ML20134G771 | |
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Issue date: | 10/25/1996 |
References | |
RTR-NUREG-CR-6412 NUDOCS 9611130350 | |
Download: ML20134G771 (84) | |
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October 25, 1996 1
1 Mr. G. K. Henry, Chairman IEEE/NPEC Comed Quad Cities Station Design Engineering 22710 206th Avenue North Cordva, IL 61242 l
Dear Mr. Henry:
Enclo/ sed for your review and comment is a copy of the draft NUREG/CR6412
" Aging and Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) Testing of Electrical Connections,"
dated July 31, 1996.
Comments will be most helpful if received by November 22, 1996. We plan to l
publich the final report in December 1996.
Sincerely, Originalsigned by l
Satish K. Aggarwal Satish K. Aggarwal, Senior Program Manager Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research l
As stated c' :
c l
A. Marion, NEI J. Hutchinson, EPRI l
W. Horin, NUGEQ DieMtudion.
EMME8 Reading File Ted Marsh w/o enclosure J. Calvo w/o encioeuse POR w/ensteouse py DOCUMENT NAME. G:\\AGGARWAL\\ HENRY.MEM
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October 25, 1996 i
Mr. G. K. Henry, Chairman IEEE/NPEC-Comed Quad Cities Station s
Design Engineering 227. 206th Avenue North Cordva, IL 61242
Dear Mr. Henry:
Enclosed for your review and comment is a copy of the draft _NUREG/CR6412,
" Aging and Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) Testing of Electrical Connections,"
dated July 31, 1996.
Comments will be most helpful if received by November 22, 1996. We plan to i
publish the final report in December 1996.
Sin erely, ShQQ Satish K. Aggarwal, Senior Program Manager Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
As stated
.i L
4 cc:
A. Marion, NEI J. Hutchinson, EPRI W. Horin, NUGEQ 7
4 4
- ~ _ _ _
i NUREG/CR-6412 i
SAND 96-????
Aging and Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA)
Testing of Electrical Connections Manuscript Completed: July 1996 Manuscript Published: ??
i Prepared by Curtis F. Nelson Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM 87185 1
Prepared for Division of Engineering Technology Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Corninission Washington, DC 20555-0001 NRC FIN A1818
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w Abstract Experiments were performed to assess the aging and
'lowof-coolant accident (LOCA) behavior of electrical connections to determine their suitability for life extension. In all,12 different types of connections commonly used in nuclear power plants were tested.
These included 2 types of terminal blocks,3 types of conduit seals,2 types of connectors for installation
- into a device, and 5 in-line splices and connectors. The connections were aged for 6 months under
' simultaneous thermal (99'C) and radiation (46 Gy/hr) '
conditions to simulate 60 years in a nuclear power plant environment. A simulated LOCA consisting of-
. sequential high dose rate irradiation (5 kGy/hr) and high temperature steam exposures followed the aging.
Connection functionality was monitored using'~ '
insulation resistance measurements during the aging c.nd LOCA exposures. Because only 5 of the 10 non-terminal block connectior. types passed a post-LOCA, submerged dielectric withstand test, further detailed investigation of electrical connections related to life extension is warranted.~
iii NUREG/CR-6412 L
i s.
l This Page Intentionally Left 131ank NUREG/CR-6412 iv
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Table of Contents Abstract lii 1 Introduction and Objectives 1
~1.1 Introduction..
1 l.2 Test Strategy 1
1.3 Objectives I
... :j -.
2 Experimental Apparatus and Technique 3-
3 2.1 Test Facilities....
2.2 Tested Electrical Connections..
. 2.3 Test Conditions.
8 4-2.3.1 Simultaneous Radiation and Thermal' Aging.
10 2.3.2 Loss-of-Coolant Accident Simulation '..
13 2.4 Electrical Measurement Techniquest 16 4
l 2.4.1 High Potential c......
16 1
2.4.2 Insulation Resistance.....
.. L.s 18 2.4.3 Time Domain Reflectometiyj.
20 3 Experimental Results 23 3.1 Aging Exposure.
. 23 4
3.2 LOCA Exposure 24 3.2.1 Accident Irradiation.
24 3.2.2 Accident Steam Exposure..
24 3.3 Post-LOCA Measurements.
25 l
4 Summary and Conclusions 43 l
References 45 A Terminal Blocks 49 A.1 Experimental Apparatus and Technique 49 A.I.1 Tested Terminal Blocks 49 A.I.2 Test Conditions.
. 49 A.I.3 Electrical Measurement Techniques.
. 52 q
A.2 Experimental Results.
52 D Time Domain Reflectometry Results 63 4
List of Tables 8
2.1 Tested Electrical Connections.
9 2.2 Conductor Numbers for the Connections (not including terminal block conductors).
10 2.3 Installation Instructions for the Test Specimens.
2.4 Activation energies of the specimens to be tested.
12 18 Target Accident Steam Exposure Profile and IEEE Std 323-1974 Combined PWR/BWR Profile.
2.5 26 3.1 Conax ECSA conduit seal Conductor Fuses Replaced During the Accident Steam Exposure.
40 3.2 Post-LOCA Test Results (1 of 2).
41 3.3 Post-LOCA Test Results (2 of 2).
50 A.1 Terminal Block Conductor Numbers.
62 A.2 Post-LOCA, Terminal Block Test Results.
l 4
i l
.g List of Figures 2.1 Plan view of the LICA pool and fixtures-not to scale.
4 2.2 Sketch of a test chamber and large chamber cobalt fixture.
4 2.3 Plan view of large chamber cobalt fixture showing the finture coordinate system and possible cobalt source locations.
5 2.4 Detail of the test chamber and a sketch of the mandrel on which the electrical connections were mounted-drawn to scale.
6 2.5 Top view of the test chamber and mandrel showing how the connecticns were arranged.
7 2.6 Sketch of the device enclosures used for installation of conduit seals and connectors that would normally be installed in a device.
11 11 2.7 Required aging temperature as a function of activation energy, E..
2.8 Schematic of the system used to monitor test chamber conditions during aging and accident irradiation.13 2.9 Temperature, airflow, and cable excitation'during the simultaneous radiation and thermal aging exposure. 14 2.10 Temperature, airflow, and cable excitation during the accident radiation exposure.
15 2.11 Pressure and temperature during the accident steam exposure.
17 2.12 Schematic of the system used to measure ac leakage currents.
19 2.13 Schematic of the system used to measure insulation resistance.
19 2.14 Circuitry used to measure continuous insulation resistance during the accident steam exposure.
21 3.1 IR of Amphenol coaxial connector during aging and accident irradiation.
28 3.2 IR of Conax ECSA conduit seal during aging and accident irradiation.
28 3.3 IR of Rockbestos coaxial cable during aging and accident irradiation.
29 3.4 IR of EGS conduit seal during aging and accident irradiation.
29 3.5 1R of EGS Grayboot connector during aging and accident irradiation.
30 3.6 IR of EGS quick disconnect connector during aging and accident irradiation.
30 3.7 IR of Rockbestos Firewall III cable during aging and accident irradiation.
31 3.8 IR of Litton VEAM connector during aging and accident irradiation.
31 3.9 IR of NAMCO EC210 connector during aging and accident irradiation.
32 3.10 IR of Okonite tape splice during aging and accident irradiation.
32 3.11 1R of Raychem heat shrink splice during aging and accident irradiation.
33 3.12 IR of Rosemount 353C conduit seal during aging and accident irradiation.
33 3.131R of Amphenol coaxial connector during accident steam exposure.
34 3.14 IR of Conax ECSA conduit seal during accident steam exposure.
34 3.15 IR of Rockbestos coaxial cable during accident steam exposure..
35 3.16 IR of EGS conduit seal during accident steam exposure.
35 3.17 IR of EGS Grayboot connector during accident steam exposure.
36 3.18 IR of EGS quick disconnect connector during accident steam exposure.
36 3.191R of Rockbestos Firewall 111 cable during accident steam exposure.
37 3.20 IR of Litton-VEAM connector during accident steam exposure.
37 3.21 IR of NAMCO EC210 connector during accident steam exposure.
38 3.221R of Okonite tape splice during accident steam exposure.
38 3.23 IR of Raychem heat shrink splice during accident steam exposure.
39 3.24 IR of Rosemount 353C conduit seal during accident steam exposure.
39 A.2 Circuit used for de and ac excitation of the terminal block conductors and to measure their "continu-ous" irs during the accident steam exposure.
50 A.3 DC excitation for the terminal block conductors during the accident steam exposure.
51 A.4 AC excitation for the terminal block conductors during the accident steam exposure.
51 A.1 Sketch of the two terminal blocks inside an enclosure (to scale).
52 A.5 IR of the 7 Marathon terminal block conductors during aging and accident irradiation.
54 A.6 IR of the 7 States terminal block conductors during aging and accident irradiation.
54 vii NUREG/CR-6412
List of Figures s.
A.7 IR of conductor 66 during the accident steam exposure (Marathon de ground plane, enclosure 1).
55 A.8 IR of conductor 67 during the accident steam exposure (States ac ground plane, enclosure 1).
55 A.9 IR of conductor 68 during the accident steam exposure (States ac adjacent terminal, enclosure 1).
56 A.10 IR of conductor 69 during the accident steam exposure (Marathon de adjacent terminal, enclosure 1). 56 A.ll IR of conductor 70 during the accident steam exposure (Marathon de adjacent terminal, enclosure 1). 57 A.12 IR of conductor 71 during the accident steam exposure (States ac energization, enclosure 1).
57 A.131R of conductor 72 during the accident steam exposure (Marathon de energization, enclosure 1).
58 A.14 IR of conductor 73 during the accident steam exposure (States de ground plane, enclosure 2).
58 A.15 IR of conductor 74 during the accident steam exposure (Marathon ac ground plane, enclosure 2).
59 A.161R of conductor 75 during the accident steam exposure (Marathon ac adjacent terminal, enclosure 2).
59 A.17 IR of conductor 76 during the accident steam exposure (States de adjacent terminal, enclosure 2).
60 A.18 IR of conductor 77 during the accident steam exposure (States de adjacent terminal, enclosure 2),
60 A.19 IR of conductor 78 during the accident steam exposure (Marathon ac energization, enclosure 2).
61 A.20 IR of conductor 79 during the accident steam exposure (States de energization, enclosure 2).
61 B.1 TDR of the Amphenol coaxial connector conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
64 B.2 TDR of the Conax ECSA conduit seal conductors before and after the accident steam expaure.
65 B.3 TDR of the Rockbestos ceaxial cable conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
66 B.4 TDR of the EGS conduit seal conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
67 B.5 TDR of the EGS Grayboot connector conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
68 B.6 TDR of the EGS quick disconnect connector conductors before and after the accident steam exposure. 69 B.7 TDR of the Rockbestos Firewall111 cable conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
70 B.8 TDR of the Litton-VEAM connector conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
71 B.9 TDR of the NAMCO EC210 connector conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
72 B.10 TDR of the Okonite tape splice conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
73 B.11 TDR of the Raychem heat shrink splice conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
74 B.12 TDR of the Rosemount 353C conduit seal conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
75 i
NUREG/CR-6412 viii
- - - - - - ~
i -
i 1
Introduction and Objectives 9
This report presents an experimental program 1.2 Approach I
- eguding the aging and loss-of coolant accident l
(LOCA) behavior of electrical connections. While j
numerous similar studies have been performed in the To accomplish these objectives, an experimental l
past on electrical cables, a similar body of work does program consisting of two phases wr.s undertaken, not exist for the connetions that are used to both us~ing the same specimenst
j terminate the cables. This report investigates a wide e A 6-month long, simuitaneous thermal (99'C =
range of connections that are commonly used in 210'F) and radiation aging (45.6 Gy/hr =
i nuclear power plants, meluding terminal blocks, 4.56 krsd/hr) exp'osure to simulate 60 years in a 4
conduit seals, conntetors, and splices.
nuclear power plant at"an ambient temperature of 55'C (131'F) and a total radiation dose of 4
f 200 kGy (20 Mrad).
j 1.1' Objectives
. A simulated LOCA exposure consisting of a i
1000 kGy (100 Mrad), high dose rate (5 kGy/hr
= 500 krad/hr) radiation exposure sequentially The objective of this report is to provide initial followed by a steam exposure.
information on the long-term aging degradation and LOCA behavior of nuclear-qualified electrical in each phase, the connections were monitored connections subjected to environmental exposures electrically to assess their functionality and to appraise similar to those used for previous research testing of -
if the electrical monitoring could detect connection j
nuclear-qualified electrical cables. The specific _
degradmon. No detailed condition monitoring was program objectives were as fr.'.sws:
Performed and there was no attempt to develop or evaluate techniques that could monitor the aging e To assess the acciden6 performance of electrical degradation of the electrical connections. The test connections aged more slowly (i.e., at lower -
program generally followed the guidance of l
temperatures and radiation dose rates) than in IEEE 323-1974 [15], IEEE 383-1974 [43), and typicalindustry tests and under simultaneous IEEE 572-1985 [44].
e To investigate the performance of connections These test conditions are very similar to those in the aged to a 60-year life to determine their n 'EC/CR 5772 series of reports [16,17,18) in suitability for life extension beyond the current which a broad range of electric cables were nominal 40-year qualified life.
. investigated. The only major difference is that the j
NUREG/CR-5772 reports assumed a 40-year aging i
As this effort is an initial program to investigate radiation dose of 400 kGy (40 Mrad) and an accident -
- electrical connections, it was decided to include as radiation dose of 1100 kGy (110 Mrad), while the broad a range of connections as possible. In all,12 current report assumes a 60-year aging radiation dose different types of connections; consisting of 2 types of of 200 kGy (20 Mrad) and an accident radiation dose terminal blocks,3 types of conduit seals,2 types of of 1000 kGy (100 Mrad). The lower doses were chosen connectors for installation in a device, and 5 in-line for the current report to be more representative of splices and connectors; were tested. Because of the actual nuclear power plant conditions.
large number of tested connection types, it was not i
possible to perform detailed testing on each connection type, to test enough of c.-ch type to get a good i
statistical sample, or to mvestigate and develop condition monitoring techniques applicable to l
connections. Rather, this test program provides an initial scoping of whether or not more detailed testing i
of connections is warranted.
f 1
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l 2
Experimental Apparatus and Technique This section describes the tested electrical connections, fixturing are shown in Figure 2.4. One stainless steel the experimental apparatus and techniques used to test chamber was used for all parts of the test 8
perform measurements, and the test conditions used program. The test chamber has approximately 0.45 m for the test program.
of internal volume, with an inside diameter of 521 mm (20.5 in) and a total height of approximately 2115 mm (83 in). The test chamber head (approximately 508 mm (20 in) in height) contains all the penetration 2.1 Test Facilities flanges through which the cables attached to the connections, thermocouples, b'esiter po'ver lines, air, and steam enter and exit the chamber. The bottom All env.ironmental exposures were performed using the
. section of the chamber has a height of approximately Low Intensity Cobalt Array (LICA) facility and thel 1607 mm (63 in). A ground wire was attached to the Steam Exposure Facility, both located in the north end g,,t chamber so tha't the chamber serves as a ground of Building 867 in Technical Area 1 at Sandia Natmnal.
for electrical measurements.
Laboratories m Albuquerque, NM.
..s The connections were mounted on a mandrel The LICA facility consists of radioactive sources and suspended from the test chamber head; there is no variaut, fixtures located at the bottom of a water pool attachment by either the mandrel or the test as show.i in Figure 2.1-only a large chamber cobalt specimens to the test chamber bottom. This allows the l
fixture was used for the current test. The pool water test chamber bottom to be removed to gain access to i
provides radiation shielding. The LlCA facility is used the test specimens without disturbing them. The t
to perform both accident arradiation ::nd simultaneous specimens rernained attached to the mandrel for all I
rr.diation and thermal aging of test specimens.
phases of the environmental exposure-the test chamber also serves as a pressure vessel when i
Radiation is produced by cobalt-60 sources supplied by connected to the steam system. This minimizes Se Neutron Products Inc. (Dickerson, MD). There are 32 possibility of damage to the specimens when the tes i
cobalt-60 sources that can be used m the large chamber is moved from the LICA facility to the steam chamber fixtures. Each source is 673.1 mm (26.5 in),
system because the test specimens do not have to be i
long by 15.9 mm (0.625 in) outside diameter-cobalt is removed from one test chamber and then reinstalled contamed only in the middle 609.6 mm (24 in) of each into another.
source. The total activity of the 32 sources was approximately 51 kCi as of Jan.1992.
The mandrel consists of a pair of stainless steel rings t
attached to one another with eight stainless steel rods.
To.arradiate test sarnples, the cobalt-60 sources were The cables attached to the connections go into and placed in one of the two large chamber fixtures sitting then back out of the test chamber-they enter the test et the bottom of the pool. A side view of a large chamber through a penetration in the test chamber chamber fixture (and a test chamber) is shown in head, are attached vertically to the mandrel (parallel Figure 2.2, and a top view of one of the fixtures is to the mandrel rods), and then loop back up through shown in Figure 2.3 gm,ng the configurat on of the the center of the mandrel and finally exit the test i
tubes m, which the cobalt-60 sources are placed. The chamber through another penetration in the test i
two fixtures are identical except that one has only 16 chamber head. Figure 2.5 shows a top view of the source locations around the test chamber opening arrangement of connections in the test chamber. Two instead of the 32 locations shown in Fig. 2.3. The large lloffman A-806CIINF enclosures, each containing one chamber fixtures are made of aluminum and are water hlarathon and one States terminal block, were tight (i.e., they are filled with air) to minimize the rnounted inside the mandrel. A 0.25 inch diameter amount of shieldmg between the cobalt sources and mp hole was located at the bottom of each enclosure.
the test chamber.
The cables entered and exited each enclosure through an elbow and a short section of conduit located inside Detailed drawings of the type of test chamber used for the test chamber, i
this test program (also see Fig. 2.2) and the test 3
- 2. Experiment:.1 Apparatus and Technique LICA POOL
~ ""
000 e oa no,1h W
E o o o o o o o Linear 888 8 8 8_8 Array
- Drawing is not to scale s
gycobalt Holders g
- Circular and North and South Linear Arrays use oooooo\\
6' OD test cans and 12.56' long cobatt-60 pencils i
o o o o e o l
o o o o o o
- HICA fixture uses an 11" OD test can and 26.5" o o o o o o long cobalt-60 pencils South Linear Circular
- Large Chamber fixtures use a -21" OD test i
Array Array charnber. and 26.5" long cobatt-60 pencils-r Q-1: 8'6* t!
I 5'
- d~
3 5'
16" J.
5' 56*
Q)* M *
S o-I gg f
E:i* ? *;
- f
,. 1-. {(.
4 26.5" long High Intensity Cobalt Pencil Cobalt Array Large Chamber Cobalt Fixtures Storage Rack (HICA) Fixture
j Figure 2.1: Plan view of the LICA pool and fixtures-not to scale.
@ cot,aa Future (sandia owgs sai4ss.-sai4ss)
~ ~ -
@ Coban kature Rack (Sanda Dwg Sai4s0)
@ coban 'Fature Test charnte suppori hands owg sai4si)
. b;..
@ CobaaIO Source (Neutron Products Okg A200196)
@ Test charnte Head (sandia Dwg Tseses)
@ Tesi c$arnter sonorn (sanaa owgs isse 7, T73s14) f j3.75 7
6 21
...w -... l h,,.:
.@l 3
- 18.75 L@ ':
_n-26 5 J27.25?
d Cen' e -o'k
+2B 'm
- n
- co so. a:tivityj 1
?43.25 'g
. H30:
y u
u s v.:
(an dimensions in inches)
Figure 2.2: Sketch of a test chamber and large chamber cobalt fixture.
l NUREG/CR-6412 4
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique Plan View of Cobalt Fixture (from Sandia Drawing S81459, dated 12-Feb-87) y f-Guide Tube for l
Co 60 Pencil (57 places) 15-in jMga i ; g y. /, ;
_12 s,
s s,-
..f' X 10
%iJ i,9c1 j dk. Y$i -
- s -"-8
. h;4 O&
Qa ].9
, q O},f.~--
- o 2'
_.p p.Qp _.. X ld 22.5 in diam.
@ IM Openihg for
- U
Test Chamber J
- W
-O Fo; ici -
. o ' bi 6
m p
. I:
-15 12
-8 8
12 2'O 28 32 36 3'9-in z-0 is at the centerline of the Co-60 pencils in the vertical d. ection Figure 2.3: Plan view of large chamber cobalt fixture showing the fixture coordinate system and possible cobalt source locations.
The Steam Exposure Facility was used to perform the types of cable runs with no connections were tested.
steam exposure for loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA)
Two specimens of each connection and cable type were simulations. This system incorporates superheaters tested, except for the 3 specimens of the EGS and a large accumulator to produce the initial Grayboot connector ; thus, a total of 25 connections temperature / pressure transients required during an and 4 cable runs without connections were tested.
accident steam exposure simulation.
The terminal blocks were added to the test program to address issues related to a previous study of terminal blocks by Craft [5,6). Because these issues differed 2.2 Tested Electrical from the test program objectives, all additional Connections discussion or terminal blocks and the terminal block results is contained in Appendix A Connection test specimens; consisting of terminal As indicated in Table 2.2, a total of 23 cables (65 blocks, conduit seals, connectors, and splices; were conductors) entered the test chamber for the chosen on the basis of their usage in commercial non-terminal block connections. An additional 13 nuclear power plants. Information gained from the cables (39 conductors) exited the test chamber; these NRC Equipment Qualification Inspection Program was were the return legs of the cables that entered the n major input for assessing plant usage of connections.
chamber for the in-line splices and connectors, and the cable runs with no connections.
Table 2.1 lists the speciment that were tested. In all, 12 different types of connections; consisting of 2 types All the connections, except for the coaxial connectors of terminal blocks,3 types of conduit seals,2 types of 2One EGS Grayboot connector is needed for each conductor, connectors for installation m a device, and 5 m-hne thus three Grayboot connectors were used for one 3-conductor splices and connectors; were tested. In addition,2 caue.
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique I
-.O G 8 7 i
i I
I l'
, o Mondrel for
,,, )
Electrical Connectone J
.._j l
I l
l l
1 L.__
I l
l l
l l
Figure 2.4: Detail of the test chamber and a sketch of the mandrel on which the electrical connections were mounted-drawn to scale.
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique
^N A e Canes Ecsa par a 1.3B' CD)
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, a.r a er 00i Figure 2.5: Top view of the test chamber and mandrel showing how the connections were arranged.
mentioned below, are Class 1E qualifiec and were.
coaxial connectors together for testing purposes.
supplied with a Certificate of Compliance or Rockbestos Firewall III XLPE multiconductor cable Conformance that indicates the standards to wlyich 02 AWG,3 conductor) and Rockbestos RSS-6-104/LE t'ney have been qualified, the relevant qualification coaxial cable were used to install connections that documents, and the manufacturing lot and date. The were not delivered already installed on a length of unqualified Amphenol 82-816/16100/34500 coaxial cable by the manufacturer. Both these cables are connectors were included in this test for the followm.g nuclear qualified and have been previously tested to the equivalent of 60 years [16,18). Using these cables e The Amphenol 82-816-1000 type llN straight to make the connections helped to ensure that the plug coaxial connector (the.1000 suflix indicates testing isolated the effects of aging on the connections, that the insert material is polystyrene) is not rather than simply failing the cable. IIowever, to qualified, but is used in Class IE qualified provide a baseline for the effect of the test exposures radiation monitors such as the RD-23 detector on the cables, two of each of the Rockbestos cables assembly of the General Atomics Iligh Range without any connections were also included in the test Radiation Monitor.
chamber for the entire duration of the test.
- The Amphenol 34500-1000 type N straight plug coaxial connector (the -1000 suffix indicates that All connections were installed according to the the insert material is polyethylene, not manufacturer's instructions as listed in Table 2.3. The polystyrene as for the 82-816-1000) has been conduit seals and connectors that would normally be previously tested in Westinghouse Report No.
installed into a device such as a limit switch or PEN-TR-79-53, July 23,1979. This connector is pressure transmitter had their device side termmated used in the Class 1E qualified Victoreen into small, sealed chambers, called a " device Model 877 Radiation Monitor, enclosure", that simulate such devices. Each such c nnect n had its own device enclosure, which was e The Amphenol 16100 adapter (llN jack to N fabricated from stainless steel tube and Swagelok tube jack) was solely used to mate the two Amphenol 7
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique Table 2.1: Tested Electrical Connections.
Electrical Connection Number of Number of Number of Devices Conductors Penetrations
- Terminal Blocks 6
Marathon 1604 NUC 2
9 3 x 0.5 in 6
States ZWM-25004 2
9 3 x 0.5 in Conduit Seals-Conax Electric Conductor Seal Assembly 2
4' 2 x 0.22 in 6
2 x 0.5 in Patel/EGS Conduit Seal 2
6 7
d Rosemount 353C Conduit Seal
.' 2 4"
L 2'x 0.15 in Connectors (for installation into a device)
Namco EC2101/2-inch Series 12 8'
2 x 0.5 in Patel/EGS 1/2-inch Quick Disconnect
.. 2 611 2 x 0.5 in In-Line Splices and Connectors I
Amphenol 82-816-1000/16100/34500-1000 2
2' 4 x 0.25 in EGS GB-1 Grayboot Connector; 3
36 2 x 0.5 in Litton-VEAM CIR01/CIR06?
'66 4 x 0.5 in Okonite T-95/No. 35 Tape Splice 6'
4 x 0.5 in Raychem NPKC-3-31 A Splice Kit 2
6 4 x 0.5 in 6
.. Other (cable runs with no connections) i Rockbestos Firewall111 cable (12AWG) 2 6
4 x 0.5 in Rockbestos RSS-6-104/LE cable.
2 2
4 x 0.25 in
- The number of cables that enter and exit the test chamber. Penetration diameters are rough estimates.
6 Connection was installed using Rockbesto Firewall 111 cable (3 conductor,12AWG).
' Supplied with 6 ft of cable (2 conductor,14 AWG) which was spliced to Rockbestos Firewall III (3 conductor,12 AWC) outside the test chamber.
Supplied with 6 ft of cable (2 conductor,22AWG) which was spliced to Rockbestos Firewall 111 (3 d
conductor,12AWG) outside the test chamber.
- Supplied with Okonite FMR cable (4 conductor,14 AWG).
/ Supplied with Rockbeston Firewall I!! cable (3 conductor.12 AWG).
8 Connection was installed using Rockbeston RSS-6-104/LE coaxial cable, fittings (Swagelok Co., Solon, Oll) as shown in were affixed to coaxial cable as specified in Ref. [1, Figure 2.6. After using an Alcatel ASM 51 Helium pp.12,16) (the 82-816 uses a type !!N typical clamp Leak Tester to verify that all the device enclosures termination and the 34500 uses a type N standard were "ler.k tight" (helium leak rate of less than clamp termination). To ensure an environmental seal, 10-7 cc/sec), the conductors that pass through the the coaxial connectors were covered with Raychem connectivi were inserted into the device enclosure, WCSF-N heat-shrinkable tubing (with the necessary using phenolic inserts to hold the ends of the shims); sizing and installation was according to conductors in known relation to one another, and the Raychem instructions [32, 33,29),
connection and device enclosure were threaded together. There was no attempt to physically check if the connections were leaking during the test. Leaking 2.3 Test Conditions connections could be identified during the test only if the data measurements begin to show anomalies, or at the conclusion of the test if the device enclosure had ne en r nmental exp sure c nsisted of two Aases:
moisture inside when it was opened.
. Simultaneous thermal / radiation aging to The Amphenol 82-816/16100/34500 coaxial connectors simulate ti0 years in a nuclear power plant at an NUREG/CR-6412 8
- a e
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique Table 2.2: Conductor Numbers for the Connections (not including terminal block conductors).
EGS Conduit Seal red conductor white conductor black conductor cable 7 01 02 03*
cable 8 04 05n 06 Namco EC210 red conductor white. conductor -
. black c.onductorg; green conductor cable 9 07 084 09 10 cable 10 11
'112 13 14 EGS Quick Disconnect -
red conductor white conductor
- black conductor cable 11 15 16~
- 17 cable 12 18 "19
.20 Conax ECSA conductor 1 >
conductor 2 cable 13 21 22.
cable 14 23.
24 Rosemount 353C striped conductor unstriped conductor 1.hield cable 15 25 2G 27 cable 16 28-29 30 Raychem splice red conductor
. hite conductor black conductor w
cable 17a/17b 31a/31b!
- 32a/32b 33a/33b cable 18a/18b 34a/34b 35a/35b 3Ga/3Gb Okonite tape red conductor
. white conductor black conductor cable 19a/19b 37a/37b 38a/38b 39a/39b cable 20a/20b 40a/40b 41a/41b 42a/42b Litton-VEAM red conductor white conductor black conductor cable 21a/21b 43a/43b 44a/44b
'45a/45b cable 22a/22b 46a/46b 47a/47b 48a/48b Amphenol coaxial conductor shield cable 23a/23b 49a/49b 50a/50b cable 24a/24b 51a/51b 52a/52b EGS Grayboots' red conductor white conductor black conductor cable 25a/25b 53a/53b 54a/54b 55a/55b Firewall cable red conductor white conductor black conductor cable 26a/26b 56a/56b 57a/57b 58a/58b cable 27a/27b 59a/59b 60a/60b Gla/Gib coaxial cable conductor shield cable 28a/28b 62a/62b G3a/G3h cable 29a/29b 64a/64b G5a/G5b
- Conductor numbers listed in bold were electrically grounded during aging, accident irradiation, and the accident steam exposure.
' Conductors numbered with a "b" suffix were left as an open circuit; they are the return legs of the "a" suffix conductors for the in-line splices and connectors, and the cable runs with no connections.
- The ECS Grayboot connector is for a single conductor, thus three Grayboot connectors were used for one 3-conductor cable.
- 2. Experimenta; Apparatus and Technique Table 2.3: Installation Instructions for the Test Specimens.
Connection Installation Instructions Terminal Blocks Marathon 1604 NUC States ZWM-25004 Conduit Seals Conax Electric Conductor Seal Assembly
Patel/EGS Conduit Seal
Rosemount 353C Conduit Seal
[37] _
Connectors (for installation into a device)
Namco EC2101/2-inch Series
[21, 22]
Patel/EGS 1/2-inch Quick Disconnect
In-Line Splices and Connectors Amphenol 82-816-1000/16100/34500-1000
[1, pp.12,16][38]
EGS GB-1 Grayboot Connector
Litton-VEAM CIR01/CIR06 (20]
Okonite T-95/No. 35 Tape Splice
- [24, pp.2-3,10][25]
Raychem NPKC-3-31A Splice Kit
' Other (cable runs with no connections)
Rockbeston Firewall111 cable Rockbestos RSS-6-104/LE cable ambient temperature of 55'C (131*F) and a which can be rewritten as, total radiation dose of 200 kGy (20 Mrad).
T T=
2 e A LOCA simulation consisting of an accident 1+
radiation dose of 1000 kGy (100 Mrad) sequentially followed by an accident steam where
- E ""
e tg = aging time.
. T4 = aging temperature (absolute temperature).
2.3.1 Simultaneous Radiation and
. E. = activation energy of the material.
e k = Boltzmann's constant 6
(= 1.3807 x 10-23 J/K = 8.6174 x 10-5 eV/K The aging simulates 60 years in a nuclear power plant (19, Appendix A]).
at an ambient temperature of 55'C (131'F) and a Table 2.4 gives the activation energies of the tested totalintegrated aging radiation dose of 200 kGy connections, and a plot of the required aging (20 Mrad). To accomplish this, an accelerated temperature as a function of activation energy is simultaneous aging exposure was performed for shown in Figure 2.7. Using the data in Table 2.4, an 6 months (182.625 days) at 98.8'C (209.8'F) and a activation energy of E. = 1.15 eV was chosen to give dose rate of 45.6 Gy/hr (4.56 krad/hr).
conservative data for most of the connections. For the 1.15 eV activation energy, the Arrhenius relation gives The test temperature required for the thermal aging a required aging temperature of 98.8 C (209.8 F).
was calculated using the Arrhenius relation [12, Eqn. (4-16) and sections 4.1,4.4 and 8.3.2],
Radiation dosimetry was performed to quantify the radiation field to which the test samples were exposed.
/1 1\\
'E.Q q}
t2 (2.1)
The dose mapping was performed using
{ = exp g
2 thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) on the actual test configuration (i.e., the TLDs were placed in the NUREG/CR-6412 10
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique g
I i
9eagema SSt2tS74 taceans the a toegeek $$t2104
, h!b
~._... _
.- e N
x i
,s 6* s 0 75- 00 the Ql
- Sea 0miok S&l214112 8*ct mse hP'T'w amo e snapsma SSt2 toc Breed ten 9 taceanal the cap f
_ _ _ i:
g., - - --
'$ u 0 76 00 mee 0.30' esmoser 01* 01*
Wre - 018' OD (12 AWG)
Tube. 0 75* 00. 0.62* 10 (0 065* uns) 01* 01 Inserts. 0 60* sham a 1/16* thick p+fmde glass theka -
i 4
I I,4 n-
& +-- Q g
I x
su 1
i Figure 2.6: Sketch of the device enclosures u' sed for installation of conduit seals and connectors that would normally i
be installed in a device.
a i i i.
giiiijiie gie gi
.igiiiigiie 7
-O 120 60 years design life at 55*c -
f 6 rnonths aging e
1 m
.2 110 E
E 100 o
F a
.E 90 m
u e
.e 3
F m
,.!:,,l I,,,,I,,,,!,,,,I,,,,
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Activation Energy, E [eV) a Figure 2.7: Required aging temperature as a function of activation energy, E..
11 NUREG/CR-6412 h.
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique I
t Table 2.4: Activation energies of the specimens to be test' d.
e Connection Activation Energy iteference Terminal Blocks Marathon 1604 NUC 1.21 eV
[39, p.XII-34]
States ZWM-25004 1.27 eV
Conduit Seals _
Conax Electric Conductor Seal Assembly f3.916 eV
[4; p.7];
2.29 eV
. [26, A 1,'p.10];
j Patel/EGS Conduit Seal 1.29 eV
'[36, p.A 3]l l
Rosemount 353C Conduit Seal
Connectors (for installation into a device)
. 41]
Namco EC2101/2-inch Series 0.8 eV Patel/EGS 1/2-inch Quick Disconn'ect 1.05 eV.
1[27, A.1, p.11]
In-Line Splices'and Connectors Amphenol 82-816-1000/10100/34500-1000 not Class IE EGS GB-1 Grayboot Connector 0.92 eV (10, A.1, p.9]
I Litton-VEAM CIR01/C_IR06 -
1.15 eV.
Okonite T-95/No. 35 Tape Splice" 1.23/0.65 eV ?
Raychem NPKC-3-31kSplice Kit
~1.34 eV'
[31, p.6]
Other (cable runs with no connections)
Rockbestos FirewallIll cable 1.3412 eV (insul.)
(34, p.49]
Rockbestos RSS-6-104/LE cable -
2.7479 eV (insul.)
(35, p.44]
- Reference gives activation energy'of 31 kcal/mol which was convertal to eV/ molecule using 28 molecules the conversion factors: 1 cal = 4.184 J,1 eV = 1.002 xlod' J, and 1 mole = 6.022 x 10 (also see (12, p. 8-30]).
i test chamber after the connections and necessary test insulation on the outside. The chamber temperature
' hardware were already installed),
was set using temperature controllers and type K thermocouples (Style AC mineral insulated The Litton-VEAM CIR01/CIR06, Namco EC210, thermocouples with inconel sheathing, Gordon Co., -
Richmond,IL) as sensors. Temperature uniformity was Patel/EGS 1/2-inch Quick Disconnect, and the EGS improved by insulating the test chamber and providing GB-1 Grayboot connectors were subjected to periodic air circulation. A flow of 3.31/sec (7 ft / min) or
.J 8
disconnect / connect cycling during the aging to simulate usage. As two samples of each connection greater of outside air (approximately 30 air changes were tested-one remained connected for the entire per hour) was supplied to the test chamber to maintain j
duration of the test and the other underwent the circulation and ambient oxygen concentration. Twenty periodic disconnect / connect cycling during the aging thermocouples were used to monitor the temperature to simulate usage. The cycling (10 inside the test chamber. Aging conditions i
disconnect / reconnect cycles) occurred before the start (temperature, airflow, and cable excitation) were i
o of the aging and after aging exposures of 66.7 and monitored using the system shown schematically m 133.3 kGy (2 and 4 months of aging). It was necessary Figure 2.8, the resulting data are shown in Figure 2.9.
to remove the test chamber from the radiation environment to perform the cycling.
During the aging, all the conductors in each r
connection except for one ground conductor were Test chamber temperature was maintained using energized with 110 Vdc (and no current) as indicated electric wall and inlet air heaters. The wall heater is a in Table 2.2. The test chamber was rotated three sheet stainless steel cylinder with a wrapping of Cerra times during aging to help ensure a uniform radiation blanket insulation on the outside, then a layer of dose for all the tested connections, uninsulated Nichrome wire, and a final layer of Cerra 12
. N UREG/CR-6412
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique 3
DC PowerSuppif Digital Clock u
Toledyne Hast ngs Raydist Mass Flowmeter:
- Hastmgs Mass Flowmeter (Model NALL-P)
. Hastmgs Lammar Flow Element (Type L 25S) ext INCR L: n
1M (C?HP 3497AL.d
- Hastings Mass Flow Transducer (Type HS 10S) 43 Data Acquisitior.
40 0-19 K CQnjrQ] (Jnl((' '
110 Vdc to HP 3497A has the following installed; h
conduct >rs
+ intamany Connecied DVM i.o
- HP 44422K 20 Ch. T couple Acq. (slot 0) ua x Mass (
. HP 44421 A 20 Ch. Guardad Acq. (slot 2)
Fk>wmeter HP 9816 m
Computer E
Air in
-i-20 type-K '
- --Q thermocoupies..s
\\\\k HPe"co"o#M1 Air out lHR9133D)
Hard/ Floppy
i Disk Dnve u 7,,,
ll r'
- HP 2225A) t j
j Chamber
y Floating Plug Board KThinkJet9 Grounded Plug Board Ground Wire
- Printera Figure 2.8: Schematic of the system used to monitor test chamber conditions during aging and accident irradiation.
2.3.2 Loss-of-Coolant Accident test configuration (i.e., the TLDs were placed in the Simulation test chamber after the connections and necessary test hardware were already installed). Previous testing by Buckalew [2] has shown that accident radiation A loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) simulation was exposures are conservatively simulated by isotropic performed after completion of the aging. The LOCA gamma ray sources such as the cobalt-60 used for this simulation consisted of an accident radiation exposure test. During the accident radiation exposure, the followed by an accident steam exposure. The accident temperature was not controlled and thus was near the exposures used the same test chamber as the aging ambient temperature of the LICA pool water. Air exposure to limit the amount of handling of the circulation into the test chamber continued as during connection specimens.
the aging exposure. The conductors were energized at the same 110 Vdc and no current as during the aging.
Accident Radiation Exposure Accident irradiation conditions (temperature, airflow, and cable excitation) were monitored using the system shown schematically in Figure 2.8, the resulting data An accident radiation exposure was performed after are shown,in Figure 2.10. Because of the near completion of the aging.
symmetry of the radioact,ve cobalt sources around the i
test chamber, the test chamber was not rotated during The accident irradiation was performed for 200 hours0.00231 days <br />0.0556 hours <br />3.306878e-4 weeks <br />7.61e-5 months <br /> the accident irradiation.
at a dose rate of 5 kGy/hr (500 krad/hr) for an accident radiation dose of 1000 kGy (100 hirad).
Radiation dosimetry was performed to quantify the tecident radiation field to which the test samples were exposed. The dose mapping was performed using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) on the actual 13 NUREG/ Cit-6412
- 2. Expenmental Apparatus and Technique i
ii;iiii;iio 120 i
i i
i i
i n
_~ !//i
.illi I I
'-- i-
PN 98.e c 100 lr[i t
'..... ]..
,, ~ 1........ < ;l,.,,, i 7 l..,. t:k.s,1;.l.) p f
3 Q
ow e
80 m
1 "3
r e
g u
i (p
E g
Aging Exposure 40 Maximum Average..
g C
- Minimum i
i i
i i
i i' I-20 M i
i i
i i
i i
i i
I l
150 i
i i
i i
i i, i I
I i
i i
i i.i i
1 I
I 2
Aging Exposure Air Flow h,
......... vonag e 125
....f. Yh N:
15 i-i:
j j
_E o
o o
m s
j j
j j
j j
75 3
10 -i jj!
- j j
j i
i 50 u
5 s
- 25 i.
i i.
I :'
I 0
0 0
50 100 150 200 Time [ days]
Figure 2.9: Temperature, airflow, and cable excitation during the simultaneous radiation and thermal aging exposure.
_ - =
l g
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique I
l I
l 30 1
i i
i i
i i
i i
i 28
'.i '. ; s e.
e 0
V '..I \\ j,.
s i '..,.
's' j
w V
e 26 u
~3 e
M u
24 E
e l
Accident Irradiation 1
- Maximum 1
1 Average
-- Minimum '
l 7
20 l
_I l
i i
i i
I i
i i
- Accident Irradiation
Air Flow Voltage 125 f
- ~ =.:..
100 o
o l
8 g
l 3:
i l
_ 75 m
i t
m o
R 50 1
5 i.
25 1
l I
- 10 t
i l
t i
i t
.i' i
i 0
0 5
10 15 Time [ days]
Figure 2.10: Ternperature, airflow, and cable excitation during the accident radiation exposure.
15 NUREG/CR.6412 I
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique Accident Stearn Exposure when steam was introduced into the chamber. The valve controlling steam flow into the test chamber was immediately closed, the open port was then closed and The acc. dent steam exposure was performed after the the first transient was restarted approximately 24 min i
accident radiation exposure. The steam exposure i
nis W
i & Fi 111 Watm consisted of simulated LOCA transient temperature
- M shows that the test chamber temperature and pressure conditions. The same test chamber used reached approximately 102*C (216'F) prior to the for the aging exposure and accident irradiation was start of the first transient. The second problem was a used for the accident steam exposure.
slow drop in the test chamber temperature that occhtred during days 4 and 5. This was due to steam The des. ired accident steam temperature and pressure condensate slowly beginning to fill the test chamber profiles are given m Table 2.5 (tins is the same profile after a steam trap failed so that ' condensate no longer used m (16,17,18]). The only significant difference
.. drained from the test chamber. The pressure remained between the desired profile and the "genenc" profile on target because it was manually set by a pressure 2
given m Appendix A ofIEEE Std 323-1974 (15, regulator, however as more and more condensate Fig. Al] is that the final portion of the current test'.is collected in the bottom of the test chamber, the steam at a higher temperature and for a shorter duration injected into the test chamber was no longer able to than the appendix to IEEE Std 323-1974 suggests.
keep it at the saturation temperature and thus the test Note that the test profile has superheated steam chamber temperature began to cool.
conditions (i.e., P < for a given T) during the initial ramp and until 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> after the start of the second transient. After this, the profile continues as saturated steam. Note that the IEEE profile has a 2.4 Electrical Measurement pure steam environment; previous research {13,14] has Tecliniques shown that the presence or lack of oxygen is an important parameter for LOCA simulations. The test chamber temperature and pressure were controlled
- O' ** "".ments performed were electrical m.
manually. No chemical spray was used during the nature - electncal measurements were performed to detect if the connections had failed. It is unclear what type of mechanical, physical, or chemical testing could During the accident steam exposure, the non-terminal block conductors were energized at approximately be nongestructively performed on an mstalled c nnec i n. Note that previous test programs 110 Vde,0 mA to allow for on-line measurement of regarding the aging degradation of cables [16,17,18]
insulation resistance. One conductor in each liave indicated that electncal measurements are not connection (or the shield,if present) was grounded as good at detecting degradation of cables.
indicated in Table 2.2.
The actual and target pressure and temperature during the accident steam exposure are shown in Figure 2.11.
2.4.1 High Potential The pressure shown in Fig. 2.ll was measured using a single Ileise 710B pressure transducer with a range of The high potential testing measured the ac leakage 0-1380 kPa gauge (0-200 psig). The temperature current. When an ac voltage is applied to a device, the shown,n Fig. 2.ll,s the average value calculated from resulting leakage current gives an indication of the i
i the 20 thermocouples m the test chamber.
device's reactive impedance (at the excitation frequency of the applied ac voltage).
Two problems occurred during the acc. dent steam i
exposure. The first occurred at the start of the first Using the system shown schematically in Figure 2.12, transient when a port on the test chamber was left a Ilipotronics Model 750-2 AC Dielectric Test Set open, causing steam to be vented into the laboratory (Ilipotronics, Inc., Ilrewster, NY) was used to perform 2The newer standard,IEEE Std 323-1983, has never been en-leakage current measurements on the connectors. Data dorsed by the NRC. It also does not include a "generid' steam were acquired for dry connections at voltages of 600 condition profile like that found in Appendix A of IEEE Std 323-and 1000 Vac rms (6011z) and for submerged 1974.
1 NUREG/CR-6412 16
- 2.. Experimental Apparatus and Technique
.g i
iI I I i Iii i i*ii iiii iiii i iiii i i i i iiii iiii iil l
600 Aedident Steam Exposure i
- g-f Actual i
Targe.t i
- i r
i Ja t
i m
i i
5 400
e i.
e g
A e
w se s
W i
i e
i E 200 i,
.j t
i 0 ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I '
I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' i I '
iiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiji iii. iiiii
,iiiiqiiiii;iiiiiii i i i i i
Exposure l
~I' Ac ident Stes Average 2~ ~ ~~ T*r9't l
150 i
8 o
m 3 100 i
m 8.
i E
i i
i i
i H
'i 50 d
n t
4 3
!I a 'i I lt
.. ! I lt
.f I 2
i if if 1 1 1 f I'
I I 1 I i
i 1 I t I I t t
I i t t 1
f f 1 1 1 I l
0 2
4 6
8 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure 2.11: Pressure and temperature during the accident steam exposure.
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique Table 2.5: Target Accident Steam Exposure Profile and IEEE Std 323-1974 Combined PWR/BWR Profile.
Intended Test Profile IEEE Std 323-1974 Profile Time Temperature Absolute Pressure. Temperature Absolute Pressure *
. (kPa) 0-10 s Ambient-137.8 Ambient-583.9 57.2-137.8 101.3-583.9 10 s-5 min 137.8-171.1 583.9
.137.8-171.1 583.9 5 min-3 hr 171.1 583.9
' 583.9:
3-5 hr 171.1-60.0 583.9-101.3-171.1-60.0--
583.9-101.3 Reset time to 0 for the next portion of the profile 0-10 s 60.0-137.8 101.3-583.9 60.0-137.8
~ 101.3-583.9 10 s-5 min 137.8-171.1 583.9 137.8-171.1 583.9 5 min-3 hr 171.1 583.9 171.1 583.9 3-6 hr 160.0 583.9 160.0 583.9 6-10 hr 148.9 461.8 148.9 583.9 10-91 hr 121.1 205.6 121.1 273.7 91-240 hr 121.1 205.6 91 hr-100 days 93.3 170.2
- Assuming an ambient pressure of 101.325 kPa (sea level); note that the laboratory elevation is approx-imately 1646 m (5400 ft) for which the standard ambient pressure is 83.057 kPa (23, p.121].
connections at 600 and 2400 Vac rms (60 liz)- the
- 4. Ramp the excitation voltage back down.
600 Vac is a nominal value because the Ilipotronics
- 5. Stop the acqu.. tion program.
isi test set cannot precisely control such low ac voltages.
The conductor under test was connected to the The leakage current data point was calculated by the dielectric test set and all other conductors were program based on the acquired values during the i
electrically grounded before applying the ac voltage.
I minute hold at the desired excitation voltage.
The opposite ends of the conductors were allowed to float electrically.
2.4.2 Insulation Resistance The Ilipotronics dielectric test set outputs de voltages proportional to the ac excitation voltage and ac leakage current. These two de voltage outputs were Insulation resistance (IR) gives a measure of the acquired using two IIP 3478A Multimeters, one resistive component of dielectric impedance. The IR acquired the excitation voltage and the other the value calculated from the applied de voltage and leakage current. Data acquisition utilized the following measured current only includes resistive impedance-any initial ac effects due to the sudden procedure:
application of the de voltage are effectively gone by the
- 1. Start the acquisit. ion program, the two streams of time the IR measurement is taken. IR values are data are acquired every half second by the typically used by the utility industry as a go/no-go test mult, meters and sent to the computer for of insulation-however, no technical basis is available i
- ' *E* '
to set an IR acceptance criteria for age-related
- 2. Ramp the excitation voltage up to the desired degradation. Typically, an IR test is used to assist voltage using a voltage ramp rate of 500 Vac/sec, detection of locally damaged cable (i.e., insulation i.
windings that are wet, or a gouged cable that is ired exc.tation voltage for "sufficiently close" to the ground plane in the test).
- 3. Iloid at the des.
I minute.
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique
.g l
H otronics 750-2 AC gielectric Test Set g ~,4*"8A4 DC voltage proportional to the
- ^-
- ]
Hipotronics AC excitation voltage ran esi4asim xMultim. etera
M i d.3 1
DC voltage rtional to the Hipotronics [C$akage current i
l a,,euraw w A
- . - s.,..
. : a:-:...:.;....:x.......:.:..
l 3M0ltimstd6 Conductor Under y
Test V
.r Hipotronics IBM-PC d
d Compatible i
.__ g\\
Computer i
j' Conductors Chamber Conductors\\
-. y Floating Plug Board Grounded Plug Board Chamber Ground wire Figure 2.12: Schematic of the system used to measure ac leakage currents.
.. j NP3497 U.....-
- DhtaMbisl6on/i l 4442sA relay board.
? Control Units 8_
tavoc no.or w a
7 j ;.,
- 44421 A 20 Ch. Guarded Acc.
1 g
,1:iw 2
- 44428A 16 Ch. Actuaer Output w
i i y p"/
L./ qy
-Internally Connected DVM g
4442s4 ous votaa. o-a E
- 6,
=to 44421 A i
__y'_ -) _y:_
n x
i 6$38g39sy. _; &
a; a x..., soi,1,ia,, ca.
- jgge96191L d8 fatf84fa; iElectrometer/3 l e
s LMultimeterf Og'J'g*;"s'"u'p*/y f2so voc s.o un witn eig4 ei.cirom. tor uodui,
$ y I
10kn lo44421A p
g, d
'f.'st' HP 9816 g
/s HMM216 Conduct na ers Cn ber
""' * *l:
77/ / / -l j\\%NNNNl HP 9133Db Floating Plug Board j
i Grounded Pius Board enamber Ground Wire Figure 2.13: Schematic of the system used to measure insulation resistance.
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique The IR of the complete cable samples was measured at 2 A.3 Time Domain Reflectometry discrete times using the system shown schematically in Figure 2.13-a detailed discussion of this system A Tektronix 1502B Time Domain Reflectometer appears in Ref. [16, Section A.2]. The conductor (or gektmnix, Inc., Wilsonv.lle, OR) was used to perform i
shield) under test was connected to the de power time domam reflectometry (TDR) measurements on supply through a resistor-all other conductors (and the conductors. The TDR data were sent to an IBM shields) were grounded before applying the de voltage.
PC-compatible computer for storage via a serial port The opposite ends of all the cables were allowed to p232) connecdon using aTekomx 9232 serial float electrically. The majority of IR measurements
'"l*'I"*** Measurement 8 were Performed before and were performed at 100 Vde, however some data were after the accident steam exposure.
also acquired at 50 and 250 Vdc. A single IR measurement consisted of acquiring 15 samples of the voltage across the resistor at times ranging from 2 seconds to 1 minute after the application of the power supply voltage. For each of the 15 samples, the conductor's IR was calculated using the measured voltage across the known resistance and the power supply voltage. To reduce the effect of measurement noise, the IR values were fit using a least-squares polynomial regression and the value from the fit, rather than the actual measured value, was used as the IR at I minute.
During the accident steam exposure, IR measurements -
were performed using the circuit shown in Figure 2.14 in addition to the discrete IR measurernents. These' irs are referred to as " continuous" 1Rs, even though they were not truly continuous-these measurements were performed at intervals ranging from 10-300 seconds. The conductor numbers in the figure correspond to the numbers in Table 2.2. As indicated in Fig. 2.14 and Table 2.2, one corductor or shield from each cable was connected to ground to provide a ground plane--no continuous IR measurements are j
available for these grounded conductors. The I
continuous system could measure IR values up to approximately 10 0 which is several orders of 8
magnitude less than what could be measured with the discrete IR system. The continuous IR system is most useful for identifying short-term drops in IR values, such as during the initial transient of the accident steam exposure, that would otherwise be missed by the discrete IR system. A more complete discussion of the measurement limits of the continuous IR system appears in Ref. [16, Section 2.4.3].
Because oflimitations in the accuracy of the measuring equipment, discrete IR measurements were cut off above 2.0 x 10" O and continuous IR measurements were cut-off above 1.0 x 10' O.
- 2. Experimental Apparatus and Technique i
n Each of the 40 rosators a connected to a databgger channel (44421A m HP 3497A) 1 w.
I w,1 2
g 3
I W.'
' W. !
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1 vf. I 20 21 I ".%
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D 46b 1
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46a 49b h, l 49a ^
- I
.I sob 61a A S1b h M. I 52a Y l
62 53a 53,3
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DC Power $4pty 110 voc, noemnal l
l daia %,. -
(44421 A m MP 3497A)
Figure 2.14: Circuitry used to measure continuous insulation resistance during the accident steam exposure.
l 21 NUREG/CR-6412 j
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This Page Intentionally Left Blank I
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1 NUREG/CR-6412 22
3 Experimental Results This section presents the experimental data acquired 3.1 Aging Exposure l
for the 10 different types of non-terminal block connections and the 2 types of cables that were tested.
Only IR data were acquired during the simultaneous thermal and radiation aging exposure, these data are All the measurements performed were electrical in nature. It is unclear what type of mechanical, plotted versus radiation dose in Figures 3.1-3.12, these physical, or chemical testing could be figures also include the accident irradiation IR data.
non-destructively performed on an installed Each plotted point is the average and the plotted bars connection. Previous test programs on electrical cables show the sample standard deviation for the In measurements of all the conductors'for the given type have shown that electrical property measurements of connection. The IR measurements during the aging typically do not show significant changes with aging; exposure were performed with'the test chamber and mechanical measurements, most notably elongation at break, generally provide a better indication of aging -
cable leads submerged in the LICA pool.
Measurements at ambient temperature were performed j
degradation [16,17,18]. Ilowever, electrical with the test chamber and cable leads out of the LICA measurements are simple to perform and can be performed without destroying the device under test.
pool before the start of the aging exposure and between the aging exposure and accident irradiation.
The ambient IR measurements were typically greater A dominant failure mechanism for low-voltage instrumentation and control cables is cracking of the than those acquired at the higher temperatures present conductor's insulation after it has become embrittled during aging exposure, due to thermal and/or radiation exposures. A cable The measured average IR values typically remained with no residual elongation at break has often been above 10' O for the duration of the aging exposure, found capable of performing its intended function in however the following observations should be noted:
an accident scenario as long as no cracks already exist in the insulation. However, any handling of the cable, e During the baseline IR testing prior to the start something droppm, g on it, or even movement of the of aging, one of the Rosemount 353C conduit cable tray or conduit could cause the cable to crack.
seals was found to have an internal short circuit An electrical test might indicate that a cable is good between its two conductors (25 and 26). There even though it has no remaining elongation and any was no short to either the shield (27) or the body movement will cause the cable to crack and fail in the of the conduit seal. The defective conduit seal event of an accident.
was replaced with a spare which was used for the 5*
This same type of failure mechanism does not typically
- The lowest IR values during the aging exposure occur in connections because the conductors are often were for the Rosemount 353C conduit seal (see encased in some sort of rigid shell that protects the conductors and makes the insulation less susceptible to Figure 3.12). The measured IR of conductor 28 fell immediately from an initial value of mechanical damage even after the insulation has 8.4 x 10" O to 1.9 x 10 0 and then slowly 8
become embrittled. Thus, the ability of a connection 7
increased to approximately 2 x 10 O during the to perform its intended function is less dependent on remainder of the aging exposure. The other 3 the mechanical state of the conductor insulation.
conductors and 2 shields typically had IR values While electrical testing provides a direct indication of 8
in the range of 5 x 10 0 and above connection functionality,it must be remembered that electrical testing has not been shown to indicate
. Conductor 22 from a Conax ECSA conduit seal connection degradation or predict imminent also had reduced IR values (see Figure 3.2); the 8.3 x IO O measurement at 60 kGy fell to S
connection failure.
81n addition to the rigures and tables included in thi.ection, 7.0 x 10 0 at 75 kGy and remained at these low 8
all the raw data are available upon request from the author.
levels for the remainder of the aging exposure.
The other 3 conductors typically had IR values near 10" O.
23 NUREG/CR-6412 1
- 3. Experimental Results a.
J i
1 e Two of the three EGS Grayboot connectors were e In all cases, the measured IR values during the installed with a snap-on plastic cover intended to accident irradiation remained relatively constant 4
j prevent the connector from pulling apart - only as the dose increased.
one of the two covered connectors was cycled.
. Just as for the aging exposure, the lowest IR After 2 months of aging, the plastic cover was values during the acc. dent irradiation were for i
very brittle and broke apart when it was iemoved the Rosemount 353C conduit seal (see i
to cycle the connector (conductor 54). The test i
was continued without a plastic cover over this b
- bs O *
~ " " " * * ' "
- '""E*
3 connector. When the 2 Grayboot connectors c nductor 28 had IR values near 2 x 10 0. The were cycled after 4 months of aging, the lubricant other 2 conductors and 2 shields typically had IR i
between the halves of the connect. ions
-values in the range of 5 x 10a O and above.
was dried out and had the appearance of rolled-up rubber cement. Ilowever, enough
- e Conductor 22 from a Conax ECSA conduit seal lubricant remained that the two connectors could
. (see Figure 3.2) also had reduced IR values of 8
be cycled easily. These issues had no negative approximately 2 x 10 0 for the duration of the effect on the measured IR data (see Figure 3.5)-
accident irradiation. The other 3 conductors had S
which were in the range of 10" O and above.
IR values near 2 x IO 0.
3.2.2 Accident Steam Exposure 3.2 LOCA Exposure
'A TDR measurement was performed on each of the The LOCA simulation consisted of an accident conductors prior to the start of the accident steam radiation exposure followed by an accident steam exposure. The purpose of this measurement was to exposure.
provide a baseline for a post-steam TDR measurement.
These results will be discussed with the post-LOCA results.
3.2.1 Accident Irradiation IR data during the accident steam exposure are plotted versus time from the start of the first steam Only IR data were acquired during the accident transient for both cable conductors and shields in radiation exposure, these data are plotted versus Figures 3.13-3.24. Each plotted point is the average radiation dose in Figures 3.1-3.12 along with the and the plotted bars show the sample standard simultaneous aging IR data. Each plotted po,mt is the deviation for the IR measurements of all the average and the plotted bars show the sample standard conductors for the given type of connection. All the IR deviation for the IR measurements of all the measurements were performed with the test chamber conductors for the given type of connection. The IR and cable leads out of the LICA pool. Measurements measurements during the accident irradiation were at ambient temperature were performed before and performed with the test chamber and cable leads after the accident steam exposure. The remainder of submerged in the LICA pool. Measurements at the IR measurements were acquired at the pressures ambient temperature were performed with the test and temperatures indicated in Table 2.5 and chamber and cable leads out of the LICA pool between Figure 2.11.
the aging exposure and accident irradiation and after the accident irradiation. The ambient IR In general, the IR measurements inversely mirrored measurements were typically greater than those the environmental conditions (i.e., IR decreased as acquired during the accident irradiat, ion.
temperature and pressure increased, and IR increased when temperature and pressure decreased). For all the The measured average IR values typical 1y remained conductors, the measured IR decreased by at least two above 10' O for the durat,on of the acc,ident orders of magnitude during the transients at the start i
irradiation, however the following observations should of the accident steam exposure.
be noted:
F DREG /CR-6412 24
. _ ~
- 3. Experimental Results 1
Several of the connections were used with Rockbestos remained very high throughout the accident steam 4
i Firewall 111 cable. Of these, the measured IR of the exposure, as shown in Figure 3.15. The IR of the EGS conduit seal (Figure 3.16), EGS Grayboot Amphenol coaxial connector (Figure 3.13) was very connector (Figure 3.17), Okonite tape splice high during the two transients at the start of the steam (Figure 3.22), and the Raychem heat shrink splice exposure, but dropped precipitously during the second (Figure 3.23) were all very similar to that of the day of the steam exposure and remained at values 4
5 Rockbestos Firewall 111 cable in Figure 3.19. This between 10 -10 0 for the deraion of the exposure.
indicates that these connections had IR values that were comparable or better than the Rockbestos cable.
The measured IR of the NAMCO EC210 connector 3.3 Post-LOCA Measurements (Figure 3.21) was also very similar even though it used a different type of cable.
After the completion of the accident steam exposure, The IR results for the Litton-VEAM connector several types f measurement 8 were performed, they (Figure 3.20), which also used the Rockbestos mcladed:
j Firewall 111 cable, would have also given similar results l
except that conductors 43 and 47 had IR values
. IR measurements (1 min at 100 Vde) several orders of magnitude less than the other four
. TDR measurements conductors.
e Submerged IR measurements (1 min at 100 Vde)
The IR results for the Rosernount 353C' conduit seal
. Dielectric withstand measurements (1-min hold (Figure 3.24) during the accident steam exposure were at 1000 Vac rms for conductors,600 Vac rms for
only slightly degraded, if any, from the values seen shields) i during the aging exposure and accident irradiation
(Figure 3.12)- the reason for this " recovery" in IR is
. Submerged dielectric withstand measurements unknown.
(1-min hold at 2400 Vac rms for conductors,
600 Vac rms for shields)
The average IR values of the EGS quick disconnect A set of IR measurements was performed quickly connector (Figure 3.18) remained relatively constant (3 days) after the completion of the accident steam near 10 0 durmg the steam exposure after the, itial exposure, these data are tabulated in Tables 3.2 and m
drop due to the steam transients.
3.3 and are also plotted as the ambient data at approximately 245 hr in Figures 3.13-3.24. In general, The IR of the Conax ECSA conduit seal (Figure 3.14)
,hese data show a recovery in IR from that during the remained high during the first and most of the second steam exposure.
steam transient, but then dropped rather quickly to i
the 10 0 range about 9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br /> into the steam exposure At this same time, TDR measurements were performed 8
(4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> into the second steam transient). The IR on all the conductors. These data are plotted with the 5
8 i
measurements then remained in the 10 -10 0 rage ah and pm m & en d 6 mWM mm j
until approximately 52 hours6.018519e-4 days <br />0.0144 hours <br />8.597884e-5 weeks <br />1.9786e-5 months <br />, after which the IR exposure in Appendix B as Figures B.1-B.12. The pre-l values began to fall steadily. The discrete IR and post-steam TDR measurements were performed measurements at 94,171,194,219, and 242 hours0.0028 days <br />0.0672 hours <br />4.001323e-4 weeks <br />9.2081e-5 months <br /> had with identical test parameters and the connections 3
IR values ofless than 10 0. The low IR values caused were located at a distance of approximately 9.14 m the 1 A fuses for conductors 21 and 23 on the (30 ft) down the cable. In general, the reflection continuous IR measurement circuits to blow repeatedly coefficient, p, of the post-steam TDR measurements as shown in Table 3.1 and Figure 3.14. There was a was less than that of the pre-steam measurements, period of slight recovery in the discrete IR values; at which indicates that the impedance of the connection 132 and 146 hours0.00169 days <br />0.0406 hours <br />2.414021e-4 weeks <br />5.5553e-5 months <br /> the IR recovered to approximately or cable had been reduced. One possible cause of the 4
2.3 x 10 0, however the IR had fallen again by the decreased post-steam impedance could be moisture 171 hour0.00198 days <br />0.0475 hours <br />2.827381e-4 weeks <br />6.50655e-5 months <br /> measurement.
present in the cable and connection from the steam exposure. Also, the cable in the post-steam The Rockbestos coaxial cable was only used in the measurements appears " longer" than that of the Amphenol coadal connector. The coaxial cable's IR pre-steam measurements. Since both measurements 25 NUREG/CR-6412
- 3. Experimental Results s
l Table 3.1: Conax ECSA conduit seal Conductor Fuses Replaced During the Accident f
l Steam Exposure.
[ hrs]
Conductor Description 73 23 blown fuse 74 23 replaced fuse, blew instantly -
93 21 blown fuse 98 21 replaced fuse, blew instantly 131 21,23 replaced fuses, fuses okay 139 23 blown fuse 147 21 blown fuse 147 21,23 replaced fuses [ blew inddntly 167 21,23 replaced fuses, blew instantly 215 21,23 replaced fuses,21 blew within 20 min,23 blew immediately 245 21,23 replaced fuses,21 blew immediately,23 okay 267 21 replaced fuse, blew immediately 285 21 replaced fuse, blew immediately were performed assuming the same propagation conductors 49 and 50 increased by a factor of 40. The
't velocity on the same cable and connection, this IR of the Litton-VEAM connector conductors showed indicates that the actual propagation velocity 'was..
no consistent trend as the IR of conductors 43 and 45 slower for the post-steam measurements than for the~'
increased at least 2 orders of magnitude and -
pre-steam measurements. The effect of the high conductors 47 and 48 increased by at least 6 orders of temperature and pressure during the accident steam magnitude; however, the IR of conductor 44 actually exposure might have affected the cable propagation decreased by almost 4 orders of magnitude.
. velocity. It is difIlcult to identify if changes between the pre-and post-steam TDR measurements are due Once the dry IR test was completed, the test chamber to cable or connection degradation, or to some other was flooded with tap water and two additional sets of effect such as moisture or water intrusion.
IR measurements were performed. As shown in Tables 3.2 and 3.3, these IR measurements were Because of the possibility that moisture still remained performed after a soak period of at least 30 min for in and on the connections, the IR was retested one set, and a minimum soak period of 3 hr for the approximately 13 months later which provided second set. Again, the submerged IR results were sufficient time to ensure that everything had dried out.
similar to those of the previous (dry) IR The results are shown in Tables 3.2 and 3.3, and are measurements, except for the following observations.
similar to those obtained immediately after the The submerged IR of all the EGS quick disconnect accident steam exposure, except for the following connector conductors decreased from values above 1010 0 to less than 10 0. The submerged IR values of 8
observations. The IR of several NAMCO EC210 connector conductors fell substantially; the IR of all the Conax ECSA conduit seal conductors decreased 4
conductor 7 fell by over 5 orders of magnitude and the at least 2 orders of magnitude to values of 3 x 10 0 IR of conductors 9 and 10 fell by over 2 orders of and below. The submerged IR values of all the magnitude. In contrast, the IR of all the EGS quick Litton-VEAM connector conductors decreased at least 4
disconnect connector conductors increased markedly to 3 orders of magnitude to values of 6.9 x 10 0 and values above 1010 0, those of Conax ECSA conduit below. The submerged IR values of the Amphenol seal conductors 21 and 22 increased by at least 4 coaxial connector shield conductors (50 and 52) 4 orders of magnitude, those of Rosemount 353C conduit decreased to values in the 1 x 104 to 4 x 10 0 range.
seal conductors 28 and 29 increased by 2 orders of There were no substantial differences between the data magnitude, and those of Amphenol coaxial connector for minimum soak times of 30 min and 3 hr except for NUREG/CR-6412 26
- 3. Experimental Results
i tha Rosemount 353C conduit seal where the IR of If a typical cable is assumed to have a capacitance of several conductors decreased by over 3 orders of roughly 98.4 pF/m (30 pF/ft) and the cable specimens magnitude between the 30 min and 3 hr soak times.
are approximately 18.3 m (60 ft) long, then the cable i
impedance for 60 llz excitation would be:
Following the submerged IR tests, the connections b=
were allowed to fully dry and then dielectric withstand 2 =
wC (2rf)C testing was performed. An initial withstand testing on 1
the dry cables was performed at 1000 Vac rms for the
-_ (2r x 60)(30 x 10-i2 x 60) 5
- 1'47 x 10 0' conductors and 600 Vac rms for the shields to get an indication of operability before performing submerged dielectric withstand testing. As shown in Tables 3.2 For a 2400 Vac conductor excitation voltage, this 2 the results in a capacitive charging current of 1.6 mAac.
and 3.3, most of the connections did not trip dielectric test set (8 of 55 connection conductors and 0 The ac charging and leakage current measurement is of 10 cable conductors tripped the test set). The the sum of the current actually leaking from the individual conductors either had essentially constant c nductor through the insulation to a ground outside current during the 1-min long hold, or tripped the the cable plus the current necessary to charge and dielectric test set immediately during the initial ramp discharge the capacitance of the cable dielectric up to the desired voltage; none of the conductors held (insulation) as the applied cable voltage changes. This at the desired voltage for some period of time and then differs from an IR measurement, which only gives the i
caused the dielectric test set to fault. All the Conax de leakage of current from the conductor through the ECSA conduit seal conductors and approximately half insulation to a ground outside the cable (assuming the of the Litton-VEAM connector and Amphenol coaxial de v Itage has been applied long enough for initial connector conductors tripped the dielectric test set transients to die off). At 2400 Vac, the cable IR must 8
during the dry dielectric withstand ' test.
be less than approximately 2 x 10 0 before leakage through the conductor is comparable to a typical Following the dry dielectric withstand tests, the test capacitive charging current. Because typical measured 8
chamber was flooded again with tap water and as are greater than 10 0 (see Figures 3.1-3.24), the submerged dielectric withstand tests were performed capacitive charging current accounts for a substantial after a minimum submergence of 2 hrs. The dielectric p rti n f the ac charging and leakage current shown withstand testing on the submerged cables was in Tables 3.2 and 3.3. Increased ac charging and performed at 2400 Vac rms for the conductors and leakage current is caused by a combination of increased 600 Vac rms for the shields. As shown in Tables 3.2 cable capacitance or substantial decreases in the cable and 3.3, half of the 10 connection types tripped 3 the IR.
dielectric test set (22 of 55 connection conductors and For the dry 1000 Vac rms excitation, typical currents 0 of 10 cable conductors tripped the test set). Just as were 0.4 mAac and 0.8 mAac for the 30-ft long for the dry withstand testing, individual conductors either had essentially constant current during the e nductors (1-30) and 60-ft long conductors (30-65),
1-min long hold, or tripped the dielectric test set respectively. This is consistent with a 60112 cable 8
impedance of 2.5 x 10 0 for the 30-ft long conductors immediately during the initial ramp up to the desired and 1.25 x 10 0 for the 60-ft long conductors; these 6
voltage; none of the conductors held at the desired impedances correspond to a cable capacitance of voltage for some period of time and then caused the dielectric test set to fault. Essentially all of the EGS aPproximately 35 pF/ft.
quick disconnect connector, Conax ECSA conduit seal, For the submerged 2400 Vac rms excitation, typical Rosemount 353C conduit seal, Litton-VEAh!
currents were 1.1 mAac and 2.2 mAac for the 30-ft connector, and Amphenol coaxial connector I ng conductors (1-30) and 60-ft long conductors conductors tripped the dielectric test set.
(30-65), respectively. This is consistent with a 60 llz 6
2 For the dry dielectric withstand testing, the Ilipotronics test cable impedance of 2.2 x 10 0 for the 30-ft long set was adjusted to trip at a current of approximately 8 mAac.
conductors and 1.1 x 10 0 for the 60-ft long 6
For the submerged dielectne wn hstand testing. t he liipotron-conductors; these impedances correspond to a cable ics test set was adjusted to trip at a current of approximately 20 mAac.
capacitance of approximately 40 pF/ft.
- 3. Experimental Results I
il l
4 4
4 I
I l
l 4
5 3
l 5
12 I.
- "n E 10 2"" '
n C
""j' 11 JM.
.o o
3 v
g (g
8' 10
10 C
g M
8 5
S 10 x
5 C
5 O
- c3 10g r i m z.w vde a,
g o a
o a Accid. Irradiaton M
Aging (98 C)
Accident Irradiation (27'C) o e Ambent C
_ I I
I 7
10 O
200' 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose [kGy]
Figure 3.1: IR of Amphenol coaxial connector during aging and accident irradiation.
I l
l l
I l
l 12 a 10
.5 e
0-re 10'1 r
t m
_ {;;;.o o,
. I" J,
g 8 10 r
E 5
E f
i-M gi n
g 8
S 10 5_
- z3 10g r im 2w voc c,a o + As%
a O s Accid. Irradiaton M
Aging (99'C)
Accident Irradiation (27'C) o e Ambent C
_ I
' ''''''''''''''I 7
10 o
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose [kGy]
Figure 3.2: IR of Conax ECSA conduit seal during aging and accident irradiation.
- 3. L i. mental Results
' -i 12 _I tl l
l l
'l 0
E l
l 11 i
f C
- c sc%,m, E
- Mt 10" g-1 s
h 10 10 i
E 5,
M 9
10 E
5 5
c O
- c 3
- 10g r l im 2so vde exc g
m c + 4eine
. 5 Accid. Irradelon C
Aging (WC)
Accident irradation (2PC) o e Ambent I
7 I
I l
l I
l i
i i
i e
i i
e i
i e
i i
e i
i i
i 10 O
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose [kGy)
Figure 3.3: IR of Rockbestos coaxial cable during aging and accident irradiation.
I 12 I
I C 10 r
n 8
5 E
i lepfB 10,, r g
E LD g
gg 10 8 10 j
ca 5
' 5 i
g 9
E e
. =
- c3 10g r im 2.sovde ecs z
. 5 A-,-...
C Aging (wC)
Acceent irradiaton (2PC) o e Ambent I
I 7
10 O
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose [kGy]
Figure 3.4: IR of EGS conduit seal during aging and accidert irradiation.
- 3. Experirnental Results
t l
g l
i i
i i
i i
1 I
i j
i i
6 l
i i
i i
i j
l C 10 e5 E
11 _._h 10
s cc h 10 10
_g 5
i m
g M
9 S
10 E
- n5 10g r im 250 vde ca.
0 4 Agin0 3
D a Accid. Irradianon M
Aging (90"C)
Acrident tiradetion (2PC)
O e Ambent C
l l
i i
i i
i i
i e
i l
i i
i I
i i
i jg7 i
i i
O 200' 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose (kGy]
Figure 3.5: IR of EGS Grayboot connector during aging and accident irradiation.
l j
l 4
i i
i i
i i
i i
i i
.i-i i
l gi l
C 10
a Ei E
C 2n N 11 10
s N
5 E
l h 10 10 o'
o' o"-
r cg g
v) 9 e
10 r
E 2
'c5 10g r im zwvde em 0 + Aging 3
o a Accid. irradisson v)
C A0ing (99 C)
Accident Irradiatsan (27"C)
O e Ambent 7
10 0
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose (kGy]
Figure 3.6: IR of EGS quick disconnect connector during aging and accident irradiation.
- 3. Experimental itesults 4
12 I
I i
i l
i i
1 i
i I
I C 10 r
3 s
w 0"
10 r
CU b_ 10 10 r
ij g
9 S
10 m
2 2
C 5
5 9
i 5
10 r im avac rwe 3
0 + Aging m
D 5 Accid. Irra6ason
_ I I
Aging (ge c)
Accident irradiailon (27'c) o e Ambient I
' ' I I
7 10 0
200" 400 600 800 1000 1200 l
Dose [kGy]
Figure 3.7: IR of Rockbestos Firewall 111 cable during aging and accident irradiation.
j i
I i
i I
i 4
l 1
i I
l l
I 6
1 i
i l
l 1
1 I
l l
12 l
c 10 4
3 1
'5 b
- e 1
11 10
3 e
@l f
f-a a;
(U a
- g 1010 "o """"-
s-cg j u,,
m n.,,,,.
,,w' 9
S 10
C 5
5 CO
's3 10g r im u vac g
3 0 + Aging m
O e Accd. Irradianon Agog (seac)
Acceentirrasauon (2rc) o e Amb+ent
_ I I
7 10 O
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose (kGy]
Figure 3.8: IR of Litton-VEAM connector during aging and accident irradiation.
- 3. Experimental Results I
i i
1 1
I l
j, 5
I i
l l
4-i I
i1ii6 l
I i
12 m
E 10 5
E 11 8 *8 f 10 f-E E
f h
h f) 5 h 10 IN 10 g-
m g
M z
8 e
10 s-E T
O g
- c
_m_. 10g r im voc o
Aem M
0 W Accid. kradegon 3
_C Aging (99"C)
Accident irradetion (27"C) o e Ambient l
l f
l 7
l i
10 0
200' 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose [kGy]
Figure 3.9: IR of NAMCO EC210 connector during aging and accident irradiation.
I i
i l
1 i
l 1
i l
6 I
i I
i i
4 i
i l
l l
l l
l c 10 1
e5 5
Ae O
O 11
- s**
E g
10 2
m e
10 8 10 y_
mg M
9 E
e 10 W
O im esovac mo
- cm 10g r 0 4 Aging "3
O 5 Accd. kradeton M
Accdont irradalen (27'C) o e Ambent
_ I I
I I _
Aging (99*C) 7 10 O
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose [kGy)
Figure 3.10: IR of Okonite tape splice during aging and accident irradiation.
- 3. Experimental Results 12 I
l l
l l
l I
d 10 s-
sE E
C 5
i 10
- 9 11
=en E
b 1010 g_
C 1
9 4
e 10 E
.9 8
.3 10 r im vde my s
o Asmo M
O E Accd. Irradiaton C
Agmg (99*C)
Accident Irradiatbn (27'C)
O e Ambient
I 7
l 10 0
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 y
Dose [kGy]
4 Figure 3.11: IR of Raychem heat shrink splice during aging and accident irradiation.
t i
I l
l l
l t
i i
l l
1 I
l 3
I 4
12,l l
l E 10
., =
'E N:
11 d 10
s 5
~ '
ll q) n 10 8 10 s
=oo o
5 e
5 woy,'N jlp Ull ni ni-g 9
o 10
E 5
5 C
.m 10g rm im 2so vde am u
M-o + Aoino a
O E Aad. Irradiation C
Aging (99*C)
Accident Irradiaton (27'C) o e Ambent
l 7
10 0
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose [kGy]
Figure 3.12: IR of Rosemount 353C conduit seal during aging and accident irradiation.
- 3. Experimental Results 12 J'l'l{l'l'l' l ' ' ' ' J ' ' ' ';l ' ' ' 'il ' ' ' ';I ' ' '
14 3
h S 1011 o
E c
i i
A l
-l h
-e 5
0 10
1 j
e l
1 3
5 10g 8
L f
t fd a
8 I' 6 1
' lk f,
~l h
.I a,
E 107 I
9 e
O-6 o
...m 3
g 10 g-O ambient l
l 100 Vdc @ 1 min
5 Kf lu 9
7 c
10 r-i Ie.em dr 5
5 y
9 t
,,, Y,,,Y T I, p
- 1. 3, oil a 4
wm s e 6
~ 10 rh iiliiiil...
In',ili,,,li I,,,," T,
0 2
4 16 8-10 0 50-100 150 200 250 Time (hfs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure 3.13: IR of Amphenol coaxial connector during accident steam exposure.
l 12
'l'l'l'l'l' i'l
';l'!l S 1011 2 9
E 5
5 E
to I
fuses OK e
- 23,
e 10 r I d
sr o
23 21 23 21 l
r.placed E 4
4 :4 1
4 Oe I
8 l
j 10 j
Q e
[7 7
C 10 r C
j i
0 10s r I
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5 b
I 5
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l Ii-l l
wm s e o,.
iiI di,
,ii,li,i 4
l iiiiliii,lici,liiiilisiil, Ii 10 -
0 2
4 6
- ? O 50 100 150 200 250 Time (hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure 3.14: IR of Conax ECSA conduit seal during accident steam exposure.
- ~ _.. -
- 3. Experimental Results t
'l'ljl'l'l' l 'l'ji';l';I
jz h
EE l
z 4
E 1011 o
.E E
I EIl l
f 10 10 r 7
i l
3 i
- r 10' r f
g 5
Q 9
b 108 I'
'll i' 7'--
.- j i '
m e
j 7
CE 10 r
c i
O 10s o 0
ambient l
j 3
l 100 Vdc @ 1 min l
5 5
l i
njcxc j
5 10
s e
s wo.,. s s.
e a,
4 7'I'I'I''''!' I,I'jI
I ' ' ' I ' '
o 1
10 O
2 4
16 8'
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs):
Time [ hrs]
d Figure 3.15: IR of Rockbestos coaxial cable during accident steam exposure.
1 1012 p'l'l'l'l'l' &'l
l4 g
4 r
i I
E 1011 l
r i
.E 5
E 10
f i
10 r
D 0
2 5
E oo 00 0 9 W
9 10 r
8 5
i i
i 5
~0 0
co -
8 f
f Yf f lf e
7 j
i cr 10 r
1 i
i j
E j
8 10 e
a O
-3 5
100 vde o i min 5
5 10 r
i i
5 10' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' l ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' I'I'j If I ' ' '
'l '
3 ACCdt Seam Emposure I
' '[
o O
2 4
6 8
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure 3.16: IR of EGS conduit seal during accident steam exposure.
- 3. Experimental Results
l 12 f ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' l ' ' j ' ' l ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' l ' i',1'l1'jl'
i i
4y I
9 E joli p E
5 5
1 i
i f 10 10 j
r 5
5 8
f d!( 1 ll I
Iu t
i i
7 10 r-g i
i c
O cg 10 t
c W.,
i p, v.,
7 l
10 r
- l.
-i' 10 E
r O
ambient i
j-im V& @ 1 mn
5 It i
i y
7 5
10 r
5 5
si e ei-8:
4 'I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' '. I ' ' ' ' ' # ' ' ' ' I''
10 O
2 4
s6 8.:
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time (hrs) -
Time [ hrs]
Figure 3.17: IR of EGS Grayboot connector during accident steam exposure.
12 p ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' t ' 6'I'll'i l'l
1 i
E S 1011 r i
i 5
5 5
f 10
[e j
10 j
l 3
5 i
10 r u
8 g
E 5
h 4
C y
I m
> 1 i
'o' r J
- s d
_u v
-E 10e r 9
o ambent
ix ve e t an 5
5 I
5 5
10 r
I I!
I '~
Accide,t 9eam Eecsu o o
4 ~I''''I''''''''''''
I ' ' '
10 0
2 4
6 8
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time (hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure 3.18: IR of EGS quick disconnect connector during accident steam exposure.
i NUREG/CR-6412 36 i
- 3. Experimental Results t
1 12 A'l'l'lil'l' l
> i i i; i i i i
- 1 10 i
i j
i I
' t4 E 10 9
11 5
5-l I
l i
5 E
10 o t
- o j
g-j l
i, 09 i
u 00 10 r osco o
o o
9 1
g 2
u E
J l 3:~
E e
g 1;;
10s y op a
i rvr p
.n q r-i's o
es e
e p
7 E
10 r
c 5
E r
1 O
h 10 r
- m 8
-3 i
o ambient i
j gf3
! 100 Vdc @ 1 min 5
10 r
i t
5 E
L 3
-e Ac"'"' 8'**'a Esposure O
- I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' I'I'l'IpI ' ' ' 'j I
l' o
4 10 O
2 4
L6 8-10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure 3.19: IR of Rockbestos Firewall 111 cable during accident steam exposure.
'1 1 * ' ' '; I ' ' '
I4 12 l 'I'l 10 5
9 1$
E 1011 5
E' E
E 10 o t
g-3 E.
E j
E 9
g 10 g-3 c
i 8
b b
9 444gp i
l 4
k 107 0
0 0
I I-
r 7
c i
i j
0 I
i R 108 l
0 r
o amb.ent i
. 1m ve @ 1 mn l
3 5
10 r
5 L
Ace'd*8 8'*am Eaposure s'
- I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' l' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I '
I''IIh' ' I ' ' ' '; I ' ' '
I' I-o d
10 0
2 4
6 8
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure 3.20: IR of Litton-VEAM connector during accident steam exposure.
37 N UREG/CR-6412
- 3. Experimental Results 12
' ' ' ' l ' ' ' i l ' ' l' ' l ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' l '
' ' ' 'il ' ' '
't I
i' 5
1 S 1011 ~
r i
e s
-h 10'0 h-l N
o 2
i L o:
- o oo o
10' r i.J 7
g e
0 m
8 l
10 r
i I
.g 0
8 E
-E 10 e
o ambient I
h 3
100 Vdc @ 1 man
E j
p 5
10s L
E a:
' ' ' ' i;I'iqII;I''' '
' ' ~
3 3
e o
um c-.
' ' i " I ' 4 ' ' ' '
4 10 0
2 4
6 8J
'10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure 3.21: IR of NAMCO EC210 connector during accident steam exposure.
1012 A ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' l '
i ' ' ' ' j ' ' ' ';i ' ' ' 'ti ' ' ' '; i ' ' '
14 5
9 l4 8
E 1011 5
.5 5
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m II 3~ o io
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9 8
10 i
i c
g 8
,, g ;
i WT,
Ho e
7 7
C 10 r
.g o
.i..m E-10s y
o ambient E
im voc o i m.n 5
8 5
y I
g" I
p 5
l 5
10 g-g'''''I,'I'''''' I ' ' ' '1 ' ' ' ' ' ; l ' ' ' ' g t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ' 'i
4 10 0
2 4
6 8
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs)
Figure 3.22: IR of Okonite tape splice during accident steam exposure.
1 1
- 3. Experimental Results
- 1012
'l'l'l'l'l' l
' ' ' ' I ' ' ' 'll ' ' ' ';I ' ' ' ';I ' ' '
I i
5 I
G 4
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' ' ~
10 0
2 4
.6 8
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure 3.23: IR of Raychem heat shrink splice during accident steam exposure.
12 /'l'l;i'l'l' i'I'l'
l i'
5 E
1 S. 10 11 E
f 4,$
5 10 i
s f
s f
1f f
1'1 E
b E
9 10 r
g i
i g
- I 7
C 10 r
7 C
.9 8
-E 10 r
O ambient
h 3
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- si.c-.
a 4 ~ ' ' '
I ' ' ' '~l ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' j ' '~
l 10 0
2 4
6 8
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
j Figure 3.24: IR of Rosemount 353C conduit seal during accident steam exposure.
39 N UREG/CR-6412
- 3. Experiment:1 Results Table 3.2: Post-LOCA Test Results (1 of 2).
100 Vdc 1R at 1 min Dielectric Withstand (1. min hold period)
LOCA LOCA + 13 months LOCA + 23 months
+ 3 days Submerged Dry 2 hr Subrpergence Dry Dry 30 min 3 hr Voltage Current Voltage Current Conductor *
EGS conduit seal 1
5.7 ell 9.0 ell 7.0 ell 7.0 ell 1.0 0.4 2.4 1.0 2
7.9 ell 1.lel2 9.lell 9.2 ell 1.0 0.4 2.4 1.0 3
9.2 ell 1.2el2 6.7 ell 7.9 ell 1.0 0.4 2.4 1.0 5
8.0 ell 1.2e12 1.7e12. 1.5e12 1.0 0.4 2.4 1.1 6
9.4 ell 1.lel2 1.6e12 1.7e12 1.0 0.4 -
2.4 1.1 NAMCO EC210 connector 7
7.7 ell 2.5e06 4.2e06 ~1.0e07 1.0 0.4 2.4 1.1 8
7.4 ell 2.7 ell 1.9 ell 1.7 ell 1.0 0.4 2.4 1.2 9
5.3 ell 2.0e09 7.6e08 6.2e08 1.0 0.4 2.4 1.2 10 6 Sell 1.9e09 8.8e08 7.3e08 1.0 0.4 2.4 1.1 11 4.7e10 3.lell 1.3e11 1.3el 1 10 0.4 2.4 1.1 12 8.3 ell
- 4. Dell 3.2 ell 3.3 ell 1.0 0.4 2.4 1.1 13 9.lell 1.4 ell 3.2e10 5.le10 1.0 0.4 2A 1.1 14 9.3 ell 3.8 ell 2.lell 2.2 ell 1.0 0.4 2.4 1.1 i
i EGS quick disconnect connector 15 5.0e05 3.3 ell 3.9e04 1.le05 1.0 0.4 2.4 Trip 16 1.0e06 2.0e10 2.8e04 9.le04 1.0 0.4 2.4 Trip 17 1.le07 2.5e10 2.0c04 6.5e04 1.0 0.4 2.4 Trip i
18 4.9e05 1.9e10 1.Te05 7.le04 1.0 0.4 2.4 1.0 19 2.le06 2.6e10 0.3e04 3.3e04 1.0 0.4 2.4 Trip 20 2.le07 1.2e10 6.Te05 3.5e05 1.0 0.4 2.4 Trip Conax ECSA conduit seal 21 5.2e01 8.8e05 3.Ge03 2.4e03 1.0 Trip 2.4 Trip 22 1.5e01 1.2e06 2.2e03 2.0e03 1.0 Trip 2.4 Trip 23 6.5e06 5.4e06 3.0e04 3.2e04 1.0 Trip 2.4 Trip 24 5.7e06 6.2e06 8 le03 7.5e03 1.0 Trip 2.4 Trip Rosemount 353C conduit seal 25 2.9 ell 1.8 ell 2.4 ell 3.0 ell 1.0 0.4 2.4 1.1 26 1.8e10 3.4e10 8.le10 1.9e07 1.0 0.4 2.4 Trip 27 3.8e10 6.5e10 1.6 ell 1.7 ell 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 28 6.7e07 5.2e09 3.5e00 4.7e05 1.0 0.4 2.4 Trip 29 5.6e07 1.le10 6.4e10 6.0e05 1.0 0.4 2.4 Trip 30 8.4e09 1.4e10 6.3e10 4.le06 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.6 Raychem heat shrink splice 31 1.3 ell 2.5 ell 2.7 ell 3.lell 1.0 0.8 2.4 2.1 32 5.2cl0 2.0el l 2.7el l 3.2 ell 1.0 0.8 2.4 2.1 33 1.Ge11 2.5e11 3.9e11 3.8e11 1.0 0.8 2.4 2.1 34 2.2 ell 3.2 ell 3.3 ell 3.8 ell 1.0 0.9 2.4 2.3 35 7.4e10 9.4e10 1.5 ell 2.lell 1.0 0.9 2.4 2.2 36 1.8 ell 2.2 ell 3.lell 3.0 ell 1.0 0.9 2.4 2.3
- See Table 2.2.
- 3. Experimental Results l
l L
l I
Table 3.3: Post-LOCA Test Results (2 of 2).
100 Vdc 1R at 1 min Dielectric Withstand (1-min hold period)
LOCA LOCA + 13 months LOCA + 23 months
+ 3 days Submerged Dry 2 hr Submergence l
Dry Dry 30 min 3 hr.
Voltage Current. Voltage Current Conductor *
[mAac) ' [kVac] ^ [mAac]
-Okonite tape splice 37.
2.3e11 1.9e11 4.8e11 ; 4.8e11' l.0 0.9 2.4 2.3 38 3.6e10 1.0el1 2.3el1i E3.0el1 1.0
" E 0.8 -
- 2.4
- 2.3 39 1.3e10 1.3el1 2.5el1 ~ ' 3.lell 1.0
- 0.9 2.4 2.3 40 1.8e10 1.0e11 1.9e11 ' 2.3e11 1.0 0.9 2.4 2.4 l
41 1.le11 1.lel1 2.5 ell 3.0el1 1.0 0.9 2.4 2.3
42 1.5e11 2.lell 5.lel1, 4.4e11 1.0
'0.9 2.4 2.4 l
- Litton-VEAM connector 43 1.0e03 0.2e05' 2.2e02 7.0e01 1.0 Trip 2.4 Trip l
l 44 2.8 ell 3.6e07. 5.Ge03 7.9e03 1.0 0.7 2.4 Trip L
45 6.0e03 6.Se05 8.8e01 0.9e01 1.0 Trip 2.4 Trip 46 1.lell 1.2 ell 6.9e04 6.0e04 1.0 0.7 2.4 Trip 47 1.5e04 2.0e10 4.0e03 4.4e03 1.0 0.7 2.4 Trip j
48 1.5e05 2.lell 'l.2e04 2.le04 1.0 0.7 2.4-Trip l
Amphenol coaxial connector 49 1.9e06 7.6c07 7.9e07 8.8e07 1.0 0.6 2.4 Trip 50 1.9e06 8.0e07 3.6e04 3.6e04 0.6 0.8 0.6 Trip
-51 3.2e05 3.9c05 3.6e05 4.le05 1.0 Trip 2.4 Trip 52 2.4e05 7.7e05 : 1.3e04 1.le04 0.6 Trip 0.6 Trip EGS Grayboot connector 53 4.le10 1.9el l 3.2el l 4.lell 1.0 0.7 2.4 2.1
' 6.8e10 2.4el l
- 2. lell 2.2eil 1.0 0.7 2.4 2.1 1
55 1.9 ell 2.5el l 1.9 ell 1.9 ell 1.0 0.7 2.4 2.1
Rockbestos Firewall111 cable j
56 2.3 ell
. 3.2el l 5.8el l 4.9 ell 1.0 0.8 2.4 2.0 57'
-1.0 ell 2.lell 3.8 ell 4.0el1 1.0 0.8 2.4 2.0 58 2.0 ell -
2.4 ell 4.lell 3.9 ell 1.0 0.8 2.4 2.0 59 8.8e10 2.2 ell' 3.9el1 4.7e11 1.0 '
O.8 2.4 2.1 60 1.lell 1.9 ell _ 3.2el l 3.7 ell 1.0 0.8 -
. 2.4 2.1 -
61 1.0 ell 3.3el l 4.9 ell 4.lell 1.0 0.8 2.4 2.1 Rockbestos coaxial cable -
62 1.3e11 2.5e11 9.7e11 5.8ei1 1.0 0.7 2.4 1.7 63 1.2 ell
'2.lell 3.4 ell 3.0el l 0.0 0.9 0.6 1.0 64 2.le10 9.2e10 2.9el l 2.3el l 1.0 0.7 2.4 1.7 i
65 9.le10 2.lell 3.8 ell 3.5 ell 0.6 0.8 0.6 1.0 l
% T ue 2.2.
l 41 NUREG/CR-6412 j
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1 I
4 Surnmary and Conclusions This report has presented the results of an
. IIalf of the 10 tonnection types did not pass a experimental program regarding the aging and post-LOCA, submerged dielectric withstand test:
loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) behavior of electrical connections. In all,10 different types of non-terminal
- Essentially all the Conax ECSA conduit seal, Rosemount 353C cond'uit seal, EGS block connections commonly used in nuclear power plants were tested. These included 3 types of conduit quick disconnect connector, Amphenol seals,2 types of connectors for installation in a device, coaxial connector,2and Litton-VEAM l
ud 5 in-line splices and connectors.
connecior conductors tripped the dielectric test set.
The conclusions of this experimental program with
- None of the EGS conduit seal, I
regard to the specific objectives of the program are NAMCO EC210 connector, EGS Grayboot addressed below.
connector, Okonite tape splice, and
Raychem heat shrink splice conductors Objective: To assess the accident performance of tripped the test set.
electrical connections aged more slowly (i.e., at lower temperatures and radiation dose rates) than in typical Objective: To investigate the performance of industry tests and under simultaneous conditions.
connections aged to a 60-year life to determine their suitability for life extension beyond the current o in general, there was no meaningful degradat.ion nominal 40-year qualified life.
m the measured IR of the connections during the
simultaneous aging exposure and accident
. Because 50% of the connection types were unable irradiation; only the IR of a few of the Conax to successfully pass the submerged dielectric ECSA conduit seal and Rosemount 353C conduit withstand test following a simulated life of seal conductors fell below 107 01 60-years and a LOCA exposure, further investigation of electrical connections related to
. Prior to starting ihe aging, one Rosemount 353C life extension seems warranted.
conduit seal was found to have an mternal short circuit between its two conductors; this defective
. It is interesting to note that the problems are not device was replaced with a spare.
limited to any one family of electrical
' ""*'" "' ^ '*** " * * " " * * "
. The snan-on plastic covers used on the EGS fanulv (conduit seals, connections for mstallation
Grayboot connector quickly became very brittle into a device, and in-line splices and connections) i during aging and will easily break apart and fall was unable to pass the submerged dielectric off. 'Ihis had no effect on the measured IR values withstand test.
and the covers are not required by the manufacturer. Ilowever, if the covers are required for seismic reasons or to simply prevent the connector from pulling apart, then the premature aging of the covers could lead to problems.
. While the IR measurements for most of the connections remained high during the accident steam exposure,3 of 6 Litton-VEAM connector and all 4 Amphenol coaxial connector conductors 7
had IR values that fell below 10 O. All 4 Conax ECSA conduit seal conductors gave extremely low 1R values (< 100 0) and the 2 non-grounded conductors repeatedly blew 1 A fuses when energized at 110 Vdc.
8 Whether or not degraded IR values will impact the opera!Ality of an electrical circuit is plant and circuit dependent, and is thus beyond the scope of this report.
-. - ~... _ ~ =
2 1
i h
4 1
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i 1
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l I
a l
l References
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Importance of Including Oxygen,"
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[8] EGS Corp. International, " Installation and Electrical Cables-Ethylene Propylene Rubber Maintenance Instructions for Patel/EGS Conduit Cables," NUREG/CR-5772, Vol. 2, Seals," Report No. EGS-TR-841215-01, EGS SAND 91-1766/2, Sandia National Laboratories, Corp. International, lluntsville, AL, Apr.1990.
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[9] EGS Corp. International, " Instructions for (18] Jacobus, M.J., " Aging, Condition Monitoring, and Installation of EGS/Patel 880701-B Bayonet Loss-Of-Coolant (LOCA) Tests of Class IE Connector " Report No. EGS-TR-880706-01, EGS Electrical Cables-Miscellaneous Cable Corp. International, lluntsville, A L, Sep.1990.
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[10] EGS Corp. International, " Test Report for EGS SAND 91-1766/3, Sandia National Laboratories, GRAYBOOT Connectors Models GB-1, GB-2, Albuquerque, NM, Nov,1992.
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[19] Krane, K.S., Modern Physics. John Wiley & Sons, Corp. International, Iluntsville, AL, Dec.1990.
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[11] EGS Corp. International, " Installation and
[20] Litton/VEAM, " Assembly Procedure for:
RemovalInstructions for EGS GRAYBOOT CIR0lWN-16-10S(04) In-Line Receptacle, 45 NUREG/CR-6412
References CIR065WN-16-10P(04) Straight Plug," VAP-368, Pre-Aging Conditions for Nuclear Qualification Sep.1991,11 pp.
Testing," Report Number EDR-5046, Mar.1982.
- [31) Namco Controls, " Installation of EC210 Electrical
[32] Raychem Corp., "WCSF N lleavy Wall, Receptacles and Connector and Cable Assemblies Flame-retarded Nuclear Cable Sleeves: Product into Various Control Devices," Report No.
Installation and Inspection Guide," Pil 57100E, TMR 300, Rev. O, Namco Controls, Mentor, Oil, Raychem Corporation, Electrical Products Group, Apr.1986.
Menlo Park, CA, Effective Date: Feb.1991, J22] Narr co Controls, " Installation Instructions:
1(E2475) 1151293 3/91.
E-ceptacle and Connector Assemblies: EC210
,[33] Raychem Corp., "WCSF-N Splice Series," EC219-90002, Namco Controls, Mentor,
_ Application Guide," Raychem Corporation, s _ ! Electrical Products Group, Menlo Park, CA, OH,14 pp.
(E2425) 11512113/917
[23] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Standard Atmosphere,1976,.
[34}%The Rockbestos Company, " Report on NOAA-S/T 76-1562, Washington, D.C., Oct.
Qualification Tests for Firewall III Chemically 1976,227 pp.
Cross-Linked Polyethylene Constructions for Class 1E Service in Nuclear Generating Stations,"
[24) The Okonite Company, "The Fundamentals of.
- The Rockbestos Company, New Haven, CT, b
Splicing and Terminating Electrical Cables,"
Report #QR-5804,1-Aug-1985 (revised Bulletin 22.9.0, The Okonite Company, Ramsey, 27-Aug-1985).
NJ,1982,16 pp.
[35] W Roegestos Company, " Report on
[25) The Okonite Company, " Instructions for a Quah6 cation Tests for Roepeytos Adverse Serv, ice Straight Splice for Multiconductor, Rubber Coax l, Twmax,al, anc Triaxial Cable - Generic ia i
Insulated, Okolon Jacketed Nuclear Station Nuclear incident for Class IE Service m Nuclear Control Cable," Drawing No. D-Il547, The Generating Stations," che Rockbestos Company, Okonite Company, Ramsey, NJ, Oct.1980,3 pp.
New llaven, CT, Repor' #QR-6802,12-Mar-1986.
[26] Patel Engineers, " Final Test Report on Patel
[36) Rosemount Inc., "Qur.lificat. ion Report for Conduit Seals Manufactured by Patel Engineers Conduit Seal Model 353C," Rosemount Report for Use in Nuclear Power Plants," Patel Report D8300152, Rev. C. Rosemount Inc., Eden Prairie, No. PEl-TR-841203-12, Rev. A, Patel Engineers, M N, J ul.1987.
Huntsville, AL, Jan.1987.
[37] Rosemount Inc., "Model 353C Conduit Seal,"
[27) Patel Engineers, " Test Report for Nuclear Instruction Manual 4498, Rosemount Inc.,
Environmental Qualification of Patel 1/2 Inch Eden Prairie, MN, Dec.1990,4 pp.
Electrical Connector," Report No.
PEl-TR-880701-04, Patel Engineers, Huntsville,
[38] Sorrento Electronics, " Installation Notes -
AL, Mar.1989.
Low Level Current Monitoring," SF 1001, S rrento Electronics, San Diego, CA,4 pp.
[28] Pozar, David M., Microwave Engineering, Addison-Wesley, Reading, M A, 1990,726 pp.
[39] Wyle Laboratories, " Nuclear Environmental (ISBN 0-201-50418-9).
Qualification: Qualification Test Program for Terminal Blocks," Test Report 45603-1, Feb.1982.
[29) Raychem Energy Division, "Raychem Nuclear Splicing Kit Installation instructions for Coaxial
[40) Phone call to George flageman (214)330-3537, Splicing Kit NPKX-CCKN-06-01," NPKI 10100-2 Quality Assurance for Multi-Amp Corporation,on (082188),10/81.
Il-Dec-1991. lie gave States ZWM-25004 terminal-block activation energies of 1.27 eV for the
[30] Raychem Energy Division, " Nuclear Plant Splice barrier.1.93 eV for the base, and 2.2 eV for the Kit Installation Instructions for in-Line Control elainine marker strip.
Cable Splice," PII-57015-A, Nov.1981,2 pp.
(included as part of the splice kit).
[41] Phone call to Douglas A. Coe (216)946-9900, Sales Applicati n Engineer for N mco Controls, 9
[31} Raychem Energy Division, " Analysis of lleat n 13-Dec-1991. Ile gave the mmimum activation Aging Data on WCSF Material to Determine NUREG/CR 6412 46
.... ~. _.. _. _ _. _ _.. _ _ _. _. _.__ _. _ _
q References i
energy for Namco EC210 connectors as 0.8 eV for the replaceable o-rings; the next lowest activation i
energy was 1.13 eV for the lead wire jacket (these l
l values are from Namco Report No. QTR 145, t
Rev 2).
[42] Facsimile from AJ. Bernardini, General Manager i
for Litton-VEAM, on 23-Aug-1991
- (TF# 8690/91). Activation energy of 1.15 eV is for the silicon elastomers used in the connector.
- [43] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
."lEEE Standard for Type Test of Class IE
Electric Cables, Field Splices, and Connections for Nuclear Power Generating Stations,".
1 l
ANSI /IEEE Std 383-1974 (ANSI N41.10-1975),
- New York, NY..
[44] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
-l "IEEE Standard for Qualification of Class IE i
Connection Assemblies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations," ANSI /IEEE Std 572-1985, New York, NY.
t 1
l 1
l I
i j
l d
47 NUREG/CR-6412 i
This Page Intentionally Left Blank t
l 1
i l
A Terminal Blocks This section describes the 2 types of tested terminal llockbestos Firewallll! XLPE multiconductor cable blocks; the experimental apparatus, techniques, and (12 AWG,3 conductor) was used for all the terminal test conditions used to perform terminal block block connections. This cable is nuclear qualified and measurements; and the results of the terminal block has been previously tested to the equivalent of 60 years 1
[10]. This cable was used to make the connections to help ensure that the testing isolated the effects of aging The terminal blocks were chosen to address issues on the connections, rather than simply failing the reinted to a previous study of terminal blocks by Craft cable. Ilowever, to provide a baseli~ne for tue effect of
[5, 6), namely the test exposures on;the cables, two of the Rockbestos cables without any connections were also included in
- 1. the terminal blocks were not aged before the the test chamk for henue arahon of de test LOCA test in the previous study, and
- 2. the terminal blocks were constantly powered in the previous study. The heat caused by this A.1.2 Test Conditions probably reduced the amount of surface moisture on the blocks during the accident test. To more closely mimic the behavior of a typical safety All environmental exposures were performed in the system, it would be useful to see what happens if same test chamber and at the same time as the other the initially unpowered terminal blocks have coimections as described in Section 2.
power suddenly applied after the accident has started.
Figure 2.5 shows a top view of the arrangement of connections in the test chamber. Two i
lloffman A-806CIINF enclosures, each containing one Marathon and one States terminal block, were A.1 Experimental Apparatus mounted inside the mandrel; the top of each enclosure and Technique was located at the centerline of the cobalt-60 sources.
As shown in Figure A.1, the Marathon terminal block was installed at the top of each of the two enclosures.
A.1.1 Tested Terminal Blocks A 0.25 inch diameter weep hole was located at the bottom of each enclosure. The cables entered and exited each enclosure through an elbow and a short As shown in Table 2.1, two types of terminal blo section of conduit located inside the test chamber.
were tested:
- Marathon 1604 NUC During the aging and accident radiation exposures, the terminal blocks were energized with 110 Vdc and no e States ZWM-25004 current; all other terminal block conductors were The two types of terminal blocks are Class 1E qualified grounded as indicated in Table A.I. During the and were supplied with a Certificate of Compliance or accident steam exposure, the terminal block Conformance that indicates the standards to which conductors were energized using the circuit shown in they have been qualified, the relevant qualification figure A.2 as follows:
documents, and the manufacturing lot and date. T"'
. The Marathon terminal block in enclosure I and j
of each type of terminal block were installed in the test the States terminal block in enclosure 2 were chamber using 6 cables (18 conductors) as indicated in energized continuously with 45-110 Vdc. The Table A.I. Of these 18 conductors,4 supplied power t actual de energization is shown in Figure A.3.
the 4 terminal blocks,4 were the return legs for the power, and the remaining 10 were connected to
- The States terminal block in enclosure 1 and the cdjacent terminal block terminals or the terminal Marathon terminal block in enclosure 2 were block ground planes to serve as possible leakage paths.
switched betwecn 110 Vac,220 Vac, and no current. This allowed the measurement of 81n addition to the figures and tables included in this section, transient terminal block leakage currents during au the raw data are available upon request frorn the author.
A. Ttrminal Blocks Table A.1: Terminal Block Conductor Numbers. red conductor white conductor black conductor cable 1 GG' 71a 72a cable 2 G7 71b's 68 cable 3 69 72b 70 red conductor white conductor. black conductor cable 4 73 78a 79a cable 5 74
.'78b 75 cable 6 76
-79b 77-
- Conductor numbers listed in bold were electrically grounded during aging, accident irradiation, and the accident steam exposure.
Conductors numbered with a "b" suffix were left as an open circuit; they are 6
the return legs of the 4 "a" suffix conductors used to energize the 4 terminal blocks.
DC Power (1A 1A 45 110 yde Supply AC~P.o._m. t tow q 1
ne vu y f, 12 A,;;;;; ;;;;;.,,,, gp 3,7,3
- g.;gg Earei ?
2A 12 A
,;;;;;;;a;;;=,g, Waemt
,ngy,=,,,,, w a Law no *=
'x y
Test Chamtzr ge- ::n n 3;
- . l j h, nj
a j.-
.Maratton 10 0 05 A 4
-iI ig 4 I [4 l*N
- i it>,4p;..
Marsheet x q a
! 'b M-10 0 05 A
-J s
. d ' i. i>Ili
,. l 1A 10 0 LIL j
U >d >il li I
!b.d a.[.Nb
_ Im_71 s
-= g 5 a t,
250 D 7ta am m o nam e a w nwa ta
'00 0
,' M.W.
. :r3Wes States -
t qi.I >;I>,II:.
jA in g j'
f1 iji 1.?
W-10 0 05 A 99 I
1A 10 0 gi-N i) I, i 15 v
a' l l I > IlIl-rm d
h-250 0 to 0 05 A 8> '
g F
N A.e g,
Sdi&1 iOMM 1
l EfiOO n 3},
- 10 0 05 A Figure A.2: Circuit used for de and ac excitation of the terminal block conductors and to measure their " continuous" 1Rs during the accident steam exposure.
A. Terminal Blocks 125 3 g i i. g i i,i i j i i i i i i i i i i,.i
- iiii; iii.;iiii iiiii;iiii;i s. r-i i
@ 100 i
i i
i I
i l
l m
75 i
x O
l C
i o
m 50 i
.f F
x W
25 Fl 5
$ ran__
I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' 'i" ' ' ' : I'''e'I' 0
O 2
4 16.
8 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs)
Time [ hrs]
Figure A.3: DC excitation for the terminal block conductors during the accident steam exposure.
- iiiiiii iiiri i;iiii;iiii;i-w s r w-200 mwn n
'O' i
m 150
-g g
> 100 N
c o
0 is 50 y
F fn e:
,,, i i i i,, 1 i,,., i l, i,, I,,, 2, '"*-
i 0
,-,, i, l i i,,-
i i, a i,,, 1,-
4 iii 1
0 2
4 6
8 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure A.4: AC excitation for the terminal block conductors during the accident steam exposure.
51 NU REG /CR-6412
A Terminal Blocks l
l i
the accident steam exposure. The actual ac energization is shown in Figure A.4.
I l
A.1.3 Electrical Measurement Techniques i
In addition to the discrete IR ineasurements described in Section 2.4.2, the continuous IRbf the terminal 1 block conductors was measured'using the circuit shown
. in Figure A.2. Continuous IR nicasurements were
- performed for all termirial bickk conductors except for the 4 conductors that energized the terminal blocks.
Note that all the discrete IR measurements were de f
j'g; g :m -:
measurements, llowever, only the continuous IR 7 y y.
measurements for the conductors from the de energized j
terminal blocks were de measurements. The continuous i @@@
H IR measurements for the conductors from the ac e' k k.Mkk energized terminal blocks were ac measurements; thus, these measurements really measure the leakage and Cbarging Current for these ConduClors, much like an aC Hoffman A4P6 panel 4 75 3 4 48 m (1713124 mm) g gg 7
E o 8 '6 A.2 Experimental Results Y
N leis 6i 'W 12s3L Measured IR values during aging and accident
. O O
O irradiation are shown in Figures A.5 and A.6 for the Q
E d
Marathon and States terminal block conductors,
respectively. For all the conductors, the IR remained essentially unchanged during the aging exposure and,, am. caw -
the ambient IR values measured at the end of aging were all higher than those measured prior to aging.
The IR values during the accident irradiation were Figure A.1: Sketch of the two terminal blecks inside an s mewhat lower than tlye values during the aging enclosure (to scale).
exposure; however, similar to the agmg results, the IR-s values were essentially constant. The ambient IR values measured at the end of the accident irradiation were all higher than those measured prior to aging.
Measured terminal block conductor IR data during the accident steam exposure are shown in Figures A.7-A.20. The IR values fell to low values due to the presence of moisture during the steam exposure.
The slow test chamber flooding that occurred through day 5 caused even larger reductions in the measured 2The very Idgh IR for the States tenninal lilock conductor 73
. at a dose of (198 kGy was considered a test anomaly.
l NUREG/CR-6412 -
A. Terminal Blocks i
i l
IR values because water could enter the terminal block enclosures through the weep hole and unsealed conduit entry and submerge the bare terminal blocks. The terminal block enclosures were also mounted lower in the test chamber than the other connections, which i
caused the terminal blocks to be submerged before the 4
other connections. The data does not show any change in the measured IR when an initially unpowered
- terminal block has power suddenly applied while in a steam environment;it had been hypothesized that this
' might cause electrical shorting because of surface moisture that might form on the cold terminal block.
Previous testing had utilized continuously powered terminal blocks and the resulting 12R heat generation.
might have reduced the amount of surface moisture -
thtt formed on the terminal blocks.
3 A post-LOCA IR measurement was performed 3 days after completion of the accident steam exposure; these dtta are tabulated in Table A.2 and are also plotted as the ambient data at approximately 245 hr in
. Figures A.7-A.20. These data show a recovery in lit
' from that of the steam exposure.
Because of the possibility that moisture still remained
'in and on the terminal block enclosures, the 111 was retested approximately 13 months later which provided sufficient time to ensure that everything had dried < ut; L these results are also shown in Table A.2. The IR of di i
the terminal block conductors had increased by severa' orders of magnitude to values near 10' O and above.
Once the dry IR test was completed, the test chamber was flooded with tap water and additional IR '
measurements were performed. As expected, the IR of the uncovered terminal block conductors fell to low levels for measurements performed after a minimum coak time of 30 min (see Table A.2). No measurements were performed on the terminal block conductors after a minimum soak time of 3 br.
Following the submerged IR tests, the connections were allowed to fully dry and then dielectric withstand -
testing was performed. An initial withstand test on -
the dry conductors was performed at 1000 Vac rms; all of the terminal block conductors had a resulting current ofless than 1 mAac as shown in Table A.2. No i
submerged dielectric withstand testing was performed on the terminal block conductors.
A. Terminal Blocks
i i
i i
i i
l l
i i
i i
e i
l l
i i
i f
i i
i 12 l
7 y
E 10 I
- b
11 10 g
g 1010 5
C 5
.i 2
9 8'
8 8
10 e
8 C
cir -
O om s
.:s 8
im 2w vu s
m 10 s-0 + Aoms 5
s o e Accd. kra$ anon j
Aging (WC)
Acc&nt Irradiaten (27'C) o e Ambent 1
_ I I
I 7
10 0
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose [kGy]
Figure A.5: IR of the 7 Marathon terminal block conductors during aging and accident irradiation.
1 i
i s
i i
i i
a l
l 1
1 I
1 I
i t
i i
l l
l l
n a 10 r
e 5
.E E
11 10 r
E 2
CO 10 sl 10 2
9 I
e 5
10 C
k 3
8 C
'S B'
8 ~
8 s w zw vdc as s
.m 10 r
o + Aging 5
s (4
o e Accd. Irradiaton
Aging (wC)
Accdent kradeton (27"C)
O. Ambet
_ I I
l l
I 7
10 0
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Dose [kGy]
Figure A.6: IR of the 7 States terminal block conductors during aging and accident irradiation.
A. Terminal Blocks
- g iiiiiiiigiiiig.ii;iiiiii i i i _; i i i i, [
.. i i; ; ii,,;iii
- e 10 g
o s.., iw yde @, on 3
- Sa= < *--
O arrbent.100 Vdc @ 1 mn
- P 1010
-i g
l o
aam=us de E
5 i
E l
8 i
i 1
h 10 5
E 4
7 i
.g 10 p j
t 6
10* b
d >:
- l
f N.yd 5
H" 10 4
8 10 r o
5 5
i 3
i 10 r
5 2
I 10 r
10 l'
O 2
8 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure A.7: IR of conductor 66 during the accident steam exposure (Marathon de ground plane, enclosure 1).
i._ l iiii;iii
i i i i i.
11 10 r
W Surn Emme o
swam,100 Vdc @ 1 mn 1
3 j
O ambient,100 Vdc @ 1 mn E
...... cenonuous ac i
g 5
g TBS 47, 5
9, 10' r
'h 108 q
7 3
fuse 67 l fuse 67 5
.m 10 r
- P'ac'd e
s 1
4 5
a-10s r
!s\\O 5
7 m
S'------'~i l
-E c
- N '
3Tr-I -i e
S 10 y
o g
g h
4 0
8 10 o
5 i
i 3
10 r
3 E
4 2
10 r
i i
k i
10 0
2 4
6 8
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure A.8: IR of conductor 67 during the accident steam exposure (States ac ground plane, enclosure 1).
55 N U REG /CR-6412
e A. Termind Blocks
-. i i i i i i i i i i i i i^'i i i i i i i i i i i 3iiiiii,i,,iii iiiiii;iiii ie 4
i 11 10 r
o siaam. $00 voc @ i =a
i o
anent.100 Vdc @ 1 mn i
i 10 ~r s
10 Tes* <
3, i
-E 10' _r
~1 t
-h h
10 8 r i
2 a
r I
i l'
~1 7
.E 10 m
- b k L.
(E 10
~ -- J'J1
'i 8
- d -- -- -- l---- L--
c l
0 W ' l 'i o
3 6'- --
5 l
'ie !'o o
!O O
S 10 r i
o oo g
~r j
l f
-m o
4 c
5 i
~ ~ $' -- !
-i r
i I
e t'
ei o
to I'''''''''I''I'I'
' ' ' ' '"I ' ' ' ' " ' ' '
0 2
- 6 8
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]-.
Time [ hrs]
Figure A.9: IR of conductor 68 during the accident steam exposure (States ac adjacent terminal, enclosure 1).
- iiiijiiii;;iiii.;iii i t giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji yiii 11 Amm Seam Eenere o
swam,100 Vdc @ 1 mn 3
10 r
i o
ambent.100 Vdc @ 1 mn i
"""*"*d' u
10 r
i taua 3
i 9
-E 10 r
i i
i E
g 10e r i
q c$
5 E
i i
.50 10 r
5 e
a m
8 u
10 r (
q {-v o
e p
ojo M
5 10 o
y o
g 4
o' R
10 r
1 1
c 3 ~r
-5 10
10 r
4 eE, I
I 2
o i
I ' ' ' '"I I'I
I '~
10 0
2 4
6 8
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 i
i Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure A.10: IR of conductor 69 during the accident steam exposure (Marathon de adjacent terminal, enclosure 1).
NUREG/CR-6412 50 1
-. -. ~. _... -,
f A. Terminal Blocks 10" 74 ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' l ' ' j ' ' l ' ' ' ' l ' ',' ' i ' 6
- l ' ' ' ' i l ' ' ' ' ! I ' ' ' 't i It Aum SumE wm I
r o
swam,100 Vdc @ 1 mn 1
J o
ambent.100 Vdc @ 1 mn j
5 10 aa6a=u' dc 10 r
n l
i l
- al E
-.E 10' g-i
s 5
i 1
E 8
8 10 r
' i e5 I
.g 10 r 6
' ']
e h
- "i l
0 3
o gygg Qr q
R 10s
,o o
o l'
4 10 r o'
i 3
10 r E
E 4
i t
10 r f*
i E
7 2
I' O
2 4
6 8.
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 g
Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
4 Figure A.ll: IR of conductor 70 during the accident steam exposure (Marathon de adjacent terminal, enclosure 1).
gii i 8
siigiiiigiisagiiiijs j'I
' ' ' 'il ' ' ' 'il ' ' ' 'j I ' ' '
I 11
10 Accaws sum Eposves o
o steam 100 Vdc @ 1 mn
o amb.ent 100 Vdc @ 1 mn 10 10 r
no conhnuous data, ac energirahon E
tEsTo 8
E 10 r
a e
8 o
10 r
C i
5 0
.m 10y r m
1 E
m 8
m 10 r
p e
o o
oo 1
.,o 10s o
0 0
0 d
r 1
o 5
a 10" r C
E 3
10 r b
2 0
E 10 r o 0
-0 e
8 liii'1''lII'''$
lii,iliiiiliti iliiiiliiiili 10 0
2 4
6 8
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 i
Time [ hrs)
Time [ hrs)
Figure A.12: JIt of couductor 71 during the accident ster.<a exposure (States ac energization, enc;osure 1).
57 NUREG/ Cit-6412
k A. Terminal Blocks 1
i I
,g i i i s igiiii, i i i i, ; e
- e i i i i i i 11 Au M SumEenn l
10 g
o o
searn,1M Voc @ 1 mn 1
i o
ant nt, im voc e i mn 1
1 I
10 r
i Twni
l E 10' 7
- r 8
1 10 e
i s
b 3
i o
7 n
10 r
- 8
't I
8 E
o o
s 4
- r I
- o0 i
!o 0
0 7 jg 105 o,-
E l
t io 5
i I
l 4
i o
u S
10 r
E 5
E 3
10 r 7
1 i
2 ~r f0 j
E i
I ' ' ' ' I ' ' '
I' 10 0
2 4
~6 81 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time (hrs]l Time [ hrs]
L Figure A.13: IR of conductor 72 during the accident steain exposure (Marathon de energization, enclosure 1).
l iiiiii it i i i >
i i i i i
ie ii iiii>l r; i i i i i i i i i i i i,i i ; i i i i i i i i i i i g
o swam ta voc @ $ aa 1
10 5
i o
erntaent.12 Voc @ 1 mn 10 l.
1 c*"$""ou$ oc l
10 rb i
o SS'" !
8 1
E. 10 r E
i g
8 10 r c
.m f' 4 7 ~r 5
5 10 i
.e m
8 m
_r I
h j
oN g
5 o
10 u
'o 5
- r Oo 4
7 S
10 o
o o
3 10 r
E1 2
1 E
10 r
i 4
o 5
0 8oo
~ I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' l' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I '1 ' ' ' '" I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' I I ' ' ' ' I ' ' '
5 I '~
-10 0
2 4
6 8
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time (hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure A.14: IR of conductor 73 during the accident steam exposure (States de ground plane, enclosure 2).
F A. Terrninal Blocks i
N 1
- liiislusisisississiigsi.ijs giiie i i i g i i i s j g i i i s.!l l -.
j i
10 ' r o
..m im voc e i mn 1
1 3
o arnbent 100 Vdc @ 1 rnin i
jg10 j
.. continuous ac 5
i i
* " l
-E 10' p o
i j
g i
8 10 r j
c 3
i g - 10 r j
""""u " *'
i E
to' 5
m :. I bi O - b i
, r
l o
i o-- r
,8 10s
g,i. - ;o-o-i o
r o
m i
- o
- i 3
104 ~t l'
o r
c 5
o 5
l ip i
10 r iv 1
i g'
i 1
1 l ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' #' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '1 ' ' ' ' i' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' E 2
10 r
I 10 O
2 4
'8 10 0 50 100 150 200' 250 Time [his]?
Time [ hrs]
Figure A.15: IR of conductor 74 during th'c accident steam exposure (Marathon ac ground plane, enclosure 2).
- e
- iiiiiiiii[iii,l isiii sig.
i*l i i e i,i e,i.i i i i 11 10 r
i o
==arn.100 voc e i mn 1
j O
O arntment.100 Vdc @ 1 mn 5
18 10 r
7 m
TB475 I
f 9'
-E 10 r 1
h 108 r e
7 h
.E 10 i
s o 7 us 2
$d 10 y-5 8y'/
o' 1
- 'Y 4-y,---- L-- i
{q! !
g f
9 5
10 r1
4o o o
- o w'13
'o o
.o o
o 1 o
P a
- r 4
5l '10 1
3 10 r l
u 5
i i
I 1
2 I
10 r 10''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
0 2
4 6
8 10 0 50.
-100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
1 l
Figure A.16: IR of conductor 75 during the accident steam exposure (Marathon ac adjacent terminal, enclosure 2).
59 N U R EG/CR-6412
A. Terminal Blocks iiiijii..gI l t I i giiI gii1 i g^i i i I l1 giiI gi8 gl 8
.I I
iii3 g
I i i i 10 '
1 o
saam. Im voc @ 1 mn
r O
a6nt.100 Vdc @ 1 mn E
5 O
10 7
10 r
TBS-76 5
5 8
i 5 10 r 5
l E
g 8
10 r
y j
c j
3 i
.g r
jM 7
e 8
i l
l 7
E 10 r
l f
S p' l
j cp 0
o o
c 5
3 10 l
m o
oo I[~
s 5
'5 jo4 I
r JV :o 5
E 5
i 10 'r i
I i
f0 2
0 10 r
o I'I
I' I'II'I'!'
10 O
2 4
.6 8-10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure A.17: IR of conductor 76 during the accident steam exposure (States de adjacent terminal, enclosure 2).
. ;iiii; l iiiiiiiii
- i i.
- . i i.,i i i i i,j i i i i l it iii 11
^"*m Suni Eemm 10 r
o swam,100 Vdc @ 1 mn R
O amtnant.100 Vdc @ 1 mn i
3 j
1010 continuous oc 6
o tas n E
- r 8
9 10 y
a '10:E uV I
- ]
g I
7 r
i i'
.m e
p% 5 106 b
-[p e
0 0
Do j
3 10 r,
/[0 5
0 5
5 i
o ou 5
10 r o
'o 7
0 3
10 r
E i
2 o
yo 10 r
o c
I'I'I'I'I' I ' ' ' '.I
' ' ' ' l ' ' '. I ' ' ' ' I ' ' '
10 O
2 4
6 8
10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs]
Figure A.18: IR of conductor 77 during the accident steam exposure (States dc adjacent terminal, enclosure 2).
A. Terminal Blocks 4
- li,
.ji..ijiiiijiiiiiiiiiji l iiiil i,l
.i,l i;j i..
. i i i.i 10" r o
swam. ioo voc @ i nn 1
2 O
ambeent,100 Vdc @ 1 mn E
4 o
u r
E j
i l
'8"'* l
-E 10' r i
1 i
l l
f O
E j
l 5
8 j
10 r
E 7
.!e 10 0
-l 1
m 6
e i
E 10 r
I l
n 5
0 o
oo o 5 c
.S ' 105
% o' 0
- 10 0
!0 5
0 r
5 5
o o
o 4
- b'.
.l l
3 10 r c
5 j
E 10 r
'l 2
i 1
10 r f
i I
i I'I'''''''''I'I' I
I' 10 0
2 4
'6 8-10 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs)
Figure A.19: IR of conductor 78 during the accident steam exposure (Marathon ac energization, enclosure 2).
xiiiiiiiiiiiiii l..
l i.;
i i,i i i i
- e
.. i i i.
i i 10" r o
steam. too voc @ i mn 1
E 4
o ambent.100 Vdc @ 1 mn 3
10 o
no continuous data, oc energizabon jQ g
TBS-79 j
E 10' {r 1
8 8
10 r
7 c
.E 10 r j
7 8
_5 1
n m
10 r
j n
c-5 0
0 00 5
i o
3 10 r
,o i
7 m
o 4
o io o
- 5 10 r
a E
C i
o 3
10 r
o 7
s 0
o g
g q
2 10 7
go o I'I'I''''I'
I ' ' ' '"I
' ' ' ' I ' ' ' I I ' ' ' ' I ' ' '
I' 10 O
2 4
6 8
10 0 50 100 150 200 250
l Time [ hrs]
Time [ hrs)
Figure A.20: IR of conductor 79 during the accident stearu exposure (States de energization, enclosure 2).
l 61 NUREG/CR-6412
_.. -. _. ~. _
J A. Terminal Blocks
't a
s 3
4 1
Table A.2: Pc,st-LOCA, Terminal Block Test Results.
100 Vdc lit at 1 min Dielectric Withstand (1-min hold period)
LOCA LOCA + 13 months s LOCA~+ 23 months
+ 3 days Submerged Dry :
2 hr Submergence Dry
- Dry - : 30 min : 3 hr Voltage :.. Current Voltage - Current Con <iuctor'
[kVac] - [mAac)
[mAac] '
,, Marathon terminal block, de excitation during accident steam exposure 66 5.5e05. 5.0e09 ' 1.le02 1.0 0.4 69 5.9e06 'O.8e09 3.6e02 1.0 0.4 70 2.3e06 7.9e09 3.6e02 1.0 0.4 72 2.le07 6.5e09 5.2e02 1.0 0.4
-, States terminal block, ac excitation during accident steam exposure 67 7.7e04 6.3e09 6.6e01 1.0 0.4
.1.0 0.4
'68 1.le07 1.le10 - 3.2e02 ' -
71 2.3e07 -
1.5e10 2.7e02 1.0 0.7
-, States terminal block, de excitation during accident steam exposure 1.0 0.5 73 6.2e04 1.5e09 5.2e01
'76-8.6e04 4.5e09 '1.9e02-1.0 0.4 77 4.9e05 4.3e09. 1.5e02 1.0 0.4 -
79 1.2e05 1.4e10 1.3e04 1.0 0.5
,, Marathon terminal block, ac excitation during accideonteam exposure 1.0 0.5 '
74 3.4e05 7.6e08 6.4e01 75 6.6e06 -
9.6e08 3.9e02 1.0 0.5 78 3.9e05 - 1.5e09 3.5e02 1.0 0.9
- See Table A.I.
i l
. 40.
i i
i j
B Time Domain Reflectometry Results This section presents the experimental time domain For most of the figures, a vertical scale of 25,50, or reflectometry (TDR) data acquired for the 10 100 mp/ division was used. A value of 25,50, or i
1 j
different types of non-terminal block connections and 100 mp (-25,-50, or -100 mp) corresmnds to an the 2 types of cables that were tested.
impedance increase (decrease) of 5.1,10.5, and 22.2%
(4.9,9.5, and 18.2%), respectively.
TDR measurements were performed before and after the accident steam exposure with identical test pirameters The connections were located at a distance of approximately 9.14 m (30 ft) down the c ble.
The figures in this section are plots of reflection coefficient, p, versus distance down the cable, where:
p _ Vreset.a _ 2r - 2 (B.1)
Vnciaent 2t + Zo' i
which can be rewritten as, 1+p Zt = Zo (B.2) 1 - p, where e p = reflection coetlicient, l
. Zo =' characteristic impedance of cable (transmission line),
e Z = load impedance, t
The reflection coefficient is the ratio of the voltage epplied to the cable divided by the voltage reflected I
btck from the cable or circuit due to cable faults or changes in impedance. If there is an open circuit (Z = co) in the cable, nearly all the energy will be i
t reflected back when a pulse is sent down the cable.
The reflected voltage will equal the incident pulse voltage and p will be +1. If there is a short circuit (Z = 0) in the cable, nearly all the energy will be t
delivered back to the instrument through a ground or j
return conductor instead of being sent on to the load.
The polarity of the reflected pulse will be the opposite of the incident pulse and p will be -1. If there is no 1
mismatch between the cable and the load (Zt = Zo),
almost no energy will be reflected back and p will be 0.
In general, a load or fault with higher impedance tha i
the cable will return a p measurement of 0 to +1, and c
l a load or fault with a lower impedance will return a p measurement of 0 to -1
'In addition to the figures included in this section, all abe raw d2ta are available upon request from the nuthor, 63 NUltEG/ Cit-0412
I B.. Tirne Domtin Reflectometry Results 1
.j d
l''l'l'l818l'l41'l'lS 3 j.
cain - so mp/div '
Gain - soo rnp/du _j
-l E
- 5-0 1 :-
-2 E-
-E sii 3 l-
- 49. -
pre-steam i
3 Ee
- post-steam cain - so mp/div Gain - 500 mp/div.:
c 2 E-
% -- - -s' 1 l-0 E-
E 1 l-l
-2 E-s25
-3 l so
- ,,,,lii,il
. t i,, i l.,, l... l.. l.,,,1.,,,1... I,,,,1.
i i l i o ;
i O
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 -80 90 0
1020 30 40 50 60 70.80 90 Distance [ft]
Distance [ft]
. Figure B.1: TDR of the Amphenol coaxial connector conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
.' NUREG/CR-6412.
l e-(,
B. Time Domain Reflectometry Results
i l
l f
f i
l 4
ji aiii,iii...i.i,,i. i,i,i.
- ii,..i....g...g
. p...;i..i.,,,g...g..,,i,,,q,..,i...i.,,,i, 3 r:
.j a
t 2 r 9: 1
- j 0 5-
3 1
l l-2 E r
l 33 l-21 23 5 l
1 1
pre-steam fl l."
i 3
post-steam f;
-E Gain - 50 mrho/div 2 F 4
- j.
$1 F
F o
t g5 0 l
'5 E
61 2-l 3
-2 l
-3 E-22 24 -5
,,,, l.,,,1... I,.. I,... I,,,,1,. l i.. l i.. I, r
-i 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Distance [ft)
Distance [ft]
1 l-1 I
t 1
l 1
L 4
t b
t Figure B.2: TDR of the Conax ECSA conduit seal conductors before and after the accident neam exposure.
i i
i 05 N UREG/CR-6412 1
,a B. Time Domrin Reflectometry Results 3
, isis lsisigisisgii g
siigisiigiiingiiisliissliisi,siigiiiigisieg,is.lqiiegeisilisiigisis,gais>lisie, 3 EE
$1 ;:
c S
0 1 E.-
i 2 E-
-3 !~
62 64 j
- pre-steam
- st.sieam 3 E.
Gair,. - i holdsv
_5 2 E-lG
.1 E-5 JEO E-i
-5 5 -1 2-
-5 j
2 ~-
-3 :g-e5 :
- ,,,il l..
I;i ;I;;;,1...liii,lii,iliii
O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Distance [ft]
Distance [ft}
I i
1 I
i i
Figure B.3: TDR of the Rockbestos coaxial cable conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
NUREG/CR-6412 60 l
.. _ ~.. _ -. _ _. _. _
o-B. Time Domain Reflectometry Results -
o I
f f
.. ;,,..ji...g... j,.... i j... g.... ;. g
.3 !-
2 r
1 r_
e 4
3 0 r
_5 1 5
-E 2 :-
3 :-
04 :
oi I
-i 3 E-2 f i_
$I I i.
o 3 0 E
5 E
-E 51 r
_E l
2 E_
.f os-5 3 p 02 E
I pre-steam
- I E
3 E-post-steam Gain = 25 mrholdiv l
2 4
10 1 :r 4
-m 0 E_-
1 r 7
-2 ?_
.. '... ?.
-l oei 3 p o3
,,,, I,,,, I,, i,1,,, i l, i 'i l,1,',' l i i, i i,, i i.,,, I -
0 5
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0
5 10 :15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Distance [ft)
Distance [ft)
Figure B.4: TDR of the EGS conduit seal conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
-...- ~
. _ - -. ~.. - - -
e e.
a B.- Time Domain Reflectometry Results 1
l l
l 1
ii...i....iii.i..e i
3 5-h
-5 4 2
l E1 j-i
.m O _
.h E
O -1 :
... - ^.-
-j l
-2 j-r
-3 E-
-E 53 :
3 E-
-E l-E1 l-
.9 m 0 5
-1 7
-3 j-
,l g
E l pre-steam 3
, post-steam E
G in = 25 mtholdiv i
t 2
E1 l
.e 0 : ;
r E
.2 E
O 1 7
i 3
-3 l-i :.
.f ssi
- iiiiliiiilii ifiiinlicIslisiil1.i i l, i n i l i n i i l i e n
O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80.'90 Distance [ft]
s I
Figure B.5: TDR of the EGS Grayboot connector conductors before and after the acciJent steam exposure.
68 Y
y D. Time Domain Reflectometry Results j y i r i g s i s i g > >.. ; i i i g i. i ; i i i s g... i g... ;.. i g i
. g i q
. g., i i ; i i., y... ; s i. i g,,, g;i.'.. g, i i, g i, i. ; i g 3
g :-
4 1
-E 0
-1 :
-2 5-3 7 15 1s :
f 3
2 E-e-1 :-
-1 E-
l 2 5-
-3 7 3e ig7 5
Pf9-SIOam l
5 3 E-
- - post steam i
Gain = 25 mrholdiv 2 2-E 1 5-i
.9 0 :
s 1 5-E-
-3 17 20 E i, i i I i i, i I. i I, i i i 13 i i i I i i, it i i. I i i i i I,,, I i i
,,, I i i, i l. I i i i i I L i i l i i i ii i i i i l i i i i I i i i I i ;
i 0-5-
10 15 120 25 30 35 40 45 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Distance [ft),
Distance [ft)
. Figure B.6: TDR of the EGS quick disconnect connector conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
69 NUREG/CR-6412 m
e B. Time Domain Reflectometry Results
.e 4IE BE45 II55 5554 IIEI IIII I I 1,5 345g g gI4 3sI y EU g3y3 g3g3 qgBI 3351 8543
.IJE 3533 5g64 II j
3 5--
l l
" 1 E-l 0
-2 E-:
. Se 5
- 'J 3 E 2 ::-
E m
1 k
d; i
.,_O 1 E-l N*
2 5. '. ;
5 5
60 :
E E I pre-steam
.... post-steam 3 E.
Gain = 25 mtholdiv 2
-E LO 1 E
-o e O E
-5 s
5 -1 E-:
2 E-61 :
3 58
- ,,,,1....t....l.
. I in1,,,,I,..
1,,,,i n:
0 10 20 30 40 50 '60 70 80 90 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Distance [ft}
Distance [ft]
3 j
l i
l Figure B.7: TDR of the Rockbestos Firewall 111 cable conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
1 i
B. Time Domain Reflectometry Results i
l 3..,g..ig,i,ig,,,,;..,;...,..3....;,,,,;,,,75.;..;,,,,y...j,,,,;,,,,;,.;,j,,,,j,...,..g 3
l 2
2 E
$ 15
--5 s
i s.
.2 -
-O 1 E-;
0 T.
-2 E
-3 43
46 :
I 3 5 I
-5 2 E 4
E1 b-
4 g
3 5
'O ' 1 j
-2 5 1 /*.
-5 3 l 44 47j j
E l pre-steam E
3 E :
.... post-steam
-E Gain - 25 mrholdiv 2 E-
@ 1 E ;
-E 9
.e 0 :- +.
5 51 E-;
-2 E
3 l
'.,1 1
45 -
iiiilisiilinuli iiiiiiiliiiilli.3liiiiiii
- lii, i i t f i i i iTr, i l i, i i l i i i t i i i i l i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i:
j 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Distance {ft)
Distance [ft)
Figure B.8: TDR of the Litten-VEAM connector conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
. _ _, - -. - ~.
. _ ~..
e B.1 Time Domain Reflectometry Results ei, i
- ...ig;i..j
...,... i
...g....;i..;.. i.
- ....g.
.. i i i... i... ;,,,, i.._
3 P.
j 2 E-
-E 1 E-l
-E l
. 0
_E 2
- 3 11 _:
1 3
r 4
2 r
-E 1 P 5
O b k_
-1 b
-2 ;-
7 3
08 12 :
'I E
'.f 3
2 :r z_-
I 5
-lG 1 b
- i.
0 O 1
.z r
-E I
2 E_-
- 3 ::
13 :
09 q
-.. post-stoam -
3 E-Gain = 25 nyho/div 5
2 h
" 1 E-
.'5. 0.
-2 E-
- 3 14 :
to b... 'i l i. /l i i, l i, i i l i ; i l i... t i i, l.,, i l... l i.
, i, i !1ml i l i i. l i i 1... d i... f l.. l i i i n i.. i l i -
0 5
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0
5 10 '15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Distance [ft)
Distance [ft) i Figure B.9: TDR of the NAMCO EC210 connector conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
.m 4
i e
t B. Time Domain Reflectometry Results l.
l i
l l
l g
singisingviiig. igsiisjiisiy;isiigsiingsisigiis j
i.g....liiiigsiisy.. gsiis ps i. g s i s i g s ii i g i g i
i i
3 E-1
r 2
1 1
4 L
. _ 0 j i
i O -1 E
-E E
.E 2
-3 37 40 :
z 3 E i
-2 ::-
1 E-l 0
-1 t
7 f
2 E '../ "...-
-E 3
4 3,-
1 i
.i 3 E
. post-steam l
Gain - 25 nyholdiv
2 E-
-E i
M y' 1 l
.g ' O E
~5 51 E.}
.g 5.,. *
-3 E-39 42 E l
- i,,il,,,ili,,,Ii,,if
,,,ili,iiI,i.,itii,,I,i,iIaf,,Iiiii1,iiiti,iiliir-J h
0-10 20 30 40 50 60 70.80 90 0'
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80~ 90 t
Distance [ft)
_ Distance [ft) i i
8 1
i 1
7 Figure B.10: TDR of the Okonite tape splice conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
73 N UREG/CR-6412
.i 4
B. Time Domain Reflectometry Results 1
'I j
i j
iIigiiIigisiigiiaig IsalIiii iI,1sgiaiigisislgii l
giasIgsiaigiiiigii igiaiil i,i{vlssiigiyaegii _
'3E-4 2 E-1 E-
-E j
1 0 E-
-E s...
1 E-l
-E E
-2 E-
-3 :E-33 u5 1
3 E-2 E
i N' I !'
f o
~d I' 0 !-
f 7
-2 E-7 35~-
-3 E-
32 E 1 pre-steam
7 3
...... post-steam Gain = 25 mrholdiv
.E 2 E-
-i 9 1 E.
3 s0 E-e
$.3 ::.
2 4
-3 E-33 E iiiil i
- I.'i iliriiliiu iliii n i i i i i i i i l i r i l i i i i l i r i i l ili e l i s i i l i i i l i i i i l > i e' O
10 20 '30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ~ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Distance [ft}
Distance [ft]
' Figure B.ll: TDR of the Raychem heat shrink splice conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.-
e *.
qu e,
B. Time Domain Reflectometry Results gi.,..i.iii.;..g....i....;....g...;.,,,g.,ii...g...j........,,,.3....g....,...,;....;,5 j
.s 3 l" 2 :-
- =
- y w.
. '; t.
0 :~~
.-1 h-p
-2 7 4
25 28 :
2 3 E-2
'5 1'
j E1 {
.g n =
O 1
-2 ::
-3 29 :
26 E
E pre-steam 3 E- )
post-steam Gain.100 mrho/div J
s 2
'E 1 E-E
.o E
.=. 0 :-
-E 6' 1 E-
... ' ' e_
-2 :-
I m
,,,,1,,,, I, ',, i l.
1,,,,1, ; n.i... i,1,... l.,,,1.,
,,,,1,,,, I,,,, i... i.,,,1, c,, l i..,1.,,, r,,, i, r O
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Distance [ft)
. Distance [ft]
1 1
. Figure B.12: TDR of the Rosemount 353C conduit seal conductors before and after the accident steam exposure.
l e'
a-g l
1 I
l 1
l 1
l l
I Tliis Page Intentionally Left Blank l
l 4
4 i
l NUREG/CR-6412 76 I