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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 850705
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/10/1985
From: Rehm T
WIR-850705, NUDOCS 8507180644
Download: ML20132F653 (31)



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  • 9DR i o i

July 10, -1985 For: The Comissioners From:

T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the ED0


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING JULY 5, 1985 P A sumary of key events is included as a convenience to those Comissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Enclosure Contents A

Administration 8

Nuclear Reactor Regulation C

Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards D

Inspection and Enforcement E

Nuclear Regulatory Research F*

. Executive Legal Director G

International Programs H

State Programs I*

Resource Management J

Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data K*

Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights L*

Regional Offices M*

CRGR Monthly Report N*

Executive Director for Operations 0

Items Addressed by the Comission P

Meeting Notices Q

Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for external distribution)

  • No input this week.


[ -

T. A. Rehm, a>>is Operations I

Office of the Executive Director for Operations l'


T. A. Rehm, EDO 492-7781 8507180644 850710 DR COMMS NRCC WEEMLYINFOREPT PDR ~



Grand Gulf Unit 1 Mississippi Power and Light Company declared Grand Gulf Unit I to be in commercial operation on July 1,1985. The unit is operating at approximately 100% power. The unit has a design electrical rating

of 1250.MWe.

i Be1~1efonte Units 1 and 2 k TVA announced cutbacks in site staff levels at the Bellefonte nuclear

! facility from approximately 3300 to 1300 personnel by October 1,1985.

Unit I fuel load date is sometime in 1993 and Unit 2 in 1995. Forecasts show that Bellefonte is not needed until this time period.

Nuclear Plant Analyzer (NPA) Calculations for the Davis-Besse Incident The NPA is being used by NRR to perform "what if" studies for the recent Davis-Besse loss-of-feedwater incident. RES and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) support for this special effort has been arranged.


The Appalachian Compact bill has cleared the Pennsylvania Senate and been sent to the House.

Although it had appeared that New York State executive and legisla11ve officials were near agreement on a low-level waste management bill, it was not enacted before the summer legislative recess. The New York Legislature reconvenes in October. .

JUL 5 1985

OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Week Ending July 5, 1985 ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision Carryovers, 1984 179 23 Received, 1985 472 28 Granted 361 22 Denied 90 10 Pending 200 19 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received Scott A. Klion, Request for copies of all records of or relating to General Electric communications and/or correspondence from July 26, 1984, Company to the present between Mozart Ratner and any NRC (85-461) employee.

Michael K. O'Mealia, Request for a copy of a document, "XN-NF-487, 'Results Doc-Search and Analysis of Transient Rod Bundle Boiling Transition Associates Tests,' December 1978," referenced on page 30 of (85-462) Report No. XN-NF-524(NP).

(AnIndividual Request for records in her security files.

Requesting Information )


Susan L. Hiatt, Request for all records resulting from or concerning the OCRE meeting between the NRC staff and the Hydrogen Control Representative Owners Group held on or about May 22, 1985.


Jim Pedro, Request for copies of summaries for five specified NUS Corporation IDCOR/NRC Technical Exchange meetings.


Joseph J. Holonich, Request for records indicating the inspection manhours International expended on an annual basis for Beach Bottom Units 2 Energy Associates and 3 and the Limerick Plants from 1970 through 1980.

Limited (85-466) i CONTACT: J. M. Felton 492-7211 ENCLOSURE A JUL 5 1985

Received Cont'd Anthony C. Dicola Request for all surveys conducted by NRC of the building (85-467) previously owned by Metcoa Company of Pulaski, Pennsylvania, under License STB 1254, and all correspondence between Dollar Savings Bank and NRC regarding that property.

Nina Bell, Request for all records related to the cost of Industry-Nuclear Sponsored Probabilistic Risk Assessments.

Information and

. Resource Service (85-468)

Steven B. Litzell, Request for four categories of records related to the Software AG of contract awarded pursuant to Request for Proposal North America, Inc. RS-0RM-85-312.



Frank S. Hamblett, Request for a copy of SECY-85-222 entitled " Final Newman & Backfit Rule."

Holtzinger, P.C.


Walter L. Robinson, Request for a copy of the "NRC Policy and Guidance Walter L. Directive for Lixiscopes ano Dual Photon Absorptiometry Robinson & Equipment Licensing."

Associates (85-471)

James N. Gillman, Request for a list containing the names of NRC employees Blue Cross and and their position titles, grade levels, and work Blue Shield locations.

Association (85-472)

Granted Ellyn R. Weiss, In response to a request for all records sent by Tim Martin of NRC ftaff to the Comissioners related to


Harmon, Weiss, &

Jordan leak rate calculations at Three Mile Island, informed (84-147) the requester that records subject to her request are located in the PDR.

Billie P. Garde, In response to a request for copies of records Government regarding inspections that Region IV has conducted into Accountability allegations by current or former employees of the Project Comanche Peak project about the stainless steel liner (84-778) plates of the spent fuel pool, transfer canal, refueling cavity or any other facility at the site, made available 24 records. Infomed the requester that one additional record subject to her request is already located in the PDR.


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Granted Cont'd Billie P. Garde, In response to a request for records generated in Government connection with all information provided in any form Accountability to the Department of Energy Nuclear Power Task Force Project concerning the Comanche Peak plant, informed the (85-154) requester that the NRC has no records subject to her request.

James R. Polson In response to a request for 17 specified inspection (85-208) reports and other records, made available 5 records.

Informed the requester that 12 additional records subject to his request are already available at the PDR.

Billie P. Garde, In response to a request for records generated in Government connection with all communications between any persons Accountability in the Executive Branch and any NRC Comissioner or Project staff person working for a Commissioner or any staff (85-212) member regarding Comanche Peak since June 1, 1984, informed the requester that the NRC has no records -

subject to this request.

Thomas Sheehan, Jr., In response to a request for a copy of the successful Gilbert / proposal and contract awarded in response to Request Commonwealth, Inc. for Proposal No. RS-0RM-84-389 entitled " Requirements (85-224) Analysis, Design, Development and Implementation of an Integrated Management System," made available one record. Informed the requester that the contract has already been made available at the PDR.

Connie M. Lodge In response to a request for data and studies on the (85-285) changes in disease rates and other health-related problems of the local residents for a period of years before the 1979 TMI accident and the six years since then, made available 28 records. Informed the requester that two additional records subject to her request are already located in the PDR.

l William J. Herrmann In response to a request for copies of records related and David G. Gilbert, to the drafting of IE Bulletins 79-14 and 80-11, made l Governor's Office available 60 records. Informed the requesters that of Consumer four additional documents subject to their request are Services already located in the PDR.


Norman Aamodt In response to a request for records regarding NRC (85-395) staff knowledge that several control rods did not fall into the reactor core in the TMI-2 accident in March 1979, made available one record. Informed the requester that one additional record subject to his request is I already located in the PDR.



Granted Cont'd Joseph M. Corrigan In response to a request for all records relating to (85-401) NRC requests for non-military or military personnel, including the Green Beret Forces, to penetrate and or evaluate the physical protection plans of nuclear power facilities within the United States, particularly Units 2 and 3 of the Indian Point plant in Buchanan, New York, made available seven records. Informed the requester that one additional record related to his request is already located in the PDR.

Philip P. Steptoe, In response to a request for copies of any records Isham, Lincoln & provided to Messrs. Herrmann and Gilbert of the Illinois Beale Governor's Office of Consumers Service pursuant to (85-4.14) their F0IA request 85-31, informed the requester that the records are available in the PDR.

Barry Scanlon, M.D., In response to a request for records related to Psychiatric ownership or change of ownership of Psychiatric Diagnostics Laboratories of America, Inc., and National Psychopharmacology Laboratory, Inc., of Knoxville, Tennessee, made available one document.

Informed the requester that five additional records subject to his request are already located in the PDR.

Neal R. Gross, In response to a request for copies of the contract Neal R. Gross and and bid abstract for the NRC's most recent court Co., Inc. reporting and transcription services contract (85-436) (NRC-17-85-394), informed the requester that the contract is already in the PDR and that no bid abstract was prepared.

Denied Lyle Graber, In response to a request that NRC place in the PDR NUS Corporation all NRC internal memoranda to Division of Licensing (84-926) on Beaver Valley Unit 2 from May through November 1984, which provided draft SER, SER sections, and NRC questions or requests for additional information for transmittal to Division of Licensing, made available 75 records. Denied portions of one record, disclosure of which would reveal unclassified safeguards information.

Lynn Cunningham, In response to a request for copies of records The Times-Picayune regarding the March 15, 1985, closed Commission meeting Publishing on the Waterford 3 plant, made available three records.

Corporation Informed the requester that two additional records are (85-191) already publicly available in the NRC's Public Document Room. Denied two records in their entirety, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the oper, and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.


Denied Cont'd Robert R. Belair, In response to a request for copies of records Kirkpatrick & related to severe accident source term data, made Lockhart available 98 records. Informed the requester that (85-199) three additional records are already publicly available in the NRC's Public Document Room. Denied 13 records in their entirety, disclosure of which would

- tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential the the deliberative process.

Harry A. Hammitt, In response to a request for copies of the application, F01 Services, Inc. license, and amendments for Syncor Corporation, made (85-287) available 23 records. Denied portions of five records, disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Thomas H. Hartman, In response to a request for records containing the Interfacts, Inc. names, or other identifiers, of all bidders to -

(85-333) solicitation RS-NRR-85-054, the addresses of all bidders, and the name and title of all persons authorized to sign this offer, denied two records in their entirety due to the fact that the contract has not as yet been awarded and the information contained in the two records is predecisional in nature.





" Piedmont Seismic Reflection Study"


Select a specific seismological problem related to the Southern Piedmont, design a program of seismic reflections and other geogrephical investigations, execute the program & interpret

  • the resulting data. The information gathered is to be used to advance the state of knowledge on possible causes of seismicity in the Piedmont of Virginia & the Carolinas, particularly with respect to structure at hypocentral depths.

Period of Performance: 2 years with additional one year option.

Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Status: The competitive range has been established and negotiations are scheduled for the week of July 8,1985.

RFP No.: RS-RES-84-ll4 Titl e: " Flow of Groundwater and Transport of contaminants through Saturated Fractured Geologic Media from High Level Radioactive Waste (HLW)"


Provide NRC with research products which may support and/or confirm the basis for technical positions on the above subject and to provide a capability-sufficient to evaluate DOE documents related to groundwater flow and transport in saturated fractured rocks in which HLW might be stored.

Period of Performance: 3 years Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Status: Best and Final offers received on July 2,1985 and forwarded to Source Evaluators for review on July 2,1985.

RFP No.: RS-NMS-85-007


" Facility Systems Analysis Report"


Provide technical support in the form of reports, analytical, and engineering expertise to fully implement the regulatory effectiveness review program for all power reactors.

Period of Performance: 24 months Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status: Best and Final offers due on July 17, 1985.

ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER Two protests were received on June 28, 1985, under IFB No. RS-ADM-85-252 for "Micrographic Services of Source Drawing Documents." The first protest was filed with SBA and the second protest was filed with GA0.

This solicitation was totally set aside for small business participation.

Both protestors allege that the apparent low bidder is ineligible for award as he does-not qualify as a small busi. ness under the applicable size standard. .




OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending July 5, 1985 Grand Gulf Unit 1 Mississippi Power and Light Company declared Grand Gulf Unit I to be in commercial operation on July 1, 1985. The unit is operating at approximately 100% power. The unit has a design electrical rating of 1250 MWe.


Catawba Unit 1 On June 29, 1985, Catawba Unit 1 entered commercial operation after completing 100-hour run at 100% power.

Bellefonte Units 1 and 2 t

TVA announced cutbacks in site staff levels at the Bellefonte nuclear- ~

facility from approximately 3300 to 1300 personnel by October 1, 1985.

Unit 1 fuel load date is sometime in 1993 and Unit 2 in 1995. Forecasts show that Bellefonte is not needed until this time period.

Waterford 3

- At 6
45 p.m. on July 1, 1985, Waterford 3 achieved-100% power for the first time. Transient testing of the plant (100% generator trip and 100% turbine trip-reactor trip) is scheduled for July 8,1985, with
completion of the 100-hour warranty run scheduled for July 14, 1985.

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1. PLANT STATUS I The facility remains in long term cold shutdown with the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) vented to the reactor building atmosphere and the reactor vessel head and plenum assembly removed.

The reactor vessel plenum has been removed from the reactor vessel-and placed on its storage stand in the deep end of the fuel transfer canal. A dam has been installed between the deep and shallow ends The deep end is filled with water to a of the fuel transfer canal.

depth of about 20 feet (about 5 feet above the top of the plenum).

The modified internals indexing fixture is installed on the reactor vessel flange and is flooded to elevation 327 feet 6 inches (151 feet above the top of the core region).

Calculated reactor decay heat is less than 12 kilowatts.

RCS cooling is by natural heat loss to the reactor building ambient ~

atmosphere. Incore thermocouple readings range from 73*F to 94*F with an average of 83 F. Average cold leg temperature is 58*F.

The reactor l

- The average reactor building temperature is 63*F.

building airborne activity is 7.4 E-9 uCi/cc tritium, and 2.7 E-10 ut1/cc particulate, predominantly cesium 137.

2. WASTE MANAGEMENT Both the Submerged Demineralizer System (SDS)'and EPICOR II were shutdown during this period. -

i Total volume processed through SDS to date is 2,898,836 gallons, and

' the total volume processed through EPICOR II is 2,480,774 gallons.


- Shielding of the reactor building air coolers is in progress.

-. Average general area radiation dose rate is 36 mrem per hour on the 347' level of the reactor building and is 160 mrem per hour on the 305', level of the reactor building.



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- EPA sample analysis results show TMI site liquid effluents to be in accordance with regulatory limits, NRC requirements, and the City of Lancaster Agreement.

- TMI water samples taken by the US Environmental Protection Agency at the plant discharge to the river consisted of seven daily composite samples taken from June 15, to June 22, 1985. Gamma scans detected no reactor related radioactivity.

- The Lancaster water sample taken at the water works intake and -

analyzed by the US Environmental Protection Agency consisted of a seven day composite sample taken from June 16, to June 22, 1985. A gamma scan detected no reactor related radioactivity.

- The NRC outdoor airborne particulate sampler at the TMI Site collected a sample between June 27, and July 3, 1985. No reactor related radioactivity was detected. Analysis showed I-131 and Cs-137 concentrations to be less than the lower limits of -



Installation of the DWCS continued. Partial DWCS turnover for '

processing RCS during early defueling is scheduled to be completed in late August.

6. NRC EVALUATIONS IN PROGRESS Defueling Water Cleanup System Technical Evaluation (including Revision 6)

Technical Specification Change Requests numbers 46, 48, and 50 Equipment Hatch Removal Safety Evaluation Recovery Operations Plan Change numbers 27, 29. and 32 Fuel Canister Technical Evaluation Fuel Handling Senior Reactor Operator Training Program Defueling Safety Evaluation

7. PROJECTED SCHEDULE OF FUTURE EVENTS Start of Defueling: September 1985
8. PUBLIC MEETING The next meeting of the Advisory Panel is scheduled for 7:00 PM, July 18, 1985, at the Public Service Building, 201 North Duke Street, Lancaster, PA.

JUL 5 1985

0FFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Items of Interest i Week Ending July 5, 1985 Contractor Report During the week of July 19, 1985, Mr. William Bland, a contractor working for the Division of Waste Management (WM), will accompany Dr. Michael Bell, Deputy Director, Waste Management on a trip to the DOE Repository Project Offices in: Columbus, Ohio; Hanford, Washington; and Las Vegas, Nevada. Mr. Bland will be discussing his recent report (which will be published as NUREG/CR 4271)

" Recommended Safety Reliability, Quality Assurance, and Management Aerospace Techniques with Possible Application by the DOE to the High Level Radioactive Waste Repository Program". Mr. Bland previously briefed the DOE Headquarters staff on the report.


0FFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1985

1. The following Significant Enforcement Actions were taken during the past week:
a. EN 85-49, Order Modifying License and a Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the Amount of $C,250 was

-issued June 28, 1985 to Advanced Medical Systems Inc. (Geneva, OH).

This action was based on significant weaknesses in management control of the radiation protection' program.

b. EN 85-50, a Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $4,000 was issued July 3, 1985 to Princeton University (Princeton, NJ). This action is based on several viola-tions leading to an individual receiving a skin exposure of 38 rems. _
2. The following IE Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week:
a. PNO-I-85-44, Public Service Electric and Gas Company (Salem, Unit 2),

Unscheduled Outage.

b. PN0-I-85-45, Long Island Lighting Company (Shoreham), Planned Demonstration at Shoreham Site.
c. PN0-III-85-54, Toledo Edison Company (Davis-Besse), Loaded Weapon Found During Entry Search.


d. PN0-III-85-54A, Toledo Edison Company (Davis-Besse), Loaded Weapon FoundDuringEntrySearch(Update).
e. PNO-IV-85-28, Centennial Engineering, Inc. (Casper, WY), Loss of Radioactive Material.
f. PNO-IV-85-28A, Centennial Engineering, Inc. (Casper, WY), Loss of Radioactive Material. (Update)
g. PN0-V-85-37A, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (Rancho Seco)

Unisolable Reactor Coolant Leak. (Update)


3. The following IE Information Notice was issued during the past week:
a. IE Information Notice 85-49, Relay Calibration Problem, was issued July 1, 1985 to all nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit.
4. Other Items
a. Quality Assurance (1) On July 1 and 2, 1985, representatives of the Quality Assurance Branch, Division of Quality Assurance, Vendor, and Technical Training Programs, met in Boston, MA, with Stone & Webster Engineering Company to inspect checklists associated with the independent design review of the readiness review for Vogtle 1. .

(2) On July 1 and 2,1985, representatives of the Quality Assurance Branch met in Seattle, WA with Washington Public Power Supply System to discuss the potential application of a readiness review program for WNP-1 and 3.

b. Program Development In the area of program development, three inspection procedures (IP) dealing with containment integrated leak rate testing were sent to the regions for comment. These IPs, part of the 2515 Operating Reactor Program, were revised to provide improved inspection guid-ance, to reflect the most recent requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, and to revise the inspection frequency to reflect the increasing importance of local leak rate testing programs and veri-fying containment integrity.
c. Incident Response / Emergency Preparedness IE staff members attended the FEMA NRC Steering Committee meeting, '

on July 2, 1985.

d. Enforcement Conference Representatives of Enforcement Staff will be in Region II this week to attend enforcement conferences on Oconee, Catawba, and McGuire.
e. Pipe Supports Representative of Reactor Construction Branch, Division of Inspection Programs, was at Rancho Seco this week to assist Region V with the evaluation of pipe supports related to recent pipe failures.

N OWRE D JUL 5 1985

OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH Items of Interest Week Ending July 5, 1985 2D/3D Coordination Meeting in Germany, July 18-21, 1985 The Upper Plenum Test Facility (UPTF) is now " buttoned up" and undergoing commissioning tests. Main testing is scheduled to start in Decerrber 1985, after a 2-month delay caused by adding a condensate drain system to minimize condensation shocks.

Since tne 2D/3D data has potential for use for U.S. designs in assessing models for the proposed Emergency Core Cooling System (ECC) rule change, agreement was reached on procedures to disseminate Quick-Look Reports.

Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) will seek aporoval for these procedures from their funding agency. Science and Technology Agency '


The participants recognized the desirability to perform the official 2D/3D calculations with a frozen version of the TRAC code, as long as the comparison of experimental and calculated data do not show major physical deficiencies. The situation will be reexamined in April 1986, at the next Steering Committee Meeting.

It was agreed to investigate the possibility of performing upper plenum injection (UPI) tests in UPTF. Evaluations will be exchanged by September 1985.

Previous TRAC calculations predicted the existence of radial cross-flow in the Japanese Slab Core Test Facility (SCTF). This cross-flow helps to provide cooling water to the hotter bundles. Differential Pressure measurements in SCTF suggested that significant cross-flow exists, but a more direct measurement was called for by the participants to confirm this phenomena. Thus, JAERI recently installed five special drag disks in SCTF and reported at this meeting the confirmation of significant radial cross-flow, as originally predicted by TRAC.

JUL 5 1985

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Combined hot-leg and cold-leg injection tests conducted in Cylindrical Core Test Facility-II (CCTF-II) showed that liquid penetrates down into only a part of the lower power zone in the core, while in the other parts of the core steam flows up. The area of liquid dumping (from the upper plenum into the core) seems to be stochastic in nature. In the regions where steam goes up, bottom quenching is dominant, while in the regions of liquid dumping both bottom and top quenching occurred, leadirg to about a 50 percent reduction in quench time in these regions. The net flow at the bottom of the core was generally downward for these special tests, i although there were considerable fluctuations between small upward flows and large downward flows.

Research Information Letter (RIL) on CCTF-I Results A RIL on the JAERI CCTF-I test and analysis results has been prepared for transmittal to NRR. These Large-Break LOCA Integral System results for 4

Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) show that even though steam binding does occur, limiting the liquid inflow into the core to about 1 inch /second, effective core cooling still results from the two-phase mixture flowing through the core. A margin of conservatism of over 500*F in peak clad temperature was confirmed both in the tests and in the TRAC analyses.

Nuclear Plant Analyzer (NPA) Calculations for the Davis-Besse Incident The NPA is being used by NRR to perform "what if" studies for the recent Davis-Besse loss-of-feedwater incident. RES and Idaho National

Engineering Laboratory (INEL) support for this special effort has been arranged.

Complete use of the INEL computer by NRR during specified daily hours for the next few weeks has been offered to expedite the interactive analysis i of the first 15 minutes of the transient. It is expected that " batch 4 mode" computation is sufficient for the latter part of the transients.

Semiscale Semiscale test S-FS-6 was successfully run during the week ending June 29, 1985. This is a 15 percent break simulation of the steam generator feedwater line of a Combustion Engineering (CE) System 80 type PWR. The test consisted of three parts. During the first 600 secoc.ds of the transient, only automatic systems were operated to mitigate the accident consequences. Thereafter, the test operators used procedures represent-ative of commercial PWR procedures, e.g., primary charging and letdown, pressurizer heater operation and steam generator auxiliary feedwater, to stabilize the plant such that plant cooldown could begin. Thereafter, the broken loop steam generator was isolated and reflooded with auxiliary feedwater flow of 25 percent scaled flow in order to study heat transfer characteristics as a function of steam generator secondary side liquid i level. The entire transient lasted approximately 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. The test was performed 9 days ahead of the scheduled test date of July 5,1985.


Semiscale report EGG-SEMI-6884, " Quick.Look Report for Semiscale MOD-2C Both tests Experiments S-LH-1 and S-LH-2", was received this week.

simulated 5 percent cold leg breaks in which the phenomenon ofTests coreLH-1 level depression prior to loop seal clearance was being evaluated.

and-LH-2 were run with a downcomer-to-upper-head bypass flow of 0.9 percent and 3.0 percent of core flow respectively. This approximates the conditions of Semiscale tests S-UT-8 and S-UT-6 which were performed on a different Semiscale design in 1981; the results of the two sets of tests were also comparable i.e., core level depression was observed before loop seal clearing in both cases, but this was accompanied by core heating only for the case of lower bypass flow (S-UT-8 and S-LH-1).

This depression is the result of a liquid holdup' in the hot legs and up flow portion of steam generator tubes causing a manometer-type depression of core liquid level. For LH-1 the minimum collapsed core liquid level was about 110 cm. above the bottom of the core and for LH-2 about 230 cm. '

t The Quick Look Report examines the available data for these tests in detail in order to provide phenomenological explanations for the observed behavior. For example the report concludes that loop seal clearing is a i.

smooth continuous process rather than a violent blowout. Multidimensional core thermal response was observed that suggest falling liquid films on the heater rods. Core liquid froth levels were also derived from core density measurements and this froth level was used to explain initial heatup in S-LH-1 to 663*F before loop seal clearing, but no heatup in S-LH-2. Subsequent heatup of the rods before accumulator flow, as a result of continued loss of system coolant inventory, was 915'F for S-LH-1 and less than that for S-LH-2.

TRAC-PWR Users Guide The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has provided the NRC with a draft " TRAC Users Guide". The Users Guide was developed in order to prcvide non-LANL users with a road map of how to set up both transient and steady state input models from raw data.

' It is also designed to document the user experience gained by both LANL 4

and other U.S. labs in running the code. This document, which will be published as a NUREG, is considered to be a companion document to the TRAC-PF1/ MODI code manual and should be helpful to our domestic code users, as well as our international partners in the International Code Assessment Program (ICAP).

Multi-Loop Integral System Test (MIST)

The MIST testing program is designed to provide thermal hydraulic data related to small break (LOCA) transients to benchmark Babcock and Wilcox (

analysis models. The pressure component code hydro testing of the MIST facility was successfully conducted on June 24, 1985. The hydro testing encompassed the hot and cold leg piping, the upper reactor vessel, downcomer, l

pressurizer, steam generators, and secondary system. ENCLOSURE E JUL 5 1985

University of Maryland 2x4 B&W Simulation Loop Construction of the University of Maryland 2x4 Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) simulation loop is essentially complete. This is a small-scale 2x4 B&W facility which is part of the Integral System Test (IST) program that will provide integral system test data to address scaling compromises of sealed experimental facilities. Cold hydro. test to 527 psia has been accomplished, and hot testing is underway. The loop has been pressurized to its operating pressure of 300 psia, and has reached a temperature of 300'F. Most instrumentation is installed and computer software is being developed for data collection . Initial hot tests have included steady state natural circulation runs as well as small break (LOCA) blowdowns to develop procedures to operate the loop.


Quantifying the Uncertainty of Best-Estimate Codes TRAC-PF1/ MODI, RELAP5/M002 and Trac-BF1 A meeting was held in Idaho Falls, Idaho to discuss the quantification of code uncertainty of the best-estimate therma! hydraulic codes RELAP5/M002, TRAC-PF1/ MOD 1 and TRAC-BF1. NRC contractor representatives responsible for code assessment attended from Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL),

INEL, Sandia National Laboratory, and LANL, as well as the responsible NRC program managers. Methodology for assessing the codes by comparing code predictions with experimental data were discussed with a view to reaching a consensus approach. The assessment effort includes the International Code Assessment and Applications Program, domestic independent assessment and assessment through use of the codes in experimental programs, including 20/3D, ROSA-IV, MIST /0 TIS, and Semiscale. The procedures include statement of the uncertainty in terms of a limited set of key parameters combining the results of numerous assessment cases to fann an assessment data base. The meeting provided general agreement on procedures and provided guidance on statistical methods that may be used to provide code uncertainty statements expressed in terms of standard ,



Electrical Penetration Assembly - Severe Accident Test A D.G. O'Brien containment electrical penetration assembly, identical to those used in many nuclear plants, was tested at Sandia National Laboratory for leakage and functional electrical behavior when expcsed over a 10-day period to a simulated PWR severe accident environment of 360* F. and 150 PSIA. These environmental parameters envelope the conditions calculatec to develop inside containment for the dominant PWR severe accident scenarios involving core melt and vessel failure. Given that research to define severe accident source terms has not been completed, the electrical penetration assembly was irradiated to 200 Mrad, representing the equipment accident dose based on current regulatory practice and thermally aged to the equivalent of a 40-year life prior to the test. A negligible increase in stean leakage through the electrical penetraticn assembly was observed, indicating that containment integrity would have been maintained. However, the electrical resistance of the inoividual conductors and qualified electrical cable connections went essentially to zero by the ,

second day of the test and never recovered. On disassembly moisture was found in the electrical connector and glass to metal seal interface indicating that short circuits caused by moisture ingression through the seals was the likely cause of electrical failures. Tests of other currently used electrical penetration assembly designs to BWR severe accident conditions are planned to begin in September.


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ITEMS OF INTEREST OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS WEEK ENDING JULY 7, 1985 International Meetings The following international meeting notices supplement those announced earlier:

September 9-10, 1985, Cadarache, France - IAEA Consultants Meeting on the Environmental Behaviour of Radium October 14-18, 1985, Portoroz, Yugoslavia - Technical Committee / Workshop on the IAEA Program on Computer-Aided Safety Analysis ,

February 2-6, 1986, San Diego, California, USA - IAEA International Topical Meeting on Thennal Reactor Safety

.IAEA Vacancy Notices The International Atomic Energy Agency has announced the following vacancy notices, which are posted on NRC bulletin boards, for positions at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, Austria:

P-4 Containment and Surveillance Specialist; .Section for Development of Instruments, Methods and Techniques; Division of Development and Technical Support; Department of-Safeguards P-5 Nuclear / Chemical / Environmental Engineer, Waste Management Section, Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Department of Nuclear Energy P-2 Development Programmer, Computer Section, Division of Scientific and Technical Information, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety P-4 Senior Systems Analyst, Computer Section, Division of Scientific and Technical Information, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety P-3 Management and Organizational Analyst, Office of Internal Audit and Management Services, Department of Administration P-4 Personnel Management Specialist; Section for Administrative Support; Division of Standardization, Training and Administrative Support; Department of Safeguards ENCLOSURE G JUL 5 1985

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International Visitors On Wednesday Mr. Paul Woodhouse, Principal Inspector of the UK Nuclear Installations. Inspectorate, met with RES and NRR representatives to discuss the current status of NRC's examination of the station blackout, ,

electrical equipment reliability, and equipment aging issues.

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OFFICE OF STATE PROGRAMS ITEMS OF INTEREST WEEK ENDING JULY 5, 1985 LOW-LEVEL WASTE COMPACTS The Appalachian Compact bill has cleared the Pennsylvania Senate and been sent to the House. ~ had appeared that New York State executive and legislative '

officials were near agreement on a low-level waste management bill, it was not enacted before the summer legislative recess. The New York Legislature >

reconvenes in October.




i -JUL 5 1985

OFFICE FOR ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF OPERATIONAL DATA ITEMS OF INTEREST WEEK ENDING JULY 5, 1985 Final Trends and Patterns Report on Feedwater Transients at Westinghouse Plants (AEOD/P405)

AEOD issued the final report on trends and patterns of feedwater transients at Westinghouse PWRs (AE00/P405). This report is supplemented by Engineering Evaluation Report AE0D/E418. ,

This study, based upon available information, was initiated to characterize the incidence of feedwater transients and, if possible, pinpoint the causes.

The report covers January 1981 through June 1983.

It was concluded that 2-loop and early 4-loop Westinghouse plants share a transient rate which is a factor of 10 lower than that for 3-loop and later 4-loop units. In addition, we found that Salem 2 was a statistical outlier due to its high transient rate. We recommended that Region I continue to monitor planned improvements to the feedwater and condensate systems at Salem to assure they are effective.

AEOD Studies in Progress A listing of planned and ongoing studies within AE0D was transmitted to the Program Office Directors and the Regional Administrators. This listing is issued bimonthly and includes activities in the Reactor Operations Analysis Branch, the Program Technology Branch, and the Nonreactor Assessment Staff.

A total of 61 studies are planned or in progress. Six studies were completed and issued during the past two months. In addition, one study, " Safety Implications Associated with In-Plant Pressurized Gas Storage and Distribution Systems in Nuclear Power Plants," was completed by our contractor (0RNL) and published as NUREG/CR-3551.



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0FFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) Memo SECY to J. Tourtellotte dated 7/3/85 y

The Commission met to discuss the final backfit rule (SECY-85-222). =


5 Chairman Palladino requested Commissioners to give prompt k y attention to the final rule and provide their notation votes to -1 the Office of the Secretary.

d (OCM) (SECY Suspense: 7/10/85) -

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. RECORD dated 7/3/85 A

E The Commission met to vote on the disposition to be given to the Commission's review of ALAB-800 with regard to whether or i g

not the alternate AC power system should be treated as vital equipment at Shoreham. i r

J" At the beginning of this meeting Chairman Palladino announced L the results of Commission votes in the immediately preceding il closed session to: (1) deny the request of Newsdal to open the ]

a clered meeting deliberations to public attendance and (2) deny the request of'Suffolk County (filed by Herbert H. Brown of the j L law firm of Kirkpatrick and Lockhnrt) to postpone the Commission meeting on ALAB-800. m l Tne commission voted 3-2 (with Commissioners Roberts and Zech $

b disagreeing) to affirm the decision of the Appeal Board in j ALAB-800 insofar as it finds that at least.a portion of the mi

? alternate emergency power supply should be treated as vital =

E equipment and protected as such under the Commission's =

Ili safeguards regulations. The Commission further agrees, as i recommended by its staff, that it is sufficient for the EMD i 5 diesel unit alone to be treated as vital equipment. The 3 i Commission directs the Licensing Board to proceed in accordance J with the commission's opinion. The effect of this decision is d that for the present, no low power authori:ation is granted for j 7 Phases III and IV of low power testing.

, g i The Commission instructed OGC and OPE to prepare an order for ]

Commission review which implements the Commission;s decision. i (OGC/ OPE) (SECY Suspense: 7/29/85) ,a JUL 51985 ENCLOSURE 0 i q l


C. STAFF REQUIREMENTS - AFFIRMATION / DISCUSSION AND V0TE, 1:00 P.M., THURSDi.Y, JUNE 27, 1985, COMMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) Memo SECY to W. J. Dircks dated 7/3/85 I. SECY-85-109 - Amendments to 10 CFR Part 60 -- Disposal of High-i.evel Radioactive Wastes in Geologic Repositories The Commission, by a 5-0 vote, approved for publication final amendments to 10 CFR Part 60 which contain criteria for geologic disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in the unsaturated Zone.

You should forward the Federal Register Notice for signature and publication in the Federal Register.

(EDO/RES) (SECY Suspense: 7/16/85)

II. Severe Accident Policy Statement The Commission, by a 4-1 vote (with Commissioner Asselst,ine -

disapproving) , approved the severe accident policy statement as modified in the attached copy (Attachment 1).

The Commission, by a 5-0 vote, concurred with Commissioner Bernthal's position that " Omitting the word ' property' from the

... Severe Accident Policy Statement in no way changes Commis-sion policy and precedent that off-site property value is to be taken into consideration in cost-benefit and probabilistic risk assessment analysis."

FUPEG-1070 should be modified as necessary to conform to the revised policy statement and the above statement of the Commission on off-site property value. (NRR)

The Commission requests that the staff prepare a pap'er on the bases for quantifying, in PRA type cost-benefit analysis, the values and related probabilities of possible offsite property ~

losses. (NRR) l Chairman Palladino's and Commissioner Bernthal's memos on the l subject of offsite property are attached for the record (Attachments 2 and 3).

Commissioner Asselstine indicated that he will have separate views which will be available within four (4) working days.

You should forward a copy of this policy statement revised as noted for signature and publication in the Federal Register.

0EDO) (NRR) (SECY Suspense: 7/19/85)

JUL ENa0SURE 0 51%5


'and H. H. E. Plaine dated 7/5/85 The Commission met to be briefed by staff on a proposed rule to limit the use of highly enriched uranium (HEU) in research and test reactors (SECY-85-213).

The Commission requested staff to provide the following:

1. an order directing licensees to remove excess unirradiated fuel (providing for no disruption of normal operations);

(NMSS/OGC) (SECY Suspense: 7/19/85)

2. a revised final rule on conversion from HEU to LEU reflecting discussion on value impact analysis and including a generic statement with regard to avoiding Titigation for any necessary license amendments by using generic -

rulemaking; and (RES/NMSS/OGC) (SECY Suspense: 7/19/85)

3. a letter to Congress requesting federal funding to finance the conversion.

(NMSS) (SECY Suspense: 7/19/85)

The Commission requested the Office of the General Counsel to provide an analysis of options, including generic rulemaking to avoid the need for adjudicatory hearings on license amendments involving conversion from HEU to LEU in domestic non-power reactnve.

(OGC) (SECY Suspense: 7/19/85)


OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) Memo SECY to RECORD dated 7/5/85 The Commission met to receive testimony on the renewal of the Price-Anderson Act. Representatives of the nuclear industry, interest groups, insurance groupe, the State of Wisconsin and the staff provided views on the Price-Anderson Act for Commission consideration.

, Chairman Palladino requested that each Commissioner submit to the Secretary within two working days of the meeting date a statement indicating support or non-support for some or all of

' the recommendations in the Commission's 1983 report to Congress on Price-Anderson.

(Subsequently, on June 24, 1985 each Commissioner provided a

enpy nf hi= viawa on the 1983 report to the Office of the Secretary.)

ENCLOSURE 0 JUL 5 1985 3

E. CONTINUED The following persons made presentations to the Commission:

Steve C. Griffith, Jr.

Senior Vice President and General Counsel Duke Power George Gleason American Nuclear Energy Counsel William R. Bechtel, Director Federal-State Relations Office State of Wisconsin Keiki Kehoe Environmental Policy Institute Kathleen Welch U.S. Public Interest Research Group Michael Faden Union of Concern Scientists Richard Schmalz American Nuclear Insurers Joseph Marrone vice President and General Counsel American Nuclear Insurers Jerry Salzman NRC Staff, State Programs Guy Cunningham NRC Staff, Executive Legal Director There were no requirements for the staff at this meeting.

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DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 7/8-12/85 50-410 Nine Mile Pt. Site Meeting of Equipment Seismic Niagara Mohawk Power M. Haughey 8:00 am Scriba, NY Qualification Review Team and Pump and Valve Operability Review Team 7/9/85 50-309 MNBB-6110 To discuss Maine Yankee's Maine Yankee Atomic P. Sears 8:00 am Bethesda Detailed Control Room Design Review 7/9/85 50-247 Region I Office To discuss Technical Specifi- Consolidated Edison J. Neighbors 10:00 am King of Prussia,PA cation amendment application 7/9-12/85 50-424 Vogtle Site In-Progress Audit of Unit 1 Georgia Power Co. M. Miller 50-425 Waynesboro, Ga. Control Room Southern Co. Serv.

Lawrence Livermore Lab.

7/10/85 50-261 Room 438 (Phillips) To discuss status of multi- Carolina Power & G. Requa t

10:00 am Bethesda plant, TMI and plant specific Light open items 7/11/85 50-250 P-114 To discuss Turkey Point Tech Florida Power & Light D. Mcdonald 1:30 pm 50-251 Bethesda Specs PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT DAILY RECORDING CAN BE HEARD ON 492-7166

  • Ccpies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms.

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DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 7/16/85 50-271 P-110 To discuss Fire Protection Vermont Yankee R. Hermann 10:00 am Bethesda 7/16/85 P-422 To discuss B&W Owners Group B&W SG Owners Group E. Murphy 9:00 cm Bethesda comments re draft NUREG-0844 on staff's proposed technical resolution of steam generator USIs 7/17/85 50-244 P-114 To discuss NRC staff's recommen- Rochester Gas & Elec. C. Miller 10:00 am Bethesda dation of neutron fluence to be (Ginna) used in Surveillance Capsule T calculations in assessing radi-ation damage to the reactor vessel 7/17/85 50-321 Region II To discuss GPC plans related to Georgia Power Co. G. Rivenbark 10:00 am 50-366 Atlanta, Ga. Hatch 1&2 and the status of licensing activities PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT DAILY RECORDING CAN BE HEARD ON 492-7166

  • Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms.

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FOR WEEK ENDINGi '7/5/85 EE Division of fuel Cycle and Material Safety .


en . NRC CONTACT LOCATION PURPOSE APPLICANT cpATE/ TIME NUMBER 37 7/10/85 70-2 Room 517 To discuss license application for M. Smith, et al., Roberts 9:00 a.m. -

Willste an independent spent fuel storage (VEPCO) ,

installation at VEPC0 Surry.. J. Roberts (FC)

F. Sturz F e L. Rouse F 7/17-18/85 70-8 West Jeffer- Meetings with Battelle and Ohio H . Toy , e t a l . , Loysen son, OH EPA to discuss environmental (Battelle) -

Columbus, assessment of low-level whste J. McCoy, et al . ,


OH . (Ohio EPA)

P. Loysen (FC)

J:Ayer(FC) .

7/17/85 72-3 Room 517 To discuss license' application for Reps of CP&L Roberts 9:00 a.m. Willste an independent spent fuel storage J. Roberts (FC) installation at H. B. Robinson 2. F. Sturz (FC) 7/23/85 Albuquerque, Participate in N14 Management C. MacDonald (FC) MacDonald 2:00 p.m. NM Committee Meeting.

'7/24/85 Chicago, IL Attend ASME Task Group Meeting. C. MacDonald (FC) MacDonald Division of Safeguards 7/23/85 Silver Spring, Md. SG Interface Meeting NMSS, IE, NRR 9:00am RES, & Regions Baker E2

, p Division of Waste flanagement None& g m

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.Jung 7, 1985 E:




07/12/85 Duke Power Company - Administrator and 10:00 am McGuire facility selected RII staff members 3

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