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6 /r. /.e7 Dr. Augustine Allen i
Post Office Box 173 Shoreham. New York 117C6 l
Dear Dr. Allen:
j At the request of Dr. Mary Shoef enclosed is a summary of plans for the research related to the source term analyses:
Information on Computer Code t
RRC Analysis Progran for Severe Accident in LWRs (3)
Brief Description of P.esearch Projects (4)
Project and P,udget Proposal Presentations made at the NRC meeting with Mary Shoaf on June 25,-1984 are also enclosed:
General Research liistory (2)
Organization and Function (3)
Source. Tere Research Program Planning Process This is the r.ost current version, j
Sincerely, j
- Y l Christopher P. P.yder accident Source Team Prograc Office Office of Muclear Regulatory P.esearch
8507130195 850415
i l