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Licensee Performance Review (Lpr) Presentation Slides for Framatome Inc. Public Meeting - April 7, 2020. Supersedes ML20090A006
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/07/2020
From: Gregory Goff
Gregory Goff
Download: ML20094F888 (36)


Licensee Performance Review Framatome Inc.

Richland, Washington April 7, 2020 4:00 PM (EDT) 1

Agenda NRC


NRC Our Mission NRC Performance Review Process NRC Performance Review Results FRAM


NRC Adjourn Business Portion NRC Question & Answer with the Public NRC Adjourn Meeting 2

Our Mission 3

NRCs Fuel Cycle Oversight Components -

How We Regulate Inspections Investigations Allegations Incident


Enforcement Performance Assessment 4

Licensee Performance Review Process Plant Events Safety Significance Assessment Reactive Inspections Inspection Follow-up Emergent Performance or Generic Safety Issues Assessment Inspection Program Adjustment Inputs NRC Review Results NRC Response Other NRC Actions

  • Enforcement Actions
  • Previous Performance
  • Safety Significance
  • Performance Trends
  • Cross Cutting Issues
  • Corrective Actions No Performance Issues
  • Core Insp. Program
  • Inform the Public Area Needing Improvement (ANI)
  • Insp. Program Changes
  • LPR Frequency
  • Inform the Public Or LPR = Licensee Performance Review Performance Areas 5

Framatome Inc. Facility Licensed Activities

  • Process and develop uranium products
  • Operate on-site laboratories
  • Treat and discharge plant effluents 6

NRC On-site Core Inspection Effort Category III Fuel Facility Framatome Inc.

Criticality Safety (120 hrs)

Fire Protection (Annual &


(122 hrs)

Radiological Controls, Waste Management, &

Transportation (128 hrs)

Emergency Preparedness

& EP Exercise Evaluation (112 hrs)

Plant Modifications (122 hrs)

Operational Safety (120 hrs)

Region 2 Inspectors (676 hrs)

Category III Fuel Facility Note: The hours above represent the estimated effort allocated to on-site routine inspections every two years.


Licensee Performance Areas

  • Safety Controls
  • Supporting Safety Programs Operational Safety
  • Criticality Controls
  • Program Oversight
  • Criticality Incident Response Criticality Safety
  • Prevention, Detection, & Mitigation
  • Supporting Fire Safety Programs Fire Protection Safety Operations 8
  • Determines and verifies accurate quantities of required SNM on-site.

Material Control

& Accountability (MC&A)

Licensee Performance Areas Safeguards 9

Examples: storage vaults, fences, and security personnel.

Physical Security of Special Nuclear Material

Only Safeguards Information is applicable to Framatome.

Classified Material and Information Security

Licensee Performance Areas

  • Members of the Public
  • Plant Workers Radiation Protection
  • Program Implementation
  • Liquid and Gaseous Effluents Effluent Control and Environmental Protection
  • Processing, Handling, Storage, &

Transportation of Waste Waste Management

  • Receipt, Packaging, & Delivery of Radioactive Materials Transportation Radiological Controls 10
  • Safety Controls
  • Supporting Program Elements Maintenance and Surveillance
  • Configuration Management Program
  • Request for NRC Approval Plant Modifications Licensee Performance Areas Facility Support 11
  • Plant Events, Incidents, Special Issues, Follow-Up, Safety Assessment, Deviations from Commitments in Confirmatory Action Letters or Confirmatory Orders, and Labor Difficulties EXAMPLES Licensee Performance Areas Other Areas 12

LPR RESULTS Framatome continues to conduct licensed activities safely and securely; protecting public health and the environment.

Framatome has established satisfactory performance. No areas needing improvement were identified.


NRC Response NRC Inspections in 2020:

NRC Core inspection program

[IMC 2600 Appendix B]


Smarter Inspection Program

  • Included all areas of safety and safeguards as referenced in IMC 2600 and IMC 2683
  • Stakeholder engagement

- Held 10 public meetings thus far

- Proactive engagement with stakeholders

- Received multiple letters from NEI 15

NRC Response to Mission Critical Functions Monitoring plant activities remotely through inspections and oversight Maintaining emergency response capabilities with Regional IRCs and HQ Limiting and risk-informing on-site inspections for region-based inspectors 16

NRC Response to Additional Actions Expanded use of telework On-going Review of Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)

Coordinating actions with industry to minimize inspection schedule impacts while protecting inspectors and plant staff 17

Contacting the NRC Website - Questions/Information - or 404-997-4417 Allegations 800-695-7403 18

Summary Licensee Performance Review Summary (2018-2019)

  • Framatome conducted activities safely and securely
  • No area needing improvement (ANI) was identified in the performance areas
  • NRC will conduct a core (routine) inspection program for the next performance assessment cycle 19

Framatomes Remarks 20

Richland Fuel Manufacturing Facility Licensee Performance Review April 7, 2020

22 CONTENT 01. Framatome Richland Site Overview 02. Our Continuous Improvement Organization 03. Our Safety Culture 04. Summary / Conclusion

Founded by Jersey Nuclear in 1969, we celebrated our golden anniversary in 2019 The facility employs approximately 575 employees and 25-30 contractors We operate 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day, 7 days a week Received the first 40-year fuel fabrication license from the U.S. NRC; license to manufacture fuel until 2049 Provide fuel to U.S. reactors and export to several in the Pacific rim Most flexible fuel manufacturing facility in the world Manufacturing both boiling water and pressurized water reactor designs Manufactured more than 60,000 fuel assemblies Celebrating More Than 50 Years of Fueling the Future Fuel fabricated at the Richland site accounts for approximately 5 percent of the utility-generated electricity in the U.S.



Recently surpassed 900 days without a lost time injury onsite

Equates to appoximately 3 million hours worked Longest duration since safety metrics have been recorded Continuous Improvement Organization Safety is our overarching value and drives everything we do OSHAS 18001 certified since 2005 Focused on Operational Excellence 25

Richland Site Continuous Improvement Processes Lean Six Sigma

Based on Lean philosophy; right the first time, every time!

Application of the Lean Six Sigma methodology DevonWay - problem identification/resolution

Trending and actions on low impact events

Rigorous problem analysis and solving Human Performance

Observation Program - reinforce good behavior and corrective action for areas needing improvement

Employees submitted on average 1,200 Good Catches per year

Here & Now team meetings

Human performance training lab - more than 400 personnel participated in workshop focused on error-prevention tools 26

Richland Site Continuous Improvement Processes Radiological and Environmental Controls

In more than 50 years of operation, no plant employee has been exposed over NRC exposure limits.

ALARA program resulted in 2019 Collective Total Effective Dose Equivalent that was lowest in 26 years.

Remote monitoring systems installed to improve ALARA.

Control system updates in uranium recovery processes.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology deployed in Dry Conversion and Specialty Fuels facilities to track movement of personnel and monitoring of internal dose.

Continued pursuit of environmental excellence through ongoing improvement via ISO 14001 environmental management system. Certified since December 2005.


Safety Achievements / Improvements All legacy mixed waste drums have been disposed.

Major recycling/re-use activities involving NRC-licensed and support processes (hydrofluoric acid, ammonium hydroxide, used oil, used machine coolants, paper/cardboard, scrap metals, wood, and batteries).

Continued improvement in groundwater quality since removal / remediation of surface impoundment system. All six down-gradient monitoring wells consistently below Federal primary drinking water limit for fluorides (4 ppm);

last sampling (Nov. 2019) shows no wells above Federal uranium drinking water limit of 30 ppb.

Approximately 500 Class 7 radioactive material shipments completed over CYs 2018/2019 without incident.

Continued usage of TN Americas for expert transportation services (logistics, container fleet management, carrier management, transportation security, packaging licensing, etc.).


Safety Achievements / Improvements Multi-year site-wide fire alarm system upgrades have been completed, and all areas are now active.

Criticality accident alarm system has been replaced and was put online in 2018.

Criticality safety training continues to include at-the-workstation interactive discussions between production and maintenance personnel and criticality safety staff.

Close to 130 plant projects completed in 2018-2019, approximately one-third of which supported safety improvements.

Startup of a new uranium recovery facility is in progress to replace aging uranium recovery facility. Commercial operation scheduled this year.

EHS&L Audit/Inspection schedule lists 85 different audits / inspections /

assessments; only 32 specifically NRC-required. Based on required frequencies, over 150 actual audit / inspection activities occur per year.


Conclusions Framatome continues to facilitate and drive for improvements in safety and regulatory compliance The Richland Site Management strives for operational excellence daily and promotes a culture of continuous improvement Employees are encouraged and engaged in submitting their ideas to improve the site and processes We are committed to complying with our U.S. NRC and state approved operating licenses and all other applicable regulations 30

Thank You!

Any reproduction, alteration, transmission to any third party or publication in whole or in part of this document and/or its content is prohibited unless Framatome has provided its prior and written consent.

This document and any information it contains shall not be used for any other purpose than the one for which they were provided. Legal action may be taken against any infringer and/or any person breaching the aforementioned obligations.


Editor and Copyright 2020: Framatome. It is forbidden to reproduce the present publication entirely or partially without prior consent in whatever form. Legal action may be taken against any infringer and/or any person breaching the aforementioned conditions.

Subject to change and error without notice. Illustrations may differ from the original. The contained statements and information are for advertising purposes only and do not constitute an offer of contract. They shall neither be construed as a guarantee of quality or durability, nor as warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. These statements, even if they are future-oriented, are based on information that was available to us at the date of publication.

Type, quantity and characteristics of goods and services are subject to formal individual formal contracts.

Legal Notice 33

Informal Question and Answer Session between the NRC and the Public 34

Closing Remarks 35

Feedback Feedback from members of the public will be conducted via e-mail. Please e-mail your feedback regarding the CY 2020 Framatome LPR Public Meeting to either: or 36