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Annual Rept for Jul 1983 - June 1984
Person / Time
Site: 05000157, 05000097
Issue date: 05/24/1984
From: Aderhold H
NUDOCS 8505240301
Download: ML20128A699 (3)


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'M Cornell University Ithaca,' New York 14853 Nuclear Science and Engineering Program Ward Laboratory Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

-- Region 1, 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Gentlemen


License No. R-80, Docket No. 50-157 License No. R-89, Docket No. 50-97 The purpose of this letter is to satisfy the requirements of Section


50.59 of 10CFR, Part 50, in respect to activities carried out on the Cornell TRIGA reactor (facility license No. R-80) and the Cornell Zero Power Reactor (facility-license No. R-89) during the period beginning July 1, 1983, and ending June 30, 1984.

TRIGA - License No. R-80

1. Operating Experience During the period reported herein the TRIGA reactor was used

!- primarily for the purpose of teaching and research and to a small extent, instrument test and calibration.

Teaching programs included, 1) control

  • rod calibration, 2) use of low intensity neutron -beam for a nuclear. measurement laboratory course, 3) introduction to neutron activation analysis, and 4) demonstration of reactor operation during steady-stat.c and. pulsed modes.

Research programs included,1) trace analysis by neutron acti-vation analysis, and- 2)!use of a neutron beam for the investigation of fissioning isomers.

Instrument' test and calibration included performance measure-ments of neutron sensitive detectors, utilizing the central thimble,

-thermal column, and the annular space in the reflector.

2. Changes in Facility Design None

. Changes in Procedures


g None I

8505240301 840524 PDR ADOCK 05000097 PDR R


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Director. Office of. Inspection andLEnforcement-

-4. Surveillance Tests and Inspections-

All parameters.and' systems undergoing surveillance tests and-inspections wereidetermined to be within the specified limits.
5. . Power' Generation


39 megawatt hours.

6. Emergency Shutdowns None

-7; Unintentional Scrams' '


.8. Major Maintenance None-

9. Radioactive Waste Release-1)86-yci of-liquid waste-(gross activity)
12) 130 mci of. Argon-41 as gaseous waste 10. Personnel Exposure No significant radiation exposure-to personnel was experienced.

Zero Power Reactor

1. Operating Experience-

.1) Familiarization with reactor. design and facility operational rules and procedures.

-2) Hands-on experience during start-up and operation of'the-facility up to 1 watt under the supervision of a licensed operator.

.3) -Control' rod calibration by differential period measurement.


4) Reactivity measurements of peripheral fuel rods.
5) Measurement of radial and axial flux distribution in core

'and reflector by activating a string of gold foils.

'Other utilization.invoved the Operating Requalification Program for two faculty members and one staff' member.

2. Chenges-in Facility Design None
3. Changes in Procedures None

s , ,- ( *

? Director- -Office of Inspection and Enforcement 4.- Surveillance Tests and Inspections All parametars and systems undergoing. surveillance tests and

-inspections were determined to be within the specified limits.

5. Power Generation Power' generation was approximately 45 watt hours which included

.22' start-ups.

6.- Emergency Shutdowns None

7. -Unintentional Scrams 1)'Highlogpowerinstrumentscramcausedbypowerfluxation(7/h/83).

R2) High linear power instrument scram caused by operator error in switching range switch (11/3/83).

3) High linear power instrument' scram caused by operator error in switching range switch (3/1/84).
8. Major Maintenance None
9. Radioactive Waste Release No measureable amount.

10.' Personnel Exposure No significant radiation exposure to personnel was experienced.

If any additional information is required concerning this report ,please don't hesitate to contact this office.

Sincerely yours, hb2 C Howard C. Aderhold Reactor Supervisor HCA:jr i

.cc: Director, Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

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