 1
165Il94D i
appeals tru n orders Jaiws e.g of some of an miertends contenteons, 4L AB 807,21 NRC 1898 n J(18446 Clesci.M [iectr< liturmnsung Cr. 8 Perry hicar Pomer Plam. L'mts I and 26 At AB 405,21 NRC 596,601 tl%:)
Predauon of Commawon Imarmul an warke to imersenors to pay for espert witnesws.
j AL AB 80,2l NRC 1232 n 92 419R51 l
l Cleveland llearm Illumm4ues Co (Perry Nusicar Pomer Plam, t'mts I arkt 21, L BP 8124.14 NRC I'$, lP2 (1961) t suppnns euderse nesewary when simiernor is mihally filed, LBP 5081,21 NRC el7 4l'885)
Clesciand l'icarm illummaims Co (Perry Nuclear Panet Plam,l'mts I and 2). L BP 81-24.14 NitC l
175, 184 41981I guedehnen for determs.nns admmi%Ius of comennons. I BP 8511,21 NRC 617 Il983)
I (lesetanJ f 6e6tru lilummaung Co 1 Perry Nudear Power Plant,l! mis I and 2), L BP-51-24.14 NRC j
l'5, 199 2110 (19811 j,
aprisaism of collateral estoppel to presem smersenor who mas thH a party to construstion permit princedmg from rehugauns mue at ogwraung inenw stage I BP 85 !!,28 NBC 622 I19811 1
standard for applyms mitateral estctpel to present langanon of a comentnin. I BP 804. 21 NRC 404 n ? (199 49 l
l Cleseland liesins litummetmg Co tPerry Nuclear Power Plant, L nos I and 27. L BP 11-)$,14 NRC i
682,687-88 (1981) sonwndauon of soniennons iBP 8ble,21 NRC 1234 n }l (1995 l
2 f
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5 l
1 LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX CA%th Ctescland f lutrw tilammatmp Co IPerry Nudcar Power Plant. L nets I and 2). IBP-83-52.18 NRC 250, 258 t 198.D ugmGcant factor m determimr g timehnen of mutum to reopen a recorJ L BP 8519,21 NRC 1723 (1985 Cleseland fleuru litummatmg Co (Perry Natear Power Plam, t'mts I and 21, t BP 83 75,18 NRC 1254 (198))
factors sonudered t3 Lnenung BaarJ in Jetidmg whether to insoke its sua sponte reseem authorits.1 BP-85 8,21 NRC 519 (1985) a Cornmonme4tih t dium Co 4 Braidwood $tainon. Cmis I and 2). L BP 75-1,6 Al C 119?, 3 20041, 1203,1226-27 I19?$1
wore of wie sundhhty findmgs for purpose t4 thamms hmited mork 46,thoruautm. L BP-85-il.
21 NRC 62122 (19856 Comrmmmeann t den Co (B>ron Nudcar Power Stanon, t nets I and 21, AL AB 7?0.19 NRC 1103, 1164-69 (19841 tause for hari Jeferral of determm4 hon on appiwauon for permanent onute storage of rmil taihriss. L BP 85 3. 21 NRC 2M) 11985)
Common *calth tdien Co (B) ton Nalcar Power Stauun, l'mts I and 2), AL AB 770.19 NRC 1163.
s 1169 419846 findmg required foe demal of a Isenic, AL AB-799. 21 NRC 374 n 36 (1985)
Common =carth f.Jison Co tByron Nalear Power Statkm. t! nets I and 2L AL AB-793,20 NRC 1591, 1619 n133tIW4>
treatment of madequately supported tirotf AL 4B 799,21 NRC 381 n 88 (19851 Commonmealth I Jewn Co iByron Nate4r Po er Station. L' mis I and 2#, LBP 80-30,12 NRC 683, 68' t 19 sol medes for prc.idiria suff a.cnt basis for mnienison at pleading stage. t BP'85-20. 21 NRC 1740 i
tl*$5) purpsw (4 spet.fkns requirement for contennons. LBP $5 2tl,21 NilC I?42 (1985B j
krmon=caitri t Jiwn Co tihton Natcar Paer Stanon. L' mis 8.nd 21 LitP-80 30,12 NRL t-81, 688 (19#0*
eted for evidence st.ptwrims haws of contemum at Pleading stage, L BP-85-20. ?! NRC I?40 (1985p Comm..mee4:ih EJnon Co 8 Byron Ninlear Power $istum, t' mis I and 2L L BP 84 2,19 NRC 36.
42-44, 213-18 18924:
wrmdersonri of appmam's management pratines at armtber Isuhty,1 BP 81 il. Il NRC 634 419846 Commun.e.nh iJ.wm Co (Dresden Nascar Power hatum los Nusicar Planti. DD-83-8,17 NRC
!183,118541983) twues affectmg safe mnwruction r'f a faul.ty. DD 85 7. 21 NRC 1549 (19851 Commoneesith idiwn Co f14%eue (cumy 5tahon, Unns i anJ 2), DD-84-6,19 NRC 891,895 96 (1944:
generat Jmosery c4 Jotumemeium in pimeswon of inensees, DD 85-2,2i NRC 272 n 1 (1985s Commer'meshh [Jewm Co f/ son Staini, Cmis i and 2), Al AB ll6. 6 AIC 258,259 (19?)I tNrJen for erroneous mierimuiory ruhnss. At 4B-805,28 SRC 6nti a li i19856 i
Commoescalth ! Jiwn Co (Ison Sisimn, times i and 21. Al AB 196,7 Alt 457. 469 (19?41 mcens for sculmy propr.etary mformatwin J.sputes, AL AIL 407,21 NRC 1214 n 109 (198i6 Cornmon=catih Idiwn ( o f /mn kanon, l'nns I and 21, AL AB 226, 8 Af C 381,189 (19749 right of mtersenor to make its case solein through trossinaminatwm,1BP-81-20,21 NRC 1745 t19858 Connettxus Mutuiiife insurante Co. v. ShietJs.18 f R D 448 (5 D N Y 1955) festors mnudercJ m Jciermamns appuiahhty of prmlege to m4dscriemly JewloscJ Josumenis.
LitP 84-1,21 NRC 18 (1985 6
Conweidated Iden Co of New i urs ilndian Pmm Sianon. L'mt 21, AL A8-199,3 NRC llM, lih?
i t19??)
I st4nJ4rd for arpiring tullateral estoppel to present 14tigation of a matemum. L llP Si 4. 23 S RC 404 n 711985#
l t
4I t
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LEG AL CITATIONS INDEX CANIN ConwhdaicJ t diwn Co. of Nem )ork (In&an Pomt Omt 21. AL AB-399. 5 NRC ll46,1870 t19T7) lederal ricempuen of State and Coum, laws prohibams unship from peitormme emergens>
rewonw acinines L BP 8bl2,21 NRC 897 (1985 Conwhdated iden Co. of New iork tin &an Pmnt, l'na 2), L BP 8348,18 NhC Sil,958 (1983t millmsness of solunteers to twrform their duises in an eme*3enty.1 BP 8bl4,21 N RC 1306, 1325 t19356 ConwhJaied L.diwn C# of Nem iork tin &an Pomt, L'mt 2), t BP-8348.18 NRC til,101te (1981t need for dentife anon of motwhty-tmpaired perwns requiring esasusuon auntance during r4&ok'sical emergeno, ! BP 8b12,21 NRC 848 (1985)
Conwhdened i Awn Co. of Nem )ork (Insan Point. L' mis I,2 and 31, AL AB 314. 3 NRC 188, IH 90 e 14'ei rewluuon of safety or enuronnwntal awes that are not the subjest o(somenouns. AL 48 799, 21 NRC 383 n 100 (19857 Consoi+Jaled I& son Co. of New )ork (Indian Po nt, Unas I,2 and Ji, CLI-75 8,2 NRs' 173,177 ft975p uw of 10 C f R 2 200 praed.nen as schwie for reumuderanon. CLI-804. Il NRC $63 (1985p ConwhdeicJ !&wn Co od New )ork (in&an Peint Omis I,2, and 3), CLl 75-8,2 NRC 173,177 (19't) hl EaNht) of mues under 2 20e> petosorn that may be raned m a renang cressung hsenw procee&ns, DD-851,21 NRC 265-66 (19851, DD-809,21 NRC 1762 n i i19851 Conwhdated I&wn Co of Nem )ork (In&an Pomt. L'mts 2 and 31, LBP 8348.18 NRC 811 (1988) nced for be kup for wren alerung *ntem to functum in 15 mmuies. L BP 8bl2. 28 NRC 759 (1985)
CorMJated lawn Co s Dorknan 6') F 2d 6l (2d Cir 19821 swpe of emrtotee asuunes protested from *wrmunanon and retahatmn. DD 83-9. 21 NRC l'64 n 3189851 Consurrers Power Co 4 B g Risk Poim Plano, Al AB 795,21 NRC 1 (1985l Arnal Board poho on reuem of unappealed scuens AL AB 79ts 21 NRC 5 (19 59 (onwmers Power Co (Big Roth Poim hano. LBP $2-e0,16 NRC 440. 344 (1982) dmemmanon of guntante on ra&sinon effeos from nutlear power punt accatent. L BP-8bl2,21 NRC 7e9 (1984)
Consumers Power Co 4 M4tand Plani. I mts I and 27, AL AB-loo,6 Al C 182,184 I!9731 effect of twenwe's task of sandar, CLI 8b9,21 NRC lIto (1985)
Conwmers Power Co IM.dtand Puni, L mis I and 2i, AL AB 270. I NRC 473,4?5 (l9757 treatmem of medequately supponed bnefs, AL AIL 799. 21 NRC 341 n 8811955), AL AB #02,21 NRC 496 n 30 (1985}
Consmers Power Co IMa11and Plam, Onns I and 21, ALAB 283. 2 NRC t1,1718 81975). sur feed, AL AB-315,3 NRC 101119'01 applNakhip of ha kfd sinena to conwintancJ opersimg inenw/ enforcement pro 6ce&ng.
LBP 85 2,21 NRC 45 n 10 (1985)
Corwmeri Power Co 4 Matland Plant. L nos I and 26. Al AB-283,2 NRC 11,20 t19756 recantt of an appfwant's reme&al measures to theretter and comfteente determinanons, Al AB 799. 21 NRC 374 (1985)
Consumers Power Co (Midland Punt. Uma I ard 21, AL AB-674,15 NRC llJI, l102-03 e1982t esort of Latensmg ikwrd authonty to impose sansuuns, DD 8b9,21 NRC 1769 (19851 Cornumers Power Co (Midland ham, Omts I and 2), AL AB 691,16 NRC 597,916 A n 26 (19821 standard for Judgms an attorney's tondud m NRC proceedmgs. LBP-8bl9. 21 NRC 1717 n 7 119851 Consumers Power Co (Midland Plam. Unas I and 21, CLl 73 38,6 At C 1082,1083 41973) r'8ht of hcenwe to heanng on enfortement attien. Cll 84-9,21 NRC 1123 (1984:
Consumers Power Co (Midland ham, L nas i and 2), Cll 74-5,1 AlC 19. 32 (19?48 mterpretanon of the term enma facre" showing, i BP 85 5,21 NRC 44) n 16 419#11 Consumers Power Co (Midland Plant, Onos 6 and Ji, & BP 75-39,2 NRC 29.113119751 Board autheru) to impow ume constraints on eseminanon and crowesammanon of mitnewes.
L BP 3514,21 NRC 1235 (19896 el
I t
f Consumers Power Co tP4hwJes %1ce Power I aubtil, AL AB4'0.15 NRC 493. Stl6 (1982b (con 6urnns opinion of Mr Rowmhall, swated as moot. CLl-8218,16 NRC $t)(19828 protecuen of an mdmdual's ecenoms mierests under the Atomw 1 nergy Act. (11-85 2,21 NRC 316 (1985:
Comrol D4u Corp s IBM Corp.,16 Fed R 5ers 2d 1233 (D Mmn 1972) factors conudered in determmms applubtht) of prmlege to madscriemly dmiowd documents.
L BP 85-1,21 NRC 18 (1985 6 Damiand Power Cooperaine iLa Crosse Boihng w ier R-castod. LBP-83-23.17 NRC 655, affJ isua a
spont:1, AL AB 733,18 NRC 4 (19836 new meihedology for determming rescenic spettra, L BP-85 2. 21 NRC 50 n il i19856 Deuc4: Ednon Co ti f erme Atems Poser Plant, Umt 2), AL AB 'O' 16 NRC !?60. !?6?
419821 me ght gisen to 146ters tut and in) of 10 C f R. 2 714taill), LBP-85 il,21 NRC 629 (19851 Detroit Edsm Co tinrwo f crm Atomic Power Plant, Unni 21. ALAB-730,17 NRC 1057,1066 (1933#
degree of comrietwn reqmred of emergency plans prwr to close of heannss. LBP-8514,21 NRC 1230 n 26 r1985 need for I.ut shout omncts or mumop4 hues to adopt emergency plans before sounts adores in plans. LBP-8bl4. 21 NRC 13'6 (1985) prednine nature of emergency planmns findmss. I BP-8512,21 NRC 653 (1985)
Detrmt Idaen Co it nrso Ierma Atomic Pemer Plant, Umt 2), AL AB 730.17 NBC 1057,1067 tie 836 shcoms necesury for grant of sta, moren. AL AB-808. 21 NRC 1601 (1985)
Deirut i Jnon Co il nnso Iccm Atomw Power Plant, Umt 26, l BP 79-1,9 NRC 73. 81419798 etYe6tneness of esacu4uon rouies ohnti minally irasel toward a plant. L BP-85-8. 21 NRC $22 41985 Devmt IJmn Co 4Greenmaniinergs Center. Umts 2 and 3D, AL AB-4'6,7 NRC 759. 44 t19781 salm of hicnufn4non of mienenor s oitnewes to Board determmanon of intenenor's contribunon to a sound record. LFP 85 20,21 NRC 1745 n 5 (1985)
Detroit Idmm Co 4 Green.omt f ners, Center, Umu 2 and 3), AL AB-4'6,7 NRC 759,7tA62 419's:
reawn for conuderms dela) factor m determming admiwbihty of late-filed contentwrn.
L BP-8bil,21 NRC e30 (19 5>
Duke Pe er Co ECaumba Natear Sianon. L mis I and 2), AL AB 150. 6 AlC $11. 812 (19?))
sapporimg eudente nescuary ehen contenuon is imusily filed. LBP 8btl. 21 NRC 617 (19858 Poact Co ( Ni,dur Suinm. L runs I and 21, AL AB-355, 4 NRC 347, due n 26 419763
obhgelen of apptwanta ao irform Boards of signifwant nem inform 4uon, LitP-85-6,21 NBC 461 gl0446 Duke Power Co 4Catamba %1 car Statnin. Units I arid 2}, AL AB-355,4 NRC 397,411 12 (197 6 6
admiwbim of hearu, enderwe 4L 48 802,21 NRC $0! n 67 (1985)
Duke Power Co (Cau+ba Nudcar Stanon, L nin I and 2), AL AB-359,4 NRC 619. 620 (19'6B burden on reoponent of monon to reopen a record. L BP-8bl9. 21 NRC 1720 (1985)
Duke Poect Co Kausba hicar Sunon. Omu I and 2). AL AB487,16 NRC 460,464 (1982l, res'd m part em other grounds CLI 8319,17 NRC 1041 (1983) importarwe of delay cauwd by further staff reuces of safety issues, L BP 85-3. 21 NRC 257 n 19 419456 Duke Poect i o (Calamba hicar Sunon, Units I and 21 AL AB-687.16 NRC 460. 466 (1982) condata nel admisuon of mntenuons. AL AB-806,21 NRC !!88 n 17 t 1985p Duke Poect Co 4Causha Sudear 5taimn, Omss I and 2,, AL AB487.16 NRC 460,46647 (1982) sharastertianon of adrmwon of amended contenuon. LllP 8520,21 NRC 17)? 38 41985:
Dec Poect Co 6Catamba Nudear Sia; on. Units ! and 21. AL AB 687,16 NRC 460. 46748 (1982) cond.tamal admewon of broad contentwms. L BP 85-il 21 NRC 635 41985)
DAc Power Co tCataetw hicar Sunon, l mts I and 2), Al AB 768,19 NRC 988. 942 (1984 burden fut erroneous mterhutory ruhnss AL AB 805. 21 NRC wo n 15 (1985) 41 i
I 1
l I
I LFGAl. CITATIONS INDEX C Ahl h Duke Pemer Co (CatamN Nudcar Stanon. Umts I and 2). AL AB 794,20 NRC 1630,1612 33 (1914 shommg necessary tn mosant for sta. of agerwy action. A1. AB-810,21 NRC 1o19 n 7 (19855 Duke Pomer Co (C4tamba Nudcar Stanon Umts I and 2) CLt.8319,17 NRC 104) Il9831 factors Nlarwed for 4dmmon of late-fded comennons. L BP-8b9. 21 NRC 526 (1985)
Duke Pomer Co dCatamN Nuclear 5tauon, Umts 1 and 2p, CLi-8319.17 NRC 1041,104L47 t 19836 fatters gotermng admisuon of lee filed comemions Nsed on preuoush unas aitahie dosuments AL 48-806. 21 NRC lif 8 n.17 (l'851. LBP 85 5,21 NRC 413 (1985)
Duke Power Cc (Catamba Nuclear Stauen, Umis I and 21. CLl-8319.17 NRC Id41,1048 (19831 obhgauons of persons secamg to penwipale in NRC proceedmss. AL AB-807. 21 NRC 1212 n 93 (1985s Duke Power Co (Catamtw Nuclear 5'aaon. Units I and 2), L BP 84 24.19 NRC 1448.1428 4198t4k Board authonty to impose urne wrntraints on esammanon and t'rowetammatam of mitnesses.
L BP-85-14. 21 NRC 1236 n 35 (1985)
Duke Poner Co (Cherokee Nuclear Stauon, Un is I,2. and 3), AL AB-440. 6 NRC t>42,645 t1917) clTect of an mtersenor's eithdramat or 1 usanon of hw contenuow AL AB 799. ?! NRC 383 n 103 (1985)
Duke Power Co (Cherokee Nustear Stanot Un is I. 2, and 3), AL AB-4?8,7 NRC 772. 77) (1978) effed of uut tsi danmmenon againe employe on pumiImensabibry, DD-8%9,21 NRC !?69 n 8 (1985)
Duke Power Co (Cherokee Nuclear $ahon Uruis 1. 2, and 3), ALAB-482. 7 NRC 979,981 n 4 t19'si stare decius effen of Lwenwns Swa &cnons that are not appealed. AL AB 795,21 NRC 2 n 5 t1985)
Dae Power Co 4% dhm B M4uire N Ales hanon, Umts I and 2), AL AB 143,6 AlC 623 625-26 (1973) effen on cNracisr descrmmanon of twensee s (4 dure to notify Board of symfwant tomractor report; L BP-8% A 9. 21 NRC 1715 (198 5) obhganon of apptcar:ts to inform Bo iJs of signifwant new iriforrnation. L bP-85-6,21 N RC 4/4-61 (1985) reporta%ty of enginemc8 dewgn deficiencies, L BP-806, 21 NRC 452 (1985)
Duae Power Ce twitNm B Miuire Nudear hanon. Umts I and 21. AL AB-669.15 NRC 453,477 (Ifr8 2) adm%bhty of hearsal eudente. AL AB-802,21 NRC 501 n 67 (1985) esdumon of euderne for la.k of espen spamsor. AL Alt 808,21 NRC lh02 09851 Duke Power Co v. Carolma inuronmental hudy Group. 438 0 5 59 119786 li4Nbt) of nmicar power pt4ms for damages from amdems. I BP-8 5-4. 21 N RC 402 41965)
Dunn Cherrnal Co. s. 5)bron Corp,1975 2 Trade Cas dCCiti 160.561 ai 67.463 (5 D N L 1975s fasMrs consdered m determemns applwabihty of enulege to madscrtently dmlosed da oments.
LBP-8;-l. 21 NRC 18 41985)
Duplan Corp
- Deerins Mahken. Irw. 397 F Supp 1146 4D C 5 C 19'4e maner of attorney-thent or work p% duct pmdese through ;naJtertem dmlosure of datuments.
LBP 85-1. 21 NRC 16 n 7 (1985)
Enuronmemal Defense f und. Inc s Andrut 619 F 2d 1368 !)7' i9th Car 1982p need for suppsemen al enurunmental impaa statemens for low-ps.mer operauon mixte esemual full-power operauon es in doubt, CLI 4512. 21 NRC 1593 (1985)
Lams 5. & Casselberry, Inc.,339 U 5 594. $99 0950s right of hrenwe to heanns on enfmemem acuen, CLI-75 9,21 NRC !!23 (1985) f shay v Mallonce,332 U 5 245,253 (1947) ngN of twenwe to heanns on enforcement acton, ClI-85 9,21 NRC l123 (1985) f eJehty Federal Sasmgs and Loan Awuanon $ de la C ucua. 448 U 5 141, 73 L f J. 2d 664 (19821 orcumstarwes apprornate for federal precrrpt on of State lam. L BP-8012. 21 NRC 901 (1995) fionda time and Aso6 ado Growers. Ins s Paul. 373 U $ 132.142 43.10 L Ed 2J 248 4190) ortumstantes appropnate for federal preernpuen of State law, LBP-8512,21 NRC 901 (1985) 44
I l
i a
LEGAL CIIATIONS INDEX Casts Donda Po cr and Light Co (St Looe Nuclear Power Plant, L'mt 2). Al AB-404. 5 NRC 1185, litfi (1977 conuderauon of economw harm to an appiwant if sia) of its lwerne is granted. Al. AB-808, 21 SRC IM13 (19558 Donda Po er and Light Co (51 Luoc Nucicar Power Plant, Umt 2), AL Ah-579, il SRC 223,22e (19806 nesus between mouens to reopen as t' asis for Appeal Board's jurndicuon, AL AB 797,21 NRC 8 41985)
Dorida Power and Light Co. (St. Luoc Salcar Power Plant. Uma 2). CL1-80-41,12 SRC 650 (19sm Commiwon authonty to hft stay and deade need for heanng. CLi-8b7,21 SRC 1106 n 2 (19856 Dunda Power and Lighi Co (St Lwie Swicar Power Plam. Uma 26. LBP-81-58.14 NRC l'67 I118-89 (1981) standard for appl >mg milateral estoppet to present hugation of a wntenuon, L BP 85-4,21 SRC 404 n 7 (1985)
Dorida Power and light Co (Turkey Point Nuclear Generatmg Station. Umts 3 and 41 AL AB 660, 14 SRC 987,1014 (1981) cure for deficencies m fmal Ermronmental 5tatements. LBP 85 3,21 SRC 252,256 (1985)
Garaa v San Antonw \\tmorchtan Tranut Authonry. 53 U 5 L W. 41M (U $ f ebruary 19,1989 transfer of authonty from a smernment to a pnsate enut) LBP-85-12,21 NRC 909 n 14 (191656 General Pubhc Uuhues Nuclear Corp. (Three Mile bland Nuclear 5tauon, Umis I and 2. Oyster C reek Suclear Generaung Stauont, DD-851,21 NRC 263,265 t1965), affd, CLI 85 4,21 SRC 5et (19656 hitgabihty of issues under 2.206 peutmns that nuy be raised in a pendmg operaung twense proteeding. DD-85 9,21 NRC 1762 n I (1985)
Georgia Pomer Co ( Ahm %. \\ostle Nuclear Plant, Umis I and 2), AL AB-291,2 SRC 404,40812 419'5s oN.gc.rm of appbcam. m mf"'" Bm'* of *taifk spt new mfarmem. L PP 8 be, 21 N R C 4Al iKs5) reportabiht) of crigmeerms design defbencies. L BP-85-6,21 SRC 452 (1985)
Gwdian Federal Snmss and Loan Awmanon t i5LIC,589 F 2d 658,664 (D C Cir 1978) et+gauon of adjudr(atne boards to apph poiwy statements to their determmatwns, LBP-8515.
21 SRC 150018915)
Gulf States L ubucs Co. tRner Bend Stanon. Units I and 2. AL AB-444,6 SRC 760,796 (1977) good cause for abomir.g an mierserner tra adopt a departmg intersenor's contenuons, AL AB '99 21 SRC 384 n 108 (19851 times s. Deidomitz. 312 U 5 52. 67. 85 L. Ed 581 (194D esisterne of conllwt between 5. ate and federal laws as ground for preempuon. L BP-8b 12,21 SRC 901 t 1985 6 ilouston Lighung and Power Co. ( Aliem Creek Nalear Generaung Station. Umt I t, AL AB-590,11 NRC 542,547-49 (1980s conuderanon of ments of a convenuon in determming sts adrmwtuht); AL AB-8ub,21 SRC i193 n 39 (1985) flouuon Leghtmg arxl Po cr Co ( Allens Crech Nudear Generaung Stanon. Umt 1), AL AB 590.11 NRC 542. 548-49 (1960t rneans for proudans suffiuem baws for contention ai pleadmg stage; LBP-85-20,21 SRC 1740 4 l')$ 5) surportmg esnience necessary ahen conteren is imtially filed, LBP 85-II,28 SRC 617 (19856 llouuon Lightmg and Power Co ( Allem Creek Nulcar Generaung Station. Urut 1). AL AB 671,15 SRC 508,513 n 13 (1982) rneans of protecung an mtersenor's interests other than through hugation of comenta,ns, LBP-85-9,21 NRC 528 (1985) flouston L;ghung and Power Co. (South Tetas Project, Umts I and 2), AL AB 799,21 NRC 360,384 n.108 (1985) adequacy of NRC 5:4ffs paniupanon m hcenung proceedmg as means to protect praete penis mierestt ALAB-806. 21
- RC 1191 n 27 (1985) 45 J
LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX CANLN Houston Lightmg and Pouer Co. Nuth Temas Projeti. Umts I and 2r, CLi 7713,5 SRC 130).1321 t 197h hugabihty of antitrust issues at the operstmg hsense stage; LBP-85 4,21 NRC 404 t1985) llouston Lighting and Power Co (South Tesas Project, Um s I and 21, CL1-82 9,15 SRC 1363,1367 (l%2) kws of judge's empenence as ground for dismmal of dnquahficairon monon; CLl-85 5,21 NRC So8, 571 (19858 Ilouston Lighimg and Power Co Nuth Teus Protect, l' nits 1 and 23, LBP 79 27,10 NRC $63, Soo (19'9). affd, AL AB-575.11 N RC 14 f 1980) cntena for determmmg collateral estoppel effed of hiensmg deawon on enforcement aamn, DD-85 9,21 NRC 1768 (1985) requirements for applymg conateral estoppel, L BP-85 il,21 NRC 620 (1985) flouston Lightmg and Power Co. (South lesas Project. Umts I and 2), LBP 79 27,10 SRC 563,572 41979), atTd. AL AB-575, ll NRC 14 (19806 stan<tard for applymg collateral estoppel to present huganon of a comentien, LBP-85-4,21 NRC 404 n.7 t 1985 p flouston L;ghtms and Power Co Nuih Teus Project. Umts I and 2), L BP-8154.14 SRC 918, 922-23 & n 4 (198D msoeanon ofIicensms Board's sua sponte powers. AL AB 799,21 NRC 385 n 111 (1985)
Houston Lighung and Power Co Nuth Teus Project. Umis I and 2p. LBP 84-13.19 NRC 659 (1984) defimuon of htenwe " character
- or "mtegnty"; CLI-85-9. 21 NRC 1136 (19851 KC s Oregon Paafic Indusines. 420 t's 121,127 (19756 (Pomell 3, concurrmgl Commisuon obhgauon to hft effecneness of shutdown orJer follommg resolution of concerns.
CLi-85 9. 21 NRC 1151 (1985)
Johnwn s Unnerwis of Piusburgh. 435 I sure 1328 (% D Pa 19?')
eraptq ment acuees not affectmg at: mdmdaal's hberty smerest, CL1-85-2,21 NRC 316 (1985)
Jories v. Rath Packmg Co 430 U.S. $19,525. 51 L. Id 2d 6M (1977f arturnwances apprornate for federal preemphon of State law. L BP-85-12, 21 NRC 901,902 (19856 Jones v. Rath P4(kmg Co,430 0 5. 519. 525 26. 51 L Ld 2d 604 (1977; eanterke of confhet rictmeen State and federallaws as ground for preemptmn. LBP-85-12,21 SRC 901 (1985)
Kartsas Gas and Liectric Co t%'off Creek Generatmg Stanon. Unit 1), ALAB 462,7 NRC 320. 338 (19786 burden on proponent of monon to reopen a record. LBP-85-19,21 NRC 1720 (19856 Kansas Gas and Liettrw Co twolf Creek Generatmg Stalmn, Umt 1), AL AB-477,7 NRC 766. 768 (1978:
rnaners legmmately raned in petinon for reconuoeranon. CLI-85 7. 21 NRC 1809 (19451 Kansas Gas and Electrw Co. (Woff Creek Generatmg Stauon, Umt 1), LBP-84-26,20 SRC 53 (19841 need for documentauon of tmkup procedures m case of siren failure, LBP-8512,21 SRC 759 81985)
Kansas Gas and Electnc Co. (wolf Creek Generaung Stanon, Umt !), LBP-84-26,20 SRC 53,71 (1984 need for letters of aercement mich recepuon centers for snetul facshi es. LBP 8%I2. 21 N RC 838 (1985)
Kleppe v. Sierra Club. 427 U 5 390,409-10 (1976) need to consider broader impbcanons ofindmdual defico$cs, L8P #5 6. 21 NRC 460 (1985)
Landers s Commonwealth LorJ Joint Venture,83 LR A 4 45cpt 9, 1983i scope of employee actnities protected from danmmauon and retah4 tron, DD-85 9,21 NRC 1764 n 3 (1985) long Island Lightmg Co. (Shoreham Nuticar Power Siauon, Un i 1), Al AB-743,18 NRC 387 399 401 (1983) salue of idenufwauon of intervenor's ennesws to Board determmanon of intervenor's contnbuuon to a sound rect;rd. L BP 85 20,21 SRC 1745 n 8,14 419851 46 1
t i
l I
l LEG AL CITATIONS INDEX CAstN Long Island Lighung Co. (5hercham Nuclear Power Stauon, Unit 1), AL AB-768. 20 NRC I102. I151
(19841 stand. erd for estabinhang due prottss siolanon by Licenung Board. AL AB-799,21 NRC 377 n 54 (1985)
Loeg Island Lightmg Co (5horeham Nuc! car Pemer Stauon, Umi 1), AL AB 788,20 NRC i102.
I176 79 (1984) penalty for partis fadure so prmeed m accordance with Berd ruhng. AL AB-507,21 NRC 1215 n 108 (1985)
Lot g hiand Lighting Co (Shercham Nuclear Power 5tatiori. Unit 11, AL AB-788,20 SRC !!02,1178 (1984l, afPg. LBP-82-107,16 NRC 1667 (1982t Board authorny to impose constramts on esanunannn and cross-csammanon of unnewes.
LDP-8514. 21 NRC 1236 n 35 (19856 Long Island Lighung Co. (5horeham Nuclear Power Stauon. Una l), CLI-84-8.19 NRC 1954 l156 n.3 (1984) arcumstarkes apprepnaic for grant of esempuon from regulanons. AL AB 809,21 NRC 1612 (1985)
Loumana Power and Light Co (%sierford Steam Liecirm Stanon, Umt 37. ALAB-732,17 NRC 1076 1087 n 12 (1983) baws for a Board's derswonranmg, AL AB-809,21 NRC 1613 n 13 (19851 Loumana Power and Light Co (% aterford Steam Ilectnc Stanon, Umt 31, AL An-732.17 NRC 10'6.
1(N6 (1983) propnety of hmitations on cross-esammanon. ALAB 799,21 NRC 377 n 67 (1985). ALAB-808, 21 %RC 1601 (1985#
standard for estabushms due process siotauon t y LKenmns Board. AL AB-799. 21 NRC 377 n 54 (1985p standard for grant of monon to reo; 1.. AL AB-807,21 NRC 1216 n 114 (19851 Loumana Power and Light Co tw aterfo d Sicam Electrw sianon. Umt 31. AL AB 732,17 NRC 10*6.
10we n 30 t19837 salue of cross-cuaminanon m deselopmeni of a full record, LBP 85-20,21 NRC 1745 (19851 Loumana Power and Light Co. (%aterford hicam Lietinc 5: anon. Umi 31. AL AB-732.17 NRC 10'6 I103-04 (1983) fmahl) required of ernergergy plans prne lo Inense aulhnnianon. AL AB 808. 21 NRC 1601 (19ti!L LBP-85-14. 21 NRC 1230 n 21 (1985)
Loumaria Pomer and Light Co. (% aterford Sicam LiectrK 5tauon. Und 3) AL AB-732,17 NRC 1076, 1103-07 (1983 e post-heanns senfWauon of emergerny planmns measures by NRC Staff. AL AB 808. 21 NRC 1600 (1985)
Loumana Power and Light Co. (Waterford Steam Liectne Stanon. Una 3p, AL AB 732,17 NRC 10'6 l10910 (1983) dannchon between character and compeierne ALAB 799. 21 NRC 375 n el (1985) i Loumana Power and Light Co (% aierford steam Liectnc 5 anon, Umt 3) AL AB 732,17 NRC 1076.
Il10-12 I1983) cause for msotation of Lwenung Board's sua sponte po=crs ALAB-799,21 NRC 385 n 11I i1985)
Louiwana Power and Lighi Co. (%sterford Steam Elettne Stanon. Unit 31. AL AB 732.17 NRC 1076, t ill.14 (1983) factors considered by L.scensmg Board in deuding whether to invoke its sua hponte restem authonry; LBP 85 8. 21 NRC $19 (19851 Loumana Power and Light Co (%aterford steam Elecinc Stanon. Urui 3f. Al AB 7$3.18 NRC 132),
1324 (1983) cnteria for reoremns a record. CLt-85 7,21 NRC 1106 (1985p, LBP 8519,21 NR(.1720 (19851 showmg necessary by mosani seekmg to reopen record. AL AB-807,21 NRC 1199 n.5 (1985)
Loumana Power and Light Cn (%sierford Sicam Elecine sianon, Umt 31. AL AB 797,21 NRC 6. 9 (19857 imponarse of Board tonuderauon of all areas of quelay assurarxe performarwe. I BP-454,21 NRC 462 (1985) 47
I LEG Al. CITATIO% INDEN Casts Loussuna Power and Light Co (% aterford 5 team Electric Station. Umi 31. CLI 85 3. 21 NRC 471, 477 (1985) conuderanon of economw harm to an apptuant if sias of its license is granted. AL AB-808. 21 NRC 160311%5>
Loumana Power and Light Co. (% anerford Sicam Liectra sianon. Unit 3). L BP 82100.16 NRC 1550.1566,15h4 (19828 esempnon from emergency plannitis requiremeriis for masimum sesurity prison, AL AB fit 19. 21 NRC 1613 n 11 (1985)
Maskomuk s. Unnerus) Nuclear S$ stems. Inc., ?)$ I.2d 1159,18624319th Cir.1984) amerrretauon of proteacd actnines foi quality sonirol m=6wims. DD 800,21 NRC 1765 (19856 Maskossak s Unnerwi) Nalcar Spiems. Inc,82 l R A-8 ( April 29.19838 remanded on other grounds. 735 I.2d !!59 49th Cir.1984) sope of employee monitics proteced from dmrimirunon and retahanon. DD-85 9. 21 NRC 1764 n 3 (19A5)
MCI Communwauons Corp s AT&T,85 F~ R D 28 (N D 111.1979). afTd. 70n F 2d 1081. I170-73 (7th Cir.1983)
BoarJ authority to impme ume constramts on eummahon and cross esammauon of mitnewes.
L BP4514,21 NRC 123s (19854 Mendenhall s Barber Greene Co. 531 F, supp 951,953 n 9. 954 (N D lil 19821 conuderanon of mtent of dacimang party m deoding applecatnisty of masser of privdese to modscrtent on6kaure. LBP 851. 21 NRC 18 (1985)
Metropuhian i den Co (Three %ie Island Nusicar sianen. Una IP AL AB-685.16 NRC 449. 452 n5t1982) mmauen of Lnenung Bmrd's wa spente powers. AL AB 799,21 NRC 3115 n.Ill (191:51 Metroponi4n Eden Co (Three Mne haand Sudcar Sianon. Unit I), AL AB 698.16 NRC 1290.
1293-99 q 1982) means for demonuraung comphance man emergeno ptennmg reamrements. LBP-8bl4. 21 NRC 1228 n 14 t1985) i Metropohun iden Co tihree Mde tsand Nuslear sianott, Umt 1) AL 48 699,16 NRC 1324 11992)
JurM6uon to tonuder motion to reopen when appeal from parual muual deuvon has been taken. LBP 85-19. 21 NRC 1713 (1985)
Metrotchun Eden Co (Three wie Islast Nmlear 5:4iion t' net 11. Al A4715.17 NRC in2 (198 36 cause for wbpoena of Si4ff wanewes not othermne uheduled to tesufy. AL AB-802,21 NRC 501 p 66 41985)
Metreprihtan f d en Co f TPree %ie bland Nustear Sianon. Un,t it. AL AB 738.18 NRC 17?,160 (1983) shomme necessary by mosam seekms to reopen record. AL AB 807,21 NRC lt99 n 5 (19856 Metrombtan Eden (o (Three Mile bland Nustear Station. Usui 11. AL AB 738.18 NRC 177,190 (1983>
Apsval Board poho on resicamg Lwen%ng Board determmanons not cursutuung final resolution. AL AB-799. 21 NRC 369 n 15 (19851 Metropohun Eden Co f Three % e bland Smicar station. Umt 1) ALAB 772.19 NRC 1893
!?O6, 1232 (19846 sLandards for deiermmmg an app (Kant's gharacter and competente. AL AB 799,21 N RC 370 n le. 374 n 38 (19856 Metropoliun idison Co (Three wie bland Natear Sianon. Umt 11. AL AB-772,19 NRC 1193, 120t-08 419846 defimuon of inensee " character" or "miegrity", CLI-85 9. 21 NRC 1136 (1985)
Metrorvhun f den Co fThree %Ie Island Nudcar Stan<m, Uma 1), AL AB-772.19 NRC 119).
1246 '7(19847, rev'd m part on other grounds. C0185-2. 28 NRC 282 (19856 responubihty for prc odeog sounsel for intersenors. AL Ab-802. 21 NRC 498 n 45 t1985l 48
I i
i LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX CAsLN Metropohian iden Co (Three Mae hiand Nuclear Sianon. Unn IL AL AB 772,19 NRC 119.
1240-48. 1273 11984),rev'd m part, on other grounds. CLt 85-2,21 NRC 2:12 (1985) pre 6lmn of Commiwon finaneul amstance to mtersenors to p43 for espert niinewes.
AL AB-807. 21 NRC 1212 nn 92,93 (19856 Metropokian Edison Co (Three Mile island Smicar Stauon. Und 11. AL AB-772.19 NRC 1193 1247-48 41984),res'd in pan on other grounds. CL I-85 2,21 NRC 282 (1985)
Boa d pariwipanon m mienenor cross-enamination. ALAB-802. 21 NRC 499 n 54 (19854 r
Metropohtan Eden Co. 4Three Mde island Nuclear Stanon. Umt 11. AL AB-774.19 NRC 1350.
1355 (19848 tretena for reepenmit a retcrd. LBP-85-19,21 NRC 1720 (1985)
Metrepohtan iden Co tThree Mac Nand Nudcar 5tanon. Una 16. ALAB 774,19 NRC 1350.
1357-60 t 19841 cbhgauen of appheants to mform Boards of significant new information. L BP-854,21 NRC 4el (1985)
Metrepolaan Ednon Co. (Three Mac bland Nudear Stauon. Omt iL AL AB 791. 20 NRC 1579 1583 (19841 forum for rewiunon of mtersenor's cornerns, other than directed certificauon, AL AB-805. 21
%RC 600 n 15 f1985}
Metropolaan Lden Co (Three Nand Nusicar 5: anon, Unit 1). CL1-82-31.16 NRC 1236,1238 11982) wore of Licenweg Board authorny to impose sancuens. DD-85 9. 21 NRC I?69 d 198 5)
Metropolaan Edison Cu IThree Mile Nand Nuclear Station. Omt 1). CL1-84-3.19 NRC 555. 562-63 i
11984) standard for wa spome reuem of admitted contennons. t BP-8 5-8. 21 NRC 519 (1985)
Metropohtan Ednon Co (Three Mde Nand Nudcar 5tanon. Una IL CLI-85-2,21 NRC 282. 285 n 3 Il985B standards for grant of motion to reopen. CLI-85-8. 21 NRC 1112 (1985s Metropoinan Eden Co (Three Mile hiand Nustear Stanon. t no II. L BP-8 8-59.14 NRC 1211.
1639,1640 (198 8 >
necewty of letters of agreement unh schools to implement protecuve measures dunns radiologwal emergerw y. L BP 8512. 21 NRC 857 (1985)
Metropohtan Eden Co (Three Mde Island Nmicar Sianon. Unn 2h ALAB-384. 5 NRC 612. 615 t19'7!
shommg necessary on other admiwon factors where sont cause is not shomn for late fihng.
LBP-8511. 21 NRC 629 (1985)
Meiropobian Eden Co (Three Mile island Nalear 5tauon. L nn 2). AL AB-486. 8 NRC 9. 22 (19'81 arptwanoa of reopenmg cniena separately to cash iswe. LBP-8519. 21 NRC 1720 (1985)
Minnesota s NRC. 602 F 2d Al2 tD C Cir.1979P otoganon of NRC adulkaine boards to arply polwy statements to their determinations.
IBP-8515. 21 NRC 1505 06 f19856 Miwwpp Power and Light Co (Grand Gulf Nuskar 5tauon. Unn 11. CLI 84-19,20 NRC 1055.
1959 n 7 t1984k crueria to be sausfied for grant of esempoons from Part 50 regulanons. AL AB-809,21 NRC 1610 (1985) a l
Mimwppe Pomer and Light Co fGrand Gulf Nuclear Stauon. Unns I and 21. AL AB 130,6 AEC 423. 426 (1973) need for endence supportm8 baus of contemion si pleading stage. LBP.85 20. 21 NRC 1740
!?41(19856 Missimp, Pomer and Light Co. (Grand Gulf Natear Stauon. Umts I and 21, AL AB-704,16 NRC 1725.1730 I!982 t standard for determmms a party's abehty to contnbute to the record. ALAB 806,21 NRC 1l91 n 29 (1985p talue of idenufwation of mienenor's unnesses to Board determmation of mtervenor's comnbunon to a sound record. LBP-85-20. 21 NRC 1745 n 8 (19851 1
49 j
i l
i i
I i
LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX CA5L5 Missnsippe Power and Light Co. (Grand Gulf Nudear Station. t'mts I and 2i. AL AB 704,16 NRC 1725. 1730 31 (1982:
weight gnen to f46 tors (n) and (n) of 10 C F R. 2 714f alfil, LDP 85 il. 21 NRC 629 81985)
Niasara Mohawk Power Corp. (Nme Mik Point Nudear 5tatmn. Umt 2),1 NRC 347,352-72 (1975p scope of cost / benefit analysis at sonuruction permit siage; LBP 85-5,21 NRC 44I (19856 Nonhern Indiana Pubbe Service Co iBadt) Generating Staten. Nuclear-ll, CLI.78 7. 7 NRC 429 (19791. affd Porter Coum) Chapter of the Izaak % alton League, Inc s NRC,60b F 2d 1363
( D C. Cir.1979 6 use of 10 C F R. 2 206 procedures as means to reopen nsues preuously adjudnated. CL I-85-4. 2 8 NRC 564 (1985)
Nonhern States Power Co (Praine Island Nudear Generatmg Plam. Umn 1 and 2L AL AB-244. 8 AIC 857,803,867-68 (1974), affd m pertinent part, CLl 751,1 NRC 1 (1975p miersenor panwipation on tementions sponwred by others. ALAB 799. 21 NRC 383 n 101 (1985)
Northwest Airtmes
- CAB. 539 F 2d 738 (D C. Cir 1976)
Commnwon obhgatwn to hft effectneness of shutdown order fo!!omms resoluuon of cornerns.
CLl-85-9,21 NRC 1124.1151 (1985)
O Bannons Town Coun Nursms Center,447 U.5 773 (1980)
I hearing rishis of mdn Juals ind retu, affetted by government actions. CLI 85-2,21 NRL 316 n.39 (1985#
Orr v. Tnnier 444 F 2d 128 (6th Car 1. cert demed 408 U 5 943 (19'11 dewneten of an indiudual s property mterest for purpose of determmmg entillement to a hearms CLI 85 2,21 NRC 317 (1945)
Paarg Gas and Liectnc Co (Diablo Canton Nudear Power Plant, Unus I and 21, AL AB-598,11 NRC 8?. 879 (1980s 6
sniena for reopenmg a record Al AB-801. 21 NRC 481 n 2 (1985L AL AB 803,21 NRC $78 n 2 (1985).CLI-85-2. 21 NRC 285 n 3 (1985L LBP 8519. 21 NRC 1720 (198l56 Paufe Gas and flestra Co (Diablo Canyon Nutkar Power Plant. Umts I and 2i, AL AH-644.13 NRC 903,923 (1981i Board findmgs contrary io those urged by a party as eudence of bias. ALAB-799,21 NRC 376 n$1t1985) i Paafs Gas and flettnc Co. (Diablo Canyon Nudear Power Plant, Umis I and 2L AL AB-644.13 NRC 903,924 n 40 t19811 defimten of a response spectrum. LBP-85-2,21 NRC 117 n 59 (1985)
Paar.e Gas and Liecirx Co IDiablu Canyon Nussear Power Plam, Umts I and 2). AL AB 644.13 NRC 903,937 (1981) use of measures other than NURf G-0654 cntena to brms emergency plans mio conformity'.
Paafit Gas and Liectra Co. (Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Umts I and 2), AL AB 775.19 NRC 1361,1365-67 & n 18. affd. San Luis Obnpo Mothers for Peace s. N RC. 751 F.2d 1287 (D C. Cir 19848 cntena for recremos a retord. ALAB 801. 21 NRC 481 n 2 (1985), ALAB-803,21 NRC $78 n 2 (1985t Paafic Gas and Liectnc Co. IDiablo Canyon Nuc! car Power Plant. Umts I and 21, AL AB 775.19 NRC 1361,1368 n 22 419846 consequentes of inadequate Staff response to motmn to reopen. AL AB-801,21 N RC 484 (1985)
Pacific Gas and Liectne Co (Diablo Canton Nuclear Power Plant, Umis I and 2), AL AB 775,19 NRC 1361,1369 (19841 sismficam factor in determimns timehness of monon to reopen a record, LBP 4519,21 NRC 172) (1985l Pacific Gas and Llettnc Co. (Diab (o Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Umts I and 2), AL AB-776,19 NRC 1373,137618 (1984:
matenahiy of FLM A reue=s to Board dnposition of emergency planmns contentions.
LBP-85-14,21 NRC 1376 (1985) 50
l.EGAL CITATIONS INDEX CA%fN Pacific Gas and Liectne Co (DiaNo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Umts I and 2). AL AB 782,20 NRC 8.ts, g4142 t1934, news requirement for reosynmg a recortt. LBP-8519. 21 NRC !?!4 41985)
Paci6e Gas and Llectne Co. (Diablo CanWn Sudcar Power Plant, Umts I and 28. CLI 81-5,13 NRC 361. 3e4 (19816 failure of miervenor to demonuraie put cause for late fihng of soils contenamn. L BP-85 9,21 NRC 527 (1985)
Paafie Gas and Liectrg Co. (Diablo Canyori Nuclear Power Plam, Umts I and 2), CLI 81-6,13 NRC 443 (1981) dertial of petition for enforcement proceedirig on tuue already pendmg before the Commswon, DD45-l. 28 NRC 205 (19s9 Paafic Gas and Lie 6tnc Co (DiaNo Canyon Nuclear Power Piani, Umts 1 and 2). CL1-81-6.13 NRC 44). 444 t19811 htigability of assues under 2 200 peutions that may be raised in a penJmg operating beense proceedmg. DD-85 9. 21 NRC 1762 n I.1769,1774 (1985) uw of 10 C I R 2.206 pro 6edares as schicle for reconuderauon, CLl-85-4. 21 NRC 503-04 t1989 Pact 6c Gas and Ilectrw Co (DiaNo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Unos I and 21, CL1-82 39,16 NRC lil2,1714-15 (1982) requ rements for reoremng record on new issues. ALAB-801,21 NRC 481 n 2 (1985)
Paars Gas and Liectne Co (Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Unas 1 and 2). CLI-84-5,19 NRC i
953 (1984), affd. San L uis Obec Nfothers for Peace v. N RC, nght to hearing on hfung of Igenw suspennon, CLI-8510,28 NRC 1575 n 7 (1989 Paafw Gas and ilectne Co IDiablo Car yon Nuclear Power Plant, Umts I and 21. CL1-84-5.19 NRC 953. 959+0 (1984 r shommg necenary to stay full-power authonianon. AL AB 808,21 NRC 1601 n 6 (19857 Pacfs Gas and Liectnc Co. f 5tamslaus Nuclear Proict1. Umi 17. AL AB 550,9 NRC 683 (19?9) means of otsteinmg dauments from nonpanies. LBP 85-1. 21 NRC 22 (19156 Pacifs Gas and Liectnc Co s. f PC. 506 F 2J 33 Ja tD C. Cir.1974) etTect of pohcy statements of agency determmauons. LBP-85-15,21 NRC 1505 (1985)
Paarc Gas and ilecinc Co
- 5 tate Energy Rewurces conwrsanon and Deselorment Commiwon.
461 U.S.190. 205 (19831 responubehty for protectmg public health and safety m nutlear power related matiert CLI ki 12, 21 NRC 1589 81985)
PaciGc Gas and Liectnc Co. s. State f nergy Rewurces Consenanon and Deselopment Commswon.
461 U 5 190, 75 L L J 2d 752,765 (1983) eusierke of confhct between State and federal laws as ground for preempuon. LBP 85-12,21 NRC 908 (1985)
Paufic Gas and Liectnc Co s State I nergy Resources Consersauon and Deselopment Comrmwon.
4el U.5 190. 75 L Ed. 2J 752. 765. 766. 770 (1983i circumuantes arprornate for federal preemption of $iate 143. LBP 8512,21 NRC 901,902 (1985)
Paafic Gas and Electnc Co v. State Energy Rewurces Consenanon and Deselopment Commtwon, 46I U 5 190. 75 L. Ed. 2d 751, 765, 766, 772. 773 (19831 poner of States to regulate nuclear power plants. LBP 85-12,21 NRC 9024)4 (1985)
Pan Amencan Arrmays
- CAB. 684 F 2d 31 (D C. Cir.1982)
Commimon obhgation to lift effectiseness of shuidown order followmg resolution of concerns.
CLI-85 9,21 NRC 1124. l15111985)
Parklane fiosiery Co. v. Shore. 439 U.S 322,326 n.5. 99 5. Ct 645,58 L. Ed 2d $52 (1979) requirements for applying collateral esiorpet. L BP-85-11,21 NRC 620 !!985)
Penn91 s. Catalyuc, Inc. 83-E R A 2 Uan 13.1984) wore of employee actissues protected from derimination and reishanon, DD-85-9,21 NRC 1764 n 3 (19851 51
i LEG AL CITATIONS INDEX CANL5 Penn91sanu Power and Iisht Co (Suwuchanna Steam lleure Stanon. Umts I and 21, L
15 NRC 771, 782,748 (1982). sua spente reuem, AL AB 702,16 NRC 1530 (1982) necewiy of leuers of agreement eith schools to implemeni protettne measures durmg radiological emergency. L BP-8512,21 NRC 857 (1985)
Permian Corp. and Ocenlental Petroicum Corp. t Umted Staics,665 F.2d 1214.1219 (D C. Cir.1981) maner of anorneMhent or work product pnulege through madsettent dislosure of documerits.
LBP-851. 21 NRC 16 n 8 (1985)
Pentmn for E mergency and Remedui Action. CLI 78 6. 7 NRC 400 (19788 Commnsion distreimn m selectmg urwtons for uolanons. DD 85-9. 21 NRC 1771 (1985)
Pemen for Emergency and Remedul Action. CL8 78-6,7 NRC 400,4i4 (1978) circumstarwes requirms immedute shuideon of nudear power plant. CLI-8510. 21 NRC 1576 (1985 Pmladelphu liestrz Co (Lmiernk Generating 5tauon, Umts I and 2). AL AB 726,17 NRC 755 (1983) factors coriudered m deiermmms furndicuonal disputes m NRC proceed ngs. At 4B 797,21 NRC 9 81985)
Philadelphia Liectra Co. (Lmiersk Generaung Sianon, Umts I and 21, AL AB-720.17 NRC 755,757 n 4 (198 t>
Jurninuon to conuder motion to reopen record on ohnh an nrutul decision or parnal irutsal decmon has been issued. LBP.8519,21 NRC 4713 A n 5 (1985)
Philadelphia Liectric Co (Limernk Genermung 5tauon. Umts 1 and 27. ALAB 789,20 NRC 1443, 1446 41954 most important fa: tor m deciding whether a stay of agency action is marranted. AL AB 808,21 NRC 1549 41985)
PNiadelphu Electnc Co. Ilimernk Generar:ng 5tauon. Umis 1 and 2). LBP-82 43 4.15 NRC 1423.
145861(19821 conuderatmns m appi mg collateral estoppel ic, health and ufety issues vs enurenmental essues.
3 L BP-95-11. 21 NRC e23 n 8 e1985:
Ph:14delphia Liestnc Co (Limerd Generaung $tauon. Umts I and 21, LBP-82 43A.15 NRC 1423, 1459-60 (198D standard for applying couateral cuoppel to present huganon of a ct. mention. L BP-85 4. 21 NRC 404 n 7 (198$#
Ph:la.k!ph.a Dectne Co. ttimernk Genermung 5tauun, Umts ! ar.d D. LBP 83-39,18 NRC 67. 84-89 (19831 bam and specificity requirements for amended quahty assurance comentmn, LBP-85 il,21 NRC 06 (1985).1 BP-85-20. 21 NRC 174) (1985)
Philadelphu Electru Co. (Limenck Generatms Stanon, Uruns I and 2), LBP 64-31. 20 NRC 446, 409-5IIi1984i depouuon of SRC Staff officials by mtersenors, on quahty assurance matters. LBP-85 l1. 21 NRC 635 (1985)
Phdade!rhu Liectric Co. tPeath Bottom Atomw Power 5 anon, Umts 2 and 38 AL AB-216,8 Al C 13, 20 (19746 responubehty for determamng degree of specificity with ohnh a contention is to tie pied.
LBP-85 il,21 NRC 617 (1985 Philadelphia Electnc Co. (Peath Bonom Atomic Power Stanon, Umts 2 and 3), AL AB-216,8 ALC 13, 20 21 (1974) effect of lath of specifnity of comentmn, AL AB-804. 21 NRC 591 (1985) purpose of specificity regwrement for contennons; LBP-85 20,21 NRC 1742 (1985)
Philkps v. Intenor Board of Mme Operanons Appeals,500 F.2d 722 (D C. Cir.1974). cert. demed.
420 U.S 938 (1975) su pe of empioice actmtics protected from diunmmanon and retahauon. DD 85 9. 21 NRC 1766 n 5 (1985)
Pollard s. FBI,705 F 2d 1151.1153-5419th Cir.1983) means for set:Img prepnetary informanon disputes. AL AB.807,21 NRC 1215 n.107 (1985) 52
i t
i I
I 1
LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX CASIS Portland General llectnc Co (Pettle spnngs Nusicar PLnt Umts I and 28. CLl 76-2?,4 NRC 610 (1976i shemmg necesury to estabhsh standing in inensing pr4weedings, CL 4 85 2,21 NRC 316 t 1984)
Portland General ilettrg Co (Trojan Nuticar Plam), AL AB-181,7 AtC 207,208 n 4 (19746 s6epe of approsal conferred by appelb,e sua ponte reuen, AL AB-795,21 NRC 3 n.7 (19851 PortLnd General Liectne Co (f roian Nuclear Plam) AL AB-496,8 NRC 304,310 (1978) consohdanon of comennons 1 BP-85-14, 21 NRC 1234 n 31 (1985>
Power Reacior Deselopment Co t lmernanonal Umon of Ilecincal Radio and Machme %rken.
3t7 U.5 396,40o (l%Il scpe of Commisuon regulater) responuNhtres; DI)-85 7,21 NRC 1555 (1985 Pemer Rextor Deselopmem Co s Internaaonal Union of I testrwal, Radio & Mathme 4 orkers, 367 U 5 396. 415 (19616 elTect of the progress of construcuon on a Board's evaluauon of the adequacy of a strutture's design; LBP-85 2,21 NRC 37 (1985)
Propett Managenwnt Corp (Chnth Rner Breeder Rextor Plam), ALAB-354,4 NRC 383,389 (19761 shommg neteuary on other admission fators w here good cause is not shown for late fehng, L BP-85 il,21 NRC 629 419858 Prom t Management Corp (Chnsh Rner Breeder Rextor Plami, Al AB 354. 4 NRC 383,398-92 (1976) effect of an mienenor's withdrawal on hugation of his contennons AL AB 799,21 NRC 382 n 09. 383 n.103 419M51 Prosect Managemem Corp IChnch Rner Breeder Rextor Plant) ALAB-354,4 NRC 383,394 95 (14'6) reawm for conudenrg dela) factor m determming admnuNhey of tale-fded comennons.
LBP 85 II,21 NRC 630 (19858 Pobaic senne Co of Indiana alarbie 11.11 Nudcar Generaung 5tauon, Unas I and 2), A L A B-405, 5 NRC 1190.1192 (197D shomme nescuary b) p riy inu&ng diretted cerufganon; ALAB-805,21 NRC 599 (1985)
Pubbe 5enne Co of Indiana (MarNe Hdi Nudear Generatmg Stauon, Umts I and 21, AL. AB-449,7 NRC !?9,188 (1978 Appeal Board standard for oserturnmg a Lwenung thiard s wheduhng decimon. AL AB 799. 21 NRC 3'9 n 75 (1984 PuNn Senice (n. of indiana iMarme Hal Nu6icar Generatmg Stanon. Umis I and 2), CLi-80-lu,11 NRC 438 (1940),affd, Sase the Valley s. NRC,714 f.2d 142 (6th Cir.1983111ablel right to a heanns on restari of a faciht), CL1-85-9. 21 NRC 1148 n 61 (19858 P blw 5enke Co of Nem flampshire (Seabrook Statiori, Units I and 2), AL AB-422,6 NRC 33.
42-53 (19771 uw of aggregate retreauonal facihues populanons to determme populauon cemer and low populanon tone. LBP-85 !!,21 NRC 625. 626 (19857 Pubig Senke Co of Nea llampshire (heabrook $tauon, Umts I and 2), AL AB467,15 NRC 421, 426-42 11982:
citent to whnh use of probabshsne methodok$y as permi,sibic under 10 CJ R Part 100 Appendis A; LBP 85-2,21 NRC 47,131 t1985 PuNn-Senice Co. of New flampshire (Seabrook Sianon. Umts I and 2). CLi 77-8,5 NRC 303,522, 530 36 (1977) scope of cost / benefit anal >us at construcuon permd stage. LBP-85 5,21 NRC 44142 (1981)
PuNic Sense Co of Nem ifampshire (5cabrook Stanon Units I and 2), CLl 77-8,5 NRC 503, 524-25 (1977) legahty of Statireharxe on mformauon generated by Apphcants; LBP-85-3,21 NRC 256 n 17 (1985)
Pubhs Scruce Co. of Nem llampshire (Seabrook Stanon Umts ! and 2), CLi-78-1,7 NRC 1,2?
(1978) standard for aprl)mg collateral estoppel to present linganon of a contentmn, I BP 85-4,21 NRC 404 n 7 (1985) 53
A LEG AL CITATIONS INDEX C utN PabiA Senke Co. of Nem Hampshire (Seabud Stauen l'mh I and 21. Ctl-8433.12 NRC 295 298 419901 entent to whhh uw of probabihstK methodolog) n permmble under 10 C f.R Pari 100 Appenda A. LBP-85-2. 21 NRC 47 (1985:
Pubts Senice Ca of Nc= IlampsNre tSeabrook 5tauon. Umis I and 2!. LBP-83-32A.17 NRC 1870.
I177 n 5 (1983:
meight gnen to SURLG-454 by twenung Boards when esalualms emergency plans.
L BP 8512. 21 NRC 653 4l*85 Pubhc senwe Co. of Odshoma 9Swk I os 5: anon. Umts I and 28, AL AB-505. 8 NRC 52?,532 (19'8i obhgauert of courwel to aJsise Boards of s,gm0 cant new iriformateen. LBP-85-6. 21 NRC 461 t1985#
Pubue Senue Co of Oklahoma (Biack f os Stauon. Umts I and 2) At AB-573,10 NRC 775,785-87 (1979) cure for defwicaces m Ianal Enuronmemal Statements. LBP-85-3,21 NRC 252,256 t1985)
Pubhc Senne Co of Oklahoma iBkk Ios Stat.on. Umts I and 2) AL AB-573.10 NRC 775. 786-87 Il979p treatment of!y wproned t nef. Al AB 799. 21 SRC 381 n 88 c 19856 Pubhc 5cnme Lleane and Gas Co L5alem Nuclear Generstmg Stauon. Umt 1), ALAB 588, il SRC 533, 536 (1980) shommg necewary by party msokmg direacd certifwat on. AL AB-805. 21 NRC 599 (19451 Paget sound Power and Light Co. 8%gii Nudear Power Proiest. Umts I and 2). ALAB-552.10 S RC I. 5 (19791 failure of intersenor to demonstrare good uuse for late fihng of sods contenbon. LBP-85-9. 21 SRC 527 (1985r Rses Santa Fe Licsator Corp. 3310 5 219. 230. 91 L Id 1447 (1947) premise 6.r Endmg that a Staic s traditonal pohce powers are precrapied. LBP-8512. 21 NRC 901 (1985)
Rocheuer Gas and Llearx Corp, (R L. Ginna Suclear Power Planti, DD 82-3.15 SRC 1348 1357 58 (19826 neeJ for funher SRC acnon where twenwe soluntanly takes remedial acnon to correo a deficency. DD-85-2,21 SRC 272 (1989 Rockierd Lc. Sac of % cr:wn Voicrs s. SRC. 679 I.2J 1218 (7th C.r.19821 uw of 10 C f.R. 2 206 procedures as schule for retonulerat6on, CLI-85 4,21 NRC 563-64 f1985s Roskford League of Women \\oten s NRC. t 9 F 2d 1218.1222 (7ih Car 1982p J
proper forum for miersenor to air daagreements oser Luenssng Board's deciuon. DD-85-9. 21 NRC 177411985)
Sacramento Munictpal Luhty Destnct iRarnho Se o Nuticar Generaung Station). CLI 79 7,9 SRC eA)t1979:
Commisuon obhgabon to lift effetuveness of shutdown order follooms rewiution of conserns, CLI-85-9. 21 NRC 1151 (1985)
Sacramento Munwipal Utahry Diserat (Rarnho Seco Nuttear Generaung Stanon). CLI-794,9 NRC 680, affd. Fnends of the Lanh s. United States. (A)I 2d 75319th Car 1979) nght to a hearms on restart of a fechty. CLI-85-9. 21 SRC 1148 n 61 (1985) 54n Luis Obnpo Mothers for Pease v. NRC 751 F.2d 1287,1313.1314 (D C. Cir.1984 arpinabihty of hearms requirements to I. fung of inense suspenuon. CLI-85-10. 21 S RC 1575.
1577 79 (1985)
San Luis ONspo Mothers for Peace v N RC. 751 F 2d 1287,1314 (D C. Cir.1984) r:ght to a hearms on resurf of a fauhin CLI-85-9. 21 NRC i148 n el (1985)
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Pease v SRC,751 f.2d 1287.1322 (D C. Cir.19846 right of dissenung SRC Staff to present uess. ALAB-803,21 NRC 582 (1985)
Scaled Caw. 676 F.2d 793,807 f D C. Cir 19821 maner of attorney-chent or work product prmlege through inadsertem dmlosure of documemt LBP 85-i,21 SRC 16 n 7 (1985) 54
I l
1 i
LEG AL CITATIONS IN DEX CASEN 5EC v. Chenery Corp. 318 0 5. 80. 94. 87 L LJ 626. 636 (1943) cause for Staff deferral of determmauon on apphcation for permanent onute storage of mill taihngs LBP45-3. 21 NRC 250 (19858 ShoUy s. N RC,651 F 2d 7tl0 (D C. Cir.1980), sacated on other grounds.103 $ C 1170 0 983) cn rxtenzanon of hcenw amendment. CLI-8510,21 NRC 1578 (1984p sholly v NRC. 651 F 2J 780. 791 ED C Cir 1980), sacated on other grounds,103 5 Ct. Il70 (19831 Cornmisur n actions tr egenns heanns nghts CLI-8510,21 NRC 1579 (1985)
Samood s Kerr \\l&ee Chemwel Corp., ?$ L. Ed 2d 443,454 (19848 power of Swes to regulate nuclear power riants. L BP-8512. 21 NRC 902. 906-07 0985)
Namuod t hertatWec Enemwa:(orp. 78 L Ed. 2d 443,458 tl484?
nudcar Weer deselopmer:t oNeanes conwdered m deoding tssue of f*ral preempt.on of State wa s. LBP-85-i2. 21 NRC 999 (l'?85 South Carohria Uectric and Gas Co (%rgd C. Summer Nuclear Station, Umt 1), AL AB442,13 NRC 841, 884. $$9 (19816 effect on other parues of delay (med by late-filed contenuens. LBP-85 ll,21 NRC 631 (1985:
South Caruhna Elearw and Gas Co. (brgd C. Summer Nuclear Stauen, Umt 1), AL AB-642.13 NRC 881, h64-85 (1981)
- eight gnen to faaors tui and in) of 10 C E R. 2.714(att i). L BP-85 il,21 NRC 629 (1985)
Scuth Carolma Elecinc and Gas Co 6 irgd C. Summer NucIcar Stanon, Umt 1), AL AB-642,13 NRC 88i, 8^M t l #!'
salue cf idenufnanon of mirmenor's annesses to Board determinauon of miersenor's contnbution to a sound record. L BP43-20,21 NRC 1745 n R (1985)
South Carohna Electrw and Gas Co n egd C Summer Nudcar Suhon, Umt 1), AL AB+42,13 NRC 881. 895 (191118 meight gnen to fa@rs f ut and in i m Ine faaor test for admemon of laie-fded contennons, LBP-85-9. 21 NRC 528 (19856 Sch Carchna Eleanc and Gas Cu 6irgd C Summer Nudear Stauun. Omt 11 AL AB M3.14 NRC lied,18 51 (19813 baus for Board esercne of dncrenonary authonty to call its own ennewes. AL AB-805. 21 NRC SW n 811985)
South Carohna Electne and Gas Co. Ibrgil C. Summer Nudcar 5tauon. Umt 11, AL AB-663,14 NRC 1140. 1156 (1981) compomuon of NRC Lnensmg Boards. ALAB-807,21 NRC 1212 n 9411985)
South Carchna ilettnc and Gas Co nergit C Summer Ndear Stauon, Uma 1), LBP 82-57,16 NRC 47' 4487 414d2) aff d. AL 4B 710,17 NRC 25 (1983) tr,cluw>n of whoch withm close prosimny of each other m i P/, LBP-8512. 21 NRC 704,705 7
(1985i Southern Cahforma Ldnon Co. (Ln Onofre Nudear Generstmg 5tauon. Omts 2 and 3). AL AB-24A, 8 AEC 957, %) (19746 effeaneness of evacuanon routes ohnh intually trascl toward a plant. LBP 85-8. 21 NRC 522 f1985)
Southern Cahforma Edien Co f 54n onofre Nudear Generating 5ianon. Umis 2 and 31, AL AB473.
15 NRC 688, e44 9ti i1982) prerequmtes to applyms collateral esioppet m NRC prweedings.1BP 85 ll,21 NRC 620. 623 (1985)
Southerri Cahforma Ednon Co. (San Onofre Nuclear Generaung 5tauon. Umts 2 and 36, AL AB 67),
!5 NRC 688. 695-97 (l982) standard for applyms collateral esioppel to prevent hugauon of a contenuon. LBP-85 4. 21 NRC 404 n 7 (1985 Southern Cahtorma Ednon Co (San Onofre Nudear Generaung 5tauon. l'nns 2 and 36. AL AB 673.
15 NRC 686. 697 A n 14. affd. CL1-82 II.15 NRC 1383 (1982)
Board authoniy to curtad crms-esaminanon; AL AB-799,21 NRC 377 n 60 (1985)
Southern Cahfornia Ldnon Co. (San Onofre Sudcar Generaung Stauon Umis 2 and 3), AL AB 680, 16 NkC 127 (1982) fadors cormdered m grant of esempuon for emergency plan defeuenties. AL AB-fiO9. Il NRC 1612 (1945) 55
I, I
A f'
1 i
LEGAL CITATIOW INDEX CAsLs Southern Cabforma Ednon Co 1%n Onofre Nusicar Gerierating $tation. Units 2 and JP, AL AB 717 I? NRC 346. 353A4 41983) apphcabshty of sollateral es.eppel w here construction retmte prweeding was uncomested, LBP-85-II,21 NRC 624 (1985}
Southern Cahforma E deson Co (San Onofre Nuclear Generatmg Sution, Um s 2 and 31. Al AB 717 17 NRC 346,354 (19831 conuderations m appipr's collateral estoppel to health and safety tuues ss ensironmental mues.
L BP-85 il. 21 NRC 62) n 8 (1985)
Southern Cahforms iden Ce t$an Onofre Nustear Generatmg 5tation, Umis 2 and 36. AL 4B 717, 17 NRC 34o Jo3-ds i19831 estent of Baard dependerke on matenal tasking formal sponsorsh:p m makmg its 0ndmgs.
Lhp 45-2. 21 NRC 229 n it5 (1985)
Southern Cahforma Ediwn Co. (%n Onofre Nuc: car Generaung Station Umts 2 and 31, AL AB ?!7, 17 NRC 346. 380 n 57 (1983) nature of emergency planrung findings, ALAB-8tl,21 NRC 1627 n 19 41915)
Southern Cahforma Ld.wn Co (%n Ork.fre Nuslear Generaung Sunon. Umts 2 and 38, ClI-83-40
!? NRC 528. 533 t1983) entem of coserage to be prouded by emergerwy plans, LBP-8512,21 NRC 653 (1985)
Southern Cahforma iden Co. (San Onofre Nudear Generstmg Sutton, Umts 2 and 3), L BP-82 3, 15 NRC bl 78-82 (1982) appenat'on of collateral estoppel to present mterserior who eas not a parts to conurtnuon permit proceedmg from rebirgatmg eswe u operaimg twense stage. L BP-85 il,21 NRC 62223 (1985)
Sauthern Cahfornea Eden Co t%r> Gnofre Nudcar Generaung Stauon. Umts 2 and 31, LBP-82 34, 15 NRC 1l63,1269 (1982). Al AB 717.17 NRC 346. 376119831 noufung boaters of a rad onoggal emergensy LBP 8512,21 NRL 763 (19858 5%thern Cahforma Idarm Co (%n Onofre Nudear Generaung Stauon. Umis 2 and 31. L BP-8219 15 NRC 1163.1270 t 1942), atrd. AL 48-717.17 NRC 340119638 means for demonuraur:s compuarue with emergerny planmns requirements, LBP-85-14,2I NRC 1228 n 14 (1985s Sutement of Po64 on ConJuct of Laenung Prmcedmgi. Cll 81-8. !) NRC 452 (19811 Board authoniy to impose time conurarms on esamsnatiori and crosvesamination of =rines es.
LBP-8514. 21 NRC 1235 (1915#
compleuon of operaung thense proseedmgs prior to completion to fauhty sonstruuson.
AL AB 811,21 NRC 1627 n 16 f19851 Statement of Pobsy on Condust of Lwenung Proceedmgs, f'll-818.13 NkC 452,454 (1991a penany for nonresponsne fihngs and ignoring Commmon directnes CLI-85-2,21 NRC 287 (1985:
time allowed for miervenors' case preparauon. AL AB-802. 21 NRC 498 n 44 (1985)
Statement of Pubcy on Crmduo of Luenung Proseedmss. Cll-Bi-8.13 NRC 452,455 i19810 ora.muanses appropnate for conwhdauon of miersenors, AL AB-808,21 NRC lh0i (1945)
Commmon polny towards resoluuon of issues outude the hearmy process, AL A B-806. 21 NRC l193 (1985l consohdauon of contenuons. LBP-85-14,21 NRC 1234 n 31 t19851 resoluuon of health and safety issues without hugauon, Al AB-799. 21 NRC 383 n 104 (19851 5taternent of Poly on Conduct of Licenung Proceedmas, CLI-81-8.1) NRC 432,457 41981l means for Lwenung Boards to espedire proceedmas. AL AB-799,21 NRC 377 n 57 (19851 Statement of Polwy f urther Comrmssion Gu4danse for Power Reutor Opersims Lwenses.
CLl-80-42,12 NRC 654,660 (1980) obhgation of adjudnatne boards la apply pokcy statements to their determinanons. LBP 85-15, 21 NRC 19D n 3811985t Subpoenas Duces Tecum F utbnght and Jaworski. Vmson and L! kins. Tesoro Peiroleum Corp,718 F 2d 136? (D C Cir.19648 maner of attorney-citent or work product pnsilege through madvertent dn61osure of documents.
LBP-85-1. 21 NRC 16 n 8 e 1985) 54
l LEGAL CITATIONS INDEX CASLS Suburban 5ca'n Smeep Inc. t Sam Bermna. Inc. 91 i R D. 254,257 (N D 111 (9818 maner of attorneM en' or mort product pnulege through maJsertent dmlowre of dwumenis, b
LBP-851,21 NRC.6 (1985) j Temmer s ICC,743 F 2( 918,927 28 (D C. Car 19846 types of agency tweasms uuons tnggerms hearms rights. CLI-8bl0. 21 NRC 15'9 (1985 Tennessee \\aucy Authenty (Bromns f erry Nuclear Plant, Umts I and 21, LBP 76 lo,3 NRC 209 216 ( 94) uw of massne documems m support of a contentum. LBP-85 20,21 NRC 1741 (19855 Tenneswe Valley Authonty (Browns f erry Nuticar Plant, Umts I,2 and 38. AL AB-c77,15 NRC 138?. 1394 (19826 obhganon of apptwams to mform Boards of ugnif' ant nem informanon, L BP-85-6. 21 N RC 4el w
l (19851 Tennessee Valley Authoniy Olartsune N uclear Plant, Umts l A,2 A,18 and 281, AL AB-403, 7 N R C 341, 3 56119'8 6 nght of miersenor to make us case solely through tross-cuamination, LBP-85-20,21 NRC 1745 (19856 Tenneswe Vahey Authonty (% atts Bar Nuclear Plant, Umis I and 2), AL AB-413. 5 NRC 1418,1422 n 5t1977) considerations m applymg cottateral estoppel to health and safety issues ss enuronmental issues.
LBP-85-il,21 NRC 623 n 8 (1985)
Tenneuee %alle) Authonty ticitow Creek Nudcar Plant. Umh I and 2) AL AB 515. 8 NRC 702, 714 (1978) obi'gauon of NRC adjuJnaine hoards to apply polny statements to their determmat.ons.
LBP-8515,21 NRC 1505 (19856 Tesas tuhnes 11ettrw Co (Comanthe Peak Steam iletirw $tanon. Umts I and 2). LBP 84-56,20 NRC16%I baus for broad Jmoscry rey. cst msulung inensce's attorney, LBP-8519. 21 NRC l'29 (19H1 Texas Utahues Generaung Co tComarwhc Peak Steam Llettru $tahon. Umis i arid 2) ( Lt-81-24.14 NRC 614 (1981) score of Lnenung Board rusiefkannn to the Commmiort of esercise of the Board s sua sponic renew authonty, L BP 85-8. 21 NRC 519 (19855 Teses Lntroes Generanns Co (Comanthe Peak Steam Iletinc Sianon. Umis I and 2), CLI 813e. I4 Nktlill, 111314 tiell resolunon of safety or enuronmental maes that are not the subject of contenuons. Al AB-799, 21 NRC 383 n Inil 119855 I
standard for sua spcmte reuce of admmed contennons. LBP-85 8,21 NRC 519 (19856 Tesas tuhnes Generating Co. iComashe Peak Steam Fleciru 5tauon. Umis I and 2). DD-83 II.18 SRC 293. 295 (198h general diwosery of do6umemanon m possesuon of inernees, DD-85 2,21 NRC 273 (19851 use of 2 206 pehuons ta members of the pubhc as informauon-gathenng deuses DD-8b?. 21 NRC !!!9-60 t 19855 Toledo E dison Co. (Daus-besse Nuticar 5: anon. Umts 1,2. and 31. AL AB-3'8,5 NRC 557 (19771 arrhcabihty of collateral estoppel to NRC proteedmgs. ! BP-85 ll,21 NRC 620 (1985)
Trane Ce s Mutinwk. 87 F R D 473 (w D w nc 1980s treatment of requests for documents fded on nonparties. L BP-851,21 NRC 22 (1985)
Transamerna Computer Co v. IB%f. 573 f 2d 646. 65319th Cir.1978) fators conudered m determimns apptwabihiy of pnulege to madsertemly diulosed documents.
LBP 851,21 NRC 18-19 (19115i Underwater 5torage, Inc. v. U $ Rubber Co,314 F. Supp 546. 549 (D D C.19706 madscrient disknure of documents as cause for maner of pnulege, I bP-85-l,21 NRC 17 (19856 Umon Ilettrw Co (Callawa) Plant, Umt II, AL 48 740,18 NitC 343. 345 t198D lingabihty of construction quahty assurarke mues in operating inense proceedmss, AL AB-799, 21 NRC 374 n 35 (1985) 57
LEG Al. CITATIONS IN DE N CANEN Urnm I testrw Co iCallaean Ptam. Umi 11, AL AB 740.18 NRC 34). 346 (19836 interpretauen of the term ivometh" as appbed to the reportmg of quahay assurante defnienues, AL AB 802. 21 NRC 303 n 75 (19856 reason for requir6ng specifiuty of qual:Is assurante contenimns. LBP-8til,21 NRC 636 (1985s support required for coniemnes allegmg etmstrucuan derniernies. t BP-8b20,21 N RC 1741
( 19tt D l
Omon Lhtrw Co iCalla ay Plam. Urit IL AL AB 730,18 NRC 5203,1709 (198D standard for grant of menon to recren, AL AB-807,21 NRC 1216 n i14 (1984 Unmn flestrw (o 4Callammy Punt. t'mts I and 2), AL AB 527,9 NRC 626,132 34 (1979)
Commmion authores lo mesugate and miua:e acinm for dmnminaieon. DD-85 9. 21 NRC 1?67 (1985)
Omted BroaJ6amng Ce s ICC. 565 r 2J 699 ID C Car 19778. tert demed. 434 L' 5 1046 (19'81, i
J affs Arpticauons of Omied Telesmon Co,35 I C C.2d 416 (197D l
penalty for neolanon of rules, AL AB 799,21 NRC 374 n 39 l1985) l OmicJ Win s Itrutzm4n. 731 I JJ 1449,1452 (9th Cir 1u441 j
Baard authority to empiise urne constraints on esaminatioti and criws esaminahon of mitnesws' LBP 8514. 21 NRC 1236 (1989 Omted bles s. Cole,45612J I42.144 lith far 1972) matser of attorneyShent or work product pnsdege through inadscrient dislosure of dmumems, t BP-8bl. 21 NRC 16 n 7 (1984 Umted 5 tales s helsey Ila)es % heel (4. I5 i R D 461,464,46$ (( D Mnh 1954)
'j waaer of auerneptbent or =tsk prodet prmlege through madsertent dislosure of dosuments.
LBP 45 I 21 NRC 16 n 7,17 88 (1984) l t mied States a Liah Conurusuon A Minmg Co,384 (f 5 394. 421-22 (19661
arrbtahilitt of tuoileral esterrel to NRC rroseedirss. L BP-85-il,21 NRC 620 f 1984 l
UrhieJ States s. % hite. 444 I 2d 435. 439 (7th (it 19798 l
trea! ment of madcuuatch surweted brief Al 48 ?99 21 NRC 381 n 88 41984
\\ crmom larAre Nasicar Power C orp G ermont ienhee Nuclear Power Stauenh AL 4B 138,6 AIC
$20. 32) (1973I importanse of umchnew of momm to reoivn a resord. L BP-81 l*,21 NRC 1721 f1984
% arsima iiestra and l'omer (o (North Anna Pueer %iation. Uruts I and 2L AL AB-289,2 NRC 194 398 419' 9 shoeira necessars on onher admmwc fwwws where good cause is not sheen for late f.hrg.
L BP 8bil. 21 NRC 629 (1984 Virgima I testric and Fireer Co (North A nna Poser 5taihm. (' mis I and 2), kk 48-342,4 bR( 98, til?(197 s 6
i t nensms Board distenon m balanung admisnehihiy factors for late-Isled tontenmms. L BP 8 4-II.
j 26 NRC 631 (1984 brgmes flettrw and Power ( o (North Anna P9 ear Stanon. L mis I and 2), ALAB-$51. 9 NRC 7ud
70? (19'96 pesus beineen rnoimm to reopen as baws for Appeal Board s jurisdnuon, AL AB 79' 21 NRC 8 i
(1984, t BP 8319. 21 NRC I?le f1981)
Virpma llesInc and Power Co ENonh Anna Power %Idenm. l'mte i and 2L LBP.1810. 7 NRC 294, l
299 (19'$ s means for deiermmirs deliuerries reportaMe under IO C l R 50 $He6, t BP 816,21 NRC 459 (19i1 9
% P Grace s. Pullman inc,446 I Surr 7714% D Okla 19?60 maiser of d.slosure where ortmung party is allowed to renew documunis in responw to dismert request. L BP 851. 21 NRC 18 (19:1H Washmaton Puhin Power Supph Sprem t% FPS % Nutlear Propst No )L Al AB 747,18 NRC 1167 (19N)#
4 mcent of protecting an entersenor's mieresas other than through hupaimn of tuntemmns, AL AB 799. 21 NRC 384 m 108 (1983L L BP 85 9. 21 NRC $28 41985)
$4 i
I i
I, l
Cut N
% nhangien Pubiw Power herty Sniem t% PPn Nuticar Proecti No 36. AL AB '4', :d NR( 116',
1871 119838 Lwenung Hoard omretion m tutarsms fatters in determme admiswNiisy os late-fikd cememmns. AL AB-8t%. 21 NRC ll40 n 24 t19115)
Washington PuNw Pomer Supply System f % Pr%5 Nut-6 ear Proeert No 3), Al AH-747,18 NRC l16?,
117? ?8.1181, and 1182 83 honsurnns opinion of Mr. I dust 119 36 need for mtersenors to proude mitness enJ subjett Ints eith ameMed quality anurance contentmns, L BP 8311,21 NRC 637119856 w astungion Poblu Po*er Surpty bsicm (% PPM Nutlear Presett No 3), AL AB 74?.18 NRC 116,
11 t?,?$. I182-83 61483 6 hunturring opinmn of Judge i diest
salue of 4cntifnaten of miersenor's niinenes to Ibard s riermmaison of intersenut a conintivimn to a sound record, L BP 8 5.'0,21 NRC !?45 a 7,1746 (19856
% ed s Intestmenuindnators Revarch A Management 64712d it,2419th Cer 1981) sonuderaimn of mient of dalowng parts m decidmg applitetnisiy of prmlege to toadsettently I
dislosed skitumenis. LbP.831,21 %RC 18 41989) j W ells s kanws Gas and lietits Ce,8) i R 012 (June 14,19841, appeal PenJms sub nom Aanws Gas and Liettrw Co i Donosan, No 84-2114 (10ih Cir I store of ernployee e6tmuss protested from dmrinunaimn and reianation. DD 89 9. 21 NRC i
l*64 n 3Il985)
% monwn liestrw Power Co (Ptum Beath Nuslear Plani, L'mi 1), ALAB496.16 NRC 1249,1799 (ful2s treatment of madeqwately wpperied bnef. AL AB 799,21 %RC 381 n 88 (19838
% monwn Lieurs Power Cu tPoint Beath Nutlear Plant. L. rut II. Al AS 696,16 NitC 1249,1268 (1982) means for neufmg reorneiary enferrunon dnpules, Al AB RM,21 NRC 1213 n if* l198!7 ouitorce of party's refuwt to wgn proiettne order. Al AB-807,21 %RC 1213 n 108 (1985)
% munun i he6tric Penet ( o 8 Pems He,n h N uticar P:ani, l' nit I), AL AB *19, l' N RC 38',391 18983:
Arrent Board standard for nserturrong a L wenwns Board's schedulms desin% A L A H ?99, 21 NRC )?9 n ?$ fl963p
% monsin Iletir s Pomer Co iPoint Bemh Nutlear hant. L'mt 2), AL AB lit,6 Al C 491. 564 ei (19'3r r 6 t of mierscrmt to r%he its sne solely thrut.g*, tron etarrunaimn. I BP 83-20,21 NRC l745 h
% monwn s Wemxrger. ?44 7 2J 412 (7th Car 19840 peed for 1. tense serenwon rend,ng snuronmental reuem of restart of nuthear power riam.
Cll 8%10. 21 NRC 1"6 n 9 (1983)
A rey ( ne'ncenns 00, 3 All or+ (19***
nontempharwe eith NRC trgulatior$s as lath of twensee miegr,1y-C[I $3 9,26 NRC 1l60 f1985#
I 3
i i
" ^
6 l
1.I.G Al. 01I AllOM lN Dlh Rit.LI 4110 %
f i
10 Cf R 0?)( 2' l
.rsporuNhts la inic'rrenns ( omnmwm sombi of emereu segulaimn, Al Ah na3.21 NR(. 58) i fl9tti 10 ( IR2 hienuuen 44 ( ornm,u, +n or Je r es a c nw eme nd m< ni or c nf orsemcci order for purlue of deter %mng etwense td h<enng fig 5 s, (ll 4% 10. 21 NP(' 15 7) n 4119856 10 C I k 2103it r prereo use in dema of arthunon for rc'mentni emuir uorase of rmJ e4*hoss. L itr li-) 21 NRt n
2u il9tsi i
li) ( IN 2 li>4 8si hm.i<e.useshitg4 hic sei on rai.n, lu enw rreseed.rgs \\l Alt ?99. 21 N H(. Ja2 n v' tIvs ti lii ( lN 2 lo't al eters w rf IWrJ awthoots to perwr+c terra for enhdreeal of apphsanon 4 ftP R$ t !! NR( NN tient.
Id ( IR 2 i 2iI8
( t twiumn utN49 to require hearmg prior to rest 4f t of f asihit,(1159 t 21 SRC ll24 n 2 sivate lis ( l P 2104 et!cs t of ( emu.on f ahre to in tude pnot n% e er d ellet of in its or A r (ll8410,28
% 5f ( 14
- l n 4 819:4 6 esandards f..r trek,rg en r!!cs m enen Jss mon ( l l 2 04, 21 % R( ll48 (19R4 r
!II (' l N 2 )!!3 sM e4 Lie vc ins onieu s mi g ewi e. 1.1) 4 5 9. 21 N R L 17 7) n 91898 51 to ( l p 2 2ie, si a eiea s to to ren mues presievo, ad:ud.s ate.t ( l l A t 4. 21 N kt $e.41194 51 n
at se Nsle for fes or ode ration. ( L I 8 4 4 21 Np( 561dl9sti de Ndi of f<1d e 4 sht g rg Ohsdepas f t in s f >nst f us t o n et ( alide d). l)l) $% 7 )l NS{ 19%Ii194%l a
denial of penaon sagging ognisant emergrns t prera cJnen delis unsiti, l)ll 5 5 6, 21 % NC 1 $44 r
ll9291 fo' As Don to f emrdi aucted t eol41' oat end defis ecrk tes in tonstrus tion el dsr :4' cf ft o t u a
b ho ve lill a t ), 21 NR( 91' f l9s t e den 4:or reonon for resoun.n of les enw alleg < g ses h of t herasier of hienwe up a t 1. 21 NR(
264 i!4x r i derust of reqdst for dm loture of hsenwe t Iniended w'uf 6et of antenen sup(4cmental tonhng welf t, DD Ri 8. 21 %Nl l $62 (194 91 i
ac e.i of reve u h.,,N,e uuse n,ag,.or.n, ac f,, os c. e,ih fyo. cme,ii qu.i r,. anon no 9 5 d
21 Akt 1d34119114 e fi t vm for mat ang son.nier, hs enwe por nuimc me iroo 4 bs cow smendment, ( l l 8 4 10. 21 N H (
19 74 n i f 195 91 f orum f or reg ueu t,e ste, of or.let 1.furg hsense suspe nuon ( l l 8 9 - 10 21 S il O 19 ?h t 199 98 remrJ, for use tesfreu proNemi folion eg a thdrasil of hmeted enth authof savion, I flP 99 L ll NS( $14 81904) rey aest f or enfor eme r t as hon on bas g of g eolaunes of NRC rigtdenont and she gni hatsumeril s
46 ! momidanon of quehi, s ontrol insys tors lill at 4 Il %M( l Ifit i191141 61 e
l 4
. _ ~ -
~ _. -
l 1
- - - i t
IJ.G Al. CITAllON5 IN DEX Ribt 8 AllONS 10 C F R 2 71.t(bi representauon of parties m NRC prosteJmgs, AL AB 802,21 NRC 498 a 4) 41989 10 C I R 2 714 i
2 adminthhty of amended qualety assuranse wniennon LBP 84 20. 21 NRC 1737,1748 419846 admewon requirements appinaNe to leie.f4J comennons. LBP 85 il,21 NRC 62711984 10 C F R 2 714(at e
l fators neighed for admtwon of sonienimns greatly etrended during perinulaissatiori, L BP 84 0.
1 21 NRC $18189848 regstmn of late fited wili somenten, I SP 8 4.9, 21 NRC 329 t 198 4 10 01 R 2 fleisitti i
tutors bal4%ed for admmma of lue-(hJ wmemmns. I RP e4 9. 21 %RC 426 Ilet4 fuiors gosermeg admimon of leie faed somennone hawd on presmusly unasmetable J.=uments.
AL A8 80h. Il NitC ll88 n it 1890 n 2) t198H lett aprbed in determemns eheiher la aNo intertenor to adopt romennons of another seiersenor J
oho has esi>Jrson. At th t** Il %RC Jet n 9) (1989 10 C f R 2 7144aitlHett j
futors balansed to Jetermme aJmsweilHp of late-filed quality assuranse amentams.1 BP.8Lll. 21
%RC 62L)2 419846 d
need for emersenots to ferleaJ admisethlii, of late fded amenacJ 4emientwn, LBP 84 20, 21 N R(
j 17)l, !?40, lied (1989 10 C i R 2 714(aHlums
Jemomiraion >$ emersenor fdmg laie amended sontentmn of ett soninhuimn to a sound recorJ.
i L 8P 4020. Il NRC 1744 t1984 j
10 C f M 2 ?letaHIHet soumer%nimg of dela, sauwd by edmimon of laie fded broad quainy assuranse soriteni.on, l
l BP $$.20. 21 %RC I?47. !?48 e 9 il454 4
10 C F R 2 714teHD i
towuwemems fer emergenimn, L hP 84 2 fl NR( lls t1984 10 C I R 2 7146sH);
BocJ Jairenon to serma amendment ed interventmn renoon, L DP 84-2th 21 NRC 17)8 (1984
10 C i R 2 714(bi i
edmimon requiremems sprinaNe to faie foeJ contemams. Al AR 804 21 NitC 3*! $91 n 5 i
(1984, L RP Stil. 21 NitC 62? a il fl48b, I hr $$ Jil 21 NRC 1739,174flll949 l
se Je twon of n aroiiJ a somemmn m Jmememns no admiwhibit. Al AB due. 21 NRL lle) l n )9 (1949 p I
fa. tors emernma adm> wen of late fAJ weiemami NwJ nn f remush unasadaMe J =urrents.
j AL AB soe. 21 NRC lim n 2) 6944 i
emersenor rarnieranon on comemmna sconvreJ by eithers. Al AllM99,28 NRC 381 n 102 f19e4 fired for spes Aiit of reawns fot grani of enerreieon from regulanons. Al. A8 409,21 NRC 1614 f 199 4 i
reason for bowl with s[mifattp requirement for gontenhone, I NP 84 ll,2) NRC 616 (1984 j
lest oppbed en determamns theiher to aims insettenor to adopt tornemmne (4 another 6ntersence she has withdraen. At 4hM99. 21 hitC Jet n 94 61989 IU C I N 2 fl!a sir umuantes appropriate far wninhJaimn of miergermes. Al AM 808. 21 %R0 thol i198 9 s
j B0 0 f 5 2716
appinaimo of sultastral etiormt to sonwhJaied proicedmst. I BP 84 4 21 NRC 401 n 8 41984 10 C f R 2 718 Board daare'en to permit amenJmem pf defesuve enihal 9esJings, [ SP 83 20,21 NRC 17J9 1
f 198 9 10 C f R 2 7lStel IWrd authorup in impow tirrw tcasiraints on eeamenaimn and $run eiam.nanon of e.ineswe.
I BP.8tle 21 NRC 1239 Il9s9 l
Inen mg suinnne,in Jemand rt.
e aminanon 19en. Al Am 99. 28 SRC 179 n $s e1989
I el
I t
t l
- - - ~-. _ -..- -
I 1
.I r
l i
Rit.ti MIO%%
I 10 C f R 2 ?l848
j re4wn for demal of JernicJ terufmanon requeu, Al A8J99. 21 %RC J'9 lies 9e Id C I R 2 720 l
uw of subpoenas to obts.a daumensa ttom nocesttics. LBP $N,21 NRC 22 tiva96 l
10 ( l R 2 ?2thh't2thi i
eJmemNlds of bearup es,deru. AL AR 402 21 NRC 308 n P (1989p
lloard authora lo prJet appearanse t4 haft member et a mitness. Al Ab 802, !! NRC 340 0) 189431 T
10 C f R 2 T28 tdt BearJ before ohnh e sian moiwm se foeJ. 4L 4R bd8. 21 NRC 14W n 3 41984 I
10( I R 2 722 dunes of antges wfues on thenwns Boerd Panels. L HP 84.4. 21 NRC 41) n 2 (1984 I
proh4Nuon aga not appointmem of strual mauer to sondust d.sosery on twh41f of a perin.
l Il %R( 1729 n 16 (1984
10 C I R 2 ?.40 (cmmawn suihoco, to driegate tempimubdo, for dnswns of motams to Apocal kwrJt AL AB ?97. 28 NRt 9 n )i19846 10 C f' M 2 *lm D e
Jnmandi of Laenwrg B.w J eeferrel of imettmutory ruhng. AL AH 809. 21 NRC ed10 #1984 t0 01 R 2 740ibill>
need fue downser, ecqueu un reiste in matiert in inntroversy, L PP 8519,21 NRC !?24 (1984#
10( I R 2*4ddbH2p identifwanon of feudJs for ehwh esternepsisem r'nilege le claimed L BP 8419,21 %RC Ifit 1198 4 10 C f R 2 ?41 for den uments ided on nonpartnes, ! ILP-I t.1, 21 %RC 2141984 10 C I R 2 '4)llo use of prefavJ entten revunwns in NRC prmee.t ngt AL 4R 'W,21 NR( l'9 A ?) (19841 10 01 R 2 74)tsi eJmin.hdat of euderse proffercJ hv sonen who tudeled i omnutuon umaist of interest
reputdoont ALAR 80).Il NR( 904 n il t19418 beoes lov Lmenwng fliwrd deittmanannn on emergenst 344nning guntenuems.1BP 8914. 21 NRC
!!!** Ilet ti 10 C f M 2 7418.JI effnt e4 leagths ob nnent en a pniived ng Al AR499, ]l NRC Da n 69 (19848 i
80 0 i R l '4tohlp effest of testauie of N.miese Posee thereima, e.tredosiu.n on finding of adeque., e,f reeuce opervor treenmg Peogram. L MP 4114. 21 NRC 140) n 28 (1944 10 C I R 2 74440 imemeiance of the term "m samera ' At 4R 80? 21 NRC 1219 a 10' fl98'l 10 C f R 2 744 toment of summary deswime lRP 59 4. 21 hpf 408 l19841 10 C 1 R 2 ?9 710 B.wtJ avihore to smenw time toneitsinne an enamensteon and trou seemerwtum ed ennesws.
1kr 89.t4,28 NR( 1239 8498 4 means foe luenung thwtJe to tereJoe PenseeJinst. AL 48M49. Il NRC 177 n 96 f1984 1
10 ( f R. 2 714 bedsround (4 netti f4 Puner rule, I bP 5 01. 21 NRC 441 (1984 ensefpretaiwwt of i%e term "reima feoe thesing, i RP 49 9 !! NRC 44% n 16 t1984
fneene fnf sh40er' regulenie's. i kr 89 4. Il Nkt 40414944 I
means for t bie meg senet from need for pnoer fu6e. L RP 89 9, Il NRC 440 81984 f
tPmmeeg neteuery for senet of need fut fee #f tule. L DP 50 9,21 NRL 444 fl984i i0 C 1 R 2 2,.i.,
lit +s4bday of Commitwne tulet m luenmas prmoedingt I hP 8% l. 21 NR(' 44019994 4I l
i 1
1 i
10 C f R 2 '.488 bt uendard for obtaimng manet from ficed for reser tule. L R,84 $. 21 SRC 44141983) 10 C i R 2 73841 Board a6tum ermere no showing en made fot maner of need for m'oer rue, t BP SM,21 NRC 441 (19836 L
10 C l' R 2 738tJs i
ikierd muum ehere stweing in made for maner of need fut preer rule, L BP 809,21 SRC 441 t19496 j
lo C f. R 2 759 Commmmn p4,o somarde remilu.on of mues culiiJe the hearing prmen Al AB 60h. 21 NHC 1
1l9) (19851 etedulum of heanh and safeis mues enhout husation. At 4R ?99. 21 SitC 381 a 104 fl9stt I
10 C f M 2 76taas f nahty of enmalJeuwons.1BP 8bil. 28 NRC 62118989)
10 C f R 2 %os j
ILwrd outN* ries in tone mues sus ironie.1 Mr 85 6. Il SRC 450 (19898 l
Sauw for insosation of Lesenwns Iberd a sua spmie romers At AM 799. 21 NRC 381 (1985),
i j
1 B,14 8. 21 %Rt 48 7. 919119846 inues m be Jeoded in an operaung inenw amendment remeeding. AL AB 796,28 NRC 141983),
Al AB.'99,21 %RC JI2 n 97 Il9til ho,.i.m en..,onn mse menet. iiu.siiie in one,si,n, imeno r,mudin,. t 2i sac 443 4191b e-,em,,4.nnm i e,ed, t m enon.
.rJ. t or.s.iai s,C in9 s1994e l
10 C f N 2 '61 J..,.ma crn,erJr., e,en.
.,e. a,e n. ion,,, J,,r sica. Ai A n 79. 2 i s Ro 0 9 3, 11C f R 2 42
p<me forum for mierterwr in e.t Jaasteement, over i nen no bo rJ t Jeuoum. DD ti 9,28 1
%RC 17?4 (199'l l
j 10 0 i R 2 **2fJi ires!meM of inadtquatelv htiefcJ aliessunct Al All 7% 21 hl4C,l'8 n 64 (l#89I 10 C f R 2 421J1116 soment of arrellant teriefs. Al AR 802,21 NRC 446 et 30 (1944) i lo f f R 2 42fet l
r ee lema on briefs. At 48 ?99,28 NRe la9 n l4 (19491 inCfR2 w,
i j
tresiment e4 eriets imhing remeJ utstions. At AB 802,21 NRC 496 n 3018944 1
lo s l' R 2 te 4 I
Jersh of etaemnatum of the remrd for immed.ce effeilisenese reviene, Al AB toli,21 hMC 1*)
l 1
n 9 fl9 tie f
standerdt (of msnmg en effestnenena Jcogen. I 1184'9, Il %R(' ll48 (1989p
,u. a.m m.,e me. m.,,,,,,,, w e e +e 9 ue,4 mn.,n,ei, in, r.,,,,,,e.,,,,,,,,,,,, e,e herewdned Al AR 0+P8. Il %BC ltH8 (1994#
j lo t i R 2 44sf atts amenedice effesmenen reueen c.f oreranns inenee suihorisanone for 1% p.wer or len.
Al 48 Sint 21 %RC }$1 n 7 41939; l
10C D R 2ff4tf)(2)
Jeowons arpers afNe in (l.189 9,21 %Rt l140 n 62 41949) 10 C $ R 2 44df)(Jf f s) eneitneness of I m en ra Ikwr4 ton operanon. (!I ai 9. 21 NRC 18 44 l
Nb2tl95tf p
l 10 C f R 2 ft4efe#2Hia t.she nf retite to tuhmet iomewnis perisimng in smitieJeate effetheenen mues, Al Ah M1, 21 i
hitC )*) n 9 ilest#
i 64 J
l h
i l
l l
T ll I
1 l
1 11 G AI. Cil Allo % INillA R H tiAlio w I
4 10 C i R 2 'o4:sl elint on 4rivalikufJ of Commewon e imrotd.aie clictinenna tessee, At 4h StRl. 21 NRC 190 l14846 to C I R 2 ??2the suitioret, of Commitwon Sesteierv; 4L 45 A% 21 NRC li8e n I (1980 1
10 C i R 2 784thHip
( cmmimon suitunne to dc6egate reconisbeht, for distwns of methirie to 4 rival hi+assie 4148 747,21 %RC 9 m 318984 10 L I R 2786 6aute Ice ( cmmewen reserwl M 4rtwat iloard detineon ( l! 54 2,21 NRC 147 (1984 10 t i R 2 *A'4bsfli awtimrd) e4 Okwrd ( haaman in ehwrwe ad a quoeum, 41 All 810, 21 NRC 1618 n 4 (19891 10 ( I R 2 '88tal righi v4 a retty w teen stay of desi on or aseni, stieon. Al Au 808,21 NRC 1993 a 2 09:4 10 0 i R 2 isst>tf 41
aonedcranon of uni.i saied puncts in desidmg tid, notwnt Al AM tog,28 NRC lho) 41959 i
lu (~ l it 2 '8sier troerie for Jetermmeng tsa, nwi,ung. 4 L 4 H ROS. 2 8 NRC 1999,160) t 1944 5. At 4 R 410. 28 N RC 10!I5'IO 4198 %l 10 C i R 2 ?8Bllt ILwrJ before shio n a may netum et faed. Al AN 404, 21 NMC 1999 n 2 (19998 so(ln2 tai 1
enierreciatum of the term "in seawra". AL AM 80?,21 NRC 128 4 n 10? I19sh 10 C l R 2 '9m bnel thednt let neto+M$ etorfietarp infvama m J es e tes. At 4H to' 21 NRC 1214 n 104 419996 s
l pit i R 2 7*Henan.i j
nweet lef willer.g peortseiery enformaison disrulet. Al All Bui. 21 N$(' 12l$ n ion ll4997
10(lN 2 o2 i
aw.m for ah.oeas'as tesdamnt i 8P 89 4, 21 Nur 404 (19996 l
10 C l R !. Artemht 4. % sdod46 2
. a. 4nn., w,o N a ( im e a.n.,
$n m 21t,C r9ntaoviai i
60 0 0 R 2. 4rpefhht A % l11 I
l is o w os enwesemi Pa..wn, n,ue. is, tw.on..aered >, I men.n no. a. i er a t.1 a 2: ARe 1229 i
siwatt 14 l' I R 2, Artwmlit C, i and % Il f 19811
( peniewon Jiie rciuin en te66 tieg semin nt for t udanont l)ll $ 4 9, 24 N pr li?l.72 (198 9 6 l
10 C I R 2, Arte n.h t C. ill and 14 der,n.t,.m.-, a emn.,,nrism, 4 4nw Ji s C w n i n9,
14 I l' N 2. Arremlin (,14 4 ilva46 at teuwd V A, 49 l ed p eg 8 541. Its* 1494, s.194b NN( tefortenwnt pdus foe testen, levellt seul V buelainct ()ll 49.9. 21 NRC I??O 11919i i
lo l I N 2, 4rrefhlit (',1%diffIl j
defina oi(d a deseahon. Al All 799,21 %MC 36? n ) 1198)#
lo t i R 2, %wbrast H and Arsvthlis C I
l beff re rwn.h leep in dewrmen, neM for enf >+ienient silmn till 89 9. 21 NR( I?*) n I t198 4 l
10 ( l' R Ju I
- ae innevis for te,mer, and teenir, e,(iomem.n.ied arcat i kr 4412. la Np( til I1984 l
1 10 ( ) p 2n loi s 6.utenon of re.liaiam estes to ihe paro..: I kP 411. Il NaC ein ll$10 1 0 ( l 11 20109 d e t daw erneria fue resmery ami remit of son'enunated stest i HP 4012 fl NBC 8810940 lu t i 11 2n lim I
h4sard from e>c.wnw6 se.t.en in een u,# so.aem gve.wre t..un.l,, as (,6 ereming re.,i.,o i
i hP 414 21 N#( 4818 I194$ #
1 I
.4 i
.l l
I i
r l
8 i
l l
I l.) G AL CII A l'lO% IN DI \\
l RIGt L.AllON%
l 10 ( l R 21 4
l Nm for Cornmin.on intemsaton on sudstmn of delniern terottma otagmumi, ( HP toII. !!
NRC If>44 tlwS4 I
engineering desigrt Jefoenoes reportaNe undet. L itP 89 4, Il N RC 441 $2 (1924 9 10 C I R 3.5 reamremeni, f w a rhsw.4n to rescise en %RC t%ense, tirm 41401,21 %RC !??8 419856 10 0 F R 40. Arivndia 4 bf1 es.ww.n of atternanses ou onvie disswd of mill teihnv3 IllP $9 ),21 NRC 24a 09641 10 CI R $0 need for thiwal wrutny plan fee m.b60twee 40 elestra pmeer siesem. At 48 Bild. 21 %RC 199 l
tlisia reins. rut auth< wit) fiv esemrtict's from sny tequiremenis of. 414R ban, 21 % RC 1610 Il9 sit 10 C F R SO ?
w,,, a.
te,, g,re.aent,e,h.,..,,e,asam,,
I t ur as 20. 25 NRC I?42 Om>
l rrotettum of empk seen from d.intiminauen for teiung heal'h erkt safett invet. ( ll 49 2. Il NRC 32?(198?t d
3 tMdetmst (d. by 6:46141 9 giving gmpk9ee e los refformante ren'ng it4 entfessmg safel) (ofhernt.
l)l)-Bt9,21 NRC l'82 7)(19$90 10 ( l R 4(I ?f at
eute of ( ommiw.m re..N>tmns again t emricyee dm iminemn till 8 4 9. !! % RC I?b4, l'66 r
Om, 10 C f R H8 tots t eieferme frem ( $r at',21 %Rr toe tl9sti lil( ( R $HIdleMllAMd02I 1
were of ie amiamies find,es, hat rurniw e-f oN eining lemoed newk outN*risanoa i BP 8911. !!
%RC 625l1941) 10 C 7 R So 12 e nef"rn"n from 40 4'. Al AR 44*#. 21 % R t lwa f l9th lo t i R hi ll'ai
hates for d6*m *isi s4 erpral of dnis.on granong e nememin from emergem, plannieg te.psiternenit.
48 4 h 8.N 21 NRt 1611 (1989#
.r.ier,a m he for er.m of e emruon. from regot.iion. At 45 kN 28 NRC telo. loll l) i (19ste eftfd of s' eel (4 e temrt*** tarklet en need is4 Ph wal m widt PIAft 4l 4R l'El Il %I4( 34n t
1 (199 4 emstrettatw n of the phrew "tribere ew en the punies mieress'. AL 4R tuit, 21 NR( 149. 398 f 1984 etic e4 "rwNw mterest " find ng int grant of esememin from regulatione,(ll 80 8,21 NRC 278 j
n2tivate 40CfR %d(219:127 f a.mre o,nwdered en de.. dens em starii of eiemrunn from to C f R to linil, litr atJ,21 NH i
j 4M 0904 in C e $ so m.n4.. a v.ai4, Nest for etaluating adsguas 9 ad d.ewi genef tert for lm kur emergenet tsentrn al leert 80
%he#ehem L RP $$ ll. Il %RF $$49 {l944 10 ( l R So 141st. Is Hlf Isligab.161) (4 trHsunt teWewt from (el trainseg reagts4. lllP $% 4, 21 NRL 402 (I9lI) l0 0 ) R %C }4(blfil scat etalushon fathws ohn h enww tv erhiedeJ in I mob %efel) Analtait Repnet. Ilif $1-2 Il %H
- 41. 49 8149 4 10Cl R toJ44 netewiv f 4 r*,weel wsurnt pian enh cretates beenw arghanon. At 4R 88ut Il NRC J92 fi19 j
1l944) se i
t f
I l
i j
I 1
10 C i R 50 Jealle hugaNhip of trmum relcaws from 01 traimns reestor. LitP 804, !! NRL' eill 4198tr 10 C i R sd 47 arreal of order granung opphsans siempten from. Al. 4h StN Il NRC 160f (1981) emergens, planning Gnengt nesenary for suuanse of operaut*g inenw, Al AR 209, Il %RC letN 4
l n ) 41983h L DP 4tle. 21 NRC 1228 (1989) esempion from. At 48 8sN,21 %RC Irea 4N 01984) indmdualered et aluaimn of budengt to Jctermine their adeguay for thshering, I hr 1414,21 NRC !)d),1344 (1989) need for all emergeno emers to he in ptase before protessive ascens are implememed.
(BP 3.914,21 NRC I)i211989 need for p*iraimns turney e4 tenhers and esNoi staff to determme their adhngness to volunicer durma a raJudogul emergeno, L RP-8tl4,21 NRC 1315 419hir need for tresial msutonon-spesi4 emergeno plans for day care fauhhes. I hP 85 le,21 NRC 1926 (19846 4
need for spesial moosupon gresiN emergency P64ns for faalities for mentally retardeJ. I BP 8914, 21 %RC 6138 liet$s perJ to conuiter sffests of e+ecwemn en arese outwJe emergeno planmns annes, L BP 9014 Il NRC 140$ (1984t 60 C l' R $6 4?taHl>
( ommmeon fin 4:sg nesenary fi>r fuH-pomer operstmg inenw suuanse,( L l A 012, 21 %RC 5 492 1
I flesti degree of somrictue required r4 emergeno plant resor to shwe <4 hennego,I hP 8414,28 NR(
'1 effesi of etas uaime shados phenovnermn en %Nireham emergemy planmng. I BP 4 912. 21 N R C
- 64) (1989 p emergemy planmns (Megt nesenari for operanns hsenw issuas e, L RP 8 9-12, 21 N R C 649, 69 4 tiveir 1
%RC fineegt nesenart for creraitas inenw tuvanse. (HP 8514,21 NRC 1220 24 (19496 erre of proteshte astu+ne to be tesen in a raJoh gaal emergensy.1 HP 1912,21 %BC 914. 916 j
9l?41949) theiterms at a protettive ashan during radadogisal emergemy at %hof them. ( BP ll 12,21 NRC i
?'4 (19858 to ( ) It N 444H2s lue her %RC Onenes on elegau, of offsite emergemy piani. I hP 8412,21 NRC 64211984.
LIIP 8414. 21 NRC 4225 m 114 49s51 meishi paen to ll M 4 interim findingt for purPne of muante of full power inenw. L BP It14,21 NRC !!!9 a 67 (1949f 1
to C i k M 4910 odequeo rsi imitan Punt emergemy ptanmog Cil 34 6,21 %BC 1080 (1954 gedanse ami thiens iur pudging odegeaq of emergemy rescenw plane. I RP 8114,26 NRC 1225 I
(19851 j
guidanse for een.fveng emergensy riannirig standarde, I hP-84-12. 21 NRC 6l2. 6011949 10 ( f M 30 4NDHit e!Ttsi r4 etaeushon 6hadow themimenon on Shoreham emerge %y planmeg. i hP 89 l),21 %RC 6%$ (89til
tisffing of emerscN y operatens serHere, i DP 9114,21 NRC 1162, ll6l, llM 11981)
I 10 C i R 90 4hbH)t criangaiw*rt riteding letters #4 agreement in augment emergency responw estu % 4 hP 8914, ll j
%R( 1166 (198 9 lo t i R in4 % H$s interpretarwin of requirementi for rmufuuon #4 ernergere notnors. l >P toll, il NR( ft>s litt H protitiong to FWvhfy emergerrt enrhers, llir 09 14,21 NBC llll, lit 4 Il98)p i
of 4
i l
m I
1 i
l 1.I.G Al. CI T A llONS lN DL\\
l kl6LBAllO%N i
10 0 i R 9d 4 7 t blI 41. 66 7, f ilD, 4 61) s4uslastien of requirements of, through unlup amplernented emergem, plan, L BP 4 012, 21 N RC i
919 (19933 1
10 C f R 30 4hbH96 rehaNity of mmwgram for th).oed dese tehulahs.n, IllP $9-12,21 NRC 7801195')
10 C i R 40 47thul06 e0ctl of emd shifts on proiesine asuon resommendatmns, L BP 8bl2,21 NRC 7?9 Itv81) gedeh've for determimns eNsh pretestne asinm to resommend in Shovehem redados, sal emef gemy, I SP.ltl2, ji SRL 772, 777 (1984 I
sne of preitstne aanme to be taken in a raJadopal emergemt i BP 8012,21 %R( 918,916.
917 d l450 i
l shetiering as a rematne eunm dunes rad'olosssel emergemt at 5Nvehem. LilP 4012 Il %RC 1
774 t!*89 10 C F R $0 4hdH101,4012t site of emergemy etanmng nmes. I kP li 8, ]! NRC $22 (1954 1
10 ( l R 40 4's bH12) standard by shnti to senmke esemptums an the emergemy planning eres, AL AR 809,21 NRC lell n i 11984 i
10 C i R So 4N>ni) edesweiy c4 Wreham plans for resnstry and reentry, Ipr-8tl2,23 NRC 84011901) 10 C l R 40 4hbules unannownsed emergen6y resemw eneroses and dulls, I BP-Otle,21 NRC 110) (19846 IO C i R $0 4 f t< >
t)res r,f deorens,es to ehnh reswtanen is eJJreswd. AL.4R 809,21 NRC 1612 41484 10 (' i R 30 47 toils I
eJegwaq ed offsoe eme#g sno p64n laining liste of lenal gnsernmental perinipotion. I BP tb12,21
%k( 844 4 89896 beses let ll wrJ s sonowmm that esempos.n from 40 47 is marramed Al AB 409, 21 %50 lkr9 1610-1) i198 4 sonfigv'stw,n and wie of emergerhy pianning anne, ( HP 8012,21 NRC eil 419841 resas of re. sam s t ure in met emergeno ri.nmns siandards, I br stil 21 NR( 69409#4 10 ( F R 40 4Ngit):
i ade49a0 of %N,rcham i P/ semfagurehen. l flP $t12. Il %RC 902 (1994 dwante of emergeno meu sere senters from nuslest poser rient i RP 4414,21 NRC 14 4 !!9th I
vffeu r4 esesumonn sh Joe phenomenon un Weehem enwrgens, planmng, t BP 0012,21 %RC 659 alSs0 i
smluvun of mhools nahen sluse pensimity of eesh other in I r/,inr abt),21 NRC 44 Tot a1944 l
l wisfeu,on of rewweements v4. thr<mpei unht, imp #enwnied emergem y plan, l kr $1 12, 2 6 NIIC j
919 (194 4 i
i treeinwnf of f I M 4 emergeno Plannies Ondings as rehutist>ie preswanreme., litP 89-12,28 NRC l
64%11994) j 10 C I R to 4'ide emergeni, pianmns mesters tegwred for los rv,mer lesenw l BP 01 ll,28 NRC 612 #1984
bndin64 Preredd'Wie to 4 WIN'fl18t'on Inf Ice Pireet luense. (lI 80l,21 NRC 278 41981) ater, c4( ornmm on imnwdwe effeshneness re*+ees, AL 4R Siin. Il NRC 391 n 11 (1984 10 0 f R.tue7fde
po er lesels not requiring servussi of off wie emettemp Prererednese, i BP 8012, 21 hkC 892 f19991 l
10()R 4049 t'*rhan e of Pilgrim vintrisel euwatawnt *dh oil 80 9. Il NRC 104d 1l994 l
j s
more a enuronmen.. u.hrisanon,wie, on as s, li NRC 604 09s4 j-10 ( ) R 90 94f et f
sfreu of th4 eses s'iloint Omnersh'P As'eemeni keineen vuhues on eest=mebsher for deman amt j
sonstf Witson Isf %eahrts.h, ltl) $$ 2. ji N R C ),ldb 1194 % D h
f g
I t
j 9
I i
i l
i j
l I
4 l
l l
1 t
I t
r a
lt l 61141188%%
l l
j 10 01 R 40 44 tilt 2tini i
mawmn of 120-dat thi6k for weresimn a f emersenst planning definenuet Otl 99 e. 24 NRC
ll02(19541 10 0 i R %)194cp
j sJmm>> dup v4 late fded antemen bawd on rep.rt under, L RP $$ 9,21 a RO J26-27 l1944}
l J
cffeo of appenant a fedure to esport find.nge a4 sonnettor reswo of ensiesterns design esinehet j
L 8P 8$ 4,24 %Rfl 440 (1984) i ns ms repwiabig under, t hP 44 6,21 %RC eil 12,444,454 (19848 j
lag 4Nhty of bfCs drosonmaking pensens enh tespest to rep >rtakin, of app 6nant's sonuatot J
report, I hr 89 9, 21 NRC ene il9 tit ine%ich ne uwd to esalusie deinienova es feretienistne of delesa to appinata e somrvtense.
i i
2 L HP 89 6, 21 %RC 4Ni tl#84 6 j
reponahelity of diferemial une seulement beneath burated eater puwege tanks, ( kP BS 2,26 Nilf 99.182(1999) l 4i teewuhibit of lesh of truitJi for as built Jewsne for eleotitel and enurumentaten nuems DD 84 4. Il NitC 5)l (19ste fen'riakhty Of the Ihb of Lohformente Ed en alem la manuf40uret't tesierlon, $ $P 85 9,21 NRC
i 52n (19164 i
te9merment 64 tressenem of ton.uudion errors in nus6eer p net Plana. AL Ab 199,21 NRC 3t)
I flenit
10 01 R to ltie H i s desseirien of defawnst repirting tegeernenie, I RP $5 6, JI %RC 44 (1989)
I 10 0 i R 40 99teltilm j
stemletdo for eve 4usung report.Nhip of Je6tietn+es illP 84 A 21 NRC 444 te i19499 l
j 10 C i R Sa 19teHIHo, eso or (mt t
ter-takho of 6nd.nse in ments we veuve of engensering deogn ainmee, t BP 41 e 21 NRC
4 40. 442 a 2. 4 4 ). 44 49 7, 4N> (19s tl j
10 0 0 R ki ttien!).<ea ds A
deeJane 64 rep, Jefnvn.we en NRC, ihP 8) 6. 29 NRC 40,462 t19510 i
T 10 ( l R hi 9 9aldH 21 t
I eraeria for e+.esung pring merents rewines from unit tentenwnt. ( DP 84 2. Il %RC 199 (19496
10 0 5 R 4d if
< i,. wi~,,e,. n,i,,,,,, 6,, ore,v,.., is,n,,
,,,,e,n, t DD e, 2, R C n. n o..,
r i
neuen e #4 loe piert inen e even IN.ush un.erisinte stics atmut full p ser bienw per twmg s
inwrJ (11 all,21 %RC 2'9 fleste 10 ( l P $4 tha'4 h effest i4 finding of empN ee d.orimensinen on inenens of nualvar pieet Ptent DD $$ 9,21 %RC t
i l'e91f9844 la C i R 40 Siteitjuo u Nha e4 w de benceih %nh Te n,. Prowo I kP 89 9 28 NR( 929niIl9su lo t. I R $0 97M euihoeits me foe h*e fmeet overanon ehere esen<uet full p net opeteam.n is en doubt G l 8412, i
21 %NC 159) (19498
i 10 C 1 p 40 91 need fee a heenne prior to neusnie of a inenw emendment, At 48 796. 21 NRC 4 (19th i
10 ( ) R $4 92 tvinna..h ni, hw ewuante i.f ken,e onwndmenn, Al Ap ten, 21 %Rt 4 tivett
10 C l R to 109 I
i attin aNM) '4 nce wimmer ernetia et operatial kenw teuee stage, t hP 812,21 NRC 44. 49 4A tivsip bli wwp.come v4 e let) suutam e progtsm fet ofwf ating muslest pseet platt ( l l 24 6, 21 h M C liS2t1984f l
10 C l' N 96. 4ptur%4 A 8
eftensNhty of, in Steameg feastof, t $P 84 4,28 %RC 402,4d4 litsi) j i
i 69 1
i l
I 1 _- _.
I i
i I
_. m
.m m.
_.._ ~_ _.-. ___ _
j i
l l
l Lt G Al. Ci t' ATIO% IN DIT all.t t.u low 1-F li. O f R % 4rrendis 4 01)( 2
essiutum of poteni 41 tot toit lieuefacuni asuse ied enh %l. groud nmuons, i kP.84 2,28 %kt
?? 1145 4
testmn and peckyn triieria los viu6kst power riant design, L RP 402,21 NRC el 11944 I
10 ( l R V Arcewis ( 0110 3 eJeuu.s of Ierme hre prose.ima usiem. DD B4 4. 26 NRC 34618964
l 10 C i R to, greertJis 4. UIM' 14 I
hasard from abruwmsl avskages in feestos soielect preuvre tvundar, al Gl tf a nint 'tadn',
L UP 84.4,28 NRC 4d2119846 1
10( f R 30. ApsvnJa 4,011C ti eJews) c' J+cwl senciators for reoseJag th h er enicrgem s elesifnal piset at %iig,,,,,,,,
L hP 8 tit. 21 NRC 1640, 86% 1656 (1984 eJaniuq ci m4simum quhtieJ leeJ of Wrcham emergemt diewt generances, i RP 8' 18 !!
j NRC 1644,1690 419846 on eien.p.on fem Cll eol 21 %n0 2?6. 277 no si eleau I
enfei, f numn at retameters 98 tw but emergevu e6estrasi pieer eaurie for austest e mer pant.
& BP 5018. Ji NRC 1646 41984 4
.ie a e.e pu. f,-,es.,,,.*ni, of. At 4 m.* : s Rc 3.
- o. n 40 ( 0,E M AiTendit b e.lequais of igualelt suuf evke fue verifiestma reogram. Al. Ab $18, Il NRC 1660 (19448 Jelegsbewi of evehty esaursfue ressene.bihties by seg4stant, DD $0) 21 NRC 542 (1994 den..r of 2 Joe. ret.i n aneging gula, suuren e uuteimne ei %henoa lid 80 L 21 %RC ? t4
Sl9. 344 fl#tt) i resen for requiremesit fc4 quing euwe8%8 r'Deram for flutleet p*eet piania 4L45 802,il %R(
l 442 n 4 diet 4 j
== tem.n of, si t,s..>. DD at e. Ji N u t l'6t a lve u i.n
. u.m us.. i m...,_
4 k-r* v4 the term ' nas o ouvran e'. 4L th no2. 21 NRC 4el n 10940 s
I lo C 7 8 % Arre#wlet B l adm. hdit, of someno.m eneging in.ntem, cif he#eumetti, innen demn. and tet i.auwy e.iu.n.
ISPSLIO,Il NEC l*424l98%l j
j emresee heraumem edemo tonianunna e untain.n of. DD 09 9,21 %B( l1*a t19e9 1
10 4 f it 4 grfwr%I't 8 II. h % I l
sectw e4 uutny suutame crosteme. Al ga sul,21 %ut 49) nn n.3 tiven i
i j
10( l' R % Artwndes B M1 emertweiston of the teret 'rmmrib" es sensed ut the teperhng of quets suutense defuimet AL AB 502, Il NR( PO2 n 'O 119456 j
l rep *fiabibe, nf sushi, euurenie breenJoens. 41 AllJ99, }l NRC l'4 fi le t1984 l
10 ( l R 60 AprenditC.ll(
..a w.n a,.di.i.onJ.
...ihe,h,, 4 iiPsi.i. sis:( 4:e ei,in so C f a M Arrenda i 1
ettwesteny rienmns find.cgi nesener, fe.,i unie ad crerstma imenw. L hr 0$.44. 21 NRC 1220 l
4194 4 1
.a.,,Juis,eJ,, of waJ n,, io nie,e, ih,,,.J.,
, ve,.reiier,ng. i nP, i s. 2i j
%$01toj11944 ne#J fe4 aftsal enehtuuon ef4Plef*E emergerup riant for foulettet fief frwnlally fetarded. $ OP 50 54.
21 %R( 11.18 (19t h i
peuhekinem againte eenbey ashtaung 4 pubbe emergeniy notifkeuon statem, ! $P 44 l2, Il NBC i
9he 1896n
10 C f p % 4rversten l ln(
ti#e of emergern e paemes tonet. ( HP 89 8. 21 NRC 9)) 11984 l
10 C l $ % Argwn4ht l. l%
swJeane fit weitens emetserai rienmes esanderde,1DP at 17. Il Np( 69)(199H 10( l N k A.temlit 8,8% ll i
j eiert of it e nwe emergem, noofnenon Peraid. t hP 49-12. Il Nit ( tif 11400 f
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10 C I R 40 4nwndu l. n D 2
rierrW 44 enwegemi riannens bemhure. L itP 3912. 28 NRC 44 419446 i
io( e n m. $nwnae i. n o )
emerpressinm of requerertwmt fut not4% awn ad emergemt nothers [MP $412,21 %N( '08 18968) l 1 0 ( l 14 40. Arramlin i. W I
~i..n.w.,,t.,e,ne,,em,,i.n,i.,,,e.e.,, o u,s.( n.. n 9.,
j to t i a
- o, ArftnJ'i l eu ursit of a ak e4 p d,onw.1,Jr den +weiam f alet let 4*w h lenas Prisprit. t WP 8 9 0, il NM(.
j 321(1949s 1
ukulaimm ad 6 we sewinisted enh aus.hment of neb 6e saws to n, ash retta les. t lir a4 9. 21
%W( 4 th (1984 6 6cmpsiten n e4 f adsamen d. wt nahislated en an annWahied b6Wt and (hete g thuessed Stet the life of e
1 t,,e ri.m i.P i n n %.<.n n..t.
I 10 ( l N to. Anyde i till seku!.i.en of b we sen. ird enh sita.hmem of not4e saw to n, ash perimits.1 he ao $. n NHL 421 (lette tu( l R 448 Argymlis 1. !!(
eah wisten of red ai.un ihr, en I, mph rustet, & BP S t 1, Il NRC 42? I19541 lot #n % Anwo.s termde for di= rereraes en soone.nment test foie tenieng ()D 84 2, 21 %$( 211 ?) i19449 lit ( l R 41. Ish4e % 1. n 4 1
1.o,4p.hi, ne he,iih ellesie siiribusak r to 1 l n etwet in indi,idust tueneas recitedons t BP 8 4 4 l
ll %3( 479 419896 10 C i Il 9544the smi tiland lito l
J les4ht= of bf1 reheme un entoemeima gewresed h, 4rrimente. I BP BM. 21 NNC 256 n I? liet96
to t i lt il e llei. %I 94.>
g i
son =ederosame se arrteng soHettf el esturert tot heshh eml nefete entwee to ensininmental stowes.
( $P 0% ll,21 NEC Ojl n S 449999 j
in t I a si sli.
ting 4Meit of need it4 pe eef inmenew es en eggtanng turnw reuite.tuige i llP 89 4. 21 't At 441 ef*811 I
to t i R H 9)isp l
nerJ for surgdemental en,tronmenial ampaat seeierterne let ine pente ogetsinen ehete egentwal i
,o r. e.,
.,.n..a,,.n a. rt o i s u). n s no ne9 0 9 9 1
10 ( l N 9 9 6
queltmeine requirememt Int erfwf fesiint esperalos esndidatet ( $P 4%-1),21 %$[ 147111V93)
to t' f M 9 9 2 4 u,*.m.n.e..rrinen..e er, et., oce... ee.on, Sm.
.ui. or. I nP a o it. l 8 p < l m n 41 al##*p 10 I I N $ $
effwsNete ni in Plan f 4 rettnanent emmte d*=t= mal of # mil serl. net i WP 84 L ll Nut 249 to
eits96 demel # twbren Od tulemehms fewtenung adeemn ait aneetim fesuiawne few thathie Land Aarotel f
eef les level foduisitiet easte, inPM 4184 2. 2 8 hit ( )?ll t19440 io (,. 4) errin eh'isty 84 bvwiel wiunts rewifemeaat la substitute AC elettru r"eer etwom, Al AB 048 t
it hW( 349, )92. )19.19h 4 4944p J
taefertu.m front Feowneme t e,f 48All6's),))NNr)96Il944p lo ( t ll ti la hia lisis j
e esem e4 phsonal trawreen rien 44 48 9'88. ?! NNL 19) n 161494O j
lu 4 f it f) Jiis 1
dehn nna of ensi egvernwm; tl Ah am }l har 39; n it 194 n jo al9sy j
in ( ) It fl ??
j penecita.n e4 tetal evwiewent, Al gN SW. Il %3H ' 192 h li f1940 t
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I LFG AL CITATION 51NDE A RI GL't 4110N4 10 0 i R 100 svenrutat on of pp.latn n senter diuanse. LDP $518,21 NRC 614. eli t 1989) mwatam denut, eewurements for woeg reasters. 01i Si e,21 NRC ltM9 (19846 radiaine lesels resultmg from aswlent at 24 e power lesels C6 l 85-9. 21 NRC ll$2 (19831 10 C l R ltu) % #
uandarJ for shimsmo nearest densett pirulated semer, L BP Si.II,21 NRC 626 41934:
use of aggregate restrainmal faihues populanons to steiermme Ptulaine senser and los stularison sime. I16P 24 ll, Il NRC62?(19846 10 C I R im loisilli of vie sceurn revenw wettra arreonh eith la C I R Part lilia. ANsendit A.
[ 8P-S t I,28 NRit 46. 122 414848 10 0 0 R ltU lil4H2t arW (31 uw of ageregase resresiwnal populatens to deletmme pt#pulaine senter and too retulosum cone,1 MP It il,21 NRC 625 (1985) 10 01 R 100 litett D rr,rerviainm i4 ine p.gus,unn tone. L BP 8411,21 NRC 626 IIet56 10 C l R lilu, 4rrendis A drrta sNht, #4 in tra.mns restor. l hP 84.4 21 %RC 402. 4a4 (198 41 s44t ulaiam i.f cewsn haws earthquake pme to promulgainm id, I hr 44 2,21 NBC 51 (1981) someanhoot of sue sceufu respinw spesire artrossh enh. i BP 89 2. 21 NRC 46, $4),127 t1984)
Jefinanm of wisenotesiemis proutwe. L 8P.812. 21 NRC $4 n le (19816 determmaimn (4 leu. n.s preurne for 40. diana Plant sne, L BP 89 2,21 NRC 9). 48.121, I k). II)
- liste esterit to ehnh sw of pnibathisstn metN44ogs is permissitile under. [ BP-84 2, Il %RC 4? (19 A4 e seierpreinium ed the terms ime.riam so safett" and "safeip-related ' es arrbed to seismis des gn etwuerenwnis_ Lhr St-2,21 NRt. $2 a 12,194 n 94 (19til legal iswes raiwJ be arN4sant's use E4 t's sprofw responw sevsite 1 BP ti 2. 21 NR( 4 5 t 194 9 t sushinaimn of ( enpal hable Region se e tesums Prourse, I kP 84 2. 21 NRC 591895 4 seismw and geologos sriteria for paleer pireer plant dessen, i BP-8%.2,21 Nit (' 41119591 wie ese64tmn fastors to he ergh,ted m hnal %4fety I saluaima Report. (BP 84-2,21 NRC 49 e 19s ti
%taff senserns atmus de*6. haws earthquate asserted before promulgaimn of, i BP 84 2. 21 NRC 121 t ive t t 1 0 ( l 18 lius, Aprendes A. Il snmeanNea, of meecufis resp ew spesus enn to ( F R Port IW, Appenda 4.
( HP 48 2 Ji %R( 44 elenta its C i Il lint Aragoda 4 Illisa ww of umurmtwm rermd wage dewge baus tenheivake as safe shuidnen esrihquake.1 BP at 2. Il NR( 42 n 7116sts 10 ( l R im. Ariwmsa 4 lltrdi en e rt4heht 44 prop *J operenne bees earthquate si Mediand. t hP 812. 21 %R(. SI (1941s 10 ( f R l(NI, Artwndet 4, Illill espianatum of resormw spentrurn. t DP 49 2. 21 NRC 44.137 n 19 t19 sis 10 ( l R lou, Arrendia A.1% isH il,141 escluaimo of enenual for and legwefas emer a sanieled eith %%I ground rememns. (SP 89 2,21 NRC 72, (4? f 1999) 10( ) R im Arremlet A, % 88' appletabilif t 44,44e's440fis restenw spgstre melbalology, [ $P 4$.2, jl NRC $4)(1981) fasiors taken iriin essownq m determening resemse sggstra,1 MP 99-2,21 NRC 48, llt n 44 (19941 l'I r l R liar Appendie 4. % i4 H i t reineJure for definerig g,bresor, g,ugnJ,%iam, [ gP 5 9 2. 21 % RC 90 Il98 41 It1 C f R 100 Argendis 4, % f et t lHil sonwreausm eithed tu verthquates stonisied e sh testonu Prounses lHP 84 2, Il %1t( 64) d195 ?}
12 1
l l
10 C i R IM Appendis 4. % tatt IHeil anstuwen of astelerograms m censtruisson 44 sde spestin reymw spritra. L IIP 85 2,28 ARC IJT (19146 l
10 C f R 400, ApnnJis 4, % (aH lHnl reavin for tonwriatine appesanwn of proseJares few determinms ufe shuidimn enrihquake, t
t, 21 N RC Ni e 195 4 kope of rengenw trestra L16P-85 2. 21 NRC 48. 30,140 t1984 10 0 t R 100, Appendig 4, % f dsil) etalusion of potemial for noel INuefasuon amiated meth Mi pround rnotwns 1 alp $6 2,21 %RC
'2, f 47 (19Att 10Cl'R loo,Arg wei 4. % lie s prwidure for Af,n ng gibratory ground rnoten. litP 89 2. 21 NRC 47,30 (1940 10 C 1 F. itY, Appe.wlis A. % lialli) etahatme of pmential for mod Iquefastion emissed with Mi ground anotu$ns LBP 85 2. Il NRC 72 dies 4 44 (' l R 3 40 il M % reywwNatwg on eftergensy prepstednein findmps LBP 8914,21 NRC 1228 29 (19st) l 4topt Of II.M % appfetal pfigets. DD $9 6 21 NRC 1940 m 4 (19841 410 i R 7,412.904 0 bro 4Asse of emergenn mformauen as night t4 danime AM tedio statmns, L BP 8412,28 NRC I6418991) i l
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l Admm maine PracJse %t. 5 l' % C 554-5511 seolaoen of intenenor s due praess r:gha through al6cscJ praedural errors and N4s. AL AR 799 21 NRC 3'6 n en t 19841 Admmmranse Protedure Act, $ U % C. 555tbl reewNht, for emurms i at a carn n reprewnicJ b) counwl. Al AH 802. 21 NRC 498 f198(6 F
Admirmustae PracJure Aci. 51 % C. 554lct cauw h'r %ia T Jeferral of Jc;ermmation on appucation for permaneni onvie storage of rmli tailings.
r L BP-85J. 21 NRC 250 t IUit Admm:urain e PracJure ht. 5 U S C. 55N J) use of prefded untien icitarrony in NRC prmerdings. Al AB-799. 21 NRC 379 n 70 t19851 Adminwraine Praedure ht. 5 l' 5 0 55% 8 b4us hir 4 Swrd s Jesivonm tmg. AL AB 809,21 NRC 1613 n 11 (198%I respmumbn of trtunal to uale reawm or baws for tonsluunns. Al AB-801, 21 NRC 481419165)
Admmdire:nc PacJure bi 5 L 5 C Si8iN urwanses teamrms immed aic shuidee n cf nustear power plant. ( Ll 8 5-10. 21 N RC 15 ?6 t1%59 Ato N IF:eryt bl.
Img4Nhy el amorusi nwes ai the eiwranrg inenw u ge. L HP-85-4, 21 NRC 44 tlW5 p Atoms I.nergy At,1611bl. 42 LJ % C 220 lib t legal authenry for NRC to irn;w sucomucJ Inense re uiremenn. ( L I 85-6. 21 NRC 10?8 (1985)
% mw i nes, 4t. Is) eflest of (Nctes tn Jont < >=nenNp Agreement betecen unhnes on responuNhty for des gn and c rMr a r cf 5obra DD 8' 3. 2! NRC 536 (1985)
Aioma I ness A61. lii6 effett of hsenste a fadure to fue u.nirador repons in a umely fash.on. CLI 89 2. 21 NRC 340 IInts Atomes incrgs h t.14 4 right of 4ppea6:$ to a hearmy on enf"rsenwr,i suion (1184-6. 21 NRC 104? (19A5i Atomn i ne g. Ai. INA 42 l' S C 22)Ni taieg"rv of asemy asi+ns triggenns te+nns r,sha. Cl18910. 21 NRC 15?) n 3.15?5.1577 79 1581 (14856 Commawm authom, io iniorporaic solunie, laenwe commiiments into a Ise<ise. Cl.18 510, 21 r
NRC 15?4 n 5 ilwl5>
ll 41 A puns hearms on emergem plawns as rnaans of proietimg penate pany s interesis.
Al AB 1806 21 NRC 1191 n la (19115i rrghi of an mJmdua! to a hearmg when gmernment astion affects his employment (11-85-2. 21 NRC 315. 316 (1945) r shi io hearms on inensee's char 4c:cr. ( L l 84 4. 21 NRC 565 n 4 (1995>
Atomic l nergy Ad. 42 l: 5 C 22394 alt 2i( At t$ opp 19856 edruncrews of "no s smfwant haterds" deictmeauon. Al All 80?,21 NRC 12tul n 12 l19851 Alt rmt i nerg, ht 2't. 2?4a n s. 42 0 $ C H 2018 20211h 4 bic reg ulators suihority raer riuiicar po cr. I HP 8 412. 21 NRC *)) i192 5 p Atomn inery) A61. 2'48alill. 42 t' % C 202116)(1) eslef1I of NNI reedstory aulhorti) Mer nu(kar po*er, (Nf 8512. 2I NRC 993 l1985) 75 e
c w-P.
l i.
f f
I l
[mergeno Managemerit Senises Act of 1978, Pub 1. No 1332 No 323. 35 Pa Cons Stai A nn 1
it 7103(1I and (2),750ltal emergerwy pi,innmg requirernents in the Commonwealth of Penn9hama. L BP-8bl4, 21 NRC 1.49 (1985)
Emergeno Management Senwes Act of 1978, Pub L. No 1332, No 323,35 Pa. Cons Stat Ann 44 7301(c). 7502id e. 7503, 7501(si, 7504(a) requirements for local emergency response orgamianons m Penn9hama, LBP 8514,21 NRC 13'0-71, 1.199 (1985i Energy and Water Desetorment Approrruimn Act. Pub. L No. 98 360,502,98 Stat 403,420 (1985) compensanon of parues mienemr., m NRC rroceedmgs. AL AB-805,21 NRC 598 n 6 (1985)
Energy Reorganuauon Act of 1974. 206,42 U.5 C. 5846 bavs for Commisuon msesugauon on uolanon of deficiency reportmg ubitganons. LBP 8518,21 NRC 1644 41985) i Energy Reorganisanon Act of 1974. 42 U.S C. 5851 protection of emplo. sees from dxnmmaison for raising health and safei) mues CLI-85 2. 21 NRC 32719985)
Energy Reorsamsanon Act of 1974, as amended. 210 applwauon of, to NRC proceedirigs. DD-85 9,21 NRC 1762-73 t1985' responsituiny for admmistrauon of employee disenmmaison remedies, DD 85 9,21 NRC 1764 (19851 Federal Coal Mme f(enith and Safety Act. Pub. L No 91 173,110,83 5 tat 758 (19e9) wore of employet. acuuues protested from discrimmanon and retalution, DD-85-9,21 NRC 1766 n5(1985)
N 1. E see Lam, art, 2-B H 28 and 29a (M6Kmney 19826 l
authoney to authorue unhiy to take emergency resptmw acuens. LBP-85-12,21 NRC 910 (.985l Nanonal flistone Prewnanon A(t.100.10 U 5 C. 470f admmibihty of ctmtemmn concermns aesthetic impacis of propmed structure on histone ute.
A L A B-804. 21 NRC 589 (1984) 1982-83 NRC Authonianon Act, Pub L97-415, 5, % Stat. 2007 (19831
- - - - - ':.we e mere of 5'.re e !ce ' e~e ge-tw p'
.1 PP ?*-12. ?? N PC h (1985) 1984-85 NRC Authonianon Act, Pub L 98-553, los,98 stat. 2825 (1984) alternause for apphcants failmg to rnect emergency planning standards of 10 C f R. 50 47(bl.
LBP-8512,21 NRC 654. 9th (1985)
Penn9hama Act No. 147,503 reimNrwment for emergency plant'.ng and preparauon escrases. LBP 85-14,21 NRC 138911985)
Pub L %-295,109,94 Stat. 784 (1980) issuance of operatmg twenw m ahence of State or local emergency plan. LBP-8512,21 NRC 9th (1985)
Pub. L. No 98-360, 502,OR Stat. 403 (1984l preclJMon of CommissKm Imancial asustancC to intenenors to pay for cRpert mitnesses. AL AB 807, 21 NRC 1212 n 92 (1985) 76 0
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AB 4 hiel Rums of Profesunnal Conduct. Rule 3 7(4)(36 wntmaed representalmn of a chent h an attorne) who lestifies on the oppoutwn's behalf.
y L DP-8519. 21 NRC 1716 'Wil5 j
Blads La* Dwtionary 517. o64 i$th ed 1979:
mierpre:auen of the term "m camera". AL AB 807. 21 NRC 1215 n 107 (1989 Code of J Aal Condust. Canons 2 4. 2h. 3 41e e letter from NkJ udge to Di>trict Court judse urgmg lemeno as uolation cf. CL1-85-5,21 NRC J
$?0 71 (191LH Daus. AJmmniratne i aw t 7 Oh right of htcnsee to hearing on enfortemem action. CL185 9. 21 NRC 1123 (1985)
E mergeno Plannmg ground Nxlear Poact Planis Nut' lear Regulator) Commnum Oserught Hearmss Before a Suhomm of the Comm on Gesernment Operations. 90th Cong. Ist Sess 534 (19'9s 4
reywremer't f or State partwipation in emergerio plaerting. LBP-8512. 21 NRC % (19451 l
i Modei Code of Profewonal Responubibly. I)R 5-101(Blf 41 l
contmaed reprewmahon of a chem tw an anorne) who lemfit, on the oppnitmn's behalf, I
I.BP 8519. 21 NRC 1717 (1985#
l Model Code of Profesuonal Ressmsibehty. DR 5-102t Al and (B) temmony by an attorne) on behalf of hn chent's opponents. L BP 85-19. 21 NRC 1717.1718 (1985) 5 Rep No 181. 95tn Cong. Ist sen 36 reprimed m 1977 U.S Code Cons & Ad News 3436. 5 Rep No 848. 95th Cerig 2J Scu 29 419781 scope of employee atinnies protested from durimmat nn and retahation. DD 85 9,21 NRC 1766 n5(19857 Senate Comm on inuronmeni and Pubbe % orks 5 Rep No 176 on 5 Se2. Pub i 96-295. at 45
( Afay 15.19'9#. 96th Cong 2d Seu (19808. reprinted m 0 S Code Cong & Ad. Nees 2257-56 requirements f x 5 tate pariwipanon in emergency pianrung. LkP-85-12,21 NRC 905 (1985)
U S Cons. amenJ V. Due Proccu U4use right of an mdmdual to a hearms when governmem attion affeus his employment. CL1-85 2. 21 NRC 315 (1985)
Unned States Constitution. art VI, cl 2 foundauon for federal preemption. LBP 8512,21 NRC 9u0 (1985)
% chter s New Collegiate Dectionary 921 (19771 d )
imerpretanon of the term "promptly~ as apphed to the reporung of quahiy anurante deficierhics.
AL AB-802,21 NRC 503 n 74 (1985) 8 w igmore, E ulence H 2325-2327 (McNaughion 1961 >
waner of anomey4hent or work produit priulege through madscrtent dmlouwe of documents-.
L BP-85-1,21 NRC 16 (1985) 77 l
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1 SUlW ECT IN DEX ACCIDLNT TMI-2. factors leading to km of feed =ater J,armg, CLI-85-a,21 NRC 282 (1985p at 4i T All-2. interpretatwn of pressur6 sp:ke durmg. CLI-85-2. 21 NRC 282 419856 fast-breaking radiotegwal, efTect of, en Shoreham esacuation. L BP-8512,21 NRC 644 (19856 ADJCDIC ATOR) BO ARDS bavs for findmg of tm by. AL ABN9. 21 NRC 3e411985) f4cors conudered m determinmg jundchon of, AL AB-797,21 NRC 6 (19fi5) 1 jur:4cuon of. to recenseder matters origmalb mithm scope of constructrori sermit proteedmg.
i AL AB-804. 21 NRC 587 (19851 See 4ho Appc41 BoarJs l
f.narsul awase to mienenors m. AL AB-807,21 NRC 1l95 (1985) d ADMINISTR ATi\\ L PROCE DCRE ACT circumstances appropnate for immediate agency asuon under, CL1-85-9,21 NRC 181811985)
A D MisslBILIT) of con:en:: ens, basis and speuf.uti re:;utrements fer. AL AB $04,21 NRC 587 (1985?
of cudence proSered by wuness notaung Commmion ethics regulauons.iLAB403,21 NRC D5 l
' 1 %.' ;
l of unumed wntenuons. tne fators balanced to deter: me, LBP-85 il 21 NRC 609 t19851 I
NRC 5taff, treatmem oi deficienaes m. ALAB-801. 21 NRC 479 (1985) l
emergeno plannmg requirements ht. LBP-85-12. 21 NRC t44 (19851 format ef. LBP-14-14,21 NRC 1219 (1985i AIR POLLCTION l
L i
standard refereNe for es444aon of health effects of. LBP-85-5,21 NRC 410 (1985)
dewrapuen of program at Callamas to remc6; DD-85 7,21 NRC 1552 (1985)
AL L E G ATioN5 NRC treatment of, DD-85 7,21 NRC 1552 (1985)
i of mtersennon petition. Licensing Board duretion to permit. LBP-85-20. 21 NRC I?)2 t th5:
of regulanons gosernmg medical uses of byproduct materiah, denial of petition for; D?RM-85-1,21 NRC 1777 (19851 l
of reic6ted. late-filed contentions. LBP 84-il,21 NRC e49 t1985)
See aho License Amendment, Operaung License Amendment l
APPE AL BOARD authority to seser unrelated material from motion to reopen. AL AB ?97,21 NRC e t1985) function m pawng on stay motions. AL AB 810,21 NRC 1616 (1985) i jurisdwuon oser monon to reopen a rewrd where a similar monon is pendmg. AL AB.797,21 NRC i
6 (19458 i
l requirement for statmg reasons or baus for concluuons by; AL AB-801,21 NRC 479 (19855 reuem of Licensmg Board determmanons m parnal minal deciuon. policy regardmg; AL AB-799,21 i
NRC 360119851 sua spmte reuew, scope of approsal conferred by; AL AB 795,21 NRC 1 (1985)
79 i
y m
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l 6
i SC HJ ECT IN DEX APPE Alts) mterlocutorb ua directed ceru6camn, shommg ne(char) by party irnokmg. Al AB405, 21 NRC
$46 (19851 of orders dispoung 'some of a pan >'s contenoons. A1.AB 807,21 NRC 1195 t1985e penahs for failure to adequately bnef alleganons made on; AL AB 799. 21 NRC 360 (1985) scope of mues that can be raised ori. AL ABM99,21 NRC 360 (1985)
APPLIC A NT(S) adm whihty of contenoons lhed by; LBP-85-3,21 NRC 244 (1985) effect of remedial efforts by. < n character and competence determmanons; AL AB-799,21 NRC 360 (198!I operaung hcense, failure to adhere to reportmg requirements of 10 C F R. 50 55f ep as endence of lack of snanagenal(haracter and competence of. L BF 85-6. 21 NRC 447 (1985) responubihty of, for p.sersenor's. ate Ghng of a contention; LBP-85 20,21 NRC 1732 (1985)
See alw Lkensee ATOMIC ENERGi ACT basis for Commiswon hcenwns deasions, CLi-85-9. 21 NRC 4118 (1985)
Commmion (indmss ne(essar> for operaims hcenn nsuance. DD-85 7. 21 NRC 1552 (1985)
Commission obhgation to hft effectneness of shutdown order; CLI-85 9. 21 NRC 1118 (1985) eficanenew of imual hcensmg decismns. CLI-85 9. 21 NRC !!18 (19858 effectneness oflxene amendment msolsmg "no wgrdcant hazards" determmauon. AL AB-807 21 NRC !!95 (1945p hean a rights on twensee character. CLl-85-4,21 NRC 561 (1985) hea mg oghts o rucicar poner plant emergenc3 plans, AL AB-806,21 NRC l183 (19856 r,ght of hcensee to a hearms on enforcernent actons. CLI-85-9. 21 NRC i118 (1985) standard for determimns hcensee charaaer under; Cl.1-85-9. 21 NRC ll18 (19851 standard for f fung immediate effectneness of enforcement order; CLI-85-9. 21 NRC lII8 (1985) i rene of interests proietled by; CLI-83-2. 21 NRC 282 (1985)
ATTORNE) CONDUCT standards apphCd 10. LBP-8519,21 NRC 1707 (1985)
- e. dem + a d! r.
.w im wd mdc.nce., War Jn Lor-s3-2. is NRC 24 (1985:
B ACK flTTING of senmm des:gn at operaung hcense stage on baws of nem cntena; LBP 8$ 2,21 NRC 24 (1985)
B MEM AT crading at % aterford. descnetion of and remedy for AL AB-803. 21 NRC 575 (1985); CLI-85 3.
21 NRC 471 (1985t. ALAB-803. 21 NRC 575 (1985) ~
BAYE5THFOREM appbcabihty of to talculation of accident probabihty at high-population-denuty sites. CLi-85-6,21 NRC 1043 (1985#
BIAS by adjudnatory boards, basis for findmg of, ALAB-799,21 NRC 360 (1985) m estrajudicial communicanons. CLi-85 5,21 NRC 566 (1985)
See aho Prejudne BIOACCU M L't A?!ON of rada,nuchdes m aquates organnms, adequacy of Staff treatment of,in construcuon FES, LBP-85-8. 21 NRC 516 (1985e BOARDS See Adjudicatory Boards. Appeal Board. LKensmg Board BOATERS notifkanon of to evacuate. LBP-85-12,21 NRC 644 (1985) g BONL MINER AL AN ALYZLR 1
demal of pennon for aniendment of rs.ulanons losernmg riedual uses of. DPRM-85-1. 21 NRC 1777 (1935) 80
l SUBJECT INDEX BOR %TED % ATER STOR AGL T AMs at Midland adequacy of renedies for differential soils settlement beneath. LBP-85 2. 21 NRC 24 (1985)
Brit F5 coment of. AL 4B-802,21 NRC 40011985) laskmg record otanons, treatment of. AL AB M9. 21 NRC 360 (19851 NRC 5 tall, treatment of deficiencies m, ALAB-801,21 NRC 479 (1985p BLRDEN of persuauon on ernergeno plannmg issues for high-population density site, Cl 1-854. 21 NRC 104) ( 1985 >
on mosant for stay of ageno action, AL AB 810. 21 NRC 1616 (19856 on movsnt wekms to reopen a record. CLI 85-7,21 NRC 1804 (1985)
B) PRODUCT M ATERI ALS denial of pention for amendment of regulanons gosernmg medwal uses, DPRM-85-l. 21 NRC 1777 (1985>
CANCER leseis m Three Mde Idand area unce 1979 Umi 2 acadent. CLI-85-8. 21 NRC I111 (19851 CASE M AN AGEME NT PLAN requirement far anpisant to foe. LBP-8516. 21 NRC 1539 41985)
CER Tlf IC ATION See Directed Certifwauon C11 %R ACTE R and competerke of apptwants, c0cci of remedial efforts by applKants on determinanons of, AL AB 799. 21 NRC 360 (1985) definition of, CLI-85 9. 21 NRC llll 41985) hctnwe, defects of, as twsis for reuwauon of hcense; DD-85-1,21 NRC 26) (1985) twensee, delay m reriaans contracmr as representauve of a derwiency m. LBP-8519,21 NRC 1707 419165s hcensee, hearms rights on, under Atomsc Energy Act. CLI-85-4,21 NRC 561 (1985) bcensee, standard for determmms. Cll-85 9. 21 NRC 1118 (198',)
manegenal failure to adhere to reportmg requirements of 10 C r R. 50 55fe) as eudence of luk of.
LBP-854,21 NRC 447 (1985)
CiiEATING on reador operator icus at Three Mile idand, adequacy of management response to; LBP 85-10,21 NRC 603 (1985) on Three Mde idand rcutor operator cummanons, management response to. LBP-8515,21 NRC 1409 (1985) pnst accident, on reactor operator esams ai TMI. CLl-85 2. 21 NRC 282 (1985)
CIT ATIONS to the record, tresirnent of briefs lukmg, AL AB-798. 21 NRC 360 (1985)
CIVIL PEN ALTIES impouuon of, foi uolauons of NRC employee protection regulations. DD-85-9,21 NRC 1759 (1085)
COAL partgulates suociated with fuct cycle, esumaison of health etTeos from. LBP 85 5,21 NRC 410 (1985)
CODE OF 2UDICI AL CONDUCT uolanons of Canons 2 A,2B and 3 At6). CLI 85 5,21 NRC 566 (1985)
COLLATERAL ESTOPPLL appbcabihty of. to contennons raned m both the construcuon permit and operating bcenw stages.
LBP-85-II 21 NRC 609 (1985) apphcabahty of to site suitabihty esaluanon. LBP 85 II,21 NRC 609 (1985) effect of licenung decimon on enforcement action. DD-85-9. 21 NR ; 1759 (1985) m admmntrause proceedmgs. apptwabihty of. LBP-85-il,21 NRC tiO9 (1985 8 standards for applymg; L BP-85-11,21 N RC 609 (1985) 81
SUllJ ECT IN DE.X use of, to present hogation of wr te-nons L BP-85-4. 21 NRC 399 (19851 where earlier proceedmg is urkomesied. applwabiht) of, LBP-8541. 21 NRC 609 (1985)
COLLECTI\\ L B ARG AINING AGREEMENf5 etTect of on teacher responutuhues durms radioloswat emergency.1BP-85-14,21 NRC !219119:15s COM M UNIC ATIONS amorg emergene) revonse personnel, adequacy of Shoreham propows for, LBP 8.i-12. 21 NRC 644 (1985 p 1
estrafudicial, demonstratmg bias m. CLI-85-5,23 NRC 566 (1985) l COMPLN5 ATION for parties intersenmg m NRC proceedmgs. AL AB-805,21 NRC 596 (1985)
o equirements of 10 C F R. 50 55(en as euderne of laa of.
managerial, fa. lure to adhere to reportm r
LBP 85-6. 21 NRC 447 (19856 of apphcants, effect of remedia: efforts by appheants on determmanon of, AL AB-799. 21 NRC 3d0 (1985)
COMPUTE R 5iSTEMS ai f ermi, demal of request for msesuganon ofinconustencies in. DD-85-4. 21 NRC 546 (1985)
See Attorney Conduct. Code of Judinal Conduct CON DUfTS at Mid:and Plam. deugn adequacy of. LBP 85-2,21 NRC 24 (1985)
CONFLICT of INTE REST by uttht) employees filhng emergerwy responw posanons. LBP-85-12,21 NRC 644 (1985) scope of appellaic reuem on; AL AB-803. 21 NRC 575 (1985)
CON 50L!D ATION of miersenors. Commisuon pohey towards. AL AB-808,21 NRC 1595 (1985)
CON 5T RUCTION defwierwies. regulatums poserr%g reperurg of. LBP-P5-6,21 NRC 447 (1985) at Callaway plani, allesauons of. DD-85 7,21 NRC 1552 (1985) cuahty assurance at W aterford. estent of breakdown m-Cl 1-g51 21 NRC 471 (legit I
quakty aswrance, htigabihty of. m operaling beense proceedmss AL AB M9. 21 NRC F0 (1985) quairty requued for nudear power plant hcenung. AL AB 799. 21 NRC 360 (1985)
CONSTRUCTION PE RMIT crueria for grant of request for withdrawal of apphcanon for. LBP-85 7. 21 NRC 507 (1985) effects of Seabrook organusuonal changes on acuuues authorned under. DD-85-3,21 NRC 533 (19a5p CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PROCILDING uncontested, appkabihty of collateral estoppel in case of; LBP-8511,21 NRC 609 (1985)
CONSTRUCTION SITE prouwon for modificanon of redress of. LBP-85 7,21 NRC 507 (1985)
CONT AINM ENT basemat at Waterford, crackms of. CLI-85 3,21 NRC 471 (19a5) filtered. sented system, or separate s.ructure for :ndian Pomt facihty, need for; CL!-85-6,21 NRC 1043 (19851 GE Mark I. adequacy of design of. DD-85-4,21 NRC 546 (1985) leak rate testmg at I. son Stanon. remedy for discrepanoes m: DD-85-2,21 N RC 270 (1985) pressure, mterpretauon of sudden mcrease m. CLI-85-2. 21 NRC 282 (1985)
CONT ENTION(5) adopuon of, by another intersenor, when sporisorms mtersenor has withdrawn; AL AB-799. 21 NRC 360 (1985) amended. late, factors balanced for admimon of. L BP-85-20,21 NRC 1732 (1985) based on preuously unasa.lable ma;ensis, ' actors for determinmg admissibihty of. AL AB-806. 21 NRC I183 (1985) bavs and speofiuty requirements for admission of. ALAB-804,21 NRC 587 (1985) challengmg regulanons treatment of; LBP 85-4,21 NRC 399 (1985) condinonal admewon of. AL AB-806. 21 NRC 1183 (1985) 82 t
w I
I i
SUBJECT INDEX conwJeraton of ments of, m determmmg admisuNht) of 4L AB 8t% 215RC 1883 41%5) eficct of acceptance of. on their htsgaNht) mdeMndent of their sponsorms intenenor. Al AB 799, 21 SRC 360 (19851 esponded durms parucularaation, stanJard for admewon of. LBP-85-8. 21 N RC 516 (19858 filed by apptwant, admimbihty of. LBP-85-3. 21 SRC 244 (1985)
Oled late unhout good cause, reawn for rejecuon of. I BP-85-11,21 NRC 609 (1985) harawment/inumidauon, picadmg requiremems for. LBP-55-20. 21 NRC 1732 41985)
Late-66ed, broad, ricadmg reqwrements for, LBP-85-20,21 NRC !?32 (19856 late Gled, counterNiarwe for delay caused by admission of. LBP 85-20. 21 SRC 1732 (1985) late 6LcJ, idenufkatmn of mitnewes prior to admemon of, LBP 8020,21 NRC 1732 (19856 late-6 led. mfbence of mithdramal of other comemions on admewNiity of,1 BP 85 il. 21 SRC 609 (1985) late-Gled. L wenung Board disteten in Niancmg the factors for admimon of. AL AB-fnie 21 S RC
} l83 (1985) late-6 Led. means for protecung emerests of pennoner seekms admisuon of, ALAB-806,21 NRC 1183 (19851 negonaimn and soluntary respeoficanon of, L BP-8511. 21 NRC 609 (19851 nonumely submissmn of sontermons. LBP-85 9,21 NRC 524 (1985) quaht) anurance, ham and specinoty requirements for; LBP-85-20,21 NRC 1732 (1985) quahiy asuuranic,importance of speu6cip m. LBP-85-11. 21 SRC 609 (1985) ra. sed m construction permit and operatmg twense stages, applwabihty of collateral estoppei to.
LBP-85-!!,21 NRC 609 (1985) reawn fer spedwu> requirement for. LBP-85 20. 21 SRC 1732 (1985) roected, late-Gled, amendment of, LBP-8511. 21 NRC 609 (1985) reemrement for ntenennon. AL AB-799,21 SRC 360 (1985:
responuNhty of apphcant for mienenor's late films of, LBP 85-20,21 NRC 1732 (1985p sponsored by others. right of mienenor to cross-esammation on. AL AB 799,21 NRC 360 (1985) unumely, Gse-factor test for admiwon of. LBP-85 ll,21 NRC 609 (1985) use of cop.4:cral estorpet to rresent ht:gauon of. L BP-85-4. 21 SRC 399 (1985) which mil requirc further $tati reuem, need to refer ruims on admiwNhty of, L BP-85-3. 21 NRC 244 (1985)
(san. A N f See Reactor Coolant COOLING POND dikes at Mediand site, slope simbiht) of. LBP-85-2,21 NRC 24 (1985) for South Tesas Project, assitaNhty of make up mater for, LBP.85 8,21 NRC 516 (1985)
COOLING W ATER bcense constramts on uw of supplemental source of. DD-85 8,21 NRC 1561 (1985) supplementary system for Limerick, enuronmental impacts of. ALAB-804,21 SRC 58711985)
COR RO510N of sicam generator tubes at Three Mile Island Umi I; AL AB-807,21 NRC 1895 (1985) of underground piping. suwertiNhiy of. LBP-85-2. 21 NRC 24 t19856 See aho Intergranular Stress Corrowon Crackmg COUN5EL reprewntauon by, in preucus NRC proceedms, as baws for mtenenor's coninbunon to record.
LBP-85-il. 21 NRC 609 (1985) responubhues of counsel for form and quahty of subnussions. AL AB-801. 21 NRC 479 (19851 resp.>nsibahty for ensurms that a party is represented by; ALAB-802,21 NRC 490 (1985)
CRACKING m Waterford concrete basemas, ALAB 803,21 NRC 575 (1985)
See aho Intergranular Stress Corrosion Crackirts CRACKS ligament. stud-to-stud, and circumferenual, m emergency diesel generater cyhnder bkxks.
LBP-85 la. 21 NRC 1637 (1985 CRANKSH AFT of emergency diesel generators, surveillance tesung for failure of, L BP-P5-18, 21 NRC 1637 (19856 g3
SL'HJ ECT INDEX CRE DIBIL ITY of utihty i abdity to implemem emergency plans m absense of Sute and couniy partisipation en plan, LBP-85-12,21 SRC 644 (1985p CROSS-LN OllN ATION Board authonty to demand plans for. ALAB-799,21 NRC 360 (1985) imersenors', propriety of Lwensmg Board's actne role m. ALAB-802,21 SRC 490 (1985) hmitat.ons on scope of, AL AB-799, 21 NRC 3t 0 (1985) of witneues, time cor:siramts on. LBP-85-14,21 NRC 1219 (1985) prepnet) of hmitations on; ALAB-808,21 NRC 1595 (1985) right of mtersenor to. on contentions sponsored by others. ALAB-799,21 NRC 3c0 (1985) right of parts so nuke case solely through. LBP 85 20,21 NRC 1732 (1985)
CillNDLR BLOCKS emergency diesel generator, crac6 mg of, ai Shoreham. L BP-8518, 21 NRC 1637 (1985)
DLC1510NtSt by Commiswon on heensmg. baus for; CLI-85 9. 21 NRC 1118 (1985) emtul hcenung. effectneness of. CLl-85-9,21 NRC I118 (1985)
LKensing Board s6heduhng. Appeal Board blandard for overturning. ALAB 799,21 SRC 360 (1985) heenung. collateral estoppel erTect of, on enforcement action. DD-85-9, 21 NRC 1759 (1985) operaimp Leme, Mandard for. CLl-85 3,21 S RC 471 (19851 partial mittal, appellate resice pohcy regardmg determinations in; AL AB 799,21 NRC Jc0 (1985) partial minul, scope of design issues conudered in, LBP-85-2,21 NRC 24 (1985) precedential effect of. L BP 85-20. 21 NRC 1732 (1985) nght of part, to seek stay of. AL AB-808,21 SRC 1595 (1985)
DECT)NT A \\(IN ATlON actanties follommg Shoreham acadent disposal of maste collected from, LBP 85-12,21 SRC 644 11985)
DE FICIE NCILS m NRC Staff submnuorn. Appeal Bwd treatment of, AL AB-801,21 NRC 479119856 quhty 4%ranse, regulations gosernmg reports of, LBP 85-6,21 NRC 447 (1985#
quahty aourance, requirements for resolution of. AL AB-802,21 NRC 490 (19851
.h-a fo..m i..., cf. LLp4 ~-o. 21 NRC 447 G C, DE FINITlONS of ~dnit " *esercne.'
- controller," "obserser." " module " and "sesuon" relevant to emergency respome tra nmg. L BP-8512. 21 NRC 644 (1985) cf nsk". CLI 85-6,21 NRC 1043 (1985) of character and competence; AL AB-799. 21 SRC 360 (1985) of twensee " character'; CLI 85-9. 21 SRC 1118 (1985)
DLLAY caused by admission oflate-filed contention, coumerbalante for; LBP-8 5-20. 21 N RC 1732 (1985) caused bv broadenmg of ssues due to new contention, mitigation of. LBP-85-il,21 N RC 609 i
(19856 DEPOslTION of NRC StafTofficuls by miersenors; LBP 85-il,21 NRC 609 (1985)
DESIGN as-built. of electncal and mstrumentation systems at I crmi, denial of request for msestigation of lack of records for; DD-85-4. 21 NRC 54 (1985) dc60enacs, regulations governmg reporting of. LBP 85 6,21 NRC 447 (1985) features considered to reduce acadent nsks at high-population-density reactor sites; CLI-8$-6,21 SRC 104) (1985) issues considered m partial imtial deawons. scope of; LBP 85 2,21 NRC 24 (1985) of GL Mark I boihng mater reattor and contammem, adequacy of. DD-85-4,21 NRC 546 (1985) structural, camileser deugns m. LBP-85-2,21 NRC 24 (1985) structural, esalaauon of cracks m. LBP-85-2,21 SRC 24 (19856 sen6 cation program at Diablo Canyon, adequacy of quahiy assurance for; AL AB 811,21 NRC 1622 (1985) 84 i
i f
' DLSIGN BA515 I ARTliQU AAL bavs for, at Midland use; L BP-85-2. 21 NRC 24 (1985)
DLWATLRING at Med!and site to present soil hauefacuon. I BP-85 2. 21 NRC 24 (1985)
DIESLL I L LL T ANKS at Midland Plant. adequacy of design of, u nh respect to potenhal for hquefacuon and staMn) of soils under, LBP-85 2,21 NRC 24 (1985)
DIL5E L GENLR ATOR(si buildies at Midland, structural adequacy of. in uem of soils settlement proNems, LBP-85 2,21 NRC 24 (1985 8 emergency. material properties et LBP-8518. 21 NRC 1637 (1985) ser luckup emergern electnsal power, adequas) of, at Shoreham. LBP-85-18. 21 NRC 1637 (1985:
Transamence Delasal, rehabiht) of. AL. AB-805. 21 NRC 596 (1985)
DIKE 5 coolms pond, at Midland site, slope staMny of, LBP-85-2,21 NRC 24 (1985)
DIRECTE D CE RTilICATION of mterlocutory ruhng, shommg necewary b) party insekmg. ALAB 805,21 NRC 546 (1984)
DISCLO5L RE madscrient of pnuleged documents, as maner of prmlege; LBP-85-1,21 NRC 11 (1985) of miended suurte of supplemental coolms water, use of 2 206 pet non to require, DD45-8,21 NRC 1561 (1985)
DISCOV E R Y demal of. where monon to reopen is unumely; L8P-85-19,21 NRC 1707 (19856 of prmleged matter. LBP-851,21 NRC 11 (1985) to suppori a monon to reopen. entitlement of movant so. CLI 85-7. 21 NRC 1104 (19851 DISCRIMIN ATION asamst en pio>ces for rasung health and safety inues. CLI-85-2,21 NRC 282 (1985) agams: quahty assurance employees. DD-85 9. 21 NRC 1759 81985)
DisQU ALiflC ATION of an attorney called as enness for oppoung side, means for osercommg request for; L BP-8519. 21 NRC 1707 (1985s of NRC foup me.L~, Tve. CU-IJ-5 2. NRC M iiG DOCUMLNT(5) prmieged, madvenent dnclosure of as maner of prmlege; LBP-851,21 NRC 11 (19856 requests, responses to. LBP-851,21 NRC 11 (1985)
DOS E(5 >
cakulanon for hospital populanon methods for LBP 8512,21 NRC 644 (19858 cntena for recovery and reentry of contammated areas; LBP 85-12. 21 NRC 644 (1985) mhalanon. from trmated water. calculanon of LBP-85-5,21 NRC 410 (1985) radiolgwal. from radionuchde attachment to ib ash parusles. LBP-85-5,21 NRC 410 (1985) radiological, to ly mph nodes, cakulanon of LBP-85-5. 21 NRC 410 (19851 radiologwat, ua crops-food chain pathway, calculauon of. LBP-85 5,21 NRC 41018985) saungs as a resuh of shellerms-LBP 8512,21 NRC 64411965)
DoslMETP) prouuon of. to emergenc) workers, LBP 85-14,21 NRC 1219 (1985)
DRUG ABL'5L descnptwc of program at Callamay to remedy. DD-85 7,21 NRC 1552 (1985)
DUAL PHOTON SPINE SCANNER demat of pennon for amendment of reguiauons govermns medical uses of, DPRM-851,21 NRC 1777 (1985)
DOE PROCESS mierests affected when an mdmdualis deprned of employment. CLi-85 2,28 NRC 282 (1985)
EARTHQUA6,ES reevaluauon of capabihty of older nuclear power plams to enhsiand, CLI-85-10. 21 NRC 1569 (19tS)
See Deugn Bau, Eanhquake, Safe Snuidown Earthquake 85
SUBJ ECT IN DEX ECONOMIC ISsULS hogability of, m operaung lice *se procceJmss. AL AB-808,21 NRC 1595 (1985p EDDY CL RRENT TESTING to detect steam generator tube cracking at Three Mdc Island l'mt 1; AL AB 807,21 NRC 1l95 (1985p EFFECTIVENE5S cf enforcemem order, standard for hfung. Ci s 85-9,21 NRC 1818 (1985) of full-pomer lwenw denial of request for *ay of. CLI 85 3,21 NRC 471 t1985) of inenwng deawons, CLI-85-9. 2'. NRC 1118 (19851 of hcense amendment mselung no s'amficam hazards determmauon. AL AB-807,21 NRC 1895 (1985t of operatmg lause amendment. CLI-85-9,21 NRC 1118 (1985) of shutdown order, Commission obhgation to hft; CLl-85-9,21 NRC 1118 (1985)
ELECTRIC AL CABLES unsphced. submerwon m mater and need for fireproofing of, DD-85-7,21 NRC 1552 (1985)
at Midland Plam, design adequacy of, LBP-85-2,21 NRC 24 (1985)
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT at Pilgnm $tauon. allegauons of defniences m enuronmental quahfcation of. DD-85-5. 21 NRC 1033 41985)
ELECTRICAL POWER emergency, adequao of Shoreham diesel generators for, LBP 8518. 21 NRC 1637 (1985)
ELECTRICAL 5)STE MS at fermi, demal of request for investiganon of lack of records for as-built designs for; DD-85 4,21 NRC 546 (1985)
EMERGENC) radiological, factors influencing human behauer dunng; LBP-8512. 21 NRC 644 (1985)
EMERGENC) EXERChES for w lf treek, adequacy of ALAB 79a,21 NRC 357 (1985) o unannounced, requirements for; LBP-85-14,21 NRC 1219 (1985)
E.*!ERGENCY CPIP ATIONS CENTEP.5 staffing of. LBP 85-14,21 NRC 1219 (1985i EMERGENCY PL ANNING basx pnnaptes of, LBP4514,21 NRC 1219 (1985p brochure, purpose of, LBP 8512,21 NRC 644 (1985) lindmgs necessary for operating hcense issuance; ALAB-809,21 NRC 1605 (1985) findess, predwtne naiure and magnitude and consequences of, LBP.85-12,21 NRC 644 (1985) for Indian pomt. adequacy of pubhc mformation on; CLI-85-6,21 NRC 1043 (1985) guadmg pnnciples of, LBP-85-12,21 NRC 644 (1985) improsements fc,r Indian Pomt facibiy; CL1-85-6,21 NRC 1043 (1985) measares. post-beanng senficanon of. by S RC 5taff. ALAB408. 21 NRC 1595 (1985) nature of f nomgs on. ALAB-808,21 NRC 1595 (1985) requirements in Pennsyhania; LBP-85-14,21 N RC 1219 (1985) standar.h. uw orcntena other than NUREG 0654 for conformity with, LBP-85-12,21 NRC 644 (1985)
EMERGENCY PLANNING ZONEtS) boundanes, provision of mformanon to the pubhc on, LBP-85-12,21 NRC 644 (1985) boundary for Shoreham, adequacy of configurauon of, LBP-8>l2,21 NRC 644 (1985) mcluuon of schools within close proximity to each other in: LBP-8512,21 NRC 644 (l985) mgestion pathway. implementabihit of Shoreham plans for protective actions m; L BP-8512,21 NRC 644 41985)
Shoreham. descnpuon of, LBP-85-12,21 NRC 644 (1985) sue of; LBP 85-8,21 NRC 516 (1985) 86
EMERGENCY PL ANS cffect of umd shifis on. LBP-8512. 21 NRC e44 (191i5) for nuclear power plants. right to hearirig on. AL AB-806. 21 NRC })83 t1985) m shah esacuanon route manall> heads toward a plant, sahdsi) of. LBP-85-8,21 NRC 51611985) msutunon-specife, need for; LBP-85-14,21 NRC 1219 41985) litigabihty of implemenung procedures for. LBP-85-12,21 NRC 64411985)
Mame tankee olTute, alleganons of derweencies m. DD-85-6. 21 NRC i547 t1965p State and local, for % olf Creek, adequacy of. AL AB-798. 21 NRC 357 (19851 unhty-sponsored, otTute, not relpr's on Siste or County partnipanon, adequu) of. LBP-85 I2. 21 NRC 644 (1985) meight een to NCRIG.0654 tg Licenung Bards when esaluaung. L BP 8512. 21 NRC 644 11985)
EMERGENCY PREPARE DNE55 controlhng fmdmss on adequacy of. CLI-85-12,21 NRC 1587 (1985 EMERGENCY Ra'5PONSE models for high-g.pulanon-denwi> areas. CLl45-6. 21 NRC 1043 (1985p offute, b) utiht) employees m>tead of Staic and County employees, prohibiuons agamsi.
LBP-85-12,21 NRC 644 (19856 EMERGENC) %ORKERS prouuons for nouficauen of, L BP-85-14. 21 NRC 1219 (1985) requiremems for trainmg of. L BP-85-14. 21 NRC 1219 (1985) role confhet m. LBP-8512,21 NRC 644 41985)
Shoreham, adequa) of communwauon spiem and precedents for nouficanon of. LBP-85-12,21 NRC 644 (1985)
ENf 0RCLMENT ACTION collateral estoppel clYect ofinensms decmon on. DD-85-9. 21 NRC 1750 (1985p nght uf heensee to hesnns on. CLI-85-9. 21 NRC 1118 (1985)
E NIORCLM E N T ORDIR right of twensee to heanns on; CLi 85-6,21 NRC 1043 (1985) standard for hitmg immediate elTectneness of. CLI 85-9,21 NRC 1118 (1985) iNFORCf 4tt NT PROCf F DING eflect ofimpowuon of hcense condinons on. CLI-85-9. 21 N RC 11I8 (1985) htigaNhty of matters common so twensmg proceedmss m; DD-85-9. 21 NRC 1759 (1985)
EN\\lRONMENT AL IMPACT of Limerwk supplememar) coolms maler system; ALAB-804. 21 NRC 587 (1985)
ENVIRONMENT AL IMPACT STATEMENT Cause for rectrCulallon of. LBP-85-3. 21 N RC 244 (1985) suppicmenial, for low-power operahon where esentual full power operanon is m doubt, need for; CLI 85-12. 21 NRC 1587 (1985)
See ako F mal Enuronmental Statement EN\\ lRONMENTAL 155CES entem of nght to adjudsatory resoluuon of, m operstmg hcense proceedings. ALAB-799,21 NRC 360 (1985)
EN\\ IRONME NTAL QU ALIFICATION of electrKal equipment at Pilgnm 5tauon. alleganons of defeuenc es m. DD-85 5. 21 NRC 1033 (1985)
EVACUATION of high-populanon-density site, emergency response models for, CLI-854,21 NRC 1043 (1985) of peak summer populauons, adequacy of Mame Yankee faahiy planning for, DD454. 21 NRC 1547 (19851 one-hti principle for; LBP 85-14,21 NRC 1219 (19851 routes. prouwon of mformauon to the pubhc about. LBP 8512,21 NRC 644 (1985) time esumate study for Limench facihty; LBP 8514,21 NRC 1219 (1985) time esumates, factors affectmg. LBP-8512. 21 NRC 644 (1985) time esumates, traffic modchng for. LBP-8512,21 NRC 644 (1985) 87
SUHJ ECT INDEX time, etTect of rnotwhiation trasel on. L BP-85-12. 21 NRC 64411985) whish imually heads toward a plant, effecuseness of plan for; L BP-85-8,21 NRC 516 41985)
E \\ IDE NCE escluwon of, for in of sponwnns testimony. AL AB-808,21 NRC 1595 I1985) hearsa), admewbiltt) of. AL AB-802. 21 NRC 490 (1985) proffered by witnew siolating Commimon ethics regulations. admissioility of. Al AB 803. 21 N RC 575(1985)
EA AMIN ATIOMS) reactor operator, TMI management respew to cheauns on. LBP-8515,21 NRC 14tpl (1985) secunty at Three Mde island, LBP-8515,21 NRC 1409 (1985l See also Crow Eummauon E ALMPTION(58 from 10 C F R. 5010W on basis of appheant's abihi) to redrew wie, LBP-85 7,21 NRC 50? t 19851 from regulanons, conwderauons in conducting immediate effectneness review of decision authonitng. CLI-851,21 NRC 175 (19853 from regulations, pnnapal authoni) for granung. AL AB-809,21 NRC leos (1985) from regulauons, standard for grant of. L BP-85 4,21 NRC 399 (1985) frorn requirements of 10 C.F R $0 47, standards for grant of. AL AB-800,21 NRC 1605 (19851 under 4 3012:46 standard for grant of, LBP-85-4. 21 NRC 399 t 19858 E APLO51% E M ATERI ALS trarumrted from Johet Arsenal by railroad, hazards to nuclear facihty from, LBP-85 II,21 NRC MW t19851 FARMERS reemry mto EP2 by. foliommg redu*>gical emergency, LBP-8514,21 NRC 1219 (1985) f EDER AL PRFE Mf' TION controlhns findings on adequacy of emergency preparednew, CLI 8412,21 NRC 1587 (1985 FEEDW ATER less of. durms TMI-2 acudent, fators that !cd up to. CLl-85-2. 21 NRC 282 (1985)
FELDWATER ISOLATION VALVE PITS at Midland wie, descripuon of remedial measures for soils settlement beneath; LBP-85 2,21 N F.C Ot!:?!!!
FIN AL LNVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT means for curms defiaenoes m. LBP 85-3,21 NRC 244 f1985)
IIN ANCI AL ASSISTANCE to mtervenors m adjudicatory proseedmss. AL AB-807,21 NRC 1l95 (1985)
FIN ANCI AL CONSIDI R ATIONS impact of, on TMl techmcal decisions. C LI-85-2. 21 NRC 282 (1985)
FIRE PROTECTION guidehnes, safe shutdown system required to ensure comphance with; DD-85-4. 21 NRC 546 (1985)
FL) A511 e
particles, radiologisal doses from radionushde attachment to. LBP-85-5,21 NRC 410 (1985)
IOOD Clf AIN pathway, calculation of radiok>gical doses sea. L BP-85 5, 21 NRC 410 (1985)
FOREIGN L ANGU AGE matertals and broadcasts for emergency situanons, need for. LBP 85-12. 21 N RC 644 (1985)
FUEL See Diewi Fuel Tanks FUEL C1CLE health effects of coal particulates suouated with; L BP 85-5. 21 NRC 410 t1985)
FUNDING mtersenor, statutory prosenpuon agamst. AL AB-805,21 NRC 5% (19851 GFNERATOR See Diesel Generators GROUND MOflON vibratory, use of site-specific resprmse spectra to define; LBP 85-2,11 NRC 24 (19856 88
l 3
SU HJECT INDEX GROUND % ATER apptwadikt, of State standards fer, to mill taihngs dispmal plan, L BP-85-3 21 NRC 244 (1985:
H ANDIC 4PPL D PE R50N5 requirms esacuanon awwance, registranon of. LBP-8512,21 NRC 644 (1985)
H ARA 55 MENT of qs.4hty amrarke morkers at Catamba, DD-85 9. 21 NRC 1759 (1985)
IIE AL1H E il LCT5 from radianon emposure. appropriate time periods for calculatmg. L BP-85-5,21 NRC 410 (1985) of air pollunon Standard refererwe for esaluanon of, LBP 85 5,21 NRC 410 (1989 of coal partwulates awwted unh fuct o cle, cuimanon of, L BP-85 5,21 NRC 410 (1985) of radianon releases from Three Mile Idsnd acudent, CLl 85 8,21 NRC l111 (1984:
HEARINGm conwhdated operaung lweracAhou cause. procedural rules apphcable to-L BP 85-2,21 NRC 24 (1985) need for, pnor to swaance of operaung beense amendment, AL AB-7%,21 NRC 4 (1985) need for, mhere mdmdual as derrned of emplo> ment. CLI-85 2,21 NRC 282 (19858 on enforcement acuon, nght of hcensee to CLI 85 9. 21 NRC 1118 (1985) on enforcemem order, nght of Iwensee to. CLI-85-6,21 NRC 1043 (19851
right to. of Iwensed operator s how emrloy ment responsibihues hase t*een restrwied. CLi-85-2. 21 NRC 282 (1985) rights on twenwe character under Atomw Energy Act. CLI 85 4,21 NRC 561 (19851 rghts on nuclear pomer plant emergerw> plans. AL AB.80h. 21 NRC 1883 (1985) nghis on order confirmmg lwensee a soluntar) commitments. CLI-8510. 21 NRC 1569 (1985) rsgM rewhms from rewart of a nuslear poner plani, CLI 85 9,21 NRC 1118 (1985) i maner of nght to, through demat of Iwense amendment applwanon. LBP-85 3. 21 NRC 244 (19858 HO5 PIT AL5 esacuation of, durms Shercham radiologwal emergency. LBP-8512,21 NRC 644 (1985)
If LT! AS BEH O lor durms radiologwal eme.gency, faaors miluendos, LBP-8512,21 NRC 644 (1985)
IMPARTIALITY imm, of rl s.stA 71 NR(- 4An (19a5:
IMPORTANT T0 541 LTY mterpretation of, as appbed to seismic deogn requiremems, LBP-8$ 2,21 NRC 24 (19856 a
INSTRUMENT ATION 5)STFMS at f ermi, demat of request for mvesuganon of lak of records for as-built deugns for. DD-85-4,21 NRC 546 (19856 IN5LR ANCE coverage for nudcar power plant acudents, legahiy of hmitations on; LBP-85-4,21 NRC 399 (1985)
INTLRGRANL L AR STRL55 CORROSION CR ACKING at Three Mile Island. mitiganon of. AL AB-807. 21 NRC 1l95 (1985)
INTE R PR E TATION of tmportant to safety
- and safety-related" as apphed to senmx deugn requirements. L BP-85 2, 21 NRC 24 (1985) of regulanons. LBP 85-4,21 NRC 399 (19856 of the phraw "othermiw m the pubhc interest contained in 10 C F R,50.12(al, LBP-85-4,21 NRC 399 (1985) of the term "promptly" as at relates to idenufymg and correctmg quality assurarse deficenoes, ALAB-802. 21 NRC 490 (1985)
Commimon pohcy touards conehdanon of AL AB-8011. 21 NRC 1595 (1985) t depowuon of NRC 5taff officuls tiy, L BP 85 il. 21 NRC 609 (1985) effect of mithdramal of, on proteedmss. ALAB 799,21 NRC 360 (1985) fmanual amstance to, AL AB-807,21 NRC 1195 (1985) fundmg for. AL AB-805. 21 NRC 5% (1985) right of, to cross-enammanon on contentions sponsored by others AL AB 799,21 NRC 360 (19856 h
89 1
SUBJ ECT IN DEX INT E R\\ L NTION contenten rer uirement for. AL AB 749 21 NRC 360 (1985) peutson. Lnenung BerJ dmrcuon to Icrmit amendmem of,1 BP 85 20,21 NRC 1732 q19851 IRREPAR ABLL 11 ARM fxtor in deoding stay motions, merght psen to. AL AB-808. 21 NRC 1595 (1985) meigh snen to,in deskhng stay motio is. AL AT- $10,21 NRC 1616 (1985p JURISDICTION Appeal Board, nesus between peninr monon to reopen am! new mout
- as baus for; Al AB-797, 21 NRC 6 (1985)
N RC, to act on suues outude scope of laws estabhshed t*y Congrew. CLI-85-9,21 NRC 1815 (1985p of Lnenung Bwrd to rewke hmued work authonianon. LBP-85 7,21 NRC 507 t19851 oser economs issues. AL AB408. 21 NRC 1595 41985) to tonuder monon to reopen retord. LBP-8519,21 NRC 1707 (19856 to reconader mauers ongmally withm scope of construction permit proceedmg. AL AB-804,21 N RC 587 (1985#
LE AK R ATL falufwauons at T Mi-2, sigmficanic of, CLI-85-9,21 NRC iiI8 (1985) teums at leon $ianon remedy for dmrepanoes in. DD 85-2. ?! NRC 270 (1985) testmg practnes at TMl. falsification of. CLI-85 2,21 NRC 282 t1985)
LI ABILIT Y of nuclear power plants for acudents. hmits on LBP 85-4,21 NRC 399 (1985p LIBI R T)
Jerrnanon of, through emrloyment restncuons; CLI-85-2,21 NRC 282 (1985)
LICLN5L reamrements. customued. NRC authonty u impose: CLI 854,21 NRC 104) (1985)
LICLN5L AMENDMLNT inmines no ugminam hataeds" detcrmmanon, effectneness of. AL AB 807,21 NRC 1195 (1985t LICENSL CONDillON5 for hmitauons on load lescis of emergency diesel generaiors, LBP 8518,21 NRC 1637 (1985) for use of surplemental source of coohns mater; DD-85 8. 21 NRC 1561 (19851 r'gnt to a hearms on. ( Li-ay-v. 21 Nn tils t twnn LICE N5FD OPER A TORtsi requirernent for awewmem of performarge of. m job setung. LBP 8515. 21 NRC 1409 419851 tram 4ng at Three Mile Island. adequacy of. CL1-85 9. 21 NRC 1118 (1985) traimns for Three Mile Island. adequacy of. LBP 8515,21 NRC 1409 (19856 LICLN5LL charxier, defects of, as bass for reso6 anon of inense; DD-851,21 N RC 263 (19851 tharacter. heanns rights on, under Atomic Energy Act. CLI-85-4. 21 NRC 561 (1985) charaaer, standard for determamns. CLi 85 9,21 NRC ll18 (1985) nshi of. to heanns on enforcement action. CL185 9,21 NRC 4118 (1985)
LICEN5ING BO ARDt51 authority to dernand Plans for cross 4saminanon, AL AB 799,21 NRC 3e0 (19851 authority to require emerseno-s to name mitnesses by is certam date, L BP-85-20. 21 NRC 1732 (1985) authonty to summon manesses on its own behalf. AL AB 805,21 NRC 596 (1985) compostion of. AL AB-807,21 NRC 1195 (1985) deciuonmaking resronwbihues of. ALAB-809,21 NRC 1605 (1985) durcuon m balarwmg fne fators for admisseon of late-filed contenuons. AL AB-806,21 NRC 1883 (1985) dncreuen m managmg proceedmgs ALAB 802,21 NRC 490 (1985) dacrepon to permis amendment of meersention pennon. LBP 85 20. 21 NRC 1732 (19851 junsdicuon of, to resoke hmited work authonianon; LBP 85 7,21 NRC 507 (19851 propnety of actne role by m intersenors' crou-esammanon. AL AB-802. 21 NRC 490 (1985) renem of issues sua spume, constraims on; LBP 85-8,21 NRC 516 (1985)
i SUllJ ECT IN DEX LICENSING PROCLEDINGS Board diwretmn m inanagernerst of. 4L 4B402,21 NRC 490 (19858 good cauw for reopemng, AL AB 799,21 NRC Jto t19851 1
htigan hty m entorsemcos proseedings of matters common to. DD-85-9. 21 NRC 1759 t 1985:
NRC 5taff participation m; ALAB 799,21 NRC 360 (1985) responwbahines of parties to compt) with Commiswon direction to address spenf'W matters m.
CL185 2. 21 NRC 282 419858 use of metness panels in. AL AB 799,21 NRC 360 (1985)
Sec also Operating Lsensc Proceedings LIMITLD %ORK AL'TilORilATION won of site suitatnini) esaluation under, L BP 85-II,21 NRC W t l985)
LIQL EF ACTION at Midland ute. potential for and means for deahns eith; LBP-85 2,21 NRC 24 (1985 LOW POPLLATION ZONE adequaev of plannmg for esacuanon of peak summer populations from. DD 854,21 NRC 1547 t19856 LiMPH NODES calculanon of radiokwal dose resulung from transfer of parucles from lung to, L BP-85-5,2l NRC 410 4148 4 M AINTE N ANCE at Opter Creek, adequacy of protedures for. DD-851,21 NRC 263 (1985) l M AN AGE MENT arpiwant's, requirement for applaant to wt forth its stem of adequas) of,1 BP-8516,21 NRC 1539 (19851 See also Caw Management Plan j
M ATERI AL F AL5E ST ATEMINT m TMI beenwe's revenw io noine of swlanon. CL185 2,21 NRC 282 (1985)
M ATE RI ALIT) of mformauon, penod of ume normally permisubic to esaiuate, LbP 45-6,21 NRC 447 (19a5)
M AilMUM LILLLlllOOD PRINCIPLE arriwabiht) of, to talculanon of accidem probabihi) at hesh populanonsienuty sites. CLl-854,21 NRC 1043 41985)
MILL TAILINGS disposal. segmentauon of plan for LBP-85 3. 21 NRC 244 f1985 MODEL5 for offute emergency responw m area, CLi-854,21 NRC 104) (1985)
See Seismic Modein MONITORING of 5eism.c Category I pirms at Midland Plant, desnruon of program for. LBP-85 2,21 NRC 24 (1985)
MOTION TO REOPEN appellate Jurishction oser ALAB 797. 21 NRC e (1985) entitlement of mosant to diwoscry to support. CLI-85 7,21 NRC 1104 (1985) factors considered m deodmg. CLI 85-8,21 NRC till (1985p on bass of newly dimosered mformanon, standard for grant of, AL AB407. 24 NRC 1895 t1985) umchness m fihng, LBP-8519,21 NRC 1707 (1985)
See also Recrening of Record NEED f OR POW ER rule. derual of peuhon for maner of, LBP-85-5,21 NRC 410 (1985)
NEW YORK CITY nsk to, from radioloswal amdent at Indian Point, CL1854,21 NRC 104) (1985)
NOMOGRAM rehabihty of, for calculating thyroid dose and makms subwguent protectne action recommendauon.
NOTICE official, of record of prior proteedmg to present relmganon of nsues. LBP 85 4,21 NRC 399 (1985) 91 1
i I
i i
SUBJECT INDEX NOilCE of \\lOL ATION matenal fahe statement m TMI Iwensee's responw to, CLI-85-2,21 NRC 282 (19a5)
NOiliIC ATION of emergerKy workers, prouvons for. LBP-8514,21 NRC 1219 a1985) of put% that radiokgwal emergerw) esists, time limit on. L BP-85-12,21 NRC 644 (1985) of Shoreham ernergerwy workert adequacy of communnation system and proccJurcs for, L BP-85-12,21 NRC 644 (19855 N RC INSPLCTION round-the<tak at 1MI.1, siaff propoul for. CL185 9. 21 NRC 1118 (19151 N RC PROCE I DINGS applwabehty of collateral esioppel in. L BP 8511. 21 NRC 609 (1989 contested, settlement of. AL AB-506,21 NRC 1183 (19858 fators conwJered m deternunit's surndwuonal dnputes m. AL AB-797,21 NRC 6 (19115t See aho Adjudicatory Proceedings LKenMng Proceedman, Operstmg Lwense Proceedms, Show Cause Prneedmg NRC ST AF F dmemmg. nght of, to espreu wems, AL AB-80),21 NRC $75 (1985>
matters left for prmt-hearms resoluten by. AL AB-798,21 NRC )$7 (1985) olTwialt den >>.inm of. by intenenors. L hP-b 5 il, 21 NRC t@i (1989 parucmation m twertung prweedings AL AB-799,21 NRC 360 (1985) post-nearms senficanon of emergerw) planmng measures by; ALAB 8d8,21 NRC 1595 (1985)
I responubihty to aknomledge and dncun daugreements among its perwnnel, AL AR-8 0,21 NRC 575 (1985) standards appkable to nbmmons by. Al. AB-801,28 NRC 479 t 19857 sureinwon of a party t compharne with a comnutment, AL AB-Sil,21 NRC 1622 (1985)
heanns ngbis resulims from et C Ll-85-9,21 NRC 1118 (1989 hmats on habshty of, for amdents, LbP-85 4,21 NRC 399 (1985) onder, recsaluaten of senmic dessgn baws of, CLI-8510,21 NRC 1569 41985) s ays s g o e a eno v rvna umioN authonty to consnler mues of maste and cost ocerrunt DD-85 7,21 NRC 1552 (1985) authonty to impme kerne requirements. CLi 354,21 NRC 104) t 1985) conwdersuons m condustmg immediate cIfectnenen reuew of decamn authonsmg esempuon from regulaimns CLI 851,21 NRC 175 (1985i dmretw.n in ireatmeni of twenwe's soluntary commitmems. Cl185-10,21 NRC 1569 (1995:
enforcement puky for notauon of employee protecten regulahont DD 85-9,21 NRC 6759 (1985l Judget standards for daquahfustion ot CLI 85 5,21 NRC 566 (19856 Jurminnon to at on mues outude more of laws estabhshed by Congress, CLI4 5-9,21 NRC 11I8 (1985s obliganon to hft cHecineneu of shutdoen order; CLl 85 9,21 NRC 1118 t191151 OPER ATING LICENSL AMLNDMI NT e0ectneness of, CLl-85-9. 2i SRC ii18 (1985) muarwe of, without poor beanna, AL Au-7%. 21 NRC 4 41985) treatment of conDrmatory order as. C LI 45-10,21 NRC 1569 (19851 Ort R ATING LICt'NM PROCE EDINGtil as forum for recoriuderatmn of matters ongmally withm s6 ope of construcuon pernut proceeding, AL AB-804. 21 NRC 587 (1989 automaix right to adjudgatory resolution of ennronmental er safety mues m; AL AB 799,21 NRC 360 (19857 mues for conuderation in. L BP-85-6,21 NRC 447 (1989 hiegabihty of economn mucs m, AL AB 808,21 NRC 1595 (1985)
J Imgaton of construcuon quahty suurarse m. AL AB.799,21 NRC 360 (1985) j nature of Dndmgs m, AL AB-Sil,21 NRC 1622 (19853 termmation of, on baus of settlement agreement, LBP-854A,21 NRC 468 (19851 he aho Lnenwns Pro 6eedings I
91 D
disunctmn Nimeen ineng amendment anJ. CLI 85-10,21 NRC 1569 (19856 opt R ATING LICIN5L(5)
Commisuon disretion whether to amend. CLI-8510,21 NRC 1569 (1989 critena for phywcal securst) plans for. L BP-8 5-4. 21 NRC 399 (1985) decisam, sundard for; CLI 85-3,21 NRC 471 (1985) fmdmg required foi denul of. AL AB-799,21 NRC 360 t1965) full ptmer and low romer, ditTerence m conuderatens penannmg to authonsauon of, AL AB 808. 21 NRC 1595 (1985) full psmer. Commineon decismn dethning to make effecine. CL185.ll, 21 NRC !$85 41985) full power for % aterford, denal of request for stav of effeonenen of, CLI 85 3. 21 NRC 476 (1985p inwarwe. Comminion fmdmss necesury for. DD-85 7,21 NRC 1552 (19456 imuance. emergency plannmg findmss necesur) for, AL AB-809,21 NRC 1605 (1985) low-power, findings preregunnie to inuante of. CLI-851,24 NRC 175 (19858 reuem appinaimn of new scismw sniena dunng. L BP-85 2,21 NRC 24 t 1985) reuem, procedures for aprlying ufe shutdown earthquake in. LBP-85 2,21 NRC 24 (1985i treatment of confirmatory orders that do noi espand a inenwe's authoney under; CLI 8510,21 NRC 1569 (1985) treatment of heensee's soluntary commitments under, CLI-8510,21 NRC 1569 (1985) opt R ATION los power. need for supplemental enuronmenul impact staternem for. C11-8512,21 NRC 1587 (1985)
ORDIR5 confirmatory, that do not espand a inenwe's authorst) under its operaung license, treatment of.
CLI 8510. 21 N AC 1569 (1915)
See aho i r forcemem Orders, Shut &mn Order Pt N AL TIIS See Cnil penalues PENN5)LV ANI A crecrgency pianrurg requirements m. L BP4514,21 NRC 1219 (1985)
Filim AL St CL Mili pL ANS req.riremems for protecuon of utal equipmem in. LBP-85 4,21 N RC 399 (1985)
P! PING underground. at Mailand site. technical adequay of. in uem of encenne settlement of, L BP-85-2, 21 NRC 24 (1985)
POLLS pubig opmson. on khauer durms radiolotpcal emergency, efTicay of. L BP 4512,21 N RC 644 (19856 POLLUTION 5ee Air Pollution POPCLATlONCENTER aggregate populanon of sescral retreauonal fachues as. LBP-85 il,21 NRC 609 41985)
POPL L ATlON DEN 5IT) of Indzas Pomt nuticar power piam site CLI-854,21 NRC 104) (1985)
POT 4551L M IOI)lDE prouuon of, to emergency workers. L BP 8514. 21 NRC 1219 (1985)
POW [R emergency, durms low power operaurig, authonzauon of shernate system for CLl 85-1,21 NRC 175(1985) ofNte, lou of, m conjuncuon with Shoreham saident, effect of, on emergency response.
L BP-8512,21 NRC 644 (1985)
See aho Need for Power POW ER LEVil5 5taff propoul of 25% hmitauon on. at TMl l; CLI-85-9. 21 NRC lill (1985) 93 i
.-e e
e wm r --
PRECEDENTI AL ElllCT of Board deavons, L BP45 20,21 NRC 1732 (19851 PRLJLDICL l
demonstrauon of. through curtailment of cron-esammahon. Al AB 799. 21 NRC Jh6 419851 when an attorne) is called to test 6fy for the oppoung side, LBP 8519. 21 NRC 1707 (198$1 See also B,as PRE 550RL $Pihl durms T%I1-2 acudent,interpretaten of. CLt 83 2,21 NRC 282 (19856 PRIViliGE attorne)-chem or work product, inadscrtent daciosure of tw sdescJ dwuments as maner of.
L BP 851,21 NRC 11 (1985)
PROPRit TA R) INit>RM ATION means for handhng darutes oser. AL AB-807,21 NRC 1195 (19ti$)
PROTECTLD ACTIVITil5 coscred by NRC employee protecuen regulations, DD 85 9,21 NRC 1759 (1985) f PROTICTit F ACTION RECOMMEND ATIONS adequxy of guidehnet and implemenung procedures for, in Shoreham emergene, plan. L BP-8512, 21 NRC 4644 (19856 role of moNhtatmn time m making. LBP 8512,21 NRC 644 (19851 PLBLIC INIORM ATION on emergency planmes for Indian Pomt, adequa) of, CL1-854,28 NRC 104) (19851 00 AlltIC ATION 5ee E nstrenmemal Quahficatwn QL AllFIED LO AD Li\\ LL of She,reham emergency diesel generators IBP-8518,21 NRC 1637 (1985) construcuen. anegainins of breakdomn ari. si W aterforJ. CL1-85 3, 21 NRC 471 (1985) contentums, baus and speufot, requirements for. LBP 85-20,21 NRC 1732 (1985) conicatens. imponance of speufiuty m. LBP45 li,21 NRC 609 s 1985) i dens.crucs repi.imns g.wrn,rg rcpc,rts ef, LBP-85-6,21 NRC 447 f19851 defcencies, requuemems for rewilunon of. AL AB 80$,21 NRC 490 (1985 6 i
f efTect on, of Seabrook apptwant's indebtedness to ns contrutors. DD-85 3,21 NRC 533 (1985) e.g.,
....,a.,, (m. e 4.9 ?! NRC 5749189A16 t
findmg req 2 ired for of an operaung inense-AL AB 799. 21 NRC 360 (198?,
of construcuon, hug 4Nitiy of. m operaung igerne proceedmps. AL AB 799,21 NRC 360 (199 5) of design genfnanon program at DiaNo Canyon, adequay of. AL AB-Bil,21 NRC 1622 (1985)
appropnate ume renods for calculaung health efYects from esposure to. t BP 85 5. 21 NRC 410 (1985#
effects. treatment of, in emergency plannms brochure; I BP 8512. 21 NRC 644 (19851 relcaws from Three %Ie Island Umt 2 scodent, health effeos of, CLI-85-8,21 NRC 1111 (1985) i R ADIO ACTIVE % A5TE low tesci. demal of pennon for 4&pton of mienm regulations for shahow-land desal of, DPRM-85 2,21 NRC 1781 (19858 R ADIOlODIN E technaal speoficalmn hmn for Indian Poem, need for comphante niih,(Ll-854,21 NRC 1043 (19851 R ADIONL CLIDI(58 attachment to fly ash parucles, radiolognal doses from. LBP 85 5,21 NRC 480 (1985) tnoaccumulaton of, m aquatic organnms, adequay of Staff treatment of,in construcunn F L5.
f LBP 85 8,21 NRC 516 (1985) deposinon rates. htig4Nhty r,rf adequay of caku14hons of. L BP 85 8,21 NRC 516 (1985)
R ADW ASTL 515TEMS at f ermi, need for addmonal tesis to senfy adequuy of DD-85 4,21 NRC 546 41985) i 94
_ -.. - - n l
i 1
4 i
i St'HJECT INDEN REACTOR tuuhng weier, $Nacy of tesung at 5% of rated power CLI 801. 21 NRC 175 (1985) t=wimg eater, GL Mark 1. adequacy of deugn of. DD-at 4,21 NRC 546119846 trammg. appfwabihty of Appendwes A to 10 C l R. Paris 50 and 100 to, Lhr 84-4. 21 NRC )99 (1985)
RL ACTOR COOL ANT prenure boundar) at GETR 44hecitos, Ic4kages m. LitP-85-4. 21 NRC 399 81989 RL ACTOR OPL R ATOR(M at TMI. adequacy of traming pres; ram for, CLI #4 2,21 NRC 2F211985 irairue esaluaine case histories 1 BP 8515,21 NRC 1409 (19855 i
trainmg program, appresal of plan for evaluation of eticctaenen of, t BP 85-21. 21 NRC 1751 419851 RECONMDI R ATION 10 C l R 2 206 procedures as schwie for. CLl-85 4,21 NRC 801(1985!
m operaims lwense proscedmg. of matiers orismally enhm ssope of 5onstrusuon perrmt prosced ns. AL AH 804. 21 NRC 587 (19851 of ruimg admitung arrinam's contennen demal of mouon for. L BP 85-),21 NRC 244 (19851 raisms maners for first ume m meuon for; CLI-85 7,28 SRC 1104 d1985 RECORD 6) j stosed. cr.teria for reopenmg. AL AB #d). 21 NRC 575 (1985) comribunons to, by miersenor fmns comenimns late, i HP-8 5-20,21 NRC 1732 (1989 for av built deugns for electrnal and mstrumentauon systerns, demal of requeu for msesugauon of 4
last of, DD-85-4. 21 NRC $4e (1984 m restart proseeding, th4nge m testimon) dorms lawsuit as hous for reppemng, Al AB 807,21 NitC 1895 (19351, CLI 35 2,21 NRC 282 (1985 6, CLi 808,21 NRC 1111 (19:5 6 means for miersenor to comribute to. L HP 8bil,21 NRC tio9 (1989 standards for reopemns.(LI #b2. 21 NRC 282 (19851 CL1-85 7,21 NRC 1104 (19856 RICO\\ E R) AND RE LNTRY fortons a r4Jeolgwat emesserny at Shoreham, adequasy of implersentmg prweJures lot, L BP 8bl2. 24 NRC t.44 (1994 Rf C Rt 4 TION AL T A(Illills sysressic popuiaium us, as<m cerner. L tsossil, Ji Nsn civv qiva)r RLfNTR) imo E P/ by farmers folioning radmiossai emergency, t BP 8514. 21 NRC 1219 (1985)
See alw Recoscry and Reentry RI GUL ATION%
conwdereinms m tondanng immediate ellectiseness reuce of denuon author:4mg esemptmn from. CLl-85-1,21 NRC 175 (1985)
(riieria for grant of esemptmns from. L BP 804. 21 NRC 399 (19851. LDP-85 7,21 NRC 507 I(989 cmployee protettum, proteued attiuues cosered by. DD 85 9,21 NRC 1759 (1985) gesermng mcJwal uses of byproduo materials. dem41 of peunon for amendmem of. DPRM 851, 21 NRC 3777 (1985) gosermns noufwauon of emergerwy morkers, micrpretsuon of. LHP 8bl2,21 NilC f.44 (1985 gosermng reports of quainy esuranse defkierwies. LHP-85-6,21 NRC 447 (19856 intenm, for shallow-land disposal of los devel radmattise easies. demal of peupon for adopuon of, DPRM 85-2. 21 NRC 1781 (1984 enterpretauon of, L HP 85 4,21 NitC 399 (1989 piam tonstrucuon standards emtmdied in 4L AB 799. 21 NRC 3t.0 (1985) prmcipal authonty for grantmg eternpuans from. Al AB-809,21 NRC 1605 (1985) specifyms scismw and geologic oneria for qutlear power plant deugn. iBP-8b2,21 NRC 24 (1984 treatmem of somennons shallengmg.1 HP-8b4,28 NRC 399 (1985)
See atso Rules. Rules of Pratne REOPENING l
muet 10 C F R 2 2M prewedures as means for. Cll 85-4,21 NRC 561 (19851 of proteedmss. legal standards for. L BP 8419,21 NRC 1707 (1985) l 95
f i
1 h
senncT ison RIOPLNING A Rt(ORD alksauon of falufsed dauments as wprors of nmuon for. AL 48-80). 21 NRC 575 t1984) bardeo on mosam.Cll 85 7,21 NRC l104 (19856 seneria tur. AL AB 807,21 NRC l195 (1984 factors consdercJ m determming ahether to grant nwtion for. CLI 85 8. 21 NRC till (1984 surndutmn to conuder monon to L BP 45-19. 21 NRC 1707 (1985 vanetards for. CLI 84.7,21 NRC l 804 t1984 R E POR T A BIL IT Y of defuermes, three elernem test fer-1 IIP 89 6. 21 NRC 447 l1984 i
RtPORh of euably awurante defMenoes. regulaisons goserning, L BP 85 6. 21 NRC 447 (1980 RL5PON51 SPE CTR A 7
i site 4peofs. uw of, ta defmc ubratory ground motmn. L BP.85 2,21 NRC 24 41989 RLST AR T of nustear power plant, hearms nghis rewlims from. C11-85-9,21 NRC l118 (1985)
(4 I\\ll 1, remnuon <4 hsenwd operator's responubihues as a sondakm of,( LI 84 2,21 NRC 282 (1985)
RLiitw appettaic sua spome, oscumstantes inappropriate for. Al AB.796. 21 NRC 4 (19856 argilaic wa specte. acore of approval conferred by, AL AB 795,21 NRC 1 (198D appellate. of L menwr*g Board determmanons in partial minal deuvons. AL AB-799, 21 N RC 360 (19856 immediaic c0cstnenen, effect of, on appeal teard. I BP-85 4, 21 NRC 399 (1985) immediate elTestnencu, of denwon authorums esempimn from regulatums. sonuderaieons in i
condustmg. CLI.851,21 NRC !?511985) immedisse eficctnenen. of operaung Nense deouorn, LBP 85-4,21 NRC 399 (19856 of twues wa spamic tw Lnenung Boards. constramis on;litP 85 8. 21 NRC 516 41985)
operstmg inenw. applisaunn of ece wnmg crnena durms. t BP 85 2,24 NRC 24 41989 operaung inenw, pru6cJurcs for applung safe shutdown carthquake m. LBP 85 2,21 NRC 24
(1984 RE%It%, APPILIAf f ut consint or interest inue sore of. AL All-sus. 21 NRC 575 t 1985)
RL%It W, APPILL ATL of correstnew of Commnw n ruhngs, sape of. AL AB 8!0,21 NRC 1616 (19856 RIR isi defininen of. CLI 84-6,21 NRC 104) (1985) j estimates for asudems at h'Sh-populanon-denwiy nues, takulanon of. CLl-85-6,21 NRC 104) t19858 of cold shutdoen. LBP 4512,21 NRC t>44 (19851 of sermus acudents at Indian Pomi, CLI 85 6. 21 NRC 104) II9851 reduct.on meawres empmeJ as hsenw require *nem, Cl1 il5 6,21 NRC 104) t1989 2
to Nem )ork City from radiokpal a6cident at Indian Point, CLI-85 6,21 NRC 1043 (1985)
R0rit ALI RTING remedures for implemenurg. LBP-8514. 21 NRC 1219 (1985)
Rtil5 penaln for uotatmn of. AL AB-799. 2l SRC 360 t19856 prosedural. appinable to consohdated operaung lat'ense/ shoe sause hearmas 1 BP-85-2,21 NRC 24 41985) standards and pruteJurcs governmg maner of, L8P 85 3,21 NRC 41011985)
See alw Regulanons RL Li S OF PR ACTICI admissib.hty of endente pro 0ered by manen uolaims Comtrusuon eihus regulanons. Al AB 803, 21 NRC $ 7511985) admiwbihty of hearsay endente Al AB 802,21 NRC 490 (1985) allcsauon of falwfied dutuments as support for motion to reopen slowd retorJ. AL AB $03,21 NRC
$75 419115) i 96 1
I l
i SUlW ECT IN DEN amendment of reic(ted, late-filed contennon L BP-85 il. 21 NRC NM (1985 6 sppcah os orders dnpoung of some of a party's conicrumm. AL AH407,21 NRC ll45 61985) appellate reuem of cross-esammation ruhngs. AL AB-7N. 21 NRC 360 (1985i appusabbt) of cedaleral estoppel to coment ons raned in toch sonstrusuon permit and operstmg inenw proteedmgs, LBP-85-il,21 NRC 6U9 (1985) apphtaien of nem senmw criteria durms operstmg license reuem. L BP.85 2. 21 NRC 24 (19841 burden on mmam for stay of agen6y action. AL AB 810,21 NRC 1616 (1985) cause for subpuena of NRC 5taff manewes. AL AB 802,21 NRC 490 (19856 somments from parises on imrnediate ciTecusenen reuen LBP45.4. 21 NRC 399 (191156 Commnsion totwy on immediate effectiseness resseus of eperating hiense deawns. L.BP 804,21 NRC 3M (1985) condamnal admmen of comennom, AL AB Mio,21 NRC i183 (19851 6onuderaten of a comennon's merits in determinmg ns admmibilny. Al AB 806. 21 NRC 118)
consderanon of rnauers not actually htigated in deodmg stay monons. AL AB-808,21 NRC 1995 (1985 (onsohdatwn of mieneriors, AL AB 808. 21 NRC 1595 (1985 1
(oniennon requiremem for intenennon. AL AB-799. 21 NMC 360 (1985)
(emnbuuom to the record in mier ener 6tmg tuntemmm late. L BP $5 20. 21 NRC !?32 41945) counterbalarwe for delay caused by admiswon of late-filed conternion, L BP 8F20. 21 NRC 1732 (19851 criteria for detahng request for stay of agen() acuen, AL AB-810,21 NRC 1616 (1984)
(riten4 for recremng a retord. AL AB 803,21 NRC 575 (1985), AL AB-807,21 NRC l195 41985) denial of damery shere monon to reopen is unumely Oled. L BP-8519,21 NRC 170* 11985 depuvuon of NRC bff offitish by irnenenors. LliP-8511,2l NRC WI (1985) ecormmw mjury as mesm of euabhshing standir s to triversene. CLt-85 2,21 NRC 282 (1985) effett of attertanse of comennons on their lingaNhiy mdependent of their sponwring inter enor.
AL Alt ?W 21 NRC h0 (1945 etTect of immeJiate effes oeness reuem on Appeal Board. L BP 85-4. 28 NRC 3W 119851 effett on proteedings of withdrawal of amenenor. AL Alr799. 21 NRC 360 (1985) factors conudered m deternwmns emnem to reeren. CLI 84 8. 21 NRC till t1985) fastors for determinmg admisshiny of comentmns based on preuously unassil4Me maienat.
AL AB 806. 21 NRC 1883 (1985) factors neighed m deoJms stay mouons. AL AB.808,21 NRC 1595 (1985) feelure to inces good cause (45 tor for late fded somennons. LBP 85 ll,21 NRC N19119851 fne f4ctors balamed to determme admmibihiy of unumely comennons. L BP-85 il 21 NRC NN 11985) oderinfwauon of witnewes prior to admnuon of a late comention. L BP 85 20. 21 NRC 1732 (1984) irnportante of becufstny m broad quala) assurante conrennons. LBP-85.ll. 21 NRC 609 (1985) m4dscrient dislosure of priuleged documents as maner of prnilege, LBP-85-1,21 NPC ll 41983) infiwente of withdrawal of mher somennom on admnuNhty of nem somenuun.1 BP di il 21 NRC eu9 (1985) mnimuon of thom cauw proceeding on baws of allega%ns before the Commnwon en another l
proseeding. DD-851. 21 NRC 2e31191:46 juristicton to comeder monon to reopen retord. L BP-45-19. 21 NRC 1707 (1985) legal mandards for reoremns of prmcedings. LBP 85-19,21 NRC 1707 (1985)
Litenwng Board authority to reqwre intenenors to narrie witneues by a cerisin date. LBP-85 20,21 NRC 1732 (1985)
Latenwns Board dareuen in baianang the factors for admisseon of late-filed contennons.
Licemms Board dmrenon to perma amendment of mienemmn peinen, L BP-85-20,21 NRC 1732 Il985) hmaatons on more of crowesammanon. ALAB-799. 21 NRC ho (19851 ling 4Nhty under 2 2t4 proteedmst of maners common to a inenung rrmeeding. DD-89 9. 21 NRC 1759 (1985) 97 I
I i
mearn for handhng proprietary desputes. AL AB 507,21 NRC 1195 (1985) means for mienenor to tuntubuie io the record for purpone of adnuswon of late facJ contention.
L BP-85 20. 21 NRC I?)2 (1985) rneans for othetimg enlargement of a proceeding. L BP 8511,21 NRC rW l191:51 means for osercorning request for daquahfication of ari attorney, L BP 85-19,21 NRC 1707 (1984) means for protectmg mierests of petinoner wekmg admisuon of late-filed contenuons Al AB-80ri, 21 NRC l183 (19851 mingaimn e( delay cauwd by broademns of issues due to admnuon of nem tontenuun L BP-85 ll.
21 NRC NN (1985 need for Appeal Board to state reawns or b4ws for ett concluuons. Al AB 801,21 NRC 479 41985)
need to state reawns for demalof Iwense amendmem apptwauon, L BP 85-3,21 NRC 244189851 rwm.mef> wbmnwm of tontennons. L BP Sb9,21 NRC 52411985)
NRC 5taff respimsbeht) to askneeledge and dwuu disagreements among its perwmnel, AL AB-503,21 NRC 575 (19856
offwial notwe of retord of prior proteeding to present rehtiganon of issues, L BP-85 4. 21 NRC 399 (198s6 penalty for failure to adequatel) brief alleganons made on appeal, AL AB 799,21 NRC JN141985) ricading requiremenn for haranmenthnumidatwn contentmn, L BP 85 20,21 NRC 1732 (1985) i pleadmg requiremenn for late-filed, bread comennon, L BP-85 20,21 NRC 1732 (1985) pretedenhal eHest of Board desiwons. L BP-85-20,21 NRC 1732 (19851 preiudice when an attorney in called to tesury for the oppmns ude, LBP 8519,21 NRC 1707 (1985.)
prmedural rules appin4Ne to umwhdated operstmg twenw/shom cauw hearmgs. LBP 85 2,21 NRC 24 (1985) proprect> of hmuauons on crowesammanon. AL AB B08. 21 NRC 1595 (1985) puipose of 2 20ri pennons. DD-85-7,21 NRC 1552 (1985) ramns maniers for firu time m nmuon for resonuderanon, CLI 85 7,21 NRC 1804119891 reawn fer resetuon of contentums filed late muhout somt cauw, L BP 8511,21 NRC NN I1925) ren* for speofit!iy requirement far ctmtemums, LBP 55-20,21 N RC !?)2 (19815 retornaleranon through 10 C i R 2 206 procedures, CLl 85-4,21 NRC Sol i1983) referral of ruhng on admnubihty of con:ennon whnh will require further 5tal7 ressen, LBP 45-3,21 Nor 144eles u replaemem of onNtrammg miersener as good cause for reopening a pro (ceding. AL AB-799,21
%RC Jrio (198i8 reprewntauon by counwl m pressous NRC proceedmg as baus for miersenor's contubutwn to 3
record. L BP 85 il,21 NRC Ni9 (1985) requirement for appinant to wt forth its sece of adequay of us own management. L BP 8516. 21 NRC 1534 (19:15) responws to dmument requeus,1 SP 85 l. 21 NRC ll (1985) responwNhnes of counwl for form and quahiy of submnwons. AL AB 801,21 NRC 479 (19Eil l
responwhihues of parues scebmg to intenene m NRC prmeedmss. Al AB 807,21 NRC 1195 i
responwNhues of pernes to comply with Cornmissmn direction to address spesifw maners in a 4
hsenwns prmeedms, CL185 2. 21 NRC 282 t1985) resemubihues of parues to mform Boards of neuly desclopmg mformaimn. LBP 85A 21 NRC 447 (1985)
resomubihip for ensurmt that a party is reprewnted by counut. AL AB $02,21 NRC 490 (1985)
I respons,Nhty of apphcant for amer enor s late filing of contentmn L SP-8020,21 NRC 1732 (19856 responwNhty of parues to conduct their own rewarth. Al AB 804,21 NRC 587 (19853 I
ressmmbshty of party to present its powuon m mielbstble form to the decimonmaker, AL AB-801, 21 NRC 479 (1985) right of amenenor to crowesammaton on somennons sponwrcJ by others, Al AB.799,21 NRC 360f1985) risht of party to make case solely through cross-esammanon, L BP-8020. 21 NRC 1732 (1985) right of party to heck siity of dettwen or agency asilort Al AB-8t)S,21 NRC 1595 (1995) 4 98
SUHJ ECT IN DEX scope of devsn mues conudered m parnal imtsal deauons 1 BP-85-2,21 NRC 24 (1985) store of mues that san be raised on appeal. Al AB 799,21 NRC 3rio (19856 seulement of contested NRC poseedings, AL AB ll0th 21 NRC 118) t19856 shommg rwcuary es parn msokmg directed cerufkatmn, Al AB liOS. 21 NRC 596 (1984) shommg necemary to estabhsh uending to meersene, CLI-85-2,21 NRC 282 (19856 speafatty and tuus requirements for admnuon of consentmn. AL AB 804,21 NRC 587 (1985) standard for grant of motam to reopen record on baus of newly diwosered mformahon, AL AB 807 21 NRC 119% (1985) standard for oserturning a Licensmg Board s ssheduimg deouon. AL AB 799,21 NRC 360 (19841 standards applaaNe to submmuons b) NRC Stafl. AL AB 801,21 NRC 479 Il985) standards apphed to attorne) conduct. L BP 85-19. 21 NRC 1707 41985 standards for recremns a record. CLI 85 2. 21 NRC 282 (19856 st4ndards for reopenmg a resord. LLI-85 7,21 NRC 1804 (1985) test to determme whether one mterstnor mas adopt contenuons sponsored by another miersenor who has *sthdrawn. AL AB 799,21 NRC 360 (19853 umehnew m films monon to reopen, L BP 8519,28 NRC 1707 (1985) uw of collateral estoppel dottrme to present hug 4uon of contentwns. LBP 85 4. 24 NRC 399 (1985) use of prefiled unuen tesumony m NRC proseedmgs, AL AB 799,21 NRC 360 (19851 use of summary dnp=tuon to present relingauon of mues. L BP-85-4,21 NRC 399 419841 meighi gnen to cash ofIne factors cf 10 C i R 2 7141aHIL LBP-85 il. 21 NRC 609119851 meight gnen to factors (nl and (n) m esalualms admnubiluy of unumely comentums, L BP 85-9, 21 NRC 524 (1985) meight snen in irreparable harm fa(ter m deaduig stay motions. AL AB-808,21 NRC 1595 (19851 meight gnen to irreparabec harm in deudmg slay motwns. AL AB 810,21 NRC 1616 (1985)
R L'L ING referral of, on admiwbelit) #4 comentn<n ohnh will require further Stati reuem, LDP 85 3,21 NRC 244 eless 5 %I L 5til il>OW N spiem rua red to ensure comrh.nse with fire proiettmn guidehnes, DD-84.4. 21 NRC 546 (19115) 5 %f L 5ilLILM)w N L ARiffQL %t larger than manimum earthquake that has occurred hutor cally withm lhe testoruc prounce, LBP 84 2,21 NRC 24 (1985) rwedures for applymg. m operaimg inense reuem, [ BP 85 2,21 NRC 24 (1985) 5AtETY aw,.ranse program for indian Pomt, need for. CLI 85-6,21 NRC 1043 (1985:
See important to Safety, Safety-Related 5 Al i T) 155L'E 5 estent of right to adjudwatery resolunon of, in operaung inense proteedingt AL AB 799,21 NRC 360 t1985)
S AI LI) RLL ATL D mterpretation of. as appbed to scisma design requirements, LDP-85-2,21 NRC 24 (1985) 5 ANCTf0N 5 for sg4anons, NatC polwy for ememnon r4 DD 85-9,21 NRC 1759 (1985)
SClil DCL L set by a inenwns Board, standard for appellaic reuem of. AL AB-799,21 NRC 360 (19851 SCHOOL 5 esacuanon of, dutirs t emernk radioloswal emergensy. LBP-85-14,21 NRC 1219 (1985) protettne measures for, dunng Shoreham radadognal emergency. IBP 8512,21 NRC 644 (1985) 51 CL RlTi for reactor operator esammatmns si Three Mine Islang iBP-8515. 21 NRC 140918985) 5tCL!RITY PLAN 5 See Phnnal Security Plans 5Ll5MIC AND GIOloblC C RITI R14 apphcable at operaimg inerne stage, wore of, LBP B5 2,21 NRC 24 (1985) for nu, lear pimer plant deugn. regulauons speufymy, I BP-85 2,21 NRC 24 (1989) l 99 i
I 1
e SL'HJECT INDEX 5F15MIC DE SIGN lH515 of older nusicar rower plants, reesaluauon of, CLI 8510,21 NRC 1569 t1985 5
5[15MIC 155L 15 I
rehtigaNIi> of, at eperaung twense stage, LBP 85 4,28 NRC 399 (1985)
St.15MIC MODL L5 to perform senmw ensluation of Midland structures, desripuon of LBP 85 2,21 NRC 24 (19856 5t R51CI % AllR PUMP 5TRL CTLRL at Midland wie, adequaq of soils compunon beneath,1 BP-85 2,21 NRC 24 (19856 SETTL t ME NT of contested NRC proceedings AL AB-806,21 NRC l183 (1985) 51 T11i MLNT AGRflMENT sermmanon of ogratmg inense proscedmg on besn of, LBP-854A,21 NRC 468 (19856 SH L LT E RING durms r,.dn>iogwal emergerw) at Shoreham, LBP-8512,21 NRC t44 (19851 esaluation of buddings to determme their adequacy for, LBP-8514,21 NRC 1219 (19851 Shit LDING i
factors on Long island. L BP-8512,21 NRC 644 (1985) 5HOW CAUSL iROCILDING5 as schnte for reconwierstam or as means to reotsn preuous!> adjudnated muet CLI 85-4. 21 NRC Sol (1985p j
effect to be gnen to, m operaung imense proceedms, LBP 85 4,21 NRC 399 (1985) imnahon of, on basn of allegations before th: Commiswon m another proceeding. DD 851,21 NRC Jo3 Il985)
SHU T DOW N of Indian Point, consequerwes of CLi U4,21 NRC 104) (1985) of reactor do ms umon urike, reawement for, L Be' 8512,21 NRC 644 e1985) r See also Safe Shutdoen SHUT (10% % OR Di R Comma-m obi. gas,un 6u idt, CL 3-85 9. Il NRC 1118 (1963p effect of adequacy of TMIInensed operator tramms on, CLI 85 9,28 NRC lill (1985)
SIMLLATOR trainmg for IMI reador operators, L BP-4515,21 NRC 1409 (1985) d SIR E N5 for putA emergeno rt.ufkauem s>siem, bakup for. LBP-8512,21 NRC 644 (1985)
SITf. Sulf ABillT) cruena, daiarke from reator 10 populatum center ohnh satisfiet L BP-35 ll,21 NRC 609 (1985)
SITL bL IT ABILIT) 15 ALL, ATION under hmned mers authonsatum, scope of, LBP.85 II,21 NRC 609 (1985)
Stif (56 4
Clerwh P,ni,immwrain,n of coridelions on redress of, L BP 85 7,21 NRC 507 (1985) high-n, alatum densn> nusicar gener plant, omdent rnk awenment and emergency responw ptart,,ns for, CLI 854,21 NRC 1043 (19851 See atsu Construcuon Sne 50!L hquefanon at Midland mir, potennal foe and means for dealms unh. LBP 85 2,21 hRC 24 #1985) j under South Tesas Projest, stahday of, L BP 45-9,21 NRC 524 (1985) 50!L SPRING LON5 TAN 15 for M.dland sne, dernauon of. LBP 85-2,21 NRC 24 (19851 l
50LRCI TERM uw of, m esumaung omdens nsas for high-populanon densny reactor sites, C11854,21 NRC 104l I1985p SPE Cl 4L F AClllitt 5 nouricanon of. to esacuate, L BP-8512,21 NRC e44 (1985)
$PtCl AL POPLL ATION GROLP5 esecumuon of, darms timeruk radiolognal emergerwy,1BP.S$.14,21 NRC 1219 (1985) lee i
l I
i m,
r I
a SUBJECT IN DEX SPE Cil ICII) in broad qulity assurarwe contentons, imporun(c of, L BP-85 ll,21 NRC 609119851 ST ANDING to mtersene, economic iryury as means of esubbshms; Cll-85 2,21 NRC 282 (1985)
(J Intersene, show ig necessary to estabtah, CL1-85 2,21 NRC 282 (1985)
ST ARE DIC151s effect of Licenwng Board c.>rkluwons on legal nwes not brought before Apsval Board by may of appeat AL AB 795,21 NRC 1 (1984 ST ATU TI S Sute and county. prohibitmg Apphcant from performing actaities to emplement emergency plan, federal preemptwn of, L BP-85-12. 21 NRC 64411985) l 5TA) rnotiorm wnwderation of matars not actatty liogated m deuding, AL AB40th 21 NRC 1595 (1989 motions, factors neighed m deodmg. AL AB-808,21 NRC 1595 (1989 l
motmns, function of Appeal Board m passms upon. Al AB 810,21 NRC 1616 (1989 of agerw) acunn, burden on mosans f v, AL AB-810,21 NRC 161611989 of agency action, criteria fur deuJing requesi for; ALAB 810,21 NRC 1616 (1985) of deciwon, right of party to seek, AL AB-808,21 NRC 1595 (1949 of <0cetneness of f4 power inense, dental of request for, CL1-85 3,21 NRC 471 (19851 STL AM GLNE R ATOR TLBE repair through hmene espanwon. AL AS407,21 NRC 1195 (1985)
STE AM GI NIR ATORt56 at Three Mae idand. descripison of. AL AB-807,21 NRC 1l95 (198i6 fises for Indian Pomt faihty, h6ense requirements for, Cll-854,21 NRC 1043 (19851 51RI A E by unhty union empicyces, efTect of, on unhiy's abihty to respond to emergency at Shoreham.
L BP-85-12,21 NRC 644 (1985 SL BPOLN AtM of NRC Sufi mitness, cause for; AL AB 802,21 NRC 490 (1985) to nonparty 5 tate agenues. issuance of LBP 851,21 NRC 11 (1985) 1 SL L e t n steam generator wrrowon from. at Three Mile Island Unit 1, AL AB-807,21 NRC 1895 41989 SUMM AR) Dl5POMTION j
une of. to present rehutanon of nwes. LBP-85 4,21 NRC 199 (19856 SU5PL S$lON of operaung Inense, distincuon between hcense amendment and, CLI-8510. 21 NRC 1569 (198h TECHNICAL 5PEClfICATION5 for hmasuons on load lesels of emergency diesel generators t BP 8518,21 NRC 1637 (1989 TICTONIC PROVINCL determmaton of. for Midland Plant, LBP-89 2. 21 NRC 24 (1985)
TER MIN ATION of operating hcense proceeding on basis of settlement agreement, LBP 854A,21 NRC 468 (1989 TEST three-element, for reporubihiy of derniersies. LBP 854,21 NRC 447 41989 TLSTIMONY change m, durms lawsuit, as bans for reopening record m restart proseeding; CL1-85 2,28 NRC 282 t198D prefiled, untien, use of, m NRC proceedings, AL AB 799,21 NRC 360 (1985) sponsorms, escluuon of evidence for lack of AL AB 808,21 NRC 1595 (1985)
TESTING conuinment leak rate at lion Stanon, remedy for dncrepanaes in DD-85-2. 21 NRC 270 (1984 leak rate, ai T MI, falwination of. C Li-85 2,21 NRC 28211989 low power, need for supplemental environmentalimpact statement for; CLI 85,il,21 NRC 1587 (1985) surseillarse, for failure of emergenty diesel generator crankshafis; l BP 8418,21 NRC 1637 (1989 See also Edd) Current Temns i
181 9 e.unus m l
SUBJECT INDEX TilORit'st mdl tashngs Jnp%I, wgmentatiori of plari for.1 HP-85-), 21 NRC 244 419n51 Illi ROID 64kulatien of radiolognal dow to. LilP 8L5. 2! N RC 410 (19858 10RN\\DO rnk to Indun Point laubt). CLl-85-6. 21 N RC 104) (198 51 TR AillC centrol Jurmg Shoreham esacuation. implememation of, with utahty emple)ces. I BP-8 bl2. 28 N R C t,44 t 198 5 8 1 RAINING irreg ai4rittes at 1411 prier to acsident. (, ll-8 02, 21 N RC 212119h5 6 isensed operator. ai T Afl efli ci of adequasy of. on shutdoen orJer. C18-8 L9. 21 NRC lill 119891 menscJ qvrator, for Itree Ntac !siard aJequao ut, i BP 8bl 5,21 NRC 14d9 (19n$ s of errergerk) response personnel, requirements for.1 BP 8514. 21 NRC 1219 (19856 of nonutiho personnel for emergeno rewnse. adequa> of Shoreham program for. LliP 8b12. 21 NRC t>44 419851 of Opter ( ret k operators. adequa t of DD 8tl, 21 NRC 2ti3 (19851 of Shoreham emergerk ) morkers. 4dequas) of. L HP.8bl2,21 NRC 644119846 samulator, for restor operators at 14t1. l bP 8515,21 NRC 1409 t 1985)
TR AINING PRt K'R 441 Ihree \\ tac Isund. adequa.) of. IllP 8bl0. 21 NR( bil.1 t 19li5s 4i for inenwd operators ai 1411. adequaty of. Cl I 85 2. 21 NRC 282119858 for reactor operaiors. approsal of p.4n for ensluation of effc6tnenew of. L HP-8021. 21 NRC I?$1 119114:
fwensed operator. metM for demonstraimg adequao of. LilP 8 015. 21 N RC 14o9 t 1984 p TR ANSil NI%
9e;termg h, duririg % feham radiolegsal emergenty, [ HP 8 bl2, 21 NRC 644 (198 5 8 TR ANS\\fl% ION llNi S lit g NLi> of impats of cln trs fielJ proJ4cd M. [ HP-8 bil, 21 NRC ewN t 19n t s TR ANSPOR T AIlON of espkmse matenais. hazards to Brn6deu d fashly from. [ HP 8tll,21 NRC 609 t1985)
T RlillTt reicases to n eacutos t rcen frem iram,ng reator, admmion of tontennon sonternms, L BP 804.
21 NRC J+318985s Il BE HL NDLT RIGION destriction of. AL AB 140'. 21 N RC 1894 (198 41
%AL\\L5 motor-s pea:ed. ellc61 of c rnergens) diciel generator operation on. L DP-8518 21 NRC 16)? (1984
\\ IOL AllONi$i tiy diewt generator manufaturer of us legan oN,ganons to regv,rq potentul defeug.1 HP-8bl8 21 NHC leil? (19858 of 10 C F R 50 55fel, conwieration of m oper4tmg hiense proseedmss. L HP 85 6. 21 NRC 44' t1985p oflode of Judaml Condxt Canens 2 A 28 and J At68. (!! 85-5. 21 NRC %6 (1985) of NRC cr, puce prorestion regatanons. DD 8b9. 21 NRC 1759 41985:
of rules penativ for. AL AB.799. 21 NRC Jc,0 t 1985 6 See aho Defioenues. Norue of \\ nJation VIT AL LQllP\\tl N T reqwrements for proiesnon of. en pt ywal wcur,iy plans. I BP4b4. 21 NRC 399 (19:191
% Alil R of need for Poect rule, denial of petstron for. L BP-8b5,21 NRC 410 t19858 of right to hearmy through denul of bienw arnendmeni arphtanon L HP 80). 21 NRC 244 (198 9 6 e i tules standards and praedures gesetning. lHP 85 5,21 NRC 410 f19Ps
% ASil See Padmaste Susems I
l 102
1 l
%A$it.Dl5POSAL from decomamm.ition attivities folloemg Shoreha:n ace, dent. plans for, LBP Si-12,21 NRC 644 (1985#
shallom-land. of tom lesel radioastne eastes, dcmal of petition for adopuon of intenm segalations for-DPRM-85 2,21 NRC 1781 (1985)
% AllR make up, for main coohng reservoir for South Tesas Prosed, assilability of, LBP-85-8,21 NRC 516 (198.46 int ated, calculation of mhalation doses from, L BP-85 5,21 NRC 410 (1985)
See alw f eedester, Ground Water
%f ATillR wnditmos, conuderanon of,in esa6uation time estir..aies. L BP 8514,21 NRC 1219 (1985 I
cons *ranon dunns radiologwal emergency at Shoreham, LBP-8512,21 NRC 644 (1985)
% t'LDING defacenues at Callaeay, NRC 5tati treatment of allegations of, DD-85 7,21 NRC 1552 (1783)
%ILD5 safety emptwauons of reworkms of DD 85 7 ?! NRC 1552 (1985)
%ID At ANST AE Til N GR APillTE desenpuon of. relatne to diewi generator cyhnder bloth crackmg, LBP 8518. 21 NRC 1637 (1985:
%IND shifts, eflect of, on Shoreham emergency plan, LBP 85-12, 21 NRC (44 (1985)
J wlTilDR A% AL rI torstrucuen permit apples.auen, entena for grant of request for, L BP-85 7,21 NRC 507 t'985p of iniersenor, cilect of, on procecengs AL 48 799,21 NRC 360 (1985) 4fTSL55 i
panels. uw of,in inenwns piuteedmp, Al AB-799,21 NRC k011985)
%ITN!55L5 authonty of Boards to sumrnon, At AB 805,21 NRC 5% (19856 eder.ufsation of, pnor to admmma of lite contention. LF P-85 20. 21 NRC 173211985) j NRC StatT cauw for subpoena of. AL AB 402,2) NRC 4K)(1985) l requirement for miersenors to name, by a cer'am date, LBP-85 20,21 NRC 1732 (19856
..n. wmuamu un uv cummainm on, Lore 14, di eint sliv ttv m
/ONL5 See Emergency Plarwng Jones l_o= Peculation lame i
l I
i j
l l
l (h
1 I
I i
i I
t j
l l
l l
l 1
i l
l BIG Roa PolNT PL ANT. Deet No 50-155-OL A ($ rent I uel Pool Mod (naimn>
l ALAB 795. 21 NRC 1 (1%5) i i
BR AIDWOOD Ni(LL AR POW ER ST ATION. l'ma 1 aN 2. Dakei Nos 50-456. 50 457 j
LBP-45-l!. 21 NRC 6aN t19856 l
l NRC 1732 (19851 l
C ALL A% O PL ANT, Una 1. Daket No 50-453 REQt't5T FOR LICENSE 5LSP1 N510%. Ma> 17.1985 DIRE CTOR'S DE CISION UNDE R 10
( V R i 2 200. DD-85 7. 21 NRC 1552 (1984
C AT Aw B 4 NL CLLAR STATION. Uruts I and 2. Daket Nos 50 41), 50-414 l
10 C f R ( 2 206. DD-85 4. 21 NRC 1759 (1985) i t u %t et n n t n ont t or n nt u ion rt. n i. t> met No m-Wt F i An tw No inhi il-t r5 j
APPLICANT 5' MOTION TO D1MI55 PROCEL DING. L BP-85 7,21 NRC 507 (1985) i E
COM 6 CHI PL AK 5TLAM E LI CTRIC 5T ATION. Unas I and 2. Dmket Nos. 50 445-OL AOL 2 50-446-OL AOL 2 ( ASLBP No 79 -430-06-OL )
i OPE R ATING LICLN5L, May 24.1985. MEMOR \\NDUM AND ORDE R. LBP-85-16. 21 NRC
i 1539 (19857 OPER ATING LICENSE. May 30. 1985; MEMOR ODUM LBP-8517,21 NRC 1544 (1985) l I
DI ABL O C AN)ON NLCLE AR POW t R PL ANT. Unas I and 2. Dmket Nos. 4275-OL. 50-323-OL OPE R ATING LICEN5E. June 27.1985. DECISION. ALAB 811,21 NRC 1622 (1985)
l ENRICO f E RMI \\TOMIC POW I R PL ANT, Emi 2. Docket No 50-341 r
l REQL E5T FOR ACTION. March 20.1985. DIRf CTOR's DICISION UNDER 10 C I R i 2 206. DD-45-4,21 NRC 546 (1985; r
GF TR V ALLEC1105. Om ket No 50-70-OL R OPER ATING LICENSE RENEW' AL; F-ebruary 13.1985, MEMOR ANDUM AND ORDE R, LBP-85-4,21 NRC 399 (1985)
LBP 8513. 21 NRC 1031 t19856 ff 0PE CREEK GENER ATING ST ATION. Duket No. 50-354-OL OPER ATING LICEN5f2 February 28.1985, ORDER TERMIN ATING PROCEEDING, LBP 85-6 A 21 NRC 468 (1985p INDI AN POINT, L mis 2 and 3. Dmket Nos 50-247 5P. 50-286 SP SPECI AL PROCE EDING. May 7.198 5. DI C1510N. CLI-85-6. 21 NRC 104) I1985) l LIMERK K GE NE R ATING 5TATION. Unas I and 2. Dosket Nos 50-352, 50-353
REQLtST FOR ACTION. May 17.1985. DIRE CTOR'S Of_C1510N UNDE R 10 C f R. ( 2.206.
DD-8bt,21 NRC 1561 (1985)
LIMERK K GE NE R ATING ST ATION, Unas I and 2. Dmket Nos 50-352-OL. 50-353 OL opt R ATING LICEN5E. Aptd 10.1985. Di C1510N. AL AB-804,21 NRC 587 (1985)
OPERATING LICE N5E. May 1.1985. DECISION ALAB-806,21 NRC 1183 (1985)
105 g
y Aj
FACil.lTY INDEX OPLR ATING LICEN5E; June 11,1985, MEMOR ANDUM AND ORDLR. AL AB-808,21 NRC 1595 (19851. CL1-8511. 21 NRC 1585 (19856 OPER ATING LICEN5tmJune 17,1985. DICISION, AL AB-809,21 NRC 1605 519851 M AINE i ANKl E ATO\\ llc POW f R PL ANT. Dakei No. 50 309 REQUEST FOR ACTION, May 13.19hn flN AL DIRICTOR'S DiCISION UNDL R 10 C F R t 2 206; DD-85-6. 21 NRC 1547 (19851 MIDL AND PL ANT, Unns I and 2. Daket Nos 40-329-Ol&OM,50 330-01 AOM ( A51 HP Nos 76-3 89-03-O L, 80-4 29-02-S P )
LhP-85-2,21 Ni(C 24 (19856 Oisil R CRL Ek NL CLE Ak GENE R ATING STATION. Docket No 50-219 PLTITION TUR Rf LILf; Arni 4,1985; MLMOR ANDUM AND ORDER, CLI-804,21 NRC 561 (1985)
6 2 206. DD-851,21 NRC 263 (1985)
PERRY NL CLL AR POWI R PL ANT, L mis I and 2. Omket Nos 50 440-OL. 50448 OL opt R ATING LICENSL, March 26,1985. DECISION AL AB-802,21 NRC 490 t19851 OPE RATING LICI NSE: Arni 10,1985, MEMOR ANDUM AND ORDLR, ALAB-805. 21 NRC 5% 09857 PILGRIM NUCL EAR POW LR STATION, Duket No. 50-293 REQUEST f OR 5110% CAUSE ORDE R; Arni 5,1985. DIRE CTOR'S DLCISION UNDER 10 C I R. ( 2.206. DD-85-5. 21 NRC 103) (1985 6 5AN ONOi RI NUCLE AR GLNFR ATING ST ATION, Urm I, Duket No. 50 20e OPER ATING LIC ENSF SUSPI N510N. Iebruary 19. 1985. DENI AL Of RIQUEST FOR HEARING AND REQUEST FOR ST AY, CLI-8510. 21 NRC 1569 (1985)
SEABROOK ST ATION, Umts I and 2. Dmhet Nos 50-443, 40 444 RIQUEST FOR ACTION, March 18,1985. DIRECTOR'S DiCISION UNDER 10 C F R 4 2 20o. DD 85 3. 21 NRC 533 (1985)
$HE ARON ll ARRIS NUCLLAR POwIR PL ANT, Dmhet No 40 4m44 ( AM BP No 12-472 43-OL)
SHORE H AM NUCLE AR POW FR ST ATION, Umt 1; Docket No. 50-322-OL OPf R ATING LICI N5L, June 14.1985. PARil AL INITI AL D[C1540N ON F Mf RGENC)
DIE 5f L GENE R ATORS. LBP 85-18,21 NRC 1637 (1985)
!616 (19A5)
SHOREHAM NUCLEAR POWI R STATION, Umi I; Docket No 50 322-OL 3 OPERATING L!CEN5F; Arni 17,1985. PARTIAL INITIAL DICislON ON IMERGINCY PLANNING, LBP-8512. 21 NRC 644 (1985) 5HORI H AM NUCLEAR PO%1 R STATION. Unn 1; Dothet No. 50-322-01-4 OPE R ATING LICENSE; f ebruary 12,1985, MEMORANDUM AND ORDER, CL185-1,21 NRC 275 G9851 OPE R ATING LICE NM ; I etwuary 21,1985 Df CISION, ALAH-800. 21 NRC 386 (1965)
OPERATING LICENSL; June 20.1985; ORDER; CLl-8512,21 NRC 1587 (1985)
SOUTH TEX As PROJt CT, Umt I and 2. Doches Nos. 50-4984)L. 50-499-OL OPE R ATING LICEN5E. F ebruary 6.1985. DECISION AL AB 799,21 NRC 360 (1985) 50l2TH TEX A5 PROJECT, Unns I and 2. Duke; Nos. STN 50-498-OL, STN 50-499 OL ( A5LBP No. 79-421-07.0L)
OPER ATING LICENSE; February 26. 1985. ME MOR ANDUM AND ORDER, LBP-85-6,21 NRC 447 (1985)
OPE R ATING LICENSE. March 15,1985 ME MOR AN()UM, L BP-85-8,21 NRC 516 (1985)
OPFRATING LICEN5E, March 29,1985. MLMORANDUM AND ORDIR 1 BP-8) 9,21 NRC 524 (1985)
OPERATING LICENSL, June 18.1985, MEMORANDUM AND ORDE R. L BP-8519,21 NRC 1707 (1985) lee E
4 f
THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLE AR ST ATION. Unni I; Dmkei No 50 2845P (Rewart)
SPECI AL PROCEEDING Fetruary 25.1985. MLMOR ANDUM AND ORDER. C0185-2,2l NRC 282 (19855 SPECIAL PM)CLLDING. April 5,1985, MEMOR ANDUM AND ORDF R, CLI 85 5. 21 NRC 566 (1985)
LBP-85-to,21 NRC 603 (1985)
$PECl AL PROCLEDING, Ma3 *,1985, ORDER; CLi-85 7,21 NRC 1104 (19856
$PICI AL PROCE EDING. May 16,1985, ME MOR ANDUM AND ORDE R CLI-85-8. 21 NRC t ill (19856 5PECIAL PROCEEDING, Msy 29. 1985; MEMOR ANDUM AND ORDER. CL1-85-9. 21 NRC lit t (1985)
TllREE MILL 15L AND NUCLE AR STATION, Unn 1; Daket No. M-289-SP ( ASLBP No 79-4294*SPs (Rest.;t Rernand on Managemeni-Tramm85 SPICIAL PROCf E DING. May 3,1985. PARTI AL INITIAL DiC1510N ON THE REMANDEC 155UL Ol' LICENSED-OPIR ATOR TRAINING AT TMI-1; LBP-8515,21 NRC 1409 (1985)
THREL MIL L ist AND NUCLLAR ST ATION. Unos I and 2; Doikci Nos 50-289. 50-120 Pt TillON IOR relit I. April 4.19f 5. ML MOR ANDUM AND ORDER. CLI-85-4,21 NRC Sol (1985)
REQL LST IOR ACTION January 15.1985. DIRE CTOR'S DI C1510N UNDI R 10 C T' R t 2 200, DD-851,21 NRC 2o3 (19856 TROJ AN NLCLEAR PLANT; Dahet No 50-344-OLA OPT R ATING L Ki MI AME NDMI NT. January 10. 1985; MiMOR ANDUM AND ORDi R.
% ATERf ORD STEAM E LIC1RIC STATION, Unit 3. Daket No 50-382 OL OPERATING 11CLN50, Janu ry 17,1985. MI MOR ANDUM AND ORDf R. AL AB-797. 21 NRC ti (19851 OPERAtlNG LICLN5L. March 15.1985. ME MOR ANDUM AND ORDE R; CLI-85 3,21 NRC
- 47) (1985)
OPERATING LICLNSE. March 22.1985. MEMORANDUM AND ORDLR, ALAB-801,21 NRC 479119858 OPE R ATING lICEN51% April 4.1085, DLC1510N. AL AB-803,21 NRC 575 (1989
% EST CHICAGO R ARE EARTH 5 F AClllTh Docket No. 442061 Att ( A5L BP No 81-495411 Af t )
M ATERI AL5 LICLN50, January 9,1985, MEMOR ANDUM AND ORDI R, LDP-85-l. 21 NRC 11 I1085)
M A TE8J Al s LICEN5L January 23.1985,.*IIMOR ANDUM AND ORDE R. LBP-85 3. 26 NRC 24411985)
%OL F CRfA GENER ATING ST ATION. Unii I; Duket No. 50-482-OL OPLR ATING LICENSE,Iebruary 5.1985. DICISION; ALAB 798. 21 NRC 357 (1985)
ZION ST ATION, Unit 1. Dmket No. 50-295 IM MI DI ATE ACTION RE QUL5T, January 23,1985, DIRECTOR'S Di CISION UNDF R 10 C F R I 2.206; DD 85-2. 21 NRC 270 (1985) 187 w--