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Performance Indicators for Operating Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors,Data Through Sept 1996, Parts I & II
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Issue date: 09/30/1996
Shared Package
ML20133P042 List:
NUDOCS 9701240078
Download: ML20133P067 (490)



    ;;g22ggg7e g 22                                      [         \s, U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION             ,




J This report presents the eight NRC Performance Indicators (PIs) for the third calendar quarter of 1996. These eight !. indicators are: (1) automatic scrams while critical, (2) safety system actuations, (3) significant events, (4) safety system l failures, (5) forced outage rate, (6) equipment forced outages per 1000 commercial critical hours, (7) collective radiation l exposure, and (8) cause codes. Data are included for calendar quarters 934 through 96-3 for 110 operating commercial U.S. nuclear power plants. Figures 1 and 2 display annual and quarterly industry averages for all Pls except cause codes, I for which an average trend is not computed. Figures 3 through 23 display quarterly peer group averages. Because of j reporting techniques, collective radiation exposure data lag other PI data by one quarter. Figure 1. Annual Industry Performance indicator Averages Automatic Scrams While Critical Safety System Actuations 8 , 1 .5 i I 6- ,,, j 3- n j I T 4-e 50 k '"' l s oo y 2- l l 0 i

               '1985i          61 9871      4981       5991I        '1993'    499J                   $985i       31987'       31981           i1991 i   i1933'  5 90) l                                                 Year                                                                                 Year i

4 1 Significant Events Safety System Failures

  • t, W

3-sa h6-u. E~ 0' ] s ee

                                                                                                                                       '" W               m l1-                                                                                         2-                                             E o            =

G o / i 1985i 819873 i198p 5 991 i H 993' $995: 5 965' 31987i '198p 59913 5 993' $99) l Year Year 1 J Equipment Forced Outagest Forced Outage Rate (%) 1000 Commercial Critical Hours 7 g e z j ]15- , . 1.5 - E is o 10 5 11 i g 'o- [  ; 9 .~ .. . y 'o-i

      ]o~ i985i    h           '1987i
                                        ~bk  '198p     '1991'
                                                                  !    !i 4993i l i l

1995 flo;o~i985 g i1987 i i

                                                                                                                                 $TE1!hHsili 1989           31991 i
                                                                                                                                                         '1993i '199)

Year Year i 4 j Collective Radiation Exposure I

E y 8oo- wm industry Average Number i b of Evem er Mu 4 2, 6,o - I" 501

[g0gnd cc.M tmproved Class 4Rcaton g doo. - , Procedures

   }'~           i 985i         i1987 6 g

598p Nff@$ 59913 '1993~ 4995i

.                                                 Yar 4


s F 7jj - u

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  • j o, gi 5

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                                                                 -    $             3                                   ocNt                               $ 0% k j           r
                                                                                 $9 g 0                                     1     1                                 0 0 0 A


                                                                                ,   8 g                      0          0 5                                 4 6 8         e r
                                                                             ~ _ -                                      .      -                                . - -


                                                           '                                            '.                                       i g

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                                                                     ,o                  0E 9'
                                                                     ,                   0q 9                              S         9 f b                  S a

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                                                                                                               ,                   f e         3 5                  t y

Y i I i n n n Y' e y t Y' d u t s of st d u e a r9 mn et e r u S y e a s S y s y vE yr h r r . A e A 5 1

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                                                                                                                -                  s t

rW 1 5 t e v n v ar l e st er Q' l c Q3 e Q' b m r u 3,t u m u a g r g o a a 8 Ce a a 5 A e R e p i d r r t9 _ F r t c Tr at N nM e

                                                                    ,.a t

iO c u e5 r3 a i e% r 3 t u r3' e e ut l u a n s n at o l a r E t d b e _r 7 Hg

                                                                                                                 .                 e                  5                  oi r

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                                                       %                                ut          M                   s iW 1'

r s 1 e i) M

                                                                                                                                             %t 3                                            3i                                       3!s I
   ! I   I I                               ,~     I                            ,                                                       ~

1 l ' , 11

Figure 3. Peer group avIrags numbIr cf automatic scrams whila critical during Op: rations and Stirtup (Norm llz:d fortha number of drys in Optrations and St rtup) Legend: Industry Avg. Trend . . . . . PWR Avg. Trond _ BWR Avg. Trend

1. General Electric Pre-TMI 2. General Electric Post-TMI 2.0 2.0 2

1.5 - i 1.5 - A T 1.0 - T 1.0 - o 7e og ou ou dMMC

                  ~                                                                                              ~

ou o so o so . _ A)8 , , , z ou au . . $ 0.0 - N.  %$ %1' 0.0

                                                                                                                                                            !'                 S I
                               '94-1'       '94 7       %13                                 96-7                      8 94-ti      94-3i     %1i      %3'           Wil          %3   3 Year - Quarter                                                                           Year - Quarter
3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop t

ii .5 - 1.5 - i d 31.0- ,,, 11.0-hj z o5- o ss o,, ini z e5- r.m uma m . , , 0.0 O.0 bN NEN i 3 94-13 44 3' '95 1' '95 3 %1' 'E3' i %1' M3' 95-1 3 95-3; M1' $6-3 I Year - Quarter Year - Qur.rter

5. Westinghouse Okier 4-Loop 8.Westinghours New 3 and 4-Loop
                                                                                                       'e 1.5 -                                                                                      l 1.5 -

b T 1.0 - ,, ,, 11.0-

                                       .s                           sn                      o ss 05-                                        ou                             * ** U              05-0.0    i O.0 894-1'      iS4-f        951 i      %)           i 96 1'     %f                      I 94 1'     $4-7      %1'       %3       3 96-1'         %3' Year- Quarter                                                                             Year - Quarter
7. Combustion Engineering w/o CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC E

1.5 - i t .5 - us b T 1.0 - c, E 1.0 - 0 8"

                                                                                                               ~                                          o ee z                       A E E oso U                       siJI          o re                  z                         M en                 12i E LM,                     1 20 i                 !

0.0 i 0.0

                              '94-1i      1 94 7       %1'        %7            %1'         'Ef                     I 94-1'     $4-7      '95-13    95-3'        '96-1 i
                                                                                                                                                                                    %I Year - Quarter                                                                            Year - Quarter
9. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type 2.0 2.0 1.5 - 1.5 -


         % 1.0 -                                                                                       11.0-
              'I ~                                                                                        o3 -

e u e n in e so os er gu g z s_ r r_ r_ r_ y_ p_ p _ 0.0 i

                         * **                    E                               '#^   SE                 0.0
                                                      %1i 94-1'       44-7                   %)            %1'         %3    I                 i       941'      '94-3     Wii       95-1         96-1'         %3' Year - Quarter                                                                            Year - Quarter f

I lii

Figure 4. P;;:r group averaga numb r of safety system actu:tions during Op; rations and Startup (Normalized for the numbir of days in Operations and Startup) Industry Avg. Trend ..... PWR Avg. Trend _ ._ BWR Avg. Trend

1. General Electric Pre-TMI 2. General Electric Post-TMI 1.0 1.0 e

0.8 - .6 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.6 - O.4 - 0 .4 - 02s

                                                                             ,3 z

o2-E o ,, o ,2 _ p.:1, _ gg; g ,, j o.2 - , , , n, _ p; , ,, ,,, NUME 00 ' EN

                  '94-1'         '94-7        %1' MM
                                                         %3      i iE1'
                                                                                  %7 0.0     '


                                                                                                              '94 1-
                                                                                                                         . E E k D'M
                                                                                                                         $4-3'    E1'
                                                                                                                                            %3'         %1'
                                                                                                                                                                 %3' Year - Quarter                                                                         Year - Quarter                               '
3. Westinghouse small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop
 . 0.6 -                                                                                      0.8 -
 $ 0.6 -                          o 47
                                                                                           $0.6-0 .4 -                                                                   , 33             0.4 -
 $                                                         0 29 j o.2 -           g              L                   gg   g                               ,0.2- ou                                          m M

00 N M ^ v"2 0.0 bd

                                                                     %1i i                                                '


                  $4-1           $4-7         i95 1       %3'                     %3'                         94-1'      $4 3'    %1'       %7          %1'      %3 Year - Quarter                                                                         Year - Quarter
5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop M g e
 .9 0.8 -                                                                                  .6 0.8 -

1 i g 0.6 - ( 0.6 - o e 42 o 0.4 - 0.4 - j 0.2 - $ '[ggg p j o.2 - , , , g , ,, p3gg 0.0 $? . . %1' . .

                                                                       =a GA                  0.0      I'NNWA                      5               MM5 3
                  '94-1'         943'                    %7 . %1                  %3'.               '

94-1' $4 3' 51' %3 i

                                                                                                                                                        %1'      %3    i i

Year - Quarter Year - Quarter i

7. Combustion Engineering w/o CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC 1.0 1.0 ,

e ~ e

 .6 0.8 -             ~
                                                                                           .6 0.8 -


 $0.6-                                                                                     J 0.6 -

o o m 0.4 - .- o se y 0.4 - o ss ' L  ? is o ta h 8- I. Mm

                   ! 'S d bd i}e$
                                                                      $                    $*-                                           lihm M*d
  • 0.0 '

0.0 '

                  '94-1'         $4-3         %1-        %3     i
                                                                     %1    i
                                                                                  %3                          94-1'      $4-3;    %1i       %3'         %6-11    46-3 Year - Quarter                                                                         Year - Quarter                                   i
9. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type 1.0 1.0
 . 0.8 -                                                                                   . 0.8 -

0.6 - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.4 - 50.2- o ie M m,, e , ,e e ,, M f"* ,,e 0.2 - 2 W Z  ; . r. 7. 7 r.  :~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ -. tss ksi kd bM 0.0 tu  ! o.o Q i 94 1 1

                                 $4 3-        wi'          %3-       wi'          %7                  i 941'       $4 3'    %1'       %3          i 96-11  %3     i Year - Quarter                                                                         Year - Quarter I

i i Figure 5. PIsr group average number of safety system actuations during Shutdowns (N:rmilizId for the numbIr of days in Shutdown) l Legend: Industry Avg. Trend ..... PWR Avg. Trend _ BWR Avg. Trend

1. General Electric Pro.TMI 2. General Electric Post.TMI 2.0 2.0 l
   ' 1.5 -                                                                             fg .5 -

1 1 15 g 1.0 - g 1.0 - o es l 0.5 - _ 0.5 - oH,, h co 0.0 0.0 3

                    %f         '94-3i      '95 1'    %3'          %1'        %3   3             3
                                                                                                      %1'         %3i        35-1' 9       %3'          396-1'   96 3 I Year - Quarter                                                                      Year - Quarter
3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop  !

2.0 2.0 l 1.5 - 1.5 - 3 1 26

                                                                                    k                                                                              I g 1.0 -                                      {                                      g 1.0 -

O oH oH i 0.5 - 0.5 - O.0 N 0.0  ! 3 nii '94 3' b1i %3i i96 1' i96 3' I iO41' %4-3' 9 i51' %3 3

                                                                                                                                                   %11      %3 i Year - Quarter                                                                      Year- Quarter
5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop 2.0 2.0 1.6 - 1.5 -

i g 1.0 - g 1.0 - e s2

                                                                                                                              *5 $
           ~                                                                                  ~
                                       ?2?        $         , , ,                                  or                                        $

0.0 0.0 N 6

                    $4-1'       '94-3'     %f %3                  i96-f      %33                3
                                                                                                      '94-1i      %3   i bil      %3'          Wil      3 96-3 i

Year . Quarter Year - Quarter

7. Combustion Engineering wIo CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC 1.5 - 1.5 -

g 1.0 - 1.0 - 0.5 - o 0.5 - f 0.0 0.0

              '     '94 1'      '94 3'      %1'      '95 3'       '96 1'     %3'                '
                                                                                                      %1'         94-3 i     %1'      %3    3
                                                                                                                                                   %61'     $6 3'     j Year - Quarter                                                                     Year - Quarter
g. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type 2.0 2.0 1.5 - g 1.5 -

2 g 1.0 - g .0 - 1 0 0.5 - d .5 - z - - =------------ 0.0 ,2 w 94 3 '95 153' 9 '96 f %3i i %1' $4-3 i

                                                                                                                              %16     95-3 i       96 11     3 96-3 I Year . Quarter                                                                     Year Quarter V

i Figure 6. P:;r group av; rage numb;r of signific'nt cvInts during Op; rations and Startup l (Normaliz;d for tha number of days in Op; rations and Startup) l Legend: Industry Avg. Trend . ... PWR Avg. Trend - _ BWR Avg. Trend

                                                                                                                                                                )  '
1. General Electric Pre-TMI 2. General Electric Post-TMI 1.0 1.0 0.8 - 0.8 -

0.6 - g 0.6 - 0.4 - 30.4-5 5 20.2- nie z0.2- o ss I 00 g p" L% M 00 f"g,,Y %3 Mi h ~ i g3; gp g3 gp %3; i gp gy gp gy Year - Quarter Year - Quarter ~

3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop l 1.0 1.0 t

0.8 -

  • 0.8 - -
    $o 0.6 -                                                                         $o 0.6 -

0.4 - 30.4-l 20.2- o ie 20.2-e ,3 0.0 0.0 l *

                      %O        '94 3'       %f %3          i
                                                                 %1'      %3'                   l
                                                                                                         %1'         %3;     %1'        %3'    '96-0 %33 Year - Quarter                                                                    Year - Quarter
5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop 3 1.0 1.0 i i
     " 0.8 -                                                                          2 0.8 -


    $0.6-                                                                            $ 0.6 -

0 44 0.4 - [ff) 0.4 - 20.2- o8 20.2-0.0 0.0 - i i94.0 %3 4 nii %3' %1' %3; i %1 3

                                                                                                                     %3'     %1'        %3'    MO    %3; Year - Quarter                                                                    Year - Quarter
7. Combustion Engineering w/o CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC 0.8 - 0.8 -
                                                                                      $o 0.6 -

50.4- $ 0.4 - 5  ! 20.2- o ss o ,7 20.2- e, o ts 0.0 AM M M R . 1, %3 f 3, %1, 3,

                                                                                                         %           %3;                    3,          3, Year - Quarter                                                                    Year - Quarter
9. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type t.0 1.0 0.8 - 0.8 -
     $o 0.6 -                                                                         $ 0.6 -

I o

0. 4 - 0.4 -

20.2- e se ' '8 e ie 20.2-N 0.0 ^^^~~~~------ 00 i gp g gp g3 gp ~~ 96-3 ' ni' %3' %O '95 3i %O M3 I Year - Quarter Year - Quarter vi

Figure 7. Peer group averaga number of significant cv:nts during Shutdowns (N:rmaliz:d f:r th3 number of days in Shutdown) Legend: ? industry Avg. Trend ..... PWR Avg. Trend _ BWR Avg.Trond

1. General Electric Pre-TMI 2. General Electric Post-TMI 2.0 2.0 e e j 1.5 - j 1.5 -

w w f 01.0- I .0 1 - ! Z 0.5 - o 2 0.5 - i 0.0 I mm 6g4 36 gy " ny gy . . - go iggy 0.0 1 ig4.g t m igy ggi 195 5 M1' %3 I Year - Quarter Year- Quarter

3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop 2.0 2.0 m

j 1.5 - 1.5 - t w ' 22 w I .0 1 - *" I .0 - 1 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.0 m - 0.0 I iS41 i i94 3' %1' %3i %t %3'

                                                                                                                   '        iB4-)i      %[ Year
                                                                                                                                              %1i  - Quarter
                                                                                                                                                            %33      iO61 i %3l Year- Quarter
5. Westinghouse Okler 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop

. e e { 1.5 - j 1.5 - w w

,      3 1.0 -                                                                                          31.0-d a           0.5 -                                           o 4,                                          30.5-         o .o l

0.0 , 94,1, ,94-3, 1 7 3, %1; j M , 1 3 gg 1; 3, 1, 33 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

7. Combustion Engineering w/o CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC
2.0 2.0 i

e , I j 1.5 - ] 1.5 - w $ 01.0 - I .0I - e ro 2 0.5 - oe z 0.5 - 0.0 w h M , gj g3,

                             ,94,                    ,9pi,        j           1,             j                               94,i,          j        1,               g1, Year - Quarter                                                                               Year - Quarter l                                      ' 9. Babcock and Wilcox                                                                              10. Reactor Type l           2.0           ,                                                                                  2.0 e

1.5 - j i .5 - w w I .0 - 1 I .0 - 1 I 0.5 - f0.5- 2 0'0 23. o'o """e-------__ l i94 1i %33 %1' %3' %1 3

                                                                                        %f                            3
                                                                                                                             %13         % 33    bii         %3i      %1i   %3 I Year - Quarter                                                                              Year - Quarter vii

Figure 8. Pzcr group averaga numb:r cf safety syst:m failur:s during Op; rations and Startup (Normalized for the numb;r of d ys in Op; rations and Startup) Legend: Industry Avg. Trend . . . . . PWR Avg. Trend - -.- _ BWR Avg. Trend

1. General Electric Pre-TMl 2. General Electric Post TMl 4 4 3

p 3- p 3-e a E 2- E 2-1 s3 1 14 g og Z e 41 e 41 *s S..E NMM 0 i $41 YN 5'.3, NY

                            $4         %1,       %3.


                                                           %1' O

i S 4 12 94_3' gir N S Y g3 Nb Y g3  ?

                                                                                                                                              %1i Year - Quarter                                                                    Year - Quarter
3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop 4 4 8 8 g 3- p 3-e e E 2- E 2-1- 07s 1-Z ' " o ., 8.f', n .s _ __ , ,, M__

1 04o Z n .4 OE O i 94-1' N.b %1'

                           '94-3' N.N.E3' E %1'       N N %3'     M.               0 .' .

94-1' N .N M. S&3' %1' Id M M1'

                                                                                                                                   %3' ENM._   %3' Year - Quader                                                                     Year - Quader
5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop 4 4
 )   3-                                                                              B  3-2                                                                                  I o  2-                                                                              o  2-Z                          R,.3 o se M o._s4 ,!L., o $2         h        #'

nu , , , $h n

                 $41 V$f$b Nh$$ $$b NN?b 54-3'      %1'        %3'
                                                            $b ($b M1'         %3' o

I _b_$_$ S4-1' S&3' Y_$_U

                                                                                                                                     $ Mf'b
                                                                                                                                   %3'        %1'
                                                                                                                                                  ?N 90' _

M3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

7. Combustion Engineering w/o CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC t 8 j 3- p 3-2 2 o 2- E 2-
 $                                                          1 11 1-           on                                        ?~                          1-    a re                            c es Z         ou A             nn ee                      osi  M)i   n io  e so        Z         y                     n .,      @          o ss     S.!4 _ __

0 b N b O N E NIN N INN N i %1'

                                                 %3                                        '

94 1' $4 3' %1' %3-' 94-1' S43 Wi i %3' M1' %3i Year - Quader Year - Quader

9. Baocock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type 4 4 8 $
  $  3-                                                                              5  3-i                                                                                  'il LA,                                                                                u.

E 2- o 2-Z"


em m 0 e 4. ?'il .on E'~ ~ 0 ' MNM S41' $4-3' b

                                      %1' EM ENI
                                                 %3' b
                                                           %1i b'd 16-3' 0  I

94-1' 94-3' %11 %3 %1' %3! Year - Quarter Year - vill

Figure 9. Pacr group average number of safety system failuras during Shutdowns (Normaliz:d f:r tha numbIr of days in Shutdown) Legend: Industry Avg. Trend . . . . . PWR Avg. Trend _ BWR Avg. Trend

1. General Electric Pre-TMl 2. General Electric Post-TMI y $ 30 3- 3-g 2 37 g
   % 2-                                                                           % 2-1-                     -

1- e e so o I wi'  %$ b $ A wi' wi o i wi' wt t wi i if 1' %f

3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop 3- 3- ,
   % 2-                                                                           % 2-z I~

h z

                                                                                              $                           M 0               \h               '"                  '            *         O         h                  b       '              '     '* s2 inti      %3'        1       3'       '51'          %f                 I
                                                                                                'ni i    w3'    %1           i
                                                                                                                                  %1'        W3     3 i                         8. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop                                            6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop 3-                                                                            3-2 42           s7
  % 2-        ,,,                 $                                              3 2-                                                   i ss ,

i uti nt 2 78 b na 61 wii w3' I wii wa' g1 wii wt

7. Combustion Engineering wlo CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC 3- ,, 27, 3- ,

6 H $ wi' wa> n1g 3+ wt wt ' wi' w3' sig s wi' wf

9. Babcock and Wlicox 10. Reactor Type 3- 3-t ,- m a t a-
                                                                                                                      ' ~~~... -

l,_ kf l,_ _ _,,_,,,,_ --

          % _ m ,                 ,
                                                         = 1.                       .
                                                                                         . -            w.      m,__


l 1 1 Figure 10. Pnr group averaga forced outzge rita Legend: Industry Avg. Trend ..... PWR Avg. Trend BWR Avg. Trend l

1. General Electric Pre-TMI 2. General Electric Post-TMl 50 60 1!

40 - {40-5 $o-20 -

                                                                                     $ $o-h 20-ll i                                                                                2         a rr m
                                                                                                    ,, , e n g10-      rr          m9             .m     ___73,,,              @              g10-                    g,, , g , ,, , ,, , ,,           ,g 0    ;

N , O M 12.'. b

                   %1'          '94-3'     %1'      %3'          %1'        %3'              i     94-1'     i94 3'    61'      %3   i
                                                                                                                                         %1i     %3 Year . Quarter                                                               Year - Quarter
3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse OIPr 3-Loop l

40- 40-30- 30- g h 20- h 20- l 10- --

                                   *N                                        r o,       10-         N-o     1 81        los_         022 0,4 0 3, g             , oe e sa h        4 E           N        N 0 38 i                                                                            0
                   $4-1'        $4-3'      3 95     395-3 i

96-1' %3; i 94-1' 94-3' Wii %3' %1' 96-3I Year Quarter

                                                .1'                                                                 Year . Quarter
5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop 5 40- se s 40-g30- 2n s & 30 -

l 36 l MN w l 0 i 1 94-ti S43' %1' SS-3' %1' %3'

                                                                                  .      O i     94 1'     S4-3'     %1' A
                                                                                                                               %3'       %1' 5
                                                                                                                                                 %3' Year - Quarter                                                               Year . Quarter                         1 i
7. Combustion Engineering w/o CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC

_ 50 _ 50 40-f40-30- I30-E 20 - ,a s h 20-10- -D -- 10- " O i N N . O ' M 541' M S4JM EW1' '" E EE .

                   $4-1'        $4 3'      %1'      E3          %1'         %3*                                                %3'       96-1'   W3' Year - Quarter                                                               Year . Quarter
9. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type 50 _ 50 6

m 40-6e 40 - g 30 - g 30- , a N l h 20- h 20-l

    ]g10 -                                       _.                          e r,       10-     -           -.e.r.-           r.

3 . .

    '          NA E Mjl' E              **                             d O                                                                                0 l

94-1 $4 3; i95 1 495-3~ $6-1' M3' ' 94-l' 944 ni i 63' %1' %3'. Year Quarter Year - Quarter l

Figure 11. Pxr group cvtrage aquipm:nt f:rc:d cutagis/1000 commIrcial critic:l hours Legend: Industry Avg. Trend ..... PWR Avg. Trend _ BWR Avg. Trend 1 General Electric Pre-TMi 2. General Electric Post TMl 2.0 2.0 1.5 - 1.5 - is 1.0 - 8 Is 8 1.0 - e so 1 ' N 0 28 o p M . . $ y "o,o i o ss

                         %1' %3 hb:



__en N OF

                                                                                        %7 1

w "o,o m NNNNN @ Mh@ @ h' 1 51' M1' %31 hi$ 95-3' %1' %3 Year - Quarter Year- Quarter

 ,                                3. Westinghouse Small                                                                    4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop 1.5 -                                                                                          1.5 -

1 15 1.0 - 15 1.0 - 8 8 0.5 - 0.5 - o 4e e ,, o m. el AE , 030 5553op _ _ e2. _ 'E .. w " 0.0 i

                         .O 941' NMENN 94-7       %1'               195-3' M
                                                                                        %3' w " 0.0      i b

94-1' NNbNENNM 94-3 i M1' W3 %13 %3' Year- Quarter Year . Quarter

5. Westinghouse Older 44oop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop 1.5 - ,1.5 -

1.0 - 1.0 - EaM - E adt M M ,,, e2. Aa E &M . 2. em a em. y "0.0 i

                                                   ~                                  .

w " 0.0 b b k 941- 94 7 %1' $5-7 %1' %7 4 94 13 94-3' Wii '95-3 %1' M3' Year. Quarter Year . Quarter

7. Combustion Engineering w/o CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC 1.5 - 3 1.5-18 1.0 - "' 38 8 1.0 -
                                                                                ' 'S e sv
                          @ em     N _E5 4R N %                                                                                      m ,.                         , , ,

1 w "0.0 I N.NNM N7 N N

                         %1'      94-3           1
                                                                         '96 1'      '      r-    W  "00      '      94-1'      $4 3'        %1           3      %1' W     %3'
9. Babcock.and Wilcox 10. Ranctor Type 2.0 ,2.0 1.5 - 1.5 -

g p1.0 - g 1.0-

   ,                                                                                              <n 0.5 -                       o .o              o 43                                          !   0.5 -
   $ "o,o                      N
                                                             %3' b '57        _

o,o i 6 94-1' 943' hii 651' 94-ti 94-3' Eti %3 Wil %3' Year. Quarter Year - Quarter XI

Figure 12. P;;r group average numb;r of cdministrative cause codes during Operations and Startup (Normalized f r the number of days in Op; rations and Startup) Industry Avg. Trend . . . . . PWR Avg. Trend BWR Avg. Trend 10

1. General Electric Pre-TMI 10
2. General Electric Post-TMI E g

2 8- " 8-h

   $o    6-                                                                               $o    6-4-                                                                                    4-z 2-          , .a M* h , u 181148             , ,2  ,,,,,.,y            $                   2-            I .. E M                 M1, ,, 1,o e n Q , si o    kkN kN,IN')f$[kNN kbd kb$lUdI5d Eh                               EM,             o        r     M F3 Pd I!d          his t!!AMhE(NdEs(U 54 1'      $4     %1'       %3-          %1'        %3'                  '

S41 94-3' %1' %3' %1' $6-3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop B-g8-l l

Uo 6- [o 6-

   $     4-                                                                               $     4-5                                                                                     5 z 2-                  m , ., m , ,, 'a               , , ,        ,,,        , , ,

z 2- . . . _ y, o i Mb NN b5D O.N 0 MbbE

                                                                                                                                  $@MOddM S4-1'      %3'       W1'       %3'          M1'        96 3'                         S4-1'      $4-3'     W1'      %3'     %13     %3  4 Year - Quarter                                                                       Year - Quarter
5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop 3
     *                                                                                     "                                                                        I 8-                                                                                     8-do   6-                                             e ,2                              $o    6-i
    $    4-                                                                                $    4-8                         ,,                  'd                       m              5 z 2-                   .

q , ,, mm M '4 eu ,,, m ,. z 2- , ,,1e m ,, ,. ,,,,,, O N ' ' " N ' O I b b bb NNNb

                                                                                                                                                           %3; i          $4-1'     $4-3'     W1'       %3'          %1'        %3;                   I 94-1'      543'      %1'      %3'     Wi   l         -

Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

7. Combustion Engineering wIo CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC B- 8-
    $0   6-                                                                                W    e-15
     $   4-                                                                                j 4-E                                                                                     5 z   2-        , ,, m , ,.1n , ,,                        . , , , , 2, , ,1 , ,,

z 2- , ,, , ,, n , , , _ ,,,,,,,,1,.. O b$h hbd bhkNbb khd b5$Idd bid o b' h$f ENikiI)S Ib5NbEMh8$lhh

                         %1'       $4-3      %1 i      %3           %1'        %3'                    '

941' $43 i Wi i %3 %1' %3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

9. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type 10 10

! $o 6- do 6-I

     $    4-                                                                               $     4-5                                                                                     5 z 2-          , , ,                  ,.                          , , ,

z 2- ___________ 0 M bbM b b o ~

                 '       '94-1'     $4-3>     %1  i
                                                        %3'          %1'        %3i                     '

54 1 %3' %1' W3' 96-1' 96-3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter xil

Figure 13. Pasr group aviraga numbzr of administrative caus2 codrs during Shutdowns (Normilizid far tha number of days in Shutdown) Legend: Industry Avg. Trend . . . . PWR Avg. Trend BWR Avg. Trend

1. General Electric Pre-TM1 2. General Electric Post.TMl 10 10 m 8- 8-w e_
   %                                                                       w
e. ' 2' m
       '~                                                        "

2 $ 2 $ pJg @ @ " ---


n h an ~

   " '~

i RHW HE RR RE is4-12 54-7 yni 3 l wii wy

                                                                           ' '~


                                                                                               %1'    w1 i l len g3       wi'   sf
3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop 8- 8-w e- ' W e-h'~ '~ s ie @
   'I i.$g$s
                                                                          * '~


                                  $ $ $=$ bHwy                                 ,         k@i %f$$$                      $ sh        h
                              %3;                5                                   i
                                                                                                             %1        gy 8

w1g Ss.1' s41 wi' wr

5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop p- . g-g 6- y e-j
  " '~

2 ., s -- j'-

                                                                          * '~

lime2BEREHE 2 %1' Hi2R"'R285BE i is412 $4.x 1 - w1- $6 5 8 S43- wt gr wi' w3'

7. Combustion Engineering wlo CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC

{E 8- { 8-

                                                                          #                            e st W

y 6- 6-g .. M m y. g _ 8 I"'sasHERRmill

                 $41    1 94 5 gw1 gr             wi'        -
                                                                          ' 'nnaH HHamRH
                                                                                   '          $41' S43 gt{gs                wi'   %f
9. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type 10 10 8- 8-j'-
              @              Mm                            b              {'~             ..........

g g gg gg . ,.

                 -                , , ,f - -                                       i         -              ,       .,f - -

xiil l l

Figure 14. Pccr gr:up av; raga numb;r of licens d op;rator error crus] codes during Op; rations and Startup (N:rmaliz d for tha numb:r of days in Op; rations and St:rtup) Legend: Industry Avg. Trend ..... PWR Avg. Trend BWR Avg. Trend

1. General Electric Pre-TWil 2. General Electric Post-TM1 2.0 2.0 m

1.5 - w { 1.5 - w I .0 - 1 Y 1 .0 - h h c s4 o r, b O.5 - 2b o.5 - b Z on nw an M nw am _ . cu _ nw 0 32 0.0 0.0 $ I

                %1'        $4-3+     % 18    %3'     %1-        %3'                   I
                                                                                               %1'             $4-3 i    %1'     %3-       %1'        %3; Year - Quarter                                                                       Year - Quarter
3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop 2.0 2.0 e

1.5 - w { 1.5 - w o 1.0 - *1 0-3 5 5 0 .5 - Z N M 0 2e *- O.5 - oo m ,, , , , o 43 M o,o N bh bhk %3;  ! o,o ['[ $$ kN $ kfd i 194-1' 394-3 %1 I %3' %1' ' 541 I S43 i

                                                                                                                         %1l     '95-3'    Wii        %3    i Year - Quarter                                                                       Year - Quarter S. Westinghouse Older 4. Loop                                                6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop e                                                                            e

{ 1.5 - w $ { 1.5 - w Y 1 .0 - e s. Y 1 .0 -

 $                                    IJ       .$          0 71 0 2e , ,                       2 -                                             _ _.0.29.027 028 0 31,0. '.' S              0.E e w 0.0                     M                  N                                O.0   .

b b b' ' S W1' $4-3 %1' %3' %1' %3' '94-1 ' $4 3' %1' E3' %11 %3 i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

7. Combustion Engineering w/o CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC
 =                                                                            m 1.5 -

{ 1.5 - w W Y 1.0 - Y 1 .0 - Y

        ~                                                                           ~

bN 0 33 _ Nh fJ!. .olt 0.0 b d N N 0.0 N N 94-3' b. f .

                '94 1'     $43       %1'     %3-     %1'         $6-3 3               '

S4-1 W1' %3' %1' %3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

9. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type 2.0 2.0 m e

{ 1.5 - j 1.5 - w w Y 1.0 - Y 1.0 - g e ni g jo5- e ,2

                            % '$                       h                      Io5-
                                  .. gn um                                                  _    _ _ T. r. ~ ~ - e r =." * - ",

0.0 N,, OO ' O.0

                                                                                                                                  %3'      %1i

3 941 i $4 3- %1 i %3' %1' %3' i 94-1' 94-3 %1; i 96-3 1 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter XIV

Figure 16. Par group avtrag'J number of lictnsid operator error cause codss during Shutd:wns (Normilized for the number of days in Shutdown) Legend: Industry Avg. Trend ..... PWR Avg. Trend _ BWR Avg. Trend

                           ~ 1. General Electric Pre-TMl                                                                       2. General Electric Post-TMI 4                                                                                                      4 e

W 3- {3-W 2 ss I 2 10 I 2 1 31 12e ' "


Z e ss $ e ns N . 2 <


0 N O

                     %1'                   %1'

1 194-3' 34 1' 96-3 3 94 1' 94-3' %1' %3; %16 %3i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop 3- 3-3 2 -- 2 --

j 2


op j 2 I~ 4m g

                                                                                                                        , ,3 0          N                                                                                           O                  E l       %11       94-3'       %1)          %3   I      i E11                       %3'              '     94-t i      94-3'      '95-1'      95-3'      96 13         963' Year . Quarter                                                                                     Year . Quarter
5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop W

f3- f3-W E 2 E 2 sn ,n

       ~                                                                                                                      o er                                    1 00 3              e so o g                     ou                        - - -                             E
                                                                                                                   ,,         &M                     _
                                                                                                                                                                 . N              $

0 NN O N Nb E 6 94-1' 94 3- %1 1

                                                        %3'         %1 i                      'E3               3
                                                                                                                       %1'         94-3'      %1 i       '95-3i      961'          %3' Year - Quarter                                                                                      Year. Quarter
7. Combustion Engineering w/o CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC 3- 3-W 3 W I 2 -- E 2- I
                                                                                                '"      2 1-                                                                                                     1-                                        om Z                                    g             o ss        _ _   ..                                 2                                            m                               _

0 . . O i hi t 94-3' '95 %3' %1' %3' 3

                                                                                                                      '94 13       %3'        %1'        95 3'       %1'           %3' Year .-1' Quarter                                                                                   Year- Quarter
g. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type 4 4 3 3-W W T 2- $ 2-M z 1- h- z 1- -

0 , , , 3; ,g$_ , 3, 1; 3,  % 94,1, 3; 1, 3, 1, W Year. Quarter Year - Quarter XV

Figure 16. Pnr group average numb:r of other p;rsonn;l error cause codis during Op; rations and Startup (Normiliz;d for the numb;r of days in Op; rations and Startup) Legend: g Industry Avg. Trend . . . . PWR Avg. Trend _ _ _ BWR Avg. Trend l

1. General Electric Pre-TMl 2. Ceneral Electric Post TMI 4 4 3- 3-W W I 2- I 2-E 5 h e st o ss b ou l 0 87 ey E . _ R sa n, @ o sa Z
                                                                                               ,,,         Q o., g % 3 u $ , .                   $

o 9 94-1 i 9d $1 '$ kNIbNd kNdis O ' E4?i ga w n'd M Mk1MMM M lS  ; I W3' '95-1' %3' %1' %3 1 94 1 1 94-3' %1' %3' %1i %3 ) Year - Quarter Year - Quarter i

3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop f3-w f3-w D 2- 2-b 5
  .5              er           o ss
  • 1_ b h W o ss 2 *-
  • 1-ev oc en so - cM 0 N5943 N.MNNM gg- g3 N

g3 O i M@'IEMMNNSE _

         #            3
                              $43                             gqi                                   94 1        $4 3+     S 14     g3-.   %1'      %3' Year - Quarter                                                                   Year - Quarter                       i
5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4 Loop W e e w

3- j w 3-I g. E g-5 5 b 1_ [-S $ nu I '* 0 92 D h b 1-og en _ . N 0 59 -- m 0 ' 94-1'

                      .dM    94-3'
                                    $d b N
                                         %1'      %3'
                                                            '.b Wi-         %3' O

Mb 94-1' 94 3' OSb

                                                                                                                          %1'      %3'    M1'      %3  I Year - Quarter                                                                   Year- Quarter
7. Combustion Engineering w/o CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC 4 4 m a j3-w j

w 3-E g- E 2 e 1- e st r-ou "es' s Z 1-

            %%          Q osa              o ss                M    N'M n ao
                                                                                               ,            ,,        o , M _ _ e ., e ss 0.5s - -

O '

               ! bf!N   LTidb'M N b$$ $ $                                   f           o  '

h3Mbdk[fdbkhh b M 94-1 3 94-3' %1' %3' %1' %3' 94-1' 94-3' %1' %3' Wi i

                                                                                                                                                   %3' Year - Quarter                                                                   Year - Quarter
9. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type 4 4 3- 3-w w z 2 z 2-1 Z 1- h 1-ou . . . . . , e .. n .. o s. - _____________

F4 Min ----------- ------------- o ' BishB #8 mwen tFi ~ 0 ' i 94-1' '94-3' %1' '95-3' W1- %3' 94-1' 94-3' Wil %3' %1 %3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter xyl

k Figura 17. Pscr group avtrags numbe , mhrr pirsonn:1 error causa codes during Shutd:wns (Normtliz:d for the nurnber of days in Shutdown) Legend: Industry Avg. Trend ..... PWR Avg. Trend _ BWR Avg. Trend

1. General Electric Pre-TMl 2. General Electric Post-TMI 6 6 s


                 > 4-                                                                                  g
                                                                                                        > 4-1                                                                                       o Ig_                                                  Ib,aew,s*                         I_ g _                                                  , se a' 


                ,               ,,,        ,,,       o                                                 Z         g         a             'E'2      . .. . . m 0                                                                                      0 i    %1'         $4-T      %14     %3i           %f          396-3 I               I    1 94-18        394-3'     95-1'      395 3'       %1i          %3t Year - Quarter                                                                           Year - Quarter

! 3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop ! 6 6 2 1' > 4- > 4-Uo et 84' se 32, Uo

                      ~                                                                                     ~

g ,w 0 - 0 - "~1 94.ji ' g3i i95 1 i %3 i

                                                                          %1'         '96-3'                       94-f          '94-3'     i95-ti     i95 3'       396-1I       %33 Year - Quarter                                                                           Year - Quarter
5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop


                 > 4-                                         3 83                                      > 4-l                                                                                                       g E                                                                                       o                                                                                            -

j 2- g , j 2-

                                                                                                                           ,,                                              ;g        _

0 0 E I S4 p '94-3' %f '95-3' 396 1 i

                                                                                      %3 i                    I 94-f          $4-3'      W1i         95-3'       M1'          i96 3' Year - Quarter                                                                           Year - Quarter
7. Combustion Engineering wfo CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC 6 6 J e 4- e4 4" i 2 71 2- 2-Z " 1 05 Z 0 0 3 i G4 l i

S43' %1' i 95 3 - A1 i

                                                                                       %3       i              i
                                                                                                                   $4-1'          S4-3i     %1'         '95-3'      %1i          '96-33 Year - Quarter                                                                           (ear - Quarter
;                                         9. Babcock and Wilcox                                                                      10. Reactor Type 6                                                                                     6 j

4 j g 4-3 7e g j 4-1 o

                       ~                                                                                    ~
                                                                                                        *         ~~. ***. G G T O =~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

3 94-f $43 i %1' '95 3 i '96 p iB6-3' 3 iG41 3 94-3 i i951' %3i %f '96 4 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Xvii

Figure 18. P=r group average number of maint:nince cause codes during Operations and Startup (Normaliz:d for tha numb;r of days in Operations and Startup) Legend: g industry Avg. Trend _ _ _ _ _ PWR Avg. Trend ._ .- _ BWR Avg. Trend

1. General Electric Pre-TMI 2. General Electric Post-TMl 13 10 2 8 8-k W

6- $o 6-4- $ 4- us 3, g- W S & W

  • ss LR s ys _ g. 2 03 ' De s ez k lgt Lea Q t'*

0 0 .i 94-1' $4-3' %1' %3 %1' %3- 6

                                                                                                                  %1'          94-3'    Mi'        %3-     %1'        %3' Year - Quarter                                                                               Year - Quarter                           1
3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop i 10 10 -- '

g" 8- $ 8-E E

 $o  6-                                                                                     $o   6-                                                                           ,
 $   4-                                                                                       l 4-
 !2-0 S4-1'
                                            -   "E
                                                         %3' W1' n'
                                                                                   %3' d    2-0    '

94-1' 94-3' M1' W3'

                                                                                                                                                           %1'        M3' k

ll Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

5. Westinghouse Older 4. Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop W 8- 8-
 $o  6-                                                   sys
                                                                                            $o   6-                                                                           )

4~ 33' 4~ 3 ,, J 3

3 21 z 2- ,,, s es ..

h h2 2- '" '"'" ' !! ' 'd ' 70 o b [h

                                             -                         [            k            o
         '       $4-1'           94-3'         %1'       %3           %1'          %3'                 '          S4-1'        %3'      %1'        %3'     %1'        W3  i Year - Quarter                                                                              Year - Quarter
7. Combustion Engineering wlo CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC
 $o  6-                                                                                      $o  6-i 1
  $  4-                                                                                          4-G                                                                                           9 Z  2-      t-                          --
                                                               . t en  '.,4
                                                                       .            ,,       z 2-            in     so   lT                              W 0                                                                                           O
                 $4-1'           %3'           %1        95-3'        Wi    i
                                                                                   %3'                   '

54-1 S4-3' %1' E3' M1' %3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

9. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type 10 10 8- 8-W W 6-6-

t 5

  $  4-                                                                                           4-G                                                                                           G z 2-       i=            , , .         m                                                    z 2-            - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-_ ____

0 s 0 i

                 $41     1
                                  $4 3'        %1'       W3'          %1'          %3                      i 94-1'        %3'      Wi  i
                                                                                                                                                            %16       W.

Year - Quarter Year - Quarter XViii

Figure 19. Pur group average numb:r of maintenance cause codes during Shutdowns (Normslizzd for th3 numb 2r cf days in Shutdown) Legend: Industry A4 Trend ..... PWR Avg. Trend _ BWR Avg. Trend

1. General Electric Pre-TMl 2. General Electric Post-TMI y

i 10- 1-y 10 5 -- %g hg4 43 4 4 4 5-i a u ssa s sans sa. S4-1' '94 3' 3' '96 1' %3; 0 3 sensa s s e s ses

                                                                                                                 %1'                   %1                  %1 1                                                                         S4-si               %3'                  %3     i
3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop 10- en 10-5- 5- 4 4 ,,, 324 o

8 n1' %3i 95 1 NA 3- %1' '96-3i ' S4-1i S4-3 i 1 3' wii h

6. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop
  ,10-                                                                                       g  io-en 5-       ,,,,,,                      w           h             , , ,

5- gggy ,,, , , , 0 i 0 S41' S43' 1 3' W1 16 3 i 3 94-1' S4-3 i 1 E3' %1i i 96-3 i

7. Combustion Engineering wlo CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC 1

1-y 10 1-y 10

  -                                     7 87 7a                    -

5- 4 si

                            , , , _,,        , , ,                                 4,j4          5-0                                                                                         0                                 -

3 S4-1' '94-3' %1 %1' '

                                                                                                                            %3'                           %1' 3                     '96-3                          S4-1'                     1 g3'                 %3 t
9. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type 15 15 10- 10-eu 5- 4.ft4 g jg 3 5- ________,,, ___

y 3 N z ------------------------- 0 .' O

                                 .3 e,;23                             %, . %3                                                     3;
                                                                                                                                     ,,,,,g33             %1         %3, l


Figure 20. PIsr group av: raga numb:r of d: sign cruss codes during Operations tnd Startup (Normaliz d f:r the numbIr of days in Op;r:tions tnd Startup) Legend: Industry Avg. Trend . . _ . . PWR Avg. Trend _ BWR Avg Trend l

1. General Electric Pre-TMI 2. General Electric Post TMi 4 -

4 m j W 3-a j 3-L3 D 2- I 2

                ,w,w                                                                        N           i .i                    i.,

z i- $?Mmmmm o,.w,$. )1- "p 3 _m ME _aq g C .

                                                                .                     .       0
              $41'                                                                               '

I W3' %1' %3' W1' %3' 94-1' 94-3' %1' %3 %1' %3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop 4 4 e a w

3- j w 3-I 2- 0 2-12 )

                      , ov    -
                                   , os                                 , co
                                                                                 ;d" 1-                "            A 8.s3                                                     1-                                                            1 z         om o ,,               gn4         a      g            g qs2        O_se_

o, i 0 . . O E E 94-1 i 'k3' i95-1' %3' Wi l

                                                                             %3'                 I 94-13       94-3        W1'      %3'  %1'    %3 Year - Quaner                                                                        Year - Quarter
5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop l 4 4 e a j 3- 3-w uJ l E 2_ 2 01 o 2-  !
               'gy                       si                       sw                       $

1- 04 s'is W  : e se h1- e sa @ l 0 E o .' . 6 941' $4-3' %1' %3' %1' %3' 94-1' 94-3' %1' %3' %1' %3 , Year - Quarter Year - Quarter  ;

7. Combustion Engineering w/o CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC e

j a uJ 3- j W 3-Y 2- , 7s I 2-t is 12s Z i is 1- M h @% hj 1- T N(M g

                                                                                 ]                            ..                    h,%  0[

O . O E . i 94-1' 94-3' %1' %3 %1' %3 54-1 1 94-3 W1'. %3' %1' %3 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

9. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type 4 4 m a 3- j 3-W W D g- 0 2-
 }                                                                LfJ                      $

j i- '@54 $5 m d .,, j1-



                                   . ,    e MM a                             ------------------

0 0 I

              $41'         $4-3;        M1 i        %3-         %1            96-3i               '    %1'         54 3i       %1i      %3   %11    %3i Year - Quarter                                                                        Year - Quarter XX

F gure 21. Poir group av: raga number of design cause codes during Shutdowns (Normalizsd for tha numbir of drys in Shutdown) Legend: Industry Avg. Trend ..... PWR Avg. Trend ._ BWR Avg. Trend

1. General Electric Pre-TMl 2. General Electric Post-TMI 10 10 8- 8-W1
e. W 3

e-4- 8 77 4-2 2- . i7 . b ' 7' ' an ' se z 2- . a '_78 ' e' .

  • st ' ne 0 0 4
                                                                                                                                   '94-1'                                           %3                                              %1'                  '95-3'      'E1i         %3i                 i    %16         M3'             %1'         E3    t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                %1'       %3I Year - Quarter                                                                                                Year - Quarter
3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop 8- 8-W W 6-6-
                                                   %                                                                                   4                                                                                                                                                       %

4- 4- 37s t s? 2 2- Z 2- __

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               @ 121                                          ,

0 - O b

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      %1' I
                                                                                                                                   '94 13                                          %3'                                             %1'                   %3i         %1'          3 95-3'              i    i94-1 4     %3i                         % 3'         iB6-1i    %3' Year - Quarter                                                                                                Year - Quarter
5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop 8- 8-e se w 6- W 6- )
                                                   %                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           %                                                                                  1 4-                                8 77                                                                                                                                                                                4-2                         2-                                                      $                          , o , __                                                                 . . ,            182 . . -          3 2      '

2 2-0 _' 0 N

                                                                                                                                   '94-1'                                          '94 3 i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   %1'                   %33         %1'          %3'                 I 94-13       3 S4-3 i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      %1'          %3    3 Wii       %3' Year - Quarter                                                                                                Year - Quarter
7. Combustion Engineering wie CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC 8- B-U 6-e ' su
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               $o  6-4-                                s e'                                                                                             s es                                       S s2                                     4-2-                                                                                                         _ _ _
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ' ?'              Z   2-              N                          9 72                      M O                                                                                                                                                                                                                     O 3
                                                                                                                                  '94 15                                           '94-3'                                          %1'                   %3          %1    i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  '96-3'              3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           %1'         '94 3;         '95-1i       %3    i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                %1'       %3      i Year - Quarter                                                                                                 Year - Quarter
9. Babcock and Wlicox 10. Reactor Type to 10 8- 8-w 6- W 6-4- '" 4-
                                                   -                                                           2 '4                                                                                                                                                   %h                       -
                                                                             ;-                                %                                                                                                                                                ,,                                 ;- _ _ _ _ _ - = - =


                                                                                                                                   '94-1*                                           %3'                                             %1'                  %3'          96 1'       %3;                 3 M1'         %3              i9S-1'      %3;          %1    3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          '96 3 i

Year - Quarter Year - Quarter xxi

Figure 22. P er group average number of miscellaneous cause codes during Operations and Startup , (Normaliz:d for the numb:;r of days in Op;ritions and Startup) Legend: Industry Avg. Trend .. .. PWR Avg. Trend -_ _. _. BWR Aq. Trend l

1. General Electric Pre-TMI 2. General Electric Post TMI 2.0 2.0 e a j 1.5 -

w { 1.5 - w Y 1.0 - Y 1.0 - g 0. 5 - g 0.5 - O C'7 ' o tt M m ,, o 92 N OL7 e 2 0 01, e ao : n r. n ni b e 4e M Ed 0.0 i 94 1' a" *"" E"2 '

                                                                  '" Ez ' U'?-                0.0         ~ - - - - ~ " -' >~ 2 o                             ' it~a
                                 $4-3'                %3-       %1'          %3'                     3'-' 94-1'         94-3'        %1i         %3'          %1'        %3 i Year - Quarter                                                                          Year - Quarter
3. Westinghouse Small 4. Westinghouse Older 3-Loop 2.0 2.0 m a j 1.5 - j 1.5 -

w w Y 1.0 - Y1

 $                                                                                        $ .0 -

0.5 -  % 3 33 h.5 - op , 3, o is

                     ,'                     112 M o ,.                 f51                                                                 e ,2          %

n.o Ff! . t22 r a y... u.4 oo ds oe_,2 s:;:2 sa m n,, 3

                    $41   1
                                 $4 3'    %1+        M3'        I E1'        %3'.                   I
                                                                                                           %1      3 94-3'        Mi l        %3    i
                                                                                                                                                              %1    1
                                                                                                                                                                         %3    i Year - Quarter                                                                          Year - Quarter
5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop 5

{ 1.5 - j 1.5 - w w 01.0- 01.0 - 0 9e ' 2 0.5 - , 3, 0.5 - 7 ,,, f$ 035_ M '*' am o e . _ F'l __ ___ e 42 M "m $ o ts 0.0 i i c+ "1 0.0 ""~v ^"' '==. :2Li' =h M

                                          %1'                   %1 94-1         94 3'               $5-3'                   %3'.                   '

541' 543' %1' E3' %1' 96-3! Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

7. Combustion Engineering wlo CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC 1
  .                                                                                        .                                                                                       1 j t.5 -                                                                                  j 1.5 -

w a 0 1.0 - I .0 - 1 l 5 i Z 0.5 - o ss o 2e Z 0.5 - o 0 *s 0 2e o se, @ M 92s grr') o ss g o is o ss p"4 0.0 l a ': ; i

                                            ' ~2       i  4       b' 0.0     I            .

d t ~J ' ' 'd. '" ."

                                                     %3         %1 3                                                                         i 94 1         394 3'     95-1'                            % 3'~.                        $4-1'        S4-3'        E1'         E3'          %1'        %3' Year - Quader                                                                           Year - Quader
9. Babcock and Wilcox 10. Reactor Type l 2.0 2.0 e a j 1.5 - f 1.5 - E w w 1.0 - 1.0 - l Z 0.5 - 2 0.5 -

0'0 1 g3, 194-3' '95-1' %3' 5 96-1' %3 1 00 i

                                                                                                           - ~ ~ ~


                                                                                                           ' 4-1'       S4-3'
                                                                                                                                 """~~7-Wil         %3'          IE1'
                                                                                                                                                                         %3' Year - Quarter                                                                          Year - Quarter xxil

Figure 23. Pur group average number of miscellanerus cause codes during Shutdowns (Normaliz2d for the numb:r of d ys in Shutdown) Legend: Industry Avg. Trend ... . PWR Avg. Trend _ BWR Avg Trend

1. General Electric Pre-TMl 2. General Electric Post TMI 2.0 2.0 1.5 - 1.5 -

w w I .0 - 1 I .0 - 1 Z 0.5 - 02s c 2e o 2s 2 0.5 - o#

                                              @          B                                                                                                                                                  M 0.0    ,  - ,94-1,          ,94 3,-         ii 3'                           %1'                    i 96-33
                                                                                                                                                             ' p" 94-1 i      94-3'    %1'        E33         1 96 l'     %3' Year - Quarter                                                                                                                     Year . Quarter j                                    3. Westinghouse Small                                                                                                           4. Westinghouse Okler 3-Loop 2.0                                                                                                                            2.0 1.5 -                                                                                                                          1.5 -                                                                               l w                     '#                                                                                                       w I .0 -

1 I .0 - 1 e es g 0.5 - g 0.5 - l NA 4 i[gl 194 3 1 gji g3i %1 '96-33 i S4-16 94-3I 918 %3 i

                                                                                                                                                                                                           '96-13     %3   3 Year . Quarter                                                                                                                     Year . Querter
5. Westinghouse Older 4-Loop 6. Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop 1.5 - 1.5 -

I .0 - 1 I .0 I - l 0.5 - 0 42 0.5 - en e 42 oi 0.0 ' %13 %3' %1' 395-3 3 e

                                                                                                 %1i                    %3' O.0 i

94-1' aeem. S4-3'

                                                                                                                                                                                               %3i e so
                                                                                                                                                                                                           '96 1'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      % 33 Year. Quarter                                                                                                                      Year . Quarter
7. Combustion Engineering Wo CPC 8. Combustion Engineering with CPC f 1.5 -

w f 1.5 - w I .0 1 - I .0 - 1 j o.5 - 2 0.5 - 0.0 0.0 6

                         '94 1'       %3-          %13             3'                            %1'                    %3'                                  '    %13      W        %1'        %3'         %1'        396-3' Year . Quarter                                                                                                                     Year . Quarter
9. Babcock and Wlicox 10. Reactor Type 2.0 2.0 m 3

{ 1.5 - g 1.5 - w w I .0 1 - I .0 I - g 0.5 - f0.5-0.0 3

                          '94-il       '94 3i       %1'       %3'                                '96 1' W3' 0.0                  3 ~%1I
                                                                                                                                                                   ~ ^ ~S4-3'~ ~%1'" *"'95~T U %1' E ~~~     W3 '

Year . Quarter Year . Quarter l xxiii r


      ,,-   s                                                                             g
      %,...                          NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 200           g l

DATE: November 28, 1989 TO: ALL NRC EMPLOYEES


REVISED GUIDANCE ON THE USE OF PERFORMANCE INDICATORS This announcement revises the earlier guidance of NRC Announcement 30, dated February 5, 1988, regarding the use of the results of the NRC Performance Indicator Program. All NRC employees shall adhere to the a following guidance. 5 The Performance Indicator Program provides an additional view of operational performance and enhances our ability to recognize areas of poor and/or declining safety performance of operating plants. However, it is only a tool and is to be used in conjunction with other tools, such as the results of routine and special inspections and the 3 systematic assessment of licensee performance (SALP) program, for 5 providing input to NRC management decisions regarding the need to adjust plant-specific regulatory programs.

;         It should be recognized that performance indicators have limitations and are subject to misinterpretation. Therefore, caution is warranted in the interpretation and use of the data. The application of performance indicators for purposes and in manners other than those stated above i          will be counter to the NRC objective of ensuring operational safety. To avoid such situations, the following specific directives are provided:
1. The Performance Indicator Program for operating reactors is a single, coordinated, overall NRC program under the direction of

' AE0D. NRC offices other than AE0D should not deviate from the NRC program without written permission of the EDO or the Director, AE00. l I I XXIV I E

2. Performance indicators are intended as a tool for senior NRC management to monitor trends in overall performance for a given plant. The performance indicators for a given plant should be viewed as a set. When viewed as a set, the performance indicators provide an additional measure of plant operational performance. However, they should not be used in communications with licensees as a measure of performance level.
3. Performance indicators are intended to be one of several tools for use by senior NRC management in decision-makmg regarding plant-specific regulatory programs. Senior management in each NRC office should have access to performance indicators for their assigned unit (s). Performance indicators are not to be ovnerphasized in relation to other measures of safety performance.

For this reason, no regulatory action should be taken on the basis of Performance Indicator Program results alone. g W

4. Performance indicators do not provide a valid basis for ranking individual nuclear power plants and should not be presented in such a way as to imply I " problem facility" status for individual plants.
5. The Performance Indicator Program is separate and distinct from the SALP program, although it is recognized that the indicators have relationships in varying degrees to SALP functional areas. Indicators, such as failures of a plant's safety systems or frequent forced outages due to equipment failures, may be symptomatic of safety problems. Thus, the staff may recognize events and failures captured by certain indicators in SALP discussions and reports, but I these SALP references are to be based on the underlying causes of poor performance and not on the results of the Performance Indicator Program, either individually or as a set. Regional Admmistrators should ensure that our I decision-makmg process adheres to this guidance, especially in SALP discussions and documentation.
6. NRC senior management should bear in mind when evaluating performance indicator results that the indicators are assessment tools that aid in identification I of unanticipated performance, and that the underlying causes should be carefully assessed, evaluated, and understood (factoring in other available information).
7. Quarterly compilations of Performance Indicator Program results should be l placed in the Public Document Room following dissemination to NRC management and the Commission.

I j XXV l

I I It should be recognized that in conducting reviews, inspections, and evaluations of plants, it is often necessary to rely on plant data. Such information has been routinely used in our SALP, safety evaluation reports, and technical evaluation reports. The foregoing policy is not intended to change this process. g 5 NRC staff must be sensitive to inappropriate pressure from any source which causes licensee personnel at individual nuclear power plants to " manage the indicators" or g any actions that are contrary to plant safety because of performance indicators, individually or as a set (such as inhibiting reactor trips). Any such instances should be promptly communicated to appropriate licensee management and brought to NRC management attention. (W

                                                     .nes M. Ta       r

cting Executive Director gi gI for Operations I E II i I I I I I XXVI I I



         ....      .. ...                    .         .                        .          .. ..                   ...            ...                                                                 ... ..                 i REVISED GUIDANCE ON THE USE OF PERFORMANCE INDICATORS                                                                             ...             . .....                                                               .               . xxiv ANALYSIS OF THE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR DATA THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1996                                                                                                                         ..                               . ....              I
1. INTRODUCTION . . ..... . .. . . . . . .. . ... . I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                . ....              1
2. BACKGROUND . . ... . . . . . .. .. ... ..

i 2


2 3.1 Automatic Scrams While Critical (Scrams) . . . . ... . . . . I 3.2 Safety System Actuations (SSA) . .. . . . . ..... 2 3.3 Significant Events (SE) . . . . . .. .. .. . . . 3 3.4 Safety System Failures (SSF) . . .. . ... . .. ... . 4 3.5 Forced Outage Rate (FOR) . . .. . . . . . . . ... 4 3.6 Equipment Forced Outages per 1000 Commercial Critical Hours (EFO) . . ... .. 4 3.7 Collective Radiation Exposure . ........ . . .. .. . . ... . . 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . ..             5 3.8 Cause Codes .           . . .  .               ..                                 .         .....                   .... .                                                            .

Administrative Control Problems . . .... 5 3.8.1 . ... .. . Licensed Operator Errors . . . .......... 5 3.8.2 .. .. ... .. Other Personnel Errors .. ..... ...... ......... 5 3.8.3 .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .  ..        6 3.8.4      Maintenance Problems . .                                      .   .                     . .               . .. .                                                       ...

Design / Construction / Installation / Fabrication Problems . ....... .... 6 3.8.5

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ..........                                       7 3.8.6      Miscellaneous            .        .... . .                                          ..                 .. .. .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ... ...               7

7 4.1 Peer Group Listing . ...... .. ..... ..... ..... .. .... 8 4.2 Operational Cycle Definitions . . . . .... .... . . . ... . . t 8 4.2.1 Operational Cycle Phases . . .... . . .. .. .... ... . . 4.2.2 Operational Cycle Phase Types . . .... .. . .. . .... . 9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ... ..                     9

i 9 5.1 Quarterly Data . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. . ..

                                                                                                                                                         .. .                                          ... ..                                     . 9 5.2 Trends and Deviations           .         .. .                                     .         . .              . .
                                                                                                                                 . .. . ... ....                                                                                  ..              . 10
                                                                                                                                                   .       ....                                                                   .. . .            13    ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .                         .. 235 xxvn I


  !    AnnualIndustry Performance hulicator Averages .                           .

2 Quarterly Industry Performance Indicator Averages .

                                                                                                                                                                  .                      i 3

ii Peer group averye number of automatic scrams while critical during Operations and Startup, iii 4 Peer group average number of safety system actuations during Operations and Startup . 5

                                                                                                                                                           ,         ,                iv Peer group average number of safety system actuations during Shutdowns . .

6 . . . y Peer group average number of significant events during Operations and Startup. 7 Peer group average number of significant events during Shutdowns vi 8

                                                                                                                                                                .         .          vii Peer group average number of safety system failures during Operations and Startup .                               .

viii 9 Peer group average number of safety system failures during Shutdowns. 10 Peer group average forced outage rate .

                                                                                                                                                                       .              ix 11                                                                                                                                                                                     x Peer group average equipment forced outages /1000 commercial hours.


                                                                                                                      .                             .                                  xi Peer troup average number of administrative cause codes during Operations and Startup.                                                        .                                 xii 13   Peer group average number of admmistrative cause codes during Shutdowns 14
                                                                                                                          .                      .                                   xiii Peer group average number oflicensed operator error cause codes during Operations and Startup .                                   . ...                                        xiv 15   Peer group average number of licensed operator error cause codes during Shutdowns .

16 xv Peer group average number of other personnel error cause codes during Operations and Startup . . xvi 17 Peer group average number of other personnel error cause codes during Shutdowns . 18

                                                                                                                                .                   .                         . xvii Peer group average number of maintenance cause codes during Operations and Startup .                                                                                         xviii 19   Peer group average number of maintenance cause codes during Shutdown .                            .         . .                                        , ..                . xix 20    Peer group average number of design cause codes during Operations and Startup.


                                                                                                                                                                       .              xx Peer group average number of design cause codes during Shutdowns .

xxi ' 22 Peer group average number of miscellaneous cause codes during Operations and Startup .

                                                                                                                                                         ....                       xxii li gl 23    Peer group average number of =r*Hm cause codes during Shutdowns. .                                                                                   ...                     xxiii      l 7.1   ARKANSAS 1                                                                    14        7.39     GRAND GULF
                                                                                                                                                             .                       90       l 7.2   ARKANSAS 2              .                                                     16        7.40     HADDAM NECK .

92 l 7.3 BEAVER VALLEY 1 18 7.41 HARRIS l

                                                                                                                                          .           .                              94 7.4   BEAVER VALLEY 2 . .                                                          20         7.42     HATCH 1                                        .                              %        l 7.5   BIG ROCK POINT                                                               22         7.43     HATCH 2
                                                                                                                                . .                             . .                  98       l 7.6   BRAIDWOOD 1.                                                                 24         7.44     HOPE CREEK .
                                                                                                                                                    .           .                   100 7.7   BRAIDWOOD 2 .                                                                26         7.45     INDIAN POINT 2 .
                                        ...                ... .                                                                       .              .                          . 102 7.8  BROWNS FERRY 1.                    ... . .                                    28         7.46     INDIAN POINT 3 .                                         . . .               104 7.9  BROWNS FERRY 2 .                   ... .                                      30         7.47     KEWAUNEE . . . .
                                                                                                                                       .                                            106 7.10 BROWNS FERRY 3                              ..                                32         7.48     LASALLE1                           .                     . .                 108 7.11 BRUNSWICK 1.                 ..                              .            . 34         7.49     LASALLE 2                   .                .                               110 7.12 BRUNSWICK 2                     . ...                        .                36         7.50     LIMERICK 1           . .                  . ..                               112 7.13  BYRON 1.              ..                                                      38         7.51     LIMERICK 2 . . .                          .           ,,               . 114 7.14  BYRON 2           .                  .. .               .                     40         7.52     MAINE YANKEE                                 .. .               .            116 7.15  CALLAWAY ,                                                                    42         7.53     MCGUIRE 1 7.16  CALVERT CLIFFS 1
                                                                                                                            .                 .                                     118    g
                                                       ,                       . 44           7.54     MCGUIRE 2            . .                          . .....                    120 7.17  CALVERT CLIFFS 2 .                                                            46         7.55     MILLSTONE 1                          .                                       122 7.18  CATAWBA 1                                         .                           48         7.56     MILLSTONE 2              ..            ..                         .       . 124 7.19  CATAWBA 2                            . .                                      50         7.57     MILLSTONE 3                        . . .                     .               126 7.20  CLINTON 1                         .                                           52         7.58     MONTICELLO ,                . .. .                                           128 7.21  COMANCHE PEAK 1.                                                   ..         54         7.59     NINE MILE PT.1                               .                               130 7.22  COMANCHE PEAK 2 .                                                             56         7.60     NINE MILE PT. 2                                                              132 7.23  COOK 1         .        .                . .                                  58         7.61     NORTH ANNA 1             .         .                                         134 7.24  COOK 2                         .                                              60         7.62     NORTH ANNA 2 .                     ,                                         136 7.25  COOPER STATION                                                                62         7.63     OCONEE1              .                                                       138 7.26  CRYSTAL RIVER 3                   .                                           64         7.64     OCONEE 2                                                                     140 7.27 7.28 DAVIS-BESSE .


                                              .                         .          66 68 7.65 7.66 OCONEE 3 .

OYSTER CREEK . 142 144 h 5 7.29 DIABLO CANYON 2 . . . . 70 7.67 PALISADES , 146 7.30 DRESDEN 2 . . . 72 7.68 PALO VERDE 1 . 148 7.31 7.32 DRESDEN 3 DUANE ARNOLD

                                    .         . .              .            .      74 76 7.69 7.70 PALO VERDE 2 PALO VERDE 3
                                                                                                                                       .                                      . 150 l
                                            .. .                                                                                       .                               ..           152    3 7.33  FARLEY!          ..            ..                                             78         7.71     PEACH BOTTOM 2                  .         ..                         .       154 7.34  FARLEY 2            .          .                               .              80         7.72     PEACH BOTTOM 3 .                                                   .         156 7.35  FERMI 2                                                     .                 82         7.73     PERRY.       .                                                          . 158 7.36  F172 PATRICK                                                                  84         7.74     PILGRIM                                                                      160 7.37  FORT CALHOUN .                                                 .              86         7.75     POINT BEACH I                                                                162 7.38  GINNA .       .                                                               88         7.76     POINT BEACH 2                                                                164 XXVIII E

l 1 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) PARTI 7.77 PRAIRIE ISLAND 1 . . . .... . .. 166 7.94 SUMMER . . . .. .. .... 200 7.78 PRAIRIE ISLAND 2 .. . .. ,. . 168 7.95 SURRYl . . . . .. . . 202 7.79 QUAD CITIES 1 . . .. . .. ... 170 7.% SURRY 2 . . .. . .. . 204 7.80 QUAD CITIES 2 . . . .. ... .. . 172 7.97 SUSQUEHANNA1 . . 206 7.81 RIVER BEND . . ....... . . ... . 174 7.% SUSQUEHANNA 2 .. , .... . . 208 7.82 ROBINSON 2 . . ...... . . . 176 7.99 THREE MILE ISL.1 . . ...... . 210 7.83 SALEM 1.. .. ... . 178 7.100 TURKEY POINT 3 . . . . ... . 212 7.84 SALEM 2 . . . . .. . 180 7.101 TURKEY POINT 4 . . ...... . 214 7.85 SAN ONOFRE 2 . .. . .. . . . 182 7.102 VERMONT YANKEE . . . . . . .. 216 7.86 SAN ONOFRE 3 . . . .. . 184 7.103 VOGTLE1.... . . .. .. . .. 218 7.87 SEABROOK ... ... . . ... 186 7.104 VOGTLE 2 . .. ... .... 220 7.88 SEQUOYAHI.. . . ... . . . 188 7.105 WASH. NUCLEAR 2 . . .. .. . .. . 222 7.89 SEQUOYAH 2 . . . . 190 7.106 WATERFORD 3 .. .. . . . . . 224 I 7.90 SOUTH TEXAS 1 . . . . . . . 192 7.107 WA'ITS BAR 1 . . . ... . . . 226 7.91 SOUTH TEXAS 2 . . 194 7.108 WOLF CREEK .. . . ... . 228 7.92 ST. LUCIE 1 . . . . ... . 1% 7.109 ZION I . . . . .. . .. . . 230 7.93 ST. LUCIE 2 . . . . . ... 198 7.110 ZION 2 . . ... . . ... 232 LIST OF TABLES PARTI 8.1 ARKANSAS 1 . .. . . . 237 8.36 FTTZPATRICK . . . . .... 253 8.2 ARKANSAS 2 . .. .. .. . . 237 8.37 FORT CALHOUN . ... . . . ... 254 8.3 BEAVER VALLEY 1 . . 237 8.38 GINNA . .... .............. . . . 254 8.4 BEAVER VALLEY 2 . . .. ... 238 8.39 GRAND GULF , ... ... ... .. .. . 254 8.5 BIG ROCK POINT . , .. . . . 238 8.40 HADDAM NECK . . .. . .. . .. 254 8.6 BRAIDWOOD 1. ....... .. . .. 238 8.41 HARRIS . . . . .... . .. . 256 8.7 BRAIDWOOD 2. . .. . . . . . 239 8.42 HATCHl. . .. . . .. . . 257 8.8 BROWNS FERRY 1 . ... . . 240 8.43 HATCH 2 . .. . . ... . .. . 257 8.9 BROWNS FERRY 2 .. . . .. 240 8.44 HOPE CREEK . . .. .... .. . . 257 8.10 BROWNS FERRY 3 . 240 8.45 INDIAN POINT 2 . . . .. . ........ . 258 8.11 BRUNSWICK 1 .. . 241 8.46 INDIAN POINT 3. . . . . ... .. 259 8.12 BRUNSWICK 2 . .. 242 8.47 KEWAUNEE . . . . ... . ...... . . 260 8.13 BYRON 1 .. .. .. . . 242 8.48 LASALLE! .. . . .. . . . 261 8.14 BYRON 2 . . . . .. . 242 8.49 LASALLE 2 . . .. . . 261 8.15 CALLAWAY . . . . . . . . . 243 8.50 LIMERICK ! . . . . . . . 261 8.16 CALVERT CLIFFS 1 . . . 243 8.51 LIMERICK 2 . .... . . .. . . 262 8.17 CALVERT CLIFFS 2 . . . . 243 8.52 MAINE YANKEE ,. . .... 263 8.18 CATAWBA 1 . 244 8.53 MCGUIRE 1 . . . . . . . 264 8.19 CATAWBA 2 . , . . 244 8.54 MCGUIRE 2 ... . .. 264 8.20 CLINTON 1 .. 244 8.55 MILLSTONE 1 . .. . . .. . 264 8.21 COMANCHE PEAK 1. . . .. . . 245 8.56 MILLSTONE 2 . . . . . . 267 8.22 COMANCHE PEAK 2 . . .. . . . 245 8.57 MILLS'IDNE 3 . .. . . .. . 268 8.23 COOK 1.. ,. .. . . . 246 8.58 MONTICELLO , . . . . . .. 270 8.24 COOK 2..... . . .. ..... 246 8.59 NINE MILE PT.1 . . . . . . 271 8.25 COOPER STATION , . 246 8.60 NINE MILE PT. 2 . . . 271 8.26 CRYSTAL RIVER 3 247 8.61 NORTH ANNA 1 ... ... . . .. '71 8.27 DAVIS-BESSE . . . .. . . 248 8.62 NORDIANNA2. . . . N 8.28 DIABLO CANYON 1 . 248 8.63 OCONEE1 . . 272 8.29 DIABLO CANYON 2 . .. 250 8.64 OCONEE 2 . . . , 273 8.30 DRESDEN 2 . . . . . 250 8.65 OCONEE 3 . . .. . . . .... . . 273 8.31 DRESDEN 3 .. . .... .. .. ... 251 8.66 OYSTER CREEK . . . . . 274 8.32 DUANE ARNOLD . . . . . 252 8.67 PALISADES . . . . ..... . . 274 8.33 FARLEYI . . . 252 8.68 PALO VERDE 1 . . . 274 8.34 FARLEY 2 . . . . . . 252 8.69 PALO VERDE 2 . . . . . 275 R.35 FERMI 2 . .. . 252 8.70 PALO VERDE 3 . . 276 [ XXIX

E LIST OF TABLES (continued) PART I , 8.71 PEACH BOTTOM 2 . . 276 8.91 SOUTH TEXAS 2 . . . 286 I 8.72 PEACH BOTTOM 3 . 276 8.92 ST. LUCIE 1 286 8.73 PERRY. . . 276 8.93 ST. LUCIE 2 . . . 286 8.74 PILGRIM . . . 276 8.94 SUMMER . . .. .. 287 l 8.75 POINT BEACH 1 .. . 277 8.95 SURRY1 . .. 287 i 8.76 POINT BEACH 2 .. 277 8.% SURRY 2 .. 287 8.77 PRAIRIE ISLAND 1 ... . 277 8.97 SUSQUEHAhWA 1 . 287 8.78 PRAIRIE ISLAND 2 278 8.98 SUSQlTEHANNA 2 .. 288 i 8.79 QUAD CITIES 1 278 8.99 THREE MILE ISL.1 . . 288 8.80 QUAD CITIES 2 . 279 8.100 Tl'RKEY POINT 3 . .. 289 8.81 RIVER BEND . . 280 8.101 TURKEY POINT 4 . 289 8.82 ROBINSON 2 . 281 8.102 VERMONT YANKEE . . 289 < 8.83 SALEM 1 . 281 8.103 VOGTLE1 . . . 290 l 8.84 SALEM 2 . 282 8.104 VOGTLE 2 . 290 8.85 SAN ONOFRE 2 . . 284 8.105 WASH. NUCLEAR 2 . . 290 8.86 SAN ONOFRE 3 . . 285 8.106 WATERFORD 3 . . . 291 8.87 SEABROOK , 285 8.107 WATTS BAR 1 . . . .. . 291 8.88 SEQUOYAH1. . . . 285 8.108 WOLF CREEK . . . . 292 8.89 SEQUOYAH 2 . . . . 285 8.109 ZION 1. . .. . 293 8.90 SOUTH TEXAS 1 . 285 8.110 ZION 2 . 294 E I E' I I I I I I I xxx I I


1. INTRODUCTION This U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) repon presents performance indicator data, accoundng for the different operational conditions, through September 1996 for 110 reactors. There are eight NRC Performance Indicators for Operating Commercial Nuclear Power Plants: (1) automatic scrams while critical, (2) safety system actuations, (3) significaat events, (4) safety system failures, (5) forced outage rate, (6) equipment forced outages per 1000 commercial critical hours, (7) collective radiation exposure, and (8) cause codes.

This report is based on performance indicator data that are extracted from Licensee Event Repons (LER) submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73, immMi* notifications to the NRC Operations Center in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72, monthly operating repons in accordance with plant techtacal specifications, and screening of operating experience by NRC staff. Radiation exposure data are obtained from the lastitute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO). Graphical presentations of each plant's data, including trends and deviations analyses, are provided in Pan I of this report; Part II

   ;    provides tabulated summaries of the data, la both volumes, the trends and deviations analyses and tabulated summaries have been presented and calculated accounting for the plant's operational conditions.
2. BACKGROUND Since May 1986, an interoffice task group has been working to develop an overall NRC program for using quantitative indicators of nuclear power plant safety performance. In July and August of 1986, the group conducted a trial program for 50 plants with 17 prospective performance indicators. For the most pan, this trial program used data through calendar year 1984. The group then selected eight performance indicators to be recommended as the best set for initial implementation. One of these, corrective mamtenance backlog, was deleted by the staff following consideration of industry commems.

In October 1986, a prototype repon was prepared by expanding the trial program data to 100 operating reactors and including the data through the first half of 1986. The staff's recommended program, the task group report, and the prototype report were documented in SECY-86-317, " Performance Ir*atnrs", dated October 28,1986. The Commission was briefed on the staff's recommended program in November 1986, and approved de implementation of the program in December 1986, instructing the staff to delete the enforcement action index from the set of indicators. In February 1987, the first quarterly PI report was issued and provided to senior management. This repon covered the calendar quaners 85-1 through 86-4. In May 1987, an armnal collective radiation exposure indicator was incorporated into the first quarter 1987 repon. This was later revised to a quanctly collective radiation exposure indicator and incorporated into the first quarter 1989 report. In 1989, as documented in SECY-89-046 and SECY-89-211, the staff proposed that i a new performance indicator based on cause codes be added to the program. Through Staff Requirements Memoranda (SRM) dated March 15, 1989, and August 10, 1989, the Commission approved cause codes as a new singular performance indicator. The new cause code indicator was subsequently incorporated by the staff into the program begmnmg with the second quaner 1989 report. Begmamg in December 1989, the impact of the plant's peer group and operational conditions on the performance indicators was assessed. The peer group! operational cycle methodology was developed and a trial period conducted in 1992. In SECY 92-425, the staff proposed official implementation of the

,      enhanced methodology begmamg with the first quaner 1993 report. This plan was approved by the Commission in March 1993. Repons were provided quanctly to NRC management until June 1993, when the frequency was changed to twice a year. Following publication of the third quarter 1995 repon, the frequency was changed to once a year.

1 l I

l i Il l 1

3. DEFINITIONS OF TIIE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS gl The performance indicator data presented in this report are categorized according to specific definitions. The definitions 3I ;

of the eight indicators currently in the program are provided below. 3.1 Automatic Scrams While Critical (Scrams) Il 1 l This indicator monitors the number of unplanned automatic scrams that occurred while the affected reactor was critical. Examples of the types of scrams included in this indicator are those that resulted from unplanned transients, equipment failures, spurious signals, or human error. Also included are those that occurred during the execution of procedures in ll\ l 1 g which there was a high chance of a scram occurring, but the occurrence of a scram was not planned. Screm data are primarily derived from 10 CFR 50.73 Licensee Event Report (LER)information and supplemented as necessary from 3, 10 CFR 50.72 Immediate Notification reports. The reactor was " critical" if the report so states. Otherwise, criticality l is determined from a detailed review of the other operational information. This indicator is similar to the unplanned l automatic scrams per 7000 critical hours indicator of INPO. l 3.2 Safety System Actuations (SSA) l Safety system actuations are mamal or automatic actuations of the logic or equipment of either certain Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) or, in response to an actual low voltage on a vital bus, the Emergency AC Power System. Input for this indicator are derived from LERs and supplemented by 50.72 reports. In determining which events should be g counted by this indicator, the following conventions are used: g'

1. Only actuations of the High Pressure Injection System, l.ow Pressure Injection System, or Safety Injection Tanks are counted for pressunzed water reactors (PWRs). For boiling water reactors (BWRs), only actuations of the High Pressure Coolant injection System, Low Pressure Coolant Injection System, High Pressure Core Spray System, or l1 pl Low Pressure Core Spray System are counted. Actuations of the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System are not l counted. l l
2. Actuations of Emergency AC Power Systems are counted only if they were in response to an actual low voltage condition on a vital bus. SpeciN11y, actuations are counted only if the Emergency AC Power System's output breaker closed, or should have closed, to power a dead bus. Actuations resulting from momentary low voltage conditions that do not result in emergency output breaker closure are not counted. =
3. legic actuations of any of the equipment associated with the specific ECCS or Emergency AC Power System are g considered necessary and sufficient to constitute a data count. For example, if only a valve in a system is g 1 commmi~t ot move to its emergency operational position, this is counted as an actuation. A pump does not have l to be com a*d to go to its emergency mode of operation and fluid does not need to be injected for an occurrence to be counted.
4. Only one ECCS actuation is counted in any one occurrence, even if multiple ECCS systems actuate during the

! occurrence. For example, actuation of both the High Pressure Injection and the Low Pressure injection Systems at g l a PWR during the same occurrence counts as only a single ECCS actuation. 3 l S. Only one Emergency AC Power System actuation is counted in any occurrence, even if multiple emergency generators actuate during the occurrence. For example, actuation of all four emergency diesel generators (EDGs) at a unit counts as only a single actuation for that occurrence.

6. Occurrences involving actuations of both an Emergency AC Power System to power a dead bus and an ECCS are g given a count of two, one for the Emergency AC Power System actuation and one for the ECCS actuation. E
7. At multi-unit sites that share equipment (e.g., a swing EDG or shared buses), actuations are counted and assigned to the unit at which the actuation signal or loss of power originated. If the signal source cannot be associated with one unit, the actuation is assigned to both units.

2 I 1

3.3 Significant Events (SE) Significant events are those events identified by NRC staff through detailed screening and evaluation of operating experience. He screening process includes the daily review and discussion of all reported operating reactor events, as well as other operational data such as special tests or construction activities. An event identified from the screening process as a significant event catxhdate is further evaluated to determine if any actual or potential threat to the hea safety of the public was involved. Examples of some of the types of criteria considered during the significant event screening and evaluations are summarized as follows: 1. Decradation of imnortant safety cauinment. Events considered under this category include situations that had the potential to reduce or actually reduced the operational capability of equiptnent. One example is the identification of a common cause failure mechanism, which could cause redundant components or multiple independent components to fail in response to a test or actual demand signal. This category does not include such items as a missed surveillance test, if the equipment was subsequently tested and determined to be operable. L 2. Unexoected clant resnonse to a transient. Events considered under this category include situations in which changes in reactor parameters represent unanticipated reductions in margins of safety. For example, a rapid plant cooldown following a reactor trip exacerbated by a balance-of-plant malfunction or an undesirable system interaction. His category does not include minor differences in predicted and observed conditions that can be reasonably explained i by instrument errors or modeling techniques and simplifying assumptions. l

3. Dectadation of fuel intecrity. orimary coolant otessure boundarv. imnortant associated structures. Events considered l under this category include those of similar character to those identified in item 1 above, related to nuclear fuel, reactor coolant system containment or important plant structures.


4. Scram wi6 complication. Events considered under this category are scrams that occurred while the affected reactor was critical, followed by an equipment failure, malfunction, or personnel error. The failure, malfunction, or error l generally does not include those that lead to or directly caused the scram. Failures that both cause the scram and reduce the capability of the mitigating system (e.g., electric power, instrument air, other aux 1hary support functions, or deficient procedures) are counted.

Examples of equipment failure / malfunctions include:

  • Miticatine system failures - Loss of redundancy due to single failures, reduced capacity, or margin. This includes components or trains out of service for maintenance.

I e e Failure addinuo comnlexity of event - Erroneous control system responses, electrical switching difficulties, mitigating system and key plant parameter instrumentation malfunctions / failures. Additional event initiators - Stuck-open primary or secondary relief / safety valves, pipe breaks, and operating wrong equipment / trains. Examples of personnel errors include: e Improper control or termination of mitigating system. e Misdiagnosis of the event or failure to follow procedures. I In addition to the situations described in items 1 through 4 above, other broad categories considered for significant events include: Unnhnned release of radioactivitv. Events considered under this category include unplanned releases of radioactivity I 5. that had the potential to exceed or actually exceeded the limits of the Technical Specifications or Regulations. I I e I

j 6. I Ooeration outside the limits of the Technical Soecifications. Events considered under this category occurrences when plant operation was conducted inconsistent with the license requirements. This 3 to risk significant deviations and most likely does not include incidents involving missed surveillances, sma g ca in setpoints, or other mammistratively inoperable conditions. 7. Other. Events considered under this category include a series of events or recurring incidents that alone are ! significant but when considered collectively represent ineffective corrective actions, or a deficiency in! hardware or admmistrative programs. I! g 3.4 Safety System Failures (SSF) W1 Safety system failures are any events or conditions that could prevent the fulfillment of the safety function of structure or systems. If a system consists of multiple redundant subsystems or trains, failure of all trains constitutes a safety i failure. Failure of one of two or more trains is not counted as a safety system failure. The definition for the indicator I parallels NRC reporting requirements in 10 CFR S0.72 and 10 CFR S0.73. The following is a list of the major safe systems, subsystems, and components monitored for this indicator: l 5l Accident Monitoring Instrumentation low Temperature Overpressure Protection l Aux 1hary (and Emergency) Feedwater System 3l Combustible Gas Control Component Cooling Water System Main Steam Line Isolation Valves Onsite Emergency AC & DC Power w/ Distribution 5! Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Contamment and Containment Isolation Reactor Coolant System Contamment Coolant Systems Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Control Room Emergency Ventilation System Reactor Trip System and Instrumentation Emergency Core Cooling Systems Recirculation Pump Trip Actuation Instrumentation Engmeered Safety Features instrumentation Residual Heat Removal Systems gi Essentia! Compressed Air Systems Safety Valves 5 Essential or Emergency Service Water Spent Fuel Systems Fire Detection and Suppression Systems Standby Liquid Control System Isolation Condenser Ultimate Heat Sink 3.5 Forced Outage Rate (FOR) ' Forced outages are those required to be initiated no later than the end of the weekend following the discovery of an off-normal condition. Based on the data provided in the monthly operating reports, the forced outage rate is the number of forced outage hours divided by the sum of unit service hours (i.e., generator on-line hours) and forced outage hours. 3.6 Equipment Forced Outages per 1000 Commercial Critical Hours (EFO) This indicator is the number of forced outages caused by equipment failures per 1000 critical hours of commercial reactor opention. It is the inverse of the mean time beween forced outages caused by equipment failures. The inverse number I was adopted to facilitate calculation and display. The source of these data are the same as that for the forced outage rate. 3.7 Collective Radiation Exposure This indicator is the total radiation dose accumulated by unit personnel. Prior to the third quarter of 1992, values at muhi-unit sites were reported as site averages, with the exception of the Indian Point and Millstone sites which reported individual unit values. Begmnmg with the third quarter of 1992, some multi-unit sites reported site average values, while other multi-unit sites reported individual unit values. A note at the bottom left corner of the Quarterly Data charts identifies which method is used. The radiation exposure data are obtained from INPO and because of the techniques l


employed in gathering the data, these data lag the other performance indicator data by one quarter. I 4 I I

3.8 Cause Codes Cause codes are intended to identify possible deficiencies in six programmatis b ries. The cause code data are developed using the NRC's Sequence Coding and Search System (SCSS) database. . event can have any or all of the cause codes assigned to it, but only one of each type can be assigned to any one event. This database is developed from all LERs, not just those associated with specific events monitored by the other PIs. The programmatic categories and their definitions are: 3.8.1 Admioistrative Control Problems Management and supervisory deficiencies that affect plant programs or activities are included in this category. This category covers the implementation of the numerous functional disciplines necessary to operate a nuclear power facility such as operations, maintenance, licensing, design, health physics, etc. Examples of admmistrative control problems include poor plannmg, breakdown or lack of adequate management or supervisory control, inadequate interdepartmental coordination, poor communication between supervisors and staff or among departments, deficiencies resulting in weak or incorrect operating, surveillance or testing procedures, and departures from program requirements The admmistrative control problems category is used if there is evidence that a particular problem is recurnag and no effective corrective action has been taken. Specific examples are: e No corrective action after a design problem is discovered. o QA/QC problems, e Unauthorized work activity, e Unqualified personnel performing plant tasks. e 10 CFR 50.59 review not performed. o Personnel contammation due to lack of warntog signs. e Technical Specification surveillance not scheduled. e Inadequate procedure resulting in inadvertent safety injection. 3.8.2 Licensed Operator Errors This cause category captures errors of omission or commission by licensed reactor operators during plant activities. j These errors may initiate events or may be committed during the course of an event. Licensed operator errors typically occur due to carelessness, lack of experience or training, fatigue, stress, attitude, or poor work habits. Improper supervision is also included whenever the event is the result of improper instructions given by a licensed operator, such

;   as an operations supervisor or control room shift supervisor. Excluded from this category are admmistrative control J   problems, such as incorrect procedures or inadeqmt, planmng activities, which caused an operator to take inappropriate actions. Examples of licensed operator errors include:
  • Operator withdrew control rods out of order.

o Operator failed to bypass scram discharge volume high level trip following a trip. A second trip resulted. 3.8.3 Other Personnel Errors This programmatic cause category captures errors of omission or commission committed by non-licensed personnel involved in plant activities. Included in this category are plant staff (technicians, mammnance workers, equipment operators) and contract personnel. Not included in this category are administrative control problems, such as incorrect procedures or inadamata plannmg activities, which caused personnel to take inappropriate actions. This cause category is used in conjunction with the Mamtenance Problems category when an event is the result of a personnel error involved with a maintenance activity. Examples of other personnel errors include: , I

  • Test personnelinadvertently shorted two cables while performing test. l e Maintenance personnel omitted two fasteners while reassembling valve operator.

o Steps in surveillance procedure performed out of order. 5

I I' , 3.8.4 Maintenance Problems I. I He intent of the maintenance problems cause category is to capture the full range of problems which can be attributed i in any way to programmatic deficiencies in the mamtenance functional organization. Activities included in this category ' are mamtenance, testing, surveillance, calibration, and radiation protection. The deficiencies noted within this category ' generally lead to inadequate or improper upkeep and repair of plant equipment and systems or inadequate programs to monitor equipment and plant performance as necessary to prevent hardware failures, i This is the broadest of all categories and is intended to identify areas where improved plant performance is possible through a program which includes such things as increased attenticn to detail, more frequently performed surveillances, or the use of better trained personnel. The Maintenance Problems Cause category is used to track the performance of i plant management's capability to properly repair failed equipment and to preclude equipment failures through improved preventative maintenance programs. Additionally, as an indication of potential mamtenance problems, hardware failures { which cannot be readily attributable to any preventable cause are also included in this category. ' Maintenance related errors are often coupled with other cause categories such as Other Personnel Errors or Admmistrative 5 Control Problems. The Maintenance Problems category is used in conjunction with other categories when an error occurs i while a mamtenance, surveillance, or test activity is in progress, whether the error was the result of a deficient procedure or a personnel error. 1 3.8.5 Design / Construction / Installation / Fabrication Problems This category covers a full range of programmatic deficiencies in the areas of design, construction, installation, and < fabrication. It is used in conjunction with other cause categories when necessary to capture all contributors to the event. One exception to the use of additional categories is that since the very nature of the design process implies a personnel gI error, it is not necessary to also included one of the personnel error categories for the design error itself. g Examples of the problems included in this category are: l o Check valve installed backwards resulted in RHR overpressurization when isolation valve was opened. e Transmitter sensing lines reversed.

  • Loss of control power due to underrated fuse.

E e Use of wrong seal material resulted in solenoid malfunction. E e Equipment not qualified for the environment. e Defect discovered in pump casing attributed to a manufacturing process. He design modification process is an ongoing task at nuclear power plants. Examples of design modification problems included in this category are: , I e Incorrect interpretation of plant drawings led to an incorrect design modification package. I e Incorrect modification package caused the installation of a component in an unfavorable configuration (e.g., l incorrect wiring, incorrect location of instrumentation tubing, valve installed in wrong line, etc.). I e Post modhtion test procedure is incorrect due to incorrect information in the design modification package. l. This cause category may be used in conjunction with other cause categories such as admmistrative control problems. I I


I e I I

j 3.8.6 Miscellaneous This category is used for spurious or one-time failures of electronic piece-parts and failures due to meteorological conditions such as lightning, ice, high winds, etc. Electronic components which are included in this category are circuit cards, rectifiers, bistable, fuses, capacitors, diodes, resistors, transducers, amplifiers, and computation modules. This category does al include failures that can be attributed to other problems, such as mamtecance problems or design / construction / installation / fabrication problems. Additionally, failures of mechanical equipment for which a cause can not be specifically identified are included in the mamtenance problems category. Examples of electronic piece-part or environmental-related failures include:

  • Flashovers occurred in switchyard due to high wind and rain from a thunderstorm.
  • Capacitor failure in instrument power supply caused loss of signal from contamment leakage detection radiation monitor. i e Surges from lightning strike close to plant propagated through the plant electrical system, causing the main j generator to trip.

The performance indicator data are categorized by peer group and operational condition as discussed in the following  ! sections. 1 4.1 Peer Group Listing The plants have been categorized into nine peer groups based on NSSS vendor, product line, generating capacity, and licensing date. A tenth peer group includes all new plants that have received a low power license since January 1,1987. , l l

 'Ihe following list presents the peer groups.

l Pre "IMI General Electric Plants Post-TMI General Electric Plants abutrinn Fnaineerina Plante l without Core Protection Calculments Big Rock Point Clinton 1 Browns Ferry 1 Fermi 2 Calvert Cliffs 1 Browns Ferry 2 Grand Gulf Calvert Cliffs 2 , l Browns Feny 3 Hope Creek Fort Calhoun l Brunswick I laSalle ! Maine Yankee l 2 l4Salle 2 Millstone 2 Cooper Station Limerick 1 Palisades Dresden 2 Limenck 2 St. Lucie 1 Dresden 3 Nme Mile Pt. 2 St. Lucie 2 l Duane Arnold Perry l Fitzpatrick River Bend Hatch 1 Susquehanna 1 Hatch 2 Susquehanna 2 Millstonc 1 Wash. Nuclear 2 Monticello Combusnon Enemeenne Plants Nine Mile Pt. I Babcock and Wilcox Plants with Core Protection CalMments Oyster Creek Peach Bonom 2 Arkancu 1 Arkansas 2 Peach Bottom 3 Crystal River 3 Palo Verde 1 Pilgrim Davis-Besse Palo Verde 2 Quad Cities 1 Oconee1 Palo Verde 3 Quad Cines 2 Oconee 2 San Onofre 2 Vermont Yankee Oconee 3 San Onofre 3 Three Mile Isl. I Waterford 3 7

E Wesnnehouse 2-Ilxm and Westinchnuse New 3 and 4-Lone Plants Waunwouw Older 4-Loon olants Small 3 and 4-Looo Plants l Beaver Valley 2 Cook 1 Ginna 5 Braidwood 1 Cook 2 l Haddam Neck Braidwood 2 indian Point 2 Kewaunee Byron 1 Point Beach 1 Byron 2 Indian Point 3 Salem I l g l Point Beach 2 Callaway Salem 2 l Prairie Island 1 Catawba 1 Zion 1 lI 1 Prairie Island 2 Catawba 2 Zion 2 Comanche Peak I Comanche Peak 2 g' Diablo Canyon 1 Westinchouse Older 3-Lono Plants Diablo Canyon 2 All New Plants Since 1/1/R7 i Harris  ; Beaver Valley 1 McGuire 1 Braidwood 1 Farley 1 McGuire 2 Braidwood 2 I Farley 2 Millstone 3 Beaver Valley 2 North Anna 1 Seabrook Cornsnche Peak 1


l North Anna 2 Sequoyah 1 Comanche Peak 2 Robinson 2 j Sequoyah 2 Limerick 2 1 Surry 1 South Texas 1 Palo Verde 3 l Surry 2 South Texas 2 Seabrook Turkey Pcint 3 Summer South Texas 1 Turkey Point 4 Vogtle 1 South Texas 2 Vogtle 2 Vogtle 1 Watts Bar 1 Vogtle 2 Wolf Creek Watts Bar 1 l g l l 4.2 Operational Cycle Definitions The operational cycle methodology calculates the performance indicator trends and deviations in a manner that accounts Bl for the different plant operational conditions. The operational cycle phases and phase types are defined as follows: g' 4.2.1 Operational Cycle Phases The operational cycle begins when a plant recovers from a refueling outage and ends when the plant is ready to exit the next refueling outage. 'Ibe operational cycle has been divided into five phases to facilitate event analysis. These phases give consideration to the different activities being conducted at the plant. The phases are defined as follows:

  • Refuelina outare chase - The period the reactor is subcritical for a refueling outage, e Startun chase - The 25 operating days (i.e., reactor critical) immediately following a refueling outage.
  • Power onerations chase - Those operating days not contamed in the startup or pre-refueling phase.

l l e Non-refueline outace chase - The period the reactor is suberitical for an outage, other than refueling, that is longer than approximately 72 hours in duration. e Pre-refueline chase - The 25 operating days immediately preceding a refueling outage. 1 Regulatory shutdown days, where Commission approval is required for either restart or operation above low power, are excluded from all phases. l l ' E L l l 8 I

4.2.2 Operational Cycle Phase Types The five phases are combined into two phase types - operations, consisting of the startup, power operations, and pre-refueling phases; and shutdown, consisting of the refueling and non-refueling outage phases. To accomplish this construction of operations and shutdown phase types, each plant's operating history must be partitioned. All refueling outages, and non-refueling outages that are longer than approximately 72 hours, are removed from the time sequence and, retaining their chronological order, are combined into the shutdown phase type. The remammg days, consisting of startups, power operations, and pre-refuelings, are brought together in chronological order to form the operations phase type. Rese two phase types are then treated as continuums for the purpose of calculating trends and deviations. Each of these connauums, while arranged chronologically, does not necessarily consist of consecutive calendar days, dependmg upon the plant's operating history.

5. DISPLAY OF PERFORMANCE INDICATOR DATA The performance indicator data in this report are presented in charts and tables as discussed in the following sections.

i 5.1 Quarterly Data Figures through 7.110a provide individual charts of PI data for each plant, contammg individual bars showing quarterly PI data values. The bars are shaded to identify the number of events that occurred during each phase type and startup phase. Except for the cause codes, each chart has a linear regression trend line of industry averages to provide a comparative performance level. In the case of the safety system failure and collectiv: radiation exposure indicators, the linear regression line pertains to plant type averages (pressurized or boiling water reactor). To present a picture of a plant's recent operating history, a profile showing periods of time when the plant was in the operations or shutdown phase type is provided at the top of the page. 5.2 T. ends and Deviations Figures through 7.110b provide plant profiles of the trends and deviations calculated from the corresponding performance indicator count values. Each chart is subdivided into three parts: operations phase type (including startup), shutdown phase type, and forced outages (which are not a function of phase type). The " Plant Self-Trend" charts (short term trends over the most recent 270 operations days and 90 shutdown days) are based on the slope of a linear regression line plotted over each plant's data. He slope is divided by a scahng factor so that all performance indicator trend values are on the same scale. The " Deviations from Peer Group Median" charts (long term deviations over the most recent 540 operations days and 180 shutdown days) compare each plant's performance with the performance of its peers. These compansons are made by subtracting a plant's event rate from the peer group median event rate. The result is divided by a scaling factor sc that all performance indicator deviation values are on the same scale. The trends and deviations are calculated for all indicators except radiation exposure. Because an automatic scram while critical PI event cannot occur while shutdown, a scram trend and deviation calculation is not performed for the shutdown phase type. Tests of the statistical significance of each plant's trends and deviations assist in distinguishing between those patterns of events that are likely to occur randomly and those that are unlikely to occur randomly. De tests determine the probability that an observed pattern is a random occurrence rather than a real performance trend or deviation. The significance tests use Monte Carlo simulation techniques to determine the probability that an observed pattern is random. Trends and deviations values with a probability of being random greater than 0.200 are of low statistical significance and are shaded white. Those with a probability greater than 0.025 but less than or equal to 0.200 are of medium significance and are shaded gray. Patterns with a probability less than or equal to 0.025 of being random are of high statistical significance and are shaded black. 1 p I


6. COMPUTATIONAL CONVENTIONS The following conventions are used in the calculationt and displays for this report.
1. Certain plants are excluded from the report and calculations as follows:

With the exception of the collective radiation exposure calculations, plants in regulatory shutdown, wnere Commission approvalis required for either restart or operation above low power, are excluded from the peer and industry average calculations and the plant self trends and deviations calculations for the regulatory3 5 shutdown period. Radiation exposure can be significant during regulatory outages, hence these data are not excluded from any calculations. In addition, plants have been exclu&d after they were permanently shutdown. The following listing tabulates the excluded plants and the periods for which their data were not included in the calculations for this repon. PLANT EXCLUDED PERIODS Browns Ferry 1 From 03/19/85 to Present Browns Feny 3 From 03/09/85 to 11/19/95 Millstone 1 From 06/28/96 to Present Millstone 2 From 06/28/% to Present Millstone 3 From 06/28/% to Present 2. Plants are considered to be "new plants" from the date they receive a low power license until two years after their g commercial operation date. g

3. "NA" is used under the following conditions for new plants:

For safety system actuations, significant events, safety system failures, and cause codes, until an initial operating license is received.

  • For scrams, until critical operation.

For forced outages and equipment forced outages, until commercial operation is declared. For collective radiation exposure, until the beginmng of the first full calendar year of commercial operation. Thereafter, numerical values are used. For example, a plant shut down for an entire quarter after initial criticality has zero for scrams rather than "NA" l W

4. "NA" is also used in the following situations:

All quarterly PI values after a plant has permanently shutdown. Collective radiation exposure for the most recent quarter. These data lag the other PI data by one quarter. All Trends and Deviations values for clase plants in a regulatory shutdown. Trends and Deviations values when the mmimum time required to perform the calculations is not met. Peer group quarterly average values in the executive summary when the peer group does not have greater than 30 operations phase type or forced outage days, or 10 shutdown phase type days. In the case of Browns Ferry 1, beginmng with the fourth quarter of 1995, INPO no longer provides radiation g exposure data. E I I I 1 w I I

1 i 5. The Quarterly Data charts (Figures through 7.110a) employ the following conventions:  !

  • Industry average trend lines, except for the safety system failure and collective radiation exposure chans, are linear regression lines cf the industry average number of events per quarter, disregarding phase and phase type.
  • The safety system failure and collective radiation exposure industry average trend lines are linear regression

, lines of the average number of events per quarter of each plant type (pressurized or boiling water reactor), l disregarding phase and phase type. i

  • The linear regression lines are calculated using a least squares method as follows: l y =mx+b b = y intercept I

m _n-(Ery)-(Er)(Ey) m = Slope 2 n(Er )-(Er)2 n = The number of data points (12 for 12 quarters). X = The data point <eq"amint number (1 through 12, j 2 with 12 being the most recent quaner). b,(Er )(Ey)-(Ery)(Er) l 2 y = ne data point value (quarterly value). l n(Er )-(Er)2  !

6. The following table summanzes the time intervals used in the trends and deviations calculations:

OPERATIONS SHUTDOWNS FORCED OUTAGES Trends Deviations Trends Deviations Trends Deviations i Total Days 270 540 90 180 270 540 , 1 Mi-Jmum Days 90 90 30 30 90 90 Ivtaximum Calendar 4 12 6 12 4 12 l Quarters l For the trends calculations, data are parsed into specific time segments: 30 day segments for the operaticns phase type and forced outages,10 day segments for the shutdowns phase type. The slope of the linear regression line that  ! plots the data is calculated and divided by a scaling factor, so that all performance indicator trend values are on the same scale. In accordance with the above table, an operations phase type trend value is based on the slope of a linear regression line that plots data from the most recent 270 operations days or four calendar quarters, whichever is shorter in calendar time. If a mimmum of 90 operations days did not occur dunng the last four quarters, the calculation is not performed. He trend scahng factors (rl) normahze the data using the 2nd and 98th percentile values (p) of all calculated plant I trend slopes for a given Pl and scale the result to fall between -0.9 and 0.9 as follows: P p = 2nd percentile value for negative slopes, 98th y = 0.9 percentile value for positive slopes. l l 11

I The plant trend equation is:

                              -m I

Trend = m = slope l71l T) = Trend scaling factor I i A plant's performance may be improving (m < 0), nnchanged (m = 0) or declining (m > 0). A minut sign is applied sc, that positive trends indicate improving plant performance. For the deviations calculation, a plant's event rate is determined by counting the number of phase type events over E a specific time period, then dividing by the number of phase type days during that time period. That rate is g subtracted from the applicable peer group median rate. The result is divided by a scaling factor so that all performance indicator deviation values are on the same scale. Thus, a shutdown phase type deviation value is i determined by subtracting a plant event rate for the most recent 180 shutdown days or 12 calendar quarters, l whichever is shorter in calendar time, from the peer group median event rate. If a mmimum of 30 shutdown days  ! did not occur during the last 12 quarters, the calculation is not performed. The deviation scaling factor (x) is similar to the trend scahng factor, but normah7es the data using the 2nd and 98th percentile values of the difference between the peer group median rate and the plant rates. The deviation equation l is: G = Peer group median of c E! Deviation = h) -E 6 = Plant event rate 1 lKl K = Deviation scahng factor ne deviations calculation for new plants is slightly different in that it compares a new plant's performance with the performance of all new plants (since January 1,1987) for the same time in plant life. For example, a plant that has l W completed 100 operational days after low power licensing is compared with other plants at 100 operational days after low power licensing. Regulatory outage periods are excluded from all trends and deviations calculations. De forced outage rate trends and deviations calculations also exclude scheduled outage days. The equipment forced outages per 1000 commercial critical hours calculations use the same time periods (operations days) as the operations phase type.

7. Begmnmg with the third quarter 1593 report, the peer group quarterly average values in the executive summary were determined using improved calculauonal techniques.
8. Beginning with the first quarter 1994 report, the industry quarterly average values in the quarterly PI tables were determined using improved calculational techniques.
9. Begmning with the third quarter 1994 report, the refueling outage definition was revised to include the entire period of suberitical operation vice only the period in the cold shutdown and refueling modes.

I I I n I I

I l l i l l



E Figura 7.1c Legend: ggggj Shutdown < approx. 72 hrs i Refueling g Startup i i R Operation Emi industry Avg. Trend Shutdown 93-4 to 96-3 Quarterly Data Not Shown Using Op. Cycle - - Ops. Ops. I I I I I I I I R II RI I I! R R R I I R I 1' %3' %1' %1 ' 3' %3' '94 1 %33 W1' E3' %1i %3i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter

       ,               Automatic Scrams While Critical                                 4                    Safety System Actuations k    3-                                                                              3-a                                                                                 e
 'ti   2-                                                                              2-                                                                            l 4                          ,                  , ,              , ,                I,           ,           ,

0 24 " 0 3

                   % 1'        94-33    W1'      %3       %1 3'     %3 i                     6 94-11        %3'      95 11      W3'        96-11     %3 I Year - Quarter                                                                   Year- Quarter 2.0                          Significant Events 4                       Safety System Failures I

1.5 - t 3 g 3-w 01.0- ' ' Aj

                                                                              '5 <     2-o                                                                               o 94-1'       94-3     %1'      95-3 i  %1'        %3 i                    '      94-1'        943 i    %1'        95-3'      bli       %3 F Year - Quarter                                                                   Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outagest 100                      Forced Outage Rate (%)                                                   1000 Commercial Critical Hours e

vo- p

   ' 60-40-
 ]                                                                                 b                                            14i b               e                                             ,                               D et oc                               o se            o 4e e st
                                                              ?>^ 1                                                                                  C3 O    .M 94 1i '

J- O C '"

            '                  94-3'    95 1i    95 3' Year - Quarter 41i        96 3-                   i      94-1  i W        %5-1 '     W3i        W1'       %3; Year - Quarter Cause Codes
                                                                                      **          "                           E*'               '        ' 

200 Collective Radiation Exposure u a u 3 g u. w. m. " 50-

s. s. s.

Elc100. 8 M" 8 " ~

                                                                                                                                          *" . N ".

lE 'a

d. Maint
e. Design
f. Misc 50-y g u. w. w.

O A A * "! N ' ' *

  • i 94 3i 94".3: --95-1' %5 3' %1 I %3 I 8' '-

Year - Quarter &b " " " " a Urut Specific Radiation Exposure o o o " I

Figure 7.1b ARKANSAS 1 Legend: Statistical Significance High Peer Group: Babcock and Wilcox Medium *wu 934 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical - N 0,90 - la ,

                                                                                                                              -0.85 Safety System Actuations -                                  0 0

Significant Events - 0.90 -

                                                                                                                              -0.90 e

Safety System Failures - 0.18 - f,j 0.26 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Admin 6strouve contras ProNoms - 0.59 ME'$1A2 -
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -


c. Other Personnel Errors - -0.06 [
                                                                                                             -0.36 %f'2
d. Mamennance ProNems - ] 0.24 -
                                                                                                             -0.37 ses
e. Dee6gniconstrucconnnstanscontrabricadon Promeme - -0.06 [

W 0.26

f. Miscenaneous - l -0.90 -

0 i SHUTDOWN l Safety System Actuations - NA

                                                                                                           -0.41 Significant Events -                            NA
                                                                                                                              -0.82 Safety System Failures -                               NA
                                                                                                          -0.49 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Administraeve Control Protdems - NA -


b. ucensed operator Errors - NA - O
c. Other Personnel Errors - NA -
                                                                                                             -0.38 l
d. Maintenance Prowems - NA -
                                                                                                              -0.36 R7d
e. Dee6enicenstrucconnnstmuseon/Fabetcagon ProWome - NA -
                                                                                                                      -0.02 l
f. Mioceneneeve - NA -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - -0.09 0.02 g / 97puy Equipment Forced Outages / * - 437 g @"g( - [ gfjfg 4 72 1000 Commercial Critical Hours Nees: See Tet6e 9 ln Part N for Ow -1.0 -0!5 0:0 0'.5 1.0 -1.0 O'.5 0.0 0!5 1.0 spectne nme enmes used en the calcuissons. Performance Index Performance index ' Not Calcunsted for Operatonal cycle l 15

Figure 7.22 I Legend: M M2 5""'d "" < '"a'

  • 72 hrs ,

Refueling R 3 Startup , Operation EED i N to M ope. Quade@ Dau Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown - Not Shown Using Op. Cycle E72755 E' g Co. A I R I  ! I R R i S/0 i 94,, , g3 wii i 95-3 l M1i %3; 10 , 943, 94,3, g qi l ~I 33 g 3, g3; Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical Safety System Actuations 4 3- . y 3-V) b j

 '8    2-                                       '

b 2-j 0 l Ii 1- 1-i i B41 i 94-3' 95-13 %3 i %1' WI i nii 94-3' 95 13  % 3' %1' M3 i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter J l 2.0 Significant Events Safety System Failures 4 E 1.5 - gg3 t 01.0- ei

                                                                           'B <        2-                                                                         i b

j o 5- jE '- g h ph 4 =1 0.0 0 i uti %3' 95-1 i 95-3 i

                                                           %1i       %3 3                   '

54-1' 94-3' 95-1 i 95 3; %1' %3 8 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outages / 100 Forced Outage Rate (%) , W0 Commercial Mcal Hours 1 nh E80- jz  ! 00 T U- EE 3'- Nj 2-l'-

                                                      $l W

da o s. 0 I 94-1 1 94-3i m. 95-1' 95-3' %1'

                                                                     %3' 70               i 94-1~     94-3 3

I 95-1' 9

                                                                                                                                 ' 5-3'
                                                                                                                                             %1'      , '
                                                                                                                                                      %3, Year - Quarter                                                                    Year - Quarter Cause Codes                                           i
                                                                                               "                           E*'              *          

200 Collective Radiation Exposure a u w Wl g m. n. a. l

s. s. s.

k<100- o o 'E

d. Maint e. Design f. Misc 50- h " " "

O i A 11 E ' ' s. 94 1i 94,,3 1 95-1' 95 3 1

                                                           %1'       %3 1                                                            s.

Year - Quarter E"'

  • g I'"

Unit Specific Radiation Exposure o * * "'

                                                                                                                           "           o 16
 . . ~ .                   .
                                            -                           .. --       . - - _ - . .              . - - .              . -               - - . - _ .~.

J Figure 7.2b I 1 i ARKANSAS 2 tenend: st e. tic.i sioniriconce sioh summi Peer Group: Combustion Engineering with CPC Medium uma 934 to 96 3 Trends .nd Devi.tions L* * ' ' i Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median l Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better B l Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 - 0 4 Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0 j Significant Events - 0 - 0 Safety System Failures - 0,72 - o i Cause Codes (All LERs) l a. Adminisersove Control Problems - ]0.08 - 0 a

b. ucensed operator Errors -
                                                                                                 ] 0.28                 -

O j c. other Personnet Errors - 0 - O

d. Ma6ntenance ProWems - -0.07 [
e. Desiervconstrucconanstanaconsabriceuon Prowems - 0 -

0.77 Tsy;i&&

f. M: _. - 0 -

0.90 l SHUTDOWN i Safety System Actuations - 0 o 1 J i Significant Events - 0 o  ; Safety System Failures - 0 0 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Adm6nastraeve control Problems - l 0.36 -


b. ucensed operator Errors - 0 -


c. Other Personnel Errors - ] 0.18 -
d. Maintenance ProNoms - Ff/A 0.45 -

O e.Dessecuconstrueconanstanaconaabetcanon Problems - 0 - O f wiscananeous - 0 - 0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0 0.03l l Equipment Forced Outages / * - M i

                                                                                                                            -0.36 g l 0

1000 Commercial Critical Hours Noen: see tape s in Part n for the -1.0 -O'5

                                                                                  .           0.0      O!5   1.0       -1.0   -0'5
                                                                                                                                .       0.0     0.'5    1.0 specmc eme frames used in sw caneviatwns-                           Perf ormance index                            Performance Index
  • Not emeuiseed for oseremonal cycie 17

Figure 7.3a Legend: i BEAVER VALLEY 1 5""'d "" ' '"'"a 2 hr. 3, Sta, e , , Refueling R Opoetio9 www industry Avg. Trend Shutdown m N to @ 3 Quarte @ Dam Not Shown Using Op. Cycle yxce Ops. __, Ops. _, R RI R R  ! S/D ( g3, 943 g3, g3; g3, g3; S/D i 34,3, 33, %1' 95 3'  % 1' %3i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical 4 Safety System Actuations E 3- i 3-o 2- 2-g i , 5 I i i i ,

     -            p            as                                                13- g                                    g
               '                            %1'                       %3' 9&13       93'             %3'      E1'                             3
                                                                                                  '961'        943'       Wii     %3i        '96 13      95-3   i Year - Quarter                                                                Year - Quarter 2.0                          Significant Events                                4                      Safety System Failures e                                                                        =

1.5 - e 3-e 01.0- ' do< 2-50'5-h" 1-5 Z z @' E' M' O.0 * ' O

                                                   %3' 961'       94-3'   95 1 3           %1  3 96-3                 3
                                                                                                  %1'          %3'        %1 '    95 3       96-1'       %3' Year - Quarter                                                                Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outagest 100                       Forced Outage Rate (%)                                              1000 CommercialCritical Hours e

y 2 I "o- j! " 60- 7 E o h 3e u.

     ]40_                                                                              2-               m, i

b _' .L

                                              ,           s

e sa o so e ss O . 8 MMM 961' S&3: W2

                                            %1'    %3 d__oa
                                                            %11 mm 96-3' o


                                                                                               -u 941'
                                                                                                        ,_m N

9&3' E1 ' %3 T i 96-1 6 3 96 3 i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Cause Codes 200 Collective Radiation Exposure u u u g g u. u. m. 8.150- ,, ,, ,,

                                                                                  -"     ""-                             '"                          ~"

100- 8 ' ' [" d. Maint e. Design f. Misc 50- M "~ i h ,e u h. %3ade 1

                         %,        %3;      %,              %,1       %3;     ..                            ..                          ..

Year - Quarter Unit Specific Radiation Exposure d1 p_ g * " " " E, E' o o o l 1 18

j Figure 7.3b BEAVER VALLEY 1 tesend: simac.i sionific.nce sion Peer Group: Westinghouse older 3-Loop Medium Emmsg j 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations i Deviations From Plant Peer Group

Self-Trend Median 3 Short Term Long Term
OPERATIONS (including startup)
Automatic Scrams While Critical - -0.18 -

0 Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0

  • Significant Events - 0 -

0 i 1 Safety System Failures - 0 - 0.26 1 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Mmmestraeve control Problems - 24 0.34 -
                                                                                                                                         ]0.14 3                                            b. Ucensed operseer Errors -                        0               -


c. other Personnel Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                               -0.09 [
d. Maintenance Problems - M 0.24 -


e. DesigneconstruceennnstallaeonMabricacon Problems - -0.18 [ -
                                                                                                                                -0.07 [

f.Miscenaneous - 0 - 0 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0

                                                                                                                           -0.20 Significant Events -                                0 0

Safety System Failures - 0.28

                                                                                                                                -0.04 Cause Codes (All LERs) a.Mmin6strouve contros Probiems -                        ] 0.26            -
                                                                                                                          -0.27 @
b. Ucensed operator Errors - ] 0.19 -

p@gg74#2R 0.92

c. omer Personnel Errors - ] 0.19 -
                                                                                                                              -0.15 [
d. Maintenance Problems - Vf() 0.39 - -0.40 7jM
e. Design #censoucsonnnetenseenFabricacon Problems - l -0.88 -

0.26 @ f.Misceneneous - 0 -

                                                                                                                      -0.45 I FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * -                   0,20 f                           -

0,10 Equipment Forced Outages /

  • 0
                                                                               -0.23 1000 Commercial Critical Hours -                                     ,_

Note see fab 6e s tn Part h for me 1.0 -05 0.0 OIS 1.0 1.0 -0'.5 0.0 0.'5 1.0 specmc une frames used in me calcuissons. Perforrnance Index Performance Index

          - Not caiculated for operseenal cycle 19

Figure 7.4a I Legend: 5""'d "" ' 'aP' *. 72 h,s ,, St., tup , BEAVER VALLEY 2 Refuel:ng R Operation smaa j 2M Qua% Dab Industry Avg. Trend Not Shown Using Op. Cycle Shutdown - E' g' ops. Ops. I I R R R R R R SID 0 i in1' inai %1' %3' Mi l 96 3 i ' $4-1 94-3i %1' W 3' E1i 96 3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical 4 Safety System Actuations E 3 S 3-a o 2-R fo 2- 2 l I h 1- E 1-


R' R' = R'E' O , 94-1; ~ 94-3' 95-13 3 i

                                                         %16   W                     '

94-1' 943; W1' %3 i 96-1' %3 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Significant Events 4, Safety System Fallures I U 1.5 - o 1.0-

                                                                       'h o<

g 3-2- I 0.5 - 1- ' E Z h' 0.0 0 5 WA i 94-1 6 943; E 1' %3' %1' %3 i 94-1' 94-3 %1 i 3 95-3 i %1 i %3 i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outages / 100 Forced Outage Rate (%) 6 1000 Commercial Critical Hours w 80-j

 $60-                                                                  7b e                                                                      H                                                                                E y40-                                                                  f                                                                                 g j         -
              "         Eh
 '                                                                                                                         o ne o      M          M                       '         '

[ o 2 i 94-13 94 3' Wi i %3 i

                                                         %1'   %31                    '
                                                                                            %1'       94-3     95-1'     W3 '        M 1'     %3   i Year - Quarter                                                            Year - Quarter Cause Codes 200 Collective Radiation Exposure                     a                           u                            s                        g g                                                                        e.                         w-                           u-pg150-         us m                           s-                         s-                           s-goo _                                                               o.b                M       o   ,J. 9P               o         .a J

[ ,

d. Maint e. Design f. Misc

[ 50- _,,_

                   '         '                 L          ' '

0 i gg, ' 94 3 ' g3 6 gp ' ggi g31 s. 1 s- s. Year - Quarter Unit Specific Radiation Exposure *

                                                                             %ggp"                 o   (       "       "        o           "


Figure 7.4b BEAVER VALLEY 2 tesend: st.e.ecoi sion<icance wsa Peer Group: Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop Medium e 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 - 0 Safety System Actuations - 0 0 Significant Events - 0 - 0 Safety System Failures - 0 - 0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administratve Control Problems - -0.21 E --
                                                                                                                           ] 0.21
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                  -0.09 [

c.other Personnel Errors - l 0.42 -

                                                                                                            -0.45 E
d. Mamtenance Problems - -0.14 [ -
                                                                                                                  -0.09 [
e. Design /Construccontinstalladon/ Fabrication Problems - 0.12 [ -
                                                                                                                           ] 0.26
f. Miscellaneous - 0 -

0 SHUTDOWN = Safety System Actuations - o .0,49 Significant Events - o - 1,44 Safety System Failures - 0

                                                                                                                    -0.02 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Admin 6straeve control Problems - 0 -

lE 0.41

b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                               -0.21 [
c. Other Personnel Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                             -0.36 l
d. Maintenance Problems - ]O.13 -
                                                                                                                  -0.08 [
e. DesigntConstructon/InstanatorWFabrication Problems - 0 --
                                                                                                              -0.34 E
f. Miscettaneous - 0 -

0 FORCED CUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0.51 ffh 0.02 Equipment Forced Outages / * \ 1000 Commercial Critical Hours _ fld) A 0.39 l Note: See Table 9 in Part R for trie -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 O'5

                                                                                                                  .       O!O     0!5   1.0 specme eme frames used m the caiculaeons.                            Performance Index                      Performance Inoex             l I
  • Not Calculated for opersoonal Cycle 21

l Figure 7.5a Legend: . BIG ROCK POINT S""'d "a < 'aa' *. 72 hm ; st.nup , , l Refueling R Operation m  ! Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown b E3 QuaWy Dau Not Shown Using Op. Cycle EZ25E25 i Ops. .-_ Ops. ._ S/D , gg, g3 l g, g3; Year - Quarter llg, g3: S/D '

                                                                                            %1'         94-3' 95 1 Year - Quarter 95-3i ll E1'       96-3I I:
        ,,             Automatic Scrams While Critical                              4                Safdy System Actuations 3-                                                                     .h y    3-                                                                           i m

o 2- h 2-3 i 941 6 94-3 i %16 %3' i %1' i 3; b %3' %13 95-3'  % 1' %3I I' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Signmcant Events 4 Safey System FaHures

  • 8 1.5 - 3 g 3-o 1.0- di o< 2-0.5 - 1- .4., g 0.0 i
                                                               .                   0 ni                                               %3'.                     94-t i                                     %1' 8

94 3' 95-1' 95 3l %1' 3 94-3 95-1' 95-3 i %3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outages / 100 Forced Outage Rate (%) 1000 Commercial Critical Hours e 58-CO-fIt= l T 2 320- ,, e se 8 m 0 U S A* M % a a  ?


M' 0 o nt o so

                                                                                                                                 .'              E 04s
             '     S41'        94-3'     95-1'  95-3'     % 1'      %3'                i     94-1'      94     95-1'     95-3'       %1'       96-3; Year - Quarter                                                          Year - Quarter cause Codes
                                                                                  ^       "                           **'              '*             

200 Collective Radiation Exposure w w = g m u. w. w. y 150- ,, ,, ,,

                                                                           '                   E     *            " ""          '

100- - l2g50-


u5 d. Maint e. Design f. Misc u a w y n ,, n 2s w. w. w. l 0 I 94-1 i 94-3' 95 1i 95-3 i %1 ' %3 i Year - Quarter Jg1 , ,, , l

Figure 7.5b BIG ROCK POINT tesend: statisticai sioniriconce sion simi. Peer Group: General Electne Pre-TMI Medium smi 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS (including startup) Automatic Scrams While Critical - -0.18 - 0 Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0  ; Significant Events - 0 - o i I Safety System Failures - 0 - 0.78 hh Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Adm6ntsuseve Control Problems - 0 -
                                                                                                                          ] 0.07
b. Ucensed Operator Errors - l0.42 -
                                                                                                           -0.36 E
c. other Personnel Errors - ]0.14 -
                                                                                                           -0.36 l
d. Maintenance Problems - 0 -

E 0.48 ,

e. DesigntConstruccontinstallatonFabncaten Problems - 0 -

0.64 P/FMd7d j )

f. Miscellaneous - 0 -

0 2 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 0 Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0.14 0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administrative control Problems - ]0.09 -

E 0.25 b Ucensed Operatot Errors - 0 - l0.37 c.Other Personnel Errom - ]0.09 -

                                                                                                                          ] 0.07
d. Maintenance Problems - 0.25 -
                                                                                                                          @ 0.23
e. Designtcenstruccontinstallanonsabricaton Problems - 0 -

0.90 E

f. Miscellaneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - .o.oe 0.03 Equipment Forced Outages /

  • 0.20 4 18 1000 Commercial Critical Hours -

Note: See Table s in Part 11for ew *1.0 -0:5 0.0 05 1.0 1.0 -O'5

                                                                                                                .       0.0     O!S    1.0 spectnc eme frames used in the calcutanons.                        Performance Index                      Performance Index
 ' Not Calculated for Operatonal Cycle 23

Figure 7.6a IIl l Legend: 5""'d "" ' '"' *. 7 2 h,s ,, BMOW@D 1 Refueling R Sta,tuo , Operation eel l Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown EEi l N to N Qua% Dam Not Shown Using Op. Cycle E3m21 ops. - - Ops. - - R I R I R I I R S/D i i

                                                                                  $/D i                                            I     .
            ;     gg,      %f              i
                                               %3'        96-1'  96-f                   I
                                                                                                  '94-1'        i94-3'     $516        %3'        E1'      Y6-3'     l Year -%1Quarter                                                                       Year - Quarter 4

Automatic Scrams While Critical 4 Safety System Actuations 3- y 3- l 1

  .                                                                            g y     2-3    2-3                         '

j j 1- E 1-b 94-1' 9I3  !

                                     %1'       %3        %1'     %3'                      '

94-1' 94 3 3 95-ti %3' iO6-ti %3 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Significant Events 4 Safety System Failures j 1.5- 3 g 3-


8 i 01.0-1o<l 2-0.5 - 1- ' Z Z h' E' N' 0.0 0 ' M 2 'A $ b

                  %4-1'    94-3 i    %1'       95-3       96-1'  %3'                               94-1'         94-3'      95-1'      95-3 I              %3i Year - Quarter                                                                         Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outagest Forced Outage Rate (%)                                                        1000 Commercial Critical Hours 100                                                                           e                                                                                ,

7 2 7 80- "j w .

   "g 60-40_                                                               uE E         2-o ne h               o so                      o .e i

94-13 94-3; ' 5-1 9 95-3' 961* 3 i

  • 194-1; 94-3' $51i Year - Quarter 95-3' 96-16 b Year - Quarter Cause Codes
a. Admin b. Lic Oper c. Other Per Collective Radiation Exposure a a n 200 n- u.
 $                                                                        N-Eg150-o   ab                        ,

a nS o 4 m e m

 ..                                                                                 d. Maint                            e. Design                     f. Misc u

Bg50-f M 4 g " " N O E 2 1, 1-s- s- s. 3 94-1' 94-f  % 1' 95-3' 96-1 i D6-31 Year - Quarter mD Site Average Radiation Exposure o ea '

                                                                                                           ,   o            =r         a    o         e 24

i Figure 7.6b i BRAIDWOOD 1 tesend: stausece sisnific.nce sioh Peer Group: Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop Mediurn EEms 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations l Deviations From j Plant Peer Group l Self-Trend Median ) Short Term Long Term 1 Declined improved Worse Better 1 OPERATIONS (including startupj l l Automatic Scrams While Critica! - 0 - 0 Safety System Actuations - 0 - O l Significant Events - o - o 1 Safety System Failures - 0.42 -

                                                                                                              -0.17 Cause Codes (All LERs)                                                                                             !
a. Admmmtraeve Control ProNems - ]0.17 -

0.09 [

b. ucensed operator Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                -0.09 [                        !
c. Other Personnel Errors - ]0.14 -
                                                                                                                -0.09 [                        j
d. Maintenance Problems - 0.54 Ffff/A )
                                                                                                                   -0.03 {
e. Dessgruconstructionnnstanason/Fanrtcacon Problems - -0.18 [ -
                                                                                                                            ] 0.26 f.Miscenaneous -                     0               -
                                                                                                            -0.30 L SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations -'                                   O
                                                                                                             -0.20 Significant Events -                            0 0

Safety System Failures - 0.07

                                                                                                            -0.24 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Administraeve Control Prothms - @ 0.12
                                                                                                                 -0.07 [
b. Ucuand operator Errors - 0.24 -
                                                                                                                -0.10 [
c. other Personnel Errors - O -
                                                                                                            -0.27 [
d. Maintenance Problems - -0.10 [
                                                                                                            -0.29 $$$

e.o signiconstrucconanstanscontrabricaton Problems - ]0.11 -

                                                                                                           -0.36 E f.Miscenaneous - PX##f/////#5/R -0.90                -

M -0.00 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0.32

                                                                                                                  -0.04 Equipment Forced Outages / * -                                                      -
                                                                        -0.30                                                   0.13 1000 Commercial Critical Hours Note: See Tab 6e 9 6n Partil for the                           -1.0    -O'S       0.0     0'5
                                                                                              . 1.0 1.0   -C'5
                                                                                                                .         0.0       OIS  1.0 speemc ame names und in the calcum                                   Performance Index                  Performance index
  • Not Calculated for operatonal Cyck 25

Figure 7.7a I Legend: BMOW@D 2 S""'d "" < ' *. 7 2 hrs , Refueling R Sia,iup , Operation - Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown e i N to N Qua% Dab Not Shown Using Op. Cycle E33333 Ops. Ops. F R F R S/D

                    %1'       '94 3-      95-1 i  %3'   %1'     %31                 '         %1'        54-3'     %1' E3'               %1                %3; Year - Quarter                                                            Year- Quarter 4            Automatic Scrams While Critical                                                 Safety System Actuations 4

3- 3-2o 2- N g 2-

   ! '~

0 , h

                " 94,1, .

Nh gh 95 1i 95 3: Year - Quarter

                                                        %11     96-3 i
                                                                            } '~


                                                                                              %11        94-3'      W 1'        95-3i h

961' 96-3' l Year - Quarter 2.0 Significant Events Safety Syst6m Faltures 4 1.5 - 3-e o 1.0- o

                                                                        %<       2-                                                            2 j                                                                       E

_J._ 50.5- 1- i 2 2 h h' h' - N O.0 O bS N b W 1' %3 %3' 94-1 3 i 94-3' 95-3' 96 1 3 G4-1 3 W1' 95-3; %1' %3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outagest 3no Forced Outage Rate (%) 1000 Commercial Critical Hours e 80-4 a=

   $60_                   se

2-20- 1 B " e s, 0 N M1 . .M . . w


0 M 94-1' h's

                                                                                                    ~E e .e e so N.             . .

I i 94-1' 94-3 95-1' E3' %1' %3' 6 94-3' 95-1' 95-3' %1' %3'. Yea - Quarter Year - Quarter Cause Codes 200 Collective Radiation Exposure n a n g u. w. u. Ee150- ,, ,, ,, 00- *' #I -E K * "" ' """ 9 M E" ,

d. Maint
e. Design
f. Misc 50 - uM 4  %

a ll @ , @l 'a ug g a i 94 3i 94 3; g$.q i 95 3 %1' E3' Year - Quarter Site Average Radiation Exposure o "j h j O,. . o ,J "" o

  • 26

l 1 Figure 7.7b BRAIDWOOD 2 tend: st**c iswe nce siO s i Peer Group: Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop Medium wsa j 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations

                                                                                                                                                 *'J              l Deviations From                        j
 ,                                                                                    Plant                                   Peer Group                          i Self-Trend                                  Median                            l Short Term                                 Long Term                           ;

Declined improved Worse Better l OPERATIONS (including startup) i Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 - 0.45 l l i Safety System Actuations - 0.45 -

                                                                                                                       -0.36                                      l 4

Significant Events - 0 - ['(( -0.90 Safety System Failures - 0.28 -

                                                                                                                        -0.28                                     i l

Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Admannstraeve control Prob 6 ems - -0.03 l
                                                                                                                             -0.03 (
b. Ucensed operutor Errors - l0.42 -
                                                                                                                         -0.27 [
c. Other Perunnel Errors - -0.06 ( -
                                                                                                                         -0.27 [
d. Maintenance Problems - -0.35 FfA -
                                                                                                                           -0.16 @

, e. oessenconstrucconanstallaconrabncaton Problems - ]0.12 - 0 l r.Mmeenaneous - 0 - 0 f SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 1 0 o . 4 Significant Events - 0 0 4 i Safety System Failures - -0.22 -

                                                                                                                           -0.15 i                                                                                                                                  -

Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administranve Control Problems - - -0.26 ,/
                                                                                  -0.05 [
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -

0.16 [ c.oewrPersonnelErrors - 0.26 [ f -

                                                                                                                                        ] 0.05
d. Maintenance Problems - ) 0.04 0.03 (
e. oemencenstniceananstanseonFabncaton Protdems - l0.32 -

0 i v.Mmeenaneous - 0 -

                                                                                                                     -0.50 I i

FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0 0.33 l Equipment Forced Outages /

  • 1000 Commercial Critical Hours -

0 - {w d 0.39 Note: See Tabis 9 in Part u for the 1.0 -0!5 0:0 0'.5 1.0 1.0 -0!5 0.0 O!5 1.0 spectne ame frames used in tne calcuiseens. Perforrnance index Performance index l l'

  • Not Calculated for operaDonal Cycle 27

Figure 7.8a I Legend: MOWM FEW 1 5""'d "" < .pp, x. 72 h,s ,, Refueling R Startup u_, Operation E:am Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown M 93-4 to 96-3 Quarteriy Data  ; Not Shown Using Op. Cycle m ops. OP S/D 3 g3, 94,3, g,, g3, Year- Quarter g3; g3; S/D , 94,3, ,94-3 W1' %3' Year - Quarter E1' M3' I 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical 4 Safety System Actuations E 3_ .y 3-b 3 o 2- 5 2-y \ 2 1- }j 1-Z


i E3; i 94-3 i  % 1' %3' iO4-1 43' I 94-t i 943 i %13 41' %3 i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Significant Events 4 Safety System Failures I 1.5 - g $_ e 01.0-n 34 2-30.5-2 lm g_ 0.0 0 ' 3 94-11 94J 95-1' %3' %1' %3' 94-1' 94-3' %1' E3' . i Wi %3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outages / 100 Forced Outage Rate (%) 1000 Commercial Critical Hours 6 80-60- ph m 3 u.

  }40-                                                                         2-
                                                                      .5 m                                                                    u

4 94-1 1 94-3i W1' %3 %3  ! i 94-1' 94-3 i '

                                                                                                             %1  1
                                                                                                                     %3'      %1'     963*

Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Cause Codes

a. Admin b. Uc Oper c. Other Per 200 Collective Radiation Exposure u a u g u. w. w.

150- 6- #- s, , e n n E 100- o o o

                                   -                                           d. Maint                  e. Design               f. Misc g4                               NA NA NA NA 0                                                              8-                        5-                       #-
              '  94-1'    94-3'      95-1*  % 3'     iB6-1i 96 3   3 Year - Quarter                              "                                                           e Unit Specibe Radiation Exposure                    e              ..""      o                        o 28 I

I Figure 7.8b BROWNS FERRY 1 us-a: st.e.uc i s nmc.nce o sion ,,,i,, Peer Group:Gener 1 Electric Pre-TMI Medium e**> 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined Improved Worse Better Automatic Scrams While Critical - NA - NA Safety System Actuations - NA - NA Significant Events - NA - NA 1 Safety System Failures - NA - NA , Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administratve ControlProblems - NA -


b. Ucensed Operator Errors - NA -

NA c.omer Personnes errors - NA - NA l

d. Maintenance Problems - NA -


e. Design /ConstrucDontinstalianofWabricaton Problems - NA -


f. Mmeelmneous - NA -

NA SHUTDOWN - 1 l Safety System Actuations - NA NA Significant Events - NA NA S:*ety System Failures - NA - NA l Cause Codes (All LERs)

8. AdmimetraOve Control Problems - NA -


b. Ucensed Operator Errors - NA -


c. Omer Personnel Errors - NA -


d. Maintenance Prob 6 ems - NA -


e. Desgr" - staliator#abricanon Prob 6 ems - NA -


f. Misceneneous - NA -

NA FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - NA NA Equipment Forced outages / * - NA NA 1000 Commercial Critical Hours - Note: see Tab 6e 9 in Part a for me 1.0 -0'5

                                                                          .      0.0     0.5   1.0 -1.0        -0!5    0.0     O!5     1.0 specifnc see frames used in me calculacons.                         Performance Index                      Perf ormance Index
  • Not Calculated for Opereconal Cych 29

Figure 7.92 Legend: 5""'d "" < * **' *. 7 2 h,s ,, MOWM FEM 2 Refueling R Sta,iup , Operation smaa industry Avg. Trend Shutdown 93-4 to 96-3 Quarterly Data Not Shown Using Op. Cycle mee i 11I I I II I I a l lI I it i II I ii l i I I i 11 I S/D 3 943,I g3, g3i g3; g3, g3, S/D i g3, 94,3,- g3i -g3; gg, g3i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical 4 Safety System Actuations 3- f 3-to ti t 2- 2 2 -. .l I g3 , e , , l j 1 $ I z hh 3 94-1' 94-3' W1' %3 i B6-1i %3' I 94 1' 94-3' 95-1' %3- %1I %3 i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Significant Events 4 Safety System Failures 2.0 1.5 -

 $                                                                           glg3-0 C 1.0-                                                                    o <s;    2-b                                                                          $"

0.5 - 1- @ L .1, y gg 0.0 0 3 94-1 i 94-3 i  % 1' E3' %1' %3 i ' 94 1' 94-3; $51' E3' M1 %3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outagest

      ,og                     Forced Outage Rate (%)                                  ,__              1000 Commercial Critical Hours b 80-                                                                           h
   .S                                                                             q

{60- yh m 5d


E 2-320- k $ 12 B -

                                                                                                                      @               o .e i    94-1'      94-3        %'    E3         %1'       %3'                       '

94-1 i 943 Wii %1' %3 2 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter , Cause Codes Collective Radiation Exposure m is = 200 g w. m. u.

s. s-m m s.

M " 0 * " " ' " " " ' h 100- '

d. Maint e. Design f. Misc
                                                                              "~                             "~

h eerL .,. idhe[G " = i 94 1' 94 3' %1' W3 %1' M3' Year - Quarter Unit Specific Radiation Exposure

  • Eg b * """' "" * ""

30 1

Figure 7.9b BROWNS FERRY 2 tesend: st esse isenmc.nce me - Peer Group: General Electric Pre-TMI Medium rma 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviatons Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS (including startup) Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 -

                                                                                                          -0.28 Safety System Actuations -                                    0               -
                                                                                                         -0.36         l Significant Events -                            0               -

0 Safety System Failures - 0.28 - 0 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Admimstraeve controlProblems - 0 -

0.90 M

b. Ucensed Operator Errors - 0 -

0.60 l l c.Other Personnel Errors - 0 - 0.03 kW/iTAFT(43 ,

d. Maintenance Problems - ] O.06 0.48 e.Designiconstucton/InstallaconsFabrication Problems - ]0.12 -

0.64 #ffMgjl

f. Misceltaneous - 0 -

0 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 3.00 hh -

                                                                                                                         -0.90               I j

Significant Events - 0 - o l Safety System Failures - 0 0.78 l Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administranve control Problems - 1.80 !! M rt#/F#E H1 -

0.14 [

b. Ucensed Operator Errors - 0.90 l
                                                                                                    -     MifyMt#3] -0.70
c. Other Personnai Errors - 0.90 l O
d. Maintenance Problems - 1.50 MWJM?#/#jM -
                                                                                                             -0.20 [
e. Design /Construccon/Installabon/ Fabrication Problems - 0 -


f. Macellaneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0 M 0.38 Equipment Forced Outages / * - 0 0.51 . 1000 Commercial Critical Hours - i Note: See Table 9 in Part 11 for the 1.0 -0:5 0.0 0'5

                                                                                           . 1.0  1.0    -O'5
                                                                                                               .      O!0     0.'5    1.0 specine one frames used in the calcutanon*                           Perf orrnance Index                  Perforrnance index
  • Not Cak:ulated for Operanonal Cycle 31

l 11

                                                                                                                                                                                                           'l 2k g
                            "                                                  3R$i7                                   oM                     -     s' 3          _

- j o 1 5 2 0 2 ' 6

  • 1 0 0 0 1 1
                                                                                                                           .5 2                                               S      p o               B R

0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 D s _ _ - - - - - - - ~ b O _ 3 ' ' ,

                        "                                                                                                                                                                    M 9

4 , 4  % p W N A U - 1 C 1 i 1' u p n ' i l o S t ti o S 94 T 9 F o 9' 9 4- m g p , 4- r 4- a e - c -3 M 3 c e Y' 3 g S i Y 3f t ci 3, F iY ne ca e 2 t e R Y e d e a i n e S c Y e a E a% Rr Ny r a% O u t r9 5-f ci a r a%

                                                                                                                                    -                          a r rg-                                 R a

R 1 1 1 1 Q' Q' n Q3 m Q,, dQ': i au 4 M u g e u t u s u ta ir ot9 ne5

                    "                            o n

a r t% e R a a r9 t e5 E v e a t r% e W h ar tg e Y r- E r 3 r-3 n r i r Ex 3 ' x p t e ' t s 3 el 3 Q 3 p o ' ( C u

                                                                                              %                                                                r                             a o                                            s                                           )

g i l @ s

               'b                                u                                                                                                             t u       %                                    r           %         -                               %                                    l' i

c I r r e 1 e 1

                                                                '                                      1'                             1'                       a l

i I h D l a J-  % " 9 6-  % g u F 3 3l 3 ' 33 3; gi u r 3 e 2 o s.

                      .            o    , . w w

wg{h$Th @ e$ boS

                                                                                                                    "<    g                  1     gi      e S       O n RSL I

d u e "e f "g 7 1 F p s t, 'e 0 d a

                                                    .                 0        2           e                 0   1   2     3  4                 1   2    3   4

D s. t r el dnd i a

                                                                                                                 -    -    -                    ~   -    -                                     y n M                         A
                                                                               -     ~

A g ":

                                                                                                                                          'p' i

d ' ',

     .g a

i n t m m i n 9 9 g v

                                  ,n                         %*                                        4                               4-                              %                       T       a' m                                       ,

1 0 il 1~ ' 1' r e a' CE n o w e , w u 0q S d

s. S a .*

Ciu 9 9 9 C 4- op 4 a f 4-f e  % N 7 t

                                                    .b ua    3                                         3                        e     3                      y        3i                 o              2 m                  .e                            s Y'                                   mme  Y y

t Y' S Y t h D L ie e e a mn et e a S e a y s e r S h e e C r9 y o s Oo 5 1 r c io F rW

                                                                                                     - 1 st rb 1

t e a% 1 w R,, gi n p d Q3 lar Q3 e Qi m Q' n P n e e r s u a r t 9' Ce ld r c u a r9 m F u a r a' A c u a r t% U s t t% e i e5 dO e5 r-a e t u r n r-3 r cat u g i 3 3 w , w w 3i ul a i O S o s. o i i t la Hg r e o i

p. up h SO
      .9                                                                                                                       s                              n
                                  .'                                                           oe                                                                                                  e
                                  ,                 c O

9 6-e 4 7 ut r s  % g  % 1 s  % 1 I yC oD a t r t a 16 cl woi nu

                          .f                                  1                                                                                                                                   t n                                                        s                                         '~

1 M, i. h t e '--goen 2 1 e n np s r 9 , c ,M P  %  % 2  % 6- . - m 3 Ee 4 N ,= er ' e 3i 3; 1 a n a

L Figure 7.10b ( BROWNS FERRY 3 tegend: st.n. tic.i sionificance si,n Peer Group: General Electric Pre-TMI Medium anze l** I ' 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations ( Plant Deviations From Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term [ Declined Irnproved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0.72 [M - hhh ) -0.90 Safety System Actuations - 0.23 -ffghfhh -1.24 Significant Events - 0 - o Safety System Failures - -0.36 -

                                                                                                                                     -0.13 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Adewserseve control Problems - ]0.08 -

T' O.80 %W/ pl I

b. Ucensed operseerIrrors - 0 -

0.60 l

c. omer Personnel Errors - ]0.14 -

l 0.40 l [. d. Mentenance Problems - -0.21 [ - 0.79 J" y

e. Der puconstruceennnsta a r_ .;,,1-:7 -3 Prob 6 ems - ]0.18 --

0.71 .inB;E f.Misceneneous - ] 0.23 -@hW/#4 1.04 Safety System Actuations - NA - NA Significant Events - NA - NA Safety System Failures - NA - NA Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Admwstraeve control Prettoms - NA -


b. ucensed operator Errors - NA -


c. omer Personnel Errors - NA -


d. Maintenance Proedoms - NA -

NA e.DesagrWconstruccenAnstanacentabricanon Protdems - NA - NA

f. MisceHanoeus - NA -

NA FortCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0 0.05 Equipment Forced Outages / * - 1000 Commercial Critical Hours - 0 fffhi[jff -0.70 Note: See Table s in Part a for me -1.0 -O'5

                                                                                             .       0.0       O!5   1.0     1.0    O!b        0.0      O!5    1.0 specine eme ersnes used m me esicusmoons.                                          Perf ormance Index                       Perforrnance Index
  • Not Calculated for operaconal Cycle 33 l


                             #E              Eg c

Dg g I 79 0e - 9 1 1 2 3 0 0 2 3-5 0 5 0 ' # 6 8 g 1 1 s M 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0' 5 0 5 0 2 3 4 t o 4

                          -         -          -                                     ~    '  -   -                               -    -     -                                  -     -                                  t o

i i 3 I 9 i R 6-3 9 9 9

                                                                                                                                                                     %                                 g U

n 0 4 P,, C 1 4 i 4 ti O A u p S o N

                        '                                                                                                                                                                   t ti                                                 l l

F o S 91l' e 9 o 9 m g p e 4 3 c t i 3 4 r c 3 4-S 3 h t a 3 v e 3 gi i c ci fY ie ca RrS e R a Y' e a r9 5-d O u Y e r a% f n i f i c Y' e a rW S c r g M a 1 at dQi-i

  • d ai Qi 1

g t a Q u 7 a n t Ql i m i au t i u e u s ta " o a a E a ir neg ot n r t% e r z R r t% e v e r t e W r 3 E r 3 in

                                                                                 .                     a t     r 3                                       n    r     3 Q7,            h i

E i x e ' t ' el 3 Q x p _ ( s p o 1 C u o s .  %

                                                                                                      )                                                                                   r                            a r

g t i s u t g t u

  • r 1%w_ _. M M i c e. er r p e 1a
                           "                                                                                     1i                                               il                                 1 e                                                                                                                                                                                    al                          yl D

a g 9

e. 6 -  %  % g t a F 3i 3 3; 3i 3: gi u

r 3 e 4 i i

                                                                                            ] j&a-                                 te o         s s

s w! i I n RSL 7

                                                                                !               d2                                 <lg                                     ga d e "g     "e  1 rg                                                                                                                                                                                                S                 u f

s u e 1

      ?'                      ,d                          '
                                                          '              n              2           e                     0    1   2      3         4                       2      3   4 I

D t e d'n l a d

                                                                                                                               -    -     -                                  -     -                                      yr i n i Pp M                                                                                                                                                                                                g      " :

5qp g a

                                                                     '                                              8                                                3                                i R             A           "

n v _ g

             "                t

{6 $ 9 9 9 4 4 1' ~.a 1 0 4-1 4 1 1 T r e a' a' o 6 8 , s i i s 9 0E 0q Cui 4 S 9' S a n d 5 C a 4 op N a a f 4 e f h N 7

                              .e                          ' u Y 3i mme   Y 3    ;

y e t Y 3 I y t 3 o t 2

       -,                                                   s e e                                       mn    e                                              e                            S                         S                  s, g

D a et S y h s

     ,g e

s g n i

                                                          'e C

o d rW

                                                               - i Qi r

cF Wocr r a% Q' 1 h y s t e r a% Q' 1 s t e m W 1 o w n R,,

                                                          's  u a                                       Ce d

u a r h m u a A U

  • 6 # ,

i s. i s r e t%. r 3_~-' n MO cat u t% e r 3i F a i l u r t% e r 3 ' c t u a t 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                 %              g s

i n O S h la r P Hg e i o h O oe s n p up S

                              .f 1

6-n i us r/ s 1 g  % 1 s 9 6 1 yC o t D ar ra e t t g t M cl e n ngo wi u

     .g i

s ' 5 c 9 E E 6-  %  % 6-r

                                                          '      3i                                            3'                                               3i                              3' l

EMm,, v f I E 3 g = l I 3g - i I ). 'll;l l '

Figure 7.11b BRUNSWICK 1 tesond: st ti tic i sionific nce sion sinus Peer Group: General Electric Pre-TMi Medium M 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 - o Safety System Actuations - 0 - khhff -0.72 Significant Events - 0 - 0 Safety System Failures - 0.28 - 0 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administrative Control Problems - 0.42 -
                                                                                                                                          -0.15 [
b. ucensed operator Errors - 0 -


c. omer Personnel Errors - -0.18 [ -

0.63 MfiMEfM

d. Maintenance Problems - @ 0.30 -
                                                                                                                                       -0.31 I
e. 0essgniconstrucsonanstattanon/Fabricacon Problems - E 0.42 -
                                                                                                                                              -0.03 l
f. Miscellaneous - 0 -

5/7//77) 4 0.60 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 0 Significant Events - 0 - 0 Safety System Failures - 0 - 0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Admmistraeve control Problems - ] 0.18 -
                                                                                                                                         -0.16 [
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -


c. Other Personnel Errors - 0 -

0.83 NFlWeAWil

d. Mamtenance Problems - 0 -
                                                                                                                                                       @ 0.23
e. 0esigniconstrucsonnnstaltamen/Fabncabon Problems - __

l 0.45 -

                                                                                                                                             -0.07 [
f. Miscellaneous - } -0.90 -
                                                                                                                                                         -0.90 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * -                                0.18            -

If 0.15 Equipment Forced Outages /

  • 15!7)" 0.50 1000 Commercial Critical Hours - g -

4 18 Note: see Tabee e en Part a for the -1.0 -0 5 0.0 O!5 1.0 1.0 -O'5

                                                                                                                                           .         0.0       0:5    1.0 specinc eme frames used in the cetulanons.                                              Performance Index                     Perf ormance Index
  • Not Calculated for Operstonal Cycle 35

2 b }2$ik oe f - oa 1 0 0 w2 0 0 O 2 0 4 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 1 2 3 S


D O p s t o B R U MN i i i 8

  • 9 9 9 4- 4-  % A 4

S U r .. - C t i 11 13 u 1 i t S p  % o ll e c 9 4-F o  % k t o m a  % W I e c f 3 t vi Y 3i r c e Y' 3 g Si Y' 3 t ci 3 C f c e R a e r d O e r n i f i e a S c K R~%, a d a%

                                                       -                                 u t   a%-                             c a   rW r

a W 2 i . i a Q'1 g a Qi 1 n Qi i m 1 t t i u e u u s r o a a E a n r t e% R a r t% e v e r tE e W h

               ,                              E       r 3                                t    r                              n   r 3                             il     %

E x ' e 3' t e 3 ' Q x p ( s u p o o s  % C r a

                                                                                      )                                                                          i s                                     u                                                                                                                  t u      %                              r          W                                       W                                   M                           i c      %

r e . e 1

                                                             '                                   ii                                  1' al 1

i D a 3 "  % 3 3 W 3' 3; k F i g u r 3 e 6 * . i s s u ;1 Ta ocf 7 o ,. h =h g - g1 e S p O iR5L n d e f u u 'e "e

                                                                                                                                                                                                        "g 1

2 a O 2 g 0 2 3 , ,


D .s s e dn a

d. .

1 1 2 3 t r l d

                                                                           -                                 -  -      -                         -   -   -                                   y nig *      :
         -E                 M                    d           3                                       '                                                                     i A         "

a i n m ' 'l' l g v t ni

           -B                      E                     9 4 -

9 4-2  % g . T " 1 1 1 1 , r 0 e a' 0E 0q 4 L' a S n d S a .* S C 9 4- Cui op 9 4- af 9 4-f e g N 7 M .e * .b ua s Y' 3 mme Y' 3 y e t Y 3 i y t S 3  ; o t 2 w

         ."                D                    Ue c

e a r9 mn et e a S e y S h . e C y r s o R,, s Oo 5

                                                       - -                              rF c    rW
                                                                                              -                            s    a%
                                                                                                                                 -                             t e    _  %                 w i

io 1 t 1 1 g p d Q'1 ar Q' e Q3 E n e e r s u a lc Ce u a A m u a m A n U r ri d r F r c s t9 tE e r 3 t iO cat u tb e r 3 a i e5 r-3 t u a E 3 g i n o ..

                                                              '                                     I ul r

3 t S Hg la e i o O h O p up S c oe s n 9 . t e s t us t w M 6-yC oD at a r

                           .f                   O        1         '                  r                                                                               t s          ii                                 il woi nu i

c M si 5 t h e r l e n np 9 r E , c P P 6  %  %  % & e 3 33 3I 3' 7 m r ' R m, I j u m I l l 1 , 1

Figure 7.12b BRUNSWICK 2 tesend: stau tcaisionee was Medium ame Peer Group: General Electric Pre-TMI 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Devistons Deviatons From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Batter OPERATIONS ( neluding startup) i Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 0.00 . hh i Safety System Actuations - 0 o Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0.28 0.52 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administratve control Problems - -0.03 (
b. ucensed operator Errors - 0 -

0.60 I

c. other Personnel Errors - 0 -

0.63 @ WM O

                                                                                         @ 0.24
d. Maintenance Problems -

I @ 0.30 l0.39

e. DesigniconstructonnnstanationFabricaton Problems -
f. Misceitaneous - 0 - 0 I Ssfety System Actuations - 0
                                                                                                                                        -0.27 Significant Events -                                   0 0

Safety System Failures - 0 0.27 Cause Codes (All LERs)

s. Adminatratve Control Problems - 0 -
                                                                                                                                                                                              ]0.11 I                                       b Ucensed operator Errors -
c. other Personnel Errors -
d. mamtenance Prob # ems -

0 0 0

                                                                                                                                   -0.47 C
                                                                                                                                                                                              ] 0.21
                                                                                                                                                                                              ] 0.18
e. Designiconstrucconanstanatonesbricaton Problems - I -0.63 -
                                                                                                                                           -0.28 [

~I f. Miscellaneous - 0 - 0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0.05 0.37 Equipment Forced Outages /

  • _ -
                                                                                                                                                  -0.18 0.20 1000 Commercial Critical Hours                                               ._                                                                                     __

Note: See Tab 6e 9 in Part11for the -1.0 -O'.5 0'0

                                                                                         .                            0.5 1.0 -1.0              45                                     0.0            0.5          1.0 spectnc eme frames used in the calculatons.                              Perf ormance index                                                 Performance index
  • Not Calculated for operstonat Cycle

,I I 37

                      *f$ 3              I
                                  " 1        2 l bi     l
                                                                            ?      s   1 Z       of                                     I %Nl.                                                    9 0

pO 3 5 0 8 0 0 1 1 2 i[3

                ,         0 0


                                                             ,'"8 o

0 0 0 I 0' 5 0 5 0 i 0 1 2 3 4 3 S D s 4 t o 9 W [

                        ,                                                                                                                                                                                               6-9                                                $                                                                                                                                                              3 S -

4 1

                   .                                      4
                                                           -                                        n                                             h                                               %                              N i

t i C 1 11 1' A 1 e , o t u A l l F o 1 v 94 e 9 o e r aY' 3 ll@e l s c t i v 3 4, r c e h 3i gi S Y3 ;" 94 -

                                                                                                                                                           '                          m a

t i 3 R ge ea $@. , e R Y Df6 e a d O Y e n i f e a c S c Y e RW r

                        ,/                     a      r
                                                       -                                 u     r a%

i c rW r r a% h a 1 d 1 t a - a - dQ' i a Q, a Qi 1 n Qi i 1 au i t u g u t u s m Q ta i o a e a E a u n r a ir ot neW r 3 E t e R a r tE e v e r tE e W h r t 9' e5 r t r n r r-E x 3, e 3 t 3' i el 3 Q x p o


p o s (


s C r u a r s u i e wi1 t u W w t e r i r e 1, 1

                                                                                                       '                                        i' ci al 1

_ r y l R D a

         % a 3'

r 3; # M 3' b 3i 3 ' t a F gi u 3 r 8 o " " m = jTg e Z oog 8 PSL 7 a $: t < i $f- O


f "e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    "g 1
                                       "                                                                                                                                                                     p                 u         e 3 J                         d M                            %


                                                                      -          ~

e 0 1 2 3 4 o 1 2 3 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                             .s g

e l i n d' dn a a 3 d i n < t " g 9 y 9 n '

9. 5 1; 1 0

4 1i


2 4-1i 1i "

                      - "                 wm                                             0E o        8                                                                           0q                                                                                         S S                                                  a                                               -*

g Cui i a 9 E MNh' f

  ,j                                                C                                    op                                       f 4-                                   e         4-                   N                7 a    3                                        3                              e             3                                    t         3                    o e ,

u s Yf g mme Y y t Y i y Y R t 2 D e e a M mn e a S e a y S e a S e s C o rg et r F c rE y s rh

                                                                                                                                          -                                        t e

s rW h o w R', gi 9 1 io 1 t i 1

    ."                                                                                   ar                                      e                                                       Q' n                 #des Q; u

a l c Ced Q' u a m Ql u a m A u a r n U c

  ,"-                                                 r                                                                         F         r                                                                        s tg e

t M O erW a tW e t u tW e r i n o t - " w w r 3  : e at u r3' i ul r 3 1 a t 3 ' g O r la Hg e o i p O o es s n . p S e g ut  % w s  % C r a ' 9 f M.

                                       -                 1 s

s r 1 3 N i l 1 3 R y c oi t i 2 el n" s c n g  %  %  % r 4 " re r '

  • 3; 3I 3' 4 n y ' 3i 4

m e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          "* ma   '

u g " I Mh-

                                                                                                                                   -IlI I               l           '

M l i

Figure 7.13b BYRON 1 te9end: st*** sen<ic nce sion siiiiiii Peer Group:Westanghouse New 3 and 4-Loop Medium aus 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS (including startup) Automatic Scrams While Critical - -1.16 - 0 Safety System Actuations - 0 0 Significant Events - 0 o Safety System Failures - 0 0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Adminiserseve Control ProWees - 0 -
                                                                                                                             -0.03 {
t. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -


c. oeier Personnel Errors - 0.39 l -

l 0.47

d. mamsonance Prowems -  %&M/:2 -0.74 -

0.54 S ?:b e.Oee6eruconstruceennnesnetsuonranricasonPromens - 0 -

                                                                                                                            -0.07 [

f.Mscot:aneoue - 0 - 0  ! SHUTDOWN


Safety System Actuations - -0.15

                                                                                                                        -020                                            <

Significant Events - 0 - 0 Safety System Failures - 0 0,12 f Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Ademistrasve controlProuems - ] 0.00
                                                                                                                                     ] 0.14 b.ucensad operseor trrors -                             0              -
                                                                                                                      -0.38 ifD
c. Other Personnel Errors - -0.03 l 0.27 [
d. unintenance Protems - ) 0.05
                                                                                                                          -0.14 [
e. DesagrvcenstruccomanstallemenFabncahon Problems - 0 -

bdd 0.43 f.Macemeneous - l -0.60 - 0.45 l FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - -0.07 0.09 Equipment Forced Outages / * - - 5 0 .39 0 1000 Commercial Critical Hours Note: see TaWe 9 in Port N for the 1.0 -05 0.0 O!$ 1.0 1.0 -0'5

                                                                                                                           .      0.0       O!5     1.0 specmc anw womes used in uw caicuissons.                                   Performance Index                  Performance index
  • Net Calcuested for operstonal Cycle I

L 39

E Figure 7.14a Legend: 2 5""'d "" < ' ""' *. 72 s,s ,, St.,iup , , Refueling R Operation Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown m - 0"* Y Not Shown Using Op. Cycle ossee ops. Ops. R  ! I  ! I F R R F R S/D ,- g,; g3 g,i g3i g36 33; S/D

                                                                                               %1'        %3         wi   i
                                                                                                                             %3'      96-1'      % 3' Year- Quarter                                                               Year - Quarter 4               Adomatic Scrams We CMeal                                       4                Safey System Actuations 3-                                                                         1   3-m                                                                                u o     2-                                                                             2-I g

Z i 94-13 94-3'  % 1' W3 %1i 56-3' I 94-13 %4-3' Wii %3; 96 13 b6 3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Signincant Events , Safety System Fallures I

  • C 1.5 - gg 3-w u" E 3 o4 1 ,0- 2- 4 0.5 - 1-2 2 m' >

0.0 . 0 54-1' 94-3 i  % 1' %3; W1' %3 i 3 94-1' 94-3; W1' %3' Wii 96-3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outages / 100 Forced Outage Rate (%) , 1000 Commercial Critical Hours 7 80. , Tb E' 60- y b'0- 2-E20- "! ue 0 A " 0

             --S4-1 '         S4-3 3
                                        %18    %3'        %1;         %3;                  '

94-ti 94-3' 65-1 %3' %1' W31 .i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Cause Codes

                                                                                     ^       "                         "*'            . Other Per 200 Collective Radiation Exposure                        m                        a                        =                          g g                                                                              m.                       m.                       is .

y g150- ,, ,. .. &a $22 g hjon, o RE RWe o

                                                                                                                  -          e   o           =     av gK                                        7'
d. Maint e. Design f. Misc 50- , M,, _4s 0 ,

E ., 4, t , gg lg 7.,g,q 43; 3, 3; 1 Year - Quarter Site Average Radiation Exposure *_ g ga n Q

  • J ,


Figure 7.14b BYRON 2 Legend: Stedcal S@nhnee Ngh Peer Group: Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop Medum m 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group , Self-Trend Median I Short Term Long Term I Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 0.45 Safety System Actuations - o 0 Significant Events - 0 -- o Safety System Failures - -0.54 -

                                                                                                              -0.17 Cause Codes (All LERs)
e. Administraeve centrol Premems - -0.15 E -
                                                                                                                -0.09 [

b.Ucensed operater Errers - 0 - l 0.30

c. other Pereennel F.rrors - 0 -
d. Meintenance PreWees -
                                                                        -0.14 [                          -

l0.30 e.r :. - - aennnelenenenaancaen Premens - 0 - 0.51 39is f.Maceneneous - 0 0 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0 Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Faheres - 0 0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)

e. Administreeve centret Premems - 0 -
                                                                                                                 -0.03 {
b. ucensed operemr errers - ' -0.60 -
c. other Personnel errers - 0 -
                                                                                                             -0.26 [
a. Mantenance Premems - 0 -

l 0.32

e. DesigniconstruccennnetellenenlFebncetion Prebiens - C -


f. M6scellaneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - - 0 0.38 fhf Equipment Forced Outages / *

                                                                    -0.30 g

1000 Commercial Critical Hours - lgg 0.39 Note: See f ame 9 in Part N for the 1.0 -0.5 0.0 O!5 1.0 1.0 -0.5 0.0 O!5 1.0 epeeme une ernmee used in uw cecunemens. Performance Index Performance Index Net ca:vistaa ver operemonal cycie 41

Figure 7.15a I Legend: l CRMWM Shutdown < approx. 72 hrs l Refueling R Startup i Operation i 5 Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown e 3 Q 2 @ Dab i l Not Show Using Op. Cycle E33355 Ops. Ops.  ! II II II II I R F

                                                      !!                  !!                              R                                 II                II I

s/D c --- g3, g , ,- 3, q,,f I ,3 s/D - g,; 3,4,3; ,, 3

                                                                                                                                                        ,,f I ,

g3, Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical 4 Safety System Actuations e  ? E 3- <! 3-E

   %    2-                                                                                    1    2-g                                                                              ,

i 94-1; %3 t

                                          %1i %3' n                 E1    1 96-3 i

n. 6

                                                                                                               %13        94-3'       Wii     %3'        Wil      %3I g

Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Significant Events 4 Safety System Failures I

  • 8 1.5 - 3 g 3-w l 01.0- E <l2-
   $                                                                                    }"

b O.5-Z g l 1-Q' 0.0 0 U2 54-1' 54-3' Wii 95-3 i

                                                                    %1'       %3  i                      3 94-1'     94-3'       Wi i    M3 '       %1 ' %3      i E

Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outages / Forced Outage Rate (%) 1000 Commercial Critical Hours 100 6 7 & i'- hl "

   $60-                                                                                 Th
   ?                                                                                      U                                                                                E y40-.                                                                                i                                                                                  E
u. , , -_;- - - - - .

8 '8 * **

                                                                                                                                                .               M.

O w 0 '"-2->-x.

                                                                                                          '                                              Wii ~ %3' 94-1'     54-3 i    95 1'         %3          %1'       %3'                               %11        94-3  i
                                                                                                                                      %13     %3' Year - Quarter                                                                              Year - Quarter Cause Codes
e. Admin b. Lic Oper c. Other Per Collective Radiation Exposure a a a 200 g u. u. w.

y g150- so ,, ,, ,,

                                                                                                         "              *   "          ~
                                                                                                                                                    '       ~

l 100- - l *2 d. Maint e. Design f. Mise 1 ts u n l 5{50-y n p a m. w- W-0 -**i 1 E ' ' ' ~ 8' *~ i 94_1 6 94 3, 51 g 3+ wi i %3' Year - Quarter ,, pJ E .,, 42 l

Figure 7.15b CALLAWAY tesend: statssecai sionificance sis s - Peer Group: Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop Medium ==== 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical . 0 -

                                                                                                              -0.28 Safety System Actuations -                                   o 0

Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0 - 0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administranve Control Prottlems - 0 -


b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -

l 0.30

c. other Personnel Errors - 0 -


d. Maintenance Problems - 0 -

0.66 !?i6MMEd

e. Designicanstructionanstaisasonsabrtcaten Problems - 0 -


r. Miscerianeous - l l 0.45 -
                                                                                                              -0.30 l SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations -                                   0 0

Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0

                                                                                                             -0.32 Cause Codes (All LERs)
n. Admimstrouve control Problems - -0.18 [ -
                                                                                                             -0.36 E
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                   -0.05 [
c. other Personnel Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                             -0.37 l
d. Mamtenance Promems - -0.15 [ -
                                                                                                                  -0.08 [
e. Des 6gniconstruenonanstalianones*:icanon Problems - l -0.63 -
                                                                                                                   -0.07 [
f. Miscellaneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0.05 0.16 Equipment Forced Outages /

  • 0.90
                                                                                                           -0.45 1000 Commercial Critical Hours -

xste see Table e ir. Part a for the 1.0 -0!5 00 0!5 1.0 -1.0 -0 5 0.0 0l5 1.0 speeme une framas used in the calculaeons. Performance Index Performance Index

  • Not Calcuisted for operstonal cycle 43
                                 @             yy
                                     <1                                          ,           {E "i                                     0e                             j o bee 5

0 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 O 2 0 4 0_ 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 5_ 2 0 o ' 2 3 4 S


D p O s NCA t o MVLE I ' 8 i i4 S - 9 4 9 4-M r M 91r 4 z . a m, A w I.R R 1 1 1 1 i C u, u 3 ' ' a i ti e A 9

                           @,                            o l

el Mds F 9 9 a m t o 9I I T v 4 4 c 9 4 ., o r 4 ' 4 ;m, t a a 4 M C e 3

                  -                                      t i         3                                      c       3                            S        3       ,

t i 3 r v e Y i gi Y' c Y aY e Y d n ge ea 1 R e a O e a i e ai S c e L rb f R9 a r 5- , a d rE

                                                                 -                                        u t


                                                                                                                -                              c i

a r9 5 1 r a r a% I F n 1 i 1 dQ' 1 i a Q' g Q; Q3 m Q' iu a A t i o u a e u a t E u a s u a F ta ir otW ne r 3 e n E r9 t e5 r 3

                                                                              'M R

a t r t% e r v e n t r% e r W h i r t9 e5 r-3 S 3 E '~ p x ' e ' t s 3' el Q 1 x ( C p s o s M

                                                                                                          %                                                                             r II o

s u e r M i t u r e 1'


1 9 6-13 i t i c a l M 1 R W y

                                         "                                      "                                                                                                                                           D a
                 % A     N                                         %                                              %                                     %                                        %                          b                  F 3                                                  3;                                             3i                                    3'                                      3:                  -                          gi u

r e o o , o , w u t 7

s. , .

ua}j '$T h= a on

                                                                                                                                     <                             !I         t -

S O p ni RSL e d e "g u uf "'e 1 6

          .b                                                                                                                                                                                           /

s eil dn a

  • e o 3 4 D s
         ,-                       d
  • O 2 0 1 2 3 4 , 2 . t d
                                                                                                                                   -      -                                -     -                                             yr n M
                                                                                           -                                         -                                ~

i A g ": g i I a v i ? n g <

         ,a                       t                         "                                                     9                                    9                                        9                               .


          .-                                                       9 4


                                                                                        ,"                2 4

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  • 4, 3, IR T r

e P' a' 0E n

           *                    ,         ,             n                 =           0 s                 0q                                                                          S                                         d Y 1=h'
s. , u. S a ,


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .x C

9  :

                                                                              '                           Cui     9 4-                          a        %                              f e

9 4, N


4 op N 7

         ,                                                                    '                                                               f                                       t         3 a                                                                               e        3                                                                  o 3                                              3                                                                  y                                                   2 e
  • u s

mme Y' y t Y S Y ; e t s e e mn e S e a y a S , D s e C r a%. et rF c a rW y s rE s t e rg h o R,3 s i o 1 1 t 1 Q, 3 w g n *e d Q' u Worc Q' u e m Qi u m u n P 's a 5~m d a a r A c a r U s t3 r F r+9 e5 MeO ert%3 a tW e r t u e r i n r 3 catu 3, g i ul 3 a o o . .w

                                              ,         u             '

i ' O S

                                                                                 .c t
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                                                                            '          e                  l a Hg                                   e i

o I I p up h SO

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s s n oe e e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . t p                                                      s M.>                                    us      %            j                       %                                       %                        yC oDr ta a r t


                                  .     ."                         1                                      r s

1 9 13 1 c woi u t R g M f q el n np i s

         ?.                                                 '
                                                                                    .                             9                                    9                                       9                                   E    i c                                                                              6                                    6                                       6-                                  :

P -" *  % . - 3i _ ee  : 3, 33 3i

                                       .I mN:E s          l    i I                                       -                                                                                                     i               I                                     W                                         I j,ll                        l.

Figure 7.16b CALVERT CLIFFS 1 te9ene: statstcaisionmcance wsa Peer Group:Combuston Engineering w/o CPC Medium -- L*' ' 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviatons Deviatons From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS (including startup) Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 0.45 Safety System Actuations - -0.32 - 0 Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0.51 0 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administratve Control Problems - -0.11 [ -

M 0.35

b. Ucensed operator Enors - 0 -

0.60 l

c. otner Personnel Errors - -0.26 E -

1 0.32

d. Mainter,ance Problems -
                                                                                     ] 0.21           -

0.03 (

e. Desearconstruenannnstallacen/Fabricadon Problems - ] O.21 -
                                                                                                                        @ 0.13
f. Miscenaneous - -0.16 [ -

0.45 E SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 0 Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0 0.97 kh,h Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Admmistradve Control Problems - 0 -

0.53 M

b. Uconsed operator Errors - 0 -


c. other Personnel Errors - 0 -


d. Maintenance Problems - 0 -


e. Design /Construccontinstaliaton/Fabricaton Problems - 0 -

M 0,47

f. Miscellaneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES 4 l Forced Outage Rate * - 0.34

                                                                                                                -0.04 Equipment Forced Outages / * -
                                                                           -0.11                        - -0.39 1000 Commercial Critical Hours                                         _

Nota: see Table 9 in Part R for the -1.0 -0!5 0'.0 0'.5 1.0 -1.0 -0!5 0.0 0.5 1.0 l speeme eme frames used in the calculaeon*- Performance index Performance Index

  • Not Calculated for og erstonal Cycle 45 i
                              $            gE, D             ,                                $0'"{*                                =      o bh 5

1 0 1 5 2 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 S P O 9 3- C 4 A


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 g 2 3 , -' 0

                                                                                            -     -                                -     -    -                                ~    -      -

D t o i ' ' 3 i 0 L o t ' 9 9 ' 6 3 V S 9 4 _ 9 4-1'3 M e 4 - 4 1'JR1 A 9 4, E R 1 1' 3 ti C u  ; e e o t A 94

                         @2                            l el               9 F

94 9 o m 9 T v c 4 o 4 " 1[

                                                                                                                                                                                 .                                l    l   ;

e r 3 8 t i v 3 WM 2 r c e 3 S i 3 "

                                                                                                                                                             -                        2           a u

c 3 4, l l  ; C Y' aY' ge e ar e e R Y'M e a  ! __ o 1 d O Y e g n i f e a 2 R1 S c L R5 a 1 a d rW

                                                                      - 1 E


                                                                                       ,                      u t

a r a% 1 i c a rW i

                                                                                                                                                                         $'      g                r a     g, l    l   ;                        I F

dQ6 i a Q' s g Q' n Qi' m . R au i ta " t i o u ss a e u a E t u a s I l F S i n r r v ir otg R r9 t g ne r 4 E t% e r 3

                                                                                    $                         a t

t% e r 3 e n e5

r. 3 W E 3 x e t e 3r Q 2
                                                                              '                                            '                                   i x                                                  p                                                      (                                    s                                                                                    u p             s                                     o                                                      %                                                                                   C                                    a o                                                   s                                                                                                                                          r                                    r s

u g 4 u r  % 2 2 ,


W W ' R1 i t i c g t e r e r j e 1 2 1 il" a l g

                                                                                                                                                                                                            '                          yi 1

0 0 D a N  %  %  % g t a F m A 3 3 31 ar gi u r 4 e 6 o 5 ' " o s.

                                                 . i   s                                  -       2a                                 joagt                                                                                                                   7
                                                  .                                                                                                                                                                                         I
r. R 5L
                                                                                                                                      " <tg                               ! g :         s    e                                              d     e f
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "e "g   1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             "'             us u e 'e 7

p, d " O , 0 1 2 3 , O j 2 3 4 dn a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              '             t     l
                                                                                                                                  -     -     -                               ~    -      -                                                yr in           d M                         A d                                                                                                                                               i A

g ":

    .M-                                                                                                                  '

I 3 n *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         g v

t " 9 " o 9 9 .

       =                                                                4         "                                  4                                     4                'h 2                  %                                   T           '

s o 1

                                                                                                                                                                 =                                      1i                                  r         "

1'- 0 1' 1' - e a' n o s.

                             "           o  s.   ..   ,

9 0E 0q Cui 9 S 9

                                                                                                                                                                        $                       S a              I !      l d
  • N P C a

4 3 o

                                                                                                '            op      4 3

a f e 4 3i f e t 3 l I l N o 2 a 9 e b. su Y' o mme Y' y t Y y S Y t s e m so D N L ie c a ' mn et e a S e a y e a S h s

       =                        e                                                                                                               y                                               s               I! 1 o
       '                        s                            C       rW r

c F rW

                                                                                                                  -                              s    rW
                                                                                                                                                       -                                        t                                                R,,

g i Oo i io ar 1 t Ql i e Q w n p d e e Ql Q' e m u R n u l c u m u a Ce A U I I I r P s a a a r r r i d r r F c t s t% e =o r 3 $s e t ciO t% e r 3 a i tW e r t u a e r gn i o ' "

                     "                   o       .                                                              u                                l u        3' O Sh O
                                                                             '                                           i
s. s. .

lata r t i

                                     ,f                                                                      Hg                                  e                                              o                                 p up          Se oes                                 s                                              n g

c s t f O

                                                                        %.                                   ut r

1 $ yC oDra . cel woi t n npn 1 t s 1' ' u t M,9, si h e r 1 c P E E  % 2 w 2 9 ,J e r 3 ' 3' 33 2 2 2 5 Ma, s , 5 I l g

  • I l ll 1 Ii. <l
                                                                                                          '.__a   .    .1. 2                  - A Figure 7.17b CALVERT CLIFFS 2                                                        tesond: st wc.i Senmcance                                 sion Peer Group: Combustion Engineering w/o CPC                                                                                     Medium Emm 93-4 to 96-3                               Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant                                  Peer Group Self-Trend                                     Median Short Term                                 Long Terrn Declined         improved               Worse                 Better Automatic Scrams While Critical -                             0.54                      -

0 Safety System Actuations - 0.68 - 0 Significant Events - 0 - o Safety System Failures - 0.56 0.26 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administrouve control Problems - 0 -


b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -

0.60 l

c. other Personnel Errors - ] 0.28 -
                                                                                                                 -0.18 [
d. Mamtanance Problems - ]0.12 -

0.54 e.Desigruconstrucconnastansconsanneaton Problems - ]0.06 -

                                                                                                                               $fgj 0.39
f. Miscellaneous - 0.68 l -
                                                                                                                 -0.15 [

SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 0 Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0.63 0.53  ! l Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administratve controlProblems - 0.54 l -

l0.35 b, ucensed operator Errorp - 0 - 0 l )

c. Other Personnel Errors - 0 -


d. Maintenance Problems - 0.90 $3FEMf@'l -
e. Des 6gn/ConstrucconAnstallationFabncaton Prob 6ams - 0.68 l -

l0.41 )

f. Miscellaneous - 0 -



Forced Outage Rate * - 0.21 1.06 h/((M Equipment Forced Outages /

  • 0.99 wg$ghggjshjw 0 y 1000 Commercial Critical Hours -

Note. See Table S in Part N for me *1.0 -0.5 0.0 0'5

                                                                                           . 1.0  1.0       -O'5.       0.0       0l5    1.0 specine ame frames used in me calcuiamons.                         Performance Index                        Performance Index
  • Not calculated for operaconal cycle 47

E yg "4 a 8 u77 ow " z o *I o 9 s 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 0 =.5 0 1 1 2

                                                                                                                                                                                          /S             p O     o         0          0     0                  0         0     o 0   0  0                0    5    0    5    0                          2   3   4                       D              .s     t
                                                                           -     - -                             -    -    -                         ~    -     -

o 9 i 9 9 I 9 I g i I a l NM S . i t e 4 g A y C o 4-1

                                                                      ,                              4-1 3

4-1i A u t 3

                                                                                                                                                                                        ;                                  W o

M l l F A 94 e 9 o B i m g v e 3 A c t i 4 3

                                                           -                                r c       3
                                                                                                     %                            S        3 4-                        a t           3 r

aY v e Y' e Y' gi Y i ci Y  : 1 ge d e ni e ear L R e O a a S c e a R5 a m a d r a%

                                                        -             ,                     u t    rb
                                                                                                  -                              c f

i a rb r a rg dQi 1 i a Q' 1 g a QI 1 n Ql i m Q,; au i ta h t i o n u a r e R u a t t E v u ar s W u a r tg irg ot n e E t%. e a r% e e n t% e h e

A r r r r i

r 3 3, t 3 3 E x ' e ' t s 3' el Q x p o h5 7 p o s (

                                                                                            %                                                                        C r

i g I i u a s u g u M =  % b t i c iA r r e j e 1 1

                                                                                                         '                                 il                        a l


                                                                  =      .

I 1 D a g 9 g a u F 6  %  % gi 31 3 ' 3; 3' 3i u r 4 e 8 o s. " * ,

u. s wk' dS =g E y38 7 iRSL n e
                                                                        ! j h * 'E                                 E keg                          f g2gi O            d f        "e  1
                                                                                                                                                                                        /S             p           u u "ge s e 'd n 8

d '

                                                   '             0           2            ,                0    1   2     3    4                         2    3   4                     D              s
                                                                                                                                                                                                       .           t r

l d a

                                                                                                                                                         -                                                        y ni Q

M g "  : a

                                                             '                                         i                                      I i
                                                                                                                                                                                                       .           A          "

q a v i n g g t

                                  "                "      9 "


                                                                        =                   1 0

9 4-1 94 13 9 4_

                                                                                                                                                                               ,1 I      l               .

T r e n a'

                     "                           u                                          0E 0q                                                                     S                                               d a                            8    ,


s. S a .*

g Cui i 9 B a T C a 4 3

                                                           -                                op      4-3 f

e 3 f e t 3; N o 7 2 y e u Y' mme Y' y t Y' Y t s mn e dm1 S e h e e e y S a S a .r n D e C a r9 5 -A et r F rW y r a% s rg h o R,, g i s N o d Qi-1 "- n c io ar Q' 1 s t e Q3 1 t e m Q ,i n n *e u b u

                                                   's  u a         E-l c Ce   a m'                m     u a                            A     a                                   U r

t9 r eM i d r t iO cu r t% h e r 3 N

                                                                                                       'b m*

F a i l r tE e r3 c t u a r tg e r 3 g s i n

  • s. " * ,
u. a at u i t

i S la r e i o O h O Hg s n p up Se oe us M O i s gII . t t yC oDrta ,. 6 1 r t - 3

f. s il 1' i woi u
                                                                  >                                                                                                                                          cl             i
                                                                 -a l      I M

e n np si e g a 2 E 1 M  %  % 5  :


3; 3 n > 3  ; 3' 3' 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                             ,7 m

5 i , l gl u I 3 5B = I (i l 1

1 Figure 7.18b { CATAWBA 1 te9end: senro.nce sios Peer Group: Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop Medium en 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median ShortTerm Long Term Declined Improved Worse Better Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 - 0.45 Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0 , l Significant Events - 0 - o 1 Safety System Failures - 0 - 0.06 l l Cause Codes (All LERs)

e. Administraeve control Preeeems - -0.26 th -
                                                                                                          -0.20 P                            l
b. Ucensed operater Errors - 0 -

l0.30 l C. Olher Personnel Enors - -0.21 [ - 1 0.47 l

d. Me6ntenance Proteses - W,, M$ -0.69 -
                                                                                                                        ]0.06                I a                                                                          ] 0.26
                                                                        -0.21 [
e. DesegC.u : Promisme - -
f. Mioceneneous - ~ %fC::l'/ n 1.93 -

449 W ' ' -0.60 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 o


Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0 0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)

e. Administrouve control Prenaams - 0 -
b. Ucensed Operater Eners - 0 -

l 0.34

c. other Personnel Errors - 0 -

nW$ 0.47

d. Me6ntenance Problems - l 0.10 -
                                                                                                                         @) 0.39
e. Designconstruceenanstelsenenrebriceuen Problems - 0 -

l 0.02 f.Misceneneous - 0 - 0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0.01 0.30 Equipment Forced Outages / *

                                                                      -0.27 1000 Commercial Critical Hours -                                                                                       .          i etees: see Tabte e in Part a for the                              1.0    -0!5      0.0      O!5  1.0  1.0  -0!S      0.0         05      1.0   l specme use frames used in the calcusseens.                            Perforrnance Index                Performance Index                  i
  • poet calcuasend for operemonet cycle l


Figure 7.190 I Legend. j MMWM2 S""'d "" <

  • aa' *. 72 hrs ,,

Refueling R Startup , Operation EE:3 l 93-4 to 96-3 Quarterly Data U' "" Not Shown Using Op. Cycle wees , ops. - -- Ops. - R I OI  ! R R I OI  ! R S/D

                  ,    ig,,p                       gp g3                 g,i     g3:              S/D           ig,,, ,                               3 J--

i , g, , ls6 il ie6 3 i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter ' 4 Automatic Scrams While Crttical , Safety System Actuations e j I 4 3 y 3-a

      %     2-                            2                                                     k   2-
  • 3 5

g'~ , , , , 5 1~

                                            . 35@                         d                     5                                                                 l                     I i     $4-1 '           3 94-3'      95 1i   W3  i
                                                                         %       i96 3'                    '
                                                                                                                %1'          % 3'       %13        95-31       96-13      % 3' Year - Quarter                                                                       Year - Quarter 2.0                                Signif cant Events 4                       Safety System Fallures I

1.5 -. 3-c 1.0 - 4, o< 2-Y 5" l 2 50.5- N4 2 5 1 -. h' @' @' 4

                                                                                                                                                                           $9 0.0     '

O b I 94-1' 94 3' E1' %3' %1' %3'. 94 1' 94-3 %1' %3' 961' %3 i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter  ; Equipment Forced Outagest 3nn Forced Outtp Rate (%) , 1000 Commercial Critical Hours P- a=

      $60.                                                                                  Th 2                                                                                     $                                                                                        E
      } 40-.

A k g y , 47 , 54

                                                    .1 .           w.. M         'O                             c 4s
                                                                                                                                                          - 'g            o so 0    '
                       - - -1 94-1
                                      .N 94-3'
                                               '- %M1' M.%3 .M %1'       M.
                                                                                 %3 f0           1 E


                                                                                                                              ~-n 94-3'
                                                                                                                                        %1'        M3   i
                                                                                                                                                              %1' 3
                                                                                                                                                                          %3; Year - Quarter                                                                       Year - Quarter Cause Codes
  • P*' ' *

200 Collective Radiation Exposure u u u 3 g l n. m. m. W g,150- in ,, ,, ,, 3

   - <100-
                                                                                            *   *               "        *~           " - "             '       N"          "

st [ 0' , 75

d. Maint e. Design f. Misc 50- ,. h l

O 6 94-1' L 94-3 %1' 2 ra.Agi-

                                                           %3'           %1'     %3'

Site Aver ge Ra a n Exposure o o o I I

Figure 7.19b CATAWBA 2 tegend: stasec=i sionre.nce sign Medium samm Peer Group: Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS (including startup) Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0.54 l -0.57 l Safoty System Actuations - 1.35 ffhfkhh - h[(hhh -0.72 l Significant Events - 2.70 kh -0.00 Safety System Failures - -0.54

                                                                                                                                                                                                   -0.17 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Administraeve control Problems - ]0.17 -
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                                                                                             -0.27 [
c. otner Personnel Errors - ] 0.28 -
                                                                                                                                                                                             -0.27 [
d. Mamtenance Probkms - ]0.12 -
                                                                                                                                                                                                  -0.22 @
e. Des 6gniconstruenonanstananon/Fabricanon Problems - 0 -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ] 0.26
f. Miscehaneous - 0 -

0 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 o Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0 l 0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. AdmimstraOve Control Problems - 0 -

169 9 0.40

h. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -

0.86 l l

c. other Personnel Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                                                                                                            -0.01f d Malntenance Problems -                                      0                                                   -

0.05 hMMMd e.Designiconstrucconanstauanon/Fabncanon Promems - 0 - l l 0.43 f.Miscenaneous - l -0.06 - fpffj@MEM -1.15 Forced Outage Rate * - 0.08 -0.10 Equipment Forced Outages / * - -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~2^25 0

1000 Commercial Critical Hours

                                                                               -1.0       -0!S     0.0      O!5 1.0                                        1.0                                        -0IS         O!0       0.'5     1.0 Note: see f ame 9 in Part11for the specme eme frames used in me calcutanons.                                            Perf ormance index                                                                                           Performance index
  • Not Calculated for operaconal Cycle r

51 i

Figurs 7.20.a Legend: N1 S""'d "" < '""' *. 7 2 s,s ,, Refueling St.,1up , , R Operation EE:3 to M Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown Qua% Dab Not Shown Using Op. Cycle 533355 Ops. Ops. 1 I i l I [. ll l I l i I R I I I I  ! R I  !  ! l I  ! R S/D 8 l l i i ] i S,'D l  ! f l l 94-1 94-3' 95-1' 95-3' %1' %3' ' 94-13 94-3' 95-1' 95-3i %1' Year - Quarter 96-3' Year - Quarter

         ,                    Automatic Scrams While Critical                                                                     Safety System Actuations 4

e 3- - o 2- a 3 b 2- I b b 3 h l i94 13 94-3 i 95 1' 95-3' %1i %3 3 8

                                                                                                                       %13         94-3'       95-1'         95 33     b i'       %3; Year. Quarter                                                                                 Year - Quarter 2.0                              Signmeant Events
                                                                                                        ,                         safety System Failures                                      I E

{ 1.5- gg 3-w 01.0- 2o<l 2-0.5 - 1- 1 gg 0.0 941' 0 $ ' 9+3' 951' 95-3 i

                                                                           %1'    %3'                        '
                                                                                                                                   %3' Year - Quarter 94-1'                   95-1'         95-3i     E 1'      %3 Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outages /

gno Forced Outage Rate (%) e 1000 Commercial Critical Hours F 80- &lg 60-T


40-2- 3,,_ Ii a 7 {3 e so o ., o ., o ,, o n 0 .' " 94-1' l-- 94-3'

                                         . $ E "%

55-1' 95 3'


w' O 95-1i ~ "5-3 Year - Quarter 94 13 94-3 i 9 i %1' M3 Year - Quarter Cause Codes 200 Collective Radiation Exposure u a P u g g u. u. w. pg150- m i4' 100- ' " ~ ' " ' " [ ,,. Vf d. Maint e. Design

f. Mise

{ I 50-d,a@94 3,am

94. , 95., .

1246=  %, 9e.3;




Year - Qua,95 1er3,

                                                                                            ,    %g,__

g 52

Figure 7.20b CLINTON 1 Lesend: statisticai sionireance sion l Peer Group: General Electric Post-TMI Medium Ezza I Lowi i 93-4 to 06-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined Improved Worse Better OPERATIONS l l Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 0.22 Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0.45 Significant Events - 0 o I Safety System Failures - 0.28 0 l Cause Codes (All LERs) l

a. Admmistrseve Control Problems - 0 -
                                                                                                                            ] 0.21
b. ucensed Operator Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                  -0.18 [
c. Other Personnel Errors - 0.24 @ -


d. Maintenance Problems - -0.35 l -


e. Designconstrucconanstalianonsabncaten Problems - 0 -

0.51 M f.Miscenaneous - 0 - 0 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 o Significant Events - 0 - 0 Safety System Failures - 0

                                                                                                                    -0.02 Cause CcJes (All LERs)
a. Administruuve control Problems - 0 -


b. Ucensed Operator Errors - -0.09[ -
                                                                                                               -0.32 I
c. other Personnel Errors - 0 --

0.90 Wgs@#sWM

d. lfantanance Problems - -0.04 [

l 0.33

e. Des #gnmonstruenonanstalianonsabrienton Problems - 0 -
f. M6seenaneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - -0.64

                                                                                                                   -0.05 l                   Equipment Forced Outages / * -

1000 Commercial Critical Hours

                                                                                                             -0.45FFiT g//d

, Note: see Table 9 in Part il for the -1.0 -05 O!O O'5

                                                                                             . 1.0   -1.0     -0.5      O!O        O!5    1.0 epecific eme frames used in the calculanons.                         Performance Index                       Performance Index
 ' Not Calculated for Operatonal Cycle l


Figure 7.210 Legend; g COMANCHE PEAK 1 Shutdown < approx. 72 hrs ! Startup i i E Refueling R Operation +

                                                                                         "* #       8' *                                                    ""

93-4 to 96 3 Quarterly Data Not Shown Using Op. Cycle E3333:5 11 I I I I I il i I I i l R II I R ! I I I R  !!  ! E !  !  ! I

           '             1'   W-3;        95 f      95-3;     %1'       3;                                i i
                                                                                                                 A-3 i      '95 1'      W3;        %'11             3' Year - Quarter                                                                       Year - Quarter 4

Automatic Scrams While Critical 4 Safety System Actuations b 3- 3-3

 'S    2-                                                                            x     2-g 3                                    '
  '1            ' '                               '         ' '       '              '

1 6 94-1 1 94 3i %1' %3 i

                                                              %1'    %3;                        3 941 i       94 y         W'         9>3i       %1i          96-3; Year - Quarter                                                                       Year - Luarter 2.0 Significant Events                                        4                    Safety System Failures 1.5 -                                                                     jg          3-t o 1.0-I'S <l      2-                                                            2 0.5 -                                                                                 1-                                              ,,!

Z z  %' v4 > 0.0 0 $


W1' %3' 94-1 i 94-3 %1' %3' M1' %3 i i

                                                                                                      %1'         94-3'                              Wil Year - Quarter                                                                       Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outagest Forced Outage Rate (%)                                        ,               1000 Commercial Critical Hours 100 7                                                                                    2 84 60-                                                                       Th


  " O _f e

2.- _ _ d_ _10

                                                %          Hw a% x h         o ec
                                                                                                       >-a h~n           ,x o .e C

oc O i 94-1' 94-3' %1' E3' %1' %3 i 941' 94 3- %1' %3' %1 i

                                                                                                                                                                  %3' Year - Quarter                                                                       Year - Quarter Cause Codes
                                                                                                   "                 b. Lie Oper                    c. Other Per Collective Radiation Exposure                          u                             a 200 u-                              m.

d #- y g150-100-Ja bE = m m me 8 ct' es

d. Maint e. Design f. Misc u

Bg50- ,

                                             $                 g                  "                            "

O 3 E2 $,i A M s. 6- 6-

              '      94-1'     94-3'        %1 i     %3 ' % 18        %3    4 Year - Quarter                                     " M0 0                             a, . ~              o      =              = mm.

Site Average Radiation Exposure o o 54

Figure 7.21b COMANCHE PEAK 1 tesend: Statisticai Si nreicance 9 sioh Medium vuam j Peer Group: Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop Low i i 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined Irnproved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0.18 hfhk -0.85 Safety System Actuations - 0.90 l

                                                                                                               -0.38 Significant Events -                               o o

Safety System Failures - 0.56 f/hk

                                                                                                                   -0.17 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Administravve control Problems - 0.59 E -
                                                                                                                               ] 0.21
a. ucensed operator Errors - 0.56 l l l0.30
c. omer Personnel Errors - 0.28 -
                                                                                                                               ] 0.16
d. Maintenance Protiems - #:p M;W 0.48 -

l 0.30 e.DesignJconstrucconnnstaliasonrabricanon Problems - 0.12 -

                                                                                                                     -0.07 [
f. Misceitaneous - -0.45 l l FM&W/fJnr3M -0.90 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 o

Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0 0.39 = Cause Codes (All LERs) a Administranve control Problems - 0 -

                                                                                                                               @ 0.38
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -
c. omer Personnel Errors - 0 -

l 0.47

d. Maintenance Protiems - 0 -

0.60 6 e.Designiconstructonnnstallationsabr6 canon Problems - 0 - 1 0.43

f. Miscellaneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0.70

                                                                                                                     -0.05 Equipment Forced Outages / * -

0.90 hkhkk) ested -063 1000 Commercial Critical Hours Note: See Table 9 in Part B for me -1.0 -0.5 0'0. 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -O'5

                                                                                                                     .        0.0      0.5    1.0 specmc eme frames used in me caicuianons.                           Performance Index                           Performance index Not ceicuisted for opersoonal cycie 55

Figure 7.22a I Legend: g COMANCHE PEAK 2 S""'d "" < an,, x. 72 h,s , Refueling St-ty, , , R Operation EEEn Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown m Not Shown Using Op. Cycle E35533 ops. Ops. l ll p l I I R I! R I I I ll l R S/D 1 I l li l i g3i g,i g3 S/D i 94_3i i g3, g3; i g3i 94,3, - 195 1' Year- Quarter 3 95 3' n1i %3i Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical , Safety System Actuations 3- s 3-o 2- 3 2-3 i i 9i 194 16 94-3 I

                                             %1 i

0 %3i Year - Quarter i

                                                                     %1'         h 8

94-1' %3' %1i %3 i

                                                                                                                                                              % 1'        %3 I

Year - Quarter 2.0 Significant Events 4 Safety System Failures I 1.5 - 3-o 1.0- o42-g n: z 0,5 - j 1-g' 1 z 3' p 0.0 0 N ' 3 94-1' 94-3' Wii %3 3

                                                                     %1'     E3   i                8 94 1'         94 3 i       95-1'      %3'          %1'         43   i Year - Quarter                                                                           Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outages /

3og Forced Outage Rate (%) 1000 Commercial Critical Hours e E e*- 60-a=b i 2 77 8<o- 2-1 63 4 47

                     ,,12,,         ,

h ,,, ,,, ,p 0 7s 0 7e O IN#5 Ub EU "A " , rr" ' Wd u.i "O E" ? " >" "" E 94-1' 94-3' 95-1  % 3' W1 1

                                                                             %3 '-                 '       94-1'         94-3'        Wi   l
                                                                                                                                                 %3 i         % 1'        96 3 i

Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Cause Codes 200 Collective Radiation Exposure u a w 5 g n, n. w. $8 .. .. s. g,150-, , . . _m . . . _. .

                                                                                                                                                                     , m 2                                                                                             d. Maint                          e. Design                         f. Misc Il                              13                              15 50-                                     h"                      h               gg .                             3                              M-0            L              '                       L '

6 94.j i 943 95-1' 95-3' %1' 96-3 E& Year - Quarter Site Average Radiation Exposure

  • EdMS, , m n . . , , . .

l 56 1 1

Figure 7.22b COMANCHE PEAK 2 Legend: Stddcal SynMeance Hi@ Peer Group: Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop M'di"* ""' 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviabons Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS (including startup) Automatic Scrams While Critical - -0.18

                                                                                                                          -0.57 Safety System Actuations -                                  0 o

Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0 0.13 Cause Codes (All LERs) ,

e. Administraeve Contros Premiens - ]0.17 -
                                                                                                                         ] 0.21
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -


c. Other Personnet Errors - l0.42 -
                                                                                                              -0.09 [
d. Maintenance Premiems - ]O.12 -
                                                                                                                         ]0.18              !
e. Designconstrueno.winstonenenrebrtceton Problems - 0 -
                                                                                                                         ] 0.28 f.miseenaneous -                  0               -
                                                                                                           -0.30 l SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations -                                  0 0

Significant Events - 0 o l Safety System Failures - j 0.03

                                                                                                             -0.12 Cause Codes (All LERs)
e. Adminnetraeve Control Problems - 0 -

0 l

b. Ucensed operator errors - 0 -

l 0.34 ,

c. omer Personnes errors - -0.17 E
                                                                                                         -0.42 7lM                           f
d. Maintenance Prothme - -0.14 E 0.37 Jt$ l
       . 0.sienconstruenonansmiieconaebncanon Probiens -                           ] 0.03
                                                                                                               -0.09 [

f.miseen neous - 0 - 0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outagrs Rate * - 0.22

                                                                                                               -0.05 Equipment Forced Outages / * -                                                      -

0.30 -0.27 1000 Commercial Critical Hours __, Mote: see tabie s in Part si for the -1.0 -06 0.0 O!5 1.0 -1.0 -0:5 0.0 O!5 1.0 specmc ene fremes used in om calcutetens. Performance Index Perf ormance Index

  • Not Catsulated for C,, _ ' Cycie l


1 1 Figure 7.23a I: ' Legend: gj Shutdown < approx. 72 hrs ,i Startup i i j Refueling R Operation EZEm Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown m 9 6M QuaMy Dau Not Shown Using Op. Cycle E3D55 Ope. Ops. l R R I I R I I R SID ,

                ,,,                                                       S/D g3;      g,i     93,3,        g     g3                i   g,.         94 3;      g ,i     g3,         g3i       g3,          j Year - Quarter                                                          Year - Quarter 4             Automatic Scrams While Critical                                          Safety System Actuations 4                                                                          1 3-                                                                n y   3-o    2-                                                               h   2-                                                                      3 5                                                                      '

51- 1-h' h' h' i 194-13 94-3' Wii %3' M1' %h i 94 1' 394-3' Ett %3i iB6-1i %3 i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Significant Events 4 Safety System Failures I f 1.5- g 3-e o 1.0- oo< 2-

 $                                                                  jE b O.5-2                                                                  g l      1-         '
                                                                                                        %'             [q 0,0                                                                     0         M                 N            !

94-1' W  % 1' %3' W1' %3 i '

                                                                                    %1'          94-3'     E1'      %3'         %1'       %3  i Year - Quarter                                                          Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outagest gog                  Forced Outage Rate (%)                             ,            1000 Commercial Critical Hours 7

JBO- " gl 5 E p 4-e 60- Tg E E

 ]40-                                                                         _

20 , , g , . . . , s 0 4e 0 ^ M L UA w 0 '" "'

           '    94-1'     %3'      Wi  i
                                           %3           %1'   E3 i              3
                                                                                    %1'          94-3'     bil      %3    i
                                                                                                                                %1i       %3'          .

Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 1 l Cause Codes

                                                                                 "                            E*'               *     * ' ' '       '

200 Collective Radiation Exposure . . . $ g150- ,, ,, ,, l 100- a * ' 4 I lO' / n d. Maint e. Design f. Misc 50- W h4 h * * " O A AL

            '   94-1'     94 3'    M i'    %3'          M1'                                                           

Year- Quarter Site Average Radiation Exposure ' d y"$ " - *  %"*" *

  • se g

Figure 7.23b I COOK 1 Lesend: st=:iatic i sionificance siB 8 - Peer Group: Westinghouse Older 4-Loop Medium E:: El 934 to 96-3 *' ' Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0.36 - 0 Safety System Actuations - 0 -- 0.45 Significant Events - 0 - o ) Safety System Failures - 0 - 0,90 (fff((h Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administrouve controlProblems - 0 -


b. Ucensed Operator Errors - 0 -

1.82 @W3/&fM/M

c. Other Personnel Errors - -0.18 [ -
                                                                                                                            ] O.27
d. Maintenance Problems - 0 -


e. Designiconstruccennnstauanon/Fanncanon Problems -
                                                                                     ]0.18                  -

0.64 PETAWR1

f. Miscellaneous - l 0.45 -

0 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0,90 Significant Events - 0 - 0 Safety System Failures - 0.04 - 0.19 Cause Codes (All LERs)

s. Administranve control Probtens - 0 -
                                                                                                                            @ 0.39
b. Ucensed Operator Errors - 0 -


c. Other Personnel Errors - ] O 09 -


d. Maintenance Problems - ]0.08 -
e. Designiconstrucconnnstanacontrabncaton Prob 4 ems - 0 -

0.81 MWMMM]

f. Miscenaneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0,17 - 0.02 Equipment Forced Outages /

  • wgwpsppx 1000 Commercial Critical Hours ~ _

0.20 0.90 [gg7gggg Note: See Table 9 in Part N for the -1.0 -0!5 0.0 0'5

                                                                                              . 1.0   1.0   -0 5      0.0     O!5     1.0 specme eme frames used in the calculasons.

Performance index Performance index

  • Not Calculated for Operatonal Cycle 59

l Figure 7.24a I' Legend. ' N2 S""'d "" < *aa'

  • 72 h,. l Refueling R Stariup ,

Operation EE2ml l i ggg Industry Avg. Trond Shutdown m g Not Shown Using Op. Cycle 1222225 I Ope. Ops. _ R R R R SID i g3; g3, S/D gji g3; g3; g3; i ,94,3, g3, g ji 3, ,, 3; Year - Quarter l Year - Quarter i 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical , Safety System Actuations m 3- 3-u R' e ' o 2- 2-

         '~           i         i i i                         1

1 a 94bi ns

                              %3'       Wi  i 1

E3 %1' 7 m i ll

                                                                %33                     ' 413 9         94-3 i
                                                                                                            %1 l      %3i      96 1i      %3 Year - Quarter                                                      Year - Quarter l

2.0 Significant Events , Safety System Failures I

  • 8 1.5 - 3-p
   =                                                                   c E 1.0 -                                                              o      2-0.5 -                                                                    1-2 i                                                                       2 h'

I o.o i o M u1' 94 3 i b513 95-3' M 1' %3 i 94-1' 94-3 3 Wil 95 4 96-1' D6-3 i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outagest 100 Forced Outage Rate (%) M CommeMal MW Hours e l l 2 80- 1 l 60-

   ]40-io   20-                                      4e 5                                 2 -        M                                                            SR-      M o         8ls P5M' _L E= w2            PM            '

f, o y,3 u-y - i 94-1 94-3' W1 ' 95-3 i W1' 96-3 '

                                                                                       '94 1'     94-3 i    95-1'     W3'      516        96-3 i Year - Quarter                                                      Year - Quarter Cause Codes
a. Admin b. Lie Oper c. Other Per Collective Radiation Exposure a a u 200 g n. m. m.

l y g150- .. .. .. 100_ es ' - e cr n n d. Maint e. Design f. Misc 3 eo n a u { 50- ,, M& b $ $b.A_tkbE$Nl$3 _t NA o

                  %1i eb l h '*ry i                                                                                                           

94-3' 95-1' 95-3' %1' 96-3~ p Year - Quarter ,m Site Average Radiation Exposure * , - - - l 60

1 l Figure 7.24b COOK 2 tesend: st usecai senriconce s0h Peer Group:Westnghouse Older 4-Loop Medium unum 93 4 to 96-3 L*' ' Trends and Devations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median ) Short Term Long Term l Declined improved Worse B6tter i OPERATIONS (including startup)  ; Automatic Scrams Whlie Critical - 0 - l -0.57 i Safety System Actuations - 0 - l 0.45


1 Significant Events - 0 - o j l Safety System Failures - 0 - 1.16 Cause Codes (All LERs)  !

a. Adm6nMtranve control Problems - ] 0.17 -


b. ucensed operator Errors - 0 -

0.62 l l

c. Other Personnel Errors - 0.56 M -
                                                                                                         -0.39 l       l
d. Mamtenance Problems - @ 0.30 -

0.98 e.DesigrwconstrucconAnstalianon/Febricanon Problems -

                                                                                ]O.12                -

0.64 P24##4FM

f. Miscellaneous - 0.88 l -
                                                                                                           -0.30 SHUTDOWN                                                                                    -

l Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0,90 l i l Significant Events - 0 - 0 Safety System Failures - 0 0.97 hhkh l Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administranve control Problems - l 0.30 -


b. ucensed operator Errors - 0 -
c. Other Personnet Errors - 0 -

l l 0.38

d. Maintenance Problems - l0.30 -

0.72 F#iFsMFM cesigrwconstrucconanstatianentrabricanon Problems - 0 - l l0.41

f. Miscellaneous - 0 -

0 I Forced Outage Rate * - 0 0.88 hhh Equipment Forced Outages / * , _ 1000 Commercial Critical Hours , Nota: See Table s in Part N for the -1.0 -0!S 0.0 OIS 1.0 -1.0 -0!5 O!0 O!5 1.0 specine ame frames used in the calcutanons. Perf ormance Index Perf ormance Index

  • Not Calculated for Operatonal Cycle 61

Figure 7.25a I Legend: S""'d "" < "Sa' *. 7 2 h,. ,, COOPER STATION Refueling R St rtyp , Operation EEEi i g Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown m Not Shown Using Op. Cycle E33553 ' Ops. -- Ops. _ IO 3 94-1* $4-3 W1 3' %13 %3 I i S41' S4-3 %1 %13 96 3 3 4 Automatic Scrams Whlie Critical Safety System Actuations 4 E 3 3-8 a a o 2-g 2- E

                $$                                                                   1 '-       gg                                                              g e

94-1i 94-3 i %13 95-3 i 96-13 %3' i $4-ti 94-3 i

                                                                                                                          %13     3 95-3 i

i96-1i i96-3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 20 Signmcant Events 4 Safeh System Fanures I 3-f 1.5-W we 01.0. 4 o lc 2_ 2 2 _L g o.5 - g 1- _ g g' 0'0 ' 0  !* 94-14 94-3' 1 %3 ' '96-ti 96-3 i i ne 94-3 i 1 33 941' %3 Equipment Forced Outages / Forced Outage Rate (%) 1000 Commercial Critical Hours _100 e U. E s '- 8=h g 60- s7 3 40-g 2-E 11 su

    's O' - @.3M M                    ---

la si U"s i 94_p 94-31

                                    '*! M win %3 +             %1i       %3i 70           '     S4.'1i     W % 13             %31       %16        % 3' Year - Quarter                                                                     Year - Quarter Cause Codes 200 Collective Radiation Exposure                             a                          m                          w g                                                       g                       n.                         w.                         m-y g150-                                                                          ..        q                s.                         s.

g,,. - s  %. , .m - _. g er ,, g d. Maint e. Design f. Misc I m 50-It a 2e " l 22 m- is - "- 0 . 2 4.e m ,,%1g' y ,"g,3; %e %s a gkg '; g3 e2 g

_ _ - - ~ . _ . . . ___ 1 . i Figure 7.25b i COOPER STATION tesond: st tisticai sioniricanc. sias ! Peer Group: General Electric Pre-TMI Medium anum 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations j Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined Improved Worse Better ' OPERATIONS (including startup) 1 i Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 - 0.90 - i Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0 Significant Events - 0 - hhjf -0.90 i Safety System Failures - 0.54 -

                                                                                                                                       -0.22                                    <

j Cause Codes (All LERs) l ! e. Aaministreeve Control Problems - 0.06 [

                                                                                                                                       -0.26 @                                   l
t. unenna operater errors - 0 -

0.6o l

e. comr personne arrers - -

l 0.32

-0.06 [

i s.meintenance prowem. - -0.3 5 l - 0.06 [ , e.oemenconstruccennnetenemoneennection prowem. - ]0.12 -

                                                                                                                                        -0.23 9 i                                                          f misceneneou. -                                     0               -

0 l SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 0 Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0.00 1

                                                                                                                                      -0.36 h i

l Cause Codes (All LERs) 1

s. Admannstreove Control Prebiems - fR 0.26 -
                                                                                                                                     -0.44 f'F/J i                                                n.ucenaea opermer error -                                    ] 0.08
                                                                                                                                          -0.08 [

, c. oeer Personnel Errors - -0.06 [ l 0.45 i s. mentenance rromem. - ] 0.05

                                                                                                                                -         gy'%         0.51 e oesiencenetrucconnnetenementeertcenen ProWoms -                                   0.08 [

M'!!A -0.53 4 f. Mmeeneneous - 0 - 0 5 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0


l Equipment Forced Cutages/ * - 1000 Commercial Critical Hours 0 0.77 hf[k l 1 Note: see Tobie s in Part u for em 1.0 O'5

                                                                                                .         0.0        O!5 1.0     1.0    -0!5      0.0           O!5    1.0 j        spectne eme frames used in the ce6cunseens.                                       Performance Index                           Performance Index
         ' Not Ceiculeted for Operetonal Cycle j                                                                                                                                                                                !

I 63 4

Figure 7.26a I Legend: S ""'d "" < '""' *. 7 2 h,s ,, CRYSTAL RIVER 3 Refueling R Stanup , Operation Izzmi industry Avg. Trend Shutdown 9M to %3 Quarte @ Dau Not Shown Using Op. Cycle Ops, Ops. S/D I I g3; -- %3! %1' %3 %1' '96-3I i

                                                                                            '94 1 i      %3i      %513    %3i      %1'        %6 3' Year - Quarter                                                                Year - Quarter 4           Automatic Scrams While Critical                                 4                 Safety System Actuations 3-                                                                      -   3-eo 2-                                                                      i   2-                                                                   I 5    1-                                                       '

1- ' Z 8 94-1 3 94 3' %11 %5-3i 96 1' %6-3I i

                                                                                             %16         %%3i     M1i     E 3'      %16       96-3' Year - Quarter                                                                                                           J Yair - Quarter 2.0                      Significant Events                                    ,                    Safety 3ystem Failures                          Il
  • 8 1.5 - 3-pg w

01.0. ' [o k" 2- 2 *

  • 3 0 ~ '-

h - 0.0 1 O i

                                                                                         ' . 94-1'                      .
                                                                                                                                              %3' 94-1'      94-3'      E1'     95-3'    %1'        %3'                                    94 3'    W 1'    %3'       E1'                   i Year - Quarter                                                                Year - Quarter                             l Equipment Forced Outagest 3ng                   Forced Outage Rate (%)                                                  1000 Commercial Critical Hours e

f, 8 - R i 3 z$

  , 60 -.

R Ih 34o- ,,

                                                                           ;E      2-                                                                     i y                                                                                                                                   14e i!


 !'~   O              E a2 m e          .

y o

                                                                                                    .m R

qm 3 94-1 6

                           %3 '       %51-    95-3'    %1'        %3'                        94-1'       94 3'    95-18   95-3'     %1   !
                                                                                                                                              %3' Year - Quarter                                                                Year - Quarter Cause Codes
                                                                                   ^      "                  . c Oper             c. Other Per Collective Radiation Exposure                          a                         w                        ,

200 g w. w. w. b~ s. ,-. s. s. 100- o o "J"b.o . " . . .. so

                                                                                " "d . Maint                  e. Design                f. Misc w              ,

h ,, ,, r j

w. w. w.
            ?"    1    -*! N N 1            ' i s        as7 m

O s. s

            '   94-1'      94-3       %1      %        96-1'      iG6-33 l

Yea, . e' u.m.,3'

                                                                            ,_m                       ,


Figure 7.26b CRYSTAL RIVER 3 tegend: st i sioririconce sign Peer Group: Babcock and Wilcox Medium man 934 to 96-3 Trends and Deviasons Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS (Including startup) Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 0 Safety System Actuations - 0

                                                                                                           -0.36 Significant Events -                           o o

Safety System Failures - 2.40 fghffkh -

                                                                                                                              -0.90 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Admamstranve control Prob 6 ems - 0 -
                                                                                                           -0.41 E
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                               -0.18 [

c.otherPersonnelErrors - 0 - E -0.72

d. Maintenance Problems - 0.26 -
                                                                                                            -0.31 @
e. Des 6gniconstruenonanstaliaton#abrkaton Problems - 1.93 -

M -0.92 l

f. Miscellaneous - 0 -

0.90 l SHUTDOWN . l Safety System Actuations - 0 0 Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - o,jo - l _o.go Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administranve control Problems - @ 0.21 O
b. Ucensed operator Errors - ) 0.03 l l -0.56
c. other Personnel Enors - 3 0.24 -

i l -0.52

d. mamtenance Problems - @ 0.27 -
                                                                                                             -0.27 [
e. DesigniconstructanAnstalianonfabricaton Problems - 3 0.15 -
                                                                                                               -0.19 [
f. M .cenan.ous - 0 -


                                                                                                                       'Pr,                    l Forced Outage Rate * -

fhhkl -0.66 -

                                                                                                                -0.14 f

Equipment Forced Outages / * - -

                                                                     -0'32                                                    0 I

1000 Commercial Critical Hours Note: See Table 9 in Part it for the 1.0 0.5 00 O!5 1.0 1.0 -0!5 O!O 05 1.0 l specmc eme frames used m the calculetons. Performance Index Perf ormance Index l

  • Not Calculated for operational Cyck 65


                                        $g a((     j i

1 g1 5 2 1E 8IE'[7 5 2

  • 6 8 1

0 .O z5b 0sf 0 1 1 2 h1 o h[a S O p D 5 0 0 . A I 0 0 0 0 0

  • 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 1 2 3 ,

0 D .s i i V 3e i ,

  • I 9


  • 9 4-9 4 -

9 4- g S-A 13 B 1 13 13 g C u  ;

                '                                 o                                                                                                                       o t

l l e c 9 F o 9

                                                                                                                                             %                            m           g                           E
        %A 3

t i v 3 4

                                                                 -                           r c

e 3 4 - gi S 3 at ci 3, S Y e a' e Y' e d Y' e n Y ; e S Y e S 2 . R a O a i a r a% a d r9 5 - u t rW-f i c a a3 r9 c r a rg-E Qi 1 i a Q 1 g a Qi i n Qi 1 m Q; 3 t u

  • t u e u u s u o

i a a a E a a r t9 e5 ' n r t9 e5 R a r t%. e v e r t% e W h r tg e r- E r-3 t r n r i r 3 x i e 3 t 3t el 3- 0 p s o s 9 (

                                                                                            %                                                                             C r


  • u 6-  % W t i

g r e 1 c 1' 14 ' ii a l g 9 9 F W 6 -  %  % 6-3 3 3 ' 3 ' 33 gi u 6 r 6 ,'w = e ET gR z5fE<S'4f

                                      ,      m.                                                                                                                                                             I 7

n R5L l h h h f$ g .g1 Ygn O d e "e 2 u "g f N p u s e 7 d '

                                                    '                      2        #     e                     O    1   2   3  ,                      1   2       3   ,                        s
                                                                                                                                                                                                .           t r

l i d' en d a

                             . b                                                    ~                                -   -   .-                        -   -       -                                        y n M                                    i                                        i                                  3                                         '

A g a o ni u y,' g v t " 9 9 9 . 4 4 4 M T

  • 1 1

r a 0 1' 1' 1' e a' 0E n m.

                                      ,      m. m                                         0q S

S a d " Cui 9 9 9 . C a 3 4-op 4-3 E p' N a f e 4 3 f e t 3 N o 7 e

                             . P                    *s u   Y       i                        mme Y'                              y t

Y' y S Y' t 2 h,

  ,                          D                         e   e a                                mn et e

a r9 S e ai y e a S h s e C r9 y rB S s o s o 5-t crF io 5-1 s t i

                                                                                                                                            -                           t e    rW i                   w R,,

gi P d Qi ar Q' e Ql Qi n n m q '

                                                    ' es   u a

r t9 lc Ce r d u a r m F u a r A c u a r U s e5 i tW e a tW e t t% e i n cat uO t r- 3 i r i r 3 u r 3 g

 , ' w ,                          * , w u                                                             3                          l a

p' u 1 O S b r t P l a Hg e i o h O s n p up S oes e i 9 9 t s t yC oD ta , 6-6 ut r E 1 M 1 r

                             .f                               1 s              '                               il                                         '

c woi t u M l e n np i s c P 9 6-9i 6 9 6 9 5 2 ,

                                                                                                       -                                                                           -                  5 N                   "        3i                                       3'                                  3i                                     3'                  5 5

3 5 i W g " g I I gE I I l

Figure 7.27b DAVIS-BESSE L.s.nd: st=* tic i sionaricanc. sion Medium susus Peer Group: Babcock and Wilcox Low i i 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From i Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term j OPERATIONS (including startup) Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 0.45 Safety System Actuations - 0 o Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0 0.26 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Adminwerenve control Prob 6 ems - 0 -

E 0.14

b. Ucensed Operator Errors - 0 -

0.60 l

c. omer Personnel Errors - 0 -


d. Ma6ntenance Problems - 0 -

G 0.24

e. Desagniconstrucconnnetanemonrabrtcanon ProNoms - ] 0.06
                                                                                                         -                      ?q- 0.26
f. Miscenaneous - 0 -

0.90 l SHUTDOWN Safe +y System Actuations - o o Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - o 0 Cause Codes (All LERs)

s. Admin 6etrouve controt Pron 6 ems - ] 0.18 -
                                                                                                                 -0.10 l
b. Ucensed operator Errers - 0 -


c. Other Personnel Errors - l0.36 -

N&##M7A -0.90

d. Ma6ntenance Prob 6 ems - -0.15 [
                                                                                                                -0.16 [
e. Design #construenonnnetanemonrebricocon Prowems - l0.45 -


f. Miscensnoous - 0 - 0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0 0.52 h Equipment Forced OutagesI* - yjgs 1000 Commercial Critical Hours 0

0.51 gggj Note: See fabh 9 in Port N for ow 1.0 -0!5 0.0 O!5 1.0 -1.0 -0 5 0.0 0.'5 1.0 i

    *Poc88 8** m*       u"8 8a ** c8'cu'***a*-                         Performance index                       Performance Index
  . _ c._.'. _"Pe on ..


g yg 2 g '1 ] $, z5 0w e I3 E-o 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 O 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 3 g o 0 0 0


5 1

                                                                                                                              .0 1

5 7 n ' 2 3 4 S


D p O s MID 0 0 0 0 A D i 82 k-i@ i B 9 9 2 9 94 9 L 4, O 4 4 4 A 1 1 , 1i Si 16 C ' u , t e o W " t o A 94 l l e 9 A F o  % 9 m 9 C v e r 3i c t vi 4 3

                                                                    -                               r c

e 3 g S i Y 3 4 - a t i c Y 4, 3, A aY ge ea e R Y'& e a d O Y e-a ni e a $ S c e a rg I N Y f Rg i r a rW

                                                                 -                                  u    rW
                                                                                                          -                                c    rW r

a -

  • d t a a

O i i 1 ai i Q -_ a Ql n Qi m Q,; dQ+ t u g u t u s u au i

  • i e E a a ta i r o

n a R a v r W r tg N ot% ne E r 3 p E x t r% e r 3 ' L E a t e t r% e r 3 e n t s t e rh $ h i l e e r 3, 0 1 x ( C " Mh 4 p 4, o  % r F o s u

                                                                                                   )                                                                           i t

g s  % u r e w i i d r e 1 J 1' 1i i c a l U

                                                                          .                                                                                                                        l g
                % M 3i 3'

E Me 3 i 31$ b 3-F gi u r 6 e 8 * " * , w n Ta a, zlg % 2j* 7 [3 R5L I

s. , .

n e

           -g                                                                             h                                 md5g                           li {dgi                                                d f       "e   .

2 S O p u s e u "g 'e 8


s a g d o , 0 0 1 2 3 4 ' 2 3 4 D . t g l yr in ": dn d M ' ' ' i A " p a - g' v j Qc i e n t s g 9 g g 9 4-1 4-1' bh g T r e a a' e 1'w 0 bp' n 0E

  • s.
                                             ,     u.    =

9 x %er 0q u 9 dq S 9 S a g d

  • Ci a f
                                         '"                   C                                     op      4 ibp%'                                4-                        e                              N             7 h

4 f a 3 3 1 e 3 y t 3, o 2

                                  .e     '"                   u s Y                                   mme  Y                               y t

Y' S Y e t h, D e e a mn e S e a y a l S h s p e - s C o r6_

                                                                 -                                 c et rF io r

a% 1 b9' y s t rW i s t e r3 3 o w R ,, i 1 Q- e Qi Q; g d Q lar m n k n e s u a Ce c u a m u ar A u a U r t% e r d t iiO r t% e ri F a t9 e5 c t u eg r t s i n i r 3 Be74 cat u r 3 a' i l u r-3 a r 3 l g S

m. s '


s. ,

u l a r i O up h SO Hg e o 1 p. s n o es  % W s g C D r t e t

                                                                   %                               r u/                                             i                                  3,                  y o ia     t i a,
                                  .f M        "

1 s 1i

                                                                                                                                3 l

l c wou e n np g si ' 9 1 2 E e  %  % 6-  : 2 s l 33 3; 3; 5 3i g 2 2

                                                      ,-                                                                                                                                                  5         3    ,

E3 a g E I I W = E i1III . ,

Figure 7.28b , i DIABLO CANYON 1 Lesend. statisticar siantricance si 9h mismii Peer Group: Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop Medium EE:::ll 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations I Deviations From ' Plant Peer Group  ; Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term . 1 Declined improved Worse Better < OPERATIONS i Automatic Scrams While Critical - l -0.54

                                                                                                               -0.28 Safety System Actuations -                                      0 0

Significant Events - 0 o l Safety System Failures - 0,84i - 0.51 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Adminestranve control Protnems - ] 0.25 -
                                                                                                                    -0.03 (
b. Ucensed operator Errors - ] 0.28 -
                                                                                                            -0.45 %/rq C. other Personnel Errors -                     0                  -
d. Maintenance Problems - 0.54 >M -
e. Designiconstrucconanstaliatonsabncanon Problems - ] 0.18 -
                                                                                                                   -0.07 [
f. Misceltaneous - l l -0.68 M -0.60 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0.26
                                                                                                                            -0.83 Significant Events -                              0 0

Safety System Failures - 0.90 0.37 Cause Codes (All LERs)

s. Administranve Control Problems - ]0.15 -
                                                                                                                  -0.11 [
b. ucensed operator Errors - >E 0.41 -
                                                                                                               -0.30 l
c. other Personnel Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                            -0.44 i
d. Maintenance Problems - 0 -
                                                                                                              -0.36  @
e. Design /ConstructionnnstallatonFabncation Problems - 1.16 -
f. Miscellaneous - 0 - 0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - -0.12 0.03

Equipment Forced Outages / * - 0

                                                                                                                   -0.09 1000 Commercial Critical Hours Note: See Table 9 in Part u for the                             -1.0    -0.5      O!O       ME   *0 .   -1.0      45       00      O!5    1.0 specenc eme frames used in the calculanons.                          Performance index                         Performance index
  • Not Calculated for operatonel Cycle 69

Figure 7.29a I Legend DIABLO CANYON 2 5""'d ""<'a"".72am,, Sianup , , Refueling R Operation c2E:ll 9 0"* *b

  • Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown Not Shown Using Op. Cycle teece g

Ops. gi Ops. F: R F: R SID i g3, S/D g3 g31 g3, ig,3 96 1 I g3 3 94-1' 94-3' E13 Year - Quarter %3' W3I I Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical 4 Safety System Actuations g 3- ga 3-a g

 'S     2 -.                                                                         $    2                                                                        E g

5 I '~ '~ 3 941' 94 3 h Wii E3 3 Wi l h

                                                                        %33                   *
                                                                                                    %1'       94-3'      '95 11    %3i        %13          %3; l

Year- Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Significant Events 4 Safety System Failures Il 1 1.5 - _g 3-su 0 1.0 -. d

                                                                                 'S <

{ 2- 4 1.

                                                                                                          ]' ]'
      ~5~                                                                                 1~      '

Z z E' R' N U 0'0 i 0 N I 94-11 94-3 i %1; 95 3 i %1' 96 i 94 1' 94 3 ! bil %3 i

                                                                                                                                             %1'          %3' Year- Quarter                                                                  Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outagest 3go                       Forced Outage Rate (%)                                                    1000 CommercialMcal Hours g        6 b 80-                                                                            khz 3                                                                                                                                                                 5 60                                                                          T P                                                                              $

2 20- (8o 5 e ,4k e o **

 '                                                         ,              7                          o es                                                  e 4a O     i
                     *irse SMll 94 3, N2          NM N                  FA5               0                                        E
                                                                        %3                                    %3' i              i 94 1                 Wi t    %3 ' wi          l 94-1'               Wil        %31       96 1'        %3' Year - Quarter                                                                 Year - Quarter Cause Codes 200 Collective Radiation Exposure                          u                         u                           u                           g I                                                                                 u.                        m.                          m.

E g150- ,,,

s. s. s.


o. M rA a Fem , y , ro ,, En W
 <100-                                                                                                     o                            ,
                                        "                                                d. Maint                  e. Design                      f. Mise 50-                                                       g                                                                       is
                   '                        S   S A                      M 0 ~ - -

i 94-1i 94 3- %1' %3 wii 196 3i 8 m E. s. Year - Quarter Site Average Radiation Exposure o* Qf..Eo g= d o = = = n g

Figure 7.2;b DIABLO CANYON 2 Looend: stae.ecai sonmc.nce sios Peer Group: Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop Medium IEm3 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group 4 Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better l j OPERATIONS (including startup) Automatic Scrams While Critical - -0.54 - 0 l . Safety System Actuations - 0 - o Significant Events - 0 - o l Safety System Failures - 0.42

                                                                                                                  -0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Administraeve control Problems - ]0.17 -
b. ucensad operator Errors - l0.42 -
                                                                                                                    -0.27 [

i c. other Personnel Errors - -0.18 [ -

                                                                                                                  -0.45 FA
d. Mamtenance Protiems - 0 07 [ -
                                                                                                                      -0.16 @
e. DessgntConstrucconnnstanaconFabricaton ProNoms - @ 0.24 -
                                                                                                                        -0.07 [

f.Mrscenaneous - ] 0.23 - F///A -0.60 f SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - o o l Significant Events - 0 o Safety System Failures - 0.21

                                                                                                                       -0.10 Cause Codes (All LLas)
a. Admimstrieve Control Problems - l 0.30 -

0.23 [

b. Ucensed operator Errors - ] 0.18 -

l -055

c. other Personnel Errors - -0.36 @ ~

F#7//#4fA -0.64

d. Maintenance Problems - ] 0.15 -
e. Des 6gniconstrucconnnstanaconmabricaten Proeiems - 0 -
                                                                                                                         -0.07 [
f. Miscenaneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0.03

                                                                                                                          -0.01 Equipment Forced Outages / *                                                                -
                                                                         -0.23                                                         0.13 1000 Commercial Critical Hours -

Note: See TaNe 9 in Part N for the 1.0 -0.5 0.0 0'5

                                                                                                . 1.0    -1.0    -O'5
                                                                                                                        .       0.0       0IS  1.0 spectne eme frames used 6n the calculanons.                          Performance Index                          Performance Index Not Calculated for operatonal Cycle 71

Figure 7.30a I Legend: l M NN2 5""'d *" < ""a' Refueling

                                                                                                                           *. 7 2 hr. ,,

R St., tup , Operation E:ZEl Industry Avg Trend Shutdown m Not Shown Using Op. Cycle seee< Ops. - _ . - - - Ops. - _ .-- _ l i 94-1i 94-3 %1 3' W1' %3' i 94-1i '94-3 %1 %3-  % 1' %3  ! 4 Automatic Scrarns While Critical 4 Safety System Actuations l 3-i

s 3-E o 2- h g 2-1-
                                                                                      $    1-g z

i 1 94-16 i94-3' 51i E3' %13 %3 3 i i94 1' $4-3' %1i W33 Mil %3i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Significant Events 4 Safety System Failures 1.5 - f g 3- 8 W E 1 .0- df 54 2 . ,

 $                                                                                j"                    ,

f 0.5- 1- , . . 4 gg%' i 0.0 ' 0 ' 94-i l 94-3' E1 W3 i

                                                                 %1'     %3'                                 94-1'            94-3      %1         '

M1 i

                                                                                                                                                                    %3    1 Equipment Forced Outagest 3og                     Forced Outage Rate (%)                                         e 1000 Commercial Critical Hours 80 e-                                   n                                           8=
 $60-                          se
                                                                                  ]h 40-      37                                                                                                                                                 ,,

l'- O h N .k$4%3' M %1' 1.- @"4 %3'. .h la 70 ' C >

                                                                                                                                        %1i I

94 1' %1' 96-3' 94-1' 94-3 E3' %1 6

                                                                                                                                                                    %3     i Year - Quarter                                                                                 Year - Quarter Cause Codes
                                                                                                           "                    b. Lie Oper            c. Other Per Collective Radiation Exposure                              .                                       is 200 y 150-                                                  ,
                                                                                   ,,    y                                 ,,                      ,,
 <100-                                                        es 0                                 -     #     "      E ".       0               E.          "

l ,7 _

d. Maint e. Design f. Misc

_ aw an:

  • j o '-

8- '- i 94-ti 94-3 i i %3; wii %3'  : Site Average Radiation Exposure o .. . . o o 72

Figure 7.30b DRESDEN 2 tesend: statistic i sionific.nce sionmiu m Peer Group: General Electric Pre-TMI Medium = rem L*' ' 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS (including startup) Automatic Scrams While Critical - l NA - 0.90 hkhf i i l Safety System Actuations - NA - fr[M -0.74 t Significant Events - NA - 0 Safety System Failures - NA -

                                                                                                                                -1.05 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Administriruve control Problems - NA -
h. Ucensed operator Errors - NA -

M -0.74 c.omer Personnet Errors - NA - M -1.12

d. Ma6ntenance Probkms - NA -

1.80 , e. Des #gniconstruccontinstalianon/Fabricaton Problems - NA - M -0.98

f. uiscanan.ous - NA -

O l SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 0 I I l Significant Events - 0 0 l Safety System Failures - -0.13 0 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administraeve control Problems - ]0.06 -
h. Ucensed operator Errors - -0.05 I -
                                                                                                                      -0.08 [

c other Personnel Errors - E 0.21 -

                                                                                                                     -0.12 [
d. Maintenance Problems - @ 0.15
                                                                                                                               ) 0.05


e. Designiconstructonnnstallacon/Fabricabon Problems - 0 -

0.90 M

f. Miscananeous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0.90

                                                                                                                                 -0.82 Equipment Forced Outages / * -

NA 4 01 1000 Commercial Critical Hours Note: see Table 9 in Part a for the -1.0 -O'5

                                                                              .        0.0     0.5    1.0    -1.0  -0!5     O!O        0:5   1.0
         *P***c t'ne names me in ee caicuissons.                            Performance Index                      Performance Index
  • Not Calculatud for operaSonal Cycle 73

l Figure 7.310 I! Legend: MN3 S""'d *" < ' *. 72 hrs i Refueling R St., tup , Operation I::221 Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown Not Shown Using Op. Cycle raz33 Ops. l Ops. R R s/D , g, , g3 g,; siD g,, 33 3 g3 i 3

                                                                                                     ,,,3         g,          g3,         g ,,          3; 4            Automatic Scrams While Critical                           4                   Safety System Actuations 3-                                                                     3-o    2-                                                              a 3

2- I

       "                                                               .5 F        sie                 i              ! '- se                                                                   $            II i

s411 94 3 m1 3' wi' w3 8 SA.) na n1 /#3 i w1 i ws: 2.0 Significant Events 4 Safety System Failures Il f 1.5- g 3-W Oh L 01.0- ' o< 2- - 2 0.5 - m 1- y . m' ,'. _ y' q' g, 0'0 ' 0 ' S41' ha' w1 %3 w1- 53' S4. I ' 94-3 61 53' wi i S63' Equipment Forced Outagest 100 Forced Outage Rate t%) , 1000 Commercial Critical Hourr 7 ' {

  ; 80-                                                                g
  $                                                                    ai 4 g  60-
                                                                  ]d f40-                                  37 J )5 1>-

0 .' .

                                     . I e
                                  .N 'E M M B

w-is 0 . f s EL'Ni... i i 1' g

                 .54 1'    94 3   W1           3    %1'    E3'                     4 54-1         .94 3'       E1             3'       st        53    i Cause Codes 200 Collective Radiation Exposure               a                               n                               a                           g u'   150-                                                                                   5 100-                                          e                '                                  -                                 .


                                                                        " .dMaint                 "
e. Design
f. Misc
                                        *t 50-      .

272 M o i 54-t i

                          .94-3;  %1i      W3       M1'    W3~         h'N      ,9           R  8' z

Site Aver ge Ra iUi n Exposure o I' o .. *

  • 74

Figure 7.31b DRESDEN 3 tesend: sta ecai sion<=nce s2 = Peer Group: General Electric Pre-TMl Medium E::rzs 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviatons Deviatons From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined Improved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical - 1,is -

                                                                                                                                        -0.85 Safety System Actuations -                                                              -
                                                                                                                      -0.36 l .2.89                                l l                                      l Significant Events -

l -5.79 hk/h -0.90 Safety System Failures - 0 1,01 4 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administratve control Probkms -M -1.03 -

M 0.90

b. ucensed Operator Errors - l l -0.90 -

M -0.72

c. omer Personnel Errors - 1.03 -


d. Maintenance Problems - -0.45 l l M -0.62
e. Design /Construcconnnstalianon/Fabrtcanon Problems - 0.26 -

M -0.82

f. Miscellaneous - 0 -
                                                                                                                        -0.30 l      l SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations -                                               0 o

l Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - - 0.39 i 0.07 l Cause Codes (All LERs) i n. Adm6n6strasve control Problems - -0.17. [

                                                                                                                        -0.30 [_
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                             -0.08 [
c. omer Personnel Errors - -0.15 [ -
                                                                                                                         -0.28 [

j d. Maintenance Probkms - -0.03 l

                                                                                                                            -0.13 [
e. Des 6gniconstrucconnnstanatontrabrkanon Problems - 0 -
f. Mesceneneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES , Forced Outage Rate * -hkr -1.76

                                                                                                                                         -0.88 Equipment Forced Outages / * ~                                                                  -
                                                                                                  -0.96                -0.36    i 1000 Commercial Critical Hours                                                     ,

Note: See Table 9 in Part 11 for me 1.0 -O'5

                                                                            .                0'.0       O!5 1.0   1.0     -0!5      O!O        O!S            1.0 spectne eme frames used in me calculat6ons.                           Performance Index                               Perforrnance index
  • Not Calculated for operatonal Cycle 75

W pg E <" 'g7 ]fl i 7 0W

  • I Es . 9 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 2 S O

0 5 0 2 4 6 8 0 p N


0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 ' 2 3 4 D .s e

                             -         -                                     -     -    -  '                                  -  -      -                          -   -  -                        l!l i

Il ' R 9

                           ~                              9 i

d 5 2 9 9

                                                                                                                                                           ,i1                                     l     ! 1 M

9 4 gi C 4-1 4 1 4 4, 1, A u 4, E ol b' t o l F 9 4-3 ' e c t i v e Y 9 4 3 - o r c e Y 9 4-3; gi S Y ; 4, 3 m a ti c Y ; 3 g M e d e e

  • ni S e E

9 R a r9 O f a c ai a 5 u r a% i c r r rg

         *5-                                  d            -

t - a - a 3 1i i a Q' 1 5 g a Q' 1 n Q, 1 pj m Q, 3 R s o t i o n u a r tE 5 e R u a r t eE E v t e u a t r Mg s u a r eg t l  ! I W E 3' p E x e r 3 ' ( a t e r 3 i n s t e r 3, W e r 3  ; o C u s )

                                                                                                  %                                                                            r                                         a u                                                                                                                                u        g
           %                                  r           %                                                  E                                                                 i c

1 e ii 1

                                                                                                                  '                                    1,                      a        ,

l a

           % g                                            %.                                                 %                                                                          g                                b                      F 33                                            3    '                                             3r                                        3;                                3                                                       gi u

r 7 e 6 ' " u a o ' -

                                * , ,    m.                                 lr 6$T                                              Edg$                                                                                         I n e       R 5L     7 g            hrl                                      dEg                           l {ti8*:i                                                     d              "e   3 S                  O                     f    "g p           u     u           e 2
                      .d a
                                                .                   0            2             e                      0      1  2      3    4              O      '   2  3  4                D
                                                                                                                                                                                                                .s          s e t        l d' n d

a A - - - - - - - yr nig " : M d i , i kR A " ai - lI I m ' n 7 L v t ni , g

    ,n                                                   9                                                  9                                         9                                 9                                                 '

4 4, 2 4 4, T 1 1 g 1 33 r "

                                                                     =-                          0 e            a' a%                                                                    -

0E n o ' " a * , w a "

                                                                               ,                 0q                                                                           S                                             d S                                a
  • Cui 9 9 9 9 .

C 4 4, a 4 f e 4, N

        #                                       .b ua 3
                                                           -                                     op         3 f

e 3 t 3 o 7

                      .e      -

s Y' mme Y 1 y y t Y' y S Y ; t 2 n

   ,a D     -"                  L ie    e a                                          mn     e a                  ,

S e a y e ~ S , e s c Oo C rE et r c io F rg y s r9

                                                                                                                                                   - 5 s

t e r a% h o w R,, s gi p d Q' 1 ar Qi q t e Q' 1 Q' 1 R n n e e u lc u u m u r s a Ce a m a A a l! I U t r%. e r 3 i d r t iO c u rg t e r 3 4 F a i r t9 e5 r c t u r t9 e5 r- 3 1 g si n o ' " u ' , w a '  ; ul 3' a  ; lat p 7j r t S a g e i o O h O O Hg s n p. up S c

                                                .                                                oe         9                                                                s         w t    e        t M                                       u st 6-                                        %                                                             yC oDr a rr o


                      .                         O        1 r

s 1

                                                                                                               '~                                     13                               i'                                       t
     .                                          t                                                                                                                                                                    c wio u
    ,m                M P.                      h e

l e n np e --" si r . 9 P 6-  %  %  % E, e Z

                               -"               r 3   '                                              33                                        31                               3 '

mmE, l l i l l l llil, ' 1i

i Figure 7.32b DUANE ARNOLD tesend: st i sen<conce sio s - Peer Group: General Electnc Pre-TMI Medium warm 93-4 to 96-3 L*' ' I Trends and Deviatons i Deviatons From Plant Peer Group  ; Self-Trend Median l Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better l Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 - 0.45 l l Safety System Actuations - 0 0 Significant Events - 0 o Safety System Failures - D - 0.52 Cause Codes (All LERs)

e. Admemstranve Contros Problems - 0 -


b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -

0.60 l

c. omer Personnel Errors - ]0.14 -

l 0.32

d. Maintenance Prob 6 ems - ] 0.06
e. Des 6gniconstrucconanstanacon/Fabncanon Problems - 0 -


f. Miscellaneous - -0.45 l -

NM 0.60 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - NA 0 Significant Events - NA - 0 Safety System Failures - NA 0.78 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administratve Centroi Problems - NA -


b. ucensed operator Errors - NA -

0.90 l

c. other Personnel Errors - NA -

0.05 [

d. Maintenance Problems - NA -
                                                                                                                        ] 0.23
e. Des gniconsoucconanstanacontPabricatan Problems - NA -

0.90 l

r. uiscenaneous - NA -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0 0.57 Equipment Forced Outages / * ~ - 0.51 1000 Commercial Critical Hours ,0 Note: Aae Table 9 in Part 5 for the 1.0 -0:5 O!O O!5 1.0 1.0 -O'5

                                                                                                              .       O!O      0:5      1.0 specine ame frames used in me calcutanons.                            Performance Index                 Performance indey
  • Not Calculated for operaconal Cycle l

I 77

Figure 7.33a I Legend: g j Shutdown < approx. 72 hrs i Startup i i Refueling R Operation EE2:3 Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown W to W Qua% Dau Not Shown Using Op. Cycle veo op.. 09. . R l I I R R R l l 1 I S/D , g,, g3, g,; D i g3, %6-1; M3r i g,, ig4_3, 95.,; 93,3, igg,, ; g3 1 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Automatic Scrams While Critical Safety System Actuations 4 e E R 3- 2 3-b E o 2 .- a 2-3 I 94 1' 94-3' is 95-1' W3 961$ %3i 94 1' l

                                                                                                                          %4-3'      95 1'      95     %13        96 3 Year - Quarter                                                                       Year - Quarter 2.0                          Significant Events                                                              Safety System Failures 4

1.5 - 8 p 3-e e 01.0- o <t 2-m z 05- } 1 -- ff, 0.0 I

                                               % 1'    %3 0                                                 N 94-13     94-3                        %1'      E3                        3 94 1'        %4-3      3 951'       95-3'      %1'        W3' Year - Quarter                                                                      Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outages /

3no Forced Outage Rate (%) , 1000 Commercial Crttical Hours 7 & J80- z 60- T E 8"'o- kOs ,. y l


h o ss 0 O 2 w 0 l


3 94 1 94-3' W1' 95-3 i

                                                                 %1'       E3'                      3 94 1'        94-3;     9 5-11      %5-3       %1i       96-33 Year - Quarter                                                                      Year - Quarter Cause Codes 200                         Collective Radiation Exposure                       w                                u                             n g

g m, u. m. $l g150- m 100- ' P - &R ' "" ' " ~

  • E n d. Maint e. Design f. Misc 50- h$ h pf;.4 " " "

0 1 ' ' ' i 94 1' 943 95-1' 95-3: E1' %3 0 Year - Quarter Site Average Radiation Exposure

                                                                                         , mjj                        *      ,%              ,

l* 78

Figure 7.33b FARLEY 1 t e d: st ision><ic.nce sios Peer Group:Wesbnghouse Older 3-Loop Medium imman 934 to 96-3 Trends and Deviabons Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined Improved Worse Better Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 - o Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0 Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0

                                                                                                       -0.22 f Cause Codes (All LERs)
e. Administrasve contros Promens - -0.03 l O
b. ucensed operator Errors -
                                                                                 ] 0.28            -
                                                                                                       -0.27 6
c. omer Personnel Errors - 0.18 [ -
                                                                                                         -0.09 [
d. Maintenance ProWees - ]0.06 -
                                                                                                          -0.06 [

e.DesegrWConstrucconAnstenssongebrtcanon PreWees - 0 - 0

f. MisceHaneous - 0 -

0 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0 Significant Events - 0 - 0 Safety System Failures - 0 - 0.66 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administraeve control Promems -
                                                                                 ] 0.1r            -
                                                                                                                   ] 0.20
h. ucensed operator Errors - 0 -


c. omer Personnel Errors - 0 -


d. Me6neenance Pr Nems - ] 0.15 -
                                                                                                                   ] 0.21 e.Desgruconstruceennnetenseenretriceeen Promems -                          0                -

1 0.49

f. M6sceneneous - 0 -

O f FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0 0.01 Equipment Forced Outages /

  • 0.26 1000 Commercial Critical Hours . _

Note: see T We 9 in Part N for the 1.0 -O'5

                                                                       .       0:0     O!5   1.0   1.0  0!5      0.0     0:5     1.0 speeme eme womes used M me cecusseene.                           Performance index                  Perf ormance Index
  • Not cecuteted for operseener cycie 79
                              % 1              2 T 032i         # 3 f8 o0          "                       oa                                                  9 3-5       0         5    0                           4    6   8   g                0  0      1   1 2                                               s                P g    0       0         0    0                  0        0    0   0   g                0  5      0   5    0                0    2     3  4                /D                 '


                                                                                    -                        -          -                         -      -                                            t o
                                                                ,                                    '                                   i 0

E g 6-m - i 3 9 9 9

            &           @y                                                                         6                                   &                              ,

S 1 C 13 14 A , ti i u i e A 9 h o l e l c 9 F o 9 9 t o m gl Il 2 v 42 4 r 6 S 4 a e r 33. t i v 3i1 c e 3 i gi 3 t i c 3 aY ge 1 e Y e , d Y e n Y' e

                                                                                                                                                "                Y e

S ea R O i c a l l l f rg l l a r r r R% i r a dQ' 1 h d i a a% Q 1 g u t a a% Q' 1 c n a a% Qi 1 r a m Qp l l l 4 t au i t u u u s u ta i o a e a E a w a l l l ir n r R r t9 v r9 r l l i otE t ne r 3 4 E t% e r 3 a t e5 r-3 e n e5 r-3 W tg e r 3 E p x e ' t s )^ e ;l 1 l Q x o (

                                                                                                                                              ~               C                                       u p

s  % ' l l l a o 9 ) m r s u 6-  %  % i t e ur _2 e '- 1 1 r e 1' 1i 1i c a l 3i r yl D a t Bi a F 6-  % 3; 3' M 3; 5 3 gi 3i - u r 8 e 0 o ' " * , u. i s y 1$T a 5f E' Eg5 7

                 '                      ,                                                                                                                                                                 I n e R 5L     .

R i h_ g " c< lg 1 e d f "e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    "g  3 a


                                                                                                                                                                                             "            u   u s e 'e        4 a
                            .M N d                       .

A 2 e 0 1 2 3 4 O 2 3 4 D ' t r y n g i dnd l a a . dr i 3 I i R A "

        -                   n;  ,"                  n                                                                                                                                                    g v
        -                   t                       ni                                                                                9                              9'
                                                             %                             1       1%                                 4                              6 1'

T r " 1' 0 i 1' e a' 0E n o " ' , w 0q S d

  • S a Cui i

9 s . n C 6 op  % a f  % t f e 3

                                                                                                                                                                     &          lI I N                7 ba       3                                     3                         e       3                                                             o
    .?                      e.                      . u   Y                                mme  Y y

t Y 1 y S Y' t 2 h,

    .gj D

Ls ie c e mn et e a S e y e a l I l S h s

      !"                                                                                                                                                    s rE s

e gi Oo C r a% 1 rF c io rE 1 y s t r a%

                                                                                                                                  -  1 t

e - 1 ll l o w R,,

     ,"                                             p d   Q                                ar   Qi                           e   Q'                         m   Q'            -

n n ee u 2 lc u m u u a

     ."                                             r s a                2 8              Ce rd a                                a r                          A                1       l1            U r                                     r                            F                              c   t                                  s t%

e r i t ciO t% e r a i t% e r t u r% e r g i n at u 3 3i l 3 a 3 o ' " * ,

                                        ,   m.

1 u r t iI I I S n l a Hg e i o I I I O h p up O Se 9 o e s 9' n . t

                                                    .c                                                                                                      s                                                     t P

6-r u st  % 6-  % C o Dra ar f

                            .                       O t

1 3 s 1' 1' 1

                                                                                                                                                                      '                          y c wio u t   t l

M h e n np i s P e r 9 9 E r , c " P e 6-  % 6-  % m

                                  ."                r 3                                     3i                                37                             3i                           M 5

s m s, 3 I Wl I

Figure 7.34b FARLEY 2 t. send: st wc.i sene.nce ses Peer Group: Westinghouse Older 3-Loop Medium e 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 -

                                                                                                                     -0.28 Safety System Actuations -                                             0                 -

0 Significant Events - 0 - 0 Safety System Failures - 0 - o Cause Codes (All LERs)

e. Adamistreeve control Preelems - 0 -


b. Licensed operater Errors - 0 -


c. Other Personnel Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                         -0.09 [
d. Maintenance Problems - 0 -

O e.DesigniconstrucconstnoteaseensFebriceton Problems - 0 - O

f. misceneneous - 0 -

0.30 [ SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 - o Significant Events - 0 - 0 Safety System Failures - 0 - 0.66 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Adminiserseve CentrolProblems - 0 -
                                                                                                                                     !#Ey; 0.47
e. Licensed operster Errors - 0 -


c. oewr Personnel Errors - 0 -


d. Maintenance Problems - 0.75 l 0.59 MMT4%
e. DesenscenstrucconstnotenssonsFanncanon Problems - 0 -

l 0.49 t u.eceneneous - 0 - O f FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0 -

                                                                                                                          -0.02 I
}                   Equipment Forced Outages / *                             -

0 -

                                                                                                                       -0.1 B 1000 Commercial Critical Hours                                                                                    --

Note: See Table 9 in Part B for sie +1.0 -O'S

                                                                                     .       0.0      O!5   1.0 -1.0  -0!5        0.0      0.'5    1.0 specine one franwa used in um caicuissene.                                     Performance index                 Performance Index
  • Net CalculaW1 for operstonal Cycle t


t Figure 7.350 I Legend: 5""'d "" ' '"' *. 7 2 h,s , Siartup , , l l2 Refueling R Operation Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown 1 9M to M Qua% Dau Not Shown Using Op. Cycle . Ops. - Ops. _ R I I R I I R R S/D , g,; ,,3, ,i 33, igg _ , , i 96 3 i S/D i ,94 3, ,,,3; , ,I 3; ,, 3, Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical 4 Safety System Actuations E 3- g0 3-G u e u 2

   '5    2-                                                                                     Io     2-                                                                                            '

l E '

   } '-                                                                                         E j '-

l g 0 0 3 94-1i %3' Wii E3 ' %11 %3 i i 941' 94-3 %1' %3' Wii i O6-3 1 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Significant Events 4 Safety System Failures 1.5 - jg 3- 8

   $o 1.0                                                                                 E       l                                                                                                  l
                                                                                          'B <         2-                                                                 [


   $                                                                                      jj O.5 -                                                                                     m       1-                            4           g 0.0                                     '                                                        0 94-1 3       94-3 I      %1     3
                                                            %3     %1'        %3                                  3 94-1 3      94-3 i     W1   3 E3'         %1'         %3' Year - Quarter                                                                                       Year - Quarter l

Equipment Forced Outagest Forced Outage Rate (%) 1000 Commercial Critical Hours 100 6 i Wh 3=h


l 60-

   ]40-                                                  "                                $               ~


   ]                                                                     24                  !E                                                                                                      l 04s                                0 80
   '                                                   U            S w;                                             C o    i EZ'il _! 'i:6 'm! ! 'ool l 'N: :E 94-1'       94 3          %1 '        %3'
                                                                   %1'        %3 -

7o i 94 1 i 94-3' W1' %3' M1'

                                                                                                                                                                                      %3' Year - Quarter                                                                                       Year - Quarter Cause Codes Collective Radiation Exposure                                 m                                       n                              a 200 g                                                                                        u.                                      ..                             w.

W 50- ,, ,, ,. 1 E 100- u

                                                                                             ,          cm -  '-              .                      .         .          .          _
 *%                N'                                                                                   d. Maint                             e. Design                        f. Misc D                                   82                                                    g                                      a                               is l

i [ a 50- 3

                                                                                           ..                                     w.                              w.

O A 8'


i 94-1 + 94-3;  % 1' %3 %1' 53 Year - Quarter

                                                                                             ,   ,g.frgm,                 ,fw      ,           cy43 ,         _

82 l l

Figure 7.35b FERMI 2 Looend: st tistic.isiantricance sian Peer Group: General Electric Post-TMI Medium =a 93-4 to 96 3 Trends and Deviations ( Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS [ _ l Automatic Scrams While Critical - o - 0,14 r Safety System Actuations - 0 -


[ .-.. Significant Events - 0 - 0 ( Safety System Failures - 0.84 h[ - 0 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Adminwreeve contra Promems - Ars o.42 -
                                                                                                                                                    @)O o.48
n. ucensed operstw eme - I o.42 -


c. ooier Pmonam error. - -o.12 [ -

o.e3 J! [ d. mammnance Promme - ] o.oo - o.7s M/ ? w oemenconeevcooannstenesoneeericeoon Prooiens - da o.30 -

                                                                                                                                         -0.07 [
f. m ecmioneeve - I -

nei's Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0 Significant Events - 0 - 0 ( Safety System Failures - o - 0 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Admin 6streeve Control Promms - o -
                                                                                                                                                    @fg o.38 b.Uceneed operator Errors -                 o                    -

0.e2 l c.otherPersonnelErrors - o -

                                                                                                                                         -o.07 [
d. mainenance Promme - o -

75ffd o.47

e. wconstrucconanetenemonaanncanon promm - o -

r.u cmianeevs - o - o [ FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0.33


( Equipment Forced Outages /

  • shuh 0 0.64 e 1000 Commercial Critical Hours -

Note: See Tome 9 in Port N for the 1.0 -o'5

                                                                                                   .      o.o     o!5     1.o     1.o -0!5      o.0      o.'S    1.o specinc om #eans imed in tne cuevisco"                                                    Performance index                    Performance index
  • Not Celculated for operseenal Cycle 83

1 l Figure 7.360 l Legend: S""'d "" < 'aa'" 72 h,s ,, Stanup , FITZPATRICK Refueling R Operation EZEI Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown bm Quadedy Dam Not Shown Using Op. Cycle seece Ops . - Ops. - R R S/D g,, g,3 g3: g,i S/D i 94,3, g3, i S4-1 %3' %16 3' %1 ' %3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical 4 Safety System Actuations 3- 3-

                                                                              .g o    2-                                                                      2 2-
  • g 1 1 i
      '-                                                                                                                      i q             q          1 '-                                          g                      g 0                                                                             0 i

941 i 943' Wil %3 1

                                                           %13    %3                      I hii        94-3;     '
                                                                                                                     %1i   95-3    i
                                                                                                                                         %1i      %3; Year - Quarter                                                               Year - Quarter 2.0 Significant Events                                 4                     Safety System Failures e
  • l j 1.5 - j g 3- 8 01.0. 4'5 <


 }                                                                            E              r.

0.5 - 8 1- m m m y' I 0.0 0 394-1' %3' 95 1 3 95-3' %1' %3; i 941 i %3i  % 1' %3' 96-1' 96 3' E Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outagest 100 Forced Outage Rate (%) e 1000 Commercial Critical Hours g b, 80- Eg g p 4-E, 60- TO E b 8*- 320- is k2 8 8 _1L s @ s g o Em m B ho o I i94 1i 94-3 Wii %3 i

                                                           %1'    E3'                      I
                                                                                                 $4-13      %3'      95-16  95-3             ti   %3' Year - Quarter                                                               Year - Quarter Cause Codes
a. Admin b. Lic Oper c. Other Per C llective Radiation Exposure u a w 200 g u. w. u.

y 150- 143

                           ,,                                              o a            ===     e          E =*    a       o   a        a "'@

g2 - d' d. Maint e. Design f. Misc

                                      *                       ~

50- ' M 0 d ***- 5 i 94-1 543 %1 %3' 51' %3 1 R Year - Quarter ,

                                                                               @g gp% E a         ,
                                                                                                             , g ,,, ,.s: ,         ,                 ,,


Figure 7.36b ( FITZPATRICK tenend: st notic i sionific.nce sios meu m Medium Peer Group: General Electric Pre-TMl 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations f Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median . Short Term Long Term { Declined Improved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical - -0.72 0 Safety System Actuations - -1.80 ff -0.72 Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0,14 - 0,11 Cause Codes (All LERs)

e. Administreeve control Probiens - -0.03 l fg 0.35 b, usensed operator Errors - l -0.56 -

Mf:J.C -0.54 c.other Personnoi Errors - -0.36 My - O

d. nietntenance Probiens - -0.07 [


e. r .~  %;;-. ;netenemenaebricamen Promens -
                                                                                                                       ] 0.06
                                                                                                                                                              ]0.13 f.Mesceneneevs -   M F(&fd           -0.90              -     3';M @       -0.60 Safety System Actuations -                                   NA 0

Significant Events - NA - 0 ( Safety System Failures - NA - 0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)  ;

s. Admin 6straeve controlProblems - NA -
                                                                                                                                                      -0.07 '
b. Ucensed operetor Errors - NA -


c. other Personnel Errors - NA -
                                                                                                                                                   -0.12 [
d. Maintenance Probiens - NA -
                                                                                                                                                 -0.21 [
e. Desegniconstrucconnnstalteemnambricamen Promems - NA -
                                                                                                                                                              ] 0.09
f. Misceneneous - NA -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0,10 -

                                                                                                                                                   .o.07 Equipment Forced Outages / * ~

0.51 0.20-1000 Commercial Critical Hours _ Note: See Table 9 in Part R for ew -1.0 -05 0.0 0'5

                                                                                                                                 . 1.0    -1.0  -O'5
                                                                                                                                                    .       0.0      OIS    1.0 specine ese frames used in the cescutocons-                        Performance Index                     Performance Index                 l
                                ' Not Calculeted for operemonal Cycle l

85 m

y k g E f 2

                                                                                    &        a    57 g Zb5 T w          e                        e       %5V        e O               F 1

n .O 0 1 1 2 p 6 8 IS 5 0 0 2 O Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 5' 0 5 0 O q 2 3 4 D s

                                                                                                   -                             ~          -                              -      -       -
                              -     -             -                                   .   ~    .

l a U i i 4

i. 1 l

3 9 4 1i$ 9 1 4 i-9 4 1 9

  • 4
  • 1'A gs A ,

I C u G t ol F o 9 el 94 o 9 m 9 c  % 4 a 4 3i3 t i v e Y 3

                                                                          -                             r c

e d Y 3i gi S Y 3 t ci Y 4 3; U O e e n e S e R a a r9 O a m a c r a rg

              ~W          /                 ,

p d 5

                                                                      - -                               u    rW-                                    c a    rW.
                                                                                                                                                          -                                       a    -

1 t a i n Q '. 1 r Q,1 a n W i ii a Q' g Qi s

                                              ,           t u                                        u                                      t u                                            u Ea l

s i o a e a E a a t R v r W r 9 5 3 n E x t rW e r 3

                                                                                   '                    a t

e t r% e r 3 e n t t e% ~'gt r 3 h i el t3 e r 3, I Q p i ( s u N o  % C a s ) ri W u W ' W  %. i c t g 1 r e 1 i i 1

                                                                                                                                                               '                                 a l


                                                                                ""' nes                                                                                                                                               a 9

g h iF 3' 3T 6-3' 3 ' 31 _ g u r 8 e 6 a $I j& zlj 5' u"_g! 7 wo o " ' ,

u. u.  !

i n R5L E rl " <lg  ! bgf d fe "e 3 O p u u "g 7

          .a d     E                      a                 0        2            ,                   0      1    2     3      4                 0     3    2         3    4 1S D            .s        s e t    l d' e n  a ni ".d
                                                                                                                                                                                         -                                               r
                                                                                        -                                       ~     -    -                              ~     -                                                       y M                            A                                                                                                                                                          a                    g
          .L                    a                            d r

I I I A " S i - n v n - t ni g i g S 9 N 9 18- '= 1 0 0E 4 1' N' 1)$ 4 3 I T r e n a a' o ' w * , w a 0q S d

  • S a g Cui 9 9 a 9 f
                                      -"-                       C        &                              op       &                                 f        4                                   e         4                         N             7 3                                        3                                 e        3 y

t 3; o 2 e .b u a Y' mme Y 3 t y Y' S Y t h

                                          "                  L  s    e                                  mn   e               $'                    S e

a y e a S , s D e ie e C a rW et rF a rW y r9 5 s rg h o R,, t s Oo - c - s - - e w

          $                     gi ,"                       p d     Qi i                              io lar   Ql i                                 t e    Q' 1

m Qp a n n e e u c u m u u l r s ar ~m Ce ri d a r9 t F a t c A a r t U s te r W. t i O e5 r-3 a r% e r t u e r l ni o '

m. ' , . w u 3 ' cu at i

l u r 3 at g S l a Hg M' e o i O h O

p. up S s n e c oe Bi s g C t

Dr a t M'"'= u s r t 6-  % , y o ia , f

                                .                            O t

1 s 1i 1'  ; c l t wo u t M i h e == - e n ng s r c a E P P e r 3' 3' 3, 3, _ 2m2,, 5 5 1 q g m a I l M l )ll ll l ' ll l l 'll 1

l Figure 7.37b FORT CALHOUN tenend: st tie.i sionific.nce sian Peer Group: Combustion Engineenng w/o CPC Medium raws 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better Automatic Scrams While Critical - o - 0 Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0.90 Significant Events - 0 - o Safety System Failures - 0 - 0.26 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Admwstranve control Probsees -  %%ji 0.42 -

l 0.07

b. Ucensed operseer Errors - 0 -

O c.otherPersonnelEnors - ] 0.14 - O

d. Mamennance ProMems - ] 0.06 -

RM 0.42

e. t 1 ^_ ; .^nstellementFabricasen Promems - 0 -

l 0.13 f.Meceneneous - 0 - l 0.45 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 - o Significant Events - 0 - o Safety System Failures - o -

                                                                                                                     -0.08 B.

Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Adewstraeve centrolProb6 ems - 0 -
                                                                                                                    -0.17 [
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -

O r c. 0ther Personnel Errors - 0 - 1 0.38

d. kl 6ntenance ProWems - 0 - g
                                                                                                                 -0.36 Vg$
e. Des! e- -_ .sts" .;,r-:es Prowems - -3.15 -

0.09 [

f. M6.ceneneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Fcrced Outage Rate * - -0.08 - 0.39 Equipment Forced Outages /

  • 0 -

0.21 1000 Commercial Critical Hours - _ Note: See Tape 9 in Part R for the 1.0 -0!5 0.0 O!5 1.0 -1.0 -0!5 0.0 0.'5 1.0 specMc eme frm umf in the calculacens" Perf Ormance Index Performance Index

  • Not Calculated for operstonal Cycle 1


Figure 7.38a I Legend: GMA S""'d "" < "" *. 7 2 h,s ,, Refueling R Startup , Operation we

                                                                                                                                                                              , a industry Avg. Trend                                            Shutdown D                                                     0"*
  • Not Shown Using Op. Cycle 1222225 Ops. Ops.

l ll l .E I l E I p ll p; I O I I I II R F. R s/D S/D i i g3, 94,3 1 33, 33; 3 3. -- g3 94 95 13 %1 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical , Safety System Actuations { 3- ge 3-a E

 'd   2-b    2-                              * ,

j 8 E , i S i t 1 3 94-16 94-3 i 95-1i %3 i iB6-1i %h i 941' 94 3' 95-1' 95-3' %1i 96-3 i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Signincant EveMs 4 Safety System Failures I 1.5 - gg 3-

 $                                                                                    E    l 01.0-                                                                               og       2_

b $" . 0.5 - 1- g 0 0.0 " 7 94-1 3 94-3 l Wi i 95-3 %1' %3 i i 94 1' 94 3' 95-13 ~95-3 %1' M' E Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outages / 3go Forced Outage Rate (%) , 1000 Commercial Critical Hours

  <80-                                                                                a=

60- jh 40-gg 2- i re W 20- y is c o7 on ' D' O , . 1 = 0  % i i 94 1' 94-3' 95 1- 95 %1' %3 94-1' 94 3' 95-1i 95-3! %13 96 3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Cause Codes Collective Radiation Exposure n u n 200 y g150- ,, ,, ,, b* " "" " "- * " " k 100-- n

  • 2 d. Maint e. Design f. Misc B< m n. u f50- h 2s <

y'- w. w. m. O i L 5 YLL 94-1' 94 3 1

                                               %1' 95-3
                                                                   %1'       %3'       

Year - Quarter [j q y g , ,,,,,,, 88

Figure 7.38b GINNA tesend: stam sen*=nce sian missi Peer Group: Westinghouse Sman Medium C=2l 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS (including startup) Automatic Scrams While Critical - -0.54 - 0 Safety System Actuations - 0 -

                                                                                                      -0.36 Significant Events -                          o               -

0 Safety System Failures - 0 - 0.52 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. AdmWstrutve Control ProWoms - -0.06 [ -
                                                                                                                      @ 0.28
b. Ucensed Operator Errors - 0 -

0.60 _j c.CUwr Personnel Errors - -0.18 [ - O

d. Maintenance Prowems - -0.28 E -

E 0.36

e. Dewgntconstrucconnnstaliacon#abrication ProNoms -
                                                                         -0.12 [                  -


f. Miscenaneous - 0 -
                                                                                                                       -0.90 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuat!ons -                               0               -
                                                                                                         -0.21 Significant Events -                         0               -

0 Safety System Failures - 0.10 -


^ Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administratve Control Problems - -0.06 [ -
b. Ucensed Operator Errors - 0 -


c. Other Personnel Errors - -0.30 -
                                                                                                             -0.02  l
d. Mamtenance Problems - -0.12 [ -
                                                                                                                      ] 0.26
e. DesigniconstrucconnnstaHatonMabrtcaton Problems - 0 -
                                                                                                            -0.05 [
f. Miscellaneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0.28 -

                                                                                                           -0.06 Equipment Forced Outages /
  • 1000 Commercial Critical Hours - -0.3777 gd1 - NF -0.54 g;zfr2 Note: See Table 9 in Part N for the 1.0 -0!S 0:0 O!5 1.0 1.0 -0!5 0.0 O!5 1.0 speesfic ame frames used in the calculauens. Performance Index Performance Index
  • Not Calculated for Opersuonal Cycle 89

Figure 7.390 Il Legend: ggg Shutdown < approx. 72 hrs , Refueling Startup i i R Operation E2=I Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown N to N Quade@ Dau Not Shown Using Op. Cycle E72335 Ops. Ops. I l l l l1 I l l l I lI i R l I I R III I

                                                                                          .R                                I      I   R      ! II                  I s/D I                                       !
                 , ,,,,       94 3      g;               gg,      g3.               s/D        ;

g,, g3; g, g1, 3i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical 4 Safety System Actuations e 3- 3- L. 5 2-3 y y 2- I 51- ] 1- g E'E' = 3

               '      b13    94-3 i     bi      93'     96 1i   i 96 3 3                      '       $4-1i      94-3    i bil            %3'         96 1'       %3    2 Year - Quarter                                                                         Year - Quarter 2.0                        Signmcant Events 4                         Safety System Failures I

C { 1.5- pg 3-

  $                                                                          Eh 01.0-                                                                       o<      2         .l b                                                                          $"

0.5 - 5 1- - g 0.0 ' 0 94-1' 94 3' %1' %3 ' E1' M3 I ' 94 1' 94-3 i 95 1' %3' %1' %3 ' Year - Quarter Year- Quarter Equipment Forced Outagest 3ng Forced Outage Rate (%) 1000 Commercial Critical Hours


n E ** ~ r g i 8"i

 $60-                                                                       7h E                                                                                                                                  2 64 e      2                                                        2 09 b20-                                                                         $                                  o ss D                          1.                O                                                      e 40
                                                                                                                $  o ss o 47                     j             e 47 0

3 NAM944lMM 94 1i 3' %1'

                                                       , *            . ua       0                   -      : = ""          x:        > ">"
                                               %3'     %1'    %3'                          3 94-13      94-3  1 6 1'          %3'          96-1'       96-3 i Year - Quarter                                                                        Year - Quarter Cause Codes Collective Radiation Exposure
                                                                                                 "                              P*'                     *             *'

200 m is a g g w. w. m. k g150 yi ,, ,, ,, 100 - * "" ' 'b "

    • d. Maint e. Design f. Mise 50-O

_au 94 1' d,ae-W %3: 96 1' %3; a 94-3'vear 1'Q- nn ,. _ g 90

Figure 7.39b GRAND GULF t.9ene st ww sen<= nc. sies Peer Group: General Electric Post-TMl Medium mulus 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations f Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term l Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 [2....- y gj

                                                                                                                            .0 Safety Syetem Actuations -                                     0 l,g 4 4 : .o.go Significant Events -                              0 0

Safety System Failures - 0 0.52 .[:) Cause Codes (All LERs)

e. Adminletraeve Control Problems - ]0.17 -

0.76 f"

b. Ucensed opereest Errors - 0 - 0.60 . ~ i .'

c omer Pereennet Errere - 0 - 0.63 : ...c;

d. Ma6ntenance Problems - ]0.12 -

1 0.30 e.0esienconeoucsonanssenseenrebateenen Probeams - ] 0.06

                                                                                                                                 ] 0.26 f.Mesceneneous -     -0.23 [                          -
                                                                                                                 -0.30 l SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations -                                     0 0

Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0 0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)

s. Admmtetrative ControI Problems - 0 -
                                                                                                                       -0.06 [
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -

0.08 [

c. other Personne4 Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                                  ] 0.23
d. Memtenance Problems - 0 -

0.09[ l

e. Dee6pnConstrucsonanstenssonFebrtceton Problems - 0 - O
f. Miscellaneous - 0 -

Mf$iR -0.66 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - -0.02 0 Equipment Forced Outages / * -

                                                                                                          -    pggp ykpge?              -0.81 l

1000 Commercial Critical Hours ,, Nees: see tense o en Port N for the -1.0 -0!5 0.0 O!5 1.0 -1.0 -0!5 0.0 05 1.0 specnic une froma und m se coscunemene. Perf ormance Index Perf ormance Index

  • Not Calculeend for Opereconal Cycle l



                -{g                 $g ge                                                                                 Z             0W                                              S' !E 5

1 0 5 1 2 0 2 4 6

                                                                                        , 6 ,.

8 g 0 1 1

                                                                                                                                            . 7                                                                         o p

9 3- H O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g 0'


0 5 g '


2 3 4 s 4 t o A i i 3 ' 9 6- D D

                                                                    '                                                                                                                                              l 1
          %ia,,.    .

g j M-4 1L h A 1 3 A C i u a I ' o l el F o t M 3 m [3X c t 9 4 M- " o r c 3 Si

                                                                                                                                                                %                                m a          %                                   N e

i 3 3 t 3 v i e Y' g i c Y e

          -                                  e R

e Y $ d e a ni Y i e S E

      .m a

d r% O u rw

                                                                                                      - i -c?                     '

f i c a r a%

                                                                                                                                                          -                                     a c


                                                                                                                                                                                                           %          "                         C K

t e i a Q1 1 g a Qi n Q4 1 m 1 t u u 3;w, t i u ' e s o a a E a n r R r v W

          %                                  E x

t% e r 3 W w e a t t% e r 3 e n t r% e r 3 h %l 3 p t s 1 eli Q o ( C u s )

                                                                                              %                                                                                                ri a

r 16a u t t

         %                                   r           w                                               w                                                     W                               c i
                                                                                                                                                                                                          %                      e r

e i l ii ii a 1 yl a 1 l D a

                                                                                                                '                                                                                                                t
         %                                              %                         3 3                      %                        '                           %                                          W                      a                       F 3;                                             31                                              3'                                                    3i                                         3i          "                                  gi u

r e e 2 ,+- * ,

u. u w ' g? z o." u RSL 7
                                                                      .                rh                                     <hg                                              {i                                                            e     "e   .4 O

u "ge f

         ,                                                                                                                                                                                                              p                               0 d
                                               '                0           2               6                  O     1        2          3     4                           '    2      3   4                            s
  • e l

i d' n a g M a

                                                                                                                       ~                  -


                                                                                                                                                                           ~           -

g n .d n o i n 'Ee. fe ' gf l

     <-                 t                       "

Md 5 a 9 4- I

                                                                                                                                                             %                                         n 8'

g 1 s 1 1 i 0 N 1 i 0E "

                                  ,     m. u                                                0q               N' S                                            a S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .x Cui                                               a           9'                               f        S
     ,.                                           C     % " a,,,

op  % f 4- e 4 - N 7 a 3 3 e 3 t 3 o 2

                        .e                        u Y-                  o                     mme  Y'                                           t Y'

y t D e s e e '"

                                                                ',s mn et e

a  %' y y S e a y s S S h h, s s C r a%

                                                     -                                       rF c     rW
                                                                                                    -                                           s      rW
                                                                                                                                                        -                                   t        W               "        o            Rl gi                        o     1                                    io        1                                        t           1                               e        1 w

d Q6? ar Q' e Q' n a "g n *e u lc u r u m

                                               's                                            Ced   a                                            n      a                                    A                                 U r                                              r                                            F      r                                    c                                 s t

e "go rm M e O t eW r 3 a t eW r 3 h t u %l ni at u li 3 g

u. s '

u i a ' l a Hg ,

                                                                                                                                       ,'       r e

s t oi n p O O p S oe u s s w e

                        .f 1                                    r   t     %

1 N'  % 1' i C y r a r 3 s '- l c

  • oti t

M " e " n ,u l si ' 9 E e  %  % 6- E, z"E, 3 i 3 31 33 " w E s g g g '

                                                                            "                                                                                                   l                            E                                  =         I
                                                                                                                                                     '                 l            l,                                                  !

Figure 7.40b HADDAM NECK tesene: st=== ticar sionific.nce sioh iime Peer Group: Westinghouse small Medium 93 4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined Improved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 - 0.45 l Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0 Significant Events - o - o Safety System Failures - o -

                                                                                                                                                                       .o,79 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Admintetrative control Problems - l0.34 -
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                                          -0.36   E
c. other Personnel Enors - -0.12 [ -
                                                                                                                                          -0.36   E
d. Mamtenance Problems - 3 0.30 -
e. DesigniconstrucconAnstalianon/Fabr6 canon Problems -
                                                                                                   -0.36 @                             -
                                                                                                                                           -0.33   E
f. Miscellaneous - 0 -

0 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0 Significant Events - .o.go -

                                                                                                                                                                      -0.80 Safety System Failures -                                           0.20              -
                                                                                                                                                                     -1.08 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Administruove control Problems - ] 0.06 -


b. Ucensed operator Errors - -0.56 0.14 [ -


c. other Parsonnel Errors - ]0.11 -

0.79 l

d. Mamtenance Problems - @ 0.25 -
e. Destg construenonnnstellenon/Fahrtcaton Problems - @ 0.21 -

1.05 f Miscellaneous - 0 - 0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - hkhh -0.68 -

                                                                                                                                               -0.10 Equipment Forced Outages /
  • 0 1000 Commercial Critical Hours - -0.18 Note: see Table 9 in Part N for em 1.0 -O'5
                                                                                                      .      0.0      O!5    1.0     -1.0   -05         0.0                     05      1.0 spectne eme Mmee used in the ceiculetons.                                                    Performance index                       Perforrnance index
  • Not Calculated for operanonal Cycle r


1 Figure 7.41a I: ggg Legend: Shutdown < approx. 72 hrs i Refueling R Startup i Operation E"MrE i ll 5 4 Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown m 9M b M h%M Not Shown Using Op. Cycle E7172:5 ops, ops. R  !  ! I I F R F. ' S/D l \ l l i g, , g3; g3, g3 g3, g3, S/D g3, 94,3; g3i g3, g3i g3: Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical 4 Safety System Actuations 3- 3-a 8 1 2 L $* 2- .1- , 1


i kii %3' Wii %3 i i B6-1 i %31 i

                                                                                      %1'         % 3l      %11     %3i         96-13     96-3 i       f Year - Quarter                                                             Year - Quarter                                j l

l 2.0 Signl5 cant Emts , Safety System Failures  ! 1.5 - 3-W E j 01.0.  %< 2-5 5" 0.5 - 1-

                                                                                                                                      %            3 0.0    i                                                                   0                    $                                                   l hil     94-3 i
                                 %1'    95 3-      %1   1
                                                            %3'                  '

94-1' 94-3 i 95 1 i %3- 96 1' %3 i i 1 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter  ! Equipment Forced Outagest 100 Forced Outage Rate (%) 20 Commercial Mcal Hours e

 %                                                                  cs "

j80- '

 $ 60-                                                                  f     4-g                                                                      o a

t g, E 13s

             -                                       _L                                                                                    f*a 0                                        M W2 a rm                      0                                                       >
  • S, i i

w " 94-1' 94 3- %11 63 1 E1' M3' i

                                                                                      %1'         %3   2 E1'     63'         %1i       %3; Year - Quarter                                                             Year - Quarter Cause Codes                                         i
                                                                             **      "                b. Lic Oper               c. Other Per 200             Collective Radiation Exposurt                   u                         a E g150-                                    us                        ,,                       ,,                          ,,

100- ' ' ' yE m

d. Maint a
e. Design w
f. Misc g_

i chdgm 94-ti 94-3' 95-1' 95-3' Wii 96-3' n $1 8-Year - Quarter gag ..3 ;j , _g , 94

Figure 7.41b HARRIS tesena. st=ti tic =i significance sio s === Peer Group: Westinghouse New 3 and 4-Loop Medium EE :a 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviabons Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0.18 -

                                                                                                                                    -0.57 Safety System Actuations -                                          0.23            -

hkih -0.72 Significant Events - o -- o Safety System Failures - 0.18 - 0.13 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administranve control Problems - ]0.17 -
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -
c. other Personnel Errors - 0.98 Th4M?N?B1 -
                                                                                                                     -0.27 [
d. Maintenance Problems - -0.62 -
e. Design!construcconnnstaltaan/Fabrtcanon Problems - ] 0.18 -
                                                                                                                           -0.07 [
f. Miecellaneous - 0 -

0 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - -0.26 -

                                                                                                                    -0.30 Significant Events -                             0 0

Safety System Failures - 0 - 0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administra0ve control Problems - 0.36 @ -
                                                                                                                   -0.35 @
b. Ucensed operator Errors - l -0.51 -

FiMsR@M -0.79

c. Other Personnel Errors - 0 -

l 0.47

d. Mamtenance Problems - -0.09 [ -0.10 [
e. DesigniconstructionAnstalianantFabricaton Problems - l -0.90 -
                                                                                                                           -0.04 [

/ r. Miscellaneous - 0 - 0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0.05 -


Equipment Forced Outages /

  • l 1000 Commercial Critical Hours - -0.23 -
                                                                                                                 -0'45 Note: See Table 9 in Part il for the                             1.0    -O'5
                                                                            .        0:0       05    1.0     1.0     -0!5       0.0      O!5       1.0 speerne ame frames used in the calculanons.

Perf ormance Index Performance Index l

  ' Not Calculated for opereconal Cycle h


2 g gE g $1gri5 3 0W o 5j* 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 2 s 0 5 0 4 6 8 n . . .

                                                                                                                                                                                /                     "

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 5 0 5 0 0 2 3 4 D

                                   -        -                                       -    -   ~                       - -       -                             -     -
                                                                  ,                                          '                                i                               ,

i h Ul I i l S w i n C lg. 1' A u

                                                                                                                                                                              ,IlI Ull l           l ti e                                                   o                                                                                                                 t                                             j l

l F o A 94 e g o 5 g m g v .- c t r 4- a e 3 2 3 c 3 Si 3 t 3 r vi Y e Y' g Y i ci aY ge n e e ".

                                                                        "                         d    e                           n   e                 '

S I I ea R a m a c Rg r - a rg O u r a%

                                                                                                        -                          c   rn r   g a i dQ, au i

ta [ d i a t i o u a Q ,; g t a e Qi u a 1 a n t E Qi u a i a m s ir otg n e r n E rg t e r 3 R a t t r% e r 3 v e n r tg e r 31 W h i 3 E 3 i p x e ' t s el 3, x , ( C p , o  % r o s ) g i II s u g u g  % - 2 t i c r 3 r e l, - 1

                                                                                                              '                            34"                         a   ,

e ' l p I I I g N g M g g F 3i A 3; 3; 3; 31 gi u r 9 e 6

  • 5- ' ,
                                     ' ,  ,     s. s
  • 6aE b 3 of i

n RSL I 7

                                                                           !             bF                                  g                       Z      3 g y.h                                          d   e he         4 u u ug f

s t e 2

                                                                     U                       e                 0  1  2      3  4              O      1     2     3 4 l

o s e dn a

d. -

t l yr gni w: od E M-" ai n t "


3 i g [1 Ul ll 1 i l l g A v n 9 _

  .                                 9"                          n#

i a 1 4-1' w i, f l i T r e p p a i 0 0E

  • n r o
  • 5 ' . ' ,
n. u 0q S d S a .x Cu 9 9 g c 4 opi 4-a f

f e 3 3 N 7 a 3 3 e 3: y t o 2 e ' u Y i mm Y' c y t Y t mne e S h l l s e ,-- 1 e l I S r D e a et S a y h s e gi s N C o rn

                                                              - i r

c io ar F r a% 1 y st e r3

                                                                                                                                       -  3                           e s

t o w R i, n d Qi Q' Qi m n g 's e u lc Ce u a m u a A U

                                    'P                       ar                                   rd   r                               r                              c                                  s
    , * "         .                                   a t3 e

r 3 i t iO cu tW e r 3

  • F a

i l u tg e r 3, u t a 3 3, g i n

                                     * ,                                                          at                                                                                                        S i

m. t r l a Hg e i o O h O p up Se

   .,                                                                                                                              s                                  n oe                                       g l      I       .

E# t s u s t

                             .f I1                                r  t    4 1'                              i
                                                                                                                                                                          ,                             yC oDrta ar s                                                                         ,

g , woi tu i Pbu s M " I I l l cl e n np si ' g g E

     ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                 i c                                                                            E                                                               ,,                             3         -
                                                        '       3                                         3                               3i                              3,                             3 5

2 - i m I I I i i l 1;

Figure 7.42b HATCH 1 tesend: stastic i sionific.nce sios amin Medium nemu Peer Group: General Electric Pre-TMI L*' ' 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From . Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term L0ng Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS (including startup) l Automatic Scrams While Critical - o,90 hjff[hj -

                                                                                                                                                               -0.28 l                                   Safety System Actuations -                                           o 0

Significant Events - 0 o Safety System Failures - 0.18 0.26 m Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administranve control Problems - 0 -

M 0.48

b. Ucensed operator Errors - ] 0.28 -

0.18 [

c. Other Personnel Errors - 0 - O
d. Maintenance Problems - ]0.06
                                                                                                                                                                            ]0.12 i                                                                                                                                                                          iffdifM@fffd
e. DesigniconstrucDonanstalianonFabricaton Problems - 0 - 0.90
f. Miscellaneous - ] 0.23 -

FiffMvM M 0.90 SHUTDOWN SafetySystem Actuations - 0 0 Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0 0.78 Cause Codes (All LERs)

                                                                                                           -0.90                                         -                    0
a. Admimstresve control Problems - l I -1.50 -0.17 [
b. ucensed Operator Errors -
c. Other Personnel Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                                                               -0.38 i
d. Mamtenance Problems -@#D&jM/M'1 -1.50 -
                                                                                                                                                               -0.41 E
e. Dessniconstrucconanstalianonaabncaton Probiems -

0 -

                                                                                                                                                                  -0.22 [
f. Miscellaneous - 0 - 0 W

FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - c.14 0.40 Equipment Forced Outages / * - 0.30 0 1000 Commercial Critical Hours }

                                                                                     -1.0    -0.5     0.0        0.5                         1.0           1.0    -0.5     0.0      0.5    1.0 Note: See Table 9 in Part N for the specme eme frames used in the calculanons.                                 Perf ormance Index                                                   Performance Index
  • Not Calculated for operatonal Cycle

{I } I 97 l

Figura 7.43s I Legend: g Shutdown < approx. 72 hrs i Startup i i E Refueling R Operation Ezc:l Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown E55553 Not Shown Using Op. Cycle swa l 'l I II I I I II p l l l g Ii p i l I Il I I I R S/D  ! ghI g, , g3, g,i g3, 93,, , g3: S/D i ,94 3, 3,43; g ,i g 3; g31 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical Safety System Actuations 4 e 3-3- a 2 2- 3 2-

   )j     1.                                                                                         j
                                                      .4,                                                   1-
  • g h'j @

8 9413 943' %1' %3' %1i %3i z i f' h' kii 94 3 i %13 %3i i 96 1' %3 Year - Quarter Year- Quarter 2.0 Significant Events 4 Safety System Failures I e t { 1.5 - 8g 3-w E 1 .0. 2 B<l 2- r 0.5 - bh W 1- y g g 0.0 . 0 94i l 94-3' Wi' W3 %1' %3'. 3 Year - Quarter 94 1' 94 3'  % 1' %3i uti %3 Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outages / 100 Forced Outage Rate (%) e 1000 Commercial Critical Hours 7 7 80- l g 60- ~ 3


E 340- "; 2_

p 20- is j

0 ,

                 &        4, ,

ga 3, ,

                                                                        ,gs ,=
                                                                                  .                ~
                                                                                                                             $                      $$                   A *L 3,                    3 i                     i
                                                                                                                        %)         94-3'     E 1'        95 3'     W1'         %3 Year - Quarter                                                                                  Year - Quarter Cause Codes 200                        Collective Radiation Exposure                                   u                                 u                            u g                                         n4
                                                                    ,,                       m.                                m.                           ..

Ef50- ,, ,, ,, 100-h ' " " * "" E"

  • N " "

$ ],, o

                                                                         ." . p
                                                                                              * - "". d     Maint                    e. Design
f. Mise
MNb ,d "

l 94 1' s. 94-3 %1' W3  % 15 %3 1

s. s Year - Quarter Site Average Radiation Exposure o - 4 o BR 3a o= =


Figure 7.43b HATCH 2 tesena: st ese=ision<ic nce se - Peer Group: General Electric Pre-TMI Mediurn we 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long TenTi Declined Improved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 0.45 Safety System Actuations - 0 -

                                                                                                                                           -0.36 Significant Events -                                                            0               -

0 Safety System Failures - -0.18 - 0.78 f/jMN Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administraeve Control Problems - -0.06 [


b. Ucensed Operator Errors - l0.42 -
                                                                                                                                           -0.36 fjff
c. Omer Personned Errors - -0.18 [ -

0.63 @l$4$j l

d. Maintenance Problems - -0.42 E -

PJ 0.24 l

e. DeseniconstrucconAnstallacon/Febricanon Problems - ] 0.06 0.90 MV//#7//f:)
f. Miscenaneous - 0 -
                                                                                                                                            -0.30 l SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations -                                                                   0 0

Significant Events - 0 O f Safety System Failures - 1.54

                                                                                                                                               -0.17 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Admmistranve Control Problems - -0.36 l -
                                                                                                                                                           ] 0.19
b. ucensed Operator Errors - -0.30 [ ~


c. Omer Personnel Errors - -0.18 [ -

lMr ?Pd?h7A 0.71

d. Maintenance Problems - EMM/F//4fA -0.75 -
                                                                                                                                                 ./4        -0.57
e. Design #construcconnnstanaton/Fanncanon Problems - l -0.63 -
                                                                                                                                             -0.27 [
f. Miscenaneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0.03

                                                                                                                                                   -0.01 Equipment Forced OutagesI*                                                                                         ,

j 1000 Commercial Critical Hours _ _ 1 Note: see Tabte s in Part a for me -1.0 -0'5. 0.0 05 1.0 1.0 -O'5

                                                                                                                                                 .       0.0      0l5    1.0 specmc ame frames used in me calcutanons.                                                          Performance Index                     Performance Index
  • Not Calculated ft.r Operatonal Cycle r i 99

[, B 50i7 o$)= } 6' Nl. MH

                    '        o    '

2 0 2 6 ' 1 0 O. 0 1 1 2 S o p

                                                                                                                                 .5 O
              ,                        0                   0           0           0     0                      0    5    0           0                    0         2    3   4                   D            s
                                                                            ~      -   -                               -          -                                        -
                    -             ~                                                                                        .                                         -

b P

           .g'                                                                                                                                                                                                       ME i                                         ,

i 9 5N

         %                          m                4                                                    n                                           4                                     g 1
                 .                       C o

1 3 14 ,' A u 3, R C W"g l el d" F  : t o R 9 F o 9 m 9 3 c t i v 4 l 3i9 2 r c 4 31 O g a u 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                       !                       E v                                  e     Y E' "                                        e d        Y e


                                                                                                                                           "   Y e                       '

c Y E e

      ,a 7                 R a

e 2 r a% O u a r9 5

  • a r

S c r e a r9 K m,% . d i a Q' 1 Ws g t a Q1 1

  • Q, 1

m a Q,3 3 t i u e u u s u a o a a a a n r R r

  • r M

t9 r E 3 E e5 r 3 WN a t t eE r 3 4,

  • t e

r M H tg e r x ' e ' ' 3, e 3; Q p

  • g,~ f o

s (

                                                                                            %                                                                                   C r                    R u

a u 9 W E g 6

                                 ~       r                                                                                                                                      e e          1 i                                                 1'                                         1, al i


         .y a
                                                    %                                                    %                                          W                                   9 3,                          u                    F 3,                                         31                                                   31                                         3;                                  3;                                                gi 1

u r 0 , . - n e bT i 5'5pg 0 . - L m. 73k fE oE zl 5

                                                                                                                         <Ig                                  f    ~y ,n,                                    O i RSL n

d e u "ge f

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 "e 7


                        .d     A           '               0              2          4   ,                      0   1    2     3      4                   O        2     3   4

D s p s u e s t 'd n 4 a g,9 il d

                                                                          -          -                               -   -       -                                 -     -                                             yr ng   " :

M t ai n M " s a 2 i g A v k 9 1 1 4-13 1' T r P'

  • 0 1, R e a'
                      ,                  u
  • 0E n S

9 " 8 o 0q Cui S $ a i d

   ,                                         C a

4 3

                                                            =    $n.                        op          %

3 a f e 4- f e t 3 I I N 7 e ' u mme Y' 3, y , o 2 Y' e y Y Y' t

   %                    .e %

D s e e r s o mn et e ai r9 A y S e a r9 y S e ai rs S h s s r s C a% - rF c 5- $ s

s. o R,,
   ,                                         o                                                                                          s                                     t e

g i n h 'e d Q' 1 io ar Ql i e t Q, u 1 m Qi u 1 n w 5 . 's u a r t9 E' o r lc Ce i d u a r t9 2 m F a r t9 A c a r t U s a e e%

                                                       ']s i

t t e5 e iO e5 2 u r 3 n

   ,.-                                   u r    3                                      catu      r 33                              H u

r 3, a g g a r t S l Hg e i o R O h O p. s n up S 93 oes W s t e t yC oDrta .n 6 2

                                                     -                                     u/

r . iw

   ,                                                13                                     s            ii                                        1, g

i c wi n o ,u M I el n si 9

                             ,e c                                                                                                                                                                                         E        r 6                                                   %             '                                                                %                                   s 3i
   ,                                       '                                                            3I                                        3;                                  3i Emm,,

3 3 3 g  ! I g ' M M I ' I ii li l ,I i IlI I  ! l!, l ) .Il

Figure 7.44b HOPE CREEK tesen* St** i sionricance sia nmiimmiii Peer Group: General Electric Post-TMI Medium waw L*' ' 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS (including startup) Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 0 .68 hfhh Safety System Actuations - 0 0.45 Significant Events - 0 fpj[ilffh .0.90 Safety System Failures - 0.90 khh -

                                                                                                                             -0.67 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Admenistratve control Problems - 3.06 -
b. ucensed operator Errors - 2.10 -
                                                                                                                             -0.90 c.omerPersonnelErrors -              0.90               l EWM#M#M -0.90
d. Maintenance Problems - 1.93 -
e. Designiconstruenonlinstanacon/Fabrtston Problems - 0.90 -


f. Miscananeous - 1.93 kW4MMM -

M -0.60 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0

                                                                                                              -0.20 Significant Events -                            -5.04
                                                                                                           -0.40 Safety System Failures -                  -0.26                           -
                                                                                                                -0.12 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Administratve Control Problems - -0.18 @


b. ucensed operator Errors - ]0.12 -

t?sWMg -0.79

c. omer Personnel Errors - -0.12 [ -
d. Mamtenance Problems - ) 0.05
                                                                                                                             -0.71 e.DesigniconstruccontinstanacontFabncaton Problems -             -0.21 [                        -
                                                                                                              -0.23 E I                                                  f. M6scenaneous -                   0                -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0 0.01 Equipment Forced Outages / * - 0 gS2ypfg 0.64 $Tg77gg 1000 Commercial Critical Hours Note: See Table 9 6n Part a for the -1.0 -0'5

                                                                          .       0'0
                                                                                   .      O!5    1.0   1.0     -0!5        0.0      0l5    1.0 specinc ome ersmes umed in the cnicuianons.                          Performance index                      Performance Index Not caicuisted for operanonal cycia 101

1 Figure 7.45a I' Legend: 5""'d "" < '""*. 72 s,s ,, INDIAN POlNT 2 Refueling R Sia, tup , Operation C:::::m 93-4 to 96-3

                                                                        "' #        8'     *"                                         *"

Quarterly Data Not Shown Using Op. Cycle m I il i I I I I ;l l I I i , I R U I II I I R l I I I I sto i gp yy k,, Ug3; I I

                                                   ,,. p I dy           slo     i gp gj                    k,, 1 f gp I d3:
                                                                                                                      ,3 l

I Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Cri'ical 4 Safety System Actuations 3- 3-b- o 2-

  • e 2- l j

I '- u I' a-l a g g

          '    94 13    %33      wit'       %3~    %1'     %3:                  I 94-1'       %3i       %1i Mr               Mil        %3   1 i

Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Significant Events 4 Safety System Failures Il g 3-f 1.5-W d 01.0- o< 2- J 0.5 - 1-h Z z @' IM) @'  ;;g 0.0 0 94-1' 94-3; WO %3' %1 ' %3 ' ' %f 94-3'~ WU %3' %U %3' , Year - Quarter Year - Quarter ' 1 Equipment Forced Outagest 3ng Forced Outage Rate (%) e 1000 Commetal MM Hours , i*- 3 I.

 ", 60 -

F Ib = W

                                                                  'g                                                                                   l
 }40-                                                                        _

J 0 #"

                                                 " " - ' '        w        0 h

G3 T 94-y l I 94-11 %f %3 %1' %3' ' 94-1' 94-3' %1 ' E3' Mi Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Cause Codes Collective Radiation Exposure a u

                                                                                                               "*'        u
                                                                                                                                  '        ' '          l 200 g                                          .
m. w. u.

y g150- ,. ,, ,, j ea s t gg_ ..

                                                                   ,      a rrd 0 ra           ,           &        .     .              ba=

lE d. Maint e. Design f. Misc 50-0 bEb - S 94-1 1 94-3' wi' W3' w i' W3i q g Year - Quarter """" n?@g g "g o Unit Specific Radiation Exposure o o g 102 l

i Figure 7.46b INDIAN POINT 2 tenend: stancai sionificance sion Peer Group: Westinghouse Older 4-Loop Medium +o 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better l Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0.72 - h,,k -0.85 _ 1 Safety System Actuations - 0 -

                                                                                                         -0.18 Significant Events -                            0                -

0 Safety System Failures - -0.36 - 0.12 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Adminstraeve Control Problems - 0.09 [ -

0.58 -F#Wsf

b. ucensed operator Errors -
                                                                                ]0.14             -

l 0.02

c. other Personnel Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                      -0.39 l
d. Maintenance Problems - -0.35 l -
                                                                                                            -0.05 [
e. Desenicenetructionnneen- hbon Problems - -0.18 [ -
                                                                                                                      ]0.13 f.mescenaneous -                    0                -

0.90 __l SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 -

                                                                                                         -0.19 Significant Events -                            0                -

0 Safety System Failures - 0 - 0.41 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Administranve ControlProblems - 0.30 'g f -
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -

0 l

c. other Personnel Errors - ] 0.05 -
                                                                                                       -0.30 FA                             l
d. Maintenance Problems - ${ 0.21 -
                                                                                                        -0.28 E
e. Des $nsconstrucconanetal.anen#Fabricanon Problems - -0.18 [ -

l0.44 l r umeen.n.on - 0 - 0 l FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - -0.03 - 0.90 h, Equipment Forced Outages / * - Wegg m 1 l

                                                                -0.45     gjgjj                         -0.27 j,ij 1000 Commercial Critical Hours Note: See TeWe s in Part a for en                            -1.0     -0!5     0'.0     0'.5 1.0  -1.0    -0!5       0.0      O!5      1.0
  • Pac 88c 8** fr**""wd en am eanoumous. Performance index Performance Index l
  • Not Calculeted for operstonal Cycle l l

1 103 l l i

Figure 7.463 I Legend: INDIAN POINT 3 S""'d "" < '""' * . 7 2 h,s ,, St., tup , , I Refueling R Operation E2m j Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown M N to M QMe@ Dah Not Shown Using Op. Cycle E35333 Ops. Ops. S/D i gg, 943, g,, l g3, Year - Quarter

                                                          %1' ll  96-3                  *
                                                                                               '94-1'       94-3'       51' Year - Quarter l
                                                                                                                                  %3'      W1' h     96-3 I!

4 Automatic Scrams While Cdtical 4 Safety System Actuations E3 - 3-R- 2 2- 5 2- l 3

  $     1-                                                                    $       1-                                  ' '

E I 9&1' 94-3' Eti %3i 96 1' %31 ' 94 t i 94-3 2 Shii 95-3' M1' b6-33 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 1 2.0 Significant Events , Safety System Failures

  • C 8 i j 1.5 - pg 3- I w

E 1 .0 - f$ 54 2_ 2 2 2 0'0

            '     94-i l     94-3 i Wi  l WT Year - Quarter D6-1'    96 @



lN i ~ 94-1 i 94-3; b Wi l Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outages / h 95-3' M1' kh 96 3 I l 100 Forced Outage Rate (%) e 1000 Commercial Critical Hours 80-g g

                                                                           ]h 5

h"O" g_ T 23 E 5 20- . (Q 6 I5 -

                                                                ,?         go                                                     h'"              e 4s 0     *
               ' " "I 94-11 94 3 OL
                                       % 15
                                                %3 '
                                                       '!   "E '#

M1' 96-3' w" O i 94-1 i 94-3' Wil

                                                                                                                                  %3' 96-1' C           ,

96-3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Cause Codes 200 Collective Radiation Exposure a u u g g n. m. w. E g150- R p kq! 6 . k<100- *- "'- ' "

  • b" "

[2 "

d. Maint e. Design
f. Misc 60- ,

o srlm d b 1 rSe i d 95 4  % 1' 9 h S 4 14 94 3 i 95-1' 96-3' l & Year - Quarter Unit Specific Radiation Exposure o

                                                                                ;QMggy       E o

3,g g,p o 104

Figure 7.46b INDIAN POINT 3 tesend: st aw sionmc.nce sios Peer Group: Westinghouse Older 4-Loop Medium wasa 93-4 to 96-3 L*' ' Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined Improved Worse Better OPERATIONS Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 - 1.35 hhkh 1 Safety System Actuations - 0 l 0.45 S:gnificant Events - 0 - o Safety System Failures - 0

                                                                                                                -0.18 Cause Codes (All LERs)
a. Administra5ve Control Problems - 0 -
                                                                                                             -0.36 l       l
b. Licensed operator Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                    -0.01 c.omer PersonnelErrors -                     0                   -

0.90 PMfd@!@Mi1

d. Maintenance Problems - ]0.10 -


e. Design /Construcconnnstallacon/Fabricanon Problems - 0 -
f. Miscelianeous - 0 -

0.90 l l SHUTDOWN - Safety System Actuations - 0.20 0.30 Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - (([%{h -0.90 -

                                                                                                              -0.30        l Cause Codes (All LERs) a Admimstrative Control Problems -         -0.15 h                         -

0.69 FM$W@

b. Licensed operator Errors - 0.05 [

MW//#3M@$ 0.84

c. omer Personnel Errors - ] 0.06 l l 0.38
d. Ma6ntenance Problems - 0 - 0.90 M M Yg M W !d
e. Design /ConstructionnnstanaDon/Fabricaton Problems - -0.11 [ -

l0 ) f. Miscellaneous - 0.84 l

                                                                                                            -0.45 l         l I

FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 2.93 ["[jkkfj -

                                                                                                                              -0.90 Equipment Forced Outages / *                                                         -                  l 0.51                           -0.47            ,

1000 Commercial Critical Hours - Note: see Table 9 in Part H for me 1.0 -0!S 0.0 0'5

                                                                                          .       1.0 -1.0      -0 5      00        O!S      1.0 specinc time frames umed in me calcutanons.                        Performance index                         Performance index
  • Not calculated for operatonal Cycle 105

Figure 7.470 I Legend: EWEEE S""'d "" < .,,, x. 7 2 s,s , Refueling R Sra,iu, , Operation EE221 Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown M N to N Qua% Dab Not Shown Using Op. Cycle neee Ops. Ops. I I I I F; I  ! I R R Fl F  ! R S/D i 94 1 h3! '51 9 %3 i

                                                         %1     96-3'                '

94-1 94-3' 95 1' %3t %1 %3 i Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 4 Automatic Scrams While Critical SafetySystem Actuations 4 l 3- . 3 a o 2- 1-g 2- I 51- L ' ' ' 5 1-g Z i ii 94-3 i Wii %3' B4-1 %1' %31 i 94-1' %3 i 55-il 95-3 96 1' 56-3 Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Signmcant Events 4 Safety System Failures I 1.5 - fg 3-e 01.0- n o< 2-5 fE zb 0.5 - @ z 1-3' q' 0.0 , O i  % 1' 94-1' 94-3' 95 3= %1' %3'. ' 941' 44-33 95-1' %3' %16 96-3' Year - Quarter Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outagest 100 Forced Outage Rate (%) 1000 Commercial Critical Hours e 7 580" fxl M 60- Th ~ e i b"*' t 2. 20-

u. '" **
                                                 ,            ,         ).

94 16 94-3' 95-13 %3 96-1' %3- '

                                                                                         '94-1 ' 44 3'          951'    9hh      %1         %3 i Year - Quarter                                                              Year - Quarter Cause Codes 200 Collective Radiation Exposure                      m                         n                          u                       g g                                                                        w.                        w.                         w.

150- s. s. s.

 <100-m f.
d. Maint e. Design f. Misc 50- M c

m . . W. 1' am

       ,      m                                             g                                   :                          :

i 94 1' 94 3' 95-3' M1' %3' ' ' Year - Quarter ,g E.c% ,, m I

Figure 7.47b l KEWAUNEE teoend: stam sisence sish l Peer Group: Westinghouse small Medium m 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations j l Deviations From  ! Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined Improved Worse Better l Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0.36 - [hh -0.85 Safety System Actuations - 0 - 0.90 Significant Events - 0 - 0 l Safety System Failures - 0 o j l Cause Codes (All LERs)

s. Admmentredve ControIProWees - ] 0.25 -  ;'#W1 0.42
b. ucensad operator trrors - ]0.14 -
                                                                                                           -0.18 [
c. Other Personnel Errors - 0 -

0.63 $79' '?

d. Memtenance Premens - ]0.12 -


e. Design.construccennnocenemoneehrteenon ProWees - 0 -


f. Mleceueneous - 0 -

0 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 0 Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0 0 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Admmistraeve ControlProNoms - 0 -

l0.45 l

b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -

0 l

c. Other Personne4 Errors - 0 -

l 0.41 l d.Meintenance Promems - $$$ 0.30 -

                                                                                                                       ] 0.15 e.Dealgniconstrucconnnstenauentenncanon Promems -                            0               -

0.62 PJffff/A i f Misceneneous - 0 - I -0.90 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - 0.01 0.07 Equipment Forced Outages / * ~ 0 0.10 1000 Commercial Critical Hours _ Note: See Table 9 in Part N for the 1.0 -0!5 0.0 0'5

                                                                                            . 1.0  1.0   -0'5
                                                                                                            .       0.'O       O!5   1.0 specme one numee used m ow ceiculemens.                             Performance Index                  Performance Index
  • Not Calculated for Cr _ ' ' Cycle 107

I Figure 7.48a Legend: M E1 5""'d "" < """' *. 72 s,s ,g Refueling R Sea, tup , Operation IZEm industry Avg. Trend Shutdown m 0 b* Not Snown Using Op. Cycle zece op.. -- _ op.. _- __ _ R I I R I I I R R b

                  %41i         3 3
                                          %1i %3      %1'         96-3 i
                                                                                                %1'         94-33      %1i %3                %14          %3' Year - Quarter                                                                 Year - Quarter 4              Automatic Scrams We CMeal                                       4                   Safety System Actuations E    3-                                                                       w,    3-
 % 2                         L

{ 2- M i ' ' ' 1 5 1- E 1-Y 0 i 94-13 %3' ' %1' %3' %1i %3; i

                                                                                                %1i         94-3;      nii         %3'       wii          %3:

Year - Quarter Year - Quarter 2.0 Significant Events 4 Safety System Failures I 1.5 - g 3-e 28 01.0- E< 2- t o e hwjj 50.5-Z h 1- 44

  • i g

Z h+ N' -- 0.0 0 i

                  %1'      94-3'          W1' M3    i
                                                      %1'       %3    3                   i 94-1'       94-3'      % 1'        %3;       %13          %3 I Year - Quarter                                                                  Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outages /

100 Forced Outage Rate (%) 1000 Commercial Critical Hours e 7 8 y 80 60 Ih - 5- ~ E 0' 2-o 20-17 [8 o ss e en B 0

          @ 941i   M_
                             . o - ,
                                              ,,,lk m

go w" O


f >- , To 47"EQ eC 4e c-4e Q gE c 58 i 94-3' %1' M3) %1 3

                                                                %3                        I 94 1'       94      95-14       W3'       %1    3
                                                                                                                                                          %3' Year - Quarter                                                                  Year - Quarter Cause Codes 200 Collective Radiation Exposure                        n                             u                              u                         g g                        g                                                  u.                            w.                             m.

p 150- ,, ,, ,,

 '                                                                         *E             "'                  "        "         "             ' * " "
 <100-                                                                                                   '                               '           .

$g 5 ,',, '

d. Maint e. Design f. Misc

{su 50-l- 0 22s1 MhM

                                                ,, h              M 94-1'    943  i
                                          %1i %3;     %1i       iB6-3i     

s Year - Quarter Site Average Radiation Exposure

  • gpfd:EMze
  • x i a ya m e=


l Figure 7.48b LASALLE1 L.9end: stati ticai sion<ricance sian Peer Group: General Electric Post-TMI M*d"* " ' "

  • 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From -

Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined Improved Worse Better OPERATIONS (including startup) l Automatic Scrams While Critical - -0.39

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -0.43 l

Safety System Actuations - 0 0.45 ) Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - -0.39 0 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Admintetreeve Control Problems - -0.36 $$ -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -0.20 PJ
b. Licensed operator Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -0.18 [
c. Other Personnet Errors - 0.47 /MN -


d. Melntenance Prob 6 ems - -0.49 ppj@J -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -0.16 [
e. Dee6ersconstruenonnnsinuanonsabeteenon Problems - 0.04 (

O f.Misceneneous - 0 - 0 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0 0 Significant Events - 0 0 ( Safety System Failures - 0 0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Adminteerseve Contros Problems - -0.06 (
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -0.03 (
b. ucensad operator Error = - -0.10 [
c. Other Personnel Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -0.07 [
d. Maintenance Problems - -0.05 [
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -0.10 [

e.oneisruconstructionnnstonenonaabncenen Probiens - 0 - 0.59 M Kfig '

f. Miscenaneous - 0 -

0 FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - -0.45 -


Equipment Forced Outages /

  • E 1000 Commercial Critical Hours -
                                                                                                                                                                                                            -0.43 l [lF l                       -

hrm*!-0.81 teses: see Tebee 9 in Port N for the -1.0 0!5 0.0 O!5 1.0 -1.0 -0'.5 0.0 OIS 1.0 specme nme framee ue d m e ceicuiavons. Perf ormance index Perf ormance index

  • Not Calcutseed for C, . " Cycle 109

Figure 7.49a I Legend: E2 S ""' d "" < '""' * . 7 2 h,, ,, Refueling Sia,iup , , R Operation EEE

  • 8' ""

93-4 to 96-3 Quarterfy Data Not Shown Using Op. Cycle 533333 Ops. - Ops. R I  !  ! R R R I R I  ! R 0

  • 94-1' '

95-1' %3 II M3 i Year - Quarter 3 94-13 3 i

                                                                                                                                             %1'     i 95-3'          1'      %3 i Year- Quarter 4                   Automatic Scrams While Critical                                                                 Safety System Actuations 4

E 3- 3-B B a 2 E

 'S     2-3    2-                                                                           5 4                                                                                                j 13 1-                                                                                                                                        .A hh'                                                               g    1-o z

0 h 1 94- 94-3 95 1i %3- %1' 196-3 i ' 94 1' Year - Quarter iO4-3 M1' %3' 96-1' %3' Year - Quarter 2.0 Signmcant Events Safey Sptem FaHures 4 f 1.5- g 3- 8 W

                                                                                              $                                          ?

ok 2




3 h' j" I 0.5 - 1- L,L ,4. E g g 0.0 i 94 1' $4-3'

                                                  %1    3 95-3'      % 1'       %3'
                                                                                      .               0
                                                                                                                                       .'    E 1'    %3 I Year - Quarter 94 1'       94-3'                            W1'          %3 i Year - Quarter l

Equipment Forced Outagest 100 Forced Outage Rate (%) 1000 Commercial Critical Hours 6 80-g g g 60-a' }h oE


2 M 20- o en D d'2 D N'

                                       . .                 _e_

s , h o ss 0 47 e 4a 04s Q o ss O 94 3! Wil

                                                                     " " "Y                   w       0    '
                                                                                                                         ~ ' ' "                          ^       "'-

94 11 95-3' %1' M3' 94-1' 94-3 %1 ' E3' %1 i

                                                                                                                                                                             %3 3 Year- Quarter                                                                              Year - Quarter Cause Codes
  • P . Othr Per 200 Collective Radiation Exposure n n w g g w. w. w.

g150- 1, ,, ,, ,, d ' " " " " 100- 8 '

                     ~         '
d. Maint e. Design f. Misc k 50- E o

o .

                              @MS ist MM

M 3 3 941 i 94-3i %1 i

                                                          %3' 96 1'             %3            s.         ,

s- s. Year - Quarter Site Average Radiation Exposure 0 J* ']""" ' o

  • d""' "


Figure 7.49b LASALLE 2 te9end: stansecs senific.nce s;0s Peer Group General Electric Post-TMI Medium == L*' ' 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviatons From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better Automatic Scrams While Critical - 0 - 0.68 NE Safety System Actuations - o -

                                                                                                                                                            -0.18 Significant Events -                                 0                            -

0 Safety System Failures - -0.36 -

                                                                                                                                                           -0.22 Cause Codes (All LERs) b.ucen        operser Erre                          O                                         s f                                                                      c. other Personnel Errors -     -0.36 V'/4                                   -

f/4$ M M -0.72

d. Maintenance Problems - ,,#.,,,,,,:a.,,:,. 0.90 -
                                                                                                                                                             -0.16 [
e. Desegr e- . etenetorWabricaton PrcNems - -0.20 s
                                                                                                             -0.12 [

f.Mesceneneous - 0 - 0 SHUTDOWN Safety System Actuations - 0.25 -0.41 l[ Significant Events - 0 0 Safety System Failures - 0 0.39 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Admmistranve controlProblems - @ 0.24 -
                                                                                                                                                                           ] 0.08
b. Uconsed operator Errors - 0 -
                                                                                                                                                           -0.23 [

c.0:horPersonnelErrors - 0.30 -

                                                                                                                                                                           ] 0.20
d. Maintenance Problems - 0.27 -
                                                                                                                                                                           ]0.11 e.DesiguconstrucconAnstanaconrabricanon Problems -                             0                            -
                                                                                                                                                                           ] 0.19 f.Misceneneous -                       0                            -


Forced Outage Rate * - _o,11 -
                                                                                                                                                               .o.04 Equipmant Forced Outages /
  • 0.40
                                                                                                                                                              -0.09 1000 Commercial Critical Hours -

Note: See TaNe 9 in Part N for the -1.0 -0!S 0.0 05 1.0 1.0 -0!5 0.0 O!6 1.0 specme see framee used in the calculanens. Performance Index Performance index

  • Not Calculahd for Opersconal Cycle 1

111 l

Figure 7.50a I Legend: ggggj Shutdown < approx. 72 hrs , Startup i i Refueling R Operation t=2551 Industry Avg. Trend Shutdown m Y

  • Not Shown Using Op. Cycle m ee Ops. Ops.

l I I l l l l l ll SID i I n 1' %3' i I 1'  % Year - Quarter it 96 1' I

                                                                 %3             8ID i

i ' ti n

                                                                                                     %3' i I 39 " 1' Year - Quarter
                                                                                                                           %3  3 it 196 1' ll 96 3 i l

4 Automatic Scrams While Critical Safety System Actuations 4 E 3- --,3-a B 3 E o 2- v g 2- 5 5 5 1- "l 1-

                                        !'                   E'k'            5-I 94-13     94-3'       9513  %3'       %18       %h                     I 94-1'     %3I         9513     iB53i      %1i           %3   1 Year - Quarter                                                           Year - Quarter 2.0                       Significant Events                                   4                 Safety System Failures j 1.5 -                                                                 g g, 3-w 01.0-                                         '                        eo<l      2-                                                   L            2 z 0 .5 -                                                                z 1-m'         E m's.

0.0 0

                 %1'       %3    i
                                       %1'   %3'       % 1'      %3'                    '
                                                                                             %1'      94-3'       951'     %3'        W 1'          %3' Year - Quarter                                                           Year - Quarter Equipment Forced Outagest 100 Forced Outage Rate (%)                                                M00 Commercial Crmcal Hours y 80-l, g2 i                                                                              I 60-                                                                 3
 ,20-y                                            $a
                                                                          .s       2-e ,3 c on if   0          M M              _IA-
                                                            ""         ) .-

w 0 b

                                                                                                            ,c,47           h' 20 @ $'"

94 1' 94 3' Wil %3 i

                                                       % 1'      96 3'                  i
                                                                                             %'1      M3i ' 951'           953'        % 1'         %3' Year - Quarter                                                           Year - Quarter Cause Codes E*'              "              

200 Collective Radiation Exposure w w g g .. .. nl W g,150-lm 100- ' * ' - N , d. Maint e. Cosign f. Misc E f 50-0 i 94-1' 94 3 i n u951i 953 i 96 1i n 953; 8' n m-8' Year - Quarter Site Average Radiation Exposure o j#l$ g- o" " "U o E " 112

Figure 7.50b LIMERICK 1 te9end: st.netic.i senecance sios-Peer Group: General Electric Post-TMI Medium m 93-4 to 96-3 Trends and Deviations Deviations From Plant Peer Group Self-Trend Median Short Term Long Term Declined improved Worse Better OPERATIONS (including startup) Automatic Scrams While Critical - -0.36 -

                                                                                                          -0.43 Safety System Actuations -                                   0               -

0.45 Significant Events - g - { , [! -0.00 Safety System Failures - 2NM -0.00 -

                                                                                                             -0.22 Cause Codes (All LERs)
e. Adminstraeve control Problems - 0 -
                                                                                                                             ] 0.07
b. Ucensed operator Errors - 0 -


c. Other Personnel Errors - 0.70 RtfWM&M -

W#EJEMMM -0.90

d. Maintenance Problems - 0.72 rr==="A -

0.22 [

e. Designtcenetrucconnnstellacorwabncanon Problems - #$$ 0.30 -
                                                                                                                             ] 0.26
f. Miscellaneous - 0 -

0 SHUTDOWN - Safety System Actuations - 0 0 Significant Events - 0 o Safety System Failures - o 0,$ 4 Cause Codes (All LERs)

a. Admmistraeve control Prob 6 ems - 0 -


b. Ucensed operator Errors - ] 0.18 -
                                                                                                             -0.28 [
c. other Personnel Errors - -0.18 [ -

E#XM&7EA -0.79

d. Maintenance Problems - 0 -
                                                                                                                             ] 0.20 e.Designcenetrucconnnstaliaconrabr6 canon Probums -                          0               -

0.59 l / f. Miscellaneous - 0 - 0  ; FORCED OUTAGES Forced Outage Rate * - -0.12

                                                                                                                 -0.01 Equipment Forced Outages /
  • g 1000 Commercial Critical Hours - 4 30 ___
                                                                                                         -0.45    (h Note: see Table 9 in Part il forthe                            -1.0    -0.5      0.0      0.5   1.0 1.0      -0!5        0.0      0.5    1.0 spectnc eme frames used in the calculatone,                         perforrnence index                    Performance index
  • Not Calculated for operatonal Cyc6e 113

i (5e EF mgo, 5I S' 0 5 0 1 0 0 g1 5 0 2 0 0 O


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