ML20127A020 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 06/14/1985 |
To: | |
References | |
WIR-850607, NUDOCS 8506200520 | |
Download: ML20127A020 (34) | |
b y
June 14, 1985 For:
The Commissioners From:
T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the ED0
WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING JUNE 7, 1985 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Commissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.
Contents Enclosure Administration A
Nuclear Reactor Regulation B
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C
Inspection and Enforcement D
Nuclear Regulatory Research E
Executive Legal Director F*
International Programs G
State Programs H
Resource Management I*
Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data J*
Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights K*
Regional Offices L*
CRGR Monthly Report M*
Executive Director for Operations N*
Items Addressed by the Commission 0
Meeting Notices P
Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for Q
external distribution)
- No input this week.
l 2
T. A. Rehm, ssistant for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations
T. A. Rehm, EDO 492-7781 8506200520 850614 CDPMS NRCC PDR WEEKLYIPFOREPT PDR
I j
Point Beach, Unit 1 1
i Region III was notified by Wisconsin At1:30p.m.CDTonMay(30,1985, Licensee) that a control rod (F-I2) from a Electric Power Company 1
shutdown bank had stuck at mid-height in the Point Beach, Unit I core during cold rod drop testing. The licensee was perfoming rod drop tests in preparation for re-start following a refueling outage. All other control rods had dropped successfully during the testing.
Following discussion with Region III the licensee took the unit to the J
hot shutdown condition to troubleshoot the stuck rod condition and
perform hot, full flow, drop tests.
It was thought that boron crystals which may have been causing the rod to bind in the cold condition, would disolve at higher temperatures. This was not the case and the rod remained stuck.
In addition, a s'econd control rod (J-4) stuck at a point 90 inches out of the core during the hot, full flow drop tests perfomed early this morning. The licensee has subsequently taken the unit to the cold shutdown condition and removed the vessel head to detemine the cause of the stuck rods and correct the problem.
The senior resident inspector and Region III personnel are following l
the licensee's actions closely.
Waterford 3 Waterford 3 is currently in cold shutdown due to problems with the electrical generator. The problem has been identified as lead carbonate deposits in the electrical generator, a condition that was i
identified during maintenance and inspection following the loss of I
offsite power test conducted on May 29, 1985 and which marked completion of testing at the 80% power plateau. Louisiana Power and Light Co.
expects that Waterford 3 will be down for two to three weeks during which time the deposits will be removed and modifications made to the hydrogen cooling unit to prevent recurrence of this condition.
Galileo and Ulysses' Space' Missions On June 4 and 5,1985, DOE briefed the Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel (INSRP) on the status of the FSAR for the Galileo and Ulysses space missions.
The Galileo Mission will send a probe to Jupiter while the Ulysses mission will investigate the sun. Both missions will utilize radioisotope themoelectric
, generators (RTG)topowertheinstrumentsandelectricalsystemsaboardthe space craft. Each RTG contains approximately 9.2 Kg of 238 Pu02 in the form of solid ceramic pellets. One RTG will be needed for the Ulysses mission while two RTG's will be used for the Galileo mission.
INSRP is responsible for reviewing the safety of space nuclear systems and is co-chaired by representatives of DOE, D00, and NASA. NRC is participating in the INSRP review activities as ob-servers as previously directed by the Consission. DOE intends to submit the FSAR to INSRP in late September.
INSRP plans to complete its evaluation by late l
December. Both missions are scheduled to be launched aboard the space shuttle in May 1986.
JUN 7 1985
.c 4
i 4
Week Ending June 7, 1985 4
STATUS OF REQUESTS Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision Carryovers,1984 179 23 4
Received, 1985 407 28 Granted 284 20 Denied 76 5
r' Pending 226 26 t
l Received Richard E. Webb, Request for a copy of the movie or video tape recording i
Studies of Nuclear of the "Large Steel Model Test," an experiment done Hazards and by Sandia Laboratories on November 7-17, 1984, Constitutional Law sponsored by the NRC.
Josephdorrigan Request for copies of records relating to requests by j
NRC or any other agency to have Green Beret Personnel or any other military or non-military personnel penetrate and/or evaluate the physical protection plans of the nuclear power facilities, particularly the Indian Point plant.
Michelle Adato, Request for all records pertaining to what generic Union of safety issues and/or unresolved safety issues would Concerned and/or woulo not have to be resolved prior to the Scientists granting to a standardized design approval and/or -
(85-402) combined construction pemit/ operating license, i
Ophelia Williams, Request for a copy of a December 3, 1984, memorandum 4
J/R/A Associates from S. Chilk to W. J. Dircks regarding the proposed (85-403) rule on Anticipated Transients Without SCRAM (ATWS).
T. Rand Wilson, Request for a complete listing of the licensed nuclear 4
(85-404) reactor operators and senior reactor. operators.
Jim Pedro, Request for a copy of the document referenced at Number 23 NUS Corporation on page 41 of NUREG/CR-3781.
(85-405) s CONTACT:
J. M. Felton i
492-7211 ENCLOSURE A i
JUN 7 1985
Received Cont'd Richard A. Gould Request for a copy of Section 2B from the NRC's (85-406)
FY 85 Infonnation Collection Budget.
1 l
Helen E. Brown, Request for a copy of NRC's current BPA purchase order JBL International or contract for courier services.
Michelle Adato, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION AND THE EDO for the lack of Union of Concerned response to a request for all records pertaining to the Scientists level of design detail required for the granting of a (85-A-27-85-328) combined CP-OL and/or standardized reactor design approval, including records related to a September 21, 1983, memorandum to D. G. Eisenhut.
Michelle Adato, APPEAL TO THE E00 for the lack of response to a request Union of Concerned for six categories of records pertaining to the Office Scientists of Investigations.
(85-A-28-85-334) 4 Granted Billie P. Garde.
In response to a request for records regarding NRC Government Inspection Reports Nos. 50-413/84-89 and 50-414/84-40 Accountability on the Catawba plant, informed the requester that Project documents subject to this request are being addressed (85-215) under two previous FOIA requests (F0IA-84-722 and F0!A-84-902).
Gerard C. Gambs In response to a request for copies of the results of (85-281) concrete cylinder tests and concrete test borings which were made during and subsequent to the construction of the Shoreham plant, made available two documents.
Informed the requester that nine additional documents subject to this request are already located in the PDR.
Nancy L. Butler, In response to a request for copies of biennial quality Smith, Haughey, audits for 1978, 1980, and 1982, and an Independent Rice & Roegge Design Verification of 1982 for the Midland plant, i
(85-283) infonned the requester that the NRC did not require the performance of any biennial quality audits. Also, infonned the requester that four documents regarding the evaluation report which the Consumers Power Company sent to the NRC are already located in the PDR.
Lyle Graber, In response to a request for (1) a memorandum from NUS Corporation V. A. Moore to V. Benaroya dated October 11, 1983, and (85-306)
(2) a memorandum from D. Eisenhut to J. A. Olshinski 1
dated February 16, 1984, made available the two j
requested documents.
ENCLOSURE A Jtjia 7 1985
4 3-i Granted Cont'd Martin Levy, In response to a request for information regarding i
NTEU Chapter 208 temporary employees who have been placed in a pennanent (85-343) status since January 1, 1984, made available 32 documents.
Lyle Graber, In response to a request for a copy of SECY-84-167, NUS Corporation entitled, "Use of the FFA ' Check-Pilot' Approach for (85-345)
Reactor Operator Requalification," dated April 20, 1984, made available the requested document.
Kevin R. Norton In response to a request for three categories of (85-347) documents pertaining to nuclear power plants, waste i
disposal sites, and vessels made to transport nuclear materials, made available one document. Informed the requester that additional documents subject to this request are already located in the PDR.
i Anthony L. Kimery In response to a request for copies of the last two (85-348) inspection reports relating to the Kerr-McGee facility in Gore, Oklahoma, made available two documents.
i Lori Abrams, In response to a request for lists of carcinogens or Public Citizen suspect carcinogens compiled by the NRC, informed the (85-349) requester that four documents subject to this request are already located in the PDR.
4 1
Gregory A. Luka, In response to a request for (1) isotope type, (2)
London Nuclear location and owner, and (3) Curie content for U.S.
l Services. Inc.
Ifcensed irradiation sources, made available a computer (85-366) printout of the names and addresses of those licensed by the NRC to have irradiation sources. Informed the i
requester that the NRC has no record that combines with this listing of location and owner the isotope type and l
Curie content requested.
Lyle Graber, In response to a request for Draft Regulatory Guide 3
NUS Corporation 1.EE, entitled " Analytical Models for Estimating (85-367)
Radioisotope Concentration in Different Water Bodies,"
dated September 1975, infonned the requester that the NRC is not in possession of the requested document.
Jan Lonsdale In response to.a request for infonnation involving (85-380)
Ted Turner and four specified businesses, informed the requester that the NRC is not in possession of documents subject to this request.
m n
. Granted Cont'd Blair Childs, In response to a request for three categories of Senior Executives information pertaining to the NRC Senior Executive Association Service (SES) employees, made available a computer (85-381) printout entitled, " List of all Active NRC SES Employees as of April 30, 1985."
P. Collopy, In response to a request for a list of names and CPS Associates addresses of all Type B and C Broad Scope Licensees (85-393) in the NRC's Region I, made available the requested computer printout.
Denied Steven C. Sholly, In response to a request for documents pertaining to Union of Concerned NUREG-0999, "Sizewell B--Analysis of British Application Scientists of U.S. PWR Technology," made available 26 documents.
Infomed the requester that additional documents subject to this request are already publicly available.
.'nformed the requester that 5 copyrighted documents are subject to his request and supplied him with appropriate addresses. Denied 3 documents in their entirety, disclosure of which would impair the Government's ability to obtain necessary information in the future.
Michelle Adato, In response to a request for copies of SECY-84-249 and 4
Union of Concerned all other documents concerning options for handling Scientists allegations, made available 47 documents. Denied (84-601) portions of I document and 4 other documents in their entirety, disclosure of which would inhibit the free and candid exchange of ideas and opinions that is essential to the creation of the agency's tracking system. Denied 4 documents in their entirety, disclosure of which would reveal the advice, opinions, and recommendations of the staff. Denied I document in its entirety, disclosure of which would tend to. inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.
1 ENCLOSURE A JUN 7 1985 l
. -... ~ _
4 l,
RFP No.: RS-NMS-85-002 i
" Technical Assistance for Design Reviews of High Level Nuclear Waste i
. Geologic Repositories"
The contractor shall be required to provide technical support services, including analyses, computations, engineering evaluations, citations to literature, and documentation thereof to assist the 1
NRC to review, evaluate, and comment on the design aspects of a l
geologic repository contained in the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) site characterization plans (SCP).
Period of Perfomance: Three years Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status: The competitive range has been established and negotiations are scheduled for the week of July 9,1985.
f CONTRACT AWARDED Contract No.: NRC-17-85-206
" Electrostatic Copying Services"
Provide reproduction and related services to the public for paper to i
paper reproduction, microfom to paper reproduction and microform to microfom reproduction. The resultant contract shall be a no cost to the Government contract.
Period of Perfomance: 24 months j
Sponsor: Office of the Secretary 1
Status: Fixed price requirements contract awarded to Facilities Management I
j effective June 11, 1985.
' CONTRACTS CLOSED-00T NRC-10-82-706 Richland Public Library (LPDR) 4 i
NRC-10-82-694 Kewaunee Public Library (LPDR)
NRC-04-83-177 Franklin Research Center NRC-05-82-252 State of Louisiana i
NRC-27-83-447 USDA Graduate School l
NRC-05-81-249 National Bureau'of Standards NRC-04-81-175 Stevenson & Associates i
NRC-10-82-405 Montgomery County Public Schools l
~ NRC-06-83-267 M. D. Anderson Hospital l
- A protest filed by Tayloe Associates on August 15, 1984 against the August 6,1984
award of Contract NRC-21-84-352 to Ace-Federal Reporters. Inc. for stenographic reporting services outside the Washington, D.C. area was denied by the General L
Accounting Office on June 3,1985. Tayloe had protested NRC's rejection of their l
lower bid as non-responsive for failure to submit the required bid bond, i
_,-. _._. _ -_- _ ~ _
0FFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending Jur.e 7, 1955 Point Beach, Unit 1 At 1:30 p.m. CDT on May 30, 1985, Region III was notified by Wiscensin Electric Power Ceepany (Licensee) that a control red (F-12) frca a shutdown bank had stuck at mid-height in the Point Beach, Unit I core during cold rod drop testing. The licensee was perfoming rod drop tests in preparation for re-start following a refueling cutage. All other control rods had dropped successfully during the testing.
Following discussion with Region III the licensee took the unit to the hot shutdown condition to troubleshoot the stuck rod condition and perform hot, full flow, drop tests.
It was thought that boron crystals which may have been causing the rod to bind in the cold condition, would disolve at higher terperatures. This was not the case and the rod recained stuck.
In addition, a second control rod (J-4) stuck at a point 90 inches out of the core during the hot, full flow drcp tests perforred early this corning. The licensee has subsequently taken the unit to the cold shutdown condition and removed the vessel head to detemine the cause of the stuck rods and correct the prcblen.
The senior resident inspector and Region III personnel are folicwing the licensee's actions closely.
Limerick The Delaware River Basin Ccesission met on May 29, 1985 to consider the application for revised limits on withdrawal of Schuylkili River water for Limerick plant cooling. PEco had proposed that dissolved oxygen ifcits be substituted for river water terperature as -the governing factor for water withdrawal. Upon advice of the Pa. Fish Commission the limits approved by the DRBC were more restrictive than those proposed by PEco and offer a marginal improvement in the availability of water to the plant during the surser of 1985.
PECo is proceeding with plans to arrange a reallocation of water to Limerick that is currently allocated to a GPU plant and to another PEco plant upstream of Limerick.
' Three Mile Island, Unit 1 (TMI-1)
On May 29, 1985, the Comission approved, by a 4 to I vote, an order which removes the "immediate effectiveness" provision of the July 1979 shutdown order for TMI-1. There are several conditions in the Comission order as follows:
(1) To ensure a safe return to operation, licensee is to submit a power ascension schedule, with hold points as necessary at appropriate power levels, to the NRC staff for staff's approval.
The plant cannot be restarted prior to staff approval of such a schedule.
(2) Prior to restart the NRC staff is to provide to the Comission for its information a general description of a. program to provide increased NRC oversight at THI-1 during the period of start-up and power ascension, beginning with initial criticality, and any time period thereafter staff feels to be appropriate.
(3) The staff must conduct combined Performance Appraisal Team (PAT) inspections and Systematic Appraisal of Licensee Performance (SALP) reviews after six months and twelve months of operation and provide the results of these reviews to the Comission and the public.
Waterford 3 Waterford 3 is currently in cold shutdown due to problems with the electrical generator. The problem has been identified as lead carbonate deposits in the electrical generator, a condition that was identified during maintenance and inspection following the loss of offsite power test conducted on May 29, 1985 and which marked completion of testing at the 80% power plateau. Louisiana Power and Light Co.
expects that Waterford 3 will be down for two to three weeks, during which time the deposits will be removed and modifications made to the hydrogen cooling unit to prevent recurrence of this condition.
Grand Gulf, Unit 1 A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty of
$500,000 was issued on June 3,1985 to Mississippi Power & Light Company (MP&L). The action was based on deficiencies in the MP&L training program for operations personnel, material false statements in applications for reactor operator and senior reactor operator licenses, and failure of MP&L to notify the NRC of the errors and correct them once the errors became known to MP&L.
l l
ENCLOSURE B Jun 7 1985 l
I i !
MP&L was informed of these deficiencies by the NRC in August 1984, prior to full power licensing. The release of this Notice of Violation has been withheld pending a Department of Justice in-vestigation for potential criminal violations. On May 16, 1985, the Department.of Justice informed the NRC Office of Investigations that i
it had no objection to the release of the Notice of Violation.
Palo Verde Unit 1 On June 1,1985, a full power license was issued to Palo Verde Unit 1.
The low power license was issued on December 31, 1984, full loading was completed on January 11, 1985 and initial criticality was achieved i
on May 25, 1985. As of June 4,1985, the plant was at 2% power and the
low power testing program had been completed. Operability of the PASS 4
system is the only remaining condition to be completed before proceeding above 5% power.
Calvert Cliffs Unit 1 On June 4, 1985, the licensee, Baltimore Gas & Electric Company (BG&E) 4 informed us that a fault (ground) had been found in the Unit 1 main generator. Although the extent of the problem has not been fully deterinined at this time, Unit 1 may be shutdown for up to three months.
i At the time that the fault was detected, Unit I was returning to service following the refueling outage for Cycle 8 operation.
i Wolf Creek Operating License NPF 42 for Wolf Creek Generating Station was issued to Kansas Gas and Electric Company on June 4, 1985. The license authorizes operation at reactor core power Icels of 3411 megawatts thermal (100% power).
i i
Completion of power ascension testing and subsequent commercial j
operation is currently scheduled for early September 1985.
Palo Verde Unit 1 The Palo Verde resident inspector (C. Bosted) informed us on i
June 6, 1985 that Palo Verde Unit 1 entered Mode 1 for the first
time at about 1:15 p.m. EDT. As of 2:15 p.m., the unit was at 6%
t power.
I c
JUN 7 1985
i i
Limerick 1
On May 29 and 30, 1985 the intervenors Air and Water Pollution Patrol (F. Romano) and the inmates of the State Correctional Institution (A. Love) at Graterford, Pennsylvania, respectively, appealed the i
Licensing Boards May 24, 1985 order implementing its May 9,1985 grant of applicant's motion for exemption relating to offsite emergency l
planning for the inmates. On June 3, the Appeal Board set June 12 as the date for briefs in support of the appeal and June 21 as the date for briefs in opposition to the appeal.
i On May 30, FEMA issued a memorandum which reports satisfactory resolution of the remaining issue addressed by the conditions of the Board's Third PID, dated May 2, 1985. This issue dealt with the control of traffic in the King of Prussia, Pa area.
i Oconee Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Oconee Unit.2 has been operating at about 70% power since it started I
up on April 22, 1985 from its refueling outage. Oconee has been j
operating at a reduced steady-state power level to maintain operating water level in the '8' steam generator (SG). Mineral deposits in the SG have reduced its heat transfer capabilities. Limited heat transfer t
due to fouling of the SG has been a recurring problem but has never i
been this severe and has always cleared once Oconee started its operating cycle l
Duke Power Company states that it is planning to shutdown Oconee Unit 2 this weekend (6/8) to mechanically clean the SG with a technique similar to that used at Arkansas Nuclear Unit 1 and Crystal River 3.
Duke states that it will pulse nitrogen through the water in the SG.
1 Pressure shock waves of water will clean the iron deposits (magnetites) i from the tube sheets. Duke has tried this technique before without l
much success. Oconee Unit 2 is scheduled to be shutdown for 14 days.
I Duke says that it is presently developing procedures to chemically clean, in about 1 year, its steam generators.
t 0.yster Creek Discrepancies in Plant Drawings The plant is operating at 99% power.
Discrepancies in Oyster Creek plant drawings have been identified as part of the review of IE bulletin responses of records created by Jersey Central by a Region I inspection team in walk downs of the emergency service water and isolation condenser systems. The dis-crepancies were between (1) the as-built plant and stress isometric i
-JUN 7 1985 t
- drawings and (2) the as-built plant and orthographic drawings. The discrepancies include the following:
dimensions, extra holes in steel, missing hardware, lack of welds, improper welds, incorrect spring and snubber settings, skewed and missing anchor bolts, additional pipe supports and interferences between hangers and adjacent piping. Of the total of 42 drawings inspected by the Region I team, 40 had discrepancies.
The full extent of this problem is not known.
Some of the drawings now known to have discrepancies were used by the staff in SEP evsluations; however, the extent of the discrepancies in these drawings and their significance is not known. Region I's preliminary assessment of these discrapancies is that the plant is safe to continue to operate. The licensee has not declared any equipment or systems inoperable.
The licensee has agreed to compare and is comparing the drawings of safety systems to the as-built plant. The results of this study are to be presented to a management meeting at Region I on June 13. NRR technical and management staff will continue to evaluate the issue and participate in the meeting.
EllCLOSURE B JUN 7 1985 i
~_ ____ -
PLANT STATUS The facility remains in icng term cold shutdown with the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) vented to the reactor building atmosphere and the reactor vessel head and plenum assembly removed.
The reactor vessel plenum has been removed from the reactor vessel and placed on its storage stand in the deep end of the fuel transfer canal. A dam has been installed between the deep and shallow ends of the fuel transfer canal. The deep end is filled with water to a depth of about 20 feet (about 5 feet above the top of the plenum).
The modified internals indexing fixture is installed on the reactor vessel flange and is flooded to elevation 327 feet 6 inches (151 feet above the top of the core region).
Calculated reactor decay heat is less than 12 kilowatts.
RCS cooling is by natural heat loss to the reactor building ambient 3
atmosphere. Incore thermocouple readings range from 71*F to 93*F with an average of 81*F. Average cold leg temperature is 55'F.
The average reactor building temperature is 59'F. The reactor I
building airborne activity is 5.4 E-8 uCi/cc tritium, and 2.8 E-10 uti/cc particulate, predominantly cesium 137.
WASTE MANAGEMENT No EPICOR II or Submerged Demineralizer System (SDS) processing occurred this week.
Total volume processed through SDS to date is 2,875,999 gallons, and j
the total volume processed through EPICOR II is 2,447,788 gallons.
2 3.
DOSE REDUCTION / DECONTAMINATION ACTIVITIES Average general area radiation dose rate is 36 mrem per hour on the 347' level of the reactor building and is 160 mre per hcur or, the 300' level of the reactor building.
ENVIRONMEhTAL MONITORING The Lancaster water sample taken at the water' works intake and analyzed by the US Environment,a1 Protection Agency consisted of a seven day composite sample taken from May 19, to May 25, 1985. A gama scan l detected no reactor related radioactivity.
TMI water samples taken by the US Environmental Protection Agency at the~ plant discharge to'the river consisted of seven daily composite samples taken from May 18, to May 25, 1985. Gamma scans detected no reactor related radioactivity.
The NRC outdoor airborne particulate sampler at the TMI Site collected a sample between May 30, and June 5,1985. No reactor i
related radioactivity was detected. Analysis showed I-131 and Cs-137 concentrations to be less than the lower limits of detectability.
The above EPA sample analfsis results show TMI site liquid effluerts to be in accordance with regulatory limits NRC requirements, ano the City of Lancaster Agreement.
REACTOR BUILDING ACTIVITIES Future work in the reactor building will be focused on preparations
'for the first phase of defueling in September 1985. The near term defueling preparations include installation of a 5-ton service crane over the refueling canal, completion of the Defueling Water tieanup j
System and modifications to the auxiliary fuel handling bridge.
AUXILIARY AND FUEL HANDLING BUILDING ACTIVITIES Installation of the Defueling Water Cleanup System (DWCS) continued.
Boration of the processed water storage tank number 1 is in progress. The chemical addition will be completed in June.
NRC EVALUATIONS IN PROGRESS Defueling Water Cleanup System Technical Evaluation Technical Specification Change Requests numbers 46 and 48 Equipment Hatch Removal Safety Evaluation Recovery Operations Plan Change numbers 27 and 29 Fuel Canister Technical Evaluation Fuel Handling Senior Reactor Operator Training Program j
Defueling Safety Evaluation I
O 3
PROJECTED SCHEDULE OF FUTURE EVENTS Start of Defueling: September 1985 9.
PUBLIC MEETING The Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Three Mile Island Unit 2 will meet with the NRC Comissioners on June 20, 1985, at 11:00 AM, in Washington, D.C.
1 l
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JUN ' 71985 ENCLOSURE B m.
4.J -
OFFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Items of' Interest Week'Ending June 7, 1985 Galileo and Ulysses ~ Space' Missions
On June 4 and 5, 1985, DOE briefed the Interagency Nuclear Safety Review Panel (INSRP) on the status of the FSAR'for the Galileo and Ulysses space missions.
The Galileo Mission will send a pcobe to Jupiter while the Ulysses mission will investigate the sun. Both missions will utilize radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTG) to power the instruments and electrical systems aboard the space craf;. Each RTG contains approximately 9.2 Kg of 238 Pu02 in the form of solid ceramic pellets. One RTG will be needed for the Ulysses mission while two RTG's will be used for the Galileo mission.
INSRP is responsible for reviewing the safety of space nuclear systems and is co-chaired by representatives of DOE, D00, and NASA. NRC is participating in the INSRP review activities as ob-servers as previously directed by the Commission.
DOE intends to submit the FSAR to INSRP in late September.
INSRP plans to complete its evaluation by late December. Botti missions are scheduled to be launched aboard the space shuttle in May 1986.
US/IAEA Safeguards Agreement IAEA Facility Attachments for the' San Onofre-2 and Arkansas-2 power reactors ano the Combustion Engineering fuel fabrication facility became effective on 3
June 1, 1985.
JUN 7 1985 il
OFFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Items of Interest Week Ending June 7, 1985 1.
The following Significant Enforcement Actions were taken during the past
EN 85-44, a Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $500,000 was issued June 3, 1985 to Mississippi Power and Light Company (Grand Gulf). This action is based on deficiencies in the Mississippi Power and Light training program at the Grand Gulf Nuclear Power Plant, three sets of R0 and SR0 license applications which contained material false statements, and the failure of Mississippi Power and Light to notify the NRC of the errors in the license applications and to correct them once the error became known to Mississippi Power and Light.
EN E5-45, A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the Amount of $25,000 was issued June 6, 1985 to Comonwealth Edison (Byron). This action is based on a violation involving a failure to adequately implement compensatory measures to control access into a vital area of the Byron Nuclear Power Station at Byron, Illinois. The base civil penalty of $50,000 was mitigated 50%_because of extensive and comprehensive corrective action.
The following IE Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week:
I PNO-I-85-41, Pemagrain Products, Inc. (Media, PA), Licensee Facility a.
Damaged by Tornado.
i b.
PNO-III-85-43, Wisconsin Electric Power (Point Beach Unit 1), Two i
Stuck Control Rods.
PNO-III-85-44, Comonwealth Edison Company (LaSalle Unit 1), Failed c.
Expansion Joint Floods Crib House.
PNO-III-85-45. Toledo Edison Company (Davis-Besse), Trip of Both Main l
Feedwater Pumps.
_ PNO-IV-85-25, Arkansas Power and-Light Company (Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 2), Steam Leak on The Shell Side of A Feedwater Heater.
PNO-V-85-33, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (Rancho Seco),
Reactor Trip Breaker Fails to Open During Surveillance Testing.
PNO-V-85-34, Southern California Edison Company (San Onofre),
_ Death of Maintenance Worker Due to Onsite Injury.
JUN L71985
The following IE Information Notices were issued during the past week:
Other Items a.
Key Issues Meeting Director, IE, and Division / Staff Directors met with the Chairman on June 7,1985 in Bethesda, MD to discuss IE " Key Issues."
Perfonnance Appraisal Team (PAT) Inspection Deputy Director, IE, and the PAT were at Maine Yankee this week to complete the inspection. Exit interview was conducted on June 7, 1985.
ASME National Board Meeting Deputy Director, IE, and Chief, Vendor Program Branch, Division of Quality Assurance, Vendor, and Technical Training Center Programs, attended an ASME National Board meeting this week in Columbus, Ohio, d.
Health Physics Training Course A representative of the Engineering and Generic Comunications Branch, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response, conducted a Health Physics Training Class for inspectors this week at the NRC Training Center in Chattanooga, TN.
UT Examination of Weld Overlay Repairs A representative of the Engineering and Generic Communications Branch, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response, participated in a workshop at the EPRI-NDE Center at Charlotte, North Carolina on June 5 and 6.
The workshop addressed inspection issues regarding weld overlay repairs, bimettalic weld joints, corrosion resistant cladded joints, ~and centrifugally cast stainless pipe and demonstration of related NDE techniques and results.
Incident Response (1) The Incident Response Branch, Division of Emergency Prepared-ness and Engineering Response, conducted tours of the NRC Operations Center on June 4 for the Surgeon General, Dr. Koop; management _ representatives from Florida Power and Light Company and Commonwealth Edison; and the Pilot Class on NRC and Its Environment and on June 5 for the Office for Analysis ead Evaluation of Operational Data. These tours discussed the l
Agency's Incident Response Program.
i !
(2) On June 3 and 4 representatives of the Incident Response Branch, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response, presented part of the second pilot of the i
standardized course on Severe Reactor Accident Assessment at the Emergency Management Institute in Emmitsburg, MD.
i (3) On June 5, representatives of the Incident Response Branch, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response, participated, in a limited manner, in an exercise with Region III and Callaway.
(4) On Friday, June 7, a training session was conducted by the Incident Response Branch, Division of Emergency Preparedness j
and Engineering Response, for the FEMA Liaison Officers on their Role in Response at the NRC Operations Center.
Inspection Program Development Revised inspection procedures have been approved for issuance that cover inspection of licensee training programs which are subject to INPO accreditation. The inspection procedures focus on evaluation of the results of training on the performance of licensee personnel. Also, revised inspection procedures have been approved for issuance covering the area of design change control. The revised procedures include lessons learned from design change control issues related to the August 1984, Haddam Neck failure of the refueling cavity water seal.
Vendor Program (1) The following Vendor Inspections were conducted this week:
(a) TDI, Oakland, CA. Followup on previous inspection findings and verify implementation of 10 CFR Part 21.
(b) Shearon Harris Plant, Raleigh, NC. Verify that corrective action was complete on vendor problems and that the problems are not generic.
(c) General Electric, Valley Forge, PA. Consisted of technical review and evaluation of recent EQ tested on selected components including followup items from the Wyle-Norco inspection, Limitorque, fast acting valve operators, Crosby valves, Dickers Valves Target Rock Valves, and relays and Valcor valves for River Bend (result of 10 CFR 50.55(e) report).
(2) A representative of the Vendor Program Branch participated in an EPRI meeting in Baltimore, MD to discuss EQ site ENCLOSURE D f
JUN 7 E65-verification program this week.
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(3) 'The Chief, Vendor Program Branch (VPB), and a member of the VPB staff discussed VPB activities at the Regional Resident Inspector meeting in Region IV this week.
Independent Design Verification Program (IDVP) f Representatives of the Quality Assurance Branch, Division of Quality Assurance, Vendor, and Technical Training Center Programs, inspected IDVP implementation for the Hope Creek Plant at Sargent and Lundy offices in Chicago, IL on June 4-6, 1985.
4 j.
Engineering Assurance Program Representatives of the Quality Assurance Branch, Division of Quality ^
Assurance, Vendor,-and Technical Training Center Programs, reviewed Engineering Assurance Program activities for the Nine Mile Point 2 Plant at the site on June 7, 1985.
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Civil Penalties Paid On June 4,1985 payment in the amount of $25,000 was received from Kansas Gas and Electric (Wolf Creek) for enforcement action (EA 85-
- 27) relating to deficiencies in the implementation of licensee's Preoperational Test Program.
Training on Safeguards Inspection Representatives of the Operating Reactors Program Branch, Division of Inspection Programs, were in Region IV this week to provide i
training to resident inspectors concerning Safeguard Inspection j
Resident Inspector Training A Representative of the Enforcement Staff was in Region IV this week to attend a Resident Inspector meeting and to provide training on enforcement policy.
Transportation Training A representative of the Safeguards and Materials Program Branch, Division of Inspection Programs, was in Region V this week to conduct a transportation course for Region V staff.
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OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH Items of Interest Week Ending June 7,1985 Model Boiler-2 (MB-2) Testing The Program Management Group (MPG) for the NRC/ Westinghouse (EPRI)/CEGB MB-2 program met on May 30, 1985 to review the final steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) tests and to agree on a schedule for data analysis and publication. The latest SGTR tests showed that even with the separators removed the amount of water entrainment is negligibly small. The exact amounts of entrainment as a function of steam generator water level and steam flow rates must await data redaction and analysis.
It was agreed that data packages for Phase I and Phase II will be prepared by August 1985. The data analysis draft reports will be completed by September 1985 for Phase I and by November 1985 for Phase II.
The experimental part of this program has now been completed, on schedule, and within original cost estimates. The MB-2 data'is used to validate steam generator models in NRC's licensing safety anclysis codes TRAC and RELAP.
Steam Line Break Tests Steam line break tests performed at MIT in a scaled down U-tube steam generator indicate an uneven liquid distribution on the secondary side.
In these tests, as the mixture swells, most of the liquid is being transported to, and held-up at the highest support plate.
This liquid hold-up is caused by Countercurrent Flow Limit (CCFL) which prevents the liquid from falling down. The effects of this liquid hold-up on the overall steam generator heat transfer rates are being investigated.
The results of these tests will contribute to the modelling capability of NRC codes.
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Proposed Regulatory Guide IC 127-L i
A meeting was held June 4,1985, with the ACRS Regulatory Activities Subcomittee to present for their review and concurrence, proposed Regulatory Guide IC 127-5, " Criteria for Programmable Digital Computer Systems Software in Safety-Related Systems of Nuclear Power Plants."
The proposed guide endorses ANSI /IEEE-ANS-7-4.3.2-1982, " Application Criteria for Programmable Digital Computer Systems in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations."
The guide provides criteria to ensure the accuracy and proper operation i
of software used in such systems.
The Subcomittee voted unanimously to concur in the regulatory position of the guide and to recommend to the full ACRS that they also concur.
i j
Weld Clad Overlay Pipe Tests As part of the Degraded Piping Phase II Program at Battelle Columbus Labs.,
i two important tests have just been conducted to help validate the NRC position on adequacy of weld clad overlay for safe operation in BWRs, and to help evaluate the adequacy of the currently used pipe flaw evaluation rules. The tests were conducted on 6-inch diameter schedule 120 stainless 0
steel pipe having a weld clad overlay covering 180 through-wall cracks in the pipe. The cracks were initially machined, and then fatigued through-wall. The cladding was applied by NUTECH to approximate code specifications regarding strength for a specific pipe system location.
Testing was conducted at 5500F and internal watg pressure under bending.
Failure was not achieved for the test at BWR operating conditions 0
0 (550 F and 1000 psi), but failure was achieved for conditions of 550 F and 41s times the operating pressure, plus bending loads in excess of 1 SSE.
Both overlayed pipes were bent to curvatures far in excess of that which could be achieved in actual plant constraint conditions. These are the first fracture test results which confim that current licensing criteria for allowance of plants to operate with weld clad repaired cracks are-adequately conservative.
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JUN 7 1985 l
Publications to be Issued in the Near Future
Methods for Estimating Radioactive and Toxic Airborne Source Tenr.s for Uranium Milling Operations (Draft Regulatory Guide)
Provides guidance to licensees on potential radiation exposures and releases of radioactive materials in effluents during uranium milling operations.
John Stewart 427-4609
Standard Fonnat and Content for a Topical Safety Analysis Report for a Dry Spent Fuel Storage Cask (Draft Regulatory Guide)
Provides guidance on the preparation of a topical safety analysis report for dry spent fuel storage casks.
W. Pearson 443-7910 Recently Issued Publication Draft Regulatory Guide and Value/Inmact Statement: Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Licenses for the Use of Radioactive Materials in Servicing Preregistered Gauges, Measuring Devices, and Sealed Sources Used in Such Devices, Task FC 411-4. Cossnents requested by August 12, 1985.
J. Brown (301) 427-9008.
EI4 CLOSURE E JUN 7 1985 4
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W ITEMS OF INTEREST OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS WEEK ENDING JUNE 7,1985 International Meetings The following international meeting notices supplement those announced earlier:
September 5-6, 1985, Vienna, Austria - IAEA Seventh Meeting of the Technology (IWGFPT) g Group on Water Reactor Fuel Perfonnance and International Workin September 30-October 4,1985, Warsaw, Poland - IAEA Specialists Meeting on Fuel Behavior Under Accident Conditions and Accepting Criteria October 22-25, 1985, Gloucester, UK - IAEA Specialists Meeting on Fission Product Release and Transport in Gas-Cooled Reactors IAEA Vacancy Notices The International Atomic Energy Agency has announced the following vacancy notices, which are posted on NRC bulletin boards, for positions at IAEA headquarters in Vienna, Austria:
P-3 Financial Analyst, Control Section, Division of Budget and Finance, Department of Administration P-3 Human Resources Planning Specialist, Personnel Policies and Manpower Section, Division of Personnel, Department of Administration P-5 Head, Program Coordination Section, Department of Technical Cooperation P-4 Head, Isotopic Analysis Unit, Division of Research and Laboratories, Department of Research and Isotopes P-3 Library Systems Analyst, Division of Scientific and Technical Infonnation, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety P-4 Containment and Surveillance Specialist; Section for Development of Instruments, Methods and Techniques; Division of Development and Technical Support; Department of Safeguards-P-3 Systems Analyst, Computer Section, Division of Scientific and Technical Infonnation, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety ENCLOSURE G JUN 7 1983
I 2
IAEA Vacancy Notices continued P-4 Nuclear Fuel Specialist, Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety P-4 Statistician, Section for Data Evaluation, Division of Safeguards Evaluation, Department of Safeguards P-3 Systems Analyst, Computer Section, Division of Scientific and Technical Infornation, Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety P-3 Nuclear Analytical Scientist, Radiation Biology and Health Related Environmental Research Section, Division of Life Sciences, Department of Research and Isotopes International Visitors On Tuesday Mr. Jacques Dupre from the French company of Merlin Gerin met with technical staff members from the Auxiliary Systems Branch and Core Performance Branch, NRR, to discuss NRC NUREG requirements for leak detection and loose parts monitoring.
i Et,LOSURE G JUN 7 1985
OFFICE OF STATE PROGRAMS ITEMS OF INTEREST WEEK ENDING JUNE 7, 1985 Agreement State Program Reviews The radiation control programs of Arkansas and Arizona will be reviewed June 10-14, 1985.
Training Course - Medical Uses of Radionuclides During the week of June 24, 1985, twenty State radiation control personnel will attend the Medical Uses of Radionuclides course in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
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i JUN 7 1985 ENCLOSURE H l
' DISCUSSION /POSSIBLE VOTE ON FULL POWER OPERATING LICENSE FOR PALO VERDE 1,10:30 A.M., C0ffilSSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) Hemo SECY to W. Dircks dated 6/6/85 The Commission met to discuss whether or not a full power operating license should be granted for Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1.
The commission voted 5-0 to authorize the staff to issue a full power license for Palo Verde Unit 1.
l (NRR)
SECY-85-154 - Motion to Investigate DOE Actions Concerning Shoreham The Commission, by a 5-0 vot$, approved an order denying a motion by Suffolk County and New York State to conduct an investigation ' aimed at disclosing the (DOE) lobbying, forcing, influencing, or any other action which might affect or already have affected the content, direction or outcome of the NRC's Shoreham proceeding."
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(Sub:: quently, on June 5,1985 the Secretary signed the Order.)
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- i JUNE 8, 1985 4
N m
DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 6/10/85 Westinghouse Off. To discuss Westinghouse Generic Westinghouse Owners R. Karsch I
i 1:30 pm Bethesda Design Group I
6/10/85 50-458 P-110 To discuss equipment qualifi-Gulf States Utilities' M. Haughey i
10:00 am Bethesda cation for River Bend 1 BNL 6/10/85 50-206 P-118 To discuss criteria and Southern Calif. Ed.
W. Paulson 6/11/85 P-114 methodology for.the long-term 9:00 am Bethesda seismic reevaluation program-San Onofre 1 6/12/85 50-321/366 AR-2242 To discuss Hatch detailed Georgia Power Co.
G. Rivenbark 10:00 am Bethesda control room design review i
program i
6/12/85 50-219 P-114 To discuss the status of GPU Nuclear J. Donohew 9:00 am Bethesda Oyster Creek 6/12/85 50-321/366 P-110 Technical Appeal Meeting Boston Edison R. Hermann i
10:00 am 50-277/278 Bethesda TMI Item Georgia Power
50-293 Philadelphia Electric I
- Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) l in the NRC and local public document rooms.
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6/12/85 50-390 P-422 To discuss Black and Veatch TVA T. Kenyon 1:00 pm Bethesda IDVP at Watts Bar 1 i
6/13/85 50-390/391 P-118 To discuss Watts Bar Radio-TVA T. Kenyon i
i 9:00 am Bethesda logical Emergency Plan 1
6/13/85 50-390/391/438/ P-422 To discuss enhancements to TVA T. Kenyon f
Employee Concerns Program i
259/260/296 and Third Party Interview i
i Program 6/13/85 50-410 P-114 Update of caseload forecast Niagara Mohawk Power M. Haughey 9:30 am Bethesda performed in October 1984 (Nine Mile Point 2) 6/13/85 321 & 366 P-110 To discuss proposed diesel Georgia Power Co.
G. Rivenbark i
9:00 am Bethesda generator Tech Spec changes (Hatch) 6/13/85 50-445/446 Sheraton Presentation of management Texas Utilities A. Vietti 8:30 an Arlington, TX overview of their program plan for Comanche Peak 6/13/85 50-443/444 PSNH-NHYD Seabrook Station Environ-Public Serv. Co. of V. Nerses 1:00 pm Seabrook Off.
mental Qualification Program New Hampshire I
Bethesda 6/14/85 50-277/278 AR-5033 Discussions on Peach Botton's Philadelphia Elec.
G. Gears 10:00 am Bethesda SPOS E
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CCopies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and p hced'in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms.
- i w
DATE/ TIME NupeER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 6/18/85 50-400 E&E Center Assess status of construction Carolina & Power B. Buckley 1:00 pm New Hill, NC and completion schedule for
~ 6/19/85 Harris Unit 1 9:00 am 6/19/85 50-219 P-114 To discuss emergency operating GPU Nuclear J. Donohew 10:30 am Bethesda procedures for anticipated transients without scram 6/19/85 50-416 P-110 To discuss resolution of con-Mississippi Power L. Kintner 9:00 am Bethesda cerns regarding containment
& Light suppression pool swell through encroached areas PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT DAILY RECORDING CAN BE HEARD ON 492-7166 CCopics of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) 1 in the NRC and local public document rooms.
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DATE/ TIME NUPSER LOCATION PURPOSE APPLICANT NRC CONTACT June 10-11,1985 Boston, MA To attend an ANS Conference and J. Partlow participate in a technical job B. Grimes fai r.
June 11, 1985 Boston, MA To participate in a technical J. Blaha job fair.
June'12-14, 1985 Region IV To attend an internal NRC meeting E. Jordan (Arlington,TX) on Comanche Peak and to meet with Texas Utilities to discuss the Applicant's Program Plan.
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NMSS MEETING NOTICES FOR WEEK EN0lHG: 6/7/85' Division of Fuel Cycl 2 and Material Safcty a
APPLICANT NRC CONTACT 6/9-12/85 Boston, MA To attend AN5 Meeting, Conduct NCSD G. Bidinger (FC)
Bidinger Program Meeting.
6/13/85 70-1151 Willste To discuss amendment application Reps of HMSS &
Bidinger (Ccrrection) dated 3/29/85 (Westinghouse Electric Westinghouse Electric Corp.)
6/13/85 Willste Briefing given by Aerospace on feasi-Reps of Aerospace Wilde 1:00 pm bility of detecting radioactive
. R. Cunningham (FC) material imports.
D. Chapell (FC)
R.Wilde(FC) 6/13-14/85 Project Hartsville, To observe conditions at proposed Reps of DOE & EBASCO Clark M-38 TN, Oak MRS sites with DOE and contractor
- 0. Hill (consultant)
Ridge, TN personnel.
A. T. Clark (FC) 6/13/85 Washington, To attend spent fuel R&D meeting Reps of EPRI & DOE Roberts DC with DOE and EPRI.
J. Roberts (FC)
F. Sturz (FC)
J.Schneider(FC) 6/14/85 Project Allison To observe demonstration of U.S.
Reps of U.S. Tool Davison M-38 Park, PA Tool and Die of fuel consolidation
& Die techniques appropriate to MRS.
N. Davision (FC) 6/17-19/85
- Monterey, Present invited pape.r on NRC activi-R. Cunningham (FC)
Cunningham CA ties related to spent fuel transporta-tion at the AIF conference.
6/27/85 Washington, Attend meeting at Congressional Office R. Cunningham (FC)
Cunningham 9:00 am D.C.
of Technology Assessment on transportation.
6/20/85 72-2 Surry, VA To attend public meeting scheduled by F. Sturz (FC)
Sturz the Surry County Board of Supervisors m=
to consider the Conditional Use Permit for the Surry Nuclear Power dry cask g
storage system.
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e.-3 June 7, 1985 a
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. LOCATION PURPOSE APPLICANT NRC CONTACT-06/13/85 RII Office SALP Board Meeting Selected RII and Landis 9:30 am Mississippi Power & Light NRR staff members Company - Grand Gulf r
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4 hP8 sii i.