suca Cire Chron Nov 1 o 1984 Branch.r/f
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MSilberberg Dr. Kamal Araj Department of Physics Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138
Dear Dr. Araj:
You wanted reports discussing the comparison of code predictions with experimental data. At this time, I can refer you to several sources:
TRAPMELT Code Marviken Reports
Containment Aerosol' Codes ABCOVE Aerosol Code Validation Previously, I sent you the Marviken reports. Enclosed is the ABCOVE report.
Note that these reports discuss applied technolocy. This information is not to be printed without authorization.
You will also find summaries of aerosol experiments as listed in Enclosure 1 and Enclosure 2.
Where indicated, the summaries are applied technology.
Sincerely, Onginal Signed By Christopher Ryder Accident Source Term Program Office Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
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RE5:ASTP0 RES:ASTP0 Ryder:md.A Silberberg 11/19/84 11/ /84 Og71 g 2 850415 ALVAREZ85-110 PDR o7/8