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Responds to 800103 Comments on 10CFR71 Re Added Costs for well-logging Operators & Industrial Radiographers.Concerns Focused on Proposed Revision to Regulations,Rather than QA Requirements.Fr Notice of Proposed 10CFR71 Revision Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/28/1980
From: Minogue R
To: Peoples W
RULE-PR-71 NUDOCS 8002150065
Download: ML20126A594 (26)




l Pctt p*

  • f 004 UNITED STATES l


g[;# g

{ $3!jf!j[8 5 WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

%g.c.. j Mr. Walter P. Peeples, Jr.

President Gulf Nuclear, Inc.

202 Medical Center Blvd.

Webster, Texas 77598

Dear Mr. Peeples:

This is in response to your letter of January 3,1980, to Mr. Gossick.

It appears that your concerns with regard to the added costs for well-logging operators and industrial radiographers are more the result of the proposed revision to the 00T regulations in 49 CFR Part 173 and the NRC regulations in 10 CFR Part 71 rather than the Appendix E, Quality Assurance requirements.

It is the proposed revision of 10 CFR and of 49 CFR that would reduce the Type A quantities for these sources from 20 curies to 8 curies in line with international regulations for transport of radioactive material. The result of the changes in 49 CFR and 10 CFR would make 20 curie well-logging sources Type B quantities subject to requirement for shipping in Type B packages and to the present external radiation and contamination limits in DOT regulations 49 CFR 173.393 (j) and (h) which are being proposed for addition to 10 CFR Part 71 as well.

Department of Transportation reports show that most incidents involving the transport of radioactive materials were caused by improper or defective packag-ing or human error, not accidents involving the transportation mode.

It is the objective of quality assurance procedures to prevent the use of improper or defective packaging and to minimize human error through overcheck and ver-ification procedures.

In the simplest cases such procedures need not generate additional paperwork beyond the piece of paper that describes the procedure and assigns responsibility.

In the case of moving a source from jobsite to jobsite it may be sufficient from a graded quality assurance standpoint to have a supervisor check the source packaging before it is transferred and sign off on whatever document is already being used to indicate transfer from job to job.

In more complex situations such as a shipment of spent fuel in a cask to storage one would expect that there would need to be more verifica-tions made and more detailed documentation of such verifications. We presently are preparing guidance to attempt to better define the intent of the graded approach to quality assurance. We will solicit your comments on this guidance in the near future.

8002150 06f

4 Mr. Walter P. Peeples, Jr.,

As I noted above, it appears that your major results from proposed revisions to 49 CFR Part 173 and 10 CFR Part 71. We currently are reviewing coments received on the Part 71 proposed revisions and will take yours into consideration along with others.

I am enclosing a copy of the Federal Register

notice of the Part 71 proposed revision in case you have not seen it.

Pre-sumably you have seen the D0T proposal since you refer to it in your letter.

Although the comment period for the Part 71 proposal has passed, we would appreciate any further comments you may have on these proposals.


[QU8 Nw Robert 8. Minogue, D or Office of Standards Development


As Stated cc:

The Honorablo Lloyd Bentsen The Honorable Ron Paul l

48234 Feder:1 Regist:r / Vol. 44, No.181 / Friday, August 17, 1979 / PropoSid Rules NUCLEAH REGULATORY radioactive materials in greater than COMMISSION

" Type B" quantities and of fissile materials.8

[10 CFR Part 71)

Subsequently AEC regulations were extended to include Type B (greater Packaging of Radioactive Material for than Type A) quantities. Among the Transportation and Transportation of requirements adopted was one that Radioactive Material Under Certain packages for greater than Type A Conditions; Compatibility With IAEA quantities of radioactive materials and Regulations packages for fissile materials had to AGENCY: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory satisfy certain specified performance Commission, criteria when subjected to severe conditions known as " hypothetical ACTION: Proposed rule.

accident conditions."


The Nuclear Regulatory A Type A quantity of non fissile materialis considered not a serious Commission is considering revising its regulations for the transportation of hazard if packaging failure occurs in an radioactive material to make them accident: however, Type A packages compatible with those of the must be able to witnstand a wide range International Atomic Energy Agency i specified conditions which may be (IAEA) and thus with those of most experienced in normal transport. The major nuclear nations of the world.

mgdanons of the Department of Although several substantive changes Transportation in 49 CFR Parts 170-179 are proposed in order to provide a more specify the requirements for these uniform degree of safety for various packages.

types of shipments, the Coremission's The regulations in the AEC,s 10 CFR Part 71, as revised in 1968, were basic standards for radioactive material substantially m accord with the packaging would remain unchanged.

recommendations of the International,

The Department of Transpor,tation is Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as al30 proposing a correspondmg rule change to its Hazardous Materials published in IAEA Safety Series No. 6.

" Regulations for the Safe Transport of

'lransport Regulations.

Radioactive Materials" (1967 edition).

oATES: Comments must be received on Only minor changes have been made to or before October 16.1979.

10 CFR Part 71 since that time except for ADORESSES: Interested persons are the change in the admimstration of Type invited to submit written comments and B packaging requirements and the suggestions on the proposal and/or the addition of f 71.42 placing restrictions supporting value/ impact analysis to the on shipment of plutonium.

Secretary of the Commission U.S.

No special restriction on air transport Nuclear Regulatory Commission, of plutonium is imposed by the present Washington. D.C. 20555. Attention:

er proposed 10 CFR Part 71, because the Docketmg and Service Branch. Single congressional legislation restricting such copies of the value/ impact analysis may shipment and resulting in the NRC be obtained on request from the contact development of a Plutonium Air identified below. Copies of the value/

Transport (PAT) package is a separate

.mpact analysis and of comments and overriding requirement. A separate n aived by the Commission may be rulemaking is being undertaken by the examined m the Commission's Public Commission to address restrictions on Document Rcom at 1717 li Street. N.W.

the nir transport of plutorJum.

Washington. D C.

S"V"T"! years of experience in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:

a a

e A mgulad ns Mr. Donald R. Hopkins. Office of Standards Development, U.S. Nuclear were generally sound and practical and Regulatory Commission, Washington, that they provided a reasonable degree of safety. Although several Type B D.C. 20555. Telephone: 301--813-5946.

packages (i.e.. packages contaimng more SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION" In 1968 than a Type A quanhty) have been the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) involved in severe accidents in the amended its regulations in to CFR Part United States. no known escape of 71, then entitled " Packaging of Radioactive Material for Transport" (33

'Present regul.tions disunsui.h amors Type A FR 17621), to be compatible with the quanuty tihe maximum amount or a parimular Department of Transportation's revision

'*d' nuchde that may be transported in a pack ge (33 FR 14918) ofits regulations desisned to withstand specified conditions of nonnat transportation tiut not the simulated pertaining to safety in the transport of accident condmonsi. Type o quantity (a specified radioactive material.The AEC amount areater than a Type A quantity but

'd'"*"* "9"#"8 " 'Pu'ty Ismai

  • l P' " I"' b

regulations at that time applied to the

((*ue'n'iftyin a se quan an a Type packaging and transportation of.


Fed:r:1 Regist:r / Vol. 44. No.101 / Friday, August 17, 1979 / Proposed Rults 48235 radioactive material has resulted. lt did effective date or before expiration of the each radionuclide two values, Ai and appear. however, that a more uniform certificate of compliance, whichever is A., which are the maximum number of degree of safety for various designs and later.

cunes p3rmitted in Type A packages in for different package contents was it is essential that NRC and special form and normal form.

desirable and could be achieved without Department of Transportation respectively.The Ai and As values for undue restriction by some modification regulations be consistent and that various radionuc'! des are listed in the of the design requirements and related changes to the regulations of the proposed regulation.

performance criteria of the IAEA two agencies be made simultaneously.

The value of Ai for special fo.nn regulations.

The proposed changes to DOT's 49 CFR material is intended to limit the possible The IAEA convened panels in 1971 Parts 170-179 and DOTS proposed new external radiation dose rate to 1 rem /

and 1972 to review their transportation Part 127 to Title 49 to make thern hour at 3 meters from the source if the regulations and to recommend consistent ws he relevant portions of contents of the package are released.

appropriate amendments. All member the 1973 IAEA requiremenh have except that an upper limit of100 curies countries with a well developed nuclear already been puonsned in the January 8.

is imposed. Special form material must industry and many international 1979 issue of the Federal Register.

also be nondispersible as detennined by organizations were represented on the panels. the United States participated in Major Chan8es certain stringent criteria (which differ somewhat from present criteria for the program and in fact initiated many The major changes to 10 CFR Part 71 special form) which are set forth in of the amendments.The IAEA being proposed deal with assignment of Appendix D of Part 71.

subsequently issued the 1973 edition of individualized Type A quantities for The bases for the A value for normal Safety Series No. 6. " Regulations for the each radionuclide, and the addition of material (that is, material not in special Safe Transport of Radioactive new Type B(U) and Type B(M) form) are:(1) and accident of mcderate Materials." Reasons for significant packaging standards. These major seventy might release 0.1% of the changes from the 1967 edition are changes are discussed in the following contents, and 0.1% of the amount documented in proposals submitted in paragraphs.

released might then be taken into the advance to the IAEA by member countries,in working papers prepared Individualized Type A Quantities body of a human being in the vicinity; this intake should not exceed half the by study groups during the course of the One important change that would be maximum permissible annual intake for meetings, and in the taped record. Much made by the proposed regulations is the workers as given in IAEA Safety Series l

of this background information is elimination of the system used to specify No. 9, " Basic Safety Standards for summarized in IAEA Safety Series No.

the quantity of radioactive material Radtation Protection"(1987 Edition):

37 " Advisory Material for the permitted in Type A packages. Under and (2) A shall not exceed Ai. Intake Applicaticn of the IAEA Transport the present system, radionuclides are values are based on the International Regulations."

divided into seven transport groups Commission on Radiological Protection Based on figures compiled for the which take account of toxicity and (ICRp)1966 recommended limits for s

calendar year 1975, more than 10.000 specific activity, plus a "special form" radiation exposure.

packages of radioactive material are category for materials which are not The following table compares the exported annually from the United dispersible because of their inherent present special form and normal form States. In order to minimize physical form or because of suitable limits with the limits that would be complication and delay and encourage encapsulation. Under this system, the applicable under the proposed rule, for uniform safety of these export stripments allowable number of curies for each several of the more commonly shipped and those which are imported revision radionuclide in a group is in most cases radionuclides.

of United States domestic regulations in the same as the allowable number of The adoption of Ai and As values will 10 CFR part 71 is proposed. This curies for the most toxic member of the sometimes permit a single Type A revision, in combination with a group. This method is unnecessarily package to replace two or more present corresponding amendment by DOT of restrictive when applied to the less toxic Type A packages. Also, some of the Title 49 of the Code of Federal group members, which in some cases small number of Type B packages with Regulations, will bring the U.S.

have a maximum permissible body contents near the lower limit for Type B i

regulations into accord with relevant burden more than ten times that of the could be reclassified as Type A.

portions of the IAEA design and more toxic members.

However, the number of Type A performance requirements to the extent The proposed regulation eliminates packages and the total amount of considered feasible, thereby making transport groups. Instead, it assigns to materialin Type A packages is not r

l them compatible with the domestic expected to be significantly affected.

regulations of most of the international community; remaining differences are w,i. %.m. ci,,

discussed below. Although procedures for implementing and enforcing the

  • = won a-i
    • =s regulations necessarily vary somewhat among countries, the IAEA administrative requirements are also

-um u._

o o on, o wo being adopted where appropriate.

"c iv.

20 to 1000 im Packages of design having a valid

-E E

8 8

2 3

7 certificate of compliance as of the

'"cs a

3 ao ao effective date of this amendment will be 1

lll1, regulations provided fabrication is in "1*

- N E

g g

8 treated as complying with the amended to so im im

-f-8 s

s accordance with design and has bmn

- s, n

zo a os to o.

o, 9,

completed within two years after the u

ni -

a 3

im os

48236 Fed:ral Regista / Vol. 44, No.161 / Friday, August 17, 1979 / Proposed Rules For some radioactive materials in Comparison With Current Regulations Where no entry is shown. there is no special form the Type A limit will be closely corresponding paragraph or Set f rth below section.

increased and for some the Type A limit paragraphs conta,in a cross.index of will be decreased. The change in the med in the proposed The administrative requirements in revisi n f Part 71. the present Part 71, the United States for application to the number of such packages is also expected to be small.

and IAEA Safety Series No. 6.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission for Regulations for the Safe Transport of approval of a package design. for review Type B/U)-Type B/MJ Packaging Radioactive Materials"(1p73 Revised by the Commission staff, and for Standards Edition). Omissions from proposed Part documentation of design and approvals 71 of requirements in IAEA Safety necessarily differ from those described Type B packages regulated by the Series No. 6 are not shown: however.

in IAEA Safety Series No. 6. For most of NRC currently fall into two categories:

such omissions of a technical and these items, no cross-index with IAEA those containing Type B quantities and substantive nature are discussed later.

Safety Series No. 6 is shown.

those containing large quantities, of radioactive material. The present upper emesineen limit for Type D quantities and the designation of amounts greater than that limit as "large quantity" were proco o iAp

  • v established at a time when large

%,,og quantitles of radioactive material, particularly in the form of irradiated pt,,,,,

7,. i 7, i fuel, were thought to require special some na na-provision for heat removal and special l[j~ ~ 7[]i ~~


consideration of the possible escape of 7,.nsoonnon e nc.nuo m mm ns ns coolant under accident conditions.

f,',,*,*,, 'lg, j7 s liowever, experience has shown that, n.n on wio.

n n.s.,,,

.,, ;l e.

n7 while some present Type B quantities do Emmtem W hun m.=w 70 ns require special consideration of heat l'.S o.a u 7I E.". 7I E EI{$

removal. some large quantities do not Homoo==oia w=t n*ct. -. 7: 8de "Het require such consideration. Also, the E,7,,*,,$ '"'s yivioi 0 2.""": N Nt$

hazard associated with escape of i no au-71 oc').... -

eoitti radioactive material is not appreciably, um,7,,7,O,."n.g,,,,,.


f, i,.

dependent upon whether the on-e nc.

.= m.v.

7ui rui accompanying non-radioactive material

((ZZ' 7ll'g;,,;7" * -.


is classified as a coolant. Therefore, the r,an ci

m. c.u i n inci ru ne._

proposed rule would combine the F m clam E Cau fu Hd)__

6n r.

existing Type B and large quantities.


a ciam a cm. s ru uc _


an, o,---.-

rua _ _nin Two classifications of Type B W,g" 7ljj lljj-packaging, designated as Type B(M) and Aain.on i r.-

ri is Type D(U) have been established by the

'a'a*"'a' * ""*1 *c'*a -

7 's.

IAEA and are included in the proposed som s_amcano ron roca a 4, out C.o. a# ""'"""

regula tions. For interna tional shipment,

._ l #7$


the Type D(M) package requires mu =

n n.

Fi n approval by the competent authority of

"",'o'n*",n,*,,",",,on 7[8' ll 2' each country into or through (but not su m c pacxAQ. sTMeOMtoo over) which the package is transported,

o. mon on a como nc.

n.3i nx.

roiaos i.e., multilateral approval. Any special 70740s design features or operational controls y,



n suci _

204 of the Type B(M) package will thus be umaum ener=on ri.2 <ni_._

tra. sea <ct rio subject to review for consistency with l[3 lg,- {3,se,a _.


,,,,,,n,,,,,,c, the practices and procedures of more n.32m. __ ru ne._,

224 than one country. The Type B(U) yT *


7[y,g, n 8u.b----

a; g

package is mtended to require approval p, e norma..n.oort. -

n,a nu,.n 3 sic __

ns only by the country of origin (i.e.,

^***=* '=.",*=nm so, emo o.o.= p


7 22.u_._ n asic ___

22s. 24a unilateral approval) and for this reason Amn,e,m n w e<uip%


, o, nc.,o.n

. n w._,_ 7% _,._

a no has numerous special features of design F**

coomo va.m riuni~

n4 and performance as described in

  • O'1"l,,,s,,,,.


3,5 proposed i 71.34. Proposed Part 71, co-.=wpre

_ n x.t no i

however, makes no distinction between

,,,,,'",,, ""g8,',g*g

, l[2 $8; f.

227. ne Type B(M) and Type B(U) package o,n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

n 33,y _

designs with respect to required um.o is o.


ri ascin... n sa som approyals. Both types will fall within the


5 so.on.n

. ".c",",".,'a"""-

", 35*2' " 8S.,$L -

eor e"ir

p.,o, n

a an, 7 3$.x4) ri.3 en.

general license provisions of i 71.12 for nac3_._.

no7. sir import and export, and wdl require F M cl l.

713 sib)....

7s.38 006 specific NRC approval for shipments h$%$

. _ $[fsl*," $[$

E wholly within the United States. In some P.c



7,27 t circumstances, the NRC must also approve the conditions of transport for a Type B(M) package.

i l

l j

Federd Regi:t:r / Vol. 44, No.161/ Fridzy, August 17, 1979 / Proposed Rules 48237 croe ineen-.comenwed of time shorter than a year for pressure buildup.

A definition of " stress intensity" has been added in proposed i n.4(q). This



n. s term is used in proposed i 71.34 (f) and s ame ri se ri 4

== suar,. r mm (g)-

, n.o co.


        • ' *-o"**me C*'"un d"mm*.*
2. Section 7t% Exemption forlow N,'"n"o.

Pr an ru _


_ 7[U IU levelmaterials. Low-level solid eas materials and low specific activity ns: ne aa** g lg--Ofd

_,,,J materials, even if they should escape

.w c.=rner n.

ri.s o in sear.ica from the packaging, present little harard ama=====mse coa *=mma 7t.s esanaeme _

see to individuals in the public because the Esf concentration of radioactivity is small o,


a=e rm 71 si 7: si and individuals have a limited

-Jj Jg capability for inhalation and ingestion of vente 75 s.

ri se the material.The risk to an individual ammomus does not depend to a significant extent wann. carism.r= w nr.oort A,. A_ Aest A 22: on the curie quantity. These materials Q

have therefore been exempted from the s,.oc


o.a==.oa e A, we A.


requirements of the proposed Part n.

wc aowis D ", c*."

w o_ w9 but must satisfy the requirements of the no-n, i

car n

w e _. w e.

applicable regulations of the Department of Transportation. This

'As tw r nce. m =c.can or pney o str we e ew

4e cFR Port in W em r A. ton. W exemption was requested in three petitions currently pending before NRC.

Type A quantities continue to be exempt Detailed Changes Some changes have also been made from the requirements of Part n.

",'d '"

d In addition to the major substantive 0

ctiv y i ts will

3. Section n.A-exemption forfissile changes to Part n previously discussed p

and numerous editoria; changes for the be related to A. values rather than to material. Proposed i 71.9(a) will require purpose of clarity or conciseness, there transport group. Articles, such as that for up to 15 grams of fissle material are severai other minor modifications.

contaminated squipment with non-fixed to be exempt from the regnirements of These changes are described below and surface contamination have been i n.35 (standards for fissile material are accompanied by a reference to the included within the LSA definition.

packages), the smallest external section or paragraph of the proposed Methods of concentrating the activity in dimension of the package shall be not rule where the change appears.

ka 'p 6 1 ch d

less than to cm. Since 15 grams of some

,yapora 10 must now be considered.

fissile materials could physically be

1. Section n.4-Def/nitmas. Many definitions needed to reflect the Finally, the limit for tritium oxide in contained in a smaller package, the aqueous solution, after consideration of requirement is consistent with proposed proposed changes to Part 71 have been added, and some existing definitions the hazarde due to wettLig of the skin i n.35 (aH3p) relating to size of have been appropriately modified.

and to possible inhalation of vapors, has aperture in outer surface of paciaging.

j been increased from 5 curies / liter to 10 Paragraphs (c) through (g) of I n.9 1

These changes reflect the meanings of curie 8/ lit

contain several changes and additions i

terms as used in the proposed revision to the exemptions for fissile material l

to the regulations.

'rbe IAEA regulations define These changes and additions to the l

The term " containment system.-

" maximum normal operating pressure" exemption standarda for fissile material defined in proposed i 71.4(c). replaces (MNOp) as the maximum pressure that include:

the esisting term " containment vessel.a would develop in one year without The containment system may include a venting or special cooling, ur. der

a. Reduction from 7000 to 5200 of the vessel as well as other components expected but unspecified emblent minimum value of the atomic ratio of intended to retain the radioactive conditions for that period of time.The hydrogen to fissile material (H/X) that material during transport.

concept is applied in those regulations mast be exceeded for 500 grams of any A new classification of radJoactive only to Type B(U) packages, for which fissh dude m W mph material, " low level solid" (LLS) upper limits of allowable pressure and the packaging requirements of proposed radioactive material, is being added to allowable stresses are imposed.

i 71.35. A concentration limit of 5 grams per liter will be imposed on this 1

the regulations. It is defined in proposed in the regulatory changes proposed material. *Bese changes eliminate the i 71.4(g) and is similar to " low specific herein, the MNOP concept is applied to need for the H/X requirements presently I

activity" (LSA) material, except that the Type B(M) packages, and the MNOP is irnposed by I 71.7(b)(4)(iii) and LLS concept permits a greater then assumed to be a normal condition i 71.9(d)(3).

Concentration of radioactive materialin of transport at the titue of the tests the contents of a package and a higher described in Appendices A and B. At the surface contamination, while imposing same time the regulations recognizes, in greater restrictions on the dispersibility i n.31(c), that in some cases and on the permissible method of operational controls as with a sole-use shipment.

shipment, may justify assuming a period

4 48238 Federal Regist:r / Vol. 44. No. tot / Friday. August 17. i979 / Proposed Rules

b. Application of quantity limits for Proposed i 71.32(e). relating to tie.

10-. A. per hour or better. The bulk shipment to the vehicle rather than down is a modification of the existing acceptance criteria and methods of to the package.

I 71.31(d). The present specification of demonstration, which take account of

c. Extension to uranium metal of the strength corresponding to 2.10. and 5 the islative toxicities of the various present limitations for exemption of times the weight of the package in the radionuclides, are addressed in uranium compounds, vertical. longitudinal, and lateral Regulatory Guide 7.4. " Leakage Tests on
d. Removal of the restriction on the directions, respectively. has been Packages for Shipment of Radioactive l

total amount of fissile tadio-nuclides per eliminated because for normal transport Matenals.

the required strength depends on the The IAEA option of designing Type o not ex e d 5 g ams pe 10 ite s.

shipping mode and is addressed in DOT B(M) packages for continuous venting,

e. Exemption from fissile material regulations, and for accident conditions with specified limits for escape of packaging requirements of plutonium up the tiedown attachments are assumed to radioactive material, hs been omitted
fall, from proposed Part 71. There is no to 1 kilogram. but with imposition of certain restrictions on its isotopic Proposed i 71.32(fl. dealing with apparent need for such design in tife i


reactions among package components.

United States at present:if the need

f. Exemption of uranyl nitrate corresponds to the present i 71.32(a),

should arise and if the adequacy of solutions. subject to certam restrictions but with the added requirement that the controls is demonstrated exemptions on fissile content.

consequences of any credib!e water might be granted on an individual basis, lnleakage must be taken into account.

The present requirement of I 71.32(a)

4. Section 71.IJ--Cenerallicense for This requirement is included because that the strength of a package be shipment oflicensed material.

packages sometimes contain substances analyzed as a simple beam has been Paragraphs 71.11(b). (d), and (e) of the that are highly reactive with water, eliminated because greater strength is 1

proposed regulations for certain fissile proposed i 71.32(g), corresponding to required in order to satisfy the impact Class 11 and Class Ill packages paragraph 222 ofIAEA Safety Series No.

tests of the hypothetical accident.

correspond to paragraphs 620,623. and

6. requires protection of valves.

The following IAEA package 624 of IAEA Safety Series No. 6 and are Although this requirement is not in the requirements have been omitted from added specifications within the scope of present regulations, such protection is revised Part 71: several of them are a generallicense.

needed for safety and has been provided subject' for discussion.n existing and s

5. Section 71.2/J-Package evoluotion.

in practice, contemplated regulatory guides:

In accordance with the basis for Proposed i 71.32[h) sets forth' general

a. Paragraphs 201-203 relating to establishing Type B(M) and B(U) acceptance criteria for normal means for handling.

packages. the proposed package conditions of transport.This

b. Paragraphs 206-207 relating to evaluation must include a description of corresponds to paragraphs 225 and external crevices or pockets and to any special controls or precautions 231(a) of IAEA Safety Series No. 6.


during the shipping and handling of However, the proposed regulations will

c. Paragraph 208 requiring that any Type B(M) packages.

require design to be based on an features added at the time of transport

6. Section 71.32--Standords for oll unattended time pe-iod of one year for shall not reduce safety. Currently in the Type Bpockages. Proposed i 71.32(a),

all Type B packages except when. in United States, any such features are which relates to the strength of lifting accordance with i 71.31(c), a shorter considered in the safety analysis.

attachments, is more general than the time is justified by operational cantrols.

d. Paragraph 212 requiring that existing I 71.31(c). The proposed rule During this time, which allows for external protrusions be avoided as far will require the package to withstand possible delays in shipping, pressure as practicable.

abrupt lifting without developing unsafe may continue to develop as a result of

e. Paragraph 213 requiring stresses. At present, packages must chemical reaction (e.g., corrosion) and consideration of the ambient withstand three times the weight of the radiolytic decomposition. By way of temperature range and calling attention package (or lid) without exceedmg yield comparison, the IAEA regulations in to the phenomenon of bnttle fracture.

strength. This change will permit paragraphs 231(a) and 242 require

f. Paragraph 214 requiring fusion joints adjustment of the strength requirement considerms for all Type B packages only to be in accordance with recognized in situations where a factor other than the effects of heat and only for one standards.

three may be appropriate or where the week: the one year period is specified

g. Paragraph 217 permitting credit to design is intended to safely only for Type B(U) packages (by be taken for "special form" as a means accommodate a stress exceeding yield requiring them to be designed to of containment. Special form is strength in some component. In addition, withstand " maximum normal operating advantageous because it permits a the proposed rule requires the package pressure.")

larger amount of radioactive material to satisfy ll.e performance standards Paragrphs 233A and 243 of Safety per Type A package than does normal even if the lifting attschments should Series No. O permit escape of form. However, the indispersible nature fail under excessive load. as is required radioactive material at the rate of of special form Type B for tiedown devices in present and A.x10-* per hour in normal transport.

quantities is necessarily taken into proposed regulations. This new This amount is considered to be an account in the evaluation of requirement for lifting attachments takes insignificant hazard, and was containment, account of the possibility of some introduced in the 1973 edition of Safety

h. Paragraph 218 requiring a separate obstruction or wedgmg while handling Series No. 8 in recognition of the fact fastening device for a containment the package during transshipment.

that zero leakage is neither necessary system that is a separate unit of the Proposed paragraphs (b). (c) and (d) of nor attainable for some types of packaging.

I 71.32. imposing package design shipments. The reqirements of "no loss i Paragraph 223 requiring a separate features, correspond respectively to or dispersal"in normal transport is fastening device for a radiation shield l

present 49 CFR 173.393 (c) and (b) and being retained in propnsed Part 71, but that encloses a part of the containment 10 CFR 71.31(b).

with an acceptance test sensitivity of system.


Faderal Register / Vol. 44. No.101 / Friday, August 17. 1979 / Proposed Rules 48239 J. Paragraph 233 requiring thermal in most cases the release rate would Series No. 6. However, there is no protection [e g.. insulation) to remain decrease shortly after the accident, and essential difference in technical effective under normal and accident the recovery of the damaged package requirements and assumptions for conditions and under other conditions.

would be1 expected within less than a evaluation of criticality or in controls such as cutting or skidding not week. However, a time limit is required during shipment, except that simulated in the specified tests.

necessary for demonstration of the requirement for no more than 5%

Effectiveness under specified normal compliance, and the NRC considers that reduction of volume or spacing and no and accident conditions is necessarily the one week specified in IAEA aperture greeter than 10 cm in normal


considered in the safety analysis. The regulations is adequate for corrective transport applies to all fissile material l

nature of other conditions such as action.

packages in the existing and proposed cutting or skidding would require further Because ofits relatively innocuous Part 71, but only to Fissle Class 11 definition before inclusion in Part 71.

nature and rapid dispersion in air, packapes in IAEA Safety Series No. 6.

7. Section 71.JJ-Additional special consideration was given to Kr.

Retention in Part 71 of these requirements for Type B(Af) packages.

85, and its limit was increased from requirements for all fissile material Proposed i 71.33(a)(2) specifies the 1.000 to 10,000 curies. On the other hand, packages is considered justified by the 1

allowable radiation level after the the' allowable release of many present added margin of safety for package hypothetical accident as 1000 mrem /

Croup i radionuclides will be reduced integrity, i

hour at 1 meter rather than at 3 ft from because the present limit of 0.01 curie

10. Section 7ts&Rountine the package surface.This change will exceeds the A. value. This is illustrated determinations. Proposed i 71.54(b).

not significantly affec: p9ckage design by the values for "Pu in the table, corresponds to the present 49 CFR or performance.

8. Section 7tJ4 Additional 173.393(j) and to paragraphs 534 and 537 The requirements of paragraph 244 of requirements for Type B(U)pockages.
  • W S*IY SMi'* N.o. 6. A change IAEA Safety Series No. 8 that limit Only a few of the requirements for Type from the present regulations is that the stress in the containment system to the B(U) packages have counterparts in the allowable maximum radiation level for a yield strength under normal and present regulations. These are identified package transported as a fullload in a accident test conditions have not been in the cross-index.

ci sed vehicle will be 1000 mrem /h on included in proposed Part 71 because, as the surface of the package. rather than specified in the American Society of Analysis taking into account the at 3 ft from the surface as presently Mechanical Engineers. Doller and atmorpheric dispersal and possible measured. In practice, only small Pressure Vessel Code acceptable inhalation has shown that any serious packages are affected since the stresses may be higher or lower radiologicalinjury due to release of an cc9 trolling radiation level for large depending on details of design. In am unt As from a package is quite paczages remains the allowable particular, stresses above yield strength unlikely. The proposed allowable radiation level at the edge of the vehicle are acceptable at points of stress release of this amount from a Type B(M) or at 2 m from the vehicle.The change concentration where local deformation package under hypotheti' cal accident reduces allowable surface radiation conditions is thus considered provides stress relief. This subject is levels and thus for small packages treated in Regulatory Guide 7.6. " Stress adequately safe. As an added factor of Allowables for the Design of Shipping safety i r Type B(U) packages, which increases the margin of safety in handling.

be "

Cask Containment Vessels."

fc ta e9 t r vie y countries Proposed i 7L54(c). specifying

. The proposed allowable escape of radioactive material from Type B(M) other than the country of origin, the allowable surface temperatures, specified maximum release under corresponds to the present 49 CFR packages under accident conditions is hypothetical accident conditions is 173.393(e)(2) and to paragraphs 231(b) not greatly different from existing limits smaller than the Type B(M) limit by a and 240 of IAEA Safety Series No. 0.

except to the extent A. values differ factor of 1000. This factor takes into Present NRC and DOT regulations, from present transport group values-account the possible differences in however, do not specify the ambient air Present regulations restrict the loss to methods of evaluation in different temperature. In accordance with IAEA gases or contaminated coolant. This countries and the freedom from any regulations, ambient air temperature restriction is deleted in the proposed restrictions on handling or shipment.

will be assumed to be 3a' C (100* F).

revised regulations because the cwcept of an identifiable coolant is no longer Proposed i 71.34 (f) and (g). f mposing The IAEA regulations, however, included in the regulations. The internal pressure limitations, correspond impose only on Type B(U) packages the limit of 82* C (180* F) for the temperature following tabulation shows the changes

[,yara f readily accessible surfaces with full m the allowable release for some e,

bu use he te at esa g

,, raen en a mPIY " stress..

I ad shipment: Part 71 willimpose this radionuclides of particular concern in the shipment of irradiated fuel. The and state which stresses to consider,'.

limit on both Type BlU) and Type B(M) proposed revised regulations specify This change should help to clarify this pg8 -

that the allowable release must not be requirement. Although these Pro' posed I 71.54(d). limiting external exceeded in a period of one week.

requiremer.ts. In amplified form. might /

radioactive centamination, corresponds seem more appropriate for a regulatory to present 49 CFR 173.397.

c Q lf " ** " *"'

guic'e, they are included in proposed

11. Section 7L62-Records. P'oposed part 71 because of the need for i 71.62(a) defines the records that must armne
  • pmpa.o consistency with IAEA regulations.

be kept for shipment of fissile material N

w = =4 particularly for Type B(U) packages.

and Type B quantities of radioactive

9. Section 7LJS-Standards forfissle material.

"' c.

so ao

"' t -

so so materialpackages. The editcnal

12. Appendix A-Normalconditions

.... _. -. _ _. ~.

o' 002 arrangement of proposed i 71.35, which of trancport. Proposed Appendix A


contains the revised requirements for

= w,.. _ C imo ioxoo fissle material packaging, differs

> or o tw conw=. mo 6

significantly from that of IAEA Safety

48240 Fedtral Registzt / Vol. 44, No.101 / Friday, August ~47,1979 / Proposed Rules desenbes environmental conditions be omitted because they are more the Ai and A, values for any considered to represent normal suitable for a regulatory guide. The radioisotope. A new entry has been transport. Paragraph 232 of IAEA Safety specifications for the compression test included for the radionuclide lead 401 e Series No. O Specifies 38' C (100* F) as in proposed paragraph (d), which medicalisotope in response to a ambient temperature. However, the contemplates packages being stacked.

petition currently pending before NRC.

matter of diurnal variation is not have been converted to the metric

15. Appendix D -Requirements for addressed.There are only a few spots in system by applying the test to packages specialform radiocctive material. The the United States (e.g., Death Valley) up to 5000 kg rather than 10.000 ib and qualification tests for special form where a few days in the year the daily by adopting the IAEA load value of 1300 radioactive materialin proposed average temperature exceeds 38' C and kg/m8(1.85 lb/in') rather than the Appendix D have been modified.

then it exceeds that temperature by only previous 2 lb/in. The IAEA regulatiens primarily by adm a bending ten.

8 a small amount. However, to avoid the do not specify an upper limit for weight.

providing mor e deioile d instructmns for need for more complex analysis to However. such stacking is not the immersiun m hhing procedure.

consider diurnal vanation, and because contemplated for packages such as and changmg the mmmum loss by of other considerations which may spent fuel casks. and thus the test will teaching to 0.05 microcune in each of increase ambient temperature above not be applied to packages greater than two determinations rather than the that of outside air (e g., closed vehicles.

5000 kg.

present 0.005% for a single assembly of multigle heat producing

13. Appendix B-Hypothetical determination. slender objects are packages,insulattMg effects of other accident cond/tmns. As in Appendix A more likely to suffer bendmg under Cd!'go), the present ambient temperature for normH1 transport Conditions. the rough handling or accident conditions of 54* C (130' F) has been retamed.

ambient temperature and internal than are short or spherical objects; The present Part 71 does not specify pressure are specified for the package hence a minimum length of to cm and a ambient temperature of internal, entering the test sequence. Paragraph minimum length to-width ratio of10 pressure preceding the normal transport (c)., describing the thermal test, will be have been selected for application of the and accident tests. The IAEA revised for clarity and will require regulations specify an ambient consideration of convective heat input bending test.The proposed leaching test specified by the IAEA regulations has temperature of 38* C (100* F) but do not when significant. When the main body been selected as suitable and should specify a time penod during which of a package is surrounded by and pressure could develop. Proposed Part directly exposed to fire, the convective yield uniform results. An absolute 71 will require selecting the most heat input is small compared to radiant amount leached is better related to the unfavorable ambient temperature heat input. However, some packages are hazard than is a fixed percentage.

between -29' C (-20* f) and 38' C protected partially or wholly by a Although 0.05 microcurie is much (100* Fl. and internal pressure equal to radiation shield through which air and smaller than any of the As quantities,in the MNOP adjusted for ambient combustion gases may circulate. In such this case it is specified as a measure of temperature. Although the high cases, convective heat input may be the indispersibility and is equivalent to temperature is unfavorable with respect significant and must be included since the maximum permissible non fixed surf to the effects of fire, a low temperature the test is intended to simulate realisdc cm, ace contamination on an area of 50 f a package surface.

is unfavorable with respect to possible fire conditions with respect to expected brittle hacture and perhaps other total heat input.

Existing regulations require that effect.. Thus some intermediate A requirement will be added that "special form radioactive material" have temperature may be most unfavorable artificial cooling shall not be applied either (1) no dimension less than 0.5 mm for a prescribed sequence of tests.

and that any combustion of materials of or (2) at least one dimension greater The present i 71.32(b) and Part 71, construction chall be ellowed to preceed than 5 mm. It is now proposed that Appendix A paragraph 3, require the until natural termination. The IAEA special form radioactive material must package to withstand ambient pressures regulations permit artificial conting after have at least one dimension not less of 25 psig and 0.5 atmosphere, 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />. However. 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> may be than 5 mm. The first option has been respectively. The requirement to inadequate for control of fire even in removed because of the possible withstand an ambient pressure of 25 populated areas. Also, unrecognized difficulty of identifying, for safe psig without damage is not contained in smoldering may continue for a much handling, an object as small as 0.5 mm j

the IAEA regulations, although there is longer time.

In every dimension.

I an uccident test ofimmersion in 15 m of Proposed paragraph (e) adds an

16. Misce //aneous. Several changes water, which results in a pressure of accident test condition of immersion in and additions that experience indicates about 21 psig. The resistance to external 15 m of water, since some harbors have will be useful are proposed in the pressure is considared desirable as a such depth and a package might be requirements for exemption of fissile way of providing ruggedness for dropped overboard during handling.

material from the provisions of Part 71 unspecified rough handling conditions immersion to a greater depth within the and in the specifications for packages of and is in most cases easily satisfied. The United States could occur in one of the fissile material that are generally low ambient pressure in the proposed Great Lakes, but such occurrence is very licensed. Cnticality studies showed that Appendix A. as in IAEA Safety Series


these proposed modifications satisfy the No. O, is about 025 a tmosphere rather

14. Appendix C-Determination ofA.

requirements for avoidance of criticality.

than the presently specified 0.5 and As. A few of the radioicotopes listed The IAEA regulations also include some atmosphere. This change recognizes the in Appendix C of the present Part 71 examples of specific packages that the possibility of transportmg packages in have been omitted from the table of A, IAEA considers to satisfy criticality unpressurized compartments of aircraft and A. values in proposed Part 71, requirements but nevertheless to require st altitudes of10 km or about 33.000 ft.

because these radioisotopes have approval by the competent authority Although proposed Part 71 requires a seldom if ever been shippedin recent before use. These examples are not water spray test. details of this test as years. Powever, the proposed Appendix included in the proposed revision of 10 given in IAEA Safsty Series No. 6 will C provides procedures for determining CFR Part 71.


Fediril Registrr / Vol. 44. No tot / Friday. A't: gust 17, 1979 / Propossd Rules 48241 The metric system. as represented by sec.

Subpart A-General Provisions the International System of Units (SI).

n.3 Requirements for license.

has been incorporated in the proposed

?1.4 Definitions.

6 71.1 Purpose n3 Transponation of licensed material.

(a) This part establishes:(1) regulation. Rounded-off values of equivalents for the English system are Exemptions Requirements for packaging preparation given in parentheses. except in a few M.6 Specific exemptions.

for shipment. and transportation of cases where the conversion seems 71.7 Exemption of physicians.

licensed material: and (2) procedures unnecessary or inappropriate.

n.8 Exemption for low level materials.

and standards for approval bythe The Commission has determined that 71.9 Exemption for fissile material.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission of neither the Council of Environmental packaging and shipping procedures for G'"'I'IC * **

Quality guidelines. 40 CFR Part 1500 nor fissile material (uranium-233. uranium-the NRC regulations in to CFR Part 51, 71.11 Generallicense for shipment of fissile 235. plutonium-238 plutonium 239, or

" Licensing and Regulatory Policy and matenal.

plutonium 241) and for quantit'es of Procedures for Environmental Quality."

71.12 Generallicense for shipment in otherlicensed materialin excess of type require the NRC to prepare an approved packages.

A quantities, as defined in i 71.4(s).

n.13 Communicauons.

environmental impact statement for the (b) The packaging and transport of proposed revision of 10 CHL Part 71.

"j' $'d','j",'g "q';;

these materials are also subject to other i

3 Concurrently with the publication of this parts of this chapter and to the notice of proposed rule making the Subpart 5-Application For Package regulatiorse of other agencies having Commission is making available in-its Approval jurisdiction over means of transport. The Public Document Room at 1717 H Street, n.21 Contents of application.

requirements of this part are in addition NW.. Washington, D.C., an 71.22 Package description.

to, and not in substitution for other "EnvironmentalImpact Assessment of M.23 Package evaluation.


Changes to Radioactive Matenal n.24 Quality assurance.

Transport Regulations." to support the 71.25 Additionalinformation.

I 71.2 Scope.

negative declaration required by 10 CFR Subpert C-Peckage Standards The regulations in this part apply to Part $1-any licensee authorized by specific n.31 Demonstration of compliance.-

license lasued by the Commiasion to The Commission has determined that n.32 Standards for all Type B packages.

receive, por.sess, use. or trarsfer no significant changes are being made m n.33 Additional requirements for Type licensed materials,if thelicensee the reporting requirements of to CFR B(M1 packages-delivers such materials to a carrier for Part 71, so no GAO clearance is n.34 Additional requirements for Type B(U) required.


transport or transports such material Interested persons are invited to n.35 standards for fissile material outside the confines of his facility, plant submit written comments and packages.

or other authorized place of use. No suggestions on the proposal and/or the n.36 Special requirements for plutonium provision of this part shall be construed supporting value/ impact analysis to the shi ems to authorize possession of lii:ensed Secretary of the Commission. U.S.

g Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Subpert D-Opersting Controle and i 71.3 Requirement for license.

Washington, D.C. 20555. Attention:

Procedures Docketing and Service Branch. Copies of No licensee subject to the regulations 71.51 Establishment and maintenance of a in this part shall (a) deliver any licensed the value/ impact analysis supporting quality assurance program.

materials to a carrier for transport or (b) the rule are available for public n.52 Assumptions as to unknown transport licensed material except as inspection at the Commission's Public properties.

authorized in a generallicense or a Document Room at 1717 H Street. N.W.,

n.53 Preliminary determinations.

specific license issued by the Washington. D.C. Single copies of the 71.54 Routine determinations.

value/ impact analysis may be obtained n.55 Opening instructions.

Commission, or as exempted in this part.

on request from: Mr. Donald R. Hopkins.

71.61 Reports.

$ 71.4 Nfinitions.

Office of Standards Development. U.S.

71.82 Records.

Nuclear Regulato.y Commission.

n.83 Inspection anti tests.

As used in this part:

Wa shington, D.C. 20555, Telephone: 301-n.s4 violations.

g 443-5946.

g 3g

,, g Appendixes radioactive material, respectivcly, Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of Appendix A-Normalconditions of transport. permitted in Type A package. These I

1954, as amended the Energy Appendix B-Hypothetical accident values are listed in Appendix C. Table


Reorganization Act of1974. as amended.


C-1, for many radionuclides. Rules given and section 553 of title 5 of the United Appendix C-Determination of Ai and A In Appendix C may be used to derive Ai States Code, notice is hereby given that Appendix D-Requirements for special form and A. values for individual adoption of the following revision to 10 material.

radionuclides and for mixtures.

CFR Part 71 in its entirety is Appendix E--Quality asscrance contemplated.

requirements, (b) Close reflection by water" means Authority: The provisions of this Part 71 immediate contact by water of suf9cient PART 71-PACKAGING AND issued under secs. 53. 63, 60 thickness for maximum reflection of TRANSPORTATION OF RADICACTIVE Stat. 930. 933. 935. 948. 953. 954. as amended:


MATERIAL 42 U.S.C. 2073, 2093. 2111. 22(r1. 2232, 2233.

(c),, Containment system,, means the Subpert A-GeneralProvisions unless otherwise noted. For the purposas of components of the packaging intended sec. 223. 68 Sta t. 958. as amended: 42 U.S.C.

to retain the radioactive material during Sec 2273, sections M.61-n.63 issued under sec.



1610. 68 Stat. 950. as amended: 42 U.S.C.

(d) " Fissile classification" means n.2 Scope.

2201(o). Secs 202,206. Pub. L 93-438, as Stat.

classification of a package or shipment l

1244.1246: 42 U.S.C. 5842,5846.

1 1


l 48242 Federal Register / Vol. 44 No.181/ Friday, August 17, 1979 / Proposed Rules j

of fissile materials according to the (ii) The activity is, and remains.

contamination averaged over 1 m'(or controls needed to provide nuclear insoluble so that, even under loss of the area of the surface ifit is less than 1 criticality safety during transportation packaging, the loss of radioactive m') does not exceed 1 pC1/cm8. of which as follows:

material per package resulting from the no more than 0.1 pCi/cm may be alpha 2

(1) Fissile C/oss h Packsges which eflects of wind, rain, etc., and from total emitters other than natural or depleted I

may be transported in unlimited immersion in water is limited to less uranium or natural thorium.

numbers and in any arrangement and than 0.1 As in a period of one week: and (1) " Maximum normal operating which require no nuclear criticality (iii) The estimated activity averaged pressure" means the maximum gauge l

safety controls during transportation. A throughout the material does not exceed pressure that would develop in the i

transport index is not assigned for 2 x10-8 A /g.

containment system in a period of one purposes of nuclear criticality safety but (2) Objects of non. radioactive year under the normal condition of may be required because of external material contaminated with radioactive transport specified in paragraph (1) of radiation levels.

material, provided that the radioactive Appendix A in the absence of venting.

1 (2) Fissile Class lh Packages which contamination is in a non-readily external cooling by an ancillary s'ystem, i

may be transported togeth,er in any dispersible form and the level of or operational controls during transport.

arrangement but, for criticality control.

contamination averaged over 1 m8 (or U)" Normal form radioactive material" in numbers which do not exceed an the area of the surface if it is less than 1 i

means radioactive material which has


aggregate transport index of 50. Such m') does not exceed 20 pCI/cm*, of shipments require no other nuclear which no more than 2 Ci/cm may be not been demonstrated to satisfy the 8

criticality safety control by the shipper alpha emitters other than natural or requirements for "special form" radioactive material.

during transportation. Individual depleted uranium or natural thorium.

(h) g.. Optimum interspersed packages may have a transport index (l.SA)l1.ow specific activity material

'means any of the following:

hydrogenous moderation" means the not less than 0.1 and not,more than 10.

(3) Fissile Class //h Shipments of (1) Uranium or thorium ores and presence of hydro 8enous material packages which do not meet the physical or chemical concentrates of between components of the packaging to requirements of Fissile Classes I or !!

those ores.

such an extent that the maximum and which are controlled in (2) Natural or depleted uranium or nuclear reactivity results.

transportation by special arrangements natural thorium.

(1)" Package" means the packaging between the shipper and the carrier to (3) Tritium oxide in aqueous solutions, together with its radioactive contents as provide nuclear criticality safety, provided the ccacentration does not presented for transport.

(e) " Fissile material" and " fissile exceed 10 Cl/ liter.

(1) " Fissile material package" means a radionuclides" " Fissile material" means (4) Materials in which the activity, fissile material packaging together with any material consisting of or containing under normal transport conditions, is, its fissile contents.

one or more of the fissile radionuclides, and remains, uniformly distributed and (2)" Type A package" means a Type A which shall be taken as uranium-233.

in which the average estimated specific packagmg together with its radioactive uranium.235. plutonium 238, plutonium.

activity does not exceed 10" A./g.


239, and plutonium.241. Unitradiated (5) Materials in which the activity is (3) " Type B package" means a Type D natural and depleted uranium are not uniformly distributed and which. If packaging together with its radioactive considered to be fissile materials.

reduced to the minimum volume under contents. The two classifications of (f)"Fullload"(also referred to as conditions likely to be encountered in Type B package are as follows:

"soie use" and " exclusive use" in IAEA transport. such as dissolution in water (i)" Type B(M) package." which may and DOT regulations) means any with subsequent recrystallization-be subject to special con 6tions of sh,ipment:

precipitation. evaporation, combustion, shipment or storage; or (1) From a single consignor having the abrasion, etc., would have an average exclusive use of a transport vehicle or of estimated specific activity of no more (ii) " Type B(U) package" which has the special design and performance an aircraft, or of a hold or compartment than 10] A /g.

of an inland watercraft. or of a hold, (6) Objects of non. radioactive features described in 5 71.34 and which compartment, or defmed deck area of a matenal conturninated with radioactive requires no special conditions of seagoing vessel: and material provided the non. fixed surface shipment or storage.

(2) For which all initial intermediate.

contamination does not exceed ten (m).. Packaging', means the assembly and finalloading and unloadir:g is times the values given in { 71.54(bl.

Ic mponents acessary to ensure carried out by or under the supervision Table VI. and the contaminated object compliance with the packaging of the consignor, consignee or the or the contamination on the object, if requirements of this part. it may. in designated asent of either party.

reduced to the miminum volume under parMar consist of om or more (g) "I.ow. level solid radioactive conditions likely to be encountered in receptacles, absorbent materials, material (11S)"'means any of the transport, such as dissolution in water spacing structures. thermal insulation, following:

with subsequent recrystalleation, radiation shieldmg. and devices for (1) Solids (e.g., consolidated wastes.

precipitation. erdporation, combustion, cooling or for absorbing rnochanical activated materials)in which:

abrasion, etc., would have an average shocks. The vehicle, tie-down system.

(i) The activity under normal transport es+imated specific activity of no more and auxiliary equipment may form an conditions is, and remeins, distributed than 10" A /g.

integral part of the packaging.

throughout a solid or a collection of (7) Objects of non. radioactive (n) " Radioactive material" means any solid objects. or is, and remains, material contaminated with radioactive material, or combination of materials, uniformly distributed in a solid compact material, provided ihat the radioactive having a specific activity greater than binding agent (such as concrete, contamination is in a non-readily 0.002 microcuries per gram ( C1/g).

bitumen, ceramic):

dispersible form and the level of (o)"Special form radioactive material" means radioactive material

'Packasms reqmrements for Lt3 are set forth m

'Packagms requirements for 1SA are set forth in which meets the requirements of 49 cnt Part tr.

40 CFR Part 1U.


Fed:ral Regist:r / Vol. 44, 'Jo,161 / Friday. August 17, 1979 / Propossd Rulzs 48243 (p)" Specific activity" of a complies with the applicable requirements of this part other than radionuclide means the activity of the requirements of the regulations of the i 71.5 for the following shipments:

radionuclides per unit mass of that Department of Transportation in 49 CFR (a) Shipments of licensed material nuclide.The specific activity of a Parts 127 and 170.-189, and the U.S.

having a specific activity not greater material in wh!ch the radionuclides are Postal Service in 39 CFR Parts 14 and 15, than 0.002 microcurie / gram; and assentially uniformly distributed is the and in addition complies with the (b) Packages or shipments oflow activity per unit mass of the material.

requirements of this part, insofar as specific activity or low level solid (q) " Stress intensity" means twice the such regulations relate to the packaging radioactive material as defined in i 71.4, maximum shear stress and is equal to of byproduct, source, or special nuclear provided the fissile material exemption the largest algebraic difference between material, marking and labeling of the standards of i 71.9 are satisfied; and any two of the three principal stresses at packages, loading and storage of (c) Packages each of which contains a point.

packages, placarding of the no more than a Type A quantity.of (t) " Transport index" means the transportation vehicle, monitorint, radioactive material as defined in i 71.4, dimensionless number (rounded up to requirements and accident reporting.

provided the fissile material exemption the first decimal place) placed on the (b) When Department of standards of I 71.9 are satisfied.

label of a package to designate the Transportation regulations are not degree of control to be exercised by the applicable to shipments of licensed 1 71.9 Exemption for flesNe material.

carrier during transportation..and material by rail, highway, or water A licensee is exempt from the determined as follows:

beer re the shipment or the requirements of i 71.35 to the extent that (1) The number expressing the treasportation of the ahlpment is not in he transports or delivers to a carrier for maximum radiation levelin millirem per it.terstate or foreign commerce, or to transport:

hour at 1 meter from the external shipments of licensed material by air (a) Packages containing individually surface of the package: or because the shipment is not transported not more than 15 grams of fissile (2) For Fissile Class 11 packages, the in civil aircraft, the licensee shall radionuclides. When material is number expressing the maximum conform to the standards and transported in bulk, the quantity radiation level in millirem per hour at i requirements of the Department o' limitations apply to the vehicle, inland meter from the external surface of the Transportation, specified in paragraph waterway craft or part of a seagoing package, or the number obtained by (a) of this section, to the same extent as vessel:or dividing 50 by the number of such if the shipment or transportation were in packages which may be transported interstate or foreign commerce or in civil (b) Packages containing homogeneous together per shipment as determined, aircraft. Any requests for modifications, hydrogenous solutions or mixtures under 171.35(c). whichever number is waivers, or exemptions from those satisfying the conditions listed in Table I larger.

reqmrements, and any notifications of this part. When materialis (s) " Type A quantity" means a refened to in those requirements shall transported in bulk, the quantitv quantity of radioactive material, the be filed with or made to the N> clear limitations apply to the vehicle,' inland aggregate radioactivity of which does Regulatory Commission, waterway craft, or part of a seagoing y,,,,g; g, not exceed Ai for special form (c) Paragraph (a) of this section shall radioactive material or A, for normal not apply to the transportation of

%, w,,,,,,g,,,,, % a w.

form radioactive material, where A and licensed matenal or to the delivery of souon, or ma,es er serpoons som i n..u m As are given in Appendix C to this part licensed material to a carrier for Accodance wah i n ac/

or may be determined by procedures transport, where such transportation is described therein.

subject to the regulations of the (t) " Type D quantity" means a Department of Transportation or the

    • "**m u.

,* m am om, quantity of radioactive material greater U.S. Postal Service.

<A than a Type A quantity.

reciumg (u) "Uraniumw tural, depleted, Exemptions

,=nwem enriched" l 71.6 Specmc exemptions. Hex a sm sm (1) " Natural uranium" means uranium waxm.m eonerenam a n u.

with the naturally occurring distribution On application of any interested

,.*=cnon e wa,.on e, of uranium isotopes (approximately person or on its own initiative, the gg 5

6 99.28% uraniurn 238. 0.72% uranium 235).

Commission may grant such exemptions

,.o,o,wan, p,ca.,,,, _,_,.


Son g).. Depleted uranium" means from the requirements of the regulations uranium containing less than 0.72%

in this part as it determines are uranium 235 authorized by law and wf!) not endanger

'wh-. H/x = ine reso or ine au=o=r o r

("""*,,*,,d,"g""".*,",*',', ",'*,'",,' a *ov (3) "Ertriched uranium" means life r property or the common defense


uranium containing 61 ore than 0.72%

and security, a a u men w ww m

urani 23 with the remainder bein8 5 71.7 Exemption of physiciens.

(c) Packages containing uranium Physiciars, as defined in i 35.3(b) of enriched in uranium-235 to a maximum I 71.5 Transportation of licensed material this chapter, are exempt from i 71.5 with of1% by weight, and with a total respect to the transport oflicensed plutonium and uranium 233 content of l

(a) No licensee shall transport any material for use in the practice of up to 1% of the mass of uranium-235, f

licensed material outside of the confines medicine.

provided that the fissile radionuclides l

of his plant or other place of use, or are distributed homogeneously deliver any licensed material to a carrier I 71.8 ExempHon fodor.M meterials.

throughout the material. In addition. if for transport, unless the licensee A licensee is exempt from all the uranium-235 is present in metallic or

48244 Fed r:1 Regist:r / vol. 44. No.101 / Friday, August 17, 1979 / Proposrd Rults oxide form, it shall not form a lattice except that for a pack' age in whict the (2) The fissile radioriuclide content of arrangement within the pac) rage; or only fissible materialis an encapsulated the shipment shall not exceed:

(d) Packages containing any fissile plutonium-beryllium source, the (i) 500 grams of uranium-235: or material, provided they do not contain transport index based on criticality (ii) 300 grams total of uranittm-233, more than 5 grams of fissile considerations may be taken as 0.026 plutonium 238, plutonium 239 and radionuclides in any 10 liter volume, and times the number of grams of plutonium plutonium-241: or provided the materialis in packages in excess of 15 grams. In all cases the which will maintain the limitations of transport index shall be rounded up t (iii) A total quantity of uranium 233, fissile radionuclide distribution during one decimal place, and shall not exceed uranium-235, and plutonium such that normal transport; or 10& or the sum of the ratios of the quanity of each radionuclide to the quanity (e) Packages containing individually specified in paragraphs (2)(i) and (2)(11) not more than one kilogram of Class I a g

t the ollow a plutonium, of which not more than 20%

limuauons; of this paragraph exceeds unity; or (iv) 2500 grams of plutonium-238 by mass may consist of plutonium-239.

(1) Each package shall contain no plutonium-239, and plutonium-241 plutonium-241, or any combination of more than a Type A quantity of encapsulated as plutonium-beryllium those radionuclides: or radioactive material as defined in i 71.4; neutron sources: and (f) packages containing liquid and (3) Shipment of these packages shall solutions of uranyl nitrate enriched in (2) Beryllium and hydrogenous be made only under procedures uranium-235 to a maximum of 2% by material enriched in deuterium shall not specifically authorized by the weight. and with total plutonium and be present: and Department of Transportation pursuant uranium 233 not more than 0.1% of the (3) The total mass of graphite present to 49 CFR 127.507 of its regulations, so mass of uranium.235.

shall not exceed 150 times the total mass as to prevent loading. transport or General 1.lcenses i uranium-235 plus plutonium: and storage of these packages with other (4) Substances having a higher fissile Class 11 or Fissile Class ill

!7111 W H**"** f*' ****"' *'

hydrogen densimf than water, e.g. some packages:

naene mawat hydrocarbon oils, shall not be present.

A general license is hereby issued, to except that polyethylene may be used (d)The materialin shipped as Fissile persons holding specific licenses issued for packing or wrapping: and Class 10 packages under the following conditions:

pursuant to this chapter, to deliver (5) Uranium-233 shall not be present' fissile material to a carrier for transport, and the amount of plutonium shall not (1) Each package shall contain no without complymg with the package exceed 1% of the amount of uranium 235; more than a Type A quantity of standards of Subpart C of this part, and radicactive material, as defined in provided that:

(6) The amount of uranium-235 shall i 71.4(s): and (a) The materialis shipped as Fissile be limited as follows:

(2 e packa e a e cu nt Class !! packages with the following p

d,p Cl (1)If the fissile radionuclides are not and the numbor of packages in any one limitations:

uniformly distributed. the maximum-consignment does not exceed twice the (1) Each package shall contain no amount of uranium 235 per package number which may be transported more than a Type A quantity of shall not exceed the value given in together as specified in the Fissile Class radioactive material. as defined in Table !! of this part: or 11 approval: and 6 71.4: and (ii)If the fissile radionuclides are (2) No package contains more than:

distributed uniformly and cannot form a (1) 40 grams of uranium 235: or lattice arrangement within the

% 2,, y, % g y gg pharworm (ii) 30 grams of uranium-233: or packaging, the maximum amount of (iii) 25 grams of plutonium, except that uranium 235 per package shall not nim p.r= ene m =. er ms for encapsulated plutonium-beryllium h*;C*'d

, part and neutron sources the maximum amount of plutonium may be 400 grams or A' (7) The t*ansport index of each (curies) whichever is the smaller mass:

package based on criticality 20 42 considerations shall be taken as to

's times the number of grams of uranium.

N (iv) A combination of uranium-235, 235 in the package divided by the ea sa uranium 233 and plutonium in which the maximum allowable number cigrams 5'

sum of the ratios of the amount of each per package in accordance with Table 11 es radionuclide to the corresponding or Table 111 of this section as applicable:

7.s se maximum amounts in paragraphs li), (ii) or i

eo and (iii) does not exceed unity; and (c) The materialis shipped as Fissile es er (3)ILach package containing more Class 111 packages with the following 3.s than 15 grams of fissile radionuclides is limitations:

s 72 labeled with a transport index (T.I.) not less than the number given by the (1) Each single package shall contain N

so following equation, where the package no more than a Type A quantity of 35 se radioactive material, as defined in 3

contains x grams of uranium-235. y grams of uranium 233 and z grams of i 71.4. nor more than 400 grams total of iI 2

plutonium 238, plutonium 239, and is 272 plutonium:

plutonium-241-encapsulated 220 un.num n eu au o s7y + sut -

plutonium beryllium neutron sources.

j uv+:


Fed:ral Rzgist:r / Vol. 44. No.181/ Friday. August 17, 1979 / Proposed Rules 48245 Towe m.-Arm =sswa was o/ pamen ns per radioactive material, as defined in (a)In a specification container for Assue Cass 11PscAsgo AppscsNe lo l M i f(b#6Nd) g 73,4[,); ggd

{jsgile material as specified in 49 CFR

/* ** #*"* ">

(2) The packaging shall not 127.117. or for a Type D quantity of incorporate lead shielding exceeding radioactive material as specified in 49

,m a www.r3s Scm in thickness, nor tungsten nor CFR 127.115 of the regulations of the we.* w w =s*r3s o* r***o.

uranium shielding; and Department of Transportation. 49 CFR (3) Deryllium and hydrogenous part 127: or I

material enriched in deuterium shall not (b)In a package for which a license.

as sa be present: and certificate of compliance or other y

(4) The total mass of graphite present approval has been issued by the Office must not exceed 150 times the total of Nuclear Material Safety and 24o ia sa mass of uranium-235 and plutonium: and Safeguards of the Commission provided

' 2s em (5) Substances having a higher that:

hydrogen density than water, e.g. some (1) The person using a package T.we iv.-a mussewwss orursenspar hydrocarbon oils, shall not be present.

pursuant to the generallicense provided Assde Cass III Consgnment Apphesue lo except that polyethylene may be used by this paragraph:

i n. i r(ex6/m /Nonur=/orm osaeupon/

for packing or wrapping: and (1) Has a copy of the specific license.

(6) For fissile con 9nts containing no certificate of compliance, or other

"*""%"",g'"m','."s '*"'

,n, uranium 233 and less than 1% total approval of the package and all plutonium:

documents referred to in the license.

we.m a w n rss w coa a ar (i)If the fissile radionuclides are not certificate, or other approval, as uniformly distnbuted. the maximum applicable:


,s seo umount of uranium 235 per consignment (ii) Complies with the terms and it eco shall not exceed the value given in conditions of the license, certificate, or f,

Table IV of this part: or other approval, as applicable, and the a

ers (ii)If the fissile radionuclides are applicable requirements of this part: and

's distributed uniformly and cannot form a (iii) Pnor to the licensee's first use of 7s rao lattice arrangement within the the package submits in writing to the r

750 packaging, the maximum amount of Director of the Commission's Office of o

uranium 235 per consignment shall not Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, ss eso exceed the value given in Table V of this his name and license number. the name s

4s part; and and license or certificate number of the (7) For fissile contents containing person to whom the package approval 4

iom 3s uranium 233 or more than 1% plutonium, has been issued, and the package j,

c"o the total mass of fissile material per identification number specified in the s

a 20so consignment shall be such that the sum package approval.

is ad" of the number of grams of uranium-235 (2) The package approval authorizes i

esoo divided by 400, the number of grams of use of the package under generallicense o or isom plutonium divided by 225. and the provided in this paragraph.

number of grams of uranium-233 divided Ta'we v.-pemusswa wss o/ Orsenspor by 250, does not exceed unity. and (c)In a package which meets the 8

pertinent requirements in the 1973 Ass,le C/sss /// conserrnant Appaesde lo (8) The transport shall be direct to the regulations of theInternational Atomic 1 n it(suage/putarm asaeuron/

consignee without any intermediate Energy Agency and the use of which has

    • ,"'""d""'"


hip ent of these packages shall co np tenia"uth

    • PP y ce a which w wm,.rss w coa. gnaw.e be made only under procedures specifically authorized by the has been revalidated by the Department Department of Transportation pursuant of Transportation, but only for import or to 49 CFR 127.507 of its regulations, so export of radioactive material and only 2s tiso

,u y

as to prevent loading. transport or provided that the person using a 3

storage of these packages with other package pursuant to the generallicense 30.

g Fissile Class 11 or Fissile Class III provided by this paragraph:

ia packages.

(1)Has and complies with the applicable certificate, the revalidation.

(3) Shipment of these packages shall 5 71.12 W konee for sNoment in and the documents referenced in the be made only under procedures

  • PFd P** mages.

certificate: and specifically authorized by the A general license is hereby issued, to (2) Complies with the applicable Department of Transportation pursuant persons holding a general or specific requirements of Subpart D of this part.

to 49 CFR 127.507 ofits regulations. so license issued pursuant to this chapter, and with the Department of as to prevent l'oading, transport or to transport or to deliver to a carrier for Transportation regulations in 49 CFR storage of these packages with other transport licensed material as follows.

Parts 127,175. and 178.

Fissile Class !! or Fissile Class Ill provided the licensee has a quality g 71.13 communicatione.

packages;or assurance program approved by th,e.

All mmh mW b (e) The material is shipped as Fissile Commission as satisfying the provisions Class III packages with the following of i 71.51' regulations in this part should be limitations:

addressed to the Director. Office of (1) Each package shall contain no

,,,,, % u3 m y,,,


Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards.

protonmm.u3 p.m. + g., o,anium ns+so Nuclear Regulatory Commission, more than a Type A quantity of sreme < t.

Washington, D.C. 20555. or may be

48246 Federal Ruister / Vol. 44. No.161 / Friday. August 17, 1979 / Proposed Rules dehvered in persen at the Comminion (v) Structural and mechanical means approval should be granted, denied.

offices at 1717 H Street, NW.,

for the transfer and dissipation of heat:

modified, suspended, or revoked.

Washington. D.C. orits offices at 7915 and Subpart C.-Package Standards Eastern Avenue Silver Spring.

(5)indentification and volumes of any Maryland.

coolants and of receptacles containing

( 71.31 Demonstration of competance.


{ 71.14 Interpretations, (a)The effect of the transport


(b) With respect to the contents of the environment on the integrity of a Except as specifically authorized by package:

package of radioactive material shall be the Commission in writing, no (1)!dentification and maximum evaluated as follows:

interpretation of the meaning of the radioactivity of radioactive constituents:

(1)The ability of a package to regulations in th,s part by an officer or (2) Identification and maximum w thstand conditions likely to occur in i

employee of the Co nmission other than quantities of fissile constituents: transport shall be assessed by a written mterpretat.on by the General (31 Chemical and physical form; subjectmg a sample package or scale Counsei will be recwnaed to be binding

9) Extent of reflection, the amount model, by test or other assessment. to

..e Commission and identity of nonfissile materials used the normal conditions of transport as l 71.15 Additional requirements, as neutron absorbers or moderators and specified in Appendix A: and the atomic ratio of moderator to fissile The Commission may by rule, (2) The effect on a package of constituents:

regulation, or order impose upon any conditions likely to occur in an accident licensee such requirements, in addition (5) Maximum weight; and shall be assessed by subjecting a sample to those established in this part, as it (6) Maximum amount of decay heat.

package or scale model, by test or other deems necessary or appropnate to i 71.23 Package evaluation.

assessment, to the hypothetical accident protect health or to minimize danger t c nditions as specified in Appendix B.


The applicant shell:

r propdy.

(a) Demonstrate that the package (b) Taking into account the type of 1

e o

se n o attaching 1

Subpart D.-Application for Package satisfies Ine standards specified in d

9 Approval Subpart C:

exercised by the shipper, the b



Commission may permit the shipment to i 71.21 contents of appucation.


an s y e num er of An application for an approval under similar packages which may be be evaluated together with the this part shallinclude, for each proposed transported together in accordance with transporting vehicle for the purpose of packaging design and method of g 71.35(c); and ne r m te tests.

transport, the following information in (c) For a Fissile Class I!! shipment, (c) Except with respect to Type B(U) addition to any other information and for a Type B(M) package, describe packages, normal conditions of required:

any proposed special contmis and transport and hypothetical accident (a) A package description as required precautions to be exercised during gonditions different from those specified by i 71.22:

transport, loading, unloading, and m Appendix A and Appendix B may be (b) A package evaluation as required handling, and in the event of accident or approved by the Commission of the by 6 71.23:

delay, controls proposed to be exercised by the (c) A quality assurance program shipper are demonstrated to be descnption as required by 6 71.24:

} 71.24 Quality amurance, adequate to assure the safety of the (d) In case of fissile material, an (a) The applicant shall describe his shipment.

identification of the proposed fissile quality assurance program to be applied i 71.32 Standards for all packages.


to the design, fabrication, assembly, testing, maintenance, repair, (a) Any lifting attachments on the

! 71.22 Package descriptiot6 modification and use of the proposed package, when used in the intended The application shallinclude a packaging.

manner, with an appropriate safety description of the proposed package in (b)The applicant shallidentify any factor to cover abrupt lifting, shall not sufficient detail to identify the package established codes and standards impose unsafe stresses on the structure accurately and to provide a sufficient proposed for use in package design;-

f the package, and shall be so designed basis for evaluation of the packaging, fabrication, assembly, testing, that failure under excessive load would The description should include:

maintenance and use. In the absence of not impair the ability of the package to (a) With respect to the packaging:

such codes and standards, the applicant meet other requirements of this Subpart.

(1) Classification as Type B(U) Type shall describe the basis and rationale Attachments or other features on the D(M) or fissile material packaging, used to formulate the package quality outer surface of the packaging which (2) Gross weight.

assurance p,rogram, could be used to lift the package shall be (3) Model number.

(c) The applicant shall identify any removable or otherwise rendered (4) Specific matenals of construction.

specific provisions to be contained in his in puable for transport, or shall be weights. dimensions, and fabrication quality assurance program wbch are designed with strength equivalent to applicable to the particular package that required for lifting attachments.

me ao.

(i) Receptacles, identifying the design under consideration, including a (b) The smallest overall' dimension of containment system:

description of his leak testing the pacakge shall not be less than 10 cm procedures.

(4 in.).

(ii) Materials specifically aa nonfissile (c)The outside of the package shall neutron absorbers or mouerators; 1 71.25 Additionalinformation.

incorporate a feature, such as a seal.

(iii) Internal and externd structures The Commission may at any time which is not readily breakable, and supporting or protecting recept:cles; require further information in order to which, while intact, will be evidence (iv) Valves, sampling ports, lifting enable it to determine whether a license, that the package has not been illicitly devices, and tiedo vn devices:

certificate of compliance, or other opened.

Fedrril Registir / Vol. 44, No.161 / Friday, August 17, 1979 / Proposed Rules 48247 (d) Each package shallinclude a (2) The external radiation dose rate maximum reactivity of the flssile containment system securely closed by would not exceed one rem per hour at material would be attained:

a positive fastening device which cannot one meter from the external wrface of (i) in the most reactive credible be opened unintentionally.

the package.

configuration consistent with the (e) Each tie-down device which is a (b) Compliance with the permitted chemical and physical form of the structural part of the package shall be so activity release limits shall depend matenal:

designed that failure of the device under neither upon filters nor upon a (ii) Moderated by water to the most excessive load would not impair the trechanical cooling system.

reactive credible extent; and abihty of the package to meet other (c) The package shall not incorporate (iii) Fully reflected on all sides by requirements of this subpart, a feature which is intended to allow wa ter.

(f) Packages shall be of such materials continuous venting during transport.

(3) A package used for the shipment of and construction that there will be no (d) The package shall not include a fissile material shall be so designed and significant chemical. galvanic or other pressure relief system which would constructed and its contents so limited reaction among the packaging allow the release of radioactive material that under the normal conditions of components, or between the packaging to the environment under the conditions transport specified in Appendix A:

components and the package contents.

of the test specified in Appendix A and (i) The contents would be subcritical:

including possible reaction resulting Appendix B.

(ii) The geometric form of the package from inleakage of water to the maximum (e) The package shall have a contents would not be substantially credible extent.

maximum normal operating pressure not altered:

(g) All package valves through M.ich exceeding t190 kilopascal (100 psi) gauge.

(iii) There would be no leakage of the radioactive contents could otherwise (f) The containment system shall be water into the containment system escape shall be protected against capable of withstanding the thermal test unless,in the evaluation of undamaged unauthorized operation and. except for in Appendix B without experiencing a package under il 71.35(b). (c)(1)(i)l and pressure relief valves, shall be provided stress intensity greater than the (d)(1) it has been assumed that with an enclosure to retain any leakage.

minimum yield strength at the maximum moderation is present to such an extent (h) Packages shall be so designed, temperature it would be expected to as to cause maximum reactivity constructed and prepared for shipment reach. For the purpose of this consistent with the chemical and that under normal conditions of determination, the stress intensity shall physical form of the material: and transport specified in Appendix A there be considered to result from the sum of (iv) There will be no substantial will be no loss or dispersal of membrane stresses and bending stresses reduction in the effectiveness of the radioactive contents, as demonstrated to caused by pressure. thermal gradients, packaging, including no more than 5 a sensitivity of 10" A per hour by NRC and differential thermal expansions.

percent reduction in the total effective approved test procedures, no sigmficant (g) The containment system shall be volume of the packaging on which increase in the maximum radiation level capable of withstanding at least 1.5 nuclear safety is assessed, no more than at the external surface of the package.

times the maximum normal operating 5 percent reduction in the effective.

and no substantial reduction in the pressure without experiencing a stress spacing between the fissile contents and effectiveness of the packaging.

intensity greater than either 75 percent the outer surface of the packaging, and of the minimum yield strength or 40 no occurrence of an aperture in the outer 1 71.33 Additioned requirements for Type percent of the ultimate strength at the surface of the packaging large enough to B(M) packages maximum expected operating permit the entry of a 10 cm (4 in.) cube.

A Type 11(M) package. in addition to temparature. For the purpose of this (4) A package used for the shipment of satisfying the requirements of i 71.32.

determination, the stress intensity shall fisoile material shall be so designed and shall be so designed and constructed bs considered to result from the sum of constructed and its contents so limited that under the hypothetical accident membrane stresses and bending stresses that under the hypothetical accident conditions of Appendix D:

caused by pressure.

conditions specified in Appendix B the (a) The escape of radioactive material 171.35 Standards for fisane matertal me su a a s etermination it shall be assumed that:

other than krypton-85 would not exceed packages.

( ) The fissile material is in the mo8t a total amount As in one Week, and for (a ener /reWirements. Fissde reactive credible configuration i

krypton-85 the escape would nct exceed 10.000 curies in one week.

material packages which are not exempt consistent with the damaged condition by j 71.9 or i 71.11 shall satisfy the of the package and the chemical and (b) The external radiation dose rate following requirements:

physical form of the contents-l would not exceed one rem per hour at (1) A package used for the shipment of (ii) Water moderation occure to the ne me er from the external surface of fissile material shall be designed and most reactive credible extent consistent


p age.

constructed in accordance with i 71.32

.with the damaged condition of the f 71.34 Additional requirements for Type and when so required by the total package and the chemical and physical B(U) packages amount of radfoactive matenal, also in form of the contents: and a rdance with i 71.33 or i 71.34:

(iii) There is reflection by water on all A Type B(U) package, in addition to satisfying the requirements of l 71.32 (2) Except as otherwise provided by sides and as close as is consistent with shall satisfy the following requiremerits-i 1. 5(a)(5) with respect to leakage, a the damaged condition of the package.

package used for the shipment of fissil (5) The Commission may approve (a) The package shall be so designed material shall be so designed and exceptions to the requirements of tiiis and constructed that under the constr acted and its contents so limited section with regard to assumed upothetic accident conditions of that it would be subcriticalif water inleakage or outleakage provided the ppen were tc leak into the containment package incorporates special design i

l (1) The escape of radioactive material system or liquid contents were to leak features such that no single packaging


would not exceed an amount 10" A in out of t'se containment system such that error would permit leakage and one week.

uni:i the following conditions, provided appropriate measures are

48248 Fedsrti Reglat:r / Vol. 44, No.101 / Friday, August '17,1979 / Proposed Rules taken before each shipment to verify the geometry, moderation and water certificate of compliance on or before leaktightness of the containment system. reflection were then as described in (the effective date of these (b) Specific standards for a Fissile paragraphs (a)(3) and (e) of this section.

amendments), shall be deemed to i

Class /pockage. A Fissile Class I (e) Evaluation of an array ofpackages comply with the package standards of package shall be so designed and offissile material. The effect of the il 71.31,71.32,71.33, and 71.35, provided j

constructed and its contents so limited transport environment on the nuclear that fabrication of the package is that:

safety of an array of packages of fissile satisfactorily completed, as (1) Any number of such undamaged material under hypothetical accident demonstrated by the application ofits packages would be subcriticalin any conditions shall be evaluated on the model number in accordance with arrangement, and with optimum basis that each package in the array is i 71.53(c), by (date two years after i

interspersed hydrogenous moderation in subjected to the hypothetical accident effective date of these amendments) or packaging,in which case the greater conditions specified in Appendix B and by the expiration date of the, package amount may be assumed for this that the geometry, moderation and design approval, whichever is later.

determination; and water reflection of the damaged Subpart D.---Operating Controls and (2) Two hundred fifty (250)'such packages correspond to the maximum Procedures packages would be subcriticalin any credible reactivity consistent with the arrangement,if each package were design of the packaging, the nature of

$ 71.51 Estat>Hohment and maintenance of subjected to the hypothetical accident the contents, and the conditions of a queuty assurance program.

conditions specified in Appendix B and shipment. in the case of a Ftssile Class (a) The licensee shall establish, if the geometry, moderation and water 111 shipment, the Commission may, maintain and execute a quality reflection were then as described in taking into account controls to be assurance program satisfying each of paragraphs (a)(4) and (e) of this section.

exercised by the shipper, permit the the applicable criteria specified in (c) Specific standards for a Fissile shipment to be evaluated as a whole Appendix E. " Quality Assurance Class // package. (1) A Fissile Class !!

rather than as individual packages, Requirements," and satisfying any package shall be designed and either with or without the transporting specific provisions which are applicable constructed and its contents so lirmted, vehicles, for the purpose of one or more te the licensee's activities including and the number of such packages which tests.

procurement of packaging. The may be transported together so limited, description of the quality assurance that:

I 71.36 special requiremente for program shall include a discussion of (i) Five times that number of such P'"d"* *h'P"'"'**

which requirements of Appendix E are undamaged packages would be (a) Notwithstanding the exemption in applicable and how they will be subcriticalin any arrangement if closely I 71.9, plutonium in excess of twenty satisfiedJ A description of that program reflected by water: and (20) curies per package shall be shipped shall be filed with the Director Office of (ii) Twice that number of such as a solid.

Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, packages would be subcritical in any (b) Plutonium in excess of twenty (20)

Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

arrangement if each package were curies per package shall be packaged in Washington. D.C. 20555. If a licensee subjected to the hypothetical accident a separate inner container placed within has filed such a description by January conditions specified in Appendix B and outer packaging that meets the 1,1979, the continued use of his existing if the geometry, moderation and water requirements of Subpart C for packaging quality assurance program is authorized reflection were then as descnbed in of materialin normal form. The separate until the acceptability of the program paragraphs (a)(4) and (e) of this section, inner container shall not release has been finally determined by the (2) The transport index with respect to plutonium, as demonstrated to a Commission.

criticality control for each Fissile Class sensitivity of 10-'A. per hour by NRC (b)The provisions of this paragraph Il package shall be calculated by approved test procedures, when the deal with packages which have been dividing the number 50 by the number of entire package is subjected to the approved for use in accordance with such Fissile Class 11 packages which normal test conditions specified in this part prior to January 1.1979, and may be transported together as Appendix A. When the entire package is which have been designed in determined under the limitations of subjected to the hypothetical accident accordance with the provisions of this paragraph (c)(1) of this section. The conditions specified in Appendix B, the part in effect at the time of application transport index so determined shall not separate inner container shall restrict for package approval. Notwithstanding exceed 10 and shall be rounded up to the loss of plutonium to not more than the provisions of paragraph (a) of this the first decimal place.

A in one week for B(M) packages, and section, such packages shall be deemed (d) Specific standardsfor a fissi/e to not more than 10-'A. in one week for to have been designed in accordance Class /// package. A package for Fissile B(U) packages. Solid plutonium in the with a quality assurance program which Class 111 shipment shall be so designed following forms is exempt from the satisfies the provisions of paragraph (a) and constructed and its contents so requirements of this paragraph:

of this section.

limited, and the number of packages in a (i) Reactor fuel elements:

(c)The provisions of this paragraph l

Fissile Class III shipment shall be so (ii) Metal or metal alloy; and deal with packages which have been


limited, that:

( ii) Other plutonium bearing solids approved for use in accordance with (1) The undamaged shipment would that the Commission determines should this part prior to january 1.1979, hdve be subcritical with an identical shipment be exempt from the requirements of this been at least partially fabricated prior to in contact with it and with the two section.

that date, and for which the fabrication shipments closely reflected on all sides is in accordance with the provisions of by water; and I 71.37 Prevlouety approved packages, this part in effect at the time of (2) The shipment would be subcritical Notwithstanding any other provisions l

if each package were subjected to the of this subpart, a package. the design of

    • P'"**

'equir.ments et appendix e 1

hypothetical accident conditions which has been approved by the swu)d be appn".'d in, o, applied l

specified in Appendix B and if the Commission by the issuance of a 7.t."y.7d.',' "Ud$n"No'nI7[pD'x* k

Fedtral Registir / Vol. 44, No.161 / Friday. August 17, 1979 / Proposed Rules 48249 application for approval of package (2) The package is in unimpaired (1) 50*C (122*F) for a package in a design. Notwithstanding the provisions physical condition except for superficial consignment less than fullload, or of paragraph (a) of this section. such marks. dents, ete:

(2) 82*C (180*F) for a package in a full packages shall be deemed to have been (3) Each closure device of the load consignment.

fabrtcated and assembled in accordance packaging, including any required (d) Externalradioactive with a quality assurance program which gasket, is properly installed and secured contamination.-Prior to each shipment satisfies the provisions of paragraph (a) and free of defects:

of licensed material, the licensee shall of this section.

(4) Any system for containing liquid is ascertain that the level of nonfixed (d) A Commission-approved quality adequately leaktight and has adequate (removable) radioactive contamination assurance program which satisfies the space or other specified provision for on all external surfaces of each package applicable criteria of Appendix B of Part expansion of such liquid; is as low as practicable, and, when the 50 of this chapter and which is (5) Any presse relief device is package is subjected to the normal established, maintained, and executed perable and set,m accordance with conditions of transport specified in w

p ce e with regard to transport packages shall Appe e A:

i as been loaded and be deemed to satisfy the requirements of closed in accordance with written (1) Except as provided in (2), no level paragraph (a) of this section.

will exceed the levels in Table VI of this procedures:

! 71.52 Assumptions as to unknown (7) For fissile material, any moderator pa he ged o e a properties, or neutron absorber. if required, is

{ th packag,, { e When the isotopic abundance' mass' present and in proper condition:

Tena vi.-uammwn p mmscw tows onknamy concentration, degree of irradiation.

(b) External radiation level.-Prior to Rachoeche contamnasen degree of moderation, or other pertinent each shipment of heensed material, the b ensee shall ascertain that, when the 4*",,,*a property of fissile materialin any package is not known, the licensee shall pa kage is subjected to the normal c,,,,,,,


package the fissile material as if the nditions of transport specified m A{3j Except as provided in (2), no P"

unknown properties have such credible aa nuca values as will cause the maximum radiation level will exceed 200 millirem


nuc ear reactivity.

per hour on the accessible external ww= ras. wanwax I 71.53 Preilminary determinations.

surface of the package and the transport Ogg%22s index will not exceed 10. and er e, om c. conc.nw.. _


220 Prior to the first use of any packaging (2) For packages shipped as fullload As ou= apa =mno for the shipment oflicensed material:

by rail, highway or water, no radiation C

22 (a) The licensee shall ascertain that level will exceed either:

there are no cracks. pinholes.

(i) 1000 millirem per hour on the (2) For packages shipped as fullload uncontrolled voids or other defects accessible external surface of the by rail or highway, no level will exceed which could significantly reduce the package; either the levels in Table VI of this part effectiveness of the packaging:

(ii) 200 millirem per hour on the at the time of shipment or ten times (b) Where the maximum normal external surface of the vehicle, including those levels at any time during operating pressure will exceed 34.3 the upper and lower surfaces, or, in the transport, when averaged over any 300 kilopascal (5 psi) gauge, the licensee case of an open vehicle, on the vertical em area of the package surface, 8

shall test the containment system at an planes projected from the outer edges of internal pressure at least 50% higher the vehicle, on the upper surface of the 1 71.55 opening instructions.

than the maximum normal operating load, and on the lower external surface Prior to delivery of a package to a pressure to ensure compliance with of the vehicle:

carrier for transport the licensee shall design requirements for integrity and (iii)10 millirem per hour at 2 m (6 0 ensure that any specialinstructions leaktightness: and feet) from the external surface of the needed to safely open the package have (c) The packaging shall be

  • ' mluding the upper and lower

%en sent to or otherwise made conspicuously and durably marked with wfees. or in the case of an open available to the consignee.

its model number, gross weight, and a vehicle. 2 m (6.6 feet) from the vertical package identification number assigned planes projected from the outer edges of 971.61 Reports.

by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

the vehicle and the upper surface of the The licensee shall report to the load; or ior to appl ing th odel number, the Director. Office of Nuclear Maten,al (iv) Two millirem per hour in any Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear packaging has been fabricated in normally occupied position of the Regulatory Commission Washington, accordance with the design approved by vehicle, unless persons occupying such D.C. 20555, within 30 days any instance the Commission-pos tions are provided with special in which there is significant reduction in health supervision and personnel the effectiveness of any authorized I 71.54 Routine determinations.

monitoring devices and training in packaging during use.

accordance with 10 CFR 19.12.

(a) Prior to each shipment of licensed (c) Surface temperatures.-Prior to m.62 Rom material, the licensee shall ascertain each shipment of licensed material, the (a) Each licensee shall maintain for a that the package with its contents licensee shall ascertain that,if the period of 2 years after shipment a record satisfies the applicable requirements of package were in still air at 38'C (100* F) of each shipment of fissile material or of this part and of the license, including and in the shade, the temperature of any a Type B quantity of radioactive determinations that:

readily accessible surface of the material, showing, where applicable:

(1) The package is proper for the package would not exceed the following (1) Identification of the packaging by contents to be shipped, applicable limit model numben

'48250 Fedsr:1 R gist:r / Vol. 44 No.161 / Friday, August 17, 1979 / Proposed Rules (2) Details of any significant defects in that package, of radioactive material (4) Increased external pressure-An the packaging, with the means employed having a decay heat load in excess of 5 external pressure of 172 kilopascal (25 poi) to repair the defects and prevent their kW or with a maximum normal g}uge,) Vibration-Vibration normally incident recurrence; operating pressure in excess of 103 (3) Volume and identification of kilopascal (15 psig).

I h'$) spray-A water spray that coolant:

simulates exposure to rainfall of 7tg4 g,,

(4) Type and quantity oflicensed approximately 5 cm (2 in.) per hour for at materialin each package, and the total An injunction or other court order least one hour.

quantity of each shipment:

may be obtained prohibiting any (7) Free drop--Between 1% and 2% hours (5) F.or each item of irradiated fissile violation of any provision of the Atomic after the conclusion of the waterepray test, a material:

Energy Act of1954, as amended. (the free drop through the distance specified (i) Identification by model number Act) or Title 11 of the Energy below, onto a flat essentially unyielding and/or serial number:

Reorganization Act of1974, as amended, horizetal surface, smkin; the mface in a (ii) Irradiation and decay history to or any regu1ation or order iasued position for which maximum damage is the extent appropriate to demonstrate thereunder. A court order may be expected. For Fissile Class Il packages. the free drop shall be preceded by a free drop that its nuclear and thermal obtained for the payment of a civil from a height of o.3 m (1 ft.) on each corner characteristics comply with license penalty imposed pursuant to section 234 or, in the case of a cylindrical Fissile Class !!

conditions: and of the Act for violation of sections 53. 57 package, onto each of the quarters of each (iii) Any abnormal or unusual 62,63. 81,82,101,103,104,107, or 109 of rim.

condition relevant to radiation safety.

the Act, or section 206 of the Energy (6) Date of the shipment:

Reorganization Act of1974, as amended, p.a w

,, om, (7) For Fissile Class III and for Type or any rule, regulation, or order issued o'a=

B(M) packages, any special controls thereunder, or any term. condition, or l


limitation of any license issued i

soco m.nooo _

u (8) Name and address of the thereunder, or for any violation for io noco m oa 3

transferee; which a license may be revoked under gl;"o,

r3 m u9,


(9) Address to which the shipment section 186 of the Act. Any person who isooo u ooo I

was made: and willfully violates any provision of the ag~

n C --

08 5

(10) Results of the determinations Act or any regulation or order issued required by 171.54; thereunder may be guilty of a crime.

(b) The licensee shall make available and, upon conviction, may be punished (8) Corner drop-A free drop onto each to the Commission for inspection, upon by fine or imprisonment or both, as corner of the package in succession, or in the case of a cylindrical package onto each i

reasonable notice, all records required provided by law.

quarter of each rim. from a height of 0.3 m (1 by this part.

Appendix A-Normal Condit' ions of ft.) onto a flat essentially unyielding (c) The licensee shall maintain, during Transport horizontal surface. This test applies only to fiberboard or wood rectangular packages not the life of the packaging to which they Evaluation of each package design under exceeding 50 kg (110 pounds) and fiberboard pertain, sufficient quality assurance normal conditions of transport shallinclude a or wood cylindrical packages not exceeding records to furnish documentary determination of the effect on that design of 100 kg (220 poundsl.

evidence of the quality of packaging the conditions and tests listed in this (9) Compression-The package shall be components which have safety appendix. Separate specimens may be used subjected for a period of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, to a significance and of services affecting for the free drop test, the compression test compressive load applied uniformly to the top such quality, including records of the and the penetration test provided that each and bottom of the package in the position in results of the determinations required by specimen is subjected to the water spray test which the package would normally be i 71.53, and of monitoring, inspection before being subjected to any of the other transported. The load shall be the greater of and auditing of work performance

tests, the following:

during the design, fabricatire. assembly, With respect to the initial conditions for (i) The equivalent of 5 times the weight of testing, modification. mainte.tance and the tests in this appendix. except for the the package:

repair of the packaging.

water immersi n tests. the demonstration of (ii) The equivalent of 12.75 kilopascal (1.85 compliance shall be based on the assumption Ib/in') multiplied by the vertically projected 171.63 inspection and tests.

that the ambient temperature preceding and area of the package.

(a) The licensee shall permit the following the tests remains constant at that (10) Penetration-Impact of the Commission at all reasonable times to value between -29' C (-29* F) and + 38* C hemispherical end of a vertical steel cylinder (W F) which is most unfavorable for the f 3.2 cm (1 % in) diameter and 6 kg (13 lb) inspect the licensed material, packaging, feature under consideration. The initial mass, dropped from a height of 1 m (40 in) and premises and facilities in which the nt the exposed surface of the package internal pressure within the containment licensed material or packaging are used.

system shall be considered to be the which is expected to be most vulnerable to produced, tested, stored or shipped.

maximum normal operating pressure, unless puncture. The long axis of the cylinder shall (b) The licensee shall perform, and a lower internal pressure consistent with the be pewhar m ee package surface permit the Commission to perform, such ambient temperature considered to precede Appendix B-Hypothetical Accident tests as 'the Commission deems and follow the tests is more unfavorable.

Conditions necessary or appropriate for the Normal Conditions of Transport The hypothetical accident conditions in administration of the regulations in this chapter.

(1) Heat-An ambient temperature of 54' C paragraphs (a) through (d) are to be applied sequentially, in the order indicated, to (c) The licensee shall notify the (130* F)in still air, and daily average solar determine their cumulative effect on a r8 8 wa"s/n a dady package or array of packages. A separate Director, Office ofInspection and ban ambient emperature of ~40' Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 2) i s on condi ions s ec i d in paragraph Commission. Washington. D.C. 20555, at C (-40* F) in still air and shade.


least 45 days prior to fabrication of a (3) Reduced extemal pressure-An With respect to the initial conditions for package to be used for the shipment. in extemal pressure of 24.5 kilopascal (3.5 psta).

the tests of this appendix. except for the

Federal Register / Vol. 44, No.181 / Friday. August 17, 1979 / Proposrd Ruins 48251.

water immersion tests, the demonstation of not less than eight hours. For test purposes, be 10 C1 and the value of A. shall be taken to compilance shall be based on the assumption an external pressure of water of 147 be 0.4 Cl.

that the ambient temperature preceding and kilopascal (21 pet) gauge will be considered II. Mixtures o/ radionuclides. including foDowing the tests remains constant at that to meet these conditions.

rodioactive decoy chains.-(1) For mixed value between -29'C (-20"F) and + 38'C (100"F) which is most unfavorable for the APPENDIX C-DETERMINATION OF A' fission products the following activity limits may be assumed. if a detailed analysis of the feature under consideradon. The initial AND A.

mixture is not carned out:

Internal pressure within the containment system shall be considered to be the

!. Single radionuclides.-(1) For single Ai = to Ci maxir. um normal operstmg pressure unless radionuclides of known identity, the value of A =0.4Ci a lower internal pressure consistent wi h the A and A. are given in Table C-1.The values (2) A single radioactive decay chain in of Ai and A. are also applicable for which the radionuclides are present in their fouo the e s are u avo bl radionuclides contained in (m. n) or (y n) naturally occurring proportions and in which neutron sources.

no daughter nuclide has a half-life either (a) Free DroeA free drop of the specimen through a distance of 9 m (30 ft) onto a flat (2) For any single radionuclide whose longer than to days or longer than that of the essentially unyielding horizontal surface.

ldentity is known, but which is not listed in parent nuclide shall be considered a single Table C-1. the values of A and A shall be radionuc!!de.The activity to be taken into "8 ' '

md g i exp determined according to the following account and the A, or A. value to be applied procedure:

shall be those corresponding to the parent (b) Puncture-A free drop of the specimen (a)If the radionuclide emits only one type nuclide of that chain. the case of through a distance of I m (40 in) in a position of radiation. Ai shall be determined radioactive decay chains in which any for which maximum damage is expected.

according to the rules in paragraphs (i), (ii).

daughter nuclide has a half-life either longer onto the upper end of a solid, vertical.

cylindrical. mild steel bar mounted on an (iii) and (iv) of this paragraph. For than to days or greater than that of the essentially unyielding horizontal surface. The radionuclides emitting different kinds of parent nuclide, the parent and such daughter radiation. Ai shall be the most restrictive nuclides shall be considered as mixtures of bar shall be 15 cm (8 in)in diameter, with the value of those determined for each Individual different nuclides.

top horizontal and its edge rounded to a radiation. However, in both cases Ai shall be (3)in the case of a mixture of different radius o! not more than 8 mm (% in) and of restricted to a maximum of 1000 Cl. lf a radionuclides. where the identity and activity such a length as to cause maximum damage to the package. but not less than 20 cm (8 in) parent nuclide decays into a shorter lived of each radionuclide are known, the long. The long axis of the bar shall be daughter, of a half-life not greater than to perniissible activity of each radionuclide R.,

"U l days. Ai shall be calculated for both the R.

. R. shall be such that Fi + F, +.. F.

parent and the daughter, and the more is not greater than unity, where (c) Thermal-Exposure of the whole limiting of the two values shall be assigned to u.i.ewey m, specimen for not less than 30 mmutes to a the parent nuclide.

F. -

, heat flux not less than that of a radiation wa environmert of 8n0'C (1472*F) with an (i) For gamma emitters. As is determined by rosai acwev om emissivity coefficient of at least 0.9. For the expression:


purposes of calculation, the surface Ai = 9/ curies

%,g absorptivity shall be either that value which where la the gamma ray constant, r,.

the package may be expected to possess if corresponding to the dose in R/h at 1 m per exposed to a fire or 0.8. whichever is greater.

Ck the number 9 results from the choice of 1 A (R, R.,. RJ ls the value of Ai or A.

i In addition when sigmficant, convective heat rem /h at a distance of 3 m as the reference as appropriate for the nuclide Ru R.

input shall be included on the basis of still dose-equivalent rate.


ambient air at a00*C (1472*F). Artificial (ii) For X ray emitters. A,is determined by (4) When the identity of each radionuclide caoling shall not be applied after cessation of the atomic number of the nuclide:

is known but the individual activities of some external heat input. and any combustion of for Z < 5bA = 1000 Ci of the radionuclides are not known, the materials of construction shall be allowed t for Z > 55-A. - 200 Ci f rmula given in paragraph (3) shall be proceed untilit terminates naturstly. The applied to establish the values of Ai or A as effects of solar radiation can be neglected where Z is the atomic number of the nuclide.

appropriate. All the radionuchdes whose prior to and during the test but insolation as (iii) For beta emitters, Ai is determined by individual activities are not known (their specifiedin paragraph (a)(1)of Appendix A the maximum beta energy (E ) according to total activity will. however, be known) shall shall be assumed for the penod following the Table C-2:

be classed in a single group and the most 30 mmute exposure to fire conditions.

(iv) For alpha emitters A is determined by restrictive value of Ai and A applicable to i

(d) /mmersion-fissi/e matano/-For fissile the exprusion:

Ai or A.9 them shall be used as the valu any on f m the denominator of the fraction.

materialin those cases where water Ai = 1000 A, Inleakage has not been assumed for Where A is the value listed in Table C-3; is k o]n u


h ndi dua ac y of n e crtticahty analysis the specimen shall be (b) A. shall be the more restrictive of the of the radionuclides is known, the most immersed under a head of water of at least following two values:

restrictive value of Ai or A applicable to any 0.9 m (3 ft) for a period of not less than eight (i) The corresponding Ai; and one of the radionuclides present shall be hours and in the attitude for which maximum (ii) The value A. obtained frorn Table C-3.

adopted as the applicable value.

leakage is expected. For this test an ambient (3) For any single radionuclide whose (6) When the identity of none of the temperature of 38'C (100*F)is not required.

Identity is unknown. the value of Ai shall be nuclides is known, the value of Ai shall be (e) Immersion-o// packages-Elther the taken to be 2 Cl and the value of A. shall be taken to be 2 Ci and the value of A shall be damaged specimen or a separate undamaged taken to be 0.002 C1. However. if the atomic taken to be 0.002 Cl. However,if alpha specimen shall be immersed under a head of number of the radionuclide is known to be emitters are known to be absent. the value of water of at least 15 m (49 ft) for a penod of less than 82 the value of A shall be taken to As shall be taken to be 0.4 Ci.

48252 Fed:r:1 Regist:r / Vol. 44, No.181 / Friday, August 17.1979 / Proposzd Rulzs Tatde C.1.-A, and.Va4ms /br AsdonucMies 8 Symed of raraonuchde Enemoni and esoms nurteer A1(CQ A2to) 8" Ac Actruum (89) 1000 (r$03 me Ac 10 4

  • Ag......

5dver le7) 40 40

'= Ag.

7 7

"' Ag 100 100

  • Am Ameraum (95)..

8 0 006

  • Am..

~8 0.006 8' At (cortvseemed or u_...

Argon (18) 1000 1000 a At func..-

2 20 20 i

  • As (compressed 1

1 1

" As.-.

Arseruc C3).

1000 400 j

20 20 i

" AE..

10 10

" Aa,

300 300 i

" At Astegne Hl6).

200 7


'* Au. -

Gold U9) 200 200

  • Au 30 30 i

'* Au..

40 40

'* Au 200 200

  • Be..

Banwn (56) 40 40

  • 8a 40 10

' Be.

BW (4) 300 300

" Si.

Berevm (83) 5 5

"' 91 10 10

    • 9 (RaE) 100 4

"' 96...

6 6

  • Bk_..._....

Berksman (97).

1000 1

" Br.

Bronune 05) 6 8


Carton (6) 1000 100

" Ca.

Caiaurn (201 1000 40

  • Ca.

20 to


- Cadrrawn 146).



"* CD 30 30


  • Cd 80 90

'" Ce Canum (56).

100 100

'*' Ce 300 20'


'" Ca.-

60 60


.. Cauforme (96)-

2 0 002 10 7

    • Cf.

"* Cf 7

0.007 "8 Cf 2

0 009 "O,

CNonne (17) 300 30 "O.

10 10

    • Cm..

. Curusn (96L 200 0.2 l


9 0 cog



10 0.01

'" Cm..


6 0 006

  • Crn "Co..._-...

4 0006 "Co

_ _... ~.

Conan (27).


" Co...

go e0 "Co.

1000 1000

  • Co..

20 20 s' CF 7

7 Chromuum (24).

600 600

  • C4..

Caensn (55) 1000 1000

      • Cd.-...


1000 1000 10 to

'"Ce 1000 1000

  • Ca _...

7 7

  • C8 30 20
  • Ce

_. Cocoor det.............

90 D

  • Cy Dysproesum ie6).

1000 200 100 100

  • Dy Eibesn 168).

1000 300

'" Er

'" Er SC 50

'" Eu.

Ewpman te3!

30 30

  • Eu 20 20
  • Ed.

10 5

  • Eu 400 00

F Fluortre (9) 20 20

  1. Fe.

Iron (J6) e 6

" S e.

1000 1000

  • Fe 10 10 "Ga Geman (31)_

7 7

  • Od.

Gadoiruurn (64).

200 100 I

'" Gd 300 300

  • Ge Germaruum 02) 1000 1000 sg, Hygogen (1; ese 7,Tneum
  • Mt.

Mafnsam U2) 30 30

200 200

'* Hg 200 200

" Hg.

80 to

  • Ho Heemass 167)..

30 30


locene ($3),

1000 70

  • t_._...._..

40 10

  • L..,_..,

1000 2

  • L....

40 10 7


      • l.,.

30 30

  • 1 l

Fedard Registir / Vol. 44 No.101 / Friday, August 17,1979 / Proposed Rules 48253 Tab 6e C-l.-A, and eVaAms Aar Rackwarhoes L-Connnued Symbol of ratonucede Elemond and stumic nurneer A t(Q)


  • l.

0 4

  • l.<

10 to

"* In,

indum (44) 60 60

"* In.

30 20

    • in -.

100 100


Indium (77) 10 to

    • w.

20 20

'" W -

10 to "K.

- Polaemum (19).

10 10

  • Ki (uru'Omproceed)
  • Kr (~


luypton (36) 100 100 3

3 "Mr h-- - ----f 1000 1000 m g,.

S 6

  • Kt (v -- --

T 70 20

" Mr (compreene'4 ---

06 08 "La.

Lanihanum (57) 30 30 LLS..

Low i,,a ochd rectoactree memnal-ese..

( 714(0).


Low specinc actrusty matenswees 9 714(h).

'" Lu...e_..

MFP Lutsuum (71) 300 300

. hhsed Aamon prockcla 10 04

  • MQ c
, - (12) 8 8

" Mn...

Mengenees (25).


" Mn -"

20 to

" Mn -

g g

" Mo.. - -

Moe edenurn (42)

" Ne...

$oeum (1 t) -

100 100 v

0 3

" Ne.....

6 6

  • Nb Noteum 141?

1000 200

" Nb.

gg 20

" Nb.

20 20

'" Nd Neodyman (60).

100 100

'" Nd "M -

Nathal (28).

30 30

" NI 1000 900 1000 100

  • P8.

10 10

"' No Neptwuum (93) 6 0 005

  • No

- Oenuum (76).

20 20 200 200

  • Os -
  • Os 600 400
    • 0s..

200 200

'" Os.

100 300 "9

,.. Phosphorus (15) -

30 30 "Ps.

Protoecenan (91) 20 04

" PS 2

0 002

" Pe 100 100

"' Pb Lead (32) 20 20

  • Pb.

100 02

Pb 6


  • Pd...

Palledme 144),..

1000 700

"* Pd -

100 100

"' Pat.

'Promeenum to1) 1000 to

'* Pm 100 100 "Po Potoram (64).

200 02

'" Pr.

Praesodyman 168) to to

'" P' 300 200

  • P1 Platrum (76) 100 100

'" Pt 200 200

    • Pt 300 300
  • M 300 300

3 0 003

" Pu 2

0 002

        • u.

2 0.002 "N

1000 0t "N--

3 0 003

" Re Radum (88).

SO 0.2

  • Ra 6

0S "Re 10 0.06 "Re 10 00$

" Rb Rutzdlum (37) 30 30 alib Unerruled unanweed Rb Ineswa0 Unikeused Unemned

'" Re.

Rhenman (75) 100 100 l

  • Re -

Uneristed Uremned i

  • Re 10 10 Re (natsa0 Urenned Unkmned

"*' Rn. --

Rhodium (45) 1000 1000


200 200 "Rn -

- Rackm (96).

10 2

" Nu Ruthenna d44p 30 30 30 30 N


  • N 10 7

" S, Sulphur (161.

1000 300

  • Sc.

5 8

'* II6 '-

40 30

" llc-Scantsum (2I)..

g g

" SC l

200 200

48254 Fed:ral Rtgistir / Vol. 44, No.161 / Friday, August 17,1979 / Proposed Rules TetHe C-1.--A, and svates for Asdcmucwes Monunued symbc4 of radormacado Eiement and stoms numeer A1(O)


" $c....

" Se Seieruum (34)

  • Se

$dcon (14)....

40 40 100 100

"'Am Samanum (64.

Uremned unnmeted

  • Sm 1000 90

'" Sm.

J00 300

"* Sn.

Ta (50) -

60 80

    • Sn...

'O 10

  • Sr Stoneum (30) 30 60

" St.

30 30

" St.

50 50

" St 100 40

" Sr 10 04

Sr 10 to

" St 10 10 7 luncomoreseed).

Tntham (t) 1000 s000 7 (comcrosema) 1000 1000 T (.ecovesed hmious pamt 1000 1000 7 (adearbed on sand crier) 1000 100C 7 (ttbeted weser) 1000 1000 Y (other forms) 20 20

  • Ta Tangehm p3) 20 20
  • Tb Tertswi (45).

20 20 8" Tc Tectmetum (43) 1000 1000

" fe 6


  • Tc 1000 200

" Tc 1000 100

== To 100 100

  • Tc 1000 to

'"a To Teewun (Sh 1000 t00

    • Te 300 40
  • To 300 300

== To.

30 30

  • fe..

100 000

      • Te.

10 10 1


"' Th Thorup 490).

200 02

  • fh 6

0 008 i

e* Th 3


"' Th 1000 1000

    • fh Uremned unemried
  • Th 10 to Th (nease.0. e Unemsed unerrsted 1,.


8" T1, Thedin (01) 20 20

" Ti 200 m

4 "8 T1 40 40


  • T1 300 30
  • Tm -

Thidnam (es) 300 40 j

"' Tm 1000 100


Urenen 192).

100 0.1

  • U.

30 0 03 8"U 100 01

  • U.

100 0.1 8" U 100 02

    • U 200 0.2
    • U.

A Urerrated Unkmned U (neesso unamned unamness U (rncriedl< 20%

Unerruesd Unamited U (ervichedi 20% or yenest 100 0.1 U (depeseetc.

Unemsted Unkmeted U (neested)*


Veneisim (23) 6 6

W Tungseen F4).

200 100

  • W 1000 100

W 40 40

" Xe (compressed) -

, Xenon (54).

10 10

'8" Xe (w%

100 100

  • Xe (6

, _ _ _ i C 1000 1000

  • Ke locroreened) 5

'" xe (urrsimpreened).

70 70

'"Io (compressed).

2 2

  • Y Y1Irta (39) to 10
  • Y 30 30 i

e' Y 30 30 "Y-10 to "Y

10 10

"' Yb vttetsurn (70) 400 400 "In -

. Zmc (30).

30 30

  • 2n,

"Za r 40 40 i

300 300

" Zr..

Zliconan (40) -

1000 200

  • 1r.- -,

.. ~.. -

20 90

  • Zr,

20 20

'N Taoie C-1." w

. gas" means at a pressure not exceeding amenent atmosphene preemare si the bme the Contesnment ennem e cloteq1 A gas which has earnaard from a package e connsdored to he uncompressed 8The values Ier At and A2 muer tie calculated m accordance e@ the procedure specrhed m Appends C. peregrapn 11(3).

takmg men account the acevity of the benen products and of the ureneurw233 m addman to that or the thonum

Fedir:1 Registd / Vol. 44 No.101 / Friday, August 17, 1979 / Propossd Rulea 48255 E

e Tatste C-1.-A, aM.Vabes er RacecrivcMes Wnnnued (iv) The specimen shall then be stored for at least 7 days in still air of humidity not less Symoor of resorucwe Eiernant and enome number AIQ A2fc0 than 90% at 30* C (86* F).

(v) The specimen shall then be immersed in

'ine veues for At and A2 must us cecidated m accaroence eth the pmcean sesoneri e Amenen c. pareware IQ.

water of the same specification as in (i) talung mio account the actmov o# the assion producis and puor=Jm moicoes a omsuon to thei of the urenum.

above the water with specimen heated to 50' 5* C (122*z9' F) and maintained at this Tame C-2..-Reesconstnp Between A ' eM E'" kw Beta Emrtters temperature for 4 hou's.

(vi) The activity of the water shall then be determined.

E" N (vii) The activity determined in paragraphs

- (c)(1)(iii) and (vil shall not exceed 0.05 Ci/

o s.$

300 (2) For encapsulated matenal.

t s..._

100 (i) The specimen shall be immersed in to.<< 2 o._

30 water at ambient temperature. The water 1S o sa to shall have a pH of 6-8 with a maximum conductivity of to umho/cm. The water and specimen shall be heated to a temperature of Tape C-3--Rahtoonshp Betweert A 84M tv Atorme Wnber of the RadorwM, 50*15* C (122*29' F) and maintained at this temperature for 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

(til The activity of the water shall then be



Man-we lose hon 4fe trico days NWf-we pee;er Illi) The 8pecimen shall then be stored for then 1.000 cave m 10 areers inan to

  • ym at least 7 days in still ak at a temperature not less than 30* C (86* F).

t to si.

s and erx=

3 c... -

.os c6 3C (iv) Repeat paragraph (c)(2)(l) of this a02 cL.

002 o -

3o appendix.

(v) The activity of the water shall then be determined.

Appendix D-Requirementa for Special Form lead, of hardness number 3.5 to 4.5 on the (vi) The activities determined in Radioactiva Material Vickers scale and not more than 25 mm (1 in.)

paragraphs (c)(2)(ti) and (v) shall not exceed (a) Ceneral (1) Special form radioactive thick, shall cover an area grester than that 0.05 pCl.

matenal must either be an mdispersible solid

[d h Appendix E-Quality Assurance P

  • d a

eb or be contained in a sealed capsulo wnich can be opened only by destructive means.

shall strtke the specimen so as to cause maximum damaae.

This appendix descnbes quality assurance (2) The solid matertal or capsule shall have at least one dimensien not less than 5mm.

(3) Bending test. the test is. applicable only requirements applying to design, purchase, to long. slender sources with both a mmimum fabrication, handling. shipping, storing, (3) The qualification tests for special form s e the impact test, the percussion test, the length of 10 cm (4 in.) and a length to c4aning, assembly, inspection, testing.

minimum with ratio not less than 10. The operation. maintenance, repair, and bending test and the heat tast.

specimen shall be ngidly clamped in a modiacation of components of packaging (4) Specimens (solid radioactive material or horizontal position so that one half ofits which are sigmficant to safety. As used in capsules) to be tested shall be prepared as length protrudes from the face of the clamp.

this appendix, " quality assurance' comprises normally presented for transport. The The orientation of the specimen shall be such all those planned and systematic actions radioactive material shall he dup!!cated as that the specimen will suffer maximum nece88ary to provide adequate confidence closely as practicable.

damage when its free end is struck by the flat Get a system or component will perform (5) A different specimen may be used for face cf a steel bi!!et.The billet shall stnke the satisfactonly in service. Qualify assurance each of the tests.

specimen so as to produce an impact includes uality control, which compnses (6) The spectmen shall not break or shatter equivalent to that resulting frcm a free those qua ity assurams actions related to when subjected to the impact. percussion o' verticle fall of 14 kg (3 lb.) through 1 m. The control of the physical characteristics and bending tests.

flat face of the billet shall be 25 mm (lin.lln quality of the matenal or component to

'(7) The specimen shall not melt or disperse diameter with the edges rounded off to a predetermined requirements.

when subjected to the heat test.

radius of 3 mm (0.12 in.)

0.3 mm (0h12 in.).

1. Oganization.-The licensee " shali be (8) After each test, a leaching assessment (4) Heat test: the specimen shall be heated re8ponsible for the establishment and shall be perfonned on the specimen by e in air to a te moerature of not less than 800* C execution of the quality assurance program.

method no less sensitive than the methods (1472* F) and held at that tempersture for a The licensee may delegate to others, such as given in paragraph (c) of this appendix.

period of 1b trdnutes and shall then be c ntracton, agents, or consultants, the work (b) Test methods. (1) Impact test: the alowed to cool.

of establishing and executing the quality specimen shall fall onto a flat, horizontal.

(c) Leaching assessment procedures.

888uranc8 pr Sram f any part thereof,but essentially unyielding surface from a height (1) For indispersible solid material:

f,'[, 'I"]'

sb e o The

, d of 9 m (30 ft).

(1) The specimen shall be immersed for 7 (2) Percussion test: the specimen shall be days m water at ambient temperature.The organizations performing activities affecting placed on a sheet oflead which is suppo.1d water shall have a pH of 6-8 and a maximum the safety.related functions of structures 8Y8tema. And components shall be clearly' by a smooth solid surface and struck by the conductivity of to mho/cm at 20' C (68* F).

u flat face of a steel billet so as to produce an (11) The water with specizoen shall then be u

e a knn cenan is use n 6ese impact equivalent to that resulting from a free heated to a temperature of 50*15* C fall of 1.4 kg (3 lb.) through 1 m (40 in.). The (122*19* F) and maintained at this haeN isn. Neb a i keune flat face of the billet shall be 25 mm (1 in.)in temperature for 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

of the packap is accomplished with tespect to a diameter with the edges rounded to a radius (iii) The activity of the water shall then be packap prior to the tin.e a package approval is of 3 mm (a12 in.) 10.3 mm (0012 m.). The determined, lasued.

48256-Fedirzl Rigistzr / Vol. 44. No.161 / Friday, August 17. 1979 / Proposed Rules established and delineated in wnting.These equipment, tools and skills to attam the the fouowmg: cnticahty physics. radiation activities include both the performing required quality, and the need for venfication shielding, stress, thermal. bydraulic. and functions of attaining quahty objectives and of quahty by inspection and test.

accident analyses:compatibihty of matenals; the quality assurance functions The quahty 7he licensee shall base the requirements accessibihty for inservice inspection, assurance functions are those of(a) assunng and procedures of his quality assurance maintenance and repair: features to facilitate that an appropnate quahty assurance program on the followmg considerations decontamination; and dehneation of program is established and effectively concerning the complexity and proposed use acceptance enteria for mapections and tests.

executed and (b) venfymg. such as by of the package and its components:

Design changes,includmg field changes.

checking, auditing, and inspection, that (1) The importance of malfunction or shall be subject to design control measures activities affecting the safety-related failure of the item to safety:

commensurate with those applied to the functions have been correctly perinrmed. The (2) The design and fabncation complexity origmal design. Changes in the conditions persons and organizations performing quahty or uniqueness of the item:

specified in the package approval require assurance funcuona shall have sufficient (3) The need for special controls and Commission approval.

authonty and organtzational freedom to surveillance over processes and equipment:

4. Procurement Document Control-identify quahty problems; to initiate.

(4) The degree to which functional Measures shall be established to assure that recommend or provide solutions; and to compliance can be demonstrated by applicable requirements of this part which venly implementation of solutions. Such inspection or test; and are necessary to assure adequate quahty are persons and organizations performing quality (5) The quality history and degree of suitably included or referenced in the assurance funcnons shall report to a stendardization of the item.

documents for procurement of matenal, management level such that this required The program shall provide for equipment. and services, whether purchased authonty and organizational freedom, indoctrination and training of personnel by the licensee or by his contractors or including sufficient independence from cost perfonnmg activices affecting quality as subcontractors. To the extent necessary, the and schedule when opposed to safety necessary to assure that suitable proficiency licensce shall require contractors or considerations, are provided. Because of the is achieved and maintained. The licensee subcontractors to provide a quality assurance.

many vanables involved. such as the number shall review the status and adequacy of the program consistent with the pertinent of personnel, the typa of activity being quality assurance program at established provisions nf this part.

performed. and the location or locations intervals. Management of other organizations

5. Instructions. Procedures and where activities are performed, the participatmg in the quality assurance Drawings.-Activities effectmg quality shall organizational structure for executing the program shall regularly review the status and be prescnbed by documented instructions, quality assurance program may take vanous adequacy of that part of the quality procedures, or drawings of a type appropriate forma provided that the persons and assurance program which they are executing.

to the circumstances and shall be organizations assigned the quality assurance

3. Destg;r Control.-Measures shall be accomplished in accordance with these functions have this required authority and established to assure that applicable instructions, procedures, or dra wmss. These organizationa freedom. Irrespective of the regulatory requirements and the package shall include appropriate quantitative or organizational structure, the individual (s) design, as spectfied in the license, for those qualitative acceptance cntena for assigned the responsibility for assunng materials and components to which this determining that important activities have effective execution of any portion of the appendix applies, are correctly translated been satisfactorily accomplished.

quality assurance program at any location into specifications, drawings, procedures and

6. Document Control-Measures shall be where activities subiect to this Appendix are instructions. These measures shall include established to control the issuance of j

bems performed shall have direct access to provisions to assure that appropnate quality documents. such as instructions. procedures.

1 such levels of management so may be standards are specified and included in and drawings, including changes thereto, i

necesury to perform this function.

design documents and that deviations from which prescribe all activities affecting

2. Quality Assurance Program, ne such standards are controlled. Measures quality. These measures shall assure that licenseo shall establish at the carbest shall be established for the selection and documente, including changes, are reviewed J

practicable time, consistent with the schedule review for suitability of spplication of for adequacy and approved for release by for accomplishing the activities, a quality matenals, parts, equipment, and processes authorized personnel and are distnbuted and assurance program which complies with the that are essential to the safety-related used at the location where the presenbed ruquirements of this appendix.The quahty functions of the materiala, parts, and activity is performed. Changes to documents assurance program shall be documented by components of the packaging.

shall be reviewed and approved by the same wntten procedures or instructions, and shan Measures shall be established for the organizations that performed the original be carned out in accordance with those identification and control of design interfaces review and approval unless the applicant procedures throughout the period during and for coordination among participating designates another organization.

which packagmg is used. The licensee shall design organizations. These measures shall

7. ConuolofPurchasedMaterial, identify the maternal and components to be include the establishment of written Equipment, andServices.-Measures shall be covered by the quality anurance program procedures among participating design established to assure that purchased and the major organizations participating in organizations for the review, approval, material, equipment, and services, whether the program together with the designed release, distribution, and revision of purchased directly or through contractors and functions of these organizations. The quality documents involving design interfaces, ne subcontractors, conform to the procurement assurance program shall provide control over design control measures shall provide for documents. Rese measures shall include activities affecting the quality of the verifying or checking the adequacy of design.

provisions, as appropriate, for source identified materiels and components to an such as by the performance of design evaluation and selection, objective evidence extent consistent with their importance to reviews by the use of alternate or sirnplified of quality furnished by the contractor or safety, and as necessary to anure calculational methods, or by the performance subcontractor, inspection at the contractor or conformance to the approved design of each of a suitable testing program. The verifying or subcontractor source. and examination of individual package used for the shipment of checking process shau be performed by products upon delivery. Documentary radioactive matenal. Activities affecting individuals or groups other than those who evidence that material and equipment quahty shall be accomplished under stutably performed the original design, but who may conform to the procurement specifications controlled conditions. Controlled conditions be from the same organization. Where a test shall be available prior to Installation or use include the use of appropriate equipment; program is used to verify the adequacy of a of such material and equipment. This suitable environmental conditions for specific design feature in heu of other documentary evidence shall be retained by or accomplishing the activity, such as adequate verifying or checking processes. It shall be available to the licensee and shall be cleanness; and assurance that aU include suitable quahfication testing of a suf$cient to identtfy the specific requirements prerequisites for the given activity have been prototype or sample unit under the most met by the purchased material md satisfied. The program shall take into secount adverse design conditions. Design control equipment. The effectiveness of the control of the need for special controls, processes test measures shall be applied to items such as quality by contractors and subcontractors

Fedtr:1 RegistIr / Vol. 44. No.101 / Friday, August 17, 1979 / Proposed Rules 48257 shall be assessed by the licensee or designee controlled, cabbrated, and adjusted at concerning record retention, such as duration, at intervals consistent with the importance, specified times to maintain accuracy within location. and assigned responsibility.

complexity and quantity of the product or necessary limits.

18. Audits.-A comprehensive system of I


13. Handling, Storage andShipping-planned and penodic audits shall be carried


a. Identification and Control of Matenals, Measures shall be estabhshed to control the out to venfy compliance with all aspects of Ports and Components.-Measures shall be handling, storage, shipping, cleaning and the quality assurance program and to established for the identification and control preservation of matenals and equipment to determine the effectiveness of the program.

of matertals. parts, and components.These be used in packaging in accordance with The audits shau be performed in accordance j

measures shall assure that identification of instructions to prevent damage or with the wntten procedures or check lists by 1

the item is maintained by heat number, part deterioration. When necessary for particular appropriately tramed personnel not having


number, or other appropnate means, either products, special protective environments, direct responsibihties in the areas bemg i

on the item or on records traceable to the such as inert gas atmosphere, specific audited. Audited results shall be documented I

ttem. as required throughout fabncation, moisture content levels and temperature and reviewed by management having installation, and use of the item. These levels shall be specified and provided.

responsibility in the area audited. Fouowup identification and control measures shall be

14. Inspecuon. Test and Operating action, including re-audit of deficient areas, designed to prevent the use of incorrect or Status.-Measures shall be established to shall be taken whsre indicated.

defective materials, parts and components.

indicate, by the use of markings such as Dated at Washington. D.C. this 7th day of

9. Contm/ o/Specio/ Pmcesses.-Measures stamps. tags. labels. routing cards. or other August.1979, shall be established to assure that special suitable means the status of inspections and For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, processes, including welding, heat treating.

tests performed upon individual items of the and nondestructive testing, are controlled s packagtng. These measures shall provide for Samuel L M and accomphshed by quahfled personnel the identh"Ication of items which have Secretaryof the Commission.

using quahfied procedures in accordance satisfactorily passed required inspections P DOS-ame Riah-164* aos el with apphcable codes, standards, and tests, where necessary to preclude suase coes reco-et-u specifications, cnteria, and other special Inadvertent by-passing of such inspections requirements.

and tests.

10. Inspection,-A program for inspection Measures shall also be established for of activities affecting quality shall be indicating the operating status of components estabbahed and executed by or for the of the packaging, such as tagging valves and orFaruzation performing the activity to venfy switches to prevent inadvertent operation, conformance with the documented
15. Nonconforming Materials. Ports, or instructions, procedures, and drawmgs for Components.-Measures shall be established accomplishms the activity. Such inspection to control matenais, parts, or components shall be performed by individuals othat than which do not conform to requirements in those who performed the activity bemg order to prevent their inadvertent use or inspected. Examina tion, measurements, or installation. These measures shall include, as tests of matenal or products processed shall appropriate, procedures for identification.

be performed for each work operation where documentation, segregation, disposition, and necessary to assure quahty. If inspection of notification to affteted organizations.

processed matenal or products is impossible Nonconforming items shall be reviewed and or disadvantageous, indirect control by accepted, rejected repaired or reworked in monitoring processmg methoda, equipment, accordance with documented procedures.

and personnel shall be provided. Both itL Corrective Action.-Measures shall be inspection and process monitonng shall be established to assure that conditions adverse provided when quality control is madequate to quality, such as deficiencies, deviations, without both. If mandatory inspection hold defective matenal and equipment. and points, which require witnessing or inspecting nonconformances, are promptly identified by the hcensee's designated representative and corrected. In the case of a significant and beyond which work shau not proceed condition adverse to quahty, the measures without the consent of its designated shau assure that the cause of the condition is representative, are required the specific hold determined and corrective action taken to pomts shall be indicated in appropriate preclude repetition. The identification of the documents.

significant condition adverse to quahty, the

11. Test Control.-A test program shall be cause of the condition, and the corrective estabbshed to assure that all testmg required action taken shall be documented and to demonstrate that the packagmg reported to appropriate levels of components wiu perform satisfactorily in management.

service is identified and performed in

17. Quahty Assurance Records.-Sufficient accordance with written test procedures wntten records shall be maintamed to furnish which incorporate the requirements of this evidence of stivities affecting quality.The part and the requirements and acceptance rccords shall include the followmg: design limits contained in the package approval. The records, records of use and the results of procedures shau include provisions for reviews, inspections. tests audits. monitonng assurmg that au prerequisites for the given of work performance, and materials analyses, test have been met, that adequate test The records shall also include closely related instrumentation is available and used, and data such as quahfications of personnel. '

that the test is performed under suitable procedures, and equipment, inspection and environmental conditions. Test results shall test records shall. as a mimmum, identify the be documented and evaluated to assure that inspector or data recorder, the type of test requirements have been satisfied.

observation, the results, the acceptability.

12. Controlof Measunng and Test and the action taken in connection with any Equipment.-Measures shall be established deficiencies noted. Records shall be to assure that tools, gages, instruments, and identifiable and retnevable. Consistent with other measuring and testing devices used in appucable regulatory requirements, the activities affecting quality are properly licensee shall establish requirements


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