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Proposed,Deleted TS Paragraph 5 of Section 6.1.2 Re Responsibility & Qualifications of Reactor Maint Engineer & Paragraph 6 of Section 6.1.2 Re Maint Engineer Obtaining SRO
Person / Time
Site: University of Missouri-Rolla
Issue date: 09/17/1992
Shared Package
ML20118A679 List:
NUDOCS 9209240412
Download: ML20118A680 (6)


1 e


1 l-9209240412 920917 PDR ADOCK 05000123 P PDR

shall, should and may -

the - word "shall"- is ured to denote a requirement; the word "should" to denote a recommendation; and the word "may" to denote permissicn, which is neither a requirement nor a recommendation.

shim / safety rods - high reactivity-worth rods used primarily to provide' coarse reactor control. They are connected electro-magnetically to their drive mechanisms and have scram' capabilities, shutdown margin --- the minimum shutdown reactivity necessary t)-

provide confidence that the reactor can be made subcritical by means of the control and safety system starting from any permissible operating condition with the maximum worth scrammable rod and any non-scrammable control rod in their fully withdrawn positions and that the reactor will remain subcritical without-further operator action.

start-up source - a spontaneous source of neutrons which is used to provide a channel check of the start-up (fission chamber) channel.

surveillance time intervals -

two-year (interval not to exceed 30 months).

annually (interval not to exceed 15 months),

semiannually (interval not to exceed 7 1/2 months).

quarterly (interval not to exceed 4 months).

monthly (interval not to exceed 6 weeks).

weekly (interval not to exceed 10 days),

daily (must be done during the working day),

trainee - an individual who is preparing to become licensed -at the facility _or for a utility company.

true value - tne actual value.of a-parameter.

unscheduled shutdown - any unplanned shutdown of the reactor caused by actuation of the reactor safety system, operator error, equipment malfunction, or a manual shutdown in response to conditions which could adversely affect safe operation, not including shutdowns which occur during testing or check-out operations.


17 element cladding and to reduce neutron activation of dissolved naterials.


(1) The reactor shall not be operated unless there is at least 16 feet (4.88 m) of water above the core.

(2) The resistivity of the pool water shall be greater tnan 0.2 megaohm-cm as long as there are fuel elements in the pool.


(1) Cooling of the reactor core is provided by the natural cancaction in the reactor pool. In order to maintain the cu. m ' tion flow path intact the reactor core must be fully submerged. Radiation levels at licensed power require a sufficient depth of water for shielding. -

(2) A small rate of corrosion continuously occurs in a water-metal system. To limit this rate, and thereby extend the longevity I and integrity of the fuel cladding, a water purification system is required. Experience with water quality control at this and many other reactor facilities has shown that maintenance within the specified limit provides acceptable -


control of the corrosion rate. (See section 5.2 of the SAR for further information.)

3.4 Confingnent Apolicability: This specification applies to the capability of isolating the reactor facility from the unrestricted environment when necessary.

Qbiqqtly_c: To prevent the exposure to the public resulting from airborne activity released into the reactor f acility f rom exceeding the limits of 10 CFR 20.105 for unrestricted areas, and to be consistent with the ALARA concept.

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.37 -

6. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS-6.1 Drganizatio.D 6.1.1 Structure The-Nuclear Reactor Facility is a part of-the School of Mines and Metallurgy of the University af Missotari-Rolla. . The organizational structure is shown in Figure 6.1.

6.1. 2. Responsibility 1

Te h Dean of the School of Mines and. Metallurgy is the individual

responsible for the reactor facility's licenses (Level 1).

l i ,

l The Director of the Nuclear Reactor Facility-is the contact person l for the NRC and will have ove) 11 responsibility for management of the facility (Level 2).

.The Reactor Manager shall be. responsible for the day-to-day-operation and for ensuring that all operations are conducted in a-safe manner and within the limitc. prescribed by the f acility license and the provisions of the Radiation Safety Committee (Level 3). During periods when the Reactor Manager- is absent, his-responsibilities are delegated to a Senior Operator (Level 4).

The-Reactor Manager shall heve a Bachelor's degree in engineering or science or an equivalent combination of education and experience.

l from which comparable knowledge and abilities can be acquired.- As soon as reasonably possible after being assigned to the position, the Reactor Manager shall obtain . and maintain a - NRC Senior ,

Operators license. +

V l

2 l

4 39

' A- Health Physicist who is organizationally independent of the  :

't Reactor Facility _ operations group, as shown in Figure 6.1, ahall be

- responsible for radiological safety at the1 facility.

6.1.3 Staffing When the operating _the following staffing conditions shall be met:

(1) At least two- persons (one of whom is a licensed Lenior.

Operat'or) shall be present in the Reactor Building.

(2) A licensed Reactor Operator or Senior Operator shall be present in the control room.

All rearrangements of the core, fuel movement, and associateo Health Physics monitoring, or other nonroutine actions shall be supervised by a licensed Senior Operator.

When the reactor is being used for training purposes the following conditions shall be met:

(1) Students and Trainees may operate the reactor under the direct supervision of_ a licensed Reactor Operator provided the excess reactivity is less than 0.7% delta k/k.

(2) Trainees may operate the reactor under the direct supervision of a Senior Operator when the excess reactivity is greater than 0.7% delta k/k and less than 1.5% delta k/k.

t _. - _ _ ,

t '! ' .g 40 i 6.1.4 Selection and Training of Personnel The selection, training, and requalification of operations ,

personnel shall meet or exceed the requirements of American -

Nationni Standard for Selection and Training of Personnel for Research Reactors, ANSI /ANS-15.4-1977, Sections 4-6.(7).

L 5.2 RcXiew_nnd_ Audit There shall be a committee that reviews and audits reactor operations to ensure that the facility is op9 rated in a manner [

consistent with public safety and within the terms of the facility  ;

license. The Committee shall be *of t red to as the Radiation Safety Committee and shall report to the Chancellor of the campus and advise the Dean of the School of Mines and Metallurgy, and the Reactor Director on those areas of responsibility specified below.  !

6.2.1 Composition and Qualifications i

The Committee shall be composed of at least five members, one of i whom shall be the Radintion Safety Officer of the campus. No more th;n two members will be from the organization responsible for ,

reactor operations. The membership of the committee shall be such as to maintain a thorough knowledge in artsas relating to reactor safety and research use of radioisotopes.

I 6.2.2 Charter and Rules (3) A quorum of the Committee shall consist of at least one half

':f the voting members.

(2) The Committee shall meet at least quarterly. Minutes of all meetings shall be disseminated to Committee members and u i t.