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Responds to FOIA Request for License Documents & Insp Repts or Citations Re Southern Space,Inc of Columbia,Sc & Portsmouth,Va.Forwards Documents Listed in Apps A1,A2 & A3. Portions of Documents Deleted (Ref FOIA Exemption 6)
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/11/1984
From: Felton J
To: Terpilak M
Shared Package
ML20125B013 List:
FOIA-84-693 NUDOCS 8505240072
Download: ML20127P755 (14)








  • 4 . . . . . ,o 001 111984 Mr. Michael S. Terpilak Nucleon Lectern-Associates, Inc.

3414 First Avenue, Suite 7 P.O. Box 430 IN RESPONSE REFER Olney, MD 20832 TO F0!A-84-693

Dear Mr. Terpilak:

This is in response to your letter dated August 11, 1984, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Infonnation Act, copies of license documents, and inspection reports and/or citations concerning:

a) Southern Space, Inc., Columbia, SC, and b) Southern Space. Inc., Portsmouth, VA.

The documents listed on the enclosed Appendices Al, A2, and A3 are subject to your request. Copies of the documents are enclosed. The charges for reproducing records not located in the NRC Public Document Room is seven cents ($0.07) per page as specified in 10 CFR 9.14, a copy of which is enclosed. Accordingly, the cost of reproducing the 449 pages supplied to you totals $31.43. You will be billed by the NRC's Division of Accounting and Finance for the amount of $31.43.

Portions of documents 2, 14, 15, 16, and 21 of Appendix A1; 1 and 4 of Appendix A2; and 12 of Appendix A3 have been deleted in order to withhold home addresses, home telephone numbers, social security numbers and birth dates of individuals. Because disclosure of this information would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, it is being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to Exemption (6) of the Freedom of Infonnation Act (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(6)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(6).

0505240072 041011 NRPI 3 -693 PDR

(- 1

Mr. Michael S. Terpilak Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.9 of the Commission's regulations, it has been determined that the information withheld is exempt from production or disclosure, and that its production or disclosure is contrary to the public interest. The persons responsible for this denial are the undersigned and Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Regional Administrator, Region II.

This denial may be appealed to the Comission's Executive Director for Operations within 30 days from the receipt of this letter. As provided in 10 CFR 9.11, any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Executive Director for Operations, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an " Appeal from an Initial F0IA Decision".

Sinc rely, .

,axf i

M. Felton, Director

/' Division of Rules and Records

, Office of Administration


As stated l



Re: F01A-84-693


APPENDIX A-1 MATERIAL FROM ALLEGATIONS FILES Al 1. 3/4/82 Case Chronology, File number 2G017 (1 page)

Al 2. 6/19/82 Letter to Stan Gills from E. L. Williamson (1 page)

Al 3, 5/26/82 Letter to Southern Space, Inc., from James P. O'Reilly (1 page)

A1 4. 5/26/82 Investigation Report No. 30-19161/82-01 (16 pages)

A1 5, 6/4/82 Memo to Case File, File No. 2G017 (1 page)

A1 6. 5/26/82 Letter to Southern Space, Inc., from Janes P. O'Reilly (5 pages)

A1 7. 4/20/82 Letter to Southern Space, Inc., from James P. O'Reilly (3 pages)

Al 8. 3/26/82 HandwrittenStatementofAlphonsoGoodson(8pages)

A1 9. 3/25/82 Handwritten Statement of Leslie Case (12 pages)

Al 10. 3/19/82 Memo to A. F. Gibson from John P. Potter (2 pages)

Al 11. 3/4/82 Handwritten Statement of Thomas Stanley Gills (10 pages) 7Al 12, 6/26/81 Letter to Chief Materials Branch, Division of Fule Cycle and Material Safety USNRC, from Les Case, Southern Space, Inc. (19 pages)

A1 13, 3/3/82 Memo to E. L. Williamson from James P. O'Reilly (3 pages)

Al 14. 3/4/82 Handwritten Statement of Thomas Stanley Gills (9 pages)

Al 15. 3/25/82 Handwritten Statement of Leslie Car.e (7 pages)

A1 16, 3/20/82 Handwritten Statement of Alphonso Goodson (6 pages)

Al 17. Undated PhotographsandFloorPlan(2pages)

Al 18. 3/26/82 Survey Reading with E-120, Southern Space, Inc. (7 pages)

Al 19. Undated PhotographsandFloorPlan(3pages)

Al 20, 3/25/82 FloorPlans(2pages)

Al 21. Undated Radiation Dosimetry Report, R. S. Landauer, Jr. & Co. (1 page)

Al 22. 6/3/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Forn, Barnwell Waste Management Facility, No. 0681-379-A (3 pages)


Re: FOIA-84-693 APPENDIX A-1 MATERIAL FROM ALLEGATIONS FILES CONTINUED Al 23. 7/1/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Form, Barnwell Waste Management Facility, No. 0781-287A (2 pages)

Al 24. 9/18/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Form, Barnwell Waste Managenent Facility, No. 0981-389-L(2pages)

Al 25, 9/17/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Form, Barnwell Waste Management Facility, No. 0981-382-A(3pages)

Al 26. 9/17/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Form, Barnwell Waste Management Facility, No. 0981-388-L(2pages)

Al 27. 5/6/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Form, Barnwell Waste Management Facility, No. 0581-334-A (2 pages)

Al 28. 4/1/81 Radioactive Shioment Record Form, Barnwell Waste Management Facility, No. 0481-282-L(2pages)

Al 29. 2/11/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Form, Barnwell Waste Management Facility, No. 0281-326-A(2pages)

Al 30. 12/11/80 Radioactive Shipment Record Form. Barnwell Waste Managenent Facility (2 pages)


(A2 1. 3/11/80 Telephone or Verbal Conversation Record between Paul Guinn and LesCase(1page) lA2' 2. 6/27/83 Letter to John Hickey from William C. Moser (2 pages) lA2 3. Undated Materials License Southern Space Inc., License No. 39-19737-01 -

(3pages) l A2 4. 1/27/78 Letter to USNRC from Leslie Case (23 pages) i lA2 5. Undated Photographs (5pages) lA2 6.. 12/14/83 SafetyInspection,SouthernSpace.Inc.(7pages) lA2 7. 12/14/83 Portsmouth Plant Survey (1 page) lA2 8. 10/12/82 SafetyInspection,SoutherSpace,Inc.(7pages)

A2 9. 5/26/82 Letter to Southen Space, Inc. from James P. O'Reilly (5 pages) lA2.10.-

8/27/82 Letter to Southern Space Inc. from A. F. Gibson (1 page) l A2 11. 6/28/82 Memo to P. Chambless from D. M. Montgomery (2 pages)  ;

l A2 12. 7/15/82 LettertoPhillipM.ChamblessfromWilliamC.Moser(7pages) [

j A2 13. 4/20/82 Letter to Southern Space Inc. from James P. O'Reilly (3 pages) i A2 14, 4/14/82 Notice of Significant Meeting, Southern Space Inc. (2 pages) [

A2 15, 3/19/82 Memo to A. f . Gibson from John P. Potter (2 pages)  !

A2 16. Undated Floorplansandphotographs(7pages)

A2 17. Undated Streetmap(1page)

A2 18. 4/20/82 Letter to Phillip M. Chambless from William C. Moser (6 pages)

' A2 19. 4/14/82 Notice of Significant Meeting Southern Space, Inc. (1 page)  ;

!A2-20. 7/10/81 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from Glenda Jackson (2 pages) l A2 21. 10/15/81 Memo for Vandy L. Miller from A. W. Grella (7 pages)


A2 22. 4/20/82 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from James P. O'Reilly (3 pages) i l


f -

Re: F01A-84-693 APPENDIX A-2 MATERIAL FROM ACTIVE LICENSING FILES A2 23. 11/2/83 Letter to Donna-Beth Howe from William C. Moser (1 page)

A2 24. 10/7/83 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from Donna-Beth Howe (1 page)

A2 25. 8/16/83 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from Donna-Beth Howe (2 pages)

A2 26. 4/7/82 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from A. F. Gibson (1 page)

A2 27. 8/27/82 Letter to Southern Space Inc. from A. F. Gibson (2 pages)

A2 28. 10/15/81 Memo to Vandy L. Miller from A. W. Gre11a (7 pages)

A2 29. 6/26/81 Letter to Chief, Materials Branch, Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, USNRC, from Southern Space, Inc. (19 pages)

A2 30. Undated Memo to Leo B. Higginbotham from Vandy L. Miller (1 page)

A2 31. 4/15/81 Letter to USNRC from Carol Gorick (1 page)

A2 32. Undated Letter to Paul R. Guinn from Southern Space, Inc. (1 page)

A2 33. Undated FacilitiesandEquipmentandDiagrams(9pages)

A2 34. 1/22/80 Letter to USNRC from Southern Space, Inc. (18 pages)

A2 35. 1/27/78 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from Paul R. Guinn (1, page) 4 i


Re: FOIA-84-693 APPENDIX A-3 MATERIAL FROM TERMINATED LICENSING FILES A3 1. 6/20/80 Materials License Supplementary Sheet, Amendment No. 05, Southern Space,Inc.(1page)

A3 2. 5/18/81 Materials License Supplementary Sheet, Amendment No. 06, Southern Space,Inc.(1page)

A3 3. 3/12/80 Materials License. Southern Space, Inc., No. 10-12233-02, Amendment No. 04 (2 ppges)

A3 4. 4/20/78 Materials License. Southern Space, Inc., No. 10-12233-02, Amendnent No.03(2pages)

A3 5, 10/8/76 Materials License Supplementary Sheet, Anendment No. 02, Southern Space, Inc. (1 page)

A3 6. 3/17/76 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from Barbara Benedetto (2 pages)

A3 7. 2/12/73' Byproduct Material License Southern Space, Inc., No. 10-12233-02, Amendment No. 01 (3 pages)

A3 8. 1/23/83 Application for Byproduct Material License Southern Space, Inc.


A3 9. 11/26/69 Status of Materials License Group III, License No. 10-12233-2 (1page)

A3 10. 2/23/68 Byproduct Material License, Southern Space, Inc., No. 10-12233-02 (2pages)

A3 11. 2/16/68 Teletype to Robert Dube from Joseph K. Benedetto (2 pages)

A3 12. 2/8/68 LettertoRobertE.BrinkmanfromJosephK.Benedetto(18pages)

A3 13. 1/15/68 Letter to Isotopes Branch from Joseph K. Benedetto (4 pages)

A3 14. 2/23/68 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from Robert E. Brinkman (1 page)

A3 15, 4/25/80 LettertoSouthernSpace.Inc.fromJamesP.O'Reilly(2pages)

A3 16. 9/5/79 Letter to James P. O'Reilly from Southern Space. Inc. (1 page)

A3 17. 8/10/79 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from James P. O'Reilly (7 pages)

A3 18. 1/3/78 Letter to USNRC from Southern Space, Inc. (1 page)

A3 19. 1/27/78 Letter to Southern Space. Inc. from Paul R. Guinn (1 page)

Re: F0!A-84-693 APPENDIX A-3 MATERIAL FROM TERMINATED LICENSING FILES CONTINUED A3 20. 3/24/77 Notice of Incoming Licensee Correspondence (1 page)

A3 21, 6/7/76 Letter to Jack M. Bell from Barbara Benedetto (3 pages)

A3 22. S/17/76 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from Jack M. Bell (1. page)

A3 23. 1/24/75 Letter to Southern Space Inc. from Jack M. Bell (1 page)

A3 24. 1/22/75 Application for Byproduct Material License, Southern Space, Inc.


A3 25. 2/24/69 LettertoClintonP.AndersonfromH.G.Rickover(3pages)

A3 26. 2/7/69 Letter to Clinton P. Anderson from Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission (2pages)

A3 27. 3/11/68 Telecon from David to Roeder (1 page)

A3 28. Undated Unidentified Correspondence from Robert Zimerman (1 paae)

A3 29, 3/25/68 Memo to Files from W. W. Peery (6 pages)

A3 30. 3/10/60 MemotoCommissioners,USNRC,fromHaroldL. Price (2pages)

A3 31. 3/19/68 Letter to Thomas G. Morris from Harold L. Price (1 page)

A3 32. 3/13/68 MemotoFilesfromJackT.Sutherland(1page)

A3 33, 2/20/69 Memo to Harold L. Price from J. A. McBride (1 page)

A3 34, 3/6/68 MemotoFilesfromWilliamW. Peery (1page)

A3 35, 2/12/68 Memo to Files from Jack T. Sutherland (1 page)

A3 36. 10/3/80 NoticeofIncomingLicenseeCorrespondence(1page)

A3 37. 9/11/80 Inspection Findings and Licensee Acknowledgement, Southern Space, Inc.


.A3 38. 9/11/80 InspectionReportNo.80-01,SouthernSpace.Inc.(6pages)

A3 39, 2/18/77 Inspections Findings and Licensee Acknowledgement Southern Space.


Re: F01A-84-693

  • I APPENDIX A-3 MATERIAL FROM TERMINATED LICENSING FILES CONTINUED A3 C. 11/14/68 Memo to Jack L. Roeder from Jack T. Sutherland (10 pages)

A3 41. Undated Unidentifiable handwritten note (1 page)

A3 42. 9/26/68 Memo Route Slip from Jack R. Roeder (3 pages)

A3 43. Undated HandwrittenNotes(1page)

A3 44. 10/30/68 InspectionFindingsandLicenseeAcknowledgement(1page)

A3 45. 11/21/68 Memo to J. T. Sutherland from William W. Peery (9 pages)

A3 46. 10/30/68 Field Notes (10 pages)

A3 47. 3/18/68 MemotoFilesfromWilliamW. Peery (2pages)

A3 48. 3/21/68 MemotoFilesfromWilliamW. Peery (4pages)

A3 49. 3/15/68 FieldNotes(2pages)

A3 50. Undated FieldNotes(1page)

A3 51. 3/13/68 Memo to Files from Jack T. Sutherland (1 page)

A3 52. 2/27/67 FieldNotes(1page)

A3 53. Undated FieldNotes(1page)


, Al 1. 3/4/82 Case Chronology, File number 2G017 (1 page)

Al 2, 6/19/82 Letter to Stan Gills from E. L. Williamson (1 page)

Al 3. 5/26/82 Letter to Southern Space, Inc., from James P. O'Reilly (1 page)
A1 4. 5/26/02 Investigation Report No. 30-19161/82-01(16pages)

A1 5. 6/4/82 Memo to Case File File No. 2G017 (1 page)

A1 6, 5/26/82 Letter to Southern Space, Inc., from James P. O'Reilly (5 pages)

A1 7. 4/20/82 Letter to Southern Space, Inc., from James P. O'Reilly (3 pages)

A1 8. 3/26/82 Handwritten Statement of Alphonso Goodson (8 pages)

A1 9. 3/25/82 HandwrittenStatementofLeslieCase(12pages)

Al 10, 3/19/82 Memo to A. F. Gibson from John P. Potter (2 pages)

A1 11, 3/4/82 Handwritten Statement of Thomas Stanley Gills (10 pages)

A1 12. 6/26/81 Letter to Chief, Materials Branch, Division of Fule Cycle and Material Safety, USNRC, from Les Case, Southern Space, Inc. (19 pages)

A1 13, 3/3/82 Memo to E. L. Williamson from James P. O'Reilly (3 pages)

A1 14. 3/4/82 Handwritten Statement of Thomas Stanley Gills (9 panes)

Al 15, 3/25/82 HandwrittenStatementofLeslieCase(7pages)

A1 16. 3/20/82 HandwrittenStatementofAlphonsoGoodson(6pages)

Al 17. Undated PhotographsandFloorPlan(2pages)

A1 18, 3/26/82 SurveyReadingwithE-120.SouthernSpace,Inc.(7pages)

Al 19. Undated PhotographsandFloorPlan(3pages)

Al 20. 3/25/82 FloorPlans(2pages)

Al 21. Undated Radiation Dosimetry Report, R. S. Landauer, Jr. & Co. (1 page)

Al 22. 6/3/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Form, Barnwell Waste Management Facility, No.0681-379-A(3pages)

r Re: F01A-84-693 APPENDIX A-1 MATERI AL FROM ALLEGATIONS FILES i CONTINUED Al 23, 7/1/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Form. Barnwell Waste Management Facility, No. 0781-287A (2 pages) l A1 24, 9/18/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Fonn, Barnwell Waste Managenent Facility, No. 0981-389-L(2pages)

,Al 25. 9/1//81 Radioactive Shipment Record Form. Barnwell Waste Management Facility, No. 0981-382-A(3pages)

Al 26. 9/17/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Form, ;arnwell Waste Management Facility, No. 0981-388-L(2pages)

Al 27, 5/6/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Form, Barnwell Waste Management Facility, No. 0581-334-A(2pages)

Al 28, 4/1/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Form Barnwell Waste Management Facility, No. 0481-282-L(2pages)

Al 29. 2/11/81 Radioactive Shipment Record Fonn, Barnwell Waste Management Facility, No. 0281-326-A(2pages)

Al 30. 12/11/80 Radioactive Shipment Record Form, Barnwell Waste Management Facility (2pages) k:

Re: F0!A-84-693




A2 23. 11/2/83 Letter to Donna-Beth Howe from William C. Moser (1 page)

A2 24. 10/7/83 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from Donna Beth Howe (1 page)

A2 25. 8/16/83 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from Donna-Beth Howe (2 pages) -

A2 26, 4/7/82 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from A. F. Gibson (1 page)

A2 27. 8/27/82 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from A. F. Gibson (2 pages)

A2 28. 10/15/81 Memo to Vandy L. Miller from A. W. Grella (7 pages)

A2 29. 6/26/81 Letter to Chief, Materials Branch, Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, USNRC, from Southern Space, Inc. (19 pages)

A2 30. Undated Memo to Leo 8. Higginbothan from Vandy L. Miller (1 page)

A2 31, 4/15/81 LettertoUSNRCfromCarolGorick(1page)

A2 32. Undated Letter to Paul R. Guinn from Southern Space, Inc. (1 page)

A2 33. Undated FacilitiesandEquipmentandDiagrams(9pages)

A2 34. 1/22/80 Letter to USNRC from Southern Space, Inc. (18 pages)

A2 35. 1/27/78 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from Paul R. Guinn (1, page)

- Re: F01A-84-693 APPENDIX A-3 ,

MATERI AL FROM TERMINATED LICENSING FILES A3 1. 6/20/80 Haterials License Supplementary Sheet, Amendment No. 05, Southern Space, Inc. (1 page)

'A3 2. 5/18/81 Materials License Supplementary Sheet, Amendment No. 06, Southern Space, Inc. (1 page)

A3 3. 3/12/B0 Materials License, Southern Space, Inc., No. 10-12233-02 Amendment No. 04 (2 ppges)

A3 4. 4/20/78 Materials License, Southern Space, Inc., No. 10-12233-02, Anendnent No. 03 (2 pages)

A3 5. 10/8/76 Materials License Supplementary Sheet, knendment No. 02, Southern Space, Inc. (1 page)

A3 6. 3/17/76 Letter to Southern Space. Inc. from Barbara Benedetto (2 papes)

A3 7. 2/12/73 Byproduct Material License Southern Space, Inc., No. 10-12233-02.

Anendment No. 01 (3 pages)

A3 8. 1/23/83 Application for Byproduct Material License, Southern Space, Inc.


A3 9, 11/26/69 Status of Materials License, Group !!!, License No. 10-12233-2 (1page)

A3 10. 2/23/68 Byproduct Material License Southern Space, Inc., No. 10-12233-02 (2pages)

A3 11, 2/16/68 TeletypetoRobertDubefromJosephK.Benedetto(2pages)

A3 12. 2/8/68 LettertoRobertE.BrinkmanfromJosephK.Benedetto(18pages)

A3 13. 1/15/68 Letter to Isotopes Branch from Joseph K. Benedetto (4 pages)

A3 14, 2/23/68 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from Robert E. Brinkman (1 pace)

A3 15. 4/25/00 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from James P. O'Reilly (2 pages)

A3 16. 0/5/79 Letter to James P. O'Reilly from Southern Space Inc. (1 page)

A3 17. 8/10/79 Letter to Southern Space, Inc. from James P. O'Reilly (7 papes)

A3 18. 1/3/76 LettertoUSNRCfromSouthernSpace,Inc.(1page)

A3 19. 1/27/78 LettertoSouthernSpace,Inc.fromPaulR.Guinn(1page)

Re: F01A-84-693


' A3 C3. 11/14/68 Memo to Jack L. Roeder from Jack T. Sutherland (10 pages)

! A3 41. Undated Unidentifiablehandwrittennote(1page) i A3 42. 9/26/68 Memo Route Slip from Jack R. Roeder (3 pages)

A3 43. Undated HandwrittenNotes(1page)

A3 44. 10/30/68 InspectionFindingsandLicenseeAcknowledgement(1page)

A3 45. 11/21/68 Memo to J. T. Sutherland from W1111am W. Peery (9 pages)

A3 46. 10/30/68 Field Notes (10 pages)

A3 47, 3/18/68 Memo to Files from William W. Peery (2 pages) t A3 48. 3/21/68 Memo to Files from William W. Peery (4 pages)  ;

A3 49, 3/15/68 FieldNotes(2pages)

A3 50. Undated FieldNotes(1page)

A3 51. 3/13/68 Memo to Files from Jack T. Sutherland (1 page)

A3 52. 2/27/67 FieldNotes(1page)

A3 53. Undated FieldNotes(1page)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _