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Confirms NRC Conclusions Re State of Ky Radiation Control Program Review.Salaries Should Be Sufficiently Competitive to Attract Qualified Persons & Minimize Personnel Turnover
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/01/1981
From: Kerr G
To: Stumbo G
NUDOCS 8106080586
Download: ML20126L750 (18)



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JUN 1121 g{

t JUN04 ISO N  : '

Grady Stumbo, M.D.i Secretary 4 % ,

Department of Human Resources q  %=%ma y Capitol Annex h,4 g/

Frankfort, KY 406N y p /. '

Dear Dr. Stumbo:

This confirms the discussion Mr. Lubenau and Mr. Woodruff held with Dr. Allen and Mr. Smith following our recent review of the state radia-tion control program. The review covered the principal administrative and technical aspects of the Department's program. This included an examination of the program's funding and personnel resources; an exami-nation of emergency response capability for agreement materials; and the status of the State's radiation control regulations. There was also a review of selected licensing, inspection and enforcement activities. In addition, there were field accompan~%nts of State inspectors during this review.

Our review used as a reference, the NRC " Guide for Evaluation of State Radiation Control Programs," Revision 3, dated February,1980. The Guide was published in the Federal Register as a proposed NRC policy statement on October 3,1980 and public comments solicited. The Guide provides 37 Indicators for Agreement State pr.ogram areas.

Guidance as their relative importance to an Agreement State program is provided by categorizing the Indicators into three categories. When serious problems are found in program areas for which Indicators are in Categories I or II, we will need additional information in the form of responses to our letters to you and.the radiation control program director before we can offer staff opinions on the adequacy and com-l patibility of the program.

In this review, we found that 70 licensees are overdue for inspections.

! This represents 25% of the radioactive materials licensees in Kentucky l

and includes 22 licensees in the three highest inspection priorities.

l L,.tus of the inspection program is a Category I indicator. We believe l

that the inspection backlog is related, in part, to the professional staffing level for radioactive materials which is currently 0.7 person-year per 100 licensees, well below our recommended guideline of 1.0 to 1.5 person-years per 100 licenses. (We do not include in these figures .

the additional staff efforts expended on complex licensed act'ivities such as the radioactive waste disposal site at Maxey Flats.) We noted that i

810 6 0 8 0f?(,,



, ,,L Grady Stumbo, M.D. a there is a vacant position in the radioactive materials program. Filling this position is needed to restore the capability to maintain the inspection I schedule. Other program obligations will also draw upon staff resources, in particular, updating of Kentucky's Administrative Radiation Regulations, which we recommend be done.

On a related matter, we are concerned about the salary levels for the professional staff. In December, 1980, Kentucky's average salary for professional staff (excluding the program director) ranked 27th of the 28 Agreement State agencies. (Enclosure 1) The median (14th) average salary was $19,758. There has been significaat turnover in the Radiation Control Branch in the last two years. We were pleased to learn of a recent upgrading of salaries. We believe they should be closely monitored to insure that the salaries will be sufficiently competitive to attract qualified persons and to retain them so as to minimize staff turnover.

During our review, we learned that Kentucky is contemplating revising its fee schedules. Currently,12 Agreement States, including Kentucky charge fees (Enclosure 2). When coupled with the NRC license and inspec-tion fees, over two-thirds of the licensees in the United States are subject to and pay fees. Rhode Island, the newest Agreement State, has adopted a fee schedule identical to NRC's. We fully support the concept of charging fees to provide an improved ; fiscal base for a radiation control porgram and we recommend Kentucky upgrade its fee system. A copy of NRC's fee schedules is enclosed (Enclosure 3).

I appreciate the courtesies extended to Mr. Lubenau and Mr. Woodruff by your staff. I would appreciate your review of our recommendations and receiving your specific plans to improve the agreement matericls program in the areas indicated above. A letter to Mr. Hughes regarding the technical aspects of the program review is enclosed for your information.

I am enclosing a copy of this letter for placement in the State Public Document Room and other wise be made available for public review (Enclosure 4).

Sincerely, t N. 4 G. Wayne Kerr, Director Office of State Programs


As stated ,

cc: D.T. Allen, MD, MPH, w/ encl.

J. Smith w/ enc 1.

R. W. Young, MD, w/ enc 1.

D. Hughes NRC Public Document Room, w/ enc 1.

State Public Document Room. w/ enc 1.



'.) )

4. ., .; o

' ' ' 12/80 i, , .


1. 28,108
2. 27,0'77' 3.. 23,991 s .



't 4.  : 23,966 l S. s.

23,577 6 '.



7. 21,492
8. 21,245
  • 9. 21,151

.e '

10. - 21,108 20,925
11. , ' . . -. . . ,

1'2 .


./ , ,

13 . -

20,250 1


l 19,758 0 . 15. ;' s 19,276 16.


17. 18,275


18. 18,251 r
19. 18,093 1
20. 18,066

' '>~

21. , 17,122 b '


!' 17,011 22.

i ~


16,998 e-24  : 16,537 25 16,471 26 16,350

27. Kentucky. .


g. 3

s 6' .' ,


G f

':t .


Washington '(U Mills only)

Arizona' (UMillsonly) Noneyet(butworkingonit)

. Florida. .


.- Oregon.. Less than NRC

.. - 9j

,g 1 Colorado Very'close to NRC Mississiopi Less than NRC Rhode Island Identical to NRC ,

, New York City Nominal charge .

South Carolina Less than NRC New Hampshire Less than NRC structured differently

'Cali fornia Set up differently, but less' than NRC w ,

Xentucky New (February 1980) less than NRC (minimal)


s e

4 0

0 e

l. .

t 4

i .


. 3


.w , . . . .

' and devices containing byproduct ma* nuclear reactor licensed by the Commis.

~GE{ERAI.WO7tstes } terial, aource material, or special nu. sion under the authority of section 103

>'8,- clear material. or a production or utill. or 101 of the Atomic Liergy Act of 370 8 Pv P"$ r.ation facility construction permit and 1954, as amended (the Act), nd pur.

,im2 sc,'ipe. '- opera:Ing license issued pursuant to 370 3 Part 50 of this chapter, to routine suant to the provisions of Part 50 of this D'I'* " b"':

safety and safeguards inspections of a chapter.

evISbs. Ilcensed person, to a person who ap (f) "Pouer reactor" means a nuclear

!!Mit Esemptions- g plies for approval of a reference stan.'reactur designed to produce electrical or 17o :: p.ymeni or fees. dardhed design of a nuclear stram heat energj licensed by the Co tmission f supply system or balance of plant, for g SCHE 9ULE OF FEES Q review of a f acility alte prior to the g under the authority of section 10) or subtnissIon of an applicatlon for a con. e subsection jtitb of the Act and pursuant 17o *t schedule or rees for productium and utilizag ei..a reennies. ,

struction permit, for review of a stan- g to the provisions of (( 50.21(b)or 50.22 170.4 schedwe or rees for maioriais i. censes.

dardhed spent fuel f acility design, and ,, of this chapts r.

for a speAl project review which the e' (g) .. Product0" facilitI" ***"I- '

EN FORCEM ENT Cornmis/e n corraletes or makes II) ^"> ".uclear reame designed or

~ whether or not in conjubetion with a used primarily for the formation of 17u 41 Failvie by licensee to pay anrual ree. license applicat' on on file or which AUTHORITY The psuvisivns or this Part 170 -" 'I " " ' '

  • ' ~

tuves vade, see so t. 65 290. )t U.s c. 4:34; T 110.3~DeMCTons- the separanon ot'Thc isotopes of uranturd see sei es siai. 948; 42 U.s c. 2201. sec. 2osir). '

or the isotopes of pluto.ium, excep1 Pub. L S4 H. la stai.124);42 U.s.C. $641.

As used in th,si part: laboratory scale facilities designed or :

(a) " Byproduct material" means any used for experimental or analytical pur

'G ENER AL PRovisioss radioactive material (except special poses only ; or >~

N nuclear material) yi:Ided in or made ,.,

$ radioactive by exposure to the radiation (3) Any facility designs i or used foi l { 170.1 Purpo>e. the proce sing of irradiated materiali c' incident to the process of producing or containing special nuclear matedal, ex<

The regulations in this; art set out fees { utilizing special nuc!dar paterial ,

cept:  ;

(b) " Government igency" means any l charged for licensing services rendered executive department, commission, (a laboratory in.l' scale facilitied by the Nuclear Regulatory Commi>sion, designed or used far experirnental or!

as authorbed under Title V of the Inde. dependent establishment, corporation, 1 wholly or partly owned by the United ansluical purf oses:

pendent OfGces Appropriation Act.of' (i i facilities in which the onlyl 1952 (65 Stat. 290; 31 U.S.C. 4832) and; States of America which is an instrumen .

i tality of the United States, or any board,: special enclear materials contained in!

yovisionmgardint their paym.3st,, e . ' bureau, division, service, office, officer, the irradiated material to be processed:

authority, administration, or other; 1170J Scope. establishment in the executive branch of g,produced are urenium enriched in and plutonium by the irradia.,

Except for persons who apply for or ** tion, if the material processed contain(

' hold the permits, !! censes. or appro. .the Government. . -

l sais exempted in 1170.11, the regula. i (c) " Materials li:ense" means a f not more than 10-* grams of plutonium <

i tions in this part apply to a person b product mate. rial license issued pur. o per gram of 02H and has fission prom o sho is an appiteant for, or holder of, a ;su) ant to Part 30 of this chapter, or a activity ns,, i., excess of 0.25 millicus l . of fission prodt. cts per gram of U2nund; h speelfic byproduct material license source material license issued pursuant '

l to Pari 40 of this chapter, or a special (iiil facilities in which processing is, fo is cNpt$, a peNffe u e, conducted pursuant to a license imed, L . nuclear materiall, cense i issued pursuant

'g rial lleense issued pursuant 14 Part 40 ito Part 70 of this chapter. under Parrs 30 and 70 of this chapter,or; of this chapter, a specific specia! nu. equivalent regulations of an Agreemed.

clear material license issued pursuant (d) " Nuclear reactor" means an ap.

to Part 70 of this chapt,er, a specific .paratus, other than an atomic weapon, State, for the receipt, possession, useJ approval of spent fuel ca.sks and ahtp. designed or used to sustain nuclear fis.

sion in a self supporting chain reaction, and material, transfer ofirradiated phien authorizes the process soecial nu t 71 of this cha ter a ec r ing of the irradiatoi material on a batchi (e) "Other production or utilization T' ' quest for approval of sealed sources basis for the separajion o(,seJected fisJ

' facility" means a facility ccher thud 1

' Amended 43 FR 7210.

l August 1,1980

' 1704 3

1 s


4 sion products and limits the process j~ (p) " Human use" means the internal KG Niyestmpn- ,

R batch to not rnore than 100 grams of or external administration of hyproduet, All communications conceming the

" urtnium enriched in the isotope 235 and e ource, or special nuclear mate-tal, or E nio more than 15 pams of any other $s the radiation therefrom, to human , regulations in this part should be ad-a beings. O dressed to th? Executive Directo;:ur S special nudear rnaterial, t h (c) " Nuclear Steam Supply System" w

" Operation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washhtgron, D.C. 20555. ,


~ '(h) "Res2 arch reactor" means a nu. consists of the reactor core. reactor ? Comrnunications may be delivered in }

c! car reactor licensed by the Commission under the authority, of subsection 104c coolant system. and related auxillary person at the Commission's omces at ,

of the Act and pursuant to the provis10ns systems including the emergency core 1717 H Street NW , Washington, DC on of f 50.21(c) of this chapter for opera. cooling system; decay heat removal or at 7920 Norfolk Ave.' Bethesda, MD I tion at a thermal power level of 10 rue:a. system; and chemica! volume and con- <

watts or less, and which is not a testing trol system. * *

- l isciitty s.s denned by paragraph (m) of (r)" Balance of plant" consists of the g remaining systems, components, and -

this section.

(1) Sealed source" means any by. structures that comprise a complete 1 170 11 ExemPtioni-product material that is encased in a nuclear power plant and are not in. &

capsule designef a nuclear (v) " Replicate unf t" means a unit w reactor for use as fuelin operation of the


r-- (m) "Tuting facility" roeans a nu. based on the reuse of a plant desvn. E nuclear reactor or at the site of a spent n previvusly reviewed and approved for fuel processing plant for processing at E clear reactor ljcensed by the Co:nmission construction by the same utility or by E under the authority of subsection 104c of another utility as part of another con. the Idant' c .the Act a::d pursuant to the provblons of straction permit application. I A consuuct6n pmnh w kense i I 50.21(c) of this chapter for operation W) " Reference systems concept ~ applied for by. or ,ssued i to, a nonprofit m et: means a concept tt3t involves the edmtional mstitution for a production

' review of an entire facfif ty design or feellity or utilization facility.other than (1) A thermal p'ower letel in excess of me for fraction of a facility design out- a power re.ietor,to be used for teaching, 10 Inegawatts; or sloe of the context of a license applica- training, or medical purposes, or for (2) A ther:nal power levelin excess cf 'tion. The sundard design would be re- bvprodur materia!. source materint, or 1 coegawattilt the nsetoris to contain: .erenced in subsequent license applica- sbcial nuclear meial to be used for

11) A circujating loop through the core t.o ns.

(x) " Advanced reactor" means any teaching. training, or medical purposes, in which the applicant prt. poses to con. or in corinection with a facility, other duct fuel experiments; or nuclear reactor concept other than

(!!) A liquid fuel loadinr: or light water reactors and high tempera- than a power reactor, used for teaching.

(iii) An experimental facility in the ture gas cool,ed reactors. training. or medical purposes.


co.e a excess of to square incbea in -

} 170.4 Int er p' ret ations. - [~ (5) A construction permit or license cross-section.

(n) "Utilizat1% facility" means an7 R applied for hv. or issued to, a Gos ern-nuclear reactor otrer than one designed, Except as specifically authorized by ? ment agenes.' except for a utilization cr used pritearily for the formation ofg the Commission in writing, no in. E Imlii> desig'ned to prodver electrical or plutonium er U" and any other equip.; terpretation of the meaning of the h- heat energy pursuant to sc:iion 103 or ment or device determined by rule ofe regulations in this part by an officer or ;;; im of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 the Com:nission to be a utthzation f aci'itJ$ employee of the Commission other than as amended' within the purview of subsection llec"a written interpretation by the General:

cf the Act. Counsel will be recopized ioM bir'I5ng W IDdead 33 FR 18443.)

_upon the Commission. (7) [ Deleted 35 FR 18443.)

(o) (Deleted 43 FR 7210.)

August t 1980 170 2

---g -.,-,y-. , ,7,, , - - ,-- --w - , e- e m - wm y ,- r g e, y y ,+ - ., -- , - - . , . -



are referenced in in application (s)

(8) A license authoriting the use ofi proposed determination of the amend. filed by a utility or utilities.

source material as shielding MIy in ment els.ts and state the basis therefor as part of the amendment request and (f) Speciet Project Tees. Fees for spe.

O devices and :ontainers, provided* cla! projects are payable upon notifica.


" huw ever, that all other lic e n s e d. shall temit the fe corresponding to E hyproduct mate ial,50urce material, of this determination with the applica. tjun by the Corr.*rission when the tion for amendment. The Commission review cf the project :s completed.

M special nuclear materialin the device of will examine the amendment fee and (g) Inspection Tres. Inspection f ees containct wiU be subject to the fees p an are a ble upon notificanen by tne

[III,k[$',',' ,*r gcab e, ref nd g

_ Prescribed in @ 170.31.

- the additional amendment fee. 8 (9) A license for possession a.nd use c (h) Method of Payment Fee pay-of byproduct material, source materi. (d) Renetool fees. The appropriate S ments shall be by check, draft. or al. or special nuclear material applied renewal fee shall accompany the re. Q money order made payable to the U.S.

for by, or issued to, an agency of a newal application when filed with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

State or any plitical subdivision Commission. . 1 170.21 Schedule of fees for prmfuction "E thereof except for licenses which au. (e) Approt'cl feeJ. Fees for spent and utilization facilities. eenen of ref-

" thorite distribution of byproduct ma- fuel cask and shipping container ap. erence standardized designs, and spe.

b terial, source material, or special nu- provals. standardized spent fuel f acill* eial projects.

  • " clekt material, or products containing ty design approvals, and construction (a) Applicants for construction per-byproduct Insterial coarce material. approvals are payable upon notifica-mits, manufacturing licenses, operat-

' or special nuclear material, or licenses tion by the Commission when the authorizing serviccs to any person review of the project is completed. ing licenses, and approvais of refer..

other than an agency or political sub- Fees for facility reference standard. ence standardized f acilities designs.

shall pay the fees set forth in the division of the State

  • ized design approvals wil' be paid in five (5)lastallments based on payaent table below.

{ of 20 perNnt of the approval fee (see (b) Applicants for-special project re.

. views shall pay fees as separattly de.

  • b(10) Activities of the Commission f tnote 2 i1421) as each of the first undertaker, pursuant to Part 75 of this five (5) units i the approud design terinined by the Commission.

A chapter, solely for the purpose of Scmm of FaLILIr* Ms E implementation of the US/IAEA y,,ony .rypes or sea ree-

Safeguards Agreement. ,p,,.

L- A. Pme nacion- s 12s oco

1. Custom
  • AppbeaQn-Construeuen perma Construction permit-Mat unit u t.noo O 114.000 Construcuon permit-Corwurrent unn' 1.024 sne b) 8 owntms heeme-nnt unn ~.

F ap(plication by an interested e S 1.

person, standarded desasM- o(1) The ownuns Commission beeme-concunent Appheauon-Construcuen unne permit may, upo,Eils coo se2.soo ee4. coo cor strueuen perw e i-n,t unn .

upon its own initiative, grant such ex '

dupuente une construcuen pere.-caneumnt unn e s.- n emptions from the requiren*ients.of thij, m Construction permur.nt id nucaJ umt addiuonal site <sh - 1st.noo t.o24.soo p operauns heense-nnt unn g part as it determines are authorized b): ope's ms beem-cor,evrrent unu t 30o 200

- law and are otherwise in the public .in Opersuns beeme- Arst toenucal unn ad&uonal snetal *12.000 12t oco g terest. (2) Applica' inns for exemptfo9' standueued duirn- AppDnuon-Construruon permM g 3.

repheate unn a. construcuen permn-nnt umt som e unde.r this paragraph may include ac. construcuen xrmit-concurrent unn' - in.2co M . .

construcuen permn-nnt idenucal unn addmonar umst _ t2s.eoo tivities auch as,bu not amued ?o.the use stuoo operauns beense-nnt una of licen5:d mmerials for educatinal of operauns beense-Concurrent unit

  • 293.900 set.soo noncominercial public displays or scien*, omnuns beense-nrst idenues unn addiuonal sitetai tific couections. (3) [Df;eted 43 FR 72101 4. standardue decen-Reference systems coneef.:8 J L Vilhly referessetna a ApplWlon-Construct on permn construeuen permn-nrst unn _ ssa soo sundaraed nudear #2.300

-1 170.12 t'ny ment of fees. st,am supply system construcuen permn-concurnnt unn' 125.000 b " *' ca P*nnn-nnt idenness unn add:uonai sne<su . 934.100 (a) Application Tees. Each applica. *ad planteu'o'r'*otnc'^P f b opera sed C*n8"uns b.mse-ntst unn 2,2aco tion for which a fee is prescribed shall ot. sus es. openung wense-concurrent unn' e49.2o0 be accompanied by a remittance in the oxnuns beme-nrst idenucal unn addauonai snessi its.coe it Uuiny retennems i Anpheaunn.-construeuen perran S full amount of the fee. No application d d d " d"' construeuen permn-nrst urut- 12Laoo 1823o0 W" will be accepted for filing or processed 8""am's'up*

st e ply s"ystem Construcuen per nn-concurrent utn' construeuen omn-nrst idenucal unit adeuonaJ snest 125sco e prior to payment of the full amt)unt and standardaed twane, or piant for openung beem.-nnt unn e2saco S specified. Applications for which no 292.10o both the CP and oL opersuns beense-concurrent unit' O remittance is received ma

  • be returned "t #"""~ ***" ^ " ' "^ '^ ~ '

to the applicant. All arctication fees y (",8n "ia will be charged irrespective of the mpt..ewrms beense 325.000

s. nndor-nvtes of A pphcauon .

Commission's disposition of the appli. pnhmmary dersn. hianurseturtns inense i.ett.soo cation or a withdrawal of the Applks nnai denen amenernent maoo b ,mai vender nnes or tion. e,ugn, Appheauen-construction perma (b) 1.,feenst Tees. Fees for construe- e punty nierenems a manuf acturtna beerm. construeuen permn-nnt unn tso.oco tion permits. operating licenses. manu. cormrueuen permn. concunent une suoc facturing licenses, and materials 11 opentms beense-nm unn 1.oc uoo operstms heem-coneunent unn' censes, are payable upon notificathn Applesation-Construeuen permn 12s ooo by the Commission when the review of e. Advanced reactors' imm costruuan pennn the project is completed. Operauns Menae I esuoo s raandard rererence desian (c) Amendment fees. The appropri. '

ate amendment fee shall accompany ",74],'_st,naya,4 the application for amendment when cuciear steam suppir system:

filed with the Commission. Where ap-( plicable, the applicant shall provide a irnunuedi August 1,1980 170 3

1 a . ,


IContinuedl SCHEDULE Or Factury Pzts t

( 0 racility estegories Types of fees Pee '

a. Revies of preliminary Appheation s 60.000 reference design. Approval - 412 100 b Revnes of final Appileation 60.000 reference design. Approvat 484,400 2 Architeet engineer-sta.ndarcised balance 2f plant;
6. Revles of prellininary Appbestion 50.000 reference #*stin. ApprovaJ 411.100
b. Renes of! Apphcation 60.000 referenet design. Approval 801.200 C. Test inemy9 Appheauon-Construcuan permat 8.000 Construction permit #t200 Operating licenae 100J00 D. Researth reactor
  • Appliesuon-construcuan permit 6000 Construcuen permit 34.600 Operating license $$.000 E Ursalum entschment Appbcauen-Conalrucuon permit 125.000 pianta.* Construction permit 384.404 Opersung beense 451.200 P.Special projecta and reMews'
  • Where e parual fee for a poser reactor opeistinglcense has been paad prnor to the eff ec*:ve date of this amend.:r.ert. the arnour.1 paid shau be deducted from the fee prescribed by this amendment s'd the difference s1ll be due s hen the operating license for 100 pet poter la tasued.
  • Comenrrent 6ntL A concurrent unit is defined u a poser reactor of the"same desigt. at a single power stauon that v u rubjeet to concurrent lleensing rtMew. ,
  • When redee of the permJt Ucense. approwl, or amendment is complete, the erpenditures for profes-storal manpower and approp-tate support wtB be determined and the resultant fee assessed, but in rh et ent s'.11 the fee esteed that shesTi in the schedule of f aellity fees. When one apoucauon for a preitm). '

nary design approvaJ or finaJ des rn approva.1 contains more than one destgn, the medluonaJ approvals are suWet to a a astmum fee s hieh is the sum of the appucauen fee and approvs3 fee.

  • Charte sill be separstely detarmined by the Comminston tattets into account the professional man-pos of requirvd to conduct the renew multipbed by the applicable cost per man year, plus any appropriate support services costs kneurred. Where a fee hu been pajd for a f acility early af te reytes. Lhe charge wt3 be deducted frorn the fee for s construction permJt lasued for that alte. A separate charge wtD not be mana-d fir a site reMer where the persen vaquesting the reMew bu an appUcauon for a construcuon permJt oc i

fue for the satte .;114. escept u here sne appucauon is withdratt by the applicant or denJed by the Coretts.

short The ir.asunum fee far revies of a topicaJ report shall not exeoed $30.000, e4 l *

[re i 170.22 Scheduk of fees for facility license asnendaients.

e SexrntL.z or Antwomrf Trzs ron RtAcron FaeruTY Praxrrs.Lscrnszs. AJrD QMER Ar*noVaj.3 REQtTrRID BY TKI LICrNst CA CokDUss10N RsmrtArnoles /


  • lN Pot
  • Class of Amendments Power reactors Test and rues-e.h reactors CI. ASS I Armendments that are a dupucale of an -

amendment for a second ennenually idenucal unit at the sa:ne a!te. s hore both proposed arsendments are l

recessed, processed. and tasued at the same time _ 6400 CLASS 11: Amendments that art pro forma, admittis-Lisuve tri naturt, or have no safety of enetronmentaj signar cance _ 1.200 6400 CLASS !!L Amendments. exempuons. or required ag>

provsis that involve a single envirotunental, safety, or other tasue. have seceptabillity for the issue clear- I ly Hientifm! by an NRC posttion, of are deemed not to tniche a sigutficant hazards conskiersuon 4.000 1.000 C1 ASS TV: Ame9dmenta. esempuona. or required ap= . - l provt.Ls that involve a comples lasue or men t.han ,

one ennroninental asfc*y. or ot.her tasue, or nevers) . j changes of the class 1:J type incorporated into the proposed amendme

  • or involve a strnifiant haa-seis considersucc. or require am extensive enetron- l mentaj tmpact appralaa!. or tssult frona mammaturid or beense terminat.k.n orders 13J00 4.000 CLASS V: Amendmenta, esempuona, or required ag>

prevals that require evaluauon of seversJ complex lasues, or Irwobe renew by the ACR3, or require an endroninental impact statement 38.400 11.0t4 CLASS VI Amendments. esempuona, of required a0-

  • provsls that require ersJusuon of a new Safety Anal- l ysu Report and resTite of the f ac1JJty beense tta. j cJudans technkal specthcadons), such as may be re-quered for a license rernews! - 46.900 30.000
  • At the LLru the application is fUed, the beenset or appucant shall proftde a proposed determinauen of amendment class and sute the buts therefor u part of the amendrnent or mod!ficauon request and shall remit the' fee corresponding to th** determinauert The Cowaston wtB ersjuste the propceed amendment c: ass determination and trtform th eenace or appucant tf recla.asificauon is required. Reclus!fication that chantes the clans of arnendment wil: resuJt in the refund of over<harges to the Dcensee or appbcant or l bi!! Lng the licersee or applicant for addruonal fees.
  • Iseense amendments or approvsis rerutting from CommI=6m Orders issued pursuant to 10 CFR 1.204.

and thencments resultang in an infual ine-esse in power to 100 percent of the initial design power level are nel % bjee". to 1.tene f ees e scept u pmMded in f ootnote 1 to l 110 21. Class 1.11. or I!! amendments which re5W frGCI a *Tuten ComtR!aalon request for Lhe appucauon may be esempt from fees when the amend-meni is to sur.pafy or ciarup heense or techr.le J specincauerA the amendment bu only miner safety ats. (

, nihes. net. and is lasved for the cofirenlence of the Comnuasion.

August 1,1980 170 4 M

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  • e

+-  : PART 170 o FEES FOR FACILITIES AND MATERIALS LICENSES ~ l l 170.23 Schedule of fees for routine health, safety and environrnental inspections of faellities.

Scaract.: of FactLITT Rot 7txt RIA1.TM. SArrrt un Drvinorwortas. In syrcTsois Frzs 8 I Catagory rw' Maximum frequency *

(11 Power rosetora Firet uML 811.100 per year Conunuoua Addjuonal uNts at same sne

  • 660.400 per year Do.

(2) Test reactor 84.bC4 per inspecuon 2 per perf.

(3) Research reactor . 84.200 per inspecuon 1 every 2 years.

til Other producuon or utnisauon f aciltty* 843.100 per year Conttnuoua (5) Producuon or utDustion facGity bcerned for ces. 8450 per year 1 per yv.

session but not opersuosk l

  • Routine inspections are safety. eartronmental and beslth physics inspecuena perfortned at specified frequeneses for purposes et revleving a beermed prosta.m to assure that the authortud acuviues are betng conducted M accordance with the Atonde Energy Act of 1954. as amended. Commtaslon regulauona. and the terms and condJuona of the ocecae.
  • The frequency shown in the schedule to the rurunurn number of routine it.specuens for a hich a fee will be sasesmetL
  • A reduced fee utl tie charsed when the trapecuen of an addjuonal urJt at the same site 18 conducted a concurTently with the first unJL . .
  • Fee is appucable for a fuel reprocessing faculty and for a uranium enrichment f actuty, I lio.24 Schedule of fees for routine safeguards inspections of faellities Scurnet.: or FACILITY RoVTtwa SArtoca. ass Insraerson Fxzs Category Pee Maximum frequency
  • Of Pawr reactor: $11.800 per year 2 per year.

Firet uNt Adeuvrtal unit at same site' 89.a00 per year Do.

(2) Tert teactor (fuel of htsh strategic tmportancel 44.600 per inspecuca I per year, (31 Rawarth reactor (fuel of moderate strategic impor $1100 per inspection 1 every 2 years tance L til Other ymrtuction or utDization f aculty' 438.100per year 1 per year.

O *

"" N *The frequency shown in the schedule la the maximum number of safeguares inepections for which a g fee wCl be anaa4 Power reactors and other producuen and utuizauon f acciues wtu be ama+aaad the

u. Fearly inspecuen fee shown to the above table.

', pg

  • A reduced fee stl km charged when the inspection of addauonal unlust at the same site is renducted W concurrecup wit?. the first un!L
  • Fee is appucable for a fuel reprocessing f aculty and for a urnadum enrichment f aculty. .

I 110.31 Schedule of fees for insterials licenses and other regulatory serolees.

Appilcants for insterials licenses and other regulatory services and holders of materitis licenses shall pay the following fees.

Sexrvt.s or Tzu yon MartmIALs Lietzsts po Orptra RsocLatomy Scaviers Catesore of materials bcenses Type of fe** Pee

1. Special nuclear matertal'*

A.1Jeanses for possesaten and use of 5 Applicauon 414.000 La or more of contained urvjum New bcense 122 600 235 in uraNum enriched to 20 pet or Renewal 16.500 more, or 2 ts or more of trantum Arendmerit*

233. for fuel processtng and f atacs. Ma)ot4f ety and environteental . 34 400 M ajor 8af eruards . J.300 tion .*

Minor-8afety and environmental 1.400 Mtoor &afeguards e 3Soo Administrauve !54 150c0 E.1.Jeenses for possession and use of 8 Appucauon 112.800 kg .or more of contained wsMum New Deense ,11.900 238 in uraNum enriched to less Renews!

than 20 pet. for fuel processing and Amendment

  • 3t600 Mapr-Saf ety and environmental fabricauen.* Major 4afeguards-4.300 Kanor-Safety and aovtronmental 1.e00 Minor.-Saleguards 3300 She Administrsute

- $4.000 C. IJernses for possession and ur< of 2 Appbeation for construcusa approval 480.300 kg or more of plutorklurn for fuel Construcuon approvaJ- 341.600 processtad and f abrscauors* 14eense f,e 110.s00 RenewaJ Armendment

  • 15.000 Ma)or-$afesy and environtnenta)_ 13.800 Major-Saf eguards . 3400 Minor-Saf ety e.pd envirorgoentaJ t.300 Mtnor.4af esuards _ 160 Adminatraun
.Q .

s,e foot ote, ,, ,nd of same. ,

170 5

, ye - . ~ , ,v,- ee -- w g ..w- a -, -

n . , . , . n .~, , .~

~ .


SCHGt'11 or PIIS FoA MATERIAL,.$ LICENges urD OTHD Rectn.Atoav Soviers-Contit ued Catesory of sc.aterials Ikerues Type of feea ree D. Deennes for possesalon and hoe of 8 App 1kauon 3.000 te or more of contatned ursiuum New beense J 231 in unsealed forra. or 2 kg or Reness) 18.000 more of uraniuse 233 La uruealed Amendment form for meth1ues other thu fuel Safety and endronrnen**'  !.400 procesauts and f abricauort e Safeguards 2.400 Administrsuve 160 L for possession and use of App 1ksuon 6.000 quanUUes of plutonium of 2 kg or New heerue 64.300 more in uruealed form for activiues Renews! M.100 otter Litan fuel proceastn* and f ab. Amendment ' ~ ~


  • Safety and environmen'*C 1,400 Salervards 4.900 Admuustrative 160 T. Deennes for posseasnon and use of Applicabon 6.000 200 g but less than 2 L3 of plutorg. New heense 43.100 urn in unsealed lorra.* Renewal 39.400 Amendment Safety and environmen*=1 1.400 Salervards 4.400 -

Administrauve 160

. s.. - + .

O. Ucerises for possession ud use of Appikauon 2.000 360 g but less than 6 kg of contained New bcense 18.800 ursrJum 235 in urtseded form, or RenewaJ 11.300 200 g but less tha. 2 kg of uranium Amendment 233 in unsealed fo m

  • Safety and envirofunental I.400 Bafervards 2.400 A dministrsuve IM R Ucenses for rece:pt and storsae of spent fuel a (1) Ucertse appucauon for a sarage f acuny of custom destro requiring a full design revses-(si Storste fa.eulty to be toested Applicauen 835.000 at a nes sne. New bcenas 290.000 Renewal 32.000 Amendment:*

ps Major-Safety and envirotuneetaJ 44.600

  • Major-Safegu a.rds 4.200

$ e MLeer Safety and environmentaJ 3.600 Minor-Sateguards 3.600 C Adtninistrsuve 160 an, rs (t) Stors4e f acG ty to be leested ApplPauon 23 000

  • r at the alte of an extsiing r.uclear New heense 209.300 f aculty." Renewa3 33.000 Amendment
  • Major-.4afety and anytrofunenta) 84.b00 M ajor-Saf eguards 6.200 Mtnor Safety and environmental 3.600 M snor-4af e tu ards 3.600 Adrainhtrsuve 160 (2) Ocense applicauon for a storsae faculty t hich references an ap-proted studardised design *

(a) Sto see facGny to be locaad Appbesuon 25.000 at a nes sne. New heerue 138.600 ReneenJ 31.000 Amendment.*.

Major-Safety and environmental 84.600 M sjoe-Saf eguards 4200 i Minor-eafetr and environmental - 3.600 Minor--Saf eguards 3.600 Adrotrtistrsuve 160 lb) Storste faculty to be located Appucauen 15.000 at the sM of an asuttng fiucles* New heense -- 130 000 f acthty.

  • RenewsJ 32.000 Arnendmenc
  • Major--Safety and envirotunental 84.600 MajorWetuards 6.200 Minor- Safety and anytNarnetal. 3.600 Minor-8afeguards --

3.600 Administrsuve- 160 ,

(3) Weense ap0heation for a storage factisty of dapbeate design-design whkh na idenucal to a previously 11 eenaed detail destrn:

ta) 5'.o-tre f actaty to be located Apphesuon 16.000 at a net site. New beense 169.200 Reneo al _ 32.000 Amendnserc*

Major- Safety ud em%ninental- 88.600 M a)or-6af ervsrds 6.200 Enor-&ajety anJ environrnental 3.600 M:not--Salefvards 3.600 Administrsuve 160 (D) Sto*ste f acility to be located Appheauen 10 000 fatscibi the saa r.' o; an entsttng nuclear Nes

,s, fwsnow. at end of tabk.

nene e

Ds)ense 11.600 32.000


August 1,1980 , 170-6

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Sextputs or Ftzs ron Matu!ALs L CEN$tS Ako Otxts Rtottatoav Sgmer.s-C Minued I

' Category of materials beenses Type of feee ree Amendment

  • 1 Major Safety sad environmental 84.600 Major-Safegards 6.300 MLnor-811ety a.nd enrtronmental 2300 Marsor-8&feguards 3.300 Adminlstrsute IM
1. Ucerees for possession and use of Apphcauon-New beense lie special nuclear maternal in seajed Renesal 110 sources contatried in devices used in Amendmen' 40 industrial measuring aystems.*

J. AJi ether special nuclear material Appbcauon-New Ikanse 440 licenses. except beernses authortning RenesaJ 440 spectsJ nuclear matertaJ In u . sealed Amendmen* lie form in combinauen that would I consutute a criucal quanuty as de-fined in iIM.ll of Part 160 which shall pay the same rate as Category 10 and special nuslear mater J for use in power generauon thach shall pay the fet in Category 10.8

3. Source material; A. Weenses for possession and use of Application . II.000 source material in milling oper. Nes beense' 96.700 suoruL except in in situ leaching RenesaJ' 100.000 and besp leaching opersuona. Amendment
  • Major Fsfety and environmentala 30.800 Minor- Afety and enetronmentsJe 3300 Administrsuve IM B. Ucenses for processing and recov. *roduction scaje acuvity; ery of source maternal in in situ Appeleation 1.000 leaching operauens or heapleach- New heense' $9.600 l kne opersuona. Resen.rch and development scale aruvityt Application 3.000 Nes beense' 31.000 RenewsJa o 811.300 Amendment
  • Major-Safety and erwironmental' *4.300 Minor-Safety and enrtronmental *160 Administrauwe *130 C. Ucenses for refinlr.: ursalum mlll Application 13.000 toneentrates to urstuum hexafluor. Nes bcenae'- M.%0 S Sde. Renewal
  • 46.800
  1. . e9 Amendment's a

h Major-Safety and envirorunental* 30.800 a

E Minor-Safety and erwtronmenta)* 3Joo

" Adminlstrauve Ito Q' D. All other source materiallicenses Appheation-Nes beense 140 ,

Renes al 10 Amendment 40

3. Byproduct material:

A. Deerues for possession and use of Application-New heense 440 byproduct matertaJ lasued pursuant Rentsal. 460 to Parts 30 and 33 of this chapter Amendment 110 for processing or manufacturing of items containing byproduct maternal for commercial Jsstribuuori, estept byproduct matertal for use in power senerstich which shall pay the fee in category 10.

B. Ucenses issued pursuant to 133.73 Apphesuon-Nes license 190 of this chapter authoruung the prc Renewal 180 ceasing or snanuf acture and distri. Amendmen' 40 t

bution of radsop*s-rmaceutleals con.

t tainDit byproduct matertal.

J C. Ucenses for byproduct saaterial Application..Nes license 190 lasued pursuant to Part 34 of this Rencial 160 I chapter for industrial radiogtsphy Amendment 40 t

opersbons performed in sh6elded rs.

I deography instellauords) or perma.

riently desigPLMd areads) at the addressies a I;sted in the hcernse.

D. Ucenses for byproduct materiaj ApphcAuon-Nes lleense 480 lasued pursuant to Tsit 34 of this Rernsal- 460 chapter for industriaJ radhosTsphy Amerdrnen' 110 operstinns performed in a shielded rad)* graphy trWallatlerHs) and at

  • moitiple temporary locauona at the addremes) ahos7: in the hcenses or at te4nporary pobsites of the boensee I in the field.

T Deenses for posse.;alon and use of Applicauon-New license 190 byp-od uct maternal in seaJed Renesaj 160 sources for irradistson of matenals Amendmen* 40

[ shere the source is not remon ed i.

[: from its shield (self sh6elded unJts?

' F. Ucenses for possess 4n and use cf Appbcauon-New heense -. 460 bypro'auet matertal in sealed RenewaJ . 460 souress for irradisuon of ristanals Amendment 110 m here the source as exposed for irrs>

dauon purposes.

k' '* See footnotes at end of table.

I 170 7 August 1,1980 j' .

l - .. - _ . ,_ _ _ . - _ . . . _ . , _ _ . , _


- 1 PART 170 e FEES FOR FACILITIES AND MATERIALS LICENSES-1 SotDt'Lg or I'tE.s ron Marg 1tlA1.8 L1CU$1A AJen 07xa Krovt.atoav Savicts--Connoued ,

i Cautory of matenals beerues

  • Type of fee' FM

, O. Ocermes tasued pursuant to Sub. Appucation-New heerue M0 part B of Part 33 of thu chapter to Renewal $10 dastribuk items containing byprod. Amendment 230 uct materiaJ or quanuttes of by.

produ"t material to persons genersJ.

ly beermed under Parta 31 or al of this chapter, except specifk heenses authertzha redutribution of items -

w hich tave been manuf actured or troported under a specifnc heense and I)cerned by the Cominnastoo for dutribution to persoru generaDy H.

ceraed under Parts 31 or 38 of this chapter.

M. Deensee issued pursuant to Sub. Appbeauon-New license MO part A of Part 33 of this chapter to RenessJ 810 distribute items contaaning barod. Amendment 330 uct matertM or eurattues of by.

product matertaj to persons esempt .f from the licenstrig resultaments of Pad 30 of this thspter, except: (1) 94 33.51 and 33.14 of this chaptee.

tal specific beernes re.

distribuuon of iterns and quanuues grhich haie been mariufactured or

' ' ~

imported under a spectile Ucerme and beerwed by the Commission for .

distribupon Le persons esempt froso the beerutng requiremente of Part 30 of thu chapter. and (3) specific beenses s hich authartse distribu. .

Lion of timepies*a. hands. a WI daals.

1. Ucenses issued purwW to j 33.18 Appucauen-New lbcense IM of thri ' apter to distribute auanti Renewal 160 bes el uprottuct material to pr Amesomen* 40 sons esempt from the Ucensing re-guirements of Part 30 of this chag>


J. Ucenses issued pursuant to 133.14 Apnheation-New Ileense 190 of this chapter to distribute ttme. ReneraJ 160 N pieces. hands, and dials corntaining Amendroent 40 e9 hydroger. 3 or promethium 147 to

" persons esempt from the bcensint


g requirements wi Part 30 of this chapter.

w K. beerwes for posseasson and use of Appucauen-New bee ~ 100 byproduct matertM for resekrch and Renesa3 160 developmerit. escept those lieermes Amendrnen' _ 40 tonered by t-stegones 3 A or 38. and betrues covered by catesones 18 or iC author 121r.g medicaJ rusearch.

1 All other specifsc byproduct matarl Appucauor.-New bcense 110 sj licermes, except those in categories Renew.! 110 (A through 10A> Amendroent 40 4 Waste duposal' A. Lirarues specificaDy anthortsing Appucadon 33.000 the receipt of s a.ste byprNfuct ma New beense

  • 391,100 tenal acuree matenal or sper.M Renesal' 08.600 nuclear matenal, from other pr. Amendment:*

sons for the purpose of commeretal Major, Safety and environmental

  • 191.100 disposal by land or ses bunaJ by the Minor- Ss.fety and endronme it&I 490 heerues. Administrauve 160 B Deermes specificaDy authertains A 3pucauen-New Deense 1.100 the receipt of s'aste byproduct ms. RenewaJ 470 terial, source matertd. or specid Amendment:

nuclekt matenal from other persons I Mety and environroeo'M $70 for tne purpose of packaging the Admiruettsuve ' 1 60 material The bcensee s'tu dup *me of De material by transfer to aa-other person authorued to receive or dispose of the maternal C. Leerues specificany authertaint Appucauon-New 11eense 160 the receipt of prepackaged u sate RenewaJ ISO byproduct matenat source matertal. Ame9 oen' 40 or special nuclear matertal from

  • other pe sons The beensee wtH dio pese of the matenaJ by transfer to another person authertsed to re- *--,

cerve or dispose of the matertat

4. WeH and seH surveys and Appbeauon-New Deense 440 tracer studies' A LJctrues for posses- Renes a3 440 anon and use of special riuclear matert. Amendroent lie aJ and/or byproduct matertaJ for well lorgu seu surveys. and tracer stud-les
8. Nucitar laundner A. Leermes for com. Appuctuon-New Deense 400 merrnM coneckon and laundry of Renesaj 440 stems conta.manated sith bn oduct Amendmen' . 110 matenat source matenat or spectaJ nuclear matenal.

See footnotes at eno 6f table.


August 1,1980 1708

,m - ,-e -

e--- ,- s w+~,- v -m- w w , , - - .-n, ,-rw,-

wh h'

PART 170 o FEES FOR FACILITIES AND MATERIALS LICENSES-Scuroca.z or Fu.s rom M.ATDLAL.5 I.JCD$ta A3r3 CdtD Recm. atomy Sovlers-Continued Type of f ee' Pee g Category of materials ucenses

1. Sluman use of byproduct mate rtal.

acurte matert4 or spedal nudear maternal: 300 A.1Jeenses lasued pursuant to Parts Applicauon-Neo heerse y70 30, 40, and 70 of this chapter for Reneeal , , ,

40 human use of byproduct matert=L Amendmen*

source matertat or special nuclear

.aterial in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices,
  • B.1Jcenses lasued pursuut to Parts Appbeauon-Newlacenae 190 30, 40, and 70 of this chapter to Renews) 180 medical instituuona, or two or more Amendmen' 40 physidans os a single boenas, for i
  1. human use of byproduct matertak source materlat or special nuclest matartak except bconses in category T A. 190 C. tacenses tasued pursuant to Paru Applicauon-Nes incense 180 30,40, and to of this chapter to na RenewaJ 40 IndividuaJ physiciaai for human use Amendmen' of byproduct matertd source mate-rtal or special nuclear maternal -

except ucenses la categorJ 1 A.


8. Civtl defense: A. IJcenses for pcmesskin Application-New beense 160 and use of byproduct maternat sourse l'.anewal 40 matertat or special nuclear material Amendment for civu cefense acuvtues
9. Device, product, or sealed source safety evaluauon: 670 A, Safety evaluauon of desioes or Application-EvaJustson productJ contaltung byprodues ma.

tert 4 scurte maLettd or special nuclear matettak except reac*e*

fuel devices and devices or troducts distributed to general beansees or persons esempt from the require-ments for a Ucense pursuant to Parts 30,40, and 70 of this chapter, 110 R. Safety evaluauen o' asaled sources de contatning brproduct materlat sours matertat or spectaJ nuc3 ear

  • matertak eteepc (1) Reactor fust N (2) seaJed aavraas diststbuted to gen.

P- * " eral 1)eensees or persons ek*mst froen the seguirements for a utense b' .[ pursuass to Parta 30,40, and 10 of

, this chapter, and (3) power souress covered tiy estesory 10.


10. Power scuros: A, IJcenses for the AppDcauon-New license 460 manufacture ane' dutribuuon of en. Renen! 440 capsulaJ ed byproduct matettal or spe Amendment cial nuclear maternal wherein ce decay enarty of saJd m2.ternal is used as a source of power, enorpt reacter fust .
11. Transportauon of radjesc49e materf.

a': 8.000 A. Evaluation of spent fuel cast for Appifesuon 76.300 Approval

  • 57 eater than 30 kW escar best.

l Amendments

  • 8.p00 M ajor' Minor
  • 3.600 Admirdstrativt J30 160

, Renessl 7.000 t

8. Evaluation of spent fuel cast for Appbcauon 83.2s0 less than to kW decay heat air Approval' l shipptng package for plutordum: AmendmenLE ' 5.600

( his h4evel waste taaLs: and packages Major

  • 3.800 coritaJrung radacacute m&Lertal Minor' 160 37 tater than 3,000 times the type A Adra1rdstrauva 160 ouanuty. ' Rerws al 1.000 C, EvaJusuon of flasue packages con. Appheauon 13.300 1.atning greater than tTpe A quanu. Approval * --

taes of radioactive matarid pack Amendments' 3,600 ages containing radicaNee material Major ' $90 6ees Lhan 3.000 tunes the type A Mtner Ito quanuty ' Administrauve

    • 160 Raness]

D. Evajusuon of fissfle pactares con- Appl)cauon_ 100 0,200 talning less than type A quaattues Approva3' l Of radioactive matertal; packages Amendments 3 1,400 l conLalninig radioactive goateria) less Major

  • 3 60 l than 300 times the type A qua.nti., MLnor ty, ' Administrative 160 Renes s) 160 t 300 E Evalvauon of packages containing Appliespon 1,y00 I

' radioscuve matertaJ less than 20 Approval' umas the type A evanuty,' Amendments

  • 350 M ajor -

M mor 160 Renen al 160

(' set footnotes at end of table.

170 9 Aumt t M80 l

l *


PART 170 e FEES FOR FACILITIES AND MATERIALS LICENSES-sc> tam oy rus ron MatDIALs IJCDSts A)fD Orun Rrot1. Atony Senviers Continued f \

Cewsery of matertals beenses Trpe of fee' rw  ! l 4

It Review of standardised spent fuel fa. Applicauon . 12.On0 l cthty des 4rL *. ApprovsJ ' -

c IM.209

11. Special prejects *

'yypes e//eaa Septrste charges na shouli in .he schedule will be au.-aud for appMauons for new Ik eerises and approvsts, tasvance of nes betrees and storovala, sad amendments and renewals to estaung D.

censes and apprmatt The following guideltnes apply to these charges; tal Jppheafson fees Apphesuons for materia.ts hcenses and approvaja shad be accompanied by the pre.

scribed appucauon fee for each categot?.except that applicauona for Dcenses covering more than one fee cal.egory of special nuclear maternal tescluding category !H) to be used at the same locauon. Shall be ac.

compkrued by the prescribed appheation fee for the highest fee category. Where a Deense or approvsi has espired, the fuU application fee for esch category shan be due, escept for Dcenses covering more than coe fee category of spectaJ Duclear material tescluding catesory 1H) for use at the sarne locauork in etuch case the apphcation fee for the highest category would apply.

(b) Escrnse/eparotaaf /eca Nes beennea sad approvale lasued in fee estegories I A t 2C. (A.1) A through IIL and category 12. shall pay the b.ense or approval category, asfee for earl.hrough 1H.1A. 48.


mined by the Commlasion when the review of the appheatton or pro}ect is compkwd teet footnote eh escept that a beense covering more tha.n one fee category of specisa nuclear matertal to categories 11.

through 10 shall pai a heense fee for the highest fee ettegory aasigned to the Deensa.

(c) Acarical/ sea Appbcauona for renevaJ of materials Ucenses ami approvals shaJ) be accompanied !y the prescribed fee for each category, escept thal appucatloria for rer ewn! covering more than one fee caf e.

gory of special nuclear materf aj tescludtrts categiry 1H1 to be used at the same locauen. sbau te soromw sued by the prescribed renesal fee for the highest fee category. When the review of sn app'.icauon for re-nes bl ts complete for heenses to fee categories 1A through 1H. 2A,2B,3C. and (A. the CommMor %I es.

kaune u.e renewnJ fee in sacrdance with footnote 4.and wiu refunu any osertharges of the renewal fee,if applicable.

tdl Amradment fees Apphcations for unendmer.ts ahtU be accompastled by the preacribed amendment feets). At the time kri appimlen for Emendment is fued for licenses and approvals in fee categortes IA thnush lH.1A. 28,2C. (A.11 A,11B. IIC. IlD. and llL the licensee or appucant shall provide an initial detewnination of the arnendment at d state the baals therefor as part of the amendment or approvaJ request, and shau remit the fee corresponding to that determuuuon, homever, when review of the sciend-mer.t or apprork! is complete the Cornmtssion sill esamine the amervirnent fee in accordance eith foot, pou 4. if applicable. End wtU refund any overcharges to the Heerwe or applicant, or bO2 the Ucaruet or ap. '

plicant for the hddjuonal amendment fee. Amendrnents which result from *Titten NRC requesu may be esecspted from these fees at the ducreuon of the Commisalon when the amendment is issued for the con.

venience of the NRC.

An apphcauon for amendment to a Deense or approvtj clsastfled in more than one fee category shaU be accompanied by the prev.rited amendment fee for the category sliected by the amendment, unless Se amandment to appincable to tao or more fee categories. in which case the kmendment fee for the highest fee category would apply. Ari application for amendment to a materials beense or approval that would

' e place the or apprevs3 in a higher fee category or add a new estesory shaJ3 be accompanied try the prescribed application fee for the new category, escept for appucauons for amendments artereutna the N" scope of a Deansed prc.trkm frorn fee cantories 1F to IL 10 to 1D. 3C to 3D and 1C to TB. to which cases gg the amandment fee for the h!aher fee category would apply. An appuctuon for amendment reducing the a scope of a heennee's progrun sha.u pay the amenament fee of the fee category saalsned to the Ucense at the n time the appheaUon is fued. Appheadons to terminate Ucenses sha!! not be subject to fees.

V *1Jeensees partt.s fees under categories 1A through 3H are not subject to fees under categories !! and IJ for se61ed sources authort:ed in the same ucense. Applicants for new ucenses or renewal of entsting U.

censes that cover both Dnroduct matertaJ and special nuclear materialin sealed sourtes for use in gaugtng gerices will pa) the approprtate appbeation or renes a3 fee for fee category !! only.

' A major amendment la defineal as one requiring evaluation of many & spens of Heenaed acWV1Mes where the proposed scuon could present a potentia) rtak to the pubhe's health trid safety. A ritner amendrnerit is (efined ks one s*here atlety, environmental. or safeguards considertdons may be ensuy resolvetL An adam.

1 strath e manendment to defined u nri amendment that la proforina. routine in n ture, or has no safety, en-vironmenul. or safervards significance.

  • When the review of an apphenUon is cotnplete. the expenditures fo. professional maripower and kp.

propriate support servtces s1U be determtned arid the resulunt fee assessed but in no event s1D the fee estwd that shost. in the schedule of fees for materials Heenses and other regulatory services. AU adrenn6s.

tradve Erneridmenu are bued on fixed charges.

8 Fees sould be apphcable only in those insunces where a site safety aruf environmental review has been performed and docu.mented by the Commuanon for the site at which the etorage faculty la to be locat.


'F4e is apphenble to a license autiortting either production scale acuvity or research and development sesle activity.

' A type A quantity is defined in t il.4de1 of 10 CF'R Part T1.

' Charge wu) be separately determtned by the Commtssion taking into account the profemalonal mar >

pos er required to conduct the review muluphed by the appl 6eable cost per man year, plus any appropriate eupport servlees ecsts incurred.

1 170.32 Schedule of fees for health and safe'ty, and safepards inspectiofo for rnaterials licenses.

Scuratiz or Matem1A1J Liczns:1psyrcTion Frzs Type of fue Tw* Mazianurn frequewy*

Category of materisla beenses

1. Special nuclear a sterial:

A lacennes for pouession and use of Health and safety 48.300 3 per year.

10.300 Do, frve 18) La of more of contatried urs. Safeguards .

nium 236 in ursruum enriched to to pct or more, or luo it) kg or more of uranium D3. for fuel procesatng arid f abrication. Do, B heenses for posseaston a.r.d use of Hetith and sa'ety 8.300 five t&i kg et more of contamed urs Safeguards 10.300 8 per year.

naurn ill in u*srJum enriched to sa footnote at end of tabie.

(s August 1,1980 17o.10 4

  • 1 l

i a . - 1

. \


Scarom.c oy Wrznuu Lactusz InsyzcTron Frra--Continued ]

Ca'.egory of ma'ertals Doensas Type of fees Tee s Maausum frequency * (f1 less than 20 ret for fuel'oroceastng and fabricausew C. Ucenses for possession and use of Health and safety 4.600. 4 per year two it) kg or more of plutonium for safeguards 11.100 2per year.

f uel processing ud fabricauen.

D. Ucenses for f-ston and use of Hedth and safety 4.900 1 per year, five (8) kg or more of contained ura. Safervards T.800 3 per year, nium 235 in unsealed form, or two (21 kg or more of uranium 233 in un.

setjed forto for activttles other than ,

fuel processing and f abricauen.

E. Ucenses for posseaston and use of Hedth and safety 180 1 per year.

evanuties of plutenlura of too (2} safeguards 5.400 2 per rest.

kg or more in unsealed form for ac-tiviues other than fuel pre = anna -

sad fabriemuert F. Ucernes for possession and use of Hedth and safety M0 1 per year.

200 g but less than tto (2) kg of plu. Safeguards 2.300 Do.

Lotuum to ur4ealed form. .

O. Ucenaes for possesalon and use of Health and safety 180 1 every 2 years.

360 g but less than fnve (8) kg of Safeguards 4.000 I per rear.

contained urarJum 235 in unseajed form. or 200 g but less than two (2) kg of uranium 233 in unsealed form.

H. Ucenses f or receipt and storage of spent fuel:

(1) Ucense appucauoc for a storade facilHF of custorn desagn requiring a fuD design revtea5 as) Storage f actuty to be located Health and safety i80 Do.

at a new alte. Safervards 2.900 2 per yeu.

O) Storage f actitty to be located Health and safety '

180 1 per year.

at the alte of an existing nuclear Saferuards 2.900 2 per year.


(2) Ucense appucauon for a storage f acilit y t hich references an ap.

proved standardtsed destgre (a) Storage fac1Dty to be located Hethh and safety 140 1 per year.

at a new site. Safeguards 2.900 2 per you.

(b) Storage faculty to be located Healin and safety TSO I per past.

at the site of an ealating nuclear Safeguards 2.900 2 per year.


p h

'e (2) Uterue applica'.lon for a storage farluty of duplicate desLrndesign

. "e m'hleh la idenucaJ to a previously h-f eenaed detall deskrn:

$ ta) Storage facility to be located He Jth and safety 1801 per year, at a new atte. Safeguards 2.000 2 per star.

@) 8iorage faculty to be 'ocated HeaJth and safety 180 1 per year.

at the site of an ealsung nuclest Safeguards 2.900 2 per year.


L Ucenses for possession and use of Health and safety 330 3 every 6 years.

Special nuclest material in sealed sources contatned in devices used in

. Indus'.rlal measuring systema.

J. All other special nuclear material h 140 1 per year.

1) censes, except licenses authertzing special nuclear maternalin unsealed form in combination that would i constitute a crtucaJ evanut/ as de.
  • fLned in { 160.18 of part 360 whlen .

shall pay the same rate as category to and special nuclear n atertal for use in power generauon which abaD pay the fee in category 10.

2. Source materlat A. Ucenses for paamma6on and use of 1.600 Do.

no.:rce matertaJ in milung oper.

suons, escept in in41tu 6eaching and heap.leathing operauena.

B. Ucenses for processing and recov. 40 *1.800 Do.

ery of source matertaj in in.altu leaching operauons or heap leach.

ing operauona.

C. Ucermes for refining uranturn mill " L800 Do.

concentratas to uranaum hezafluor. .


D. All other source matertal bcenses 60 460 1 every 2 years

2. Byproduct matertal: -

A.byproduct Deensesmaternal for possession and use of Heshh tasued pursuant

& Safety" _.,

large program 1.600 I per year.

to parts 30 and 33 of this chapter Smau program-. 780 Do.

for processing of manuf acturing of items containing byproduct matertaj for commercial thstribuuorL except byproduct maLerial for use in poner generauon thKh sha!J pay the fee in CaLetory 80',

B. Ucenses issued pursuant to l 32.72 Health & Safety 660 1 every 3 years.

of th6s chapter authorising the pre. ,

cessing or manuf acture and detri.

5 See footnote et end of Lab 6e.

170 11 August 1,1980

. * * *- - - , - - - - -, e


RMCDt*LE Cr kAf tMa1.8 LICENSE INSyCCTICM PEIS-Continued Mastmum frequency

  • I Categor> of matenals beernes - Type of feen Fw but sor. of rabo-pharmaceubcals conta.ntng byproduct matenal.

C. Weernes for byproduct matertaJ _ __ h 'f 30 1 per year.

r tasued pursuant to part 34 of this chapter for tradustrial rad >otraphy or= performed in a shielded

  • raciography knstallatiorlist or per*

muently designated areats) at the address 8 esi tuted in the brensea.

D. Leernes for byproduct material do 900 Do. -

tuved to part 34 of this chapter for industnal radiography operntior., performed in a shielded radiorrapn installa tion 4 sl arH1 at 'a ae-muluple terigertry locatsons at the addrepeal shot'n in the beense or at temporsry Jobs:tes of the beensee in the field *.

L beenses for possesalon and use of 60 300 1 every 8 years.

bnroduct matenaJ In sealci

  • sources for irradisuon of materials t mhere the source as not removed from tu shleid (Self-shielded un%).

F. Deeraes for ponession and w uf Heshh and safety 3901 every 3 years, byprod.ict maternal in seand sources for irrad.auon of materials e bere the source u exposed

  • for irra-
  • drauen purposes.

G. Uectwes issued pursuant to Sub de 300 Do.

part 8 of part 33 of this chapter to datt Dute nems containing byprod-uct mate iat or quanutses of Dr.

Product snaterial to persons genersj.

  • ly beensed under paru 31 or 3S of this chapter, escept specific beenses a ut horutr.: redastribuuon of items t hsch have been mariulactured or tmported under a specific beerue and bee'ued by the Commtssion for dnstribution to persoru generally li.

cerned under paru 31 or 36 of this 8 chapter.

$ H beanses issued pursuar.1 to Sub. do 390 Do.

P* & art A of part 33 of this chapter to -

Etl distribute Itarru containing by,Fod.

ti- Wel Estenal or Quartuuss of by-M product maLerial to persoras enemPR

' from the heermns re:uiremenu of -

part 30 of this chapter except (1) l133.11 and 33.18 of this chapter, i3s specific beerwes re.

distrttuuon of items and euartuues t hsch have been mariuf actured or ,

trnported under a specific heense i I

and hcerned by the Commission for amtnbuuon to persor.s esempt from . l the hcensing requiremenu of part l 30 of this chapter, and f 3) specific hcerdes t hich authonse eistribu. j teor: of tunepieces, ta.nds and dials.

1. bcenses nasued pursuant to 133.18 6o 390 Do.

of this chapter to distribute cuanti- I bes of byproduct material to pera l sons enerrot from the bcenstna re-guirements of part 30 of this chap- - -


t e r.

1 Ocenses Lasued pursuant to l 33.14 _do 390 Do.

of tr.J chapter to distribute Dme, pieces. huds. and dsals, contaiturig hydrr,per. 3 or promethiurt it'l to

  • persoru esempt from the beenst.48 i requiremeriu of part 30 of this j chapte r.

3C Leenses for pouession a.nd use of 60 300 Do.

brproduct matettal for research ud development. eteept those beenses cosered by catesones 3A or 3B. and . covered by casesones TB or 1C authoruing medical researth.

L AJ! ether specthe byproduct materl. 6o 300 1 every 8 years.

al beenses. except those an catero-ries ( A through 10A. ,

4 Waste dtsposaj:

A beerwes spec. fica!!y authertzing 60 980 1 per year, the receipt of taste byproduct me.

Ler'ai source materiaj. or specnal riutitar matenal f rom other per-s4#J for t?.e purpose of corrmercial deposa! by land or sea burial by the later.see B beenset specific &ljy authoruang Health er $4fety 460 1 every 3 years.

the receipt of t s *te byproduct ma.

Set footnotes at end of table.


August 1,1980 17012

. . . s e e -


Sexzncts or MaTDLt/ 8 LICENSE IN8rtcTION TErJ-Continued i

CWrgery of materials Doenses Type of fees ytes Maximum frequency' r.-

terlat source material, or spectaJ nuclear matertd Isom other per-aons for the purpose of packsong the material The beermee will das.

pose of the matettal by transfer to another person authorised to re.

cerve or dispone of the material.

C. Deerues specifically authertr. tag do eso Do.

the receipt of prepacLaced waste byproduct matertd source matenaL or epecial nuclear matertak from other persons. The licensee will dia.

pose of the matertal by transfer to another persorn authorised to re.

ceive or dispose of the material and wou surveys and

$~ .WoD tncer logging studies:

n. Unnaes for posseasjon and use of _ h 620 Do.

spwtaJ puclear matertal and/or by.

product material for weU logging, wtU surfers, and tracer stud)es. ,

4. Nuclest laundries: .

A Ucenses for comroercial couection _do 590 Do.

. and laundo of items contaratanted ytth t*yproduct matertak apurce me.

tertd or spettal one. lear material

7. Numan une et &maduct matertd soiarte matertd e apecial puelear maLenal: . .

A. Ucenses tasued Waratant to pat J 440 i every 2 yers M. e4. and it bl LLhr for heut er td typndaet material, wr,9w Anaterte es spectas ergar naterial bt seaJed wurces aid.awwi hateletherapy donces t 1scensas haued Mrvuant to parte d0 460 l every 3 years 44, 44, 445 10 of this chapter to se@nUnsutetora. or te o or more yhtonans on s *V. ale Dcense, for tauman use of byproduct matertat source matertd or special nuclear o matertd except liceamaa in category d^' . N TA P. C. Ucenses tasued pursuant to paru _do 330 Do.

C: 30,40, and 10 of tAls chapter to so b indMdual physician for human use t'l of byproduct materte source mate-

' rid or special nuclear matertd except Ucenses in category 1 A.

. 4. CivD delenas:

A Ucenses for possession and use of do To I every 10 years.

byproduct mate.14 source matettaL or spectaJ nuclear matertal fer civil

!' defenas acuvtues.

5. Deyles. Product, or sealed source safety

- evalusuon:

A Safety evaluation of delices or Not appucable No inspections products contatrdrts byproduct ma- conducted tarid sourtu matertd or special nuclear matertak eacept reactor fuel dettees and devices or products dutributed to general Dcenaces or persons exempt from 8.he reaulre-nients for a llee*.e pursuar t to aarts 30,40, and 10 ofInns chapter.

E. Gafety evalutle.n of sealed sources Not applesDie No inspeel sona l conutrans byproduct material ronducted source material, or special nuclear matertak escept (D reactor fuel. (2) seajed rources distributed k geners!

Uceasees or persons esempt from the requirements for a Deense rur.

suant to parts 30 40, and 10 of the chapter, and (3) power sog.tes coe.

i ered by category 10,

  • l' 10. Power source:

A. Ucerses for the manufacture and !!ealth sad sa.fety. 180 1 per year, I

distribuuon of encapsulated byM uct material or special nuclear ma.

Lert:1 shere a Lhe decay energy of said snaterial is usad as a souns of power, except reac6er fuel.

11. Trsruporuuon of radioacuve mate.

rial: No trupections 1

A Evaluation of spent fuel cast for Not applicable i greater than 20 tW decay heat, cond ucted. i B. Evaluauen of spent fuel eneh for Do. 1 lens than 20 kW decay n, eat; air shipping package for plutenlutn; hish levet t asLe caska, and packages conutnia radioacu.e raatertal l(

1 i

See Sootehotes et oQd Of Wals.1 l

l l

August 1,1980 r

170-13 1

  • 1


Scxzncu or WTtp sa.t.s Laetzt: lusrecTion Frrs-Continued (

l Category of matertals % ewes type of fee

  • rees Waztrnum frequency *

. guater than 1.000 umes the type A

' quanuty.

C' Evaluation of fissue packages con. de Do.

ta.r.tra greater than type A evanu.

the of radioactive matertal. pact.

ades contaltung radoacuve material less thari 2.o00 times ght type A quanuty.

D Daluauon of itssue packases eco de Do.

Laining less than type A quanuues of rsdioacthe matertal; packades containing is&oacut a matenal less than roo tirnes the type A quant,'y.

E Ds'A ation of packages containing . d4 __ Do.

ra.r/mettve matertaJ kas than 30 tras the type A quantity.

12. Renes of s'.aridardtted spent fuel fa Do.

M clHty 6esista .. , :

5 P-

  • hsw.s of tees.4eparate charges as ahosm in this schedule sill be assessed for each rouune inspection IC erbleh is performed.

6 einspecuen fees art he twon receipt of pouce from the CommissiorL The inspection fee for ucenses covering more than kg iee category M11 be charged only for the htsbest fee category anstsned the Deense.

Q If the inspecuou sf tt.e satire laenM is done at the same time. Whert a hcensee holds more than one mate.

rials beense at a smgit laswrw a fee equal to the tugbest fee category costred tay the beenses mill be as.

sessed. tf the trapecuora tre conducsed at the sasme use.

  • The frequency snoen in the schedule la the maztroum nuraber of each type of inspection for which a fet atu be aasesset a Where a beens authorizes shielded radiographw instausuons or manuf acturing installauons at more -

than one add est, a separate fee s111 be assessed for inspection of each locauon. provided. howevet. Lhat if the mult.ple trwtallations are inspected dur".ng a ristt a single inspecuon fee will be assessed.

Tor inspection purposes. large ked small pros 7uns in Category 3A are ;4efined sJ follos s: A. Lorpe Pro-resma-Those beensees hand]!ng or processing loose or unsesJed matertal for the manufacture of tagged compounds or pre.4ucts sah sa sealed sources and distribution of same to others. smafJ Propronu-Those bcensees she are prm-s of ' fuushed producta." such as previously Lassed compounds and seaJed sources for introducticn into products or repartaring for sale to others.

) 170.41 Tallure bv appilcant or lleensee to pay prescribed fees.

In any case where the Commission finds that En applicant or a licensee hs.s failed to pay a prescribed fee required in this part, the Commission Will not proces.s any application and rpay suspend or revoke any license or approval involved or may issue an order with respect to licensed tetivities as the Commis.


sion determ!nes to be appropriate or necessary in order to carry out the provi-

_stons of this part, Parts 30, 40, 50, 70, and 71 of this chapter, and of the Act.


s .

August 1e 1980 .

$7o.34 r r w m y ,