ML20099L240 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Perry |
Issue date: | 03/18/1985 |
To: | Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel |
References | |
CON-#185-159, RTR-NUREG-0831, RTR-NUREG-831, RTR-NUREG-CR-2530 ALAB-715, OL, NUDOCS 8503200531 | |
Download: ML20099L240 (16) | |
M M CORHLbHJhur.swa.
March 18,' 1955 .' ' " ~i:
.YN e- .,
c <M E0 41 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA f4UCLEAR REGULATORY C0 tit 1I55 ION u=~:.E .; ELCh ,w Before the Atomic 50fety and Licensing B6 West JNG A SER7.
In the Motter or )
THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC ) Docket flo s . 50-440 OL ILLUttINATING CO. ET AL, ) 50-441 OL
(Perry Nuclear Power Plant, )
Units 1 ond 2) ) ,
MOTION TO C0liPEL THE APPEARANCE OF DR, t1AR5 HALL BERt1AN I, Introduction Intervenor Ohio Citi: ens for Responsible Energy ("OCRE')
hereby moves the Licensing Ecord to compel the a:Fearance on:
testimony oc the evidentiary hearing or Dr. Marshall Berman, supervssor or the Reactor Sorety Studies Division or the Sondi;o flo t io nal Laboratory, Albuquerque, titi . OCRE requests that Dr. '
Berman oppear os o Starr witness and present testimony oddressing experimental and analytical errorts at sondio concerning the generation, combustion, and control or hydrogen in degraded core occidents and the thread to containment integrity posed by hydrogen. These matters are relevant and material to Issue NS, on hydrogen control, in this proce,eding, Specifically, Dr. Bermon should present testimony on the findings and conclusions resulting from the research program 85032 531 850318 DR A K0500ggg0 D34
4 g
described in Section III below, especially that concerning hydrogen deflagrotion Chorocteristicss detonations, flome accelerotion, and deflogrobion-to-detonation transition; onelytical errorts concerning MARCH, HECTR, and HYBER and Sandio analyses and ossessments of Mark III hydrogen control, including the distributed igniter system, the CLASIX-3 deflogration code, and continuous diffusion flomes, and the effects of Mark III hydrogen combustion on containment integrity
..nd e$v ped rufvivat. br. Ber-e.n sh. A d 6e m'a10< -Gr liberal cross-examination on these motters os well.
II. The standards for Compelling the Appearonce of a Staff Cunsultont Accorotng to 10 CFR 2.4(p), Dr. Bermon, os on employee of ioncia, which is o NRC contractor, is, for the purposes of 10 CFR 2.700, to be classified asNRC persor.nel.- (f) 10 CFR 2.
(h) (2) (i) s t'o t e s -t m o t the atten[once and testimony of the Commissioners and nomes MRC personnel at a hearing cr on deposition may not te requireoby the presiding officer, bysubpoeno or otherwise, provided that the presiding officer moy, upon a showing of exceptional
> circumstances, such as o cose in which a particulor named NRC employee has direct personoi knowledge of a material fact r.od known to the Witnesses mode OVoilable by the Executive DirectOP for operations require the ottendonce and testimony or nomed NRC personnel.
The Appeal Boord in tje tropoli tan Edison (Three Mile Island, (1) It should be noted that 10 CFR 0. 4 (p) was promulgoted (3?
Fed. Reg. 1500, January 15, 1973) contrary to the notice one commene requirements of the Administrative Procedure Ace, 5 USC 553, and in effect reversed the reosoned decision or the Appeal Board in Wisconsin Electric cower comoony (Point eeoch, Unit :),
ALAB-63, 5 AEC 269 (1970), Which held that employeet of the N o t t o r.01 Laboratories are not agency personnel and are f r e st y subject to subpoeno,
. _t I Unit 1), ALAB-715, 17 NRC 102 (1983) stated that, sinco o ,
genuine scientific disagreement on o centrol decisional issue is the type of matter that should be roised for adversial 1
eXplorotion and resolutior in the odjudicatory context, j
compelling the oppearonce of f4RC perconnel holding dirrerent views on such on i ssue is necessary. This situotion is another exomple or " exceptional circumstances,'
Both examples or ' exceptional circumstances' ore present nere. OCRE hos ascertained, through a conversation with starr counsel, that the Starr does not intend to present Dr, eermon (or onyone else from Sandia) or the heoring on Issue WS, The Sandio Reactor Sorety Studies Division, under Dr. Berman's i
- t direction, has cofducteo ewtensive experimental research on
hydrogen combud#tiofi and control, ?!U c h or this Work is ongoing (This research is described in greater detail below.) Since the j Starr does not conduct its own research on these matters, it is 1
- likely that the Stoff Witnesses do not have all the rocts in Dr.
I j Berman's possession, i
. Sondia hos also conducted onolytical studies of hydrogen
, control in the Grand Guir Mark III containment. This seudy (flVREG/CR-2530) demonstrated the non-conservative nature of the i
CLASIX-3 computer code, relied upon by Appisconts in their preliminary onolysis rited With the fiRC on t1o r c h 1, 1o95, one the marginal nature or the distributed igniter system at Grdnd Gulf, conceded by Applicants to be virtually identical to 4
m n - +- ~ ye- - - ,, - - - - . , - - m e . -,- a n- r - -,
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Sandio's analyses or Grand Guir result in part because the NRC Starr sought Sandia's technical assistonee in evoluoting the Grand Gulf hydrogen control system. The Starr " summarized
- Sandia's findings in Grand Guir SSER 3 (NUREG-0831).
'Hischorocteri:ed" might be o better term, as the Starr J
expressly rejected Sandia's rinding that the ' igniter concept is marginal, and claimed that Sondio's analysis-supported the j starr's interim opprovoi or the system. See Exhibit 1. There thus exists o genuine scientific disagreement on a centrol 1
issue, Which, according to ALAB-715, constitutes exceptionci i
circumstances for compelling the oppeorance or Dr. Bermon. '
t A similar situation occurred in the McGuire 0L hearings on; I
hydrogen control. There Dr. Bermon testified at the request or
. e the Licensing Bo,,o,rd because Sandia's evoluotion of the Sequoyoh,
plant, on ice condenser like McGuire, reveoled dangers in the use of the distributed igniter system not considered by ene starr. The Starr had not pionned to present Dr. Bermon. See the HeCuire OL Transcript at 3270. Exceptional esrcumseonces therercre exist in this proceeding as well.
For the Board's inrormotion, OCRE hos ottoched os Exhibit O o copy or Dr. Bermon's proressional qualificatiCnt, token from i the McGuire transcript (1981). '
III. A Summary or Sandio Hydrogen Research To illustrate the great expertise occumulated by s o n d z o t,n the oreo or hydrogen generation, combustion, and control, OC9E -
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will summarize herein the experimental and onolytical research i.
L conducted by Sondio.
'A. Experimental Research . . . . . .
Sandia is the prime contractor for five NRC-sponsored research programs on hydrogen. These ore the Combustible Gos in 3
Contoinment Program, concerning the rotes and amounts of ,
hydrogen generated by corrosion of contings in the containment during reoctor occidents; the Hydrogen Burn. Survival Pro 9 rom, to
. g
I evo1uote the response of safety-related equipment to the severe environments resulting from hydrogen combustions the Coce 1
Assessment and Application Program, which hos evolyoted the Germon hydrogen transport code, RALOCs the Hydrogen Combustion e Mitigative and Preventive Scheme Program, which has evoluoted o number of hydrogen control methods: and the Hydrogen Behaviori i
- j Progrom, whi h emWhosi:es hydrogen aspects. -
s, ,
It should be noted that the purpose of these programs is to l', onsuer urgent licensing cuestions. NUREG/CP-0038 oe 46.
t Experiments concerning hydrogen deflogration have been conducted in the VGES and FITS facilities at Sondia. Large-scale flome occelerotion and detonation studies are conducted in 2 the FLAME facility. In addition, Sandia hos Worked on j detonation phenomeno in conjunction with Dr. John H. 5.. Lee'ot ,
.McGill University. The Radiant Heat Focility and the Solar ,
- Thermal Test Tower are used to simulote hydrogen burn environments for full-scale testing of octual pieces of
- I I
i I
_, - - . . - , _q --y - ,y y--r-, . - - . . . _, 4_..,. _ , m
- 9. . - , .
-c-Sandio is oiso conducting severe fuel comoge experiments in the Annular Core Research Reactor. These experiments are designed to investigate the behavior of reactor fuel under conditions similar. to or worse than those at THI-2. The tests are using new eiognostic techniques to allow direct visuol i observation of fuel domoge and meosurement of the omount of j hydrogen produced. This research is relevant to questions of 7
j rate and amount of hydrogen generation in a degraded core occident and will determine the validity of computer codes like HARCH.
j Sondio is conducting 3 progroms related to containment integrity. These pro 9 roms include the Containment Sofety Horgins Program, in which models of steel containments have been pressuriced to failure, for the purpose of determining the ;
) behavior of conto,(nment structures under occident looding one. tc validate methods: the Integrity of Containmenti 1 t h e o n"o l,y <
g>'i c a l 1
j Penetrations under Severe Accident Loads Program, which"will assess the integrity of mechonical penetrottons such as equipment hotches, personnel oirlocks, bellows, drywell head, piping penetrations, and fuel transfer tube, including the obility of resilient seols and gaskets to withstond severe occident enytronments: and the Electrical Penetratien Assemblies Program, wnich will eetermine leokoge throuan tnese
! penetrations in severe occident environments. Such informatton i
as of obvious relevance to Issue NO.
B. Analytical Research 6
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l l
- A great amount or analytical research has been conducted by 4
Sandia os~well.- Sondio has conducted on interim ossessment or the MARCH code, which has been relied upon by Applicants for 3
calculating the hydrogen source term.
- Sandia has developed the state-or-the-ort HECTR code for j' modelling hydrogen derlogrotions. HECTR incorporates experimental dato from Sondio experimental progroms, such c5 o
, flame-speed correlation determined from VGES emperiments. HECTR
, e l has recently been used to model the TMI-2 occident hydrogen j burn, with good agreement with the measured conditions during the occident.
Sandio hos developed the HYBER oigorithm to model 1
combustion processes in nuclear reactor contoinments and to esetmote the thermo1 response or equipment subjected to the
',, i i
resultant severe g environment. .,
- .al )
Other codes include vortex dynamics, used to model flame acceleration, , including acceleration to detonation (and has I i
1 rovorably modelled experimental results at McGill) and C5Q, used.
t to model dynamic loading.
C. Sandio Publications -
1 The rollowing list or published material illustrates the groot amount of research conducted by Sandia in the creas or
! hydrogen behavior, combustion, and control and contoinment antegrity.
' Hydrogen Behavior in Light Water Reactors' by Berman and ,
- j. Cummings, Nuclear Safety, Vol. 05, No. 1, Jan-Feb 1984, pp. 53-I l
i l
i I
NUREC/CR-1561, 'The Behavior or Hydrogen During Accidents in Light Water Reactors =
. . . -Impoet or NUREG/CR-20f7, Proceedings or the Workshop on the .
Hydrogen on Water Recetor sorety*
l NUREG/CR-2285, " Interim Technical Assessment of the MARCH Code' NUREG/CR-2726, " Light Water Reactor Hydrogen Monuol' NUREG/CR-2530, " Review or the Grand Gulf Hydrogen Igniter systema 4
NUREG/CP-0033. " Proceedings or the Workshop on Containment Integrity =
NUREG/CR-2864. " Identification or sorety-Related Equipment for Analysis and Testing in the Hydrogen Burn survival Program' ;
NUREG/CR-2965.,' Hydrogen Combustion in Aqueous Fooms' 5
.c NUREG/CR-1831, " Hydrogen Distribution Arter a Loss or Coolone '
Accident in the subdivided containment or Light Water Reactors' NUREG/CR-2491, " Light Water Reactor Sorety.Research Pro 9 rom Semionnual Report' NUREG/CR-2730, ' Hydrogen Burn survival Preliminory Thermal Model and Test Results' MUREG/CR-2549. *Bockground study and preliminary Plons for a Programon the Sorety Norgins or containments' ..
NUREG/CR-3234.The Potential for contoinment Leak Poths Through Electrical Penetration Assemblies Under severe Accident conditions'-
- NUREG/CR-3131 " Containment Integrity: Program Fys2 Annuoi Reporta
.. - - _ -_ .~.
NUREG/CR-3463, 'An Evoluotion or HECTR Predictions or Hydrogen Transport =
Proceedings of the Second International NUREG/CP-0038, . . " . . . -
Conference on the Impact or Hydrogen on Woeer Reactor Sofety' f
NUREG/CR-20SG, 'A Review of Hydro 9en Detection in Light Water Recetor Containments' NUREG/CR-3273, ' Combustion or Hydrogen-Air Mixtures in the VGES Cylindrical Tonk' NUREG/CR-3779, 'The Hydrogen Burn-Equipment Response Algorithm (HYBER)*
NUREG/CR-3721, ' Pressure Measurements in o Hydrogen Combustion Environment, An Evoluotion or Three Pressure Transducers
- NUREG/CR-3719, " Detonation Colculations Using a Modified Vers [gn of C50II Examples?'ror Hydrogen-Air Mixtures' l Ve t flVREG/CR-3521, "HMhrogen Burn Survivol Experiments or FITS" HUREG/CR-3835, ' Simulation or Flame Propogotion Througn Vorticity Regions Using the Discrete Vortex Method' NUREG/CR-4139, 'Doto Analysis for Premixed Combustion Tests performed ot.the Nevado Test Site (NTS)*
IV. Conclusion As demonstrated above, the Sandio National Laborator.y employs the 'NRC personnel" having direct personal knowledge or hydrogen' generation, combustion and control, containment integrity, and onolyticol/modelling techniques. In addition, ,
Sandio, under the direction or the witness s o u g h t ,- Dr. sermon,
. hot.evoluoted:the Grand Gulf igniter system ond has round it
. c. .
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wanting. The Starr does not ogree with Sandio's conclusion.
(Since Applicants have taken' great pains to demonstrate the similarities between Grand Guir and Perry, onolyses of Grand Gulf are relevant here.)
These conditions meet the " exceptional circumstances" test Dr.
of 10 CFR 0.700 (h) (2) (i) , as interpreted by ALAB-715.
to ensure the completeness or
- ,4 Berman's testimony is necessary the record on Issue N8 and to resolve o genuine scientific disagreement on a centrol issue in the adjudicatory process, OCRE proys that the Board is so moved.
Respectfully submitted,
.f [ g[M -
,/ '
Susan L. Hiatt OCRE Representative 8075 t1unson Rd.
tientor, OH 44060 (016) 255-3158 r
0 6
a l
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EX1413 iT [ )
- 2 f&# CCUTI.713fl 82,9 MfGtf 03 PIMff71rf ?ntLfatt?filief'ntLftL@ftf!tfM l ff0Mt t 11,fl.f h1Mtaslit nf f*'dria'wn. ('mt rol (end)
' .1.8.Y hddighik,;.UattardWfotMMtfanu intr &ci.BunUP nny As previously reported in the EtP, the staff has requested that the applicante unioto a pracrc..) to IQrove tl4 Ily.hogati contNI copr.bfllty fur (fia UNnd (101f aut4bar f.tStlon to thl) outcnt that tha plant tuy eofgly stuosidatalarts the It/.tropa
,iansv-qu;'ntos of a 1,0stult.ti:d klNdail t.nN accidant Witti cunctallanti telrot95. this i l wtudal ll.u tolonne of hydituen gaurated frca a,ali 4Jter routtlen involving u.) to Iti puitant of the sol.tve fual vis.dding, the staff alto reported in the f,tfl that the applicante had telected a hydrogan tipilter nyttea for Installation tiellar to that installed in c;tarcting Ice =
condanner pisatt and that ruvicw of tha hydesusn lunition tystca, sidst, by technical antletance fNa tha f.andle thittunal tchurstory (f.WL), was utidar way.
The installation of en ICntter syntes in the Grand flulf contain:nont to control l
hydrocan acctmlation fNa puatulatoit d:gr:ded core atvlcants repNeontt ths Opili.
taalynle allen es wofll c) a technalc)fy thatcbnaltbNtlun thu f rat tbtalled has undarynna of thaana limited luuan fur eu. a aunt of toiling l'.arli !!! la contaltt: ant. Iht> cpillcente have th en;pina rescarch pre l;rt.a to tuvanlicato the ef ber.oroforo, ccJitte the Urand Culf f cullity. Ihli prc ulns th9 parformnro of Icatturs ove thod'av.a willpaol sup;INution inclut!
i cnJ In adJillonal a hualtl, tutting tu hyd 0[;anarlt;hinviruit. ant repN viitativa of dryuall conJittunn in certalb 1.astu-lated &ccittan}s? AgaN datallod dlncontion or the roacGrch offort it provld J later in this stpplMant. I.i a for. ult of these conaldi,ratlan6, tha 6talf liibh.L tiitsrlu snJ final, f l. .;
to rovli,w thJ Urand Colf (Cattlon tyttom in tw phaws, ion nyetca se dl6tua.: J staff ctaplotod its intorfu cvaluation of tha 10 nit In thin ag'ilent to tha t.ill. thu staf f's ovaluntlutt pi$vidas tha llants for concluding \ hat tha (cnition systc.J in acceptchie for en interia porlod oftofbro y=.
proxitataly 1 year fim tlis da.o of intuance of thu fullmuar lit,enas,
- s ccaloting the final cvaluatir,n of ting lyrill. ton systc.a. Ihato t ia staf lotun f will conular thclub ti.
' furtlisr curtain tenusa rotatu;l to controllod Igni Llan.
2 Item cited by tha r@licante se athpcts for future testing and analysin.
l' As mart of ths review of the . iran:l 0ulf Itydec09n progres, the staff obtalnad j
i tsc:intral asalstanto frt.s Pa.. The purpne of this assistance was to perfua i en trabpun:Rnt ccLaan:Jul af novoral spacific Nvlw (Huant II'EIUdIHU Ih8 followin;p (O ciar;uary s of ths locotton and iff stribution or tha f(,rritere, t
- (7) analyals of ti.o contalnaaat utrouphare prcosum ciul tet;
- catuN rutpanto,J (3) llkuliliaod uisin:) andwonco b) cctuallon tumhants:.:n, ar.d (quancon of liydro;pn critnia for thu local ilstunations, (cultion avktw (4) canla l (Illt). A datalled tilscunston of tha 1.4% ..'vlow to presunt&J In huMU/CiMblo, i i I 4 Gresul Gulf AltR 3 ## 1 i
~>m a-*.%.i m ; _ _,
. s .. . . _ . . _ __
l As statstf above, !"t, at r! art of its Cenoral review of htm Crand Culf itattse tvste y in; :.ti aRJ eneial egelfle inuat. L'Ith h l to tha tilatt'ltativa of li.oitus s, t..L t 41u ..I that tia tyck.a djefca m v>r.Ild enj esa ; .i)
Ortain it s'e.s a discumJ t olw. A tn.sle '.ilnj that it le tilf ficult to saana ll.a t.wis t;.rcyof c.luina contain ant, Ul. juc.;J that, C;njltional tu r;':ntlan,in thJ r;O:er contalk.;0iet icQttn th3dld lie Wall &ilMGd.
hcausa of tia ta; ;nla}{t:J ti,iif tCuration of tha (unular rc lon Latwtn tha tinvall anti contalt.unt walls,1:it h:J to N1y sn (la sic .
. Cadale that reult in tha hurning of hydrcgan than requintle l' int tonton=
ydtcitn led analytical '
tratione are rc thcd within n;,dal volt:as. l'R stelcJ th:61 Elual;alaasid dte tol.ditions within contaircanti t thar with dilutete Ionition ecurcon, would Drecolo a tc;alta narlos of loca @l burns that c v be lese nevere than the WWrent 4.naly'lla st.we for tyyarcysn tw.bustlen.
Cenett'ering the toiles of le:a1 t'stonattene, it was lftt's conclusion that the Illiollhnd tind voltas,of feialn]lno tal, a jtL'.;J that tha likollbucd of dattnation 04cura ri ng, prestains tha sxtsteace of a detendle ninture, le very tr.:all. A dl6tus=
tlun of the tenasquences of a postulated local datonation is providad later in thin tuipitaant.
tNL has jut:pd, and the Regarding staf f apoas,the Jat attaquacy tia (;;illter.ta'ofcritoria the tillfor actuetten enorg ertterta,irinD the lynttort in
{ atitpttale. !!.t did au.. pat, liv.tover, that sulcalls activatten of the i
lunitert t.o adj;d a fcattae w:ilth le currently not pre 1he statf will cen,t ,dar tiilt etwastion further during l.obcJ l'y ths ek911tente.he up of its revivw.
The not result of the tftt evaluetten was its ennelunten that the Grand Culf hydro :en tyn' tion syntta, ce rutitatly dontyn:J is turnin. illy accmato .te meet the llirtt.t l' int.d tiy hydle0:n rolence Within the tuntali .at I;ultilling. :llit t
, charotterlistica tronaletcn to tha renJittun uhore for c.ast tituallune,'thr systi..s it predicte 1 to analet in t,alutalning tha prcasuit I.sli/J tha L;4t.lfisd containe.:nt' t.cataillity, but thatContral in tultain lost talt:ula-llkalv altt';.tlonalt LGt3a tions inullct vrcontivo picatures. to this CAct.altution tuntorn that theofap.nll6le culytical techniquon offer illfini n. dale of the tuntalisant and the titliuntlun pruconnut involycd. hn th.liuriars
. , it 16 thl's tinittun that uniortaintlet in the ar.nlytte of drdratal cora tetctd.nts for 4ranil tulf tuntribute to til view that Lhe teatter tystra in ti.winally ad;4ualc. l 3 thJ thaan det untertaintlet rnist in tha knaled;a of tlia tulivsn i telt,ir.o ten, tha It,nrato,ttien l
anart.e and rate pre,qattun of clain;)
behavior of Itydra'within the wtn.all/ccatain.:.ani tefilty of the tuntl w an burne, and the evallG
. sent spr4y syntt.a. l
, i At part of its review l
i systsa flantyn aav be .iovud, le;litt identitled two areas tlR rece:.mnbd thatwhere it believes the nr.'.ar of Ignfthe tortfontter tarv(d Iy a ctrtwit tircatcr t,e NduccJ hansJ en tuntidataticn nf thalr locatten.
In al1Jition CL roto;mi,J J that, share f9antble, gnator (caeldatation la ylv.d to tha nature of dirt.ctlunal fic.:.;a pie;:c'stlun bhca iccatinJ lt,nt(urt er that the nuraar of tynttere in the w4twell rg lun La incPcabud.
The staff has review:d the !!R analyttg of the Crand Gulf igniter syntes and
.; finda in to be supportive of tha staff n interle approval. Llhlle the staff f
trand Sulf titli 3 ##=#
--~--..e - - - - - ' ' '
o ,
dose let et tinto tire concur with all of the concluetone, aumentione, or roc;._-
tus;3stiens t.;da tg hlt, it believes that tha ovurall lintepandent itit analm hblime ti.) staf f e findtn,;s. As et.ated previounty, M;L has found the il 1., et it le turiuilly t'.'elC;;;d iLa be urginalls adquete. Tha tiu. NVisW did hot evalcate tha till frv,a Llia artpo.: Live of nteria wureus final evaluatlon. Itu u-fore, thle svaluation can as tonattuad as a final evaluetten based on present,
- ell'ait .incoyilote ku J . . With reti
- cet to cdeqv:n.alsdlw:.2 .r y evor', the Ihastaff stafffinde dassIts noithierta sorcaapproval that the Hit conalst- la utglhat
.' ent with such a CJtolainal.lun. lhe staff alas concludes that it le prudent to
.tontinus the rcvlw of.tha Hil in ordar te improve upon the spates amt to
- thz cloff's un.'sretandin0 of the safety margine prov dad by the systta in tita unlikely event of a dcyraded core accident.
.. LYttTt h Rf'i!11tB Hll to a system of tentters and enettlery equipment NMt hat Installed within the Grand liulf contalimnt. Ihle suitse le res ulted to function only in the i
unittoly event that excessive cuantittee of hyt;rollan, well hoyond the dailya' balle Ngatrc. ants of Id CIR fd.44(d), are ganaralco as a result et a postulatsJ esverely t';; grad.d core accidon',. ihe Hil is cantened to prwate the coi..buittun of hyJNQ0n in a Kannar out.h that CGntalh5Gnt eVolpreature f ailurt la pl4V.nt4J.
The Hll Metalled in the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station constete of 90 'Onitor assadblice distributed thiae:hout the drywll, wtwell, and u;.per contalh snt.
with tha watwall datinsd at ths volur.s hutucon tha su;nNation p001 and an n,..-
sats elovation of in f t. Ilite elevation rcpraecnte de locallch of the tint tellin weil. g cliove tha p al. Th9e ere 10 lynttore in the drytall and 11 in the t. e Iha rc:. IntuJ 0110nittre are located in the ter contalhaanti 16 at these aN instelltJ in the up nor d&e region eaunted on the spray ring ha.Jor outparte.
The lenitor eclected by fML to a glow plu0 (coe:only used in diesel e~ ngin.61 that laicanuf acturoJ as INai 70 b/ C:naral I;atorm I.C Olvistun aaJ to id.iitt...:
to that inatalicJ in the 1%cnych and lidulre nu: lear plants, ll.6 fonitn IL povarad diractly from a 1 u/11 V that has s.ultitsp capability.
q The 10 nitor este:$ly includes the igniter encleeure and the junction ban. 16..
l lpatur siclotura tunslate 6f a stainlese stael hun with 1/Q ln.=Llitsk v.alle, i
walth houwe the trcnnlosur and ateociated electrical coiincctlant aaJ piti ii l
encloten the Icatter, the sealsd Wa veos a Wuded spray eliteld to t. .
. livinpalit en the glow plug.
the 10nitore are powered from Clase it power panele that have neveal anJ altsc-
- nate at pc. car au;',ily fri.a of f eILa neurcas. In the evant ef a loss ef aff6It. tha lktitors would bs pwar*J fran the a::rcs.ny elstel pe.dNtert. In
- adJitl6n, tl.e Hil le designaJ as e seisals Catspry I systst
' The Mll te deel@ed es that it van be aanvally actuated feca the esin control i
rc:a folicwing II.a start of an attidant, ahJ lt ten rt:.aln actuattJ kntil th.
thNat to tuntelftaant inte;)rtly resulting froa hdion relcate has pt.6acd.
Ihe applicante have selsctcJ e duratten of esven dt.ys se a criterl6n for ton
- Linuous Hil operation, the ayets.a le deelgaad to Le 44;tuated by sp4NtinJ tw Y
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i Professional Qualifications of Marshall Berman My name is Marshall Berman. My home address is 4706 Hilltop, NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico. I am presently employed by Sandia -
National Laboratories as supervisor of the Reactor Safety Studies Division. This division is presently engaged in performing research for the NRC on (LWR) accident phenomenology for light water reactors.
Current research topics include the interaction of core materials with concrete, steam explosions, emergency sump hydraulics and the behavior and control of hydrogen released during LWR accidents.
Current Related Experience The NRC-funded hydrogen research program began in September, 1979. Major accomplishments to date include the preparation of a detailed program plan, the publication of two major reports entitled "The Behavior of Hydrogen During Accidents in Light Water Reactors"
) and " Analysis of Hydrogen Mitigation for Degraded Core Accidents in the Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant", the organization and conduct of an international Workshop on the Impact of Hydrogen on Water. Reactor Safety, and the performance of an experimental test series investi-gating lean mixt,ure hydrogen combustion. ,
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' Educational and Professional Background t.
I received a'~B.S. in Physics, cum laude, from the University of Michigan in 1961, and a Ph.D in nuclear physics from Wayne State University in 1968. My thesis topic was the study of nuclear resonance fluorescence in Xel31 I am a member of the American Physical Society, Sigma Xi, and the American Nuclear Society.
From 1961 to 1964, I was employed by Chrysler Corporation Missile D!. vision. I was engaged as a theoretical physicist studying the interaction of electromagnetic waves with plasmas, radar cross sections, antenna theory, and the electromagnetic generation of high dynanic buckling pressures. 1 From 1964 to 1965, I was employed by Ling-Temco-Vought Cor- l
() poration, specializing in optics and spectrophotometry.-
I joined Sandia in 1969 as a member of the technical staff.
l l
Job assignments included x-ray diagnostics, response function l unfolding, and the development, modification and application of
]' I*I large computer codes to research problems. One- and two-dimensional radiation hydrodynamics codes were used for research on underground ,
testing and containment, waste storage security, radiation transport l
- and earth penetrators.
l O In 1974, I joined the reactor safety organization. Reasearch topics included.the modification and application of the RELAP thermal-hydraulic computer code to LOCA studies, especially PWRs equipped with upper head injection, and statistical analysis of O LOCAs. I was promoted to supervisor in 1978 and have managed and i participated in programs in the following areas: Upper head in- .
I jection, statistical analysis of LOCA, core-concrete interactions, steam explosions, two-phase jet loads, NRC licensing calculations, fission product transport, TMI studies, sump hydraulics, and hydrogen generation, transport, combustion and mitigation. I have written ,
numerous reports and made many presentations on all the research j l cited above. , i l !
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l513 GILMoURE DR.MD 20901 l Suite 105 g5ILUER SPRING,
! .; , Toledo, OH 43624 Dr. Jerry R..Kline Atomic Safety..& Licen. sing Board. ~
U.S. N.uclear. Regulatory Commission i WasAngton h ,7 D . C . 20555 ,
- s. .
Mr..'GlenkOjj!right k,,B '
Atomic Safsty &. Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Colleen P.'Woodhead, Esq. -
Office of'the Executive Legal Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission .
Washington, D.C. 20555 Jay Silberg, Esq.
Shaw, Pittman, Potts, & Trowbridge '
1800 M Street, NW ..
. Washington, D.C. 20036 q Docketing'& Service Branch
.Offi~ce of'the Secretary U.S.. Nuclear Regulatory. Commission .
l Washington,-D.C. 20555 .,
Atomic. Safety.&, Licensing, Appeal.Bo'ard' Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission '
l . Washington, D.C. 20555