3EF 2. 1554 Dr. S. Goren 201 F. Gilman Department of Chemical Engineering University of Califoria Berkeley, CA 95720
Dear Dr. Goren:
On 2 August 1984, you asked me for summaries of specific aerosol projects.
I sent you the sumaries on 30 August 1984 The report about a suppression pool was delayed due to difficulty in obtaining information. Enclosed is the summary of the suppression pool project.
I apologize for any inconvenience that the delay may have caused. If you require further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me.
- !7.h::. 6l:iiV3 by t
Christopher Ryder Accident Source Term Program Office, RES (301) 427-4337
As stated Distribution RES Central File CHRON/ CIRC ASTPC Subject File 3
CPRyder 1
i f
ASTP0/RES CPRyder:mir 09A'f/84 050713g194850415 AhAREZe5-110 PDR