A002561, NPDES Permit PA0025615,issued to Duquesne Light Co

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NPDES Permit PA0025615,issued to Duquesne Light Co
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 11/26/1984
From: Archer H
Shared Package
ML20108D029 List:
PA0025615, PA25615, NUDOCS 8503080222
Download: ML20108D039 (39)







ths "Act") and Pennsylvania's Clean Streams Law, as amended, 35 P.S. Section 691.1 et seq.,

Duquesne LL:;ht Company One Oxford Centre 301 Grant Street -

~, Pittsburgh, PA 15279

.s authorized to discharge from a facility located at Beaver Valley Power Station Shippingport Borough Beaver County

o racsiving waters named Ohio River and Peggs Run n recordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions. set forth

.n Parts A, B, and.C of this permit.

  • his parmit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight NOV 26 G89 .

'ha.cuchority granted by this permit is subject to the following further qualifications:

If there is a conflict between the application, its supporting documents and/or amendments cnd the terms and conditions of this permit, the terms and conditions shall apply.

'- Fciture to comply with any of the terms or conditions of this permit is grounds for cnforcement action; for permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or fcr denial of permit renewal.

$ If this permit authorizes a sewage discharge, the permit will not become operative until it is recorded in the office of the Record sr of Deeds in the county where the sewage discharge is located.

So Application for renewal of this permit, or notification of intent to cease discharging by g tha expiration date, must be submitted to the Department at least 180 days prior to :he cxpiration date (unless permission has been granted by the Department for submission at a 1cter date), using the appropriate NPDES permit application form. In the event that a timely and complete application for renewat has been submitted and the Department is to reissue the permit before the expiration g

og unable, through no fault of the permittee,dcte, the terms and conditions of this permit will be au ecmain fully effective and enforceable pending the grant or denial of permit renewal.

i. This permit does'not constitute authorization to const c or make modifications to w:stewater treat'ent m facilities necessary to meet t e s nd conditions of this permit.


?ERMIT ISS g . Bh ,/

L }hb4 H%h nalW Waterr,Quality Ph.D., P.E.



PART A Paga 2a of 14- ,

' ~


chemical waste treatment system (demineralizer regenerants, lab sink drainage, Unit #1 auxiliary boiler blowdown)

a. Th3 permittee is authorized to discharge during the*perjod from issued date through expiration date.
b. Based on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit tpplication and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following ef f luent limitations and monitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is ~ implied for each parameter unless otherwise i nd i ca t ed .-

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Mass Units Concentrations 24-ilour (Ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average Max. Instant. Measur emen t Sample Under scharg3 Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.

ow (mgd) 2/ month estimated spanded Solids 30 100 2/ month 2-hr. comp.

1 & Gre se 15 20 2/ month grab i

a not less than 6.0 nor greater than 9.0 standard units 2/ month grab ere shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts, aptes taken in compliance with the monitoring requireme'nts specified above shall be taken at the following location:

sa discharge from the chemical waste sump prior to mixiiig with any other water

PART A Pago 2b of 14 -


softener regenerants (formerly 103)

c. The permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration date,
b. Based on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following effluent limitations and monitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.
DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) fW)NITORING REQUIREMEt4TS

! Mast 'fn i ts Concentrations 24-Itour I

(Ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average Max. Instant. Measurement Sample Under

scharge Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.
ow (mgd) 2/ month estimated asp
ne:d Solios 30 100 2/ month grab i & Grsase 15 20 2/ month grab l

i 4


!iere shall be no discharge of floating solids or visibla foam. in other than trace amounts.

pplas taken in compliance with the monitoring requir muents specified above shall be taken at the following location:

sstewster from the softener unit prior to mixing with any other water.

.m. n .op .% v. ...


Unit #2 auxilicry boiler blowdown *


o. Th2 permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration 'date,
b. Based on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following ef f luent limitations and monitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Mass Units Concentrations 24-ilour (lb/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average ' Max. Instant. Measurement Sample Under

. charge Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.

>w (mgd) 2/ month estimated *

pended Solids 30 100 2/ month grab i & Grc
se 15 20 2/ month grab ira shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

nples taken la compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location:

a disch rge of boiler blowdown prior to mixing with any other water

PART A- Page 2d of 14 '


drains from the chemical feed area of the auxiliary boilers for Unit #2

c. Tha permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expirat ion date.

D. Dased on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following effluent limitat ions and monitoring rcquirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is' implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMEllTS Mass Units Concentrations 24-liour (Ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Repor.t Average Average Max. Average Average tiax. Instant. Measurement Sample Under scharge Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. . Frequency Type A.3.c.

ow (mgd) 2/ month estimated aspended Solids 30 100 2/ month grab i & Grcase 15 20 2/ month grab l

l i t l

i l

l l

not less than 6.0 -

2/ month grab iero sh ll be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in ottier than trace amounts.

epics taken in compliance with the the folIowing locatlon:

semicci teed area drains prior to m. monitor}gg ixing wi requggement}eppeci any o er wa tled above shalI be taken at t

PART A Paga 2o of 14 ,

r. <


Unit #1 and Unit #2 cooling tower blowdown, sources previously monitored at 101, 201, 301 and 401, treated rad waste, and occtsional clarif ied water overf low.

c. Tha permittee is authori2ed to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration date.


b. Bascd on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit ,

application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following effluent limitations and nonitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended traction) is implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Mass Units Concentrations 24-ilour (Ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless othcrwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average Max. Instant. Measurement Som,n l e linder Monthly Week l y Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.

charge Parameter o (agd) continuous recorded o Available Chlorine 0.2 0.5 continuous recorded omium it is tne Department's understanding that the permittee does not add chromium or zinc compounds to the cooling water.

c Theref ore, no limitation or monitoring requirement has been placed ,

on chromium or zinc, and the permittee is prohibited from adding chromium or zinc compounds to tae cooling water unless the permittee obtains an amendment to this permit. Refer'to Part C for restric-tions on the discharge of the 126 priority pollutants, free available and total residual chlorine, and the net addit' ion of pollutants to non-contact cooling water. ,

tre shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

nplss taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location:

Outfoil 001.

PART A Page 2f of 14 ,


intaka screenhouse (pump bearing cooling water leakage) formerly 201

c. The permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued dat through estpiration date.
h. Basco on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following etfluent limitations and monitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction)'is implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMFNTS Mass Un(ts Concentrations ~24-Hour (Ib/ day except flow) (og/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average Max. Instant. Measurement Sample Under icharge Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Month'ly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.

>w (mgd) , 2/ month estimated

. pended Solios 30 100 2/ month grab

& Grecse 15 - 20 2/ month. grab not less than 6.0 nor. greater than 9.0 standard units 2/ month grab tro shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible. foam in other than trace amounts.

spies taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location:

r discharge of collected pump bearing leakage prior to combination,with any other water

PART A Page 29 of 14


Intaka screen backwash, asnd pump bearing leakage from 102-

c. The permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration date.
b. Based on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following effluent limitations,and an>nitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Mass Units Concentrations 24-ilour (Ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average flax. Instant. Measurement Sample Under scharge Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.

Debris collected on the intake trash racks shalI not be returned to the waterway.

fro shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

PART A Page 2h of 14 c.



l cattling basin handling sludge from the intake clarifier (formerly 301)

O. Tha permittee is authorized to discharge during the period f rom issued date through expiration date.

b. Bascd on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following ef f luent limitations and monitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGi LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Mass Ur.its Concentrations 24-ilour (Ib/ day excep t f low) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average Max. Instant. Measurement Sample Under echarge Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.

)w (mgd) 2/ month estimated spended Solids 30 100 2/ month 24-hr. comp..

not less than 6.0 nor greater than 9.0 standard units 2/ month grab ero shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

rples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location:

erf low from the basin prior to mixing with any other water


cewage treatment system at the main plant ( tormerly 302)

c. The permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration date.
b. Based on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit application and its suppcrting documents and/or amendments, the following effluent limitations and monitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is . implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unsess otherwise indicated) HONITORING REQUIREMENTS Mass Units Concentrations 24-ilour (Ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average Hax. Instant. Measurement Sample Under.

scharge Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.

ow (mgd) 0.023 2/ month measured X)-5 Day 30 60 2/monih grab ispended Solids 30 ,

60 2/ month gr ab Removal (800-5 Day & SS) refer to Part C tcal Colitorm Organisms refer to Part C for effective disinfection 2/ month - grab i not less than 6.0 nor greater than 9.0 standard units 2/ month grab iere shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam 'in other than trace amounts.

imp: n taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location:

sertlow from the chlorine contact tank prior to mixing with any other water

o -



cil/ water separator handlic; Unit #1 turbine room floor drainage

o. The permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration date.
b. Based on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following ettluent limitations and monitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended traction) is implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated: MONITORING RES11REMENTS Mass Units Concentrations 24-llour (Ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average. Max. Instant. Measurement Sample Under ischarge Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekiv Daily Max. Frequency Type A.S.c.

Iow (mgd) 2/ month estimated aspended Solids 30 100 2/ month gr ab il & Grcase 15 20 2/ month grab it not less than 6.0 nor greater than 9.0 standard units 2/ month ' grab here shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

amples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following locatio9:

verf low f rom the oil separator prior to mixing with any other water .

o .


PART A Page 2k of 14 .'



see below .

c. Th3 permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration date.
b. Based on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following effluent limitations and monitoring rcquirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.


. Mass Units Concentrations 24-Hour (lb/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average Max. Instant. Measurement Sample Under scharge Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly. Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.

ow (mgd)

This discharge shall consist solely of uncontaminated yard stormwater runoti and those sources monitored at 103, 203, and 303.

i:ro shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible fo.am in other than trace amounts.

PART'A Page 24 of-14 .


Unit #1 cooling tower overflow o..The permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration dote.


b. Based on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater charac,teristics and flows describeo in the permit application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the tollowing ettluent Iimitations and monitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended traction) is implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Mass Units Concentrations 24-Hour (ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average , Hax. Instant. Measurement Sample Under ischarge Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency lype A.3.c.

low (agt) 1/ week estimated ree Avcilable Chlorine , 0.2 0.5 hromium

'inc '

This overflow at Outtall 004 normally takes pl. ace during -

the months July thru October when the water level in the cooling tower basin is raised to increase pumping efficiency. '

The blowdown at Outtall 201 comes. from the same basin, and the limitas;u... u.nd restrictions placed on 201 apply also to this 004. The only monitoring requirement at 004 is flow; monitoring resul ts f or other parameters at 201 w i l l . be cons idered app l icab le to 004 and must be shown on the DMR for 004 when3ver there is a '

discharge at 004 H not less than 6.0 nor greater than 9.0 standard units

.nero shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

amples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location:

.t thm discharge pipe


duxiliary intake screen backwash

o. Tha permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration date.
b. Based on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following effluent limitations and monitoring rcquirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended traction) is implied for each paran.eter unless otherwise indicated.

OlSCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Hass Units Concentrations 24-Hour isb/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report-Average Average Max. Average Average . Max. Instant. Measurement Sample Under icharge Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.J.c.

Debris collected on the intake trash racks shalI not be returned to the waterways.

Ire shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.


PART A- Prga 2n of 14 ,


cuxiliary intake system testing water and periodic discharge from the reactor plant river water system

c. Tha permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration date.
b. Based on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following ef f luent limitations and monitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is' implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Mass Units Concen trations 24-ilour (ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless'otherwise indicated) Repor.t Average Average Max. Average Average Max. Instant. Measurement Sample Under

!scharge Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Month'ly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.

'ow (mgd) 1/ week estimated co a.oitable Chlorine 0.2 0.5 1/ week grab Honitoring for flow and free available chlorine

are required only during those periods of discharge from the alternate flow path of the reactor plant river water system. Also refer to Part C for additional restrictions on free available and total residual chlorine, -
  • and the net addition of pollutants to non-contact cooling water.

t t


ero shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

mpics tchen in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the followiqg location:

thm discharge pipe


Unit #1 cooling tower pumphouse (pump seal leakage, strainer backwash, root rainfall) formerly 401

c. Th3 permittee is authorized to discharge during the p'eriod from issued date through expiration date.
b. Ursed on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following effluent limitations and monitoring

<cquirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended traction) is implied for each paraneter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Hass Units Concentrations 24-ilour (Ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Averaje Max. Average Average Max. Instant. Measur ement Sample Under scharqt Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly ' Daily tiax . Frequency Type A.3.c.

Ow (mgd) 2/ month estimated spend:d Solids 30 100 2/ month grab 1 & Gre se 15 20 30 2/ month grab 1

4 not less than 6.0 nor greater than 9.0 standard units 2/ month grab icro shall be no discharge of tioating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

mpics taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified 5bove shall be taken at the following location
e discharge pipe and monitored so as to exclude stormwater i

4 PART A- Paga 2p of 14 .


once-thru cooling water from Unit #2 heat exchangers, and sources monitored at 110 and 210

a. The permittee is authorized to' discharge during the period from issued date through expirat ion date.
h. Based on the production ' data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit cppiication'and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the'foilowing etfluent Iimitarions and moniforing rsquirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Mass Units Concentrations 24-ilour

. (ib/ day u cupt flow) -(mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average Max. Instant. Measurement Sample Under ischarga Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A .3.c .

Iow (mgd) , 1/ week estimated ee Available Chlorine 0.2 0.5 1/ week grab during chlorination Refer to Part C for additional restrictions on free available and total residual chlorine, and the net addition of pollutants to non-contact .

cooling water. ~


ure shall be no discharge of floating solids or visibt'e foam in other than trace amounts.

vnples taken in compliance with-the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location:

t th2 emergency overfIow structure

PART A Page 2q of 14 ,


thrco oll/ water separators serving the Unit #2 turbine building and diesel generator building

a. The permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration date.


} h. B: sed on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit j ' application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following etiluent limitations and monitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is implico for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Mass Units . Concentrations 24-Hour

. (Ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless c?herwise indicated) Report i Average Average Max. Average Average,, Max. Instant. Measurement Sample ~ Under ischarge Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly' Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.

jlov(agd) 2/ month estimated uspendsd Solids 30 100 2/ month grab lil & Grease 15 20 30 2/ month grab

} The three oil / water separators discharge into a common pipe, j and the pipe also handles yard drainage. The overflow from j each oll/ water separator must meet the limitations shown on

  • l this page, but at this time the Department is requiring the j permittee to only monitor the combined flow of the separators.

i j . .

i lH not less than 6.0 nor greater then.9.0 standard units 2/ month grab n!re shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam. In other than trace amounts.

t lampicstakenincomptiancewiththemoniforingrequirementsspectiledaboveshalibetakenat the foflowing location:

jt the discharge pipe and monitored so as to exclude stormwater -

i 1


.e. ,. _ ,

PART A Prga 2r of 14 ,


binwdown f rom the itVAC cooling tower serving the energency response f acility and stormwater runof f

c. Thn permittee is authorized to M; charge during the period from issued date through expiration date.
b. B; sed on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit cppiication and its supporting documents and/or amendments,'the.foilowing etfluent 1 imitations and moniforIng rcquirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MOHfTORING REQUIREMENTS Mass Units Concentrations 24-tiour (Ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Averaga Max. Average Average Max. Instant. Measurement Sample Under .

scharg3 Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.S.c.

ou (mgd) 1/ month estimated ee Available Chlorine it is the Department's understanding that the permittee does not add chlorine or chromium and zinc compounds to romium the cooling water. Therefore, no limitation'or monitoring requirement has been placed on chlorine, chromium, or zinc, nc and the permittee is prohibited from adding. chlorine, or chromium and zinc compounds to the cooling water unless the permittee obtains an amendment to this permit. Refer to .

Part C for restrictions on the discharge of the 126 priority pollutants, and the net addition of pollutants to non-contact cooling water.

t I not less than 6.0 nor greater than 9.0 standard units 1/ month grab icre shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

implss taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified aliove shall be taken at the following location:

tha discharge pipe

PART A pig 2 2s of 14 ,


sturga treatment system serving Unit #2 and handling sanitary wastes and softener regeneration wastes

a. The permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration date.
b. B: sed on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit tpplication and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following efflueqt limitations and monitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is ' implied for each parameter unless otherwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Mass Units Concentrations 24-Hour (Ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average Max. Instant. Measurement Sample Und,er sch*rgs Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.

>w (mgd) 0.043 2/ month measured

-)-5 Dsy 30 60 2/ month grab

'spindrd Solids 30 60 2/ month grab temoval (B00-5 Day &.SS) refer to Part C

sl Coliform Organisms refer to Part C for effective disinfection 2/ month grab not less than 6.0 nor greater than 9.0 standard units 2/ month grab Isre shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

i 1ples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location:

)rflow from the chlorine contact tank and prior to mixing with any other water 4




Unit #2 cooling tower pumphouse floor and equipment drains

c. Th3 permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration date.
b. B:sid on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit application and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the following ef f luent limitations and nonitoring requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is implied for each parameter unless othqrwise indicated.

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Mass Units Concentrations 24-ilour (lb/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average Max. Instant. Measurement Sanple bnder chrrgo Parameter Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.

u (mgd) 2/ month estimated

pzndad Solids 30 100 2/ month grab

& Gretse 15 20 2/ month grab i

l .

not less than 6.0 nor' greater than 9.0 standard units 2/ months grab tro shell.be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

iples ttken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified ,above shall be taken at the following location:

echargs from the pumphouse prior to mixing with any other water

PART A Pcgm 2u of 14 ,,


sos balow

a. Th2 permittee is authorized to discharge during the period from issued date through expiration date.
b. BEsed on the production data and/or anticipated wastewater characteristics and flows described in the permit appiication and its supporting documents and/or amendments, the foilowing etfluent I im i ta t ions and non.1 tor ing requirements apply. Total (dissolved plus suspended fraction) is implied for each parameter unless othcrwise si.d i ca t ed .

DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS (gross unless otherwise indicated) MONITORif4G REQUIREMENTS Mass Units Concentrations 24-Hour (Ib/ day except flow) (mg/l unless otherwise indicated) Report Average Average Max. Average Average Max. Instant. Measurenen t Sample Under scharga Parameter Monthlv Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Max. Frequency Type A.3.c.

This discharge shall consist solely of uncontaminated stormwater runot f and the soueces. monitored, at 113 and 213.

sere shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.


Page 3 of 14 4

a. The "averar- monthly" mass discharge means the total dischar:e by weight duri-g a calendar month divided by the number of days in the month that the production or commercial facility or sewage facility was operating. Where less than daily sampling is required by this' permit, the average monthly mass discharge shall be determined by the summation of all the measured daily cischarget by weight divided by the number of days during the calendar month when the measurements were made.
b. The " average weekly" mass discharge means the total discharge by weight during a calendar week divided by tne number of days in the week that the facility was operating. Where less than daily sampling is required by this permit, the average weekly mass discharge shall be determined by the summation of all the measured daily discharges by weight divided by the number of days during the calendar week when the measurements were made.
c. The " maximum daily" mass discharge means the total discharge by weight during any calendar day.
d. The " average monthly" concentration means the arithmetic average of all the daily determinations of co.ncentration made.during a calendar month.
e. The " average weekly" concentration means the arithmetic average of all the daily determinations of concentration made during a calendar week.

f'. The " maximum dall"" concentration means the daily determination of concentration for,any calendar day.

g. The " daily determination of concentration" means either the con-centration of a composite sample taken during a calendar day or the arithmetic average of all grab samples taken during a cale,ndar day.
h. The " Instantaneous maximum" concentration means the concentration not to be exceeded at any time in any grab sample.
i. The term " composite sample" means a combination of individual samples obtained at regular intervals over a time period. Either the volume of each individual sample is proportional to discharge flow rates, or the sampling interval (for constant volume samples) is proportional to the flow rates ever the time period used to produce the composite. The maximum time period between individual samples shall not exceed '2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> except that for wastec of a uniform nature the samples may be collected on a frequency of at least twice per working shif t and shall be equally-spaced over a 24-hour period (or over the operating day if flows are of a shorter duration).
j. The term " grab sample" means an individual sample collected in less than 15 minutes.
k. The "6verage monthly flow" means the arithmetic mean of daily flow measurements taken during a calendar month.


PART A Page,4 of 14 .

1. The term " measured flow" means any method of liquid volume measurement the accuracy of which has been previously demonstrated in engineering practice or for which a relationship to absolute volume has been obtained,
m. The term " estimated flow" means any method of licuid volume measure-ent based en a Technical evaluation of the sources contributing to the discharge including, but not limited to, pump capabilities, water meters, and batch discharge volumes.
n. The "averege monthly" temperature means the arithmetic mean of tem-perature measurement made on an hourly basis, or the mean value plot of the record of a continuous autcmated temperiture recording instrument, either during a calendar month or during the operating month if flows are of a shorter duration.
o. The " maximum daily" temperature means the highest arithmetic mean of the hourly temperatures observed for any 2 consecutive hours during a 24-hour day or during the operating day if flows are of a shorter duration.
p. The term "l-s" means invnersion stabilization in which a calibrated device is immersed in the of f luent stream,unti i the reading is stabiIizod.
q. The term "non-contact cooling water" shall mean water which is used in a cooling system designed so as to maintain constant separation of the cooling medium from all contact witis. process chemicals but which may on occasion, as a result of corrosien, cooling system leakage or similar cooling system failures, contain small amounts of process chemicals:

provided, that alI reasonable measures have been taken to prevent, reduce, eliminate and control to the maximum extent feasible such contamination:

and provided furthey that alI re'asonable measures have been taken that '

will mitigate the effects.of such contamination once it has occurred.

r. The term "at outfall XXX" means a sampling location in outfall line XXX downstream from the last point at which wastes are added to outf all line XXX or otherwise specified.
s. The term " bypass" means the intentional diversion of wastes from any portion of a treatment facility.
t. The term " severe property damage" means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment f acilities which causes them to become inoperabia, or subtantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonabl i be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production.
u. The term " Industrial user" means an establishment which discharges or introduces industrial wastes into a publicly owned treatment works (POTW).
v. The term " publicly owned treatment works" or "POTW" means a f acility as defined by Section 212 of the Clean Water Act which is owned by a state or municipality, as defined by Section 502(4) of the Clean Water Act, including any sewers that convey wastewater to such a treatment works, but not including pipes, sewers cc other conveyances not connected to a facility providing treatment. The term also means the municipality as defined in Section 502(4) of the Clean Water Act which has jurisdiction over 'the indirect discharces to and the discharges f' rom such a treatment works.


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a. Representative Samoling Samples and measurements taken as required herein shall be represen-tative of the volume and nature of the monitored discharge.
b. Reoorting of Monitoring Results (1) Monitoring results obtained during each month shall be summarized for that month and reported on a discharge monitoring report (CMR) postmarked no' later than the 28th day of the following month.

Signed copies of these and all other reports required herein, shall be submitted to the Department and the EPA Regional Of fice at the addresses listed in Part C of this permit.

(2) I f the permittee monitors any pollutant using analytical methods described in Part A.3.e below more frequently than the permit requires, the results of this monitoring shall be incorporated as approp.-iate into the calculations used to report self-monitoring data on the OMR.

c. Non-Comp l iance Report'ing (1) 24-Hour Reporting - The permittee shall orally report to the Department within 24' hours of becoming aw'are of the following:

(a). Actual or anticipated non-compliance with any' term or condition of this permit which may endanger health or the environment.

(b) Actual or anticipated non-compliance with any " maximum daily" discharge limitation which is identified in Part A.1 of this permit as being:

(i) A toxic pollutant ef fluent standard established by EPA pursuant to Section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act, or (ii) For a toxic or hazardous pollutant which, if not adequately treated, could constitute a threat to human health, welfare, or the environment, or (III) Any pollutant identified as the method to control a toxic pollutant or hazardous substance (i.e. Indicator pollutant).

(c) Any unanticipated bypass which exceeds any effluent limitations in the permit.

(d) Where the permittee orally reports this information within the above mentioned 24-hour time period, a written submission outlining the above information must be submitted to the Department within 5 days of becoming aware of such a condi tion unless this requirement is waived by the Department upon receipt of the oral report.

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PART A . Page 6 of 14 .

(2) Other Non-Compliance Racorting (a) The permittee shall give advance notice to the Departeent of any planned changes to the permitted activity er facility which may result in non-compliance with permit requirements.

(b) Where the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass which will exceed effluent limitations, it shall submit prior notice To the Department at least 10 days, if possible, before the date of the bypass.

(c) The permittee shall report all ins'tances hf non-compliance which are not reported above at the time of DMR submission.

(3) The reports and notifications required above shall contain the following information:

(a) A description of the discharge and cause of non-compliance; (b) The period of non-compliance, including exact dates and times and/or the anticipated time when the discharge will return to compliance; and (c) Stepc being taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the non-complying discharge,

d. Specific Toxic Soestance Notification levels - Where the permittee is a manufacturing, commercial, mining, or silvicultural discharger, the permittee shall noti fy the Department as soon as it knows or has. reason to bcileve the following:

(1) That any activity has occurred or will occur which would result in the dis-charge of any toxic pollutant which is not limited in the permit if that discharge will exceed the highest of the following " notification levels":

(a) One hundred micrograms per liter (b) Two hundred micrograms per liter *for acrolein anc acrylonitrile (c) Five hundred micrograms per liter for 2,4-dinitroshenol and 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol (d) One milligram per liter for antimony (e) Five times the maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant in the permit application (f) Any other notification level established by the Department (2) That it has begun, or expects to begin, to use or nenufacture as an intermediate or final product or byproduct any toxic pollutant which was not reported in the permit application.

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. PART A Page 7 of 14

4. Test Procedures Unless otherwise specified in this permit, the test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall be those contained in 40 CFR Part 136, or alternate test procedures approved pursuant to that part.
f. Reccedino of Results For each measurement or sample taken pursuant to the requirements of this permit, the permittee shall record the following information:

(1) The exact place, date, and time of sampling or measurements; (2) The persons who performed the sampling or measurements; (3) The dates the analyses were performed; (4) The persons who performed the analyses; (5) The analytical techniques or methods used; and (6) The results of.such analyses. ,

g. Recceds Roten'tlon All records of monitoring activities and res. sits (including all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation and calibration and maintenance records), copies of all reports required. by this permit, and records of all data used to complete the application for this permit shall be retained by the permittee for 3 years. The 3-year period shall be extended as requested by the Department or the r EPA Regional Administrator. .


a. If Part C of this permit contains a schedule of compliance,- the permittee i shall achieve compliance with the ef fluent limitations specified for l discharges in accordance with that schedule.

l l b. No later than 14 calendar days following a date identified in the schedule of compliance,. the permittee shall submit to the Department a written notice of compliance or non-compliance with the specific schedule i requ irement. In the case of non-compilance, the notice shall include

the cause of non-compliance, any remedial actions taken, the estimated I date when compliance with the elapsed date shall occur, and the probability of meeting the next scheduled requirement.


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~ j PART B Page 8 of 14 i

a. Permit Modification, Termination, or Revocation and Reissuance (1) This permit may be modified, terminated, or revoked and reissued during its term for any of the causes specified in 25 Pa. Code, Chapter 92.

(2) The filing of a request by the permittee for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated non-compliance, does not stay any permit condition.

(3) Toxic Pollutants - Notwithstanding the above, if a toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance spe-cified in such ef fluent standard or prohibition) is established under Section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act for a toxic pollutant which is present in the discharge, and such standard or prohibi-tion is more stringent than any limitation for such pollutant in this permit, then this permit shall be modified or revoked and reissued by the Department to conform with the toxic ef fluent standard or- prohibition and the permittee so not'Ified. ' I n the abse'nce of a Departmental action to modify or to revoke and reissue'this permit, any toxic effluent standard or prohibition established under Section 307(a) of.the Clean Water Act is con-sidered to be ef f ective and enforceable against the permittee.

b. Outy to Provide Information (1) The permittee shall furnish to the Department within a reasonable time any information which tne Department may request to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit, or to determine compliance with this permit.

(2) The permittee shall furnish to the Department, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this permit.

(3) Other Information - Where the permittet becomes aware that it f ailed to submit any relevant facts in a permit application, or submitted incorrect information in a permit application or in any report to the Department, it shall promptly submit such facts or inf ormation to the Department.

(4) The permittee shall give advance notice to the Department of any planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted facility.


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. PART B Page 9 of 14

c. Where the Permittee is a Publiciv Owned Treatment Works (POTW)

(1) The permittee shall provide adequate notice as discussed in subparagraph c(2) below to the Department of the following:

(a) Any new introduction of pollutants into the POTW from an industrial user which would be subject to Sections 301 and 306 of the Clean Water Act if it were otherwise discharging directly into waters of the United States.

(b) Any substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants being introduced into the POTW by an industrial user which was discharging into the POTW at the time of issuance of this permit.

(c)- Any change in the quality and quantity of effluent introduced into the POTW.

(d) The identity of significant industrial users served by the POTW which are subject to protreatment standards adopted under Section 307(b) of the Clean Water Act; the POTW shall aIso identify the character, and volume of . pollutants discharged-into the POTW by the. Industrial user" (2) The submission of the above information in the POTW's annual Wasteload Management Report, required under the provisions of 25 Pa. Code, Chapter 94, will normally be considered as providing adequate noti.co to the Department. However, if the above changes in industrial pollutant loadings to the POTW are significant enough to warrant either modification or revocation and reissuance of this permit, then the permittee is required to meet the provi-sions of Part B.1.a above. ,

(3) The POTW shall require all Industrial users to comply with the reporting requirements of Sections 204(b), 307, and 308 of the Clean Water Act and any regulations adopted thereunder, and the Clean Streams Law and any regulations adopted thereunder.

l (4) This permit shall be modiflad, or alternatively, revoked and reissued, to incorporate an approved POTW pretreatment program or a compliance schedule for the development of such program as required under Section 402(b)(8) of the Clean Water Act and regulations adopted thereunder or under the Department's approved pretreatment program.

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. PART B Page 10 of I4

d. Sveassinq (1) Bypassino not Exceedino Permit Limitations - The permittae may allow 'any bypass to occur which does not cause ef fluent limita-tions to be exceeded, but only if the bypass is for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation. This type of bypassing is not subject to the reporting and notification requirements of Part A.3.c above.

(2) Other Bvoassino -

In all other situat,lons bypassing is prohibited unless the following conditions are met:

(a) A bypass is unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury or " severe property damage";

(b) There are no feasible alternatives to a bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or reintenance during normal periods of equipment down-time. (This condition is not satisfied if the permittee could have installed adequate backup equipment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventive maintenance); and (c) The permittee submitted the necessary reports required under Part A.3.c above.

(3) The Department may approve an anticipated bypass, af ter con-sidering its adver,se effects, if the Department determines that. it will meet the 3 conditions listed above.


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PART 8 Page 11 of~14

e. Adverse impact The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or correct any adverse impact on the environment resulting irom non-compliance with this permit.
f. Facilities Coeration The permittee shall at all times ..dintain in good working order and properly operate all facilities and systems (and related appurtenances 1 for collection and treatment which are installed or used by the permit-tee for water pollution control and abatement to achieve compliance with the terns and conditions of this permit. Proper operation and maintenance includes but is not limited to ef fective performance based on designed facility removals, adequate funding, ef fective management, adequate operator staf fing and training, and adequate laboratory and processing controls including appropriate quality assurance procedures.

This provision includes the operation and backup of auxiliary facilities or similar systems when necessary to achieve compliance with this permit.

g. Reduction, Loss, or Failure of the Treatment Facilities Where the permittee is' a manuf acturing, commercial, mining, or silvi-cultural discharger, then upon reduction, loss, or failure of the treatment facilities, and in order to meintain compliance with its permit, tne permittee shall contrcl production and all discharges until either the facility is restored or an Olternative method "of treatment is provided.

This requirement appiles in 15e ' situation where, among other things, the primary source of power of the treatment facility is reduced, lost, c- fails.

h. Removed Substances Solids, sludges, filter backwash,.or other pollutants rhmeved in the equrse of treatment or control of wastewaters shall be disposed of in a manner such as to prevent any pollutant from such materials from adversely af f ecting the environment.



PART B Page 12 of 14

a. R icht of Entry Pursuant to Sections 5(b) and 305 of the Clean Streams Law and 25 Pa.

Code, Chapter 92, the permittee shall allow the head of the Department, the EPA Regional Administrator, and/or their authorized representatives, upon the presentation of credentis t s and other documents as emy be required by law:

(1) To enter upon the permittee's premises where an ef fluent source is located or in which any records are required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and (2) At reasonable times to have access to and copy any records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of th's permit; to inspect any monitoring equipment or monitoring method required in this permit; to inspect any collection, treatment, pollution management, or discharg's facilities required under this permit; and to sample any substances or parameters at any location.


b. Transfer of Ownership or Control (1) No permit may be transferred unless approved by the Department.

(2) In the-event of any pending change in control or ownership of facilities from which the authorized discharges emanate, tae permittee shall noti fy the Department by letter of such. pending change at least 30 days prior to the change in ownership or control.

(3) The letter shall be accompanied by the appropriate Department forms for transfer of this permit and a written agreement between l the existing permittee and the new owner or controller stating that the existing permittee shall be liable for violations of this permit u) to and until the date of permit transfer and that the new owne or controller shall be liable for permit violations from that date on.

t (4) Af ter receipt of the documentat lon required above, the Department shall notify the existing permittee and the new owner or controller of its decision concerning approval of the transfer, in approving the transfer the Department may modify or revoke and reissue this permit.

(5) in the event the Department does not approve transf er of this permit, the new owner or controller must submit a new permit application.

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PART B Page 13 of 14

c. Confidentiality of Reoorts Excep't for data determined to be confidential under 25 Pa. Code, Chapter 92, all reports prepared in accordonce with the terms of this permit shall be available for public inspection at the of fices of the Department and the EPA Regional Administrator. Effluent daPa shall .7ot be considered confidential.
d. Penalties and Liability ,

. (1) Nothing in this permit shall be construed to relieve the permittee '

from civil or criminal penalties for non-compliance pursuant to Section 309 of the Clean Water Act or Sections 602 or 605 of the Clean Streams Law.

(2) Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institu-tion of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any respon-sibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee is or may be subject under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act.

e. Procerty Richts The issuance of this ~ permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges; nor joes it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of perse nel rights.
f. Other Laws Nothing herein contained shall be construed to be an intent on the part of the Department to approve any act made or to be made by the permittee inconsistent with the permittee's lawful powers or with existing laws of the Commonwealth regulating industrial and sewage wastes and the practice of professional engineering, nor shall this permit be construed J to sanction any act otherwise forbidden by federal or state law or i

regulations, or by local ordinanc,e . Nor does it pre-empt any duty to j

obtain state or local assent required by law for the discharges.

l g. Severability

' The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this permit or the application of any provision of this permit to any circumstances is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances and the remainder of this permit shall not be affected thereby.

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a. In accordance with Part A.3.b of this permit, the permittee shall submit a copy of the reports to each of the following:

Department of Environmental Resources U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Bureau of Water Quality Management Region III, Pennsylvania Section (3WM52) 600 Highland Building Water Permits Branch 121 South Highland Avenue Water Management Division Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206-3988 Sixth and Walnut Streets Philadalphia, Pennsylvania 19106

b. For outf all 203, effective disinfection to control disease producing organisms shall be the production of an effluent which will contain a concentration of fecal coliform organises not greater than
1. 200/100 al as a monthly geometric mean, nor exceed 400/100 al in more than ten percent of the samples examined during any month from May thr.ough October inclusive. .
2. 1000/100 al as a monthly geometric mean, nor exceed 2000/100 al in' more than ten percent of the samples examined during any month from November through April inclusive.


c. For Outf all 113, effective disinfection to control disease producing organisms shall be the production of an effluent which will contain a concentration of ~

- fecal coliform organisms not greater than

1. 200/100 al as a monthly geometric mean, nor greater than 1000/100 al in more than ten percent of the samples examined during any sonth from May through September inclusive.
2. 2000/100 mi as a monthly geometric mean based on five consecutive samples collected on different days during any sonth from October through April inclusive.
d. In no case shall the arithmetic means of the effluent values of the biochemical oxygen demand (500-5 Day) and suspended solids discharged during a period of 30 consecutive days exceed 15 percent of respective arithmetic means of the influent values for those parameters during the same time period except as specifically authorized by the Department.
e. There shall be no net addition of pollutants to non-contact cooling water over intake values except for heat, water conditioners (when used in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act), and as provided in Part A.2.q of this permit.


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There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated byphenyl (PCB) compounds such as those commonly used for transformer fluid.

g. In cooling tower blowdown there shall be no detectable amount. of the 126 priority pollutants from chemicals added for cooling tower maintenanca. The 126 priority pollutants are listed at 40 CFR 423 - Appendix A, and "no detectable amount" means that the pollutants are not detectable by the analytical methods at 40 CFR 136.


Neither free available chlorine nor total residual chlorine may be discharged from any unit for more than two hours in any one day and not more than one unit in any plant may discharge free available or total residual chlorine at any one time unless the permittee can demonstrate to the Department that the units in a par-ticular location cannot operate at or below this level of chlorination. .

1. Waterborne releases of radioactive material to unrestricted areas shall conform to criteria set forth in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulatior s part 50 Appendix I

- Numerical Guides for Design Objectives and Limiting Conditions For Operation To Meet The Criterion ' As Low As Is Reasonably Achievable' For Radioactive Material In Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Reactor Effluents, as implemented, through the Environmental Technical Specifications for the Facility. The facility operator shall' provide the Department with copies of reports specifying the quantities of radioactive materials released to unrestricted areas in liquid / gaseous af fluents.

The facility o'perator shall provide the Department with copias of reports of the results of environmental surveillance acti rities and other such reports as necessary for the estimation of the dose consequential to facility operation.

The above reports are to be forwarded to the following addresss:

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Bureau of Radiation Protection and Toxicology .

P.O. Box 2063 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 l

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. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101 l (717)787 3483 l NOTICE OF APPEAL Any party desiring to appeal any action of the Department of Environmental Resources must file its Appeal with this Board tt the above addres within 30 days from date of receipt of notification of the Action.

1. Complete Name, Address and Telephone Number of Appellant:

{ DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY I One Oxford Centre 301 Grant Street '

Pittsburgh, PA 15279 412/393-6055

2. (a) Specify the action for which review is ought, the Department officials who took said actions, and the location of the proposed project including the municipality and county. Also, attach a copy of the letter, order or notification from which you are appealing. (b) Specify the date when the order or notice of the action appealed was received.

(a) NPDES Permit PA0025615 (copy attached as Exhibit A) issued by Hugh V. Archer, Regional Water Quality Manager. Said Permit applies to the Beaver Valley Power Station, a nuclear power plant located in Shippingport Borough, Beaver County.

(b) Permit received on November 29, 1984.

3. We appeal for the following reasons: (Specify objections to the action of the Department. Objections not raised herein may be deemed weived pursuant to Rule 21.Sl(s). If the objections are not sufficiently specific, the appelles may move for a more specific pisoding pursuant to Rule 21.64 or Appellent may be required to file the first pre-hearing memorandum.

2 (Attach additional sheets as may be required.)

See attached sheets.

4 We hereby certify that we have served or mailed a copy of this appeal to

( X) (a) the Bureau of Litigation, P.O. Box 2357, 514 Executive House,101 South Second Streatt, Harrisburg, PA 17120.

( X) (b) the Officer of the Department of Environmental Resources responsible for the action argealed, and

() (c) if the appeal is from the grant of a permit, license, approval or certification, a copy to th recipient thereof.

The information s&v':ted is true and correct to the beet of my in lief:

]A a eJ- 2 SIGNATURE Walter 1. Wardzi sK1 - Vice Presider

's;emure of Appenent or Agent or Officer of Apoonent if Appenent is not en indiwoues.Nkhegu,gy,, a g,e,,g,gy,u,ngg,1o,gs y

in this proceeding before the soord, please supply the followine inforrnetion:

Gene C. Bertsch, Esq. & Gerard F. Hickel, Esc (NAME) (Type or Pnnt)

. DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY One Oxford Centre - 301 Crane serene Pittsburgh, PA 15279 412/393-6059 (AREA CODE) PHONE NO.


6 ATTACHMENT - NOTICE OF APPEAL 3(a). Part C, requirement (h), of said Permit provides that:

"Neither free available chlorine nor total residual chlorine may be discharged from any unit for more than two hours in any one day and not more than one unit in any plant may discharge free available or total residual chlorine at any one time unless the permittee can demonstrate to the Department that the units in a particular location cannot operate at or below this level of chlorination.


Appellant objects to Part C, requirement (h) in that it imposes an i'mmediately-ef fective standard upon Appellant's facility. Appellant has recently become aware that the chlorination limits specified by requirement (h) are inadequate to control biofouling at its unit. Appellant cannot operate its unit at or below the prescribed level of chlorination and desires to make a demonstration of this fact to the Department, as permitted by requirement (h). Promptly upon discovery of the inadequacy of the prescribed chlorination limits, Appellant advised the Department thereof by letter of December 24, 1984) copy attached as Exhibit B), and also advised the Department of its desire to perform the demonstration authorized by requirement (h). In order to conduct such a demonstration, levels of chlorination exceeding those levels specified by requirement (h) will be necessary.

If requirement (h) remains in force during the demonstration period, Appellant wil'1 be subject to

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. o' j sanctions for exceedances of the chlorination level specified by requirement (h), thereby effectively denying Appellant the right to make its demonstration to the Department. Therefore, Appellant requests that the ef fectiveness of the chlorination limits specified by requirement (h) be suspended until Appellant has coaducted its demonstration and the Department's ruling 4 thereon has become final.

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(c). Appellant further objects to requirement (h) in that .

4 the chlorination limits prescribed therein are ambiguous as to whether they apply to the dosing period or to the period of discharge into the river. The Department has by permit transmittal letter of November 26, 1984 (copy attached as Exhibit C) stated that it agrees with Appellant that the chlorination limits apply _only to the dosing period, but such interpretation has not been reflected in the Permit, thereby exposing Appellant to possible actions by third parties , or by the Department, arising from a contrary interpretation of requirement (h). Therefore, Appellant ' requests that requirement (h) be amended by adding the following provision at the end thereof:

"This limitation shall apply to the dosing period only." .

(d). Part A, pages 2e and 21 of said Permit establish the following effluent limitations for free available chlorine:

" Maximum Daily Concentration -- 0.2 mg/l"

" Instantaneous Maximum Concentration -- 0.5 mg/1" These numerical limitations were taken by the Department from United Stated Environmental Protection 2

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Agency standards published at 40 CFR 125 and 423. The Environmental Protection Agency standards, however, clearly apply to daily average concentrations and to daily maximum concentrations, respectively, while the limitations of the Permit are ambiguous. The Department has verbally agreed with Appellant. that the proper interpretation of the " maximum daily" limitation specified in the Permit is to apply the same to average daily discharge concentrations, in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency standards. This interpretation, however, is not reflected in the Permit, thereby exposing Appellant to possible actions arising from a contrary interpretation of the limitations. Therefore, Appellant requests that the free available chlorine effluent limitations specified at pages 2e and 21 of the Permit be amended to read as follows:

" Daily Average -- 0. 2 mg/l"

" Daily Maximum -- 0.5 mg/1"
